scalecallerpeak · 1 year
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And now my second attack for AF! For KurehaSama on AF. Who got me last year but I didn't have time to draw them anything till this years My AF is: Alchememe
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jami-attirmidhi · 4 years
JAMI’at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Tafsir: Hadith 1096
Narrated Abu Hurairah:
that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Al-Hamdulillah is Umm Al-Qur'an and Umm Al-Kitab and the seven oft-repeated."
JAMI’at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Tafsir
English reference : Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 3124
Arabic reference : Book 47, Hadith 3415
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julaibib · 3 years
السلام علیکم
Wishing you and your family a very happy eid, i just wanted to ask that I want to start reading tafseer so which book should i consider? do you have any suggestions? Also will ‘tafsir Ibn-Kathir’ will be good for a beginner ?
وعليكم السلام
eid mubarak for and your family
The best tafir is tafsir Saadi for beginner and the you can read Ibn-Kathir
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eeveevie · 5 years
For the OC Ask : #8 and #7 for Fiona
:) thank you~
If they were to invent a shout, what shout would they create? Bonus if you can come up with the words of the shout in dragon language.
Fiona’s favorite word to use in the dragon language is Tafir (thief); it’s her pet name for Brynjolf for obvious reasons (though he doesn’t even know what it means at first). So she’d probably make up some kind of shout involving Tafir and something about enhancing ones thieving abilities. 
Tafir VolaanGahrot  (Thief - Intruder - Steal) 
Now how bout that?
Whether they are magical or not- if they were to invent a spell for their own uses, that does not already exist in Skyrim, what kind of spell would they come up with?
Fiona would say ???? and curse and then laugh because she is so the last person anybody should be asking for magical inventions. She’d redirect these people to the College, or any wandering spellsword. BUT if she was suddenly bestowed with some great knowledge for magical abilities to invent a spell to use, it would most likely be something involving alchemy. Something to help enhance her potions, or help her locate rare herbs/duplicate them by unnatural means. 
Dragonborn Asks
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dailyresultbd · 2 years
Nowhata Govt College Admission Circular 2022 নওহাটা সরকারি কলেজ ভর্তি তথ্য ২০২২
Nowhata Govt College Admission Circular 2022 নওহাটা সরকারি কলেজ ভর্তি তথ্য ২০২২
Nowhata Govt College Admission Circular 2022 নওহাটা সরকারি কলেজ ভর্তি তথ্য ২০২২ website http://ngdc.gov.bd/ নওহাটা মহিলা ডিগ্রি কলেজ Nowhata Women’s Degree College Telephone: 0721-800022 Email: [email protected] https://nwdcr.edu.bd/ The first class of the college by cutting the ribbon in the madrasa. There, principal Tafir Uddin along with the chairman of the then No. 1 Bajubagha Union…
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nerdypipsqueak · 2 years
I'm still computerless and just mucking around so let's talk about my OCs, specifically those from the "My Soul and Yours" universe. A huge thank you to @cuddlewumpus who brainstormed all these characters with me and helped name some of them. SPOILERS DEAD AHEAD.
Atifa is the mother. Now she might not have children of her own but she "collects" people in need of proper mothering. That's what happened with her and the young Hashemites when they were hostages in Constantinople, that's what's happening with her and Ned.
Atifa wasn't always a servant, she was once married to a gentleman with ties to the Ottoman Court. They sympathised with Sherif Hussein's cause and did what they could to look after Feisal and his brothers. Sadly, Atifa's husband was captured and paid the ultimate price while Atifa herself was stripped of all her wealth and status. She was then taken in as a member of the Hashemite boys' household and has served one brother or the other ever since.
Hassan started his career as a civil servant under Ottoman administration. Because of his ethnicity he was quickly singled out by his boss and became his longterm lover. The relationship lasted until Iraq became a British protectorate, then the two realised that their plans and aspirations didn't align. A few years later Hassan entered a friends with benefits arrangement with Ali Ibn Hussein (Feisal's brother), which lasted until Ali started developing romantic feelings for him. After they separated Hassan remained good friends with both Ali and Ned. Later he moved on to form a romantic relationship with Ali of the Harith.
