#Thanks for sending this in !
tragedybunny · 8 months
Oh gods a thought just came to me.
I see all the time that Astarion would love a virgin Tav but WHAT IF. What if Tav was a virgin when they had sex that first time after the tiefling/goblin party. Astarion didn't ask, Tav didn't tell and explains away the blood from her first time as starting her period, and Astarion was so half-in/half-out when it happened because of the trauma that he didn't think much of it and let it slide. But later on in his attempts to keep things light between the two of them (as he secretly falls for her but is in astronomical denial), he makes a comment about their coupling being "nothing Too special, of course" and Tav tries to play off her hurt like, "Oh well I haven't had any practice so it's not too surprising that I'm no good," or "sorry you had to be my first go at it" or something like that and Astarion's dead ass heart just DROPS into his asshole because oh my God that was her first time and I was lying to her the whole time and just hurt her terribly. What the fuck am I gonna do now??
So yeah, just some thoughts. ~ 🥀
He's devastated. He's an asshole. He's supposed to tell her the truth of what he's been up to, but how can he now? It looks even worse.
He knows he has to though and Tav is full of surprises. He wants to talk about it immediately but she puts him off, there's a lot they'll have to see to after they handle the tadpole problem.
Once they have time Astarion apologizes over and over for making Tav feel like her first lover was making fun of her. She's forgiving, like she always is, a forgiveness that shames him more somehow.
Then she smiles mischeviously and says, "don't worry, you make it up to me with a technique demonstration."
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mutogamingco · 30 days
 “What would you do if...Dartz corrupted you or someone close to you :3c ?
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"In the first case, fight it as hard as I could. In the second, I wouldn't rest until I freed them from his influence. I already fought similar battles a couple of times, and was successful. I can do it again. I don't give up on my friends and family."
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fritzes · 9 months
did you see what Ons said in her documentary about the Wimbledon final?
like this is heartbreaking to me
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I did see this. you're right about it being heartbreaking, Ons had such a tough year last year and I really, really hope she can achieve whatever will make her the happiest
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RE: Headless woman art. The retail chain Primark has a bunch of headless and armless women candles. The white candle women have normal (albeit idealized) body proportions. The dark brown candle women have gigantic hips and buttocks that are about 4 times the size of the waist. (I'll try to get a pic if they still have them next time I'm in)
Please do, love - I was only (‘only’) able to find the below on their website.
Essential additional context for non-Brits - Primark is the absolute lowest of the low in terms of fast fashion, which means these items were almost certainly made in sweatshop conditions, by underpaid/unpaid employees, who are likely to be women. Think Shein without the shipping delays. So many layers underlying the surface objectification.
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I find the diffuser particularly unsettling. I’ve never looked at a woman and thought she’d be improved with the removal of her limbs and head, and the addition of sticks jutting from her truncated neck. Yuck.
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raging-violets · 20 days
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
Hi, Rhuben here. Thanks for sending this in. Here to give a Director's Cut about my Harry Potter OC: Verity Calvert.
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Director's Cut | Ask Box
First I want to say, I'm not into Harry Potter that much anymore, but I'll see blips in the news about the new show being made, or some of the cast at conventions, and all my ideas will come flooding back. Like it has recently (I saw that James and Oliver were at DragonCon 2024).
My OC, Verity Calvert, was one of the OCs I developed the fastest. And this was due to a Harry Potter series re-read years ago. Starting with book 3 up to book 7 I could just see her backstory and every where she fit and how she changed or aided in canon events and just new scenarios made for her.
One of the things I knew from the beginning was that she was a Fred Weasley x OC ship and that she would not get her happy ending despite how much change and growth she experiences in five years. When I say that I mean Verity comes from an "old school," "high class" wizard family that has beaten into her head how children should be seen, not heard and that children area a reflection of their parents so she better act the way they want her to act, study what they want her to study, and be a respectful member of society. So her parents gave her the best of anything and everything their money could buy and had her thinking how Pure Bloods are the best - even though Verity is Half-Blood. Through her friendship - if you could say that - with her family's house elf, and her fascination with magical creatures, and her affinity for magic and potions, deep down she's always wanted to become a Healer or a MediWizard. Because then she can give the care, attention, and love to people and creatures that she never got in the way she always wanted. As a result of this ambition, in the future, Verity becomes most known for the field guides she published after her time searching for Horcruxes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. However, the one thing she knows she'll never accomplish, and is the answer George gives whenever one of his kids asks why "Auntie Verity never married," is finding a cure and/or a potion for a broken heart. She never gets over Fred and she never gets over how desperate she was her for her parents' love seeing how openly loving most other families are.
