#Talon AU
junespriince · 21 days
Talon au
Wally, opening his lunch box:
Coworker: oh, what did the old misses pack for you this time?
Wally: Oh, uh leftovers Alfredo, apple rabbits, cookies, and a mouse.
Coworker: a what-
Wally, pick up the mouse in the mouse container: yeah he turned into an owl mutant now, it sweet, trust me.
coworker: blink if you need help...
Wally: what i need is to lie and say I'm vegan so I get berries shaped like a mouse like his son (dami) gets.
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watercloud7 · 7 months
Feral Talon Dad Bruce Wayne AU
The bat kids are raised by a Cryptid zombie horror murder man who loves them very very much❤️
Bruce is sent to kill the Graysons by the court of Owls and kidnap their child to make him a Talon.
Dick witnesses the whole thing but because he’s so young in this AU like basically a toddler he’s terrified and when Bruce picks him up to take him back to the Owls Dick snuggles into him and sobs and screeches and he’s angry and confused and scared and tiny but This massive murder monster who killed his parents is the only comfort he has.
Dick is alone and he has no one. No one is coming to save him, no one is coming for him , his mama and daddy are gone and the only thing left is …. Whatever the hell this cryptid horror zombie is.
So Dick, takes his comfort where he can, which today comes in form of zombi does Bruce Wayne and that’s what it takes i guess.
Bruce breaks out of conditioning and vanishes into thin air with the kid. Only he doesn’t go back to the court.
Maybe this Bruce takes baby Grayson away and raises him as a feral murder baby.
They live secluded and away from anyone and anything. Maybe the mountains in Nanda parbat. They’re so discreet and good the league of assassins doesn’t even know their mountains are technically compromised.
Bruce raises Dick in complete secrecy. Literally like a wild child, Bruce occasionally travels to the town over to bring back toys and books and whatever he finds that he thinks would make Dick happy.
Dick sees and longs for peoples and connections and more. He loves Bruce but Bruce is basically like Ariel’s dad WORSE he’s basically mother gothel, he’s seen so many horrors and he’s so paranoid. He just wants his son to stay alive and away from any harm.
keeping Dixk locked away and safe from the Owls that mean him horrific torture and agony. Safe from the world, Safe with Daddy😭❤️.
Bruce’s voice is … zombified and uncomfortable to use, so he teaches himself sign language and then teaches Dick. They invent their own dialect. Just for them😭
Dick gets big enough to want to see the world, to understand what happened, to find himself outside of his adopted eldritch Dad, and MAYBE! Make a damn friend like he’s been seeing in those picture books Bruce brings for him every week.
He “runs away” in a fit of teenage rebellion or whatever you wanna call it, after Dick gets caught sneaking into a village a couple kilometres from their Cosy little cave they like to call home.
Bruce is furious and terrified and he’s everything a scared father is after finding your kid missing from their room when they were supposed to be home hours ago.
Dick explodes in frustration and tears and off he goes.
He goes back to the beginning. To Gotham.
A half deadly Half sunshine all Feral Dick Grayson is roaming the world all alone when he stumbles across a considerably less feral
Less deadly Jason Todd.
Jay is an orphan and this weirdly affectionate clueless terror of a guy just imprinted on him
and won’t leave him alone.
I mean Scary bird boy is a stage 5 dumbass, zero bark, Zero bite 100% cuddles kinda guy.
(Seriously this dude has no concept of personal space and it’s bordering on infuriating) but Jason is like 99.9% sure he just saw him down crime alley snapping the resident rapists necks.
The men that call girls avoided and the police did isn’t care to arrest, so clearly bird boy is not a bad guy but he’s definitely not Harmless either.
Jason likes his style though.
Maybe the court of owls tries going after Jason or tries to kidnap Dick again.
Bruce finds them in the nick of time and slaughters every single one of the Owls once and for all.
Shenanigans ensue and they all bond.
Love love love. Bruce literally adopts him the minute he sees him.
Bruce and Dick teach Jay sign language.
Jason teaches Bruce and Dick how to read.
Jason loves his feral dad and brother.
MAYBE! Tim parents were Owls.
