#The Broken biscuits Club
poetrylesbian · 26 days
my fantasy of a perfect, emotionally fulfilling weekend: on friday night you go out for drinks with friends, but go home relatively early and get to sleep by 1 for a chill saturday morning. read and do hobbies during the day, with optional afternoon tea with your grandma to catch up on family gossip. attend catholic mass on saturday evening (because you like the hymns), then go out for dinner and cocktails with your friends. after dinner, saturday night is for dancing your heart out at the gay club. at some point in the night, fall in love and get your heart broken in the span of an hour. eventually a friend will get hungry. wander around as a pack until you find a kebab place. eat and lose all of your energy. go home and sleep for a few hours then get up and get dressed. it's time for anglican sunday morning mass (to compare the hymn selection to the catholics and for free coffee and biscuits served by nice old ladies). sunday brunch with friends to finish recovering from the evening before. go home, take another a quick power nap, then do chores and run errands. go for a walk in a park if the weather's nice. sunday evening have a few close friends over for a board game night and nibblies. go to sleep that night happy and excited for the week ahead.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x12 Thoughts
I have always loved, and still love, that Ted moved to London and loved it. He acclimated, or more than acclimated. The three years was a story about new places and people and experiences and old ghosts that followed him there. I understand that the one thing in the middle—a kid, not a ghost, who still exists in the place left behind—necessitated him making a painful decision. I am mourning that because Ted had to make the decision to leave London, the magic of arriving in a place and never wanting to leave has been broken. He had to re-outsider himself, and I can imagine many complex (and realistic, damn it) futures for him, including futures that would involve him spending significant time back in that place, but there's a real sadness in just...the leaving. He's doomed to return (or not return) instead of just getting to exist there, after we've gotten used to seeing him in an environment that suited him.
Something I'll love when I'm able to be more mature about all this is that Ted doesn't argue with Rebecca when she tells him she wants him to consider the possibility that Richmond is his home.
Something I love now--as painful as it is--is that Rebecca seems, in a lot of ways, like she's in love with Ted. He's slipping away, and instead of wailing about how much she'll miss the biscuits, she sits herself down in front of some croissants. (And while I don't particularly like that the Dutch man has returned to her life in such a magical, serendipitous way that only timed out because of her tremulous, seemingly to-the-wire decision not to get on that plane or say anything more to Ted, a charitable and practical part of my brain is glad she'll have companionship if she couldn't have what she spent most of this episode seeming to believe she wanted. Even if what she wanted wasn't actually romantic. Or wasn't supposed to read as romantic. Even if it did.)
The immediacy of Ted's emotions in 3x11, when he has the fight with his mom and it's so clear that he's got to go back and face what he's run away from, reminded me of how sharply he can feel. So it was really hard to watch him be almost stoic throughout this episode in the way he pulls away. He leaves everyone well, but everyone else's feelings are so big and he's kinda glazed over, and I didn't expect to feel the wind knocked out of me with the force of Rebecca's longing for him to stay.
(And I'm so glad that Rebecca didn't sell all of the club, instead taking her ownership down to just 51%, but I'm also glad she cares enough about Ted to have genuinely considered it. I'm so glad she and Keeley are going to work together to form a women's team. I'm so glad she promoted Roy to head coach, and that he's actually going to work on himself now that he knows he'll be working to be his best self rather than someone else. I am glad Ted was only dreaming about Beard and Jane marrying at Stonehenge--Ted has never understood how seriously bad that relationship is. I'm glad life is moving on, but it's just. So. Painful.)
I know a lot of people will talk about how this was a disappointment after all--a savior story with a pat, happy ending, rather than a true love story. But my feeling is that it genuinely was something better and sadder than a savior story...a narrative about choice with a tragic end. (And I don't mean "tragic" to imply that he shouldn't have gone to be with Henry, because I think he needed his reconnection with Henry to take place in Kansas, very essentially. It's just that everything else about the ending is tragic.) Maybe Ted spent the last three years at home, and maybe it won't hit him until much later, the magnitude of all that he's left. I like that it wasn't a happy ending, even if there are happy parts. I don't like that people will mistake it for a happy ending, even if a happy ending that angers them. I don't expect people to feel good about this paragraph, but it's the thing that's saving me where this show is concerned.
This is my favorite show. I've never obsessed over or connected to a piece of media quite like I have with this. I don't particularly care about the better things out there, and I'm not particularly curious what my next obsession will be because I'm still in this one. The finale didn't ruin the show for me, but I feel like I'm being stabbed by the last ten minutes, by the pain of the end really being about that impossible choice feeling impossible for as long as our eyes were trained on his face.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Poker Face
Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton, fluff, romance, smut. Ignores events after 3.11.
From a prompt: Everybody knows that Rebecca is in a terrible mood today, and Ted is having the hardest time keeping a straight face because he knows why. (Or vice versa).
“Abort, abort!” Roy muttered under his breath as he passed Beard on the stairs to Rebecca’s office.
“Just fucking abort, whatever it is you think you need to go up there for - you do not need to go up there. Fucking trust me.”
“I’m sure you’re overreacting, buddy.” The coach said with a firm nod and continued up the stairs.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He said, but Beard was already halfway up. He made his way back to his office and slumped into his desk chair. “Do I look like I fucking overreact to shit?” He asked loudly. Quizzical and fearful looks passed back and forth between Ted and Trent.
“I’m gonna say…” they both shrugged.
“Yeah, I mean I was going to say no, of course. Of course you don’t overreact Royo, why would you think that?” Ted asked, relieved that he and Trent had apparently selected the correct answer.
“Beard said I was overreacting.”
“To a situation in particular?” Trent queried.
"Blondie has just gone absolutely tits at me cos I haven't booked a table yet for Keeley's birthday. Proper went off at me. I fucking told Beard not to bother if he wanted to keep his head. He told me not to overreact. Fucking as if." Roy trailed off, mumbling under his breath. In the other office, Trent went straight back to his writing while Ted toyed with his phone, a tiny smile just visible under his mustache. Not even 10 minutes later, Beard sat heavily in the chair across from Ted. 
"Well?" He asked gruffly. 
"You were right."
"You were right. She was very… angry." At the sound of his voice, Ted looked up. 
"Sup Willis?"
"Ms Welton is a little out of sorts today." The coach replied stiffly. Roy snorted.
"Out of sorts? She was full on Roy Kent up there." Ted hummed and rolled his chair back to put his feet up. 
By mid morning, the club was on eggshells. The admin girl had refused to take the post upstairs, Leslie had broken two teacups through shaking so much. They'd roped in the big guns for lunch. 
"Come on then you bunch of pussies, what are you so scared of?" Keeley fucking Jones arrived with a paper bag full of wraps for the coaches and a couple of salads for her and Rebecca. 
"She's fucking scary today Keels!" Roy muttered. "She even scared Beard." The usually unruffled coach nodded from the corner. Clearly, not a scrap of work was being done. 
"Will nearly had her laptop launched at his head when she couldn't print something earlier." Higgins said from the gym window. Keeley looked around, incredulous. 
"You lot are-" she paused at Ted, "proper wimpy. Here, take your lunches, I'll take the wicked witch her salad." The bag was emptied by the vultures and Keeley made for the door. Just as she passed the water cooler, Ted caught up with her. 
"Hey, Keels, I'll take the salad. The boss might be more hungry." Keeley narrowed her eyes at him.
"What do you know, Lasso?"
"Don't know whatcha mean jelly bean. Just trying to help."
"Why aren't you scared like the others?"
"Sure I am, I'm shakin' in my boots."
"Nuh uh, you're the only one who sat there with a cheeky little smile. So what do you know?"
"There might have been an issue with the biscuits this morning. As in, there ain't any."
"Oh Ted, what have you done?! You do not introduce something into a daily routine unless you can keep up with it! Well no wonder she's fucking hungry. I'd better get up there!" She turned on her heels and left Ted at the foot of the stairs. It wasn't the full story behind Rebecca’s bad mood, but it was all he was willing and able to confirm. 
"Knockadoodledooo!" Keeley sang as she tapped the door, peering round into the room. 
"Come on, it's safe, I promise."
"You've scared them all down there, babe. Well, except Ted." 
"Ted hasn't been up here."
"No, he's just watching everyone else be terrified with this little smirk on his face. Oh, he switched your salad. He told me about the biscuits and said you'd be hungry."
"Damn him." Rebecca all but snatched the wrap from Keeley and tucked in.
"So, what's wrong? And surely it's not just biscuits?"
"It's nothing, really." Rebecca spoke through a mouthful of her lunch. 
"Rebecca, don't bullshit me. Out with it." She checked the door was closed - it was, it had been all morning. 
"Something happened last night. I may have, well, we actually - it's more of a two person situation - that is to say, Ted and I-"
"You shagged him didn't you?"
"How on earth do you do that?!"
"He's the only one sitting down there with a sneaky little shit eating smirk while everyone else still looks traumatised from bringing your post or saying hello to you. It's more obvious than… Bumbercatch's nationality-"
"You do realise no one else knew he was Swiss?" Keeley shushed her with a hand flap.
"You two have been playing this super weird game for weeks! Months even. Ever since you saw boring John Wingsnight in the cafe and you told me what his fiance said. Ted has been out of sorts since his mom went home. The only thing I can't work out is why you're angry?"
"I'm… not able to tell you that."
"Ooh is it dirty? Tell me, tell me!"
"I can't."
"Rebecca Victoria Welton, if you don't give me a full match of the day style run down of what happened then I will go down and get the mustachioed man himself and make him tell me."
"He wouldn't."
"Maybe not, but I'd make him cry while I try and break him." Rebecca stared at her tiny, violent best friend. 
"OK. Fine, I'll tell you." Keeley clapped her hands in glee. "I asked him to come over after he told me in his office that he was leaving. I wanted to check on him, he'd been so down and so un-Ted - especially after his mom left, like you said. So we had some dinner, opened some wine and got a bit drunk. He wants to be with Henry. His mom put some stupid guilt trip on him, so he thinks going back is the only solution. Anyway, I… got a little upset after we talked about it."
"Hey now, you don't have to cry, boss. You got plenty of time to find a new coach, and the boys will be just fine and-"
"Ted! I don't give a shit about finding a new coach!" She pressed her hands against her eyes, desperately trying to stem the flow of tears. Tears that had arrived involuntarily and unexpectedly. She thought she was pretty well under control up until that point. She'd remained calm when he told her, and when he'd told the team. "I was doing so well! I was trying so hard not to cry, I didn't want you to feel any guilt about going and now-" sobs overtook "I thought I could be the one person you could rely on who wouldn't plead with you to stay and now I've fucked it all up." Her shoulders shook with the force of her tears. Ted hovered next to her, unwilling to make things worse. At her last comment, though, he had to intervene. 
"No, don't do that, boss. You ain't done anything wrong - this is all on me, if I could stay-, if you only knew how I really feel." He wrapped her up in his arms, enveloping her. He could still feel her snuffling into the collar of his sweatshirt. She stopped suddenly, her breath hiccuping a little. 
"What do you mean?" She didn't move.
"Nothing, I just mean how much I care for you all, that's all." 
"Why, do you-, I mean, is there another reason you're so upset?"
"Me?" She froze, matchbooks, tiny green army figures, and an image of Ted playing darts I believe some folks call it white knighting flooded her mind. "Don't be silly, Ted. I'm far more worried about you!"
"Oklahoma?" She stepped away from him and towards the comfort of her wine glass. 
"I don't think that's a good idea." She replied honestly. 
