#Tate One Piece
Can't Fix Fix A Broken Heart, Chapter 25
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18+ MDNI
On Ao3
All other chapters
Tate has devised a plan to get a Girls Trip™ for the two of you, you just need to execute it to perfection.
I definitely don’t dream about having Ace snuggling me when I’m on my period. Like a living weighted blanket who would say sweet things into my ear. That is definitely not a wish of mine and complete self-indulgence.
This is the set up for the divergent endings. The good ending will be first, the bad ending will be last.
The next morning, you knocked on the door to the women’s quarters, holding your sketches under your arm. You knew you didn’t need to knock, it had been your living space too at some point. But it didn’t feel right to barge in unannounced. A very hungover looking Heidi cracked open the door and smiled weakly at you.
“What’s up?” she rasped at you. Evidently, more nurses than just Tate had a wild night. 
“Is Tate up? I was hoping to get a few minutes with her before work.” You had all your ideas with you, you were ready to show her some and see which ones she liked.
“Yeah, gimme a sec,” Heidi replied, opening the door all the way. “Tate!” she yelled. There was a chorus of ‘shhhhh’ that rang out among the darkened room. Tate shuffled up to the door, looking worse for the wear. You smirked at her.
“How’re you feeling?” you asked with a bright smile. She glared at you, but without malice. “C’mon, I’ll make you my hangover cure. Chug it and we’ll chat after that.” Tate blinked slowly, but shuffled out the door and put her arm in yours. The two of you walked silently down the halls together, ending in the kitchen. Just like with Ace, you sat her down while you made your drink of lemon, honey, vinegar, chili peppers, seltzer, and a little dash of secret ingredient. Tate emphatically frowned when you handed it to her, but shrugged. 
“Can’t be worse than whatever I drank last night,” she lamented. “Bottoms up,” she said, chugging the drink. You handed her the water right after, which she sipped. “So, I remember some of what we talked about last night. Did you say that you finished the sketches?” 
You grinned at her, putting the drawings in front of her. “I did, we can go over them together and see what you like and what we need to change.” You spread them out, showing her your ideas. “Basically, these are mix and match pieces in a few colors. You can pair any of the tops with any of the bottoms for a good outfit. I even included skirts of various lengths in case you…miss…the mini skirts,” you finished with a wink. “I thought darker fabrics would be better in the case of bodily fluids. Teal and periwinkle tend to be universally flattering, no matter your skin tone, but black or gray are also good choices. In terms of fabric, cotton would be a good choice but we’ll have to go to a fabric store and find some samples…” You went on about dye lots, fabric blends, and clothing cuts, explaining everything in detail to Tate. She nodded along, looking through the sketches. 
“So, what do you think? What can we change to suit your needs better?” you asked the now revived nurse. 
“Absolutely nothing. These are incredible! I love the long pants, it’s so annoying to wash other people’s blood off the tops of your thighs.” She was looking over the drafts intensely, making notes with a pencil she had. “I have nothing to add other than you’re a genius. Let’s get off the boat at the next large island and get some samples. Make a whole day of it,” she said, putting her hand over yours and smiling kindly. You smiled back, but were unsure. You had a feeling it would take a lot of convincing for Marco to let you off the ship. “I’ll work on Marco,” Tate said as if reading your mind, “I have a plan.”
You felt lighter after your brief meeting with Tate. She had to go back to the infirmary for work and you had to go to breakfast. While you ate, Thatch was pretending to be upset with you because he found out that Ace had joined you and Marco for the night. You could tell he wasn’t actually upset but you still felt like you had to walk on eggshells.
“But we did that too, remember?” you reminded Thatch. “Ace came in once when you were brushing my hair for me?” You were seated on Thatch’s lap, like always, eating whatever he was serving you. And, like always, it was delicious. 
“ Mija, of course I remember, Ace snores like a train and burns hotter than the sun when he’s dreaming of you,” Thatch scoffed. He speared another forkful of eggs and brought it to your mouth. You opened without thinking and chewed the gooey, cheesy dish. “Look mami , you ate it all, I’m so proud of you!” Thatch kissed the top of your head. Recently you noticed you gained some weight, your clothes were fitting differently. You felt physically well, better than you had in a long time. You couldn’t say the same for your emotional well being, but at least some part of you was healing. 
“Thanks to you,” you said, giving Thatch a kiss on the cheek. He really was a good chef, and you were in a good mood from your conversation with Tate that morning. 