The rich wealthy elites of Gotham succumb to their nefarious ways in an ironic and cathartic end, survived by their heir Timothy Jackson Drake. Who up until now they had been grooming into becoming the next Owl man, he’s been trained to kill and torture and every other bad guy skills he needs to be their evil little successor.🫡
Bruce gets rid of them though.
Maybe after killing Timmy’s parents Bruce is just like…
Bruce: awwwwww this reminds me of how Dick’s surprise adoption went!
Tim:…. Bro you can’t just murder my parents and call this a surprise adoption.
Bruce: we can call this a kidnapping if you wanna keep it 💯 but either way you’re coming home with me
Tim: …. I ain’t even like em like that fr. Let me just pack a bag real quick.
The Drakes parenting was abhorrent so after Bruce kidnaps him ,Tim is viciously violent at first but after Bruce shows Tim patience and kindness.
Tim develops Stockholm syndrome like instantly and just latches onto Bruce like it’s the first instance of true love and care he’s ever felt.
Jason is actually the most normal and well
adjusted out of his Psychotic family. Ironically he’s the only one out of all of them that hasn’t killed someone lol.
Tim latches on violently to Dick & Jason, it’s adorable and scary and very creepy in a wholesome way. Tim absorbs any kind of attention like a sponge and has separation anxiety. He likes to watch them sleep and follow them every where they go like a puppy, only he does it in the shadows and takes candid pictures of them he collects religiously.
He’s a complete weirdo.
Dick finds him Absolutely delightful, he wants to gobble him all up and cuddle at every opportunity, he enables all Of his bad habits and Jason does his best to damage control and encourage Tim to dabble in more healthy hobbies and ways of showing affection but ultimately Dick Grayson remains undefeated as a bad influence.
Dick is a good big brother, so obviously he’s gotta participate in his baby brothers love language so Timmy can feel seen and appreciated.
So now Jason has TWO stalkers shadowing him everywhere he goes. 3 when Bruce is feeling sentimental.
Jason tolerates his families psychotic and feral behaviour because he loves them more then life itself and if anyone else said anything like that about them he’d snap their necks.
Jason shows his affection in normal ways like beating up peoples trying to start a fight with his brothers and cooking for them because they can’t cook to save their lives.
Sometimes Jason will wonder on how exactly Dixk survived all those years in that cave with an immortal Bruce who doesn’t need to eat.
(Bruce would catch wild animals and Dixk
Would eat the meat raw, sometimes he’d hold his blood soaked hand full of flesh out wanting to share with dad, but Bruce would just drag Dick closer to him and nudge him to keep eating his dinner)
Jason feels bad and bakes him sugary monstrosities included but not limited too:
Oreo chocolate chip maple soaked marshmallow pancakes.
Sour candy lucky charm jam filled donuts.
Triple Chocolate Nutella and peanut butter Reese cookies.
Jason is appropriately horrified at what he’s created every time.
But Dick tasted sugar for the first time and doesn’t know how to act.
The kids are living their best lives but Bruce Is SPIRALLING.
The more kids Bruce acquires the more stressed he gets.
There’s a really angsty scene where Bruce breaks down holding onto his kids and crying. He’s not a monster, he just wants these kids to be safe. He doesn’t wanna kill anymore, he doesn’t wanna hurt things anymore.
He wants to go home with his babies.
He wants to take all of them back to their busted creepy cave in nanda parbat.
But Dickie Isn’t a baby anymore, he wants his family close but he also wants MORE, he wants to be around people he wants to discover the world. Jason was born and raised in Gotham and Bruce can’t in good conscience rip his life apart like that.
And then there’s Timmy. Honestly the Tim is this AU is an unhinged obsessive gremlin, he just goes wherever his family wants to go, nothing else really matters to him but them.
And so Bruce decides to stay in Gotham and hides them all in an abandoned building. It’s kind of like a nest.
Bruce stashes his babies in a Makeshift safe house until he can figure out a way to make all this work.
Maybe Alfred finds their weird little makeshift Family when he stumbles into their safe house and manages not to get immediately killed.
Alfred is VERY worried about the state in which these kids are living.
He vows to lure them and their Dad to a safer better living arrangement.
Maybe Bruce gets severely hurt and the kids kidnap Alfred to patch Bruce up.
