#Tearless Victory
oathkeeperoxas · 1 year
TOP GUN / icemav fic recs part 2
Rec list 1 here
I'm back again with another collection of talented fics from the icemav tag on ao3 - as in the first list I've tried not to repeat authors to get a breadth of talent on show here, but please check out what else these authors have written and give them some love too!
Call Me https://archiveofourown.org/works/41694033/chapters/104590443 by EdwardJay
Ice and Maverick have a rule.
Icemav get together when Ice is an Admiral – featuring responsible Mav picking up Ice when he’s too drunk to drive, and drunk Ice who just wants his long term crush to fuck him on the back of his motorcycle. Very good, and very hot.
Touch, has brought us here https://archiveofourown.org/works/45816259/chapters/115302682 by Inquaire
"The broad smile slipped from the shorter pilot's face, instead replaced with a delicate upturn of the corners of his lips. This felt more private, like it was only for Iceman to see. Yearning flashed, for a brief moment, in both of their eyes and suddenly, one was pulling the other into a hug. When asked later, Ice wouldn't be able to tell who tugged first. All he knew is that there was an almost breathtaking, electrifying aura surrounding them both." Or: what was supposed to be a slightly angsty short about Mav being touch starved, turned into a hurt/comfort ridden story about Ice and his feelings™
Post TG86, with Ice and Mav circling around each other slowly, trying to figure out their feelings – with a bunch of touching while they do so.
The Usually Tearless https://archiveofourown.org/works/39827352 by BigBellRings
Iceman and Maverick, in a better time when they were married, but not an ideal time when they were accepted.
A really interesting exploration of Ice’s family and his relationship with them, and how that impacts his relationship with Mav. With some really good icemav interactions that made my heart melt.
Time to let go https://archiveofourown.org/works/41079648 by AortaArgent
For the wonderful TopGunKinkmeme prompt for old man trans Maverick getting some loving. Shifting on the seat, Maverick puts one hand to the top of his jeans and flicks the button open, passing his thumb over the hard metal edge and toying with his zipper idly. The boxers he’s wearing were a gift from Ice (and for Ice), ones with black mesh up the sides. Riding low on his hips, shimmery black waistband wide and elastic enough for him to tuck his thumb into it and make a good show of snapping it against his lower belly. Ice tilts the bottle up - eyes never leaving Mav’s open jeans - and takes a long drink before wiping his mouth with his thumb. “You’re gonna have to ask me if you want this to go anywhere, baby.”
Trans Mav well what can I say but yes. This is incredibly well written, with the longing and yearning and grief of Mav going off to war yet again with Ice staying behind, and the both of them making the most of this slice of time before they’re separated again.
there's just no getting through, without you, a bottle of rouge (just me and you) https://archiveofourown.org/works/41525490/chapters/104145648 by @victimofthemusic
“C’mon, Ice,” Maverick goads gently, tugging at his hand. “Dance with me.” There’s a challenging glinting in those sea-foam eyes, like he’s daring Ice to say no—like he would ever want to tell this beautiful man no, like he even could—and judging by the victorious smirk he gets when Maverick successfully tugs him to his feet, he knows it, too. Or: Ice, Mav, a bottle of wine, a little Al Green & the house to themselves. You do the math.
So soft and domestic I’m losing my mind a little bit. Very in love icemav, very loving each other icemav, with a romantic evening and even more romantic night.
Small Victories https://archiveofourown.org/works/25791349 by @m-madeleine
Ice and Mav go on a trip, but nothing's ever straightforward when Mav's involved. He'll readily admit that.
This made my heart all soft and achy in a good way – Ice’s caution and yet how he’s willing to take a risk for Mav really ties into how I see their characters, and the author’s set up and pay off is done incredibly well.
something off my chest https://archiveofourown.org/works/39307101/chapters/98363907 by Hyacinthus
Maverick's tired of Ice being in control all the time.
Mav taking the lead, and Ice following where he goes will probably be my favourite icemav dynamic of all time. That plus Ice sucking cock will always be 💯 for me
When The Tide Subsides https://archiveofourown.org/works/43590073/chapters/109600816 by anonymous
Maverick returns home following the events of Top Gun: Maverick battered, exhausted and more than a little bruised. Good thing Tom is there for him, in more ways than one.
Established relationship post Top Gun Maverick reunion soft sex where both Ice and Mav get to roll around in the sensations of being alive and having each other!!
i like the sound of that https://archiveofourown.org/works/42305742 by redwithlove
Ice comes across as stuck-up; he struts around with a stick up his ass, assured of his place as the top dog. There have been enough times where Maverick has butted heads with him and thought about sticking something else up his ass. And now that’s actually happening. Quite literally. Huh. Interesting how things play out.
OP starting the bottom Ice party with this one honestly, and I thank them for it every day. PWP with rimming and Ice getting his mind blown in more than one way.
International Delivery https://archiveofourown.org/works/41196906 by @icemav86
When Ice has to travel for work, Mav surprises him with a gift to help him feel closer to home. Or, Mav gets Ice a custom dildo.
The summary says it all, really. Very in character, very hot, would recommend!
Mutual Orbit https://archiveofourown.org/works/19029385 by @icemankazansky
Going home.
The pining and the ‘together but still working things out’ vibes throughout this are exquisite. This is an incredible character study and view into the icemav relationship at this point in time, with the author absolutely nailing the messy emotions and yearning that these two feel for each other.
sing into my mouth https://archiveofourown.org/works/42778782 by themodernmerlin
"If I have to pick between flying and you, I pick you, every time.”
Ice and Mav celebrate Ice’s remission with dinner and a date and a night holed up together.
