#Tarot Interpretation Tips
essseateatarot · 11 months
The Swords Suit in Tarot: Navigating the Realm of Thoughts and Challenges 🗡️
The Swords suit in tarot represents the realm of thoughts, intellect, and the challenges we face in life. It delves into the intricate web of our mental landscapes, providing insights into the conflicts, decisions, and intellectual journeys that shape our existence. From the swift and decisive Ace of Swords to the thoughtful and contemplative Ten of Swords, this suit is a guide through the intricate maze of our minds.
Keywords, Numerological Meanings & Zodiac Sign Associations
The Swords suit is closely associated with the air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, infusing the cards with the qualities of these signs.
Ace of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Embrace clarity and decisive action." Numerological Meaning: New ideas, breakthroughs, clarity. Astrological Correspondence: Air element, representing pure thought and intellect.
Two of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Balancing opposing forces with a blindfolded heart." Numerological Meaning: Choices, indecision, duality. Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Libra.
Three of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Heartache and pain pave the path to growth." Numerological Meaning: Suffering, healing, heartbreak. Astrological Correspondence: Saturn in Libra.
Four of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Rest, reflection, and rejuvenation after the storm." Numerological Meaning: Rest, meditation, recuperation. Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter in Libra.
Five of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Victory through cunning, but at what cost?" Numerological Meaning: Conflict, conquest, manipulation. Astrological Correspondence: Venus in Aquarius.
Six of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Journey toward calmer waters and renewal." Numerological Meaning: Transition, moving on, change. Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Aquarius.
Seven of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Deception and trickery cloud the mind." Numerological Meaning: Deception, cunning, strategy. Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Aquarius.
Eight of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Self-imposed limitations hinder progress." Numerological Meaning: Restriction, entrapment, self-doubt. Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter in Gemini.
Nine of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "Anxiety and nightmares haunt the restless mind." Numerological Meaning: Fear, worry, anxiety. Astrological Correspondence: Mars in Gemini.
Ten of Swords
Symbolic Sentence: "The end of a painful cycle, paving the way for renewal." Numerological Meaning: Ruin, transformation, rock bottom. Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Gemini.
The Court Cards
The Court Cards The Page, Knight, Queen, and King of Swords serve as guides and mentors on the intellectual path, offering unique strengths and insights to navigate the challenges and complexities of the mind.
The Page of Swords: This card represents youthful curiosity, intellectual exploration, and a thirst for knowledge. It often signifies a new phase in one's intellectual development or the emergence of new ideas and perspectives.
Knight of Swords: The Knight of Swords is a dynamic and assertive force within the Swords suit, embodying the spirit of swift, decisive action in intellectual matters. It encourages courage in the face of challenges and the pursuit of intellectual goals.
Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords exudes sharp intellect, independence, and clear discernment. She signifies intellectual maturity and the capacity to cut through the noise to find truth and clarity.
King of Swords: The King of Swords embodies the pinnacle of intellectual strength, logic, and leadership within the Swords suit. He represents intellectual mastery, a calm and analytical mind, and the ability to make wise decisions in the face of adversity.
Here's the Full Article:
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saganssorcery · 4 months
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Okay, in all seriousness I'm gonna address this.
I am strongly against all forms of gate keeping. This myth is only designed to keep Tarot a closed practice and it only serves to stop the masses from using a valuable spiritual tool for themselves so they are forced to keep coming back to a practitioner for help. This being said I am a Tarot reader and I still go to other Tarot readers from time to time. I feel this is important to do cause sometimes they can see things I might otherwise overlook.
If you want a Tarot deck buy one, there is nothing stopping you except your own belief system. It will not change your practice or give you wrong results if you go out of your way to meet your own spiritual needs. Spiritual tools are for everyone, if you have been initiated by another person, or created your own terms of initiation, it's all valid.
I have tarot decks that have been given to me and those which I have bought on my own volition, both serve to give me accurate results, one isn't more powerful than the other. The only thing a given tarot deck has which one you bought yourself doesn't have is the sentimentality and attachment to the person who gave it you. That's it.
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witch--tips · 7 months
If you’re a closeted/secret witch and are afraid of somebody walking in on you while interpreting whatever divination method you use, just take a picture of it to interpret instead.