“Someone’s feeling well,” Thatch commented. You hummed, you didn’t want to reveal your plans with Tate yet. It would take a lot of convincing but you thought she figured out a way to get off the ship together for a day. Thatch kissed you again, this time on your mouth, and set you down. You went off to work, feeling energized and ready to take on the day. 
Until later that morning. 
You felt a long gone but familiar sensation of cramping in your lower stomach. One of the only upsides to being starved half to death was that you lost your period for a long time. Obviously, it was a sign of incredibly poor health, but you liked to look on the bright side of things. You always had terrible cramps when you had your period, and it looked like this time would be no exception. You put your hand on your lower stomach, you needed to talk to the nurses quickly. You apologized to Blenheim, promising to fix his scabbard later in the day. You scurried off to the infirmary, hoping to avoid Marco.
Logically, you knew Marco was a doctor and had studied the female reproductive system. But you still felt much more comfortable talking to other women about menstruation than men. You slunk into the clinic, quickly ducking into one of the unoccupied examination rooms. Peeking through the cracked door, you waited until you saw a lurid pink miniskirt pass by the door. You darted out, scaring Bethany, who dropped her clipboard.
“You can’t just pop out at people like that!” she scolded you. 
“Sorry,” you replied sheepishly. “I need pads and tampons, can I use the ones in the women’s bathroom here?” you whispered. There weren’t many women’s restrooms on the ship, you only knew of the ones in the infirmary and connected to the women’s quarters.
“Sure, they’re communal. You don’t need to ask,” Bethany replied at full volume. You hoped Marco wasn’t listening in.
“Thanks, see you later.” You sped off to the women’s bathroom in the infirmary, grabbing what you needed. You were still wearing a stupid dress, but you swiped some underwear from the clean patient laundry. They were too big, but it was better than nothing. If Marco was mad, well, he could solve the problem himself. Leaving the bathroom, you jumped as you saw the very man you were trying to avoid leaning against the opposing wall. Served you right for surprising Bethany, you supposed.
“Everything alright?” Marco asked, assessing you with his eyes. He was in doctor mode, which made you feel more comfortable. You knew what to expect when he was like this, he was professional, detached, and had good bedside manner.
“Oh, um, yeah. I just got um, my…period.” Marco smiled kindly at you.
“Congratulations yoi. It’s a sign of recovery. However, the first menstruation after extensive amenorrhea is often quite painful. I recommend you go lay down, rest and relax.” Even though it was phrased as a clinical recommendation, you knew it was an order. 
“Ok Marco. Where should I go? I don’t want to ruin any-” Marco waved off your concerns.
“We’re all adults here, no one is upset by the human body. Ace cleaned his room, would you like to go there?” You tried to hide your disgust when you thought about Ace’s room and the last time you’d seen it. Marco laughed.
“I understand your hesitation yoi, but I checked it myself. It’s clean and always the perfect temperature. Go there. I’ll give you some medicine to take with you.” Marco left to rummage in a nearby cart, grabbing a bottle of low grade pain killers. “Take two, and drink some water. I’ll have Ace check on you in an hour or two.” Marco kissed you on your head, turned you around by your shoulders and sent you off with a little push. You didn’t feel that bad, you’d been having your period for many years. Going to lay down preemptively was overkill, you thought, but you weren’t going to disagree with Marco.
An hour later and you were glad Marco had sent you to lay down. You remembered having cramps, of course, but nothing like this. You were curled up on Ace’s freshly made bed, writhing in pain. After the first wave of cramps, you’d taken the pain killers, but they weren’t getting close to helping with the pain. Marco had stopped by briefly, bringing you tea, a hot water bottle, and tucking you under the covers. You asked him to heal you but he said there wasn’t anything wrong with you, that it was excess uterine lining being shed normally. There was nothing to heal, so his flames wouldn’t do anything. He had a busy day and couldn’t stay long but promised to send Ace up. 
In between pains so intense you thought your stomach was being sliced in half, you took a look around Ace’s room. It was so much better than the first time you’d been in the room. He had cleaned out all the food, all the old papers, and done his laundry. Marco was right, it was warm and cozy. You weren’t sure if it was the room itself or if it was somehow the residual effects of his Mera Mera, but you didn’t care. You tried closing your eyes and falling asleep but the closest you could get was dozing in and out of consciousness. 
Creaking, the door opened, and you heard Ace ending a conversation. You kept your back turned to the door and pretended to be asleep in case he could see you.
