#Tegeler See
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Ich um 1988, stark in der Haartönung vergriffen. 8-/
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sigalrm · 11 months
Havel Queen by Pascal Volk
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espritmetropol · 1 year
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Tegeler Hafen
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acrossthewavesoftime · 3 months
Friedrich Schiller, Major André, Alexander von Humboldt
(you are allowed to give Major André a hair cut, if you choose to leave him alive for some reason)
My, my, that is a tough one! :D
Bed: André. Good-looking, fun by all accounts, charming. As a bonus, he knows a few people i would like to know more about, so I am also going to ask him an irritating amount of questions about his boss Clinton and good friend Simcoe. I think by haircut you may be refering to André as he was portrayed on TURN, with the weird little braid the show got off a 1790s portrait they misidentified as him? I am not interested in any 21st century actor, give me that one:
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Wed: Humboldt. We can each do our own thing and meet in Berlin every few months for catch-up talks on the family's Tegel estate. I think it would be a pleasant, and intellectually fulfilling platonic arrangement. Besides, a marriage would help him beat the (putting my fan to my mouth to whisper in a discreet early 19th century fashion to you) Allegations. He can have as many "eternal bonds of friendship" with men as he likes, and I get to read the latest research and move in the most intellectually stimulating circles of the time. Win-win!
Behead: Look, this was an extremely tough decision. Killing André would be so obvious. And why would I kill, or bed, poor old Alexander? Now, Schiller is not long for this world, anyway, and - you can tell, i am very, very sorry! Maybe I will commute his sentence to something lighter, seeing as one of his plays not only was my gateway into 18th century literature as a teenager, but also proved an eye-opening read many years later. Hm. I am obviously playing fast and loose with the rules of this game as i please, but in my role as an absolutist ruler deciding who gets wedded, bedded and beheaded, I shall allow Schiller to keep his head if he writes a play (length doesn't matter) for me!
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jonkwasnyczka · 1 year
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Tegeler See, Berlin, Germany
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chronotsr · 5 months
Pre-G1 Modules, part 5 - The Tower of Zenopus
So you probably noticed that this is being posted after G1. Sorry! File this in July 1977, so just after DK1 and 2 and Tsojconth and City-State and Tegel Manor but before Thieves of Badabaskor et c.
This post being released out of order is a function of where Zenopus is hiding. You see, the dating of Holmes Basic is a little squirrely. Most places say 1977 broadly, some people will say "the earliest reference is an ad in Dungeon in September '77", and a few internet sleuths say July 11th . So I hadn't had that down in my to-review list before I released G1, and in the rush I had forgotten that hiding in the back of Holmes Basic is the beloved little module simply entitled "Sample Dungeon", later known as The Tower of Zenopus.
And, consequently, I have no fancy cover to show you! Just this hand-drawn little map:
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The Tower is unique in that it is the first module on this list that I have actually run for a real party. Now, granted, I did not run the Tower in Holmes Basic (I ran it in Fantasy AGE 2nd edition), but nonetheless -- it's the first one I have personal knowledge of. And I love it quite a bit.
So historywise Holmes Basic has a lot going on that I cannot quickly explain, so simply accept that Eric Holmes offered and was eventually hired to re-edit Original Dungeons and Dragons ("Little Brown Booklets") into a less labyrinthine mess. This was an extremely good call, and the Basic productline would go on to live for a very very long time in one form or another, only getting seriously changed much later by Frank Mentzer in 1983. There is a lot of Corporate Politics wrapped up in the release of ADND vs Basic vs Original DND, with concerns about copyrights and royalties and extremely Type A Gary Gygax not wanting to share his toys with the others. And, done.
The Tower is interesting from a historical standpoint in that whereas The Tower of the Frog is "here is a dungeon, here is what that looks like", Tower of Zenopus is "here is how to make a dungeon, and this is a dungeon that will teach players how to play". There will be far better attempts at those two goals, but nonetheless Tower represents a module that genuinely holds up in 2024 with some cleanup. It was given a loving nod in 5e's Ghosts of Saltmarsh by having the neighboring Portown be a little up the coast from Saltmarsh and I strongly recommend having that be your second adventure after the haunted house.
