#Technology in Questioned Document Examination
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Forensic Science E-Magazine (Aug-Sept 2023)
We proudly present the Aug-Sept issue (Vol 17) of your favorite magazine, Forensic Science E-Magazine. As usual, the magazine's current issue has helpful content related to forensic science. --------- #forensicsciencemagazine #forensicfield #crimescene
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#Ancient DNA: how do you extract it?#Areas Of Competence For Specialists In Forensic Medicine#forensic field magazine#forensic magazine#Forensic science#forensic science magazine#Gunpowder#Kempamma – The Cyanide Queen#List Of Materials Commonly Collected for DNA Analysis#magazine#magazine of forensic#Postmortem Lividity Discoloration#Rifled Injuries#Technology in Questioned Document Examination#Uses Of Different Types Of Chromatography In Forensic Science. Unlocking the Past: The power of Forensic Genealogy in Modern Crime Solving
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Subject: Re:ANSWERS
WHAT IS GOING ON? Something very SINISTER is going on. Polls reveal that over 90% of the American people believe in UFO's and 95% of these people believe the government is keeping this knowledge from the public. But why? Are they afraid the people will panic if an "official" announcement were made? Hardly. Such an announcement would create interest and excitement and many questions, particularly by the churches, but not panic. Why then the continued cover-up?
There is overwhelming evidence in the past several years from "whistle-blowers"--retired military officers who have finally said, "Enough is enough! It's time the government told the people the truth!" these officers, such as Navy intelligence officer, William Cooper, Major John Lear (whose father founded the Learjet Corp.) and Air Force officer William English, to name but a few, have all discovered the truth, and at the risk of their very lives, are trying to alert YOU to the secrets behind the UFOs and the Alien Presence on this earth. These people worked on secret projects, had access to, 'classified' Top Secret documents, had seen with their own eyes 'captured' aliens, or extraterrestrial entities, UFOs and the incredible technology they brought with them.
Sightings of 'UFOs' (unidentified flying objects) have been reported throughout history, and biblical and historic references to "flaming chariots" huqe flying 'birds' and odd-looking beings predate our history by thousands of years. In the 1940s several alien spacecraft were recovered by the U.S. and other countries, along with a few dead aliens and one live one they named EBE (a name suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity).
1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving toward Earth. At first they believed these were asteroids, but later evidence proved the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sign and Project Plato intercepted alien radio communication and using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face-to-face contact with alien beings from another planet. Meanwhile, a race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government, warning us that the aliens orbiting the equator were hostile beings from Orion. These human-type aliens demanded we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons, that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the earth, stop raping the earth's natural resources and learn to live in harmony with one another. President Eisenhower rejected these demands.
Later in 1954 the race of aliens, known as Greys, from Zeta Reticuli area in space, who had been orbiting the equator, landed at Holloman Air Force Base. They stated their planet was dying and they needed quarters on earth to conduct genetic experiments that might allow their race to survive; this in exchange for certain technology. Pres. Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty was signed. The treaty stated the aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth secret; they would furnish us with advanced technology . They could abduct humans on a limited basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring, with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the human have no memory of the event. It was also agreed the alien bases; would be constructed underground, beneath Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. Another was to be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S4, about 7 miles south of Area 51, known as 'Dreamland.' A multi-billion dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House, supposedly to build secret underground sites for the President and staff in case of military attacks.
By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower re-established a permanent committee known as "Majority Twelve" (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities with the aliens. This included FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and six leaders of the 'Council on Foreign Relations, known as the Wise Men' and later others from the Trilateral Commission. George Bush, Gordon Dean, and Brzezinski were among them.
A major finding of the commission was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival, that if their genetic structure were not improved, their race would cease to exist.
The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien project was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relalions was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was president and CEO of Zapata Oil Co. based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with offshore oil drilling and it was arranged that the drugs could be shipped from south America to the offshore platforms by fishing boats, then transferred to the U.S. shore by normal transportation, thus avoiding search by customs agents. The plan worked better than anyone expected, and today the CIA controls all the world's illegal drug markets. One should remember, it was George Bush who first started selling drugs to our children. The drug money was used to finance the deep underground alien bases.
Conclusions: the Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society. Throughout history the aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion and the occult. The CFR and the Trilateral Commisson are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation's economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problems. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth. MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology. Each president has bought that story hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood. At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls.
By 1989 over 3 million 'Greys' are occupying these deep multi-level underground complexes. Level 7 at Dulce is called "Nightmare Hall" They have welched on their agreement on abducting humans; today over 25 million citizens have been abducted and implanted, a literal army awaiting orders to march! (Whitley Strieber has written best-selling books on his personal experience as have many others). For this reason other nations were informed. Within 5 months the communist monolith Russia was dismantled to unite with the U.S. and its technology to fight the invasion. The Hubbel Space Telescope was created to keep a watchful eye on the invasion fleet; Star Wars technology has been developed to hopefully stop them in outer space before they can get to the earth.
Today, the government is on the horns of a dilemma. Too many sources are releasing alien Information. The public could get angry at continued secrecy. So MJ-12 plans soon to make an "official" announcement, under controlled conditions, probably Area 51. Network TV will be called to meet the staged 'landing' of the aliens, these being the Grays.
They will come bearing gifts, technology that supposedly will heal cancer and AIDS, retard aging, etc. They will tell us they are the 'saviors of humanity' who have come to defend the earth against an invasion of human eating aliens called Reptoids. This story is a LIE, they already work for the Reptoids! Their plan is to unify the world into a One-World Government, a 'New World Order' with the argument that only this can defeat the invasion by Reptoids. This is a trap to enslave the world's population. Control will be accomplished through the money system, a universal currency controlled by certain international bankers, who for years have been lackeys of the aliens, who seized upon their greed and lust for wealth and power as a means to bring about their evil plan to control the earth. (This also being the scenario predicted in the Bible's 'Book of Revelation' wherein only those who accept the Mark of the Beast (the aliens being the Beast' and the 'Mark' being some sort of laser tattoo or Credit Card they will use, which will allow people to buy and sell goods). Those who do not accept this 'Mark' must live outside the money system and survive somehow on their own, through barter etc.
Arcturus Book Servko: PO Box 83183, Stone Mt., GA. 30083. (Specialists in UFO books and magazines, tapes, videos)
Worldwide UFO News Clipping bureau & Publlc Information Center 955 Lancastor Rd. Suite 420, Odando, FL 32809. (Tapes videos etc. on UFOs and Alien Presence).
C.A.C. Box 115, Olympia, Wa. 98507 (Cosmic Newsletter with much information on UFOs. and Alien Presence).
The William Cooper Foundation, 19744 Beach Blvd. No.301 Huntington Beach, Cal. 92648. Phone: (6O2) 567 6530
Stanley IC. Barrington, 2059 East Ave. 1, Sp.11, Lancaster CA 93535
BOOKS: An Alien Harvest, by Linda Moulton Howe ,PO Box 3130, Littleton, CO. 80161 (Secret of the cattle mutilations) The Gulf Breeze Sightings, by Ed Walterr,. Wm. Morrow & Co. Pub. The Watchers, by Raymond Fowler, Bantam Books, N.Y. Communion, by Whitby Strieber, Wm Morrow Pub. N.Y. Ask Your local bookstore!
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Obsidian And RTX AI PCs For Advanced Large Language Model

How to Utilize Obsidian‘s Generative AI Tools. Two plug-ins created by the community demonstrate how RTX AI PCs can support large language models for the next generation of app developers.
Obsidian Meaning
Obsidian is a note-taking and personal knowledge base program that works with Markdown files. Users may create internal linkages for notes using it, and they can see the relationships as a graph. It is intended to assist users in flexible, non-linearly structuring and organizing their ideas and information. Commercial licenses are available for purchase, however personal usage of the program is free.
Obsidian Features
Electron is the foundation of Obsidian. It is a cross-platform program that works on mobile operating systems like iOS and Android in addition to Windows, Linux, and macOS. The program does not have a web-based version. By installing plugins and themes, users may expand the functionality of Obsidian across all platforms by integrating it with other tools or adding new capabilities.
Obsidian distinguishes between community plugins, which are submitted by users and made available as open-source software via GitHub, and core plugins, which are made available and maintained by the Obsidian team. A calendar widget and a task board in the Kanban style are two examples of community plugins. The software comes with more than 200 community-made themes.
Every new note in Obsidian creates a new text document, and all of the documents are searchable inside the app. Obsidian works with a folder of text documents. Obsidian generates an interactive graph that illustrates the connections between notes and permits internal connectivity between notes. While Markdown is used to accomplish text formatting in Obsidian, Obsidian offers quick previewing of produced content.
Generative AI Tools In Obsidian
A group of AI aficionados is exploring with methods to incorporate the potent technology into standard productivity practices as generative AI develops and speeds up industry.
Community plug-in-supporting applications empower users to investigate the ways in which large language models (LLMs) might improve a range of activities. Users using RTX AI PCs may easily incorporate local LLMs by employing local inference servers that are powered by the NVIDIA RTX-accelerated llama.cpp software library.
It previously examined how consumers might maximize their online surfing experience by using Leo AI in the Brave web browser. Today, it examine Obsidian, a well-known writing and note-taking tool that uses the Markdown markup language and is helpful for managing intricate and connected records for many projects. Several of the community-developed plug-ins that add functionality to the app allow users to connect Obsidian to a local inferencing server, such as LM Studio or Ollama.
To connect Obsidian to LM Studio, just select the “Developer” button on the left panel, load any downloaded model, enable the CORS toggle, and click “Start.” This will enable LM Studio’s local server capabilities. Because the plug-ins will need this information to connect, make a note of the chat completion URL from the “Developer” log console (“http://localhost:1234/v1/chat/completions” by default).
