#Thank you for asking anon!! :]
ravensmadreads · 2 months
It’s your turn!! Top 3 characters? And then choose one to YEET
Okay first of all asking me for a top 3 is such torture in itself because im INDECISIVE A F!!!
But for the sake of the game ?? I guesss???
Okay here goes:
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Shut up i dont wanna hear it. :P He's a little woobie misunderstood baby who DID NOTHING WRONG. In my heart, he's alive and well and thriving, and I'm getting down on my knees every day for my KING. (And HE *IS* THE HOTTEST PEDRO BOY GIDEON. IT'S THE MURDER SHARK EYES AND THE SEXY SCRATCHY STUBBLE THAT MAKE HIM THE HOTTEST OKAY.) I've imprinted on Dave for reasons unknown and I'm not likely to let go anytime soon. We're married and doing the nasty in my head okay leave us alone im trying to fix him!!! (lies i like him terrible and murdery)
(Also @wildemaven 's version of Dave is so gooodddd. That's the woobie dave i love!!)
Speaking for murder-y...
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I saw joel miller manspread on that dirty ass couch in a gifset eons ago and i was like WHO 👀 IS 👀 THAT 👀?!? And to be honest I've never gone back. There's SO MANY joel stories that i know and love and keep going back to but my fav versions of joel are by @chronically-ghosted (lover share you road makes me cry every timeeeee), @frannyzooey (joel and honey ARE TO DIE FOR OKAY) and anything by @softlyspector . Seriously. GO READ THEM.
(And in case all my issues aren't out in the open by now anyway :p here comes the third choice)
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He's such a dad!! So warm!! So comforting!! So soft!! The glasses!! The nerdy tie!! His kinky powers!!
There's a whole long story behind we can be heroes in my house, and he's just grown on me since. But he was basically the first pedro boy i fell in love with and he started this whole downward unending spiral into madness :p also @blueeyesatnight wrote the BEST marcus moreno (the strongest member of the team) I haven't had the courage to finish it cause im a wimp but seriously. It's the best thing, EVER. (Brb gonna reread it)
As for your other question?
So the thing is, Anon, im a massive brat!! I say this with zero remorse: I'd yeet them all on top of each other and then laugh in the chaos that follows :P
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pizzatowerconfessions · 3 months
hey rat that mods the blog, how are you?
I'm doing fine thank you for asking!
The rat was planning on doing something for the 1 year anniversary of the blog, but I never came up with something. If I do something, it will be very belated. If anyone has ideas, throw them at me (preferably not in the box in the tags or something similar)
The rat mod has also been drawing a lot, art fight is coming up, need to update page.
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mayhems-cannon · 23 days
hope you're okay dude, concerning all your burnout + just in general, again hope you're doing alright ^_^
i guess i’m rather okay? i mean there’s still the constant lingering sadness and loneliness and unhealthy coping mechanisms but I’m still trying, school’s been pretty chill with me so that helped, as is I’m trying to figure out a sleep schedule to maybe calm some of it down while also working on a shitty nakige/utsuge ventpiece type visual novel about someone imagining Gabriel helping them in their daily life as their coping mechanism, among others. it’s just slow to figure things out but i think i’ll be okay if i push myself enough not to start sulking too hard
playing is still hard but i’ve been able to read more so i’m using that as a pass time, and since the aforementioned school is pretty chill since it’s not based in a whole system the current teacher is very understanding about my situation, so that too has been reassuring
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fryday · 2 months
📺 Do you have a favourite DAPG video?
i love so so many of their videos but if it has to be one — raging trombones my beloved 😭😭😭😭😭 literally the funniest shit they've ever done on the channel (that i remember ofc)
phandom ask game ✨️ (i've put the questions i've already answered in the tags!)
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goldkirk · 1 year
So! Shutterbug AU. For Nova and Peanut, what are their favorite service dog tasks they do for Tim and Jason respectively?
Ooh such a fun question!
Nova loves DPT with Tim because That’s Free Snuggles™ AND she gets a reward afterwards. Peanut’s favorite is alerting Jason by nosing his thigh, because she gets to headbutt him with increasing excitement till he pays attention and then Jason immediately provides head scratches afterwards.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
So I accidentally left fandom for like 6 years and I came back to everyone tagging genderbend tw and I’m wondering why????? This was never a content warning worthy concept when I was in fandom and like if people want it tagged then obv I’m cool with tagging it I just cannot wrap my head around why. Pls do you know what the deal is I am Old and Behind.
