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I'm an unrepentant nerd and Ace. yeah!...
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dragonfairies · 14 hours ago
A future where Stiles and Derek live in a mountain town that’s not Beacon Hills (Derek has long since admitted the fact that he enjoys having nature to run around in, more so now that he can achieve a full shift), and Derek owns a bar that tends to attract a lot of the supernatural type. It’s just called Hale, and isn’t intended to be for supernatural folk, but when they start coming, Derek makes sure the message is clear that it’s neutral ground.
At some point Derek and Stiles get into a petty argument. They have an agreement that they never walk out on each other angry, but Derek’s already an hour late picking up the kegs and leaves when Stiles storms off to the bathroom to piss.
Given that Stiles is really, very adamant about not walking away angry, Derek shouldn’t be at all surprised that Stiles comes charging into the bar two hours later (Derek will find out that the Jeep had a flat tire and Stiles walked), shouting, “Fuck you, Derek Hale, that was not okay,” as he stomps up to the bar, sweating a little in the summer night heat, shirt sticking to him. Everybody’s staring--regulars recognize Stiles as the local Sheriff who never comes to the bar (Stiles likes to give Derek his space, and he has been to the bar, just not when patrons are there--besides, if things get out of hand at Hale well... Derek's more than got it covered) and are wondering if their bar tender is about to be arrested.
Stiles stops in front of the bar, snarls, “I am fucking livid, so you’re going to give me your keys so I can drive home. But first I want to hear you say you love me.”
Derek, to everyone’s still mounting surprise, fishes his keys out of his pocket, hands them over while nodding, and sighs an irritated, “I love you, Stiles.”
“I fucking love you too,” is more spit and rage than any kind of endearment or warmth. Then the Sheriff is snatching away Derek’s keys and stalking back across the bar, shoving through the front door violently enough the frame rattles.
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dragonfairies · 14 hours ago
So many red flags that they might just be perfect for each other 🚩🚩🚩
Watch the rest on Dropout
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dragonfairies · 16 hours ago
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dragonfairies · 17 hours ago
Listening to the audio books as they come out. And suddenly there are some questions I have for characters post the end.
Main one right now is Frieda. Did Myne ever know that Damuel's brother was the one had contracted her.
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dragonfairies · 1 day ago
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dragonfairies · 1 day ago
By Road End-> Byroden
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dragonfairies · 1 day ago
Oh man so you can be an Issylran who lost everything in clashes between the gods and in the devastation of the Calamity and lose faith in the gods and like. somehow not go around doing every atrocity that existed. wild.
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dragonfairies · 2 days ago
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(alt included)
Link to Video. (Please help Panda make money.)
Video description and transcript under the cut.
Description: TikTok video by The Panda Redd. Re-enactment of final scene of Under the Hood. All roles played by Panda (a tall, well-built young white man with a mohawk, wearing a grey hoodie). Setting is a dark basement lit only by a hanging light bulb.
Jason: (holding gun on Bruce) "Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me."
Batman: (glares silently)
Jason: "But why? Why on God's Earth—" (hits Joker across the face)
Joker (tied to a chair): *cackles*
Jason: "—is HE still alive??"
Batman: "I'm sorry, d'you want me to be serious here or—?"
Jason: (in disbelief) "YES, Bruce! I want you to be serious right now! If he had done what he did to me to you, I would've done nothing but search the earth for this pile of death-worshipping garbage!"
Joker: "I love you too, Sugar Plum."
Batman: (holds hands up) "Okay, yeah, I get that, totally, I get that. Um. Have you tried?"
Jason: "Excuse you?"
Batman: "Have you tried to kill him yet?"
Jason: (to Joker) "Is he being serious?"
Joker: (also confused) "I'm gonna be honest with you, Junior. I don't know."
Jason: "Got it. Great." (turns back to Batman) "What the fuck does THAT mean?"
Batman: "Okay, so no, you haven't. Cool. Do it."
Jason: (lowers gun) "What."
Batman: "Do it, cap his ass. Shoot him."
Joker: (finally rattled) "I'm gonna go with Junior here, and say...what??"
Jason: "You want me to shoot him?"
Batman: "I want someone to shoot him! Give me the gun, I'll do it!"
Jason: (mutters, brain blue screening) "What is going on right now? This should a lot harder than it is."