Next, visit the “Settings” tab after launching Obsidian. After selecting “Community plug-ins,” choose “Browse.” Although there are a number of LLM-related community plug-ins, Text Generator and Smart Connections are two well-liked choices.
For creating notes and summaries on a study subject, for example, Text Generator is useful in an Obsidian vault.
Asking queries about the contents of an Obsidian vault, such the solution to a trivia question that was stored years ago, is made easier using Smart Connections.
Open the Text Generator settings, choose “Custom” under “Provider profile,” and then enter the whole URL in the “Endpoint” section. After turning on the plug-in, adjust the settings for Smart Connections. For the model platform, choose “Custom Local (OpenAI Format)” from the options panel on the right side of the screen. Next, as they appear in LM Studio, type the model name (for example, “gemma-2-27b-instruct”) and the URL into the corresponding fields.
The plug-ins will work when the fields are completed. If users are interested in what’s going on on the local server side, the LM Studio user interface will also display recorded activities.
Transforming Workflows With Obsidian AI Plug-Ins
Consider a scenario where a user want to organize a trip to the made-up city of Lunar City and come up with suggestions for things to do there. “What to Do in Lunar City” would be the title of the new note that the user would begin. A few more instructions must be included in the query submitted to the LLM in order to direct the results, since Lunar City is not an actual location. The model will create a list of things to do while traveling if you click the Text Generator plug-in button.
Obsidian will ask LM Studio to provide a response using the Text Generator plug-in, and LM Studio will then execute the Gemma 2 27B model. The model can rapidly provide a list of tasks if the user’s machine has RTX GPU acceleration.
Or let’s say that years later, the user’s buddy is visiting Lunar City and is looking for a place to dine. Although the user may not be able to recall the names of the restaurants they visited, they can review the notes in their vault Obsidian‘s word for a collection of notes to see whether they have any written notes.
A user may ask inquiries about their vault of notes and other material using the Smart Connections plug-in instead of going through all of the notes by hand. In order to help with the process, the plug-in retrieves pertinent information from the user’s notes and responds to the request using the same LM Studio server. The plug-in uses a method known as retrieval-augmented generation to do this.
Although these are entertaining examples, users may see the true advantages and enhancements in daily productivity after experimenting with these features for a while. Two examples of how community developers and AI fans are using AI to enhance their PC experiences are Obsidian plug-ins.
Thousands of open-source models are available for developers to include into their Windows programs using NVIDIA GeForce RTX technology.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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I don't know if you've played any other fallout game but may I ask companions react to finding out that Sole is actually an Enclave remnant (like the guy from Far Harbor)? If you can't, it's fine. Just swap Enclave for Gunners. Thx!
Yes, I played 1-2-3-NV-4, I scratched and didn’t really like tactics, I scratched and didn’t have time to play 76
I’m a little fallout maniac
Cait : "What the bloody hell is that supposed to do to me?"
Cait and Sole landed on the edge of a good campfire because the area is clear, and the path is still long before Harbor Grand Hotel. Sole wanted to take advantage of the chance to discuss about their past, which had come back to haunt them when they encountered the Great Zealot Brian Richter. The enclave.
"I... I had to talk about it."
Cait appears to soften as she places a hand on them.
"Hey, we've all made choices in the past that weren't exactly crystal clear, whether it was for the sake of survival or because we believed there were no better options. I'm the living embodiment of that, darling. But we've made progress, and honestly, I reckon we can confidently say we're heading in the right direction."
Sole gives her a gentle smile. Cait can get right to the point. They will always require her to return them to the present.
Codsworth : Codsworth listened as they went through each detail. There is no doubt that Sole has changed since the war. These awful decisions. He does, however, comprehend somewhere.
"You truly believed it to be a commendable decision?"
"I think. And I did. I opened my eyes though, and I left the ranks as I dealt with everything else.”
“Ah, I see you have made the correct decision, indeed. About your brahmin steak, mom/sir, do you still prefer it to be cooked thoroughly?”
“Yes Codsworth, please, with sauce. A lot of sauce.”
Curie : "In this Enclave, did they engage in acts of malevolence?"
Sole sighs.
"Unfortunately, that's what I discovered in the end, yes."
"But what did they do wrong?"
Sole's eyes widen in stupor.
"Brotherhood-like technology, Gunners-like mentality—can you imagine?"
"Have they perpetually exhibited such behaviour?"
They are shaking their heads.
"Not always. For a time, they pretended to be a legitimate military organisation deserving of the title. They then began to think bigger, desiring more authority. That's when I realised the foundations were in bad shape."
"I see."
Curie adds nothing. She'll undoubtedly have additional questions. She's always asking additional questions. But, for the time being, she has discovered a mushroom sample that she is very interested in studying, and her interest in this other subject has waned.
Danse (Post BB) : The man spends a long time just examining Sole, softly detailing them as if dissecting them completely with his eyes. Sole believed that this story would be forgotten, but on one of their missions, Danse discovered incriminating documents about Sole. Since then, he hasn't said anything. He only gave Sole an intense glance, with his lips pressed in a thin, severe line.
Sole awaits his verdict, and possibly their execution.
"We've all had serious lapses in our judgement, from what I see here," he concludes.
Sole had no idea how nervous they were. It's as if an iron rod has suddenly cracked in their body, and they're on the verge of collapsing. Danse appears to notice and approaches them, resting a hand on their shoulder.
"The past, my friend, is but a distant memory. In the grand tapestry of our shared history, your unwavering camaraderie has been the cornerstone, steadfastly bolstering me through triumphs and missteps alike. I am your companion, Sole; you are mine, and that is the only thing of significance."
Deacon : He's nevertheless having difficulties believing it. He was certain he acknowledged everything about Sole's life. However, P.A.M. is formal here; there is no room for error. He swallows the sensation of betrayal he had after honestly believing he and Sole shared a fairly sacred tie, feeling duped. That evening, over the fire, he is unusually quiet, as if he is painstakingly digesting the information.
"Hey? Are there no jokes tonight? There are no comments on anything? What's the matter, buddy?"
"No 'buddy' with me."
Sole, who was initially a little worried, is now extremely concerned. Being like this is completely out of character for Deacon. Unfortunately, he knows that if he presses the spy, Deacon will simply vanish into the wilderness. Therefore, he endorses this shift in attitude in the hopes to finally discover and resolve the problem.
Dogmeat : The good dog is unconcerned...really… He's here right now with a nice master, and he'll follow them all the way to the end of the earth. Factions are human stories, not canine concerns. But he appreciates Sole's conversation. He like hearing Sole speak.
Elder Maxson : Sole felt compelled to confess everything. However, staring at Maxson's white countenance of hatred while he remains rigid and subdued in rage in front of them, they question whether this was the proper move. They bowed their heads in shame.
"I realise I should have told you sooner... But that was a long time ago, and... I no longer agree with their values."
The Elder remains silent, but it is far from reassuring to Sole. They have no idea how to get out of this horrible situation or how to repair what has been broken. They believe the storm will break. They assumed that their friendship, trust, and respect for the Elder would suffice, but it now appears that they misjudged Maxson's resentment for the fallen faction. When he finally speaks, his voice is filled with disappointment, rage, and hatred.
"Leave immediately, wastelander. Begone from this place and steer clear of my vessel. Do not ever return. You are henceforth deemed an enemy of the Brotherhoods and shall be met with lethal force upon visual contact. I should've had you executed, for the example... *he sighs*. I pray that my frailty shall never haunt me in the days to come. But I shall never desire to lay eyes upon thee again, and I shall never yearn to have thy name grace my ears once more. Set out from the vicinity where the Brotherhoods reside."
Sole is not told twice. They considered it. They were afraid of being executed. They now have certainty.
Hancock : He chuckles. These aren't even close to his main interest. It's not his concern, it's other times and other locations. He offers a good dose of Jet to help Sole relax.
"Um... no thanks."
"Your bad."
The mayor is now focusing on what is truly critical. Fahrenheit will have his head if he does not intervene because the previous caravan did not pay its charge.
Gage : "Is this the outfit where you pick up that sour disposition of yours?"
"Well, boss, I gotta say, you're really holdin' your own with this Enclave business...Is it akin to the Brotherhoods?"
Sole weighs.
"Yeah, somewhere, a little."
"Are they the ones responsible for making you such a badass?"
"Well, ain't that a sight for sore eyes. So, it seems like we've got ourselves a winner here. So, are you planning on conquering these settlements, or do you have another tale to spin that I couldn't care less about?"
MacCready : He frowns. He doesn't want to pass judgement... After all, Sole pays him handsomely. And judging would make him feel hypocritical. He is a former Gunner, not exactly a hero. But he frowns. He is well aware of what the Enclave is and, if we may say so, that they are worse than these cretins of Brotherhoods. Looking back at the parallel between their past and his own, he gives Sole a keen look.
"Have you sorted everything out with them? Are they gonna come at us in the dead of night for a desertion execution?"
"They are no longer in operation. The Brotherhoods have entirely dissolved what remained of their organisation."
"Is that where ya left the ranks?"
"No, before that. I disliked who I had become."
Mac can relate once more. He hands Sole a bottle of beer.
" If those sorry bastards can't even put up a fight against you and you keep coughing up my caps, then there ain't no damn reason to waste breath on it."
Nick Valentine : "Enclave, huh? Yeah, I caught wind of that. The wicked little sibling of the Brotherhoods, as far as I can tell."
Sole attempts to swallow. They are well aware that everyone, without exception, judges the Enclave. They eventually deserted the ranks because it was a big crap.
"Did ya know, partner, that I was once a member of the Institute?"
Sole raises their head to meet Nick's gaze. The old synth is clearly mocking. Sole understands the message.
"I'm making a big deal out of it?"
"A tad, I reckon. Now, if we were to discuss this fresh lead you're bringing back, do we?"
Piper : "A genuine ex-Enclave soldier, huh? Wow! Do ya realise that I churn out one edition a week just with your crap?"
Sole's eyes widen in astonishment. And possibly of terror.
