#That perfectly describes their relationship
sttoru · 2 days
tags. dad!toji x wife!reader. fluff. reader gets called ‘doll’
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“toji, you’re gonna break that thing,” you stifle a laugh as you watch your husband’s muscular form squeeze into one of the playground equipments. megumi is on his lap, giggling as he gets to experience what it’s like to go down a slide with his parent.
toji rolls his eyes and grumbles something along the lines of ‘the damn brat forced me to’. you know how weak that man gets when his son looks up at him with those big, sparkly blue eyes. you’d have given in to megumi’s requests as well if you were in his place. thus you don’t blame your lover at all.
“papa, go!” the little boy pats his dad’s thighs, excitedly smacking the muscles. the pure glee on his tiny face makes you smile as you witness the scene from the bench nearby.
“give me a sec, kid,” toji responds with a grunt. his legs are pressed tightly against each other, trying to wiggle down the slide. his body isn’t going anywhere— not even moving down one centimetre.
you can’t help the laugh that erupts from your throat while you watch toji struggle. the confused and impatient look on megumi’s face as he glances up at his father is pure gold. “papa go?” your son pouts and squirms.
this is embarrassing for toji. he can’t wait to get off and go home. the only thing he can do is pray that no one else sees this view of a grown ass man stuck on a slide.
you pull out your phone and start recording the hilarious sight. “hun,” you call out to toji, covering your mouth while giggling behind the camera. “you can do it!”
your humorous encouragement makes the dark-haired man kiss his teeth, “tsk, quit that.” he manages to move his legs in a certain way so he could glide down. the process however is quite. . slow.
toji’s body stutters and goes down the slide in a wonky way. megumi is not amused at all as he sits there and stares downwards, cheeks puffed up. he expected to go much faster than this.
the toddler looks like he’s about to complain the moment he reaches the bottom.
as expected, the little boy quickly hops off toji’s lap, leaving his humiliated dad sitting at the end of the slide. megumi runs off to you and jumps up onto your lap, an angry yet adorable frown on his face. he whines and hugs you, refusing to face your husband who’s walking towards you.
toji scoffs at the sight. “oi, you ungrateful little shit,” he comments and crosses his muscular arms over his chest, “y’ should be thanking me for squeezin’ my ass up on that tiny thing.” he glances down at his son who’s clearly sulking in your arms, disappointed in his performance.
you’d usually scold toji for using such foul language around the kid, though you can’t stop yourself from giggling at the situation. megumi actually got offended by his dad being unable to properly go down the slide with him; it’s adorable.
“no, papa shit!” megumi retorts unexpectedly, causing you to laugh even louder. you shake your head and try to make a serious face - to reprimand your child from saying such words - only to fail.
toji clearly didn’t expect the boy to mimic him again. he raises an eyebrow and you know he’s not going to hold back. that man will fight anyone, even his own son who’s only a toddler.
“whadd’ya say there, bud?” your husband huffs and takes a step forward. megumi squeals as he feels the intimidating aura of his dad get closer to him. he squirms off your lap and runs off into the playground, squeaking.
you watch your child scurry off in attempt to escape toji. you grin to yourself, seeing the excitement return on megumi’s face at the aspect of playing with his parent.
toji runs a hand through his messy black hair as he sees the toddler run around the park, excepting him to follow and play with him. he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but it’s adorable how his son never stays mad at him for long.
it perfectly describes the father-son relationship they have. he wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
toji then shoots you a smirk, leaning down so you’re face to face. he flicks your forehead gently and pinches your cheek, reminding you of one thing before going off to chase after megumi;
“i’ll be dealing with ya later for that video y’ made, doll. don’cha think i forgot.”
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plutonianeris · 1 day
mars in the composite chart
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Mars in Aries
Picture a couple who seem to radiate fiery passion wherever they go. People can feel the electricity between them and its because they’re the pair that’s always on the move, diving headfirst into something new and exciting. Their friends? They probably see them as that “adventurous duo” who’s always planning a last-minute road trip or hitting up the hottest spots in town. When it comes to romance, these two are spontaneous to the core. One night they’re off bungee jumping, the next they’re having a wild, passionate argument that leads to a make-up that’s even more intense. They keep each other on their toes, and everyone else can sense that burning chemistry.
Mars in Taurus
Okay, this couple has a kind of slow, sensual magnetism that draws people in. Friends often describe them as the “rock-solid couple” who’ve got each other’s backs, always steady and grounded. These two prefer romance that’s more about indulging in the senses—think luxurious dinners, wine-tasting weekends, or cozy nights by the fire. Their passion isn’t loud, but it’s deeply physical and lasting, like a slow, smoldering fire. They’re the ones you see at a fancy restaurant, totally lost in each other, enjoying every moment without needing to rush.
Mars in Gemini
With Mars in Gemini, you’ve got a couple that’s full of playful, flirtatious energy. They’re the type who never stop talking, laughing, or teasing each other in the most fun ways. Their friends see them as the social butterflies of the group, always up for a spontaneous trip or a lively conversation. As for romance? These two thrive on variety—one day, they’re planning a scavenger hunt across the city, the next they’re having an all-night movie marathon, constantly exploring new things. The mental connection fuels their attraction, and people notice the way they keep each other entertained no matter what.
