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colourless-hydrangeas · 5 days ago
I've had enough of Yosuke Sagara's shit, so I am switching to Star Crossed Myth...
Started with Teorus' main story and POV.
BUT his dad-
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No fair, Voltage.
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otome-writer51 · 1 year ago
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My forever loves💗💗💗
Shout out to @meruchan for the 3Ss years later!!! Still some of the best pieces of MK that I have!!!
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
I love found families
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Meme template from this bg-3 post:
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lucaordeusorlem · 1 year ago
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Saw this on Tiktok.
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He's probs mad at me cuz of this.
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
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midnight-songbird · 5 months ago
I feel very strongly about this
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Took forever but I'm very happy with it :3 also yeah dui and shadow are separate
Also I have a very specific headcanon that Partheno wouldn't say fuck because it's not ✨️elegant ✨️ enough for him
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pwamisaurus · 1 year ago
How the star crossed myth characters will react to "can you buy me pads":
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Bonus for Leon:
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fateinthestars · 2 months ago
Star Crossed Myth Advent Calendar 2024 Fanfic: Day Twenty Five - Christmas at the Mansion (Choose your God/MC)
(Fanfic Advent Calendar for 2024 using this prompt list from creativepromptsforwriting)
Title: Day Twenty Five - Christmas at the Mansion
Pairing: Choose your God/MC (MC's name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Characters: MC, Leon, Zyglavis, Karno, Scorpio, Huedhaut, Ichthys, Teorus, Dui, Tauxolouve, Partheno, Aigonorus, Krioff
Word Count: 6,822
Rating: T
Prompts: Family, Cookies, Reunions, Wishes, Silence, Fireworks
Summary: Now husband and wife, MC and her god spend Christmas Eve at the mansion with the other gods for a special celebration
A/N: SURPRISE!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY HANNAKUH! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! HAPY DECEMBER! Whatever it is you do or do not celebrate, hope you enjoy one more foray into the Star Crossed Myth Universe. Maybe you had worked out there would be something from the length of the prompt list, or maybe you noticed I had this set to twenty-five chapters on AO3 but I hope this still comes as a pleasant surprise to those of you who noticed: After all, I never mentioned that I was going to do a final fic with versions for every god! These are set after Promise of Infinity so beware potential spoilers. (If you want to skip down to a particular god use the following as your search command: Story 1: Leon, Story 2: Zyglavis, Story 3: Karno, Story 4: Scorpio, Story 5: Huedhaut, Story 6: Ichthys, Story 7: Teorus, Story 8: Dui, Story 9: Tauxolouve, Story 10: Partheno, Story 11: Aigonorus, Story 12: Krioff ). I really hope these came out okay, I was hoping to do this but I started writing these rather late Christmas Eve. 😅 (It's gone midnight here now so it's Christmas Day!)
Day Twenty-Five: Christmas at the Mansion (Choose your God or read all 12!)
It was the first Christmas after ____ had got married in the heavens, and as such the gods decided they should do something different that year. They still had the mansion so they decided that they would throw a party on Christmas Eve. Arriving at the mansion, ____ stepped into the hallway and was greeted by her husband…
Story 1: Leon
The new King of the Heavens smiled softly as she entered the mansion. “Glad to know you still know not to keep me waiting.”
“Are you sure it’s alright for you to be away from the heavens, even for a few hours?”
Leon frowned at her. “If the heavens cannot cope without my presence then it deserves to fall.”
The other rolled his eyes. “I asked Minister Ponytail to stay up there for now. As long as one of the departments is there to report to me if necessary I can be up there in an instant.”
____ sighed softly. She knew full well why he had got Zyglavis to be the one who stayed up there - and it wasn’t because he trusted the other the most. She would have to make sure that someone else took over later so that the Minister of Punishments could take a break.
“How are you feeling?”
Hearing Leon’s tone unusually concerned, ____ smiled lovingly at him. “You don’t need to worry about the baby,” she reassured him. “If you start fretting you’ll worry Hue about that…”
Leon nodded and tried to relax. He looked back toward the living room door with slight irritation crossing his features. “Are you sure you want to bother with this nonsense?”
“Leon, our friends have gone to great lengths for this party tonight, we should at least attend! I’ve made cookies for everyone.”
“O ho? Making food for others again and saying so whilst standing in my presence, that’s rather bold of you.”
____  rolled her eyes. “I meant you as well, but…” she pulled a tub of meatballs out of the bag she’d been carrying. “I imagine you’d rather have these.”
Leon grinned at her and took them from her, before linking arms with her. “Come on then, let’s get this over with.”
“It seems rather quiet in here right now,” ____  murmured with surprise as they moved over to the doorway.
“I wanted that fish out of the way for the moment, so I summoned some snow. I think he and Teorus were making a snowman.”
Stifling a laugh at that, ____ headed into the living room with Leon. She smiled brightly at the others gathered, overjoyed to be reunited with almost everyone at once. As she sat down on the sofa and placed the plate of cookies she’d bought with her on the coffee table, Huedhaut went to pour a glass of wine for Leon.
The Head of Wishes, however, shook his head and draped an arm around ____’s shoulders. “I take it you haven’t been drinking?” He asked his wife.
“Of course not,” ____ murmured. “But that doesn’t mean you have to abstain from it as well.”
Leon smirked at her. “I’m sure you’ll think of a way to make it up to me.”
“Then if Leo’s not drinking, I won’t either,” Karno spoke up softly. “Besides that way, I’ll be with it enough to switch places with Zyglavis later.”
“You don’t have to bother with that,” Leon muttered.