"Are you going to write an article about this?"
" No, I ain't pullin' your leg. Still, it would sell, but I reckon it'd reflect poorly on the reputation of the... General of the Minutemen, you know? I'd rather go after the real villains. I would prefer ask you a hand in proving McDonough is a synth."
"How do you intend to accomplish this?"
Preston : The Colonel remains silent. He doesn't appear to have heard anything. He keeps turning the molerat meat on the stick he's holding above the campfire. Sole can no longer hold for long.
"Don't you mind?"
Preston raises his head to gaze at his General.
"The individual who came to my aid at Concorde was no longer affiliated with the Enclave, friend. This fella, who's always ready to lend a hand to the settlers and those in need, ain't no Enclave member, I tell ya. You speak of the soldier from the Enclave, do you? I'm afraid I can't say for certain, friend. We appear to have designated General of the Minutemen the hero who cleans the Commonwealth. That organisation should be the only one on their service record."
Sole laughs. What else could they have expected?
Strong : "What Enclave?"
Sole sighs. He was looking forward to this discussion. The past usually comes back to haunt us at some point. But he didn't realise he had to discuss it with a companion who doesn't seem to care about much, usually.
"It was a military group. Really something. We were fighting... well, that's all in the past now. A little sloppiness, a few too many smacks to the face by the BoS, and all the former Enclave troops are in disarray and have rebuilt their lives elsewhere."
"Soldier brave. Enclave not soldier."
"What exactly do you mean?"
"Soldier fights to death. Puny human not dead. Not soldier."
“Hm. Okay, but what about this milk?"
X6-88 : "Indeed, it appears that prior to your decision to forsake Commonwealth organisations, you had already forsaken another former organisation."
"Wait a minute, what? I never turned my back on anyone!"
X6-88 indicates the screen in front of him. "You are present within the Enclave records. Do you deny it?"
Sole lets out a long sigh.
"I don't deny it. I was a member of that organisation. But it all crashing down. Like everyone else, I gathered what I could and moved on to rebuild my life."
"You have displayed a distinct lack of loyalty by abandoning them, much like the other factions that facilitated your arrival here. Is the Institute to be included in this package list, sir/madam?"
Sole is now staring at X6 as though he can't believe what he's hearing.
"It almost looks like you're trying to insult me."
There isn't even a wrinkle on the corner of the Courser's mouth.
" Sir/Madam, you have consistently forsaken your allegiances, repeatedly abandoning your organisations in favour of more advantageous prospects. I shall duly retain this information. If you have intentions to depart from the Institute, it is my solemn obligation to relay this information to my superiors."
"Well, as you so eloquently stated, I abandon my 'organisations' when I find a 'better' organisation. Let's play it that way if that's how you want to see it. Do you know of a better organisation than the Institute, X6?"
"Negative, Sir/Madam."
"Then you have your answer."
And the Courser seemed to be satisfied...
#fallout 4#fallout#fallout 4 companions#fallout 4 reactions#fallout companions#fo4#fallout 4 react#sole survivor#danse#nick valentine#cait#codsworth#curie fo4#fallout 4 curie#curie#danse fallout 4#fo4 danse#paladin danse#fo4 companions#john hancock#piper wright#deacon fallout 4#deacon#deacon fallout#deacon fo4#fallout 4 deacon#fallout deacon#fo4 deacon#preston garvey#dogmeat
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Technology Integration Education Research A New Era
Technology Integration Education Research era has revolutionized the manner college students examine and teachers coach. From interactive digital gear and virtual classrooms to artificial intelligence (AI) and information-driven insights, generation is reshaping schooling on a global scale. This transformation is going beyond replacing conventional chalkboards with smartboards or textbooks with capsules. It offers a extra dynamic, personalized, and efficient studying experience that prepares college students for the demands of the twenty first-century workforce. As we discover the profound effect of technology integration in education, we're going to have a look at its advantages, challenges, and the approaches it's far shaping the future of mastering.

The Evolution of Technology in Education
Historically, education has been characterized by using traditional techniques of practice, which include lectures, textbooks, and hands-on activities. While these stay treasured, the appearance of era has brought a wealth of recent tools and assets that enhance the coaching and learning manner.
Technology in education began with the introduction of computers and the internet in classrooms, but it has on account that advanced into an atmosphere that includes smart gadgets, academic software program, on-line gaining knowledge of systems, and virtual studying environments. Schools and universities now contain era in multiple ways, from mixed getting to know models to fully on-line courses. This evolution allows for extra interactive, bendy, and reachable schooling for inexperienced persons of all ages.
The Benefits of Technology Integration in Education
Personalized Learning:
One of the most huge benefits of generation in schooling is its capability to facilitate customized gaining knowledge of reviews. With the assist of AI and system gaining knowledge of algorithms, educational platforms can tailor classes, quizzes, and exercises to individual college students’ learning speeds and patterns. This guarantees that each scholar gets guidance at their own tempo, minimizing frustration and maximizing comprehension.
Tools like adaptive getting to know software program analyze a scholar's progress and offer focused content that addresses their particular wishes. For instance, a pupil suffering with math can obtain extra practice troubles, at the same time as a greater advanced scholar is probably challenged with higher-degree questions.
Enhanced Engagement:
Interactive tools including instructional games, simulations, and multimedia content material make studying greater attractive and fun for students. Visual and audio elements help explain complicated concepts in approaches that conventional strategies won't, making studying extra reachable to visual and auditory inexperienced persons.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are also more and more being utilized in lecture rooms to create immersive studying studies. Students can discover historical civilizations, visit outer area, or dissect virtual animals, all with out leaving the study room. These gear captivate students’ interest and make gaining knowledge of more memorable.
Collaboration and Communication:
Technology enables collaboration amongst students, instructors, and even worldwide friends. Tools like Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom allow for real-time communique, document sharing, and collaborative tasks. Students can paintings collectively on assignments, talk thoughts, and supply peer feedback, regardless of their physical area.
In addition to pupil collaboration, era permits instructors to hold higher communication with students and mother and father. Online portals and apps offer instant updates on grades, assignments, and attendance, allowing for more obvious and ongoing feedback.
Accessibility and Inclusivity:
It has the capacity to make schooling more inclusive via offering get admission to to resources for students with disabilities. For example, display readers and textual content-to-speech software help visually impaired college students, whilst speech recognition equipment help students with bodily or getting to know disabilities take part extra completely in elegance.
Online guides and digital textbooks additionally allow students from remote or underserved areas to get entry to high-quality education. With the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), novices from around the arena can take publications from top universities without ever stepping foot on campus.
Global Learning Opportunities:
It breaks down geographical limitations, allowing college students to connect to friends, teachers, and experts from around the sector. Through digital exchanges, college students can engage in cross-cultural projects, discussions, and studies. This international angle complements students’ expertise of various cultures and fosters empathy, crucial thinking, and worldwide citizenship.
Moreover, online structures like Coursera, and Khan Academy offer college students get admission to to world-elegance schooling from pinnacle universities and establishments, regularly at little to no cost.
Data-Driven Insights:
Importance technology integration education affords educators with powerful equipment to collect and examine records on scholar performance. Learning control systems (LMS) and evaluation equipment generate unique reviews on student development, figuring out regions of electricity and people requiring in addition attention. This facts allows instructors to make knowledgeable decisions, adjust coaching techniques, and provide centered interventions to help student getting to know.
Predictive analytics also can help become aware of students who are vulnerable to falling behind, allowing instructors to interfere early and offer the vital help to preserve them on the right track.
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British police examining allegations Washington Post publisher purposely deleted emails in phone hacking scandal
A special investigation team of British police is looking into allegations that Will Lewis, now chief executive of the Washington Post, oversaw the deliberate destruction of emails at Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper business when he worked at the company 13 years ago.
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, a victim of tabloid hacking, said in an article in The Guardian:
Blazoned across the top of every edition of the Washington Post is the statement, “Democracy dies in darkness.” But what if the publisher himself is a master of the dark arts?
As first reported by The Guardian, the police commissioner wrote to Brown that a review of the case requested by the former prime minister would be handled by a “special investigation team.” According to Brown, this team “reports to the central special offences directorate.”
The investigation poses the most serious threat to Lewis’s position as editor-in-chief of the Washington Post, one of the most respected institutions of American journalism. Since taking the post in January, Lewis has been haunted by allegations related to the years-old scandal. He has previously strongly denied wrongdoing but declined to comment through a spokesman.
News UK, where Lewis worked, said in a statement that Brown was “trying to persuade [police] to take one side or the other in the public debate about media liability” and to help plaintiffs suing the company. British police told CNN, “There is no criminal investigation underway at this time.”
Deleted emails
The investigation centres on events in 2011. The Murdoch’s tabloids had for years hacked into the phone records and otherwise illegally obtained the personal records of celebrities including Prince Harry, government officials and ordinary people in search of juicy scoops. As private lawsuits piled up, police began investigating.
Soon after joining News UK, Lewis became the police’s chief liaison. Documents filed in lawsuits against News UK show that in July 2011, police questioned Lewis and chief technology officer Paul Cheesbrough about the deletion six months earlier of millions of emails that the plaintiffs suspected contained evidence of crimes.
When police asked why the emails had been deleted, Lewis and Cheesbrough said they were told that Brown and another MP had plotted to pay a former News UK employee to retrieve the emails of its chief executive Rebekah Brooks. Brown and former MP Tom Watson denied there was any such plan.Lewis said, according to police records of that meeting, which were later made public in court:
We got a warning from a source that a current member of staff had got access to Rebekah’s emails and had passed them to Tom WATSON. Then the source came back and said it was a former member of staff and the emails had definitely been passed and that it was controlled by Gordon BROWN. This added to our anxieties. Tom WATSON has been remarkably well-informed on this. We apologise for hiding this piece of work from you.