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profamer · 2 years
The Origins of - Tearless Victory: Plutarch in his “Lives” gave this name to the great victory won by Archimandus, . . . #english #ingles
The Origins of – Tearless Victory: Plutarch in his “Lives” gave this name to the great victory won by Archimandus, . . . #english #ingles
Plutarch in his “Lives” gave this name to the great victory won by Archimandus, King of Sparta, over the Arcadians and Argives, B.C. 367, without the loss of a single Spartan soldier. Source: Phrases and Names Their Origins and Meanings by Trench H. Johnson Thank you for visiting EL4E.com Tomorrows phrase or name will be Shalloon.
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danaravi · 3 years
       every breath claws at his throat, ragged and quaking, like the dying sputter of a flame, surrendering to its final moments. he searches behind the darkness of his eyelids for its light; a paltry, flickering thing, its strength waning as it nears the end of its life. he must protect it a little longer, preserve its warmth against the cold that seeps in slowly around it. it is not fear that holds him however, tethers him to this earth for a few more moments, but a smile, and behind it, a tender thought.
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       he knows not what awaits him beyond the veil as he slips back into its shroud once more, only the certainty of those he is departing, those he holds dear. a servant's time in the world is always fleeting, a mere whisper among thousands upon thousands of voices, barely heard--- but he has spent every second of it wisely, how he wished he had in life. he was offered the opportunity to make right the wrongs of his existence, indulge in what he never could. it was never wasted, not one word, nor a decision he had made, and although his chest tightens knowing what he leaves behind... it is a tearless sorrow that touches his features, ever so gently.
       even as he drops to a knee, blood pouring from his lips while he braces against his lance, karna smiles nonetheless. perhaps it is shameful, for he never once fought this battle at his utmost, holding back despite the mist granting him his full power, and arjuna knew that. he was never a fool, that much has always been clear.
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             ❝  what’s the matter, karna?  ❞ the ghost asks of his crippled form, drawing back and readying another arrow to strike the killing blow, ❝  you’re stronger than this.  ❞
       to which the answer hums in faint amusement. it is pleasing to hear his brother holds some respect for him as an opponent, but... this isn't truly arjuna. still... it brings him some small measure of pride to hear those words from a formidable enemy, no matter the animosity between them.
             ❝  ... that’s kind of you.  ❞ he answers simply, keeping his head bowed for the time being, ❝  a pity i could not give you the battle you wished for.  ❞
       a glimmer of humour on his part, for he can offer nothing else in recompense for the archer's disappointment. arjuna's expression curdles, though he attempts to conceal his vexation. this isn't the brother he once knew, his fabled rival of old, but... he must claim his victory before it is too late. it is at that very thought that karna raises his head, but it was not to beg, nor to appeal to his reason or “ better nature ”. he appears... at peace in the face of death. and on his lips, the softest goodbye---
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             ❝  we will meet again, arjuna.  ❞
       wrinkling his brow, the archer steels himself, and utters but a few words in reply.
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                                                ❝  i know.  ❞
       and he looses the final arrow into karna's heart, and all the lancer sees as he fades away, pieces of him bleeding like dust gleaming in the sun's light, are memories.
                             martel... ereshkigal... master...---
                                                                please forgive me.
       ---and the fire goes out, as he dies with a smile on his face.
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lesbiansforboromir · 5 years
Its been too long since I read the books and last time I saw the movies I was on denethor is a dick to my baby, let the man die. However, now I'm curious, since I remembered for instance that in the books he was devastated when he thought faramir died and your last reblog about that made me rethink my whole stance. Could you give me more positive denethor moments, or do I have to read the books again?
God I- I need so much for you all to understand how much I love asks like this, for PURELY selfish reasons, I just LOVE the idea of people like... doing what I do! Which is think about lotr and it’s characters and consider them in new angles and have fun with that! I feel connection and love in this chili’s tonight- ANYWAY. 
To be clear, Denethor is one of my favourite characters, like JUST below Boromir in how much I love him and how furious I am with his portrayal in the films. I have a tag for him here that has a lot of good posts all about it. But positive moments for Denethor, yes ok! Lets start with my favourite quote from Denethor because it completely encompasses his- literally his ENTIRE book character;
In what is left, let all who fight the Enemy in their fashion be at one, and keep hope while they may, and after hope still the hardihood to die free.
Do you feel all the love and pride in his people and all the folk of middle earth who’re resisting this seemingly impossible threat? Even unto their inevitable end? Do you see the inherent belief that this is an unwinnable war, and yet how Denethor has remained Gondor’s greatest and most stalwart defender for all these years? GOD I do- ‘dying free’ is a VERY important sentiment that also puts a lot of his later, seemingly ‘mad’, actions into a much more understandable light. BUT I WILL TRY to not make this too much of a dissertation, god willing. SO! Onto Pippin’s swearing!
'Little service, no doubt, will so great a lord of Men think to find in a hobbit, a halfling from the northern Shire; yet such as it is, I will offer it, in payment of my debt.' Twitching aside his grey cloak, Pippin drew forth his small sword and laid it at Denethor's feet. 
A pale smile, like a gleam of cold sun on a winter's evening, passed over the old man's face; but he bent his head and held out his hand, laying the shards of the horn aside. 'Give me the weapon!' he said. Pippin lifted it and presented the hilt to him. 'Whence came this?' said Denethor. 'Many, many years lie on it. Surely this is a blade wrought by our own kindred in the North in the deep past?' 
'It came out of the mounds that lie on the borders of my country,' said Pippin. 'But only evil wights dwell there now, and I will not willingly tell more of them.' 
'I see that strange tales are woven about you,' said Denethor, 'and once again it is shown that looks may belie the man – or the halfling. I accept your service. For you are not daunted by words; and you have courteous speech, strange though the sound of it may be to us in the South. And we shall have need of all folk of courtesy, be they great or small, in the days to come.’
