#Terry Hoff
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For 2025, I'm doing Control Panel Saturday! On Saturdays, I'll post a retro sci-fi illustration of a control panel. Here's a great 1982 illustration by Terry Hoff, used for Atari's Star Raiders 2600.
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Terry Hoff
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"They came, they saw, they threw"
Once again Taihape will feature on the world stage when the new travel series Hoff Road hits television screens. Last Thursday, television, film and recording stars David Hasselhoff and Rhys Dary brought a camera crew to town.
The were met by local celebrity Alan (Curly) Toon (president of the NZ Boot Throwing Association) and champion gumboot throwers Kristin Churchwood, Maia Jade Cross and Anahera Bennett.
Once the initial greetings were over, Kristin gave the visitors instructions on how to throw a gumboot and then the competition between The Hoff and Rhys began; with some fairly well-executed throws from one of the visitors, while the other generated unscripted cheers and laughter from the crowd.
The gathering came to an end with Curly presenting David and Rhys with "Taihape: gumboot-throwing capital of NZ" souvenir T-shirts.
Curly was pleased with the turnout; saying the local crowd surely showcased the spirit of Taihape.
David Hasselhoff (now 71 years old) is known for his staring role in the television shows Knight Rider and Baywatch. He was in NZ for six months in 1985, living in Epsom while recording his second album Lovin' Feeling at Mandrill Studio in Parnell, Auckland.
Better known as 'The Hoff', he's in NZ filming a travel series Hoff Road with Rhys Darby. They'd been to various spots in the South Island and Stewart Island prior to their Taihape adventure.
Rhys Darby, originally from Auckland, is better know in NZ for his role in Flight of the Conchords and 2 Degrees adverts. He moved to the United States in 2011 and has appeared in numerous television shows and movies.
Story by Terry Karatau.
Source: Rangtikei District Monitor
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books read in 2024:
venco - cherie dimaline
the glass chateau - stephen p kiernan
thornhedge - t kingfishe
the very secret society of irregular witches - sangu mandanna
small gods - terry pratchett
the sirens of titan - kurt vonnegut
finlay donovan rolls the dice - elle cosimano
dune - frank herbert
city of last chances - adrian tchaikovsky
veronica ruiz breaks the bank - elle cosimano (#0.5)
flatland - edwin a abbott
the tao of pooh - benjamin hoff
he who drowned the world - shelley parker chan (#2)
the bell in the fog - lev ac rosen
buried deep and other stories - naomi noik
monstrous regiment - terry pratchett
the bullet that missed - rochard osman
the te of piglet - benjamin hoff
the parting glass - gina marie guadagnino
17776 - jon bois
all about love: new visions - bell hooks
honor - thrity umrigar
crime and punishment - fyodor dostoyevsky (the first half - usually i prefer to have books finished before the end of the year but this one is really long and i was only halfway, and its a reread anyway so it probably doesnt matter that much)
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Runde 2: Harvey
Jeffrey: "Mann, heute ist hier ganz schön was los. Die Mädchen kommen von der Schule mit einem ganzen Rudel pubertierender Teenager im Schlepptau. Als wären meine drei nicht schon genug. Und dann klingelt auch noch mein nerviger Nachbar. So hatte ich mir Tiffanys Geburtstag eigentlich nicht vorgestellt."
Alle unterhalten sich gut und plötzlich knistert es ziemlich zwischen Marla und ihrem Klassenkameraden Dwayne Bush.
Um 18 Uhr ist es dann Zeit, die Geburtstagstorte für Tiffany aus dem Kühlschrank zu holen:
Jeffrey: "Happy Birthday, meine Kleine! Los, wünsch dir was!" Marla: "Ja, alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Tiffany!" Cheri: "Alles Gute, große Schwester!"
Tiffany: "Hm... mal sehen...."
Tiffany brachte Terry Hayes von der Schule mit. Da die beiden sich super verstehen und sogar ein Auge aufeinander geworfen haben, durfte auch Terry zur Erwachsenen altern.
