#Tag yourself I'm smart and mean and would like to be the complete opposite
eleganttiredcroissant · 8 months
Tried something.
Duo/pairing dynamics in some animated shows
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Feel free to suggest new duos and their location!
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 4 months
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How does it feel to be the you that has abandoned the façade of living up to the expectations of others, venturing into the uncharted territories of your inner truth, and exploring the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely you?
IN WHICH; a popular girl uncovers the smart goody-two-shoes was in fact living a double life.
pairing: collegestudent!heeseung x collegestudent!fem!reader
taglist: not opened yet! will update when i'm taking in tags!
coming to you soon! (hopefully)
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Lee Heeseung is always known as the quiet boy in class. Although his popularity in school would suggest otherwise, he is never viewed as the rebellious or partying type. In fact, he is the kind of student who reminds the teacher about pending assignments just as the lesson is about to conclude. Simply put, Lee Heeseung fits the stereotype of a nerd—at least, that's the version of him you are accustomed to.
So, when you unexpectedly encounter him at a club in another city during your summer break, his hair, now sporting green highlights, is slicked back instead of covering his eyes as it typically does on campus. He has multiple metal studs hanging from his earlobe, but above all, he seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself, dancing, drinking, and smoking without inhibition. Needless to say, you are taken aback.
While it's not uncommon for an overage university student to be partying during their vacation, this is Lee Heeseung we're talking about. The last thing you'd expect is to see him in Club Dark Moon, one hand holding a glass of some intoxicating liquid, and the other wrapped around the waist of a girl who appears to be of similar age to yourself.
This is the same Lee Heeseung who never knows when to take a hint in class, always finding an opportunity to correct the teacher. The Lee Heeseung who never fails to maintain perfect posture throughout 3-hour long lectures. The Lee Heeseung who becomes unresponsive and distant when the conversation veers away from academic topics. The Lee Heeseung who secretly envies you because you embody everything he isn't.
Now, in the flesh, is The Lee Heeseung embodying everything you thought he wasn't.
You are popular yourself, considering your extroverted and altruistic nature; you are popular because you know how to party. Lee Heeseung is popular because he is a quiet and smart kid yet has a mysterious aura that makes him so god damn attractive. The two of you are complete polar opposites, each other's antonyms, and while possessing many contradictory qualities, you are actually similar to one another in many ways that don't meet the eye.
You frequently attend the weekly Friday night parties hosted by the university fraternities. And with each step you take, you effortlessly command the attention of every person present, your magnetic presence impossible to ignore. Everybody yearns to be in your orbit; guys want you, while girls admire your confidence and charisma, secretly wishing to be you. Your friends eagerly drag you to every party down the block, basking in the reflected glow of being associated with The Y/L/N Y/N—a name synonymous with popularity and social prowess.
Despite the overwhelming amount of attention you receive throughout your undergraduate career, a persistent sense of unease gnaws at you as you find yourself grappling with a profound sense of disconnection. While externally you seamlessly blend into the pulsating dynamic of university life, internally, you’re like a solitary figure navigating a sea of expectations and obligations. You fit in, but at the same time, you don’t.
You always think that maybe you're just stressed out with assignment deadlines. Well, clearly, since you’re partying when you should be working on the next paragraph of your final year thesis. If only the answer were as simple as that.
No, you're not stressed. You just simply do not belong to the party life. However, as the nights blur into days and the days into weeks, you begin to feel the weight of societal expectations pressing down on you, particularly the burden of being labelled as the "popular kid." And popular kids always arrive fashionably late to every party. Popular kids are the lives of the party. Popular kids are party animals.
By the time you notice your desolation, you're already too far gone, you've convinced yourself that this is your life and all you have to do is suck it up, at least until you graduate. You're constantly trying to squeeze yourself into the mould of expectations that your peers have so delicately carved out for you, that you often find yourself questioning the authenticity of your existence, wondering if the facade of popularity is worth sacrificing yourself. Your true self.
And that's being the ambitious and studious girl you always were and still are. You would rather stay at home and finish writing your 100-page psychological analysis on 'Social Cognition and Perception', or finish reading the third volume of the 'Persuasion, Propaganda, and Marketing' trilogy.  Hell, you would even rather do a mountain of chores than attend another frat party.
Though you long to share your intellectual passions with your friends, you hesitate, aware that their interests lie elsewhere. They’re in it for the social society life, effortlessly navigating sorority events and basking in the glow of admiration that comes with being in your inner social circle. Yet, beneath their carefree façade, they remain oblivious to the dedication and diligence required to maintain your impeccable grades. Only assuming that you’re a natural-born beauty and brains.
Thus, this label of being the “popular kid” becomes both a mantle of honour and a burden to bear, as you struggle within the confines of a stereotype that fails to encapsulate the complexity of your identity.
It’s your last break before your final semester and you are thrilled as you eagerly plan your to-do list over the summer break. Maybe learn to play the guitar, go on a hike, or finally start reading that fiction book you had put off for months. You envision checking it all off before the final semester begins. However, your plans are unexpectedly put on hold when your friends suggest a pre-graduation chalet trip to a province northeast of Seoul.
This trip marks your first time travelling outside of the city, and it's with your adventurous, somewhat reckless friends. The decision is made hastily, with everything arranged at the eleventh hour. Your friends unanimously agree to simply "go with the flow," as Yunjin puts it.
Unfortunately for you, your meticulous personality type craves structure and detailed planning, and you are only able to feel at ease if you have an itinerary to follow. Hence, it’s not a surprise that you were apprehensive about embarking on this trip. You even considered skipping the excursion altogether. Except that wouldn't be fitting for a popular kid, would it? Popular kids should be laid-back and adaptable, they should be going with the flow too, they do not need people telling them what to do should listen and act on what people expect of them.
"Y/N! We're leaving in 5 minutes, will you be ready soon?" Chaewon barges into your room in the Airbnb that the four of you share. Despite your reluctance, you plaster on your flawless façade and smile. "Yes, yes, I'm ready. So impatient as always," you half-jokingly roll your eyes, relieved that Chaewon doesn't catch the genuine hesitation in your tone.
It’s not that you dislike your friends or anything; in fact, you're grateful that they're the most genuine people you've met at university. Unlike most students who sacrifice their integrity to gain favour, your friends are refreshingly candid about their opinions of you. While you and Chaewon didn't hit it off at first, now you're practically two peas in a pod. Yet, it doesn't change the fact that you've become a puppet catering to your friends' partying whims.
As you gaze into the mirror, you confront a version of yourself that you yourself could barely recognise. The person you once were—vibrant, authentic, and unapologetically yourself—has become obscured beneath layers of societal expectations and peer pressure. Still, it wouldn’t be the first time choosing to pretend the girl in the mirror is you, because what’s another day of grinding up your confidence and making it a meal that would last you an hour at best?
So, you do what you do best—picking out the skimpiest dress you own, spraying on your most testosterone-provoking perfume, and drawing a cat-eye sharp enough to kill anyone who dares to meet your gaze.
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 4*
I don't know why I do this, I'm such a little shit. I'm leaving this here, the biggest cliffhanger yet and I might not get one done tomorrow! MWAHAHHAHAHAHAA. No I'm just kidding, but seriously it might not go up until most of you go to bed so I'm sorry if you miss it!
This had to pick up though, it was kind of lagging. Gotta get that super angst/suspense ramped up!!!
I'll leave you to ponder that now as you go into this, mwhahaaha.
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[Side note the position of the gif's *CHEF KISS* MWAH!!! I didn't even try and do that. It's so beautiful.]
Part 3
Part 5
Tag List
You decided to grab Rafael’s favorite dish from a nearby deli, got something for yourself and Gabi, and headed up to the DA’s building.
“Wow, fancy,” Gabi remarked as you walked inside.
“I guess,” You shrugged. You had become so used to it when you worked for him, it wasn’t really anything special to you now. You walked down the hall and noted Rafael's new intern, a young guy of course, on your insistence. You knocked on the door softly, having some ‘nam flashbacks of the last time you knocked on this door.
“You ok?” Gabi asked you with a concerned face. “You look pale,”
That could be due to the fact that Rafael was not answering you, now you really WERE having a PTSD panic.
“Rafael?!” You poked your head in, terrified for some reason. To your relief, he was just on the phone.
“Uh huh, yes, yes sir, alright judge I’ll see you this afternoon,” He smiled at you and waved you in as he hung up with the judge. His face scrunched up when he saw you had a guest with you.
“...Who’s this?” He looked at Gabi suspiciously.
“This is my friend Gabi,” You introduced her as she gave a friendly wave.
“....And when did you meet Gabi, exactly?” Rafael still eyed her warily.
“Excuse me?” Gabi asked in an offended tone.
“Rafael, what are you doing?” You asked him through gritted teeth.
“You don’t think Nevada would have plants?” Rafael kept his eye on Gabi, who was starting to sweat. Gabi’s pulse quickened, she tried her best to keep a cool, calm expression.
“Rafael!” You hissed. “Are you kidding me?!”
“Who’s Nevada?” Gabi played dumb.
“Nobody, nothing-- it’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” You waved your hands dismissively.
“What’s your story, Gabi? Do you have a last name?” He kept on her, noting her quickening nervous state.
“RAFAEL,” You grabbed his shoulder.
“Y/N,” He repeated back at you. He looked at Gabi-- “Can you excuse us a moment?” He then pulled you to the side.