Ex. Do a tarot card pull, take a pic of what you get, then hide the cards. That way, if anyone walks in on you, it’ll just look like youre on your phone
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archersarrow-tarot · 1 year
✨DIY Tarot Spreads✨
✨🔮Possible Spread Topics:🔮✨
❤️ Love, Romance, Relationships
🕰 Past Lives
🌳 Ancestors
🪧 Life Path & Purpose
💰 Finances
📈 Business, Education
🎁 Past, Present, Future
🥅 Goals, Focus, Aspirations
🩹 Healing, Moving On, Letting Go
🧘‍♀️ Spirit Guides, Spirituality
🪆Self-Exploration & Self-Discovery
⚖️ Decision-making/Making Choices
💭 Dream Interpretation
💻 Problem-Solving
🪞 Reflection
💎 Situation Clarification
Questions to consider including when creating spreads:
true feelings
true intentions
overall view
first impression
relationship strength & weakness, pros & cons
how you help each other
how you hinder each other
potential outcome(s) together
vibes & themes
what’s hidden/unknown
hopes & fears
physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and/or mental compatibility
what attracts you to one another
what to let go of, avoid, start, stop, keep, remember
bond, connection
external & internal influences
root of
true path & how to find it
life purpose
lesson to learn/learned
positive & negative impacts, influences, outcomes
image portrayed
perception & reality
what to focus on
how to overcome, heal, move on, let go
if i stay/if i go
truth of a situation
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honeyglazedgoblin · 7 months
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tarotpathways · 5 months
Unlocking the Magic of Tarot: A Guide to Visualizing Your Readings
Unlocking the Magic of Tarot: A Guide to Visualizing Your Readings
Tarot readings are a captivating way to gain insights into our lives, reflect on our choices, and tap into our intuition. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to perform a tarot reading or enhance your skills, you’re in the right place. This step-by-step guide will help you visualize and conduct your own tarot readings, whether you’re a seasoned tarot enthusiast or just starting your journey. Plus,…
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thecupidwitch · 5 months
Types of Divination
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A means of divination through the interpretation of atmospheric phenomena such as cloud formations, wind currents, rain, fog, lightning, thunder, cosmological events, and positions favorable or unfavorable to the planet.
A form of divination where you use cards to get the answer to your questions. There are different forms of cartomancy like playing cards, tarot, lenormand and oracle cards.
Or bone throwing. It's an ancient form of divination used by many cultures. This method consist of throwing the bones and then interpret the results and pattern.
This method consist of observing the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or situation.
Scrying is divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or reflective object and it's often done by crystal ball gazing, fire scrying, water scrying, mirror scrying, etc.
This type of divination interpret movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, and how they influence us. Astrology gives an understanding of situations in our lives, based on our individual astrological birth chart.
Also known as stone divination, is a form of divination that uses stones or crystals to gain insight into an individual’s future or to provide guidance on a specific issue.
Necromancy is divination through communication with the dead. In this method the practitioner summons or communicate with spirits of the dead in order to gain wisdom.
The practice of reading the flames and wax of a candle. The candle is lit and the flame examined for clues to the mood and energy surrounding the situation and then the wax is allowed to drip into a bowl of cold water or sometimes onto a piece of paper. The practitioner examines the shapes formed by the melted wax and makes predictions based on his or her interpretation of the shapes.
Is a method of divination where you read pattern and symbols from tea leaves or coffee grounds sediments.
Arithmancy is known as divination using numbers, while numerology is divination through using dates and words turned to numbers. Numerology doesn't require any psychic abilities, instead the method use calculations involving name and birth date numbers.
Palmistry is also referred to as palm reading and is divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand. It is common to read the dominant hand as a characterization and also predicting the future.
is the divination by randomly chosen passages in books, often religious books or Grimoires. This method consist of picking a random passage from a book to answer a question.
is a form of divination using sea shells. Placing a seashell on your ear and analyzing the sound counts as Conchomancy. You can also use seashells in Casting divination.
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witchygirlgray333 · 1 year
Some topics + prompts for your grimoire or book of shadows
books you want to read
local folklore / mythology / legends
the wheel of the year
plants you have in your house or garden (their care, properties, uses, draw them etc)
theban alphabet
days of the week and their correspondences
write about a deity you worship / are drawn to
draw art for / of a deity you worship or are drawn to
colour magic
the elements
write about the crystals you own (draw them, write their properties, correspondences, uses, how it makes you feel etc)
how to make your own crystals
your birth chart
your sun, moon and rising sign
natural medicine (as a chronically ill witch I love natural medicine NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRESCRIPTIONS! for example I take all my prescription meds and then if I'm having period pain I might drink some raspberry leaf tea)
positive affirmations / mantras that you connect with
how to manifest
history of witches
deities in a certain pantheon you're interested in or drawn to
write about a spell you've done (how you did it, why you did it, how you felt, the results of it, what you would change if you did the spell again etc)
write about a dream you've had
tarot reading tricks and tips
moon phases
zodiac signs
family tree
poetry / songs / quotes you connect to (i like to find ones that make me feel powerful or witchy, or remind me of certain aspects of my practice. a song i like for this is rhiannon by fleetwood mac and i'm going to post more things like this regularly on my page)
feathers and their meanings
simple everyday magic
some ideas for the next sabbat you plan to celebrate
tarot spreads you like
write about a tarot reading you've done (any prep you did, the deck you used, the cards you pulled, your personal interpretation of the cards based on the art and how you feel, the meaning of the cards, how the cards relate to the questions you asked, final reflection on how you feel the reading went)
interesting mythology
tree of life
glamour magic
money bowls
crystal shapes and their meanings
grounding techniques
cord cutting spells
essential oils
types of divination
planets and their correspondences
angel numbers
witchy wishlist
go to supplies and ingredients (herbs and things that you use regularly)
favourite crystals
working with your inner child
if you've had a really good or particularly insightful meditation session it can be nice to either draw or write what happened and how you felt during it
witchy arts and crafts and diys you want to do
altar ideas
read a witchy book / watch a witchy video and take notes
write about your ancestors
witchy things to incorporate into your daily routine
what is a tower moment
witchy reset / self care days
the history of the area you live in
how to make your own incense sticks
shadow work
shadow work prompts
ok, that's all the ideas I have for now and I hope that helps someone! I'll be posting some pages from my grimoire and some more prompt / topic ideas in the near future which I'm really excited for.
