#Thank you for the ask!!!!!
shushmal · 5 months
steddie request! pre steddie during a pool day eddie feels cute aggression and bites the back of steve's shoulder and surprises him
It should be ILLEGAL, Eddie thinks, for Steve Harrington to allowed out into polite company, much less in a community pool where innocent eyes could gaze upon him. Objectively, sure, Eddie knows that those little pink swim shorts aren't any more scandalous that what anyone else is wearing today. Ted Wheeler is knocked out on a lounge chair with only a speedo. But it's Steve. And Eddie's doing his best to rehab his image in Hawkins, so drooling after the local Harrington prince wasn't going to help.
Never mind that it was Steve who drug Eddie out into Satan's crack that is Indiana summer in August. He'd made a good case about it, too—something, something, being seen doing good in front of all the moms at the community pool, something, something, Holly's birthday party, yada yada. Honestly, Eddie didn't hear most of it, lost in Steve's stupid, beautiful brown eyes.
What was Eddie going to say? No?? Be for real.
That was how Eddie found himself sat on a deck chair (thankfully one with an umbrella), in his jeans next to a cooler, handing little girls juice boxes and snacks when demanded of him.
Holly Wheeler must befriends with the entire elementary school, Jesus Christ.
Steve himself, in his aforementioned pink swim trunks, was playing as pool jungle gym and had kids crawling all over him. It helped a lot to keep Eddie from drooling after him, but didn't do a lot for Eddie's heart.
Worse than Steve being hot, was Steve being cute. Eddie couldn't take it. He was going to die.
Steve had one of the smaller kids perched on his hip, held safely up out of the splash zone, while the rest of the hoard took turns climbing up onto his shoulders and using him like a diving board, his free hand guiding them safely into the water as they jumped. It looked like hell to Eddie, but Steve was grinning ear to ear, rating each jump with a booming cheer that had all the kids screaming around him with each splash.
"Um, excuse me," snaps a little girl in front of Eddie. He glances down and feels like he's looking at a mini Erica Sinclair, her hands on her hips and scowling. A chilling sight.
"Whatcha need, shrimp?" Eddie sighs, flipping the cooler lid up to take another order. "We're out of red barrels, and our stock of blue is going fast."
She eyes him skeptically for a moment before her little shoulders slump. "Fine, I guess I'll take the blue."
"Here you go," he says, pulling the foil off for her since little wrinkled baby fingers have yet to manage it all day. "Now be gone with ye."
Treating him with another incredibly bitchy look for a third grader, she bounds off just as a shadow appears over Eddie. A wet arm hooks over Eddie's shoulders, just as Steve crashes into the deck chair beside him, too small for two nearly full grown men, the plastic creaking ominously. Steve is practically in Eddie's lap.
"Harrington, what the fuck," Eddie squawks, cold pool water soaking into his clothes because Steve is dripping wet.
"What the language, Munson," Steve says, still grinning, looking at Eddie with those brown eyes. His face is round and a little pink, and he's so close that Eddie can see the faint trail of summer freckles across his nose. He's so beautiful, and he looks so happy and excited to have Eddie's attention. "There's little ears—OW WHAT THE FUCK!"
Eddie opens his jaw and yanks his head back, almost as shocked with himself as Steve. He can taste pool water in his mouth. There's a line of pink teeth-marks on Steve tanned shoulder.
"Uh," Eddie says.
"Did..." Steve starts. He leans back a little, still half in Eddie's lap, to gape down at him. "Did you just... bite me?"
"Y-Yeah," Eddie breathes. "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Steve repeats, brows high on his forehead. "Why the hell did you bite me?"
"You're very bitable." Eddie's going to drown himself in the pool at this rate. "You're too cute. I had to bite you."
He watches as Steve's eyes narrow, watches as Steve begins to suss him out. Eddie's still too shocked with himself to do anything, can't even panic, because he's that much of an idiot and his brain has gone completely offline. Because Eddie bit Steve Harrington and then called him cute, Jesus Humphrey Christ.
Then Steve leans down, slowly, until his face is right in Eddie's, and an insane thought goes through Eddie's brain. I bit Steve Harrington, told him he was cute, and now he's going to kiss me.
Except Steve bypasses Eddie's face and lands his lips against Eddie's neck, where he then tries to take his own pound of flesh.
Eddie screeches.
Distantly, he recognizes what a weird blessing it is that they're at the community pool, surrounded half the elementary school, all of them screeching and screaming and splashing. Everyone is completely oblivious to whatever homosexual nightmare is happening to Eddie right now.
"You're pretty cute yourself, Ed," Steve says into the small space next to his ear. And then he's up and standing between one breath and the next. "We really gotta teach you some manners though," he says, grinning, before he turns and dives into the pool.
"Y-Yeah," Eddie says weakly in his absence. He can feel Steve's spit on his neck, rapidly drying the summer heat, the bite mark aching with promise.
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sparrowsupportgroup · 2 months
what are your top 3 Ais traits
omg idk even know where to start -
There are so many things that I genuinely enjoy about his character it’s hard to narrow it down to just three traits but these are the ones that strongly resonate with me personally about him!
(in no particular order)
i. protective
I love how protective he is. Even from your first meeting with him, he seems concerned for your safety, by making sure you have a literal guide(Princess ilysm <3) take you back to the city so you’re not in danger + he escorts back to the Wet Wick himself after annihilating that roughneck that tried to hurt you.
Also I just love how he nearly killed that guy that tired to hurt us and in such a brutal way too. He really does wear a bleeding heart on his sleeve and wants to protect the people he sees as vulnerable and that trait makes me ❤️ him even more that I already do.