"I know you don't, that's why I Oklahoma’d you. Out with it, Welton."
"I am still your boss, Ted."
"I know. Why else would I have stayed quiet for so long?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" She put her glass down a little too forcefully, the contents splashing up and over the rim of the glass. 
"I think you know, and if you do, then I don't see why you can't say what you need to say." Her brow furrowed in confusion.
"What the fuck does that even mean?"
"Why can't you say it?" He demanded. 
"Say fucking what Ted? That I don't want you to go? Fine, I don't want you to go."
"Why not?" She glared at him, having another drink from her glass. "Why not?" He asked again, more softly.
"Because…" She shook her head, the tears returning. He reached out to take both of her hands in his, his eyes the darkest hazel she'd ever seen them. Eventually, she sighed, resigned. "Because I love you, Ted." She snatched her hands away to wipe her tears again. "That’s enough now. You should probably go." She turned away from him, embarrassed, blotting her cheeks with a tissue from a box on the counter. She waited for the sound of the door but it didn't come. Instead she sensed Ted behind her, felt his breath on the back of her neck. 
"I love you too." She heard him say quietly. "I'll leave you in peace, boss." It wasn't until she heard the front door shut that she registered his departure. She made it upstairs, took off what was left of her makeup, brushed out her hair and changed into soft leggings and a large sweater. She went back down to finish the contents of her glass, pulled on a pair of trainers and ran out of the house. 
Ted had made his way across the Green. He'd waved to Mae through the pub window, but shook his head when she held up a pint glass. He poured a glass of whiskey and downed it, then poured another. He'd kicked off his sneakers by the door and pulled off his Richmond sweatshirt by the time his intercom buzzed. He figured it was Beard - he'd seen him in the pub through the window, so he let him straight in. He hadn’t expected to see Rebecca walk through his front door. He didn't say a word, just handed over his glass and went to get another. 
"How long have you known?" She asked. 
"How long have I known about you or about me?"
"I thought I'd worked you out a while ago, when I was in my head about whether Michelle was getting engaged, but I didn't know for sure until my mom visited. For me, it's been since you refused to accept my resignation last season."
"Ted, that's a year?" He shrugged. 
"I mean, It's probably been longer, I just didn't fully realise it until then. Or maybe when you told me about Sam. Why? When did you know?"
"This morning in your office.” 
"Oh. Oh you got some catching up to do then. No wonder you look so terrified."
“Thanks.” She muttered, dripping with sarcasm. “It hit me like… lightning."
“I’ve had longer to process it all, that’s all. It’s just always there for me, in the background of everything. It’s not even like it’s a big secret, I’m pretty sure Beard knows. And Higgy.”
“Oh, that’s just bloody wonderful then. You’re so ok with it all that you’re over it! You can just leave and carry on with your life like it’s nothing!” She sneered.
“Don’t say that, you know that ain’t true.”
“Do I?” He sat back down on the sofa, leaving space for her. She remained between the kitchen and sitting room for a moment before taking the seat next to him. “I can’t believe everyone knows but me. Am I really that oblivious?”
“Not everyone. And of course you’re not oblivious. You’re the most perceptive woman I’ve ever known, Rebecca. You've just been in your own head lately."
"So what now? You go back to Kansas and we forget all of…" She waved her hands around, "This? Chalk it up to bad timing?"
"Depends I guess."
"Do you really not want me to go?" She took a big drink and put the glass down.
"Do you know what I've spent all day doing?" He mirrored her, finishing his drink, then motioned for her to continue. 
"I do not, but I sure hope you're gonna tell me."
"Schools. I've spent all day looking at every school in town, what they offer, how they can support pupils from overseas, if they have sports clubs. And then I cross referenced that list with another list of schools nearby with teaching vacancies. And then I added in a commute radius so I could make sure that both you and Michelle could get to the Henry's school in nearly equal time from your potential workplaces. I also called the schools with job vacancies to find out exactly what they were looking for." Ted stared,
"How the heck?"
"Michelle keeps her LinkedIn profile very up to date. It's almost like she's looking for another job. Anyway, of the 5 with vacancies, 3 would be suitable and would like to know more about Michelle and cross referencing those 3 gave me 4 potential schools for Henry." He took back the glass he'd given her and finished what was left. "That's my drink."
"Sharing's caring." He mumbled, still staring. "You did all that?"
"It's not that big a deal. I already had lists of schools suitable for both of them anyway. I just had to see who had vacancies." She shrugged. 
"You already had the lists since when?"
"I put it together when you asked me to hire an investigator to see if Michelle was getting engaged. It seemed more worthy of my time."
"I'm a little a lot drunk right now, but that's a pretty big romcom gesture, baby."
"Pish, it's exactly what people do for their friends."
"Would you do it for Higgy?"
"Nooo, he already knows the area so well."
"He's too picky."
"Highly organised, already has a list."
"So just me then?"
"Ted, you're the only friend I have who might have a requirement for this list!"
"I'm also the only friend you're in love with." He nudged her with his shoulder, pushing a little too hard in his drunkenness so that she nearly tipped right over onto the sofa.
"Yep, thanks for reminding me." She righted herself. 
"So you really did that, huh?"
"The things you do when you're in love, baby." She nudged him back. 
"So you really, really don't want me to go."
"Is that not obvious enough for you yet, Ted? Should we stage an intervention? I don't want you to go. I want you to stay, and I'd do anything I can to make that happen." They sat in silence, Rebecca's words flowing over him like the whiskey and wine they were so drunk on.
"Fuck, Rebecca. That might be the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me." He said at last, leaning into her and catching her cheek so he could turn her to face him. "If I kiss you, you gonna try and hit me?"
"Try? If you kiss me, you'd damn well better be staying. Otherwise, don't fucking bother."
"You'd walk out of here right now? Or would you rather see how the kiss goes?" They both knew she had no intention of leaving. He reached a hand around the back of her neck, pulling her towards him, and claimed her lips in a kiss. She immediately tilted her head to give him better access, and he took the chance to deepen the kiss. Her hands went to his scruffy hair, her long nails against his scalp, making him groan into her. He pressed against her, twisting her body so that he could lay her back on the sofa and move fully on top of her. She moved her knees apart to make room for him, feeling the hard seam of his khakis in contrast to the soft, thin material of her leggings. As he kissed a sloppy path down her neck, she could feel him harden against her thigh. She bucked her hips against him.
"Jesus, Ted -" He pulled at the hem of her sweater, so she moved up onto her elbows to help him remove it, pressing her chest against him. He ran a fingertip along the top of the cup of her bra, pulling it down and taking a nipple into his mouth. He fumbled with the waistband of her leggings, his hands moving faster than his brain. It took far more maneuvering than it would if they'd been sober, but eventually, they'd made it the short distance to the bedroom with considerably fewer clothes. They stumbled against the bed, tripped over clothes, and bumped heads multiple times. He was rock hard against her, but Ted didn't give himself a passing thought as he kissed every inch of Rebecca’s body. She arched into every touch, his name a constant chant. When he finally pressed his tongue hard against her clit, he had to pin her hips down to keep her on the bed. He barely let up for a second as she came down from her first release, already willing her into another. When he crawled back up her body, she dragged her fingers through his hair again, desperately rolling her hips against his. 
"I know baby, I got you. Do you have any-"
"No need, Ted. Unless you want to. I'm all clear." He dropped a kiss to her lips and pushed into her, inch by inch. 
"Fuck, Becca-" she lifted her legs to wrap around him, the angle causing a friction which had her on the edge again almost straight away. He came seconds behind her, her name pulled from his chest. He collapsed on top of her and she relaxed her legs. "I'll move, don't wanna hurt you." She lay a palm between his shoulder blades to keep him in place.
"I'm fine, stay a minute." He kissed her neck, his hands absentmindedly stroking up the sides of her breast. They lay in silence until their breathing returned to normal and Ted moved. He returned with a damp washcloth and she watched in awe and amusement while he helped her clean up. "Thank you, love." She whispered, a hand cupping his cheek. She was hesitant when she left the bathroom, unsure whether to stay until he handed her a soft, worn t-shirt to sleep in. With the lights off, she curled against him, pushing a leg over and squeezing her knee between his. "Do you think we've fucked it all up?" He kissed her head, 
"I sure hope not, cos I really wanna do that again." Rebecca laughed.
Amazingly, she woke up in the same position. She could feel him hard against her and rolled further on top of him. She kissed his jaw and neck, pulling him from any last traces of sleep. His hands reached around to grab her bum so she sat up onto her knees. She ground herself against him, gasping when she finally had him inside her. They rocked lazily together, a deliciously tense orgasm building slowly. 
"Mornin' Ted. You still in the shower? I got the coffees already. You got any food?" Beard's voice rumbled through the half open door. They could hear him opening kitchen cupboards. Rebecca quickly moved off Ted and into the bathroom, where she pointed frantically at items of clothing from the doorway. Ted grabbed what he could and followed her inside,
"Uhh yeah, just finishing up. Be out in a sec." He called out, closing himself and Rebecca in the bathroom. 
"What the fuck is he doing here?"
"It's 8.30am, Bec. If he's here, I'm gonna be late for work." 
"I'm your fucking boss!"
"Ok, well shall I tell him you're here?" She glared in response. He showered quickly, while she dressed. "I'll see you at work?" He whispered, kissing her once more, and then left her in his bathroom. In the living room, Beard had clocked the two whiskey glasses and the discarded ladies trainers. He didn't question Ted, and moments later, Rebecca heard them shut the door of the flat.
"Fuck." She whispered. "I need to get back to mine."
“So let me get this straight, you’re mad as hell because one, Beard interrupted your morning session and two, Ted didn’t have time to make biscuits because you got him drunk and you guys had lots of sex?” Rebecca blushed and nodded.
“He just stopped, Keeley!”
“I’m sorry, Rebecca, but you’re a grown, single woman! You could have,” she held up and wiggled her index and middle finger, “y’know, bit of DIY.”
“I didn’t want DIY, I’ve had enough of that. I wanted Ted.” Keeley couldn’t hold herself together any longer, and giggles erupted.
“Oh my god. And there’s everyone down there thinking something terrible has happened! Thinking how upset you are over Ted leaving, but all along, it was this!” She laughed hysterically. 
“It’s not like we had a chance to talk this morning, we were really fucking drunk last night Keeley. What if he still wants to leave? I’m mad about the whole combination of things, I’m hungover, the interrupted sex, the biscuits, the drunkenness… I just-, I don’t want him to go. But I don’t know if I’ve given him enough reason to stay.”
“There’s only one person who can answer that, babe. Though you might want him to get you off first so you’re more amenable to whatever his answer is.” Keeley started laughing again.
“Shut up, you. Maybe we should have done what I said. He goes back and we attribute it to bad timing. Missed opportunities, sliding doors etcetera.” Keeley frowned.
“Are you fucking real, Rebecca? Are you seriously telling me that last night's drunken confessions and the super hot sex that continued into this morning both mean so little to you that you can just forget it all?”
“Of course I can’t, I’ll never forget any of it. But if he doesn’t want to stay then I can’t and won’t force him.”
“Well if he’s down there smiling away then he’s clearly made some sort of decision, wouldn’t you say?” Rebecca didn’t respond, she fiddled with the edge of her shirt. “Why don’t I send him up?” Rebecca nodded so briefly, Keeley nearly missed it. She darted out of the room before Rebecca could change her mind.
“Oi, Lasso. Your presence is required upstairs.” Keeley said brightly from the doorway. Ted’s phone clattered against the table.