“Baby, please be smart about this--”
“So what, I’m just not supposed to have any friends?” You scoffed.
“You have friends! You have Chloe,” He pointed out.
“Oh my god--” You looked to the side trying not to lose it in the office. “Rafael this is exactly what I’m talking about, you need to stop trying to control my life.. Stop trying to be my FATHER,”
Gabi couldn’t help but laugh as she heard you call him your father; clearly you had some raging daddy issues. Rafael glared at her, making her quickly stop.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Rafael started to walk back to his desk, dismissing you.
“Oh will we, dad?” You crossed your arms. “Am I grounded now? I can’t hang out with my friends until I apologize for talking back to you?”
“Y/N, please leave before I say something I regret,” He clenched his fist.
“No, please go on, father,” You spat. “Please, tell me what else I can and can’t do. Maybe you want to pick out my clothes for tomorrow? Escort me to my classes?” You yelled mockingly.
Gabi was enjoying the show, already planning her celebratory dinner with Nevada. Once he heard she drove a wedge between the two of you so he could swoop in would please him so much, he’d fuck her so fast it would make Marcella’s fake tits fall off.
“....Maybe I wouldn’t have to act like your father if you didn’t act like such a CHILD. God it’s no wonder they didn’t want to come see you!” He pounded the desk, then suddenly realized he had said the last part out loud.
Your face turned pale, your mouth dropped open as tears stung your eyes. You couldn’t believe that he had just said that-- he threw your biggest secret in your face like that, in front of a stranger no less. You stared at Gabi, who looked incredibly uncomfortable and confused. She was secretly celebrating being able to look anything else but as nervous as she felt while being interrogated by Rafael.
“Y/N….I didn’t mean--” Rafael immediately went to your side, trying to hold you and apologize.
“Yes you did,” You growled, trying not to cry. “You know what, I need a break,”
“...A break?” Rafael’s brows furrowed. “From me?”
“Yes, Rafael. A break from YOU,” You turned and started to stomp out of the office but Rafael grabbed your arm.
“Carino come on, don’t do this, not now--” Rafael begged you, still not trusting Gabi’s face.
“Oh right, because if you’re not beside me 24/7 I’m going to get kidnapped or something, right?!” You cried as tears dripped down your face.
Gabi was awestruck she was actually watching this conversation take place. Were they fucking with her? Did they know what was going on?
“I’m not saying that, but-- look please, please, listen to me--” He pleaded with you just as you had pleaded with him at the church that awful day.
“NO, Rafael,” You broke free from his grasp. “I’m tired of you thinking that you’re better than me, that you need to protect me like I’m a baby bird,”
“Um maybe I should--” Gabi motioned towards the door.
“YES you should,” Rafael huffed.
“NO, don’t bother Gabi, we’re leaving,” You huffed harder.
“...I’ll see you at home?” Rafael asked you softly.
“What did I just say?!” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll be at Chloe’s, don’t call or text me for a few days,”
“No, no I can’t do that--” Rafael protested.
“Either that or take this back,” You took off your ring and held it out to him. Gabi began to panic again, she knew she had to get that ring.
“Seriously? Don’t you think you’re--”
“What, acting like a child, Rafael?” You glared at him. “I’m trying NOT to, I just-- I just want to calm down, so just-- give me a few days,” You slipped your ring back on to Gabi’s relief. Then you nodded to her to follow her out and you both left Rafael’s office.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have--” Gabi tried to act apologetic, but was secretly giddy inside.
“No, it’s not your fault,” You wiped the angry tears from your face. “I um...I need some time to myself right now though,”
“Of course,” Gabi nodded as if she was being kind and understanding, but really she couldn’t wait to call Nevada.
“Cool, I’ll um-- I’ll see you in class,” You were so out of it from being so upset you didn’t notice the huge smile crawl across Gabi’s face as she turned and ran the opposite way you were walking, dialing her phone.
“....Vada? I’ve got your perfect in,”
A few days latter was your final. You had to perform Shakespearean monologues on the big main stage of the University, and you were terrified. You were kicking yourself that you had told Rafael you needed space as you paced back and forth backstage. You hadn't talked or texted him since you had stormed out of his office the other day.
“Hey, you okay?” Gabi came up to you from the side door.
“No, I-- I should call Rafa, I need him,” You went to get your phone but Gabi stopped you.
“Well, clearly he knows that,” Gabi gave you a smile, nodding to the audience.
You looked out to see Rafael sitting in the second row of the theater. When he saw you, he gave you a loving look and a small wave. You sighed happily; he knew you better than you knew yourself. He knew you’d need him here, and here he was. You loved him so much, you just wanted to go and kiss him and tell him you were sorry, but there would be time after your test.
Soon enough it was your turn, and you recited your monologue absolutely perfectly-- staring into Rafael’s beautiful green eyes the entire time. As soon as you were done, Rafael stood up and applauded loudly, making you giggle and blush.
Your professor looked a bit annoyed that your fiancé was there making a show of himself, but congratulated you on a job well done. You walked down the stairs and out into the house where Rafael met you with open arms and a dozen roses.
“Mi amor,” He beamed, as you jumped into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized as you snuggled into his chest. “I shouldn’t have been so--”
“No no no, shhhh,” He raised your face to look at him, his face so tender and pure. “I’m sorry carino, I never should have brought up your parents, I know how much you miss them,”
“Thank you for coming,” You kissed him gently, feeling complete again. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue down your throat and biting your lip.
“Raffi!” You broke apart and hit him playfully, glancing around to make sure no one saw such a dirty kiss.
“What? I haven’t seen you in a few days, I missed...this,” He grabbed your ass with both hands. You didn’t know what had gotten into him, although you realized you actually hadn’t spent more than a day apart before since you’d gotten together-- maybe you should punish him more often!
“Well, let’s go take care of that then,” You grinned devilishly, grabbing his own perfect little peaches in your dainty hands.
“I know just the place, carino,” He grabbed your hand and pulled you out the side doors.
You hadn’t realized that Gabi had been missing since before you started your monologue, and you hadn’t noticed that she had taken your phone from your purse while you were onstage. Currently, she was at the front doors of the theater lobby, arguing with….the REAL Rafael.
“Look lady, I don’t know who you think you are, but I think I know my fiancé better than you. She needs me!” He yelled.
“And I’m pretty sure I heard her say she NEEDS space, pendejo,” She blocked him from entering the theater.
“Is there a problem here?” Javi came over, dressed in a campus security uniform.
“Yes sir, this stranger is trying to burst in on a PRIVATE class, to stalk a student,” Gabi acted very concerned for her friend's safety.
“STALK a student--? Are you fucking kidding me? Kid look she’s--”
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir,” Javi started to escort Rafael out.
“Excuse me? Look man I’m the ADA of New York I’m not some rando--” Rafael started to argue.
“Anyone on campus without a student or faculty ID is strictly prohibited, sir,” Javi lied. “Even if you are the ADD,” He messed up his title just to fuck with Rafael.
“The ADA!” He yelled as Javi pushed him out the front door and shut it, locking it behind him.
“Well, that was easy,” He smirked at Gabi, giving her a fist bump. Rafael saw it from outside the doors.
That could not be good….
“Rafael” led you to a huge limo, helping you get inside.
“Wow, this is a step up from an Uber,” You joked.
“Well, I knew this was a big day for my baby, and I knew I had a lot to make up for,” Rafael smiled, kissing you deeply as you both got in the car, lips locked.
“God I missed you,” You giggled, kissing him over and over. It was true, even for a few days without him was like torture. His smell, his lips, his touch-- you needed it all.
If only you knew you were about to give it all away to someone you didn’t even know.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 7
Warnings: None
Tags: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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Your P.O.V
Monday came sooner than I wanted it to, not to mention I had a test today. A test...that I did not study for. "I'm such an idiot." I muttered, as I reluctantly walked into school. "Maybe if I beg good enough Iwaizumi will let me cheat off him." I say under my breath. I suddenly felt someone lean down and whisper in my ear. "What's this about begging Iwa-Chan now? Naughty L/n-" I elbowed Oikawa in his gut before he could finish. "I'm talking about a test, you horndog!" I snapped. Oikawa recovered from the hard blow. "S-So you didn't study, huh?"
"I bet you didn't either." I glare at him. "Of course I did! Unlike you, I had Iwa-Chan's help!" I gave him a shocked look. "How did you get his help!? He always tells me to study on my own! No wait...we're you actually "studying" or..."
"L/n-Chan! I'm surprised at you!" He could deny it all he wanted, there was no overlooking the blush on his face. Guess I was right about that. "Whatever. Let's just get going." I say while walking, a bit faster to get some distance between me and Oikawa. But of course his long leg ass easily kept up with me. "You know L/n-Chan, if you keep this up you won't be able to participate in club activities." I hate to admit it, but he was right. If I kept failing in my classes, the school faculty will be forced to remove me from the volleyball team. Meaning I won't be the manager or hang out with my new friends as much. I won't get to hang out with Kyotani either...
"Of course that upsets me more than anything else." I think with a sigh. I hurried into class with Oikawa, Iwaizumi was already inside at his seat. "Hey Iwaizumi." I greet him as I take my seat. "Hey L/n." He says back. "Actually on time for once Shittykawa?" He asks, not even glancing at the brunette boy. "Oh hush. I got plenty of beautify sleep last night, so of course I'm here." Oikawa sits down. "Doubt it." I mutter. We all know you were with Iwaizumi last night you liar. "What?" They both ask in unison. "Nothing." I lean back in my seat. "Hey Iwaizumi, can you help me study if I fail this test?"