P.S. please remember that everyone's practice is their own and you should do what feels right to you while respecting that other people have their own beliefs (as long as they're not hateful).
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enchantedwitchling · 1 year
The Power of Intuition: Developing Your Psychic Abilities.
Intuition is a powerful gift that we all possess. It's the inner knowing, the gut feeling, the psychic sense that guides us. Whether you're new to exploring your intuitive abilities or looking to enhance them, here are some exercises and tips to help you tap into the magic of your own intuition.
1. Meditation for Clarity 🧘‍♂️🌌
Take time each day to meditate. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your intuition to surface. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your inner wisdom.
2. Trust Your Gut Feeling 🤔💭
Start small by listening to your gut instincts in everyday situations. Trust that inner voice when making decisions. Over time, this will strengthen your intuitive muscle.
3. Tarot and Oracle Cards 🔮🃏
Experiment with divination tools like Tarot or Oracle cards. These can be excellent tools for honing your intuitive skills. Draw a card daily and interpret its message based on your intuition.
4. Dream Journaling 🌙📓
Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Often, dreams contain intuitive insights and symbolism that can be deciphered over time.
5. Practice Empathy and Active Listening 👂❤️
Empathize with others and practice active listening. Tuning into their emotions and thoughts can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities.
6. Nature Connection 🌿🌳
Spend time in nature. The natural world has its own intuitive energy. Take walks, sit quietly, and observe. Nature can amplify your intuitive senses.
7. Develop Your Third Eye Chakra 🧘‍♀️👁️
Work on balancing and opening your third eye chakra through meditation and visualization exercises. This energy center is often associated with intuition.
8. Trust the Process 🌟🌈
Remember, developing intuition takes time and patience. Trust in your own unique journey. Your intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
9. Seek Guidance 🤝🌠
Consider seeking guidance from experienced intuitives or psychics. They can offer insights and techniques based on their own experiences.
10. Keep a Journal of Intuitive Experiences 📔✨
Document your intuitive experiences in a journal. This helps you track your progress and learn from your insights.
Your intuition is a valuable compass on your life's journey. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to illuminate your path. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you'll discover the profound wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the magic of your intuition, and let it lead you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
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essseateatarot · 1 year
The Best 20 Tarot Cards to Get as a Love Outcome (Part I.1)
Love, the most enchanting journey of the human heart, often dances to the rhythm of the mystical tarot. Like an ancient oracle, the tarot cards have the power to reveal the secrets of our affections, and in the realm of love, they are the storytellers of our heart's desires. Picture this: you've just had a Tarot reading, and the cards have unveiled their mysteries. Among the sea of symbols, there, like a shimmering gem, lies the promise of love—a future, a connection, a path filled with boundless affection.
You may wonder, what are the best cards that can appear in your love reading, the ones that whisper of love's deepest treasures?
In this journey through the tarot's, we will unveil the 20 cards that are the stars of love readings, each holding a unique key to the enchanted chambers of your heart. So, take a seat, for love's symphony is about to be played, and the tarot cards are ready to serenade your soul.
1. The Lovers
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When The Lovers card graces your love reading, it's as if the heavens themselves are singing a love song to your soul. It's the ultimate affirmation that love, in its most harmonious and passionate form, is in your grasp. This card represents the sacred union of two souls, entwined in a dance that transcends the ordinary. Love becomes a cosmic alignment, a choice of the heart that blooms like a radiant rose. The Lovers card whispers that you are on the brink of a profound and transformative connection. Your choices and desires align with a higher purpose, leading to the ecstatic embrace of two kindred spirits. In this loving tango, the universe itself partners with your heart, opening the doors to affection, passion, and unity. It's a card that exudes the poetry of love, a harmonious symphony where the notes of your hearts blend into an exquisite melody of togetherness.
2. The Two of Cups
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The Two of Cups is the tender, yet powerful, symbol of shared emotions and the budding connection between two souls. It's like gazing into each other's eyes and seeing your reflection in a tranquil pool. This card signifies a meeting of hearts and a pact to embark on a journey of love together. Each cup overflows with the pure elixir of affection, creating a connection that is both emotional and spiritual. It's not just a card; it's a promise of an authentic, deep bond forming, one that harmonizes your desires and emotions with another's. The Two of Cups exudes the simplicity of pure love—no grand gestures, just the tender touch of hands uniting in understanding. In this card, you find the whisper of a shared dream, the gentle caress of romance, and the affirmation that your hearts are attuned to each other's desires. It's a magical moment where two hearts resonate, creating an emotional alchemy that promises lasting connection and affection. It is the union of two souls, where love is born from the tender acknowledgment of one another.
