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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
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lucaordeusorlem · 9 months ago
Me: I'm sad....
Me while sad: Let me read this perfectly normal and non sad story <3 it will make me feel better
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otome-writer51 · 1 year ago
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My forever loves💗💗💗
Shout out to @meruchan for the 3Ss years later!!! Still some of the best pieces of MK that I have!!!
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shirolian · 1 year ago
Star Crossed Myth - Review of Zyglavis, Hue and Scorpio
My current Star Crossed Myth career is at its peak - I wholly finished three routes (yes, that much, envious?) and now I need to unleash my brainrot. The finished routes: Zyglavis, Hue, Scorpio - in this order. 2:1 for Punishments but I suppose that is not surprise given that this game subverts the expectations of how gods should be and Punishments gods are mostly mewling kittens.
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Zyglavis route as whole was, how to put it, felt like I dated a man who is older than me by 20 years. Comforting, reliable but also very lonesome and sometimes distant experience. His later parts of story were frustrating but this time the meme "my life is living hell and I have nobody but myself to blame" applies. The King shockingly is not the antagonist in this route, Zyglavis rigidity is. As much as I love strict meganes who are kind souls inside, I couldn't feel the real love and connection between him and his MC. Favorite scene in his route: The realization in his main story, where he finally acknowledged that he loves MC. The tenderness was palapable as he wiped her tears and whispered "you cry for others?" - it was very defining moment that rekindled his faith in humanity Favorite scene with Zyglavis overall: His infamous arrival in Hue's route where he breaks through window 😂 Route rating: 7,5/10
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Hue... I kind of regret that I did his second. I should definitely do him last. So if you plan to play, don't do the same stupid mistake like I did. His route is full of lore and background about MC. The background especially will cause you LOTS of pain if you do his route early and then proceed to other gods. Relationship with Hue felt just right. Like two halves of one soul united and in a sense, it's true. Two halves of stars reunited 😭 I mean how much more of "their love is destiny" vibes can this get? Their banter was entertaining and witty, ocassionaly MC really flipped the tables back on Hue and it was amusing to see his reaction. Hue is definitely the brain in this relationship but his MC is not stupid either - rather, she is jealous and insecure. If you read my previous post where I ranted about this, you will understand what I mean. The ending of whole route was very unsatisfactory and the jelaousy plot of MC's was dominant arc, which annoyed the hell out of me. You know what would be absolutely perfect ending for Hue? If he got Scorpio's ending. Here, I said it. Favorite scene in his route: When MC travels back in time and is Clotho. Then she dies and we can see the aftermath - Hue, standing in the darkness of his room and MC clinging to his lifeless, breathing body. He just pulled out his eye for her, effectively crippling himself in the name of love even if the result was uncertain. The sheer rawness of the moment, the despair and mourning - it all deeply resonated with me. Favorite scene with Hue overall: The sequel (?) ending where Hue and MC talk their feelings and MC admits that she thought the source of Hue's uneasiness was his dissatisfaction with their lovemaking. Hue is literally speechless for a moment because it would never ever occur to him that THIS was one of MC's concerns. The aftermath to this scene is 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Rating: 9,5/10 - I blame overused jelaousy plot. Once, it was nice. Using it all the time was rather tiresome.
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Scorpio, the local tsundere god from Wish- ahem, Heavens. He definitely is the most rude LI that I had the honor to date 😂 I don't really like tsundere types and at first, I really couldn't warm up to Scorpio. But his scene with train tickets won me over - man was extremely cute 😂 However, in terms of relationship, his and MC's reminds me of italian couple - they argue, loudly and violently, and then they probably hate-fuck or make up. Not the most healthy dynamic on the market but hey, it's otome, red flags are welcome. Needless to say, that Scorpio became green flag in disguise. His explosive vocabulary and prickliness won't go ever away but he softens significantly and opens up to MC. It was very heartwarming to see the progress fromt he begining, where he couldn't read MC's emotions at all to the end, where one look at her face was enough for him to deduce what she is thinking. The constant source of comedy in this route was Scorpio's mind reading ability and his open defiance to the King. Yes, the King. If I thought that the King was extremely tame in Hue's route, in Scorpio's the King is main antagonist and the biggest dick in universe. "Sparkly bastard. Sorry excuse for a king. That bitch." - Scorpio, circa 2015 This route had absolutely the best ending of all three - literally the ideal outcome that I wished would happen in Hue's. The real promise of Infinity together. I don't know what I expected but it really was not the most romantic rendition of Sleeping Beauty. Favorite scene in this route: Rabbit. Apples. The first time when they come up, the scene is SO darn cute. Then the apples become the staple of the route and source of comfort between MC and Scorpio. CUTE. Favorite scene with Scorpio overall: My knees went weak from that CG and moment where Scorpio and MC couldn't touch each other. They were in MC's apartment and Scorpio was about to leave. The longing, the love, the passion when they touched and kissed as the glass window separated them... *slaps seal of forbbiden longing* This is how it should be done. Rating: 10/10, no regrets. They said fuck the King and really did it.
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 1 year ago
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Hue and I in our PJs, with him giving me a
🌸chu~💗 on the cheek!
(Based on bluessketchbook’s chibi base on Twitter!)
(It would make me happy to hear your comments on my art! Love you!)
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mister-blizzard · 2 years ago
sad boys hours for both togo and huedhaut in every other love interests main story because they’re in love with mc
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jubilantgamer27 · 2 years ago
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They better be careful if they want to elope then 😅
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hellcatinnc · 2 years ago
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Otometober Day 9 - Favorite Mobile Game?