"Jerk!" I cross my arms. "Why not?" Iwaizumi looked at me as if I were a child. Great, about to get scolded by a man my own age. "Because you should have taken studying more seriously. You had plenty of time before today. You also had the weekend. What have you been doing?" He asked. I turn away to hide my blush. Like hell I was gonna tell them I was with Kyotani. Oikawa would never shut up about it, and Iwaizumi...well it was kinda like telling your father that you have a boyfriend. Point is, it was awkward and I'm not spilling!
"....I was watching anime."
"Shut up stupidkawa!!"
"You're starting to loose your touch, L/n-Chan." He smirks. "I could have thought of a way better insult than that."
"So you do want us to insult you?" Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow. I groan and rest my head against the window, Iwaizumi and Oikawa's bickering drowning out as I stare out into nothing. 'Might as well accept the fact I'm failing this test. I really should have studied more instead of doing stupid shit. Maybe I'll Kyotani to help me.' My cheeks then red. I didn't know how his grades were, but it was worth the try. Just because he was a punk didn't mean he couldn't be smart, right?
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The test had finally ended, and I had just barely passed! But it wasn't good enough, I can't just barley pass throughout the rest of my last year. What happened today was pure luck, and that wouldn't last me forever. I need to take this more seriously, for the volleyball team and for myself. I managed to catch Iwaizumi just before he went inside the gym. I told him I needed to speak with him in private. "What did you want to talk about L/n? Is there something wrong?" He asks, concern lacing his tone. I clutched my bag tightly and spoke with a stern determination. "I'm going to start studying harder. I just barely passed the test today. If I keep this up and fail, I won't be able to be your team's manager anymore. So what I'm asking is..." I look away from Iwaizumi, hiding my embarrassed expression. "Do you...know what Kyotani's grades are like?"
When Iwaizumi didn't answer, I looked up at him. His expression was one of confusion. "You...want Kyotani to help you study? Why?" I bit back a growl and clenched my hands tighter, my face was only getting redder but the second. "Because! The only people I'm "close" to is you, Oikawa and Kyotani! You won't help cause you're busy with Oikawa and Oikawa can't help cause he's dumbass who would only flirt with me the entire time, and Kyotani...well I don't know! That's why I'm asking!"
"Whoa, wait, slow down." Iawaizumi raises his hands. "You're close to Kyotani? How did you manage that?" He asks. I sighed deeply, I really didn't want anyone to know about it. But there's no helping it now. "Me and him talked over he weekend. And, I even went over to his place a few times. So yeah, we're friends now I guess. But I didn't really know much about him, only a little bit really." I fiddle around with my hands, trying to figure out what else to say. "I would like to know more about him. So I thought, why not do that by asking him to help me study." Iwaizumi hummed in response. "I see." He mutters.
"Are you going to take it seriously?" He asks. I nod. "I will. I said I would start trying harder." Iwaizumi rubbed the back of his head. "Then you should ask him. If you and him are friends like you said, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you. As for his grades, I don't know about all that." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you Y/n. You really are coming out of your shell, it makes me happy to see you're making an effort." I smile softly and put my hand on his. "Me too. Don't worry, I'm gonna make sure I keep my word. Just wait and see Hajime!"
"I look forward to." Iwaizumi chuckles.
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Practice had ended a bit earlier than unusual, the team finished changing and we're heading out. You decided to hang back and wait for Kyotani, it felt a little weird to say the least. Though it shouldn't be, you had just been over to his place twice and met his family. From an outside perspective, someone could mistake you both as a couple, even thought it was quiet the opposite. "I completely get it though." You sigh. You were snapped out of your trance by the locker room's door opened. Kyotani stepped out, school bag thrown over his shoulder. "Oh, hey." He greets once he finally noticed you. "We're you...waiting for me?" He asks. "Uh, yeah." You nod. "I wanted to ask you something." You tilt your head towards the exit of the gym, Kyotani seemed to have understood the message and walked out with you. The both of you walked in silence until reaching the school gate, Kyotani finally spoke up. "So what did you want to tell me?"
"You know how important tests are when it comes to graduating and being able to participate in club activities right?" Kyotani nods. "Well, I do want to graduate. But I also want to stay and be the team's manager. So I can't afford having my grades continue to slip. Eventually they'll be so bad, that I won't be able to do either. So what I'm asking is, will you help me study?" Kyotani raises an eyebrow. "Really? You want my help?" He asks. "I know it's sudden of me to ask, but I really don't have anyone else. Iwaizumi is too busy helping that train wreck of a captain of ours to help me. Not like he would anyway." Kyotani sighs heavily. "I don't know..." You turned to him. "Please!" You grab his hand with yours, Kyotani froze where he stood. "I'll make sure to repay you for helping me! Anything you want, I'll do it! So please...please help study Kyotani." You look up at him, eyes shining pathetically like a sad puppy. How could he say no to that? "Damn it..." He almost wanted to walk away and ignore it, but deep down he knew damn well that he couldn't. "Ok. I'll help you as best as I can. My grades aren't anything special, just so you know." You smiled brightly and hugged him. "Thank you so much! And anything helps at this point!" Kyotani nods and continued walking after you pulled back. "You really are nice Kyotani. Despite whatever everyone else thinks or says. In fact, I'm really glad I got to know you." You couldn't tell how Kyotani felt about that, he was slightly ahead of you, so you couldn't see his face. But unknowing to you, Kyotani cracked a little smile. And he'd never admit it, but he was glad he got to know you too.
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Later that night, you and Kyotani were staying up late studying. You both decided it would be best if it happened over at your place rather than his. For two reasons. One, your mother wasn't home, so you had the entire house to yourself for the night. And two, Kyotani insisted that his mother would interrupt every so often because of how fond of you she was. It was down right embarrassing. And he didn't want to deal with that all night. Besides, like this, it would just be the the two of you, alone together. Together with math, really. "And if you solve for x you get?" Kyotani asks, waiting for you to answer. You hummed as you thought hard about what to say. "....15?" Kyotani shook his head. "12." You let out a loud groan. "This is such garbage! How am I ever gonna get this!?" You whine. Why did math have to be such damn complicated, in fact, why did anything involving studying have to be complicated? "Don't know. But you better get it quick before the council kicks you off the team. Now try again." Kyotani says, while writing something down in his books. "How can you be so calm about this? I thought you said your grades weren't anything special. Or was that a lie?"
"No, it wasn't. My grades are pretty shit." He admits. "Then what's the point this!?" Your mind screamed. "But not because I'm stupid or anything like that. It's because I hardly ever show up to class. But between the two of us, I'm smarter than you I guess." You scowl and slam your pen down. "I guess so huh?" You grumble. "Relax. I'm helping you out ain't I? After you do this we can take a break." Kyotani sets a new set of math equations in front of you. "Yeah sure, but before that, why don't you go to class? If you're so smart as you say, then why not just go and better your grades. I'm sure you don't want to get kicked off the team either."
"No, I don't. But my grades aren't that bad yet. So I have nothing to worry about. Hurry up and solve these."
"Not until you answer my question." You say as you cross your arms. Kyotani looked up from the books and eyes you for a moment. He sighs and leans back slightly. "Either cause I just don't feel like going, or cause it just ain't worth the effort." He finally tells you. Really? That was it? He made it sound like it was so much more to it than that. It almost made you angry, you were failing but you actually tried to put in the time to go to class. The only time you've ever skipped class was the one time with Kyotani, and never before or after that. You went to school every day and tried as hard as you could, and yet, you still failed at what he claims to exceed in. He says this and he's not even there! He skips out and still makes better grades than you! And from the looks of it, he hardly ever studied like you. "It just doesn't make sense." You mutter. "What?" Kyotani asks, only for you to shake your head and get back to writing. "Look, I made a promise to the team that I would try harder at this manager thing. And I can't do that if I continue to fail like I am, and as for you? I can tell you have such a passion for volleyball, every time you play, you get this look in your eye. A look that says, "I'm going to be the best at this". But how the hell are you gonna the best at anything, if you keep skipping class and letting your grades slip?"
"What? This a lecture now?" Kyotani eyebrow twitched in a annoyance. "Damn right!" You leaned forwards on the the table and poked his chest, as you spoke with the sternness of a mother who was scolding her child for acting out. "Your grades might not be as bad as mine now, but they will be soon if you keep that shut up! And when that happens, you'll be kicked off the team! And we both don't want that now do we?" Kyotani had to bite back any spite that he wanted to throw your way. You had a point, so he would let you talk. "If I get kicked out it won't be much of a shock, but Kyotani your team needs you. Think of how upset they would be if you were removed because you didn't try your hardest." Your tone began to soften with every word. "I know I would be. You love this sport way too much to give it up so easily. So don't let this chance slip away from you, try harder, do better. That way, you can keep moving further. And who knows, maybe one of these days, you'll land yourself in a really famous volleyball team."
Kyotani was speechless, you were absolutely right. You were right to be upset with him, you were right about him loving the sport, you were right about it all. His eyes tore away from yours, meeting the table that sat in between you both. "Ok." Was all he said. "Ok!? You-" He cut you off before your temper could rise any further. "I'll start going to class more often. But you have to start trying harder too ok? I don't want you getting kicked out either." A smile made it's way onto your face. You held out your pinky. "Promise?" Kyotani rolled his eyes but interlocked his pinky with your own.
