swordquest · 2 years
Unfollowed for anti- witch hunt participation mystique
we have never spoken. are you mad because i screencapped my long-term harasser takashi0's inappropriate attitudes about children? that's really fine. go fuck yourself, in fact. why did you confront me? did you think I would stop being concerned with takashi0's active ongoing habits of harassment and talking to children if you said this to me? you are a stranger.
he's been here for a decade and learned nothing. he was a gamergate hatefreak in 2014 and he's a gamergater hatefreak now. he has led witch hunts against me, jackass. that is all he does. he's an antivax republican brony who actively cultivates an audience of children and leads them to bother anyone he deems an enemy.
i posted his public twitter bio where he advises kids to view his blog secretly. that's hardly a witch hunt.
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no such disclaimer on tumblr of course since he can openly manipulate his audience of fandom children with far less risk of the adults in their lives seeing. he doesn't even list his age on tumblr so kids might mistake him for a peer. fuck this dude
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takashi0 is generally a ponderous idiot, but he was actually correct on this point (that the Soviet Union's policies frequently effected its minorities more severely) and it's tlaquetzqui doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
During the Civil War, one population singled out for attempted annihilation by the Reds were the Don Cossacks.
The Soviet famines of the 1930s actually had the most devastating impacts of the Kazakhs. It's estimated that somewhere between 38-42% of the Kazakh population died and the population proportions of ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan were reduced from over 60% to 38%.
During the Great Purge, Poles and Latvians were especially likely to be arrested and shot, while other common NKVD targets were Finns, Estonians, Chinese, Koreans, Bulgarians, Afghans, Iranians, and Greeks.
Between 1930 and 1945, Stalin and the NKVD heads (first, Yezhov and then Beria) had numerous minority groups (such as Far East Koreans, Poles, Volga Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Poles, Kola Norwegian, Romanians, Estonians, Finns, Latvians, Lithuanians, Crimean Tatars and Greeks, Kalmyks, Karachays, Meskhetian Turks, and Karapapaks) deported to Siberia and Central Asia where vast numbers of them died from disease and starvation.
Why doesn't tlaquetzqui know about that? Probably because he's an ignorant twit who wasn't aware that the Soviet Union consisted of more than Russians and Ukrainians. He MIGHT know about Belarusians, but I wouldn't hold my breath...
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Yo, what the fuck happened to @takashi0? They get sent to the glue factory? I'm used to seeing them all over my dash and now they're just gone, which is kind of surprising because I don't really recall them posting anything too racy or ban worthy.
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lily-orchard-archives · 4 months
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July 26th, 2017
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tungledotedu · 10 months
(regarding this post by miinaandeg, i didn't want to bother op)
oh my god i can't get over tributary's post and how stupid it is. they clearly didn't even read the article in question. how do you get offended over something as simple as this?
Snow is a core part of Ngarigu culture and language. Much of that intricate knowledge is lost. “I don’t know how to talk about snow in the way my ancestors would have,” Troy, a professor of Indigenous languages, said. “I can only try to do it in English.” The suppression and destruction of Indigenous languages, as well as global English dominance, is a core part of environmental destruction. Ó Séaghdha, who said many words in Irish are like “one-word poems,” finds himself fascinated by this bio-cultural knowledge. “The word for swallow is fáinleog,” he said. “It means little wanderer, because the bird migrates during winter. In our languages, we understood bird migration, thousands and thousands of years ago. We had words for phosphorus magnetism before they had scientific books.”
Clark said her mother, who grew up on a farm in North Wales, understands critical Welsh words—a language Clark said is deeply agricultural—that “have no context or meaning” for her.
As the climate crisis threatens our collective survival, English has evolved to include words—like green economy, greenwashing, paleo-energetic—to describe this existential crisis, but much of it is focused around fear, growth, or extraction. Even the Green New Deal constantly touts its ability to expand everything: jobs, infrastructure, technology.  “When English spreads across the world it often brings with it discourses of consumerism, and sweeps away local, more ecologically attended languages in its path,” said Arran Stibbe, an ecological linguistics professor at the University of Gloucestershire.
these are only excerpts, the article as a whole is good. i only wish it had more explanations in terms of etymology.
click the read more if you want to subject yourself to more brainrot. so many tags saying 'noble savage'... it's almost as if that's what they secretly want to call indigenous peoples, for the crime of discussing their languages.
