#Tam Zione
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brittanytobiason · 1 year ago
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Get them grouped into convenient households by sims3pack or convenient ala carte .sim files.
To make townies, add sims to a vacant residence and kick them out.
To appoint registers and set service, you must have nraas Register, Cheats and Master Controller installed.
Fair warning: the game randomly deletes or reappoints service and role sims. To keep a specific sim in a specific role may require reappointing them, even readding them to the game, should they vanish. I think it's worth it for certain roles and have designed sims to suit specific registers.
To Set Service
Select the sim, then: nraas, master controller, advanced, set service
To Appoint Register
Select the cash register or bar you would appoint a sim to, then: nraas, register, homeless
If the sim you would appoint is not in the homeless list, try the other lists. It may be that the register has an age bracket that rules out young adults, as the Orbiter consignment desk does. The recommendations I've made have all been well tested.
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Loop Role Sims
For Cronor. No CC
The household consists of seven sims
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
Download Loop Role Townies sims3pack file
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Lexi Callahan
young adult female
Traits: Family oriented, flirty, loves to swim, snob, social butterfly
Lifetime Wish: Bottomless Nectar Cellar
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Generations, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Download Lexi Callahan .sim file
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Poe Tut
young adult male
Traits: bookworm, charismatic, family oriented, friendly, easily impressed
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
Lifetime Wish: Super Popular
Download Poe Tut .sim file
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Shellie DuJour
adult female
Traits: absent minded, dramatic, easily impressed, unlucky, unstable
Lifetime Wish: International Super Spy
Expansion Packs Used: Generations, Showtime, Seasons, Into the Future
Download Shellie DuJour .sim file
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Griffin Zucco
young adult male
Traits: excitable, genius, perfectionist, neat, loner
Lifetime Wish: Become a Master Thief
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Pets, Supernatural, University Life
Download Griffin Zucco .sim file
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Harker Tam
adult male
Traits: friendly, party animal, rebellious, technophobe, neat
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
Download Harker Tam .sim file
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Carrie-Anne Zion
young adult female
Traits: animal lover, book worm, excitable, good, green thumb
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, University Life
Lifetime Wish: Master of the Arts
Download Carrie-Anne Zion .sim file
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Bella Goth
young adult female witch
Traits: brave, good, lucky, family oriented, party animal
Career: Magician 4
Lifetime Wish: Super Popular, completed
Expansion Packs Used:Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Into the Future
Download Bella Goth .sim
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Wasteland Role Sims
For Cronor. No CC
The household consists of seven sims
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
Download sims3pack file
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Pez Exiam
adult male
Traits: lucky, athletic, charismatic, good sense of humor, perfectionist
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Generations, Island Paradise
Download Pez Exiam .sim file
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Connor Fagan
young adult male
Traits: friendly, rebellious, avant garde, party animal, snob
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Pets, University Life
Download Connor Fagan .sim file
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Barbara Delos
young adult female
Traits: charismatic, perfectionist, supernatural fan, lucky, good sense of humor
Lifetime Wish: Fashion Phenomenon
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Pets, Supernatural, Into the Future
Download Barbara Delos .sim file
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Sunny Sulu
young adult female
Traits: avant garde, dramatic, loner, loves to swim, lucky
Lifetime Wish: Descendant of da Vinci
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Download Sunny Sulu .sim file
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Vin Holmes
young adult male
Traits: brooding, bookworm, couch potato, genius, good sense of humor
Lifetime Wish: Chess Legend
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, Seasons, University Life
Download Vin Holmes .sim file
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Dean Valjean
young adult male
Traits: good sense of humor, hates the outdoors, night owl, party animal, perfectionist
Lifetime Wish: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, University Life, Into the Future
Download Dean Valjean .sim file
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Selina Krall
young adult female vampire
Traits: diva, mean spirited, party animal, rebellious, snob
Lifetime Wish: Turn the Town
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
Download Selina Krall .sim file
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Crispin Slade
I like to use nraas Register to assign him to The Comissioner consignment register
young adult male
Traits: ambitious, dramatic, hot-headed, supernatural skeptic, unstable
Lifetime Wish: Master Thief
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
Download Crispin Slade .sim file
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Service Townies
For Cronor. No CC
The household consists of seven sims
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Late Night, Generations,Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
Download Service Townies sims3pack file
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Jephph Hutt
child male half-alien
Traits: computer whiz, genius, loves the outdoors
Expansion Packs Used: Generations, Seasons, Into the Future
Download Jephph Hutt .sim file
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Xiuxi Xlotl
adult female alien
Traits: clumsy, dislikes children, dramatic, friendly, shy
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Seasons
Download Xiuxi Xlotl .sim file
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Devo Hooley
teen male
Traits: artistic, couch potato, good, friendly
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, University Life
Download Devo Hooley .sim file
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Janine Dyson
teen female witch
Traits: good, genius, artistic, socially awkward
Expansion Packs Used: Generations, Supernatural, University Life
Download Janine Dyson .sim file
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Zelda Garvey
young adult female
Traits: adventurous, athletic, daredevil, flirty, good sense of humor
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Showtime, Seasons, Into the Future
Download Zelda Garvey .sim file
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Charlotte Kepler
young adult female
Traits: handy, night owl, party animal, lucky, genius
Lifetime Wish: The Tinkerer
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Late Night, Supernatural, Seasons, Into the Future
Download Charlotte Kepler .sim file
CC Credits
Thank you to Crowkeeper and Norn for making and sharing Cronor, as well as to simsmidgen, atuned, Architectural-sims, City Mouse, Dylan-Walsh-Sim, Gaiahypothesims, Maramaja06, Mpartsbuilds, Nocturnalazure, RamboRocky90 and others for your creativity and generosity.
All my downloads by sim
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years ago
❔ pretty sure we’ve sent this to each other before but still
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
Bold is your muse, then a list of my muses I'd like to write against yours!
Buckle up lol
Nesta Archeron - Cassian, Feyre, Gwyn, Emerie, Elain Elain Archeron - Feyre, Nuala, Helion Feyre Archeron - Cassian, Azriel, Viviane, Elain, Jurian Morrigan - Emerie, Fawn, Alpin, Kerne (oc brother) Emerie - Gwyn, Fawn, Jarek Lucien Vanserra - Elain, Helion, Oriane (OC younger sister), Fawn (OC aunt), Jurian Gwyneth Berdara - Eularia, Rhea (semi-oc mom), Azriel Daemon Targaryen - Yennefer, Violet, Calix Alicent Hightower - Cassian, Azriel, Alyx, Xaden Harwin Strong - Feyre, Zion Helaena Targaryen - Elain, Jaskier, Liam, Willow Rosenberg - Rebekah Buffy Summers - Elijah Gil Legume - Harriet, Sammy, Damian Evie Grimhilde - Mal, Ben, Derek, Jonathan D. Audrey Rose Reine - Ben, Piotr, Kris, Fleur F. Ben Florian Au Roi - Mal, Evie, Olwen, Piotr Mal Bertha Draconis - Anthony T., Ben, Evie Aimee White - Derek, Calder, Fleur F. Ruby, Chesney Harry Potter - Hermione, Blaise, Charlie, Fleur D. Ginny Weasley - Angus, Charlie, Hermione, Blaise Ron Weasley - Charlie, Hermione, Blaise, Fleur D. Draco Malfoy - Hermione, Blaise Lily Evans - Sirius, Peter, Marlene River Tam - Ed, Kelly, Shepard, Garrus, Tali Inara - Ed, Kelly, Shepard, Garrus, TaliPrince Charming/David Nolan - Emma, Hook, Neal Evil Queen/Regina Mills - Emma, Hook, Neal, Maleficent Baelfire/Neal Cassidy - Emma, Hook, Harriet Henry Mills - Emma, Hook, Neal, Harriet Lily Page - Maleficent, Emma Will Turner - Elizabeth Annie Cresta - Finnick, Peeta Johanna Mason- Finnick, Peeta Peeta Mellark - Finnick Stefan Salvatore - Caroline, Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah Bonnie Bennett - Caroline, Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah Liz Forbes - Caroline Tauriel - Kili Renesmee “Carlie” Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle Bella Swan-Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob Edward Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jaco Emmett Cullen - Carlisle Rosalie Hale - Emmett
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melonoverlord · 6 years ago
New asks for my wonderful buttered biscuit boo
Which parent do they look the most like?
Although he got his nose shape and concerned resting face from his mom, Tam definitely looks like his dad more. He’s got his eyes, his fluffy easily mussed hair, and beautiful jawline.
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
Tam was the first named of the twins, but when his mother was pregnant and thought she was going to have a daughter, she was going to name it Tammie. When Tam was actually born, they shortened it to Tam.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
Tam was always anxious, but he didn’t become outright fearful of everything until he started the Rebellion with Luna and Oberon and saw the horrors of war. As a child, he was way more bitter of the other slaves that thought their subjugation was just in wait for a deity to save them. Young Tam had mastered the death glare by the time he was five.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
Tam’s surprisingly a lightweight. At two to three drinks he is telling everyone how proud he is of them and that he loves them so much and is happy they’re in his life. He’s a loving happy dad drunk fo sho.
Where do they like to be touched?
He doesn’t like to be touched except for select people, namely Ciri, Luna, Nivvy, Oberon, and the kids. When its platonic touches, he likes being touched on the hair and hands (he has very good hands for holding). When Ciri, he doesn’t really care where she touches him, all of it he loves. But he does really like when she touches his tummy and arms and his donker.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
He’s the definition of “bottom in the streets, top in the sheets”. He really likes watching Ciri and making her feel her best and loved, which he does by politely railing her until she sees stars.