“Tch,” Scorpio glared at him. “Perhaps I’ll go back right now and you can have him for the entire time.”
Leon sighed. “Fine. Karno if you are sure you’ll be alright doing that…”
“As your right hand man I see ____ more than a lot of us as it is,” Karno pointed out. “I really don’t mind.”
Huedhaut sighed softly. “Does anyone actually want a drink or are we actually for once going to have a calmer celebration?”
“Please don’t hesitate on my account,” ____  hastily added.
“Meh, it’s whatever,” Aigonorus murmured. “If Leo’s not drinking there’s not much point in me bothering.”
“I think it’s sweet of Leon to do this for the little lady. It’s only one day after all. ‘Sides, It’d kinda be nice to just catch up dontcha think?”
____  smiled softly at Tauxolouve,  then sighed at the glance Huedhaut and Dui were sharing. “Look, I really don’t mind,” she murmured to them both.
Huedhaut, however, shook his head and made his bottle disappear. He looked over to her and Leon with a glint in his eyes. “I never thought I’d see the day that His Highness refused a drink.”
Leon glowered at him. “Perhaps I should send you back up to the heavens instead of Karno.”
Before Huedhaut could respond to that or ____ could think of something to interject, the door to the living room swung open and Teorus came running in with an annoyed look on his face. He was covered in snow.
“Pretending to be a real snowman, Teo?” Huedhaut teased him.
“That's not funny, Hue,” Teorus grumbled with a pout. “Ikky made my snowman explode.”
“Teo you didn't have to tell the others that!” Ichthys exclaimed, running in after the other.
As the atmosphere in the living room appeared to get more fraught and ____  could feel Leon reaching the end of his patience at her side, she forced a soft smile. “I've missed this,” she murmured. “Feels like forever I saw all of you away from the heavens like this.”
The others settled down at that comment, and Leon turned back to his wife with a soft smile. “That's as may be, but I will have some time alone with you too. Come with me a moment.”
Smiling somewhat uneasily at the others, ____ followed Leon as the other stormed off, knowing that she best not keep him waiting.
She eventually caught him up out on the balcony upstairs. “Leon, you know the others were just -”
“Of course,” Leon interrupted her, “but I wanted to do this. Don't tell me you've forgotten what I've done several times before?” He asked, raising his hand and snapping his fingers.
The sky behind him lit up with fireworks, though this time it was made up of festive imagery such as Christmas trees and baubles. “Merry Christmas ____ .”
“Merry Christmas, Leon!”
Story 2: Zyglavis
The Minister of Punishments smiled tenderly at ____ as she arrived. He stepped nearer his wife and cupped her face with a gloved hand. “You are looking more beautiful than ever.”
“Zyglavis…” ____  murmured back, her voice cracking a little. “I am glad you are already here,” she somewhat hesitantly added.
The other stiffened a little at that and glanced awkwardly to the side. “Ah. Yes, this week has been rather tiresome, my apologies if I have been less available than last month.”
“You know I understand,” ____ responded softly, wrapping her arms around him. 
About to pull him into a kiss, they were interrupted by a crashing noise in the living room. She sighed softly as her husband’s eyes hardened somewhat in irritation. “Ichthys by any chance?”
“I would be very surprised if we headed to the living room and it was anyone else, though I would not put it past that wretched lion to cause a disturbance. It is not too late for us to slip away on our own somewhere.”
“The others went to all this effort for us,” ____ responded softly. “Besides, I’d like to see everyone.”
“I am aware of that,” Zyglavis murmured, his tone now more gentle once more. His gaze then moved to the bag she was carrying. “I thought I said it was not necessary for you to bring anything with you today?”
“I wanted to add something to the party,” ____ protested. “It’s just a few cookies.”
“You spoil them,”  Zyglavis muttered. “They are being loud enough already as it is without them clamouring over your homemade bakes…”
“Zyglavis, relax, it’s Christmas,” ____ murmured softly, taking his hand in her own. 
“That is as may be, but would a little quiet be too much to ask?”
____ stifled a laugh. “With everyone here? Even without Ichthys I fear that would be an impossible mission.”
Zyglavis relaxed into a wry smile. “True. And I can hardly be entirely mad at them when without them, this…”
As he trailed off, ____ squeezed his hand tightly. “Don’t dwell on the past. You’re here. Not only that but we’re married.”
“Yes, we are,” Zyglavis murmured back softly. “Well then, I suppose we best face the chaos.”
____ nodded and headed into the living room with the other.
Once they were the other side of the doorway, ____’s eyes widened with surprise. The floor was covered with snow, and there were snow versions of the gods around the large Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
“What is the meaning of this?” Zyglavis asked with a harsh tone.
“I thought I’d make the place look more festive!” Ichthys responded with a laugh.
As Zyglavis turned his attention to the prankster, ____ squeezed his arm gently. “Let him be happy like this. Just for tonight. It really does look pretty.”
Zyglavis sighed heavily. “You know if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile…” He muttered quietly to her.
“But it is Christmas,” ____ protested. “And you’re usually too harsh on him. Let it stay like this. For me. Please.”
“... Very well,” Zyglavis muttered resignedly. 
Joining the others on the sofas in the middle of the living room, ____ started passing her cookies around whilst Huedhaut poured everyone a glass of wine.
“Have ya thought about startin’ a family yet, Zig?” Tauxolouve asked him softly whilst ____ was busy talking to the others.
Zyglavis hesitated, then shook his head. “I think I have enough family to keep an eye on already as it is. Besides…” He trailed off, looking awkwardly to the side to avert his gaze from Tauxolouve.
