#Tess Dileva
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MetalBurst Project - Season 2: Beyblade Burst Evolution
Includes the basics (bladers, beyblades, battles, events, debuts). Specific scores of individual matches not included. Also, some teams are from different nations to adhere to a 1 team/nation rule (except for Catalonia).
Note: the times when some bladers meet their bey Spirits for the first time are what count as that spirit's debut.
Each opening would have different scenes from the original, but while I can draw I can't animate whatsoever, nor do I have time to draw an entire opening. So use your minds to imagine alternate scenes for the opening.
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 1-35): Evolution
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 36-52): Made For This
[Japanese] Opening Theme (3 versions - Ep. 1-24, Ep. 25-35 + Ep. 36-52): Evolution Burst!
Note: Motif, and avatar/spirit, is according to the Beyblade Wiki and by me.
Bladers (Beyblades - Motifs) - MOVES:
Alexander Shakadera (Surge Xcalius 1 Iron - Holy Sword of England) - DUAL SABERS, TRIPLE SABER
Boa Alcazaba (Arc Balkesh 2Bump Atomic - God Dragon) - FINAL GUARD, FINAL CRASH
Clio Delon (Deep Caynox 4Flow Bearing - Primordial Void) - LEVITATION LAUNCH
Count Nightfell (Duo Aether 7Star Unite - Sun-Moon Combination) - ECLIPSE LAUNCH
Cuza Ackermann (Alter Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God) - TIGHTROPE DIVE, WARP LAUNCH, ETERNITY LAUNCH, SPINNING MOON DIVE
Daigo Kurogami (Krusher Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper) - DOUBLE STRIKE, HUNT LAUNCH
Esmeralda Petersburg (Smite Amaterios 0Bump Anchor - Sun Goddess) - SMITE SPIN
Free de la Hoya (Drain Fafnir 8 Nothing - Golden Dragon) - DRAIN SPIN, NOTHING BREAK
Ghasem Madal (Maximum Garudas 8Flow Flugel - King of Birds) - METEOR STRIKE
Joshua Burns (Blast Jinnius 5Glaive Guard - Genie) - CYCLONE WALL, CYCLONE COUNTER
Ken Midori (Guardian Kerbeus 7 Nothing - Underworld Guardian) - GUARDIAN LAUNCH, NOTHING COUNTER
Kurt Baratier (Boom Khalzar 7Under Hunter - Hurricane Bird God) - SKYSCRAPER BOOST, THUNDER ATTACK, BOLT ATTACK
Lui Shirosagi (Nightmare Lúinor Destroy - Ice Dragon of Ruin) - DRAGON CRASH, NIGHTMARE BOOST
Norman Tarver (Twin Noctemis 3Hit Jaggy - Anger God) - UPPER CRASH, COLOSSUS HAMMER
Rantaro Kiyama (Berserk Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon) - ROKTAVOR ZONE, STAMINA LAUNCH
Raul Comas (Genesis/Strike Valtryek Mugen - Battle Goddess) - INFINITY LAUNCH, GENESIS WHIP
Ren Wu Sun (Shelter Regulus 5Star Tower - Lion) - SHELTER DEFENCE, FANG ATTACK
Silas Karlisle (Kinetic Satomb 2Glaive Loop - Devil) - ROLLER DRIFT, ROLLER DEFENCE, CYCLONE LOOP
Suki Ryushima (Shining Orichalcum Outer Octa - Mountain Metal) - SHINING COUNTER, SHINING BREAK, OMEGA ATTACK
Tess Dileva (Shadow Orichalcum Aero Bite - Mountain Metal) - LUNAR COUNTER, SHADOW BREAK, LUNAR SONATA
Toko Aoi (Spiral Treptune 8Bump Wedge - Three-Pronged Spear) - SPIRAL COUNTER
Wakiya Murasaki (Tempest Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern) - SUPER TEMPEST ATTACK, TEMPEST SHIELD, HYPER SHIELD CRASH
Zachary Kaneguro (Galaxy Zeutron 4Meteor Planet - Thunder God) - GALAXY BOOST, GRAND LIGHTNING*, PLANET BREAK
Pablo (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Paul Orlando (Storm Spryzn Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Mark Strong (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Calli/Kahli (Dual Diomedes Triple Accel - Hero King)
Ivan (Beast Betromoth Infinity Press - Beast)
Rickson Clay (Jumbo Jormuntor Jerk Unite - World Serpent)
Shasa Guten (Giga Gaianon Vertical Cycle - Primordial of Earth)
Stan Hamburg (Psychic Phantazus Polish Weight - Phantom)
Django del Toro (Quill Quetziko Quarter Hold - Wind & Learning God)
Rodrick (Storm Spryzen Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Spark Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Sara Sanchez (Raging Roktavor Limited Press - Winged Demon)
Xavier Kappa (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Ruck Mar (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Allan Renoir (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Arthur Lawrence (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
George Star (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Jorge Ortega (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Richard Yello (Shadow Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon)
Black Eye (Shadow Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper)
Grey Eye (Shadow Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God)
Azure Eye (Shadow Valtryek 6Vortex Reboot - Battle Goddess)
Violet Eye (Shadow Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern)
Dylan Summers (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Dolph Henson (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Lionel Mecca (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Thiago Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Leone Balone (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Javier (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Ana Mark (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Carlos Thunder (Omni Odax Gravity Needle - War God)
Ramon Martinez (Dark Doomscizor Knuckle Unite - Grim Reaper)
Sergio Lopez (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Anton (King Kerbeus Gravity Revolve - Underworld Guardian)
Jeff Peterson (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Ataru Okinaka (Storm Spryzen Mugen - Protector Giant)
*Galaxy Zeutron having a move called Grand Lightning in this fan-made season is a homage to Dynamis and Jade Jupiter.
Teams (Known bladers only if available, at time of World League):
Sol (Spain) = Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, Zachary Kaneguro, Silas Karlisle, Cuza Ackermann, Suki Ryushima, Rickson Clay, Shasa Guten
Sunbat United (Catalonia) = Wakiya Murasaki, Ken Midori, Django del Toro, Ataru Okinaka
Top Wand (Germany) = Heinrich, Rodrick
Galleon (Portugal) = Xavier Kappa, Sara Sanchez, Spark Torres
Gallus (France) = Daigo Kurogami, Allan Renoir, Ruck Mar
Nord (Sweden) = Unknown bladers
Royals (England) = Arthur Lawrence, George Star, Ghasem Madal, Jeff Peterson, Pax Forsythe [Retired due to injury]
Raging Bulls (America) = Joshua Burns, Free de la Hoya, Tess Dileva, Richard Yello, Dylan Summers, Guy Spear, Dust Rukane
Lago (Mexico) = Jorge Ortega, Ramon Martinez, Sergio Lopez
Rios (Brazil) = Alexander Shakadera, Ren Wu Sun, Javier, Ana Mark Carlos Thunder, Stan Hamburg
Rocks (Australia) = Dolph Henson
Tango Rhythms (Argentina) = Lionel Mecca, Thiago Torres, Leone Balone
Key -> SOLvSUU = Sol vs. Sunbat United, EL = European League, SOLvTOW = Sol vs. Top Wand, SOLvNOR = Sol vs. Nord, SOLvGLO = Sol vs. Galleon, SOLvGAL = Sol vs. Gallus, SOLvROY = Sol vs. Royals, NAL = North American League, RABvLAG = Raging Bulls vs. Lago, WL = World League, RABvROC = Raging Bulls vs. Rocks, SOLvTAR = Sol vs. Tango Rhythms, RIOvLAG = Rios vs. Lago, ROYvSOL = Royals vs. Sol, RIOvSUU = Rios vs. Sunbat United, GALvGLO = Gallus vs. Galleon, RABvTOW = Raging Bulls vs. Top Wand, RIOvSOL = Rios vs. Sol, RABvGAL = Raging Bulls vs. Gallus, SOLvRAB = Sol vs. Raging Bulls, IBC = International Bladers Cup
Main Protagonists = Valt Aoi, Free de la Hoya (IBC)
Main Antagonists = Theodore Glass, Spryzen, Tess Dileva
Disc 1 Antagonists (Pre-IBC) = Shu Kurenai, Free de la Hoya
Disc 1 Antagonists (IBC) = Kurt Baratier, Norman Tarver
Episodes -> (Battles [Events]) -> {Other}:
01 - To The World! Genesis Valtryek! -> (Pablo defeats Ken, Silas defeats Pablo, Valt loses to Silas, Valt defeats Silas) -> {Silas/Kit/Pablo/Raul debut, Valt/Ken make their Evolution debut, Satomb cracks Valtryek, Victory Valtryek is evolved into Genesis Valtryek, King Kerbeus is evolved into Guardian Kerbeus}
02 - Fighting Spirit! Berserk Roktavor! -> (Rantaro defeats Paul, Valt defeats Mark, Rantaro defeats Calli/Kahli, Valt defeats Suki, Rantaro defeats Zachary, Valt defeats Tess, Valt defeats Rantaro) -> {Kristina/Trad/Free debut, Rantaro/Tess/Zachary/Suki make their Evolution debut, Berserk Roktavor is created, Valt/Rantaro/Zachary/Tess/Suki are accepted into Sol}
03 - Shock! Drain Fafnir! -> (Free defeats Valt, Free defeats Rantaro, Free defeats Ivan, Free defeats Rickson, Free defeats Shasa, Free defeats Ken, Free defeats Esmeralda) -> {Ataru/Honey/Shasa/Ange/Senor Hanami/Ivan/Rickson/Django debut, Wakiya/Esmeralda/Stan make their Evolution debut, Esmeralda/Stan are revealed to be part of Sol, Wakiya/Silas are revealed to be part of Sunbat United, Sunbat United challenge Sol to a battle}
04 - Whirlwind! Tempest Wyvron! -> (Wakiya defeats Rantaro [SOLvSUU], Wakiya loses to Valt [SOLvSUU continued]) -> {Theodore debuts, Valt removes Valtryek's Vortex frame}
05 - Devil Assault! Kinetic Satomb! -> (Valt loses to Silas [SOLvSUU], Free defeats Silas [SOLvSUU continued])
06 - Severe Earthquake! Sol! -> (Rantaro defeats Wakiya [SOLvSUU: SOL 4-2 SUU], Rickson defeats Calli/Kahli, Stan defeats Suki, Ivan defeats Esmeralda, Shasa defeats Tess, Django loses to Valt, Django loses to Silas, Silas defeats Rantaro) -> {Rantaro removes Roktavor's Cross frame, Valt reattaches Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas leaves Sunbat United & is accepted into Sol, Django leaves Sol after demotion to the B-Team causing tension between Stan & Valt, Esmeralda vindictively forces Tess to leave Sol after the latter tried to screw up her secret plan to leave Sol herself}
07 - Reach It! Journey To The Top! -> (Rickson defeats Stan, Shasa vs. Ivan interuppted, Valt draws with Rantaro, Esmeralda defeats Calli/Kahli, Rickson draws with Ivan, Valt defeats Stan, Silas loses to Rantaro) -> {Rantaro reattaches Roktavor's Cross frame, Stan blames Valt for Django leaving Sol}
08 - Season Opener! European League! -> (Free defeats Heinrich [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt loses to Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW continued]) -> {Cuza/Carl/Rodrick debut, Heinrich/Cuza are revealed to be part of Top Wand, Theodore starts trying to convince Free to join Raging Bulls}