Hence why I see him getting overly attached to us because he sees us as someone without protection in a strange, treacherous city and wants to be the one to fill that role!
ii. whimsical lil’ fella
Ais is actually hilarious. I had such a fun time bantering with him cuz he has this deadpan type of humor that charmingly disarms you while he is also simultaneously sincere with you.
I replayed his mini-route so many times just kicking my feet and giggling cuz he’s so much fun to talk to and it makes me feel nice - like he’ll tease you but in a way where he wants to laugh WITH you, not at you.
Like his whole sparrow and dove nicknames for MC and Mhin respectively are lowkey funny cuz they’re so random and he just gives them to you and doesn’t explain why and so you now you have this confusing bird themed moniker that Ais gave you just because he could + his “I didn’t know sparrows could bite” comment is SO silly and nonsensical and he just doesn’t care lol
iii. sensitive
I also love Ais’s secret sensitivity. He hides behind a nonchalant, intimidating demeanor but he’s a genuine softie under his scary exterior. His fatal flaw is his poor control on his emotions, after all.
He knows he’s terrifying to most people, so the fact he appears self-conscious about how he comes off to you touches my heart. He literally keeps count of how many “bad impressions” he makes on you so he doesn’t scare you off + his “I was lonely” comment said so simply and honestly, shows how much he desires companionship despite this perception of him being this violent tough guy most people(that isn’t the main cast) runs away from
And this is maybe me overthinking but when he catches you staring at him and asks if you like what you see or if he needs more work, this could interpreted as him being playful, and it is, but with Ais, the things he says can have these double meanings. So what if he was asking you that because he felt self-conscious and genuinely wondered if you didn’t like how he looked and was hiding it behind a joke?
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mar-im-o · 4 days
can you tell us more about the fae courts in your au?
i love the detail with the pupils, and was wondering (sorry if youve already talked abt this!) if cosmo and wanda are also from the same courts or different courts--and if two faeries from different courts have a child, what would that child be?
are anti-fairies their own separate courts? with winter being the anti-fairy equivalent to summer and fall being the anti-fairy equivalent to spring? or are there four courts and then four anti-fairy courts?
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So faeries rely on humans as a source of magic. A human's belief is a powerful thing, and overtime there have been two leading ideologies of how to inspire that belief. The Seelie gain belief from bettering human lives. The Unseelie gain belief from worsening human lives.The four courts each fit into one of those ideologies.
For the Seelie, there is Summer and Spring. Summer fae are powerful and large, with golden crowns like Jorgen and the Tooth Fairy. Spring fae are smaller, more colorful, have weaker magic, and fool's gold crowns. These are godparents.
For the Unseelie, there is Winter and Autumn. Winter fae are duller and care little for humans, and wear silver crowns. These are the Pixies. Autumn fae are tricksters which cause misfortune in human lives with their obsidian crowns. These are the anti-fairies.
Summer and Winter faeries are considered whole. They're more powerful and can do magic without a host human to believe in them.
Spring and Autumn faeries, on the other hand, are halves of a faerie. They need a human host to farm belief off of, and for every Spring faerie that is born, their other half is born in Autumn.
The court a faerie belongs to is based on the season they're born in. Most faeries are strategic about when they'll bring their children into the light to make sure they stay in the same court, but it's entirely possible for two Springs to have a Winter child, for example.
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lights-at-night · 2 months
is there any character in the silt verses you would've liked to have a different ending/appear again, and if so what would that be/what would their role be?
i think charity was an interesting character and i would've loved to see more of her. i honestly don't know how she'd fit into the narrative in a natural way, but i'd have liked to learn more about the god of penda's slake because that episode was SO COOL. glad she got a cameo in season 3 tho
as for a different ending i'm sad but altogether satisfied with how things ended. maybe greve shouldve lived so she could talk shit about faulkner in the verses, or something to that degree.
honorary mention to the saint electric. she is fascinating to me and i wish we got more information about her bc tsv is more focused on the church electric than her. she isnt a character but i wish she was. i have sent a question to the qna asking for any lore on her and am currently planning a fic set in the siltverses version of the industrial revolution to explain her backstory
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
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The No Fun in Fungus Group from cabin 1 made you a friendship ring from the craft table! Ignore the glow, I’m sure it’s fine.
Hey did someone order turtles with a side of trauma, A large lore dump, and some more trauma to wash it all down?
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Cabin five, sector three
Aaaaaannnnddd I also wrote a lil thing :]
Leoclese grinned at his and his brother’s counterparts, and happily took the ring from them. The mushroom on it flashed in the light, catching his eye.
“Thank you!” he said, beating the others to it. “I take it you’re a fun-gi?” he earned a chuckle from the other Leo, while everyone else groaned at the pun. He just smiled cheekily at them.
“It looks really cool!” Michelantius said as Donotos moved closer to study it in more detail. “How did you guys get it to glow like that?”
The No Fun In Fungus turtles just shrugged.
“We’re not exactly sure,” the other Donnie admitted. They all decided to just accept it. Something felt… off about the other turtles, but Leo just pushed that to the back of his miind.
“Well, we’d best be off now” Leo’s counterpart said. They all waved, calling parting words after them.
“Everyone’s so nice here,” Michelantius said happily, staring after them.
“I’ll say,” Raphodius agreed, and the other two nodded. 
Leo scrutinized the ring. It glowed an electric blue, a miniscule mushroom presented as the centerpiece. It really was a cool ring.
Shrugging, he slipped it onto his finger, admiring the way it flashed in the light of the caves crystals.
“Hey, share!-” Mikey started to speak, when without warning, small tendrils shot out of the ring and wrapped themselves around Leo’s finger. 