The God of Sagittarius, however, laughed lightly. “It’s okay. I’m sure worries over demigods would never leave you of all people.”
The Minister of Punishments looked back to him with a soft sigh. “That is no excuse for me even thinking about that, especially in your presence. You have my apologies.”
“There’s really no need,” Tauxolouve responded softly. “Though you will talk to her about this, right?”
“... When the time is right,” Zyglavis agreed. “Is everything set up for the fireworks display later?” He added quietly.
“Yup,”  Tauxolouve reassured him. “Partheno and I made sure none of the others interfered with that.”
Zyglavis nodded in understanding and turned back away from the other.
Soon after that, ____ rejoined his side, handing him a glass of wine as well as a cookie.
About to refuse the cookie, Zyglavis blushed a little as he realised this one was different from all the others. It was heart shaped with ‘I love you’ written on it in chocolate ganache. “What am I to do with you?” he mumbled under his breath as he took it from her with a smile of thanks. He glanced at it, mulling something over.
“Zyglavis? Are you alright? Do you not like it?”
“... It is not that,” Zyglavis muttered, heat rising to his cheeks. “It is just…”
____ rested a hand on his arm. “Talk to me.”
“It seems a shame to eat this after all the care and attention you put into it.”
“Oh Zyglavis,” ____ murmured, her voice full of love. “I can always make another one if you want more.”
Zyglavis however, shook his head. Snapping his fingers the cookie suddenly got coated in a weird plastic like material and a ribbon was added to it through a hole at the top. Taking his tie off, he put it on, before replacing his tie over the top. “This way you’ll always be with me,” he muttered, his voice barely audible.
____ smiled softly, unshed happy tears glinting in her eyes. She glanced around to make sure no one was looking at them right now, then placed a brief kiss to his lips. “Merry Christmas, Zyglavis.”
“Merry Christmas, ____.”
Story 3: Karno
Karno pulled ____ into a hug the second she stepped through the door, placing a quick kiss to her lips before stepping back.
____ flushed red, taken by surprise at him greeting her so suddenly. “What was that in aid of?”
“Can’t I show my wife how much I missed her?” Karno retorted with a familiar smile.
Trying to calm down how flustered she felt, ____ forced a smile of her own back at him. It didn’t matter how often he referred to her as his wife, it still gave her butterflies in her stomach. “You… You can…” she stammered out, taking a few deep breaths, “But I’ve only been gone since this morning.”
“That is still too long,” Karno teased her, but his smile faded a little. “Sorry, perhaps I should be more restrained. How was work today?”
“Work was fine,” ____ reassured quickly, feeling bad for making him worried. “So is everyone here?”
“Indeed they are, as promised,” Karno responded brightly. “So if you were expecting any peace and quiet this evening, I’m afraid that’s totally off the cards!”
____ laughed lightly. “If I wanted peace and quiet I would have asked you to meet me at my apartment. Did you set the fireworks I got up alright?”
“I believe so,” Karno muttered. “Hue helped.”
“Good,” ____ mumbled back. “Shall we join the others then?”
Karno nodded. “Yes, let’s do that,” he agreed.
Heading into the living room, ____ and Karno sat down on one of the sofas. As they did so, ____’s eyes were drawn to a large plate of cookies on the table. “... Who summoned those?”
“No one,” Karno murmured softly. “I baked them.”
____ smiled and reached for one, but then hesitated, looking somewhat suspiciously at her husband. “Karno, what -”
“Those ones are for you,” he reassured. “I made a different batch for myself.”
“A spicy batch?” ____ guessed with a slight laugh.
“Of course,” Karno responded with a laugh of his own.
As the party started to get underway, Karno shifted nearer to her on the sofa and relaxed, feeling the most content he ever had done with his life.
“Karno? You seem rather quiet…” ____ spoke up after a while with concern.
“Sorry,” Karno murmured, “I was just thinking…”
“Yes?” She prompted softly.
“I was thinking how nice it was to have a family Christmas for once.”
____ wrapped an arm around him and lent her head on his shoulder as she watched the others drinking, eating, and talking. “Yes, it is, isn’t it?” she murmured softly. “Merry Christmas, Karno.”
“Merry Christmas, ____.”
Story 4: Scorpio
Her husband greeted her in the hallway with a slight scowl. “I still don’t understand why you wanted to enter here from the front door. You don’t live on Earth anymore.”
“I just wanted to be reminded of how you used to greet me here…” ____ admitted awkwardly.
“Moron,” Scorpio grumbled, though he relaxed into a smile. “I’m kinda surprised you agreed to this shit the others came up with.”
“It’s nice to get away from the heavens for once…”
Scorpio grimaced. “But you are happy up there?”
“You know I am,” ____ answered without hesitation, grabbing his hand. “You’d soon know if I wasn’t.”
Feeling her inner thoughts seep easily through into his mind now she was holding his hand, Scorpio smiled lovingly at her. “Yeah. I would. Dammit woman what have you done to me?”
“Made you happy as well I hope!”
Scorpio looked away from her, heat rising to his face. “... ‘Course you have,” he muttered in a barely audible whisper. 
After that, they headed into the living room. ____ smiled at the decorations, including some peeled apples which seemed to have been stuck on top of each other to try and resemble snowmen. She was pretty sure she knew who was responsible for those. On the table was lots of food, including cookies. “So you all summoned all this despite no one here needing to eat?”
Scorpio smirked at her. “Oh I dunno, considering how much you ate when you were human I wouldn’t put it past you to be the first goddess to need food, just like how that frickin’ goat needs sleep.”
____ nudged him slightly, then tensed as she saw Huedhaut preparing some drinks. She quickly let go of Scorpio and moved away from him slightly.