“Me? Uhh… why?”
“Why not? She’s shouted at everyone else today. Your turn.” Beard sniggered into his book, turning it into a cough when Ted looked at him.
“Right, right, sure thing Billie Jean King.” He bumped against every surface in his haste to get upstairs and knocked gently at the door.
“Come in.”
“Hey boss, how was your lunch?”
“It was good. Thank you for swapping.”
“Ahh if your hangover is anything like mine, carbs are a must.” He took a seat on the sofa, slightly across from her. Remembering the last time he sat in this spot and she’d returned the ceremonial spray of tea in his face
“Said the man who had a salad.”
“It’s a peace offering. I’m sorry about this morning, believe me, that is not how I would have wanted our first morning together to go.” Rebecca looked up sharply.
“You’ve thought about… that?”
“I’ve thought about everything. I’ve pictured you in just about every single scenario my brain could come up with.” She looked wary. “Nothing compares to the real thing though. Waking up with you was something else.” He could see her demeanor start to soften. And if we hadn’t been interrupted, I'd have told you as much. I’d have shown you.”
“Have you thought about anything else we discussed last night?”
“You mean your 10 point plan to get Henry into Cambridge?”
“Oxford, actually.”
“My bad. Yes, I have.” He held his phone up, “I’m currently opening negotiations with Michelle about it. I’ve given her enough detail to think about for now, we’ve got a call planned for later on where I can give her all of the information and give her time to make an informed decision.”
“Does she think you’ve gone mad?”
“Far from it. She thinks it sounds great, and that’s without me telling her that you’ve already got her lined up for a promotion and pay rise.”
“I don’t recall mentioning either of those things.”
“Well I guess we’ll have to sweet talk her together. If you’re interested?” She nodded, her eyes filling with tears. “Wow, you really broke that dam last night.” She hit out at his knee.
“Fuck off.” 
“Sure, yeah, I’ll go-” He went to stand but she took his hand and pulled him back down. “I’d really like a do-over on this morning.”
“Would you like to have dinner tonight?”
“Only if we don’t drink so much, I don’t remember nearly as much of your body as I want to.”
“You’ll be in for a surprise later then.” She said cheekily.
“You’re always surprising me, baby. Thank you for wanting me to stay.”
“Thank you for thinking about it.”
“Ohh I’m gonna do more than think. Whatever happens, we’ll make the next decisions together. I love you, Rebecca. Now, how about we go tell everyone that they ain’t getting rid of me that easily, and you can show them that you’ve turned your frown upside down?”
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I'm watching ep1 of The Brothers Sun
I love how the dude is baking cakes and watching Great British Bake off 😂 (killers have hobbies too)
Love how the Triad people are wearing sequins
Oh noooo the old guy is dead!
Oh no he isn't he's just in a coma
Ohhhh and he's the main dude's dad
Oooooooooooo his mom's the key to power?! Fuck yeah! Michelle Yeoh is amazing
Fast and furious energy with that fast car( is it the the main guy's brother?)
What a mood that he's actually an Uber driver😂
I hope those girls gave him a good tip since they got sick in his car
I have the same alarm tone😂😂
MICHELLE! (I wonder if the footage on the TV is of Michelle's panda that she adopted)
Is she a nurse? 😂
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww she's so proud of her baby🥺
My mom also makes me text her when I get to school 😂
Love how she's just like 'go get smart'🥺
Bruce is painfully relatable with his awkward thumbs up flirting
Bruce: *pulls crumbled up dollars from his pocket and pushes it towards the lady* How much education would this buy me?
Lady: 'there's 7 dollars here.'
Poor Bruce, he spent his tuition money on improv classes 😂
'Dude, I am not a criminal!' nah but your family is😂
The way he's trying to justify selling drugs is so funny yet relatable in how college is so freaking expensive
Love that the main guy is happily getting some pastries 😂
Oh no he's just led the bad guy's to his Mama's house 🥺
Is no one even home?😂 He looks like he's been preparing himself the whole flight over😂 Awkward
Awww, he's seeing all the pictures of his mom having fun with his brother 🥺
Oop now he's fighting
Me: *makes notes* get ✍️ electric ✍️ fly✍️swatter - Oooooooooooo ✍️and a pineapple ✍️
The way that he's pausing to smoke and give the guy a cigarette 😂
Ooof, that was yucky🫣👀( the dude literally pulled his hard through the knife)
I'd make a joke about how pepper spray is not really that effective when your house is broken into and there's a lot of violence that have taken place, but it's Michelle yo so she makes it an insanely deadly weapon
Michelle: 'Bruce' wrong son, don't worry Bruce is fine selling some drugs
Love that her first words to her eldest kid is 'who's this?'
He brought pastries, he's a good son😂
She insulted his beard 😂 and is making him clean up
Dude used the good knife to fight? Disrespectful 😂
Love how they're just cooking while a dead dude is there😂
'not soft, sensitive'😂
Michelle: 'he thinks his father is a gambler and you're an Antarctica working with penguins'
Brother: 'fuck'
Wait, I feel like the club is the same one Bruce is at😂
Bruce, you should've logged into the guy's network just for giggles 😂
Bruce is such a mood
Bruce, in a room of sketchy people who are probably killers: "Hello sir nice to meet you, I'm Bruce."
Oh May is totally a killer
And I kinda love her
Oooooo it is the same club!!!
Ooooooooo Bruce is trying to sell his brother snow/pearl/nose candy/disco biscuit 😂
Oof, Charles got tasered
Poor Bruce is so confused 😂
Love that their grandmother carries a taser 😂
"I could prove it by killing all of you. Or you could just check my ID."😂
May is fangirling😂
Love that she's like: 'sometimes family's are fucked up'
Bruce: 'wait, dad's rich? And I'm driving for Lyft?!' what a mood
Poor Bruce is so scared 😂
Charles: "Bruce, do me a favor, don't tell Mom." :)
Bruce: 'WhAt?' :(
Boom shockaloca
Bruce: "We can't come in here looking like this! Mom's gonna freak!"
Charles, barely able to stand and covered in blood: "I found Bruce, he's safe"
Meanwhile, their mom is in the kitchen in an apron, shower cap and getting ready to cut up a body: "Charles go get changed. We gotta get rid of the body. Bruce, go to bed. You got a test tomorrow." She's got her priorities straight, that's for sure
The way the brothers looked at each other as their mom starts drilling into the bad guy😂
This show is a comedy truly
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taliskermortem · 11 months
okay so the only friend's trailer
a lot happened
a lot
i broke it down and in just over two and a half minutes they fitted in fifty scenes
(i've listed them under the cut)
all character names come from mydramalist so if they're wrong then my bad; if i know the actor but not the character name, i've put the actor's name in brackets; if i have absolutly no idea who the actor even is, i've put a question mark - if anyone can fill those in please do so
but anyway
Top/Mew – having sex on the kitchen counter (not very sanitary boys)
Top/Mew/Ray – outside party, Top being posessive and Ray being mad about it; ‘Mew only has one boyfriend’
Top/Boston – car sex
Sand/Ray – car smile (part of me want first to smile all the time and part of me knows i would not be able to handle it if he did)
Sand/Ray – BED FRIENDS share cigarettes; ‘do I need to pamper you and call you sugar daddy’
Sand/Ray – kiss on the floor with the booze
Boston/Nick – FRIEND WITH BENEFITS electronics store, broken phone
Boston/Nick – making out
Top/Mew – BOYFRIEND laser tag ‘when I take aim I never miss’
Sand/Ray – morning after ‘are you going to charge me… save your money for a shrink’ (ICONIC LINE but also... sex worker sand? i'm so curious where this is going to go)
Top/Mew – sharing shower; 'my only concern was whether or not i came'
Top/Mew – sharing biscuit; 'i just want to make you as happy as possible'
Boston/Nick – red room; ‘you should be glad to be my favourite’
Sand/Nick – argument ‘you hurt my feelings... he's an asshole, why do you even care about him?’ (okay i'm so curious about this friendship because let's be real this is like the only moment in the entire trailer where any of them even look close to being friends)
Namchueam/Mew/Ray/Boston – ‘friends don’t do this to each other’; confrontation with Boston where he gets full on kicked into the pool
Sand/Ray – argument ‘what are we to each other’
Mew/Ray/Top – Mew and Ray hug, I think Top sees this
Mew/Top – argument ‘why do I have to learn this when I already love you’; crying back hug
Sand/Ray – argument ‘you think my life is better with you but it’s going to hell’; Sand throws glass jar on floor
Sand/Ray – ‘now you’re in my life I won’t let you walk away’ (okay total 180 from the previous scene we're definitely in for a rollercoaster of emotions aren't we)
Sand/Ray – record store smile (another first smile to hurt me)
Boston/Nick – electronics store ‘I just want you to love me... I never loved you’ (oh these two are so messy i cannot wait) ONLY FRIENDS, MY ASS
Top/Mew – dancing
Sand/Ray – sitting in bed hug (and another first smile)
Sand/Ray – guitar holding hands
?/Boston – sex scene (okay who is this with? neo is just picking up all the boys isn't he)
(Papang)/Nick – office kiss (GUMPA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?)
Namchueam/(Nonnie) – cheek kiss (les... lesbians? pretty please)
Boston/Nick – swimming trunks on the jetty tickling and cheek kiss (this is adorable i'm going to get whiplash watching this)
Top/Mew – library smile
Top/Mew – lying in bed, Top looking at sleeping Mew and rolling over to hug him
Ray – at the strip club surrounded by women
Sand/Ray – car kiss (same shirt as outside the party)
Pills scattered on counter (i hope they handle whatever this is well)
Top/Mew – shower kiss (continuation of earlier scene)
Sand/Ray – Ray singing in a club and Sand watching him NO MORE ‘FRIENDS’
Sand – playing in a band
JENNIE – Yo on the table with a mic (ITS JENNIE AND SHE'S LOOKING FINE)
Sand – dropping phone and stamping on it
Sand/Ray – undressing, touching tattoo (i wonder what khaotung makes of that tattoo featuring in these scenes like that is actually on his body i believe)
Top/Mew – outside studying side hug
Top/Sand – confrontation and fight ‘it’s clear you can’t take care of what you have’ (I AM SO CURIOUS WHAT IS GOING ON)
Namchueam/? – hand on shoulder of guy sitting down looking upset (who is this? what is going on? i need to know)
Sand/Ray – fighting, push Sand to floor (rude)
Boston/Mew – fighting in the pool (hilarious)
Sand/Ray – sitting in car, Sand says ‘I’ll never take someone like you as my boyfriend’ (boy oh boy)
Sand/Ray – sitting in the bathtub (voiceover ‘can’t you make an exception for me’ - wonder where this line will actually feature)
Sand/Nick – Nick sobbing whilst Sand hugs him (continuation of earlier scene, i'm going to love this friendship i can feel it)
Ray/Mew? – Ray sobbing shirtless whilst someone hugs him from behind ( I think it’s Mew because of the glasses)
Sand – sitting on the floor screaming-crying and breaking my heart
there are some scene from the pilot trailer that i really hope they keep in as well, i liked the mood and styling from that trailer a lot but i guess we'll have to wait and see
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record-of-the-day · 4 months
Let's talk about Mis-Shapes and Sorted For E's & Wizz, the second and third singles for the album Different Class, released as a double A-side after the summer success that was Common People (We'll get to it).
Firstly, Mis-Shapes is the song that starts off the record, and it immediately throws us into an argument that anyone who wasn't a working class Englishman in the 90s wouldn't know anything about. Cocker speaks of broken biscuits and slaps in the mouth while openly speaking of his disgust for those who think they're better than him.
