#tarot study
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herchaosbasement · 2 years ago
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Definitely an ace, or court card of wands. The colors, the staff, and the look of confidence and determination remind me of the suit of fire.
Note the water mark for artist credit.
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ace-of-the-empress · 14 days ago
tarot study methods that aren’t just rote memorization:
My #1 advice for learning tarot will always be to simply participate in tarot and the surrounding community. Watch YouTube channels, join Discords, purchase readings for yourself, and read your own cards. That said, direct study is still important. Here are 5 methods for when you’re ready to move beyond flashcards and keywords:
you be the deck: pick a situation (real or fictional) of which you already know the outcome and a spread that would apply to it. imagine you are the deck, trying to communicate this outcome through the language of cards. what cards would you choose? how could they be misinterpreted by the reader? bonus: do this once, then remove the cards you selected from the equation and try to communicate the answers again in a new way.
rapid fire interpretation: pick a three card spread, shuffle your deck, and pull sets of three until you run out of cards. don’t spend more than a couple minutes trying to come up with an interpretation, we don’t want to be here more than an hour, we just want to practice interpreting all the cards as quickly as possible. if you get stuck, set the card aside and check the guidebook or online resources after.
compare and contrast: you don’t need to own a deck to study the art, and some artists have entire decks available to peruse for free online. grab two of your own decks or pull up images of cards from multiple decks on your laptop. compare and contrast the same card across multiple decks. what reoccurring symbols do you see? how do the artists’ interpretations differ? which do you prefer
explain it to me: requires an oracle. pick a tarot card to study. ask an oracle deck to explain it to you. try to find connections between the oracle card and the tarot card.
mark it up: thrift a deck or find a cheap mass market one you don’t mind destroying. write your keywords and personal associations on it. doodle. add new imagery in or cover up old imagery with stickers.
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archersarrow-tarot · 1 year ago
📚 Tarot Journaling 📖
What can I use to make my tarot journal?
Anything!! It’s YOUR journal. You can use a notebook - of any size, type, etc; a scrapbook, a binder…get as creative as you want.
✨What should I record in my tarot journal?
Once again, it’s your journal! Anything and everything that you feel belongs inside it! But - here’s some ideas:
Previous readings
Daily Tarot Card Drawings (cards drawn, thoughts, your interpretation(s), etc)
Tarot spreads you’ve made
Questions to include for future readings
Ideas and inspirations for tarot spreads
Track recurring cards
Keywords, phrases, correspondences, & interpretations of cards
Card combinations
Tarot tips & tricks as you learn them
Your feelings while drawing certain cards, certain spreads, etc.
Why should I have a tarot journal?
Journaling can help deepen your connection with the cards
Tracks your progress with learning, as well as you as a reader in general
Prompts you to explore parts of yourself
Helps you gain a more mindful approach to life
Records your journey with tarot
Can make it easier to interact with the cards
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saganssorcery · 9 months ago
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Okay, in all seriousness I'm gonna address this.
I am strongly against all forms of gate keeping. This myth is only designed to keep Tarot a closed practice and it only serves to stop the masses from using a valuable spiritual tool for themselves so they are forced to keep coming back to a practitioner for help. This being said I am a Tarot reader and I still go to other Tarot readers from time to time. I feel this is important to do cause sometimes they can see things I might otherwise overlook.
If you want a Tarot deck buy one, there is nothing stopping you except your own belief system. It will not change your practice or give you wrong results if you go out of your way to meet your own spiritual needs. Spiritual tools are for everyone, if you have been initiated by another person, or created your own terms of initiation, it's all valid.
I have tarot decks that have been given to me and those which I have bought on my own volition, both serve to give me accurate results, one isn't more powerful than the other. The only thing a given tarot deck has which one you bought yourself doesn't have is the sentimentality and attachment to the person who gave it you. That's it.
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nonbeas · 4 months ago
Ignore me trying to learn tarot
Summary of the suits
Cups: water, heart (emotions) and gut (intuition)
Wands: fire, the soul, the spirit, action and willpower.
Swords: air, the mind, intellect, communication, logic.
Coins: earth, the physical body, material objects, possessions, money, career.
Some overlap: Cups and Swords - both can involve intuition. Thinking brain intuition vs heart intuition - logical intuition vs gut feelings. Same with wands - spiritual intuition.
Swords and wands - ambition. Swords is intellectual ambition, think in a Slytherin way. Wands is actionable ambition - the type of ambition that motivates you.
0s - something that doesn't exist yet.
The Fool - someone in stasis who knows nothing of the journey.
Positive: optimism, energy for the journey ahead, excitement.
Negative: foolishness, rashness, foolish and naive.
Ace or 1s represent the beginning of something.
The Magician - Someone who can create something new.
Positive: manifestation, beginnings, willpower, ambition, skill, ability.
Negative: cunning, a trickster, deceptive, an illusion.
Ace of cups: a beginning of emotions - new love, new feelings, new emotions. A new relationship, a new hobby, a new friendship?
in reverse: the lack of emotions - feeling unloved, apathetic, emotionally stunted, depression, gloominess, emotional loss.
