#Technology Services Company
analytics66 · 7 months
Technology Services Provider Company in India - SG Analytics
Technology Services - Our Technology services offer our customers a vast array of services, solutions, and support, including product engineering, quality assurance, and business process automation. Revolutionize Your Business with Cutting-Edge Technology Services!
Link: https://www.sganalytics.com/technology-research-services/
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canadianlucifer · 5 months
Hot take but if I buy something I think I should own it :/
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axperiance · 1 month
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" Level up your skills with our Software Testing Training and Services, paired with stunning UI UX Designs! "
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paxtonvaldovinos · 2 months
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Smart Home Solutions at Palm Beach Audio Visions
At Palm Beach Audio Visions (PBAV), we are passionate about delivering exceptional audio visual, home automation, lighting, and technology integration solutions for residential and commercial projects. From the initial concept to the final system deployment, we are dedicated to ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget while exceeding industry standards for quality. Our team of experienced professionals brings a wealth of expertise in the high-end market and a strong focus on building lasting relationships with our clients. Feel free to visit us!
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dishachrista · 10 months
Getting Machine Learning Accessible to Everyone: Breaking the Complexity Barrier
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Machine learning has become an essential part of our daily lives, influencing how we interact with technology and impacting various industries. But, what exactly is machine learning? In simple terms, it's a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on teaching computers to learn from data and make decisions without explicit programming. Now, let's delve deeper into this fascinating realm, exploring its core components, advantages, and real-world applications.
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Imagine teaching a computer to differentiate between fruits like apples and oranges. Instead of handing it a list of rules, you provide it with numerous pictures of these fruits. The computer then seeks patterns in these images - perhaps noticing that apples are round and come in red or green hues, while oranges are round and orange in colour. After encountering many examples, the computer grasps the ability to distinguish between apples and oranges on its own. So, when shown a new fruit picture, it can decide whether it's an apple or an orange based on its learning. This is the essence of machine learning: computers learn from data and apply that learning to make decisions.
Key Concepts in Machine Learning
Algorithms: At the heart of machine learning are algorithms, mathematical models crafted to process data and provide insights or predictions. These algorithms fall into categories like supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, each serving distinct purposes.
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Supervised Learning: This type of algorithm learns from labelled data, where inputs are matched with corresponding outputs. It learns the mapping between inputs and desired outputs, enabling accurate predictions on unseen data.
Unsupervised Learning: In contrast, unsupervised learning involves unlabelled data. This algorithm uncovers hidden patterns or relationships within the data, often revealing insights that weren't initially apparent.
Reinforcement Learning: This algorithm focuses on training agents to make sequential decisions by receiving rewards or penalties from the environment. It excels in complex scenarios such as autonomous driving or gaming.
Training and Testing Data: Training a machine learning model requires a substantial amount of data, divided into training and testing sets. The training data teaches the model patterns, while the testing data evaluates its performance and accuracy.
Feature Extraction and Engineering: Machine learning relies on features, specific attributes of data, to make predictions. Feature extraction involves selecting relevant features, while feature engineering creates new features to enhance model performance.
Benefits of Machine Learning
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Machine learning brings numerous benefits that contribute to its widespread adoption:
Automation and Efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks and decision-making processes, machine learning boosts efficiency, allowing resources to be allocated strategically.
Accurate Predictions and Insights: Machine learning models analyse vast data sets to uncover patterns and make predictions, empowering businesses with informed decision-making.
Adaptability and Scalability: Machine learning models improve with more data, providing better results over time. They can scale to handle large datasets and complex problems.
Personalization and Customization: Machine learning enables personalized user experiences by analysing preferences and behaviour, fostering customer satisfaction.
Real-World Applications of Machine Learning
Machine learning is transforming various industries, driving innovation:
Healthcare: Machine learning aids in medical image analysis, disease diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. It enhances patient outcomes and streamlines healthcare processes.
Finance: In finance, machine learning enhances fraud detection, credit scoring, and risk analysis. It supports data-driven decisions and optimization.
Retail and E-commerce: Machine learning powers recommendations, demand forecasting, and customer behaviour analysis, optimizing sales and enhancing customer experiences.
Transportation: Machine learning contributes to traffic prediction, autonomous vehicles, and supply chain optimization, improving efficiency and safety.
