#That time I got reincarnated as a slime spoilers
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amzyspinkarch 7 months ago
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dragonfairies 7 months ago
Am confused listening to the Tensura light novel, having watched the anime and played the mobile game.
Are they just gonna pretend Rimuru hasn't met Violet and Blanc? Are they gonna change Violet, Yellow, and White's names in the mobile game when they are finally introduced by Diablo?
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captainstrawberrywings 1 year ago
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Here another Graffart collab with that time I got reincarnated as a slime with a rain theme also it there 10th anniversary this year congrats
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calamitygirl3 2 months ago
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Power and internet is back so here's a quick page of Rimuru as S2 Viktor Arcane I did to warm up
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gottaarc 1 month ago
So I have finally become a player of Isekai: Memories via my PC and... why did nobody tell me how amazing some of the outfits were TT-TT Like look at this Luminous outfit:
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The colors? The floating elements that look like rose petals? The rose pattern on the dress? THE FUCKING ROSE BOW ON THE BACK- she's serving! I might be a bit biased because she is among my top ten favs but this is so stunning TT^TT I've also been just sort of digging around cards on sale to see the outfits and they have a whole series of absolutely gorgeous wedding outfits (though I'll probably make a separate post about those because they deserve it)
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chuckeroo777 2 months ago
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Can鈥檛 believe I鈥檓 agreeing with Clayman on anything. Ariel should take notes too.
On that note, the slime diaries are delightful, both for humor and lore.
Seriously, I never would have guessed that Shizu and Diablo were kisnemisies. That鈥檚 amazing.
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higuchisora 11 months ago
As mentioned before, I'll be sharing my top 10 anime characters that could solo my beloved sweet baby boy Binghe. This is both serious and not at all serious. Disclaimer: I love him, he's my good son, but he also needs some competition to keep his head nice and deflated. I'm sticking with 1 character per show to keep things fresh. Also "anime" is a... loosely used term here lmao. Also also, manga/LN spoilers ahead for some shows.
Without further ado (and in no particular order):
10. Uzumaki Naruto (and friends)
Definitely the most obvious so I'm putting it first. Honestly the Naruto cast could've had its own top 10, but rules are rules. That Talk No Jutsu is fucking lethal. If he couldn't TedTalk Binghe into a reluctant friendship, he'd rock his shit first and THEN befriend him. Without so much as a filler episode.
I'm of the mind that any Kage-level character could wipe the floor with my son, Mano y Mano. But even a solid jonin team would have some serious hands for him.
9. Saitama from One Punch Man
I haven't watched the full thing, but ending careers with 1 punch is literally his job, so I'm taking this one on good faith that he'd also be fast enough to catch Binghe at all.
8. Yoriichi from Demon Slayer
The only thing that could defeat this man was his own sadness. He'd clap TLJ and then come for Binghe without so much as a snack break.
7. Hua Cheng from TGCF (yes I know it's a donghua shut up)
Call me biased, I don't care. Hua Cheng would obliterate this man without even thinking about it. He'd laugh, too, because he's an asshole. And then go home to bang Xie Lian.
6. Rimuru from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I don't like this man or this show. But no one can tell me he wouldn't just. Eat Binghe. Like full vore, as is canon of his abilities. He's done it with physically larger targets and succeeded, he could do it for some pretty boy. Binghe wouldn't even be the first demon king he's fought.
5. Aang from The Last Airbender
I SAID WHAT I SAID. Specifically in his Avatar State, I firmly believe he'd clap Binghe if led to believe it was absolutely necessary. Like the literal world ending. He exorcised a man when he was 12, I think Aang at his peak could handle an emo boy in need of an exorcism.
4. Saiki Kusuo from the Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
He'd dust Binghe out of existence before homie even knew what hit him. Argue with the wall.
3. Yumiella Dolkness from Villainess Level 99
I don't even really like her, but considering she's taken on a demon king of her own before, and is capable of making black holes big enough to swallow cities without breaking a sweat, she'll at least be a worthy opponent.
2. Kumoko/D from So I'm a Spider, So What?
Literally a god. The world-ending kind, and that's when she's being chill about it. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up being in control of the System tormenting poor SQQ and SQH. She's not as advanced in the anime, but in the light novel ending a world is literally light work. She's done it before and she'll do it again.
1. Mash Burnedead from Mashle
I haven't even caught up 100% with this show but I don't care. It doesn't even matter that Mash can't do magic. Actually, it's precisely BECAUSE he can't do magic that I firmly believe he deserves a place on this list because that just means this human dude is just Built Different. Binghe would throw a bunch of spiritual/demonic energy attacks at him and Mash would just bitch slap it out of the way. And then bitch slap Binghe. Worst part is that he wouldn't even realize they're fighting for real, which would permanently ruin Binghe's self esteem, IMO.
Honorable mentions:
Gabimaru from Hell's Paradise
I don't think he COULDN'T take Binghe on, just that it's unlikely he'd survive, honestly. Cultivation is real in their world kinda, and from what I've watched he's not yet capable of taking one on by himself 100%. But he's tenacious and skilled, so he'd at least get a few good ones in before Binghe smokes him. With a good crew and a battle plan, he'd be able to lock an average Binghe under a mountain.
Sailor Moon
The only reason she isn't on top 10 is because I'm not confident in her ability to take hits. She's great at dishing them out, but in the event Binghe manages to get a good whack in, I feel like it'll be over for her. I don't think she's fast enough to reliably dodge the whole time either. Plus, I barely remember the OG show, so it's kind of odd to be comparing her to stuff like Naruto, which I know well.