3. The Ten of Pentacles
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The Ten of Pentacles, an embodiment of enduring love, stability, and shared values, is like a cozy hearth in the heart's abode. In the realm of love, it signifies a relationship that is not only emotionally rich but also solid as the earth beneath your feet. It's a love that is built on the foundations of trust, shared dreams, and lasting commitment. Imagine the warmth and comfort of a home where generations have gathered, where memories are cherished, and where love is a legacy passed from one heart to the next. This card symbolizes not just the love between two people but the inclusion of family, tradition, and a shared future. It's like a vivid tapestry where each thread represents a shared moment, and every knot is a memory that strengthens your connection. The Ten of Pentacles exudes a sense of permanence and deep-rooted love. In this love story, the pages are turned not by fleeting passion but by the solid embrace of shared values and a promise to build a life together. It's the realization that your love is not just a moment in time but a legacy that will continue for generations to come.
4. The Ace of Cups
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The Ace of Cups is like a fresh and boundless wellspring of love, a testament to the inexhaustible nature of affection. In the realm of love readings, it heralds the arrival of new, profound emotions that are destined to overflow in your life. This card is like a pure, ornate chalice, filled to the brim with emotional riches, promising the start of an extraordinary journey of love. The Ace of Cups is not just a card; it's an affirmation of the heart's capacity to feel deeply and fully. It's like a cup that continually replenishes itself, ensuring that you will never run dry of affection, passion, and connection. In this card, love is not just a singular experience; it's a wellspring of emotions that flows freely and unconditionally. The Ace of Cups sings of the purity and depth of your feelings, of the boundless potential for love in your life. It's like a bubbling spring of clear, cool water in the heart's desert, an oasis where you can drink deeply and be nourished by the sweetness of affection.
5. The Knight of Cups
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In the realm of love, the Knight of Cups is your charming and valiant knight, galloping into your heart with romantic gestures, emotional depth, and a passionate spirit. Picture a figure on a white steed, armed with a heart full of love, coming to sweep you off your feet. This knight is the harbinger of emotional adventures and the messenger of love. When he appears in your love reading, expect bold, romantic gestures, affectionate surprises, and a heartfelt declaration of love. The Knight of Cups is the embodiment of courtly love and chivalry, and he brings with him the promise of a new romantic chapter in your life. He is your passionate suitor, a heart's desire made manifest. This knight symbolizes the intensity and depth of your emotions. It's like a serenade under the moonlight, where every note and word is dedicated to the depth of your feelings. The Knight of Cups is a reminder that love is not just about emotions; it's a journey, an adventure, and a passionate quest. In his presence, love is not a static concept; it's a living, breathing force, ready to stir your heart and elevate your spirit. It's the grand romantic gesture that you've always secretly wished for, delivered with grace and sincerity.
Follow for more posts >>> Other cards coming soon...
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saganssorcery · 3 months
Hi, Sagan! I'm a new follower. I hope everything's going well for you. If you're still accepting free reading requests, I would love to avail one, please.
Question: What would my "first time" (18+) with my future husband be like? I am already in my 20s, but if this questions makes you feel uncomfy, please feel free to ignore it.
P.S. Can I ask that this be answered privately?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day ahead 🌼
- Maryel
I contacted Attymi, consent was given to post this reading publically. ✨🙏✨
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Hello! You have drawn Justice and the Four of Swords. It looks as if this is representing a dom and sub roleplay. Your future husband is likely represented by the authority figure in this dynamic, taking charge and judging whether you've been naughty, and will punish, or treat you, accordingly. Dirty talk could be a giant part of this, kinky psychological games where you confess your dirtiest secrets, confessing your sins so to speak ;) While there is a strong dom/sub current here, respect and consent is assured, self care is also a big part of this dynamic. When things get pretty heavy or rough make sure you take all the steps afterwards to ensure everyone is okay and well looked after. After care is all a part of the love making process.
[ Tip jar ] ✨🙏✨
For an expanded reading please check out the [ full list of my services ] and DM me for any information you may need to get your reading underway 💙☄️
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yourwitchmama · 14 days
Free mini tarot readings are open! STATUS: CLOSED
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What they are: I am going to pull. one tarot card for your question to give you insight on your situation.
How it works: I pull tarot cards with the help of my spirit guides to intuitively pick the best card for your question.
Rules: One question only, please! Add your initials and star sign if you feel comfortable doing so. If you reblog, you will get a higher chance of getting an answer. I cannot guarantee answers due to some energy blockages that may arise.
Readings: Message me to request a full tarot reading! If your question needs a lot of in depth analysis, it is better to have multiple cards drawn for you. I can work with you on the pricing. If you can only afford a five dollar reading, we will work with it! I will get back to you with your reading within 24 hours of your purchase.