Vanni (Anwar Giovanni Pastorelli) has not yet been properly introduced to the readers but oh well, that's what the spoiler alert was for. Vanni is Ned's assistant, housemate, dogwalker and good friend. He's part Italian part Arab, which has caused him a lot of trouble in life. His peers have bullied him, his professors have treated him like he's less than, his lover has abused and fetishized him. He's stopped practicing his father's religion and customs, he's started using his middle name and his mother's maiden name, all in a bid to fit in; at this point he really just wants to leave Italy and figure himself out, which is why he applied to work for Ned. Being in Baghdad will do Vanni a world of good. He will have a decent job, a supportive environment in which to figure himself out and a chance to find love.
Tafir is Ali Ibn Hussein's first lover. The pair met in Constantinople where Ali was living as a hostage and Tafir was an art dealer. Their relationship was very intense and as romantic as it was physical. Ali likes to refer to the time they had together as "the time when I still believed in love". Then came marriage (out of duty) and maintaining the relationship became impossible.
When the war began Tafir moved to Italy and started an antiques business, which he ran undisturbed for years until one day Ned wandered into his shop and struck up a conversation...
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acute-angles · 6 years
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Wednesday, 27 June 2018. Fruit flavoured drink, Fanta is excited to bring you a South African first in the form of online teen series - The Fanta Squad! The Fanta Squad YouTube series is a new platform for action-packed, bitesize episodes celebrating teen culture in their very own unique way.
The edgy episodes will be stories created by teens for teens with moments of laughter, intrigue and epic adventure – all accessible on one channel. The Fanta Squad includes Fanta Teen Marketing Director, Thulasizwe Dambuza, affectionately known as ‘Lasizwe’, alongside local actor and comedian Siyabulela Deli better known as ‘TaFire’, adventure vlogger Matthew Menton and TV presenter Katlego Ncala.
The Fanta Squad series is created to encourage youth to express themselves in a fun and interactive way on a platform they are most familiar with. “We gave four dynamic individuals an opportunity to lead the engagement of teens nationwide through Fanta’s new online show,” says Mukundi Munzhelele, Fanta Senior Brand Manager. “We look forward to getting young people involved by bringing their own flavour to the show by sharing their ideas and co-creating some of the upcoming episodes with the Fanta Squad”, adds Munzhelele.
Fanta will be giving everyone the opportunity to add their views on what they think the Fanta Squad’s challenges should be. Fanta Teen Marketing Director, Lasizwe Dambuza said “OMG, we are so excited that Fanta is giving us an opportunity to be ourselves and still have fun whilst interacting with teens everywhere.”
The challenges for the series are quirky and unconventional tasks which will be completed by The Fanta Squad. The episodes will range from the Fanta Squad conquering their inner fears to spending a day as triplets.
The 13-week Fanta Squad show will be live on YouTube with a series of episodes every Thursday, 4pm from the 28th of June - bringing everyone a moment of juicy entertainment. Viewers will have an opportunity to download the shows on the Fanta South Africa YouTube channel to view and share them again and again!
To make sure you don’t miss a beat, follow Fanta on Instagram: @fantafunza, Twitter: @FantaFunZA, Facebook: Fanta South Africa or subscribe to our page on Youtube ‘Fanta South Africa’
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dondev · 4 years
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phungthaihy · 4 years
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Application - Tableau de flux de trésorerie - pour t’exercer http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Comme on le dit souvent, “mieux ... #agile #amazonfba #analysis #business #businessfundamentals #excel #financefundamentals #financialanalysis #financialmodeling #forex #investing #microsoft #pmbok #pmp #realestateinvesting #sql #stocktrading #syscohadarévisé #tableau #tableaudefluxdetrésorerie #tafire #tft #trésorerie
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dailytafsirofquran · 7 years
Daily Tafir of Ibn Kathir