09 - Temporal Troupe! Alter Cognite! -> (Rantaro loses to Rodrick [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Free defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOL 3-2 TOW]) -> {Theodore continues scouting Free}
10 - Free To Launch! Valt and Free! -> (Ivan draws with Rickson, Stan draws with Shasa, Rantaro vs Suki interrupted, Valt loses to Free) -> {Silas confronts Kristina and Trad about not being chosen for the team more but Trad tells him to swallow his pride, Valt's/Rantaro's rankings move up alongside Sol's causing tension between them and the rest of the team, Valt/Rantaro are revealed to have tried contacting Shu but he has not gotten back to them, Alexander is revealed to be in Brazil, Free leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Free allows Valt access to his secret forest stadium}
11 - The Collapse! A Team Divided! -> (Zachary loses to Tess [EL Round 2: SOL 0-3 NOR], Valt vs Rantaro interrupted, Silas defeats 5 random bladers at once, Silas defeats Wakiya, Rantaro loses to Spark [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Suki loses to Sara [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Valt loses to Xavier K. [EL Round 3: SOL 0-3 GLO]) -> {Tess is revealed to have gained a new bey from an unknown place called Shadow Orichalcum, Zachary's humiliation at causes an increase in aggressiveness and an exodus of unfaithful fans, Tess is revealed to have joined Nord, the crushing defeat to Nord causes further friction within Sol, Silas leaves refusing to be held back by Valt any longer but Wakiya convinces him to return to which he says he just needed fresh air, Ivan leaves Sol to achieve his dream of becoming a BeyTrainer, Esmeralda leaves Sol to become the bodyguard for an enigmatic new client even though her employers [apprenticeship-type thing] never assigned her one raising heavy suspicion from Trad}
12 - Second Coming! The Return Of Doomscizor! -> (Rantaro loses to Rickson, Rantaro loses to Silas, Valt loses to Daigo, Rantaro loses to Daigo, Rantaro draws with Ruck, Valt defeats Shasa) -> {Allan/Ruck/Marie debut, Daigo makes his Evolution debut, Daigo is revealed to be part of Gallus, Dark Doomscizor is revealed to have been evolved into Krusher Doomscizor, Daigo fails to convince Valt/Rantaro to join him in France but his attempt make Sol think the two do plan to leave and they are removed from the eligible bladers list, Shasa gives up her place for Valt after she realises he is telling the truth about not leaving, Zachary quickly recovers with help from Kristina and decides to take back his place in stardom as an idol with backing from the faithful fans who stick around regardless of the result, Zillion Zeutron is evolved into Galaxy Zeutron}
13 - Beyond The Sunrise! Galaxy Zeutron! -> (Valt loses to Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Ruck [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Silas loses to Allan [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Valt defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOL 3-2 GAL]) -> {Ghasem/Arthur L./George debut, Ghasem watches the match between Silas and Allan, Daigo's role in improving Gallus is revealed}
14 - Attack! Shining Orichalcum! -> (Silas defeats Ken, Suki defeats Silas, Silas defeats Ghasem [Flashback], George loses to Arthur L., Silas loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY]) -> {Valt is named leader of Sol, it is revealed that Ghasem holds a grudge against Silas for destroying his old bey, Suki creates Shining Orichalcum out of Salvo Surtr having naturally watched Tess' demolition of Zachary as part of Sol}
15 - Maximus Garuda! The Airborne Bey! -> (Suki defeats Arthur L. [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Zachary draws with Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Rantaro defeats George [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Valt loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Silas defeats Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOL 3-2 ROY]) -> {It is revealed that Ghasem recieved Garuda from Arthur L., victory over Royals mean Sol qualify for the World League, Wakiya tells Valt/Rantaro that Shu is missing}
16 - The Search For Shu! Legend Spryzen! -> (Shu defeats Jorge [NAL Round 5: RAB 3-0 LAG], Valt loses to Red Eye) -> {Jorge debuts, Valt/Rantaro/Daigo/Wakiya/Suki travel to Mexico to search for Shu and meet Cuza along the way, Zachary opts to remain at Sol, the crew learn about Snake Pit and discover its HQ, the crew meet a boy called Red Eye who has supposedly stolen Shu's Spryzen for himself}
17 - Shadow Magic! The Snake Pit! -> (Rantaro loses to Yellow Eye) -> {Gold Eye/Boa/Black Eye/Violet Eye/Grey Eye/Yellow Eye/Azure Eye debut, Silver Eye makes her Evolution debut, the crew learn more about Snake Pit and discover the Shadow Bladers, Rantaro is almost kicked out of the Snake Pit but the crew save him}
18 - Into The Labyrinth! Underground Maze! -> (Daigo defeats Black Eye, Cuza defeats Grey Eye, Valt vs. Azure Eye continued) -> {Black Eye/Grey Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit}
19 - Secret Fire! Red And Silver! -> (Valt defeats Azure Eye, Wakiya vs. Violet Eye [interrupted by Red Eye] -> Wakiya vs. Violet Eye vs. Red Eye [Battle Royale results: Red Eye > Wakiya > Violet Eye], Valt/Daigo/Cuza vs. Red Eye [interrupted by Suki/Silver Eye] -> Valt/Daigo/Cuza/Suki lose to Red Eye/Silver Eye) -> {Azure Eye is kicked out of Snake Pit, Wakiya/Violet Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to have gained Shadow Orichalcum from Ashtem, Valt/Suki/Rantaro/Daigo/Cuza are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to be Silver Eye, Boa guides the crew through the jungle to safety}
20 - New Teammates! New Rivals! -> (Cuza draws with Silas, Kristina loses to Free [Flashback], Valt loses to Cuza, Valt defeats Stan) -> {Cuza leaves Top Wand to join Sol, Trad leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Stan leaves Sol and heads to Brazil, the members of Sol discover Free's secret forest stadium and that he gave Valt permission to use it, Free is revealed to have entrusted Valt with leading the team in his absence}
21 - A-List! Joshua Burns! -> (Joshua defeats Cuza) -> {Joshua/Deborah/Terry debut, Joshua invites Sol to star in his latest movie, Joshua declines Wakiya's invitation to join Sunbat United}
22 - Blast Jinnius! Caller of Storms! -> (Rantaro loses to Joshua, Wakiya loses to Joshua) -> {The movie finishes, Wakiya challenges Joshua intent on making him join Sunbat United if he loses, Joshua reveals Jinnius' true power, Theodore convinces Joshua to become the captain of Raging Bulls}
23 - Infinity Stadium! Raul's Challenge! -> (Joshua defeats Richard, Valt loses to Shasa, Valt loses to Raul, Silas loses to Raul) -> {Yellow Eye is revealed to have left Snake Pit to focus on Raging Bulls, Yellow Eye's identity is revealed as Richard Yello, Kristina's grandad Jinbei is revealed to be a legendary blader of the past and the creator of the first ever beyblades, Jinbei & Raul are revealed to have been rivals, Sol receive a new stadium, Kristina confides in Suki about her doubts about being a good manager for Sol, Suki slowly convinces Kristina to continue her way of managing the team citing her own increase in confidence/willingness to interact with her teammates as proof, Kristina admits her doubts haven't gone away but resolves to persist past them}
24 - World League! Setting The Stage! -> (Joshua defeats Dylan, Valt draws with Rantaro, Joshua loses to Free, Joshua defeats Dolph [WL Round 1: RAB 3-0 ROC], Valt vs. Lionel continued [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR]) -> {Lionel/Thiago/Leone/Karina/Dylan debut, Joshua attempts to connect with Free & eventually succeeds, Free & Valt reminisce about when Free left Sol, Kristina reveals to Valt that Free thought he would make Sol a better team in his absence which Valt acknowledges, Red Eye leaves Snake Pit to find his own path after hearing that two bladers defeated several Snake Pit members including Tess, the World League begins}
25 - Sword Fighting! Surge Xcalius! -> (Valt defeats Lionel [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Silas defeats Thiago [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Cuza defeats Leone [WL Round 1: SOL 3-0 TAR], Alexander defeats 100 unknown bladers in a row [Flashback], Alexander defeats Javier/Ana/Carlos [Flashback], Alexander defeats Stan [Flashback], Ren Wu defeats Ramon [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Stan defeats Sergio [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Alexander defeats Jorge [WL Round 1: RIO 3-0 LAG]) -> {Ren Wu/Ramon/Sergio/Horikawa/Marco/Javier/Carlos/Ana/Banner debut, Alexander makes his Evolution debut, Alexander is revealed to have forged Surge Xcalius as an evolution of Xeno Xcalius and travelled to Brazil where he re-united with old martial artist rival Ren Wu, Alexander is revealed to have passed the 100 Blader Test to join Rios and to have received a new launcher from Banner after his launcher broke during the test, Stan joins Rios, Rick tells Valt/Rantaro/Suki/Zachary that he moved to Sol from Rios, Rick reveals to Sol that his dad Banner is the manager/founder of Rios}
26 - Explode! Genesis Reboot! -> (Rantaro loses to Raul, Shasa loses to Raul, Rickson defeats Anton, Valt loses to Rickson x3, Valt defeats Rickson, Ghasem defeats Silas [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Arthur L. loses to Cuza [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Jeff loses to Suki [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Ghasem loses to Valt [WL Quarter-Final: ROY 1-3 SOL]) -> {Rickson helps Valt master Genesis Reboot, Ivan is revealed to have become the BeyTrainer of Royals}
