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charming-fawn · 3 months ago
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hOW TO BE A B TCH | Take Your Power Back, Become Magnetic & Stop Being a People Pleaser
✨ You are not here to be anyone’s doormat ! You are here to shine in your soft, unapologetic glow and OWN it ! ✨
💅 Stop saying yes when you mean no — Don’t be afraid to set boundaries with a smile. It’s okay to say “I’m sorry, I can’t” or “This isn’t a good time for me” in the sweetest way. people will respect you more when you respect yourself
🌸 Embrace your weirdness — The world will try to fit you into a box, but you don’t belong in one. You are a whole universe of quirk, magic, and softness, and that is your power. So wear that oversized cardigan, paint your nails purple, and never apologize for being uniquely you.
🌿 Be unpredictable — Keep them on their toes. Be the girl who’s quietly observing, who drifts in and out of rooms like a wisp of moonlight. Leave a trail of mystery. Make them wonder where you went when you don’t respond for a few hours.
🎧 Find your voice and use it — Speak your truth, even if it’s just in a little whisper. The world needs the quiet rebels, the ones who speak with intention. Stop second-guessing your words. They matter more than you think.
🦋 Magnetism is not about trying — It's about being so comfortable in your own skin that others can’t help but gravitate toward you. Love yourself fiercely, and the rest will follow. You’re the whole package, wrapped in pastel ribbons and a touch of glitter.
�� Cut the people-pleasing habit — You don’t need to be the nice girl who agrees to everything just to be liked. People will like you because you are honest, real, and unapologetically you. Choose yourself. Always.
🌙 Don’t be afraid of the silence — There’s power in being quiet, in being alone with your thoughts. Let your stillness be a statement. You’re not desperate for attention, you’re just living your life and letting the universe catch up.
✨ Own your energy, radiate your vibes — You’re a rare gem, and everyone who crosses your path should feel blessed to witness your glow. Don’t shrink yourself for anyone. You were made to be seen, and your energy is too beautiful to hide.
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proleone · 27 days ago
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markllockwood · 1 month ago
Try Walking into your Perfect Life ? This exercise and meditation practice, like a whispered invitation, beckons you to step beyond the constraints of your ordinary existence and glimpse the contours of a life lived in alignment with your truest self. It is a soulful, loving inquiry into the essence of your deepest desires, a journey inward that allows you to rediscover the forgotten landscapes of your heart. Here Mark invites you to try and walk into your life with a powerful CQ healing meditation practice that helps you get out of your body-heart-mind and into your life.
You can practice the Walking into My Perfect Life mindfulness meditation daily, and you can also do it as a waking up visualisation practice. The more we engage with this practice, the deeper our connection to the truth that our thoughts, feelings, and actions generate ripples in the fabric of existence. There is an undeniable dance of cause and effect, intertwined with the laws of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of abundance, each of which can be influenced by the energy we project.
This begins with our inner landscape: the way we think, the emotions we nurture, and our responses to the world around us. Additionally, our focus—whether we lean toward positivity or carry the weight of negativity—shapes our experience. Our character flaws, along with the masks we wear, often tug at us from the shadows, while our practices of prayer, meditation, and the embrace of our extrasensory gifts invite us into a more profound awareness. Indeed, the exploration of these themes could continue indefinitely.
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rageof-gaia · 1 month ago
rejectdeathbyOppressivemortalhands. &embrace self {your truth}
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theloulouge · 6 months ago
Life Lens - Entry 191
Character Over Circumstance When someone treated me poorly, I was deeply hurt at first. It made me question myself and my worth, and I felt this heaviness from the sadness. But then I paused and reminded myself of the truth: how I treat others is a reflection of who I am, not the way they treat me. I’m kind, I’m thoughtful, and I genuinely care for people. That’s my character, and no one’s…
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awakentoyourtruth · 1 year ago
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Taking risks means that you are willing to bet on yourself.
You are telling yourself that you are WORTHY of attempting to do the impossible. You are showing yourself that "failure" isn't an option for you... that quitting is not the outcome you want out of life.
So, don't be afraid of discovering new ways to take risks that will lead you closer to your biggest, wildest dreams!
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tw1573d-8i7ch · 2 months ago
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12/24/24 Animal Advice 𖤍
For anyone who resonated with today’s Tarot Message, this Animal Advice is definitely connected to that reading!
Someone is clearly being advised they have someone close to them with deceptive motives. This person’s actions and words do not align. This is someone whose loyalty you’ve previously questioned or had gut feelings about. You are unequivocally being advised to trust those gut feelings and take a closer look!
The result of trusting your intuition first and foremost and taking this closer look, is you taking your power back and putting yourself in the leadership role of your own life.
Do not allow people with self-serving and questionable motive the power to determine the path your life takes. Be your own leader of discernment and show yourself the love this liar never could!