The film really had no idea what to do with Pippin offering his service to Denethor as- well essentially an acknowledgement and an honouring of Boromir’s sacrifice for him. Because the Denethor in the film would have scorned it, but it’s an important plot point, so it’s just kinda in there awkwardly and uncomfortably. This is because Denethor genuinely appreciates Pippin’s gesture, his son died for this hobbit! But Pippin is fervent and honest and Denethor can tell! Denethor is grateful, he empathises! These are not traits film!denethor possessed, so we get the.... tomato... scene.... BUT ONWARDS, I consider this a positive scene, simply because Denethor and Gandalf’s rivalry in the books is just so much FUNNIER and interesting than in the films;
'And you, my Lord Mithrandir, shall come too, as and when you will. None shall hinder your coming to me at any time, save only in my brief hours of sleep. Let your wrath at an old man's folly run off and then return to my comfort!' 
'Folly?' said Gandalf. 'Nay, my lord, when you are a dotard you will die. You can use even your grief as a cloak. Do you think that I do not understand your purpose in questioning for an hour one who knows the least, while I sit by?' 
'If you understand it, then be content,' returned Denethor. 'Pride would be folly that disdained help and counsel at need; but you deal out such gifts according to your own designs. Yet the Lord of Gondor is not to be made the tool of other men's purposes, however worthy. And to him there is no purpose higher in the world as it now stands than the good of Gondor; and the rule of Gondor, my lord, is mine and no other man's, unless the king should come again.'
LIKE. IT’S FUNNY! Essentially Denethor’s like ‘oh ho I’m just an auld man dont be angry with me Gandy’ and Gandalf’s like ‘Denethor when you are ENFEEBLED by age you will DIE out of spite alone’ and Denethor’s like ‘OH FINE if you want to be that way, but you’re bloody annoying to deal with and I don’t TRUST you wholly so DEAL with it,’ And again we get Denethor’s like whole deal! Gondor is what he is here to defend! It’s his entire purpose in life! He doesn’t trust that Gandalf’s not going to use him for his own ends to the detriment of Gondor itself, which Gandalf LITERALLY admits he’d do in the next paragraph. Because he says ‘he’s the steward of everything, not just gondor’ which on the one hand is like, yeah, we get that, but you can understand Denethor’s perspective too. WHICH IS. GOOD CHARACTERISATION FOLKS!
'[Osgiliath] was 'It was a city,' said Beregond, 'the chief city of Gondor, of which this was only a fortress. For that is the ruin of Osgiliath on either side of Anduin, which our enemies took and burned long ago. Yet we won it back in the days of the youth of Denethor: not to dwell in, but to hold as an outpost, and to rebuild the bridge for the passage of our arms.a city,' said Beregond, 'the chief city of Gondor, of which this was only a fortress. For that is the ruin of Osgiliath on either side of Anduin, which our enemies took and burned long ago. Yet we won it back in the days of the youth of Denethor: not to dwell in, but to hold as an outpost, and to rebuild the bridge for the passage of our arms.’
This is just like a little thing but I think it’s just kinda important to emphasise that Denethor wasn’t just a politician, he bled heavily for Gondor’s safety too and the retaking of Osgiliath was an incredibly important victory that Denethor achieved for Gondor’s safety as a whole. Anyway SPEAKING of the tomato scene- god this really does entirely emphasise the difference between Film!Denethor and Book!Denethor;
‘Can you sing?' 
Yes,' said Pippin. 'Well, yes, well enough for my own people. But we have no songs fit for great halls and evil times, lord. We seldom sing of anything more terrible than wind or rain. And most of my songs are about things that make us laugh; or about food and drink, of course.' 
'And why should such songs be unfit for my halls, or for such hours as these? We who have lived long under the Shadow may surely listen to echoes from a land untroubled by it? Then we may feel that our vigil was not fruitless, though it may have been thankless.'
In the end Pipping doesn’t sing for him but like?? Look SEE LIKE. It’s not MEAN, Denethor is in general sardonic and kinda harsh and frustrating in tone but he’s not dismissive or uncharitable or heartless; he’s interested, he likes TALKING to Pippin, he likes to hear about the world! Songs about food and drink and weather are fine! Of course they have merit!
'Not – the Dark Lord?' cried Pippin, forgetting his place in his terror. Denethor laughed bitterly. 'Nay, not yet, Master Peregrin! He will not come save only to triumph over me when all is won. He uses others as his weapons. So do all great lords, if they are wise, Master Halfling. Or why should I sit here in my tower and think, and watch, and wait, spending even my sons? For I can still wield a brand.'
Do you hEAR the bitterness in these lines? How he has to SIT here and WAIT as he sends his loved ones to die- but he has too, he HAS to do this, it’s not new, he’s been sending his sons to their probably deaths for years, and god he wishes he could be a reckless man and just ride out himself again but there IS no one to step into his place if he should be lost and Gondor just can’t take that! IT’S cOMPELLING. And so... now we’ll end on the part you mentioned, which really is like... AGONISING, it’s heartbreaking, especially after Denethor’s manners and character up until this point, sharp, sardonic, dauntless, uncowed by ever new loss, every new defeat, Boromir’s death even did not crack him completely but now-
And as [Pippin] watched, it seemed to him that Denethor grew old before his eyes, as if something had snapped in his proud will, and his stern mind was overthrown. Grief maybe had wrought it, and remorse. He saw tears on that once tearless face, more unbearable than wrath. 
'Do not weep, lord,' he stammered. 'Perhaps he will get well. Have you asked Gandalf?' 
'Comfort me not with wizards!' said Denethor. 'The fool's hope has failed. The Enemy has found it, and now his power waxes; he sees our very thoughts, and all we do is ruinous. 
'I sent my son forth, unthanked, unblessed, out into needless peril, and here he lies with poison in his veins. Nay, nay, whatever may now betide in war, my line too is ending, even the House of the Stewards has failed. Mean folk shall rule the last remnant of the Kings of Men, lurking in the hills until all are hounded out.'
 Men came to the door crying for the Lord of the City. 'Nay, I will not come down,' he said. 'I must stay beside my son. He might still speak before the end. But that is near. Follow whom you will, even the Grey Fool, though his hope has failed. Here I stay.' 