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dyson-the-vacuum · 8 months
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Here, have a long awaited doodle that's now a mlp pony aha
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camsthisky · 2 years
Can you do 2. "Are you crying?" With dick and one/some of the other bats? :)
"Are you crying?" Jason asks from behind Dick.
Dick scrubs at his face. He is sitting on the step of a particularly unused staircase leading from the second to the third floor, most likely built for servants when the manor was still filled with them. Now, Dick uses it to hide from everyone, especially nosy little brothers.
"No, I'm fine," Dick says, a beat too late. His voice is almost normal, too, but it wavers right at the end.
Jason is silent for a few moments, and Dick just focuses on breathing. On taking every single bit of anger and hurt buzzing underneath his skin like living electricity and shoving it deep, deep down.
Lights up, it's showtime. His life is a performance, and it looks like Dick is on.
"Really," Dick says, sounding actually normal now. He still doesn't turn around to face Jason, since his eyes are probably red and puffy. "I'm fine. Just a rough day."
"Sure," Jason says noncommittally. Dick hears the thump of Jason's boots walk down another three steps, and then Jason is sitting down right next to him. He elbows Dick in the side. "I'm here if you wanna talk."
Dick frowns. "I'm fine."
Jason hums. "Well, I'm here either way."
Dick sighs, slumping just slightly. They sit in silence for a minute, which turns to two, then three, and Dick finally says, "I don't really want to talk about it, so you don't have to sit here with me."
Jason shrugs. Offers, "I'm here."
And Dick feels warm fondness for his oldest younger brother well up just slightly, muting the angry livewire somewhat. It sends Dick's lips into a small smile.
"Thanks, Jay."
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konohagakurekakashi · 2 months
"Aha! I knew you were hiding here!" A warm palm finds his shoulder and turns him around, "So how about it my eternal rival? Time for another match! I'll even let you choose the challenge because you lost last time."
"Hiding? I was merely enjoying the view."
He stated low and matter of fact, grey hue never altering from the movement and scents wafting up from the market district below. The vendors were as lively as ever, their mid-morning chatter whilst they unpacked their wares and goods, elevated by the first glimpse of sunlight after days of dreary rain.
Of course the positive change in weather would serve as a siren call to the green-clad Jōnin, much like the sun-baked tiles lured Kakashi out of his den. He continued to peer at the bustle in a half-lidded fashion, soaking up the warmth the roof of the kissaten had to offer in a vain attempt to completely disregard the other man's existence.
Gai didn't waver however, perhaps too used to Kakashi's long bouts of silence to be put off by them, as the warm palm anchoring him into place didn't retract or ease its weight, choosing instead to give Kakashi's slumped frame a few firm, encouraging shakes. Maa...maa, so much manhandling. There was no getting out of this one, it seems. With his moment of peace coming to an end, Kakashi finally relented with a tilt of his head and an exaggerated sigh.
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"Rock, paper, scissors then? Best game out of three?"
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wingsoar · 3 months
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but platonically cuz the age gap is beyond Real—
Are you Robin's type? | accepting
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"You   truly   are   a   dashing   man.   Hehe.   I'm   looking   forward   to   our   next   visit!"
(Now I am thinking of a platonic dance between them and how wholesome it would be ..omg. )
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sawthemusical · 11 months
Even tho I’ll never be able to see this irl I’m so glad this exists! My SAW fixation thanks you for the time and effort put into this production!!
We're so thrilled to hear this!
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snaill-dragon · 4 months
here's a palette for you!
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(if you remember what this is from i'll be very impressed)
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Never Mind this took a lot less time then I thought it would.
This was a hard palette to work with because everything was so similar, also I added a bit of dark purple for putting the background shadow
It was also not too hard because it’s really similar to the palette I used for the other one just replacing the yellow and orange with more red.
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Also heres a version with her signature gold as an accent :)
Oh and-
This was from one of the palette games you or Dawn made wasn’t it?