Währenddessen in Marlas Zimmer:
Marla: "Opa Jeffrey und meine Schwestern sind mit Kuchenessen beschäftigt. Sie werden uns sicher nicht vermissen. Lass uns ein bisschen kuscheln, Dwayne. Ich weiß, wir sind noch jung und das geht ziemlich schnell, aber es fühlt sich gerade einfach richtig an. Findest du nicht?"
Dwayne: "Ohja, das fühlt sich ziemlich richtig an..."
Nach dem Kuchenessen im Wohnzimmer:
Tiffany: "Terry, hat dir schonmal jemand gesagt, dass du die schönsten blauen Augen hast?"
Jeffrey: *räusper* "Tiffany, ich hab da noch was für dich. Ich hoffe, es gefällt dir." Tiffany: "Was ist es?" Jeffrey: "Machs auf!" Tiffany: "Ein neuer Laptop? Opa, du sollst doch nichts so viel Geld ausgeben!" Jeffrey: "Man wird nur einmal volljährig. Es ist nicht das neueste und beste Gerät, aber es tut sicherlich seinen Zweck. Du hast dir so oft so ein Ding gewünscht, wie könnte ich dir diesen Wunsch abschlagen." Tiffany: "Danke, Opa!"
Und plötzlich steht Terry wieder vor Tiffany und küsst sie einfach.
Auch Tiffany und Terry halten sich nicht lange mit dem Kennenlernen auf. Es ist schon spät, Opa Jeffery und ihre Schwestern schlafen schon. Und so verbringen die beiden Turteltäubchen, die Nacht zusammen.
Am nächsten Morgen:
Tiffany: "Mal sehen, ob es eine freie Stelle im Wissenschaftichen Labor gibt. Ha, Versuchskaninchen. Nunja, besser als nichts. Bewerbung geht raus."
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Harold and the Purple Crayon
Scheda informativa
Titolo italiano: Il Magico Mondo di Harold
Regia: Carlos Saldanha
Cast: Alfred Molina (Narratore), Zachary Levi (Harold), Lil Rel Howery (Moose), Zooey Deschanel (Terry), Benjamin Bottani (Mel), Tanya Reynolds (Porcupine), Jemaine Clement (Gary), Pete Gardner (Detective Love), Camille Guaty (Junior Detective Silva), Ravi Patel (Prasad), Zele Avradopopoulos (Ms. Hemm), Boston William-Inez Pierce (bullo #1), Salathiel Murphy (bullo #2), Vartam (Mayhem), Brisco De Poalio (bambino nella biblioteca), Lauren Halperin (mamma del bambino nella libreria), Seth Zenn Robbins (Oscar), Catherine Davis (Kat), Michael Lee Kimel (Mark), Grace Junot (Yasmin), Jef Holbrook (employee), Mallory Hoff (anchorwoman), Elizabeth Becka (Ms. Barnaby), Phil Ortiz (Mr. Perez), Mason Douglas (ragazzino), Jasmine Thomas (cameriera), Dijon Means (cameriere), Theresa O'Shea (anziana al negozio), Baby Dro (bambino sull'elicottero), Avangeline Friedlander (bambina da Tiffy), Devin De Angelo (guardia #1), Steven McCormack (guardia #2), Carolyn Emeric (guardia #3), Hillary Harley (signora in macchina #1), Wesley Jetton (maestro), Jennifer Chung (signora in macchina #2), TJ Jackson (jogger), Stephanie Dunnam (signora dell'antiquariato), Elizabeth Carlie (signora con il cane), Danny Vinson (anziano con il bastone), Eliza Khalik (bambina al parco), Dajalinn Sanchez (testimone dell'aereo #1), Prescott Morgan (testimone dell'aereo #2), Patrice Fisher (preside), Caleb Black (prank kid #1), Brady Ryan (prank kid #2), John Mullis (anziano #1), Gerard Catus (anziano #2), Kermit Rolison (anziano #3), Mike Benitez (venditore)
Produzione: Columbia Pictures, Davis Entertainment, TSG Entertainment
Distribuzione: Sony Pictures Realising
Sceneggiatura: David Guion, Michael Handelman
Fotografia: Gabriel Beristain
Musiche: Batu Sener
Uscita: 21 luglio 2024 (Culver City, LA, U.S.A.), 2 agosto 2024 (U.S.A.), 12 settembre 2024 (Italia)
Durata: 90 minuti
Harold è un bambino che vive in un libro insieme ai suoi due migliori amici, Moose e Porcupine. Grazie a un pastello viola magico può far diventare reale ciò che disegna.
