#Terror's Realm
favouritefi · 22 days
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can someone who understands costuming / historical fashion explain to me why the pants go up so high and also how they are fastened / closed? is it buttons? zipper? clips? whats up here? sorry for lt little crotch shot in my defence he shouldnt be p/ussy forward if he dont want me lookin
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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Stephen Fabian (1930-) - "Graverobber"
Illustration from 'Ravenloft: Realm of Terror', 1994
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shyjusticewarrior · 8 months
Love how Tim tells Jason his presence is what indicates they're in a nightmare, then the nightmare realm contradicts this by separating them.
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theartisticcrow · 3 months
Ah fuck it, I CALL UPON THE FREV COMMUNITY FOR ASSISTANCE (please). Right, I'm writing this essay for my socials class that nobody asked me to write but hey I'm doing it anyways for "fun" and basically what I'm asking here is for anyone who has watched a bunch of those French Revolution films that portray Robespierre as an awful tyrant (and also queercoded) and such like to please infodump on me about these films. I'm trying to write about how films and similar media like these play into how a large majority of society view him as a brutal dictator responsible for the Reign of Terror (barely) so yeah uh... please help me if you have the time, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself have never watched the films and knowing how they go about portraying Robespierre would be greatly appreciated.
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medievalthymes · 4 months
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oh god she’s putting bee through saw traps again
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horrorwomen · 1 month
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The Ring: Terror's Realm (Dreamcast, 2000).
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Y'know, I really do think just about every mention of God in this show is something of a double-edged sword and ought to be interrogated as such.
I've written before about "More than God loves them.", for example.
How, at a surface level, we might take it to mean "Gee Captain, you sure do love your men a lot!" But it carries less weight within a story where we're shown that God doesn't appear to love them all that much and may even be actively against them.
To love your men more than God loves them just doesn't mean as much when God doesn't love them in the first place.
And now I'm thinking we ought to interrogate "And remember - God lies in all realms!" in a similar way.
It's meant to be a comfort - "Don't be afraid, Mr Collins, God will be with you even as you venture into a brand-new, dangerous place!". But, again, we're presented with with very little evidence that God loves or cares about or offers any protection to them so perhaps the question ought to be asked - Why would you even want a god like that to be with you in all realms?
How can it really be a good thing to have God with you when he's inflicting such pain on you? And what means of relief have you when he's always there, with you in all realms, inescapable?
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atiyasnake · 1 year
What came after the King
So, I know there is a ton of summoning the ghost king and usually it ends up with Danny/Phantom coming up when usually it was expected Pariah Dark would show up. They expect this big bad dude, the Tyrant King but get the bag of sass and puns that we have deemed Danny to be since Ghost King Danny is a really fun thing. 
But what if Pariah is indeed still the ghost king. What if that time when he was locked back into the sarcophagus didn’t qualify Danny to be the new Ghost King, so Pariah was still it. Just asleep like before.  (many ways to make it so since ya know *imagination*)   But overall, Ghost King is still Pariah Dark...and he can still be summoned. 
That would serve for some pretty interesting scenarios. For the cults guys and ofc for the heroes who might be in a situation where their last resort is summoning the Ghost King. Most situations would probably end in world domination and destruction seeing as Pariah Dark isn’t such a nice dude. 
So imagine, there we have Pariah Dark unleashed on the mortal realm summoned from the sarcophagus by cultists and making up for the time he has been locked away by causing destruction and poor heroes who are trying to figure out what the hell to do. 
But then from the portal where Pariah Dark had been bringing in his undead army, something else came out. Something powerful that everyone can sense and they feared what else the Ghost King called to his side in his reign of terror. 
A clawed hand connected to too-long arms. A body made of a black void. Eyes glowing a bright white with a green sheen. It crawled its way out of the swirling green portal and the temperature dropped. An unsettling chill deep in their bones grew along with a pressure that made their body feel heavy before too light. More and more of the body appeared and it was too big. It hurts to look at, to try to make sense of what they were looking at. A hero or two could have sworn that it was absorbing light, like a living black hole. It’s become too silent and some second guess whether they were even alive because they can’t hear the pounding of their hearts in their heads anymore from before. 