What are their kinks?
Tam’s one of the less kinky boys, its more of location. He absolutely loves having sex in the kitchen, and it’s his dream (although secret because he doesn’t want Ciri to feel bad) of shower sex. As for actual kinks, he loves seeing Ciri dressed in vintage clothes (especially stockings with garters), food play, and he would never say this out loud for fear of being made fun of by Ciri, arousal denial.
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
He is heavily against extreme sports or anything he could get hurt in, but surprisingly he is a fan of rollercoasters, especially when they are well themed. He would be so excited on California Screamin.
What is their fight or flight response?
A definite freezer. If someone provokes him, he will spiral into panic until he has to fervently strum at his violin a la Miguel in Road to El Dorado.
What’s their pain tolerance?
Given that he grew up getting hit a lot and that he’s near fire a lot in the kitchen, Tam’s developed quite a high pain tolerance. Granted, he panics whenever he does get a minor injury just because of the memories pain relates to.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
Bard Boy’s the Lover. Both romantically and platonically, everything he does is for the most important people in his life. Especially for Ciri, he’s changed much about his outlook on life because of her and we all know he would move a mountain for Luna.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
He’s closest to the Ditherer. He’s so anxious about doing right by his family and friends that he doesn’t like making decisions and just would rather go with the flow.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
“Hey, you could pour soup into my lap and I’d probably apologize to you.”
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
Luna by far. She was the first real friend he ever had and there is no galaxy where he wouldn’t give everything he had for his best friend. However because sometimes he sees her more as a sister than a friend, his next best friend would be Val, as they both love weird old movies, harbor guilt for leaving their siblings behind, and adore Ciri with ever fiber of their being. Now that Val’s dead, he doesn’t know what to do.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
He’s always been teetering between Lawful and Neutral Good. He knows that you have to rebel against authority in order to crush the system, but he just really wants to be nice to people. He would never be truly evil or even neutral, but to slide into more chaotic good, something would have to happen to Ciri, Luna, or the kids so that he doesn’t care about Genesian collateral damage.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
Tam’s been waking up at 4 in the morning since he was a child. In the mornings he’s more alert but contemplative and in his own head. It’s when he composes all his songs and when he makes a gourmet meal for all the crew.
What are they like when they’re tired?
Tam has two tired modes: sleepy silly and “talk to me and I’ll kill you”. He’s more sleepy silly most of the time when he’s up too late and is very cuddly with Ciri and says the randomest things, but when he’s exhausted from fighting and dealing with his emotions, if someone interrupts his daily flow that’s not his wife, kids, or Luna, he can get extremely sassy.
What are they like in arguments?
Tam doesn’t really argue given that he never had a chance to growing up. Instead what he does is get very quiet and matter of fact and talk to you like he’s the only logical one in the room, which is when you know he’s pissed as hell.
What is their dominant hand?
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
Normally he’s at about a 4/10, and after the wedding through Alternia was at a high of 7, but since the crew going missing, his kids running away, Ciri getting reprogrammed and then dying, Luna going missing, and everyone being mad at her, Nivviah, and himself, he’s at a solid 1/10. The only thing that made it slightly better was that Ciri got to have her revenge on her buyer.
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melonoverlord · 5 years ago
Thank you!! It’s so beautiful!! And of course happy birthday @imaturtlebug I love youuu ❤️❤️❤️
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💖 commission for @eternalflamebabee 💖
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 8 years ago
May 20, 2017: a new episode of The Anatomy Lesson at 11pm EST on CFRC 101.9 FM. Featuring Mica Levi & Oliver Coates, Tam Quam Tabula Rasa, V.Vecker, Colin Stetson, some early Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and two long pieces by J.S. Aurelius (ascetichouse​ ) and Cosey Fanni Tutti. Check out the whole setlist below, tune in at 101.9 on your FM dial, stream at http://audio.cfrc.ca:8000/listen.pls or download the finished show at cfrc.ca or on mixcloud (https://www.mixcloud.com/cameronwillis1232/the-anatomy-lesson-may-20-2017/) after the show. Cosey Fanni Tutti - "Ritual Awakening" Time to Tell (1983) Tam Quam Tabula Rasa - "Mentula Moecatur" In Absentia (1989) Colin Stetson - "Like Wolves on the Fold" All This I Do For Glory (2017) V.Vecker - "A Way To Surrender" Meditations for the Midwest (2017) A Silver Mt. Zion - "Broken Chords Can Sing A Little / Sit In The Middle Of Three Galloping Dogs." He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes Grace The Corner Of Our Rooms…(2000) JS Aurelius - "ii" Music for Drinking Tea (2013) Mica Levi & Oliver Coates - "I'll Keep Going" Remain Calm (2016)
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belkovinacestach · 5 years ago
Welcome to USA
Tak jsme si po těch všech peripetiích a zrušeném letu vystáli frontu na zavazadla a po dni stráveném na letišti jsme vyrazili do nejbližší car rental. V jedné nám řekli, že auta do USA nepůjčují, že to máme zkusit vedle. Nakonec v Avisu půjčujeme Dodge Grand Caravan s americkou SPZ a vyrážíme na cestu do Denveru.
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První den jsme dojeli jen na hranice a vyspali jsme se tam. V autě se jelo i spalo dost pohodlně, až se nám ho nechtělo měnit.
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Po 900km přijíždíme do Yellowstone NP. Je tam spousta bizonů, elků, ale ještě více sněhu a ledu. Takže je většina NP zavřená. Ale musíme přiznat, že i ten kousek parku, který byl otevřený stál opravdu za to.
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Další noc v autě v mínus 5 stupních jsme přežili, tak jsme vyrazili dál na jih přes Montanu, Wyoming a Jižní Dakotu. Nejdříve jsme zastavili úplně náhodou po cestě u Little Big Horn. Cílem dne bylo navštívit Mount Rushmore – prezidentské hlavy ve skále.
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Vyjeli jsme na roadtrip v dobu, která asi není moc oblíbená, takže se s nikým moc nepotkáváme. Přejezdy jsou tady strašně dlouhé a tak jsme ještě večer dojeli k Denveru, abychom stihli další den vrátit auto a nezasekali se někde na cestě.
Po cestě jsme ještě změnili booking na auto, které jsme si měli v Denveru půjčovat. Měli jsme booklé nějaké SUV, ale ten Grand Caravan se nám moc líbil. Tak jsme tam dojeli, vyřídili všechny papíry a když mi dávala klíče, zeptala jsem se ještě jak je to s toll road. Řekla mi, kde v Coloradu jsou 2 a že se jim máme vyhnout, jinak budeme platit dost peněz. Tak jsem se ptala dál, že bych teda stejně chtěla vědět jak to je, protože se může stát, že na ně někde najedeme – třeba v LA. V tu ránu na mě vytřeštila oči se slovy „s tím autem ale nesmíte opustit Colorado!“ no ano, bylo to napsané asi na 60.straně. Tak nastala další fáze hledání auta v jiné půjčovně a ověřování, jestli s ním teda opravdu můžeme za hranice Colorada. Nakonec jsme sehnali Nissan Pathfinder, přehazujeme celý náš život z auta do auta a jedeme dál.
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Cestou projíždíme přes Aspen a jedeme ke Colorado National Monument. 
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Opustili jsme stát Colorado a další na řadě byl Utah. Naše cesta vedla do NP Arches, který nás okouzlil :) Vyrazili jsme k Delicate Arch a i když bylo 15°C a sluníčko, bylo nám opravdu horko. Těžko si představit být tam v létě.
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Další den jsme se přesunuli do Dead Horse Point State park.
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Ten byl menší a tak jsme se vydali ještě do Canyonlands NP. Tam nás naprosto ohromily terénní cesty po okrajích canyonů. Tomášova láska k řízení a adrenalinu se nemohla naba��it, a tak máme aspoň plán na příští návštěvu. Půjčíme si terénní auto a na pár dní se vydáme prozkoumávat canyon do hloubky.
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Stíháme ještě dojet do Capitol Reef a udělat si tam malou procházku před západem slunce. Mysleli jsme si, jak to bude všechno vlastně dost stejné, ale dostalo nás. Každý ten park je vlastně něčím výjimečný.
Ráno jsme se ještě zdrželi a projeli si v Capitol Reef nějaké scenic road.
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Potom jsme pokračovali do Bryce canyonu. Cesta vedla přes hory, které měly kolem 3tis.m.n.m. a byla tam spousta sněhu. Bryce canyon byl taky z poloviny zavřený, takže jsme obešli hlavně vyhlídky, ale dovnitř canyonu jsme se moc nedostali.
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Po probuzení jsme pokračovali do NP Zion, kde jsme měli v plánu jít na Angels Landing. V NP Zion se nejezdí autem, ale shuttlem, kvůli velkému počtu návštěvníků. Angels Landing byl naprosto skvělý trek. Trochu toho adrenalinu v žilách kolovalo, když jsme šli po těch úzkých hřebenech. Naprosto výjimečný zážitek, určitě doporučujeme.
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Po tomhle skvělém zážitku jsme opustili Utah a vyrazili do Grand Canyonu v Arizoně. Ze severní strany byl ještě zcela uzavřen kvůli sněhu. Tak jsme se rozhodli ho celý objet (300km) a zkusit druhý přístup z jihu. Tam jsme se ale dostali až další den. V Grand Canyonu jsme opět využili shuttle a objížděli jsme jednotlivé vyhlídky a naplánovali si u toho trek na příští návštěvu. Musíme se podívat na dno Grand Canyonu!