“AH- OW!” Leoclese cried out as the tendrils embedded themselves into his skin and spread to his wrists and hands.They lashed out, spider webs quickly interlacing and spreading by the second. 
Dimly, he heard the others calling his name, but it soon left his mind as the world was tinged blue. It creeped across his vision, the same shade the ring had glowed, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blink it away. A flash flared behind his eyelids, then everything went dark again.
When he opened his eyes once more, adjusting to the light, he was no longer in the camp.
He was back in the hidden city, a sword suddenly gripped in his hand and debris scattered around him.
Glancing around, he noticed a giant snake’s head, lying beside him, and leapt back in alarm. When it didn’t move, he hesitantly moved closer and realized it was dead. Of course, the hydra! He’d just defeated it, hadn’t he! Yeah, that’s right! Glancing up, he realized he had an audience, sitting in stone bleachers that were there for some reason. The spectators stared down at him silently, and his smile wavered as the silence stretched on. Shouldn’t they be celebrating by now?
“Hydra got your tounge?” his voice trembled under their gaze, and he hoped the crowd hadn’t noticed. He waved up at them, but none of them reacted in the slightest. The smile now gone from his face. His confidence starting to flicker, he walked away from the crowd and the dead hydra. A doorway made of stone was behind him, and when he made his way through it, he found himself in the bustling streets of the Hidden City. The yokai flowed around him, surrounding him. Until suddenly they didn’t flow around them. They completely ignored him, bumping into him and ignoring his protests.
“Ah– hey– stop! Hey, I’m right here!–” he kept getting cut off by a new body crashing into him, he being the only one who seemed to notice or feel it. Eventually he lost his footing, and he was suddenly beneath the flow of the unrelenting current, resorting to covering his face to protect it from getting stepped on.
He felt his eyes widen as he realized he could see through his arms.
Finally managing to make his way to his feet again, he looked down only to discover that he was translucent.
He stumbled backward, looking around desperately. Still, no one even acknowledged his existence. 
His eyes located a flash of red, purple, and orange– his brothers! He ran through the mass, pushing through the crowd until he reached them.
They only stared blankly through him, and he was pushed aside as they nearly knocked him over.
“... guys?” his voice was pitifully weak, but he didn’t care about that at the moment. He caught a snippet of their conversation.
“– it was such a good idea to come here just the three of us!” Mikey bounced exuberantly as he walked.
“Yeah, it’s nice to have all three of us together,” Donnie affirmed, and each word was a punch to the gut.
They didn’t even know Leo was gone. They didn’t even remember he existed!
“PLEASE! I CAN’T DO THIS AGAIN!” he called after them, into the air, wishing someone, anyone would hear it. “ I CAN’T LIVE BEING COMPLETELY IGNORED AGAIN!” his voice broke.
He fell to his knees, unable to see the point of standing anymore. He suddenly found himself in a small circle as the civilians stared blankly ahead, weaving around the invisible bubble that must have been there.
Normally, he would’ve made a joke, diffusing the tension, if not for the others then himself. But all other thoughts had left his mind, and no one would hear it anyway.
“Wait…” he said weakly, not expecting a response as he stretched a hand out at his brother’s receding backs.
His facade finally crumbled, and he gave up trying to hold back the tears that came.
He’d sworn he’d never be invisible ever again, and yet here he found himself. Pitiful and unseen, once again.
Had he even been there in the first place? Had anyone even known him before? Did he even exist?
For a moment, Raphodius stared in shocked silence as Leo screamed, glowing tendrils snaking around his arm, before snapping into action. 
Without a thought, he leapt forward, trying to drag the ring off of Leo’s finger. The only thing he succeed in was tearing a few tendrils off and leaving gashes in his brother’s skin, where it’d been ripped off. Horrified, he released the tendrils, which waved around threateningly, then were quickly replaced by more. His brothers joined them, but were uncertain in how to help.
Grimacing and muttering a small apoology to Leo, he grabbed the snaking tendrils and tried to snap them, resorting to tearing at them with his teeth, but they wouldn’t yield. Before he knew what was happening, they latched onto his face, creeping up around his eyes.
His scream matched Leo’s, before his mouth was covered by the rubbery tentacles. He stumbled backward, but only succeded in being dragged back to Leo, forced onto his knees.
Vaguley, he saw Mikey and Donotos coming closer, and tried to warn them away before his vision was completely eveloped in an electric blue haze.
When his vision finally cleared, the camp was gone. In it’s place, he was kneeling in a long stone tunnel. Figures obscured by the darkness lay scattered around him. 
Warily, he made his way to the closest one, against the wall. Moving closer for a better look, he instantly regretted that decision. It was the body of a fox yokai, their fur matted with blood and a blank expression frozen on their lifeless face. His insides roiled as he recognized them as someone he’d killed in the arena.
Eyes burning, he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry.”
He moved on, walking among countless corpses through the never-ending tunnel, wanting to curl into a ball yet unable stop moving.
He knew it was he who had their blood on his hands. There was no other explanation. He had done this.
Guilt edged inside of him, as he saw more and more familiar faces. It kept growing, a weed inside of him and choking out all of the progress he’d made after escaping the arena.
People he’d fought in the gladiator nexus, people that had been in the crowd. Faces of acquaintances gave way to loved ones, people he’d been close to. The old woman who used to work as a medic, gently wrapping his injuries and embracing him as child. The young gecko boy who had always cheered him on in the crowd. The tiger yokai who’d made sure he received food every day, despite her all but forgetting about him sometimes.
Each lifeless face made him tremble more, and kept hitting harder and harder each time. 
He skidded to a stop. The tears he’d barely managed to hold back broke free, coursing down his face.