Incorporating machine learning into industries has transformed them. If you're interested in integrating machine learning into your business or learning more, consider expert guidance or specialized training, like that offered by ACTE institute. As technology advances, machine learning will continue shaping our future in unimaginable ways. Get ready to embrace its potential and transformative capabilities.
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cytronicx · 3 months
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 4 months
IETM for Beginners A Quick Guide to IETM Code and Pixels
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IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
Training Aids to Defence Client
If you are a supplier of defence then along with the system/equipment you also need to provide Training Aids
(CBT) — Computer-Based Training
Charts and Bloups
Video Film
Training Work Modules
Manuals Hard Copies
Evolution of Documentation in Defence
Before — Hardcopies and PDFs in DVDs (Upto 2015)
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What is the meaning of the IETM?
Manual: Manual means any literature organized or written in a prescribed manner to guide the user.
TechnicalManual: This means the literature is technical, like user manuals, maintenance manuals etc. Hard copy
Electronic Technical Manual: This means the manual is available in the form of an electronic version which simply means digital format or softcopy. It can be a PDF file or a database-driven software application.
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual:
Let us first understand the meaning of Interactive. The meaning of interactive is two people or things influencing each other.
Allowing a two-way flow of information between an electronic device /computer and a user; responding to a user’s input.
Involving the actions or input of a user. Especially
It means when the Electronic User manuals Interact and respond with the user, that is you, it will become an Interactive Electronic Technical manual.
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Interactive Features
Hot Spots
Text hotspot
Image hotspot
User wise bookmarks
Linear navigation
Non-liner navigation
Page Search
Global search
Best matched
Content tree
Related topics
User wise bookmarks
The documents and pages are many hence, for easy and fast accessibility complete content is converted and stored as a database.
Whenever the user wants some information, IETM software produces the information in a fraction of a second.
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Use or Purpose of the IETM?
The purpose of the Manual is to give information related to the equipment to the end user for quick reference.
All the technicality is written in detail so that when an issue arises, the user can refer to the manual, as every time OEM or technical person or subject matter expert might not be available on the spot to resolve the issue.
If the manual has 10 pages users can refer easily.
But any system used by the defence will have multiple manuals and thousands of page counts and many times a user has to cross-refer between manuals, intra-manual and inter-manual to resolve the issue.
Referring to 10- 15 hard-copy or even soft-copy books simultaneously will be difficult and time-consuming.
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How to access the IETM ?
IETM is a web-based application like our bank software or any other web application. The graphic user interface will be provided to use IETM through which users can interact and get the desired data.
Like all other standard software, Unauthorized users cannot access the IETM. IETM is a Login - login-based application. Only users having valid Login credentials can access the software.
Based on the user log credentials data will be provided to the user.
IETM has 2 types of Users and one Administrator
If the operator logs in, the user gets all the content related to operator use, similarly if the maintainer logs in only maintenance-related content is visible for that user.
Ideally, all the content is available for both users, because the purpose of the IETM is to refer to the manual to fix the issue.
Administrators can create users who can see the user’s navigation and log-in history and interact with the users using user dashboards through Annotations.
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What Inputs are Needed? (From OEM to Create IETM)
All the softcopies of user manuals to be converted to IETM.
All images Videos, and drawings to be integrated into IETM.
Subject matter expert to resolve technical clarifications
Table of contents/tree structure.
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Minimum Hardware Requirements?
NO High-end hardware or servers are required to run IETM.
However, if more concurrent users, then a good configuration server with good LAN connectivity must be ensured.
i3 with 8 GB RAM systems is the minimum configuration required for the server or for Node.
BASED DB (Manuals are covered in the Database)
User Manual and Installation Manual
Standards — compliance
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Costing of IETM: (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual)
Level of IETM, is it Level 3 or Level 4
Cost will be based on the number of pages that are to be converted
The vendor calculates the cost per page. And a fixed cost of IETM viewer software
If you want to create IETM by yourself self then you also need to buy IETM authoring software.
What are these Levels?
Level — 1 is any PDF file
Level — 2 is a PDF file with hyperlinks from the table of contents to the body etc.