So, what's Tower's backstory? Both more and less than you'd expect. Zenopus built the tower next to the graveyard, it was suddenly engulfed in green flame, Zenopus was killed "by some powerful force he had unleashe din the depths of the tower", and it sat around for a bit. The villagers saw spooky shit going on there and smashed it with a catapult. Your party has assembled in the Green Dragon Inn and is going to investigate for phat lewt. Go on, scamp!
The structure of the tower is unusually genius for an early module, in that it features a lot of routing loops that allow for nonlinear but clear movement through the dungeon. The overall structure is, ultimately, a rimmed wheel, an outer ring connected by spokes to the hub. The shape hides this well but not too well, which is perfect for the new DM. So here's the room by room highlights:
The party enters on a four-way intersection, each taking you to a different feature of the dungeon. I have heard this dungeon describes as "like a theme park with four wings" and that's an apt descriptor here -- you're picking between the rat area, the pirates area, the wizard area, and the tomb area.
A very cute and simple puzzle, which is one of those most precious things in life: a four-way room freely opens from the outside, but only lets you out from one door. A statue in the center points towards the door that is currently open, and the statue can be spun to change the door. It's a neat little trick in that if the party gets separated during combat, anyone in this room can't assist anymore unless they work out the trap, but outside of combat it is largely a non-issue so long as they take the time to puzzle it out.
A pretty standard but new for the time tell that the wizard has a petrification wand with a little garden of stony adventurers. It's a classic for a reason.
A regulation water-rush trap that separates the party with the current -- again, a certified classic, creating tension by making fair encounters that are hard if the players get separated by traps
Ye olde "question answering mask" with, again, a precious simple puzzle: a tiny little riddle. If you parse out that the mask is powered by the sundial, you can abuse your light sources to make it be 4pm.
G i a n t c r a b, the most classic of scary "normal monsters", because it is armored and hits hard but people still immediately understand "oh fuck it's a crab" in the way they understand a bear is a serious issue
Giant spiders ambush from the ceiling silently. Zenopus really is a classics fest, but in 2024 that's kind of novel simply because THIS type of classic isn't done anymore.
For reasons I cannot fathom, the local pirates have taken to smuggling in the Tower because it's connected to the sea. This works in Ghosts because Portown is abandoned and so it's far away, but as-mentioned in the original module the tower has to be suuuuper far away from town, but also near enough to be the graveyard, for it to be a good smuggler's den. Regardless, there's a canned setpiece in the sea access room where pirates are coming on boats with a kidnapped noble lady from Portown. They're moving in on skiffs when, a giant octopus attacks! It's very, very good. This is, for my money, the best room in the dungeon and also one of the best moments in DND until we get all the way to N1's tavern.
In the center of the dungeon is a staircase leading up into the remains of the tower -- I made a rather major change from the original here, the original is merely an old alchemist's laboratory complete with a pet ape.
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Instead of the alchemy lab, for my adventure I made a rather large change: the original module suggests expanding downwards because That Is How It Was Done in 1974. Instead, I went up. The horrible thing Zenopus discovered had formed a shadowy parallel dimension, so they were in a pocket dimension where the old tower was, even though in the prime material plane it was simply rubble. This blog is not About My Modifications but, that's my free tip about the tower if you ever run it -- subvert the old timey expectations by making it an upward dungeon instead of a downward dungeon, with the power of weird magic.
Anyway, that was all, and amends are now made for my previous error. See you in checks notes like 5 hours with G2!
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fischerfrey · 1 year
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► mini profile;
Full Name: Klara Sergeyovna Belikova Birthday: December 19th, 1892 (Sagittarius) Pronouns: she/her Sexual Orientation: lesbian
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Best Subject: Charms Worst Subject: Potions Extracurriculars: Duelling, ice swimming Languages spoken: German, Russian, French, very little English
Wand: Red oak, 10¾”, unicorn hair core You will often hear the ignorant say that red oak is an infallible sign of its owner’s hot temper. In fact, the true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect duelling wand. Less common than English oak, I have found that its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive, trademark spells, and a good man or woman to have beside one in a fight. Red oak wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome. Patronus: Wolf Wolf Patronuses see their casters as part of their pack, and they are ready to defend them at any cost. Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack all Dementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at a distance. No Dementor should cross a wolf Patronus - they are fierce protectors and loyal to their casters beyond any other guardian.
