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hellcatinnc · 5 months ago
Otometober Day 8 - Free Space - Extra Fluff - Rafayel
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Otometober Day 8 - Free Space - Extra Fluff
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romance, romantic, love, fluffy, over weight, chubby, weight gain, more to love
Word Count: 896
Feature: Rafayel x Fem! Reader
Theme: (Free Space) - Extra Fluff
Extra Fluff
You were standing in front of the mirror as you let out an exasperated sigh. You hadn't seen Rafayel in a month things happened and he had to go back to Lumeria for a little while, but today he was to return. You were excited yet here you were standing in front of the mirror and you can clearly tell you put on weight. You knew your Raffy loved you but now there was more to love would he really be ok with it, you thought. You stopped squeezing the fat between your fingers and finished getting dressed, you even noticed some of your clothes were fitting way more snug these days too. You knew all those late night ice cream and netflix didn't help but you were lonely without him. Also not as easy to just call or text when he was under the ocean and everything they used on land he couldn't use down there.
You headed to the kitchen to get breakfast made before he would come over since that was the plan. You didn't hear the door open as you were frying up some bacon listening to music playing from your phone. Without notice you feel these strong arms wrap around you and then you hear a soft gasp from behind you. This was your fear that his hands were now on your midsection right where you had gained weight. As you were getting ready to apologize for gaining so much weight, he turned you around to face him. You were surprised he had a smile on his face. You sighed and went to apologize. "I'm sorry..." He stopped you by putting his finger to you lips shushing you. Your eyes meeting his curious what he was going to say next. "Princess, I love every inch of you, and now there is just more to love."
This man is always surprising you, his words made your heart soar. He tickled you lifting your shirt up pulling it off so he could really see your body. He lifted the food off the stove turning it off, then took your hand and walked you back to your bedroom. He walked you over to the mirror turning you around to see your extra fluff, you sigh this was not something you were proud of. He turned you around kissed your lips passionately as he began kissing every inch of your body starting down your neck and not stopping until he got to your tummy. He spent extra time showing attention to your chubby tummy. His lips brush across your skin as he showed you every part of you he found so beautiful. He wasn't like most guys maybe because he wasn't human.
He loved every curve of your body, even your fluffy tummy he spent extra time kissing over it. He just caressed every part of your body taking his time in enjoying everything he was seeing and feeling. His kisses felt nice and the way he worshipped your body it made you feel better about yourself. He spent these moments to prove to you he was attracted to every part of you. It wasn't about sexual but the fact he was so in love with you there was nothing about you that he didn't love. After all the kisses and him making passionate love to you, he had went to finish the breakfast you were cooking. He brought it in to surprise you in bed as you were waking up after a small cat nap after making love. He wanted to eat breakfast then he wanted to take you shopping for clothes that fit better.
He couldn't keep his hands off of you in the store as you were looking through the clothes. Its almost like he loved your extra weight more, he was constantly grabbing on you butt or wrapping his arms around so he could squeeze your tummy. He bought you a few outfits then he took you to the last shop to buy a nice dress so you could stand at his side at the art gala coming up. He had made a piece dedicated to you and it was to be a surprise but you were excited. He let you try on dress after dress until one fit a bit tighter around your chubby tummy and curves but he was taken by this and pulled you into his arms kissing you passionately. It was definitely the dress cause he already wanted to remove it from your curvy body. You had never seen this man so intimate not to the point he couldn't keep his hands from squeezing your new fluffy midsection.
As the night came to and you dressed up ready to be by his side at the art gala. He held your hand and showed you off through out the night. He was not the one bit ashamed of you, if anything he wanted people to know you were his, every chubby inch of you. After along stressful night of being introduced to everyone Raffy knows it was time to go home. You really just wanted to go to bed but that was not his thoughts. You in that dress with the extra fluff really got him going. So he made love to every inch of you all night long cause he couldn't get enough of your new curves.
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protags-fic-blog · 6 months ago
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@hellcatinnc this is for u bbg
I'm a bit late, but we're back in 2024 with Otometober! There's a slight autumn theme with this one. The free spaces have returned, along with a few of my favorite prompts from last year, but most of them are new! Have fun!!
Written prompts are below the cut!
Free Space
Fall Festivities
Favorite recent otome
Modern AU or Historic AU
Upcoming game
Background ship
Game you want localized
Free Space
Game you want a sequel for
Old but gold
Bad ending
Bad ending that you love
Non-otome husbando
Free Space
Your main squeeze
Your side hoe
I Belong to You
Subverted trope
Free Space
Domestic Bliss
Time Skip
Least Favorite LI
Favorite LI
Free Space
Your Happy Ending
Movie Night
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lovebirdgames · 2 years ago
Resharing this in case anyone is looking for drawing/writing prompts this coming October! I'm going to return to participating in Linktober this year so I won't be posting anything here, but figured I might as well reshare this!