Donotos accessed the situation. That was what he was good at! He was good at accessing things! He could take care of this, it was fine, it’d be fine, he was fine, they were fine, it’d all be-
Tamping down the momentary panic, he gently pulled himself and Mikey away from their two… incapacitated… brothers.
Their brothers sat there, side by side, suddenly still and eerily silent. The strange blue threads waved around them, growing longer by the second.
What had even happened?! One second, they’d all been fine, the next, Leo was screaming and Raph jumped in and then suddenly they were both roped together, limbs slowly disappearing in the sickly ropes that seemed to be causing it.
“...What do we do?”
He didn’t glance at Mikey, instead staring resolutely forward, keeping a lookout for any stray tendrils, while speaking.
“I don’t know. I couldn’t even see what happened!” he tried to keep the panic out of his voice, for Micheal’s sake. “But whatever it is, it has something to do with that ring. By Socrates, how were we stupid enough to trust everyone so easily!?” he cursed the sense of ease that had pervaded their shenanigans until now. Of course not everyone meant well! In hindsight, that other Leo had been very suspicious.
He felt a tap on his shoulder.
“What?” he finally turned to look at Mikey, and his face said it all.
Mikey wasn’t the one who’d tapped him.
His foot was suddenly yanked out from under him, and he heard the telltale thud of Mikey having the same done to him. A thread must have snaked around them and grabbed their ankles when they hadn’t been looking!
He twisted, struggling to rip it off of him, but his hands were yanked back by yet another tendril, binding them together.
“Mikey…” he tried to call out, but the hazy blue that had been tinging his vision suddenly collapsed in on itself, and everything was replaced with an azure fog.
When it finally cleared away, he stood in a forest. The trunks rose up around him, trunks and branches twisting around and among each other, creating a dappled canopy up top. It was achingly familiar.
Dreading what he would find, something primal in his chest telling him what he would see. Despite that, he could not stop, instead breaking into a run, as if something were chasing him. The trunks and undergrowth of the forest whipped by, blurring together as he spurred himself on faster, and faster still.
Eventually, he came to a stop.
Just as he’d feared, a broken tree lay across the path.
Limbs stuck out from underneath it, and suddenly he was six years old again, a broken leg throbbing, and [redacted due to spoilers] lying motionless before him.
“....[name redacted]?”
No no no no no no no no not again. Not again. 
“Not again” he whispered hoarsely. His mask was damp, the fabric sticking to his face, but he ignored that. Nothing else existed except the broken form, that he did not have the strength to pull out from under the giant trunk. It wavered, growing fuzzy around the edges. He desperately and desolately tried to make out the feature, but they were suddenly gone from his memory. He couldn’t even remember [redacted]’s face? After everything he’d done for Donotos?
An empty feeling spread through him, one he’d promised himself he would never let exist again, and he gladly welcomed it. It was better than the alternative.
He jumped as a rustle came from the branches behind him. Whipping around, all else was forgotten as a horrible, eight-legged creature rose from the bushes, more following after it.
No one heard his high pitched shriek as he scrambled away from the horde of spiders, and for that he was grateful. Not that it mattered.
He stood rooted to the ground as they pursued him,  spindly limbs undulating and overlapping each other, crawling over each other to get to him.
He couldn’t do anything, paralyzed as they reached his leg and began crawling up, a horrid, frenzied mass that covered him completely almost instantly.
They reached his face and he shuddered as he felt the tiny legs caressing his skin.
He could do nothing but kneel there, the blood-red arachnids obscuring his vision, and enveloped by his own failure.
Michelantius’ head throbbed, probably from hitting the ground, as the hazy blue cleared from his vision. What had even happened? What did the ring even do?
He had a feeling that he was soon to find out.
Glancing up, he took in the scene around him.
He stood on a vast expanse of fluffy, white clouds, pale blue sky extending around him. In the distance, a gate barred entrance to a familiar, swooping palace.
“Olympus?” he thought out loud. What was he doing back there? Wait, had he ever left in the first place-? He wasn’t sure. 
“Long time no see” he swivled around at the voice, not unlike his own, as a familiar dread immediately started fill him, weighing him down.
“Tell me, cousin, where have you been? It’s been far too long.”
Mikey gritted his teeth, restraining the urge to hurl himself out of the sky to get away.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” he smiled at his own reference. Hanging out with the fates had always paid off.
Aeolus tutted, shaking his head mockingly with a malevolent smile plastered across his face.
“Now now, that’s no way to treat your own family,” he said.
“You’re no family of mine,” Mikey growled, looking away.
“Such a shame, considering that you have no choice but to be with me.” The fake smile was gone, Aeolus’s face now twisted into something ugly.
Before Mikey could come back with a witty reply, Aeolus snapped his fingers.
Wind, somehow visible and bright red, swirled around him. Resisting the urge to scramble away, he stood there, flinching as the freezing air currents tightened around him, squeezing him until he could feel the blood flowing in his veins. Of course they’d be tangible. Why wouldn’t they?
“Do what you want to me,” he said, looking up defiantly. “It doesn’t matter.” As long as you don’t hurt anyone else, he finished silently.
“Well, if we both agree that we don’t care what happens to you, I’d rather not have to listen to your voice anymore,” the wind god sneered as the winds gagged him, successfully cutting off his ability to speak. That was fine. He didn’t need his voice anyway.
The wind (ropes?) sliced uncomfortably into his skin, and he knew there’d be bruises later.
He just stared, trying his absolute best not to show any weakness.
A cold glint flashed in his… cousin’s… eyes, and he flicked his wrist.
Mikey was forced to stand up straight, spine twisting as he was forced to stand uncomfortably stiffly.
“Oh yes,” he chuckled darkly. “I think we’ll have lot’s of fun together.” Mikey’s eyes widened, as he realized what was happening.