I’ll NEVER forgive the appropriation of the ‘my line is ending’ line, he doesn’t MEAN that he’s grieving the loss of his lineage, he’s grieving the loss of his WHOLE COUNTRY, of his people! As well as his son! And in this final moment with him his priorities of heart surface, where his people are banging desperately at his door, begging for their Lord to come to their aide, he refuses, because Faramir is far more important to him in this moment. 
I said I wasn’t going to make this a dissertation but WHATEVER, there you are anon, hope it’s what you wanted than thANK YOU AGAIN for the ask :)
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shijiujun · 5 years
[3/14/20] History2: Crossing the Line | Right or Wrong - White Day Extras
So it was White Day yesterday and Lin Peiyu, the screenwriter for CTL and Right or Wrong, released some scenes she wrote in the past for both on her Facebook page. I translated it quickly (even though I’m not really in the CTL fandom BUT!!!) so enjoy guys!!!
Her message: “I suddenly realised it was White Day today, so here’s a small little gift~ This is a small little epilogue I wrote a long, long time ago.”
Read below for more goodness on Yu Hao/Zi Xuan, Yi Jie/Sheng Zhe, and even Zhen Wen/Zhen Wu *screams*
A season of blooming phoenix flowers - To the boys in their youthful days
It’s the peak of summer in June when phoenix flowers bloom, and the bright rays of sun light are as vibrant as the flowers, heating up the air. This cannot, however, hide the passion of those attending the graduation ceremony.
On this day, some people are here but have other motives in mind, and to be frank, these people are here simply to create trouble. One such person is Shi Yi Jie, who has grown into a middle-aged, jealous man.
“I already told you that it was my junior’s graduation ceremony…”
“I know, he just wanted to thank you for taking care of him during your school years.”
“I did spend a bit more effort on him…”
“Xiao Fei xuezhang!*” He Cheng En’s voice interrupts their conversation.
The both of them look towards the person speaking just in time to see a man with a buzz cut and a sunny disposition running towards them, an expression of warmth on his face.
Shi Yi Jie appraises the other subtly with a few looks, then secretly clenches his fist in victory. He wins! As to what he won… that’s something that probably only he knows.
This is the first time in a long while the two are meeting, and the first thing that Fei Sheng Zhe says when he sees He Cheng En is: “Why is your second button missing?”
“Of course I have to reserve such an important thing and make a booking** for my girlfriend,” He Cheng En says, smug.
“Booking? Why’s that?”
“Xuezhang~ If you’re this unromantic, how are you going to live the rest of your life?”
This young man has a bright future ahead of him, Shi Yi Jie thinks. He looks at his young lover and says, “Did you hear that?”
Fei Sheng Zhe rolls his eyes at him.
He Cheng En doesn’t see their interaction and little moves, and instead points at the spot where his second button should be, that is now empty and left only with some thread.
“The second button has to be given to someone you like!”
“Why is it the second button?” Shi Yi Jie asks, curious.
Unlike Fei Sheng Zhe who just can’t be bothered with traditions like this, Shi Yi Jie is an old man who simply doesn’t understand the teeming world of the youth and the small little romantic gestures that come in these budding relationships.
“It’s nearest to the heart, what did you think it was for?”
“I see…”
Shi Yi Jie, with a stoic expression, looks idly towards Fei Sheng Zhe who’s standing next to him, and zooms in on the buttons on his light blue shirt without saying another word.
Outside the assembly hall, Xia Yu Hao jogs over, his eyes scanning through the mass of people leaving the hall as  he looks for the person he loves.
“Qiu Zi Xuan!” Xia Yu Hao finds his target and speeds towards Qiu Zi Xuan, who has his back faced towards him, “Give me your second button…”
At the last three words, he turns Qiu Zi Xuan over, and the moment they’re facing each other, Xia Yu Hao shouts and accuses, “Where’s the button!”
He glares at a uniform-clad Qiu Zi Xuan in disbelief, because on his white shirt, there’s not even a single button left!
Qiu Zi Xuan’s handsome face flushes pink, as if someone has done something to him***.
“You… your shirt…”
Before Qiu Zi Xuan can even say anything, the girls and boys surrounding them help him to answer.
“I’ll treasure your button, I love you~”
“Thank you for your lucky button~”
“Xuezhang, I’ll take your button and bring it to the finals! Wait for me!”
Xia Yu Hao glares at the bunch of robbers running off with their prizes, and inside he hears voices mocking him, continuously spitting at him.
Fuck- Xia Yu Hao is pissed, jealousy burning through his mind when he usually doesn’t have much rationality left, and he moves to go after what belongs to him.
“Don’t cause any trouble,” Qiu Zi Xuan finally speaks, and these simple four words are just like tight reins, keeping his junior rooted to the spot.
“They snatched away what belongs to me!”
Qiu Zi Xuan frowns, “Those belong to me.”
“They stole your things!” Xia Yu Hao obediently corrects.
“Those are just buttons.”
“Those are your graduation buttons!”
Xia Yu Hao angrily bites are his lips, he knows that Qiu Zi Xuan doesn’t have any penchant for romantic gestures, but he does! The second graduation button should be left for the person you like! He’s pissed!
Qiu Zi Xuan considers Xia Yu Hao’s furious expression, sighs, then caresses at his junior’s hair (which is a little hard), and in the end, he cannot bear to tease him for too long. “Here.”
As he says that, he pulls Xia Yu Hao’s hand to him, “The second one.”
A small white button is placed into Xia Yu Hao’s palm that is flushed red from anger.
Xia Yu Hao freezes, staring at the button in his palm incredulously, then looks at Qiu Zi Xuan.
Qiu Zi Xuan pushes at his glasses, a little uncomfortable with all the staring, and lies, “My sister wanted me to take it down first.”
“You…. sister complex!”