27 - Worlds Collide! Home Turf! -> (Valt vs. Rantaro vs. Wakiya vs. Alexander vs. Ataru [Battle Royale results order: Valt > Alexander > Wakiya > Rantaro > Ataru], Suki draws with Zachary, Wakiya defeats Toko, Stan defeats Django [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Ana defeats Ataru [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Carlos loses to Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Alexander defeats Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIO 3-1 SUU]) -> {Guy/Dust debut, Chiharu/Toko/Nika/Hoji/Quon/Ukio/Yugo make their Evolution debut, Sol travel to Japan to watch Rios vs. Sunbat United, Valt/Rantaro/Wakiya/Zachary/Suki introduce the rest of Sol to their old friends/rivals, Toko is revealed to have created Spiral Treptune, Ken/Django are revealed to have joined Sunbat United, Boa is scarred across the nose during Snake Pit trials, Boa obtains Arc Balkesh, Boa is tasked by Ashtem to track down & surpass Red Eye}
28 - The Vampire! Deep Caynox! -> (Cuza loses to Clio, Daigo defeats Spark [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Ruck defeats Sara [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Clio defeats Xavier K. [WL Quarter-Final: GAL 3-0 GLO], Joshua defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Free defeats Rodrick [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Tess defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RAB 3-0 TOW], Red Eye defeats Ghasem) -> {Clio debuts, Sol/Wakiya/Ataru travel to France to watch Gallus vs. Galleon, Cuza is revealed to have been traumatized by one of Clio's magic tricks in the past, Valt & Zachary help Cuza get over his fear of Clio, Tess decides to drop being Silver Eye and leaves Snake Pit to join Raging Bulls, Maximus Garuda is crushed by the machinery of Big Ben in the Elizabeth Tower}
29 - The Fortress! Shelter Regulus! -> (Valt/Rantaro/Cuza lose to Ren Wu, Valt defeats 95 unknown bladers in a row, Alexander vs Silas continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Sol travel to Brazil to see the BeyCarnival, Cuza's acrobatics accidentally ruin the parade causing general anger towards Sol by the Brazilians present, Ren Wu decides to settle things with a bey battle, Valt's lacklustre performance against Ren Wu results in him letting Alexander down, Valt takes on the 100 Blader Challenge to redeem himself in Alexander's eyes & completes 95 before he tires out & Rickson collects him}
30 - Collision Course! To The Finals! -> (Alexander defeats Silas [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Joshua defeats Ruck [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Stan loses to Rickson [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Clio defeats Daigo [Flashback], Dylan loses to Clio, Ren Wu vs. Cuza continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Clio is revealed to be an actual vampire, Suki decides it's a good time to tell Kristina of the true reason behind Tess' departure, Kristina decides to enforce a ban on Esmeralda ever returning to Sol, Suki tells a grateful Kristina that she wants to repay her help in becoming more confident by showing Tess that Sol are as exemplary as their reputation suggests, Kristina advises Suki to train with Valt knowing due to previous scouting of bladers that he's the one who convinced her to break out of her shell}
31 - The Big 5's Wall! Breaking Through! -> (Ren Wu defeats Cuza [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Daigo loses to Free [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Ren Wu loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Tess vs. Daigo continued [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL]) -> {Tess visits Sol to talk with Valt about the ins and outs of being a leader and being serious about their roles, Valt ruminates with Rantaro about his conversation with Tess and what it truly means to be a captain, Rantaro convinces Valt to make an effort to not be a captain in name only, Valt agrees to help personally train Suki}
32 - Peerless! Triple Saber! -> (Tess defeats Daigo [WL Semi-Final: RAB 3-1 GAL], Alexander loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIO 2-3 SOL]) -> {Alexander realises Valtryek has more stages to evolve to, Raul is revealed to be working on something called Genesis Special}
33 - The Finals! Spain vs. America! -> (Lui defeats 7 unknown bladers, Red Eye defeats Alexander, Boa defeats Ren Wu, Valt loses to Raul, Valt loses to Free, Rantaro defeats Richard [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Cuza loses to Joshua [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui makes his Evolution debut, Lui completes a long period of intense training, Lui is revealed to have evolved Lost Lúinor into Nightmare Lúinor, Boa successfully tracks down and shows his power to Red Eye}
34 - Reassurance! Omega Attack! -> (Silas loses to Free [Flashback], Silas loses to Free [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Suki defeats Tess [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Silas vs. Joshua continued [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui appears to watch the World League Final, Tess being as mostly serious as ever ignores her own former Rideout teammate, Tess/Suki briefly discuss Esmeralda being vindictive and forcing her to leave after threatening to expose her own plans for departure to Kristina, Suki tells Tess she wants to prove her own development to herself a Suki creates a new move called Omega Attack to overcome Tess, Tess commends Suki for her increase in confidence since the National Tournament and Sol for becoming a team worth their lustrous reputation, Free silently agrees with Tess' judgement of his former team, Silas requests to replace Zachary and go out for match 5 claiming he needs it, Joshua forcefully takes Free's place in match 5 much to Free's displeasure, Free secretly hopes Silas can win the tournament for Sol partially to humble Joshua and partially to prove they don't need to rely on him}
35 - To The Podium! That's A Wrap! -> (Silas defeats Joshua [WL Final: SOL 3-2 RAB], Lui vs. Red Eye continued) -> [Silas temporarily switches out Satomb's Glaive frame for Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas claims his moment of glory and wins the final, Sol win the World League, Free departs Raging Bulls to return to Sol]
36 - Duel! Lúinor vs. Spryzen! -> (Lui defeats Shu, Valt loses to Lui, Shu loses to Free [Flashback]) -> {Spryzen debuts, the power from Lúinor's Dragon Crash cleaves Red Eye's mask in half revealing Red Eye to be Shu Kurenai, Lui turns out to have known this the entire time, Shu pushes away Valt's attempts at reconnection, Lui berates Valt for not truly knowing his friend, Shu is revealed to have become Red Eye after losing to Free, Shu abandons Legend Spryzen, Boa revokes his role in disgust as Shu's apprentice and vows to surpass who he now sees as a massive disappointment, Theodore puts Shu through the Requiem Project, Shu meets Spryzen in person for the first time}
37 - Blading Deities! Challenge of Champions! -> (Free loses to Lui, Valt loses to Raul, Valt draws with Zachary, Nightfell defeats Boa) -> {Nightfell makes his Evolution debut, Free suffers his first ever defeat, The International Bladers Cup is announced, Alexander/Clio/Cuza/Daigo/Esmeralda/Free/Ghasem/Joshua/Ken/Lui/Nightfell/Rantaro/Ren Wu/Shu/Silas/Suki/Tess/Toko/Valt/Wakiya/Zachary/3 mystery bladers are announced as the participants, Esmeralda is replaced by another mystery blader due to not turning up for reasons related to when she left Sol, Free re-joins Sol, Nightfell ponders stealing Balkesh but uncharacteristically decides not to for unknown reasons, Free thanks Valt in his own way for leading Sol in his absence}
38 - Requiem Project! Spryzen Unleashed! -> (Valt loses to Free, Shu defeats Hologram Lui, Shu defeats Hologram Alexander, Shu defeats Hologram Tess, Shu defeats Hologram Joshua, Shu defeats Hologram Free, Shasa loses to Free) -> {Shasa/Valt teach Free to shake hands with an opponent after a battle, Shasa finally accepts Free back into Sol, Free reprises his role as leader of Sol, Spryzen subtly convinces Shu that they are one and the same, Shu obtains Spryzen Requiem, Spryzen possesses Shu with the intention of ruthlessly destroying anyone who gets in the way of taking Shu/itself to the top of the blading world, Nightfell creates Duo Apollo and Duo Artemis before merging them to create Duo Aether, Spryzen begins altering Shu to be the blader/master it desires, Spryzen is revealed to have a serious vendetta against Lui for beating it so many times and scarring Shu's eye}
39 - Bow Down! Boom Khalzar! -> (Kurt defeats 5 members of his gang, Rantaro loses to Kurt, Shu defeats 5 members of Kurt's gang, Valt loses to Kurt) -> {Kurt debuts, the International Bladers Cup begins, Boa/Kurt/Norman/Raul are revealed to be the mystery participants, Norman is revealed to be Esmeralda's replacement in the International Bladers Cup, Boa is revealed to have replaced a blader called Pax Forsythe who had to retire from the tournament due to injury-induced disability caused by a freak accident, the International Bladers Cup is divided into 4 groups consisting of Group A: Cuza/Free/Kurt/Joshua/Silas/Zachary - Group B: Shu/Ken/Daigo/Norman/Clio/Toko - Group C: Tess/Ren Wu/Rantaro/Lui/Nightfell/Alexander - Group D: Valt/Ghasem/Boa/Wakiya/Raul/Suki, Khalzar cracks Roktavor, Valt stops Kurt's gang from stealing Roktavor, Arthur L. repairs Garuda for Ghasem, Tess tells Boa that she only ever joined Snake Pit in the first place as part of a covert attempt to save Shu from Theodore, Kurt is revealed to be the former world number 1 blader and to have never lost a battle}