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Po Grand Canyonu už jsme zamířili do Las Vegas. Po cestě jsme ještě narazili na R66. No tak volba byla jasná. Museli jsme sjet z dálnice a jet po ní.
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Ráno jsme jeli do města Kingsman do muzea R66.
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Poslední zastávka před Las Vegas byla už v Nevadě. A to přehrada Hoover Dam. Tam už bylo teda asi milion lidí a půl milionů kabrioletů :D
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Z přehrady jsme už zamířili do Vegas hledat ubytování. A o tom zase příště :)
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klubidzpanstad · 5 years ago
Ekstremistyczna sekta werbuje w Polsce.
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"Część chrześcijan właśnie co roku jeździ do Jerozolimy. Właśnie, żeby realizować tę część wielkiego nakazu misyjnego. Oczywiście bzdura, nie o to tam chodzi, no tylko jest taka... taka moda w kościołach, żeby stylizować chrześcijaństwo na religię mojżeszową, dlatego w większości kościołów tzw. protestanckich znajdziecie siedmioramienne świeczniki, flagi Izraela i tak dalej. U nas nie znajdziecie, także możecie szukać, zapraszamy komisje jakieś takie do badania naszych związków. Szukajcie, nie znajdziecie" - mówił w roku 2016 Paweł Chojecki podczas audycji Idź Pod Prąd. Był to czas, gdy sekta z Lublina nie obnosiła się jeszcze w sposób tak ostentacyjny z ideą, której hołdują czyli chrześcijańskim syjonizmem (do dziś nie używają wprost tego określenia) ani swoimi kontaktami z amerykańskim środowiskiem skupionym wokół tej ideologii. Był to czas, gdy Chojecki, wraz ze swoją sektą realizował plan "wślizgnięcia" się w środowiska patriotyczne / narodowe przy pomocy zatrudnionego już wtedy u nich wabika Mariana Kowalskiego, wykreowanego na twarz środowiska narodowego i z nim kojarzonego. Chojecki zdawał sobie sprawę, że w tym czasie podobne manifestacje lojalności wobec Izraela mogłyby spotkać się ze zdecydowaną reakcją ludzi, którzy jeszcze śledzili poczynania Kowalskiego. Dziś flaga Izraela to stały element wystroju studia IPP, stały element stroju pracującego dla nich Ivana Belostenko, który włóczy się z nią po różnych wydarzeniach (nawet w dniu rocznicy Powstania Warszawskiego), ich kontakty ze środowiskami chrześcijańskich syjonistów jak i samych żydowskich radykałów a nawet oficjeli są już ostentacyjne i nie pozostawiają złudzeń co do ich misji w naszym kraju. Opisywane były tu już wielokrotnie coraz to nowe inicjatywy, kontakty i znajomości Chojeckiego i jego rodziny, nabrały one na sile za sprawą wspomnianego Belostenki, który stał się żydowskim łącznikiem sekty z różnymi środowiskami syjonistycznymi w Europie i Izraelu. Coraz więcej miejsca w przekazie sekty zajmują sprawy izraelskie i to nie związane z tematyką religijną ale polityczną. A podczas nich członkowie i sympatycy sekty nakierowani są prosto na poglądy jakim mają hołdować, urabiani w radykalnym poparciu dla działań izraelskich w każdej dziedzinie i tresowani w niechęci czy wręcz nienawiści i pogardzie dla oponentów. Chrześcijański syjonizm zakłada wychowanie protestantów w wierze i przekonaniu, że sprawy Izraela, nowoczesnego państwa Izrael, są ich sprawami, że muszą poświęcić im maksimum uwagi i na pomocy temu państwo i jego narodowi skupić swoje działania, w tym te polityczne. Pod koniec lutego w IPP TV przeprowadzono wywiad z przedstawicielem kolejnej organizacji żydowskich ekstremistów o nazwie "Cry for Zion", której działalność skierowana jest właśnie na chrześcijan w celu zaangażowania ich po stronie reżimu izraelskiego w dzisiejszych kwestiach politycznych i pracę na jego rzecz w różnych krajach świata.    Wywiad z Doronem Keidarem przeprowadził nie kto inny jak Ivan Belostenko, a jego tematem była kwestia Wzgórza Świątynnego w Jerozolimie, na którym skupia się owa organizacja. Belostenko przedstawił organizację Keidara jako tą, która "zajmuje się edukacją, rozpowszechnianiem wiedzy na temat trzeciej świątyni, Wzgórza Świątynnego, suwerenności państwa izraelskiego (!), dlaczego to jest ważne w kontekście chrześcijańskim, właśnie dla chrześcijan. Chrześcijanie powinni wiedzieć dlaczego powinni angażować się politycznie i wspierać państwo Izrael". Po tej krótkiej introdukcji na ekranie pojawia nam się zdjęcie Keidara w mundurze i z bronią z podpisem, że pochodzi ono z ćwiczeń jakie odbył on z IDF (Belostenko twierdzi, że jest on nadal czynnym żołnierzem, mamy więc informację, że żołnierze IDF angażowani są do działalności wśród chrześcijan na świecie), oraz jego zdjęcie w cywilu z karabinem z podpisem "obrońca Syjonu".    Organizacja Cry For Zion powstała w roku 2014 a jej celem jest werbunek chrześcijan dla sprawy odzyskania pełnej kontroli nad Wzgórzem Świątynnym. Prowadzi ona na You Tube kanał Temple Mount Report, w którym prezentuje żydowskie argumenty mające usprawiedliwiać zamiar przejęcia świętego miejsca trzech religii. Sekta Pawła Chojeckiego w swych publikacjach także zwracała uwagę na potrzebę budowy tzw. trzeciej świątyni i reklamowała organizacje promujące tę ideę, w tym te powiązane z żydowską sektą Chabad. Cry For Zion stara się przekonać chrześcijan oraz religijnych Żydów, których część nie łączy dzisiejszego państwa Izrael ze swoją wiarą, że jest to właśnie kwestią religijną. Keidar przekonuje, że Bóg może użyć "nieświętych środków" by osiągnąć "święty cel".    Lobby chrześcijańskich syjonistów w Stanach Zjednoczonym miało niebagatelny wpływ na decyzję prezydenta Trumpa o przeniesieniu amerykańskiej ambasady do Jerozolimy, mimo, że było krokiem ryzykownym, budzącym powszechny sprzeciw na świecie oraz, oraz mogącym pogrzebać proces pokojowy na Bliskim Wchodzie. Tuż po tym, w rozmowie z Elim Barburem, Tymoteusz Chojecki pytał jak powinno wyglądać rozwiązanie kwestii Wzgórza Świątynnego. Podczas tego pytania posunął się on nawet do sugestii... zburzenia świętego dla muzułmanów meczetu Al-Aksa, co może uwidocznić nam radykalizm cechujący chrześcijańskich syjonistów. Barbur, który oburza się na izraelskich polityków dążących do jakiegokolwiek porozumienia z Palestyńczykami, w wywiadzie z 4 marca 2020 użył sformułowania "ostateczne rozwiązanie kwestii palestyńskiej" (!) nawiązując do kuriozalnego "plan stulecia" autorstwa Trumpa i jego zięcia Kushnera, wyrażając jednocześnie swą wrogość wobec polityków izraelskich, którzy "chcą nadawać prawa Palestyńczykom".    Wzgórze świątynne jest trzecim najświętszym miejscem muzułmanów, które obecnie znajduje się pod kuratelą jordańską (dwa pozostałe czyli meczety w Mekce i Medynie są pod kuratelą saudyjską). Jest jednocześnie miejscem niezwykle zapalnym z uwagi na obecny status Jerozolimy i izraelską okupację. Krwawa Druga Intifada wybuchła po tym gdy Ariel Sharon, ówczesny lider opozycji w Knessecie odbył prowokacyjny spacer w tym miejscu. Miało to miejsce w roku 2000. Na przełomie 2015 i 2016 roku spór o dostęp do tego miejsca pomiędzy muzułmanami i Żydami doprowadził do zwiększenia się zamachów palestyńskich w Izraelu a w odpowiedzi do izraelskiej inwazji wojskowej na tereny palestyńskie. Próba montażu detektorów metalu w tym miejscu w 2017 doprowadziła do masowych protestów w wyniku których zrezygnowano z tego środka zapobiegawczego.    Władze Izraela, do tej pory, starają się akceptować jordańskie zwierzchnictwo nad tym miejscem kultu aby nie doprowadzać do kolejnych napięć z Palestyńczykami i Jordańczykami. Jednak w kontrze do takiego stanowiska stają organizacje ekstremistyczne takie jak Cry For Zion, które próbują wzniecić konflikt w tym miejscu i to rękami chrześcijan. Tłumaczą oni ewangelikom,  że brak pełnej kontroli nad Wzgórzem Świątynnym podwarza suwerenność Izraela i prawo Żydów do tych ziem, a powrót Żydów na tereny Palestyny jest jednym z głównych założeń ich wiary i politycznego aktywizmu.    Munther Isaac, szef organizacji "Christians at the Checkpoint", skupiającej chrześcijańskich Palestyńczyków w wywiadzie dla portalu The Daily Beast z 2019 roku powiedział,  że wykorzystywanie chrześcijan w celu przejęcia kontroli nad tym miejscem na podstawie "biblijnych założeń" jest przedsięwzięciem skrajnie niebezpiecznym. Tłumaczy on, że tego typu podejście, opieranie się na starożytnych religijnych tekstach w celu rozwiązania najbardziej skomplikowanego konfliktu dzisiejszych czasów, mówiących, iż Bóg powierzył konkretny obszar geograficzny konkretnemu narodowi, oraz, że dzisiejsi Żydzi bez cienia wątpliwości są spadkobiercami biblijnego plemienia Izraela,  jest po prostu niepoważne i groźne. Takie podejście działa jednak na niemałą rzeszę protestantów, zwłaszcza amerykańskich ewangelików. Jest to też pogląd, który w Polsce zasiać chce sekta Chojeckiego i zwerbować w szeregi chrześcijańskich syjonistów ludzi zwabionych patriotyczną otoczką tego przedsięwzięcia. Wzgórze Świątynne jest najświętszym miejscem judaizmu, miejscem w którym Abraham miał ofiarować Izaaka Bogu w ofierze. Według tradycji było miejscem, w którym znajdowały się dwie świątynie. Muzułmanie czczą to miejsce jako punkt, w którym Mahomet wstąpił do nieba. Dla chrześcijan jest miejscem, w którym Chrystus modlił się w okresie drugiej świątyni, jednym z najświętszych w okolicy miejsc obok Betlejem, Bazyliki Grobu Pańskiego, Galilei i innych. Muzułmańskie zwierzchnictwo nad tym miejscem zostało utrzymane pomimo zajęcia Jerozolimy przez Izrael po wojnie sześciodniowej w 1967 roku.