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I always participated in Linktober where you answer a new prompt for each day in October but I always wished for an otome game version so I made one of my own. Feel free to participate and spread the love this coming October! 
I know the majority of our otome fanbase is on Twitter so I will probably celebrate more on there while keeping things on here strictly Band Camp Boyfriend related. :)
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teutaranaway · 1 year ago
tomorrow after class i will doodle smth for otometober (inktober but otome)
im not participating in all prompts so i have more free time ..
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miphorim · 3 years ago
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Day 29 of Otometober - Elliott from Stardew Valley
i can't draw buff dudes but that has yet to stop me
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animegenork · 2 years ago
Otometober Day 22
Who do you desperately wish had a route?
I rarely have a wish for someone to have a route that doesn't already have one. I think the only time I remotely had a thought of "why isn't this a route" is this man.
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That is all.
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sinsisters · 2 years ago
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@lovebirdgames​‘s Otometober looks like a lot of fun so I’m joining in! Days 1-6 below the cut :)
Day 1 — Your first otome: I believe it was MCL, back in 2012. I’ve always loved games with a dress-up component. 
Day 2 — Favorite heroine: I don’t have a favourite, but really confident protagonists like Mira from Valentines Otome or the MC from The Pirate Mermaid stand out.
Day 3 — Favorite song: Endless Struggle from Mystic Messenger, without a doubt. I love most soundtracks that feature piano and strings (especially cello!!! my baby!!)
Day 4 — Currently playing: The new DLC for Our Life :)
Day 5 — Tsundere: Mr. Bandages from Halloween Otome and Castiel from MCL introduced me to my love for tsundere for sure. I think they need an MC who plays off of them well. Which is why Carlota loves to tease Flint so much heheh
Day 6 — Funniest moment: 707 made me laugh a LOT in his route, teasing Cove makes for a lot of great moments (”Was that good? I mean—that was good”), Blooming Panic is generally hilarious and xyx made me guffaw 
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and I’m not ashamed to admit that The Spanish Privateer makes me laugh too!!! Yes I laugh at my own writing!! And I’m proud of it!! 
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arteartema · 3 years ago
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Día 4. Baile
Ezarel y Gadienne en un final que yo personalmente quisiera que hubiera pasado, en plan ellos dos en la tierra o algo así... Ains mi elfo.
Entonces... Si, quería solo hacer algo en completamente en digital porque todos estos días he estado dibujando en tradicional y pitando en digital, pero hmmm creo que el ánimo no me ayudó mucho... Luego veré si lo hago en tradicional y con más detalles XD
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cooking-manna · 3 years ago
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ES 🇪🇸 /  EN 🇬🇧
Por 2º año continuamos con este reto. Como puedes leer arriba no solo son dibujos a tinta, sino cualquier actividad creativa que quieras hacer. Pueden ser logos, lettering, microrrelatos, pintar piedras, cosplay, ¡lo que sea! Siempre que tenga relación con uno o varios Otomes Extra: Como petición personal me gustaría que 1 de esos 15 días incluya alguno Indie que conozcáis para apoyar a los creadores y pequeñas empresas. Si lo vas a tener en cuenta muchas gracias^^ Y si tú tienes un Otome propio, ya sea en formato manga/webtoon o juego dímelo que lo incluiré en las listas para que lo busquen^^ For the 2nd year we continue with this challenge. As you can read above it's not only ink drawings, but any creative activity you want to do. It can be logos, lettering, micro-stories, painting stones, cosplay, whatever! As long as it is related to one or more Otomes. Extra: As a personal request I would like 1 of those 15 days to include some Indie Otome Game that you know to support creators and small businesses. If you are going to take it into account thank you very much^^ And if you have an Otome of your own, either in manga/webtoon or game format, let me know and I'll put it on the lists for we to look for^^ POR ÚLTIMO AVISO QUE LA LISTA SE HARÁ PÚBLICA ENTRE 1 DÍA ANTES O EL PROPIO 1º DE OCTUBRE, PERO SI QUIERES TENERLA ANTES QUE NADIE PIDE INVITACIÓN AL DISCORD DEL OTOMETUBRE ;D LAST, THE LIST WILL BE MADE PUBLIC BETWEEN ONE DAY BEFORE OR ON THE 1ST OF OCTOBER, BUT IF YOU WANT TO HAVE IT BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, ASK FOR AN INVITATION TO THE OCTOBER DISCORD ;D
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hummingbird-games · 2 years ago
Otometomber Day 5
Gather ‘round kiddos and let me tell you about the route in an awesome fashion sim otome that had me so #shook I was screeching in my friends’ discord chat play-by-play😭
First off, if you’re like me and grew up playing the Style Savvy series but always wanted smooch your customers or boss, I HIGHLY recommend Tailor Tales!!