I have been reading tarot cards for over ten years now, and my interpretation skills are advanced. I read parties as well as individuals, in person and online. I look forward to reading you, free or privately! Please consider tipping me here
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thetarotwitch111 · 12 days
What’s their biggest secret? - pick a pile
Spotify reading: taylor’s version
Here’s to show you my spotify readings, is like tarot but using music! I interpret the lyrics of the songs that start playing, connecting them to your life.
✨help me keep bringing you free readings with some TIPS.
Thank you in advance.
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T.S 1:
Don’t Blame Me + August
They’re caught up in a love they probably shouldn’t be. It’s one of those intense I can’t get enough feelings, even though they know deep down it’s not going anywhere. They might play it cool on the outside, but inside? They’re totally obsessed. Like, they know it’s bad for them, but it feels too good to walk away from.
And then there’s the fact that this whole thing is probably long over, but they just can’t let it go. It’s very August, where they’re holding onto a moment that was never meant to last. Maybe it was a fling, maybe it was a situationship that burned out fast, but here they are, still thinking about it, still waiting for something to happen that just won’t.
They’re stuck in the past, replaying it all in their head. They act like they’re fine, but they’re secretly waiting for this connection to come back around, even though they know it’s a long shot.
Let me know if it resonates!
T.S. 2:
Lover + Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me
Your person is dreaming of a perfect relationship. They’re imagining a future with this person, but they’re not being fully real. They’re hiding parts of themselves because they’re scared that if they show who they really are, it’s going to mess everything up.
On the outside, it’s all Lover vibes, like they want the romance, the closeness, all that. But on the inside, they’ve got some stuff they’re keeping hidden. They think if their person saw the messy, complicated sides of them, they’d leave. So they’re playing it safe, showing only the “””best”””version of themselves, but it’s draining them.
They want deep love, but they don’t believe they can have it if they let someone see all their flaws. It’s like they’re living in this balance between being loved and being scared they’ll ruin it.
Let me know if it resonates!
T.S. 3:
Anti-Hero + Cardigan
They’re really hard on themselves and they’re constantly overthinking everything, feeling like they’re not good enough, or like they’re always screwing things up. It’s Anti-Hero all the way. they might joke about it or act like they’re fine, but deep down they’re their own worst critic. Every little mistake feels huge to them, even if no one else notices.
They’re also carrying around a lot of nostalgia. Cardigan is their whole mood because they miss feeling truly loved and seen. They’re comparing what they have now to what they had before, whether that’s a relationship, a friendship, whatever. There’s this past connection that made them feel safe, and now they don’t feel like they measure up, like they’re not anyone’s favorite anymore.
They’re stuck between their own insecurities and the memories of a time when they felt better about themselves. They want to feel that love again, but they can’t scape the feeling that they’re not enough.
Let me know if it resonates!
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khaire-traveler · 2 years
Divination Masterpost
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"A Huge Tarot Masterpost" info
"Four Ways To Read Tarot Reversals" interpretation
"Tarot Tips" info
"Yes/No Tips" interpretation
"The Ultimate Yes/No Tarot Guide" interpretation
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads" spreads
"Tarot Technique: Dominant Energy" info
"Tarot Basics" info
"Tarot & Oracle Spreads Masterpost" spreads
"Tarot Tips For Beginners" info
"How To Read Tarot For Yourself" info
"How To Get The Most Out Of A General Spread" info
"How To Achieve Truthful Tarot Readings" info
"How To Get Yourself Back Into Tarot/To Do More Tarot" info
"Introduction To Tarot" info
"How & When To Cleanse Your Tarot Cards" info
"Tarot Card Meanings Masterpost" interpretation
"Tarot Major Arcana" info
Other Divination Methods
"Divination101: Pendulums" info
"Pendulum Basics" info
"Pendulum Tips" info
"Introduction To Cartomancy" info
"Cartomancy ABC Guide" info
"Types Of Divination" info
"Windvexer's Divination Masterpost" info
"Divination Masterpost" info
"Another Divination Masterpost" info
"How To Do Shufflemancy" info
"How To Make & Read Your Own Osteomancy Set" article link info
"How To Read Playing Cards" info & interpretation
"Playing Card Suit Meanings" interpretation
"Quick Reference For Cartomancy" interpretation
"Major Differences: Tarot vs. Playing Cards" info
"Major Arcana For Playing Cards" info
"When To Consult Divination" tip
"Osteomancy Masterpost" list
"Scrying: Witchcraft 101" info
"Introduction To Pyromancy" info (couldn't find other posts)
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notthesomefather · 3 months
Reading runes: tips for beginners
Hi folks! When beginners start investigating rune-reading, they typically see two things: posts reiterating that runes had no historical basis in divination and posts dictating what each rune always means.
While the former is true, it doesn't negate the power of letting the divine speak to you through channels you understand--whether you use playing cards, tarot, runes, or other signs to interpret these messages. And while runes each carry their own meaning(s), these meanings are not fixed but context-sensitive.