Quando Harold cresce, il narratore che chiama "Old Man" scompare misteriosamente, e per andare a cercarlo disegna una porta per andare nel Mondo Reale.
Il film è un tributo all'immaginazione più pura, contenuta nel potere magico di un pastello viola ma che, se unita a un'intera scatola di altri pastelli colorati, ha un potere davvero potente. E, come dimostra il film stesso, il potere dell'immaginazione contenuto in quel singolo pastello viola è davvero immenso, perché non c'è limite a quello che una singola persona può immaginare.
I wanted to show folks that with a little imagination you can make your life whatever you want it to be. Volevo mostrare alle persone che con un po' di immaginazione puoi trasformare la tua vita in qualunque cosa tu voglia.
È una storia che insegna a usare la propria fantasia per rendere felici le persone che ci stanno attorno, in quanto già il mondo reale è pieno di crudeltà e tristezza. Ma è anche una storia che dimostra quanto, oltre che la fantasia e l'immaginazione, è necessario impegnarsi. Per raggiungere i propri obiettivi occorre anche tenere i piedi per terra e la testa sulle spalle: l'immaginazione deve aiutare ad addolcire le difficoltà che si incontrano nel scalare la vetta, senza sostituirsi al mondo reale perché, in tal caso, sarà qualcun altro a scrivere la tua storia. A condire il tutto vi è anche l'importanza dell'amicizia, e in particolare quella verache nei momenti più difficili ti viene ad aiutare senza farselo ripetere due volte.
Because life isn't just something that happens to you, it's something you create. The trick is in the imagining. Perché la vita non è solo qualcosa che ti capita, ma è qualcosa che crei. Il trucco è nell'immaginazione.
È una commedia dalla trama molto lineare e divertente, che segue la linea viola tracciata dal pastello di Harold donatogli dal suo creatore Crockett Johnson. Belli sono gli effetti speciali, ma ottimo è l'uso dell'animazione.
★★★★★ 5/5
Note aggiuntive
La storia è tratta dall'omonimo libro per bambini scritto da Crockett Johnson, ed è da considerarsi come il suo sequel.
L'azienda statunitense Crayola ha stretto una partnership con Sony cogliendo la palla al balzo per promuovere il film, lanciando il concorso "Find the purple crayon" in stile Willy Wonka e la Fabbrica di Cioccolato: Harold ha nascosto dei pastelli speciali all'interno delle confezioni da 24 pastelli. Si tratta di una caccia nazionale sul territorio statunitense, che può vedere una famiglia vincere una vacanza a New York City e visitare la Crayola experience, o altri premi tra i quali una TV Sony o bundle di prodotti viola Crayola.
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#Harold and the Purple Crayon#Carlos Saldanha#recensione del film#recensioni di film#recensione#recesioni#movie review#movies reviews#review#reviews#myriamystery#rì sir8#katnisshawkeye#myriam sirotto#myriamagic#myriamworld#myriamworlds#new release#coming soon#movies#movie fun#movie club#imagination#pure imagination#immaginazione#immaginazione pura#amicizia#vera amicizia#amici veri#true friendship
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Menschenrechtstribunal genehmigt Kinderschutzregelung für First Nations in Kanada
Das Urteil des kanadischen Menschenrechtstribunals, das die überarbeitete Vergleichsvereinbarung zwischen den First Nations Child and Family Services, dem Jordan's Principle und dem Trout Class Settlement in Höhe von 23,3 Milliarden Dollar (26,3 AUD) als Entschädigung für alle, die durch das FNCFS-Programm und das Jordan's Principle von Kanada diskriminiert wurden, unterstützt, wurde vom First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) begrüßt. Der First Nations Leadership Council setzt sich aus den politischen Führungskräften der BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN), des First Nations Summit (FNS) und der Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC) zusammen. Regional Chief Terry Teegee von der British Columbia Assembly of First Nations sagte am Montag, er wolle dem Gericht seine "tiefe Anerkennung" aussprechen, da es eine endgültige Vereinbarung über die Entschädigung erst dann genehmigen werde, wenn frühere Ausnahmeregelungen berücksichtigt worden seien und alle berechtigten