Mars in Cancer
There’s an undeniable emotional depth between these two. They’re often seen as the couple who’s fiercely protective of one another, with a bond that’s deeply nurturing. Their friends might describe them as the “homebodies” of the group, but it’s more than that—they just really love creating a safe, intimate world for each other. Their romantic endeavors are all about emotional closeness: candlelit dinners at home, cuddling under a blanket during a thunderstorm, or quiet weekends away in a cozy cabin. Their passion is like the tide—strong, unshakable, and full of feeling.
Mars in Leo
When Mars is in Leo, their relationship has this larger-than-life quality, and people can’t help but notice. They’re the couple that everyone else admires (and maybe even envies a little aka the couple people stalk on social media), always showing up to events in style, looking glamorous, and clearly enjoying the attention. Their romantic life? Think grand gestures, lavish dinners, and those perfect Instagram-worthy dates. They’re all about drama and flair, and when they fight or make up, it’s equally dramatic—but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Mars in Virgo
This couple might seem more low-key, but don’t be fooled—their connection is built on a deep, thoughtful care for one another. Their friends probably see them as the organized, “power duo” who’s always on top of things, quietly supporting each other without making a big fuss. When it comes to romance, these two show their love in small but meaningful ways. Maybe they plan the perfect weekend getaway down to every last detail, or one cooks the other’s favorite meal just because. Their passion is precise and careful, like a well-tuned machine, and it works perfectly for them.
Mars in Libra
This couple is all about balance and elegance. People probably see them as that couple who just looks great together—always well-dressed, charming, and in sync. They have a kind of effortless romance that feels like it’s straight out of a classic love story. Their romantic moments are all about harmony, whether it’s a beautiful evening at an art gallery or a perfectly planned dinner date. They hate conflict, so they’ll go out of their way to keep things peaceful, which means their passion often takes the form of romantic gestures and thoughtful compromises.
Mars in Scorpio
People can’t help but notice their powerful chemistry, even if it’s subtle. They’re the type who can communicate with a single glance. Their romance? Oh, it’s all-consuming, with deep emotional and physical connections that sometimes feel almost obsessive. They love uncovering each other’s secrets, exploring the hidden sides of life and love, and their passion can be both transformative and, at times, a little dangerous. But they wouldn’t have it any other way—it’s a ride they’re on together, for better or for worse.
Mars in Sagittarius
This couple is all about freedom, fun, and adventure. People see them as the spontaneous, globe-trotting duo who’s always planning their next big adventure or diving into something new. They thrive on excitement and hate being tied down to routines. Their romantic life is filled with thrill-seeking activities—skydiving, hiking exotic locations, or even just heading out on a whim to explore a new part of their neighborhood or city. They don’t do boring, and they love the sense of freedom they give each other. It’s all about the journey, not the destination, for these two.
Mars in Capricorn
Mars in Capricorn makes this couple seem strong, determined, and serious about building a future together. People often admire their ambition and the way they seem to have everything under control. Their romance might not be flashy, but it’s grounded in real, tangible actions. They’re the couple that works hard, plays hard, and plans meticulously for the life they want to build. Whether it’s a quiet dinner where they talk about their long-term goals or a day spent hiking to a scenic spot they’ve been wanting to visit, their love is all about endurance and commitment.
Mars in Aquarius
With Mars in Aquarius, this couple is seen as unique, quirky, and maybe even a little rebellious. This feels like the couple no one expected to be together but they make it work and are having some great sex. They aren’t interested in following anyone else’s rules, and people admire their free-spirited, independent vibe. Romantically, these two are all about doing things their own way—whether that means unconventional date nights, like visiting a modern art exhibit or trying something totally out of the box like an escape room. They love experimenting in their relationship, keeping things fresh and unpredictable. Their passion thrives on mental stimulation and innovation.
Mars in Pisces
People might see them as the hopeless romantics, lost in their own little world together. They share a deep, emotional connection that’s spiritual and creative. Their romantic endeavors are all about escaping reality—whether it’s through art, music, or long, dreamy walks on the beach. They’re the couple that’s always creating together, dreaming up beautiful fantasies, and finding ways to express their love through compassion and imagination. Passionate in their own mystical way, their connection feels almost otherworldly.
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zaldritzosrose · 2 days
Let's Cause A Little Trouble (Pretty Boys x Dane!Reader)
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Summary: You hadn't always been one to steadfastly worship your gods - you would pray before battle and such but nothing more. But when you heard tell of the mischief that surrounded Friday 13th, you felt inclined to celebrate a little more. Shenanigans and silliness with Uhtred and Finan was on the cards. But for your lovers...well, Sihtric and Osferth had something else planned to sate your need for mischief.
All inspired by a post and some research into the Norse Goddess Freya and the lore behind Friday 13th...enjoy!
CW: MINORS DNI, she/her pronouns, afab reader, Dane reader, romantic/polyamorous relationship with Osferth and Sihtric (p in v sex, oral (m and f receiving), a nice ye olde trip to Paris, threesome, innuendo, profanity, Sihtric being dominant, Osferth being submissive, reader as a switch. Platonic relationship with Uhtred and Finan, Finan is big bro coded, Uhtred is mother hen, mentions of hunting (Blood Month).
Words: 5576
Happy Spooky Season! This is my first submission to our Fan Frankentober Event (masterlist will be found here) in collab with a few lovely moots! Head over to @fandomeventcenter for more info!
