#Terraforming Mars: Prelude
boardgoats · 7 months
20th February 2024
Once everyone had finished eating, we moved on to the usual difficult decision of who was going to play what.  The “Feature Game“, Wyrmspan which is a very new stand-alone game, based on the mechanisms of one of the group’s favourite games, Wingspan, with dragons instead of birds.  It was not as popular as expected, though that was at least partly because it was a relatively quiet night and many…
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whovian223 · 28 days
August 2024 Gaming
August 2024 Gaming #boardgames @StrongholdGames @FryxGames @doomlings @gmtgames @BGStatsApp
It’s funny how sometimes month end can sneak up on you. I was going to hold off on writing this post for a bit, until the weekend. Then I realized that my next game day is actually in September! Who would’ve thunk that? Not this guy. So now I can actually write this ahead of time. August was a pretty good month, though mostly fueled by the Dragonflight convention, even though I only played…
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theindoorsman · 1 year
Board Game 30-Day Challenge
Day 24: What do you think about expansions? Are there any games that NEED an expansion to be good? Do you recommend any expansions? Should a game be able to stand on its own without expansions?
I'm a sucker. I love expansions and promos. Do or should games need them? No. And many games for which I expansions play without them.
But Terraforming Mars Prelude I highly recommend. I don't think I've played a game of TM without Prelude since getting it.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
i'm reading a lot of comics right now, lol. i know this was meant to be a fic rec list, but i'm refilling my creative well right now, which personally means me reading published works. it also helps with understanding how to craft plots and storylines that are more long form. i love fanfiction so much, but i think if you want to take it to the next level, reading helps a lot! comics specifically help me with dialogue, because that's what has to carry the story along with the visuals
- House of X!!! i'm reading the current X-Men run, and it's INSANELY good. hubs got his hands on the omnibus for the House of X/Powers of X run that preludes the current series of X-men where they've terraformed Mars and made a mutant nation. it's REALLY fucking cool, blows everything in the MCU and other current Marvel titles out of the water.
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-i also reccommend Something is Killing the Children--it's my favorite ongoing comic i've read in years. the writing, characterization, the art are all absolutely amazing. for my horror fans, you'll love it. it doesn't pull any punches, and it has real, terrifying stakes for the main character. it's sad, beautifully written, and so, so scary.
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- Twig. If you've read Bone, Twig has a very similar vibe. Epic fantasy journey with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, bonkers amazing art, and a sweet main character you can't help but love. it's the only series i'm reading with non-human protagonists, and it's EXCELLENT.
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i hope you enjoyed this list anyway, even though i don't think it's what you were looking for 😅
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fallenwingzero · 2 years
Frozen Teardrop translation
First chapter is done! Under the read more.
Edited: Names have been changed for accuracy. Names edited in this chapter are, Unified Global Nation to Earth Sphere Unified Nation and Operation Mutes to Operation Mythos.
Volume 1: Rondo of Redemption
Chapter 1: Silent Prelude
Prologue File
I was in a hurry to see the old Master Chang. Although terraforming on Mars was successful, the sea of the Borealis Ocean was stormy with freezing white blizzards in the extreme cold of -20C or less. It was a blizzard composed of small hail, which is closer to frozen diamond dust, rather than snow. Even now, it is such a blizzard that slams into the window of the long-distance high-speed hover boat “VOYAGE” that runs on the ocean and blocks most of the view.
“Lieutenant Commander Kathy, we’re five kilometers away from the Preventers base, but it’s likely to take another two hours,” said Captain Tale Hikotry, a boat operator, in a voice that didn’t even sound like he was reporting.
“Next to LAIS”, Captain Sakai Masakazu said, staring at the nautical chart displayed on the hologram monitor.
I shrugged my shoulders, even though I was frustrated by the everchanging weather on the map.
“It’s about fifteen minutes behind the scheduled arrival time. I didn’t think the Arctic Crown was so rough.”
“I understand. I’m sorry for the hard work.”
I could only just hear what was said. It was so cold my lips were shaking, and my back teeth weren’t meshing well. However, this is a place that once recorded 30 degrees below zero so I’m not in a position to complain.
“But I have to hurry.”
I have to hurry. The fire in this world must be extinguished immediately. I’m Lieutenant Commander Kathy Po. I belong to the secret information department “Preventer” under the direct control of the president of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. Preventer, also known as “fire extinguishing”, is a special agency whose mission is to maintain peace in the Earth’s sphere and eliminate weapons. The memory file microchip I have here is from Dorothy, President of the Unified Earth Sphere Nation.
It is already expected that with this memory chip “Operation Mythos” will be activated. I Immediately sent the report to the preventer base in the Artic, but the old Master Chang instructed me to download three files from the old database of the History Bank, which is managed by the Unified Nation in the Earth sphere and bring them together.
“Because you’re also a member of the Preventers, you need to look at the file… read it before you arrive”
It was such a meaningless data file that I couldn’t help but think “what is the usefulness of such data from the last century?”
The three data files specified were recorded in the summer and fall of AC195, and the following year in the spring of AC196, in order from oldest to newest.
They are completely different in language, person who recorded them, where they were stored and how they were stored, and they have only a few relationships and contacts.
The only common item is the keyword “Gundam Pilot”. Excellent pilots on board the Gundaminium mobile suits “Gundam”. In ordinary history not only the personal names, but even the name “Gundam” is not recorded, they are named only by the inorganic model numbers starting with “XXXG”, and as legends in the subsequent Earth Sphere it was never handed down. It was an impression that had nothing to do with the front stage of history, which could have them now called a “sealed record.”