Step One: Sitting with the runes
Before you do too much research, I'd advise you to simply sit with the runes and listen to how they feel. Hold one in your hand, visualize one in your mind, chant one's name aloud, or some combination of those techniques. Let images, sounds, smells, and ideas come to you without analysis or critique. This is an initial "getting to know you" meditation meant to be repeated many times throughout your journey, and I'd advise revisiting these meditations even after you feel acquainted with the runes.
Step Two: Researching the runes
Research into historical and linguistic concepts behind the runes may be beneficial. I'd also recommend contemporary research--see how folks use the runes in their practice, whether in divination, creation of bind runes, or other implementations. Know that each individual will have their own relationship with runes, but keep an eye open for inspiration.
Step Three: Questioning the runes
Once you understand how you interpret the runes, it's time to take them for a spin. I advise against very detailed "yes or no" questions and suggest broader, more open-ended questions. Example: instead of "Should I take this job?" ask, "What are qualities in a job that would make me happy?" then see if the offered job reflects those values. Instead of "Does Tyr like it when I offer him a beer?" ask, "What are attributes Tyr values in a devotee?"
Step Four: Throwing the runes
As part of your research phase, I'd suggest looking up different rune spreads to see if any resonate with you. What I do is more random and case-by-case: without looking, I dig my hand into the runes and concentrate on my question. I do this until a rune pops into my hand (or out of the bag) or feels unusually heavy. I'll pull runes without looking until the remaining runes in the bag feel neutral (nothing trying to pop out)--this results in typically 3-5 runes but it varies. I typically don't organize the runes or pull with any spread in mind, but rather leave them where they fall (from the bag or my palm).
Step Five: Interpreting the runes
Sit back, take deep breaths, and remember to view the spread as a whole. Each rune is in communication with the others.
I interpret the runes' placement to indicate their relationships with one another. For example, if I throw a Berkano, Perthro, and Elhaz, but the Perthro and Elhaz are on top of each other, I'll analyze them as a pair. So I would analyze Berkano on its own, the relationship between Perthro and Elhaz, and then the larger relationship between all three. Yes, it is 100% okay to refer back to notes you've taken!
In my experience, the most important thing to remember is: reading the runes requires a great deal of self-honesty and inner reflection, bravery to hear tough answers, and humility to let the runes answer questions we didn't know we were asking.
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aphrostarot · 5 months
Career Reflection Pick a Pile
This reading of for anyone who needs more clarity on their career. Anyone who is at a crossroads, stuck, confused in their career, or someone who just wants a checkup on their career goals.
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Nine of Wands:
The thing that keeps you going in this job, that motivates you, is problems. When you are overwhelmed in your job and facing almost insurmountable struggles this is when you feel the most inspired and useful in your job. You like to feel useful in your job and you feel the most useful when people need help, when you are the person people come to for help.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
The Sun:
The Sun in Tarot is all about happiness, success, confidence, and optimism. What this tells me when it comes to what your responsibilities are in your job and how you feel about them is that you are expected to remain optimistic and cheerful in your job and this is something that you like about your job. Some of you could be teachers or work with children, I say this because teachers and people who work with kids are expected to be cheerful and build confidence in the kids they work with. Some of you may even be camp counselors or work at an amusement park, something where you are expected to always be smiling and cheerful.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
Three of Cups Reversed:
The Three of Cups Upright is all about friendships and celebrations but having it reversed is all about isolation and solitude. So, what this tells me about your talents is that you thrive when you are alone, you are at your best in your job when you can do things your way without others’ input. You prefer to do your work individually rather than in group work. You may be an introvert or just someone who doesn't like to socialize and make friends with your coworkers. The Three of Cups can be interpreted as going out for drinks, making small talk, and just overall surface-level interactions, and having this be reversed for your talents means that you are not someone who likes small talk, you like to get to the bottom of things and have deep conversations, you're not someone who wants to go out for drinks with your coworkers just to make unimportant small talk, you would rather only have to talk to your coworkers when you absolutely need to.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
The Emperor:
There is someone at your job who can be a mentor to you. They may be your boss or someone who is just above you in some way. This person is a hard worker and very disciplined and they can be someone who will help you grow in your career. It would help you a great deal to go to them for advice when you need it.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
The Empress Reversed:
You may be feeling insecure, and stuck at your job, like you haven’t progressed anywhere in quite some time. I feel like there is a mindset you have when it comes to your job and the progress you feel you need to be making and are not which makes you feel like a failure. This mindset you have needs to be fixed, you have unachievable expectations of yourself and what you should be achieving which is causing you to feel like you are not going anywhere in this job.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Two of Cups:
Even though you are someone who doesn’t like to socialize with your coworkers if you don’t have to and you are not someone who goes out with your coworkers when/if they ever go out, you still care whether they like you or not. You may think your coworkers don’t like you and this bothers you or you may just fear that they won’t like you if you don’t try to socialize with them. As I said, you are someone who doesn’t like to make small talk and pretend to be interested in something you are not interested in, yet because you want these people to like you, you go out of your comfort zone to try and make them like you. Your guides are telling you this is something you need to let go of. Stop trying to make your coworkers like you by being something you are not. Just be yourself and the right people will like you, the ones who don’t are not meant to be close to you.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
Ace of Swords:
You may not be clearly expressing what it is that you want in your career, or from the people you work with. There is a lot of miscommunication happening or just no communication happening which has left you feeling pretty unsatisfied. You may even have been thinking about leaving your job because of this, thinking that you can find something better and more exciting somewhere new, but your guides are saying that what you need to do here, is evaluate what the issues you are having are and how they can be fixed because it may be simpler than you think. They are saying, once you work on fixing these things you will end up getting exactly what you want out of this job.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
Page of Swords Reversed:
It seems like you have lots of energy and curiosity, but right now it’s not directed at anything. With no outlet, it seems like you can’t quite make up your mind about what it is you actually want to do for your future. You may move from one job to the next when you get bored, or decide it’s not for you, which is why you may want to leave this current job you are in. You may also have lots of ideas about what you want your future to look like but you lack the follow-through to get it done. For you to receive the things you want out of this job you need to start sticking with it even when it gets boring or tough. You need to start something and follow it through to the finish line instead of always quitting when things get tough.