Apart from a single email sent to Cheesbrough describing the alleged conspiracy, News UK has provided no evidence of the source, much less substantiated the allegations. Cheesbrough is now one of the most senior figures at Murdoch’s Fox Corp. in New York. (A Fox Corp. spokesman referred comment to News UK. Both companies are controlled by the Murdoch family).
False security threat
Lawyers representing a large group of people suing News UK, including Watson, argued in court earlier this week that Lewis “fabricated a false security threat” to justify deleting millions of emails during a police investigation.
Lewis is not a defendant in the claims. In its statement, News UK claims the company believed the security concerns were “genuine” and were not used as an excuse to delete the emails, despite police notes documenting that meeting in July 2011.
The company categorically denies it tried to interfere with or hide evidence from police. News UK also cites a 2015 statement from the Crown Prosecution Service that it found no evidence that the emails were destroyed “to pervert the course of justice.”
A rocky start atop the Post
Late last year, Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos appointed Lewis to head the well-known but financially struggling newspaper. Lewis led Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal to a strong position by successfully developing digital subscriptions.
NPR reported the allegations against Lewis in December, a month before Lewis took his new position, which were further detailed in a recent court filing.
Subsequent court developments this spring led the Post to cover the cases itself. Those materials became a point of tension between Lewis and then-executive editor Sally Buzbee. He offered her another role in the newsroom, but she chose to leave.
Brown personally asked the police commissioner in early May to conduct a criminal investigation into Lewis’s role in the deletion of the emails.
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@korblez just saw your tag uhhh Anteros time. And his sick ass arm

In Greek mythology Anteros is the god of requited love/avenger of unrequited lovers, who carries a quiver of lead arrows, and is one of the erotes. Considering he views himself as unloved, that kinda paints the picture

I know I posted it already but I'm reposting the picture to be side by side with the Jojo picture I snagged the composition/initial designs of him and Enyo from (should maybe remake this one since it's oooold and i know I'm better at art now, or maybe should just make new takes on him artistically other than him getting backshots)
Anyway he has pathetically small biotic potential that once the innate weakness of it is discovered, his parents consider him a lost cause for advancement of the family legacy. So, adopting his brother Enyo who has significantly more potential, he ends up taking a back seat. Not willingly, of course, and in a continuous fool's errand to prove he's worth something erodes away at himself. A common theme with him is his real talents don't involve being the person he wants to become, and also that he does not have the power he wishes he had.
During the particularly brutal training he was sent on, he other than becoming even more skilled in deception and manipulation refined his weak biotics with fine control, eventually able to use them to destabilize biotic fields and guide projectiles, allowing him to seemingly have the devil's luck through extreme effort. For example of these problems he makes for himself: At one point during his first deployment (ironically with his younger brother as the officer) he, overconfident and enraged, baited the stronger turian into a fight. He successfully destabilized the mass effect fields that would have made the fist flying towards his face particularly dangerous, but did still have a fist flying towards his face. Not ideal. He at least got to drag Enyo down with him for attacking a subordinate, but the beating did put him in a hospital and require him to get reconstructive surgery on his mandibles.
Eventually, after years of research on the physics and biology surrounding biotics, experimentation with drugs such as red sand, etc, he saw the power Saren had augmented by geth (reaper) technology and thought he discovered a new way forward. Fast forward several years and he's getting an experimental operation performed on him involving pieces of Sovereign, several dragon's teeth, and a lot of redacted documentation.
When he woke up from the profane surgery wielding biotics strong enough to crush small ships and biology that could rapidly recover given proper "fuel," the first thing he did was kill everyone else that knew anything useful about the project. Eventually his brother was made to stop him, and his courage and talent were enough to not just beat him down again but also irreparably damage the part of him that made him so strong, disabling the more powerful regenerative abilities and the strong biotics. So, sensing his own demise, he feigned that the reaper tech drove him insane and that his brother, the only person who loved him and target of all his scorn, saved him from it. Reports on what happened were sparse, too, as an additional mercy. After questioning and examination was released to return to military service, albeit under supervision. Completely back at square one, all of it still for nothing.
There's a few ways things go from there, but kind of his core gimmick is that he's tenacious, charismatic. He refuses to give up, going in the face of insurmountable odds, he embodies the turian maxim of winning at any cost, and does what it takes to get there. But, repeatedly holding all these qualities of a hero, failed to become one.

Also he's a short bottom
Dio is a huge inspiration for him, and red Prince intro was used as pose ref for a couple of these pre-surgery antes
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Solidarity - Chapter 21, Lord Buchanan
Summary: As more of the nobility arrive to see the silo a situation arises that requires an immediate change of laws relating to the rights of women. Queen Peg seizes the opportunity to make sure the vote goes the right away and calls for a women’s strike against working. Some of the opposition surprises Lord Buchanan.
Characters: Lord and Lady Buchanan, Queen Peg and King Steven, Mary and Cook, the other nobles, Bruce Banner, the Sorceress.
Warnings: Just going where the muse took me but there is a reason for these side-plots.
Author notes: Image of King Steven courtesy of Instagram artist Nixakimbo. For modern methods to be used against the asteroids, some modern ideas have to be accepted first. Since many of the modern women have scientific abilities, their status has to be guaranteed so they are safe against reprisal from less modern thinking individuals.
<<Chapter 20
🏰 🎪
After several days of exploring the underground complex there were some answers and even more questions. It appeared that the general in charge had determined very early on that a large asteroid had hit the world but he had done nothing to look for or offer assistance to any survivors on the outside. Every body they found in the complex had a set of dog tags with them, indicating they were also military. Dr. Madison was summoned and with a team of volunteers collected the remains found scattered throughout the structure. As far as she could tell they died by either self-inflicted wounds or by poison. They had given up hope very early on and their fate was sealed away along with the missile which Banner and Foster were now examining.
The two scientists determined it was a missile from the Titan missile program but one that they didn't recognize as on their world those missiles were mostly all decommissioned early in the 21st century whereas this one was still in use in 2031. The good news for them was that the Titan missiles had also been used by NASA and could definitely make it to space. There was also documentation of the other missile bases and where they were located, although finding them would be difficult as the landscape had changed so much since then. The one they were in was in what would have been near Brooklyn in their world. Obviously the tsunami generated by the asteroid strike had destroyed Manhattan and probably most other large cities on the eastern seaboard as neither king nor any of the lords present who had arrived after being contacted by the King could recall seeing the remains of a large population centre on any of their travels. Being on higher ground had saved this structure from the destruction faced by those on lower ground.
The fact that the fuel and batteries installed in the structure were still viable wasn’t lost on several of the modern people. In their worlds such sources of energy destabilized after a short time. Then it was brought up that this being a different universe than theirs could mean that time moved differently here. Ileana had a thought when she saw how the Sorceress watched everything with interest, wondering if she had known about these structures and had managed to put a spell on them to maintain the integrity of the different energy and fuel sources. When she went to ask her, the Sorceress had smiled at her, placed her hand on Ileana’s arm, then redirected her to attend to something else. She never thought of it again.
Lord Stark was one who was extremely excited at all the technology, repeatedly asking Banner, Foster and even Lady Stark what the various consoles were used for. The missile itself was overwhelming even for the modern people as most had never been that close to one, only ever seeing it on the news or in movies. As more nobles arrived to see the weapon after those first few days it became necessary to request they bring their tents with them as Buchanan's castle was full. Fortunately most of the Lords were understanding of the need to meet sooner than what was originally planned considering this monumental discovery. After a look at the structure, whose other access portals had now been fully exposed by Farmer Patrick and his sons, most nobles committed to searching their own lands for similar looking hatches and covers.
Lady Yelena arrived with her contingent which included her now fiancé Silas Brenson, who was second in command to his father as garrison commander. She arrived with news of the mines in her lands. Great machines had been found deep inside them. They were old objects but were like nothing anyone at her estate had ever seen. Drawings of them had been made and she brought them with her, rolled up in a tube that was fastened to her horse's saddle. Since King Thorn's country also had mines she wished to show him the drawings and hear his counsel on them.
She also requested a personal audience with the King soon after her arrival. He commanded a large tent be erected for him to hold audiences and requested she present herself to him within the hour. When she arrived it was with Silas, who bowed in his King's presence while she curtsied.
"Lady Yelena, what is so important that you needed a private audience?" asked King Steven.
"Your Majesty, have you changed the laws governing my rights as a married woman?" she asked in return.
"No, not yet," he replied. "It was my intention to submit it for approval when the Lords gathered at the palace two weeks hence. Why?"
"Can it be done here, while the Lords are present?" she asked. "It is urgent that it be done sooner rather than later."
"I will need an explanation," he stated, already guessing what had happened but wanting to hear it from them first.
"The fault is mine," said Silas, interrupting before Yelena could say anything. "I was too eager and neglected to protect M'Lady's virtue adequately. We fear she may be with child. If we marry now then the laws state that I become Lord. I wish to be her husband, but I do not want to be a Lord. I am a soldier and will stay a soldier once we do marry. She is better suited to rule the Ancient Mountains for she is much smarter than me."
"Silas takes too much on himself," said Yelena, clasping his hand. "It was I who convinced him that one time without a sheath would make no matter. I have seen the Sorceress and she has confirmed that I carry Silas' child. If you could change the law, then proceed with my investiture we will marry privately with the priest performing the rite."
The King did his best to appear stern but he could not. The frank honesty and obvious love of the two young people standing before him was both refreshing and compelling. He pretended to studiously think of their predicament before announcing his decision.
"I will gather the Lords tomorrow," he said. "Then I will present the amended laws for approval. After it's completion we will proceed with your investiture on the following day. If you wish, your wedding can proceed soon after and I would be honoured to present you to your husband as his bride. We must have a celebration, as much to celebrate the discovery of the modern technology as to celebrate the love you both share for each other. Fret not, young Yelena and Silas. We will get you truly married this week and no one will care that your child was conceived before your marriage. It would not be the first time such a thing has happened."