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It was like the gods were on your side, or at least that’s what you kept telling everyone. 
You had always thought the stories of Freya and Friday 13th were nonsense. There was no reason for a number to be considered more sacred, important or whatever else than another. But the more you heard it, the more tempting the idea was. A day where mischief, sensuality and fun were to be had. That’s how it was described. All dedicated to the patron goddess of love and fertility. A goddess you, as a Dane believed in. 
And even more so now, when your two lovers overheard you discussing the day with a few more Danes in Rumcofa. Planning how to celebrate it, now it coincidentally fell during Blood Month. Fate seemed to have planned things perfectly.
Osferth was skeptical. He never belittled your beliefs; your differing religions were rarely a sore point in your relationship with the monk. But he wasn’t entirely convinced on using a sacred day to pursue mischief and depravity.
Sihtric however, was more than eager. Whether it was the heightened emotions he felt during Blood Month or his true belief in Friday 13th, you didn’t know. But you had never quite seen him so determined to honour a sacred day. And he was more than happy to take to convincing Osferth of its merit.
“Think of the fun we could have, Osferth!” Sihtric laughed, trying yet another tactic to bring the young monk to his way of thinking.
Osferth sighed, Sihtric was a relentless man, stubborn at the best of times. He knew well enough that it would only be a matter of time before he agreed to whatever Sihtric said. 
“How is it different from the fun we have now?” Osferth asked, pushing open the door to your house.
Both of them regularly walked in uninvited. It was simply habit that had the three of you living separately, but it also kept the intimate details of your relationship safe from more close-minded observers.
Sihtric opened his mouth to speak when you came hurrying out of your bedroom, piles of cloth in your arms. Neither of them questioned it, preparations for Blood Month were underway and everyone had been roped in to help.
“Are you still not convinced, Osferth?” you asked, placing the cloth into an already half full basket on your table.
Osferth looked between the two of you. Sihtric had a smug smile on his face while you busied yourself with the rest of your supplies for the hunt.
“I just…is this really important to you, my love?” Osferth asked, and the look you gave him at the endearment, the gentle blush on your cheeks.
You put down the rest of the cloth in your hands, turning to take his hands in yours.
“I suppose it is. I have never wanted to honour a sacred day before…but now I have you both.”
Sihtric’s smile only widened. It was like he could see Osferth’s mind changing. If there was anyone who could convince him, it was you.
“And if that sacred day just so happens to mean we can indulge ourselves more than usual, then where is the problem?” Sihtric took a few steps closer to Osferth, his hands coming to rest on the monk’s shoulders.
Between the two of you, Osferth’s resolve was slowly waning. Your fingers circled his palms while Sihtric’s larger hands travelled down and gripped his biceps tight.
With a soft sigh, Osferth nodded. What harm would a little mischief and carnality do?
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The hunt was planned. Uhtred and Finan, however, had a little extra planning that they needed your help with. The hunt during Blood Month was a huge event, the entire town would happily get involved.
But this hunt in particular seemed more important than usual. Aethelstan, a royal son being raised in safety by Uhtred and the boys, was about to participate for the first time.
It wasn’t that Uhtred had never wanted him to participate, he just wanted him to truly be ready. But that didn’t mean Aethelstan’s first hunt was going to be an easy ride.
Finan had got wind of your interest in the mischief that came with Friday 13th and had convinced Uhtred to plan the hunt for that very day. What better way to test Aethelstan’s mettle than with a few well-placed obstacles?
Uhtred had agreed to the plan, on the promise that the pranks were to be harmless fun and nothing more. All that was left was to put said plan into action.
The boys waited for you in the woods outside Rumcofa. Sihtric had been put in charge of preparing Aethelstan to hunt, Osferth was in charge of the post hunt feast. 
With your laden basket tucked under your arm, your hurried steps took you out to meet your friends. 
“So, do you have everything?” Finan called, taking the basket from your hands.
Finan had given you a list of what they needed, and you had provided what you could. Cloth of all different colours and textures, apparently to make what would look like people. Something to throw off Aethelstan as he hunted.
Uhtred was just off in the distance, digging holes to cover with leaves and sticks. Not for Aethelstan, you weren’t all that cruel. These were for the boar he would be tasked to hunt. Traps to make sure he at least had a chance of succeeding.
“Do you really think he’s going to believe these are people?” 
Your voice held an air of disbelief, but Finan chose to ignore it. He began wrapping the cloth around sacks of what you guessed was hay. Bulked out enough to look like a torso from afar.
“The adrenaline of the hunt will get him; his mind will be in overdrive.” Finan explained, and you had to admit it made sense.
Hunts weren’t that different from battles, you wagered. Adrenaline, the need for survival coursing through your veins, making you focus on your goal not the details around you.
“We need to scare him a little, hmm? Spook him?” you asked, taking a few rolls of cloth from the basket.
You had seen it before, hanging sheets from trees to spook kids during Samhain – harmless of course. There was no reason why it wouldn’t work now either.
You grabbed some rope from Uhtred’s pile, despite his protests and climbed up a nearby tree. It was makeshift, but as you hung the heavy cloth from a branch, it hung just loose enough to look like a cloaked body.
Finan watched, slowly cottoning on to what you meant by ‘spook him’. The ideas were simple, but that was the point. 