Everyone in its presence was untethered, feeling like they are floating in a cold nothingness. 
It’s a sudden change that left them catching their breath they were not even sure they were getting. 
Then they watched as this creature looked at Pariah Dark, its eyes shifted in color and became brighter. Its body writhed where it was. Its claws grew longer and dug into the ground below. There’s suddenly a ringing in their ears and some notice that the creature had opened its mouth that they hadn’t been able to see before and don’t want to look at.
It’s angry, so very angry. 
When it looked at them, they knew they couldn’t stop it. They could do nothing against the creature. Their death was inescapable. Deep inside of them, they knew. 
But the eyes softened when it looked at them. The chill abated, becoming more gentle instead of harsh and biting. They could feel where their feet were against the ground again. They could hear the reassuring sound of the breaths they took and the beating of their hearts. They were no longer floating in an unforgiving void. 
There was no question that the creature was angry but it was not directed at them. There was no malice in its gaze. A soothing croon echoed out from the creature, caressing them and lessening the pain in their bodies and panic in their minds. 
A few of them noticed that they had been moved, further away from the destruction and other threats. 
Seemingly, with one last glance, the creature looked back at Pariah Dark. It’s fury so clear but none of it touched them. They were still protected. And when the creature headed toward Pariah Dark’s Army, when it obliterated his forces with ease and finally met Pariah Dark with claws, an open maw, and a wail that shook the ground, they felt none of it. 
The creature’s fight with the Ghost King did not touch anyone. It did not add to the destruction that had already surrounded them. 
As Pariah Dark fought back and attempted to escape the clutches of the creature as it dragged him toward the portal, he was unable to. Despite every hit, scream, and curse the creature never faltered and all they heard was the scream of a King cut off as he was pulled through swirling green. 
Leaving the heroes a mess to clean up and a lot fewer casualties/injuries than expected. But afterward, there is a mad rush to get rid of the ways to summon the Ghost King. To not have anything like it happen again. To never even consider summoning the Ghost King because no good would come out of it. 
They did not want there to be any chance of the Ghost King coming back.
But it was not only because of the Ghost King himself, no. 
But also for what came after the King. 
But yeah! overall, it would be cool to see more fic/drabble/ etc of how it would be if Pariah Dark was summoned but as a result Danny/Phantom came after him, in any of his forms tho. this drabble here was if Danny came after in a more elritch form. 
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
So I'm watching Audrie's review of s6 and I FEEL like the terrible terrors are like?? considerably larger in TNR but looking at a comparison between TNR and RTTE I'm not totally sure idk just
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One could make the argument that Jun is smaller than Hiccup (and RTTE Hiccup is older than Jun, but I don't feel like it makes that much of a difference. Like they actually look similar in size in these pics but also,, I can't see it sitting on her shoulder like that one is w Hiccup? And idk every time I see them in TNR it just looks too big to me
It was never like this in Riders or Defenders either when Hiccup was younger I don't think
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 1 Match 4
Track 6 - The Ring: Terror's Realm
Fallen Down - Undertale
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Track 6:
"it's such a short loop... it's so bad. I love it"
Fallen Down:
"the MOST forgettable song on the soundtrack. i genuinely can't remember anything of it past the first few seconds."
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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parksrway · 1 year
remember when people were theorizing that the tears in totk were gonna be like the tears you collect in the silent realms in sksw. I miss that
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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Stephen Fabian (1930-) - "Three Sisters"
Illustration from 'Ravenloft: Realm of Terror', 1994
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shyjusticewarrior · 7 months
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Teen Titans #29
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Knight Terrors Robin #2
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
Will the new queen of the shadow realm have a consort like King Fredric did?
Yes! But shadow brackets happen at the oddest times, in the upside down and the other side of the night, so can't promise when that'll happen.
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Dennis Bardens - Ghosts and Hauntings - Ace - 1965
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horrorwomen · 2 months
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The Ring: Terror's Realm (Dreamcast, 2000).
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