Not again, he thought miserably, as he lost his free will once again.
There was no escape. Running to the mortals would not work twice.
He should have known his freedom wouldn’t last forever.
Heheheheheheheheheheh :))))))))
Thank you so much for sending me this ask!!!!! I've always wanted to spore my own turtles :>
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meitantei-shitpost · 5 months
For the ask game, Conan !!!
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Conan Edogawa has successfully taken over my brain he is my blorbo ever. he’s a little creature, he’s a homicide detective, he’s an annoying brat, he’s a tortured soul, he’s a cute little scrunkly, he’s a creepy little shit, he’s an actual genius, he’s a little fuck in a bowtie. I honestly like him too much to get a bingo he is my son
Referring to this post!!
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resident-rats · 2 months
30 metaltango??? seems like them 👉👈
This got away from me a bit dhdfhdj. But you’re right!! It is very them
Word count: 1231
Prompt: “I bet I can make you cum without even touching you.”
[18+ under the cut]
Grass, grass and more grass.
Leon was laying low, flat on his stomach, looking through the scope of his rifle. Krauser next to him, head low. The stakes were kept to a minimum at least. Another training drill. Like Leon didn’t have enough of them already.
“Good Kennedy, just like that.”
He had been instructing Leon for the past hour. Targets popping up from the makeshift scaffolding, teaching him how to hit each one with tactical precision. It had been a long day.
“C’mon, focus. Head out the clouds.”
Right. Yeah. He had to concentrate. Which was easier said that done with his Major pressed against him, voice low in his ear.
“Easy now, deep breaths.”
It was torture, it really was.
One target sprung up, Leon steadily moving the rifle, aligning it with the crosshair. Controlling his hands, ridding them of any shake.
“Attaboy Kennedy, just like that.” The gruff way in which Krauser spoke was doing him no favours.
But he did it. Fired. Hitting it first time. Ensuring to reload efficiently afterwards.
A hand clapped him on the shoulder, fingers dipping down into his collar bone.
“Good job soldier.”
It would have been a better job if Leon hadn’t been lying there hard as a rock for the past half hour or so. Having finally given up on fighting it. Krauser having done nothing but praise him for that duration. It was unfortunate.
“Thank you, Major.”
Ignoring the way his erection pushed into the grass.
“C’mon rookie, onto the next lot.” Standing and extending an arm down. Only Leon didn’t take it. He couldn’t. Not without Krauser learning of his predicament anyway.
“I- uh-”
“What’s wrong now?” Not sounding amused.
“Nothing, it’s just…” What was he even meant to say?
“Don’t have time for bullshit Kennedy, c’mon.” Grabbing Leon’s wrist and flipping him over. Just when he was about to hoist the man up, that was when he noticed. Eyes running down, noting Leon’s problem. Immediately releasing the arm from his grasp.
“I’m sorry,” Tripping over his words as he watched his Major’s expression. Deadpan. One hand went down to adjust the front of his army fatigues. Maybe he could hide it. “It’ll go down, I promise.” Said almost stupidly.
Krauser just remained above, glaring. Almost like it burned.
Leon went to get up, gaining leverage from an elbow.
“Stay put, soldier.” Before dropping to rest on his haunches beside him. “That’s an order.”
Slowly Leon lowered himself back down, rifle in the grass by his side. Lying there, vulnerable.
“On your front,” Only Leon didn’t obey immediately, taken aback by the command. “Now.” Spoken with a little bit of bite.
So, he turned, lying there on his stomach. No idea what was going on, but the adrenaline was doing nothing to help the issue between his thighs.
“Major, listen, I’m-”
“Shut it Kennedy, you listen to me okay?”
Leon just swallowed around the lump in his throat.
A hand came down, brushing along Leon’s side, pulling a small shudder from the man.
“That do it for you, huh?”
Silence on Leon’s end. Embarrassment flooding his face.
“Like it when I touch you, Kennedy?” Hand running back and forth. “C’mon, answer me.”
He closed his eyes tight. “Y-yes.”
A small whimper came from him hearing that, no longer holding back, too confused by what was happening.
“Oh.” Krauser smirking as he spoke. The penny had dropped. “That’s what you like?”
“Shut up.” Leon said back, face growing redder.
“Why, scared of what’ll happen if I call you a good boy now?”
“It’s not like that.” Trying to deny the arousal festering within him. How his cock lay heavy, pathetic and drooling, unable to do anything about it.
“Really? That why you’re rutting into the grass like some kind of desperate mutt, hmm?”
Turning his head to meet Krauser’s. Pupils blown wide, face flushed.
“Bet you like that, thinking what I could do? How I could use you?”
“Krauser.” Named whined a bit.
“Tell me I’m wrong then, huh? Go on, do it.”
But he couldn’t. Of course he couldn’t.
“Fuck the ground. Go on.”
It was a little humiliating but Leon needed it. Cock craving relief, already leaking into his underwear. So he did it. Rolling it into the ground. Hard. Indulging himself.
Krauser clearly getting some kick out of controlling the whole situation.
“That’s a good boy. Always do as I say, don’t you Kennedy?”
Fuck it felt good, even if the friction was kept to a minimum.
“What sort of stuff do you think of Leon? Lying in your bunk at night, with your hands down your pants.” Grumbling it’s way from Krauser’s chest. “Tell me. That’s an order, soldier.”
It really shouldn’t have been having as much of an effect on him as it was.
“A-anything. I’ll take anything.”
“Hmm, that so?”
Mewling a bit at that.
“Want,” Pausing to catch his breath, a bead of sweat falling from his temple. “Want you to fuck me, hard. Hold me there, use me. Fuck- just anything. However you want.”