True to his word the King announced a meeting of the Lords to hear, discuss, and approve the new laws pertaining to the rights of women in the kingdom. The most specific of those laws declared a woman was a person with the right to self determination. The law of inheritance would allow a woman to inherit her father's title and responsibilities, keeping those titles and responsibilities upon her marriage, and not surrendering them to her husband. Arranged marriages would become illegal. All women would have the right to education until their mid teen years (the same as men currently had), and protection from abuse at home, at work, and in marriage. The already prepared banns proposing the changed laws were posted throughout the kingdom that very day. In the camp at Buchanan's estate and in the castle itself the Lords were advised the approval of the new laws would go to vote the following day.
Within hours messenger hawks arrived for the King advising him of unrest across the kingdom. He was angry at first that these laws would ire so many people. Then more messenger hawks arrived and the unrest was further explained. It appeared that once women became aware of the proposed changes many had decided to show their support for the King by refusing to work, or look after their home, or their families until the laws were passed. Even the women in brothels were refusing their services until the laws were approved. When word of the latter reached the modern women gathered in and around the Buchanan estate, one of the women, with an interest in literature, said the word "Lysistrata." Ileana had never heard the term but Lady Stark had. It referred to an Ancient Greek play written by Aristophanes about the women of Greece refusing sex to their men until they stopped fighting wars amongst themselves. Queen Peg sent out word that she wanted to meet with all of the women, noble and common alike in the King's audience tent immediately. With her Queen's Guard at the ready to repel any man from entering she looked upon all the women facing her.
"Is there any woman nearby who should be here but isn't?" she asked the assembled ladies.
"Mary, good wife of Aaron the cobbler, is in labour and being attended by a midwife but she sends her support," said a woman, to the laughter and cheers of the other women.
"Well, she has good reason to be absent, doesn't she?" asked the Queen, smiling, then she became serious. "You know me as your Queen, but I came here from a modern world that had its own problems for women. I was a warrior there. I commanded men to fight and obey my orders, but I still couldn't walk freely at night without threat of a man trying to take liberties with my person. Whether it is the nature of all men, or the nature of those who see our equality as a threat doesn't matter. The world doesn't work if women don't work. I think we should prove that by refusing to do anything for the next 24 hours. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no sex...."
"When my husband hits me for that, what then?" asked another woman.
"You tell me and I'll come to defend your honour with my sword at the ready," said Peg, drawing herself up to her full height. "I may be 4 months pregnant but I can still wield a sword. I can still throw a man down to the ground. I will defend you, sister, because I am a woman first and a queen second."
"You would do that for me?" the woman asked, touched. "I have no schooling, and I take in laundry when my husband has spent his wages on drink instead of food for our table. You are a fine lady, with many servants."
Peg looked sadly at her and stepped off her platform to face the woman directly. She took her hands in her own, setting off murmurs in the crowd.
"You do not have to live like that," she replied. "Stay here for the next 24 hours, with me and the other sisters in this tent. After, if you wish to return to your husband I will go with you and remind him of his responsibilities, at sword point if I have to. If you wish to leave him I will help you find purpose in your life by clothing you, educating you, and helping you find a new life."
She returned to the platform and faced everyone. "I pledge to all of you and to all the women in this land," she proclaimed. "If your husband mistreats you, spends his wages on gambling, drink, or in the brothel instead of food for your table, I will help you. That is my pledge to you, one woman to another. Who stays here, in this tent with me tonight?"
There were a few Ayes then more as the women found their voice, committing to staying. Many left to bring bedding back. A few asked for the presence of the Queen's Guard afraid their husband would stop them. Queen Peg sent her four warriors with all the women who wished for an escort, knowing there was strength in numbers. Ileana returned to the castle and notified the women staff they would be staying in the King's audience tent for the night. Mary and Cook did not want to go, as Lord Buchanan was a good and fair master. So Ileana sought him out, in the Library with Bruce Banner, King Steven, King Thorn, and Lord Stark.
"My Lord, I need to speak with you," she said, interrupting.
"My Lady, what is it?" he asked.
"How much do you support the King's new laws regarding the state of women in the kingdom?" asked Ileana when he approached her.
"I support them fully," he said. "Being with a modern woman such as yourself has shown me that you are my equal."
"Then please, personally support those women who are more traditionally minded to join the Queen for a 24 hour sabbatical from the traditional role of women."
His face changed in surprise and the other men, overhearing Ileana's words, came closer. "What has the Queen proposed?" asked King Steven, his face alert.
Ileana was uncomfortable explaining the Queen's call to action but if they couldn't get the support of these men, then how could they get the support of common born men?
"Your Majesty," began Ileana, "it is all well and good to propose the changes to the laws as you have done. But these laws affect more than a fine lady, wishing to continue being the steward of her father's lands because she has no brothers. It affects every woman, from a housewife to a peasant to a woman in a brothel. They must be able to decide for themselves how their life progresses. The Queen has proposed that all women refrain from any work or service they might provide to their husbands, family, or household for the next 24 hours. She does it to support the women already withdrawing their services across the kingdom. She does it so that all men can see what efforts a woman puts into society and hopes that 24 hours without those efforts will help men see that your proposed changes to the law are overdue and quite necessary."
To his credit King Steven visibly stifled any negative reaction he may have had to this unexpected development.
"When does the Queen propose this event occur?" he asked.
"Immediately," said Ileana. "After hearing from some village women about the abuses they could expect from their husbands she wishes all women in the castle and surrounding area to join her in your audience tent and spend the next 24 hours there. Some women in certain roles in the castle have expressed misgivings about it, worrying that they will offend their lord."
Buchanan smiled briefly, knowing exactly who she referred to. King Steven smiled also. "Well, gentleman, it seems we must lead the way in supporting our wives," he said. "I must admit I was looking forward to Hannah the Cook's roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for this evening's meal but the Queen is quite correct. If these laws are to pass, then men of the nobility must prove to their male subjects that all women must benefit from these laws, not just those in a position of authority. Buchanan, please encourage your cook and housekeeper to join with the other women. We need all of them to support this display of solidarity. We will strive to survive without our women's presence for the next 24 hours in all that they do."
Buchanan turned to Ileana. "I will assure them that I hold no ill will if they support this," he said, then whispered in her ear. "I will miss you in my bed, however. Take what bedding you need to make everyone comfortable. I have slept on the ground more than once. I can do it in my own castle this time."
She touched his face affectionately and left to assemble the women servants to take the bedding out to the tent. He went down to the kitchen, finding both Mary and Cook there, blocking the kitchen maids from leaving.
"M'Lord," said Cook, angrily. "These silly girls insist on leaving for that spectacle in the King's tent. Tell them they must stay."
"I won't," he replied. "They must go, just as you two must go."
They began to protest and he raised his hand to silence them. "M’Lord," said Mary, her tone exasperated. "Think of all the chaos that may befell this castle, this estate if all the women servants leave."
"I think that is precisely the point, Mary," he said kindly. "I know what women do here and how important they are to the success of this estate. But other lords might not and certainly there are husbands in the villages, perhaps even in the garrisons who take their wives' efforts for granted. That is what this spectacle is about. Women across the kingdom have already withdrawn their services to prove that the new laws are needed. The Queen is just asking for every woman here to support them. Even you two."
"But M'Lord, how will you eat?" asked Cook. "I have roasts of beef, and potatoes, gravy and Yorkshire pudding."
"Take them to the women," he said. "There are some whose husbands gamble and drink instead of putting food on the table. They'll be hungry. Us men, we've eaten rations in the field before and we can do it again. Support the other women, please."
Both women agreed and Cook organized her kitchen maids to help carry the food out to the tent. Buchanan helped as well but made sure he did not pass across the entryway of the tent, instead handing it off to women who were going in. He had a thought and instructed Rhodes to install torches on a path from the tent to the nearest privy.
"Have guards nearby who can visibly see the pathway," said Buchanan, "just to make sure the women are safe if they need the facility during the night. I trust my soldiers but you never know with some of the other lord's men."
"Aye, M'Lord," said Rhodes. "I was concerned for my own wife's safety in that respect. She is there already, helping organize the placement of women in the tent. I must admit I am proud of her for doing this. It is the right thing. She was the making of me and I've always thought she carried the load more than I, without complaint."
As he was walking back to the castle, Lord and Lady Falcon arrived in the courtyard with their escort, and hailed him. Both expressed amazement at all that was happening, neither having heard about the placement of the banns or the 24 hour withdrawal by the women.
"Sounds like fun," said Lady Falcon. "I seem to recall your good wife describing a gathering of women staying together overnight as a sleepover. My dresser and I will take our bedding with us and join them."
She dismounted and directed her dresser to do the same. "She leaves me to handle the erection of our tent," said Falcon, with a smile. "Many changes, Buck, but this one seems to be well overdue judging by the reaction of the women folk. On another matter, I bring news. We may have found a modern structure in Eden Vale. It is high up on one of the mountains. A mountain lion had been stalking some cattle and our beast tracker followed it into the mountains where he found the structure. There is an ancient roadway to it, although it is damaged in places. There is a device inside, which I attempted to draw. Perhaps the Giant can look at my drawing, since he has revealed his scientific knowledge."
"You haven't heard?" said Buchanan. "The Giant is now human. The Sorceress saw the human in him and drew him out. Come with me and we'll show him the picture. I can give you some soldiers to help erect your tent."
Buchanan motioned to Rhodes for soldiers to help Falcon's servants erect his tent and brought the former falconer to his library. Dr. Foster was there and both she and Dr. Banner became excited when they saw the crudely drawn picture.
"Where is this?" asked Banner. "This is a telescope. Do you know how wide and long it is?"
Falcon paced out on the floor approximately how wide the base was and made an estimate of the length of the cylinder which rose from it. When asked if the cylinder was open at the top or sealed he told them sealed.
"The mirror finish might still be pristine," said Foster. "Just needing a cleaning."