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lovely-keii · 3 years
hello luv <3. congratulations on reaching 1k followers!! definitely well deserved bc you write so well. anyways, i was wondering if i could join your match up event hehe.
my name is mariel but i preferred to be called iely, and my pronouns are she/her!!
i'm an infp! i'm really introverted towards new people who i don't know too well, but i become chaotic n wild with close family and friends!! i try to be optimistic and understanding all the time but i could lose my temper :"). i also enjoy finding new hobbies and i'm really passionate at the beginning, but i tend to slowly lose interest and passion LMAO.
as for my hobbies and intersts, i used to do volleyball, and i currently enjoy journaling, listening to music, READING OML, playing genshin, and decorating polaroids.
my type of s/o is someone who likes to initiate things first in a relationship because i tend do be shy and extremely flustered. idk why but i tend to like boys who flirt?? and are kind of dramatic?? i also like someone who's open with their feelings so i can understand and help them, someone who is loyal and also understanding of me, and someone who has a nice sense of humor!! i'd also appreciate if they were decent looking KXKSKXKSD.
lastly, my dislikes are doing anything in front of a lot of a lot of people, getting judged, strangers, majorly spicy food, and bugs.
that's it for me hehe. again, congrats on a huge milestone!! i wish you and your blog the best, and i hope you take care and have an amazing day luv <3.
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you got matched with...
                                         MIYA ATSUMU
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the relationship dynamic is a lot more of him asking if he can do something, but that something is completely outrageous.
of course, you say no, but then he starts acting all sad and pouty, and you sigh and let him
the opposites attract trope
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“ATSUMU THAT’S NOT HOW YOU-,” you take a sharp inhale, composing yourself, “Atsumu.”
“Yes, Iely. Please, do go on, entertain me.”
“If you were paying the least bit of attention, Miya, you would have known that this is literally the wrong unit.”
“It is?”
“Ohhhhh, you’re so smart, Iely, so amazinggg!”
You sigh and hunch over your desk, flipping the pages of y=the book to find the right pages.
“We learned that?”
He sits on your seat, turning the book to face him, face twisting in confusion.
“Are you sure we learned this?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Probably because you fell asleep in class yesterday.”
“You watch me in class, Iely?” He smirks.
You gape, “no way, Atsumu. You just snore.”
“I don’t snore!”
You walk to the library, Atsumu tagging behind you, occasionally running to catch up with you.
He takes his time, touching basically everything he sets his eyes on.
“Who do you think owns this locker? It has stickers all over it. I wanna take one. It’s shiny.”
“Don’t take it, Atsumu.”
You finally reach the library, Atsumu only having tripped over his own feet twice.
“Hey, Iely?”
“Look at the sticker I got.”
On his finger was the glittery sticker he was so enamored with.
“Damnit, Atsumu.”
“Listen, the person had at least 12 more of these on the locker! They’ll be fine.”
You sigh, as he sticks the sticker to your forehead, reaching up to remove it.
Atsumu slaps your hand away and leans forward.
“Atsumu, I’m not keeping a sticker on my forehead!”
“But you look so good like that!”
“Y’know what you are?”
“An asshole.”
“But you like me.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Ouch, that hurt, Iely.”
He takes a look at you, a genuine stare. You look back, leaning back staring back at him expectantly.
“Go on a date with me.”
“Go on a date with me.”
“It really did hurt when you said you didn’t like me.”
You’re taken aback with his sincerity, sputtering out a response.
“You know I was joking around when I said that!”
“I know.”
“But you still need to make up for being mean. Go on a date with me, since you like me so much.”
He stays silent, looking at you in shock.
“What, Miya? You asked me on a date, why do you look so shocked that i said yes?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to agree.”
“Why not? You said it yourself. I’ll go on a date with you, because I like you so much.”
It was his turn to turn beet red.
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In that case, 30 "Mine" with female MC and Mammon pleasee. I'm wanting either something adorably fluffy that'll make your heart flutter or the complete opposite and have it nsfw if you know what I mean 😂💖
There was no way I wasn’t going to do both! I’m not to good at writing nsfw but I hope you’ll like this! NSFW will be tagged as Asmodeus time
30. Mine
 Mammon knew you were too good for him, you were beautiful, kind, and smart. Sometimes he would feel as though he didn’t deserve you. Nevertheless, he did his best to prove he could stand by your side and did everything he could to keep you happy.
Right now, the two of you were out on a date at the park. Mammon had left you on one of the park benches while he went to get you both some ice cream. Coming back, he saw you talking to a random lower level demon. They were too close to you, almost looming over your frame that sat on a bench. Irrigation flooded him; it was bad enough that his brothers took away your attention from him, he didn’t need some other lesser demon hovering around you.
Catching Mammon’s eye, you perked up. This demon had walked up to you and tried getting you to leave with him. You had told him you had a boyfriend, but the demon wasn’t budging, and you were too worried about angering the demon to tell him to go away.
“Mammon! Welcome back dear, did you get the ice cream I wanted?” You quickly stood up and moved over to him, pressing yourself to his side.
Mammon was flushing, still not used to being so close to you, “Yeah, I did. Who’s this anyways?” Mammon gestured to the demon who had barged into your date.
“Oh, he was just worried that I was alone.” You deflected, hoping that the intruding demon got the hint now.
“She’s mine.” Mammon stated, snaking an arm around your waist, and glaring at the guy. “Mine.”
You blushed and watched with relief as the demon slinked off.
“Thank you, Mammon.”
  NSFW version under the cut
There weren’t many times in which Mammon was jealous but right now he was green with envy, you had been out shopping with Asmodeus and the outfits you had bought should’ve been made for only him to see.
As you blushed and laughed at another compliment Asmodeus gave you, you twirled and asked Mammon what he though, the skirt you wore flipping up enough to show your panties.
“I… it looks great on you!” Mammon was going to erupt if he had to continue watching Asmodeus make eyes at you.
“You look so adorable; I could just eat you up MC!” Asmodeus crooned, “I knew you’d make the perfect companion!”
Mammon gritted his teeth as he watched you two become closer; he couldn’t stand it anymore. Quickly getting up, he grabbed your arm, “MC, I need you for something.” Not giving you or Asmo time to protest, he dragged you to his room and threw you upon the bed. Crawling on top of you, Mammon ran his hands down your body. “MC… I’ve been waiting patiently but I’m too greedy to continue. You’re mine, please let me…” He trailed off, hands at your waist and eyes burning with need.
Your pinks tinged red and you nodded, “Okay, Mammon.” It wasn’t often that Mammon took the lead in bed, often times to flustered and nervous so this was an interesting change.
No sooner had you agreed did Mammon capture your lips, nipping and licking until you grant him access. You kiss back, mind going hazy with the heat.
It wasn’t not long before Mammon had stripped you both of your clothes, too eager in making you his.
Sliding a hand down, he presses two fingers into your pussy making you moan in need. Curling his fingers, he continues to tease you before deeming you ready. Not wasting time in between, he removes his fingers before lining his length up to you and pushing into you in one fluid motion.
You moaned out, legs wrapping around Mammon as he thrust into you. He wasn’t taking the time to be gentle and you were enjoying how he was being rough. Mammon was shifting biting at your necking and licking to soothe the red skin left behind in the aftermath.
Hands gripping you waist in a tight grip. Mammon began to slow down and you whined. So close to orgasming and he was slowing down, what was he thinking.
“C’mon MC say it, say it and I’ll go faster.” He growled lightly at you, breathe ragged with exertion and  watching you beg for him to go faster.
“Yours! I’m yours! Please Mammon, just fuck me harder!” You cried out, trying to meet his thrusts and eyes begging.
“That’s right! You’re mine.” He moaned out and picked up his speed, driving his cock into you as his hands tightened around your hips. “Mine. All mine.” He punctuated every word with a deep thrust. It took all of a couple thrusts before you were cumming around his cock, eyes screwed shut and nails digging into his shoulders.
He thrusted a few more times, finishing inside you before pulling out and collapsing next to you, “You’re mine, forever and always.” He whispered as you both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, too tired to care about the mess.
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Sorry for doing it this way, I think OP deleted their post or blocked me like a mature, balanced person would, so I have to tag you in
Oh boy, lot to unpack here.
So you didn’t even know there were that many subgenres of fantasy, one of the most popular classifications of fiction on the planet... And you think you know enough to tell ANYBODY what classic fantasy is?
And where exactly I attempted to do that, huh?
If you don’t even know the most common subgenres of this vast pool of fiction, why are you jumping into this discussion? You just admitted you don’t know anything!
There is no discussion, there is a stupid ass post. Don't flatter yourself, you don't know jack shit.
Me not knowing what exactly are the precize subgenres of a genre of literature, which, btw, are completely arbitrary and for your information, sword&magic is a legitimate category, has absolutely nothing to do with what that post you were so keen on agreeing with above. It was you who said pretty much any classic fantasy is like that: some poorly written, self-indulgent and borderline racist.
Did ya read the link, buddy? Howard talked about knowing what burning black man smelled like. He was quite approving of these things! And the books are pretty racist, it’s not hard to see, unless you ain’t looking.