Faceclaim: Alicia Agneson Eye colour: Blue Hair colour: Dark brown Height: 5′ 2½″ (159cm)
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Parents: Sergey Belikov and Gisela Leibniz Sergey is a pure-blood wizard of Russian decent. He married Gisela, a German pure-blood witch and together they have four children. Sergey is a Durmstrang alumnus, so the family sent all of their children to attend the institute, too. Klara, the second-born and first daughter, spent her childhood surrounded by wealth and power. Her family holds pure-blood supremacist values and they were instilled upon her at a young age. Her parents also made sure she knew she would have to marry a suitable man to further the family's social standing. Klara doesn't have a close relationship with her parents, being mostly raised by nannies and tutors, as well as spending most of her teenage years at school. Older brother: Stepan Belikov Stepan is the eldest of the Belikov siblings. He was born in 1886, attended Durmstrang and excelled academically. Klara admired Stepan greatly growing up. He is the heir to the vast fortune of his parents and shares their beliefs and values. FC: Ivan Kolesnikov
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Younger brother: Andrey Belikov Andrey was born in 1893 and attended Durmstrang like Klara. Andrey was never one to conform to society's expectations, unless he felt like it, which infuriated his parents. Klara was not close with Andrey growing up, but after their parents cut ties with them both, Andrey and Klara move to France and became each others' only family. FC: Evgeniy Shvarts
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Younger sister: Anya Belikova The youngest of the bunch, Anya was born in 1898. She also attended Durmstrang. Anya admired Klara and felt betrayed by her, after Klara's refusal to marry Gerold Faust (@potionboy3). Especially, sine their parents put a lot of pressure on Anya to find a good match, since things didn't work out for Klara. FC: Ulyana Vaskovich
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Friends: OPEN! Alexej Kavinsky and Fiete Tegeler by @potionboy3 Kateryna Von Engelhardt by @cursebreakerfarrier​
In school Klara was close friends with Alexej, Kateryna and Fiete. Klara, Kateryna and Alexej all came from similar backgrounds and shared the same type of values. Fiete was different, being a half-blood and coming from a working class background. He didn't have strong opinions against muggle-borns and most importantly, he was kind. The three would often claim that Fiete was a pure-blood to avoid controversy among the other students. This bothered Fiete, but loving his friends, he let them keep their perfect picture. The group would often pair up during balls and they spent holiday breaks together being practically inseparable. During their seventh year Alexej managed to gain a few enemies in school after sharing information he was not suppose to. This lead to the boys attacking him and Fiete while the girls watched, trying to stop it from happening. The fight ended with Fiete's death. After his passing away it was hard for the group to spend time together as just a trio and it took a long time for them to get close again. FCs: Tom Schilling, Max Schimmelpfennig, and Alina Kovalenko
Love interest: OPEN!
Klara was raised to be a proper pure-blood witch, including holding blood-purist views and seeing muggles as lesser beings. She began to question her parents' values as a teenager but only truly broke out of the mold after graduation. She refused to marry the man she was supposed to and moved to France, leaving everything she had known behind. Her brother Andrey joined her shortly after, upon being disowned by their parents. Growing up, Klara is guarded, haughty, cold, and proud. She knows her value exactly, and doesn't question many things in her life. Only after Fiete's death, her world-view begins to crumble and she has to face some uncomfortable truths about herself. She spends years trying to figure herself out.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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richardsfotoseite · 10 months
Mit dem Schiff durch Berlin im Sommer 2006 (1)
Ganz im Norden Berlins liegt der Tegeler See. Der zweitgrößte See der Stadt ist ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel mit zahlreichen gastronomischen- und Freizeitangeboten. Besonders beliebt bei den Berlinern und bei Berlin-Besuchern ist die Dampferanlegestelle an der Greenwichpromenade, von wo aus viele Schiffsfahrten ins Umland und die Innenstadt starten. Im Sommer 2006 nahmen wir auf einem…
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View On WordPress
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eulenfuchs · 9 months
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Abend am Tegeler See
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
11. bis 18. März 2023
Ungleichmäßig verteilte Displaytechnik
Die Kleinfamilie verbringt eine Woche Pauschalurlaub auf Teneriffa, unsere erste Flugreise seit 2019. Bei dieser Gelegenheit bekomme ich auch zu ersten Mal den Flughafen BER von innen zu sehen. (Fun Fact: Wir hatten schon 2012 Tickets für einen Flug von diesem Airport, dessen Eröffnung damals unmittelbar bevorstand. Als diese dann sehr kurzfristig abgesagt wurde, erhielten wir eine Reihe hektischer Nachrichten, um uns nach Tegel umzuleiten.)