“____ ?” Scorpio asked with a frown. “Look I was only joking. Don’t get in a huff.”
“It’s… it’s not that…” ____ murmured weakly. She glanced over to Huedhaut. “Don’t pour me one of those, Hue, thank you.”
As Huedhaut obeyed that without question, Scorpio closed the gap between them, a worried expression now on his face. “That sparkly bastard hasn’t done anything to you has he? You aren’t unwell or something are you?”
“No, it’s not like that. I’m fine. It’s…” ____ ran a hand nervously through her hair. “Scorpio, what do you think about starting a family?”
“What kind of damn question is that in the middle of a party? Are you trying to piss me off for some reason?”
____ hesitated, then grabbed his hand once more, this time letting this one specific thought flow into his mind.
Scorpio’s eyes widened. “You’re pregnant?”
She nodded, glancing down at her feet. “Uh huh. At least… I think so… Scorpio, I -”
“So that’s why you’ve been more reluctant to hold my hand the past few days. Dammit you should have said something sooner.”
“I wasn’t sure how to approach the subject,” ____ admitted softly. “After all, your own experiences…”
“That’s why we gotta make sure our child is happy, right?” Scorpio retorted, now smiling softly. 
Zyglavis moved over to them at this point, a worried frown on his face. “Forgive me but I could not help but overhear. ____ if you are pregnant we should probably not spend too much time away from the heavens. The mansion may have a divine ward on it but it is still partially subject to the impurities in the Earth’s atmosphere.”
“Zig’s got a point,” Scorpio admitted, “but I’m guessing you don’t want to leave just yet.”
____ shook her head. “As long as it’s okay, I’d like to stay a little longer. This isn’t quite the same as visiting Earth would have been, but…”
“Yeah. I get it,” Scorpio muttered. “But if you start to feel unwell I damn well want you tell whoever in the department is closest to you at the time. Hell for this I’d actually rather you even mention how you’re feeling to Mr Smart Guy.”
“I’m fine, Scorpio,” ____ reassured with a soft smile. 
At that point there was the sound of more footsteps as another of the Zodiac Gods approached them. “I guess your wish was one granted at the revelry fest after all,” Leon commented with an amused look on his face, addressing not ____ but Scorpio.
“Shut up lion!” Scorpio growled, trying not to get flustered.
Zyglavis looked round at Leon with annoyance. “Was that really necessary?” he hissed, pulling the other away from the couple.
What was said between the two Ministers after that went unheard by both Scorpio and ____ as they looked silently at each other. Scorpio not sure whether to confirm what Leon had just been saying, and ____ not sure whether she should even ask.
In the end, ____ broke first. “Scorpio… was what Leon just implied true? Did you wish that we would start a family?”
Scorpio glanced away from her, clenching his hands tightly at his side. “... Maybe,” he muttered.
____ smiled brightly and leapt over to him, hugging him tightly.
“Careful!” Scorpio admonished her. “Just because you’re a goddess you shouldn’t take risks like that.”
“S-sorry,” ____ murmured, heat rising to her cheeks. I’m just so happy. We were both wishing for a family.
Hearing her thoughts, Scorpio couldn’t help but smile. “Then I guess we both got what we wanted for Christmas.”
“Yes, we did, didn't we?” ____ agreed softly, smiling as the other pulled her into a brief kiss.
Story 5: Huedhaut
Huedhaut greeted his wife with a slight inclination of his head, his expression unreadable.
____ regarded him with concern. “Hue, are you alright?”
“I am afraid our home has been infiltrated by eleven troublemakers.”
“...” Frowning briefly, ____ then nudged him gently as she realised he was messing with her. “Hue! Is that any way to talk about our friends?”
“I did not say anything untrue, did I?” Huedhaut retorted, his eyes glinting in the light as he pulled her tightly to him.
She wrapped her arms around him in return. “You’re being very affectionate tonight.”
“There must be something in the air,” Huedhaut murmured with a soft smile. “Perhaps it was all the snow Ichthys summoned earlier. However, if you object to me holding you like this, then -”
“No of course not! Don’t let go!” ____ exclaimed, holding him even tighter.
Huedhaut broke into a wide smile, closing his eyes, his expression full of laughter.
____ groaned to herself, realising he was toying with her again. “I can never win with you,” she grumbled.
Reopening his eyes, Huedhaut moved one of his arms from around her and instead tilted her head gently upwards so that they were gazing into each other’s eyes. “I think I could do with some strength before we spend the entire evening with everyone else.”
____ smiled lovingly at him. “Alright, but can I ask something of you in return?”
“That rather depends on what it is,” Huedhaut responded, looking at her curiously.
“... Do not use your power tonight.”
Huedhaut forced an uneasy chuckle. “I suppose that is fair enough, though do not blame me if by doing that we do not foresee what everyone else is up to.”
“I want us both to be surprised. No matter what the future holds right now,” ____ retorted, before letting the other pull her into a loving kiss.
They then headed into the living room together, the other’s already talking and enjoying the food and wine that had been summoned.
Huedhaut sighed heavily. “I suppose I should not be surprised that they decided not to have the courtesy to wait for us.”
“Well if you two had been more punctual, perhaps I would have felt able to say something.”
____ tensed as Zyglavis approached them, unconsciously clinging tightly to Huedhaut.
Huedhaut pulled her closer to him, regarding the Minister of Punishments with rather icy eyes. “I hope you are not implying that we have done something you disagree with again, Zyglavis,” he commented, his tone a little wary.