AC195 is the time where the war of humankind in the Earth Sphere was the most tragic. The first file written in the Summer was written in German, more like a letter or essay than a diary or biography. At the beginning, the poem “Autumn” by the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke of the old century was quoted. It is a mystery that the season is of the file is summer but it’s the poem “autumn”, but also rather than that, two handwritten correction lines were added after at the end of this poem. The fact that it has been erased and added gives the impression that this file is somewhat meaningful. But I don’t know what this means. However, the name added is Milliardo Peacecraft.
It is true that Gundam pilots were active in this era. I can guess that it was Treize Khushrenada who wrote this sentence. The file looks like this:
1100 AC-195 SUMMER
The leaves fall, fall as from far,
Like distant gardens withered in the heavens;
They fall with slow and lingering descent.
 And in the nights the heavy Earth, too, falls
From out the stars into the Solitude.
 Thus, all doth fall. This hand of mine must fall
And lo! the other one: —it is the law.
But there is One who holds this falling
Infinitely softly in His hands.
 M.Rilke “Autumn”
 My Eternal friend, Milliardo Peacecraft!
This era is in the dark. Even in the long history of mankind, it must be said that it is a completely isolated, sad and painful era before and after that. It can be said that it resembles the appearance of the Earth left behind in the vast and open universe. However, it can also be described as a young lost child who has lost their place. Mankind fled into space in the second half of the last century. Only then did we know how lonely we were. Even the moon, the closest celestial body to rely on, is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Earth. The artificial living space colony located at the gravity equilibrium point of the Earth and Moon, Lagrange point, is made into a new world and a new era is created under the name of its symbol “AC Calendar (after Colony)”. Even after nearly 200 years, humankind has not yet escaped from that dark age.
Only a few rulers of this era have cleverly struggled for power, almost meanlessly and maintained order as a cause, causing wars in various parts of the globe, and poverty, hunger, and bloodshed for the majority of the people. It’s compelling. It can be thought that the reason why man still wanders in the darkness is that he flew into space before his wings had grown. No to put it the other way around, I interpret that the fact that the universe, the absolute existence that completely rejects life, has become so close to us is the mental factor that causes this immature feeling of loneliness. It may be possible. In any case, in the end, humankind has continued the war completely unknowingly for nearly a hundred years, stalling its motivation for the universe and stagnating the era.
The stagnation turns into a slow decline. The rulers of this era may sneer at the fact that there is a war that has managed to stop it. From the eyes of the people, tears are shed endlessly.
Has man given up already? The battle and the conflict never end. Certainly, that’s a clear fact in history. And it is no exaggeration to say that man managed to keep his mind balanced by abandoning the slightest word “hope for peace” and man continued to have an inertial conflict and was chronically exhausted. However, it may be that “unusual” is changed to “everyday”. Above man, the sun was always shining brightly, but as if they had forgotten their existence, they turned away from the glare and shut themselves in the shell of a small Earth sphere.
Isn’t it necessary to change? In this dark age, there must be someone who will give a ray of light and show the way they should go. No matter how small the light or how bloody it may be, we must pull the hand of the lost child who is tired of crying and lead man to the right path.
But it should never be in the hands of the “victor”. In the rule of victory, the scramble for power begins again, and the history of war is repeated again. It must be the “loser” that changes history.
Sommer TK
The word “Summer” is written in German, and there is a sign “TK” that seems to be the initials of Treize Khushrenada, and the word “loser” has a special feeling that seems to be written by Treize himself. This is the basis for what seems to be the case. However, at this time, Milliardo and Treize had no contact yet (the first contact between the two is said to be at the time of the Eve Wars), and even though they are human beings of the same age, from a historical point of view, it may have been written by another person.
That may be the case.
The following file is also really mysterious. This file was saved as a video recording, not as a textual one. In the new semester of September 195, a boy named Duo Maxwell transferred to the state gymnasium of RO9935 in the L4 colony group and wrote an essay on the theme of the relationship between the colony and the Earth (rather than a dissertation). It was recorded that he was reading (which is the impression the recording gives). Since it was recorded on the camera installed at the back of the classroom, his face is not clearly visible, but if this is really “Duo”, it is the only living record we have of a Gundam Pilot.
According to the rumors at the time, the Gundam pilots were young boys, and they often infiltrated schools to carry out their duties in secret and repeatedly transferred to new schools. However, if that was the case, it would be a little unreasonable to call himself “Duo”. If you’re hiding, you’re usually using a pseudonym.
The contents are as followed:
AC-195 Autumn
“The planet that miraculously made it possible for living things to inhabit the solar system, that is the Earth. In After Colony 195, human beings have abundant resources and cultivated technological capabilities in colony development. So, a new Earth will be “created”.
However, it is just a pseudo-space of Mother Earth. What was the meaning of the colonies? Life on Earth? I hear that the main purpose is to develop technology to enrich the environment. Maybe human beings have an unreasonable desire for this pseudo-space. Their life support is more stable than the Earth without the threat of nature. It seems that the unstoppable development promised humankind a permanent survival. There may have been a time when the universe was allowed to start from scratch. But it’s hard to believe that colonies, no, humans can forget the Earth.
What did the colony development technology bring to the earth….? The most desired technology of the Earth is military power. Destruction is the irreplaceable spirit of mankind. Now the colonies are adopting a military temperament. The Earth is unforgettable. The beauty of the Earth is immense. An animal that has great power such as a human will try to control such a planet. On a Planetary scale, it is a momentary time. It is about the self, after all, human beings can only think of their own survival…...
Nothing changes. The years when humans went out into space were meaningless. Before reality, the ideal is only a dream. False living space, false pacifism. The universe is just a hotbed for more battles. War takes many lives.