“ - don’t think she likes it, not like I do…” Ace sounded doubtful about whatever it was. 
“Remember how you were when you joined yoi? All anger and fury? And now look at us,” you could tell he was speaking with Marco. “Give it some time, it will be everything you ever wanted. Family and love, happiness and a place where you belong, all here with us. Here, give her these,” Ace hummed, and it sounded like they kissed. Footsteps told you Marco left, and Ace opened the door, holding a few bottles of pills. He spotted you on his bed and kicked off his shoes, putting the bottles on his desk. You really wanted to ask him about what they were talking about but didn’t have the courage to admit you were listening in to their private conversation. 
“Poor baby,” he said, as you heard him taking off his pants and knife.
“S’ok,” you replied, stretching a little. Ace got into the bed with you, crawling behind you. You whined, you didn’t want to be manhandled right now. You saw Marco had given Ace a bottle of vitamins and another of anti-nausea medication for you. You'd take them later, you couldn't move right now.
“Shhhh. S’gonna be alright.” Ace curled up behind you, spooning you. He moved your hands away from your lower stomach and replaced them with his own. You felt the gentle warmth of his Mera Mera heating you. You mewled and scooted backwards, snuggling into him. Ace buried his face in your neck and held you closer. He let you relax and drift to sleep, holding you tightly in his arms. 
It was a challenging few days for you. Your period was lighter than it normally was, but extremely painful. You didn’t leave Ace’s room much, spending your time reading and thinking about your reply letter to Vista’s brothers. Thatch, Ace, and Marco all visited as they could, with Ace staying with you at night. They were actually…sweet. You wished they were always this way, then you’d have no doubts about staying on the ship with them. Thatch brought you desserts and savory food in equal measure and gave you massages when your muscles were tight. He didn’t make you sit on his lap but let you eat by yourself in Ace’s bed. He tried to hand feed you, but sulkily accepted when you declined. Marco brought you medicine, tea, pads, and more books from his collection. He made sure you were physically comfortable, bringing loose pants, extra blankets and pillows. Ace, of course, warmed you up and snuggled with you until you thought you would merge together on an atomic level. You were thankful he let you hole up in his room.
“Sorry, I know it can’t be easy having me in here all the time,” you said to Ace on the third day. You were laying in bed together, limbs entangled, facing each other. Ace was still dozing after the night you’d spent in each other’s arms. You were brushing his freckles lightly with your fingertips. You were feeling better, you’d be out of his room by the afternoon, you thought.
“S’great. Wish’is all the time,” Ace mumbled. “Would lock you in here’f I could,” he continued, putting his chin on the top of your head. You sighed because you knew that when you got up, you would be back to your previous life of rules and punishments from the three Commanders. You nuzzled deeper into Ace’s arms, keeping the real world at bay for just a few hours longer.
A few days later, you needed to find Ace once more. You and Tate thought you had figured out a way to finagle a girl’s day out of the Commanders. The two of you wanted to stop at the next big island, coming up in about a week. It was close to the calm belt, but you’d actually been to the island years prior. It was known for its large textile factory and incredible fabric inventory. You’d done a few fashion shows there, maybe you could use some of your previous fame to get a discount on fabrics, or at least try to. It also had a day spa that was known for its wet saunas and hot tubs. You really wanted to go with Tate and enjoy a relaxing girls trip. Tate’s plan would require you to be crafty and a little conniving, but it would be worth it if it worked out. 
Ace was going to go on a mission later that morning, you needed to find him quickly. He was still inhaling food in the mess hall after you’d eaten breakfast. You waited for him outside the mess hall, wanting to speak to him in private. When he left, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him aside. You looked up at him with hope in your eyes.
“Ace, can I get off the ship with Tate at the next island? They have a fabric store I want to go to. Please?” You weren’t sure this would work, but you really wanted to go to the fabric store in person. 
“Ah, I don’t think so. You’ll have to ask -” you stopped Ace from talking by pulling him down by his hat string to kiss him. You kissed him deeply, holding him at the back of his neck. All that time you’d spent with him in bed had you feeling connected to him, and you hoped the reverse was true as well.
“Please?” you asked again in a pleading tone. Ace smiled at you, disarmed by the forward display of affection.
“I know you’re trying to manipulate me, but I have to say, it’s working. OK, as long as someone’s with you. Ask Thatch or Marco, though, just to be sure. I’ll be gone by the time the Moby’s docking at the next island, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” 
“Thank you Ace! Thank you, thank you” you kissed his cheeks every time you thanked him, making Ace smile even wider.