“... The fountain of love blessed your marriage, for better or for worse,” Zyglavis muttered. “It is not my place to argue with the wishes of the heavens. Excuse me, I shall leave you to enjoy the party. I need to find out where that problem child snuck off to.”
As he headed off, ____ let out a shaky breath that she didn’t realise she had been holding. Things seemed better with Zyglavis these days but she still didn’t feel that easy around him.
“Are you alright?” Huedhaut asked softly. “If he ever threatens you or even upsets you I will be by your side in an instant.”
“I… I know,” ____ murmured, forcing a smile. “I’m alright. Though did he seem a little terser today than usual?”
Huedhaut sighed. “I’m sorry. I knew how much you wanted everyone to be here because that’s just the kind person you are, but Zyglavis was not exactly enamoured with the idea of coming back down to Earth, even if it was just to the mansion. I think he would rather leave that chapter behind him.”
____ grimaced. “It would be easier if I was a goddess, wouldn’t it?”
“... ____, it is you I love, not -”
“I’m not talking about Clotho, I’m talking about myself,” ____ clarified quickly. 
The God of Aquarius looked at his wife with wide and uncertain eyes. “____. Are you saying that if… if I can find a way to raise you to godhood without your old memories interfering you would consider it?”
“I would,” ____ responded softly. “As long as that was what you wanted as well…” she added with slight uncertainty.
Huedhaut took a deep breath and looked at her with a loving smile and an adoring gaze. “Just being reunited with you again was more than I could ever have wished for…”
“But if we could be together forever?”
“... That would be wonderful. However, you were the one who insisted we should focus on the present tonight. Let us discuss this after New Year.”
“... New Year? You sound like you have plans.”
Huedhaut smirked at her. “I was rather hoping a certain lady would accompany me to view some fireworks. If we’re spending today with everyone else, the least I can do is spend New Year’s eve on my own with the most wonderful person in the world.”
“This person… Do I know her?” ____ asked, playing along.
“Better than anyone,” Huedhaut responded softly, before pulling her into another loving kiss.
Story 6: Ichthys
The second ____ opened the door to the mansion, Ichthys leapt at her and pulled her into a tight embrace with a happy grin. “____! It’s been too long!”
“Ichthys, it’s been five minutes,” ____ retorted with a laugh.
“I thought you wanted this to remind you of the old days?” Ichthys responded, sticking out his tongue. “It was not that long ago where seeing each other as much as we wanted was not possible.”
____ smiled lovingly at him. “And every moment we had back then was precious,” she murmured, her voice a little sad. “I could have lost you…”
“But you didn’t! I’m better than ever!” Ichthys responded brightly. However, his grin faded into a frown for once as his wife started trembling in his arms. Worriedly he squeezed her tightly. “____ ? What’s the matter? Did I say something wrong?”
“N-no... sorry… it’s not that. I guess… being back here has brought everything flooding back.”
Ichthys swallowed and just held her in silence for once, trying to let her know that he was willing to listen if she needed to say anything further.
“... I’m glad you’re still here,” was what she eventually broke the silence with ten minutes later.
“I’m glad too,” Ichthys reassured. “And you are happy in the heavens, right?”
“Yes of course. I’m happy as long as I’m with you. That’s all that matters.” 
As she took a deep breath and looked back up at him with a somewhat watery smile, Ichthys leant his forehead against hers and put a hand to his wife’s face with a soft smile adorning his features. “I love you, ____.”
“I love you too, Ichthys,” ____ responded.
About to suggest that they go into the living room, ____’s eyes widened as she heard Scorpio shout Ichthys name with anger, and the familiar footsteps of Zyglavis could also be heard approaching them from out in the grounds. She looked suspiciously at her husband. “What have you been up to?”
“Nothing much,” Ichthys responded with a grin and a glint in his eyes.
“Weeelll…. I might have made a maze out of snowmen near the gazebo, and I guess as Scorpio just yelled he’s discovered my stash of not allowed on Earth fireworks for later.”
____ sighed heavily and grabbed Ichthys’ hand. “Then before we go into the living room, let’s let your bosses calm down. We can share the cookies I baked in your room.”
Ichthys grinned.
Story 7: Teorus
Teorus greeted her at the doorway with a smile and held out his hand. “I’m glad you’re on time, goldie. If your planetarium shift had over-run today, I might have had to have gone there, stopped time, and made you disappear.”
“Teo, that would have raised all sorts of questions!”
“But they shouldn’t eat into my time with you,” Teorus whined with a grumble. “You know, I’m a god, I can summon you anything you want. There isn’t any need to keep working.”
“I like my work, Teo,” ____ responded firmly.
The other relaxed into a somewhat forced smile. “I know,” he muttered. “And I want you to be happy. I just miss you when we aren’t together.”
“So do I,” ____ admitted softly. “Now then, should we join the others?”
Teorus nodded, though his eyes showed reluctance.
“We are still spending tomorrow together as just us two right?”
“Yes of course!”
He finally relaxed into a genuine smile. “Then I guess it’s alright for it to be everyone tonight. But whilst we have a moment alone, do you have any wishes right now, ____?”
“Just that we both have a Merry Christmas.”
Teorus smirked at that. “Well, I’m sure that can be arranged,” he responded, before pulling her into a passionate kiss.
____ returned it, wrapping her arms happily around him.
In the distance, there was the sound of the living room door softly closing right more, the others knowing better than to interrupt. They knew Teorus and ____ would join them at the party in their own time.
Story 8: Dui
Dui smiled softly to greet ____ as she entered the mansion. He handed her a cookie. “Here! Have a cookie!”