Humans have never forgotten the sadness of war. The bloodshed and tears are nothing more than ceremonial decorations. The turning point of the era has a history that can only be told in war. The beautiful thing that faded away, such as fighting for peace, is probably a maze that has been chanted many times in the past. The colonies are said to be armed for peace. It is no different to Earth. They believe they have joined the ranks. They will be uplifted by shedding a lot of blood-“
The boy who calls himself “Duo” has been instructed by the teacher to stop reading and told to take a seat at the back of the classroom. The camera shows the boy’s report paper, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that the paper doesn’t contain anything that looks like text. It was a complete blank slate. He may have just been saying what he had thought on the spot, as if he were reading it.
If so, one can imagine that this idea was a criticism of the trend at the time, but it is amazing that such a boy who is still young could think from such a broad perspective. The last page is blown by the wind, and I can only see a little glimpse of it, but I can confirm the sentence that seems to be the conclusion written there, though it is only a few lines. When I read it on a still screen it says, “Then why do humans fight? It may be meaningful to them to fight. There is a sense of fulfilment in the soldiers, and it is true that the soldiers aren’t seen as tainted- “
It's my own hypothesis after all but this boy doesn’t seem to be “Duo Maxwell”. Perhaps it’s possible he’s a pilot of another Gundam. Unfortunately, I can’t confirm anything because I lack the materials to identify him, but for some reason I can’t help but get caught up in that impression.
When I was downloading the last file, I was surprised to find I knew the person who saved it. Record keeper “Sally Po”, my mother's name. At the time of AC196, my mother also belonged to the “Preventers” of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. The details of the mission at the time are unknown, but judging from the voice stored here, I believe that Relena Darlian was in charge of escorting someone when she was the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Neither my mother's voice nor face is stored in this file.
I don’t know who Relena Darlian is meeting with. The video is blurred and only the audio can be heard, perhaps because it is a very important person or because the content is too confidential. It’s unclear where this was recorded, and like any other file, the exact date and time is unknown. However, I can just make out an old man’s voice, who I can barely understand, is talking to Relena.
Even though the content is top secret, we, the Preventers, know that the name “Heero Yuy” that Relena and the old man are discussing in this file was one of the Gundam pilots. A boy code-named the same as the legendary former colony leader. The subject of this is spoken of in this file. To add one note, it is no exaggeration to say that the Earth and colonies where in a peaceful state in the Spring of AC196, about eight months before the uprising of Mariamaia.
The file begins with the voice of the old man:
“The Heart of Mankind has two major illnesses. One is the urge to convey revenge across generations. The other is the label of people as groups rather than as individuals.”
“Sure, you’re ideal has succeeded in temporarily breaking the centuries old chain of hatred, but the pacifists’ groups that share the ideal have some disagreements”
“I think you know what’s going on as a result….”
“It was a story about him…”
I hear an old man breathing.
“He was number one, he was more than I expected…. ….. He would not give up no matter the barriers. His name… yes, that’s what I christened him as. Heero Yuy, isn’t it...? Don’t you think it’s a good name?”
“Is there any information you have given Heero… a new mission for him?”
“Is it ok to have my question answered?”
“……. Yes”
“Is it really possible to realize the ideal of complete peace simply by throwing away weapons and retiring soldiers?”
“Unless the concept of fighting disappears from the hearts of people, real peace will never be possible….”
“Is humanity able to grow to that extent?”
“It has not been done yet, and it will be difficult in the future”
I hear a deep sigh from Relena.
“I think it is not the enemies that are in opposition, but the difficulty that people have to face with all their might. That’s why I planned the Mars Terraforming….”
“Is it ok for me to have a laugh?”
There is a swaying sound coming from the old man, apparently, he really is laughing.
“It’s okay….”
I hear the wooden chair squeak as if it’s turning around.
“Currently, Heero is on a mission to destroy the colony-type beam cannon from attacking the Earth, which is about to be completed behind the peace that you have built. The world will always have need of a “Heero Yuy””.
The file is one of the top secrets within the Preventers. It wouldn’t have been seen by me without the special permission of the bureau Chief, Chang. At the time there was no record of the development of a colony-type beam cannon for attacking the Earth.
Perhaps a Gundam Pilot, codenamed “Heero Yuy,” carried out a mission to explode the weapon. Given the mission, it’s pretty much what the current Preventers are doing. It’s a mystery why my mother didn’t take on that mission, but I think it might have been a time when the then newly launched Preventer organization wasn’t in production.
There is data attached separately. It is a design drawing of “Frozen capsule for artificial hibernation” and its operation manual. It is not clear who created it, just a signature of “J” with the drawing.
It’s possible that the old man talking to Relena Darlian is that person. 
Of the three files this may be the only one that may be closely related to President Dorothy’s order file, but anyway, I’m told that such old data is a necessary part of this operation.
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Associate Kathy,” said Captain Hikotry, loosening the thrust of the long-distance high-speed hover boat “VOYAGE”.
“We have arrived at the Artic Crown Base of the Preventer Mars Branch. We managed to meet the scheduled time,” said Captain Sakai gently.
“Thank you for your help.”
The white storm outside the window had stopped. In the dim sky Mar’s second moon, Deimos, which looks like a frozen drop of tears, shines beyond the seven-colored aurora. I hurried and jumped from the docking bay into the base.
Old Master Chang is staying alone at this base. He quickly unlocked the strict security code and ran to the Preventer Mars bureau chief’s office undergoing a DNA scan. The gravity of this planet is only one-third of the gravity of the Earth and colonies. My stride is wider than I expected, and I can run easier than usual. When I opened the last door, Chang, an old master in dark blue Chinese clothes, was waiting.
“Old Master, Operation Mythos’ permission has been granted. Awaken Princess Aurora”
‘Sleeping Beauty’ is sealed in an artificial hibernation frozen capsule. That’s when I heard a voice coming from behind it.