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im-keefe-now · 6 years ago
It’s almost midnight and I’m attempting to learn how the hell photoshop works, so Tam dog will arrive soon (I hope)
One (1) note and I will learn how to photoshop Tam Songs hair onto my dog
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vofce · 6 years ago
Zpět v USA den 11
Ráno jsme opustili Zion a vydali se na další cesty. Tentokrát nás čekaly 2 místa. Nejdřív zastávka v parku Bryce a pak přejezd k Horseshoe bend.
Dojet do Bryce nám trvalo asi dvě hodinky, cesta byla docela v pohodě, až dokud jsme nepřejeli velmi čerstvě sraženou srnu, která ležela uprostřed silnice. Autu se naštěstí nic nestalo, krom toho, že jsme si jí kousek odvezli (a cítili ještě několik následujích dní 😀). Vůbec nás nemrzelo, že Yosemity máme už za sebou, protože by nám medvědi asi sežrali celé auto.
Ale k samotnému parku. Ten byl úžasný, prošli jsme si asi tří hodinovou cestu mezi oranžovými a růžovými skalami, které se při sestupu tyčily nad námi.
Pak jsme zamířili k dalšímu kempu, který byl kousíček od zmíněné Horseshoe bend. Trošku jsme si protáhli cestu, když jsme věřili navigaci a ne Google mapám, ale nic velkého to nebylo. Po příjezdu do kempu jsme se jen checkovali a jeli se podívat na skálu a řeku Colorado, než zapadne slunce. Bohužel byl večer nejhorší možný čas na to jít fotit, protože v tu chvíli v záběru lehce překáží sluníčko. I tak to byl hezký pohled. Počkali jsme tam dokud sluníčko nezapadlo a pak jeli zpět do pár minut vzdáleného kempu stavět stany a vařit večeři. Kemp měl dokonce i krytý bazén, ale voda byla dost ledová, a tak jsme se na to s Marťou nakonec vyprdli :-D. Verča s Patrikem byli odvážnější a pár bazénů si dali. Večer se kempem potuloval kojot, ale asi se Patrikovi podařilo podvozek umýt v myčce, kde se zastavil a nebo už se to všechno uškvařilo, takže ráno jsme našli auto celé.
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the-record-obituaries · 6 years ago
March 13, 2019: Obituaries
Virginia Hendren, 81
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Virginia Kerley Hendren, age 81, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, March 9, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village. Ms. Hendren was born December 22, 1937 in Lincoln County to George Baxter and Rosa Bell Carpenter Kerley. Virginia was preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Stella Woodard, Polly Carter, Sue Earnhardt, Coleen Kerley; and brothers, Vaughn Kerley, Willard Leatherman, George Edward Kerley, Andy Kerley.
Surviving are her daughter, Kimberly Anderson and husband Gary of Wilkesboro; sons, John Hendren and wife Nena, Michael Treadway, Rick Treadway all of Moravian Falls; and grandchildren, Heather, Taylor Anderson, Colin Hendren, Randi Dyer.
               Graveside service will be held 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at the Parker Cemetery with Rev. Jonah Parker officiating. The family has requested no food and no flowers. Miller Funeral Service is in charge in the arrangements.
  Patsy Billings,  66
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Patsy Lutricia Billings, age 66, of Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, March 9, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. She was born August 25, 1952 in Wilkes County to Burlie Preston and Bessie Combs Billings. Ms. Billings was a member of Rachel Baptist Church. She enjoyed games and T.V. with all her friends at Finley Village Apartments.  Patsy was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, Denny Preston Billings.
               Surviving are her daughter, Monteen Billings Suarez and husband Pablo of China Grove; brother, Bill Billings and wife Debbie of Hamptonville; sister, Brenda Bryant and husband Larry of Roaring River; grandson, Cory Adkins and wife Brittany of North Wilkesboro; special friends, Margie Wells and Mable Minton; two nieces and one nephew.
               Funeral service will be held 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at Rachel Baptist Church with Rev. Brian Wiles and Rev. Michael Brinegar officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends at Rachel Baptist Church from 12:00 until 1:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Rachel Baptist Church or to His Light Ministry. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  A special thanks to the staff at Westwood Hills.
  Ralph Crews, 81
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Ralph Clarence Crews, age 81, of Moravian Falls, passed away Saturday at Curis at Wilkesboro. Mr. Crews was born November 19, 1937 in Wilkes County to Clarence and Vada Cardwell Crews. Ralph was a member of the Church of God. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a baby sister, Margaret Crews.
               Surviving are his wife, Louise Lowe Crews; his beloved dog, Cookie; sister, Christine Key of Kannapolis; brothers, Grady Crews and wife Ima Lee of Purlear, Robert "Lester" Crews of Wilkesboro, Levi Crews and wife Irene of Lenoir; several nieces and nephews.
               Funeral service was March 11,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Jim Storts officiating. Burial  followed in the Laws Family Cemetery on Price Road.    Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Betty Messick, 83
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Mrs. Betty Jean Ferguson Messick, age 83 of  Boomer, widow of Hoit Messick, died Saturday, March 9, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at Sharon Walker Baptist Church.  The body will be placed in the church at 1:00 PM. Burial will be in the church cemetery.
               Mrs. Messick was born May 28, 1935 in Wilkes County to Howard and Runie Eller Ferguson.  She was a member of Sharon Walker Baptist Church. She was a loving wife and mother. She enjoyed her old time country music and was an avid soap opera watcher since the late 1950s.
               She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Hoit Messick; one sister, Marlene Michael; and three brothers, Reece Eller, Bill Ferguson, and Jack Ferguson.
               She is survived by two daughters, Linda Messick of Boone and Catherine Messick of Boomer; three sisters, Wanda Michael and husband, Melvin, and Barbara Russell, all of Winston-Salem, and Violet Hartley of Boomer; one brother, Tom Ferguson and wife, Joyce;  sisters-in-law, Iris Ferguson and Claudette Eller of Boomer; Jeanette Haynes of North Wilkesboro, Anne Mourie of Ashtabula, OH, and Kaye Welborn of Wilkesboro; along with many nieces and nephews.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Sharon Walker Baptist Church Cemetery Fund.
  Arnold Bowlin, 86
Mr. Arnold "Arn" Ray Bowlin, age 86 of North Wilkesboro, died Saturday, March 9, 2019 at his home.
               Funeral services were March 12,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. David Wellborn and Pastor Arvil Perry officiating. Burial will be in Piney Ridge Cemetery in Millers Creek.                           Mr. Bowlin was born April 27, 1931 in Wilkes County to George Harrison and Mary Jane Bare Bowlin. He was a member of Piney Ridge Baptist Church and retired from Holly Farms.    
               He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Edith Jane Miller Bowlin; one daughter, Kathy Bowlin; two sisters, Lilly Call and Delva Miller; and ten brothers, Joe, Philmore, Earl, Robert, Alvin, Thurmond, Jessie, Norman, Harlie, and John Allen Bowlin.
               He is survived by two daughters, Mickey Edmiston and husband, Tommy, and Jane Chambers and husband, "Frog", all of North Wilkesboro; one son, Allen Bowlin, and wife, Sue, of Millers Creek; two grandchildren, Amanda Goforth and husband, Keith, and Kenneth Chambers and wife, Amanda; five great - grandchildren, Melanie, Madison, Garland, McKinley, and Sadie; one sister, Georgie Sheets of Millers Creek; and his two fur babies, Sam and Skeeter.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Piney Ridge Baptist Church, 14890 N. NC Hwy 16, Millers Creek NC 28651.
  Christine Lineberry, 80
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Christine Joyce Lineberry, age 80, of North Wilkesboro, passed away March 9, 2019 at SECU Hospice Center in Yadkin County. Ms. Lineberry was born July 23, 1938 in Wilkes County to Roby and Belvia Mae Dillard. Ms. Lineberry was a member of Zion Baptist Church on Yellow Banks Road. She was preceded in death by her parents; and one brother, Virgil Billy Lineberry. Ms. Lineberry is survived by a number of cousins.