The song is your average Pulp track, filled with loud guitars and synths with a structure that of a classical tune. Cocker's lyrics are inspired by his youth in Sheffield, being seen as an outcast. Although he would later become uncomfortable with the songs lyrical theme, the song is about uniting with your misfits in arms and fighting back. The music video is exactly what the song represents: a class war.
Speaking of the music video, the first song that plays while the people in the club are dancing is the other A-side, Sorted For E's & Wizz, a funky disco rock song about taking drugs and going to festivals. The song is much less class-oriented and mostly just a song of the times. It's fun man, just sort out.
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"Oh, is this the way they say the future's meant to feel? Or just 20,000 people standing in a field And I don't quite understand just what this feeling is But that's okay cause we're all sorted out for E's and wizz"
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believemetheodore · 2 years
Colour me pink
Ted Lasso x Reader
A pair of pink shoelaces become a catalyst for change in Rebecca's life. Or, Rebecca learns to be brave. (Because I can't stop thinking about the pink shoelaces™️)
Warnings: None (let me know if you want me to add something)
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(Photo from @_erinmckenziee on Twitter)
Rebecca has always dreamed of being braver than she’s ever been able to be. Her mother had called her brave for leaving Rupert. Sassy and Nora had called her brave for paving the way as a female football club owner. But she can’t say she’s ever felt courageous or valiant for doing any of those things. Bold, sure. Daring, maybe. 
Keely has often called her a lion, praising her for taking charge and taking what she wants. But Rebecca has never felt brave where it truly counts. 
With their relationship hanging in the balance, she let Ted leave, an ocean between them now.  They’ve been walking the line between friendship and something more for so long. With weeks worth of stolen glances, intimate evenings, kisses and whispered promises she’d been too cowardly to allow to see the light of day, she’s let him leave.  
She’s always had a knack for this, building people up just to let them down, too frightened-- or too selfish, to see where things might go. But it hurts more this time. Ted’s always been patient and kind, to a fault at times. He said he’d wait as long as she needed for her to sort out her thoughts, and now she’s worried she might have him waiting forever, her heart and her mind fighting at every turn, each day bringing new anxieties. She’s holding a winning hand but is too afraid to make a bet. 
He left a week ago, flying home to spend time with Henry and visit his mum before his charity event. He’d laid his cards on the table and handed her his heart in earnest with nothing but a gentle smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He loves her. He’s loved her for ages and told her just that, sealing his words with a kiss. She kissed him back, hoping that, like all the times before, her actions might speak louder than her words ever could, praying that his touch might silence her fears. 
She loves Ted. And more importantly, she loves him more than she ever thought it possible to love someone. She wants to be brave. All week she’s typed out text messages without pressing send, and let her thumb hover over the call button more times than she can count. She struggles to find the right words. What do you say to someone when I love you isn’t enough to encompass all you feel? How can three little words be enough when the other person deserves the world and then some? 
A year ago, she’d asked Sam to give her time to think. She liked him; he was lovely-- wonderful even, but she knew she’d never love him, not the way she wanted to be able to love someone anyway.  A part of her then always knew what she wanted to say. She had the words; she just didn’t want to say them. She knew from the get-go that what they had wouldn’t last. 
She’d been startled by his compassion, wooed by the excitement of it all and swept up by the feeling of being adored. She would’ve broken his heart, or worse, broken her own; by acting out a lie, forcing herself into a role, holding herself back, too afraid to hurt him. But breaking up with Sam wasn’t brave; it was decent. 
I hope all is well. Good luck tonight! xx
She settles on the phrasing, sending the text before she can overthink it. 
Got my good luck charms! The response comes quickly with a picture of his Nikes attached. It takes her a moment to figure out why those shoes might be so lucky. Pink laces, she realizes. The same pastel pink colour as the biscuit boxes he delivers to her each morning. Oh. 
She’d bought them as a gag gift before he left, not expecting him to ever use them, let alone like them. He’d invited her over to pick up her supply of biscuits to hold her over while he was gone, convincing her to stay for dinner and wine. She’d slipped the laces down the side of his folded clothes in his open suitcase, thinking he might not even notice the little pink double bow that had made its way into his luggage. In all honesty, she’d forgotten all about them. 
You found them. I take it you like them, then?
Love ‘em! They’re just what I’ve been needing. Thank you, Becca. 
I miss you. She lets herself confess. 
I miss you too. Lots. But now I feel like I’ve got a little bit of you here with me (I’m a lucky guy!) 
Good god, she’s not sure he could be more incredible if he tried. So effortlessly, he makes her feel special. Without trying, he sews up her wounds and worries. It’s impossible to feel like she’s too much when he loves just as much as she does. 
In all her years, she’d never thought shoelaces would be the catalyst for change in her life. For so long, she’s felt like she was bad at love. Too much, never enough, always afraid of being seen as silly. But never with Ted. Not when he accepts her love as eagerly as he gives his own.
It’s just past 8 pm in London. She doesn’t waste her time weighing pros and cons; instead, she makes herself a cup of tea in a travel mug, calling her driver for a ride to the airport. 
She doesn’t make it in time for the show, but with Coach Beard’s help, she manages to locate the hotel they’re staying in and tips back a gin and tonic while she waits.She’s grateful that Ted had booked the earliest flight back to London and cuts his night of celebrating short to try to get some sleep. 
He strolls in, crossing art deco marble floors, still wearing his pink-laced trainers. 
She leaves her glass at the bar with a generous tip, hurrying across the foyer, barely making it into the same elevator as him. 
“What floor?” He asks politely, and she can’t wipe the smile off her face, realizing he hasn’t noticed it’s her. 
“I’ll go where you go”. His confusion quickly turns to shock, his head snapping to look at her.  “Well, I’ll be,” he laughs, and she can’t help but do the same. 
He’s quick to press the button for his floor, his hand taking hers and tugging her close. “I was serious when I said I missed you,” she whispers. “Never doubted you for a second,” he says with a smile, light-hearted and playful, but they both know it’s the reassurance she needs. 
He squeezes her hand as the doors open, guiding her down the hall towards his room. The two of them are silent as he opens the door, and she sets down her overnight bag. 
When she turns around, the air in the room is heavy but not oppressive.  “I love you,” she breathes out, her eyes locked on his.  And he doesn’t leave her hanging, closing the space between them. “I love you, too”. Their grins not leaving their faces when their lips meet. 
Maybe she’s braver than she thinks, after all. 
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
Spam asks incoming 👀
Imagine that there was a book club on Snowpiercer ( a proper one, not Wilford’s “salon”) … who would be running it? What sort of books would they read?? Who’d attend and who’d always try attend but miss it/never have had time to finish the book etc? 🖤📚
The book club was supposed to be run by the librarian but ends up being run by Miss Gillies on a Saturday afternoon. Of course Robert Folger believes he is more qualified to run it and says so every week, to which everyone just rolls their eyes. If he ran it then it would be only firsties allowed and that just wouldn't do.
Instead, Miss Gillies holds it in the Nightcar, so everyone can attend. Clay and Zarah serve a tray of teas. The baker attends so whenever there are broken biscuits or misshapen cakes they all get a little sweet treat too.
Javi drops in periodically, although no-one realises he is from the engine. He misses a lot due to his shifts but he always reads the books anyway.
Lilah, Eugenia and Martin also show up from time to time, but often feel the chosen books are beneath them. Besides, having so many body guards around does somewhat spoil the mood.
Ruth refuses to become a proper member, as she "has far more important things to do" but very often finds herself having an excuse to visit the nightcar. Is she there for the tea? Or for someone else...? She never has time to finish the book at any rate.
Tristan is there every week, swapping shifts with other Hospitality workers and bribing them with drinks tokens so he's always free on a Saturday. He reads every book twice over and has a page of notes ready to go.
Dr Pelton is on the members list but no-one can remember the last time they saw her. Too many medical emergencies.
Klimpt is usually there however. He spends a lot of his day reading books to sleepers. He usually has the Worst Possible Take on any book. Everyone groans when it's his turn to choose one.
The Notary is usually in attendance. She has a secret love of murder mystery novels.
Anne Roche makes the effort when her shifts allow. She always drags Sam too. Sam mysteriously keeps finding himself needed to keep the peace on Saturdays. He returns his books in pristine condition.
Zarah sometimes sits in and listens, but she's too shy to ask to officially join.
Every week Miss Gillies asks one of the members to tell them their favourite book. It's sometimes been a bit difficult to find enough copies of some books, and occasionally the right book just isn't on the train. But they make it work, somehow, and it becomes a little island of peace between the classes.
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multimagical · 1 day
The Ghosts of Melbrew
Book 1 of 12 in the Multimagical Series by Lillian R.S.
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Chapter 2 - "Foreign Roads"
4,185 words
Friendly criticism is welcome for future reference!
Continue reading below the cut, and enjoy! <3
       After getting over my shock of being pushed I got up, brushing off my clothes, feeling a bit shaken and confused. I exited the school through the back doors of the science hallway, and made my way down the stretch of road that would lead me home. It was quiet, and lightly raining, the pins and needles type that you only slightly feel. Sort of like a mist. The sky and atmosphere was grey, and that comforted me. It was as if the world had grown calm and soft, the stillness in the air felt relaxing rather than creepy.
      When I arrived home, I told my parents everything I learned that day, as well as the strange things that I felt. Minus the whole history club truth thing, of course. I promised I was trustworthy, and I was. It didn't even matter if I did tell them the truth of it though, they dismissed everything as typical boys trying to scare the new girl. I didn't really expect them to believe me, but I guess they were more so in disbelief of what I was told rather than me myself. I couldn't even argue with them because afterall, they could be right as far as I was concerned.
      I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, creaking beneath my feet as the whole house seemed to do. In the hallway Benny was sat on his cat tree bed, greeting me with a "Purrp!" as he then rolled onto his side. I pet him for a few moments as he purred loudly as a motorboat, making biscuits in the air with his paws. He quickly jumped to the floor and followed me to my room as I turned the knob on my door.
       I went to get changed into something more comfortable, even if it wasn't pajamas. There's just something not very nice about keeping on the same sweaty clothes that you've been wearing all day. I pulled the black and purple striped sweater off my body, feeling better afterwards. I know it's Autumn and it's chilly, but when you're not outside where it's actually cold the double layers can get quite hot. That's why I'll never understand parents bothering their kids about wearing a coat all the time. Do you think I'm gonna be outside all day or what?
      I looked at myself in the mirror a bit, I'd only just gotten it the day before. A small painting-like mirror which hung on my wall that I got at a local thrift store not far from the house. I ran my hands down my face, that Kimi girl calling me freckle face was certainly a new one. I chuckled thinking back to her bluntness.
       Benny jumped up onto my bed, and then onto the window sill as he looked outside. My window faced out towards the farm across the street, and out to the left was a tree. I noticed his tail begin to swish back and forth in a hunting motion, he was probably looking at a bird. I would sure hope so considering he seemed to be looking at nothing.
       Everything was just so strange, I know I'm a broken record, but I just haven't been able to shake it from my mind since we got there. I plopped down on my bed with a sigh, and looked randomly around my room. The dust had been cleaned of the floors and I've fixed up the peeling wallpaper a bit, wanting to completely replace it eventually. I got a dresser moved in, a TV stand, and the few other furniture we bought from the store. We pretty much left everything behind. It was ironically cheaper to buy all new furniture than it was to bring it with us. I didn't get it, but whatever. My parents didn't wanna hire a moving company because it would be too expensive.