Taking it with murmured thanks, ____ smiled softly as she noticed that the cookies in question had cherries in them. “You really do like cherries don’t you,” she murmured softly to her husband.
“I thought these would be nice…”
“I’m sure they are,” ____ quickly reassured him. “I meant that that’s something I love about you, Dui,” she added gently, wrapping her arms around him.
Dui returned the embrace with a happy smile adorning his features. “You know… before I met you I was literally torn in two… and now… now I know the whole truth about what happened, have accepted Shadow as a part of me, and have a wonderful caring wife on top of all that. Even the department of Wishes couldn’t have granted a more wonderful wish than this for me.”
“... Dui…” ____ choked, her eyes filling up with happy tears.
“Dummy, that’s nothing to cry about,” Dui snapped, his tone changing. He grinned at her as he wiped a tear away from her left eye. “Now come on, I want to see what the others have planned for this party.”
____ smiled. “Yes, let's. Um… which one are…”
“This one,” Dui answered, now smiling more gently once more. “He’ll see and hear everything after all. It’s a little calmer as us two when around the others.”
“But they do all understand, right?”
“Of course they do,” Dui reassured. “We best go join them before they start to worry though.”
As they headed towards the living room door, ____ glanced at her husband. “You know, when I first arrived here, it was snowing…”
Dui blushed a little, averting his gaze. “I was rather hoping we might at least find time to go ice skating but as I doubted we’d be able to leave the mansion today I changed the weather in the grounds.���
“Of course we can go ice skating! I wouldn’t miss our Christmas tradition for the world.”
Relaxing at that, Dui smiled and led her into the living room where everyone else was waiting.
Story 9: Tauxolouve
Tauxolouve tilted his head and winked at ____ as she entered the mansion. “And what is a gorgeous little lady like you doing all alone on Christmas Eve? Why not spend the evening with me?”
____ smiled lovingly at him as she took his offered hand. “Tauxolouve… we arranged to meet here…”
“Yup I know, but you deserve the best greeting I could think of.”
Moving nearer to him, ____ caught sight of the arrow brooch on his lapel and swallowed hard. She let go of his hand and instead hugged him tightly, pulling him into a sudden kiss.
Momentarily startled, Tauxolouve quickly regained his composure and wrapped his own arms around her, deepening the kiss into one so intense that when they eventually pulled away for air they were both rather breathless.
“Well I must say that was rather a treat, ____,” Tauxolouve commented, heat rising to his cheeks for once.
____ smiled uneasily.
Noticing this, Tauxolouve’s shocked expression faded into a frown. He stepped near to her once more, putting a hand to her face. ���Has something happened?”
“No… it’s just… we’ve not all been at the mansion at once since the rift changed my future… I…”
Tauxolouve bent down and kissed her once more, though this time it was brief and tender. “I know ya feel like we’re still bein’ chased by these brooches. I wish there was somethin’ I could do…”
____, however, shook her head. “It was my own choice to take the other half. We’ve managed so far haven’t we?”
“Yup,” Tauxolouve responded, smiling softly, though he couldn’t entirely hide the worry from his eyes. “And they’re our ticket to avoiding that changed future…”
“So we can start a family,” ____ completed. “That is, if you still want to.”
Tauxolouve smiled more genuinely at her. “I would love nothing more. For now, I think we best join the party.” He eyed the bag she had bought with her and chuckled lightly. “And I see despite our reassurances you didn’t need to bring anythin’ you couldn’t resist but do so anyway.”
“It’s just a few cookies,” ____ protested.
“I’d expect nothing less from you, my little lady, my darling ____, my wonderful wife.”
Now that she was the one struggling to cool her face down instead of him, Tauxolouve guided his wife into the living room with a bright smile.
Story 10: Partheno
Partheno regarded ____ with concern as she headed into the mansion from the front door. “You will tell me if this becomes too much for you won’t you? I may have stopped the king from destroying our child, but…”
“Partheno, I’m fine,” ____ reassured softly, smiling brightly. “If anything it’s nice to get away from the heavens for a bit.”
The other averted his gaze at that comment, frowning to himself. “... Yes, it is rather,” he agreed.
____ stepped nearer him and hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. “Pay no attention if others are still talking about your past. You have me and the other Zodiac Gods.”
“...” Partheno was silent for a few minutes, then turned to his wife with a rather sultry smile. “Yes I do have you, in fact, I -”
“PARTHENO!” Zyglavis interrupted, glowering at him from the doorway of the living room. “I do not think this is the time or the place for your odd comments. Instead of standing in the hallway do you not think you should invite your wife in properly?”
Partheno relaxed into a more gentle smile. “Forgive me, ____. Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to this party before mother over there blows a gasket?”
“What did you just call me?” Zyglavis asked with a scowl.
____ tried her hardest to not burst out laughing and failed.
But in a way that was what the rest of both departments were to them: family. Her family no longer knew she had ever existed, and Partheno no longer had one. She was relieved that they had support from the others in the heavens, even if there may still be a few trials to overcome before Partheno was 100% accepted by everyone.
He was already accepted by the people that mattered most, though ____ suspected her husband would be content with just her knowing the real him.
Story 11: Aigonorus
Aigonorus looked rather wearily at his wife as she stepped through the door. “Welcome to the party,” he muttered.
____ sighed softly. “You could sound a little more enthusiastic. Aren’t you pleased to see me?”
Her husband’s eyes widened at that. “Of course I am!” He hastily responded. “I just... don’t get why you wanted to pretend we hadn’t seen each other today. I picked you up from the planetarium as usual didn’t I?”
“Yes, but…” ____ trailed off, shaking her head. “It doesn’t matter. I take it everyone is here?”