As I understand it, some people feel dysphoric seeing genderbends of certain characters, especially if they heavily relate to them because of having gender feelings about them or such! It was also somewhat of a hot issue a while back on whether or not genderbending is transphobic/gender essentialist because it assigns certain traits like long hair/short hair/breasts to a particular gender, though this doesn't hold as much weight in our specific corner of fandom I'd say considering the . Long haired men with large tits everywhere LOL
I don't personally have an issue with it, but I know that some people do, so I tag it just to be safe, but if anyone has any other reasons they'd be ok with disclosing for not liking or liking it then I'd be super open to hearing them!! :-))
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aimfor-theheart · 7 months
obligatory getou mention for your ask game :333
i love that he’s obligatory LMAO
but yes, yes we MUST discuss him
i think he smells like….
oud and tonka and musk at the very deepest part of his scent. especially around his throat and nape of his neck. guaiacwood and maybe a hint of dark rose. or orange rind. a little bitter, especially when uncomfortably close and intimate with him.
i think there’s a superficial, smokier quality to his scent that is closer to incense like frankincense or myrrh. sandalwood is laced here, too, but not a lot, and perhaps only because of the shampoo he uses. these scents tend to dissipate as the day goes on.
i think he may wear a cologne that heightens the tonka in his scent; touched with fig and walnut, maybe. tobacco on the edges. it’s a hazy, heady scent and a little base. hypnotic.
send me a character and i’ll tell you what i think they smell like!
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hotdrinks · 1 year
hello mr sir (or not that!!), how does.payment work for your commissions? I ask cos I'm in the UK + wonder what you would use / if it's possible for me to work that - thanks!
Hello anon!! It typically use Paypal or ko-fi for commissions payments but I'm on most of the payment apps if those don't work for you!! I think that should work fine for payments from the UK! Ive received a few commissions from people outside the US and it didn't give us any trouble.
I usually forget to account for conversion rates when I'm talking price with ppl (very American of me sorry 😔) but if you let me know what currency you use I can figure all that out!
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lfcrobbo · 2 years
☕ + mick schumacher's reserve seat with Mercedes
HAPPY FOR HIM!!! obviously i was hoping for an actual seat but it's okay!! he's following in his estiebestie's footsteps and i for one think that's great. i hope it will be a good opportunity for him and i also hope george flops (unrelated, i just always hope that) and that mick replaces him<3
also of course... baby schumi being part of his dad's old team is. nice:')
send me a ☕ and a topic and i'll tell u my opinion about it!
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5, 16, and 39 for the horror ask !
5. what horror movie do you hate?
I’m going with I Spit On Your Grave (2010) for this one. It might not be 100% fair because I have not seen the entire movie, but I was at a friend’s house and they put this on and let’s just say it was Not a good time. It’s the only horror movie I’ve ever walked out on, unable to finish it, and I have no plans to ever revisit it.
16. what’s a horror movie you know is bad but love anyway?
Going in the complete opposite direction on this one, I specifically love this movie because of my memories of watching it with my friends. Birdemic: Shock and Terror. It’s without a doubt one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen but I have so many good memories of riffing over it with my friends, so I have a lot of love for it.
39. originals or remakes?
This is a tough one and I don’t think I can give a definitive answer, it truly depends on the movie. Sometimes the original did it best and there’s nothing you can do to top it, but in some cases like Evil Dead 2 (which I count as a remake of Evil Dead, some people will agree and others won’t), IT chapter 1, and The Fly (1986) among many many others the remake wins out for me over what came before. I truly don’t think you can say originals are always better or that remakes will always unlock something the original wasn’t quite able to. It all depends on the individual work.
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abuadam86 · 21 days
Emergency: Help save my children's lives
Dear humanity,
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I am Habib from Gaza. I am married and have four children: Menna, 12 years old, Adam, 10 years old (suffering from quadriplegia), Maria, 6 years old, and Ezz, one year old. Although they are young, they have survived previous wars, but this current war is the most difficult of all. This is a war of genocide, and the difficulty of the war lies in the inability to meet the needs of my son Adam, who needs special care.
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Over the past ten months, we have been caught in the crossfire of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Our once peaceful home in Khan Yunis has been reduced to rubble, and now we find ourselves displaced in Deir al-Balah, living in squalid conditions in a makeshift tent on the streets. The devastation not only deprived us of our physical shelter, but also destroyed my livelihood - the once thriving business that supported our family's well-being, is now in ruins. The daily struggle for survival is exacerbated by the scarcity of basic necessities such as clean water, adequate sanitation and basic medical supplies
Our home was the place where we found hope and safety, and where we made precious memories. Losing him was like losing years of our lives.
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Not only that, they destroyed my source of livelihood, burned it, and demolished it with bulldozers, and today I am without a home and without a job. I was working in a store I owned that met the needs and expenses of my family
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Living in tents is miserable. There is a lack of drinking water, hot sun rays, and strange insects that have terrified my children. What hurts me most is my young son Ezz, who I see growing up in an unclean environment and with no healthy food for him. I believe he has not received his right to life.
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At this stage, my husband and I decided to go to you and create an account on the Go Fund Me website and ask you to help us in these difficult times until we get out of Gaza, from the land of war to the land of peace. All we need from you is to support us and help us to get out of the war, even if you cannot help. You should spread the word. This campaign is everywhere and among your friends. We thank you for your stance and support for us. Thank you, my friends
The amount that will be collected from this campaign :
We will spend it by paying the amount to coordinate entry through the Rafah land crossing, which connects Gaza to the State of Egypt, since, as I mentioned, they charge an adult $5,000, but depending on the pressures, crises, and waiting, the amount may reach $7,000 per person, and children $2,500 to $4,000.
