nynehells · 2 years
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JSYK bby you should probably go outside and touch grass. @tlaquetzqui
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MFW a motherfucker tells everyone that he apparently believes the Uyghurs and Rohingya people are "invaders"
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Look, tlaquetzqui, we all know you have the IQ of a rattle, but you failing to realize that both groups have resided in Central and/or East Asia for centuries for is just embarrassing. (Mind you, the government of Myanmar has tried to argue that the Rohingya people only migrated during the period of the British Raj, but most of the evidence is not on their side).
Yes, yes, most Muslims in western Europe and the Americas are immigrants, but that ain't how it works elsewhere.
One wonders if he thinks the Albanians, Bosniaks, Crimean and Volga Tatars, Adjarians, Chechens, and Ingush are also "invaders" because they're Muslims and therefore foreign... Then again, we're probably better off not knowing.
Him calling the Muslims in France "invaders" is also pretty rich considering that most of them are North Africans from France's former colonies and that they were widely invited to move there after World War II to help in France's economic reconstruction, much like the Turks in Germany and South Asians in Great Britain.
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"I acted smug and dodged the question, and that means I win!" -geekAndMisandry, always
Like I keep saying, this should not be a hard question to answer, and you can even have pro-trans definitions.
In fact, by any remotely conventional definition, you need to identify "woman" and "man" to even say what being trans is.
Pretending it's a slippery, subjective definition depending on who's being asked ignores the fact that most definition requests are for conversational English use. Or that person's personal, everyday definition.
And so was the context where the meme was popularized.
Needless to say, @tlaquetzqui got blocked.
Also, it's kind of hilarious that someone who blocks and mocks people over the slightest contradiction, without coming up with an actual counterargument, pretends she's open-minded and intellectual.
Especially in a post obviously made for backpats from other smugsters.
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fatliberation · 13 days
another person to block: @tlaquetzqui
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did-i-do-this-write · 2 years
Thanks to some honest and eye opening advice from @tlaquetzqui and @sleepyowlwrites I'm going to take a break from writing for a little bit, but I don't want to leave the community.
Anyone around to chat today? Might help my creativity while I recharge to hear about other's progress and writing 😊
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(I renamed these guys after reading a comment from @tlaquetzqui, so I reposting this post of the Mictlani with there new name).
The Alien Plateau: Mictecan.
The Mictecan are medium sized creatures from the planet Kinich Ahau that evolved from nocturnal scavengers and have gained intelligence comparable to humans. There diet consists of bones, Rustwalker crabs and other hard food sources, though they will hunt live prey and eat fresh or rotten meat. They live in small nomadic villages of between 12 to 26 individuals, and are currently in the Paleolithic era in terms of technology. They have mastered fire, derived a language from clicking there jaws together that sounds similar to the shoebill storks, and have written a simple writing system for said language. They live primarily in the Camazots Plateau, a massive desert biome that covers 20 present of the isolated continent of Alokia, where the Mictecan all live in. They are named after the Nahuatl word “Micteca”, which means “people of death”.
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fyeah-izzadora · 1 year
@tlaquetzqui : “The Thera theory is a thing Chesterton called out a hundred years ago, about how people will believe any nonsense—like trying to connect the Plagues of Egypt in 1300 with the eruption of Thera in 1600, with exactly fucking zero evidence—just so long as it is mundane nonsense. There is absolutely no reason to think the Plagues and Thera have anything to do with one another. Zero. None. It is far more logical to believe in a series of supernatural blights than it is to believe Thera was the Plagues. One is “I shall take this source’s word”, the other is “what if I claim that this source, when it says these ten things, actually means something completely different, that I can associate with something else in the same part of the world 300 fucking years earlier, with exactly zero reason to associate the two”.
The Thera theory is about one step from Ancient Astronaut theories.”
“The Thera theory is about one step from Ancient Astronaut theories” - says the person who firmly believes a supernatural over-powered alien let the Hebrews free of Egypt and then didn’t bother to give anymore fucks when they were put through an infinity times worse ordeal... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
When every sane person knows how destructive volcanic eruptions are worldwide, and how easy humans alters their history to make it sound more how they want it to, im this case “god’s chosen people” lmao. 😂😂😂
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writingraven · 2 years
Vocabulary • Terms
Sword Fighting
- advance: move toward opponent
- attack: a strike with sword
- beat: striking together of swords
- block: to stop an attack
- break: pause between beats
- cut: attack in which the sword moves across or down to meet opponent’s blade
- disarm: capturing opponent’s sword near the hilt and releasing it from their grip
- en garde: stance before beginning combat
- forte: bottom third (strong part) of the sword in which opponent strikes are taken
- hanger (scabbard): strap or holder worn on the belt from which sword is drawn
- lock: both swords cross at the hilt in an X
- lunging: extending sword arm fully while leaning forward with front knee
- parry: to block by redirecting the attack’s momentum
- retreat: move away from opponent
- riposte: redirect motion of parry into attack of one’s own
- sequence: group of beats in succession
- sweep: swing sword at the head or shins of opponent
- thrust: extending sword arm straight out to fullest length without lunging
✻ thank you to @tlaquetzqui for adding information to list ✻
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rosecorcoranwrites · 3 years
Heads Up Seven Up Writing Tag
Rules: post the last seven lines of your WIP and then take seven people.