Aigonorus relaxed into a soft smile at that. “Yeah. No one was going to miss this. I hope they don’t let this party go on too late…”
“Feeling tired?” ____ asked him softly.
“I was until I saw you,” Aigonorus murmured back. 
____ laughed. “Now who is saying odd things even though we were barely apart before this.”
“... It felt like an eternity though,” the other muttered. “Those few hours I had to go back to the heavens for after walking you home felt like they’d never end.”
“Then do you want to check that I’m really here?” ____ asked with a loving smile as she wrapped her arms around him.
Aigonorus returned the embrace happily. “You’re as soft as always,” he muttered to her, before placing his lips briefly to her own.
“Aigo?” ____ asked as he pulled away.
“A deeper one will have to wait until later,” Aigonorus muttered. “Otherwise I might decide I don’t want to deal with the others and all the noise tonight and go hide with you in our apartment instead. So I’d rather not risk it. The others have gone to the trouble of doing this so we better at least attend for a while.”
____ smiled softly at him. “Come on then, let us join the party.”
“Uh huh,” Aigonorus responded in agreement. “Did you bring marshmallows?”
“Of course I did,” ____ responded gently. “Cookies too. Those ones with the really soft centres you liked.”
Aigonorus smiled brightly. “I really do love you, ____.”
“I love you too, Aigo. Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah. Merry Christmas.”
Story 12: Krioff
Krioff smiled a little to himself as his wife entered the mansion. “Evening. You made it here alright then.”
____ smiled softly back at him. “Did you think I wouldn't?”
Krioff glanced to the side. “Not really. But isn't showing concern for you wife's wellbeing what you're supposed to do?”
“Thank you, Krioff,” ____ answered, her voice full of love, “but as you can see I'm just fine.”
Krioff looked her up and down and smiled properly. “Yeah. In fact I'd say you're more than fine.”
“Krioff!” ____ snapped, heat rushing to her face.
Her husband looked at her with confusion. “Did I say something wrong?”
“N-no, not at all,” ____ stammered out, taking a deep breath as she tried to calm down. “Your compliment just took me by surprise, that's all.”
“... All I said was the truth…” Krioff muttered, his tone completely sincere.
____ smiled lovingly at him. “I know you meant every word. Thank you.”
They lapsed into silence after that, though Krioff made no move to lead her to the living room.
In the end it was ____ who broke the silence. “Krioff, is something wrong?”
“No. But… are you sure about this?”
“Spending time with the others? Well it has been a while. So as long as you don't mind…”
“Makes no difference to me. As long as we're together,” Krioff responded, offering her his hand.
About to take it, ____ hesitated as she suddenly remembered something. She quickly opened the bag she had bought with her.
“____ ?” Krioff asked, his tone a little concerned.
“I bought some cookies and cream ice cream with me. If I don't give it to you now it'll melt!”
Krioff thought for a moment. “Is it the only thing in that bag?”
“... Yes, why?”
The other stepped nearer her. Resting his gloved hand on her one not holding the bag, his natural heat seeping through it, he used his other hand on the bag and it froze over before her eyes.
“There. It won't melt now right?”
“I guess not. At least not as quickly,”  ____ murmured. “But why freeze it in the first place? You could have had at least some of it now.”
“I'd rather enjoy it with you later at our own pace,” Krioff murmured in way of reply.
“Alright,” ____ relented. “Then let’s get going.”
“Wait,” Krioff muttered as she went to lead him towards the living room. “That ice cream. It's a gift, right?”
“In a way, I guess so,” ____ responded softly.
Krioff thought for a moment, then activated his ice powers once more. This time it summoned ice crystals which formed into a glistening model of a snowman - or should that technically be an iceman?
____ accepted the ornament happily, carefully placing it in her bag made of ice so she didn't drop it. “Thank you! Merry Christmas, Krioff.”
“Yeah. Merry Christmas, ____ .”
Taking his glove off, Krioff joined hands properly with his wife this time, before leading her into the living room to join the others.
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
100 teo
I don't care what Voltage says. I don't believe Ichthys can read OR write.
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mairablue · 6 months ago
if ur still taking requests... could i ask for zyglavis soothing MC to sleep? 💗💗💗
ZYGLAVIS ♎️ - Sleep Well, My Love
A/N: Thank you for requesting anon. I hope this story is to your liking. 😊❤️
The rain fell heavily, making unpleasant noise as it hit the window. You were lying on the bed. Your eyes were tightly closed as you tried focusing on your breathing to calm your mind.
You knew, it was surely past midnight.
Tomorrow you had to wake up early, revise the documents one last time before handing it over to Lady Irianna. Then wait anxiously as they evaluate your work.
'Zyglavis? Are you done writing?'
Looking up Zyglavis met the eyes of his mentor. "No, sir. I- "
His metor raised his hand indicating him not to continue the rest of the sentence.
" You should take rest. We will complete the lessons tomorrow." He said as an affectionate smile graced on his face.
Reluctantly Zyglavis stood up and closed the book and notebook and snapped his fingers, putting them in their designated place.
" Thank you, sir ", he said before quietly exiting the room.
On his way to his room he was greeted by some of the rain drops them were carried by the wind. Which felt refreshing against his skin. He stood there in the hallway, gazing at the distant trees of the forest. Strangely enough, he thought of running out in this heavy rain shower and seek shelter in the woods leaving behind all his troubles. Will he be at peace there, he wondered?
Slow footsteps could be heard coming in his direction. But he was too engaged in his own thoughts to try and figure out who was there.
The footsteps came to a halt near him. Sensing the presence of his beloved, he turned around and smiled. She returned his smile; intertwining her fingers with his.