Batman: "C'mon, son! You decapitated like eleven people three days ago! Fuckin' do it!"
Joker: (turns to Jason quizzically) "This has gotta be some sort of test, ri—"
(BANG! Jason fires. Joker lands on the floor lifeless, eyes still open.)
Jason: "There, you happy? Jesus. Was that so hard? All of this time and it was THAT easy!"
Jason: "What the fuck is that supposed to—" (looks down at floor where the Joker was lying)
Batman: "I don't know what you're talking about 'easy'. There's nothing there." (nods at floor)
Floor: (is devoid of Joker)
Jason: (stares)
Floor: (continues to be sans anything but carpet)
Jason: "What the fuck?"
Batman: "Yeah."
Batman: "Take as long as you need with this."
Jason: (looking around frantically) "I just shot him! He hit the floor! What the f—" (turns back to the floor)
Floor: (is just vibin')
Jason: "Where the fuck did he go??"
Batman: "See that shit? That shit right there happens every fucking time!"
Jason: "There's not even a blood stain! It's just gone!"
Batman: "Yeah, like two days after you died, I chased him into a helicopter where he got shot like six times. The helicopter exploded and crashed into the ocean. And his body was gone before Superman could find it."
Jason: "Oh my God. I don't understand how this is even fucking possible!"
Batman: "He's like a cryptid! I don't fucking get it!"
Joker: (disembodied laughter) "AHAHAHAHA HAHAHA!"
Jason: (freaked out, turning in circles trying to find him) "Oh my God!"
Jason: "Dude. Fuck whatever's going on here, that's some fucking bullshit."
Batman: "Thank you! Finally someone gets it!"
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dragonfairies · 3 days ago
I ask because apparently I'm saying it wrong but dash-hound is how I've heard it for forever 😭
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
Thank you all very much for waiting!🦋🦋🦋
Now the electronic version of «The Star of Misfortune» can be purchased on my Gumroad!🙏❤️
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
Veth's pick below (try not to reveal if your pick beat Veth's or not)
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Only damage to you
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
One thing that kinda frustrates me about Shen Jiu fics is that they so often try to sanitize him. Make him nicer/more misunderstood than he actually is.
Like, he was definitely very misunderstood in source material, but he also was straight up a terrible person too, y'know? Both things can be true at once.
The biggest thing is his treatment of Luo Binghe, playing on the idea that it wasn't *as* bad as the characters thought it was. Now, this is just plain wrong cause we know from the extras that SJ gave Binghe the fake cultivation manual with the intent that it would literally explode him. He really wanted to murder that kid, yall. Loony toonz ass villain. Keep this man away from children
And he was definitely a total asshole to all his coworkers, even during disciple days. The other Peak Lords are under no expectation to like him nor tolerate his behavior, especially since they (except Yue Qingyuan) don't know about his backstory (very intentional on SJs part)! SJ very deliberately ostracized himself. His nasty reputation didn't just spring up out of nowhere. He has agency even in other people's opinions of him.
This is particularly notable in his interactions with Liu Qingge. It wasn't "LQG bullies poor SJ and spreads nasty rumors about him." It was a rivalry, a give and take between the both of them. They were both assholes to each other, but clearly, despite the animosity, there was some deeper feeling (SJ being so affected after LQG's murder accusations and then later death). Again, agency is key here.
He's also completely unrepentant until the very end! He will never apologize ever, so no sudden "oh god, what have I done?" heel-turns for him, buddy. If it was that easy, then he wouldn't have gotten human sticked in the first place.
SJ is tragic and sympathetic. SJ is also an awful person and a complete asshole. He's allowed to be both, and both of these sides of him are what makes him an interesting and engaging character.
Edit: holy shit stop interacting with this post everytime I open my notifications I think I’m getting reactions to my more recent shit and instead it’s just this bs. Anyways thanks for 1k notes
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
Why do some people in the svsss fandom just absolutely DESPISE shen yuan?? Like damn y'all what did bro do??? Did we read the same novel???? 😭😭
But then go on to praise shen jiu to hell and back like okay yeah shen jiu is a great character but..?? Huh??
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
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Leaked scene from Invincible Season 2
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
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dragonfairies · 4 days ago
"I had choice paralysis :(" is a KILLER line.
He's such a comedic powerhouse, I'm glad more people are getting exposed to him :'D
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