“You should ask me for favors more often, I like the way this is going.” Ace husked. He pulled you against him, you could feel his growing erection through his shorts. You rubbed up against him a little bit, teasing him.
“Let’s finish this in a bit, I need to go eat breakfast and Thatch doesn’t like when I’m late,” you replied. One last kiss to Ace and you were on your way. The first part of your plan had been a success.
Next, you waited until it was lunchtime. You were extra good for Thatch, complimenting his cooking and allowing him to feed you without complaint. You finished about two thirds of your food before you started talking to him about the island.
“Thatch, I have a favor I want to ask you,” you began, eyes wide.
“If I can grant it, I will mami. What do you need?” Thatch rubbed your palm with his thumb.
“Can I get off the ship with Tate at the next island? There’s a fabric store I want to go to for the new nurses’ uniforms.” You looked at Thatch hopefully.
“Ah. No, I don’t think so. I don’t want -”
“But Ace already said yes, I was so excited,” you said while making yourself cry. Tears fell down your face and you twisted the knife in Thatch’s heart. “I t-told Tate we could g-go, and I was going to invite y-you -” Thatch frowned and rubbed away the tears from your cheeks.
“ Querida, if it’s that important to you, I’ll talk to Marco. We can try to make it work. I’m not sure it will happen, but we’ll try.” You smiled, stopping the tears.
“Thank you Thatch! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Just like with Ace, you kissed him with every thank you. 
“ Mija it’s not a guarantee, you understand that, right? I don’t want you to be upset if it doesn’t work out in the end,” Thatch said, still stroking your cheek. You gave him a genuine smile - you knew he would try his hardest to let you off the ship. He would go and talk to Marco on your behalf and try to convince the Phoenix into letting you off the ship. Marco would be the toughest of the three, but you thought between you, Thatch, and Tate it would be possible to convince him. You exchanged a few more kisses, thanking him, until he had to leave to prepare lunch for the crew. Part two of Tate’s plan had worked. 
Marco found you in the afternoon as you were on the deck leaning against the main mast, relaxing. You were still taking it easy but the little work you’d been doing had tired you out. How did the crew break so many toilets?
“So I hear you want to have an excursion on the next island,” Marco began, standing over you. He seemed to be in a good mood, or at least hadn’t outright denied you. His half open eyes showed some amusement, which was a good start.
“There’s a textile store that I want to go to with Tate. To get samples for the nurses’s uniforms. I haven’t been off the ship yet.” You tried to keep yourself from rambling but it was always hard for you to keep your cool around Marco.
Marco hummed. “And it has nothing to do with the spa on the island yoi?” You looked up at Marco with wide eyes. He still seemed amused, he wasn’t mad with you yet. He squished your cheeks gently between his thumb and index finger, the corners of his lips quirked up into a cold smile.
“Tate asked me about the store and the spa. And Thatch also came to talk to me about it. You’ve been working everyone to get off the ship yoi.” You swallowed dryly, you felt caught. “You’ve been a good Doveling lately yoi. Had a hard time this week. I’ll allow it with the understanding that one of us will be with you at all times.” He squished your face with a little more force. “We wouldn’t want you to get lost or hurt. We’re always looking out for you, you know that, don’t you Doveling?” 
You nodded. “Yes, Marco. Thank you Marco.” you replied. Even though Marco had said he allowed it, you felt the lingering threat behind his words. He’d be watching your every move and if anything went wrong on this trip, you didn’t think you’d ever be let off the ship again. 
“You can show your appreciation to me later tonight yoi,” Marco said, moving his hand from your face to your hair, pulling it gently. You were forced to tip your face up even higher. “It’s quite lenient of me, don’t you think?” 
“Yes, Marco. Thank you, Marco.” You shivered thinking about what Marco would want in exchange for allowing you off the ship for a day. He kissed your mouth briefly and released his hand from your hair. 
“Stay here and relax a little longer. You look like you need it yoi.” You agreed. It felt like you’d have to pay for your time off the ship with a pound of flesh. And you knew they would be collecting. 
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pancakey-haley · 2 years
It's the face of a defeated man.
