mary-mythos · 1 year
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This was just supposed to be a lighting study, but I guess it turned into a "how to render armor" study.
I know his helmet isn't supposed to come off like that, but it's for the ✨️Aesthetic✨️
The markings are a hc of mine that I'll explain properly in another post, but they're Takonian markings
Edited versions under the cut
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coolcomicbookcovers · 10 days
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splooosh · 9 days
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“ would NOT”
John Wagner - Joe Rubinstein
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nyannyannihon · 2 years
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dcinthe90s · 4 months
Highfather creates Takion as a response to Darkseid's threat to the Source, in the first issue of Takion's own comic, from 1996!
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nonono-zzz · 3 months
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#これでフォロワーさん増えました このこよちゃんですね pic.twitter.com/lPBzxv30wt
— TakiON(たきおん) (@takiondesuga) June 23, 2024
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juliaturtlelover · 1 year
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Okay, it's time for something new: Ven-Ghan design under the armor + redesign. I made him look more... alien? and insect like. He is shiny now lol. I'm aware that Ven-Ghan can't take his armor off, this is just to show him of. If I need to tag this as nudity tell me, ok?😅
I also decided this is a perfect post to vent about some of my headcanons))
Takonions as species are not completely gone)). Some, even if a few percent of the planet, evacuated. Jim implies so i believe. But it doesn't matter to me if that is canon or not, just a speculation based on level of tech development of Takion. Mostly upper class survives, and some who manage to get to refuge ships in time. As expected, most of those are kids who will never see their parents again.
Why Jim didn't come with his sodality? Bc Steel. Bc he was afraid others wouldn't ask questions and just shoot them both.
Where would refugees go? Another unexplored concept: the Black Star. Runs by Council and was created long time ago, as Makino's wrath began. I like to hc that Black Star is union of intelligent species that manages resources between them, organizes trade, cleans space from garbage that is left after planet destructions and productions of Ultralinks, and, of course, takes care of refugees, finds them new homes and jobs.
Don't be fooled: this isn't kindness, this is profit seeking. If you aren't helpful to community, you are treated like shit. But no worries, there are enough places where spare hands (or other limbs) are needed.
This is canon that Makino is an Ultralink that puppets a host. I add: they need an intelligent host to distribute processes. Why? Makino is connected with Alphalink and is responsible for it's main function: the creation of new Ultralinks. The algorithm goes like:
>Absorption of the planet
>"Digestion", so responsible Ultralinks dismantle planets for resources. Garbage, i.e. what cannot be used is thrown into outer space.
>Creation of Ultralinks; and based on used resources each batch, even each ultralink in it, comes out different.
So, more absorbed planets - more warriors - more defeated planets - more absorbed planets. A cycle.
Steel isn't actually so different from other Ultralinks (considering most of them differ), just free out of programmed loyalty for Makino, not the first, not the last. But how he works is kinda different, isn't it? Bc the way he connects to Jim and Max - not just through armor. Not just through body. Through Turbo energy in their bodies. Special kind of bond that Ultralinks aren't programmed to. There is a difference between taking over a body and using it's energy if it has any emitting, and bonding to energy, that automatically means being connected to body. Such bond is dangerous to Ultralinks too, as accidents like with Turbo Star result in different kinds of catastrophes. Forever run on this energy, for example. And Steel is lucky is was Turbo energy (it has a different name among Takions) as it is powerful enough to fuel such complex being as Ultralink.
No. Absolute. Way. Max would ever want to have a child of his own. Give birth to kid with a strong possibility that one day they start emitting Turbo energy and explode? Lol No. Max has much more common sense than that. And too much trauma. And while Molly and Jim couldn't have known, what were they thinking is beyond me.
I also hc that Turbo Chamber could have worked if Max was chill and still. But he was in distress, which resulted in higher energy generation than Chamber can hold. But IF that worked? Max would have to sit in it often, maybe even couple of time a day in particularly bad days, draining himself completely, and N-Tek would have used that energy as they desire. Lovable.
Max will major in ai and robotics. Why?⬇️
Alphalink was destroyed near Earth. All Ultralinks who didn't die in explosion had evacuated, and most of them landed on Earth. Now N-Tek has a lot of work to do.
I don't think Steel and Max will be comfortable with just killing them all. The solution is hanging near Earth: Ven-Ghan, and his knowledge about reprogramming Ultralinks. Ven-Ghan ultralinks are empty tho. Literal functioning corpses. And Ven-Ghan isn't even professional in reprogramming Ultralinks, just knows the basics from the Black Star Council. But it's up to these three + Berto and N-Tek to learn how to give free will to Ultralinks, how to rehabilitate them.