Level — 3 is an HTML application. More hyperlinks, simple search, a content tree having log a screen with a hardcoded username and password and supplied in the format of EXE so that Windows can easily open
Level — 4 is Software plus Content/manuals converted as Database
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Regarding Level — 5, rest assured, till 2028 it will be Level — 4 only. As of now, there is nothing practically called Level — 5. Few are calling virtual reality and Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence Level — 5.
Pulling data from many user inputs and analyzing and giving results are done in Level — 5. IETM software cannot pull the data from various real-time points as No OEM will give the real-time information to third-party software directly. Yes, if the information is available offline, then that information can be imported into IETM and can be used as a reference.
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theintellify · 4 months
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Affordable Digital Marketing Services in Delhi
Nowadays, digital marketing is essential for organizations of all sizes in a cutting-edge, competitive market. However, the cost of digital marketing service offerings may be a great barrier for small companies and startups. Several affordable digital marketing agencies in Delhi, can help businesses get the most out of their marketing budget. Bsoftindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is one of them best digital marketing service providers.
We provide wide range of services, including: * [SEO] Search engine optimization * {PPC} pay-per-click advertisement * Social media marketing * Content marketing * Email marketing * Website designing
By working with our digital marketing services, your businesses can improve their online visibility, reach more customers, and generate more leads. we NEVER follow the “ONE SIZE FITS ALL’ approach when it comes to digital marketing, SEO, SMM, PPC, content, website design, development, etc. Our team keeps them updated with the latest trends to create innovative and out-of-the-box solutions to drive desired results for your business.
by choosing bsoftindia as your digital marketing agency that can help you achieve your marketing goals. {contact now} https://bsoft.co.in/cloud-demo/ https://bsoft.co.in/digital-marketing/
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aequitasinfotech · 4 months
Powered by : Aequitas Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Our website: https://aequitasindia.com/
Follow us on...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aequitas-infotech-private-limited/
Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/AequitasInfotec
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550565488254
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aequitas_infotech/
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jayasuriyan · 6 months
Integration of AI and Blockchain: All You Need to Know
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The convergence of AI and the metaverse
Interestingly, this convergence has its roots in the same hardware that powers it. GPUs, known for rendering rich virtual spaces, are the same workhorses that train AI models. Their parallel computing capabilities not only make them invaluable in AI development, but also in bringing the complex environments of the Metaverse to life. This synergy is evident in the rising value of GPU manufacturers like Nvidia, highlighting the intertwined growth of artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies.
Looking ahead to 2024, the convergence of AI and the metaverse is shaping up to be a fundamental advance in our technological journey. We are about to witness how AI transforms the act of creation within the metaverse. This year, we predict that AI will evolve beyond its current capabilities, allowing creators to create expansive virtual worlds simply through the power of description. The metaverse will no longer require complex skills in 3D modeling and animation; instead, it will respond to the creative impulses of Human thought, which AI brings to life.
The trust architecture of tomorrow
The year 2023 was a crucible for blockchain, with the industry going through legal challenges and corporate upheavals. These tests, reminiscent of the growing pains of any technological breakthrough, heralded the maturation of blockchain. Amid this legal maelstrom, the essence of blockchain – the digitization of asset ownership – remained resolute and unscathed, continuing its march towards the technological revolution.
We envision blockchain merging into the fabric of the Internet, similar to the invisible but vital protocols that power our emails and instant messages. This convergence will make blockchain assets become a native dialect of the digital realm, essential and, most importantly, invisible to the user. Interacting with blockchain will be as simple as sending an email, with its hidden complexities and omnipresent efficiency and security. In this future, blockchain development services is not just a technology; it is a silent orchestrator of digital trust and ownership.
Synergies between virtual reality and the metaverse
In 2023, virtual reality (VR) has risen to become the next frontier in human-computer interaction, providing unprecedented bandwidth for digital communication and embodying the essence of presence. This leap forward has been driven by advances from major hardware manufacturers, with the launch of Meta Quest 3 and the long-awaited VR headsets from Apple and Nintendo. Every step in this area is not just about technological progress; It is about redefining our own perception and interaction with digital spheres.
Looking ahead to 2024, we are on the brink of a watershed moment in the spatial computing industry. The potential use case of experiencing events like the NBA Finals from the best seats in the stadium, all from the comfort of home, is set to capture the imagination of the masses. This experience, bridging the physical and digital worlds, will likely be a catalyst for widespread adoption among the early majority. The road ahead for virtual reality is long and full of potential, but the convergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and advanced hardware is setting the stage for a seismic shift.