Opfer eine vollständige Entschädigung erhalten hätten. "Auch wenn eine Entschädigung niemals das unbeschreibliche Leid wiedergutmachen kann, das unsere Kinder, Familien und Gemeinschaften erfahren haben, stellt sie doch einen Wendepunkt in der kanadischen Geschichte dar, an dem die höchsten Ebenen der kolonial anerkannten Autoritätssysteme vergangenes Unrecht anerkennen und entschädigen sowie systemische Probleme angehen müssen", sagte er. "Anerkennung gebührt auch der First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, insbesondere Cindy Blackstock, die sich seit über einem Jahrzehnt für diese Arbeit einsetzt, sowie der Assembly of First Nations (AFN), insbesondere Regional Chief Cindy Woodhouse, für ihre ständige Zeit, Energie und Bemühungen bei der Leitung dieser Arbeit, die beide an der Seite unseres Volkes nicht ruhen werden, bis der Gerechtigkeit Genüge getan ist. In Zukunft werden wir die Regierungen auf Bundes-, Provinz- und Territorialebene immer wieder auffordern, die Verpflichtungen, die sie gegenüber unseren Kindern und Familien eingegangen sind, einzuhalten und umzusetzen, unabhängig von der Tagespolitik." Während am 30. Juni letzten Jahres zwischen der Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Kanada und den repräsentativen Klägern von Moushoom/Trout ein endgültiges Vergleichsabkommen (Final Settlement Agreement, FSA) über Entschädigung in Höhe von 19,807 Milliarden Dollar geschlossen wurde, veröffentlichte das Tribunal am 24. Oktober ein Entscheidungsschreiben, in dem dargelegt wurde, dass das vorgeschlagene FSA nicht allen Klassen von Opfern/Überlebenden gerecht wurde und dass Kategorien von Opfern herausgenommen wurden. Auf Anweisung der First Nations-in-Assembly einigten sich die Verhandlungsparteien auf ein überarbeitetes FSA, das am 4. April dieses Jahres von der First Nations-in-Assembly gebilligt wurde. Die politische Geschäftsführerin des First Nation Summit, Cheryl Casimer, sagte, dass die Veröffentlichung des Gerichtsbeschlusses für viele eine dringend benötigte Ermutigung und einen Grund zum Feiern darstellte, inmitten der unerbittlichen Reform des Kinderschutzes und der Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit der Gerichtsbarkeit, die von unseren Führern und Nationen durchgeführt wird". "Es erinnert uns daran, innezuhalten, unsere Erfolge zu feiern und anzuerkennen, dass wir in diesem Kampf um die Gerechtigkeit für unsere Kinder nicht allein sind. Ich hoffe, dass der Bundesgerichtshof seine Entscheidung über das überarbeitete FSA beschleunigt und dass die Anspruchsberechtigten mit Unterstützung des Tribunals so bald wie möglich eine Entschädigung erhalten", sagte sie. Der Präsident der Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, sagte: "Viel zu lange haben die kolonialen Gesetze und bürokratischen Systeme uns, unsere Kinder und unsere Familien im Würgegriff gehalten, und zwar ungebremst, ungebremst und uneingestanden". "Das überarbeitete Abkommen zur endgültigen Beilegung des Konflikts und die Entscheidung des Tribunals führen zu einer breiteren Anerkennung des abscheulichen Schadens, den unser Volk durch die Hand Kanadas erlitten hat, sowohl auf nationaler als auch auf globaler Ebene. Anerkennung und Entschädigung sind die ersten beiden Schritte, doch unser Kampf um die Anerkennung unserer angeborenen Rechte und der grundlegenden Menschenrechte für unsere Kinder ist noch lange nicht vorbei. Wir müssen uns erden und für uns selbst sorgen, während wir uns weiterhin um die Sicherheit und das Wohlergehen unserer Kinder und Familien bemühen", sagte er. Das überarbeitete FSA wurde dem Tribunal vorgelegt, nachdem die Versammlung der First Nations das 23,3 Milliarden Dollar schwere Abkommen am 3. April dieses Jahres gebilligt hatte. Es wird nun dem Bundesgerichtshof zur Genehmigung vorgelegt, bevor die Klageverfahren beginnen können. Lies hier den Originalartikel. Read the full article
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Terry Hoff, from JCA Annual 7 (1987)
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Cover art for 1995 Atari Lynx game Super Asteroids Missile Command with logos stripped out and retouched a bit. It used Terry Hoff's original work and added some missiles launching.