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me when i understand what endangered in endangered language means /s
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9 notes · View notes
congrats on being in the most annoying Tumblr user poll!
A lot of the more annoying people are gone so I doubt I have very stiff competition.
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miss-rum-hee · 2 years
seeing Japanese artists on twitter finally learn about the whole "proship vs anti" discourse & telling each other to block antis or basically anyone with "proship DNI" in their bios has legitimately gotta be THE funniest shit I've seen on that app.
Like no joke, they're calling antis "American feelings Yakuza" now 😭🤣
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3K notes · View notes
Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
Apologies, but you either sent this to the wrong person or are incredibly incorrect in your assessment of me on pretty much every claim.
I don't see how you could say that you are doing your best to see things from my perspective without ever asking me about my perspective.
My state is not a "deep-red flyover state".
My fiancé is a BIPOC, so I would say that is a pretty strong motivation.
I haven't helped anyone that is actively killing others, but if you disagree, then feel free to let me know who these people are and I will be more than happy to reconsider my support of them.
I'm not a "hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative", which further evidences that you have no clue on my perspective.
Which R-slur filled posts are you referring to?
Which posts did I reblog from r4cs0 and takashi0? I rarely reblog others' posts, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to find.
Perhaps you're new to Tumblr or the internet, but very rarely are posts reblogged for the author and instead they are reblogged for the content of the posts.
That is not all that you are asking because you haven't asked it at all. Not once have I received an ask to block a group of people for any reason. If you are making that ask, then at least provide a common courtesy of giving me the names of the accused instead of attempting to create a blind witch hunt.
When did I ever start bragging about voting for Trump in November? I think the last time I even talked about my voting decision was almost a decade ago.
Appreciate the feedback and you being opinionated, but with an opinion so fueled with fallacies it is quite challenging to substantiate it in having any value.
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anglercrit · 7 months
I haven’t watched much of the show so I can’t speak for myself but what is your general consensus on these opinions about the show
okay, first off I wanna say- LEAVE TAKASHI ALONE. DO NOT GO AND HARASS THEM FOR THEIR OPINIONS. I would’ve removed these links if possible but since I can’t I’m trusting you all.
Post 1:
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Oh boy “it takes place in hell” again, take a shot- look, YES, it DOES take place in hell, the people there are going to be bad people- but the issue is that it’s just so BORING. No one has any interesting dynamics, everyone just insults each other and that’s supposed to be the basis of the joke. Plus I admit this is more of an issue in Helluva but the idea of morality in hell is all over the place- it’s hell and demons are all supposed to be evil, yet Stolas being in an abusive relationship is portrayed as bad and we have characters like Moxxie and Millie who are overall decent people.
Post 2: (there’s a comic here but i removed it from these screenshots for post length/consiceness)
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I’m at least glad to see that someone is acknowledging how awfully the show is paced, but even then your defense is pretty weak. I didn’t expect a ton out of eight episodes but Viv COMPLETELY overshot it and decided we had to get to heaven THIS SEASON so RANDOM FIVE MONTH TIMESKIP AND WE DON’T SEE ANY OF ANGEL’S ACTUAL REDEMPTION.
As for your other point…no? This happens All The Time? Again, using Helluva but look at Exes and Oohs- Viv had the dildo jokes happen constantly after serious scenes because she was CONVINCED they were the funniest thing ever. It comes back in Hazbin too, albeit not to that extent- remember how the scene where it’s revealed V used to be an exorcist is ended with Adam screaming “HELL YES SUCK IT” in Charlie’s face, completely ruining any tension?
And finally, the dick jokes point. Listen, I am NOT against sex jokes. I think a sex joke can be funny, and it doesn’t even have to be well constructed. The issue with Helluva and Hazbin’s sex jokes is that they’re like….50-75% of all the jokes made. Yea sure it’s only Angel in Hazbin (which it ISN’T because once again Adam makes the CONSTANTLY) but considering he’s a main character, it gets old fast. And not only that, but everyone liked Hazbin in concept so much because we hoped it would BE DIFFERENT- that it would be an adult comedy that DOESN’T over rely on dick jokes. But…here we are, so we can all tell how that went.