“It really is here, old man,”
I looked back and there stood an older man dressed in black priesthood clothes and a boy with long braided hair. It was the priest who had called out. I immediately turned around and pointed a gun.
“Who are you?”
I was tense as I aimed at him, but he didn’t flinch or move at all.
“You must be Sally’s daughter,” said the priest as he and the boy passed in front of me and approached the old Master Chang.
The boy glared at me with a sullen look, revealing his disgust at having a gun pointed at him.
“How long have you been aiming?” He glistened with a fearless gaze, “Am I dead…?”
“I don’t think so, I’m Father Maxwell, I may run and hide but I never tell a lie… this is my son Duo.”
“Sup” The boy greats me in a foolish tone.
Chang, the old Master, silently signaled that I should lower my gun. I reluctantly obeyed.
Immediately the boy sighed and exclaimed “Good maybe I can live a little longer.”
When I realized the name of this cheeky boy was “Duo Maxwell,” I thought it must have been a bad joke.
“Why would you name the boy after a Gundam Pilot?”
“By the way did you bring the three files in question?” The Priest asked, reminding me.
“In order to awaken ‘Princess Aurora’ I need the prelude of those three songs.”
~End Chapter~
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xchoco-mixturex · 3 years
At least i had fun playing terraforming mars with my dad as a prelude to fathers day.
I am still annoted by the behaviour in general of that fking fndm but at this point im too old or tired to engage in the bullshit.
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contentsoftable · 4 years
10 Games That are Still Good for Two
These games were designed for more players but come with 2-player variants and we still enjoy them.
Designers: Gavan Brown, Matt Tolman, Martin Wallace Publisher: Roxley Theme: Industrial Revolution, England
We haven’t decided if we prefer Lancashire or Birmingham. For two players, Lancashire offers a smaller and tighter map so you feel like you are competing for limited locations to move your coal, steel, cotton... There is more tension. Birmingham is a larger map with more things to acquire, and more things to do (eg, all sales transactions require sufficient beer). On your turn you play 2 cards to build canal or rail links between cities, develop industries, buy and sell goods… Yes, this sounds like any other worker placement game, but Brass is really well-done, and the moody art is stunning.
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Designers: Bruno Cathala, Ludovic Maublanc Publisher: Matagot Theme: Greek Mythology
We love Greek mythology! If you are after a cut-throat battle in Ancient Greece, Cyclades is it! On your turn, you are bidding for help from the Gods (each one bestowing different powers), conquering islands, and recruiting creatures of myth and legend. The first player to establish three Metropolises (2-player variant) or collect four Philosophers is the winner. Sink your enemy’s ships! Release the Kraken!
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Designer: Richard Garfield Publisher: IELLO Theme: Feudal Bunnies
We picked up a more intuitive 2-player rule variant from the BGG forums; and don’t use the official one in the rule book. In this game, you are controlling as much space and as many different resources as possible to get the most points. Points are calculated by multiplying castle turrets with unique resources in each “bunny fief,” plus bonus card bonuses. There is a lot of math involved...
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Designer: Jacob Fryxelius Publisher: FryxGames Theme: Corporations compete to terraform Mars
We play with the “Prelude” and “Venus Next” expansions. 
On Mars, your goal is to raise the temperature, build cities, plant greenery to generate oxygen and create oceans, while making as much money as possible - which allows you to do more terraforming. The game ends when Mars is terraformed and the player with the most points wins. Warning: The card images are bland and awful, and the game itself is quite long and meditative. We play with upgraded 3D tiles (bought on Etsy) which make such a difference to the overall table presence of the game.
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Designer: Dan Blanchett Publisher: Plaid Hat Games Theme: Collect body parts to build a monster
A game sequel to Mary Shelley’s book. You are a scientist in 18th century Paris - sending your assistants to different locations (Cemetery, Hospital, Morgue, Docks, etc) to collect organs, muscle, bone and blood to build and bring a creature to life before the law catches up to ypu. You also need to keep your body parts fresh to score more points, and roll dice to charge your leden jars. The art is very gruesome and we love how thematic this game is. Better with 3 or more players but still fun with 2.
*We upgraded our components (purchased on Etsy).
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Designer: Antoine Bauza Publisher: Repos Productions Theme: You are Taoist monks fighting Chinese ghosts
This co-operative game is best for 4 players/monks but the 2-player variant is still fun. The imagery and components are amazing in this game. The ghosts come in four types - blue water ghosts, green plague ghosts, red blood ghosts, and yellow ghouls and zombies. They are relentless and there is a lot of tension in a whack-a-mole sense. To win, you have to exorcise all the ghosts (with die rolls and tokens), save the villagers, not die, and defeat Wu Feng, the most evil of them all.
*We insist on the White Moon expansion or you will never win!
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Designers: Simone Luciani, Daniele Tascini Publisher: Czech Games Edition Theme: Mayan civilization
The board is amazing - with six turning “pyramid” wheels and so much to do. On each turn you either place or pick up your workers to gain resources (corn, wood, iron, gold etc), build buildings, advance on the “technology track” or make offerings to the Gods. There is a lot of corn involved which is also important for feeding your workers. Tzolk’in requires learning what all the icons mean, and serious forward planning because those wheels keep turning and worker locations change and the game can end before you get to do the thing you really wanted to do!
For the two-player variant, dummy workers are placed on the wheels.
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Designers: Philip duBarry Publisher: Game Salute Theme: Killing Hitler, World War 2
This co-operative game plays better with at least 3 players but there is no shortage of tension and excitement with 2. Over several rounds, you are preparing all the elements and planning the perfect moment to assassinate Hitler. At random moments, you are raided by the Gestapo, and being thrown in jail is really rough. However, winning Black Orchestra is the most satisfying board game victory ever.