Honestly I have quiet a few downloaded however most of my time has been on my switch games of otome than mobile. If I'm bored or laying in bed or out somewhere I fall back to my mobile or on my tablet. I would say the last game though I played was through Love 365 app I have a few favorites but the last I played was Irresistible Mistakes but then got hooked so I went and bout it on switch and now I have the whole game.
Whats weird about me is my switch and steam games always come first over mobile games but I have also read alot of people get into games on their mobile and then when it goes down they lose all access to everything they ever did. When it comes to me and otome's the idea of losing my progress is unacceptable. So when I see games that were for Love 365 and I can get the full game I prefer to so that way I don't lose access to them one day or pay for each individual route.
Then there is the issue with games like Stand My Heroes, & Magic Ryun! Renaissance they aren't even in english so makes it hard to get into them when I have to translate everything. Then there is Mr. Love Queens Choice I love the anime but I feel like the game is so nothing like it. I am looking forward to being able to play Untold Atlas on steam because I just can't seem to get into it on mobile and it says its not able to be played on tablet.
I guess though with all that taken in to count if I have to choose a favorite that I have played on mobile would have to be a toss up between the following which by the way are all on switch which I own :D
Star-Crossed Myth - The Department of Wishes (There is one for punishment too which I own just have yet to play)
I have yet to finish all the routes on this yet so far only have finished God of Aquarius Huedhaut he stole my heart pretty fast too this is why its a toss up in games because this man makes me love the idea someone could love someone across lifetimes...
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Here is this sexy god in his glory
God of Aquarius Huedhaut
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Kissed By The Baddest Bidder
First off I have yet to do all the routes but Mamoru Kishi "The Slacker Detective" is the one who pulled me and I just love his character. He acts like he can't be bothered to own you yet uses you as he needs to break a case. It doesn't take long before you can tell he likes having you around and falls in love with you. I guess its my classic case I gravitate towards the assholes with a bad attitude in games yet have a underlining love and passion about them that makes me feel like they would be a guy you could be safe with because his loyalty will never let anyone hurt you. Whenever I get a chance to finish it all I will do a proper game review of the routes though.
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So here is that guy that melts my butter in this series
Mamoru Kishi "The Slacker Detective"
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zyglavislover · 9 months ago
i think about zig's wish So Much honestly, HEHEE !! he's so deeply possessive and self-indulging in his heart of hearts, thrumming jealousy and unhinged idealism so strong it circles to be nearly worshipful, devout <33..
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Tanabata Star Festival: Star Crossed Myth & Their Wishes.
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star-crossed-mid · 1 year ago
Fake Screenshots of Misunderstood Memes
These are all fake, i've already did this meme but i redid it for fun I love making fake scm screenshots. Do you think the gods misunderstand modern language at times
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lucaordeusorlem · 1 year ago
Mr. Silver doesn't take sh*t from anyone.
(the others are already in detention supervised by Zyglavis)
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otome-writer51 · 1 year ago
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No words🤩… I’ve passed away, this is my ghost writing this😊😉
Get on with ur bad self MC!!!!
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star-crossed-mid · 2 years ago
Let Huedhaut be happy 2k23
Let Huedhaut be happy 2k18
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shirolian · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking about the concept of reincarnation thanks to a certain god -> looking at you, Hue Spoilers ahead btw, you have been warned (✿◠‿◠)
The story established, that Hue loved/loves Clotho. From what I picked up during my reading of all Hue's stories and mainly "If you were a Goddess", Clotho was not really different from present day MC in character.
When Hue gave up his eye to save her soul, we know, that the very same soul survived and was reincarnated to MC. It's still the same soul, there is no alternation, no buts or ifs, just the Soul ™️ Yet the story tried to portray this as if MC was completely different person and like, I get from where the writers are coming from. MC definitely has her own life experiences that her previous life didn't - she has her own family, education, job, interests. But in her core, Clotho and MC are the same to me. They are both very kind, playfull and selfless personalities. Their mannerism is same too. There is no confirmation but I assume they look same or very similiar in looks too because MC just seen herself when she looked in the water mirror in the "Mussings on Love" story.
In this story, "Mussings on Love" she was transported into the past, where she occupied her previous body of Clotho and it was only due to her own jealousy. She pondered if Hue loves her or the goddess more. But like, how can this even be a question? It's still her. Goddess was her, MC is her, she even has some memories from the past life and they are her own. How can you be jelaous of yourself? In the end MC understood it when she compared past Hue and present Hue - it was still him, she loved both of them the same because both of them carry the same, one Soul ™️
I'm writing all of this because it seriously pissed me off when MC had this bout of jelaousy like Hue's dead girlfriend was some stranger person unrelated to her and she compared the happiness of his past with his happiness in present. Writers also tried very hard to put some questionable lines to Hue's mouth when he said that he loves MC and that he made peace with the goddess death which MC interpreted as:
"Goddess is this different person and I'm me."
The "me" is however, same. In the past, in the present, it's still you, MC. Hue wouldn't love you if you weren't his soulmate, emphasis on soul. To wrap this up (I'm seriously slightly embrassed how lengthy this got) I'd like to cite my favorite quote from TGCF that I find very fitting to this situation:
“The one standing in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’ and not the state of you.”
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 1 year ago
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midnight-songbird · 6 months ago
I feel very strongly about this
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Took forever but I'm very happy with it :3 also yeah dui and shadow are separate
Also I have a very specific headcanon that Partheno wouldn't say fuck because it's not ✨️elegant ✨️ enough for him
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