“Like me to push you up against the walls in the showers then, huh? Fuck you ‘til you can’t stand?”
“Tell you how good you are? That your pretty little ass is all mine? Stroke that stupid cock of yours?”
“Fuck.” Pace faltering just a bit, while lost in the image.
“Watch you fall apart in my hands. Want that do you rookie?”
He did’t even reply, focused on rutting harder and harder where he lay.
“So fucking pathetic.” Krauser laughing as he said it. “Should get a look at yourself, dumb and fucked out.”
His hips slowed as he looked hard into the man’s eyes.
“Krauser, please.” Not quite knowing what to beg for. But something. Anything.
“So fucking whiny. Did I say you could stop?” Practically growled at him.
“Krauser- Major- Please.” Picking up again, voice tapering off.
“Bet I could make you cum without even touching you.”
Head dipping down as the arousal became unbearable. The blunt rub of his cock somehow getting too much. Wet spot forming where the tip met underwear. The constant grinding while trapped in the tight clothing was both a blessing and a curse.
“Gonna be a good boy and cum? Can you do that for me, huh?” Voice getting closer to Leon’s ear, worming it’s way into his brain.
It became increasingly difficult to focus. Only thing he could think of was his cock and Krauser’s voice.
“Gonna be an obedient boy aren’t you?”
And that sent him. Body stilling as he came hard into his pants. A strangled gasp pried from his lungs. Cock twitching uselessly, still trapped between him and the ground. Underwear sticking to him, when all he could do was lie there, helplessly pumping it all out. Leg jolting just a bit.
“That’s good Kennedy.” Krauser’s hand coming up behind to pet his hair, fingers running along the nape of his neck. Somewhat pulling him back into the moment. “Good job.” Just like how he had praised earlier.
“On your feet now soldier.” Said as he stood, just like nothing had happened.
With a soft groan Leon got up, legs still shaking. Grabbing the rifle as he found balance.
“Need to get on with training.” Before marching off to the next area, expecting Leon to follow.
Oh right, yeah. Training.
For this ask game!!
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philosophiums · 3 months
hi sam! who your fave characters are in jjk??
hi mariam!!! <3 <3
HMMMM let's see here....
Megumi & Yuuji are tied for my favorite spot. I love a dark and moody character with a tragic past and a bone-deep manic need to have the last laugh (ready to suicide pact with anyone who looks at him wrong and I Feel That), and I equally love a sweet and funny character who gets put through the wringer and slowly starts to lose pieces of themself as the world and their life crumbles around them <3 (and they were roommates / oh my god they were roommates)
Yuuta is second because I love prodigy characters who are not the protagonist; you just don't see it very often! He's insanely good at what he does and has just an ocean's worth of raw talent, plus his devoted curse of a girlfriend is a Queen, but he spends the entire beginning of the story just... traveling. Not being helpful. Unimportant to the plot. Yuuta could fix this problem but Yuuta is getting a tan and a new haircut on the other side of the world. But when he does come back, he bears Atlas' burden because he must, and that's just so MWAH to me. Also eye bags and dead eyes are SO good. A+ character design.
Nobara is third! She's such a beautifully crafted character, bearing the backstory of a typical shonen protagonist all while knowing her worth and shooting for the stars. She's a bitch (affectionate) and is loved in spite of/because of it. Holds her own in a male-dominated cast and demands respect from her peers. Just a great balance in her characterization of being traditionally feminine but also loud and imposing and taking up the space she deserves. And she kicks ass! And she's funny!
I don't think I can properly rank the others because they all have their moments! Maki's struggles are so grounded in reality when compared to just, like, Women in the real world (working twice as hard for half the accolades if even), and the tragedy involved in her arc is devastating but really well done. I have an insanely soft spot for Inumaki because silent/quiet characters who have sick as hell powers are, admittedly, a favorite of mine (and the fact that he's goofy/a jokester adds a fun layer to him). I love Choso so insanely much; he tries so hard to be a good brother even after fucking up really, really bad at first KJSDVBJKDFVB. I am insane about the regression arc that Geto goes through. Obsessed with characters who get Worse but continue to think that they are in the right. Nanami is such a great adult character, bearing burdens because he's older and he "should," caring for the kids and being a level-headed pillar of guidance. Love a dad™ character. Sukuna also is like... yeah sure maybe he has the most uninspired Reason™ to be evil, but god that's actually a lot of fun. Who needs a villain origin story when you can just be bored and causing mayhem for your own enjoyment :D
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fruchtfliege · 9 days
omg i can't decide between 💚 or 🐺 but either one would be amazing!!
(in response to this post)
💚- re-animator!au
The kiss meant nothing! Liam keeps repeating to himself for the hundredth time but the much-needed repetition is starting to send a different message. But no, this isn't him. He’s not… 
But he's cool! He read the Kinsey Reports! He signed a petition so the World Health Organization would stop considering homosexuality as a psychological disorder! He's… hip. But he's not that. Oh shit… What’s the definition of homosexuality again? Shit! Shit! Shit! Liam likes women! Loves women! Women are great! …Theo is also somewhat fine. He’s… objectively… good… looking. Attractive, hot, and stunning are words that some people might use to describe him. 
Liam bites down on his fingers. Fuck! He might be more in the middle of the Kinsey scale than he thought he was. 
🐺- stuck as a wolf!theo
“So, which one do I do first?” Liam asks Theo as he shows the wolf his science manual and his history manual. He’s a bit indecisive because… well… there’s one he obviously likes and one he obviously hates. 
Theo barely waits the end of the question to boop the science manual with his nose. 