Qiu Zi Xuan frowns, “Is that a problem, you mommy’s boy!”
The both of them glare at each other and can’t hep but recall that day in the infirmary. There was a time long ago when they would insult each other like this, and then they walked into each other’s worlds, and after… they crossed that invisible line between them.
The wind gently rustles the leaves of the phoenix flower tree. The both of them smile, as if they are the only ones left in the whole world.
Somewhere not far away from the hall, Wang Zhen Wen looks at the crowd milling about and changes his mind on joining in the fun and cheer.
Turning around, he says to Wang Zhen Wu, “We should go back to the club and wait for them.”
“Hnn,” Wang Zhen Wu nods in reply.
“Today the xuezhangs are graduating, later during the celebration remember that you have to say something.”
“Say what?” Wang Zhen Wu questions, confused.
“Just things like… they’ve got a bright future ahead of them, that they’ve got limitless possibilities in their futures, that kind of thing.”
“Then… congratulations on graduating?”
“…. that works too,” Wang Zhen Wen suddenly thinks of something, and looks at him, serious. “You should really practice saying more. You’re so awkward like this, not talking much… Dad is very concerned.”
He brings his hand up to his face, and dramatically tries to wipe at his tearless eyes. However, Wang Zhen Wu catches his hand and says, “You’re my younger brother, not my dad!”
“… I was just joking.”
The brothers descend into awkward silence at their lack of chemistry.
Wang Zhen Wu caresses gently at the hand gripped in his palm and says, “Not funny.”
Wang Zhen Wen shivers slightly at the feeling of being soothed, and says, “Ge…”****
The moment is interrupted by some female students giggling as they walk past them, “You got his second button?”
“He must like you then, otherwise why would he give it to you?”
“Do you think so too?”
“Yeah, the second button has to be given to the person you like…”
Their laughter fades as they leave, but their conversation piques Wang Zhen Wen’s interest and his eyes follow the two girls as they move away. Suddenly, his jaw throbs in pain as Wang Zhen Wu turns his face back to look at him.
“What?” He looks at Wang Zhen Wu in confusion, and in the next moment, his eyes widen in shock, “You… What are you doing?”
Wang Zhen Wu is picking Wang Zhen Wen’s shirt buttons off like he would grapes.
Wang Zhen Wen quickly presses at his hand, “We’ve still got another year to graduation!”
Isn’t he too impatient? Wang Zhen Wu then locks both of Wang Zhen Wen’s hands behind him, and with his free hand, he continues to pluck off Wang Zhen Wen’s shirt buttons.
“First come first serve,” Wang Zhen Wu says evenly with determination, his hand movements not stopping.
“The second button is enough-“
He’s interrupted again as Wang Zhen Wu takes off all his buttons, and looks at Wang Zhen Wen, “Mine. They’re all mine.”
Wang Zheng Wen looks at him in astonishment, and a moment later, the ends of his lips curve, and he ends up laughing loudly. Wang Zhen Wu frowns, not understanding why his younger brother is laughing. He’s very frustrated, very angry now, can’t his brother tell?
Fei Sheng Zhe serves the last dish and shouts in the direction of the living room and bedroom, “You You, Shi Yi Jie, it’s time for dinner~”
“I’m here!” You You jumps onto the her chair happily, and when she doesn’t see Shi Yi Jie, she shouts towards the bedroom, “Daddy! It’s time for dinner!”
“You guys eat first,” comes Shi Yi Jie’s muffled reply from the room.
Fei Sheng Zhe doesn’t understand why this man has been stuck in the bedroom looking for something ever since they both returned from his junior’s graduation ceremony. Unable to resist, Fei Sheng Zhe reminds You You not to be fussy about her food, then walks into the room, only to see Shi Yi Jie messing up the closet.
“What are you looking for?”
“Nothing, you eat first.”
“I can help you…”
Before he can finish his sentence, Fei Sheng Zhe is interrupted by a kiss.
“You go eat first, be good,” Shi Yi Jie lightly caresses at his sensitive ears, “Unless… you want to eat me first?”
“… I’m going to eat dinner.”
Fei Sheng Zhe is a bit more experienced now, but he still cannot compare to a seasoned flirter like Shi Yi Jie, and so he decides to follow what he saw in the Battle of Dunkirk, and retreats.
Shi Yi Jie heaves a sigh of relief, and now that he’s dealt with his lover, he suddenly thinks of something. He closes the door and takes his phone out, making a call.
“Juan-jie, did you happen to keep Sheng Zhe’s high school uniform?”
“Not only high school, but elementary, middle schools and even kindergarten uniforms I still have, they’re all memories…” Juan-jie’s voice is gentle and warm as she reminisces on how cute her son was when he was younger, then she squints, and asks with suspicion, “Why’re you asking this?”
“Nothing… this weekend we’ll go over, You You misses you,” Shi Yi Jie says, his expression like that of a predator seeing his prey, revealing the edge of someone who’s determined to get what he wants.
*xuezhang - senior **booking - she used the word her in english, and it’s kind of like a chinese/english way of saying ‘reserve’ ***this is literally translated, i myself have no idea what she means by someone did something to him but i suppose it’s in idk a flirty way ****ge - older brother
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thepaperbackexpress · 4 years
The roads of the city,
Cradle the tired footsteps
Of migrant workers,
Like a mother cradles the slowing heartbeat of her newborn;
Knowing their time together
Won’t be too long.
They came to the city,
Filled with dreams,
A promise, a new dawn,
A hope for a better life,
Willing to endure any strife.
Much like a mother,
Pregnant with life,
Hoping, dreaming,
Musing to birth a new life,
Willing to endure the strife.
They toiled, day after day,
Working late hours into the night.
Sometimes sacrificing their human rights.
Through sweat, tears, and low pay,
They endured the tribulations of the day.
Not all battles end in victory
For both sides.
Nor do battles, ever, end in peace.
Harmony remains a far cry.