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Designer: Hisashi Hayashi Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games Theme: Trading in the Meiji Period, Japan
Yokohama’s table presence can feel overwhelming at first because there are so many board pieces and different cards that go on top of the boards, in addition to your own “warehouse” boards consisting of workers, trading houses, and shops. The variability of this set-up makes the game fun and very replayable.
In Yokohama, you are a President moving around doing business:  manufacturing products (tea, silk, fish, copper), building shops, implementing new technology, importing and exporting goods. We love that there are so many different ways to score points, and we can never tell who is going to win until the very end. 
*In the two-player variant which has less locations, we prefer to replace the Bank with Chinatown.
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Designer: Nicolas Robert Publisher: Pearl Games Theme: You’re a murderous innkeeper in 18th century France
We love the theme and art on the cards! The rules are a little complicated at first because each card has multiple actions that happen at different times. On each round, new guests arrive at your inn. You can either bribe them, murder them, build an annex, bury and rob a corpse, or launder money while avoiding the police. At the end of the game, the player with the most francs is the winner.
*This game plays up to 4. We play with “The Carnies” expansion.
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peeyots · 6 years
シド・マイヤーズ・シヴィライゼーション:新たな夜明け (Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn) 7.0: レビュー
The Grizzled: At Your Orders! 未プレイ:そもそも基本も……
タルギ 完全日本語版  (Targi) 未プレイ:我が家から2人���ゲームを遊ぶという文化が消失した。
タルギ拡張セット 完全日本語版 (Targi: Die Erweiterung) 未プレイ
コロニスト:アンテポルタス (The Colonists: Ante Portas) 6.0: ※ソロプレイのみ。難易度調整が甘い気がする。
ヌスフィヨルド (Nusfjord) 8.0: レビュー
ファイブトライブス:スルタンの気まぐれ (Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan) 未プレイ:好きなゲームの拡張を買って積む、の反復作業!
ドミニオン:ギルド (Dominion: Guilds) たぶん未プレイ。
フラムルージュ (Flamme Rouge) 5.5: 風避けにとBotを入れたら、そいつが強すぎてスベった。
フラムルージュ:プロトン (Flamme Rouge: Peloton) 5.5: 同上。
ライジングサン (Rising Sun) 6.5: プエルトリコ式のアクション選択でユーロ風なところがあるものの、最終的には同盟&裏切りごっこのゲームなので、それを楽しめないとしんどいかも。自分はOK。
ライジングサン Dynasty Invasion (Rising Sun: Dynasty Invasion) 6.5: でっかいフィギュアの存在が、せっかくだからこいつを買ってマップに放ってみるか、というモチベーションを作り、その結果、戦が始まるので、ゲーム的な意味がしっかりあると思った次第です。
文絵のために 未プレイ。
ドミニオン:冒険 (Dominion: Adventures) 未プレイ
フィンカ (Finca) 6.5: 4人でやるゲームではない。無意味に箱が厚い。
クイーンドミノ (Queendomino) 6.5: キングドミノがそこまで好きじゃない私が楽しめたので、そういうことなんでしょう。
パイオニア (Pioneers) 6.5: ネットワーク構築の佳作。ビンジョーシステムでプレイ時間を短縮!
Spirits of the Forest 6.5: リテール版は収納に問題あり。4人でできるようになり、フィラーとして活躍しそう。セットアップがちょっと面倒だけど。
イマジナリウム 日本語版 (Imaginarium) 5.0: 見た目で買ったら、プレイ感がちんまりしすぎてて、まさかのゲーム中にギブアップ宣言。
ナンバーナイン (NMBR 9) 6.5: 映えると思ってソーシャルメディアに写真を上げると、逮捕されるという罪なゲーム。
アズール 日本語版 (Azul) 6.5: (2人プレイ時) 2人以外では遊ぶ気にならないゲームの筆頭。
ケイブマン・カーリング (Caveman Curling) 5.5: アクティビティです。もっと摩擦係数の少ないコンポーネントだと良いのに。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 第2版 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition) 未プレイ:遊びたい!
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 竜との舞踏 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game: A Dance With Dragons) 未プレイ:シーズン4くらいまでのネタバレを含むので、参加者はしっかり準備をしてきてください。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム 乱鴉の饗宴 (A Game of Thrones: The Board Game: A Feast for Crows) 未プレイ:4人プレイのためのバランス調整拡張。4人でもメンツを揃えるのは難しそう……
Stew (Stew) 6.0: アートワークがおしゃれになったダンジョン・オブ・マンダム。
アルルの丘:紅茶と交易 日本語版 (Fields of Arle: Tea & Trade) 7.5: 生活の再現性を突き詰めていったらできてしまった拡張か? そこまで大きい拡張ではないものの、このロールプレイングゲームにとっては選択肢が増えるということが重要だと思う。
ドリームホーム 完全日本語版 (Dream Home) 5.5: この印象の残らなさはすごい。ただ、ちゃちゃっと終わるのは良い。
アルルの丘 日本語版 (Fields of Arle) 8.5: まさかのドイツ語版からの買い直し。勝ち負けを気にせず、己の生活に没頭できるピースフルな2人用ゲーム。本質は「そっちの調子はどうよ?ソリティア」。
ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ:ウェスタロスの陰謀 (Game of Thrones: Intrigue) 6.0: ペンギンパーティー in ウェスタロス。タイルを出し切ると追加勝利点のガチャが引けて、逆転のチャンスが増えているのは良い調整。
ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ:王の手 (A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King) 6.0: 実質2人専用。カード効果は原作ファンでないとピンと来ないので注意!