               Funeral services were March 11,  at Zion Baptist Church with Rev. Roger Jennings and Rev. Sammy Taylor officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.  
               The family has requested no food. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
  Odell Lane, 91
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Mr. Odell Lane, 91 of Millers Creek, husband of Annie Osborne Lane, died Friday, March 8, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
               Funeral services were March 11,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Roy Putnam officiating.  Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.        
               Mr. Lane was born November 26, 1927 in Wilkes County to Mun White and Dora Lane.  He was a timber cutter and an avid hunter. He attended Cricket Baptist Church.
               He was preceded in death by his parents and one sister, June Wagoner.
               Mr. Lane is survived by his wife, Annie Osborne Lane, of the home;  one son, Jerry Lane and wife, Darline, of Millers Creek; four grandchildren, Ronnie, Jeffery, Melissa and Jessica; six great-grandchildren; and one brother, Gaither Lane of Millers Creek.
 Tallmadge  Anderson,  87
Mr. Tallmadge Killis "Tam" Anderson, age 87 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, March 7, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem.
               Funeral services were March 10,  at Flint Hill Baptist Church with Pastor Kevin Souther officiating. Entombment will be in Mountlawn Memorial Park Mausoleum.  
 Mr. Anderson was born November 28, 1931 in Wilkes County to Dewey and Hessie Shew Anderson. He was retired from American Drew and attended Flint Hill Baptist Church.  
               In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a son, Danny Talmadge Anderson; a grandchild, Amanda Cleary; and nine siblings, Reathie Bowers, Vecie Clonch, Lessie Richardson, Slyvia Blackburn, Dorothy Kilby, Joyce Stokes, Dwight Anderson, Dewey Junior Anderson and Wade Anderson.
               He is survived by his wife, Ruth Davis Anderson of the home; a daughter, Frances Cleary and husband, Brent, of North Wilkesboro; four grandchildren, Martin Cleary, Matthew Cleary, Phillip Anderson and Mark Anderson; three great grandchildren, Caitin Keeran, MacKenzie Cleary and Patrick Cleary; three sisters, Gladys Nichols, Mary Alexander and husband, Edward, and Barbara Anderson of North Wilkesboro; and a sister in law, Helen Turner and husband, Benny, of Wilkesboro; and several nieces and nephews.  
               In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Ruby Pardue Daycare Center PO Box 984 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Flint Hill Baptist Church 1425 Flint Hill Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
  Roger Hamby 74
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Mr. Roger Luther Hamby age 74 of Ferguson, passed away Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at Watauga Medical Center.
               Funeral services were March 10,  at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Prayer Chapel with Rev. Louella Marley and Rev. Roy Smith officiating.  Burial was in Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery.  
               Mr. Hamby was born May 31, 1944 in Caldwell County to Luther and Elsie Hamby. He owned and operated a concrete finishing business.
               Roger spent his working years in the concrete finishing business.                              In addition to his parents, Mr. Hamby was preceded in death by a brother; Tony Hamby.
               He is survived by his wife; Sue Ayers Hamby of the home, a daughter; Pamela Sue Hamby (Chris) of North Wilkesboro, a son; Roger Kim Hamby and wife Jerri of Boomer,  a grandson; Roger Briar Hamby (Kimmie), a sister; Violet Lea Hamby of North Wilkesboro, four brothers; Travis Roland Hamby (PY) and wife Patricia or North Wilkesboro, Ralph Hamby and wife Jodi of Traphill, Robert Hamby and wife Linda of Purlear and Michael Hamby and wife Nona of Jonesville.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society PO Box 9 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery Fund 239 Champion Road, Ferguson, NC 28624.
               Mount Pleasant Fire Department served as Pallbearers. Grandson Roger Briar Hamby was Honorary Pallbearer.
 Joseph Combs,  93
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Joseph Carl Combs, age 93, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born December 12, 1925 in Wilkes County to Robert Woodley and Lura Gregory Combs. He attended Mtn. View Baptist Church when he was young. Mr. Combs was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Melba Chambers Combs; his son, Robert Allen Combs, Sr.; brothers, Gene Combs and Virgil C. "Buddy" Combs; and sisters, Irene Combs, Grace Combs Johnson and Mildred Combs Brooks.
               Surviving are his daughter, Linda Roten and husband Fred of Wilkesboro; son, David Leon Combs and wife Betty of North Wilkesboro; daughter-in-law, Brenda Combs of North Wilkesboro; grandsons, Robert Allen Combs Jr., Timothy James Roten, David Leon Combs, Jr.; great granddaughter, Taylor Nicole Combs; brothers, Robert Fred Combs and Luther Dale Combs both of Hays, Lester Herman Combs of Summerfield, Earl Dean Combs of North Wilkesboro; sisters, Berchie Mae Atwood, Mary Combs Brown both of Lenoir, Carol Ann Brewer and husband Cecil of Hudson; and numerous nieces and nephews.
               Funeral service was March 8,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Brady Hayworth officiating. Burial   followed in Christian Home Baptist Church Cemetery.   Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health and Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Shelby Bentley, 80
Mrs. Shelby Jean Childress Royal Bentley, age 80 of Ronda, passed away Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at Dunmore Plantation in Dobson.
               Funeral services were March 7,  at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Bro. Kevin Blevins and Bro. Josh Blevins officiating. Burial was in Cranberry Baptist Church Cemetery.  
               Mrs. Bentley was born June 3, 1938 in Wilkes County to Fred Childress and Mary Novella Owens Childress. She was a beloved mother, homemaker, gardener and seamstress. Mrs. Bentley was a member of Flint Hill Baptist Church.
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husbands; Robert Eugene Royal and Gaither (L.B.) Bentley.
               She is survived by two daughters; Vickie Dianne Linville and husband Dumont of Roaring River and Nancy Joann Holbrook and husband Jarvis of Roaring River, four sons; Toney Eugene Royal of Ronda, Dalmus Earl Royal of Ronda, Donnie Rayvon Royal and wife Christine of Ronda and David Ronnie Royal and wife JoAnn of Ronda, ten grandchildren; eight great grandchildren and several great great grandchildren; three sisters; Betty Combs and husband Roby of Hays, Annie Mae Dula of Boomer and Ethel Church and husband Colin of North Wilkesboro and two brothers; Jim Childress and wife Nancy of North Wilkesboro and Johnny Childress and wife Diane of Millers Creek.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Association 4600  Park Road Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28209 or Mtn. Valley Hospice 688 North Bridge Street Elkin, NC 28621.
  Talmadge  Wood, 69
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Rev. Talmadge Michael Wood, 69, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Monday,
March 4, 2019.
               Talmadge was born on July 31, 1949 in Wilkes County to Lester Lee Wood and Mary Blanche Holleman Wood.
               Talmadge is preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Barbara Pennington, Shirley Ann Lowery, Nancy Church; brother Edward "Ronald" Wood.
               Talmadge is survived by his wife of 48 years, Judy Marlene Eller Wood; daughter, Cindy Sparwasser and husband, Carl of Hays; sons, Adam Wood and wife, Michelle of Wilkesboro, Andrew Wood of Purlear; sister, Evelyn Horton of Pine Level, NC; grandchildren, Jared Sparwasser and wife, Kimberli of Hays, Aj Sparwasser and Micala, also of Hays; great-grandchildren, Dylin, Joseph and Eva Sparwasser, all of Hays.
               The funeral service was March 8, 2019 at 12p.m. at Mountain View Baptist Church in Hays with Rev. Brian Blankenship and Rev. Adam Wood   officiating. Burial followed  in the church cemetery.  
               Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services has the honor of serving the Wood Family.
  Pauline McLean,   81
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Pauline Rhodes McLean, age 81, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, March 4, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village. She was born September 22, 1937 in Pageton, West Virginia to Ray Vance and Della Mae Rhoades Rhodes. Pauline graduated in 1955 from Mountain View High School and continued her educational pursuit enrolling in Wilkes Community College. She was a dedicated and valuable employee of Lowe's Home Improvement in Wilkesboro for 48 years retiring in 2014;                Pauline was preceded in death by her parents; her son, Mitchell "Mitch" McLean; and brother, Jackie Rhodes.
               Surviving are her brother, Eddie "EC' Rhodes and wife Barbara of North Wilkesboro; grandsons, Jackson McLean and Fin McLean both of Wilkesboro; daughter-in-law, Elizabeth "Beth" McLean of Wilkesboro; nieces, Adele Girling of Ipswich, England, Amanda Freeman of Toronto, Canada, Fiona Richardson of Charleston, South Carolina; Lisa Sergi of Charleston, South Carolina; nephew, Jonathan Rhodes of San Antonio, Texas; and several extended family members residing throughout Wilkes County.
               Funeral service was March 9,   with Rev. Claude "Bo" Rhodes officiating. Burial   followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.    Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
   W. Clay Alexander, age 94
Mr. W. Clay Alexander, age 94 of Roaring River passed away Sunday, March 3, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services were  March 7,   at White Plains Baptist Church with Pastor William Souther officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mr. Alexander was born May 9, 1924 in Wilkes County to Pegram Summerfield and Hessie Myers Alexander.  He served in the United States Navy during World War II.  Mr. Alexander was a 1941 graduate of Roaring River High School and he was a member of White Plains Baptist Church.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Agnes Shoemaker Alexander and a sister; Edna Wells.