Not all mothers
Birth life.
And so, the migrant worker,
Defenseless like a heartbroken mother,
Shieldless like a defeated soldier,
Continues to walk
Down the road of a city
That failed humanity.
Their bags, bundles, and boxes,
Packed with the cries of unfed children, Rumblings of hungry stomachs and
The ache of shattered hearts, hopes, and futures.
Who will cry for the migrant worker?
Their tears fail to fall to the floor.
When will this tribulation come to an end?
Lifeless wrists stamped with numbers.
When will this trial of humanity
Witness state accountability?
Who will endure the pain of a tearless mother holding on to her infant’s lifeless body?
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P.B. Shelley, Prometheus Unbound - Act I
 […] FURY: Blood thou canst see, and fire; and canst hear groans; Worse things unheard, unseen, remain behind.
FURY: In each human heart terror survives The ravin it has gorged: the loftiest fear All that they would disdain to think were true:  Hypocrisy and custom make their minds The fanes of many a worship, now outworn. They dare not devise good for man's estate, And yet they know not that they do not dare. The good want power, but to weep barren tears. The powerful goodness want: worse need for them. The wise want love; and those who love want wisdom; And all best things are thus confused to ill. Many are strong and rich, and would be just, But live among their suffering fellow-men  As if none felt: they know not what they do.
PROMETHEUS: Thy words are like a cloud of winged snakes; And yet I pity those they torture not.
FURY: Thou pitiest them? I speak no more!
PROMETHEUS: Ah woe! Ah woe! Alas! pain, pain ever, for ever! I close my tearless eyes, but see more clear Thy works within my woe-illumed mind, Thou subtle tyrant! Peace is in the grave. The grave hides all things beautiful and good: I am a God and cannot find it there,  Nor would I seek it: for, though dread revenge, This is defeat, fierce king, not victory. The sights with which thou torturest gird my soul With new endurance, till the hour arrives When they shall be no types of things which are.
PANTHEA: Alas! what sawest thou more?
PROMETHEUS: There are two woes: To speak, and to behold; thou spare me one. Names are there, Nature's sacred watchwords, they Were borne aloft in bright emblazonry; The nations thronged around, and cried aloud, As with one voice, Truth, liberty, and love! Suddenly fierce confusion fell from heaven Among them: there was strife, deceit, and fear: Tyrants rushed in, and did divide the spoil. This was the shadow of the truth I saw.
THE EARTH: I felt thy torture, son; with such mixed joy As pain and virtue give. To cheer thy state I bid ascend those subtle and fair spirits, Whose homes are the dim caves of human thought, And who inhabit, as birds wing the wind,  Its world-surrounding aether: they behold Beyond that twilight realm, as in a glass, The future: may they speak comfort to thee! 
The poem of P.B. Shelley about Prometheus takes inspiration from the Greek mythology and the Greek work of Æschylus, which presented the reconciliation of Jupiter with his victim as the price of the disclosure of the danger threatened to his empire by the consummation of his marriage with Thetis. […] But, in truth, I was averse from a catastrophe so feeble as that of reconciling the Champion with the Oppressor of mankind. The moral interest of the fable, which is so powerfully sustained by the sufferings and endurance of Prometheus, would be annihilated if we could conceive of him as unsaying his high language and quailing before his successful and perfidious adversary [Shelley, Prometheus Unbound, Preface].
The highlighted verses, expression of the Greek mythology, representation of both antiquity and modernity were used by Keynes to conclude his book and comment the outcomes of the peace conference.
The assertion of truth, the unveiling of illusion, the dissipation of hate, the enlargement and instruction of men's hearts and minds, must be the means. [...] Our power of feeling or caring beyond the immediate questions of our own material well-being is temporarily eclipsed. The greatest events outside our own direct experience and the most dreadful anticipations cannot move us. […]  We have been moved already beyond endurance, and need rest. Never in the lifetime of men now living has the universal element in the soul of man burnt so dimly.  Keynes, Ch VII, p 297
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Weakness in Servanthood and Swelling Egos
QUESTION: Weakness in worship is emphasized as one of the most important factors that causes arrogance and the ego to gain strength. What kind of a relationship exists between weakness in worship and gaining strength in arrogance and the ego
ANSWER: Ubudiyyah (deep worship) comes from the Arabic root a-ba-da and refers to individuals’ observing their responsibilities toward God Almighty and being in a consciousness of servanthood. It’s similar to ibadah (worship), which comes from the same root, but there are some differences in meanings between these two words. Ibadah is the name and title for the act of putting theoretical knowledge on faith into practice within a certain discipline and system. Ubudiyyah means leading one’s life with a consciousness of servanthood. In other words, ibadah is observing the responsibilities of servanthood as commanded, whereas ubudiyyah means deepening in servanthood and leading one’s life with a consideration of perfect goodness, always with a constant consciousness of being seen by the Omnipresent One.
A servant who observes acts of worship by deeply feeling them in his or her conscious, who deepens in servanthood by exercising in this way, and who is fixed on the consideration of ubudiyyah will be freed from other kinds of servanthood. The sole way of ridding oneself of being a servant to others is being a servant to God, the true sense of the word anyway. Those who do not become a servant to Him become a servant and slave to different power-holders, totems, and idols.
Indeed, God is the only One deserving of being worshipped. To put it in Sufi terms, He is “The Absolute One to be worshipped and the True Desired One.” That is, our worshipping Him and acting with a consciousness of worshipping Him in every moment of our life is His right over us, and it is a duty and responsibility on our part. In other words, He is the Desired One, the Beloved One, and the Worshipped One, for He is God. Therefore, things such as totems, myths, and idols worshipped as a consequence of different deviations, in spite of their not having any such right and eligibility whatsoever, are evident marks of unbelief and misguidance. There is only One who deserves worship and that is God Almighty. Individuals fixed on such a consideration of worship, who do not think of bowing before anybody but God, never see themselves as superior to and different from other people; they do not assume a special status for themselves other than being a servant. They are always in recognition of being like a slave in shackles vis-à-vis God Almighty. As such persons eliminate their ego and arrogance in the melting pot of servanthood, they always attribute all good things they are blessed with and all achievements they have attained to God only. Maybe, with the deceiving of their carnal self, they may occasionally experience some dizziness or blurring of vision before accomplishments far beyond their capability… however, with the feeling of ubudiyyah, which always exists as an ingrained character in their soul, they curb such feelings that might arise within.