ル・アーブル コンプリートパック 日本語版 (Le Harve) 未プレイ:こちらも買い直し。
キングダムビルダー:収穫 (Kingdom Builder: Harvest) 未プレイ:Big Boxでなく普通の基本の箱になんとか今までの拡張を全部収納できるという情報を得て、それを試したかっただけという……
ハイヴ・ポケット (Hive Pocket) 6.5: 良アブストラクト。スライド移動というコマの動きの制限と手触りを考えれば、通常サイズのやつを買えば良かったかな、なんとも。
パルサー2849 日本語版 (Pulsar 2849) 8.5: 今年のベスト。語弊があることを覚悟しつつ、ガイアプロジェクトのあの感じをコンパクトに収めているのが素晴らしい。
Feudum Big Box 未プレイ:思っていたのより1.5倍くらい重いゲームだった。
わんぱく戦争 (La Guerre des Boutons) 6.0: ステディング×ブラックファイアということで、攻撃が際立っています。ちょっと調整不足のような……
電力会社:新しい発電所 (Funkenschlag Extension 3 : Die Neuen Kraftwerkskarten) 未プレイ
電力会社:中国/韓国マップ (Funkenschlag Extension 4 : China / Korea)未プレイ
すずめ雀 (Suzume-Jong) 6.0: 臭いけど滋味がある、くさやのようなゲーム。
北海の侵略者 (Raiders of the North Sea) 7.0: ワーカーの位が上がっていき、だんだんと打てるアクションが増えていくというデザインはわかりやすくて良い。システムとテーマも合ってる。
キングスウィル (The King's Will) 6.5: ブラックファイアのコンプリートのために購入。プエルトリコのアクション選択とトロワ風の目的カード。ディベロップ次第でもう少し伸びしろがありそうなのがブラックファイアっぽい。
クアックサルバー (Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg) 7.0: ドラマを演出できれば、運ゲーは成立するという好例。
タルバ 拡張 (Taluva Extension) 6.5: この線の中にしかタイルを置けません、と境界線を引いただけでゲームのシビアさが増す。拡張ってほどの拡張でもないけど、これがなかなか効く。
カードライン:恐竜編 日本語版 (Cardline: Dinosaurs) 6.0: 恐竜だいすき!
覇王龍城 日本語版 (Dragon Castle) 6.0: 上海です。これも実質2人専用のような。
ホイッスルストップ (Whistle Stop) 6.5: ファミリー向けのピック&デリバリーと見せかけて、なかなか骨太なゲーム。これくらいのプレイ時間とインタラクション、ボードゲームをやってるな〜と気分になる。
アルティプラーノ (Altiplano) 未プレイ:コインケースにチップを入れるくだりをやってみたくて購入!
VOID 未プレイ:届く前にネタバレを見てしまい、自分が一番サムいと思うやつだ!と思ってそのまま放置。
ツインイット! 日本語版 (Twin It!) 6.0: 素早さよりも記憶力寄せになったジャングルスピード。よって自分はnerfされました。
ハイソサエティ (High Society) 未プレイ 6.0: オスプレイ版。コンポーネントでは未プレイのような…… 誰かが盛大に死ぬゲーム、絶対盛り上がりますよね。
ブラッディ・イン 旅の一座 (Bloody Inn: The Carnies) 未プレイ:フォントのこだわりにより英語版を購入。そして遊ばない!
ガンシュンクレバー (Ganz schön clever) 6.5: フィラー枠として購入。
ブードゥープリンス (Voodoo Prince) 6.5: こちらもフィラー枠として購入。そして遊んでない気が……
ブラフ 日本語版 (Bluff) 6.0: フィラー買い集めブームでもあったのでしょうか? 普段ギャンブルはやりませんが、この手のゲームは命を賭けて遊んだほうが良いです。
サイズ 大鎌戦役:フェンリスの襲来 (Scythe: The Rise of Fenris) 未プレイ:最近は英語版を買って詰んでる間に日本語版が出るスパンが短い!
ワイナリーの四季:ルール渓谷からの訪問者 (Viticulture: Visit from the Rhine Valley) 未プレイ
センチュリー:イースタンワンダーズ 完全日本語版 (Century: Eastern Wonders) 5.0: ちんまりした作業感がしんどくて途中でギブアップ宣言。地味なくせに長考を誘発し、あげくドラマも生まれないというのはなかなかタチが悪い。
フォールアウト:ボードゲーム 日本語版 (Fallout: Board Game) 未プレイ
故宮 デラックス・エディション (Gùgōng: Deluxe edition) 7.5: レビュー
ローランド 日本語版 (Lowlands) 未プレイ
ワイナリーの四季:トスカーナ:果樹園とチーズ (Arboriculture and Formaggio Expansions for Viticulture from Tuscany ) 未プレイ
コインブラ 日本語版 (Coimbra) 6.5: 面白そうな雰囲気はあるんだけど、いろんなことが同時に決まってしまいすぎるため、自分でかっちりコントロールできている感じはあまりない。
キングドミノ:拡張 巨人の時代 日本語版 (Kingdomino: Age of Giants) 未プレイ:そもそも存在を忘れていた!
うんちしたのだあれ? (Who Did It?) 6.5: こんなシンプルなゲームがまだ発明されてなかったの!?という驚き。(自分が類似ゲームを知らないだけかもしれませんが。) こんなのが同人で出てきたら、痺れるのにな〜なんとも。
モダンアート 韓国版 (Modern Art) 未プレイ 7.5: 自分が持っているのが、ゴミにしか見えない絵面のメイフェア版ということもあり購入。
スプリングメドウ・春の草原 日本語版 (Spring Meadow) 5.5: 自分の趣味だと少しシンプルすぎる。
The Game 未プレイ 6.0: きゃわいいパンダサウルス版。ゆれひ会のコンペ賞品。
テラフォーミング・マーズ:プレリュード (Terraforming Mars: Prelude) 未プレイ
ピココ 日本語版 (Pikoko) 6.5: インディアンポーカーとトリックテイキングのマッシュアップ。ガンが付いたらダメなのに、非PP&非エンボス仕様のカードと気合の入ったカードホルダーというクオリティのギャップ!