"A 36 inch mirror is more than enough to plot an asteroid's path," said Banner. "I'm pretty sure the Lick Observatory's 36 inch telescope was used well into the late 20th century. We need to go there, soon."
"Power will be an issue," said Foster. "That thing will need power to move it. Oh, there's so much we have to do Bruce."
"I'm pretty sure there was a portable generator in one of the storage rooms at the missile base," he replied. "If the gas to power it is still viable...."
The rest of the men witnessed the conversation not understanding any of it but based on the reactions of the two scientists they knew it was significant. Suddenly Foster stood up and realized something.
"I'm supposed to be down in the tent!" she exclaimed. "Sorry, gentlemen, but you won't see me for 24 hours. Try not to discover anything until I get back."
She quickly kissed King Thorn and hurried out of the library. The other men stood there and then all started laughing.
"I feel like I am at a gathering of men the night before one of them weds," said Stark. "We can discuss matters of the kingdom or we can discuss our womenfolk."
"I am new to this, having been a hermit for years," said Bruce. "I have no woman, as most ran screaming when they saw me in my green skin."
"How did that happen?" asked Stark, looking intently, at Banner. "Surely, as a scientific man you took precautions."
"I did, but sometimes the unexpected happens and I paid the price," he replied. "In my original world I found a place with a group of warriors, the Avengers. You were one of them, a great inventor, with a suit of iron that allowed you to fly. King Thorn was a god from another planet with power over lightning and incredible strength. He fell in love with a woman from ours and chose to defend our world as if it was his own. Eventually, it did become his own, when his own sister destroyed his world, and his people came to live on ours. King Steven was a soldier who was transformed from a small weak man to one with great strength and character, but always a touch of sadness around him because he was out of his proper time. Lord Falcon, you were in the group as well, even though you were an ordinary man. You also had a flying suit, and your courage and character were well known. When King Steven's counterpart chose to return to his past you took up his mantle with a new flying suit that gave you more strength. Lady Falcon was a formidable warrior in the group as well. Lord Buchanan was also one, even though he had started out as the tool of an evil master."
"Apparently, my mind was taken from me and I was sent to kill King Steven's counterpart but his memory of our childhood together was enough to stay my hand and start me on a path to redemption," replied Buchanan, looking fondly at his foster brother. "I guess some things don't change between worlds. You said the Sorceress was also a member of these warriors?"
"Yes, she was known as the Scarlet Witch but her name to us was Wanda," he said fondly. "She was young, with the same powers she has now, but she wasn't the youngest. We had a younger one, still a teenager, 14 years old when he first found his powers. Peter Parker, he was Spider-Man, could generate a web and use them to swing between buildings."
"Wait, that short boy Peter Parker, who is the son of one of my tenant farmers, and is now gate guard at the King's Palace, was one of your Avenger warriors?" asked Buchanan, incredulously.
"A very strong one," laughed Bruce. "I heard he defeated both you and Lord Falcon in a battle you had. Surprised both of you immensely. Of course, here he must have lived a normal life, instead of the extraordinary one he had in my world."
"With all that has been discovered about our world's history and the threat that is before us," said King Thorn, carefully, "what is it that we wish to do with our world? Steven, you are changing the laws of your kingdom to allow women more freedom, laws that we have had for many years in my kingdom. It is obvious that both of our kingdoms at one time were part of a larger entity, a country, or a republic perhaps. That map in the underground structure shows a very large country. Are we striving to recreate that or are we just two kings who respect each other enough to cooperate on finding a way to save our world from an outside threat, then continue on ruling our kingdoms separately?"
"Being part of a larger entity didn't help them find the asteroid that would destroy them," said Bruce. "In fact, being a larger entity made them paranoid, sometimes. There was a lot of distrust between countries in my world. Alliances rose and fell all the time. Personally, I think you should keep it small but rely on your obvious friendship and continue to cooperate. But that's just my opinion as an outsider."
King Steven smiled. "Perhaps those are conversations for another time," he said. "I am trying to change my kingdom. Having a modern woman for a wife has helped me confront my own short comings and misgivings as a ruler. All of you here, even you Bruce the Giant, have thoughts and opinions I wish to hear and understand. Thorn, we just fought alongside you in a battle to save your kingdom. I think you should rule it as you see fit. Our descendants, perhaps they will think differently. All we can do is what we are doing now, talking, cooperating, and planning for the threat that is upon all of us."
Male servants brought a bottle of brandy, some glasses and several trays of cheese, breads, and smoked meats that the men in the Library descended upon. As their womenfolk prepared for bed in a large tent next to Buchanan's castle, they ate and drank brandy for many hours, telling stories and becoming close in the way some men do before they faced a difficult task.
Chapter 22>>
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Registering with the USMLE is the vital first step for IMGs seeking US medical residencies.
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The next step is successfully passing all required USMLE exams. These are challenging, marathon tests covering a wide range of topics. Thorough preparation through dedicated study time and practice questions is a must.
The USMLE step structure is:
Step 1 - Assesses core concepts in basic medical sciences. Often taken after 2nd year of med school.
Step 2 CK - Focuses on medical knowledge application in clinical settings. Taken during 3rd year typically.
Step 2 CS - Evaluates clinical and communication skills through interactions with standardized patients.
Scoring well on your USMLEs signals to residency programs your strong medical knowledge foundation. It also indicates readiness for the fast-paced rigors of a US residency.
Many IMG applicants space out their exam schedule over a 1-2 year timeframe. Create your own prep timeline backward from desired residency start dates.
Allow plenty of dedicated study time to pass the USMLE exams.
3) Get Valuable Clinical Experience in the USA
In addition to tests, US residencies want applicants exposed to the American healthcare system and culture.
Gaining clinical experience in the US through observerships and clinical electives are a big advantage. These allow you hands-on learning of workflows, systems, treatments, technologies, patient populations, documentation, communication norms and more in American hospitals and clinics.
Observership organizations like Prasad Medical Center (+1 718-774-6060) assist IMGs in securing observership positions across the country. Be sure to research and understand program eligibility terms before applying.
Even a few weeks of US clinical experience can give that important edge among competitive applicants.
US clinical experience highlights adaptability to American medical norms.
4) Register with the AAMC
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has two key systems you must access during your application process:
MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation) – Official record of medical education including grades, rankings and assessment.
ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) – Centralized online application portal distributing all materials to selected residency programs.
Register with AAMC early to get your credentials verified, understand each platform and have ERAS documentation ready when application season starts.
Connecting with the AAMC is essential throughout the residency hunt.

5) Pick your Residency Programs
When deciding which residency programs to apply for, start broad. Identify specialties matching your interests, strengths and USMLE scores. Use online directories to make a list of reach, reasonable match and safety options across several states or regions.
Factors like location competitiveness, program size, IMG match history and curriculum emphasis can help you categorize options. Have a few safety choices with higher IMG acceptance rates.
Research programs thoroughly to have residency options at each level.
6) Get your ECFMG Token and Register with ERAS
Once programs are selected, activate your ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) token. This allows ERAS to verify your test scores, credentials and identity when applying.
Next, access your MyERAS applicant profile. Add your exam history, experiences, publications and other credentials that programs will review.
Double and triple check all entries for accuracy before submitting to avoid costly mistakes or delays.
MyERAS is your central application hub throughout the residency process.
7) Finalize Documentation and Submit ERAS Application
With your MyERAS profile complete, finalize all required documentation:
Personal statement
Medical school transcripts
MSPE Dean’s letter
Letters of recommendation (3+)
School catalogues
Proofread all materials thoroughly before uploading to ERAS by the deadlines. Activate program selections and assign supporting documents for each.
Carefully prepare all pieces of your ERAS application package.
8) Medical Residency Interview
With a strong application submitted early, interview offers should follow!
Interview formats vary widely across residencies. Common options include one-on-one, panel interviews, multiple mini interviews (MMIs) and virtual interviews.
Careful preparation is key. Research programs, polish answers to common questions, hone your communication style, dress professionally and send prompt thank you notes.
Treat travel associated interviews as 24/7 assessments of fit. Be gracious, avoid complaining and share your passion for medicine and interest in the program.
Interviews are critical to sealing a residency position – make the most of them!
9) Register with the NRMP
After interviewing, register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) by late January. Creating your NRMP account starts the matching process based on how you rank programs and how they rank applicants.
The yearly Match Day in mid-March reveals results simultaneously to applicants across the country. This coordinated effort fills nearly 40,000 residency roles each spring.
Understand match statistics for given specialties and programs to set realistic expectations before this nerve-wracking day!
Learning match nuances helps ease the anticipation leading up to Match Day!
10) Residency Post-Match Focus
If matched, congratulations on achieving that coveted US residency program spot! Notify all relevant parties, celebrate thoroughly and handle any needed visa application processes.
Review program details to address required paperwork, licensing, preparations or moving requirements before start dates. Share excitements and ask graduated residents for advice as you transition to this intense but rewarding new chapter!
For those not matched, don’t be discouraged! Strategize about strengthening certain areas of your application and discuss options with mentors. Often success comes with perseverance and giving yourself the best opportunities the following year.
We hope this overview gives international medical graduates more clarity on the pathway to getting a US medical residency. While challenging, thousands achieve this goal annually through careful planning, dedication to preparation, and showing your passion for serving US patient populations.
If you still need assistance securing clinical experience or have any other questions along your journey, don’t hesitate to contact the knowledgeable team at Prasad Medical Center at (+1 718-774-6060) or visit https://www.prasadmedicalcenter.com/ We wish you the best of luck in achieving your American medical career dreams!