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onepiecefashion · 3 months
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Outfit for Tate the Whitebeard Nurse
Emilio Pucci Fall 2022
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tchotchkez · 10 months
btw y'all I am OBSESSED with jinbe's fucking frosted tips in the fishman island arc flashbacks
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pxme-granate · 1 year
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ckret2 · 10 months
Hi, I'm sorry this isn't a question but I just wanted to tell you how much I absolutely love your Bill fanfiction, not only is it completely in character but you took so many things from other Canon works like the secret messages from lost legends which makes it feel all the more fleshed out. I can't praise you enough for the amazing work youre doing and I hope you keep the enthusiasm since I've never read a Bill redemption fic that doesn't focus on romance be finished. God speed!
You never have to apologize for sending me nice things about my writing lmao. Thank you so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much, and I really hope I keep the enthusiasm to the end too.
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mindmotives01 · 4 months
'Gym x Anime motivation'…#gym #fitness #workout #fit #motivation #bodybuilding #fitnessmotivation #training #instagood #fitfam #gymlife #viral #viralreels #motivationalquotes #motivation #tate #reelsinstagram #di
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forgottencartoons · 10 months
God bless Russell T. Davies, patron saint of respecting the audience
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Characters: Perona x Naofumi Iwatani
Fandoms: One Piece | Rising of the Shield Hero/Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari
Relationship: Romantic
I know I'm meant to be working on requests first.. but I've been concentrating on replacing all the old posts and got to a Perona one and had my heart stolen once again by the ghost princess~
So yeah, essentially I paired two characters I freaking love so much (^^;)> EVEN SO THEY WOULD MAKE A GOOD PAIR!!
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
At the end of the day power scaling is just a dick measurement contest for "fandom dude bros"
So I shouldn't get annoyed by it, because I can - and do - simply not engage with it. But damn, it is still so frustrating to see these takes they came up with because clearly the sole reason whether or not a character is a good executed and written character depends on how strong they are...
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pancakey-haley · 1 year
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All the one piece girls are number 1 in my eyes
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onepiecefashion · 5 months
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Outfit for Tate the Whitebeard Nurse
Roberto Cavalli Fall 2023
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tchotchkez · 9 months
one piece and the whole cake island arc really said: "I am sure that if you continue to live that you will meet people in this big huge world that will treat you kindly" and "it's okay to be scared, it's okay to ask for help, it's okay to not know what to do with the past while you're desperate for a future"
but most importantly it said: "kindness is the base for all of humanity"
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usopp-writes · 9 months
Ace's first Christmas as a Whitebeard Pirate
Christmas celebration
December 24th
Excitement spread through Ace's body, as he opened his eyes the following day. This was it. The day that he'd been looking forward to ever since he learned more about this holiday. Christmas. He'd never celebrated it before, never understood the fuss about it, but it was impossible not to get excited about it on this ship. Everyone was looking forward to this holiday and the excitement rubbed off on him. Even though he was sure they weren't celebrating it like a normal family would, he still was sure it would be great.
"Merry Christmas Ace. Are you excited, yoi?" Marco smiled at him, chuckling when Ace just stared baffled at him. "It's a Santa hat and yes it's sparkling and no you can't have it. If you don't have your own, as Izo, yoi." 
Ace had never thought he would see Marco with a hat and even less, a sparkling Santa hat. It both looked funny and cool. How was that even possible? Ace looked around and now saw that almost everyone wore a Santa hat, which made him feel a little stupid for not buying one for himself. He wanted to experience the whole thing, when it came to this holiday. 
"Merry Christmas, Ace. Here, wear this instead of your cowboy hat." Deuce took off his hat and put a Santa hat on his head instead. The masked man was wearing his own Santa, which was blue. He sat down next to the freckled man, a smile on his lips.
"Thanks, Deuce and merry Christmas to you too. Oh and you, Marco. So, what's the plan for today?" Ace couldn't keep his excitement down. He was especially interested in the gift exchange, curious to see what Saber thought about the gift he got for him and also Thatch and Deuce. Should he have bought something for Marco, Izo and Haruta? He knew Deuce would give him something, but none of the others had said he would give him something, so maybe it was okay he didn't have anything for them? He only had something for Thatch, as a thanks for all he did for Ace and the crew.
"Well, as Thatch probably told you, we start the day with a huge brunch, hence why there's no breakfast yet. Then we sing carols, play games and whoever is cleared to help out in the kitchen, can go and help the cooks, so they too can have more time off today. Then there will be a huge feast and after that, we'll all help with cleaning up, before Oayji gathers us around the Christmas tree for a Christmas story. I know that most places first exchange gifts on Christmas morning, but we do it on Christmas Eve, so tonight. Mostly because most are getting drunk today. Anyway, we'll exchange the secret Santa gifts today, which means that you have until the big feast to place that gift under the Christmas tree. Any other gifts you can give before the feast or after the exchange of secret Santa gifts, yoi." 