      I went and took off my knee-length brown boots. I was left in my long sleeve turtleneck, my leggings, and my socks, which were all black. Wow, at my old middle school I'd definitely get called to the guidance office for that. The guidance counselor once told me to stop wearing black because it apparently meant I was depressed, I mean, did she expect me to be cured of my non-existent depression if I stopped wearing black, or something?
      I pulled my hair out of its low ponytail and bushed it for a bit. I was always surprised how tangled it managed to get in the span of one day, especially because I often never let it down. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, so I just continued to sit in my room, and thunk for a little while. Usually I would do homework, but I got all of it done in school. I decided to listen to some music and read until I got bored.
      At five, I decided I would go out and look around for however long I felt like. It would be good to get to know the town and where things are located. I put on a pair of black boots and decided to head out, keeping my hair down, which I rarely do. I don't like it all in my face most times, but I put on a headband to help with that.
      Before I left I took a bag and a pocket knife with me, because I certainly wasn't going to walk around alone in a town like this unarmed. Might just be paranoia, but it's better to be safe than sorry, especially as a teenage girl. When I was ready I told my parents I was going to look around for a bit. Before I was able to close the front door, Benny darted outside in a flash. I suppose he's fine as long as he's with me, he did always like to follow me around when I was outside. I was just a bit concerned about the wildlife here, as this place was much more rural than our previous home.
       I stepped down off the porch and walked down the stone pathway to the road. Benny eagerly followed me with a little jog. For being an older cat, he sure was agile. I took in a deep breath, breathing in the cold, misty air, the Autumn wind blowing lightly.
      I could still feel the little raindrops from earlier stabbing my face in an ever so graceful manner. It was now the evening, which means the more minutes that ticked by, the darker it got. It actually wasn't a bad town, just a little bit off-putting and in need of a few slight touch ups. I wasn't someone who liked really fancy things, so the old feel of the town was actually something I really liked.
      I felt like some kind of edge lord wearing all black, but it didn't feel too out of place here in a town like this. The only thing that was missing was a black cat, though alas, Benny was a fat, brown, green-eyed tabby. He reminded me a lot of a dog in a cat's body as he followed behind me, staying close to the side of the road. He'd occasionally stop and sniff random smells before trotting back up to me.
       The sky was still grey, and it seemed like the weather didn't really change much, but I had expected a lot of rain since before we moved here. Everything was totally quiet except for the occasional wind and the barely audible tapping of the raindrops that slowly got thicker. Another dog-like trait about old Benny boy is that he doesn't care about getting wet. Silliest cat ever, I tell you.
       I was walking down the road from my house to the school. The street was lined with houses, and trees stood tall behind them. My house was located on the practically abandoned side of town. I don't mean that in a bad way, though. Sure, some houses looked decrepit and run down, but most of them were normal old houses for sale. Here on the Northernmost side of town "For Sale" signs were in practically every front yard. It was the side that an old mansion and cemetery were on, so I guess that could be a factor as to why. No one wants to live up here, but they are cheaper, so that's a plus.
       It was strangely calming, though, but I've said that a lot. It just is. Being around all these empty houses, a town devoid of people. I approached the cutoff at the Melbrew River, which cut through the town, separating the void north from the middle and south parts. I stood on the bridge for a while as I looked out to the flowing water beneath me.
      There was something that I loved about the water. The smell, the feeling, the emotion. The smell of rain, autumn, and cold air. It was great. I had a feeling it would be hard to walk to school without getting distracted by the bridge. I could sit on it for hours, and Benny agreed as he jumped up on the ledge with me to get some pets.
       Once crossing the bridge you've got more residential houses, and locally owned shops, and businesses. Things immediately began to feel more lively than they did up by my house. Children yelled in the distance, and inside some houses I could hear people's TVs playing. Lights lit up the insides, and some people even sat on their porches, reading a book or drinking their evening tea. Completely different from the dark and empty part my house was in.
       On this side of town, Halloween themed flags waved outside the houses, while others had pumpkins, scarecrows, and more seasonal decorations. I saw a black cat in the window of one house, and waved to him, telling Benny he has a friend in the window.
      Instead of continuing down the road that would lead to school, I decided to take a right. It was a residential road with houses on both sides. On the corner of the street at the other side, there was an ice cream shop and a diner. I decided to head down a side street that led into the woods, at the most Southwestern part of town.
      The side streets in the town were made of gravel, and fully surrounded by woods. From what I could tell, houses were scarce, but the ones that were there looked incredibly creepy. These little shelters built into the forest, with moss and vines growing up the sides. There was a no outlet sign at the entrance, so I was curious what was at the end.
      As I walked down the road, I began to hear voices in the distance. Benny seemed to be on alert at the sound of people, refusing to follow me any further. The voices became more and more clear the closer I got. When I could finally make out their conversation, I recognized the voices as the people I met earlier that day.
      "Oh, come on, Kimi!" I heard Cameron say loudly in the distance as I continued to get closer still, "It's not like I spilled every single illegal thing we've ever done to her!"
      "You still told a girl you just met that the history club isn't a real history club! It's supposed to be a club just for us, everyone else is going to get faked! And if you don't care about that, then you should at least consider that if she tells anyone about it you could get him fired!" Kimi's whiney voice yelled.
      "Mr. Marshall didn't have a problem with it, Kimi, it's not that deep. In fact, he even told me to tell her about it himself. We didn't even say anything bad, we just said we're going to look over the paranormal conspiracy stuff that happens, and the Humphrey family murder, and last time I checked the Humphrey family counts as history. Also, you'd have to be braindead to not know about either of those things and still live in this town. Do you think we're idiots?" I heard Dominik say.
      "You can't just tell a complete stranger who just moved here all of these things! They can't tell them, right, Kai?"
      The road was curvy, so I stayed out of sight between the tall, thin trees. I could see them as I peered around a corner. Kai simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "She seemed trustworthy enough."
      "Trustworthy enough?!" Kimi sounded shocked and angry, "How can you stand there and just say she looked trustworthy enough?! Just looked like it, slightly? Are you people just that careless? I know Cameron is but I expected better of you two because you two aren't supposed to be fucking idiots!"
      "God damn, Kimi, Calm do-" Dominik said.
      "DON'T TELL ME TO BE CALM!" She screeched, practically echoing throught the forest. Everything went silent, but just for one second.
      "It is not that deep, stop yelling!" Cameron yelled back.
      "I'll stop yelling when you stop yelling!"
      "What are you guys? Five?!" Dominik said.
      "Do you wanna fight, little Miss throw hands?!" Cameron said, ignoring Dominik, putting up his fists in an exaggerated fighting pose.
      "Don't fight my sister." Kai said, still monotone.
      "Yes, I would love to fight!" Kimi yelled.
      "No." Kai said.
      "Then let's fucking fight!" Cameron yelled, punching his first into the palm of his hand.
      "Let's not fucking fight." Kai said.
      "Cameron, I think that would be assaulting a child." Dominik said, "Don't fight a 12-year-old girl!"
      "You calling me a child?!" Kimi said.
      "You literally are a child!" Dominik exclaimed, stretching his arms out in bewilderment.
      "Yet I could probably still beat your dumbass."
     I decided that I should probably step in and stop this, so I went around the corner and began walking towards them, "Um, excuse me, I hate to be of disturbance to this lovely conversation you seem to be having, but I presume that I'm the cause of all this?" I yelled loud enough for them to hear me.
      "I will rip your face off, you overly-polite sack of–!" Kimi yelled very loudly, though Kai slapped his hand over her mouth last second before she could curse, looking and sounding constantly done with everyone's crap. I'm not even exaggerating. That man had a blank face 24/7 but in that face I saw an overworked 47 year old dad who's ready to go to the grave, but also doubles as an edgy teenage loner.
      "You were the one that caused this, but that is okay, because Kimora is over dramatic and always wants to fight people for any reason that she can come up with. We are leaving now." He said, and began to walk away, pulling his little sister with him.
      "LET GO OF ME I AM NOT FINISHED HERE!" Kimi yelled, trying to pull herself away from his grip.
      "Well I am." He said, sounding tired.
      They disappeared into the distance down the road I came from, and Dominik shook his head sadly, "That kid drives me insane. I sometimes wonder how Kai deals with that fiery ball of aggression. It's quite sad too because they both used to be so different."
      "Sorry that you had to find us in the middle of an argument, dude. As you can probably tell, she wasn't too happy that we told you about some of our secret shit, even though we really didn't tell you about any of our secret shit. It was just that we have secret shit." Cameron said.
      "Well, I'm sorry to have caused a conflict. I am interested in it, though." I said honestly.
      Cameron waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it, it's not you, it's Kimi. Honestly, you should feel honored, your first day at Melbrew and you managed to hit a gold mine of town information getting to know us!"
      "Do you have some sort of ego, or something?"
      "Yes." Dominik said, "Oh God, Yes."
      "Hehe, I pride myself on my knowledge. You also can't lie that she's lucky enough to get this all on the first day, too. You're extremely easy to get along with, you know that, Emeline?"
      "I've been told that before, yes. I'm not one for causing conflict, though I guess I managed to do just that. Why were you guys out here, anyway?"
      "We were just hanging out, but then my dumbass started talking about you and Kimi got pissed at me as per usual." Cameron said. "Nothing new there."
      A phone soon rang, and Dominik picked it up. He said a few yeahs and okays and shortly hung up. "That was my mom, she wants me home for dinner soon."
      "Yeeeah, I guess I should be going, too," Cameron said, following alongside Dominik, "Muh mum's makin' potatoes. I love me some fuckin' potatoes. Catch you later, Emeline." He said, putting up finger guns. They walked off down the street together, farther into the woods.
       I began to head back out, calling for Benny. He popped up out of the woods and ran up to me, hitting his head against my ankles. Once back out on the actual roads, I took a seat on the propped up sidewalk, giving Benny the pets and attention he wanted constantly.
       Was Kimi really just an unnecessary ball of anger, or were they really doing some kind of shady stuff they shouldn't have told me about? Cameron did mention doing illegal things, but what could that possibly mean? What illegal things could you even do in a small town like this, especially if they're– as I assume– mystery related? What, did they rob a store for ghost hunting equipment, or something?
      I began to walk home, taking a different route than the one I came from. My thoughts were running wild, I was certain there was something going on here, but what? According to Kimi it's something much deeper than I should know about, or be trusted with. Like, where am I right now? Gravity Falls if it was one more state north? Who's gonna be the demon to bring the apocalypse, and how long will it take? If you tell me twenty years from now I'm gonna be upset.
      I was determined to find out what's going on, I'd just have to show Kimi that she could trust me. I've always been into mystery shows and books, but I guess I'm in one now? So, uh, that's cool. Fits the vibe.
      As I headed up to the Northwest side of town, I got an eerie feeling. Not the same eerie feeling as before, one that was now making me genuinely unsettled. The same kind of feeling I got earlier that day when I was in Ms. Hogg's class. The sky grew darker as the day headed into later hours, making the scenery even worse than it would have already been in the daylight. It happened basically right as I stepped off of the bridge, a different one than the one I crossed to the east. Benny seemed to feel it to, and I watched as he ran off back home as fast as lightning.
      I went and walked down mainstreet, which finally split two ways around an old looking park. To the left of me down Hill Street was a gas station store, and to my right down Park Street was more woods. In front of me though, was a park. It was extremely creepy and I really didn't want to be outside anymore, but I decided to walk through it anyway. It appears that I'm a dumb horror movie protagonist. Oh well.