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The whole of Rumcofa was out of their homes and ale flowed between man and woman alike. The cheers and laughter, you wagered, could probably be heard in the next two towns over.
But that was Blood Month. Anything short of mayhem would be a disappointment.
Tables were laden with food, all brought out into a makeshift town square. Children were running around, chasing each other and pretending to participate in the hunt that would soon come.
You were stood between Sihtric and Osferth. Your relationship was more of a known secret. No one asked, no one talked about it. The three of you simply existed. You were all happy, and that was all that mattered.
Osferth leaned against a nearby house, ale in hand. His free arm was wrapped around your waist, while Sihtric’s was wrapped around your shoulders. There was nowhere else you’d rather be, tucked between your warrior and your monk.
“Is our little Valkyrie ready for the hunt?” Sihtric whispered, leaning down and nudging your cheek with his nose.
Osferth chuckled, Sihtric’s nickname for you was a perfect description. You were fierce yet gentle, a formidable warrior and a beautiful woman.
“As ready as I could be. Not worried I’ll show you up, are you, boys?”
Now they both laughed, shaking their heads.
They knew you were only teasing, of course, but you enjoyed reminding them of your capabilities. You were a warrior long before you joined Uhtred’s service. Your relationship with Osferth had begun when he’d begged you to show him how to hold a sword.
Osferth had assumed the two of you were together, despite your denials. He had remained your friend at first, kept his distance when he’d seen how Sihtric looked at you. And Sihtric’s denials, or his trips to the different brothels wherever the group travelled. Months passed and the three of you were the closest of friends.
Until one night after a battle, a few months ago now. Osferth had been looking for Sihtric – though he couldn’t remember why now – and he could hear the faint sounds of both your voices. But the closer he got, the less it sounded like just a conversation.
It might have been the ale in his veins, but Osferth had found himself at the doorway. Motionless, watching the two of you. You laid out on a bed and Sihtric knelt between your thighs. He knew he should have walked away, but he hadn’t. Eyes locked on the way Sihtric’s hands gripped your body, your hands in his hair. 
Not a single thought had entered his mind until you’d called out to him.
“Are you going to watch or join in, baby monk?” 
Osferth had almost choked on his breath, not a sound leaving him. You wanted him to join in? When he didn’t answer, Sihtric had chimed in.
“Come on, Osferth…I don’t mind sharing.”
Sihtric had looked at him over the top of your thigh. There was a look in his eyes that Osferth had only seen when the Dane had looked at a woman. It hadn’t taken much more for Osferth to walk into the room.
Your hand reached out for him immediately and Sihtric had buried himself back down between your thighs. Osferth had let you pull him down on to the bed, your lips immediately claiming his and letting him swallow your moans.
Clothes were shed quickly, Osferth’s hands finding purchase wherever he could reach as Sihtric brought you closer and closer to release. Osferth had let you untie his trousers, your hand sliding beneath the fabric and wrapping around his already hardening length.
Somewhere in that time, one of Sihtric’s hands had also found its way beneath Osferth’s robe. Your lips enough to distract the monk from the quick path it made, higher and higher.
The mix of your soft skin beneath his palms, your lips making their way down his neck and Sihtric’s rougher hand joining yours beneath his clothes. Wrapping themselves around his length, a sensation he would never forget.
Osferth couldn’t have been sure who was touching him and where. But the sounds of your moans filled his ears and there was little thought left in his mind other than you and Sihtric.
That memory was fresh in Osferth’s mind now. Especially with your and Sihtric’s promise earlier of a little post-hunt mischief and pleasure. The relationship between the three of you was comfortable now, settled into your roles. As was his nature, Sihtric was a little more dominating than Osferth – he was more confident than the young monk romantically and Osferth was more than happy to let the Dane take charge when necessary.
You were comfortably in the middle, all dependant on what your boys needed when you were together. After a battle? None of you really took charge, you just let instinct take you. After a night of drinking, your boys were more than happy to spoil you as they would tell you, you deserved.
Tonight, however, would be an entire mystery.
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The crowd cheered again as Aethelstan was led towards the woods, you and the boys following closely behind. Uhtred began to explain the rules, ignoring how you and Finan would snicker as if forgetting your plan for mischief was supposed to be a secret.
The boar squealed in the distance, held by a fellow warrior with a thick stretch of rope.
To his credit, Aethelstan looked nervous. You viewed the younger Saxon as something of a brother, doing what you could to look out for him.
Except for today, of course. But was a hunt without a little danger?
“Are you ready, Aethelstan?” you smiled, squeezing his shoulder as he stared at the boar in front of him.
He said nothing and you couldn’t help but laugh at the way his eyes got wider the longer he stared. Part of you wanted to boost his morale, but Finan was quicker than you to speak up.
“Oh, it’s just a wee boar! As long as you don’t get on the sharp end of those tusks…you’ll be fine!” Finan smacked Aethelstan on the back and you swore he went grey.
“That thing is small!?” Aethelstan choked out and you couldn’t hide your laugh.
“You are a man, aren’t you, Aethelstan? You did promise Uhtred you were ready…”
You were already walking off before Aethelstan could respond, hopping onto Finan’s back as the two of you began to imitate the boar. Screeching and squealing, your hands mimicking the tusks as Finan ran around.