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Forensic Science E-Magazine (Feb-March 2024)
We proudly present the January issue (Vol 20) of your favourite magazine, Forensic Science E-Magazine. As usual, the current issue has helpful content related to forensic science. #forensicscienceemagazine #forensicscience #forensicfield #crimescene
Continue reading Forensic Science E-Magazine (Feb-March 2024)

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IPU CET MBA 2023: Gateway to MBA Admissions 2023
The IPU CET MBA 2023 exam is an entrance examination conducted by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) for admission to various management programs offered by the university and its affiliated colleges. It is a popular exam among students who want to pursue an MBA in Delhi-NCR. Here's everything one must know about the IPU CET MBA 2023 exam.
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates who wish to appear for the IPU CET MBA 2023 exam must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Candidates should have completed their graduation with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks from a recognized university.
Candidates who are in the final year of their graduation can also apply.
There is no age limit for the exam.
Application Process:
The application process for the IPU CET MBA 2023 exam began in March 2023. Candidates can apply for the exam online by following the steps given below:
Visit the official website of GGSIPU
Click on the "Apply Online" link
Upload required documents
Pay the application fee
Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
The IPU CET MBA 2023 exam is scheduled on May 31, 2023 that will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and will be conducted in online mode. The exam will be of 2.5 hours duration and will be divided into four sections -
English Language and Comprehension: Reading comprehension, antonyms, synonyms, idioms, and phrases, one-word substitution, sentence correction, and fill-in-the-blanks.
General Awareness: Current affairs, business, economics, politics, sports, history, geography, and science and technology.
Logical and Analytical Ability: Data interpretation, data sufficiency, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning.
Management Aptitude: Marketing management, financial management, human resource management, operations management, and information technology management.
Each question will carry four marks, and for each incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted from the total score.
The IPU CET MBA 2023 exam is a crucial step for aspirants looking to pursue a management course at GGSIPU or its affiliated colleges. Candidates must ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria before applying for the exam. The exam pattern and syllabus should be thoroughly studied to prepare for the exam effectively. With proper preparation and guidance, candidates can easily crack the exam and secure admission to their desired management course and college. Therefore, the following preparation advice is provided for applicants preparing for MBA admissions 2023:
Understand your Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Information on the type of exam, its length, the scoring system, and more will be made available through the exam pattern. Candidates are advised to review the official website MBA Admissions 2023 syllabus in addition to the exam pattern.
Create Regular Notes: Candidates are advised to create notes whenever they are studying topics that are conceptually difficult or have a tough formula.
Mock Exams are crucial: Candidates should schedule regular time to take practice exams. In order to develop a plan to help them improve their weaknesses, candidates will use mock tests to evaluate their current level of preparation.
Daily Review: It is crucial for candidates to revise regularly. Candidates are urged to schedule a few hours each day for revision. This will make it easier for the candidates to comprehend and retain the material they have already studied.
Evaluate Performance: To identify areas that require improvement, students should compare their performance on question papers from previous years with their current performance.
The Importance of Good Health: To perform well on the test, one must have good physical and mental health. If the candidates are mentally and physically worn out, there are fewer chances of them doing well on the test. As a result, the candidates are counseled to maintain a healthy diet and sleep schedule.
The candidates should prepare according to the exam patterns followed for MBA admissions 2023 with dedication and hard work.
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Exploring the World of Medical Scribing- Join with the Top Medical Scribing Training !
A Medical Scribe is an allied health professional who specializes in charting physician-patient encounters in real time, such as during medical examinations. They also locate information and patients for physicians and complete forms needed for patient care. The position may also be known as clinical scribe, ER scribe, ED scribe, or plain scribe, depending on the area of practise the scribe works in (when the context is implicit).
A scribe has received training in managing health information and using health information technology to do so. In a hospital or clinic, a scribe may work physically there or remotely from a HIPAA-secure location. Virtual medical scribes are scribes who conduct their business remotely.
Expectations and obligations
A scribe's primary duty is to enter each patient's data into the electronic health record (EHR) system, which must be kept up to date (medical history and medical record).
By studying the patient's medical history and interactions, write the History of Present Illness (HPI).
Keeping a record of the patient's responses to the doctor's questions about their food, activity, and the required lab tests and results.
Transforming or translating the doctor's dictation from dictaphones before recording it in the electronic health record.
Creating recommendation or other kinds of correspondence for correlation. The concerns surrounding the documentation, such as whether symptoms or histories should be included or excluded from the document, must also be understood by the scribe.
A scribe must be knowledgeable with and trained in coding and billing regulations when writing out a medical chart.
They must provide concise information so that a doctor can quickly review the specifics throughout their busy shift, including completing out the process, needing additional checks, and allocating time for vital care.
Transorze Solutions is an leading training institutes which provide assistance in Medical coding, Medical Scribing , Medical transcription etc. It is the direct training partner with NSDC which is indeed a major milestone. As on date, Transorze is the only HBPO training institute to have this privileged status. This partnership with NSDC shall even further enhance the commitment of Transorze to the younger generation.
Contact Details:
Phone No:- +91 9495833319
E- mail id:- [email protected]

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Extractive AI vs. Generative AI: Data Extraction & Precision

What Is Extractive AI?
The goal of the natural language processing (NLP) area of extractive AI is to locate and extract important information from pre-existing data sources. Extractive AI is superior at locating and condensing pertinent information from papers, databases, and other structured or unstructured data formats, in contrast to its generative AI cousin, which produces original material.
Consider it a superpowered search engine that can identify the precise lines or sections that address your question in addition to bringing up webpages. Extractive AI is perfect for applications demanding precision, transparency, and control over the extracted information because of its focused approach.
How Does Extractive AI Work?
A variety of NLP approaches are used by extractive AI, including:
Tokenization breaks text into words or phrases.
Named entity recognition (NER) categorizes people, places, and organizations.
Grammatical functions are assigned to phrase words by part-of-speech tagging.
Semantic analysis examines word meaning and relationships.
By using these methods, extractive AI algorithms examine the data, looking for trends and pinpointing the sections that most closely correspond to the user’s request or needed data.
Rise of Extractive AI in the Enterprise
The growing use of extractive AI across a variety of sectors is expected to propel the worldwide market for this technology to $26.8 billion by 2027. Companies are realizing how useful extractive AI is for improving decision-making, expediting procedures, and deriving more profound insights from their data.
The following are some of the main applications of extractive AI that are propelling its use:
Understanding and summarizing papers: Taking important details out of financial data, legal documents, contracts, and customer evaluations.
Enhancing the precision and effectiveness of search queries in business databases and repositories is known as information retrieval and search.
Collecting and evaluating news stories, social media posts, and market data in order to learn about rival tactics is known as competitive intelligence.
Customer care and support: increasing agent productivity, automating frequently asked questions, and evaluating customer feedback.
Finding suspicious behavior and trends in financial transactions and other data sources is the first step in fraud detection and risk management.
Benefits of Extractive AI
Precision Point Extraction
From unstructured data, such as papers, reports, and even social media, extractive AI is excellent at identifying important facts and statistics. Imagine it as a super-powered highlighter that uses laser concentration to find pertinent bits. This guarantees you never overlook an important element and saves you hours of laborious research.
Knowledge Unlocking
Information that has been extracted is knowledge that has yet to be unlocked; it is not only raw data. These fragments may then be analyzed by AI, which will uncover trends, patterns, and insights that were before obscured by the chaos. This gives companies the ability to improve procedures, make data-driven choices, and get a competitive advantage.
Efficiency Unleashed
Time-consuming and monotonous repetitive jobs include data input and document analysis. By automating these procedures, extractive AI frees up human resources for more complex and imaginative thought. Imagine a workplace where your staff members spend more time utilizing information to create and perform well rather of collecting it.
Transparency Triumphs
The logic of extractive AI is transparent and traceable, in contrast to some AI models. You can examine the precise source of the data and the extraction process. This openness fosters confidence and facilitates confirming the veracity of the learned lessons.
Cost Savings Soar
Extractive AI significantly reduces costs by automating processes and using data. A healthy bottom line is a result of simpler procedures, better decision-making, and lower personnel expenses.
Thus, keep in mind the potential of extractive AI the next time you’re overwhelmed with data. obtaining value, efficiency, and insights that may advance your company is more important than just obtaining information.
The Future Of Extractive AI
Extractive AI has made a name for itself in jobs like summarization and search, but it has much more potential. The following are some fascinating areas where extractive AI has the potential to have a big influence:
Answering questions: Creating intelligent assistants that are able to use context awareness and reasoning to provide complicated answers.
Customizing information and suggestions for each user according to their requirements and preferences is known as personalization.
Fact-checking and verification: Automatically detecting and confirming factual assertions in order to combat misinformation and deception.
Constructing and managing linked information bases to aid in thinking and decision-making is known as knowledge graph creation.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26 Step-by-Step Admission Process Explained
The healthcare system is an essential foundation for every successful community, and nurses maintain their status as its basic structure. As healthcare needs increase, healthcare systems require skilled professionals and nursing provides job security and deep job satisfaction. A career in nursing provides satisfying opportunities in the 2025-26 academic years but requires a full grasp of the GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) admission procedure. A detailed examination of the GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26 will explore GS College & School of Nursing as a standout establishment in nursing education while reviewing the available prospects.
Understanding GNM Nursing
A general nurse midwifery specialization is on providing nursing practice in areas such as maternity and post-trauma care, health, and rehabilitation services. Through this educational program, students learn to support patients and train them in nursing duties that general healthcare provisions midwifery services and community medical care. The curriculum for the course includes Medical-Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing among other subjects. Both theoretical instruction and practical learning exist as components of the course study. The government conducts entrance examinations as admission criteria. There is no centralized examination. A single authority within each state government runs the admission test. The admissions process occurs annually at one time. Student admission follows their exam scores from the entrance procedure.
GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26: Key Considerations
The following essential points need attention during your GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26 preparation phase:
1. Eligibility Criteria: Students must complete their science-based 10+2 education from an approved educational board to apply for admission to the GNM program. Although students from different academic streams are accepted into the Group Nursing and Midwifery program, individuals from the scientific stream are given precedence.