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renardtrickster · 7 days
It's been years since I've had to think about that pack of losers, but just in case anyone else was wondering how the "we're not fascists we just critique liberal excess and leftist insanity" anti-SJW crowd is doing, takashi0 has fully bought into the idea that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating cats and/or sacrificing them to power voodoo rituals. And is fearmongering that "they're not eating cats" will morph into "it's racist to not eat cats", because he is not a white supremacist, you understand.
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grecoromanyaoi · 2 months
Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
yeah i dont think u sent this to the right person
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 months
Hello, I'm a Catholic who recently signed up for Tumblr and I unfortunately feel like I really did not understand what I was getting into with this website. For the last several weeks, I've been subjected to a campaign of internet stalking by a large gang of insidious thugs on this site. And I would brush it off as normal internet trolling, except that they seem to really know a lot about our faith!
The problem started a few weeks ago, when a "Tumblr famous" user known as "r4cs0" messaged me. He claims to be the closest living relative of Pope John Paul I, who died after only 33 days on the throne. When a Pope dies, the death must be verified by striking him three times in the head with a silver hammer. According to r4cs0, a church historian has recently examined the hammer used on John Paul I and learned it was only 87% silver. Per the canon laws of 1919, the hammer must be at least 90% silver to be considered true silver. Because of this and other "irregularities" regarding the death, r4cs0 insists that Pope John Paul I is still LEGALLY alive and still the Pope! And as his closest living heir, this makes r4cs0 the highest living authority in the Catholic Church until the corpse is exhumed and struck with the correct hammer!
Now if this isn't crazy enough, it gets worse. r4cs0 has written a Papal bull called In Tergo Intrantes. Of course it's in Latin so I can't read it, but r4cs0 says that it authorized certain Vatican authorities located in the Tower of Nicholas V to grant special dispensations to bi-sexual women who are seeking to enter into plural marriages, but only if they submit DNA samples to the Vatican Bank which prove they are free of any Asian heritage (this part has something to do with the Vatican agreement with the CCP). And I'm not even going to try to explain it, but after he told me this part of the story he suddenly went off on a tangent about how the Missing 411 series can be explained by extra-dimensional abductors hunting German people. I still can't figure out the connection, but it may have something to do with the Synod on Synodality.
But the point of all this is that "r4cs0," his allegedly bi-sexual girlfriend "tooiconic," and a large host of their followers have been tormenting me non-stop for the last several weeks. They say that when In Tergo Intrantes and Fiducia Supplicans are considered together, it obligates me to officiate a plural marriage they are planning to enter into with another Tumblr user named "takashi0" (who is a BRONY, just to make this whole thing even creepier). If I refuse, they claim they will call my bishop and have my actual marriage annulled by the church! I don't believe they can really do it, but they can certainly keep sending their followers to harass me! One of them called my boss at work today and started asking a bunch of questions about where he was when Catherine Cesnik was killed.
What do I do???
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I am, wow, I don't have words. Wow. Just keep blocking them and try to remove any personal information from your blog
Important update: it's all fake apparently
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enemywasp · 2 months
Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
As a trans masc, nonbinary, queer aroace person who doesn't even live in America I am extremely confused right now.
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sunder-the-gold · 2 months
Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
Hey, @r4cs0, @takashi0, you've got cowardly anonymous character-assassins making the rounds.
I haven't even seen or registered r4cs0's name in forever, and I'm fairly sure I haven't reblogged anyone saying the word "retarded".
But God save us from mean words, because the Far Left sure don't restrain themselves from wishing death and rape on anyone who opposes them.
Really hilarious how Anon wrings their hands about other people disapproving of their life-style while turning around and trying to shame you for what they claim is yours.
(It sure wasn't Bronys who made a mockery of the Last Supper at the Paris Olympics. Exchanging Jesus Christ's message of self-sacrifice and forgiveness for Dionysius' debauchery and hedonism.)
Yet I'm supposed to be the conservatively religious bigot, according to Anon! As though what I'm trying to conserve isn't the American tradition of freedom, as laid out in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution.