Inverse proportion
There is an inverse proportion between deepening in worship on the one hand and gaining strength in arrogance and the ego on the other. That is, as much as a person deepens in servanthood to God, that person can manage in the same degree to maintain self-possession against the carnal soul, arrogance, and egotism and take under his or her control the negative feelings within. As for one who keeps away from worshiping God, that person becomes egotistic and even egocentric in accordance with the degree of his or her remoteness from worship. As such people are distanced from the duty of servanthood, which is reminder for people of their true identity, they forget in time who they actually are and ascribe to themselves all achievements they have made. They even wish good works done by others to be somehow related to themselves—therefore, achievements, applause, and appreciations continuously draw them like a whirlpool into themselves.
However, individuals who take a mannerly stance before God, who pass every frame of their life with such consciousness, never forget their true identity. They always act with the consciousness that they are powerless, weak, and mortal beings in shackles before God. This feeling of impotence and poverty urges them to constantly ask for more of worship. No matter how much they worship, even if they offer a thousand units of prayer every day, they keep saying, “My God, I failed to worship You as I should! O the One who is known more evidently and clearly than everything! I failed to know You as I should. If I had, I would already have melted away. O my God the rightful owner of thanksgiving! I failed to express my gratitude to You as I should.”
Such servants know that the acts of worship that they carry out are nothing in compared to the favors that they are blessed with, including the blessing of their acts of worship.
Unlimited blessings call for unlimited gratitude
A person’s not remaining as a lifeless being but blessed with life, not being a plant or animal but having the honor of being a conscious being, and further than that knowing and recognizing God, obtaining the opportunity to open the doors of eternity with the mysterious key of faith, and taking the path to becoming eligible for Paradise are such great blessings that they have no equivalents in this world. The Bestower of these infinite blessings is God Almighty.
If a person becomes aware of all of these blessings, becomes fully oriented to God, deepens in servanthood, becomes a hero of “is there more?” and constantly tries to increase one’s knowledge of God, love, zeal, and enthusiasm, God will then save that person from the whirlpool of arrogance and egotism through His favors and graces.
Indeed, God Almighty is expressing Himself to us with some thousand happenings every moment. And in response, if we try to monitor phenomena with a systematic and disciplined deliberation, with caution and vigilance, and try to make sense of the whole by juxtaposing separate frames, and make an endeavor for always walking to Him by searching different ways, He will not let us down halfway, because He has never let down those who walked to Him that far.
The elixir of ubudiyyah in the era of arrogance
Days and nights keep chasing one another throughout history. Since the earth insisted to ignore the heavens, and the heavens commanded the eyes to become tearless, the ground has become a desert throughout. Sometimes, however, showers of mercy pour from the sky, and the earth serves as ground for stalks that yield seven, and even seven hundred, fold more. Sometimes light gains over darkness, which thoroughly shrinks. The atmosphere of spirit beings and angels is victorious to that of devils…in other words, the spiritual establishes dominion over the material. The time of the Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, is the prime example of those bright periods. In that era, there was virtually no suitable ground and atmosphere for devils to move around and live comfortably. There were similar bright periods in later times.
Today as well there are many who feel and sense that they are a servant to God with all the particles of their body, who live with the constant consciousness of togetherness with God thanks to the Divinely bestowed inner sensations far beyond their perceptions. If it were not so, this earth would not remain in its orbit. God Almighty looks to the earth through the eyes of those who offer sincere servanthood to Him. He forgives guilty, sinful, and unsteady servants like us for the sake of those pure and faithful servants. He gives some more term to the universe, and He does not destroy it for their sake.
Although our time is an age of arrogance, God willing, a beautiful era has started with respect to worship and ubudiyyah. As is well known, the ultimate point of darkness marks the beginning of light. The horizon darkens before the coming of dawn. But this is the final darkening, and the characteristics of the night will make a surge for one last time. One more time, darkness will cover the entire horizon with a final vengeance, but then you will see the twilight of a false dawn following. Although this initial phase is not the dawn, it is the most truthful herald of the real dawn. It has never proved to be wrong: whenever an initial false dawn emerges, it is followed by a real dawn after a short time.
In short, even if in this age of arrogance, as much as a person deepens in worship and devotions, egotism will forsake that person in the same degree, and the zone of egotism will gradually narrow down. Just as the sphere of darkness narrows down with the expansion of the sphere of light, there exists a similar contrast between ubudiyyah and arrogance. One develops to the disadvantage of the other. As much as a person deepens in worship, his or her egotism diminishes to the same degree. In time, such persons ascribe everything to Divine power, assessing the worth of the achievements they have made only by considering whether God’s good pleasure and approval are there. As a result, they completely melt away in terms of their arrogance and egotism; they do not even recognize themselves, always speaking about Him and proclaiming His name everywhere they go.
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focr · 3 years
"And the God of all grace," etc, Read this beautiful verse as it is in the Revised Version, and you will see that it is a Divine promise, and its position in the argument will be apparent. There is help enough in this one passage for any victory.
1. There is help in the title here ascribed to God. "The God of all grace"—of every needed grace, of every kind of grace, of every means of grace. Here is the power that overcometh Satan. "My grace is sufficient for thee."
2. There is help in the purpose here adopted by God. "Who hath called us unto his eternal glory," etc. Then he will accomplish his purpose, and, though Satan does his worst, if in our resistance of him we bear the mark of the "called," nothing shall prevent our reaching perfect victory when our "little while" of suffering shalt be forgotten in the eternal glory of the tearless land.