The two of you kept running, earning exasperated looks from your friends. But today was all about mischief, and if there was anyone who fuelled the chaos within…it was Finan.
The Irishman was like an older brother who preferred to indulge your bad decisions that advise you against them. Which made him a perfect partner in crime for this most chaotic of days.
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The boar had been released and as the squealing began to fade into the shadow of the forest, Uhtred signalled for the hunt to begin. Aethelstan was pushed to the front, instructed to listen out for particular sounds. The crackling of twigs, broken under the panicked feet of a boar, for example.
Uhtred and Sihtric entered behind him first, splitting up and heading for the outskirts of the forest. Finan, Osferth and you were next. Being a little nimbler than the boys, you took to clambering into the trees and over moss covered rocks. You and Finan had already devised a little extra plan of your own – outside of the agreed mischief with Uhtred. Your lord had wanted you both to go easy, temper down your wild natures.
But you and Finan had other plans.
In the distance, as you climbed onto a thick branch of a nearby tree, you could hear Uhtred and Sihtric hollering out to Aethelstan. Goading him, distracting him from the sounds of the boar he hunted.
Osferth was there to follow Aethelstan, keeping an eye on his nephew and making sure nothing actually harmful happened to him.
You could see Finan in the distance, ducked behind a larger rock as you made your way over to the first cloth and rope ghoul. All you needed to do was wait for Aethelstan to pass your way.
Finan joined in with the shouting, calling out to get the young Prince to run in your direction. And when you saw the orange glow of his torch in the distance. Just a few more steps…
Your fingers were itching in anticipation. The plan was simple and yet it had rarely failed you in the past.
Another shout from Finan had Aethelstan coming directly into your path.
“Come on…” you whispered and when he was a few feet from your branch when you loosened the knots.
There was just enough darkness to have the swinging sheet force a shriek of fear from Aethelstan. His torch thrown from his grasp in his surprise. His weapon swinging wildly in front of him.
You stifled a laugh, taking careful steps down the branch and away and onto the next distraction.
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You could still hear the shouts of your friends, the screeches of the boar. But you could no longer see the light of their torches. You had hopped down from your perch on a smaller tree and looked around.
After a few scans of your surroundings, you realised you couldn’t recognise this bit of the forest.
“Shit…” you mumbled, straining your ears to hear which direction the hunting party was in.
You could only hope one of the boys would notice you absence.
Sihtric and Osferth had met in the middle, laughing every time they saw what could only be one of your and Finan’s supposed distractions.
“It’s good Finan’s finally found someone willing to indulge his…carry-ons,” Osferth chuckled, passing another of the cloth ghouls as they saw Aethelstan run past them.
“Aye, they’re as bad as each other…” Sihtric mused, pushing the sheet out of the way as they walked on.
The two walked a little further in, and soon realised they hadn’t seen you for a while. They soon passed Uhtred, who simply shrugged and gave them the direction he’d last glimpsed you in.
Both of them ran towards his inclination and when you were nowhere to be found, a small flicker of panic set in. You weren’t incapable of looking after yourself, but it didn’t stop the desperate need to find you.
As was his way, Sihtric took the lead.
“I will go look for her, you stay closer to Aethelstan and the others, so I know where to run back to.”
Osferth nodded, gripping Sihtric by the arm. Sihtric could see the panic in Osferth’s eyes and decided to give him a distraction of his own.
“Don’t worry, sweet boy, I’ll have our pretty girl back soon and you can have first look at our prize…” Sihtric’s fingers stroked at his jaw, tracing the sharp line before tugging him forward for a hurried kiss.
Osferth couldn’t say a word as Sihtric ran deeper into the forest, the hand that had been around Sihtric’s arm hung in the air. He watched for a few moments as his lover’s form disappeared into shadow before turning and heading back to the group.
All he had to do now, was wait.
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You were just wandering now, the sounds of the hunt not seeming to get any closer. The woods outside Rumcofa weren’t dense in anyway, but they were well spread out. And now, every tree seemed to look the same.
With a sigh, you began to resign yourself to not getting back to Rumcofa before nightfall.
You sat down on the ground, leaning your back against a rock. Waiting.
And then you heard him. You’d know that voice anywhere.
Calling out your name, coming closer and closer.
“Sihtric!” you called back, jumping up on the rock so he could see you.
The Dane broke into a run, crossing the distance between you in no time, a wide smile on his face. But when he reached you, you could see the slightest hint of something behind his eyes.
Like a predator who had caught its prey.
“They you are, pretty girl, you had us worried.” Sihtric smirked, wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you down to the ground with ease.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, toes just brushing the floor as he pressed his lips to yours.
“How could I be lost with a man like you looking for me?”
You could have sworn you heard Sihtric growl a little under his breath, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Someone has to keep you and our sweet monk in line, hmm? Keep you safe, protected and pleasured?”
That look in his eyes was back, and before you could say anything you felt yourself being lifted. Before you knew it, you could only see the leather of Sihtric’s armour covered back.
“What are you…?”
But you could barely speak as Sihtric span and took off running in the direction he had come from.
The predator surely had his prey, a successful hunt of his own.
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Osferth couldn’t stay in the forest much longer, Finan, Uhtred and even Aethelstan were urging him to head back. He knew he should have dissuaded you from going off on your own. Or at least, he should have put a bit more effort into convincing you against it.