We will also use it for the rest of the travel and safe transportation expenses to provide for all family members.
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A picture of my children's life before the war
A video of my children's lives living the war
May God reward you with all the best and may God bless you
Best wishes with sincere gratitude,
Habib's family
My Instagram account link
My account vetted by:
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pizzatowerconfessions · 3 months
Rat is back from vacation! How are you doing?
I think I lost my headphones in the airport, but other than that, it was a nice time, an enjoyable week off.
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therainbowwillow · 10 months
hbomberguy’s latest video on plagiarism has made me completely rethink literature and writing. I have never once so much as considered intentionally plagiarizing anyone or anything, but I think there’s something more that has come out of this: the names of the people who created the works Somerton (and others) ripped off.
Plagiarism isn’t only bad because it is lazy and disrespectful, it’s bad because it buries the truth. If you can’t find a source, the conversation is over. Somerton’s sources are fairly easy to find by simply searching his plagiarized lines, but that isn’t true in most cases. Most of the time, the line from statement to source is a lot less clear.
Today, I was writing a report on English Ivy, which is an invasive species here in the US. I wanted to know when it was introduced and I at last found a source claiming it was introduced to the Americas “as early as 1727” on a .net website that seems quite reputable (it has multiple major universities credited in its home page), but there is no citation for where this date came from. I dug deeper and found a pamphlet created by a city government in Virginia that made the same claim, only to discover the first source linked in their bibliography. Another website (a botanical garden’s page) gave the same date with the same source hyperlinked. Of course, I have classes to attend and things to do and probably not enough time to follow the lines back to where this 1727 date came from, but if I had not just watched this video, I wouldn’t have given that date a second thought.
Of course, it doesn’t matter in the long run exactly what year hedera helix was introduced to the Americas, but it makes you wonder how many facts have been so vaguely attributed that it becomes completely impossible to figure out where they originated (and further, whether or not they’re true at all).
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seec-logic · 7 months
Ahh so...
1) What is the first SE-EC game you played?
2) What's the easiest and hardest to finish?
(It's sad that this fandom is small so seeing a blog dedicated to SE-EC is like... Very rare)
- 🌌
HI ANON!! Thank you for reaching out JDCJJSBDUSSHV knowing there's another SEEC ESC-APE games lover out there makes my heart melt... So!!
1) The Prison Boys! I instantly fell in love with SEEC ESC-APE games after playing this. I remembered I frantically searched for another game from the developer and so I played Yotsume God and Tasokare Hotel not long after. I think thats was in 2018 or 2019. No EN version of Tsumugu Logic yet!
2) This is a tough question... because I usually look up to walkthroughs when I got stuck rip. I think Yotsume God was the hardest to me because the clues are scattered in more places the more you move forward. It's like I had to look up for walkthrough each time *sobs* The easiest is Tsumugu Logic for me? I played this in 2023, when I jumped back to playing games. I was terribly happy when I see a new game from SEEC! Back to the question though, I think I find it easier playing Tsumugu Logic because I've gotten used to these kind of games over the years? The story was also not culturally heavy like Yotsume God. It's still challenging but it's the right amount for me not to go to walkthroughs lol.
If you want, please share yours. I'd love to hear them.
I know the fandom is so small, but it's also quite lively remembering how small the number of members are!
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technically-human · 1 month
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Green arrow, getting into a fight with batman because he insulted bruce
“No, I want to hear you say it again,” Ollie said, leaning over the conference table and past Dinah to jab a finger in Batman’s face. “Insult him again, I dare you.”
Batman, for his part, looked entirely unperturbed by Ollie’s chest puffing. “I said, Bruce Wayne isn’t exactly known for being intelligent. That’s common knowledge, Green—”
“Do you know what he’s been through?” Ollie exploded, “Do you know how fucked up his childhood was? It’s a miracle he’s functioning as an adult. I knew him in school — do you know what he was? Sad. And you have the nerve to sit in your stupid little angst suit and lecture me about Bruce Wayne?”
Dinah swallowed, giving up on holding Ollie back. She glanced at Batman out of the corner of her eye, prepared to size up an opponent, but the other man’s posture was still relaxed.
He seemed…taken aback, if such a thing was possible for the Batman.
“I…apologize,” Batman said quietly. “I hadn’t realized the extent of your feelings toward him.”
“Pick on someone your own size next time,” Ollie grumbled, as close to an apology as he would get. “Bruce does so much for Gotham. More than you’ll ever do. So yeah, if he’s a little air-headed sometimes — that’s fine with me.”
With that, Ollie turned on his heel, exiting the conference room with a huff. Batman stared after him for a long moment, steeped in stillness.
“He cares about his friends,” Dinah offered, breaking the awkward silence. Batman gave her an odd look, jaw tensing.
“I know.”
“Now you do,” Dinah said, putting enough emphasis on the first word for him to look up at her, acknowledging the hint. “I’d better go check on him.”
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