The cultural and economic impact
In the narrative of our digital evolution, Generation Z emerges as the vanguard of a new cultural epoch. Born in a world where virtuality is as real as the air they breathe, these digital natives are the first to fully immerse themselves in the fruits of technological convergence. His initial, playful and experimental forays into the creation of memes and digital artifacts are nothing more than the prologue to a deeper and more significant change. With AI-powered tools and the metaverse at your fingertips, they don't just use technology; They are reshaping it, subjecting the digital universe to their imagination and whims.
We see these young minds not only embrace but master the art of creation within these new realms. They are the pioneers of a world where user-generated content is not just a hobby but a new economic frontier. In their hands, creativity and innovation become more than expression; They are the keys to unlocking new forms of value and influence. The power once held by a select few over coding and legal complexities is now democratized in the hands of these young creators, heralding a future where the digital realm is limited only by the imagination.
In 2024
As the year 2024 progresses, we find ourselves on the cusp of a transformative era in technology. The integration of AI, blockchain and virtual reality is creating a new digital landscape. This convergence is more than a mere fusion of technologies; It is a revolution in the way we interact with the digital realm. The advancement of AI is redefining creative possibilities in the metaverse, allowing environments to be shaped solely by thought. Blockchain evolves into a fundamental layer of digital trust, making asset ownership part of the fabric of the Internet. Virtual reality, on the brink of a breakthrough, will radically change our sensory experiences in digital spaces.
Fundamentally, this technological synergy is the playing field of Generation Z, who are not only users but active creators and modelers of these areas. Their commitment to these technologies is not just about leisure; It is the forging of a new economic and cultural landscape where imagination is the main currency.
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facileconsulting · 7 months
Unlocking Efficiency and Innovation: The Role of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
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In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase productivity. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a powerful tool that can help businesses achieve these objectives.
What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that allows businesses to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks. It uses software robots, also known as "bots," to mimic human actions and interact with digital systems. These bots can log into applications, navigate through screens, input data, and complete tasks just like humans would.
The Role of RPA in Business:
RPA can be used to automate a wide range of tasks across various industries and departments. Here are some examples:
Finance and Accounting: Automating tasks such as accounts payable and receivable, invoice processing, and financial reporting.
Customer Service: Automating tasks such as answering FAQs, resolving customer inquiries, and processing orders.
Human Resources: Automating tasks such as onboarding new employees, processing payroll, and managing benefits.
IT: Automating tasks such as provisioning accounts, managing user access, and deploying software updates.
Impact of RPA on Businesses:
Implementing RPA can offer numerous benefits to businesses, including:
Increased efficiency and productivity: RPA can automate time-consuming and tedious tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.
Reduced costs: RPA can help businesses save money on labor costs, as well as reduce errors and compliance risks.
Improved accuracy and compliance: RPA bots are programmed to follow specific rules and procedures, which can help to improve accuracy and compliance with regulations.
Enhanced process visibility and control: RPA provides businesses with a clear view of their processes, which can help them identify and address bottlenecks.
Improved customer satisfaction: RPA can help businesses improve customer satisfaction by automating tasks such as order processing and customer service interactions.
RPA Services:
Implementing RPA successfully requires a partner with expertise in the technology and a deep understanding of business processes. A comprehensive RPA solution should include the following services:
Document AS-IS Process: This involves mapping out the existing process to identify areas for automation.
Design & Development of Bots, workflows, and forms for process automation: This includes designing and developing the software robots that will automate the tasks.
Bot license (We will use the appropriate underlying technology): This provides access to the software robots and the underlying technology platform.
Infrastructure: This includes setting up the necessary infrastructure to support the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution.
Production Deployment of the Bots: This involves deploying the bots to production and monitoring their performance.
RPA support: This includes ongoing support for the RPA solution, such as troubleshooting and maintenance.
Test & Deploy bots to production: This involves testing the bots in a production environment and making any necessary adjustments before they are deployed to full production.
Configuration data changes: This involves making changes to the configuration data of the bots as needed.
Password updates: This involves updating the passwords of the bots as needed.
Errors in executing the Bots: This involves resolving errors that occur during the execution of the bots.