But he also knew Sihtric would bring you back.
He sat outside your house, the closest to the forest edge. Feet nervously tapping against the wood of the chair they rested on. And then he saw you both in the distance. You slung over Sihtric’s shoulder as he strode back into town.
“Osferth! I told you I would bring her back!”
Osferth wiped a hand over his face, as though trying to wipe the shock away. He walked down to meet Sihtric, a laugh leaving his lips as Sihtric’s hand landed with a smack to your backside.
“Better than any boar, I’d wager?” Sihtric continued and Osferth started to see where the Dane was going with this.
“Better and then some, and do I still get first look at our prize?” Osferth asked, walking around Sihtric and leaning to meet your face.
You narrowed your eyes a little, staring into Osferth’s bright blue orbs as he pretended to inspect you. He clicked his tongue, walking back around to stand in front of Sihtric, pressing a quick kiss to the Dane’s lips.
“You always know how to spoil me, Sihtric.” Osferth teased and he could see you wriggle a little in protest.
Sihtric laughed, holding you tighter as he walked ahead of Osferth and into your home. He didn’t put you down until he reached your bedroom. Unceremoniously throwing you onto your bed.
Your two boys stood before you, watching as you pushed your hair from your face.
“Alright, what is going on with you both?” you asked, moving to stand but letting out a breath of shock when Osferth gently pushed you back down.
“You had us worried, pretty girl.” Sihtric mused, stripping himself of his armour and placing it in a pile by your bed.
Osferth was already stripped on his armour pieces, left in only his lighter monk’s robe. He kept quiet, letting Sihtric take the lead until he found the right words.
Sihtric walked to stand behind Osferth. His hands starting on the monk’s shoulders before trailing a slow path down his chest before settling around his waist.
“You had our sweet boy especially worried; he was absolutely beside himself, weren’t you Osferth?”
Sihtric’s voice was smooth, sending a shiver down both of your spines. This was a side of Sihtric you both craved. The dominance, the primal edge to everything he did. And when Osferth didn’t answer, Sihtric gave his waist a squeeze.
“Use your words, Osferth. Tell our girl how worried you were…”
Osferth almost melted into Sihtric, his back pressed against his muscled chest. Sihtric’s face rested in the crook of his shoulder. His lips brushing against his ear as he spoke.”
“So worried, my love…” Osferth whispered, trying his best to ignore Sihtric’s fingers tracing patterns over his clothed stomach.
Sihtric gave him a gentle push, watching as you immediately let you legs spread to accommodate Osferth standing between them.
“What do you say you make it up to him, my darling?” he asked, keeping a hand on Osferth’s back while the other began to untie his robe.
Your body worked on instinct. Hands joining Sihtric’s to finish untying Osferth’s clothes. It wasn’t long before your monk was left in just a light shirt and his breeches. Your hands immediately dipped under his shirt, relishing at the way his eyes fluttered closed at the warmth of your palms on his skin.
Sihtric made quick work of removing the offending shirt, freeing Osferth’s lean body to your wandering hands.
“I am sorry for making you so worried, Osferth…I should have listened when you warned me,” you purred, leaning in a pressing a kiss to his stomach.
Your monk was usually like putty in your hands. Letting you and Sihtric take most of the control.
Maybe it was the hunt. Maybe the stories of Friday 13th held truth…but you saw a change in Osferth’s expression. His eyes darker, his shoulders squaring.
His hand came up, cupping your jaw and tilting your head to look at him.
“Yes, you should have. We were both worried about you, pretty girl…”
Oh, that name on Osferth’s tongue had a wave of desire shooting straight to your core. Hearing it from Sihtric was like pure, carnal lust. But from Osferth, it was sinful.
Sihtric smirked over the monk’s shoulder, looking down at your with eyes almost entirely eclipsed black with lust.
“Show her, Osferth, my sweet, sweet boy. Show her what you want in apology…”
This was where Sihtric shone. Commanding Osferth and you until the three of you were overcome with lust and desire.
Osferth was on you before you could speak. Long body pinning your to the fur covered bed below, hungry lips crashing to yours. Your hands instantly grasped at his shoulders, finding anything you could cling on to.
Sihtric made quick work of the rest of his own clothes, tossing behind him before joining you both on the bed. One of your hands immediately reached out for him, tugging him closer as his lips latched on to your neck and shoulders.
His hand trailed down Osferth’s back, pressing the monk’s body against yours and earning him a symphony of groans in return. His hand kept firm, setting a slow rhythm for Osferth’s hips as he began to grind against your core.
Your legs wrapped around Osferth’s waist, two sets of lips now devouring either side of your neck.
“Yes…” you sighed out as Osferth’s hips began to move faster and faster.
You could feel your release creeping up on you already, but you didn’t want to peak just yet. With a tight grip on Osferth’s shoulders, you pushed him back.
“Can I ride you, sweet boy? I know you like that?” you asked, feeling Sihtric smirk against your neck.
When it came to watching, this was Sihtric’s favourite position to see you and Osferth in. Watching your bodies move in synchronisation was almost always enough to have the Dane coming there and then.
Osferth responded by scrambling to lie down, the glimmer of dominance short lived in his need to have you.
The three of you shifted into position. Osferth laid out on his back, his cock hard and heavy in his breeches. You made quick work of the material, tugging it down a long with his boots. Your clothes followed, though you weren’t sure who took what item off.