ミープルサーカス 完全日本語版 (Meeple Circus) 未プレイ
ペーパーテイルズ:ビヨンド・ザ・ゲート (Paper Tales: Beyond The Gates) 未プレイ:英語版を買って積んでいる間に日本語版が出……この現象、そろそろ1単語で言えないとキツくないですか?
マイリトルサイズ (My Little Scythe) 6.5: 中距離走くらいのサイズかな?と思っていたら短距離走でした。正直、おうまのテーマで遊びたい。(うちの娘はピンキーパイ推し)
パンデミック:緊急事態宣言 日本語版 (Pandemic:State of Emergency) 未プレイ:そもそも買った記憶がないってすごくないですか?
ブラス:ランカシャー (Brass: Lancashire) 未プレイ
ブラス:バーミンガム (Clans of Caledonia) 未プレイ
エンデバー:航海の時代 (Endeavor: Age of Sail) 7.5: パラメーター上げ下げして陣取りしてるだけなのに、テーマとコンポーネントのおかげでちゃんと楽しいゲームに仕上がってる。
Prehistory 4.5: レビュー
テオティワカン:シティオブゴッズ 日本語版 (Teotihuacan: City of Gods) 6.5: ルールの要素の多さに対して、シナジーが薄い!(※初期配置で1度遊んだだけの感想です。)
アイル・オブ・スカイ:ドルイド (Isle of Skyes: Druids) 6.5: プレイ時間が長くなった分、ゲームも面白くなっているかと言うと、正直疑問が残る。今日の拡張ビジネスに抗うプフィスターパイセンの態度は一貫している!
エルドラド:ヒーロー&ヘックス (The Quest for El Dorado: Heroes & Hexes) 未プレイ:ルールを読んで面白くないやつだ!と確信してしまった……
ギズモス (GIZMOS) 5.5: 自分が大好きなギミックと自分が苦手なちんまり感。
ジンジャーブレッドハウス (Gingerbread House) 5.5: レビュー
Feudum: The Queen's Army (Feudum: The Queen's Army) 未プレイ:遊ぶ可能性が低いゲームならば、ソリティアで!という誤った態度。
テラフォーミングマーズ:コロニーズ (Terraforming Mars: The Colonies) 未プレイ:これも英語版を積んでる間に日……
ネオム (NEOM) 7.5: 志の低いことも時間を掛けてやっていけばマスターピースに仕上がるという好例。「エロい体をしているけど付き合うとバカにされる女みたいなゲーム」
フィレンツェ (Firenze) 7.0: ちょっと古くさいですが、誰かが死ぬゲームは良いゲームです。自分が死ななければ! 新版によりフィレンツェ語が爆誕。素直にPegasus版のドイツ語表記を英語に変えてくれるだけで良かったのに……
ストーンエイジ:10周年記念版 (Stone Age: Anniversary) 未プレイ 7.0: 値段と箱の厚みに大して、そこまでコンポーネントが良くなっているかというと全然! せめて「文明への第一歩」拡張の要素くらい入れましょうよ……
アルティプラーノ:旅人たち (Altiplano: Travelers) 未プレイ: 本体を積んだまま拡張まで買ってしまう現象も一語で表現したいですよね〜
トマドラキュラ 未プレイ:早くやらなければ!
サンディアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ 未プレイ:委託販売先の売り子の方が、楽しいですが点数計算がクソ面倒くさいです!と笑顔で言っていたのが印象的です。
コインブラ:ダイスボックス (Coimbra: Royal Treatment) 未プレイ
カルペ・ディエム (Carpe Diem) 6.5: よくわからない絵面のパズルを組み立てて虚無に襲われるゲーム。テーマと絵面とコンポーネントの質を見直したやつが欲しくなる。……と思ったら、第2版が出るって?
ヘヴン&エール (Heaven & Ale) 7.5: 全くテーマがはまってないのに、なまじ面白いから困る。私はテーマがちゃんとはまってる分、リバーボートのほうが好きです。
ソレニア (Solenia) 6.5: ちまちまピック&デリバリーとヘンギスト風ベルトスクロールというヤバめのマッシュアップも杞憂に終わる。コンパクトで締りのある軽量ゲームに仕上がってる。多分4人だとゲームにならなそう。例のごとく3人ベストっぽい。
フランチャイズ (Franchise) 6.0: 胡椒袋のリメイク。元のルールよりすっきりしているとのことだが、元を知らないのでなんとも評価できない! 得点行動を行うと自分の収入が減リ、打てるアクションが弱まっていく。縮小再生産でクロージングするという独特のプレイ感。収入重視から得点重視に切り替えるタイミングが非常に悩ましい。ただ、メカニカルすぎて果たしてテーマが乗ってるのかすら怪しい。
コンコルディア:ヴィーナス(拡張) (Concordia - Extension Venus) 未プレイ:コンコルディアの拡張はミニ拡張含めて全部持っていますが何ひとつ遊んだことがありません。
ニュートン (Newton) 8.0 マルコポーロ&モンバサのマッシュアップといった趣のテクニカルすごろく。勝ち手のパターンを検証するためにリプレイしたい。ただ、テットアップ次第でスベりそうな懸念もある。
サイズ 大鎌戦役:遭遇カード (Scythe: Encounters) 未プレイ
アンダーウォーター・シティ���ズ (Underwater Cities) 未プレイ
ストリーミング (Streaming) 6.0: OTTサービスの調達担当になるというテーマだけで購入。クラシカルな握り競りながら、ラウンド毎の小決算とゲーム終了時の大決算のどちらを優先するのか、ゲームの悩ましさは非常にわかりやすくデザインされている。
七王国の玉座:ボードゲーム:ドラゴンの母 (A Game of Thrones: The Boardgame: Mother of Dragons Expansion) 未プレイ:好きなんだからしょうがないじゃん!