“Hmmmm… I don't know… I got this pretty big history exam soon…” Liam lies, now regretting asking him to choose even if he knows he should do science. Freaking science, it always takes him an eternity to study! 
Putting his big wolfy face on top of the science manual, Theo stares at Liam, not leaving him much choice. 
“I know, but if I do history first, then-”
Theo starts growling. 
“Yeah but-” 
Theo bites the history manual and throws it away. 
“Theo!” Liam exclaims, shocked, before he bursts out laughing.
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kingdomvel · 8 months
Maybe also hands under your lovers clothing for the fire alarm soulmate AU? Please and thank you!
Hiya! Fist of all about the other ask two things: 1. not late at all! I was even going to rereblog it again tomorrow bc i'll have some free time then, I'm just happy you sent an ask at all and 2. I'm still thinkint the castle one over bc i don't know when i want it to happen.... it may take a little bit
N E ways, enjoy this thing i wrote while waiting for class to start and please excuse any mistakes
“Fancy seeing you here” a voice says, a voice Anakin knows well. He doesn’t look up from his feet, his legs stretched out in front of him as he leans on the back of a bench in front of the building. He opens his legs, and a new pair of feet step between them. “I think I recognize you, you must be my new roommate. Just a tip, when you have to come out because of the fire alarm, you take a jacket with you. Specially when it’s winter.”
Anakin looks up, his eyes immediately locking on the ones of the man in front of him, his lover, his husband. His soulmate.
“Sorry,” Anakin says, “I only speak with strangers if they are holding a sandwich.”
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind for the next time.” Obi-Wan answers while nodding. “Will you remember the jacket?”
Anakin had remembered the jacket. But just before he opened the door he had seen that Obi-Wan was due to return from work in the next 5 minutes and had decided to leave it home.
“I don’t know, I think I may need someone to push the lesson into me.” Anakin says, Obi-Wan raises his eyebrows, an amused twink in his eyes. Anakin wants to kiss him. “But I am wearing jeans this time.”
“I can see that.” Obi-Wan says.
“And if I wear my jacket I have no excuse to do this.”
Before Obi-Wan can react or think about his words, Anakin reaches out and tugs his shirt out of his pants and, while Obi-Wan is distracted looking around at the people around them to check if anyone is paying attention to them, Anakin snakes his hands under the piece of clothing.
Obi-Wan inhales sharply and looks down at him, and Anakin knows it’s not only because of the touch of his cold hands against his heated skin, but because Anakin moves one of his hands immediately to his side, the exact place where he knows the soulmark is. Touching it sends an electrifying sensation through both of their bodies, a sensation that has been deeply explored with hands and lips and more, in a heated or lazy way under bedsheets, absentmindedly on cafés and cabs.
Obi-Wan’s hands move to hold Anakin’s, and for a second Anakin thinks that he will pull them away, too cold for Obi-Wan’s tolerance but he pushes them further against his body before he runs them up Anakin’s arms.
Anakin leans forward to rest his chin against Obi-Wan’s chest and look up to him, and Obi-Wan wraps his jacket around the both of them as best as he can while Anakin draws patterns against his skin, against his soulmark. There is a small smile on Obi-Wan’s lips when he looks down at Anakin.
They must look ridiculous.
Anakin doesn’t care.
Obi-Wan looks around again before his eyes settle back on Anakin.
Anakin will never get tired of looking into them. The beautiful blue and grey or even green depending on the light. He is so in love it’s almost ridiculous. The man in front of him is his soulmate, and Anakin will never get tired of revelling on it. He loved Obi-Wan before he knew they were soulmates, when it only brought headaches, confusion and guilt. He loves him now, when it’s easy and warm and passionate and heated. And he will love him in the future, when the grey hairs on Obi-Wan’s temples expand, when his smile lines grow, when they start appearing on himself. He will love him then too, and that’s the thing Anakin is most sure about in his life.
“I think it may be some time before we can go back to our home, do you want to go get some coffee? Maybe an early dinner?”
“I’m not wearing a jacket.” Anakin mumbles as best as he can with his jaw still against Obi-Wan’s chest.
“And is mine suddenly not enough?” Obi-Wan asks.
Anakin moves his hands so he can properly grab Obi-Wan’s sides, still under his shirt. He ruined Obi-Wan’s proper tucked-in-shirt look but he doesn’t care, and Obi-Wan doesn’t seem to care either. He could stay here, with his fingers against Obi-Wan’s skin and wrapped by him forever, but it will probably start being uncomfortable soon.
“You pay.” Anakin says as he finally pulls away.
“Whatever you say, my dear.”
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ninyard · 2 months
Thank you for the answers ! I really loved hearing about ur ocs 🫶🏾 🌷but by curiosity how would vic be if she fell in love with someone or from some reason in particular started playing exy and got to the foxes? How would that go ? Sorry for all the bothering and questions in advance haha, I’m just very curious.
oh thank you!! i feel silly talking about them sometimes so i'm glad you enjoy <33
if vic fell in love with someone, it would be a passionate shitshow. vic has a problem with obsession, and for a while she would do anything to please riko, because all she wanted was his validation and approval, and even still she wasn't exactly in love with him. if he asked her to kill for him, she would. if vic fell in love, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from devoting everything to the person. but she's also manipulative, and a very good actor, and her connection to them would be bordering on stalking. she'd "accidentally" bump into them in different costumes, looking like a different person, or she'd use her skills to find out everything about them, she would leave them gifts, or things in her kills that show they're for them (like the number 1 circled on a menu left next to or near a body to show that it was for riko). obsession, devotion, unhinged love and destruction because all she wants is this person. chances are once she "has" them, she'd be bored, because it's the chase and the admiring from a too-close distance that gives her a thrill. she loves to know that she's there, and the person has absolutely no idea at all.