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Terry Hoff
7″ x 9″ gouache on paper 2012
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Terry Hoff
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Most Popular Books Published in 1982 [That I've Read] | GoodReads
#1 | The Color Purple - Alice Walker #7 | Life, the Universe, and Everything - Douglas Adams #10 | The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff #14 | Magician: Apprentice - Raymond E. Feist #20 | The Elfstones of Shannara - Terry Brooks #22 | Magician: Master - Raymond E. Feist
#books of 1982#most popular books published in 1982#1982 books#books#reading#what an excellent year for publishing!#three of these are in my top 20 of all time!#alice walker#douglas adams#benjamin hoff#raymond e. feist#terry brooks
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I keep seeing people confused / discovering one or several iterations of Good Omens, so here is a masterpost of everything Good Omens that officially exists (and that I could gather, so there might be mistakes):
The original draft of what would later become Good Omens, written by Neil Gaiman before he teamed up with Terry Pratchett. It notably features a demon called Crawleigh who would then be split into Crowley and Aziraphale. The draft exists in a book form included in the Ineffable Edition of the illustrated Good Omens.
LINK TO A WTA RECAP (by @fuckyeahgoodomens)
BOOK (1990)
The core material of Good Omens, written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Exists also as an audiobook read by Stephen Briggs (for the English speaking crowd of course). There is also some audio of David Tennant reading part of the book during the recording of Playing in the Dark: Neil Gaiman and the BBC Symphony Orchestra in November 2019. LINK TO DAVID TENNANT’S READING (by @merinathropp) @good-omens-covers is a blog where you can have a look at book covers from accross the world
The script for an aborted movie project. Attempts to write a movie script were made by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, but this is the one Gaiman ended up tackling on his own after Pratchett wisely decided to step away. The conflicted requests from the producers lead the way to a story that was related to Good Omens only in name. The movie script is only available in few numbers on specialized websites for a very high price.
An adaptation by Amy Hoff made with the permission of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, that was played by the Cult Classic Theatre for the Glasgow International Comedy Festival. As far as I know, no footage or script is available anywhere. I know nothing about this play besides the fact that Crowley looks wild. Amy Hoff’s website mentions that GO is currently unavailable for stage production or adaptation. LINK TO THE (BROKEN) PAGE OF THE THEATRE PLAY LINK TO A PHOTO GALLERY OF THE PLAY
An audio adaptation originally broadcasted on BBC4 in 6 episodes, adapted by Dirk Maggs and directed by Dirk Maggs and Heather Larmour. It is however available in an 8 episodes longer format (including bloopers) on CDs and such. The cast includes, notably, Peter Serafinowicz as Crowley, Mark Heap as Aziraphale, Josie Lawrence as Agnes Nutter, and a cameo from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.
TV SERIES (2019)
A six episodes long TV series, produced by the BBC and Amazon, that premiered on Amazon Prime in June 2019. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon. The script was written entirely by Neil Gaiman as the whole project was the achievement of years of struggle trying to get a video adaptation of GO, and as promised by Neil Gaimand to the late Terry Pratchett that this would get done.
The cast still includes Josie Lawrence as Agnes Nutter, David Tennant as Crowley, Michael Sheen as Aziraphale, and many other talented actors and actresses that would be too long to list here but are worth watching.