Hina from Hinamatsuri
Just offer a lifetime supply of red caviar and Binghe's a dead man. That being said, I don't think she'd walk away unscathed. This battle would mostly be dictated by how it starts. If she has the element of surprise, he's dead. If Binghe is suitably enraged (say, Xin Mo possession style), Hina's a goner. Hence she isn't strong enough to be able to beat him soundly in all scenarios.
Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
He's pretty cool. Also likes to eat flesh. I don't think he's as fast at it as Rimuru is, but then again I also gave up watching after the first season. Gets an honorable mention because he might actually be stronger than I think.
He's fucking Goku. I just have never watched this show so I didn't feel comfortable ranking him.
Kibutsuji Muzan + Upper moons from Demon Slayer
Any of them would be a solid threat. However, considering they get their asses handed to them by a bunch of human high schoolers and fold at the tiniest ray of sunlight, I figure the moons would be somewhat of a miniboss vs final boss in terms of power scaling.
Muzan probably would've gotten a place on the list if not for Yoriichi. Also, as said, anyone that gets clapped by a bunch of high schoolers in their own home gets a permanent L. Shine a lamp on him and it's over for bro.
Hashiras from Demon Slayer
Not a single one of them can 1v1 any upper moons. That being said, they still managed to body all of them. They go down with them though, so I'd say it would take all of the hashiras (maybe including pre-canon ones) to take down the average Binghe. And they'd all die doing it.
Hero of Time/Hero of the Wilds Link from Legend of Zelda
Is this an anime? No. Do I care? Not really. Fighting opponents wildly out of his league but ultimately winning anyway is literally his canon lore. All Link needs is a slingshot and an ocarina and he'll fight the fucking moon. He's no slouch in recent games either; a beef bowl and a stick is all it takes for him to take on the immortal demon king possessing the castle in nothing but his goddamn boxers.
This was my list!!! Very long, but a lot of fun. Let me know what your own lists are, I'm curious lol.
If I've not mentioned a show, it's probably because I've never watched it lol.
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ryoumarch9 1 year ago
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Even Rimuru knows that Souei is a hot guy
he isn't wrong though
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44asters 11 months ago
Is it me or did the quality go up. Like compare the scene they reanimated from the first OP. This one looks so much better
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jruthphipps 10 months ago
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime episodes 49-51
It feels so good to have this show back and it picked things up from exactly where we left them. I appreciate them dealing with the administrative and political aftermath of winning a war (prisoners, reparations, rebuilding infrastructure etc.), even if they're being pretty light-hearted about it so far. Most narratives just move on as if you're not now responsible for a whole ton of work.
I honestly expected Diablo's work in Falmuth to take longer, but of course he cannot be kept from Rimuru's side for long and it is technically still in motion. I did not expect to see the state that Shion left the King and company in - I can understand why that worked to terrify the lords.
I also didn't expect that Hinata would be fully aware of who Valentine is, I thought it would be a big 'life's-purpose-questioning' reveal later on. The "angels" they mentioned a few times are intriguing, I don't recall them being mentioned before and I wonder if there's any relation to Great Sage becoming Raphael (i.e. namesake of an archangel).
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gasstationclown 1 year ago
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its halloween, and my friend gave me the issue of liking this damn series (bet youll never guess my favorite characters /sarcasm)
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gumi-megpoidd 1 year ago
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captainstrawberrywings 2 years ago
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Here the Graffart crossover event with聽That time I was reincarnated as a slime
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iscreamsandwhich 1 year ago
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princealigorna 2 years ago
Why are people shipping Rimuru and Raphael?
Isn't Raphael, as the evolved form of Great Sage, just part of Rimuru?
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gameshamus 1 year ago
(SPOILERS) Steve Wolfhard Confirmed PB and Marcelene in Adventure Time's Finale Intro
@gunterfan1992 and I were talking last night about our favorite show Adventure Time. I broke the news to him about Marcelene and PB's survival 1000+ following the events of "Come Along With Me."
A few years ago, I attended a twitch stream with Steve Wolfhard. I can recall the event very vividly. This was during the time of Distant Lands, quite a while before the episode Together Again aired. Steve was streaming his wife Leslie pickling vegetables. Leslie was on the right side of the screen at a counter with the pickling jars, one of which seemed to contain a carrot. The jars were of decent height but not dummy thicc. Steve was off camera some of the time especially when reading comments, but I got to see him enough to identify it was actually him and he answered the comments verbally.
I will spare the suspense and tell you that Marceline was confirmed to be the character in the intro in the brown parka and boots in the Ice Kingdom at that the pink hands gripping the ice bars were those of Princess Bubblegum's. Marcelene was in the Ice Kingdom to rescue PB. He also confirmed Patience St. Pim being in the egg and that Flame Princess and Slime Princess were both dead and had reincarnated into X and O who had been put into the intro to give closure to what happened to the fire and slime elementals. He said so basically Game Shamus, everyone is dead and then he laughed. He said everyone is dead except for Princess Bubblegum, Patience St. Pim, Sweet Pea, Gunter, and BMO. and maybe he mentioned the King of Ooo but I don't remember anymore, probably because I don't care about the king of Ooo. I primarily came because I wanted to know about Flame Princess.
Congratulations to the community on Bubbeline's relationship surviving well over 1000+ years!
I have quite a bit more information about other adventure time related stuff so just follow my blog if you want to keep updated.
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