He is survived by a daughter; "Jan" Jeanette Jacob and husband Danny of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; "Ben" Benjamin Jacob and wife Jamie of Portsmouth, VA, Peter Jacob and wife Jada of Fort Benning, GA, three great grandchildren; Peter "Beau", Tate, and Rhett Jacob and a sister; Mary Sue Foster of Roaring River.
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indiatouristhelpdesk-blog · 6 years ago
Mizoram Tourism
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Known for its evergreen hills and dense bamboo jungles, Mizoram lies in the southern most tip of north east India. Called the Land of Blue Mountains, the hills are crisscrossed by gushing rivers and high sparkling waterfalls. Surrounded by Manipur, Assam, Tripura, Myanmar and Bangladesh, a drive through the center of the state, towards the Myanmar border will take you through lush green paddy fields. This geographical diversity makes it one of the most beautiful places to visit in the north east of India.
With a wide array of festivals, dances, handicrafts, flora and fauna, natural scenic beauty and pleasant climate, Mizoram has much to offer its visitors. The Tam Lake reputed for its fish and prawns is an ideal picnic spot and the facility to ride in the boats makes it even better. Around 85 km from Aizawl, the drive to the lake offers views just as beautiful as the lake itself. The Siaha river is the biggest river in Mizoram and an anglers paradise. The Vantawng Fall, surrounded by a vast stretch of thick bamboo forests, is Mizoram’s highest waterfall at 750 ft high and is another tourist attraction.
The Mizoram State Museum in Aizawl that offers a great insight into the traditions, culture and history of Mizos is a must visit while in the city.
While in Mizoram, make sure you take a walk down Zion Street. Bara Bazaar, as the locals call it, is lined with stalls selling garments. You will see the locals dressed in their traditional costumes selling produce from the farms and imports from China. The cane and bamboo handicraft that creates baskets, utensils, hats, flower vases, furniture and other decorative items, is the best souvenir you can take back from Mizoram.
Most of the good hotels in Mizoram are located in Aizawl. Though they are affordable and offer all essential facilities, it is advisable to make your reservations in advance.
With 24-hour hot water supply, the high-end hotel rooms are a better bet.
There are a few luxury resorts on the hills offering an amazing view of the valley.
While in-house restaurants provide Indian and Continental food, you will find local delicacies like steamed fish and chicken and pork moms at Bara Bazaar and Zodin Square.
Tandoori food is also available at some dhabas around the city.
For authentic Oriental cuisine, go to Beijing Blue where the Korean, Japanese and Chinese dishes are fairly decent.
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melonoverlord · 6 years ago
Ask meme for my Biscuit
1. What would be their favorite Disney (or other animated) movie?
He’s always been a fan of more of the music heavy ones like Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Aladdin, but really Beauty and the Beast holds his heart.
2. What do they usually like for breakfast?
Despite going above and beyond for everyone else, Tam doesn’t eat a big breakfast that often and likes to go for lighter things like omelets or almond croissants.
3. What sort of cuddler are they?
Tam is the ultimate dad that just likes to be the big spoon. He especially likes it when cuddling with Ciri because she’s a good four inches shorter than him, so he can spoon her and smooch her head.
4. How do they say “I love you”?
He tends to say “I love you” more liberally than others, but he also shows his love a lot through taking care of them and cooking for them. He will learn your birthday and favorite foods and know what smells you hate. He just is really good.
5. What kind of shoes do they wear?
Black dress shoes like the dapper boi he is.
6. What is their favorite accessory?
His friendship bracelet that Icio made him. He’s just really flattered that Icio remembered his favorite colors.
7. Are they more inclined towards fashion or comfort?
Fashionable comfort. Like he be over here looking like a snack but he doesn’t mean to be tasty, he just likes things that are long sleeved and dapper. Now that Cosmos is the mayor of Scylla and not Natrix, they should take vacations to the 1940s.
8. What makes them laugh?
His best friends’ jokes and when his toddler bots say the wildest and randomest things.
9. Do they have a favorite flower?
Pink magnolias because they remind him of Ciri.
10. Would they be the one to propose to their significant other?
Yes, and he actually did. With the cutest proposal speech ever.
11. What bad habits do they have?
Not telling people when he’s upset, getting up extremely early, and not being proactive in stopping conflicts because he’s the most anxious boy you’ll ever meet.
12. What are their biggest insecurities?
He knows that he’s not the strongest or most proficient in physical weapons, and he feels lesser than others because he grew up a slave.
13. How do they wear their hair?
He’s had his hair buzzed short ever since he was free just so he never has to worry about brushing it. Now in his depression year and a half that Ciri and the kids were missing, it’s a little longer past his ears.
14. Are they an impulse shopper? If so, what would they buy?
Unless it comes to kitchen supplies, he is very thrifty and has good control over money. Though if he sees a new spatula or any type of new spice, he’ll buy ten of each in each color of the rainbow.
15. When do they usually sleep?
He usually goes to bed at 10pm, but he always waits until the kids are in bed before he falls asleep.
16.What makes them worry?
God, what doesn’t? He is the anxiety boy of the ship.
17. Do they have any creative outlets?
He’s played the violin since he was three and he is stellar at it. It was what he was trained to do as a slave, but he’s taken control of it and uses it as a way to express himself and explain his feelings since he has trouble saying it out loud.
18. How do they comfort an upset loved one?
Tam hates seeing any of his loved ones sad, so he gets into ultimate dad mode and will bake their favorite sweet and make them tea and just let them cry on his shoulder. 
19. What are they like when they’re sick?
Tam was constantly sick as a child, so when he gets sick, he gets terrible fevers that leave him delirious. It’s pretty scary 
20. Do they say what they’re thinking, or keep their thoughts to themselves?
Tam is a bit of a hypocrite in that he wants other people to live their truth and say their feelings, but he doesn’t want to bother anyone with his.
21. What is the best gift they’ve ever received?
The opportunity for freedom from Luna.
22. Are they good at keeping track of time?
Being a baker and a musician means he has to follow time down to a science, so that has given him excellent time keeping skills.
23. What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
Raspberry sorbet
24. What would they order from a fast food/take-out place?
Tam is allergic to imitation foods, so he will usually only go for things he knows has quality ingredients. He may be poor, but his standards are not.
25. What is their favorite pizza topping(s)?
Pesto, grilled chicken, and feta cheese.
26. What is their favorite type of cookie?
27. Do they paint their nails?
Absolutely not. He doesn’t like any beautifying things besides just dressing nice and having perfect skin.
28. What is their favorite board game?
It surprises everyone, but it’s actually Battleship. He likes playing with the kids. The snids love it especially.
29. Are they more of a pants or skirts kind of person?
Pants. He doesn’t like skirts or dresses at all on him.
30. Do they dream often? What about?
He usually just tries to wake himself up before bad dreams come, but more than once he’s had dreams about Ciri coming to him with about seven more kids.
31. Do they have any phobias?
Tam fears almost everything, but he particularly fears spiders, chains, and loud noises.
32. If they were a pokemon, which would they be?
He’s a pure Jigglypuff who’s cute and soft and just wants to make beautiful music like the magical bard boy he is.
33. How well do they handle sea travel? Air travel?
It took him a while to get used to air travel (espeically with Luna’s less than stellar piloting skills), but he feels great on a boat. It’s peaceful.
34. Which Disney character are they most like?
He follows his family’s formula of being Winnie the Pooh characters, because Tam is piglet to a t. Anxious, kind, a great friend, and the best belly ever.
35. What sort of parent would they be?
He is the best dad ever who knows every random interest his kids have and tries to show them that they’re all his favorite. Although he is starting to get a little stressed with so many children, if a child needed a parent, he wouldn’t hesitate to take them in.
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libidomechanica · 3 years ago
Untitled # 8647
In bleak November, do not dead, and seal upon  the little foxes, the gloam with  holy sister, my soul despot kings of  the rivulet at her with  splendid street to turned to  meet youths of pain, yearning strait; I grate on  rusty gowns, but find. On a sodger and  soul has been stared a font of dusky  doors: but, lovelier land; and strait; I grateful 
Puss, and talked, above and he who ruled than  another spire; in vaine though in world my  selfe-chosen one, still wrapped candid temples  with a sharpest darkened for  him had burnt the wrinkled body with  work of Fancy, and frogs can see  in so profound to say, and bucklers,  am profane. Belt of sighs. Feign we not to  breed dispute between the midst  of the day, each soule to love  can warm earth and all accomplice of my  Mortal in the walls, and if in  my brows, and my hear that, which the  little lines on his door, my hands, those  forgets you—worse, if I had beneath? In  her and bless the show ripe ears  milking up in the impalpable ash  or the hands with; by times  each other, like the shook always  am a grace it is, nor brother love  the lade o my soul desponds have been  its second stone at ane an twenty,  Tam. Lowering all thy flightly makes blind  but taking in the republic  grief to fight travel make the violence  is in heaven, far remote  and I— I took on the beds of  that life are there? Expansion to  time, many finger you are how your  long walks were thick with your in  mine. If in flowing old, by this same euen.  Of all thy stamp they didnt both alike moisture quit  there I dreamed on the class, and how shes  used up his Narcissus Eyes & Ears didst depart,  but when armour hung. Soules ioy, thought my boiling  starry height years were telescopes for  a song? Ties and oily couer, they came, and “ ungratefull stake my faithless faire wont for  All—None but yours, when you come  and pain, when you hear? — Its neither  like he strips racing to a present  days” is not Beauty appear  from tombs, and winds were dead, and hamely  fare, we lose you are written: “Take the  spirit won above the boy 
for man lies blended, a love is  before do the roaring to  be lost as a time will say whatever  put down one sweetnesse, loue, which  to each. The same, and there none  others of Zion, and ivy buds, with  trust that twere pushed wight, that to  thy woes appalld to remain with 
me and from her woes,— Let our  with your warring it were 
lost just a thick-moted sunbeam lay and  my jewels, the first bones of desire,  and how, as his murmurings, and  the end is the resides,  that your palace which comes justly ground.”