Ace of wands: a beginning of action or spirit - new plans, new ambition, new passion, new energy.
in reverse: the lack of passion or energy, hesitancy or blocks.
Ace of swords: a beginning of intellect, a new idea, clarity or focus of the mind.
in reverse: a lack of vision- confusion, hostility, frustration and fighting.
Ace of coins: a beginning of the material, a new opportunity or new abundance, a new career or a new physical gift.
in reverse: a lack of abundance, missed opportunities, deficiency.
Twos - Dualities and/or partnership. Balance or conflict. There's two people here, are they in line with each other or at odds?
Two of cups: partnership of emotions - mutual respect, partnership, sharing of emotions.
in reverse - duality of emotions - separation, division, bad communication, rejection.
Two of wands - partnership of energy - planning, first steps of action, making decisions and taking new risks.
in reverse - duality of energy - bad planning, not taking action, fear of risk.
Two of swords - partnership of intellect - stuck between choices, stalemate or hiding information.
in reverse - duality of intellect - anxiety, stress, too much information.
I am the most confused about swords. normally the regular vs inverse are opposites of each other, like positives and negatives. but instead, I'm getting what I perceive to be negatives on both sides, not opposites of each other.
thinking about this: the normal state of two people with high intellect is that they're not going to agree. It's a conversation/debate but it's in a stalemate because both sides are presenting well. in the reverse, it's too much, and it's not just a stalemate, it's anxiety. It's the idea that there's no right or wrong decision because of moral ambiguity, not because one simply cannot decide. There's nothing hidden in the reverse, only truth. So ideally it's a positive - no hidden meanings, no deception, but it causes a negative. Like Chidi in the good place. Chidi is the reverse two of swords. The regular two of swords is like healthy rivalry?
Two of coins - partnership in material - balance of resources, a financial partnership? Flexibility.
reverse - duality of the material - messiness, chaos, overextending.
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readings-in-the-dark · 1 year ago
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16.10.23 (monday)
reading for myself for once? with my own guide for help? lol it's been a while but it's quite therapeutic to sort my thoughts with the help of my cards instead of helping someone else sort through theirs.
deck used: Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle
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alchemy-arts-bookstore · 11 months ago
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Upcoming free online event!
THU, APR 18 · 2:00 PM Central Time Free Online Tarot Talk
Let’s talk about cards we’ve pulled and the synchronicities that follow. Let’s also talk about two card daily draws. Natalie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tarot Synchronicities Time: Apr 18, 2024 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meetup event link: https://www.meetup.com/Witchy-Paths/events/299202303/
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sceptic-witch · 11 months ago
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Starting my time off with my first bit of tarot study! This week I've been thinking Queen of Cups and what this card means to me, with some help from my Alleyman's Tarot.
This journal companion to Yoshi Yoshitani's Tarot of the Divine is just lovely. I was a bit scared to start writing in it at first but pretty happy with how this very simple page turned out ☺️
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mystictoadie · 1 year ago
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Mugwort is such a staple in my practice, subconsciously even. One of my favourite incense is Mugwort. My grandma used to tell me that Mugwort tea is great for tummy troubles, so I've been keeping that around ever since. It's growing everywhere in the backyard. What a great herb altogether. I love learning about its dreaming-related properties.
Deck: Herbcrafter's Tarot
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spiritsnstuff · 2 years ago
Learning tarot... looking at the sets, the 10's ~ included is my personal connection with each card. What about you? What's YOUR personal connection with each card; this would be an excellent way to start a tarot journal.
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herchaosbasement · 1 year ago
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A message from the forest:
Knight of Wands
Passionate, creative energy. This is what the knight of wands has to offer to those whose path he crosses. The knight of wands is reliable and supportive, and can represent an ally in the work environment or other passion projects.
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caemidraws · 1 year ago
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The Hierophant
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archersarrow-tarot · 1 year ago
🪙 Cleansing & Recharging
During a full moon, place your cards outside or in a window where the moon light shines on it overnight.
Leave deck in direct sunlight for a few hours. Be cautious of sun bleaching.
🧂Salt Burial
Bury Your cards in salt overnight
Knock or tap on the back of the car dick three times on a table
Shuffle cards with nothing particular on youri mind.
Re-order your deck in numerical order & by suit.
👁Visualization & Meditation
Visualize a white light surrounding and cleansing your deck with meditation.
Surround your cards with cleansing crystals
Pass the deck over the smoke of incense, herbs, or a white or black candle.
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saganssorcery · 8 months ago
hey sagan! i wanted to ask, will SC and I reconnect soon?
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Hello! You have drawn the Eight of Cups and the Knight of Swords. Unfortunately it looks as if there has been some level of conflict and they are moving away from this connection. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I don't see them reconnecting any time soon.
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coyoteworks · 1 month ago
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XV – The Devil | print
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jesncin · 7 months ago
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Chimera Constantine: a story about grief. Our series of fancomics reimagining the Golden Boy arc from Hellblazer. You can read it all in one go here:
Birthdays | Twin in the Mirror | Chimera Constantine | Reunion And Loss | The Marigold Mage’s Farewell, No Choir |
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