Unsere Fluggesellschaft heißt diesmal Sundair, was ich vorher noch nie gehört habe. Sie bieten ausdrücklich keinen Online-Check-In an, also fahren wir einfach zeitig mit Pässen und der Buchungsbestätigung zum Airport. Check-In und Boarding verlaufen reibungslos, wir erhalten Papiertickets in der gewohnten Form, die wir nur beim Einsteigen auf einen Barcodescanner halten müssen.
An Bord sind wir allerdings überrascht – es gibt keinerlei Bildschirme für die Passagiere. Also nicht nur keine Displays in den Rückenlehnen, sondern auch keine an der Decke über den Sitzreihen. Lediglich die urtümlichen Doppel-Kopfhörerbuchsen in den Armlehnen, über die sich mit passenden Kopfhörern eine Reihe von Audioprogrammen abrufen lässt. WLAN gibt es an Bord auch nicht. Vielleicht hätte man damit auch 2023 rechnen müssen, wenn man von einem Brandenburger Airport zur Lieblingsinsel deutscher Rentner aufbricht.
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Hoffentlich meine letzte Gelegenheit, ein Foto dieser Technologie anzufertigen.
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Zuhause finde ich sogar noch ein Exemplar der passenden Kopfhörer. Wenn ich mich recht entsinne, bin ich zuletzt 2009 mit KLM geflogen.
Wir seufzen jedenfalls laut und hören ähnliche Geräusche der Enttäuschung von anderen Eltern um uns herum. Umgehend deaktivieren wir den Flugmodus unserer Smartphones wieder und laden vor dem Start noch rasch jede:r ein paar Folgen der aktuell favorisierten Kinderserie Ninjago in der Netflix-App herunter, was die Stimmung auf dem Flug deutlich verbessert.
Auf Teneriffa unternehme ich einen Ausflug mit dem Fünfjährigen. Von einem Yachthafen aus stechen wir mit einem Touristen-Tauchboot in See. Dieses U-Boot ist 18 Meter lang, taucht 30 m tief und kann dabei gut zwei Dutzend Passagiere mitnehmen. 
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Selbstverständlich ist das U-Boot gelb.
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Vor Abfahrt gibt es eine Sicherheitseinweisung, die deutliche Parallelen zu der im Flugzeug aufweist: Schwimmwesten bitte vor dem Aussteigen anlegen, aber erst danach aufpumpen. Sauerstoffmasken, die aus Fächern von oben herabfallen. Bitte erst selbst aufsetzen, dann anderen helfen. Und es gibt Bildschirme vor den Sitzen, auf denen die entsprechenden Abläufe dargestellt werden.
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Während der Fahrt werden auf den Displays Bilder von einer Kamera gezeigt die außen am Turm des Boots angebracht ist, sodass sich das Unter- und Wiederauftauchen gut verfolgen lässt. Auch das habe ich so ähnlich schon in Flugzeugen erlebt, wo dann Start und Landung aus der Perspektive einer Kamera an der Unterseite des Rumpfs gezeigt werden.
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Der Flieger auf dem Rückflug wirkt neuer, ist aber noch spartanischer ausgestattet. Hier fehlt selbst das Audioangebot in den Sitzlehnen.
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sigalrm · 11 months
Hasselwerder by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Hasselwerder ist die nördlichste Insel im Tegeler See.
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10.06.2024 Wandertag
Begleitung von Klassen zum Wasserwerk (7a), zum Kletterpark (9c), Tegeler See (9d) und ein Workshopangebot (8d)
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airsllides · 4 months
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airsLLide No. 3382: N859TW, Boeing 727-31, TWA, Zürich, July 16, 1989.