リーフ (Reef) 6.5: 遊ばせてもらったあとに購入。初めて自分に合ったエマウチ! 毎ターン目標達成を要求されるため、自分のパズルに集中できる。
グレート・ウェスタン・トレイル:レイル・トゥ・ザ・ノース (Great Western Trail: Rails to the North) 未プレイ
ハンザ:日本語版 (Hansa) 未プレイ
ハンザ:変化の嵐 (Hansa: Changing Winds) 未プレイ
1位 パルサー2849
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2位 ヌスフィヨルド
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3位 リバーボート
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4位 ニュートン
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5位 ネオム
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6位 ヘヴン&エール
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7位 エンデバー:航海の時代
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8位 シド・マイヤーズ・シヴィライゼーション:新たな夜明け
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9位 クアックサルバー
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10位 北海の侵略者
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12 notes · View notes
boardgaminggeek · 6 years
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First game of Terraforming Mars with the Prelude expansion, really makes the start of the game more interesting
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mal-luck · 6 years
Solo Terraforming Mars
Played a solo game on the Elysium map using Prelude, Colonies, and Venus. Won on the last turn, took just under 90 minutes. I understand it should be close, but with Venus included I think you might need to tack on 2 extra turns depending on the solo mode you play.
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msaari · 6 years
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Terraforming Mars, first go with the Prelude expansion. If the GWT expansion was a bit so-so, this is excellent and one I’ll always use from now on. It makes the game faster, without any additional rules overhead. Brilliant! #terraformingmars #boardgame #boardgames https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqr8Ad8j4JK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=129n0tn89xdoc
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boardgoats · 11 months
17th October 2023
Being the first meeting after SPIEL, there was a lot of chatter about Essen and how things had changed since the last time anyone from the group went, some four or five years ago.  Lots of people from the group have been over the years, and others have been to other conventions like UKGE or HandyCon, so have something to compare it to.  Eventually, the group settled down to play games and five…
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whovian223 · 2 months
July 2024 Gaming
July 2024 Gaming #boardgames @garphillgames @gmtgames @StrongholdGames
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thecomicsofsolitude · 2 years
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MARVEL COMICS Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers / X-Men No. 1 OF DEVIATION AND MUTATION / BLOODLINE / LET'S TALK ABOUT KRAKOA  Written by Kieron Gillen with art by Valerio Schiti, JUDGMENT DAY will see the Avengers try desperately to avert a war between the Eternals and the X-Men. Fans will get their first glimpse at the conflict in FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: AVENGERS/X-MEN with a prelude story by Kieron Gillen and artist Dustin Weaver. Also coming this summer will be the X-Men’s second annual HELLFIRE GALA! Last year, mutantkind terraformed Mars and announced a new team of X-Men… what do they have in store for the Marvel Universe this time around? Find out in a lead-in story by X-MEN scribe Gerry Duggan and artist Matteo Lolli! FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: AVENGERS/X-MEN #1 will also mark the exciting debut of a new hero that Marvel has big plans for this year! Meet BLOODLINE in an introduction story by writer Danny Lore and artist Karen Darboe! #thecomicsofsolitude #comicsofsolitude #comicbooks #comicbook #comic #comics #marvelcomics #dccomics #actioncomics #marvel #marvelstudios #marvellegends #marveluniverse #stanlee #dc #dcuniverse #dcextendeduniverse #dcfans #marvelfans #actionfigures #manofsteel #themanofsteel #superman #freecomicbookday #judgementday #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #superhero https://www.instagram.com/p/CfG9sO_r53c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clubrulesuk · 6 years
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End of another game of Terraforming Mars! First time using the Prelude cards. Love that they speed the game up. Means this game will hit the table even more!! #boardgames #boardgame #boardgamegeek #bgg #games #tabletop #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #gamenight #terraformingmars (at Cardiff) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBGScoDMQn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1psvcdjjic2bo
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tabletopgamingguild · 3 years
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Another awesome game of Terraforming Mars! I really love this game and we have played it a lot. We have found that we enjoy the game best without playing with any of the expansions, other than Prelude. It seems like the expansions just add more time to the game and do not really add anything else. To make it worse they get lost in the large stack of cards. Outside of Prelude each of the expansions were fun but really lost a bit after each play. They just added fiddly elements. We found that for the best enjoyment of the game was to just play with the base game and Prelude. This is because Prelude really helps in jump starting the game and reducing a little the long play time. My suggestion would be to always include Prelude and if an expansion is desired to be added outside that to just add one. Either way the game is awesome and if someone wanted to play with all the expansions I would do it. Well maybe ask to not add Turmoil. #tabletopgamingguild #boardgames #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgame #tabletopgame #modernboardgames #epicboardgames #boardgamepodcast #podcast #tabletopgamespodcast #epicgamenight #boardgamenight #boardgamesarefun #boardgamegeek #boardgameaddict #boardgamer #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamephotos #boardgameswithfamily #boardgamesarefun #boardgamephotography #iloveboardgames #boardgameaddicts #boardgamesrock #playmoregames https://www.instagram.com/p/CW4QtSdrWdu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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