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cannib4l-a · 5 months
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@godforbidrp asked: ❝ there are better hills to die on but i find this one quite comfortable. ❞ from ziggy to ziggy
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ziggy leaned back into the comfortable chair, feeling rather euphoric after an epic argument about their favorite bands. she was far from feeling defeated, but it just felt like to have these sorts of conversations with someone that got it. it was a breath of fresh air and she was itching for a new one, but she decided not to overdo it just yet. " i'm in a good mood, so i'll give you this win. " she smiled, looking back at the clock, " ready to go on ? everything sounded great on my end. "
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majorbaby · 1 year
re: the circumstances that you think members of the 4077th could kill someone.... im curious abt father mulcahy
i can't see him killing anyone in a way that would be inline with canon mulcahy but i don't think anyone is coming to me for canon-compliant mulcahy hcs??
two possibilities.
mulcahy the murderous hero: joins margaret in her revenge plot. he's a former boxer so he could bring the muscle and help her hide the body (of her ex husband). could have some heartwarming moments where they realize they're both trying to escape two oppressive regimes they once called home, the army and the church. no one would suspect margaret if mulcahy keeps providing her with alibis.
mulcahy the murderous villain: the heel-face-turn possibilities are endless with him. bill christopher has such an innocent face, imagine what he could look like with a slasher smile and black irises.
he frequently feels 'useless' in the war. instead of him reflecting and Finding Purpose the way he does like four times on the show, i'd like to see him obsess over that until he goes mad. Then he realizes that he can bring god to a godless place by passing judgement on people for their sins.
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empresskadia · 6 months
I forgot to add Naomi-010 to Round 2 like I said I was going to yesterday, but better late than never.
Fly Me to the Moon is a song Naomi-010 associates with your relationship, and it's all because you sang it one time for a bet from one of your squad mates during some shore leave. You apologized to everyone who had to hear you as you went up to the karaoke machine, shot her a wink, and then proceeded to casually be the best singer of the night. Her face was so red that she was thankful for the helmet.
Y’know I wasn’t expecting anything today but I’m grateful.
After this, Naomi is always excited to hear her partner sing, it’s not often that you do but she’ll sprint across the ship if she catches word that you’re singing. If Fly Me to the Moon is ever playing, she’s humming to herself quietly, it’s the one song that she can’t stop herself with.
Naomi might have a secret recording of that night of her partner singing. When she’s been away longer than normal or is feeling lonely, she’ll pull it up and play it.
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raging-violets · 1 month
What are y'all working on these days?
Riley: I've been writing sentences and paragraphs here an there but have mostly been filling my time not at work with going to events and experiencing new things as well as planning new things for my podcast. That being said, I'm leaning more towards getting back into writing for The Flash, Narnia, and 3 Ninjas. They're generally my top fandoms because they're more action oriented (and my Power Rangers fics on my PR account) and I love me some action, a re-write for my Kiley BTR fic Give Your Heart A Break, but I've also been leaning back into Suite Life as well. So, a lot of different things have been swirling through my head.
Rhuben: Short answer, right now, nothing! LOL I haven't really written anything or kept my focus on any fandom long enough to write something for a while. Partially because I haven't felt like it and partially due to just being busy and life moments and all that.
But, as usual, I'm always thinking about what I want to do next. I always have new ideas for fics like for Pokemon and Digimon, restarting my Criminal Minds fic, Big Time Rush - maybe not fully fleshed out, but ideas. And I'm always still at the back of my mind aware that I need to update fics I already have up. For example, Narnia, The Flash, Criminal Minds, 3 NInjas, etc. I know where those are going to go, just haven't sat down and written it.
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braveryhearted · 7 months
misturu smash or pass + makoto yuki // he would never ask this question but hiii
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Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
( accepting )
@ochazos said: Misturu smash or pass + Makoto Yuki // he would never ask this question but hiii.
( Now this is hypothetical if Makoto lived through P3 AU and I will be using older Mitsuru for this. Even if some people don't like P4 Arena, for this meme I will be using the older fc ).
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And she wouldn't grace an answer because it's uncouth but yes, later in life Mitsuru would Smash. I mean what wife wouldn't do that you know?
( I'm not sure if it's known but Mitsuru was put into an arranged marriage like Haru from Persona 5. Fortunately for Mitsuru, she can back out unlike the other Empress but I still think she would get married to Makoto in the future, had he lived to see it ).
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