i like to think that if vic/the foxes ever cross paths it's because she was tasked with a) finding out anything she possibly can about neil or b) killing proust. how i imagine it happening is that she's so intrigued by neil being the butcher's son that she just watches him for a while. she's in eden's when they are, she's in the crowd at games, she's pretending to be a cleaner for the foxhole court just to be close by, in the locker room, breaking into his locker just to look. she's breaking into betsy's office, or david's, or abby's, and nobody will ever know that she was ever there. she pretends to be a server at eden's just to take the glasses from their table, but only once would she ever stand in front of him and look him in the eyes and speak. maybe she has a soft smile on her face, and she tells him she's a big fan, and she loves how brave he's been after everything that's happened to him. neil obviously doesn't know how to respond, but she shakes his hand anyway, or maybe asks him to sign something, but all she sees when she looks at him is the butcher. it's admiration in a way, but there's a part of her that resents him for how everything ended with his father. she loves neil, she hates neil.
i don't think she'd ever play exy, unless it was the only way to get a job done. it's just not her scene, it's not her skillset, but if she had to she would. i could just see her getting close to the foxes in other ways - going to renee's church, or sitting in their lectures pretending to be a student, going to matt's gym, pretending to be security at one of their games. maybe she was the one who killed seth, or maybe she was just there that night. vic is more likely to hide in the shadows to watch, an unsettling presence in a room, than to directly get involved. she's learned how to master disguising herself to blend in, and if she wanted to stay hidden she would never get caught.
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morismentos · 3 months
What’s your favorite Have a Nice Death character? Any headcanons for them?
it feels like every other day another character becomes my favorite, they’re all so good. but i do have to say i enjoy Life a lot. we see her through mostly mentions, it’s just so interesting!! (also again her similarities to death)
she is also the character i have the most headcanons about! because there’s not much we know about her like. personally
anyhow here’s the list there’s probably sooome stuff i forgot if but this is the maiiin jist
- i like to think she has a snake collection, along with various bugs. she likes lavender condas
- despite the quite chaotic nature of life i like to think her personal living space is quite organized, think like those minimalism houses cause i think it’s funny
-she’s also a huge nerd just about different things (i think she would be into like. miniatures, and also wood carving)
- her food pallet is a lot larger than deaths but she is very particular about texture (ex: she cannot stand the mushy texture of oatmeal, the opposite goes for death ofc)
- she’s trans (i want to make a comic about this at sooome point)
- mythology enjoyer but like. animal mythology, it inspires her. fairies centaurs ectect
- ‘has’ a movie collection. it mostly if not all consists of movies death brought that he just never took back. and mostly ones that he would rant about the whole time. sometimes she would as well. now she doesn’t really watch movies anymore, too busy. (she can’t watch them because they just remind her of him)
- loooves the cold, and ice skating, death would say he hasn’t ever skated in his vast life. but he has. he’s just not great at it.
- they gave each other nicknames, death would shorten her name to nat (though he did this very Very rarely), and life would use variations of moris, mori, mors
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eyeofthechasm · 28 days
immediately sending an ask for #8 from the simple ask game because i want to know about everyone's Kind Of Evil And Its Maybe A Bit Worrying type guys
sso ! ok. uh. I dont rlly think I have an outright evil character, but I feel like the closest I can get to that is Asphodel (2hats below & eye/staring warning)?
Asphodel(she/it) is my looped Renzo. She’s a guide, helping the looper out through their situation. That’s the extent of its purpose.
It’d be an antagonist/obstacle/whatever in the same way Loop is in canon: right at the end.
Asphodel doesn’t have a home anymore. All that’s left is it, the fragments of its party scattered throughout her (in its voice, most notably). As she helps the looper overcome and break free of the loops, she realizes just what she’s lost. What they have, she no longer does. What it can never, ever have again, they now do. Even if the party is entirely different from its original (cough cough partyswap) she can’t help but feel betrayed.
To put it lightly, there’s. a bit of jealousy with it! And betrayal!
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aand here she is!! I lijke her she can fit so much angst (art on the right by @ghosttoastx !! mmy frand ghost :) )
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the blog @gallifeathers is inactive but has a few New Who winged time lord edits
I like to imagine that flying isn't necessary to get around on Gallifrey but it you would probably show off to your friends if you can do backflips in mid-air.
Time Lord clothes come with wing slits and/or bigger-on-the-inside technology, so the Doctor has to adjust human clothes they pick up to accomodate their wings. Thier wing feathers have hints of artron energy and their DNA, and when properly groomed by other Time Lords, feathers don't fall out often. The Doctor doesn't have any other Time Lords they could ask to do this, so they need to take care to not leave behind feathers so their enemies can't track them. This is a task they fail at, often.
The only people the Doctor can ask to help groom them are his human companions, which requires both a lot of trust and I imagine a bit of training to do it right. Maybe they give some of their companions loose feathers as a gift, a sort of "here's a piece of me" gesture. (Plus, a crafty companion might be able to use it as a sort of Doctor Detector, like what Jack did with the Doctor's Actual Hand, lol.)
I bet Theta pulled a lot of dumb flying stunts in the Academy with Koschei, the menaces.
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 11 days
Hey!! Who's your favorite turtle?
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Who's yours?
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greensagephase · 3 months
Thank you for the ask, Raven!!! <333
Ask game
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
this birthday card @sunsetdoodler made for me for my birthday back in December!! 🥹🥹
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🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
Had to go to the archive for this one and apparently since October 2014 ?!?!?! Almost 10 years!!
Thank you for the ask!! I hope you're having a lovely day/night, Raven!!!! 🥰🥰
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