#Tashas rambling
// I've missed this place so much where people are so friendly and are happy when friends are around. I really need good friends and kind people right now. Literally never felt more welcomed than here. 🥺
(Under cut is the reason why I came back so randomly and why I needed a place with friends. It's long and kinda upsetting. But I really need to vent.)
So I wasn't pulled back into the Cats fandom really. I was heavy into another fandom and had a tumblr to mess about there, much like here. A stranger started interacting with my characters in a way that I wasn't comfortable with. It had major bullying vibes, just having a go, invading my threads to have a go. So I set up some boundaries in a post, no names mentioned, absolutely nobody tagged and yet not only did this person PM me demanding I take my post down but accused me of bullying. Going even further to create another account to keep harassing me, constantly saying "my friend" (it was the same individual) and referencing a discord group where they were screenshotting and talking about my blog. Not sure how true that is as they seemed to be behaving as two different people to give the impression several people were going for me.
I want to make it so clear my original post explained if I feel harassed or like my characters are getting bullied, I will not interact. That's all. I explained I can do in character arguments and drama but chiming in and saying hurtful things that are unrelated I'll just stop responding to. In no way did it demand anyone take anything down or change how someone RPs just I have a personal boundary and if you find I'm not reaponding suddenly, that's why. Nobody is forced to RP with me anymore than I am with them. It was carefully written and checked to make sure no individual was referenced.
And when I didn't immediately reply to the PM the individual "went public" because I "refused to reply". I have a life, I have dogs that need attention and I was carefully crafting a reply that explained my point. I didn't want to argue. This led to them posting a post directly aimed at me about how much of a bully I am and I refused to apologise. What I said was in response to their " everyone apologises" was does that too mean they apologise? This is me refusing.
I know it's ridiculous in the gramd scheme of things, it's a barely known silly place for me to mess around with Alex in character as but as someone who really was heavily bullied throughout childhood and teens (all through school basically) this really messed with me. The way they attempted to manipulate me with claims of how "their friend" (them) was now crying and their Sunday was ruined and Alex says gaslight me, accuse me of twisting things against them (even though nobody was mentioned it was a generic post) and starting some kind of public attack because I didn't immediately roll over and do what they wanted.
I also understand the irony of them complaining I was bullying them into what they can post while they were attempting to bully me into dictating what I can post. I also understand this person could be suffering or on the spectrum. I really try to be accomedating and inclusive but I was unable to properly follow threads and felt whatever I put they would have a go and make my experience bad. And finally yeah I know it says more about them that they got so upset about a generic boundary post not directly aimed at them. The point of a generic public post was to protect them and give a little nudge without a direct attack, private or otherwise. I cannot stand confrontation of any kind.
I just got so shaken and upset by it all, it ruined the fandom for a moment for me and I actually felt unwell for the evening. It got to a point where I feel I was in the wrong for putting up a boundary.
(Also I did not take the post down, it's still up.)
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manamesbob · 1 month
Keep seeing it all over threads but not on here. That Oscar holding his ribs here is likely because it hurts to laugh
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dark-cynder49 · 4 months
Alright, imma leave y’all with this thing I made cause I actually really like the Backyardigans.
I’ve come up with way too many head canons for these bitches and they’re a nice neutral thing to draw
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spocks-husband · 1 year
Hi I'm on my fourth episode of TNG and these are my barely formulated opinions on all the characters so far
Picard: smash
Riker: smash ?
Data: my little robo son
LaForge: I cannot illustrate why he's so important to me but he is
Troi: my baby girl-- genuinely I'm straight for her, she's my mom and my wife and my daughter all at once
Worf: smash !!
Crusher: girlboss ?
Wesley: insufferable in an endearing way <3 he just like me fr fr
Tasha: someone get this bitch a xanax please
MacDougall: she's like barely in the show so far but she's my most useful character in Star Trek: Timelines so I'm biased
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maria-of-the-waves · 4 months
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I came across some photos of Nyakim Gatwech and remembering the images of Tasha in the manhwa that I saw, I was very disappointed, why doesn't she look anything like this angel of darkness? She is the definition of black pearl beauty! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life! So why doesn't Tasha look anything alike?\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//
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mr-and-mr-mitchell · 1 year
National Treasure: Edge of History is such a great show, I'm really sad it hasn't been renewed for a second series. It's fun, funny, dramatic, tense, clever - It's everything you could want in a show.
And the characters - All of Them are so fascinating and fun and layered, as well as well-acted. The dynamics, whether romantic, platonic or antagonistic are all a joy to watch.
Such a shame.