Alfred is appropriately horrified at the undead creature growling and hissing while he treats their mortally terminal wounds, but keeps as much composure as an ex-military general would about it.
Bruce like totally imprints on Alfred And like a cat, he drags each and every one of his kids into Alfred life for him to babysit and look after while Bruce goes out to do whatever zombie dads do.
Alfred has no choice in the matter and has effectively acquired spontaneous grandkids and a son.
Bruce: daddy?
Alfred: …. Boy do I look like-⁉️
They move in with Alfred basically over night.
Damian is either created Through the league of assassins who stole the courts strongest talon’s DNA (Bruce’s DNA) to recreate it. Or any other way I guess I donno? Maybe Talia and Bruce got jiggy with It at one point when they were in those mountains. PFFFF LOL GIVE ME IDEAS.
Gonna run with the first idea ?
Damian is created in a lab, Maybe the Drakes latest project was too recreate their greatest success which had been Talon!Bruce.
Tim revisits his parents lab randomly and discovers this. An abandoned lab and abandoned cryogenic chamber containing a baby.
Tim grabs the kids and runs back home.
Jason is exasperated and Alfred panics a bit cause…. Huh?!?!
Jason: Seriously guys? We can’t afford Another surprise adoption right now.
Alfred: do you mean a “kidnapping”
Jason: don’t be mean! It’s their love language 😡
Alfred: wonderful… is it safe to assume I’ll be raising yet another grandchild?
Jason: that’s the spirit, anyway we gotta find a much bigger apartment than this, it’s getting crowded.
Alfred: Ah, my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused by my oversight. It seems I should have anticipated my being abducted by a feral street urchin and his entourage of lethal pets. Quite the oversight on my part, I’ll begin apartment hunting right away sir.
Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian: *living their best life while Alfred tries to wrangle them out of shenanigans*
Anyways They take Damian in and he’s just as feral and eldritch horror as his daddy. He’s got his big brother’s trademark behaviours too!
Tim’s severely anti social mess , Dick’s creepy uncanny valley nature and Jason’s love for baking!
It’s so sweet how much he takes after his sibling and Bruce couldn’t be more proud of his litter of horror.
Alfred is honestly such a trooper through all this, salute the GOAT.
I wrote this on a whim! If y’all wanna hear more about this AU, if you want it written, let me know!
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birdies-aus · 2 months
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i draw alot of birdie as robin so why not him more grownup- instead of going by nightwing bc hes not as close to clark in this au he starts going by Magpie which his new suit colours refrence alot
bird pic under read more woah
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plus bonus art:
the colour sectioning before i figure his colour scheme made them look like daphne so they get to be drawn in daphne cosplay now !!!
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Talon Dick via Tim AU
@hisaribi came up with the initial AU and helped flesh this idea out!
To start out, most of the timeline is the same up to just before Jason comes back as Red Hood. Here are the two main differences to the OG timeline:
Before Dick's parents died, the Court of Owls experimented slightly on Dick. He was a candidate they were considering for the Talon program. They injected him a few times to monitor results before deciding whether to initiate fully. They brainwashed him with some latent codes and were planning to take him after his parents' deaths. Obviously, Bruce stopped the second part of their plot. The codes and serum still existed in him as he grew up, though.
Tim's parents were invited to the Court of Owls. Due to their travels, though, they weren't able to meet membership requirements. Tim thus knew about the CoO but wasn't a part of it.
Here's where the timeline starts to diverge. Tim's been Robin for at least a year now. Bruce and Dick are somewhat talking again. Everything is okay (not necessarily great, but Tim hopes one day it could be).
Then Bruce causes Dick to die (dealer's choice on how deliberate it was).
A second son of Bruce (and perhaps the last child he actually considers as his own) dies. Obviously, this man tries to reenact his brutality boogie through Gotham.
Tim believes it's his fault that Bruce caused Dick to die (if Tim had done his self-assigned job better, if he had healed Bruce more, if he kept a tighter leash on that man, maybe Dick wouldn't have died).
The techniques Tim had used before to pull Bruce from that ledge aren't working. The teen is barely able to restrain the Batman's more violent tendencies. He's trying, in the midst of his own grief and self-blame, to do what he became Robin for. He's really really trying.