40 - The Tyrant! Spryzen Requiem! -> (Cuza defeats Shasa, Valt defeats Rickson, Valt loses to Rantaro, Silas loses to Alexander [Flashback], Cuza defeats Clio, Free defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD1], Ken loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD1], Ren Wu loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD1], Ghasem loses to Valt [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul repairs Roktavor after it was cracked by Khalzar, Kurt with his gang confront Shu about his visit to Kurt's underground blading kingdom, Kurt notices fury in Shu's eyes and compliments his power, Tess rips into Valt for allowing Shu to get into the state that he's in and accuses him of not really caring for his friends, Norman tells Valt to lay off attempting to beat Shu declaring that honour to be reserved for himself, Norman is revealed to be Gold Eye and the former top blader of Snake Pit before Red Eye, Theodore is revealed to be Ashtem, Boa is revealed to have left Snake Pit realizing Theodore was using him, Boa tries to convince Norman to leave Snake Pit for that reason to which Norman responds that he isn't loyal to Theodore, Norman declares his intent to beat Shu and take back his crown to Boa while Boa declares his intent to beat Shu and surpass him to Norman at the same time, Tess declares her intent to beat Valt for being a terrible friend toward Shu to Norman and Boa, Shu rips Besu causing Ken much distress}
41 - Colossus Hammer! Twin Noctemis! -> (Kurt defeats Zachary [IBC: Group A MD1], Daigo defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD1], Rantaro loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD1], Boa loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD1], Ken defeats Cuza, Shu loses to Lui [Flashback], Cuza loses to Suki, Joshua loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD1], Norman defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD1], Lui defeats Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD1], Wakiya loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul tells Kristina he wanted to experience the bladers of this era in action for himself, fans across the stadium go nuts at the prospect of the former legend Raul re-entering the blading scene one last time, Kurt tries to crush Zeutron's main layer underneath his foot}
42 - Lunar Prime! Tess Dileva! -> (Kurt defeats Joshua [IBC: Group A MD2], Daigo loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD2], Rantaro loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD2], Boa defeats Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD2], Wakiya loses to Silas [Flashback], Tess defeats Esmeralda [Flashback], Zachary defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD2], Toko loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD2], Alexander loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD2], Suki defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD2]) -> {Wakiya tells Kristina of his suspicions that Snake Pit are meddling in the tournament, Valtryek finally becomes ready for Raul's Genesis Special despite its defeat, Tess dismisses Alexander as being too unruly and careless, Shu finds out that Tess was Silver Eye, Boa harshly tells Valt that his overly positive attitude contributed to Shu turning to the Snake Pit, Valt ruminates on the verbal hammerings Tess & Boa dished out and realises that he's failed Shu by not truly looking out for his wellbeing, Theodore finds out that Tess is trying to find a way to free Shu from his grasp but is unphased by this discovery}
43 - The Eclipse! Duo Aether! -> (Free defeats Silas [IBC: Group A MD2], Ken defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD2], Ren Wu loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD2], Ghasem loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD2], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Zachary loses to Joshua [IBC: Group A MD3], Toko loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD3], Alexander loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD3], Suki loses to Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Nightfell makes a public declaration that he won't steal the beys of any blader he beats until the tournament ends which is why he didn't steal Balkesh before, Kristina & Raul speculate about Ashtem and his potential goals}
44 - Epic Evolution! Legacy of Valtryek! -> (Valt loses to Cuza, Free defeats Kurt [IBC: Group A MD3], Ken loses to Daigo [IBC: Group B MD3], Ren Wu defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD3], Ghasem loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD3], Cuza loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD3], Shu defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD3], Tess loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD3], Valt defeats Raul [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Kurt suffers his first ever defeat, Raul gives Valt the Genesis Special allowing Genesis Valtryek to upgrade to Strike Valtryek, Valt comes into his own as Raul's spiritual successor}
45 - Scorcher! Blading Miracles! -> (Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Silas loses to Valt, Joshua defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD4], Norman defeats Shu [IBC: Group B MD4], Lui loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD4], Wakiya defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD4], Silas loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD4], Clio defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD4], Nightfell defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD4], Raul loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD4]) -> {Spryzen cracks Noctemis but despite this Noctemis pulls off a win, Norman takes back his crown as Snake Pit's best ever blader, Lui suffers his first ever defeat but due to his arrogance he dismisses it as a fluke, Tess verbally berates Lui over him calling her victory a fluke, Lui/Tess almost break into an all-out brawl before the referee forcefully splits them up, Norman repairs Twin Noctemis after it was cracked during his victory over Shu/Spryzen}
46 - Beyond The Limit! Valt vs. Shu! -> (Zachary loses to Free [IBC: Group A MD4], Toko defeats Ken [IBC: Group B MD4], Alexander defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD4], Suki loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD4], Valt loses to Shu) -> {Spryzen shatters Valtryek's Reboot performance tip, Valt learns on his own that Shu's failure to live up to Valt's hopes and Tess replacing him as a Supreme Four member as well as losing to Free in a humiliating way all contributed to Theodore being able to manipulate Shu into taking up the Red Eye mantle, Valt considers confronting Free/Tess about their inadvertent role in allowing Shu to become possessed but Kristina/Rantaro/Daigo/Ken/Wakiya/Toko/Nika convince him not to, Kristina helps Valt accept the reality that his own excessive positivity has contributed the most to Shu's current issues}
47 - Full Force! Towards The Ultimate! -> (Silas loses to Zachary [IBC: Group A MD5], Clio defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD5], Nightfell loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD5], Raul loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD5], Cuza loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD5], Shu defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD5], Tess defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD5], Valt defeats Boa [IBC: MD5], Joshua defeats Free [IBC: Group A MD5], Norman loses to Ken [IBC: Group B MD5], Lui defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD5], Wakiya loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD5], Valt vs. Boa vs. Suki [IBC: Group D tiebreaker -> Valt = Boa > Suki]) -> {Raul creates the Ultimate Reboot performance tip for Valtryek, Valt discovers Free's training regimen of dragging/lifting boulders, Free teaches Valt about the importance of finding one's own path, Nightfell fails at getting payback against Alexander for shattering Balderov in the National Tournament, Spryzen shatters Doomscizor, Trad helps Joshua with a strategy to defeat Free and it works causing the biggest upset of the tournament, Ken fully masters Guardian Kerbeus, after Boa's crushing defeat to Shu and loss to Valt the latter stops a despairing Boa from abandoning Balkesh, Boa meets Balkesh for the first time who tells him it won't let him give up so soon, Boa creates a new move called Final Crash and gets one back on Suki who he lost to previously in the tournament, Free/Tess get into an argument over Free accusing Tess of being self-righteous in regards to her hostilities against Valt, Valt/Kristina witness the argument between Free and Tess, Free/Kurt/Shu/Norman/Tess/Lui/Valt/Boa qualify for the quarter-finals, the battle system for the quarter-finals is announced with 2 4-blader battle royales with 3 matches each and 2 points for every burst along with 1 point for every ring-out or survivor finish}
48 - Decisive Battle! The Quarter-Finals! -> (Free vs. Shu. vs. Lui vs. Boa [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Free (6) = Shu (6) > Lui (5) > Boa (2)]**) -> {Lúinor debuts, Boa tells Valt that Theodore is Ashtem and that the tournament was made to perfect Spryzen Requiem in order to eventually sell it and Shu off as a living weapon to a mysterious partner from a bey club called Inferno (its Arthur Peregrine [OOC: this is foreshadowing]), Boa reminisces about how he made it past being an ordinary Snake Pit background member to one of the world's best through sheer willpower, Lúinor ringing out Fafnir in the first round of the 3-round battle causes Lui to start becoming overconfident, Boa/Balkesh manage the previously unthinkable to burst Spryzen in the first round, Free remembers his previous defeat to Lui which made him decide to take training seriously again, Free uses his full power for the first time but begins to show signs of pushing himself too hard, Free creates a new move called Nothing Break, Free gets his revenge on Lui and reclaims his title of world's best blader, Spryzen shatters Lúinor, Spryzen takes revenge on behalf of Shu for all those times Lui wiped the floor with him including when he gave Shu his eye scar, Lui is left all but humbled by the battle's end and especially by his loss to a Spryzen-possessed Shu, Free/Shu qualify for the semi-finals, Lui meets Lúinor for the first time though Lúinor is bisected, Lui discovers how fun battling an opponent on his level is, Lúinor shares one of Lui's iconic laughs before finally dying, Lui tells Lúinor that he's proud of it for how bravely and hard it fought, Shu insults Lui's skill ticking him off and prompting him to swear to give Shu the beating Lui believes he deserves}
