only-halfway-broken · 7 years
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Tbh, it’s the love that makes the sex incredible. Being a freak and having a body like this doesn’t hurt tho ❤😂😍😋
(Shared with permission)
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only-halfway-broken · 7 years
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only-halfway-broken · 7 years
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Tbh, it's the love that makes the sex incredible. Being a freak and having a body like this doesn't hurt tho ❤😂😍😋 (Shared with permission)
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only-halfway-broken · 7 years
“it’s just a phase” i mean the moon has phases but it’s still literally always the moon. just because the moon’s doing something different today doesn’t mean it was lying about being the moon yesterday
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only-halfway-broken · 7 years
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
Do you know how long a year is?
365 days.
8,760 hours.
525,600 minutes.
31,536,000 seconds. 
Yet, it’s not enough time for a wound to heal. Its not enough time for pain to stop. Memories don’t fade. Plans that shouldn’t have changed. A year is a very short amount of time, if you think about it. 
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
Okay, tumblr. I have decided to reach out to you lovely people because, well, I just don’t know where to turn anymore. My fiance and I have been scrimping and saving for ages and just bought a car. The week after we dumped all of our savings into a car, my fiances father had a stroke. This wouldn’t have been so much of an issue if our current home hadn’t been destroyed a few years back in a storm. The entire thing wasn’t really suitable for a child, so it’s not surprise that someone contacted child services and they asked us to take our child and leave. Our plan was to leave anyway, just…you know, after we saved for a few months to make sure we could cover a security deposit, first months rent and the utility deposit ( as neither of us have ideal credit). Currently, we are at our wits end. We need to come up with a whole mess of money in a very short amount of time. We’re staying with a family friend, but our stay is running out here. We need to come up with money fast and unfortunately we make too much to qualify for any sort of aid from the government or state. So if any of you lovely folks would like to donate to two stuggling parents and their child, please click the link and leave a dollar and a prayer. Thank you all for your time. 
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
Okay, tumblr. I have decided to reach out to you lovely people because, well, I just don’t know where to turn anymore. My fiance and I have been scrimping and saving for ages and just bought a car. The week after we dumped all of our savings into a car, my fiances father had a stroke. This wouldn’t have been so much of an issue if our current home hadn’t been destroyed a few years back in a storm. The entire thing wasn’t really suitable for a child, so it’s not surprise that someone contacted child services and they asked us to take our child and leave. Our plan was to leave anyway, just...you know, after we saved for a few months to make sure we could cover a security deposit, first months rent and the utility deposit ( as neither of us have ideal credit). Currently, we are at our wits end. We need to come up with a whole mess of money in a very short amount of time. We’re staying with a family friend, but our stay is running out here. We need to come up with money fast and unfortunately we make too much to qualify for any sort of aid from the government or state. So if any of you lovely folks would like to donate to two stuggling parents and their child, please click the link and leave a dollar and a prayer. Thank you all for your time. 
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
I spent three weeks in a mental hospital and what I discovered there I feel like should be put into words.
we are not who you think we are.
the boy with turrets told the funniest jokes
the girl who raked her nails up and down her skin could create the most exquisite drawings
the girl who abused drugs had the wisest soul
the boy with schizophrenia had the biggest heart
the girl who tried to kill herself told the boy with insomnia stories to help lure him to sleep
the boy who wanted to kill himself had the deepest passion for cooking
the girl with slits and scars all over her body dried my tears and told me I was beautiful
the boy with anger issues gave the warmest hugs
the girl with bulimia told everyone every day that they looked beautiful in their bodies
the boy who was a compulsive liar told us that he wanted us all to get better, and that he was for once telling the truth
the girl who almost drank herself to death stood up for anyone that felt they were feeling bullied
the boy with social anxiety made sure nobody sat alone at meals
we are not who you think we are.
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
You are here for but an instant, and you mustn’t take yourself too seriously.
Edgar Rice Burroughs (via wordsnquotes)
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
It's myself
When will everyone realize that it's not them I'm mad at?
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
mtv y'all are honestly the nastiest fucking station giving tyga his own show, making police brutality jokes, and having this racist ass white bitch hosting this show wearing this appropriative mess on her god damn head wtf
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
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Sleeve in progress..
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
Hold me close with blood on your hands. I want to see your naked bones. I want your twisted, ugly truth.
theflyingpeach (via wnq-writers)
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only-halfway-broken · 9 years
Hold me close with blood on your hands. I want to see your naked bones. I want your twisted, ugly truth.
theflyingpeach (via wnq-writers)
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