Tim, the lovely little rascal, gets the brilliant idea to use the CoO resources to bring Dick back to life. Perhaps he can fix his failures, prevent Bruce from drowning, and have his brother back.
It somewhat works.
Due to the shit in Dick's system before he died, more injections are able to receive Dick. It changes him, but he's alive. That's what Tim cares about.
Yet, the CoO find out about their shit being used and steal Dick away.
Tim then spends almost a year rescuing him from the CoO, trying to fix all the brainwashing, and reforming Dick's sense of identity. Dick isn't fully himself, he follows orders too readily, and he spends a lot of time dissociating. He has some physical traits of Talons, but he also has more autonomy and resistance than the others.
Tim can't quite present Dick as a fresh Talon to Bruce. That wouldn't work and might make Batman even more violent. Thus, Tim spends that year juggling his mentor and Dick's wellbeing. That poor kid is stressed and going through it (he's also fighting off the CoO alone and has to hide Dick). At the very least, Talon!Dick cares for Tim. They are close, and Tim gets showered in affection by the older one.
Unfortunately for the teen, a certain red helmet starts popping up in Crime Alley.
Jason is high key pissed at Bruce. He is raging and foaming at the mouth because Dick died (and no one but CoO and Tim know otherwise). Jason has let go of some of his hatred for Dick. He's able to remember the better times and that the man was his brother. They didn't have a perfect relationship, but they were siblings.
Bruce killed him (Jason's perspective on it regardless of how purposeful Bruce was in orchestrating Dick's death). Bruce killed Dick, the original Robin, and he's got a placeholder still prancing around in stoplight colors.
So, Jason goes to beat the shit out of Tim to prove to Bruce that he obviously can't protect anyone.
When he gets to Drake Manor guns blazing, a very angry and protective Talon!Dick starts beating the shit out of him. Only by the grace of Jason's helmet being removed mid-battle is Jason saved.
Later, when a cold Dick refuses to stop hugging Jason, Red Hood raises an eyebrow in Tim's direction and asks what the fuck is going on.
Tim wants to ask him the same thing.
More snippets for this AU:
Because Dick is immortal as a Talon, he's forever as he is. One day, all of his younger siblings will grow older than him
Jason and Tim will teach each other not to base so much of their life off of Bruce. From opposite ends of the spectrum (devotion vs malice), they base their choices, demeanor, and paths according to Bruce.
Dick oscillates between the two during their arguments about Bruce (especially due to his Talon state being more or less present)
Dick struggles with his memory. Both recent and pre-Talon memories can be harder to recall some days
Jason is chill with killing, but Dick despises it. He doesn't want to kill, but, due to his programming, he's been forced to.
When Dick is forced to follow an order, he has two reactions. He either blanks out and wakes up with no memory of what he's done, or he is mentally present the entire time as he screams at himself to stop :(
When Bruce gets lost in the timestream, Jason believes Tim. However, he wants Tim to let Bruce die
I think I covered everything we chatted about! If not, I'll add more ^^
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infernalnica · 1 year
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wildissylupus · 1 year
From Anon #324:
Just realized that Cassidy's Talon skin concept instead of spurs on his boots it's quite literally a heated up cattle prod with a Talon sigil as the marking.
*Loud crashing sounds*
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I fucking love this design holy shit-
Back on topic...
One, the idea that when he kicks someone in the face they get the Talon logo burnt into them is so funny to me. Two, I can't tell if he chose to do this or if whoever designs the outfits for Talon did this, I'm choosing to believe the former because Cassidy canonically doesn't like Talon's fashion sense (except Moira apparently). I do think he would appreciate the heated prods though.
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Dave Lopez is a genius-
And the fact that Mina supposedly died being Retribution makes this all so much better. The whole "Mad Bull" symbolism taking new meaning with the updated lore because this would have just been an act of revenge and there would have been no point in hiding it.
Also if everything else is the same then Moira's reaction would change, because she would have been manipulating Reyes at this point, she would have fully expected Gabe to pull the trigger. THEN BAM, Cassidy kills him instead and Moira sitting there like :0
GOD this concept is so good-
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plotbunny-bundle · 2 years
Something I’d love to see more of in Talon AUs is showmanship from the Talon(s).