2. Entrance Exams: Institutions usually organize entrance examinations to determine which candidates will join the GNM programs. Questions on science subjects and fundamental information about nursing aptitude are used in the evaluation examinations to evaluate applicants.
3. Application Process: Students must submit their educational records, personal identity documents, and photo specs as part of an application procedure that can be completed online or by normal mail.
4. Counseling and Seat Allocation: The results of entrance exams and other selection criteria lead students to counseling programs where they may choose the training program and institution they want to enroll in.
5. Fee Structure: Various nursing institutions set different fee rates for GNM programs. Before selecting a college students should analyze and review payment costs among various educational institutions.
GS College & School of Nursing: A Beacon of Excellence
The GNM Nursing program at GS College & School of Nursing is a distinguished establishment dedicated to exceptional educational and training experiences. The following reasons demonstrate that GS College & School of Nursing represents an outstanding choice for your nursing career:
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: GS College & School of Nursing has state-of-the-art facilities, including huge classrooms, a comprehensive library system, and sophisticated labs with cutting-edge technology. Visible student facilities create an appropriate learning centre and practical training possibilities.
Experienced Faculty: All faculty staff maintains high qualifications alongside deep experience so they can both deliver stellar instruction and provide mentoring services to students. The institution maintains faculty staff that possesses specialized expertise and use modern teaching approaches to deliver effective and interactive learning activities.
Clinical Exposure: The nursing courses at GS College & School of Nursing connect students to a range of well-recognized hospitals and healthcare institutions for valuable clinical training experiences. Practical hands-on training at the college proves essential for students to build abilities needed for advanced performance in nursing careers.
Holistic Development: The University encourages student growth by providing diverse extracurricular activities, classes, and seminars that help them develop as people and communicators. Because it prepares them for future problems in the medical industry, the mix of school activities aids nursing students in developing fully formed personalities.
Placement Assistance: Through its placement cell, GS College & School of Nursing supports students in securing appropriate employment positions in their GNM program. GS College & School of Nursing has active relationships with hospitals and healthcare organizations, resulting in great placement opportunities for its graduates.
Preparing for GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26 at GS College & School of Nursing
These methods can be used to apply for admission to GS College & School of Nursing's GNM Nursing Admission 2025–2026 program.
1. Stay Updated: The notifications and the college's official website announcements must be tracked through all relevant platforms.
2. Prepare for Entrance Exams: Students should begin entrance exam preparation in advance since the college may require students to take an entrance exam. Students should concentrate on science subjects as they should complete the previous year's exams to understand the examination format.
3. Gather Required Documents: Gather all the necessary paperwork, such as academic transcripts, identification documents, and passport-sized photos, to fulfill the submission criteria.
4. Attend Counseling Sessions: When you get an invitation from the admissions office, you should have your scheduled counseling session. Bring every necessary document to decide which course and institution you will join.
5. Complete Admission Formalities: The admission procedure finalization starts when you confirm your seat and require you to pay while presenting the necessary documents to the institution.
The Future of Nursing and the Role of GS College & School of Nursing
Nursing continues to develop through emerging healthcare technology and medical advancements. Proficient nursing care depends on nurses who about new healthcare developments. The future success of nurses depends on top nursing colleges in UP because it equips them to handle upcoming challenges. The educational program at this college features updated nursing content that provides students with sufficient abilities to work within health services requirements.
The medical institution GS College & School of Nursing teaches its students about compassion-based patient care. To provide patient-centered healthcare, the institution instills in its students the fundamental abilities of empathy, respect, and integrity. The college develops nurses with strong clinical competence and delivers service to patients through both compassion and dedication through its programs.
There are chances for future nurses to advance both professionally and personally. Best GNM Nursing Colleges in Ghaziabad GS College & School of Nursing is a fantastic option for nursing students because of its cutting-edge facilities, experienced professors, and dedicated academic standards. Using proper preparation along with the admission protocols will lead to your enrollment at this distinguished institution where you can start your rewarding nursing career.
Being a nurse means answering a higher purpose than serving as a profession. You should consider nursing as a profession if you want to help others because such a vocation exists for you. Students should now prepare for the upcoming GNM Nursing Admission 2025-26 at GS College & School of Nursing to begin their promising nursing careers.
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By Jack Ewing
Feb. 22, 2025
The federal agency responsible for traffic safety, which has been investigating whether self-driving technology in Tesla vehicles played a role in the death of a pedestrian, will fire a “modest” number of employees, an agency spokesman said late Friday.
The agency did not say whether any of the fired employees were involved in investigations of Tesla, whose chief executive, Elon Musk, is leading the Department of Government Efficiency established by President Trump.
The efficiency department has been forcing layoffs at numerous government agencies as part of an effort to reshape the federal bureaucracy. Mr. Musk has retained control of Tesla while spending much of his time in Washington.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has three active investigations of Tesla, according to agency documents, including one examining whether the company’s autonomous driving software is prone to failure when visibility is poor.
The layoffs at the traffic safety agency, which has less than 1,000 employees, were reported earlier by The Washington Post. Even after the layoffs, the agency continues to employ more people than at the beginning of the Biden administration, the agency said in a statement.
“The last administration grew NHTSA by a whopping 30 percent,” the agency said in a statement.
“We have retained positions critical to the mission of saving lives, preventing injuries, and reducing economic costs due to road traffic crashes,” the agency said. “We will continue to enforce the law on all manufacturers of motor vehicles and equipment.”
Tesla did not respond to a request for comment.
One of the investigations into Tesla is based on four accidents involving technology that the carmaker calls supervised full self-driving, which can steer, brake and navigate Tesla cars in some situations. In one of the crashes, a Tesla struck and killed a pedestrian, according to agency documents. In another of the accidents, a person was injured.
Tesla’s self-driving technology relies on cameras to survey a car’s surroundings, in contrast with competitors like Waymo, a unit of the same company as Google, that also uses lasers and radar to recognize objects.
The traffic safety agency has been looking into whether Tesla’s technology failed when visibility was poor because of glare from the sun, fog or dust.
Mr. Musk has often argued that Tesla self-driving technology is safer than human drivers.
The technology is also crucial to Tesla’s future and share price. As Tesla sales have flagged, falling 1 percent last year even as the global market for electric vehicles rose 25 percent, Mr. Musk has shifted the company’s focus to autonomous driving technology and plans for a self-driving taxi.
The technology will help make Tesla the most valuable company in the world by far, Mr. Musk told investors last month.
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June 2023 Twitter thread by legendary musician, producer, and record engineer Steve Albini. Includes external links.
Thread: I work in an arcane field where the job requires specific technical knowledge, built on a ladder of understanding and breakthroughs going back over 100 years. It's not immunology but it's not nothing.
A couple decades ago there was a christian panic about something the press started calling "backmasking," an outgrowth of the similarly absurd panic about subliminal messaging and advertising, about which I could also talk about for too long but will not now.
According to the panic, Satanists were hiding messages in music by recording secret messages, only audible if the music were played backwards, but somehow still perceivable and persuasive on listeners. Such messages were blamed for drug abuse, teen suicides and cult behavior.
This became a Big Deal. There were articles and TV shows about it, proponents mounted conferences, did public demonstrations and lectures, and eventually there were a core of believers who were convinced of the problem and adamant in outrage.
There is an excellent inclusion of this in @mountain_goats John Darnielle's excellent novel Wolf in White Van. Of course people like me, professionals in the recording field intimately familiar with the process and technology of recording, knew it was all horseshit.
Regardless, "secret messages" retained popular appeal and a few lawsuits were even pursued, one against the band Judas Priest, lent credibility by the passion of the people who believed in it, despite that they had no expertise or evidence, and an unlearned and credulous public.
In order for something to appear on a record, forward or reverse, it would need to be recorded onto the master tape, and debunking it should be as simple as going through the tape track by track and demonstrating that there was no demonic message there.
So this is exactly what Judas Priest did. They played their master tapes in court, showed the track sheets and other documentation, had their engineer testify that he was never asked to record any satanic messages, all that. You would think that would put an end to it but no.
It was actually kinda close.
Link to Rolling Stone Magazine: Judas Priest’s Subliminal Message Trial: Rob Halford Looks Back
As an expert in analog recording, I know there is no way for these things to have been done surreptitiously or other than by the normal methods of recording, but lay people don't know any of that. They could be convinced there was some other, secret, conspiratorial way.
Judas Priest are a good example of why debating the willfully ignorant is a fool's errand. It's expensive and exhausting to have to disabuse people of patent bullshit they are attached to. You have to educate people who do not wish to learn and do not trust you.
You have to start with Maxwell's equations and the theory of electromagnetism, teach them about the persistence of polarity in magnetic domains, explain the mechanics and design of magnetic recorders, the process and handling of masters in a studio and the chain of custody...
for master tapes that represent an investment of sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. You have to answer their ignorant objections continuously. And in the end they will just shrug and say, "I don't think so," and that will be that. They will remain unconvinced.
Okay, maybe that record didn't have backmasking and secret messages, but what about this one, or this one, or this one. Maybe that master tape didn't have a secret message track, but what about all the tapes we haven't examined?
You say there would be some evidence of the recording having been done, but couldn't it be done some other way? I recall a lawyer in the Judas Priest case arguing that the message in question was made as a composite of sounds including the vocal, guitar and hi-hat...
...ie the engineer did a cryptic reverse-speech soundscape collage, hidden within the apparently-normal recording of a rock band, for the purpose of inducing teen-agers to commit suicide. Every aspect of that argument is beyond absurd, yet it had its day in court. Literally.
So this fact-averse mindset persists, whether about evolution, vaccine efficacy, gun control or cryptic satanism. No matter how thoroughly an absurdity is shown to be bullshit and nonsense, its advocates will insist that didn't happen.
Indulging the "DEBATE ME!" shitheels does nothing to further the truth. It is exhausting because its purpose is to exhaust you and no credible person should do it.
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