49 - The Fierce Four! Battle of Destiny! -> (Norman defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui loses to Tess [Flashback], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Kurt vs. Norman vs. Tess vs. Valt [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Valt (5) > Kurt (4) > Norman (3) = Tess (3)]***) -> {Kurt rallies his followers to support his charge to prove that he is still the greatest blader, Tess saves Norman from Theodore's wrath, Norman ponders why Tess/Valt get under his skin so much, the mental shells of Kurt/Tess both begin to crack after the first round, Kurt uses his full power for the first time during the second round, Kurt throws Valtryek's performance tip to Valt instead of trying to crush it signalling a moral change for the better after the second round, Kurt declares that Valt has earned his full attention and respect as the former world champion, seeing even the formerly stone-cold Kurt develop a soft spot for Valt makes Tess seriously rethink her stance on him, Tess realises Valt is a genuine friend to Shu and the others during the third round and accepts that she isn't always right, Valtryek reaches its ultimate potential against Orichalcum in the third round, Valt and Tess reconcile with Tess telling Valt that he's the only one who can help Shu save himself, Norman remembers when Boa left Snake Pit and resolves to do the same, Tess leaves Raging Bulls, Valt/Kurt qualify for the semi-finals, Kurt tells Valt/Tess that they and any current/future friends are welcome in his underground base at any time, Free handpicks Valt to be his semi-final opponent}
50 - Breaking Point! Bursting Through! -> (Shu defeats Kurt [IBC: Semi-Final]) -> {Khalzar debuts, Raul tells Sol that Kurt is likely the best blader in terms of sheer power at this point, Shu is forced to resort to strategy to overcome Kurt, Kurt meets Khalzar for the first time, Spryzen fails to shatter Khalzar which Kurt happily mocks him for, Kurt fully commits to changing his ways and re-entering the blading world}
51 - One's Own Path! Fafnir vs. Valtryek! -> (Free loses to Valt by default [IBC: Semi-Final -> Score at time of forfeit: DFA 2-2 SVA], Valt vs. Shu continued [IBC: Final]) -> {Fafnir debuts, Gabe/Naoki/Jin/Orochi/Akira/Ben/Hoji make their Evolution debut, Free meets Fafnir for the first time, Free is convinced by Kristina to forfeit with over-exertion injuries and has to be carried off on a stretcher, Free thanks Valt while on the stretcher for pushing him to use his full power and admits that he now sees blading as fun, Beigoma Academy and Valt's family arrive to cheer him on and help him train, Free realises his teammates genuinely care about him as if he were a family member, Free apologises to Sol for pushing himself too hard and entrusts Valt with defeating Shu, Theodore finds out that Spryzen has completely possessed Shu's body and is exuberant that the Requiem Project has gone better than he ever hoped}
52 - Enter The Final! A Champion Is Crowned! -> (Valt defeats Shu [IBC: Final], Valt defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Shu defeats Norman) -> {Fubuki debuts, all the IBC/Beigoma bladers and Valt's mother/siblings come to watch the final, Valt meets Spryzen, Valt realises mid-battle that Spryzen has possessed Shu, Valt wins the International Bladers Cup and becomes the new world champion, Shu briefly takes back control of his body/mind and finally admits that he would never be able to forgive himself if he ever lost to Valt, Shu takes the chance Valt gave him and frees himself from Spryzen's possession, Shu leaves Snake Pit, Valt/Shu become friends again, Shu finds out that Norman was Gold Eye, Norman requests a rematch with Shu to see what he is truly like now that both are out of the Snake Pit, Theodore admits defeat and revokes his plans but warns Kristina that he will return, Shu becomes Fubuki's mentor, Valt's time as main protagonist ends}
**First battle: Lúinor ringed out Fafnir, Balkesh burst Spryzen, Lúinor burst Balkesh [B = 2, F = 0, L = 3, S = 0] -> Second battle: Fafnir ringed out Balkesh, Lúinor burst Spryzen, Fafnir burst Lúinor [B = 2, F = 4, L = 5, S = 0] -> Third battle: Spryzen burst Balkesh, Spryzen shattered Lúinor, Spryzen & Fafnir burst each other [B = 2, F = 6, L = 5, S = 6]
***First battle: Orichalcum ringed out Khalzar, Noctemis burst Orichalcum, Valtryek burst Noctemis [K =0 , N = 2, T = 1 , V = 2] -> Second battle: Orichalcum ringed out Valtryek, Khalzar burst Noctemis & Orichalcum at once [K = 4, N = 2, T = 2, V = 2] -> Third battle: Noctemis ringed out Khalzar, Orichalcum ringed out Noctemis, Valtryek and Orichalcum burst each other but Orichalcum burst first [K = 4, N = 3, T = 3, V = 5]
Blader rankings at end of season:
Free de la Hoya
Valt Aoi
Shu Kurenai
Kurt Baratier
Tess Dileva
Lui Shirosagi
Norman Tarver
Boa Alcazaba
Silas Karlisle
Suki Ryushima
Joshua Burns
Zachary Kaneguro
Alexander Shakadera
Ken Midori
Esmeralda Petersburg
Count Nightfell
Raul Comas
Clio Delon
Daigo Kurogami
Wakiya Murasaki
Ren Wu Sun
Cuza Ackermann
Toko Aoi
Ghasem Madal
Rantaro Kiyama
International Bladers Cup Participants (A.U. version):
MetalBurst Project - Season 1:
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar (introduced in later season), the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton (introduced in later season) & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov Sahaidachny/Furutani, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
#beyblade burst#oc#au#if I made burst#beyblade#alexander shakadera#boa alcazaba#clio delon#count nightfell#cuza ackermann#daigo kurogami#esmeralda petersburg#free de la hoya#ghasem madal#joshua burns#ken midori#kurt baratier#lui shirosagi#norman tarver#rantaro kiyama#raul comas#ren wu sun#shu kurenai#silas karlisle#suki ryushima#tess dileva#toko aoi#valt aoi#wakiya murasaki#zachary kaneguro
10 notes
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My Ideal Verse
This is a picture including every single series - whether that be movie, anime, game, YouTube series, DeviantArt artist or other - into my ideal crossover universe. At this point I would make these additions:
Inazuma Eleven GO
Made In Abyss
Katawa Shoujo
Azur Lane
My Hero Academia
Kiss Him, Not Me!
Chainsaw Man
Komi Can't Communicate
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Heaven's Lost Property
Saitama Chainsaw Girl
That one series with Blindy and Blondy by Popopoka (logo not available)
As of 18th June 2023, these additions were made:
The Lego Movie
Fireman Sam
Bottom Gear
As of 12th July 2023, these additions were made:
Library of Ruina
Street Fighter
S.C.P. Foundation
Pumpkin Night
As of 29th August 2023, these additions were made:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Henkei Shoujo
As of 31st October 2023, these additions were made:
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger
Avataro Sentai DonBrothers
Ressha Sentai ToQger
Uchu Sentai Kyumager
Mashin Sentai Kiramager
As of 26th November 2023, these additions were made:
Doctor Who
All of my OCs would also feature in this verse. So would Shem-Ha from Symphogear, Dooku from Star Wars, Castoria from Darling Duality, Chantel DuBois from Madagascar and that series where someone teaches English to rural primary-school-level Japanese kids. Limbus Company would not be in the verse. DonBrothers and King-Ohger are the only two Super Sentai sub-verses in my ideal verse.
There would also be the series where these pieces come from.
I call this one above and posts directly related to it the St. Marley's Asylum series.
My Own Universe by Clarkov on DeviantArt - The original post that the template at the top of the pictures was made for.
My main OC-verse is one where all of these series exist in the same universe. Even Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Slavaria Cossack is a friend/weird harem group and is utterly shameless about it, with the same sort of chemistry that Clarkson/Hammond/May have. The 9-13 became members at various points after Sahaidachny's 'you're allowed to be you' arc. All of them are 15 in present day. 9-13 are based on existing characters in the same sense in which JJBA Stands are based on existing songs.
Slavaria Cossack (birth place) - current MGE mamono species (original)*:
Clarkov Sahaidachny (Vynohradiv) - Soldier Beetle (human)
Natalya Horbach (Kharkiv) - Shirohebi (human)
Yevhen Slobodyan (Berezne) - Wonderworm (human)
Stanislava Artemenko (Lebedyn) - Myconid (human)
Valentyna Morozova (Mykolaiv) - Tritonia (human)
Myroslav Kozak (Yevpatoriya) - Black Harpy (human)
Reichiru Inazuma (Fukuoka) - Oomukade (human)
Lyubomyr Dobrovolskyj (Pereiaslav) - Akaname (human)
Esmeralda Petersburg (Moscow) - Dhampir
Tess Dileva (Hoddesdon) - Sahuagin (human)
Kirumi Silkenstar (Ashikaga) - Mantis (human)
Karaina Caulton (Harlow) - Lich (human)
Suki Ryushima (Fukuoka) - Yuki-Onna
*Can alternate between mamono and human forms just like in Rosario + Vampire.
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar, the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov J. Sahaidachny, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
#made in abyss#katawa shoujo#kiss him not me#azur lane#my hero academia#chainsaw man#komi can't communicate#miss kobayashi's dragon maid#heaven's lost property#saitama chainsaw girl#beyblade#inazuma eleven#jojo's bizarre adventure#land of the lustrous#jelly jamm#corpse party#the grand tour#miitopia#monster girl encyclopedia#touhou project#the loud house#initial d#rosario to vampire#mix ore#lego#keijo#bottom gear#oc#king ohger#toqger
19 notes
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MetalBurst Project - Season 1: Beyblade Burst Origin
Includes the basics (bladers, beyblades, battles, events, debuts). Specific scores of individual matches & specific times new moves are learnt are not included. Oh, and Akira is a girl in my fan-made version.