Yes, I started reading and by the end of the first paragraph I was convinced he was ahorribly racist man. And? Still doesn't change the fact, that for my 12 year old self, there was nothing racist about it. I definetly wasn't looking for it, that much you got right. If I'd read it again, I'm sure I'd catch on to it now, that I know what kind of asshole he was. So the implied racism would be there. You got a point for that.
Rugged individualism? It always amuses me how that argument always pops out of the mouths of guys who are aping what they’ve heard their buddies say. If ten thousand mouths shout “rugged individualism”, how individualistic are they?
Then you should amuse yourself by looking up why this thing crops up as of late. It's coming from certain, supremely racist yet unaware of it publications that claim ridiculous shit like "rugged individualism" is a hallmark of white supremacy, among other, equally laughable things, like punctuality. It's a joke.
Again, I will give Howard to you, if someone that racist writes a black man saving the hero of the story, I bet there was something else still there to make it wrong.
Conan’s not some avatar of rugged individualism.
Uhm, yeah, he pretty much all that.
He’s as unreal and unrealistic as the dragons are,
It's called fantasy for a reason, buddy.
but more dangerous because White Men model their ideas of reality on Big Man Heroes like him;
Glad you are totally not racist, yo!!! It's such a relief that White Men are the only ones with this terrible behavior of looking up to larger than life, mythic superpeople and nobody else. Imagine what it would be like, if we would have some asshole from say, hindu indian literature massacering demons called Rakshassas, by the tens of thousands, or some bullshit japanese warlord would snatch out arrows from the air, or a chienese bodyguard would mow down hundreds of barbaric huns without dropping a sweat, or some middle eastern hero would fight literal gods and their magical beasts in some quest for eternal life.
it's a poison that weakens us, distracting us from actually trying to solve the world’s issues, or banding together to deal with shit.
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This is what you just said. It's up to the white man, to get their shit together, be not racist and solve the world's problems, because those poor other people's just can't do it. If we would just not be oh, so racist, then China would surely stop with the genocides they are doing now, or blowing more than half the greenhouse emissions into the athmosphere, the muslims would stop throwing their gays from rooftops or ramming trucks into crowds and would just start treating women as equals, India's massive rape problem would be gone, subsaharan African would be magically bereft of the host of atrocities committed there on a daily, yeah, you sure have that nonracism down, buddy!
A rugged individualist would be smart enough to realize that even the most individualistic person needs others; no man’s an island, and a loner is easier to kill.
Individualism doesn't mean at all what you think it means, it's a cluster of widely differeing philosophies that puts the individual ahead of the group or state, it's ranging from anarchism to liberalism and is also has nothing to do with my point.
Central Europe?  What, Germany?  Because let me tell you, historically they are SUPER concerned about race!
Germany traditionally considered western european, central europe would be the people stuck between them and the russians, to put it very loosely. We are equally nonplussed by the self-flagellating white guilt complex and the woe me victim complex of the west. We did none of the shit those meanie white people did to the nonwhites and suffered everyting any poc ever did and then some. We don't give a shit about your color, we care about what culture you are from and if you respect our values.
I’m an American from a former Confederate state; trust me, race is everything.  It always is.
No it really isn't. How old are you? Asking without condescension, genuinly curious, because if you are in your low twenties at most, it's understandable why you think like this.
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See that hike? Do you know what happened at that time that made virtually all american media suddenly go all in with racism?
Occupy Wall Street, that's what. It's a brilliant way to sow victimhood and hate and desperation amongst the people who have one common enemy, the powers that be, the banking sector, the politicians, the megacorporations.
Can't really blame you if you are in your early 20's at most, you grew up with this bullshit hammered into you. If you are older, step out of your echochamber please!
If you actually believe, that mankind doesn't progress naturally towards a more accepting society purely on the merit of there being more good people than bad and sharing a similar living with all the hardships in life, seeing that our prejudices inherited by our parents are baseless, that's how we progress, not virtue signalling courses and regressive policies. I was raised as any other kid, I had a deep resentment towards the neighbouring nations, I said vile, racist shit against people who I actually share a lot of genes with, of which fact I was in deep denial about, and then as I gradually got exposed more and more actual people of these groups, I started to realize I was wrong and everybody should be judged by their individual merits. It works throughout the generations, my grandma was thought songs about Hitler and how all jews are evil in school, she legit thought all black people at least in Africa are cannibals and shit, my mother stillsays shit that would get her cancelled in the USA, and I will probably have a mixed race kid as we stand now.
This whole racism is an eternal problem is laughable and disingenuous and I am actually sorry for you that you feel like that.
Moving on. As for Dany, the “noble white girl sold to scary dark foreign man” is a very popular trope, especially in exploitation films, which Martin draws on much more heavily than most authors do.
No, he fucking doesn't. I already wrote a bunch of examples from the books you seeminly ignore willfully. First of all, she is sold to those olive skinned savages by a white man, who is a terrible, increadibly evil man. He want's to fuck the then 11-12 ish Dany so bad, she picks his slave most resembling her and rapes her repeatedly, "until the madness pass." He also maimes children and traines them as disposable slave spies by the hundreds. There is no boundaries colour here, GRRM prtrays all kinds of people as reprehensible, evil and disgusting. Just like you can find plenty of examples to the opposite.
What is he drawing from your exploitation movies exactly? He writes about the human anture, he writes about the human heart at war with itself, that's his central philosophy of writing.
ASOFAI is basically just a porn movie with complicated feudal politics obscuring it, which is probably why it worked so well as an HBO series (up until the last two seasons or so.)
There is no gratuitous sex scene in the books, the rapes are described as rapes, they are horrible, they are very shortly described and usually just alluded to.
The people commiting them are not put into generous lights and one of the single most harrowing stories hidden behind the grand happenings of the plot is a girl named Jeyne Poole, whose suffering although never shown, is very much pointed out, along with the hypocrisy of the people who only fight to try and save her, because they think her a different person.
Honestly, if you actually read the books and they came of to you as porn, you might want to do some soulsearching.Btw, the HBO series was a terrible adaptation, it immedietly started to go further and further from the books with every passing season and the showmakers made it very clear to everybody, that they didn't understand the very much pacifist and humanist themes of Martin. And neither did you.
We also get no indication Essos will eat it when Winter comes; hell, they seem to not know Winter exists, given the way people act, even though that is also unrealistic and weird.  Essos was just super badly designed, and Dany is a terribly boring character.
to be continued
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wavejhs · 5 years
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Genre: Thriller/Horror
Pairing: Hoseok/Reader
Word Count: 2,812
Tags: Thriller, Horror, Murder, Some fluff, Angst
Summary: It's tradition for you and your boyfriend to have an annual movie marathon on the eve of your birthday. A mysterious caller makes it a night you'll never forget. Scream!AU
You've always thought it was a satisfying sound; the popping of popcorn as it gets cooked.
In the living room, the screen of your Smart TV displays the Netflix homepage. It's the eve of your birthday and you're getting ready to watch a scary movie. It's a classic slasher one. Your boyfriend had phoned you no less than half an hour ago, telling you he'd be present to hold you as you start your annual movie marathon. You appreciate it, knowing Hoseok wasn't a fan of the horror genre but he was willing to spend one night a year to watch scary films with you.
You make it up to him, though, watching cheesy romance comedies and action movies on his birthday. A balanced compromise means a healthy relationship.
You're walking back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, wanting to make sure you don't miss a spot cleaning up, making sure you've got a large enough blanket draping the couch for when the night gets chilly, making sure your beverages are ready. When you deem everything presentable, you focus on your TV, clicking the first movie on your list.
Your boyfriend lived a few blocks away from your house, usually taking him less than 10 minutes from his house to yours and you wonder what's taking him so long. You're just about to pick your phone up to dial him when it rings, startling you enough to fumble with it when it nearly slips out of your fingers.
It's an unknown number. Pursing your lip, you answer the call.
You clear your throat, "Hello?"
"Hello." It's a man's voice.
You wait for a response. When only silence follows, you shut your eyes, rolling them behind your eyelids. It's a prank call.
Trying to sound as polite as you can, even using your customer service voice, you follow with a, "Yes?"
It takes two seconds for the receiving end to answer. "Who is this?"
You absentmindedly stride towards your kitchen, checking on the popcorn in the microwave, "Who are you trying to reach?"
"What number is this?" The man's voice was deep and smooth, but had a gentle tone. He sounded like he was genuinely asking, and you start to think your assumption was wrong.
You hum patiently. "What number are you trying to reach?"
"I don't know."
You nod, still staring at the microwave, "I think you have the wrong number."
"Do I?"
You hum again, hanging up with a, "It happens. Take it easy."
Your lips lift in a soft smile, the conversation with the soft spoken stranger turning out to be one of the most polite ones you've ever had. It takes a exactly second for you to remember why you even had your phone in your hand and you unlock the screen to dial again when,
It rings. You pick it up.
"Hello?" You start, tentative.
"Why don't you want to talk to me?" It's the man again and you're starting to sense in the pit of your stomach that something might not be right.
"Who is this?" You reply, closing your eyes and taking a silent breath, telling yourself not to assume the worst every time.
There's a chuckle on the other end, boyish and light. "You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine."
Just as you start to ponder if playing along would get this over with, your microwave dings. You peek at it and take out the popcorn.
Walking to the cupboards where you keep your boals, you make a disapproving noise. "Hm. Yeah, no. Sorry, it's just..stranger danger. You know how it is."