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(Went dumpster diving into my crazed messages from good ole 2020)
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Anyhoo, this little shit—Neil—was the first route I tried and I usually don’t go for tsundere types on principle (I be ready to throw furniture I fear 😅) , but I was literally having the time of my life and even after 3 routes down, this idiot is still my favorite.
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hellcatinnc · 5 months ago
Otometober Day 19 - Angel
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so this is a hard thing that came to mind I mean how many otome games have angels in it then I was reminded of cute lil cinnamon roll Il from Cafe Enchante. He was just so damn cute from the start with his love of otome games. Then you add that Kaito Ishikawa is the voice actor and I was sold. Wish he looked better like sexier but his just too cute not to love. I need to go back and finish his story honestly.
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protags-fic-blog · 1 year ago
Amnesia Memories - Pets
Day 1 of Otometober! No prompt for today. Tagging @misschimotosuwa-blog and @hellcatinnc because I know they enjoy Amnesia, and they’re also partially participating like I am! Go check ‘em out <3
he'd love a big, strong dog. something loyal like a german shepherd
doesn't want anything small. has a fear that he'd step on it or kick it when he isn't paying attention
with any other dogs he wouldn't put up with anything but with his own, he's a total pushover
indoor animals
birds, rabbits, housecats, maybe a mouse
i think a rabbit would pair well though. definitely doesnt like the idea of something running away, and rabbits are very indoor animals so he should be fine
lizard vibes
definitely got it when he was younger and is still attached (in his own way)
maybe he owns fish too
perhaps this is my anti-kent propaganda but i can't see him having a dog or cat
honestly one non-forced, totally neutral headcanon that this made me think of was that he probably has a fur allergy
a snow bengal cat (he thinks they look exotic), otherwise a white persian cat
definitely owns a swivel chair to turn around in with his cat
kent tolerates it because of minimal shedding (a win for ikki too because he doesn't want cat hair all over his clothes)
miniature horse if he can afford one of those too (a forever baby for his full sized horse!)
the headcanon of him lowkey wanting to be a farmer is engrained so deep in my head, he wants to pet cows and sheep and thinks goats are the cutest thing until he gets rammed once
(might go in to animal photography to justify it)
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lovebirdgames · 2 years ago
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OTOMETOBER DAY 2 ~ Let’s hear it for the ladies! Who is your favorite heroine or MC?
This one is hard! I mean of course it’s Cadence and I also adore the main character of Hatoful Boyfriend, but I don’t want to be prattling on about the same games. I want to spread the love. So one MC I have a major soft spot for is...
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The heroine of Amnesia: Memories! I know in the first game she doesn’t have much to say, but I adore her design and wanted to cosplay her so badly some time ago, but I didn’t think I could pull her off and figured it would never happen. Then in 2021 I said ah heck, I’mma make it happen. :) I love cosplaying her because I get to talk to fellow otome fans and they are the sweetest people. <3
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hellcatinnc · 5 months ago
Otometober Day 18 - I Belong To You
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I Belong To You
If I had one otome character that I would sell my soul for it would be Misyr Rex from Cafe Enchante, He is a demon lord and you know the whole sell your soul to the demon lord only sounds good with him. He is sexy, and funny and omg I love his laugh. Please if anything let me be belong to him.
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hellcatinnc · 5 months ago
Otometober Day 22 - Free Space - Yuuichirou Umehara
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Free Space - Yuuichirou Umehara
There is another voice actor I am seeing in alot of my games and anime and his voice is deeper than I normally like but really love hearing him talk and act. Most his characters are super hot too...
Yuuichirou Umehara
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These are some of my favs he was a VA for
Noah Voltaire Wynknight
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Teika Ichijouji
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Ren Nikaido
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Keiya Uto
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Claude Jean Ellmeyer
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and MORE!!
Not to mention his voice is heavenly...
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hellcatinnc · 5 months ago
Otometober Day 7 -Game Wanted Localized
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Game I Want Localized
Thats easy well maybe not cause there is 3 on my list that I would be tickled pink over being translated.
Kamigami No Asobi
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Dance With Devils
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Nil Admirari no Tenbin
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