Bottom of the Deck:
King of Cups:
At times, the King of Cups can signify a more experienced, caring, and compassionate advisor or mentor who can help you develop an emotionally fulfilling career. We know from earlier in this reading that a mentor would help you at this moment in your career, so, it may be time for you to reach out to them and ask for help. This card is also about balancing your own emotional needs and practical, logical needs. Your wisdom and ability to balance your head and your heart can win you the respect and admiration of those around you and can make you especially valuable when it comes to ironing out conflicts between various parties in the office. You struggle with these things but it will benefit you in the long run to get some balance in your life.
There is strong water energy with this pile, specifically Cancer energy. So, you may be a Cancer or have significant Cancer placements. Or, this person who will be a mentor to you could also be a Cancer. You may even have this sign in your 10th house or placements in these signs in your 10th house.
The colors black and blue kept coming forward during this reading. They could have some significance to you.
The number 12 kept coming up during this reading, it may mean something to you.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
Pile Two:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Six of Wands:
The thing that gives you purpose in this job, that keeps you going when times get tough, is the rewards you receive for your hard work. This card can sometimes signify fame, so, it is worth mentioning that you may hope to be recognized by a wide array of people for your work. However, it mainly means success and rewards so, the majority of you may just like the rewards and recognition you get from the people around you when you complete projects and goals you are working on.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
Page of Pentacles:
Your responsibilities may lie in planning things. Your job relies on you making plans, goals, strategies, etc. The Page of Pentacles is the star student, the perfect example of what being a good student means, so, for your responsibilities in your job, you may be expected to research, learn new things, and then come up with ways to apply them to your job. The Page of Pentacles is also a very loyal person, so, this is telling me that no matter how you feel about your job you will stick with it. I was getting very serious energy with this pile, so I believe that you are someone who understands that there are highs and lows with your job, and because of this, you won’t let bad days change how much you love your job.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
Six of Swords:
The Six of Swords is all about transitions, moving on, and acceptance. What this tells me about where your talents lie is that you are very good with empathy and understanding. You are very good at helping people transition from one place to another in their life. You could be a therapist, counselor, life coach, traveler, etc.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
Ten of Wands Reversed:
A great resource for you to grow in your job is by delegating your burdens, you don’t have to do everything all by yourself. You may feel like you are being overworked in your job and that there are too many expectations put on you. The answer to how you feel less stress is by delegating and spreading some of these tasks out among others. Many cards kept flying out when I asked this question. What this tells me is that you have a lot of resources that can help you with your current struggles, and help you grow in this career.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
The Chariot:
You are a very passionate person who has a great deal of drive and ambition, however, that drive and ambition may make you want to do many things at the same time. It may be hard for you to focus on one thing at a time. So, what needs to be fixed at this moment is you remaining focused on one thing at a time and not getting carried away with too many things. As I said in the previous question you need to delegate and this can apply to this question too, you need to have some self-control and start focusing on one thing at a time instead of overfilling your plate.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Ten of Cups:
You may want to fit in with your coworkers and be close with them, so much so that it may cloud your judgment when it comes to how you move forward in your career. You may be putting too much on your plate because you are a people pleaser and when people come to you for help you say yes even if you are already busy. This mindset and behavior need to be let go of. You need to release your need for everyone to like you, and for you to feel like you belong and fit in with the people around you.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
The Star:
It may be hard for you to remain optimistic, and hopeful in your job because you may have been let down in the past when you got your hopes up. Your guides are telling you in this reading that you may need to consider having hope again. There is a difference between being unrealistically optimistic and being cautiously optimistic. You are allowed to be hopeful and to be happy about what your future looks like without getting too in your head. Remaining balanced and grounded will help you at this time.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
King of Pentacles:
Having a good reputation is what you want in your career. As we have established from the first question, something that is very important to you is your reputation and how people see you. So, the biggest goal you have is for people to look up to you and think of you as a good business person. You want people to think of you as someone who achieves all of their dreams and can do anything they set their minds to, someone who is very successful and has lots of experience in whatever field it is that you work.