"What was that noise?" Still smooth, still gentle. Still a mystery.
Rolling your tongue in your cheek, you bite and play along. "My microwave. I'm making popcorn."
"Oh," There's a rustle, "You watching a movie? I only eat popcorn at movies."
"Well yeah." You giggle, giddy at the thought of spending the night with your boyfriend's hands gripping yours tightly.
"Really? What kind?"
Grabbing the bag of fresh popcorn and transferring it to a bowl with one hand was inconvenient, but you'd rather deal with it than stop the conversation with a stranger whose tone of voice you start to feel is familiar, "Just a scary movie. Pretty old."
The man drawls the next question, "do you like scary movies?"
You nod, even though you think he can't see you, "Yup."
His voice is husky now, his words throaty and drawled, "What's your favorite scary movie?"
Oh, now he's flirting with you, you realize. It might be one of Hoseok's friends playing a prank on you, maybe even your boyfriend himself and you inwardly huff.
"I don't know. They're all different in their own way, so there's no way to compare."
"Well, you have to have a favorite."
"Uh," You wrack your mind for a title, "well there's a recent one I just watched. New to the slasher franchise. The Boy. Heard of it?"
"Ah, yes the guy hiding inside walls, stalking his own baby sitter."
You're in the living room now, bowl of popcorn in your hand and setting it on the coffee table. "Yeah. Brahms Heelshire."
"Brahms! That's right. I liked that movie, it had a nice twist."
"It did have a nice twist, the ending kind of sucked though." You glance at the clock and your eyes twitch, not looking forward to your boyfriend once again apologizing for being late.
"Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?" Speaking of boyfriend, you roll your eyes. It's Hoseok now, you're convinced. Hoseok with a voice changing app.
"Yes." Not for long unless he gets arrives in less than a minute to save his ass. You don't notice the way your finger accidentally taps the 'End Call' button.
Your phone rings again and you answer on first ring.
"So sorry! Didn't realize I hung up."
"Tell me your name."
You want to scoff, instead you shake your head. "Why do you wanna know my name?"
"Because I wanna know who i'm looking at."
Your blood seems to have went cold inside you, goosebumps suddenly erupt throughout your whole body and you shoot up, looking around you.
You swallow a lump in your throat. "What did you say?"
"I want to know who i'm talking to."
"That's not what you said." You rush to open the small drawer installed in your coffee table, taking out a bottle of pepper gel before bolting to your front door to make sure it was locked. You turn on the light on your porch and see no one present. You turn it back off.
Walking briskly to the sliding door between the small garden and the inside of your house, you turn the light on too, but again, you don't see anyone present. You huff now, gripping your phone tighter.
"I have to go now." Your cold, shaking fingers struggle to remove the phone from your ear.
"Wait.. I thought we were gonna go out."
"I don't think so. I have a boyfriend."
The voice, previously so gentle, turns hostile and violent, "DON'T HANG UP ON ME."
"Gotta go." You force out, willing yourself to hang up.
Your shaking as you try to recollect yourself. Yoongi left a gun here, you think. Said it was for self defense and he doesn't go without it whenever he walks his girl home. The last party, he was showing off. He had a gun and he passed out. He left it and you were going to return it tomorrow. But it's still here. Still in the house. You could go get it.
You clench your eyes shut, panic consuming you the more you try to remember whether you placed it in your father's seldomly used vault or in your bedroom's private drawer. Both were at the opposite ends of the house. You were having trouble just standing.
The phone rings again and you're tempted to let it ring until it goes away.
But you have to know..
"I told you not to hang up on me." The gentle tone is completely gone.
You clutch the pepper gel tighter in your other hand, making sure it was unsealed, ready to be used. "What do you want?"
"To talk."
"Well, dial someone else, okay?"
The voice sounds amused now. "Getting scared?"
You grit your teeth. "No. Bored."
You hang up immediately, tired and afraid.
You run to check your back door, finding it locked as well. All of the doors were locked. There was no way someone else could get in.
Just as you back away from the door, your phone rings again and you're fed up.
"Listen, asshole—"
It's deep and it roars.
You suppress a whimper. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"More of a game, really." It's calm again but you don't trust it one bit.
"I'm calling the police. I swear. They'll trace this and i'm filing charges." You threaten, gripping on to one of the curtains to ground yourself.
"They'll never make it in time." It's dark, it's deep, and you're so scared.
You release a sigh, and you sound defeated even to yourself. "What do you want?"
It's deeper this time, more throaty, less human, "To see what your insides look like."
You fumble to hang up, letting the phone fly out of your hands right after.
Your hands are shaking but you shake your head in determination as you reach for it again. You dial 911.
"Hello, 911. What's your emergency?"
"Can't—No time, he said he was here. Someone threatened to kill me. Said—said he could see me. Think he can see me. Said he'd kill me. Please send someone! Anyone!" You whisper frantically, backing against a corner to avoid any surprises.
"I understand. We'll send someone immediately."
You nod, unable to find your voice to even thank the receiver.
As you're curled up in the corner, you bury your face in your arms.
Then, you remember.
Hoseok is supposed to arrive any second. If someone dangerous was waiting to break in, Hoseok would be completely unaware and helpless.
Your pacifist boyfriend Hoseok wouldn't have anywhere to hide. To run to. You know for a fact he'd be walking this late at night with his car broken down since the previous week.
Better if it was just you. Better if you didn't drag him in.
Trembling, you dial his number.
"Hoseok?" You jump when he picks up the phone.
"Yeah, honey? I'm so sorry i'm late! I'm almost there!"
"My parents are here!" You squawk, and in the back of your mind, you're taken aback at how easy the lie fell off your tongue.
"My parents are here and pissed. Have—have to cancel." With a shuddering breath, you whisper delicately, "I love you."
"Wait, what? Y/N? DON'T HANG UP ON ME!"
You hang up.
Your phone rings again and you already know it's an unwelcome call.
"Who's there?"
"You should never say "Who's there?". Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish."
You loose your grip on the phone, letting it clatter to the floor just right by you. The voice buzzes. You tap the loudspeaker option.
You sigh. "What did I do?"
There's silence. You physically feel the energy draining out of you, the adrenaline taking its leave and in its stead, defeat. Your eyes are clenched shut, so that you don't have to see yourself die.
Your voice is croaky, and when you touch your face, it's wet with tears. You were crying? "There's must be something I did. Something I must've done for this. Can't you tell me?"
The phone clicks, signaling the call was ended from the other side.
You hear a crash from upstairs. The shattering of glass. You locked the doors, but the windows are breakable.
"Y/N!!" You hear Hoseok's voice, his fists banging on your front door. "LET ME IN!"
Multiple thuds from the other side. Hoseok was trying to break down the door.
It's too late. You hear footsteps approach you and you curl tighter around yourself, keeping your eyes shut.
You whisper then, "Get it over with. Just don't touch him."
The footsteps stop in front of you. "Sure. Loverboy's queued right after you."
It's like you've been brought back to life, hearing that sentence. You snap your eyes open and realize you're still gripping the pepper gel in your hand. You look up at your tormentor, sees a a shapeless silhouette with a mask on, a knife aiming to pierce through you but just as he gets close, you empty the bottle. Even through the mask. It has to have a hole for him to see, right? You hope.
There's a yelp from the masked man, and you dash towards your front door, your hands still shaking as you undo all the bolts. Hoseok looks red in the face, but you grab his hands to run.
"Fuck!" The masked man sputters, throwing his disguise down and upon hearing something hit the ground, you risk a glance behind you.
Your blood boild at the sight of a familiar face.
"Fuck. Who the fuck do you think? Fuuuck!" The man rolls on the ground, grunting in pain as he rubs at his eyes.
"Yoongi! I told you I didn't approve of this shit!" Hoseok growls, marching towards his best friend.
"Fuck you! It was you idea, asswipe!" Yoongi bites. "It was his idea, Y/N!" Yoongi chances a peek at you with one eye as he totally rats his best friend out, his whole face red and wincing, "Said you liked horror movies! Said this was foreplay for you! I'm the victim! I fucking climbed up with the tree that had a fucking bee's nest! I have ant bites all over my fucking ass! I have three splinters! Fucking hell! Ow!" He chokes on a sob as the gel finally settles in his eyeball.
"Wha.." You look at your boyfriend, confused beyond comprehension.
"Listen, I said it in passing and I was drunk! I didn't know they'd do this to you!" Hoseok raises up his hands in a defenseless manner.
"You scared the shit out of me, Yoongi!" You growl, marching towards where he's curled up into a ball, clutching his face in agony.
"God, please take me to a hospital." Yoongi pleads.
"You deserve this, you son of a bitch! I can't believe you took him seriously while he was drunk! You gave me that advice yourself!" You stomp on the mask he was wearing, picking it up to examine it just to throw it back to the ground in pure rage.
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"So," Hoseok nuzzles his head against your shoulder, trailing kisses to your neck, "happy birthday?"
Yoongi huffs from his hospital bed as he watches the two of you practically melt into each other.
"Oh, shut it. You brought this on yourself." You stick out your tongue at your boyfriend's best friend.
"Whatever." Yoongi grunts, "Call Jiah. Tell her I have to cancel on our plans for tomorrow. My eyes hurt."
You giggle as your boyfriend's lips land on a ticklish spot behind your ear.