If you want to better understand my vision of programmed loyalty/free will in Ultralinks, watch Detroit: Become Human. Just imagine deviance, aka free will, as MUCH harder and complicated process that cannot be achieved from outside source unless it's heavy reprogramming/reboot/rebuild. And while N-Tek works on solutions, which can take years and decades, all is left is to fight. And Ven-Ghan may or may not get two apprentices)))
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English is nor my first, nor my second language pls excuse me if smth is wrong
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kentnaturaltribrid · 9 months
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Combined with gems the rate at which metals absorb energy and store energy is 13% higher, it also helps and converts energy. Any object that id surface inefficiently, such as something as small as a molecule of water or large as a tackion of vertical movement in a neuron is only 9% of power and energy. Without the basis of a physical object which is essentially an eviation and evolutional process of principle of motion, mathematics, and matter the energy becomes both sides absorbed (a natural negative and natural positive) without a conventional nuralical system of equations and systems of motion that consists of cosmic and physical laws of existence that which allows the existence of conserved energy and conversion of the same type of energy while experiencing a physical expellation and extant state of motion in which it expresses emitted negative energies only and essential functions of dispersion. However, with the gems on it has a 67% altitude and a constant energy rate of 23% absolute with a maximum of 89% of positive energy only at a constant temperature of 24 degrees of an object, However the room needs to be at least 89 degrees at the maximum, anything below that is a failure at collective and anything within the range of no higher than that or it would melt in the room. To Keep a constant temperature and constant pressure on a cosmic basis and level is that it would have to be within a cabinet, which during the day is about 80-89 degrees at the highest, at the lowest it becomes 23 to 34 degrees, but that depends on materials, though it can also be on a shelf of a bookcase, which happens to be able to sustain a constant temperature and pressure on a typical night at 67 degrees to 89 degrees during the day, so it would be on a regular schedule of emitting negative pressure and energy from the environment and disposal of the energy itself would be dispersed by the natural environment and natural temperature of the object depending on how it is kept safe from removal of any takions and gallons of energy that is a far ion or a gao. The far ion and gao are energy that is cosmically charged and efficient and effective for use, only when separated from the rest of its components and compressed. While the other elements of the energy is not useful, the tarions or yai side of a molecule or a substance is less fundamental and therefore less effective and more likely to produce energy that consumes itself rather than producing energy that can be produced in tai, which is the energy that is stored by the atoms and minerals as well as mostly energy stored by a chemical reaction with everyday ions and numerous antidalions, which the latter consists of energy that is later absorbed by the rai and the other atoms in the same molecule which then have the same amount of electrons and energy in them as the surface temperature of the object In natural environments, while the other molecules are known as cha and they are energies which are inert and therefore inefficient in their natural environment which are also negatives and they are all consumable in themselves. The latter form of said types is a tar, which is energy that becomes invisible and inert, which reduces its strength and power. While turning it into a solid form of matter that then becomes invisible and becomes a liquid in a vacuum, making the particles of said substance be invisible and then the particles of matter become invisible and then they become instantly consumed by the substance itself. Tar is basically energy that is created by a black hole and by super dense material such as a super nova. The latter has no content of energy that is stable and the former consists of energy that is produced by fa, which consists of er and the only way to get any more of positive energy is to reverse the energy consumption cycle of the black hole itself, due to the gravitational force and gravitational pull of it being all void and vos, the latter being the result of cosmic radiation and gravitational waves that would cause it to collapse and explode into da, which is zero.
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walkingatombomb · 2 years
Comics I Read Today
January 10
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Genesis #s 2, 3 from 1997.
The heroes fight Darkseid’s forces. Highfather died in one of the tie-ins. The Source Wall was destroyed. Takion was killed. You notice I didn’t use any exclamation points. That’s because nothing was exciting. It just felt like a company-wide crossover to make money. Thumbs down.
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dailydccomics · 3 years
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Wonderfam & the New Gods in Wonder Woman vol 2 #127
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coolcomicbookcovers · 5 months
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splooosh · 1 year
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“The Edge”
Alan Davis - Mark Farmer
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johnbyrnedraws · 6 years
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Jack Kirby’s Fourth World #19, page 8 by John Byrne & Noelle Giddings. 1998.
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rustybottlecap · 5 years
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Takion #6 (1996).
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My biggest commission to date! Took 29 hours total. Done as a Christmas gift for the commissioner's friend. All the characters are from animes they've watched together.
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nonono-zzz · 1 month
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#お盆休みはフォロワーが増えるらしい pic.twitter.com/ZfANqhJHE9
— TakiON(たきおん) (@takiondesuga) August 18, 2024
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