As derivative products coming out of the making of the TV series, the script book of the entire show (including cut scenes that were never shot) is available, as well as some storyboards that depict, without a doubt, the least expected looks for Crowley and Aziraphale. The TV series is available for streaming on Amazon Prime, in DVD and in BluRay. The soundtrack composed by David Arnold can be found in CDs, vinyls and mp3 sets. Additionally, there is a TV Companion book for behind the scenes and interviews that can be purchased, and very few official goodies such as enamel pins, and, of course, the very necessary Good Omens Nail Polish. A Q and A with Neil Gaiman and David Tennant is also available on Amazon Prime, broadcasted live and recorded in May 2020. In 2017, Neil Gaiman made a reading of cutscenes in Austin, Texas, for the Long Center event.
As a direct result of the TV series (and a direct result of a worldwide pandemic and a several months long lockdown...), Neil Gaiman wrote a little script for a short video that is, actually, mainly audio, in which David Tennant and Michael Sheen reprised their roles as Crowley and Aziraphale.
MUSICAL (still in developpement as far as I know on this date in June 2020)
An Australia based project that has been years in the making, developped by Vicki Larnach and Jim Hare. So far, what has been officially released on the internet are a few videos of a reading by the actors, a sizzle reel with footage and audio of several moments from the show, as well as promotional pictures. The musical has been played on stage in front of an audience a few times these past two years in a version that is probably rather close to what the end product will be, and hopefully, once the final version exists, it will be made available for the widest audience possible.
668—The Neighbour of the Beast AKA the sequel that doesn’t exist. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett talked about writing a sequel to Good Omens, came up with a few things (the most infamous being Aziraphale watching a porno in a hotel room, but only catching glimpses of it and trying to figure out the plot by writting it down in a notebook), but it was never written. LINK TO AN INTERVIEW GIVEN TO THE LOCUS IN 1991 MENTIONING THIS SEQUEL LINK TO A POST ON GAIMAN’S BLOG MENTIONING THE PORNOGRAPHY BIT LINK TO A RECAP OF THE SEQUEL + COTTAGE THING The movie directed by Terry Gilliam Before GO became a TV series, it got stuck for years as a movie project meant to be directed by Terry Gilliam. For various reasons it never happened, and the rumors about Robin Williams being cast as Aziraphale and Johnny Depp as Crowley seem to have started from there. The cottage “canon” The widespread concept of Crowley and Aziraphale sharing a cottage originated from a blog post made by Neil Gaiman, reporting a conversation between him and Terry Pratchett regarding the whereabouts of their characters. Gaiman has since offered the precision that this cottage sharing thing would happen way after the events of the sequel that was never written, so years after Armageddon, and that the location would be Devil’s Dyke in the South Downs. LINK TO THE ORIGINAL POST ON GAIMAN’S BLOG LINK TO A COMPREHENSIVE EXPLANATION (by @irisbleufic) LINK TO A TUMBLR ASK FOR GAIMAN ABOUT THE SOUTH DOWNS LINK TO A SCREENSHOT OF A TWEET BY GAIMAN The New Year Resolutions List (made for Harper Collins, now taken down from their website) A list of resolutions written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett on request of the publisher in 2005, one list for Crowley, one list for Aziraphale. LINK TO THE LIST ( by @ladylier )
LINK TO AN INTERVIEW WHERE NEIL GAIMAN TALKS ABOUT A FEW OF THE THINGS MENTIONNED IN THIS POST And as an ultimate bonus, as I was gathering all the informations for this masterpost, I found back Michael Sheen’s Spotify Good Omens Playlist. EDIT (02/08/2020): Someone mentionned (in a post I can’t find anymore ?) that on the list of existing merch that was absolutely unexpected, there was a whole collection of Good Omens perfume oils. It was made around 2007 with the approval of Pratchett and Gaiman and was apparently updated when the series came out in 2019. The profits of the oils go to different charities.
I was also reminded of the Chattering Order of Saint Beryl, a group of singers promoting the TV series before its release in 2019. Their Youtube Channel has a playlist that was last updated in June 2020. There is one video clip of the song Brand New Baby Smell that features a cameo by Neil Gaiman. And I found back @fuckyeahgoodomens‘s masterpost about the merch, even though I mentionned most of these in this masterpost, I’ll include the link for convenience sake.
#good omens#masterpost#all the omens#book omens#scrip omens#shitscript#william the antichrist#tv omens#radio omens#musical omens#merch#fandom#neil gaiman#terry pratchett#long post
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