#The Bible (religious text)
sashayed · 2 years
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time for me to review The Whole Bible. ready? ok. to be honest my favorite part of the gospels is Mark 8.22-26, when Jesus spits in some nice blind man's eyeballs and accidentally gives him cosmic consciousness. guy's just like "may i have a teaspoon of visual response to stimulus" and jesus is like "oh sure" and gives him God Vision. fuckin...ayahuasca sight that perceives the interconnectedness of all life. "oh is that not normal? does everyone not have that? nuts. ok try these eyes. are those more regular? great. maybe lie down by yourself for a while and please don't mention this to anyone"
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coockie8 · 10 months
"You can't create fiction about X problematic thing without explicitly condemning it otherwise your readers/viewers will think it's okay to do irl!"
Okay see well I was under the impression that since I'm not creating fiction for literal 5-year-olds that my readers/viewers would already be aware of the fact it's not okay to rape, torture, and murder people in real life without me spoon-feeding that to them like they're toddlers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you're over the age of 10 and still don't know that it's bad to hurt people in real life without a fairy tale telling you so, then that is 100% a you problem, like I don't know what to tell you here :/
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randomlynormalgirl · 5 months
“if i betray you, i betray myself. if i betray him, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me.” “dearer than i?”
except it’s about jesus and judas
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When people in the Bible do it (sleeping for a LONG time) it's God's will but when I do it it's the deadly sin of Sloth.
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jennyyyeeettt · 1 month
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Bible verses that just hit (from : John 15)
My reflection / explanation
Background about "Christianity" :
When Jesus says "my father" he doesn't mean it literally. A flashback to the basics: God is 1, he's the creator of everything. And since that's a thing he can do, he created Jesus. What is different about Jesus is that instead of being born like any human, he was growing with a miracle because Mary wasn't married. And he wasn't just a kid he was a part of God. Cuz if you believe in God you know he is unlimited and immortal, and humans are limited and mortal... So now when Jesus says "my father" he means himself - in a way- he's setting an example for people how to view God, as a loving father, not as a Judge.
So when we say "in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit" we mean the same person.. More simplified its like how an egg has a shell, a white and a yolk amd it's still an egg. Or how a human has a body a mind and a soul (3 main things that makes 1 thing - and if 1 of the 3 things is lost it's not normal)
Aaand here's why the verses hit (for me):
1- he's saying that we're loved by God (he repeats it in more than 1 chapter over and over)
2- his commands are to guide us to a better life, it's basic morals and to help us live happily (lies never makes a person happy, in fact they weigh you down - hate and envy never benefit anyone, they just reflect the low self worth of a person, im not talking about the healthy jealousy that makes you wanna be better, I'm talking about the "I HOPE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENES TO THIS PERSON SO I CAN HAVE IT ALL" Kinda thing.)
Metaphorically : A person in a dark room (without commands) would feel free because they don't see the furniture (danger around) while the person in the light (following the commands/or trying to) they see furniture and they feel limited to a certain space but they don't get hit as much as they walk - sure we still stub our toes, or trip on stuff but its not the same.
3- God is happy when WE're happy with him. No one (mentally healthy at least) would like to be in a relationship or a friendship with someone who they hate... If u feel like your friend hates you, i don't think you'd love to be too close to them.
4- what Jesus is known for (which some Christian are not at all) LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Love God from all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself, love your parents, forgive people with no limits, don't judge and etc
(these are hard to follow for some people and they take it out on other people, I'm sorry if you're a victim, i was/ am too but i learned that God has nothing to do with this attitude :'3 that's why im reading the bible, so i can judge it on my own without influence of other people who judge and hate like they breathe)
5- God calling his disciples (and whoever follows him) his friends. It's self explained why he called them (and people who follow him) his friends
6- Love- again!! Repeated!!
The definition of love in the bible btw : in (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)
[4] Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. [5] It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. [6] Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. [7] It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. [8] Love never fails.
7- he was so real for telling us what to expect, he didn't say that everyone will make everything easy for us when they know we love him. He's real. He said " people will hate you for following me" (ofc it doesn't mean every single person but some people really go out of their way to hate on other people just because their beliefs)
Note :
I'm not trying to sugar coat my beliefs - it's just my reflection on what i read and all the things i didn't notice before, i literally highlighted the whole passage when I read it bec i liked it and i needed a place to type it - I don't intend to start arguments. discussions, however, I don't mind.
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queenwendy · 5 months
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I will NEVER get over Hector, prince of Troy, naming two of his horses the objectively awesome Swiftfoot and Flame while the other two are Blondie and fucking SPARKLE, who is apparently the best of the horses. And he just called Diomedes (master of the war cry) womanlike. Never change, Hector. Never change.
The names are listed in Book 8 Line 244 of Emily Wilson’s english verse translation. Somewhere between lines 180 and 190 in the original.
[Image ID: picture of a passage from the Iliad reading “With this he called his horses, saying to them,/‘Now Swiftfoot, Blondie, Flame, and godlike Sparkle,/repay me for the food Andromache”]
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cringelordofchaos · 8 months
I'm actually considering reading the Bible JUST so I can have some reference for a FAKE BIBLE FOR A FICTIONAL TUMBLR ROLEPLAY WTMF
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myroommatehoneydew · 10 months
Honey sometimes takes odd jobs as building inspector
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She approves!
Mysterious creature box also inspected
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olskuvallanpoe · 4 months
I need to do more evil with the BA I have in religion
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candyn-gutz · 5 months
eden i thought u were my mutual kat aka pro-skater-roxas bc of ur icon
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I must say that the more I read the Bible, the more I find it a rather entertaining piece of fiction.
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polyglot-thought · 1 year
Mandarin Reading Material Recommendation
Wed Sep 13 2023
Topic: Religion
If you are religious or enjoy studying various religions there are mandarin translations of the most popular religious texts and possibly more! It's best if you've already read these texts in your native language though, it helps with context to learn faster.
Here's some links:
Bible (Simplified) (Traditional)
Quran (Simplified) / (Simplified) (Traditional)
Dao De Jing (Simplified) (Traditional)
Tripitaka (Simplified) (Traditional)
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Harker I was raised super religious southern baptist and I didn’t get the Angel shit until you said it. On the other hand I also didn’t care to learn. win some lose some. 40283938 lost memories
your religious trauma permit to not know anything has been successfully approved
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beepeircings · 2 years
// TW eyes and eye contact, horror, and religious themes//
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Ooo eldritch mushrooom man ooooo the mushroom man
No text below cut
Rbz are appreciated !
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sawthefaeriequeen · 5 months
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what the hell, man
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cicadas · 5 months
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
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