Bottom of the Deck:
The Hierophant:
The bottom of the deck shows you what the underlying energy of the reading is, and having The Hierophant at the bottom tells you yet again, that individuality is not something you should be doing right now at work. Working with others is how you should be working, delegating, allowing others to help you, etc. These are all ways for you to work with others. You may be someone who doesn’t like to work with others, preferring to do everything by yourself, however now is not the time for you to be doing everything alone, you need to let others work with you.
I was getting strong Capricorn, and Virgo energy with this pile, so, you could be or have significant placements in these signs. You may even have these signs in your 10th house or placements in these signs in your 10th house.
The colors, purple, pink, and green were also big with this pile so, you could have some connection with these piles.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
Pile Three:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Six of Pentacles:
The thing that drives you in this job is feeling like the people you work with, especially your bosses, appreciate all that you do. You want to feel like your work matters and is being put to good use, so when people tell you how much they appreciate you and like the work you are doing, this gives you the push you need to stay in your job.
Some of you may work in a field where you work with the community around you. Whatever the job is, it allows you to see the good your job does, you work with the people that you are helping. You may also enjoy volunteering on your time off. You just truly care about making a difference in the world and you want to see that difference being implemented.
Some of you may have Aquarius placements or significant 11th-house placements. You may have Aquarius in your 10th house.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
Two of Pentacles Reversed:
Your work is high-stress, you are often overworked, and highly stressed out. You feel stressed out most of the time, but you still love your job, just not the fact that you are relied on to do the work of ten. There is a lot of frazzled energy with this pile, I feel like the people who chose this pile enjoy the high stress of their job but sometimes it may get to be too much. This card is encouraging you to see if you can find ways to bring more balance into your job, even if it's just subtle ways, any amount of balance will help alleviate some of that stress.
Some of you could work in healthcare.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
The Moon Reversed:
When other people have problems getting through confusion and misunderstandings or misinterpretations, you don’t. You are good at seeing through the fog, of finding your way through to the light again. People may come to you for help when they are struggling with their job, not knowing what to do. It’s almost like you are always clear on everything, like you never struggle with confusion, at least on the outside it may seem like that. You show this side of yourself when you’re at work because you don’t want people to see you struggling. So, even when you are confused or unclear, you pretend like you know what you are doing. Fake it till you make it is your motto in life.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
Justice as a resource in your career is all about honesty and fairness. Make sure you are treating the people you work with, with respect and equality as this can help you make progress in your career. It may also be that something in law, or government could help you progress further in your career, but that may not be a message for everyone, always take what resonates, and don’t try and force things to fit into your life. Overall though, it seems that changing the way you approach the people you work with is needed for you to see some growth in your career. Make sure you are always being honest, and fair in everything you do in your job.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
Two of Wands:
You may not be someone who likes to plan in your job, or just simply make plans in general, but it seems that this is something you need to start doing. However, some of you may plan too much and don’t make moves unless you have every detail of it planned out, if that sounds more like you, you need to take a step back and let go of some of your control issues, you can't plan everything, sometimes things happen that are out of your control and that is okay.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Six of Cups:
The six of cups often represents childhood, memories, and healing. When it comes to your career and things that need to be let go, it seems that you have been looking backward on the path that got you here maybe too much. You’ve been obsessing over your past work thinking that it holds great lessons that you need to learn to build your future. However, your guides are telling you that obsessing over your past mistakes and the things you did right is not helping you at all it is holding you back. Alternatively, this card can signal that you may be reconsidering your career path, and perhaps returning to a position that you had once left, if that is the case you need to let this idea go.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
Six of Wands:
You may be very proud of how far you have come in your career. You have grown so much, and are now reaping the benefits of this hard work. You may have also received a promotion or raise because of this hard work and this has given you a major confidence boost. However, you need to consider how you have been acting because of this confidence boost. Have you been getting too cocky? Too arrogant? Don’t let this confidence venture into vanity.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
The Magician:
The thing you want the most out of this career is the drive to pursue any and everything you set your heart to. You want to manifest all of your dreams into reality. You believe that this career will keep your passion and drive going and that you won’t struggle with dull moments because of how much stress you are constantly under. You believe that stress is your driving force and this will help you manifest a successful career.
Bottom of the Deck:
Strength at the bottom of the deck tells me that you are a very strong person. That you have what it takes to get through all of the stress that this career brings to you.
The colors orange and red were significant with this pile so they may have some meaning to some of you.
Smoke, mist, fire, and hands kept coming up with this reading, so some of you may think or have thought in the past that you can control the wind, fire, smoke, etc., and some of you may get messages from your guides through these elements.
Many of you have a lot of big hopes and dreams but you don’t know how to get to them.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
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