Determining the “root cause” of a recurring issue or incident & recommendations: This involves identifying the root cause of a recurring issue or incident and recommending solutions to prevent it from happening again.
Infrastructure/application related issues: This involves resolving issues with the infrastructure or applications that the bots are interacting with.
RPA is a powerful technology that can have a significant impact on businesses of all sizes. By automating repetitive tasks, RPA can help businesses improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase productivity. However, it is important to choose a reputable Robotic Process Automation (RPA) companies with the expertise and experience to help you implement a successful RPA solution.
Ready to embrace the power of RPA?
Contact us today to learn more about how RPA can help your business achieve its goals.
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Factors to Consider When Creating a Jewellery Website
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In today’s digital age, having a well-designed and functional website is crucial for the success of any business, including jewelry stores. 
A well-crafted online presence can significantly impact customer engagement, sales, and brand reputation. 
When creating a jewelry website, there are several important factors to consider to ensure its success. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
1. User Experience (UX)
Focus on providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. 
Make sure the website is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for different devices (mobile-friendly). Use high-quality images that showcase the jewelry effectively.
2. Clear Product Presentation
Display the jewelry products prominently, with detailed descriptions, multiple angles, and zoom capabilities. 
Provide information about materials, sizes, and any customization options available. Incorporate product reviews and ratings to build trust and confidence.
3. Secure E-commerce Platform
Implement a secure and reliable e-commerce platform for smooth online transactions. 
Ensure that the website uses SSL encryption to protect customer data during checkout and integrates with trusted payment gateways.
4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimize the website’s content and structure to improve visibility in search engine results. 
Conduct keyword research and include relevant keywords in product descriptions, titles, meta tags, and URLs. 
Create unique and compelling product descriptions to differentiate from competitors.
5. Customer Engagement
Incorporate features to engage and interact with customers. Include a blog to share jewelry trends, care tips, and industry news. 
Integrate social media sharing buttons to encourage customers to share their favorite pieces. Provide a newsletter signup option to capture visitor email addresses for future marketing campaigns.
6. Trust and Security
Establish trust with potential customers by including trust badges, customer testimonials, and guarantees of product authenticity. 
Display clear contact information, including a physical address and customer support options. Ensure that the website is protected against malware and regularly backup data.
7. Responsive Customer Support
Offer multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone. 
Respond promptly to inquiries and provide detailed and helpful responses. Make it easy for customers to track their orders and provide order updates via email.
8. Easy Checkout Process
Simplify the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates. Implement a streamlined, step-by-step checkout flow, allowing customers to review their order, select shipping options, and input payment details effortlessly. 
Provide guest checkout as well as account creation options.
9. Marketing and Promotion
Plan a marketing strategy to drive traffic to the website. Utilize social media marketing, influencer collaborations, search engine marketing (SEM), and content marketing to increase visibility and reach the target audience. 
Consider running promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs to incentivize purchases.
10. Analytics and Conversion Tracking
Set up analytics tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. 
Use the insights gained to optimize the website and marketing strategies, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.
Creating a successful jewelry website requires careful consideration of various factors. By incorporating eye-catching visuals, intuitive navigation, detailed product information, trust-building elements, and secure e-commerce functionality, you can enhance the overall user experience and increase customer trust and engagement. 
Remember, a well-designed website not only attracts customers but also reflects your brand’s values and professionalism, setting you apart from the competition in the competitive jewelry market.
Contact Weingenious Technocrats, a leading jewelry website development company in Surat, India to discuss your e-commerce website needs.
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asalescommunity · 1 year
A twitter company can be accused of a theft, and a fraud on a massive scale because doesn`t provide a return on an investment based on an advertisement.
Due to a fact an education is a basis of all qualifications, an engineer and a programmer can be accused that programmed features to do the theft and the fraud based on an organized crime instead of providing a service with a guarantee for consumers.
In a city and in a country where is a local Council all consumers who can prove that had ordered the service such as an advertisement from a company twitter can get all their monies back because the advertisement was incorrect, and invalid. And the company twitter failed to provide the service such as the advertisement in a correct manner for the consumers.
According to an economy, a complaint is a consumer`s right based on a law.
An act against the law is the act of a crime.
An author Piotr Sienkiewicz
+48 721 951 799
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mominsolutions · 8 months
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echeckplan · 8 months
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