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I’m finally reading real books again (thank you Tamsyn Muir for Gideon the Ninth) and I’m exactly 401 pages into The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri, and I’m delighted to report that these bitches gay!! Good for them!!!!
Might come back later with more coherent thoughts about this incredible book, but for now I’m squealing and kicking my feet and the people need to know.
Tagging Gideon the Ninth as well because if you liked that you deserve to know about this. If you’ve read both please share your lesbian book recs, I didn’t realise how badly I wanted them and I can’t keep bugging the cute girl at Waterstones
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davenweenie · 2 years
I absolutely do not care that I’ve already posted Lab Rats HCs today and that it was stupidly long, I’m posting again and as stated previously you all have to deal with it.
-Chase actually loves cats, he wants a pet cat but he can’t have one because of his allergies. Super sneezes are no joke. Super sneeze = super mucus.
-Kaz wants a pet dog but all the team have convinced him not to get one because of multiple reasons. (They live in a penthouse, Chase is horrendously allergic, Bree doesn’t want dog fur or slobber on her clothes, Douglas will implant bionics in it, none of them are responsible enough to take care of a living animal. They can barley take care of themselves)
-Kaz really want to wake Chase up with a cup of coffee one day but Chase is always awake before him
-Chase wakes up at 5AM every day. 6AM if he wants to sleep in. He has a very strict routine that he follows every day and will get very upset if something is disrupted.
-Contrary to popular belief, Chase actually enjoys pranking people. People assume he’s going to be a fun killer and tell people not to prank each other but he’s the master of pranks in their new home. He learned everything he knows from Adam and Mr Davenport.
-Chase knew Kaz and Oliver would be pulling pranks on Halloween so he set up this elaborate prank involving lots of hyper realistic holograms. He set it so that Kaz or Oliver would see fake spider eggs and mess with them. The mechanism would start up the holograms and make it look like the whole place was starting to become swarmed with spiders. He knows Kaz and Oliver are both terrified of spiders. They practically sh!it themselves. The girls found it hilarious.
-Chase loves talking to Skylar about her home planet. Chase loves anything to do with space, it’s one of his special interests. Skylar also loves talking about Caldera so it’s a win-win. Chase gets all giddy and excited whenever they talk about space.
-Douglas knows that Skylar+Bree and Kaz+Chase are dating. Nobody has told him but he knows. Douglas knows everything. He’s very observant.
-This hc is based on a fic I recently read called (correct me if I’m wrong) Sultan of Stupid. Basically Oliver is totally oblivious and doesn’t know that Chase and Kaz are dating. He also doesn’t realise Bree and Skylar are together until Skylar said ‘please stop crushing on me, I’m too lesbian to go out with you’ which makes Oliver stop in his tracks. Why are all his teammates gay?
-Following that one up, Oliver is the only straight one in the team. He’s the biggest ally (other than Tasha) you will ever meet. He gets more excited about pride than the actual LGBTQ+ team members get.
-Adding to that as well, ever since Leo and Chase came out (yes, they came out together, they planned it all out so it would be perfect like the autistic people they are) Tasha has been one of those overly supportive mums who buys anything with a rainbow on it and gives it to them saying ‘look at this really cute *insert whatever object* I found at the store!’ and they all love her for it.
-Adam came out just after Leo and Chase, he didn’t realise coming out was something he was supposed to do. Also he was fed up of being asked by people which girl he was taking to prom because he wanted to take a boy to prom. Not a girl.
-Bree never came out. She didn’t have to. Nor did she want to. She didn’t think it was necessary to tell people her identity. She believes people shouldn’t have to come out, that people should just love who they want without being pressured to slap a label on it and tell people. She announced she was dating Skylar but that was it.
-Kaz is awesome at dealing with Chase’s dysphoria. Oliver is trans too, so he has years of experience dealing with horribly dysphoric trans boys. However a bionic one is a bit different to a human one. Because Chase had had top surgery when he was 13. Davenport just had the technology to do that without damaging his growth (don’t ask me how, I’m not too sure either. Just go with it) and Chase had also been on hormones since he was 15. His bionic infrastructure meant that it was harder for his body to absorb testosterone since it had been wired to that of a female. Their bionics are designed to reject any foreign substances, so he’s not as masculine as he wants to be. Kaz is always assuring him that there isn’t a certain way to be a man and he is a man, with or without hormones
-people forget that Kaz and Oliver are literally doctors. I hc them to be the medics of the team. They also mother everyone a lot. Even with a tiny paper cut they will insist you have some attention to it.
-Chase swears the most out of everyone. Mr Davenport grew tired of ‘language-ing’ him and just gives him disappointed looks every time Chase cusses. It’s usually directed at stubborn inventions that won’t do what he wants them to do. He also swears as filler words if he’s with his friends. He’s very professional when he needs to be.