Hand in hand they walked back to their room.
" Can't sleep? " he said gently brushing a strand of your hair. " I am a bit worried..." you admitted.
" You have given your all. The result is not in our hands." He said trying to take some of the stress off your mind and placed a kiss on your temple. "Close your eyes, my dear."
You felt calm under his touch as he began stroking your hair.
He sang an old lullaby, from the peaceful days. The lyrics, telling the tale of a forgotten time somewhere in a remote valley hidden by the great walls of a mountain range. His voice gently guiding you; where you may rest in a peaceful slumber until the sun rises again.
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gxnache · 1 year ago
Teorus: how do you politely tell someone you wanna hit them with a brick?
Huedhaut: one wishes to acquaint your facial features with a fundamental item used in building walls. Repeatedly.
Teorus: fantastic
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otome-writer51 · 1 year ago
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No words🤩… I’ve passed away, this is my ghost writing this😊😉
Get on with ur bad self MC!!!!
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
departments of mcwishes and mcpunishments
apparently photoshopping the mcdonalds hat/mic onto anime characters was popularized by genshin and valorant. I hate that some of the chars dont have rotational sprites but so far i think this may be my magnum opus
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lucaordeusorlem · 1 year ago
These two when they met probably
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sweet-pinkitty · 1 year ago
Koi100+ | General Election 2023 My boyfriend No.1
Result Announcement
The top 30 people who made it through, the preliminary rounds and will participate in the final round are:
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midnight-songbird · 5 months ago
As much as we all love Scorpio, there's no denying he deserves to get told off at least once. Maybe more.
This takes place in Scorpio's route, a little after the prologue. The gods have been on earth for a few weeks at this point.
Gender neutral mc, no gendered language used. I am using my own name here, though.
Sting Him Back (Scorpio x MC)
I really don't know why I chose him. He's never been anything but rude to me. I try to be nice, but I'm really getting sick of it. He won't even call me by name! He just refuses. It really is infuriating, now that I think about it. If I have to sit through another round of his insults-
"Hey! Stupid human, can't you hear me?! I said get over here and help me!"" Scorpio barks out, startling me out of my thoughts.
Deciding that I've had enough of him, and of being nice, I fire back, "I DO have a name, you know." 
"There's no reason for me to use your name. Stupid human."
"Oh, I've got a reason. It's called respect!"
"Why should I respect a filthy human like you?!"
"Because it costs you NOTHING to be polite! Absolutely nothing! You're making a big deal out of this for no reason!"
"Tch... Who do you think you are, talking to a god like that?" As he speaks, he flashes his upturned sneer at me. Holy hell it pisses me off when he does that.
I have an idea, just to spite him. I've already turned around, my back to him. Standing with my arms crossed over my chest, I pretend like I don't hear Scorpio. I casually make eye contact with Leon and show him a confident grin to silently communicate my plans. He catches on and is unsurprisingly thrilled to play along.
"That Scorpion is stubborn as ever, isn't he," Leon comments.
"Hmph, you're telling me. He's unbearable," I reply back.
I stare at nothing in particular, arms crossed, like I'm deep in thought and didn't hear him.
"Stupid human, look at me when I'm talking to you!"
I give no response. This is about to get fun.
"...Hm? Say something, Scorpio?"
"Yes, I told you-"
"Oh, silly me, must be hearing things."
Sounds like a good time to have at him.
I whip around to face him, speaking with a mocking tone, "Ohhh, was that supposed to scare me??? Why should I fear a scoundrel like you with no decorum whatsoever?"
"EXCUSE ME?!" comes his indignant screech.
With a sickly sweet smile, a honeyed tone, and a falsely sincere hand to my heart, I say to him, "Oh, of course, you're excused!" My sweet grin turns wicked.
Oh yeah, Scorpio's ticked. Realizing he won't win this, he yells, "UGH!"
And with that, he stomps away, dramatically slamming the door shut behind him.
"Aww, you don't wanna play anymore? That's too bad," I purr out. I'm quite satisfied with myself, if I'm being honest.
With his signature smirk, Leon praises, "I'm impressed, Goldfish. You've got quite the backbone."
Ichthys is shocked, and it shows on his face. "That. Was. AWESOME, WINTER!!!" Now grinning, he adds, "You tooootttallllllyyy told Scorpy off!!!" After his cheers of delight, Ichthys couldn't help himself from sticking his tongue out.
Teorus squawks in agreement, "Yeah! Who knew Goldie could get scary!!!
Dui chimes in next, beaming, "No one can say you aren't brave, Winter."
Huedhaut pipes up with, "I must admit, I admire the snark. Well done."
I play along with Huedhaut, my smile present in my voice, "That's quite the high compliment, considering it came from you."
Later that evening, I'm still hanging out at the mansion. Scorpio hasn't come back out since he stormed off.
I'm chatting with Dui when I hear something. Scorpio has come back to the living room, presumably thinking I'd be gone by now. The moment he sees me, he stops dead in his tracks and actually growls. I can't say I'm surprised. I am a little amused, however...
Now, Scorpio and I are just staring at each other. Breaking the silence, with heavy sarcasm in my tone, I ask, "What, are you back for more?"
He just scowls, turns on his heel, and walks right out.
This is my first fic ever, and I really had fun writing it!
And it wouldn't feel right if I didn't thank @fateinthestars , @star-crossed-mid , @pyxianox , @izaberu-chann , and @eclipsegalaxy ! They all helped me out in writing this! Thank you guys <3
I think I'll have a little epilogue to this at some point, I have no idea when.
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