Each opening would have different scenes from the original, but while I can draw I can't animate whatsoever, nor do I have time to draw an entire opening. So use your minds to imagine alternate scenes for the opening.
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 1-26): Our Time
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 27-51): Battle Above My League
[Japanese] Opening Theme (2 Versions - Ep. 1-26 + Ep. 27-51): Burst Finish
Note: motif, and avatar/spirit, is according to the Beyblade Wiki and/or by me.
Bladers (Beyblades - Motifs) - MOVES:
Akira Yamatoga (Atlas Anubion Yell Edge - Afterlife God) - PERFECT CIRCLE
Alexander Shakadera (Xeno Xcalius Magnum Impact - Holy Sword of England) - SABER STRIKE, DUAL SABER
Ben Azuki (Beast Betromoth Heavy Hold - Beast) - BEAST CHARGE, BEAST HOLD
Calli Orna/Kahli Orna (Dual Diomedes Triple Accel - Hero King) - DUAL STRIKE
Count Nightfell (Brilliance Balderov Bumper Bite - Light God) - BRILLIANCE HOLD, AESIR LAUNCH
Daigo Kurogami (Dark Doomscizor Force Jaggy - Grim Reaper) - QUAKE LAUNCH
Esmeralda Petersburg (Epic Evipero Central Massive - Horned Serpent) - GRAVITY BRAVE*, ATOMIC LAUNCH
Gabe Brunai (Giga Gaianon Quarter Fusion - Primordial of Earth) - SWING LAUNCH, SWING COUNTER
Hana Maisaru (Haste Hyrus Yell Needle - Two-Headed Bird) - HASTE CANNON, MYSTIC ZONE**
Heinrich (Ferro Fengriff Aero Blow - River Wolf) - WAND LAUNCH, FENGRIFF WAVE
Hoji Konda (Hyper Horusood Upper Claw - Sky God) - HORUSOOD FIELD
Ilya Mao (Inferno Ifritor Magnum Liner - Creature of Fire) - INFERNO SMASH, MAGNUM DODGE
Indigo Ran (Initiate Istros Upper Survive - Author) - WINDMILL UPPER
Jin Aizawa (Jumbo Jormuntor Ring Cycle*** - World Serpent) - ZOMBIE LAUNCH
Ken Midori (King Kerbeus Limited Press - Underworld Guardian) - CHAIN LAUNCH
Lui Shirosagi (Lost Lúinor Nine Spiral - Ice Dragon of Ruin) - LOST SPIRAL, NIGHTMARE BOOST
Miquel (Mad Minoboros Oval Quake - Minotaur) - JAGGED LAUNCH
Naoki Minamo (Nova Nepstrius Wing Trans - Sea God) - WAVE LAUNCH, TRANS NOVA
Orochi Ginba (Omni Odax Triple Xtreme - All-Father) - BLAST BEAT
Osiria Scarlet (Orchestra Orpheus Armed Defence - Musician) - PHILHARMONIC LAUNCH
Stan Hamburg (Phrenic Phantazus Polish Gyro - Phantom) - PHRENIC STORM
Quon Limon (Quill Quetziko Jerk Press - Wind & Learning God) - BOUND LAUNCH
Rantaro Kiyama (Raging Roktavor Gravity Revolve - Winged Demon) - ROKTAVOR ZONE
Shu Kurenai (Storm Spryzen Knuckle Unite - Protector Giant) - COUNTER BREAK, UPPER LAUNCH, UNITE BREAK, CRUX BOOST, STORM LAUNCH
Suki Ryushima (Salvo Surtr Spread Assault - Fire Giant) - JOTUNN BREAK, SALVO LAUNCH
Tess Dileva (Tied Tyros Infinity Zephyr - Naval Hero) - ZEPHYR LAUNCH, INFINITE BREAK, CONFESSION BOOST
Ukio Kibuki (Uber Unicrest Down Needle - Unicorn) - ALICORN LAUNCH
Wakiya Murasaki (Wild Wyvron Vertical Orbit - Wyvern) - SHIELD LAUNCH, HYPER SHIELD CRASH
Yugo Nansui (Yugen Yegdrion Gravity Yielding - World Tree) - YUGEN COUNTER
Zachary Kaneguro (Zillion Zeutron Infinity Weight - Thunder God) - SOLAR BOOST, SOLSTICE BOOST
Melos Nekota (Storm Spryzen Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Atsuto Takagi (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Haruto Aota (King Kerbeus Force Jaggy - Underworld Guardian)
Kyoji Aranami (King Kerbeus Gravity Revolve - Underworld Guardian)
Toko Aoi (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Akio (Dark Doomscizor Knuckle Unite - Grim Reaper)
Nika Aoi (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Katana Sakaki (Amaterios Aero Assault - Sun Goddess)
Ryota Kurogami (???)
*Reference to the Gravity Brave of Julian/Destroyer
**Reference to the Mystic Zone of Nile/Horuseus.
***Ring is a reference to Sadako.
Teams (known, during National Tournament):
Beigoma Academy: Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, Wakiya Murasaki, Daigo Kurogami, Shu Kurenai
Ice Blaze: Quon Limon, Miquel, Indigo
Beasts: Ben Azuki, Ilya Mao, Ken Midori
Roses: Calli/Kahli, 2 unknown bladers
Sword Flames: Alexander Shakadera, Yugo Nansui, Ukio Kibuki
Stage Security: Esmeralda Petersburg, 2 unknown bladers
Rideout: Gabe Brunai, Tess Dileva, Katana Sakaki, Hana Maisaru, Lui Shirosagi
Pyramids: Akira Yamatoga, 2 unknown bladers
Super Stars: Zachary Kaneguro, Osiria Scarlet, Orochi Ginba
Purples: Stan Hamburg, Suki Ryushima
Key -> DT = District Tournament, RT = Regional Tournament A-Block, RT2 = Regional Tournament B-Block, RT3 = Regional Tournament C-Block, RvB = Red vs Blue, TT = Team Tournament, NT = National Tournament.
Main Protagonist = Valt Aoi
Main Antagonist = Lui Shirosagi
Disc 1 Antagonists = Suki Ryushima, Naoki Minamo
Episodes -> (Battles [Event]) -> {Other}:
01 - Let's Go! Valtryek! -> (Valt loses to Rantaro, Shu defeats Suki [DT Round 1], Valt defeats Rantaro [DT Round 1]) -> {Valt/Shu/Rantaro/Ken/Daigo/Wakiya/Orochi/Hoji/Chiharu/Toko/Nika/Suki/Shinoda/Ichiro/Keita/Momoko/Hiroshi/Shin/Hanami/Valtryek debut, Shu is revealed to be a member of the Supreme Four, Valt creates his first ever move known as Rush Launch}
02 - Kerbeus! Guard Dog of the Underworld! -> (Valt loses to Rantaro, Valt vs Ken continued) -> {Indigo/Melos debut, Rantaro teaches Valt a lesson in humility}
03 - Blast Off! Rush Launch! -> (Valt defeats Ken [DT Round 2], Daigo defeats Melos [DT Round 2], Shu defeats Indigo [DT Round 2]) -> {Valt masters Rush Launch}
04 - Beyblade Club! Let's Get Started! -> (Valt defeats Rantaro, Shu defeats Ken) -> {Shinoda starts the Beigoma Academy BeyClub with Valt as its first member, Rantaro/Ken join Beigoma Academy BeyClub, Shu declines to join Beigoma Academy BeyClub}
05 - Into The Darkness! Dark Doomscizor! -> (Wakiya defeats Esmeralda [DT Round 2], Valt defeats Daigo, Valt defeats Daigo [DT Round 3]) -> {Ryota/Esmeralda debut, Valt fails to convince Daigo to join Beigoma Academy BeyClub}
06 - Get Ready! Crash Course! -> (Shu defeats Atsuto [DT Round 3], Hoji defeats Ilya [DT Round 3], Wakiya defeats Miquel [DT Round 3], Valt draws with Daigo, Wakiya defeats Calli/Kahli) -> {Atsuto/Ilya/Miquel/Calli/Kahli debut, Valt's hot-headedness causes him to repeatedly mess up Rush Launch, Valt creates a new move called Flash Launch, Shinoda declares that Beigoma Academy BeyClub will dissolve unless a fourth member can be found and will be unable to be official until a fifth member is found}
07 - The Flash Launch! It's Crazy Fast! -> (Valt loses to Rantaro, Valt defeats Rantaro, Daigo loses to Hoji) -> {Daigo joins Beigoma Academy BeyClub allowing it to remain permanent, Valt masters Flash Launch, Wakiya tries to get Hoji to throw his match against Valt who overhears them and tries to put a stop to it, Wakiya tells Valt/Hoji that he wanted Hoji to throw it because he's battled with Hoji so much that he wanted to battle someone else, Hoji agrees not to throw his match with Valt}
08 - A Powerful Opponent! Hyper Horusood! -> (Valt loses to Ken, Valt defeats Hoji [DT Round 4], Wakiya defeats Haruto [DT Round 4]) -> {Haruto debuts}
09 - Confront The Wyvern! Wyvron In The Way! -> (Shu defeats Kyoji [DT Round 4], Valt loses to Wakiya) -> {Kyoji debuts, Valt is overcome with frustration after getting his backside handed to him by Wakiya}
10 - Get Over It! Trust In Valtryek! -> (Toko defeats Akio, Nika loses to Akio, Valt loses to Shu) -> {Akio debuts, Valt falls into a slump after his loss to Wakiya, Shu injures his shoulder, Shu breaks Valt out of his slump with a battle}
11 - Spryzen's Despair! Hopeless Protector! -> (Shu defeats Daigo, Valt vs Wakiya continued) -> {Valt learns about Shu's injury, Shu uses a new launch stance to compensate for the shoulder}
12 - Miraculous! Shield Crash Menace! -> (Valt defeats Wakiya [DT Semi-Final], Shu vs Orochi continued) -> {Shu is left in shock at Orochi's/Odax's power after Blast Beat neutralises Counter Break}
13 - Shu's Test! Omni Odax! -> (Shu defeats Orochi [DT Semi-Final]) -> {Shu's shoulder acts up but he still manages to overcome Orochi, Ken speaks without his puppets for the first time, Valt finds out how severe Shu's injury is}