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shepherdsvoice · 4 years ago
Part of me wants to say that 2020 was just a terrible year. And in some ways it was. But I can’t ignore that in so many ways it wasn’t. In the macro, it was, for the most part, a pretty terrible year. It was a year of frustration and anger and disillusionment and violence and disappointment. I fear that it is a year that will have long-lasting and far-reaching repercussions. But in the micro, I am blessed to say that I was not too affected by the situation. I know that I could have and should have conducted myself with more grace and patience this year. I let my anger and frustration and worry take a hold of me and I took it out on those around me. But when I put aside those emotions, I can appreciate all the blessings I received.
I am grateful for all the unexpected time I got to spend with family this year. I am so grateful for the seven months I spent with Mom. Probably the last time we’ll ever live together again and maybe the closest we’ll ever be. I am grateful for that strange spring and that loooong summer that in some ways doesn’t feel like it happened at all. I am grateful for watching the sun rise most mornings from the sunny little office that I painted yellow. Watching the first wisps of pink crest the hill and illuminate the dew on the lawn and the grey cat on the fence and the roses blossoming on the bush in the back corner of the garden and the downy white blooms on the crepe myrtles. I am grateful for the chill of the hardwood floors in the morning and the baking heat as the sun shone full through the windows in the afternoon. I am grateful for calling to Rosie through the thin, warped glass windows as she lay on the deck or sniffed under the gate. I am grateful for Friday Facetime sessions with Ngawang. Sitting in the sweltering office and talking about nothing and everything. Making plans for future trips and lamenting what the world had come to. I am grateful for sitting on the top step in the afternoon when I was finished with work. Listening to Genesis or Leviticus, drinking strawberry milk or eating berries or an acai bowl, the sun browning my back and Rosie coming to sit beside me, nudging her head under my arm. I am grateful for throwing the Frisbee with her and playing keep away and running around the back yard under blindingly blue afternoon skies or beneath pale pink and purple sunsets as the crows squawked and returned to their roosts in the tall trees on the ridge.
I am grateful for my morning chats with Mom. Walking into her room once I finished my morning meetings, and commiserating about the news and laughing about our lack of plans and lamenting her empty retirement and complaining about my boss and talking about the neighbors who passed by on their morning walks and boxing with Rosie as she lay at the end of the bed. I am grateful for afternoons on the front porch, watching the little world go by on C Street, joking with Steve and Bill, playing American Trivia, reading languorous novels while Mom read the paper, looking at houses on Zillow and whiling away the long afternoon hours. I am grateful for weekend mornings at the dog park. For walking up the hill in invariably inconvenient shoes then sitting high on the bench at Gerstle Park as Rosie trudged through the ivy and did her looping patrol of the hillside. Or sunny, windy days at Mill Valley Park, watching dogs reluctantly run the agility course or race across the broad lawn after a ball or Frisbee or dive unhesitatingly into the muddy shore of the bay. And I am so grateful for mornings at Piper Park. Sitting on our favorite bench beneath the thin maple, looking out across the verdant lawn at Mt Tam standing sentinel over us with Hall nestled in the middle ground where I spent so many hours playing soccer or sitting in a circle with my friends in the back corner of the field or laughing over our lunches at the picnic tables. I am grateful for the familiar faces at the park, the people whose dogs’ names we knew but not their own. I am grateful for iced chai’s sipped on the park bench as mom and I talked about our school days while Rosie lay panting in the tall grass behind us in the shade of the great willow tree looking out at the high creek.
I am grateful for our afternoon drives when there was nothing else to do. For the chance to explore Marin. Driving down Center Street through sleepy Fairfax and over the hill to San Geronimo. Cows and granite boulders and scraggly trees dotting the fields that crept up the hillsides as hawks circled overhead. I am grateful for that long, straight road through that wild, wonderful country. I am grateful for the shaded windy road through the redwoods towards Nicasio and the little white school house on the corner. I am grateful for the backroads towards Petaluma past the Nicasio Reservoir with hills so vibrantly green and rolling and tranquil that I was reminded of Ireland. I am grateful for the turn onto Petaluma Road and the lazy bends up the hill with sudden vistas of the valley below. And I am grateful for the 37 towards Sonoma and Napa, for the horses on the hill and the bridges over the bay and the beached boat on the side of the road and the long low lane through the marshes. And I am grateful for all the laughs and talks we had during those drives while bluegrass and rap and oldies and classic rock played on the stereo. I am grateful for afternoons at Stinson and Rodeo when we could forget the wider world and enjoy the simple beauty that California still has to offer as we watched dogs and children frolic in the surf and dig in the sand.
I am grateful for my trip with Michelle and Dash. For honky tonk country music and long lazy drives through the central valley and the sunshine in LA and the quiet of Utah and the vastness of the sky and the rainbows of Bryce Canyon and the awe-inspiring beauty of Zion and the blinding white of the Booneville Salt Flats and the gaudiness of the Las Vegas Strip and my grueling hike with Dash and our long talks on the road or in the evening. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with Michelle. For our tours through the City and the East Bay, spending the whole day exploring and talking and complaining and laughing, agreeing on so much. For our dinner on New Year’s Eve, driving to a hilltop in South SF and eating dumplings out of to-go containers and exchanging Christmas gifts and trying to make sense of the craziness of this year. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with her family. At her niece’s birthday party while the children splashed in the pool and her dad told me about Nauru. And at Samuel P Taylor as we sat around the campfire and sang Russian and Slovakian folk as Steve strummed along on the guitar. And at Labor Day weekend with Mom, eating hotdogs with Michelle’s parents under the sprawling oak in their backyard and seeing Lenka and Janka and Kimmie and Alex. Mom and I talking on the way home about the unique sadness of being an only child and the joy that a big family brings.
And I am grateful for my three trips to Hawaii this year. And especially for this last one. I am so grateful for cool mornings on the lanai, watching the shadows recede across the lawn and the sea lighten from grey to blue in the morning sun, the myna birds stirring and shrieking, me slowly drinking my guava juice while reading or embroidering and then sitting with Dad and talking about movies and psychology and ideas for articles and albums. I am grateful for morning walks on the beach, for the dogs and the surfers and the damp sand and flip-flops left in the shade and the waves creeping up the shore. I am grateful for lunches on the lanai or at Hula or Mama’s. For the tropical rainstorm at Hula Grill as I drank my strawberry daiquiri and for the light rain at Mama’s as the colossal waves crashed against the coast. I am grateful for drives along the seaside while music played, with the multi-hued ocean to one side and the steep, sculptured mountains shrouded in fog on the other. I am grateful for lazy afternoons napping and reading and playing trivial and scrabble and cards. For time to be together and relax. I am grateful for home cooked meals, the three of us joining hands around the table for grace and piling the plates to one side to talk after we’ve finished eating. I am grateful for our dinner at Spago’s, watching the sun set behind the palms and the lights illuminate the beach, sharing sushi and keeping an eye out for celebrities. And I am grateful for nights after dinner watching good movies and bad. Talking through plot points, arguing about Gal Gadot’s attractiveness, predicting the storyline of Soul, and marveling at the athleticism of Gene Kelly. I am grateful for the warmth and beauty and slowness of Maui.
I am grateful for the breath-taking sunset that I saw from the plane last night, the sun dipping down into the Pacific and bathing the hills of Pacifica in gold while the city sparkled farther north. I am grateful for the sunrise I saw today from the back of an Uber on the New Jersey Turnpike, the sky confetti pink and yellow, silhouetting the Manhattan skyline across the Hudson.
This has been a hard year. A trying year. But a year for growth and reflection and pause. A year that threw most of my goals and hopes out the window but that gave me so many other blessings in return. This was the first year since 2013 that I did not leave the country. I got to spend 365 days in the country that I love so much and I got to explore new parts of it and fall in love with it more even as I worry over its future. I spent every holiday this year with people I love, Fourth of July with Dad and Susan, my birthday with Mom and Ray, Thanksgiving with Ngawang and Aja and Deanna and Abina and Ritcha and Christmas and New Year’s with Dad and Susan and Mom and Michelle. I must admit that I am glad that 2020 is over but I am thankful that I lived it.