-Kaz is always finding excuses to touch Chase. ‘Oh I was just wiping dirt off your arm’ ‘you had something in your hair’ ‘your hands looked cold’ etc
-although Kaz is shorter than Chase, he’s more buff, so when Chase wears Kaz’s clothes he looks hilarious because they’re around two to three sizes too big.
-if you’ve ever watched Heartstopper you’ll know what scene I’m on about. The scene where Charlie opens up his closet and there’s about 50 pairs of Converse in there. That’s what I imagine Chase’s collection of high tops to look like.
-Chase wears high tops because they help with his hypermobility in his ankles. I hc all the Davenport siblings to have hypermobility bc of how they were made. It’s amazing they don’t have more health issues considering they were made in a lab (I assume, since there’s no talk of their mother) and implanted with bionics at a very young age. You’re literally putting robot components into a human, something is bound to go wrong somewhere.
Another ramble over. I hope anyone who ends up reading this enjoys my stupidly long word vomit.
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Alright, time to decide once and for all-
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Me and sales guy Tyler looking at each other, when he asked me "did Tasha [new mgr trainee, very loud and brash] leave yet?" and I say "yes" and then we stare at each other in knowing silence (we mutually do not enjoy Tasha's presence, but have never discussed this with each other)
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okay i know you are on the same shack scene agenda as me and i need to dissect it even more so please tell me your thoughts about what remus is thinking/feeling when he sees peter on the map and decides to go after sirius 👀
What do we know? He finds out Peter is alive and he immediately finds it highly suspicious - nobody casually fakes their death after all. He goes straight to the willow and on his way he tries to make sense of it all. He knows that whatever he believed/was told is at least questionable. And the way through the tunnel is long so he has time to think.
I believe that Remus figured out what happened in October 1981 - more or less - the moment he entered the shack. When he asks how it is possible that Peter is alive, he is thinking out loud. He already went through every possibility, checking how probable each one was in the context of what was happening in the last couple months of the war and then he comes to the conclusion - you switched - and he is sure there is no other option. So when Sirius - who’s words he shouldnt really have any reasons to trust* - nods, he doesnt question it at all and gets straight to business to murder the rat.��
*That is, assuming he truly and fully believed Sirius to be the traitor.
I like to think that it took quite long for him to accept it and that it was mostly due to Dumbledore convincing him. He has no reason to doubt Dumbledore - and Dumbledore has no reason to think what he knows isn’t the whole truth - but what Dumbledore says doesnt make any sense (and even Rosmerta agrees!). But even if he doubs his words he has no means of going against him or proving him wrong so for the sake of his own sanity he has to accept it. 
And even then - when he was told Sirius was responsible for all those murders - he didnt think he deserved the Dementors Kiss. And we know that he holds James and Lily (especially James) in high regard and how much their friendship, support and acceptance meant for him bc of his childhood. Yet he is very quick to murder Peter - not even waiting for the kids to leave the scene jesus christ remus - when they find out he was the traitor. Yes, the point of his question for Harry about the Kiss was to show that it’s fate worse than death but come on - in front of my salad the kids?
Also Im not sure what to make out of his excuse of not telling dumbledore about the map/secret passages - that he convinced himself Sirius was using tricks he was taught by Voldemort and also that he is Dumbeldore’s doormat. Its a very very poor excuse  and. couldnt he just. show him an opened map and point to the secret passages and say they should be blocked/guarded? say he found this mysterious artifact of unspecified origins somewhere in the castle? anyways for me it doesnt make much sense until we consider that he had this thought - about sirius potentially maybe not being guilty - at the back of his head. maybe even subconsciously at this point. 
that or he was very gay for sirius. 
also I forgot to take my shipping goggles off, shit, my bad. 
I would love to hear your thoughts though, they happen to make more sense than mine >.<" 
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manamesbob · 4 months
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fairydraws04 · 5 months
Idk why but i only ever remember to post my jumpstart related art here. Like maybe bc it makes it more easily googleable bc tumblr pics come up on google image search idk anyways jumpstart mermay drawing with tasha and chrissa in their swim tails! And a bonus wip pic
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spocks-husband · 1 year
Okay wait I didn't like Tasha that much but. Oh. Oh fuck. Oh God her funeral scene is making me really fucking sad. Holy shit. Oh. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. What the fuck. What the fucking fuck. Why am I crying. I don't like her. What. What the fuc k.
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cactusnymph · 5 months
new tav just dropped
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psystirene · 1 year
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not gonna lie this was a bit embarrassing for him.
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