      It seemed to me like no one ever really went to that park anymore, as everything looked to be rather worn down and old. There were unkempt bushes and trees that were withering away and dying. The broken and rusted playground equipment was sure to have seen better days. One of the benches was just straight up split in half. In the center of the park was a stone well, and even when I shined my phone's flashlight down it, it still continued on into darkness.
      I exited the park on the opposite side from which I entered, and I was now at the base of a hill, or a mountain, or whatever. The path in front of me to my right led into a graveyard, with the road following alongside it. I'm pretty sure following the graveyard to the right would lead me home, but I wanted to see if there was anything on this hill first, so I walked the road going left.
      I walked down the road, and now on my left was the park, while my right was a hill covered in trees. After a little bit of walking I found a road going up it, but it curved a bit and I couldn't see through the grove. It was a very long driveway, and it was boarded up, no kidding. Giant boards were nailed to the trees, and very old caution tape was wrapped all around it. Okay, I'm so going up there.
        I climbed up the hill in a struggle until I got to a point where I could slip by between two trees higher up. I made my way higher up, and there were loads of NO TRESPASSING signs stapled to the trees, as if the boarded up entrance and caution tape wasn't enough. I guess it really wasn't though, considering I was still walking up the path despite them. The gravel road went on and on, as it kept ascending upwards, making twists and turns.
          Finally the road came to an end, and at the top of the hill I began to see a house, but the closer I got the less it looked like a house and the more it looked like a mansion. A big, giant mansion just sitting up here on a mountain in the middle of the woods with a gravel driveway. It had big brick walls going around it and a gated entrance made of fancy black bars. It looked very Victorian, except for the caution tape and no trespassing signs that made their way all the way up here. So this was the place I've heard about!
      In front of it were three graves, which had names I didn't recognize. The last name seemed familiar though, and I was trying to remember if Cameron or Dominik might've said it earlier that day. I took out my phone flashlight and shined it around. I could see into the yard, it was big and overgrown with plants.
      I looked down and noticed a little reflective glimmer from my flashlight. There looked to be a shiny gem object on the other side of the gates, which was luckily just within my reach! I picked it up, it was an old-looking, purple, amethyst necklace. I put it on since I didn't have any pockets, and decided to finally make my way back home. I was officially getting too many creeps, even for me.
      The wind blew cold in the air. It felt like winter now, the way it nipped and stung my face. I started running down the gravel road, trying not to look at the tall trees to the sides of me. I had to use my phone as a flashlight, and I couldn't see three feet in front of me.
       When I finally got of the large driveway at the base of the hill I could see again due to the streetlamps turning on. I slipped back out between the trees and stumbled down onto the road. Despite now being covered in mud, I breathed a sigh of relief to be out of the woods and into the open again. I started walking down the street to my house, with the cemetery to my left, and park to my right.
       I began running, and slowed to a jog when my corner street house came into sight on my left. The cemetery and park were now behind me, and both to my left and right stood houses, all with their "For Sale" signs. The farm was in front of me, and my house stood to my left. It began fully raining now, and I quickly hopped up onto my porch, Benny running up and dashing inside when he heard me twist the doorknob.
      When I got inside I felt so happy to feel the warmth. I went back to my bedroom, put on my pajamas, and collapsed in my bed, too exhausted to eat dinner. I felt so tired, but also so eager and intrigued. I had a feeling I was going to be good friends with these guys, I'll show that Kimi girl!
       I went to sleep with thoughts of ghosts and murder mysteries running through my mind, Benny purring happily on my chest as the rain fell from the skies.
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ezcater · 2 months
3 Brunch-Inspired Meals Perfect for Workplace Catering
What is brunch? Is it breakfast? Is it lunch? Why can we have brunch at 2 p.m. and still call it brunch? Brunch is, of course, that nebulous meal that can fit somewhere between breakfast and lunch—and sometimes after lunch—and includes food from both. It’s the kind of meal where you can find bacon and eggs alongside a club sandwich.
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It’s also the kind of meal that’s easy to have catered, which is good news for all the offices out there full of people who love brunch. Catering Wilmington NC, Nashville TN, or team brunches anywhere can be a great way to celebrate special occasions and big wins. Here are a few brunch options to add to your office catering rotation! Bring Your Appetite to the Breakfast Buffet Breakfast? More like break-feast! And don’t let the name “breakfast buffet” fool you, either—many caterers who offer a breakfast or brunch buffet tend to offer it all day long. They know people love their brunchy foods. The breakfast buffet is the kind of catering package you can get when you want to go all out at the workplace. The breakfast buffet features all the essentials in one convenient package, so you don’t have to pick and choose. For example, if you’re catering Wilmington NC offices, a caterer like Middle of the Island can whip up a breakfast buffet complete with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, hash browns, biscuits, fresh fruit, and a beverage option. Saddle Up for a Scramble The great thing about a scramble is it can contain many of the same ingredients as a breakfast buffet; the only difference is it’s all mixed up in one tray. Scrambles can be incredibly convenient. They’re easy to serve up and even easier to enjoy. They can come packaged in large, accessible trays and in a variety of flavors. Want a more traditional scramble? Not a problem. If you’re catering Nashville office brunches, you can get one with eggs, sausage, bacon, onions, and mushrooms, all topped with cheddar jack cheese from the regional chain Another Broken Egg Cafe. Want a scramble with a bit of kick? Try their Southwest Scrambler with eggs, chorizo, onions, tomatoes, and green chiles, topped with cheddar jack cheese. It’s even served with flour tortillas, guacamole, and salsa, so you could theoretically make a breakfast taco or burrito! Savor the Lighter Side of Brunch with a Bowl There are all kinds of brunchy foods that can easily make anyone’s workday. From breakfast burritos to pancake platters, there is an abundance of options. But sometimes, you and the rest of the team might be feeling like it’s a good day for something lighter. You want something that can fill you up without leaving you feeling overly full. The brunch bowl might be the answer. It’s another caterable option that can come in a wide assortment of tasty choices. For those catering Indianapolis office brunches, consider Everbowl. They have a menu full of items perfect for those brunchy days. Get a bowl with berries and granola, or get something with a bit more protein with a mix of nut butters. There are tons of customization options. About ezCater When it’s the middle of the workday and lunchtime hits, turn to ezCater. ezCater is partnered with over 100,000 restaurants and caterers across the United States. They’ve forged partnerships with many beloved local establishments, along with many national favorites. No matter what kind of cuisine you’re craving, you can find it in minutes. Plus, with ezCater’s range of tools, you can customize your food search. Find options based on your company’s headcount, budget, dietary requirements, and more. ezCater is also a great option for businesses looking to add a catering perk to their roster of company benefits. You can turn to ezCater for everything from catering Dallas team member lunches to discovering the latest Portland catering options for your upcoming all-hands meeting. Make it a brunch kind of day and place your order at https://www.ezcater.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3ymlJMv
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candiso-p640 · 1 year
Brenda Sho (CW: Drugs and other Tough Subjects!)
(Edit: This character has been scrapped due to problematic traits, sorry for the inconvenience!)
Brogan Sho is the Ultimate Pimp and the Chapter 2 Blackened of the Eddsworld X Danganronpa AU.
Backstory: Brogan (now Brenda) Sho was born on April 19th, 1988 in Cleveland, UK to an absentee mother named Christine and a very abusive father named Jeremy. When Christine Sho was home, Jeremy Sho would take his drunken aggressions out on him from slaps all of the way to cigar burns. When Christine wasn't home, Jeremy took his aggressions out on Brogan. Thus causing Brogan to slowly develop a hatred for men. At primary school, Brogan was alone due to the fact that everyone would just avoid them. Thankfully on October 31st, 1997 (Brogan was 9 years old at the time), Jeremy Sho died from a drunken drive off of a bridge into the cold depths. During his teenage years, Brogan meet Edward "Edd" Evans in the back of the school parking lot with Tord. The two quickly became buddies before slowly, Edward would move on to other things.Christine did her best to raise Brogan until he left the house to stay at Edd's house (his only friend) on April 19th, 2009. Brogan's eyes were diverted to Laurel, especially her shoes. But when he tried to solicit her, Laurel threw a lamp at him, causing Brogan to move out of Edd's house. After a year of house jumping, Brogan became roommates with Tord in a apartment complex in Norway. There Brogan started a strip club called "Varmt og Dampende" where pornography can be made in Norwegian and English.
On September 4th, 2015, Brogan became an trans woman named Brenda. However, she didn't want to go through transitional surgery. Mostly because her father abused them during their childhood (but Brenda wanted to get closer to women in general).
Facts about Brenda Sho:
Brenda can play the bagpipes and the Furby organ.
Brenda's favorite food is Ayam bumbu rujak (Indonesian Javanese food with chicken). Brogan's favorite candy is Club chocolate covered biscuits.
Brenda uses she/them pronouns and is trans.
Brenda can date men, but she prefers women more.
Whenever Brenda wants to have s*x with a woman, she would harass them until the woman obliges.
If Brenda gets into a fist fight, she will always win even if her hands are tied up.
Brenda is Indonesian-British.
Brenda's favorite holiday is Christmas.
Brenda is 6'3'' feet tall.
Brenda married two women at the same time on June 20th, 2016 before divorcing them 3 years later.
Brenda used to do cocaine before one of the hookers she was making love with decided to have an intervention with Brogan in 2021.
This is what Brenda's execution would have been:
Brenda Sho has been guilty.
Finding Women (Ultimate Pimp. Brogan Sho's Execution: Executed) Chapter 2
Brenda Sho runs into a red light maze. On the screen to her right, Brogan sees two women dressed scantily in pink speaking to them.
"Oh Brenda?~ We are at the end of the maze, come and get us!~"
Brenda seeing an opportunity for a threesome immediately rushes into the maze, grazing her cheek on some glass. As Brenda goes through the maze, she gets half of their face burnt of by a fire trap, her left arm gets broken by a swinging spike ball, among many cuts. She reaches the end of the maze to find out that the girls were just holograms. The walls have holes for big spikes which immediately crushes Brend, leaving behind a bloody mess.
The song playing throughout the execution is Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae.
If Brenda Sho had an aesthetic, it would be bimbocore.
During the events of Fun Dead, Brenda Sho was on a mission with Tord to kill some zombehs. She was torn apart by them in the process.
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estelinalicorice · 2 years
𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝘆 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲
ring around the rosy they go
the ceramic girls with broken noses
swing on lead, burst a heart
they go where their little brain pleases
where it's light, where it's dark
a rippled frown on their face—
in this little grey place.
they clambered Mrs Puff's House
made of cards and clubs and aces
and on her porch they sat and drank
hibiscus tea and ginger biscuit
and all is fun and well, soon gone
when a gust of wind drew uninvited
and the old lady lost, her forever home
so she built a new one made of little girl's fragments
where pedestrians pass by and they stop and admire
their small-crawl deaths, a beauty displaced
never seen anywhere
just on this little grey place.
the town looks embracing and neat
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘥
how i fit like a glove,
walk the streets with the nerve
to overtake such a place
what a dream it would be!
but the alleys i hid in, are made of monotone sweets
and the mountains i grappled falls calamitously.
i have come just to feast
now it 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 me.
and the shade of grey
is washed away,
Mr. Diddy sweeps the streets
with his sweater patches
in red-stained blotches
i leave the town,
he smiles at me.