3. There is help in the promise here given by God. "He shall himself perfect, stablish, strengthen you." The victory shall be his. As you resist the foe, he will gird you with strength. He will nerve your arm, he will "beat down Satan under your feet;" and in that day your humbled, grateful soul will recognize that it was all of him, and will cry, with the apostle, "To him the dominion for ever and ever."
~ C. New
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
You’re About To Be a CodeTalker: The New GMO Labeling Law
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/youre-about-to-be-a-codetalker-the-new-gmo-labeling-law/
You’re About To Be a CodeTalker: The New GMO Labeling Law
Image by Pixabay
By Danielle, Contributing writer
On July 29, 2016, President Obama signed bill S 764, now Public Act 114-216, which sneakily included a GMO-labeling law many dubbed “The Dark Act.” (Deny Americans the Right to Know)
Consumers have been increasingly demanding the labeling of any foods with genetically modified ingredients in recent years, as nations across the world ban or clearly label such foods. Over 38 countries in the world have outright banned the sale of GMO foods, and numerous others have voted to clearly label all GMO-containing products. In July, Vermont’s labeling law, which would require clear labeling on the package, went into effect. Many legislators have felt the burn from this minor victory, and rushed to implement a national law to overtake the state law.
You’re About To Be a CodeTalker: The New GMO Labeling Law
Basically, the attitude is “they’re going to pass something, we might as well make it something we can live with.” Large corporations complain that packaging changes are too expensive (which they do all the time and in fact have GMO lingo on their European products), or that it would suggest to the consumer that the product is not as healthy, which of course could never be true sarcasm. 
What Will the Label Look Like?
It’s up to the producer which type of label they use. The law allows a scanned code (like QR code) which would lead the user to food information including if there are any GMO’s. For smaller companies, a phone number or web site would suffice. There may be some sort of symbol for produce, as their labels are rather small and would not accommodate a code.
The USDA was given two years to determine what exactly the Rules of this law will be. If you have ever followed the legislative process, you know that agencies will push the boundaries of the law in administrative rules. These administrative rules will govern how the labels will be used.
Some groups have concerns that highly processed products may not fall under the law because the end product has negligible or no detectable GMO’s even though they were used in processing. Further questions surround and bio-engineered products, like gene-altered salmon, which may also fall out of the labeling category in the law.
The question of discrimination has also been raised. What if you don’t have a smart phone? Or even a computer? (Or, why the heck can’t you just be transparent!?) Rev. Jesse Jackson actually wrote a letter to Obama asking how the millions of Americans without a smartphone, many of whom are low income, will access this information. That’s a very good question. I also question how we are supposed to have the time to look up every food’s code, website, or call their listed number. It’s clear that transparency or even ease is not the goal here. Printing the five words “This Product Contains GMO Ingredients” seems to me to be less printing than an entirely new QR code.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time to check out every product’s website at the grocery store. It’s a blessing to get out of there with all children intact and tearless.
Image by Pixabay
  What’s the Problem?
Whether you believe the limited, industry-funded stories, I mean studies, that say that GMO’s are totally safe, or the long term studies which clearly show a decline in health and increase in cancerous tumor rates in mice, you should be able to know clearly what’s in your food. Period.
GMO’s are not the only issue with genetically modified foods. These foods are also sprayed heavily, multiple times a growing season, with hazardous pesticides. These pesticides, including particles of heavy metals, are still found on your food when you pick it up at the supermarket. (You can avoid pesticides by buying organic).
If they are so proud of the stuff, why not label it?
What Can I Do?
Laws are going to keep changing, and it may be some time before the laws are in the consumer’s favor. Fortunately, you can arm yourself with resources and knowledge to ensure that your family does not consume the cancer-causing foods.
Educate yourself. Laws are always going to change, different products will be labeled differently, and your grocery store may move (or you may move) or make changes. Know how to pick out the healthy foods without having to scan a label.
Buy organic. The USDA organic seal does not allow any use of GMO’s, so you know there are no modified ingredients in that product.
Seek out nonGMO project Verified label. This label is expensive to achieve, especially for small companies, but some are still seeking this status.
Check the labels. For produce, anything commercially grown has a 4-digit PLU, while organic has a 5-digit PLU which begins with “8.” Papaya, sugar beets, and squash are the most common GMO produce. In processed foods, anything with corn, soy, wheat or corn and soy oils is likely from genetically modified foods.
Know your farmer. Many local farmers are selling their organic produce. If you can’t find one, asking around your local crunchy mama’s social media group, or check out the farmer’s markets in your area. Farmers may be interested in letting you buy from bulk straight from the farm (or even barter). When you know your farmer, you can trust what you are getting.
Grow your own. Even if you live in an urban area, you can grow indoors in pots or a garden bed with artificial lighting, or turn your yard into a garden. Herbs can be grown in small pots throughout your home. Every little bit counts!
Speak up. Sign a petition to tell the white house that this labeling law is not enough for Americans to know what’s in their food
It’s tough to say what exactly our food labels will look like before the USDA determines their rules. After the long battle between corporate greed and frustrated Americans the last few years, it’s clear to see who will be the winner. The labels will likely just get sneakier and sneakier, and we just need to be more and more prepared, knowledgeable and building up our better food supply alternatives.
What do you think about the new GMO labeling law? How do you avoid GMOs?
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profamer · 2 years
The Origins of - Argyll: From Garra Ghaidhael, the country of the West Gaels. #english #ingles
The Origins of – Argyll: From Garra Ghaidhael, the country of the West Gaels. #english #ingles
From Garra Ghaidhael, the country of the West Gaels. Source: Phrases and Names Their Origins and Meanings by Trench H. Johnson Thank you for visiting EL4E.com Tomorrows phrase or name will be Tearless Victory.
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