I was tagged by @mj-is-writing Thanks! (Some of the last names are placeholders to make it easier to read. In my actual draft, I just have numbers rather than names :3)
“Greyson being tight-lipped means the police are onto something big. Too big to let them handle by themselves, I think.” “So… even though he doesn’t want you to investigate…” “He said I couldn’t investigate Franklin's murder. He never said a thing about Kamau's. Whether Franklin intended it or not, his actions have linked him to Kamau, psychically and physically. Every interaction leaves a trace, and if we start poking around Kamau's shady dealings and ultimate demise, it may clue us into what Greyson sees as a cause of concern in both murders.” “Where do we start?” Constance asked.
I tag @tlaquetzqui, @pen-for-sword, @pe-ersona, @ghostcasket, @gaslightwestern, @mj-is-writing (if you wrote 7 more lines since tagging me :D), and whoever wants to play!!!
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parkerlyn · 4 years
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@tlaquetzqui Me right now, an unoriginal clown:
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Oh my god thank you for pointing this out hahahaha. Unlikely as it sounds I legitimately had no idea this was a thing jeeZUS 😂
Yup okay, okay yeah next world name I'll actually do a search of D&D/game/media worlds instead of just being like "that sounds neat!" And from what I got from the dark sun wiki I promise the Nameless' world is definitely not as hostile/brutal, just more empty!
So yeah UHHHH tbd on what the world is called gonna figure that out. 😂 Thank you for letting me know!
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blujayonthewing · 3 years
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@tlaquetzqui​ THANK YOU that’s so interesting, I didn’t know this!! It’s really easy to find examples of foods that seem “weird” or “gross” from a modern white american cultural perspective since, you know, that’s the one I grew up with and live in, so I really love learning about things we eat and consider totally normal that other people would think is disgusting or wrong. This kind of thing is so interesting to me-- people will act like certain foods being gross is a Universal Truth handed down from on high or whatever but it’s literally all just a matter of cultural perspective
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I need to go to the bathroom and go to bed but this sweet old kitty has chosen me to sleep on. He's dreaming and his toes are twitching 😭 @tlaquetzqui why is your kitty so cute?
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takashi0 is generally a ponderous idiot, but he was actually correct on this point (that the Soviet Union's policies frequently effected its minorities more severely) and it's tlaquetzqui doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
During the Civil War, one population singled out for attempted annihilation by the Reds were the Don Cossacks.
The Soviet famines of the 1930s actually had the most devastating impacts of the Kazakhs. It's estimated that somewhere between 38-42% of the Kazakh population died and the population proportions of ethnic Kazakhs in Kazakhstan were reduced from over 60% to 38%.
During the Great Purge, Poles and Latvians were especially likely to be arrested and shot, while other common NKVD targets were Finns, Estonians, Chinese, Koreans, Bulgarians, Afghans, Iranians, and Greeks.
Between 1930 and 1945, Stalin and the NKVD heads (first, Yezhov and then Beria) had numerous minority groups (such as Far East Koreans, Poles, Volga Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Poles, Kola Norwegian, Romanians, Estonians, Finns, Latvians, Lithuanians, Crimean Tatars and Greeks, Kalmyks, Karachays, Meskhetian Turks, and Karapapaks) deported to Siberia and Central Asia where vast numbers of them died from disease and starvation.
Why doesn't tlaquetzqui know about that? Probably because he's an ignorant twit who wasn't aware that the Soviet Union consisted of more than Russians and Ukrainians. He MIGHT know about Belarusians, but I wouldn't hold my breath...
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Does that make Phoenix his Ghost?
dgfjhfkdjfsdlak that’s actually pretty perfect! She found him when he was kinda dead to the world and her recognizing his dedication was what helped bring him back. Assuming he’s not actually a sketchy Archon trying to backstab his Kell, as @tlaquetzqui pointed out XD
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hellsbellschime · 3 years
tlaquetzqui said: the vikings are an available fucking shit example, since the big motive in their raids was selling blond women to arab slave markets. actually medieval europe proper is the better example of a non-misogynistic society, since women had every right men did, including voting in any assembly where men of their rank did. they also invented the concept of consent and had the first war-crimes laws.
tlaquetzqui said: *absolutely fucking shit example. goddamn phone keyboard.
Well, sometimes I’m shit.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wishmachines · 4 years
@tlaquetzqui I just saw your reply to this post, and that is horrific! and apparently Delany doubled down on his comments in 2014, which is even worse
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