- z, 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘢 -
artwork: At the Concert Europeén, Georges Pierre Seurat.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: this absolute fluffiness was inspired by @harrysblackcoat 's little photo concept, i couldn't just not write it!!
SUMMARY: Your nan loves Harry. Maybe even more than she loves anyone in the family.
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This meeting is going on forever. You’ve been sitting in the conference room for almost two hours and the finance department is still going on and on about numbers you’ll forget as soon as you stand from your seat. You’ve already went over your grocery list in mind, noted to change the sheets when you get home and decided to book yourself an appointment with your nail lady for next week, but the meeting still hasn’t ended.
Pinching the bridge of your nose you drop your pen and give up on writing anything important down, Chase will send everything around in a lengthy email anyway, he always does. You’re thinking of a way to excuse yourself to end your misery when your phone’s screen lights up.
Snatching it off from next to your empty coffee cup you finished the first five minutes into the meeting, your lips curl upwards seeing that Harry just texted you. Forgetting about the presenter up in the front you open the message right away.
You almost gasp out loud when a photo loads along with a text. Harry is posing next to your nan, he is dressed in his yellow pleasing hoodie, his current favorite, along with his old ripped, light-washed skinny jeans and he has an arm curled around your adorable grandma’s shoulders. Both of them smiling brightly, the picture is oozing love and happiness and it breaks the greyness of your workday, seeing two of your favorite people being so cozy together.
HARRY: Nan and her favorite boy reunited!!
It’s true. Nan is obsessed with Harry, treats him like his own grandchild, maybe even better than you, who is actually her grandchild. It’s been an ongoing joke in the family ever since they were introduced and just thirty minutes later Nan was already teaching Harry to crochet so he can make his own little hats. It was an unexpected but so wholesome connection that hasn’t been broken in the four years the two of you have been together.
Y/N: Cuties! surprise visit or was it scheduled?
Harry’s reply comes right away.
HARRY: My zoom meeting got cancelled so I decided to drop by.
Y/N: I bet she was over the moon to see her favorite grandson!
You can almost see it, Harry ringing the bell, Nan opening the door and finding him there, clapping her hands together happily before hugging him. It’s a shame you couldn’t be there with them. They are such an iconic duo and you’d never admit to your family, but you’re kind of proud Nan loves your partner the most. You remember when your older sister first brought her now husband over to her, she commented on the color of his pants and then ignored him for the rest of the evening. Since then they have grown to like each other, but it’s funny in contrast with how things were with Harry.
HARRY: She made me eat like a ton of iced buns while she told me about the latest tea in the bingo club. Did you know Theresa invited George over for biscuits the other day???
You almost laugh out loud at his message, you can hear him say it in such a dramatic way, as if it was the gossip of the year. You just know he listened to everything Nan had to say and had the best time together.
HARRY: When are you leaving work? Want to meet here?
Y/N: I’m running out of the conference room in about ten minutes if they don’t finish talking. Wait for me there and we can go grocery shopping together after.
HARRY: Nan and I will be waiting <3
Luckily the meeting ends soon. It’s a breath of fresh air when you finally exit the room and head back to your desk to wrap up and leave. Your long workday is forgotten the moment you get in the car and make your way to Nan’s house. Harry’s Rover is parked in front of the cute cottage, it doesn’t quite suit the style of the neighborhood, especially not your grandma’s house that’s like a cute little cottage, every window is filled with flowers, she has a collection of garden dwarves lining the cobblestoned way up to her front door. Harry has raved to you several times how he can see himself living in a house similar to this when he is sixty and retired. You have a feeling Man knows it too and she is thinking about leaving the house to you and Harry, though it’s obvious Harry would never let her include him in her will, wanting her to take care of members in the family that have less than him.
“Hi there!” you call out as you walk in, but you get no answer, since they are sitting on the back patio, their backs turned towards the door. It’s an adorable sight, their chairs next to each other, watching the garden your Nan spends most her time with taking care of, a glass of lemonade in hand as Nan is explaining something to Harry, you can’t hear what it is, her voice is muffled by the glass door, but you see Harry nodding along, his little sprout on top of his head flopping with each nod. When he turns his head to the side a bit to look at the old lady you notice a tiny yellow flower near the hairclip and the sight completely blows you away.
Quickly, you grab your phone from your purse and snap a picture of them through the glass door, their figure a bit darkened, but the flower can be seen if you take a better look. Locking the phone you know it’ll be your new lockscreen, but right now you want to join them.
“Hello to the gossip club,” you greet them with a teasing smile as you step outside, their heads turning to see you. Stepping closer you lean down and kiss your Nan on the cheek before moving over to sit on Harry’s lap.
“Hi Sweetie! Do you want a lemonade?” Nan smiles at you through her glasses, but you shake your head no.
“I’ll just have a sip from Harry’s,” you say and he brings the glass up to your lips right away. He watches you with a smile as you take the pink straw between your lips and have a taste of his drink.
“What are you guys up to?” you ask, leaning onto Harry. He places the lemonade down next to his chair and wraps his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“Nan was telling me how she wants a little pond in the back of the yard.”
“I think it would look absolutely fabulous over there, behind the tulips!” she enthuses, pointing at the area that is now mostly empty. “Maybe with a couple of little fish, or ducks! Ah, that would be such a dream.”
Peeking at Harry you read it out from his eyes that he is already planning how to make it come true and you know that by the end of the year Nan will have her little pond if it’s up to Harry.
You stay a little longer, Harry brings up a few things from the basement for Nan she’ll need later and then it’s time to say goodbye. Nan hugs Harry so tight and long and you decide to leave your car here and ride with Harry. He offers to drop you off here in the morning so you can get to work and he can have breakfast with Nan. He doesn’t say it but he’ll probably already make measurements for the pond and Nan will be over the moon.
She stands by her door, waving at the two of you as you drive away. Smiling you turn to Harry.
“You know, I think I should be jealous at this point.”
“Of Nan?” he grins, his hand reaching over to rest on your thigh.
“Yeah. I swear she is your number one fan.”
“She said she had the boy down the street help her preorder my album,” he grins and your mouth hangs open. “She’ll have a Harry’s House vinyl!”
“I can’t believe this lady!” you chuckle in disbelief.
“I would have given her one without even asking, but I was so touched by it, I almost cried,” Harry admits. You take his hand on your thigh and lace your fingers together before bringing it up to your lips and kissing his knuckles.
“Thank you, Harry,” you murmur softly.
“For what?” he asks, glancing at you shortly before his eyes return to the road ahead.
“For… being so nice to her. And not just her, my whole family. You’re always there to help them, you never complain about having to spend time with them.”
“Baby, of course. But you know you do the same for my family right? All those times you helped Gemma out when I was out of the country, when you visit my mum without even being asked to. I hope you know I know about every time you were there and didn’t tell me about it. She calls me when you leave and tells me how much she loves you. Every time.”
“Oh,” you breathe out. Up until now, you though your secret visits were truly secret. Harry never mentioned he knew about them, so you figured Anne didn’t share with him. Guess you were wrong.
“We’re a great team,” he smiles at you, giving your hand a squeeze.
“But not as good as you and Nan,” you joke chuckling.
“Oh, for sure. Nothing can beat me and Nan,” he grins nodding. You don’t argue.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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unicreamuwu · 3 years
Bnha Yandere Simulator Au Characters
Ayano Aishi ( Yandere Chan ) - Izuku Midoriya ( Deku )
( Izuku Midoriya was broken when he was young. Not because he is quirkless, because he had no feeling of emotions. His father, Hisashi, told him that he'll meet someone special like he did with Inko. When he met All Might, he tried to help him. Even gave him his quirk. However, it still didn’t help the broken boy. One day, he met a girl named Y/N while bumping into each other in the hallway. It helped him escape out of his broken life and started to learn more about her. He knows her favorite color, food, drink, the places she goes. The problem is that he has to get rid of the people who are close to her. Which means hurting or killing them. )
Taro Yamada ( Senpai ) - Y/N L/N
( Y/N L/N is a normal girl with a normal life. the problem is that she doesn't know the danger she's in. )
Info Chan - Hitoshi Shinsou
( Hitoshi Shinsou is an unknown student at U.A. who said that he's in general studies who helps Izuku eliminate his victims. I think he's doing this to get revenge on him at the end for probably having All Might's quirk, or taking his spot to be in the hero course. )
Osana Najimi - Katsuki Bakugou
( Katsuki Bakugou is Y/N's childhood friend who blames her for almost everything while walking home and school together. He also has a best friend named Eijiro who basically follows him almost everywhere, so it can be hard for Izuku to eliminate him. The best way to eliminate him is to befriend and betraying him by doing something for him that's a huge problem and in return, he has to get away from Y/N, or other ways. )
Raibaru Fumetsu - Eijiro Kirishima
( Eijiro Kirishima was used to be the club leader of martial arts in middle school until a girl named Mina Ashido beat him in a competition. After that, he quits his club and starts to hang around with his new best friend, Katsuki when he got into U.A. Don't try to challenge him because he can easily beat you. )
Amai Odayaka - Denki Kaminari
( Denki Kaminari is a jester in his class and could act a bit perverted. He met Y/N in town when he saw her sitting by herself. She explains to him that what happened between her and her childhood friend, Katsuki. He comforts her and gives her a biscuit. He loves to make her laugh. The best way to eliminate him is to poison him by putting rat poison in his lunch. )
Kizuna Sunobu - Neito Monoma
( Neito Monoma is that one student who sees himself as the most popular student at U.A. and brags almost everyone about it. Some people find him weird, and some of them find him as a king. He normally invites Y/N to be the role of Juliet for the Romeo and Juliet play his class will be doing at the festival this year. The best way to eliminate him is to crush him while rehearsing without being seen. )
Oka Ruto - Tamaki Amajiki
( Tamaki Amajiki is often really distant from people. He said that Y/N was the only one who showed him light in his heart, saying that he cast a spell on him. The best way to eliminate him is to framing him by saying that he killed someone who bullied him a lot by calling him a "coward".)
Asu Rito - Tenya Iida
( Tenya Iida is the fastest student in his class. He and Y/n are in the same agency, Manual. When Y/n got injured during a patrol, he took care of her. When she recovered, they started to train together. As the class representative, it's his job to keep the students together. The best way to eliminate him is to drown him. )
Muja Kina - Yo Shindo
( Yo Shindo is a student at Ketsubutsu Academy High School. He recently broke up with his girlfriend, Tatami Nakagame. Y/N always comfort him when they first met at Provisional Hero Licensing Exam. He helped her a lot as a team and helped her to recover sometimes as well. The best way to eliminate him is to matchmake Shindo and Tatami back together. )
Mida Rana - Shota Aizawa
( Shota Aizawa is Izuku and Y/N's homeroom teacher. Not only that he's her teacher, but he's also her private tutor. His secret is that he only did this to be with her, even though she has great grades. The best way to eliminate him is to fire him due to having a crush on a high school student. )
Osoro Shidesu - Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
( Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is Monoma's classmate. He looks like he can kill someone in a minute like Bakugou, but he has a soft heart for Y/N after he competed against her at the sport's festival. Just like Tenya, he always stayed a bit too close to her because he knows that something might happen to her. The best way to eliminate him is to expel him for school violations he "did". )
Hanako Yamada - Kota Izumi
( Kota Izumi is Y/N's younger cousin. When class 1a came for the summer training camp, Kota always kept her away from guys. He does not have a love interest for her, but he doesn't want her to have any male friends or a boyfriend, as he just wants all of her attention. The best way to eliminate him is to kidnap him and force him to stay away from Y/N and never talk to her again, or he'll die. )
Megami Saikou - Shoto Todoroki
( Shoto Todoroki is well known as Endeavor's youngest child. He is smart, strong, and popular. Y/n and his mothers were friends and wanted them to get along and be friends. Shortly after that, he wanted to save her and protect her from the incidents that have been happening. The best way to eliminate him is to torture him and mind slave him to kill himself by stabbing himself multiple times. )
( I think the rivals will relate to these students from U.A. Sorry if you disagree with me, but I will not change it. Yes, Y/N goes to U.A. and has a quirk. No, Kirishima does not have a crush on Y/N. )
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Oh I can't wait to see those faces
Robron week Christmas special - Day 6
A fic a day in December - Day 24
In my head this fits into the same universe as my single parent AU from earlier in the month but it totally stands alone.