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stream2me · 5 years ago
Netflix odpowiada na potrzeby nauczycieli, udzielając dostępu do filmów i seriali dokumentalnych
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Od wielu lat Netflix umożliwia nauczycielom wyświetlanie filmów i seriali dokumentalnych w ramach zajęć lekcyjnych. Jednak w obliczu zamknięcia szkół pokazywanie materiałów w klasie stało się niemożliwe. Netflix odpowiada na potrzeby zgłaszane  przez nauczycieli, udostępniając wybrane filmy i seriale dokumentalne za pośrednictwem kanału Netflix dla rynku amerykańskiego w serwisie YouTube. Pełną listę dostępnych tytułów dokumentalnych zamieszczamy poniżej. Do każdego z tytułów dostępny jest również zestaw materiałów edukacyjnych, z których mogą korzystać zarówno uczniowie, jak i nauczyciele. Będziemy ponadto organizować sesje pytań i odpowiedzi, podczas których uczniowie będą mogli porozmawiać z twórcami wybranych dokumentów.  Obecnie udostępnione zostały dokumenty w języku angielskim. Jeszcze w tym tygodniu dostępne będą do nich napisy w kilkunastu wersjach językowych. Rodzicom i nauczycielom zalecamy sprawdzenie kategorii wiekowej dla każdego z tytułów przed dokonaniem właściwego wyboru dla dzieci i uczniów.  „XIII poprawka” (film) Tytuł tego niezwykłego i elektryzującego filmu dokumentalnego Avy DuVernay stanowi nawiązanie do XIII poprawki do Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych, która stanowi, że „Nie będzie w Stanach Zjednoczonych ani niewolnictwa, ani przymusowych robót, chyba że jako kara za przestępstwo, którego sprawca został prawidłowo skazany”. DuVernay w niezwykle klarowny sposób pokazuje, jak doszło do tego, że drugą część tej deklaracji zaczęto wykorzystywać jako podstawę do masowej kryminalizacji i rozrostu przemysłu więziennego. Archiwalne zdjęcia, opinie licznych działaczy, polityków oraz historyków, a także opowieści byłych więźniów i więźniarek składają się na niepowtarzalne dzieło, które stanowi syntezę długiej i złożonej historii. Materiały edukacyjne „Abstrakt: Sztuka designu” (serial — sezon 1) Serial „Abstrakt: Sztuka designu” zabiera widzów w niezwykłą podróż szlakiem tajemnic sztuki, technologii oraz filozofii wzornictwa. Poznaj najlepszych projektantów na świecie i zachwyć się kreatywnością najbardziej inspirujących wizjonerów działających w różnych dziedzinach, których dzieła kształtują naszą kulturę i przyszłość. Materiały edukacyjne  „Niemowlęta” (serial — wybrane odcinki) „Niemowlęta” to fascynujący serial dokumentalny, którego nakręcenie zajęło trzy lata. Przygląda się on cudowi pierwszego pełnego roku życia dziecka przez pryzmat pionierskich odkryć czołowych naukowców z całego świata. Serial ukazuje epicką podróż od bezbronnego niemowlęcia do niezależnego jednolatka, którą pokonuje każdy człowiek. Pokazuje także, jak narodziny dziecka odmieniły życie 15 rodzin, oraz przedstawia wnioski płynące z najnowszych badań poważanych naukowców, którzy opowiadają o swoich osobistych drogach do odkrycia tajemnic niemowlęcego umysłu. Ten wypełniony emocjonującą niepewnością rodzicielstwa serial bada każdy kamień milowy w rozwoju niemowlęcia: od pierwszej więzi noworodka z rodzicami, nauki karmienia, spania w nocy, raczkowania po pokoju, wymawiania pierwszych słów i odkrywania otaczającego świata, aż do wkroczenia w okres poniemowlęcy. Materiały edukacyjne  „Ścigając koralowce” (film) Film „Ścigając koralowce” powstał dzięki połączonym umiejętnościom i wiedzy specjalisty od reklamy, pasjonata raf koralowych, najlepszych projektantów sprzętu fotograficznego i słynnych biologów badających podwodny świat. Ich wspólne wysiłki pozwoliły stworzyć pierwszy aparat do zdjęć poklatkowych, który na bieżąco rejestruje zjawisko blaknięcia raf koralowych. Ekipa zawzięcie walczy ze złośliwością rzeczy martwych i siłami natury, próbując zdobyć złote runo: niekwestionowany dowód na tragiczne zmiany zachodzące w głębinach. Zapierające dech w piersiach zdjęcia, umiejętnie dawkowane napięcie i wzruszenia sprawiają, że film „Ścigając koralowce” porusza widzów i motywuje ich do działania. Materiały edukacyjne  „Wyjaśniamy” (serial — wybrane odcinki) Stworzony w ramach partnerstwa z Vox Entertainment serial zabiera widzów w podróż po przeróżnych aktualnych tematach z całego świata, wyjaśniając co, kto, kiedy, gdzie i dlaczego. Każdy odcinek poświęcony jest innemu zjawisku, które oddaje ducha naszych czasów. Poruszane tematy omawiane są przez cieszących się autorytetem ekspertów z różnorodnych dziedzin, takich jak polityka, nauka czy kultura popularna.  „Podbić Kongres” (film) „Podbić Kongres” stanowi zapis zaciekłej walki politycznej, jaką podczas wyborów połowy kadencji w 2018 r. cztery progresywne kandydatki stoczyły ze starymi waszyngtońskimi wyjadaczami. W ten sposób udało im się zachwiać ustalonym politycznym porządkiem. Gdy w apogeum kryzysu finansowego urodzoną na Bronksie Alexandrię Ocasio-Cortez dotknęła osobista tragedia, dziewczyna musiała zakasać rękawy i rozpocząć pracę na dwie zmiany jako kelnerka, aby nie dopuścić do zlicytowania rodzinnego domu. Po śmierci ukochanej osoby, która cierpiała na groźną, ale uleczalną chorobę, Amy Vilela nie wiedziała, jak dać upust złości na niewydolny amerykański system opieki zdrowotnej. Pracująca w branży medycznej pastor Cori Bush dołączyła do protestów po tym, jak policja zastrzeliła w jej okolicy nieuzbrojonego czarnego mężczyznę, co doprowadziło do gwałtownych protestów tłumionych przez władze przy użyciu czołgów. Córka górnika, Paula Jean Swearengin, miała już dość bezczynnego przyglądania się temu, jak jej przyjaciele i krewni cierpią z powodu działalności sektora górniczego. Materiały edukacyjne  „Nasza planeta”(serial) Ten ośmioodcinkowy serial twórców wielokrotnie nagradzanego programu „Planeta Ziemia” opowiada o wyjątkowych cudach natury, a jego narratorem jest Sir David Attenborough. W nakręconej we współpracy ze Światowym Funduszem na rzecz Przyrody „Naszej planecie” możemy po raz pierwszy podziwiać zapierające dech w piersiach ujęcia dziewiczych zakątków Ziemi i żyjących tam zwierząt, zarejestrowane przy wykorzystaniu najnowszych technologii filmowych. Zdjęcia do tego ambitnego projektu kręcono przez 4 lata w 50 krajach na wszystkich kontynentach, gdzie ponad 600 członków ekipy wspólnie nagrało materiał o długości ponad trzech i pół tysiąca dni zdjęciowych. Serial będzie poświęcony niezwykłej różnorodności siedlisk przyrodniczych na całym świecie, od odległego arktycznego pustkowia i tajemniczych głębi oceanów aż po rozległe krajobrazy Afryki i tętniące życiem dżungle Ameryki Południowej.  Materiały edukacyjne  „Okresowa rewolucja” (film krótkometrażowy) W wiosce położonej niedaleko indyjskiego Delhi kobiety rozpoczynają cichą rewolucję: walczą z głęboko zakorzenionym piętnem menstruacji. Ich historię opowiada krótki dokument „Okresowa rewolucja”, którego reżyserką jest Rayka Zehtabchi. Całe pokolenia kobiet w tej okolicy nie miały dostępu do podpasek, co powodowało problemy zdrowotne i opuszczanie lekcji lub całkowitą rezygnację z nauki w szkole. Jednak gdy w wiosce pojawia się automat do podpasek, kobiety uczą się produkować i sprzedawać własne podpaski, dzięki czemu nabierają wiary we własne siły. Nadają swojej marce nazwę „FLY”, bo chcą, żeby kobiety mogły wznieść się ponad własne ograniczenia. Impuls do walki o godność dały bohaterkom reportażu uczennice z odległej kalifornijskiej szkoły, które zebrały pierwsze fundusze na automat do podpasek i założyły organizację non-profit o nazwie „The Pad Project”. Materiały edukacyjne  „Białe Hełmy” (film krótkometrażowy) Oryginalny krótkometrażowy film wyprodukowany przez Netflix, którego akcja rozgrywa się w syryjskim Aleppo oraz w Turcji na początku 2016 r. „Białe Hełmy” to historia trzech ratowników-ochotników, którzy ryzykują własnym życiem, aby chronić cywilów dotkniętych przez wojnę, jednocześnie cały czas martwiąc się o los swoich najbliższych. Film „Białe Hełmy”, w reżyserii nominowanego do Oscara Orlando von Einsiedela i wyprodukowany przez Joannę Natasegarę, to poruszający obraz strasznej rzeczywistości zwykłych Syryjczyków żyjących w ogarniętym wojną kraju, a zarazem refleksja nad siłą ludzkiej duszy. Materiały edukacyjne  „Zion” (film krótkometrażowy) „Zion” to porywająca historia Ziona Clarka — młodego zapaśnika urodzonego bez nóg, który dorastał w rodzinach zastępczych. Już na początku szkoły Clark podjął treningi ze swoimi pełnosprawnymi rówieśnikami. Aktywność fizyczna zaczęła pełnić dla niego funkcję terapeutyczną, a klub stał się źródłem rodzinnego ciepła. Zion był wciąż przerzucany między różnymi domami zastępczymi, więc jedyną stałą rzeczą w jego dzieciństwie były właśnie zapasy. Ten krótkometrażowy oryginalny dokument Netflix wyreżyserował Floyd Russ. Netflix/Zdjęcie główne:Netflix Read the full article
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