"Fine. Let me get my phone." You reach over to grab your bag and Hoseok whines at the momentary loss of your warmth. You stare at your phone, head tilting in wonder and you call out, "Hey Yoons, I can't believe you could say all that stuff."
Yoongi glares at you from his spot. "What stuff?"
"About gutting me and shit. That was traumatizing." You shake your head, and you miss the look of confusion shot in your direction.
"What?" Yoongi looks at you like you've morphed into a duck. "No I didn't."
You hum as your boyfriend resumes rudely ravaging your neck. "Didn't what?"
"Say that. I only called you twice. It was a prank call. I asked you if you had a boyfriend just in case you were playing Hoseokkie and you said yes so I clearly failed."
You feel your heart drop to your feet.
"Why did you break my window, then?" You whisper, pressing yourself closer to Hoseok as fear crawls back up your spine.
"What? I didn't. You said your parents' windows were never locked so I went in through there."
Your hands twitch, still holding your phone.
"Y/N? You okay?" Hoseok asks, wary of the way your face loses color.
You whisper, barely audible, "Someone was really there."
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A few blocks away from your house, a girl grips her phone with a bloodied hand.
Your caller ID flashes on the screen. Too late.
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(A/N: don't know if i'm making this a series. user @curlykoo who has since deactivated but complimented me and liked horror fics this is for u 💕 + most of the dialogue is actually from the movie itself!)
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
*Old - Fashioned Peanut - Butter Cookies*
2 cups creamy peanut butter ( not the all - natural variety )
1½ cups granulated sugar
½ cup packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
½ teaspoon kosher salt
*How to Make It
Step 1
Heat oven to 350° F.
Step 2
Using an electric mixer, beat the peanut butter and sugars on medium - high speed until fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low and beat in the eggs, baking soda, vanilla, and salt.
Step 3
Roll heaping tablespoonfuls of the dough into balls and place on parchment - lined baking sheets, spacing them 2 inches apart. With a lightly floured fork, press the dough to a ⅜ - inch thickness, making a crisscross pattern on top of each cookie.
Step 4
Bake, rotating the baking sheets halfway through, until the edges are set, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool slightly on the baking sheets, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 5 days.
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❄ Three Wishes ❄
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You were blissfully unaware of this but, V prepared for your very first date the entire night before the big day that he almost drove Griffon to sheer insanity.
Picking out clothes and accessories for him and teaching him stuff he, more or less, already knew regarding the opposite gender, the bird worked hard to the bone just to make his master look good in front of you. He wanted his master to give a nice first impression, after all.
But, then again, since V started living separately from Dante and Vergil for a month ( the younger brother always made him clean the eternally messy shop, while the older twin and him knew each other too well to the point of awkwardness and, sometimes, hostility ), he only managed to buy a few pieces of clothing with the money he has earned as an independent Devil Hunter. Meaning, there wasn't too much clothing to choose from in the first place. Well, at least right then. He could earn money faster than his two bickering brothers, anyway, and he has proven it more than a decent amount of times already.
So, he has no other choice but to go along with a decent and smart casual wear, which consisted of a simple white button down shirt, black pants, and a pair of black boots ( with the extremely cold weather going ballistic on his thin and bony frame, he has to set aside the sandals for a while ). Completing his look with a knitted pullover and a black parka, he made his way towards your house, which was not really that far, since he now practically lived next to you.
Approximately five minutes before eight in the morning, V was sitting there on the sofa, waiting for you to come down. And when you finally did, boy, was he really surprised. Clad in a light - colored coat worn over a gingham dress, black leggings, and a pair of boots, you looked truly lovely in V's eyes.
You smiled brightly as V greeted you, and after receiving something from your loving grandmother that she made, herself, you two finally took off.
The Red Grave shopping district, despite the cold weather, was packed with people of all ages. Children, teens, and adults, each and everyone of them walked about the place, going to different boutiques, eating at restaurants, or just simply looking around. And most of them were already buying Christmas presents.
V had different plans for you, however. He bought tickets to that latest installment of a long - running space opera saga, after all, which, he rightfully thought, was one of your favorite movie genres. Now, you found this completely normal, since movies like that were really in demand as of the moment. What really surprised you was the quality of tickets he bought for the two of you.
"Umm, V, Star Wars is that way." You gently reminded him after grabbing your popcorn, jelly beans, and (F/F) frappe from the snack bar.
V only smiled at you. "I know, dear." He told you as he guided you towards the opposite direction were lesser people were going: the Director's Club, of all places.
Director's Club?! You thought hysterically. But, tickets there are way too expensive!
And he was totally not kidding around! You were going to watch Star Wars there!
"This,... is unreal,..." You gasped in wonder as you finally entered the prestigious theatre house and took a seat in one of the lounge chairs that has the perfect distance from the huge screen. Since few people could afford tickets to the Director's Club, the place, itself, was refreshingly calm. And it was perfect.
"Hmm?" V hummed in question as he settled down next to you and wore his 3D glasses.
You shook your head and gave him a smile. "Nothing."
The movie, itself, was wonderful. You smiled at the little jokes, became emotional at the drama, and gasped at the wonderfully choreographed fight scenes between the heroine and the villain. It was,... very good,...
... however, for the third time since the movie started, you heard that weird noise coming from your left side as if something huge was just pumped out of a clogged drain. The noise was not that loud, actually, but the quietness around you made it seem like it was really loud in your ears. And so, you made the wrong decision to turn and,...
V's eyes widened as he felt something soft and warm cling to his left arm, and he was surprised to see you looking up at him with a worried look on your face.
"V," you whispered. " ... someone is,... s - someone,... they're,..."
The poet furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he followed your line of sight, and when he finally saw what you were talking about, a soft curse escaped his lips.
For there, on your left, were two young lovers shamelessly kissing and totally ignoring the movie.
V clicked his tongue in annoyance. These young people,...
"Dear, can we switch places?" V asked, and a few moments later, as the teen lovers were still doing their thing, they were startled when something forcefully dropped right in front of them. "Apologies." The poet said with a sadistic smile, his left hand firmly holding the cane that startled them, his eyes still focused on the screen. "My hand,... slipped."
You were still laughing about it an hour later after the movie wrapped as you recalled how the teen couple reacted ( they scrambled away from V and out of the cinema in utter fear of the tattooed poet ). And V? He seriously breathed a sigh of relief. It was a good thing that your experience to your first movie with him was not entirely ruined because of them. For, if it did, only God or the Devil knows what he will do to them,...
After the cinema, he brought you to a restaurant to have lunch. Then, when you still have enough time, you asked V to accompany you to the Music Store to buy something.
And all throughout your quality time with him, you were not aware of the eyes that were observing you and V from afar,...
"Ah, I've been looking all over for this!" You happily exclaimed as you took out the piece of Mozart's Ah Vous Dirai - je, Maman from your shopping bag. "Thank you so much for going with me, V."
"No," the poet answered with a gentle smile as he twirled his metal cane. " ... thank you,... for indulging my,... little,... request."
Once again, you felt yourself blushing before the man and slightly turned away. Why does he always make you feel that way?!
Before you could embarrass yourself even further, you took out the thing that your grandmother gave you. It was a jar of peanut butter cookies that she baked, herself.
"This is for you." You told him with a shy smile as you handed him the jar of homemade cookies. "Gran told me to give it to you. I hope you like it."
"Why, thank you so much." V answered graciously. "And I'm sure I will! Would you mind if I take a bite now?"
"Oh, of course, not! Go ahead."
Feeling excited upon receiving something homemade for the first time ever, V eagerly opened the jar and took one cookie, its wonderful aroma filling his nostrils.
However, before he could even take a single bite, someone scoffed from behind him. You and V turned and saw, to your utter shock,...
"How awfully domestic is that?!"
❄ @la-vita , @clevermentalitybeliever , and @birdgirl69 . ❄
P.S. Let me know if you want to be tagged for the latest chapters.😁😁😁
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clarke-kom-eden · 7 years
I wrote something.... I'm scared! Here goes! Ahhhhh!!!!!
I have never written or posed a fic before, I just sort of, had an idea and went for it. It may be terrible, it probably is, but, im giving it a go! Post season 4, bellarke, follows canon, I think. Anything science ish is completely made up though! sorry if ive mis-tagged or anything, I really don’t know what I’m doing! Sorry for the accent. I felt he had an accent.
“Nevermind, I see you.”
If she was completely honest with herself, for the longest time now, Clarke had begun to feel like it would never happen. She had tried to stay hopeful, she really had, but with each passing day it became harder. Had they ever even made it to the ark? Had she spent the past 6 years talking to ghosts?
But here it was, reality, a ship. Until she really looked at it. She remembered talk of Becca testing nightblood on a mining colony, but the people out there were lost, and would have perished long ago, and weren’t they criminals?
Clarke waited back, shielding Madi, and watched as the crew of around 30 men left the ship. She saw as they basked in the sun, felt the drops of rain on their skin, touched the grass around them, and remembered when the Hundred had first landed on earth, filled with hope.
Clarke was unsure how to proceed. From what she had observed,they seemed like ordinary men, but they had been sent away for a reason, and abandoned in space for years, they could be dangerous. However, it was an incredibly small piece of earth to inhabit, and more than likely she and Madi would be discovered soon. Clarke decided she would rather be in control of the situation, and so, eyes sharp, weapon hot, made her approach.