(AO3 link)
“All I’m saying is why can’t it wait until after Christmas?” Aaron followed Robert from the bathroom as he packed his bag.
“Because it’s a big deal and if I don’t sort it out then they’ll go somewhere else. Do you think I want to be dragging myself halfway across Europe three days before Christmas?”
“Of course not, but surely a few days won’t make a difference. We had everything planned, visiting Santa, baking, all sorts.”
“I know. Look I can’t get out of it now, but…you and Seb can still do that stuff, it’ll be good just the two of you.”
“He wants you!”
The argument had been raging for days, Robert annoyed because he didn’t want to go but there was no one else to do it and Aaron because the plans for their first Christmas as a family was looking to be ruined.
“I know…look, I’ll be home on Christmas Eve, we can still do some stuff, baking and that. I have to go Aaron…I don’t want us mad at each other when I do.”
“I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. You don’t even like your job Robert, and now this.” Robert drops the shirt he’s folding and walks over to him, pulling him into a hug. “I’m sorry…it’s just I’ve been looking forward to it all and now it’s not happening.”
“We’ll have the best Christmas ever when I get back I promise.”
“Aaron, can I ask Santa for anything?” Seb asks as they stand in the queue for the grotto in Hotten. Robert had been away two days and Aaron had left bringing Seb as long as he could in case he could get home early but it was just the two of them. Seb was excited and acting like he’d had sugar for breakfast and he’d made sure to take loads of photos for Robert.
“Yeah why? What are you going to ask for?”
“For Daddy to come home.” Aaron looks at him, crouching beside him. “I miss him.”
“I know, me too, but he will be home tomorrow like he said and we’ll do all the fun things he promised then eh?”
“Yeah but if I ask Santa then he’ll definitely be there, right?”
“I reckon that you should ask Santa for toys because Daddy will get himself home mate.” Aaron could only hope he was right, he’d seen the weather forecast the night before and heavy snow was forecast in France and they’d mentioned disruption to travel. He just hoped Robert could get home before it hit or he’d be dealing with a very disappointed little boy.
Aaron stuck his hands in his pockets as he stood outside the village hall at lunchtime, waiting for Seb to emerge from holiday club. It was freezing and he couldn’t wait to go home and do nothing but watch silly movies while they waited for Robert to come home.
Finally the doors open and Seb runs out, small cake box in his hands. Aaron smiles at him, hat pulled down over his ears, coat flapping because he’ll never do it up and one of his shoelaces is coming undone. Robert despaired at it, however tidy he sent Seb out in the mornings, by the afternoon he was in a mess.
“Hiya mate. Good day?”
“Yeah! We made biscuits.” He flung the box round, hitting Aaron’s stomach and he was sure they would all be in bits by the time they opened them but nonetheless he knew he’d eat them.
“Yum! We’ll have some with hot chocolate while we wait for Dad, eh?”
“We have to save some for Santa!”
“Oh of course. Ok, well we can do that.”
“Will Daddy be home by then?” He asked as they reached Mill and Aaron ushered him inside out of the cold.
“I hope so mate. But I’m sure he’ll be here when you wake up tomorrow if he isn’t.” Seb looks unhappy but he nods. “Right, pick a film out while I make hot chocolate.”
He’s much happier by the time they’ve finished Finding Nemo and finished their broken but delicious biscuits and goes off to play in his room leaving Aaron with nothing to do but wait for Robert. He’s just thinking about their tea when the phone rings.
“Hey. Are you nearly home?”
“About that…”
“Robert, don’t tell me you’re going to be late.”
“Yeah. It’s snowing like mad here and the flights are all delayed.” He sounded devastated, so much so that Aaron bit back the moody reply that was on the tip of his tongue.
“There’s nothing?”
“Not at the moment. They’re saying maybe tonight, but they can’t guarantee anything. I’ve got a hotel at least to wait it out. How are you?”
“Missing you.” There was no point getting angry and making the both of them more miserable. He had no idea how he was going to break it to Seb. “Did you get the pictures I sent from yesterday?”
“Yeah, looked like he had fun.”
“Think Santa was tired by the time he finished listing everything he wanted. He wanted to ask him to bring you home.”
“Don’t. He’s going to hate me.”
“Course he isn’t. I’ll explain and we can FaceTime and that. Anyway you might get a flight yet.”
“Maybe. I’m going to go down there in an hour and try again. I’ll do everything I can.”
“I know…just keep yourself safe alright, that’s all we care about.”
They talked for a few minutes more before hanging up and Aaron looked up the stairs, wondering just how to tell Seb that Daddy might not be home for Christmas.
“Eat up mate, and then we’ll watch the rest of the film before bed.”
“Don’t wanna.” Seb pushed his pasta around the plate, pouting and leaning on his elbow.
“I know you’re upset about Daddy but there’s nothing he can do, the planes can’t take off in the snow.”
“Santa can. How come they can’t.”
“Well, Santa uses magic and that doesn’t he. Tell you what, when we leave out his cookies and the carrot for the reindeer we’ll wish extra hard for Daddy to come home and see if it comes true. How about that.” That seems to cheer him up a little and Aaron’s relieved.
“Maybe I can draw him a picture too, so he remembers and brings Daddy home.”
“I think that’s a great idea. Now tuck in and we’ll get started.”
An hour later Seb’s by the fireplace, plate in one hand and picture in the other with Aaron beside him. They’d talked to Robert and Seb was feeling much better, even bringing a smile to Robert’s tired face.
“Santa, I know you’re ever so busy but if you can, could you maybe bring my Daddy home because me and Aaron miss him tons and tons.” Seb places the plate on the floor and looks up at the ceiling. “I don’t mind not getting all my presents if it means Daddy’s here because it’s the first Christmas since Aaron moved in and he and Daddy really love each other.”
Aaron sniffs a little at his words, the little boy amazed him every day. “That was nice mate. I’m sure if he can help he will, and if not then Daddy will be home with us soon enough and we’ll do Christmas all over again.”
“More presents too?”
“Maybe. Now…put the carrots down and then it’s time for bed because Santa won’t come if you’re not asleep.”
Later when he’s tucked Seb in and is sure he’s asleep he drags the presents they’d bought him out of the loft and stacks them carefully by the tree, placing Robert’s there too hoping he’d be back to open them.
The next morning comes to quickly and he’s woken by Seb bursting into the room, yelling about Santa, landing just to the right of his kidneys.
“Merry Christmas bug.” He hugs him tight, noticing the disappointed look on the little boys face when he sees that his Dad isn’t there. “I’m sorry mate.”
“Daddy’s gonna miss Christmas?”
“I think so. We’ll call him in a bit yeah, and when he can get home we’ll do it all over again like I said.”
“But I asked Santa!”
“I think maybe he was just too busy delivering all the presents. Come on, let’s go and get some brekkie and then we’ll open some of your presents.”
“Don’t wanna without Daddy.” Aaron didn’t know what to say and once more he cursed Robert having to leave, for a job he didn’t even enjoy anymore.
“We’ll leave some to open when he gets back I promise, but he wouldn’t want you to miss out. We’ll call him so he can watch yeah?”
Seb sulks his way through breakfast, nothing Aaron says can get him out of his mood, and he isn’t feeling the day either if he’s truthful.
Just as he’s persuading Seb to open a few presents and preparing to call Robert he hears the door, thinking it’s Vic popping round, but it’s Robert who appears. Seb flies into his arms and Aaron smiles at Robert over his shoulder.
“See, I knew Santa would bring him home. Did he Daddy?”
“I reckon he might’ve found me the last seat on the last plane mate. I wouldn’t miss Christmas for anything.” He tells him as Seb babbles about the picture he’d drawn.
All anyone hears over the rest of the holiday is that Santa bought his Daddy home.
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marinerainbow · 2 years
Alright, @marshmallow-biscuit-blog has mentioned them a few times and they are a part of her OC Rooty's backstory, so I'm obligated to post about them XD
Meet Sketch, detective for hire!
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Art of course was not done by me! Marshmallow was sweet enough to draw them for me, go give her credit! ^^
The mannequin grew up on Inkwell isles, but not with their parents. Whether their parents were killed, didn't want them, or couldn't care for them they don't know nor do they care anymore. They spent their childhood at the Inkwell orphanage, but often wandered around the city. As a child, they kept trying to find their parents or at least a new home ("If 'ya want something done right, 'you gotta do it yourself!") but they were also exposed to crime at an early age due to this.
One day, they had gotten ahold of the morning paper and saw the headline, a notorious bank robber having been caught and put away. Seeing the police on the paper made them idolize them as heros and want to be like them someday.
However, after they finally finished training years later, they saw how corrupt the force could be. Sure they may have met a few good ones here and there, but they refused to work in a station that didn't put the good of the people first and quickly left with a broken heart. They were determined to make the most of it though and be the hero that this town needed, especially after that conman King Dice and the Devil moved in.
They opened their own office and from then on became a detective for hire, willing to help anyone who needs their services, and will even go and catch criminals on their own. From investigating a cheating spouse to arresting a crime lord, they quickly made a name for themselves on the isles.
Now, onto tidbits about them!
Despite being well known, they are crass in their own way. Even as a kid, they wouldn't let anybody stop them from sneaking out of the orphanage or fighting the bullies in the courtyard. But at the same time, they were a little anti-social, they didn't really make friends easily. It carried with them to their adult years, not really going out to bars or clubs to have fun. The only way they meet new people is when someone walks into their office or when their strolling down the street (or in Rooty's case, someone bumping into them and following them around no matter what XD)
They do have their playful and spunky streak though, it doesn't take much to rile them up and make them retort in the appropriate way. Hell, sometimes at the park if the kids pester them enough, they'll join in dirt ball fights (that was actually their favorite game growing up) XD
They have a soft spot for kids. They know they aren't the best parental figure (and sometimes fear that they wouldn't be a good parent because of how they grew up and their job), but they'll try their best. They'll often help kids out of trouble- notably the cup bros, Rooty and sometimes Chalice. But that doesn't mean they'll bring kids along on missions of course.
Knowing that Rooty idolized them does make them smile, but also want to work harder to be what she sees them as. They know what it's like to have your heart broken by your childhood hero, they don't want Rooty to feel the same hurt, especially towards them. So they kind of accidentally becomes a parental figure for Rooty (when they find out what her home life was though... I'll have to talk to @marshmallow-biscuit-blog about that first)
That face as you may have noticed is scribbled. That's because they don't really have a face of their own and they have to draw it on, hence the pen magnifying glass. The kind of face they have determines the type of voice they'll have too (for example, a more feminine looking face will give them a more feminine voice). If they aren't in the mood for talking, they'll erase their mouth.
What do you guys think? Any questions or constructive criticism is always welcome! ^^
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