What the heck does a TWA Boeing 727-100 do on finals to a European airport? The explanation is simple: Shortly before the fall of the Iron Curtain, the allies had agreed to a modification of the Four-Powers-Statute regulating airline traffic to West Berlin, opening up the market to more competition by allowing additional airlines from the allied nations to parttake. TWA jumped to the occasion, seeing the comfy monopoly rival PanAm had enjoyed on many West Berlin routes. Thus, it based four of its early Boeing 727s in Berlin-Tegel and used them on flights within Europe, among others to Zürich.
The fall of the Berlin Wall in October 1989, followed by German unification in fall 1990 spelled an end to all restrictions on air travel to Berlin, and thus the business modell on which TWA had founded its venture evaporated before it even could get a firm hold in the market. After about two years, the four B727s were withdrawn from intra-European routes and returned to the US.
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chronotsr · 6 months
Pre-G1 Modules, part 6: Reflections
This isn't a full on post or anything, it really is just random thoughts. This blog has basically 3 goals, in no particular order:
Show off some weird interesting ideas from older modules. This is why the bullet-point sections exist.
Look at all the obscure modules no one's ever heard and don't get discussed so they can enjoy more awareness. This is why it's module to module and not lists of cool things I've found.
Look at how modules grew as an art-form. Their design, layout, styling, writing, et c. This is why it's in release order.
So I'm going to ramble about all 3 in turn.
1. Coolest ideas
So somehow the coolest idea I ran into in this roundup was keep on the borderlands ~in the desert~. The mental image is just stuck in my brain and if you're one of my fantasy age players, you've probably inhaled some spoilers accidentally now. It's gonna show up eventually.
I was also really fond of the really lateral use of animated objects in Tegel Manor, particularly the battlefield painting that spits arrows as the events on-canvas play out. It's very fun and very goofy and I regret the yearly Samhain one-shot being so far away. I will find an excuse to use that random magic statue table eventually.
Third place goes to the pet sea monster of the invincible overlord. It's just really stuck in my brain
2. Coolest Module You Haven't Heard Of
Oh that's easy. Tegel Manor. 100% Tegel Manor. That was easily the most fun I had writing this column so far, even as the pagecount sprawled and sprawled. I think the haunted house is the single best starting location for a new player, it's part of why I'm so ride or die for Ghosts of Saltmarsh (and I do specifically mean the 5e iteration, they did an excellent job realizing Saltmarsh as a location. It's a crying shame people hate because they expect pirates and get, not pirates).
Happily, I don't think the move is actually to just, buy modern Tegel Manor. In fact, a spiritual successor to Tegel Manor would be just what the doctor ordered.
3. The Growth of Module Design
I am telling on myself hard but my favorite part of watching this go on is to see the art of keying slowly evolve and standardize around the familiar model of today. We are far away from the, I know I will get crucified for this, frankly better keying of 5e. Or even the significantly improved keying of 4e. We are in crusty-ass 1970s keying, where if it was typed, it was professional. Honestly Temple of the Frog's keying is a shockingly good first attempt. The keying solution that Vampire Queen went for is, kind of novel in its own way. I kind of wish that this table-style keying had stuck around as a sort of summary page for quick reference, it's…honestly kind of convenient, especially for particularly hack and slashy campaigns.
Watching JG recover from their tailspin of excessive loot was really fascinating. I do keep in mind that weight was a big thing about loot recovery in early DND but what exactly was to stop a party from just going back in and looting the place over and over again, anyway? Sure the monsters could move around, the loot could move, but they still know the layout. I really feel like you have to simply not provide that much treasure, and I get the sense JG worked that out too.
Finally, I am just kind of happy to see the focus on creating dungeons, as in combat rectangles is already starting to be threatened as the status quo. Arneson obviously understood why this was bad, and you can see some designers working it out too. Holmes also had a very good grasp of pacing and dungeon layout that it would take others (including Gygax) a while to catch up to.
So anyway, see you at G1!