14 - The Battle We Promised! District Final! -> (Valt loses to Rantaro, Toko loses to Nika, Valt defeats Shu [Flashback], Shu defeats Wakiya [Flashback], Valt vs Shu continued) -> {Alexander debuts, Valt/Shu temporarily fall out after arguing over Shu's shoulder injury, Alexander is revealed to be Valt's/Shu's childhood friend}
15 - A Fierce Battle! Valtryek vs. Spryzen! -> (Valt loses to Shu [DT Final]) -> {Shu wins the District Tournament, Suki watches Valt/Shu unseen}
16 - A Group Lesson! Shakadera Special! -> (Valt defeats Yugo, Valt vs Alexander continued) -> {Yugo/Alexander's Grandpa debut, Alexander's grandpa helps Shu rest his shoulder, Alexander reveals a new stadium}
17 - The Extraordinary! Extreme Xcalius! -> (Valt loses to Alexander, Rantaro loses to Alexander) -> {Alexander is revealed to be a member of the Supreme Four, Daigo notices that Ken has been down lately, Shu tells Valt of the Regional Tournament which is another way to enter the National Tournament}
18 - Team Battle! It's Off The Hook! -> (Daigo loses to Ukio) -> {Ukio debuts, Yugo informs the others that Ukio is pretty much a shinobi}
19 - The Unicorn! Uber Unicrest! -> (Rantaro loses to Ukio) -> {Ken tells the crew that he has to leave Beigoma}
20 - Bring It Together! Chain Launch! -> (Ken defeats Ukio, Ken defeats Yugo) -> {Ken masters Chain Launch}
21 - A Battle Of Friendship! Ken's Departure! -> (Ken loses to Alexander, Valt loses to Alexander, Valt defeats Ken, Ken draws with Daigo) -> {Valt learns that he hasn't awakened Valtryek's full potential yet, Ken leaves Beigoma due to his parents' travelling puppet shows requiring him to travel to another location}
22 - Reaper And The Chains! Valtryek Awakens! -> (Valt defeats Daigo, Valt draws with Rantaro, Valt defeats Ukio [RT1 Round 1], Wakiya defeats Calli/Kahli [RT3 Round 1], Orochi defeats Suki [RT1 Round 1], Yugo defeats Indigo [RT3 Round 1], Daigo defeats Tess [RT3 Round 1]) -> {Zachary/Tess debut, Zachary is revealed to be a member of the Supreme Four, Suki is caught creepily watching Valt/Wakiya discuss blading strategy by Orochi prior to their match, Valtryek begins to awaken}
23 - The Grim Death! Lonely Doomscizor! -> (Rantaro defeats Haruto [RT1 Round 1], Hoji defeats Hana [RT3 Round 1], Valt defeats Daigo, Valt loses to Daigo, Rantaro draws with Daigo, Daigo defeats Yugo [RT3 Round 2] -> {Hana debuts, Daigo cheats to beat Yugo}
24 - Full Strength! Phantazus vs. Orpheus! -> (Wakiya loses to Hoji [Hoji's dream], Rantaro draws with Hoji, Valt defeats Rantaro [RT1 Semi-Final], Orochi defeats Miquel [RT1 Semi-Final], Stan loses to Osiria [RT2 Semi-Final], Heinrich loses to Esmeralda [RT2 Semi-Final], Wakiya defeats Hoji [RT3 Semi-Final]) -> {Stan/Osiria/Heinrich debut, Hoji's family and past are revealed, Daigo struggles with guilt over cheating, Osiria is revealed to believe in the existence of spirits/ghosts which she claims are confirmed by a sole friend of hers}
25 - The Mysterious Masked Blader! Zillion Zeutron! -> (Toko loses to Nika, Valt defeats Rantaro, Hoji loses to Zachary, Wakiya loses to Zachary, Valt loses to Zachary) -> {Zachary appears in a terrible disguise which is easily seen through, Shu convinces Daigo to confront his wrongdoings and own up about cheating against Yugo, Valt passes out due to exhaustion while battling Zachary}
26 - The Shape-Shifter! Epic Evipero! -> (Valt defeats Orochi [RT1 Final], Wakiya defeats Yugo [RT3 Final], Osiria loses to Esmeralda [RT2 Final] -> {Daigo admits his folly and is disqualified for cheating, Daigo temporarily quits Beyblade out of guilt but is convinced to return, Esmeralda is revealed to be a prodigy bodyguard hailing from Moscow and currently searching for a client, Valt/Wakiya/Esmeralda qualify for the National Tournament, Shu/Wakiya join Beigoma Academy BeyClub cementing it as a fully recognised team}
27 - Training Camp! The Biting Stadium! -> (Valt loses to Rantaro, Daigo loses to Hoji, Rantaro defeats Wakiya [RvB], Valt loses to Daigo [RvB], Shu defeats Hoji [RvB]) -> {Tsujihara/Nightfell debut, Wakiya takes the crew to his estate for some training in a new stadium, Tess is revealed to be part of a team called Rideout, Suki hangs around unseen nearby the Rideout base but is apprehended by Tess for stalking, before Tess can interrogate Suki the latter runs off due to hating talking to others}
28 - Phantom Thief! A Huge Stormy Adventure! -> (Valt loses to Wakiya [RvB], Valt defeats Hoji [RvB], Rantaro loses to Shu [RvB], Wakiya loses to Daigo [RvB], Nightfell defeats Miquel) -> {Nightfell steals Minoboros, Wakiya finds Toko/Nika lost in the rain after they wandered from the estate, Valt helps Wakiya/Toko/Nika over an old bridge back to the estate, Wakiya elects Valt as the team leader out of gratitude, Tess informs Gabe of Suki's recent stalking at Rideout's base, Gabe tells the rest of the Rideout team to be on the look-out for any potential intruders in response}
29 - Eye On The Prize! Brilliance Balderov! -> (Alexander draws with Quon [Flashback], Quon defeats Nightfell [Flashback], Valt loses to Nightfell) -> {Valt retrieves Minoboros despite losing to Nightfell, Nightfell tries to steal Valtryek in accordance with the phantom thief code but fails}
30 - The Winged Snake! Quill Quetziko! -> (Valt loses to Quon + Wakiya defeats Indigo + Shu defeats Miquel [TT Round 1: Beigoma 2-1 Ice Blaze], Ken defeats Calli/Kahli [TT Round 1: Beasts 3-0 Roses], Alexander defeats Esmeralda [TT Round 1: Sword Flames 3-0 Stage Security]) -> {Quon/Ben/Gabe/Katana debut, Valt loses Valtryek but Quon finds it and returns it to him, Gabe is revealed to be the captain of Rideout, Ken is revealed to have joined a new team called Beasts, Valt falls into a slight funk after losing to Quon}
31 - Teachings Of A Legend! Heinrich's Guidance! -> (Tess defeats Akira [TT Round 1: Rideout 4-0 Pyramids], Orochi loses to Suki + Zachary defeats Stan [TT Round 1: Super Stars 2-1 Purples], Valt defeats Heinrich) -> {Akira debuts, Heinrich/Ken help Valt out of his funk}
32 - Cyclone Power! Enter The King! -> (Valt loses to Zachary) -> {Lui debuts, Zachary holds a party and declares that he's invited a special guest, Lui is revealed to be a member of the Supreme Four, Hanami tells those present at Zachary's party that Lui is the special guest and the four-time reigning champion of Beyblade in Japan as well as Rideout's founder}
33 - Mega Flames! Dual Sabers! -> (Wakiya loses to Alexander + Daigo defeats Ukio + Shu defeats Yugo [TT Round 2: Beigoma 2-1 Sword Flames]) -> {Daigo notices that Shu hasn't completely healed yet}
34 - The Beasts! Kerbeus Bares Its Fangs! -> Valt draws with Shu [Flashback], Valt draws with Ken [Flashback], Ken loses to Ben [Flashback], Rantaro loses to Ken [TT Semi-Final: Beigoma vs Beasts continued]) -> {Ken is revealed to have joined a new school called Glacier Shrine Academy and befriended Ben, Ben is revealed to have helped Ken with his confidence and welcomed him into his team known as Beasts}
35 - Primal Attack! Beast Betromoth! -> (Wakiya defeats Ilya + Valt defeats Ben [TT Semi-Final: Beigoma 2-1 Beasts], Lui defeats Ben [Flashback], Zachary defeats Katana + Osiria loses to Hana [TT Semi-Final: Super Stars vs Rideout continued])
36 - Rideout Rising! Giga Gaianon! -> (Orochi loses to Gabe [TT Semi-Final: Super Stars 1-2 Rideout], Valt draws with Shu) -> {Gabe is revealed to be a former member of the Supreme Four before Lui rose to the top, Valt stumbles into Lui's training room and is promptly kicked out, Gabe/Tess pull Valt/Shu to the side and discuss Suki with them, Shu mentions that he's been keeping an eye on Suki watching things since he battled her in the District Tournament, Tess asks Shu for his help in researching Suki, Shu agrees to help Tess and requests Valt to be on the lookout as well}
37 - Next Stop! Team Finals! -> (Rantaro defeats Hana + Daigo loses to Gabe + Shu defeats Tess [TT Final: Beigoma vs Rideout continued]) -> {Lui's past and connection to/respect for Gabe is revealed, Ryota begins showing signs of recovery, Shu uses a left-handed launch, Lui surprises all the fans watching the tournament by turning up for the Team Tournament, Lui/Tess argue over the state of Rideout forcing Gabe to split them up}