“My name is Clarke Griffin,” she called from a distance,  “I wish to speak to whoever is in charge.”
An older man, with toughened skin and a greying beard took a few steps forward, keeping his hands raised.
“Well I’ll be damned. There really is someone living down here?!” He had an accent Clarke had only ever heard in an old western film she had once watched on the ark.
“More than one. Stay back.”
He stopped.
“Missy we don’t mean no harm or nothing, we just want to get our bearings. Are you from that there bunker she told us about.”
“ How do you know about the bunker?”
The man’s name was Thomas. He followed Clarke to another area while the rest of the men stayed with the ship.
“Start from the beginning.”
“Ok, but I gotta tell ya, I’m not even too sure myself of what’s  happening. I’m just a prisoner, trying make sense of all this.”
He gestured to everything around him.
“You see, I never really could hold my drink. It got me in trouble, well, I got me in trouble. Ended up hurting someone, more than I meant to. You could get a big ol’ reduction on your sentence if you agreed to do some, labour, they called it. Never mentioned much about radiation and injections and being put to sleep. Next thing we know we all wake up, look around the ship, there’s no one. No crew, no guards, just us prisoners all waking up. That’s when we hear someone trying to communicate with us, honest at first I thought it was the voice of God! Turns out she’s on a space station. Says her name’s Raven.”
At this, Clarke could not hold back her tears. It felt as if she had been holding her breath for years, as she finally let go. “Raven? She’s, alive, you spoke to her?”
“ She’s the one woke us up.” Clarke had too many questions, but all she could think to ask,
“did you talk to anyone else?”
“Yeah, there was a Monty too. Smart guy, couldn’t follow a lot of the tech talk but, I tried.” Clarke laughed, yeah, that sounded like Monty. “ Anyone else?”
“ Just those two, really. I’m guessing from your face that’s not the answer you wanted. I wish I could give you more, I’m sorry, it’s been a, well, a damn mess of a time.”
“I understand. So, are they coming down too, why aren’t they with you?”
“ That was the tricky part I’m afraid. See she explained she found us drifting, and that’s when we realised, well, we’d been asleep for gone a hundred years.” He shook his head, “ everyone we knew, our friends, family, all long gone.”
“I’m so sorry, that must have been a shock.”
“To say the least. Don’t think I even really believe it still, you know?” Clarke wasn’t sure how to respond. Ever since they’d been sent to earth it had felt like one shock after another, but to wake to find everything you’d ever known was gone, even with everything she had been through, that would have been unimaginable. Thomas took a deep breath and sat on a rock nearby.
“I’m sorry to press you Thomas, but I need to know about my friends.”
“Course you do. I’ll try n keep it short. Raven said they had been looking for a way to get back to earth, tryin to make fuel or something, but was havin trouble. Thought maybe they could use our ship, had no idea we were still in stasis. Anyways, she directed us to where they were, we were gonna take them on board, but there was a problem. Our airlock was completely ballsed up or something, no way to open her up in space without killing us all.” Clarke felt sick. So they were stuck, if they couldn’t make fuel, that’s it.
“ So that’s it, they’re stuck?”
“ I sure hope not. We had a few escape pods on our ship. She told us how to detach them, direct them toward their airlock. They all still had fuel in them. Not real sure what she’s planning,but they might still have a chance.”
Finally, for the first time in a long time, Clarke’s hope felt real. This was Raven, she could do it.
Clarke had tried every thing she could think of, but she just couldn’t make it work. She threw the tools across the room with as much force as she could muster, narrowly missing Andrew.
“ Clarke, I told you, Raven said most likely once we landed we wouldn’t be able to communicate with the ark anymore.”
She knew this, of course she did, but what else could she do? She had been trying to communicate with them for 6 years. It was her way of staying sane, she couldn’t just stop now, she had to keep trying.
“ Anyway, they’ll be here soon. I’m sure of it!” Andrew was one of the most optimistic people she had ever met, it was impossible to stay mad around him. He was just 18 when he had been put into stasis, although he seemed younger still, and was so skinny he really brought out Clarkes maternal side. Madi had also taken a real shine to him, though as Clarke kept reminding her she was much too young and he was a criminal! Clarke had begun to spend more time with the prisoners over the past few weeks, but still kept herself and Madi at a distance. She had tried to get an idea of the various crimes these men had committed, but as she had no way of knowing the truth, she just had to trust what they told her. Although, in Andrews case, she really felt like he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well, she hoped. Three weeks had passed and still no sign of them, and the prisoners wanted to focus on getting to the bunker. With their mining equipment, they should finally be able to dig the others free, but it was taking time to get the equipment back to working order, as it had been dormant for over 100 years. Clarke knew this should be her focus too, she was desperate to see her mother, but she couldn’t take her mind off of them, up there, alive. She knew that the bunker had only had enough oxygen for 5 years, knew that difficult decisions would have been made, her head should be underground, but her heart was in the stars. She thought of what she would say to him, she thought of the last time he held her. As she picked up the tools scattered around her and calmed herself once more, she heard distant excited shouts.
She stood slowly, as Madi came bounding in. She didn’t even speak, just gave Clarke the biggest smile and reached out her hand. Clarke took it and followed Madi outside, legs shaking with each step. She watched as the rocket she had waited for crash landed into the ocean.
“Well, let’s go get yer friends.” Thomas walked out in front of Clarke and towards the sea.
With every step closer to the crash site Clarke got faster and faster, until she was running so fast that Madi could no longer keep up. She stopped when she realised she had been dragging the poor girl. “Clarke, it’s ok” Madi let go of her hand, “you go, I’ll follow” Clarke nodded, and started running again, no longer feeling the ground beneath her, no longer feeling her own breathing, just running. She ran until she was waist deep in the water. The hatch of the shuttle was just beginning to open, and someone climbed out. They reached back into the shuttle to pull someone else out. One by one they all emerged from the rocket. Clarke stood and watched, silently. She meant to shout, to move, but she was frozen. She watched them help each other down and splash into the water, she watched them help each other swim towards the shore the opposite side of the bay from her, still unaware of her presence.
Finally, they began to remove their helmets. First she saw Murphys face, same smug grin as ever, as he helped Emori off with her helmet. They still looked as in love as she remembered. They all now faced away from her, looking toward the trees. Then she saw him. He ran his hand through his unruly curls and dropped his helmet on the ground. The group all spoke amongst themselves, but he separated himself and walked around a little. Then, finally, he turned to look back across the water. He stopped dead. For what felt like forever, they stared at each other. They were still a fair distance apart. He began to move back towards the water. Clarkes feet finally began to work. She moved deeper into the ocean until she could no longer stand. She tried to swim as best she could, but had never really done it before. She kicked and splashed but got nowhere. Her head dipped below the water. Suddenly, she felt strong arms around her, bringing her back up, carrying her to shore, laying her down on the beach.
“Are you trying to drown yourself, you can’t swim!” she coughed and spluttered and clung to his arms, digging her fingers into his suit. He pushed the hair from her face, then pulled her to him and squeezed her so tightly her ribs hurt, his face buried into her neck.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t, I don’t know, I, just…” she couldn’t finish. She had no answer, her mind had switched off and her body had taken over. He enveloped her entirely, as she wrapped her arms around his back, and cried.
“I left you.”
“you had no other choice!” Clarke finally loosened her grip on him, he pulled back slightly to look at her.
“Are you real?” He asked, as he studied her face. She nodded and laughed. He pulled her in again, this time more gently, and held her. She began to shiver, the water had been cold. “God, Clarke you’re freezing,” he rubbed up and down her arms.
“I don’t care”.
“ Clarke?” It was Raven. Bellamy and Clarke suddenly remembered they weren’t alone. He helped her up, as Raven threw her arms around her, followed by Monty, all the while Bellamy kept his arm around her waist.  Finally, the cold began to get to her,
“We should head back to camp, I’m assuming you probably want something to eat that’s not algi?” At this Murphy jumped in, “Clarke, please tell me you have something meat based? Anything. Honest to god I’ll eat rat right now”
“Just, head that way.” Clarke pointed towards the trees, just as Madi, Thomas and a few others appeared. “Raven, you know Thomas”
“It’s good to meet you in the flesh.”
“I knew you’d make it down, never had a doubt”.
Madi greeted Clarke with a hug and eyed up Bellamy.
“He looks just like your drawing.”
“My drawing? Clarke has drawings of me?”
“Yes. I know all about you. You’re Bellamy.” at this Bellamy raised an eyebrow.
“I, mentioned you, a couple of times. Madi is a nightblood, I found her, alone, after praimfaya, I’ve been teaching her. Your name has come up a few times.” Bellamy smirked, that same way he used to when he’d call her princess. “Madi, could you lead the way back to camp?” Madi looked like she wanted to say more, but did as Clarke asked. They started the walk back, Raven and Thomas in deep discussion, Monty and Harper talking with Andrew, Murphy and Emori keeping together, Echo staying close by them. Clarke and Bellamy fell to the back of the group.
“Clarke,” he said her name in that same deep voice that she had longed for, and it almost felt as if the last 6 years hadn’t happened,
“I still can’t believe you’re alive. You saved us, again, and I, just, left you.”
“Bellamy, I meant what I said. You did the right thing. I’m so glad you went, I told you to go, over the radio. If you hadn’t, you’d be dead, and we wouldn’t be here now. Together.” she reached for his hand. As he locked his fingers with hers, he repeated her words,
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