~Stay blessed 𖤍
#divineguidance #spiritualgrowth #spiritualjourney #healingjourney #intuition #oracle #takeyourpowerback
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omgtaraarnold · 1 year ago
Recover From Narcissistic Abuse - The Childhood Aftermath - Turn 3D Trau...
#childhoodtrauma #childhoodabuse #narsissist #takeyourpowerback #narsissisticrecovery #narsissistic
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twistedcatmeow · 2 years ago
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If you are going to have judgment about people, why not base it on how their presence affects you? It’s easier to figure out than what their motivations are, which is what the judgments of good and bad boil down to most of the time.  Or, instead of judging people, you could discern who is more strengthening for you to have around and whose presence weakens you, and decide with whom you will spend your time based on that information.
The difference between judgment and discernment is one of opinion versus fact. To say that someone is good or bad based on their actions, to continue to chew on those actions, to perhaps even take their actions personally, is judgment. To see that someone has a behavior that you do not enjoy and to simply decide to not put yourself in the way of such a behavior is discernment. The latter implies acceptance, non-attachment, and empowerment.
Try to use your discernment rather than judgment today. If someone cuts you off in traffic today, instead of calling them a jerk, back off and let them go ahead, since they are obviously not conducting themselves safely and it would be wiser to be out of their line of damage. If someone treats their partner in a way that you would not want to be treated, bless both of them and rejoice in the fact that you are not their partner. If you hear about a colleague’s poor behavior at a conference, remind yourself that you were not there and that this has nothing to do with you, and focus back on those things that are your legitimate concern. 
By utilizing your discernment instead of your judgment, you take the negative ego out of the equation and put the power back in the hands of your free will. You give yourself the opportunity to use your energy for those activities that truly concern you, and you maintain your integrity. Life is more peaceful when you let go of the judgment.
#Judgment #Discernment #OpinionVsFact #TakeYourPowerBack #DoThis #PracticalSpirituality #PersonalGrowth #DailyMessage #365DaysToEnlightenment #Ayamanatara #Shadows #Clock
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all-about-us-media · 2 years ago
Facebook: @AAUMEDIA
P: 1-833-369-1444
#aaumedia #allaboutusradio #TakeYourPowerBack #dontgiveup #LuvYourself1st
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hopestormhealing · 3 years ago
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Traumatic events often involve a lack of control.  That lack of control can be so many things and will probably be different for each person.  
I couldn't prevent the accident, I couldn't make them stop, I couldn't help them, or save them, or save myself.  I was just a child.  It came so fast.  They seemed so happy.
So many things can bring up feelings of powerlessness.  Trauma is never something anyone chooses.  But healing can be!  It's not easy to heal, it takes work, but the change is power!  Healing can bring about improved feelings of control, peace, and connection.  
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markllockwood · 6 months ago
(via The Healing POWER of LOVE) In order for us to actually find love, a part of us must die. A part of us needs to die because it's not love; usually instead, it's something based in fear, says Mark L Lockwood who designed his 10 step healing course with the very first step being centred around a recovering a sense of self love. 
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frankeesezrelax · 4 years ago
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I’ll say it louder for the people in the back. It’s time to take your life back. I promise the toxic isn’t worth your time honey.
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sluttygoddesspodcast · 4 years ago
Changing things up a lot in 2021 I’m done playing with y’all. #takeyourpowerback Check me out @sandeeafterdark podcast on all the major streaming apps and let me know what you think 🤔 😁 ___________________________ #clownshit #singlelifeproblems #blackwomanmagic #doingmyownthing (at Growth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMTXVb2hAJJ/?igshid=hovxkhzkf2a7
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overcomeandgrow · 5 years ago
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#walkaway #takeyourpowerback #dontlookback #yourlightshines #gowhereyourlightisappreciated #overcomeandgrow #higherself #keepshinning #loveyours #healer #lover #giver #gentle #compassionate #leavethemwheretheyat #indarkness #keepbeingyou #abundant #sunday https://www.instagram.com/p/B2b-2bcnEOS/?igshid=1sbb6xh20uoxo
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irinaaylyarova · 6 years ago
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The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff — it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel. Excerpted from Lincroft, NJ on 10/15/96 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) ------------------------------------------------------------ #abrahamhicksteachings #success #happilyeverafter #takeyourpowerback #universallaw #lawofattractionworks #abundancemindset #abundacia #expansión #receptive #goodvibe #positivestateofmind #mentalworkout #selfdiscipline #spiritualgrowthjourney #evolutionofself #inspirational #gratitudeattitude #freedomfromwithin #lifestyle #actress #actorlife #livelovelaugh #lifestory #spirituallywoke #theedge #третийглаз #проснись #пробуждение #apreciación https://www.instagram.com/p/BzUBAQrnuDO/?igshid=1tkb9jbuj047v
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