But now you were a tangle of bare flesh. Osferth beneath you with Sihtric settled behind you.
“Ride him well, pretty girl, I think he’s earned it…” Sihtric growled into your ear, hands kneading at the swell of your breasts.
Your hips rolled slow at first, not enough to let Osferth’s cock slip inside. The monk’s hands were on your waist, helping you drag your slick cunt up and down his length.
“Oh, so good, my love,” Osferth side, his head already tilted and pressed into the pillow behind him. Eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
He was always so responsive, you and Sihtric having spent the months of your relationship teaching him every kind of pleasure you knew. And he was more than willing to experience everything you two gave him.
“Gods, I love you both like this. You’re both so beautiful like this...” Sihtric mumbled, pressing his chest to your back as his lips latched on to your neck.
His hands continued to knead at your breasts, tweaking your nipples between his fingers. His own cock pressed hard against the curve of your behind, already leaking in anticipation of getting to feel you around him.
But for now, it was Osferth’s turn. Half of Sihtric’s pleasure came from watching the two of you find your own.
You could feel Osferth twitching beneath you, sticky ropes already leaking on to his skin. The room was thick with the heat and sweat of your shared passions, slick bodies sliding easily against each other.
One of your hands rested on Osferth’s stomach while the other tangled into Sihtric’s hair, tugging hard as pleasure crept up your spine.
“Oh..fuck…gods…” you moaned out as what you knew wouldn’t be your last orgasm of the night crashed over you.
Heavy pants from Osferth began to tell you he was close, but Sihtric was quick to stop your movements. There was another pleasure he knew, despite Osferth keeping shy about it, that the monk enjoyed just as much as a ride.
Your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock.
Strong arms tugged you back, the aftershocks of your release still making your muscles quiver.
“Do you want her mouth, Os? Spill all over that tongue?” Sihtric grunted, instinctively letting a hand wander down to his own cock for a few quick tugs.
Osferth nodded, “Yes, please, yes…”
Sihtric wrapped a hand around the back of the monk’s neck, leaning over you and pulling him in for a hungry kiss. It was a clash of teeth and tongues, and you could only wriggle out from between them to watch.
It was the best thing about your relationship, you wagered. No one ever went untouched, unloved or unsatisfied. And there was little you found more arousing than your two boys tangled in their own passions.
“My boys,” you whispered, teeth chewing at your lip.
Sihtric’s free hand found Osferth’s hot length, wrapping around him loosely and giving him a few gentle strokes. It didn’t take much to have the monk panting into his mouth, right at the edge when Sihtric stopped.
“Kneel in front of her, sweet boy,” Sihtric ordered, tugging Osferth’s lip between his teeth as he pulled away.
Osferth was quick to comply, chest heaving as you planted yourself on all fours in front of him. His hand threaded into your hair, a long, drawn-out groan leaving his throat as your mouth engulfed him inch by inch until you could take no more.
Sihtric’s hands dipped between your thighs, spreading your juices over your skin while his other hand brought the swollen head of his cock between your folds from behind. Your body arched perfectly between them as you hungrily sucked at Osferth’s cock.
“Oh, sweet girl, taking him so well…are you ready for more?” Sihtric’s hand ran down your back, forcing it to arch just a little more, presenting yourself for the taking.
You mumbled around Osferth’s cock, sending the most delicious of vibrations down his body. His hand tightened in your hair as Sihtric pushed between your folds, splitting your slick cunt open with a growl. In response, your body slid forward, taking more of Osferth’s cock down your throat.
The two men slowly found a rhythm, matching the thrusts of the other until they were working in a carnal tandem.
Osferth could feel the sparks of arousal through his manhood, twitching against your tongue. He locked eyes with Sihtric, knowing the Dane would want them to come together.
“Just a little longer, Osferth, I know you can do it, sweet boy.”
The monk groaned low but nodded. His hand reaching out for Sihtric and the Dane complied, pulling Osferth closer and locking their lips in a messy kiss.
Soon, you were clenching around Sihtric’s cock. Your second release making your eyes roll back into your head from the overstimulation.
Sihtric and Osferth stayed locked in their kiss, tongues fighting for dominance while Sihtric’s hand grasped at the flesh of your ass.
Your rhythm over Osferth’s length became sloppy, but you didn’t let his cock slip from your mouth. Your tongue licked a stripe up the vein underneath as you came, moaning their names in a tangled mess. Over and over again like a prayer.
“Good girl, and such a good boy…” Sihtric praised, pressing his forehead against Osferth’s as he felt the beginnings of his own release.
“Come Osferth, come for us…” Sihtric’s voice was low, rough, thick with barely restrained desire.
His thrusts were sloppy as he saw Osferth speed up. All rhythm was lost but none of you cared. All that mattered was pleasure and release. Osferth groaned out your names, slamming his hips into your waiting mouth one last time. Painting the flesh of your throat with his seed and sighing your name when he saw you swallow.
Sihtric followed not long after, the beginnings of his release hitting him like a hammer. He was just fast enough as he pulled out, spilling the rest of his pearly seed on to the dip between your back and backside.
“Oh gods…” he groaned, tugging himself until he was sure he was entirely spent.