38 - Battle To The Finish! Sunrise vs. Nightfell! -> (Nightfell defeats Zachary, Valt vs Lui continued [TT Final: Beigoma vs Rideout continued]) -> {Zachary & Nightfell are revealed to be brothers, Indigo's bad habit of constantly flirting with/dragging off cute boys - Ken/Shu/Ukio/Naoki off-screen/Quon/Heinrich by this point - starts to grate on many people, while training for the Team Tournament final battle Valt notices that Suki keeps to herself to an almost unhealthy degree}
39 - Into The Vortex! Lost Lúinor! -> (Valt loses to Lui [TT Final: Beigoma 3-6 Rideout], Shu loses to Lui [Flashback]) -> {Rideout win the Team Tournament, the origin of Shu's eye scar is revealed as he lost to Lui in the past and Spryzen was sent flying into his eye causing heavy bleeding, a mishap by Hanami results in Lui/Ken/Esmeralda/Valt/Shu/Nightfell/Alexander/Ben/Naoki/Quon/Akira/Wakiya/Heinrich/Zachary/Jin/Gabe being joined by Indigo/Yugo/Miquel/Orochi/Stan/Daigo/Hana/Hoji/Ukio/Suki/Calli/Kahli/Osiria/Ilya/Tess/Katana/Rantaro in the National Tournament}
40 - Roar! Battle Of The Beasts! -> (Valt loses to Naoki, Ken defeats Ben, Calli/Kahli lose to Nightfell [NT Round 1], Ukio loses to Gabe [NT Round 1], Esmeralda defeats Katana [NT Round 1], Valt defeats Quon [NT Round 1]) -> {Naoki/Jin debut, Nightfell tries to steal Diomedes but Zachary stops him, Quon realizes Alexander was right about Valt's skill, Lui starts to see Valt as a worthy opponent, Quon returns to the Shakadera Dojo, Osiria introduces Jin to the fans/competitors as the person who proved to her that spirits/ghosts do exist, Jin is revealed to have befriended 323 spirits/ghosts of children who have passed on, the 323 spirits are revealed to have made themselves Jin's guardian spirits, Osiria tells the Beigoma BeyClub crew that the group of spirits has been growing for 15 years, Naoki tries to study Valtryek for the sake of science}
41 - Mystical Golden Star! Atlas Anubion! -> (Alexander defeats Ken [NT Round 1], Rantaro loses to Akira [NT Round 1], Zachary defeats Hoji [NT Round 1]) -> {Alexander & Ben prevent Ken from entering a slump after his elimination encouraging him that he should be proud of how he/Kerbeus thought with everything they had against Alexander/Xcalius, Akira is revealed to be out for the very displeased Zachary's place in blading and as a pop star}
42 - Nepstrius' Trap! The Unknown Variable! -> (Orochi defeats Hana [NT Round 1], Wakiya defeats Miquel [NT Round 1], Heinrich defeats Yugo [NT Round 1], Naoki defeats Stan [NT Round 1], Ilya loses to Tess [NT Round 1]) -> {Naoki tries to sabotage Wakiya's match for his experiments, Jin is almost disqualified for intent to cheat but he proves his innocence, Valt catches Suki watching him and somehow manages to get close enough for a talk, Suki reasons that she hates talking to people explaining her always watching from afar silently before quickly leaving again}
43 - Launch From The Grave! Jumbo Jormuntor! -> (Shu defeats Osiria [NT Round 1], Jin defeats Ben [NT Round 1], Lui defeats Daigo [NT Round 1], Suki defeats Indigo [NT Round 1], Zachary loses to Orochi, Valt defeats Naoki) -> {Shu catches Indigo trying to flirt with Naoki allowing him to track the bey-scientist down, Indigo agrees to try and stop her bad flirting habit after a pep talk by Shu on the matter, Valt/Rantaro/Daigo/Shu confront Naoki about trying to sabotage Wakiya & almost getting Jin disqualified and convince him to stop using people as experiments, Shu figures out that Jin has narcolepsy, Naoki's past is revealed with him being isolated and slightly lonely due to other students in Beigoma not appreciating his intrigue in the mechanical/scientific aspects of beys}
44 - Star Battles! Spirits vs. Science! -> (Jin defeats Osiria, Jin loses to Naoki [NT Round 2], Orochi loses to Esmeralda [NT Round 2], Gabe loses to Lui [NT Round 2], Alexander defeats Nightfell [NT Round 2], Zachary defeats Akira [NT Round 2], Tess defeats Heinrich [NT Round 2], Wakiya loses to Shu [NT Round 2], Valt defeats Suki [NT Round 2]) -> {Xcalius shatters Balderov ending Nightfell's bey-stealing, Lui gains even more respect for Gabe after he pushes him to the limit and tells him to train more in preparation for their next battle, the first spirit to align with Jin reveals themselves to Valt/Shu, the spirit tells Valt/Shu that Jin lives in a literal haunted house and is a natural attractor for the ghost children, Shu correctly guesses that the spirit has been with Jin since his birth, Zachary gains a newfound respect for Akira, Wyvron damages Spryzen, Suki decides to open herself up more after convincing by Valt}
45 - Vindicator! Tyros vs. Evipero! -> (Tess defeats Esmeralda [NT Quarter-Final] -> {Tess's past is revealed with her generally being a model student and taskmaster in her old primary school and current secondary school Outei Tsukinomiya* and was the sort to always stand up to bullies with a tough approach, Nightfell explains himself and his life as a phantom thief to Zachary, Esmeralda tells Tess during battle of her discontent with her current apprenticeship employers in Fukuoka and desire to choose who to act as bodyguard for}
46 - Battle For The Top! Naoki vs. Valt! -> (Valt defeats Rantaro/Daigo/Nika/Toko, Alexander defeats Quon, Naoki loses to Valt [NT Quarter-Final], Alexander loses to Zachary [NT Quarter-Final]) -> {Valt creates a new launch, Naoki completes his theory despite losing, Tess is revealed to be on the cusp of becoming a Supreme Four member}
47 - Old Rivals! Lui vs. Shu! -> (Lui defeats Shu [NT Quarter-Final]) -> {Lúinor shatters Spryzen due to earlier damage by Wyvron}
48 - Semi-Final! Spin vs. Speed! -> (Valt defeats Zachary [NT Semi-Final], Tess vs. Lui continued [NT Semi-Final]) -> {Zachary announces his retirement from blading}
49 - Supreme Four Shake-up! Tess vs. Lui! -> (Tess loses to Lui [NT Semi-Final]) -> {Tess ascends to become a member of the Supreme Four at Shu's expense, Zachary does a U-turn and decides to continue blading}
50 - Overthrowing The King! Spear of Ice! -> (Valt defeats Alexander, Lui vs. Gabe vs. Tess vs. Hana vs. Katana [Rideout Battle Royale: Lui > Tess > Gabe > Hana > Katana], Valt defeats Daigo/Wakiya, Valt vs. Lui continued [NT Final]) -> {Tess departs Rideout, the other 30 participants attend the final between Valt/Lui}
51 - Final Showdown! Valtryek vs. Lúinor! -> (Valt loses to Lui [NT Final], Daigo defeats Ryota) -> {Lui claims his 5th title in a row but is unhappy with the way he won which was a fluke, Valt denies Lui's demand for a do-over, Ryota is discharged from the hospital}
*This Outei Tsukinomiya is not the same as the one found in Inazuma Eleven, it is a reference to it though.
Blader Rankings at end of season:
Lui Shirosagi
Valt Aoi
Zachary Kaneguro
Alexander Shakadera
Tess Dileva
Shu Kurenai
Gabe Brunai
Naoki Minamo
Esmeralda Petersburg
Wakiya Murasaki
Suki Ryushima
Akira Yamatoga
Quon Limon
Count Nightfell
Orochi Ginba
Jin Aizawa
Indigo Ran
Osiria Scarlet
Ken Midori
Daigo Kurogami
Ben Azuki
Stan Hamburg
Rantaro Kiyama
Hana Maisaru
Ukio Kibuki
Ilya Mao
Hoji Konda
Yugo Nansui
Katana Sakaki
I'd draw the OCs by hand but unless I have a clear basis I can't draw. Otherwise it comes out really well. They'd just end up looking like they do in the pictures, made on a Picrew that is the closest thing I've found so far to the Beyblade Burst style, in the image below.
National Tournament Participants (A.U. version)*:
*Ukyo is meant to be Ukio.
#Beyblade Burst#OC#AU#Lui Shirosagi#Ken Midori#Yugo Nansui#Esmeralda Petersburg#Orochi Ginba#Daigo Kurogami#Valt Aoi#Hana Maisaru#Shu Kurenai#Hoji Konda#Count Nightfell#Ukio Kibuki#Suki Ryushima#Alexander Shakadera#Ben Azuki#Naoki Minamo#Quon Limon#Osiria Scarlet#Akira Yamatoga#Wakiya Murasaki#Tess Dileva#Heinrich#Zachary Kaneguro#Rantaro Kiyama#Jin Aizawa#Gabe Brunai#Indigo Ran
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