There’s a performance aspect to being a Talon. A lot of the talons were circus performers before they were talons. They know how to put on a show. Many of them are chatty. They Monologue in their heads or out loud while fighting.
The Talon is not just the Court of Owls’ assassin. They are also the executioner. And Executions used to be a show.
We see this with the original Talon (Cobb) in the court’s first story line. Cobb engages with the Court [his audience]. He acts like he’s hosting a show. There were simpler ways to murder Batman then to torture him for a week. I can easily see the Court of Owls having their Talons torture people in the torture maze for their amusement.
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supersnowscosplay · 1 year
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First piece of my talon!dick au
I like to think after his recovery he’s quick to join his family on the field as Nightwing. The once Robin, then Talon, now Nightwing just needs to get out and be a hero again. Spread his wings.
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New YJ Robin outfit that I’m p proud of
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captainshazamerica · 2 years
Here, have a Talon!Dick Grayson moodboard!
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nitewrighter · 4 months
Love your written interactions. Have any Gency interactions in mind that are within your Talon AU? Not necessarily mirrorwatch cuz I honestly don't care much for them.
I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to have you request my Talon AU rather than Mirrorwatch--not even as an ego thing (though there's probably a bit of ego in it) but basically because Mirrorwatch is so shallowly written that attempting to write fanteractions for it is kind of like pulling teeth for me. :P
For anyone interested, I've got my old Talon AU fics here.
Mercy: What did Sombra say to you?
Genji: Nothing.
Mercy: You can't trust her.
Genji: Trust me, I can tell. *pause* Wait--are-are you worried about me?
Mercy: ...there's still so much of you left. You can't lose it. Promise me you won't let them take it from you.
Genji: 'So much of me left!?' Look at me! Both legs gone, one arm, probably more organs scooped out of me than I want to think about--I don't know how much more they can--*catches himself*
Mercy: ...
Genji: ...I can't promise anything.
Genji: Talon's not going to let me go once my brother's dead, are they?
Mercy: You are an asset. It's because of their technology that you can walk, that your body has the capabilities it has. They can't afford to let that fall into anyone else's hands.
Genji: ...and clearly they couldn't afford to let you be Overwatch's asset.
Mercy: *quietly* Please don't talk about that.
Genji: That girl--Lena--you think now that she knows you're not dead, they're going to try to--
Mercy: Please.
Genji: ...but... if there's a possibility--
Mercy: I can't afford to hope, and what I've become is nothing they want to save.
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junespriince · 22 days
Talon au (bring back an oldie)
Wally, rushes in: B, B I brought back your son from the court!!
Bruce, happy looks up and... shocked: what happen to my son...
Wally, point at a more owlish Dick on his shoulder: they mess up the formula so he can swivel his neck 360 degrees, and he preens you, and that he watches you sleep and bring you mice. Same dickie if you ask me.
Bruce: is the court still at large?
Wally: yes,,, but they are scared of what they made.
Bruce: good, I shall pay them a visit, Bud, are you hungry?
Dick: nah I ate.
Wally, traumatized and turned on: an awakening I didn't need.
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wormsin · 2 years
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"I thought I would be alone forever... And then I met you."
Talon-monster-Dick welcomes a new toy guest to his manor.
@brudick-week Day 4: Gothic Horror | "I thought I would be alone forever... And then I met you." | First Times
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birdies-aus · 10 days
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back to my usual brainrotting with my birdie posting i love my little bridfella
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First Wally Weekend prompt fill fic and the art I did to go with it.
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quotidian-oblivion · 11 months
ask box trick or treat
Hellooooooo!!!! Thanks for the ask, st4r!
By the emoticons you have used, I am making the conclusion that you would like something angsty?
*smiles* Lemme see what I've got in my candy basket (google documents)
"Timothy, your brother doesn't have to suffer for your inability to cooperate," he heard Cobb say.  "Don't—" Dick said. "Tim, you're doing amazing, don't give up."  He barely bit down a yell when something sharp burrowed itself in his already cut thigh.
Talons AU <3
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