Ace nodded excited. He could hand Deuce his gift before the feast and Thatch's after the gift exchange for the secret Santa. He'd bought a new journal and a set of Fountain pens, Fineliners and Fiber Pens. For Thatch, he'd bought a make your own rum kit. He was so excited to give it to them. 
Ace wasn't cleared to aid in the kitchen, but he did help where he could. Getting plates, cutlery and glasses onto the buffet table, alongside Christmas themed napkins. It helped with making time go faster. Soon enough, the big brunch began and there were so many different types of food that even Ace wasn't able to try everything before he was full. He'd never experienced that before, so he was a little sad about not trying everything. However, Marco and Izo assured him that some dishes he'd missed out on for brunch, would also be served for the big feast, so he wasn't too sulky.
After helping with the clean up and resetting the tables, he played some card games with Haruta, Deuce and Jozu, before he decided to hand over the first Christmas gift. Deuce was overjoyed, teary even, when he opened his gift. From the masked man, Ace got a red and white striped bracelet, something Deuce had noticed the freckled man had looked at. Both gifts were personal and telling just how well they knew each other.
The feast was even bigger and more sumptuous than brunch had been. So many new dishes, all smelling delicious and looking good too. Ace's mouth was watering, as the different dishes were brought into the mess hall. He didn't know how Thatch and the cooks had managed to pull such a feast off, but he was sure as hell that they deserved a day or more off and Thatch definitely deserved the gift Ace had for him.
"Thatch gets crazier every year. How are we supposed to keep room for dessert?" Haruta commented, as the brown haired commander had made himself comfortable at the table with Ace, Deuce, Skull, Mihar and Tate.
"Easy enough, don't eat too much. Besides, the leftovers are used for our meals for the next two days." Tate commented, sipping on her drink she'd gotten earlier.
Ace didn't care either way, the fest was festive and amazing. Once he started to eatt, it was the best meal he'd ever had. How could Thatch keep surpassing himself?
The feast took hours, but Ace didn't mind. The company was amazing, the food delicious and he even forgot that there was a gift exchange later on. He didn't need a gift, he had already gotten the biggest gift ever. A caring family.
However, the feast came to an end, the cleaning was swiftly with all the helping hands and soon they were outside in the starry night. Ace used his heat to make the air on deck warmer and soon Oyaji began his Christmas story. As a little child, Ace soaked in every word, smiling brightly.
Afterwards each commander helped with handing out gifts. Saber was happy for his booze and Ace got a towel with his epithet on it from one of the new brothers, Jon. It was really a nice gift and he thanked him profusely. Thoughtful too. It made Ace feel at home.
After every gift had been dealt, there were hot chocolate, Christmas snacks and more booze for those who wanted it. Ace saw this as his chance to hand Thatch the gift he had for him. 
"You got me something? Why didn't you tell me? I would have gotten you something too." Thatch felt a little guilty for not having something for him.
"But you did, Thatch. You helped me get stronger, you supported me and you're my friend. Besides, you work so hard, especially this month." Ace counted, only making Thatch tear up.
"Thank you. Now, what did you get me?" Thatch chuckled, as he opened the gift, his eyes lit up, when seeing it. "Awesome. Never got something like before, but hell YES. I didn't even know it existed. This is great. Thanks, brother." He gave Ace a tight hug and the freckled man could have sworn there were a few tears falling from Thatch's eyes.
As Ace went to bed in the early hours of December 25th, it was with a big smile and a heart full of warmth that didn't stem from his devil's fruit powers. Had he eaten too much? Yes. Did it bother him? No. Did he have fun? Definitely. He could barely wait until next year, where he could be even more a part of the preparations. Especially in the kitchen. Not as a cook, but as a helper, as he intended on proving worthy of helping with the cooking. With that thought, he drifted to the land of dreams.
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🎁🎁🎁🎀 🎀 🎀
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farminglesbian · 9 months
no but can this be the year everyone recognizes catherine tate's acting chops and offers her *all the leads* across *all* the genres? i just want her to have an abundance of choice... just as a favour to me personally please
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fangod9624 · 11 months
Skibidi Toilet Ohio Gyatt ultimate cover (characters during the worst period of mine edition)
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