Osferth had already collapsed on to the bed, the poor monk always crashed after your couplings. You were lay flat across Osferth, head buried in his sweaty chest as he stroked your hair.
Sihtric found a rag, cleaning your back before joining you both in a tangled embrace of sweaty limbs.
The room hung heavy with the scent of sweat and sex, but none of you would have it any other way. The silence was comfortable, until you let out a soft giggle.
“So, shall we celebrate Friday 13th every time?”
Your two lovers laughed along with you, sleep creeping up on the three of you. But you weren’t wrong.
Friday 13th might just become a new tradition for you.
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TLK Taglist:
@legitalicat @foxyanon @thenameswinter99 @multyfangirl
@sylasthegrim @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @anjelicawrites
If you want to be added/deleted, please let me know.
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never-blooms · 4 months
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destellas el cielo y ahoro te celebro
fantasmas - humbe
for @carlos-in-glasses who made me spiral in my feels 💛
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sea-buns · 1 year
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Deli and Colin are my favorite low int + low cha/high cha + high int power couple
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allastoredeer · 6 months
I'm with you there on preferring bottom!Alastor and getting squicked out by top!Alastor. The squick is worse for me when searching radioapple than radiostatic stuff, and I think it has more to do with the egregious amount of uke-fication of Lucifer that I've seen. Vox and Al get it sometimes too, let's be real that's gonna happen in any mlm ship. But I feel like it happens SO often to Lucifer, mostly cause he's small and cute, that people completely forget he's the oldest and most powerful entity in hell.
He would NOT be genuinely scared or intimidated by Al or any other sinner for that matter and Al would NOT be able to physically overpower or threaten Luci. It just feels so wildly out of character for me that any of the appeal of the ship/characters is gone at that point.
Like, for real, no shade to anyone that likes that, go on and get your food. But my extreme dislike of it has me now avoiding bottom!Lucifer radioapple like the plague just so I don't risk being subjected to it.
I think...I think you just described why I feel so squicked out by bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor 😦 Like, I couldn't figure out what exactly about it was throwing me off, but you just said it perfectly!!
That's literally it! It's the uke-fication of Lucifer. That's it. Lucifer would never feel threatened by Alastor. He would never be overpowered by Alastor. So when I see depictions of Alastor successfully intimidating Lucifer, or overpowering him at all, it just throws me out of the story.
Lucifer's been alive longer than Hell. Alastor's measely 100+ years of being alive is nothing compared to his millennia+ lifespan. And yeah, Lucifer is the strongest person in Hell, he could beat Alastor in any fight, no question. He has no reason to be scared or threatened by him.
And look, there are ways to get Lucifer to a point of being afraid. There are always a way to make characters act in a way you wouldn't typically see. In fact, Lucifer, the biggest, baddest person in Hell, being threatened by something would be a huge thing for his character and for the story. That could totally work!
But when it comes from Alastor just going into his demon form, or looming over Lucifer, I just 🥲 it takes me out of the story. I can't. Alastor may be a big bad Overlord, and he's dangerous for sure, but like...power-wise he is just not on Lucifer's level and Lucifer knows that--Alastor knows that--and this is what makes their dynamic so, SO interesting, especially if they're in a relationship or slowly building into a relationship. That's what makes it so spicy and flavorful. The push and pull. The insecurity and emotion. The complex dynamic between them.
I think you're right about it making bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor lose its appeal. I went back through my Twitter bookmarks yesterday and found a few top!Alastor's & bottom!Lucifer's that I've saved, but I've come to dislike that generalized characterization of it so much that I avoid it it like the plague too.
And like you said, there's no hate to those who enjoy it. This is fandom and people are allowed to write, draw, and do what they want. It's all fiction and it's not hurting anyone.
I just don't like the top!Alastor & bottom!Lucifer dynamic in most fan-arts, and I don't click onto fics with it cause I just don't want to subject myself to an unenjoyable time 😂 I'm here to have fun too, afterall.
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icarus-mp3 · 5 months
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acediscowlng · 3 days
idk at what point i decided charles was aromantic but i physically cannot write him as anything else anymore
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katiethedane12 · 4 months
Farold, dropping Casey off at the airport: Have a safe flight! Casey: I have no control over that. Farold, driving off: Die, Then.
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agentpheoness · 3 days
My thoughts as 2 am
Roxanna: People who sleep without socks scare me. Reginald: People who sleep with socks are not to be trusted. Pheoness: People who sleep are weird
Pheonix: I WaS A SoCk OnCe!!!!
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polikate · 1 year
i just found the most izzy song to exist
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"I Don't Smoke" by Mitski
personally i prefer the audiotree live version
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ciboriaadastra · 11 months
Daily reminder that the golden child is not the child who behaves the best but is the child whom the parent has the highest expectations of and uses as an exemplary standard out of all the children
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2offayyo-kzt · 2 years
this is how Nadja sees them
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rintoki · 7 months
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I CANT WITH THIS GUY 😭😭😭😭😭 “look at you you lowkey philosopher cutie” “wanna arrest me officer” 😭😭😭😭
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i love being queer i really do but my god it can be lonely sometimes
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potted-cilantro · 9 months
god who invented this 'friends can't be affectionate' shit and 'romance is a necessity and the default so we're treating every single relationship as a binary' and 'the words in your language only support this binary it is impossible to describe a relationship outside it' bullshit can we get rid of it please
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