The same document that Frederick Douglas was also told (by Marxists) was written by rich white slavers to keep the black man down, until Fred actually read the document and spent the rest of his life championing it as the best model by which all men could enjoy legal equality, liberty, and peace.
Anon also doesn't want me to treat non-'white' people poorly, but they want to make absolutely sure that I know that they see me as 'white' and that I should see myself as 'white', too. Who's the racist?
Which 'white'? I've got no Anglo-Saxon or Germanic heritage in my Irish/Italian mix. And that's setting aside how much the Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans hated each other before I came to be, as a fourth-generation unhyphenated American of the USA.
Anon, I only give a shit about my skin color because I biologically cannot gain a tan for any protection from the sun... and because your political cult think I ought to be shamed and punished for the accident of my birth.
I think Europeans demonstrated great capability by conquering the majority of the planet, and if God's not real and there's no truth but Power, then "might-makes-right" is as legitimate a morality as any other.
But God is real so thankfully He used the imperialism of mere mortals to spread His message of mercy and love so far and deep into the anglosphere that appealing to such virtues seems to Anon like a good way to convince people to do what Anon wants.
Those arguments certainly proved good enough in the anglosphere to bring an end to the Western slave trade, while the Islamic slave trade continues to this day in open-air markets in Libya.
Anon should try appealing to those virtues in Islamic nations and see how far it gets them. Maybe as far as the roof and then the short trip back down to ground-level.
How about in China? Try asking the people of Tibet or the Uyghur Muslims about Communist mercy. Ask the people of India and Pakistan how China respects their dependence on the water of the rivers flowing into their borders from China.
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crownedpatriot11 · 3 days
Hello, I'm a Catholic who recently signed up for Tumblr and I unfortunately feel like I really did not understand what I was getting into with this website. For the last several weeks, I've been subjected to a campaign of internet stalking by a large gang of insidious thugs on this site. And I would brush it off as normal internet trolling, except that they seem to really know a lot about our faith!
The problem started a few weeks ago, when a "Tumblr famous" user known as "r4cs0" messaged me. He claims to be the closest living relative of Pope John Paul I, who died after only 33 days on the throne. When a Pope dies, the death must be verified by striking him three times in the head with a silver hammer. According to r4cs0, a church historian has recently examined the hammer used on John Paul I and learned it was only 87% silver. Per the canon laws of 1919, the hammer must be at least 90% silver to be considered true silver. Because of this and other "irregularities" regarding the death, r4cs0 insists that Pope John Paul I is still LEGALLY alive and still the Pope! And as his closest living heir, this makes r4cs0 the highest living authority in the Catholic Church until the corpse is exhumed and struck with the correct hammer!
Now if this isn't crazy enough, it gets worse. r4cs0 has written a Papal bull called In Tergo Intrantes. Of course it's in Latin so I can't read it, but r4cs0 says that it authorized certain Vatican authorities located in the Tower of Nicholas V to grant special dispensations to bi-sexual women who are seeking to enter into plural marriages, but only if they submit DNA samples to the Vatican Bank which prove they are free of any Asian heritage (this part has something to do with the Vatican agreement with the CCP). And I'm not even going to try to explain it, but after he told me this part of the story he suddenly went off on a tangent about how the Missing 411 series can be explained by extra-dimensional abductors hunting German people. I still can't figure out the connection, but it may have something to do with the Synod on Synodality.
But the point of all this is that "r4cs0," his allegedly bi-sexual girlfriend "tooiconic," and a large host of their followers have been tormenting me non-stop for the last several weeks. They say that when In Tergo Intrantes and Fiducia Supplicans are considered together, it obligates me to officiate a plural marriage they are planning to enter into with another Tumblr user named "takashi0" (who is a BRONY, just to make this whole thing even creepier). If I refuse, they claim they will call my bishop and have my actual marriage annulled by the church! I don't believe they can really do it, but they can certainly keep sending their followers to harass me! One of them called my boss at work today and started asking a bunch of questions about where he was when Catherine Cesnik was killed.
What do I do???
I’m going to kill you dude
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I hate
All of this
@takashi0 I'm tagging you because this has to be your fault. No idea how. But the finger is officially pointed.
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