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eggi1972 · 10 months
[Rezension] Die Spur des Geldes – Peter Beck
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Klappentext: In einem Schacht beim Tegeler See wird ein Mitarbeiter der Berliner Wasserwerke gefunden, grausam zu Tode gefoltert. Schnell zeigt sich: Er war in dubiose Bankgeschäfte verwickelt. Tom Winter, wortkarger Sicherheitschef einer Schweizer Privatbank, will gemeinsam mit dem LKA Licht in die Angelegenheit bringen und stößt in den Wasserwerken von London, München und Zürich auf verdächtige Machenschaften. Ist Europas Trinkwasser in Gefahr? Rezension: Der Emons Verlag, fliegt ja eher so unter meinem Radar durch, da er doch eher für die leichten unterhaltsamen Krimis zuständig ist. Ein schöner Krimi zum zwischendurch lesen, zum Lachen und Grinsen mit regionalem Bezug. Doch dann kam Peter Beck mit „Die Spur des Geldes“. Die Hauptfigur, Tom Winter, sollte man sich merken. Er schafft es als Sicherheitsmann einer Schweizer Privatbank, einen zu fesseln. Da ist zum einen der Tote in einem Schacht, der bei Tom Winters Bank ein Konto hat mit Geld von unklarer Herkunft. Zum anderen gibt es eine dubiose Stiftung, die sich ZKT nennt und aus Lichtenstein kommt, aber zu einem Konzern gehört, der Geräte zur Wasserüberwachung herstellt. Dieser Konzern gehört einem Oligarchen, der irgendwie nicht ganz koscher rüberkommt. So reist man dann mit Tom Winter nach Berlin, wo er Anika kennenlernt, die beste Freundin des Toten, der im Schacht gefunden wurde. Aber gerade als Winter ankommt und sie befragen will, wird der Freundin von Anika in den Kopf geschossen. Er kommt relativ schnell näher an den Oligarchen ran, und deckt immer mehr auf, so dass dieser versucht Tom Winter zu bestechen. Als Tom nicht darauf eingeht, wird sogar sein Haus niedergebrannt, während er mit Anika darin schläft. Ihr merkt schon, jede Menge Action und der Grundtenor in dem Thriller, kommt immer mehr zutage. Es dreht sich immer mehr um Wasser, Viren, Terror und Intrigen. Ja, man kommt sich wirklich teilweise vor wie in einem James Bond, zumindest musste ich, als das Buch am Bosporus spielte, unweigerlich daran denken. Gut, bei James Bond geht mehr in die Luft, es gibt mehr technische Spielereien, aber die Atmosphäre ist irgendwie da. Die Grundidee des Buches ist echt abgefahren aber dennoch logisch aufgebaut. Es gibt wenig was einen stört, außer dem Gedanken, dass es eine Bank gibt, die wegen 23.000 € so ein Fass aufmacht. Das kann ich mir wirklich nicht vorstellen. Aber die Terroristen, der Oligarch, die technische Überlegung, wie man das Trinkwasser vergiften könnte, alles ist logisch aufgebaut und macht das Buch absolut spannend. Ja, man bekommt sogar etwas Angst vor dem Wasser aus dem Wasserhahn, wenn man richtig in die Geschichte eingetaucht ist. Selbst beim Mineralwasser macht man sich Sorgen und mir ist es passiert, dass ich davon geträumt habe. Also von mir aus kann Tom Winter noch ein wenig mehr ermitteln und vielleicht trifft man ja noch einmal bestimmte Personen aus dem Buch wieder, und ich meine damit nicht Anika, in die sich Tom Winter ein wenig verliebt hat, sondern die Leute vom LKA in Berlin oder Leonie, die Computerfee von Tom Winter. Ich hoffe darauf und ich hoffe auch, dass meine Angst vor Wasser wieder nachlässt. Ich glaube, ich würde auch gerne die beiden ersten Bände mit Tom Winter lesen, aber „Die Spur des Geldes“ kann man auch sehr gut als Stand Alone Thriller lesen. Allerdings würde ich sehr gerne wissen, ob Peter Beck schon immer so gut und flüssig geschrieben hat. Titel: Die Spur des GeldesAutor/In: Beck, PeterISBN: 9783740804992Verlag: Emons VerlagPreis: RestauflagenErscheinungsdatum: 15. März 2019 Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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sushipedals · 1 year
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Tegeler See, Berlin-Tegel (2023)
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