The Cattle are part of the Creation of Allah and a Blessing from Him Allah reminds His servants of the blessing in His creation of An`am, this term includes camels, cows and sheep, as was explained in detail in Surat Al-An`am where the "eight pairs'' are mentioned. The blessings include the benefits derived from their wool and hair, from which clothes and furnishings are made, from their milk which is drunk, and their young which are eaten. Their beauty is a kind of adornment, thus Allah says, (And there is beauty in them for you, when you bring them home in the evening.) which is when they are brought back from the pasture in the evening. This is a reference to how their flanks become fat, their udders fill with milk and their humps become bigger. (and as you lead them forth to pasture (in the morning).) meaning when you send them out to the pasture in the morning. (And they carry your loads) meaning the heavy burdens that you cannot move or carry by yourselves (to a land that you could not reach except with great trouble to yourselves) meaning journeys for Hajj, `Umrah, military campaigns, and journeys for the purpose of trading, and so on. They use these animals for all kinds of purposes, for riding and for carrying loads, as Allah says: (And verily, there is indeed a lesson for you in the An'am (cattle). We give you to drink (milk) of that which is in their bellies. And there are numerous (other) benefits in them for you. Of them you eat, and on them and on ships you are carried.) (23:21-22) (Allah, it is He Who has made cattle for you, so that some you may ride, and some you may eat. And you find (many other) benefits in them; you may reach by their means a desire that is in your breasts (i.e. carry your goods, loads), and on them and on ships you are carried. And He shows you His Ayat. Which, then of the Ayat of Allah do you deny) (40:79-81). Thus here Allah says, after enumerating these blessings, (Truly, your Lord is full of kindness, Most Merciful.) meaning, your Lord is the One Who has subjugated the An`am (cattle) to you. This is like the Ayat: (Do they not see, that of what Our Hands have created, We created the An'am (cattle) for them, so that they may own them, and We subdued them so that they may ride some and they may eat some.)(36:71-72). (And He made mounts for you out of ships and cattle. In order that you may ride on their backs, and may then remember the favor of your Lord when you mount upon them, and say: "Glory be to the One Who subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts). And verily, to Our Lord we indeed are to return!'') (43:12-14) Ibn `Abbas said, (In them there is warmth) refers to clothing; (and numerous benefits) refers to the ways in which they derive the benefits of food and drink from them.'' (8. And (He has created) horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride, and as an adornment. And He creates (other) things of which you have no knowledge.)
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undri72 · 5 years
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Vegir lífsins eru hvorki beinir né malbikaðir. Í huga okkar eru flestar leiðir sléttar og beinar. Stysta leið milli tveggja punkta er ávalt bein lína. Þegar við skipuleggjum tíma gerum við ekki ráð fyrir töfum. Framkvæmdaáætlanir gera ekki ráð fyrir áföllum. Ferðaáætlanir gera ekki ráð fyrir slysum og svo framvegis. En lífið er öðruvísi, hvort sem við gerum ráð fyrir því eða ekki. Við þurfum svigrúm til að takast á við tafir, veikindi og áföll. Þegar við sættum okkur við þá staðreynd og leggjum okkur fram við að hafa það inni í áætlunum lífsins, gengur okkur betur að takast á við það. #ekkigefastupp https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNlXfLAztP/?igshid=lae4q44c17lp
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jami-attirmidhi · 4 years
JAMI’at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Tafsir: Hadith 1198
Narrated Ibn Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him:
"We were with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in Mina, when the moon was cleft asunder into two parts. Part of it was behind the mountain, and part of it before it. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to us: 'Bear witness' meaning: The house has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder (54:1)."
JAMI’at-TIRMIDHI: The Book on Tafsir
English reference : Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 3285
Arabic reference : Book 47, Hadith 3596
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smnews · 6 years
The death toll from a fire which ripped through a Greek coastal town stood at 80 on Wednesday as frantic relatives tried to track down people missing from the inferno and coroners began the grim task of identifying bodies. Hundreds of people were trapped in the eastern resort of Mati on Monday night as flames whipped around them. Many jumped into the sea to survive but others died from suffocation, either in their cars or trapped on the edge of steep cliffs. The Greek anti-terrorist service was investigating suggestions that the blaze - one of several throughout the Attica region - was started deliberately, a security source said. Arson is often thought to be behind some fires in a crude attempt to clear forest land for building. The fire brigade said the death of a survivor in hospital had brought the toll up to 80. The service had also received dozens of calls reporting missing persons, but it was unclear if some of them were among those found dead, a spokesperson said.  Some appeared on television to plead for help, and others posted pictures online of their missing loved ones.  "I'm looking for my mum," a young woman told Greece's SKAI TV between sobs. Her mother was Athina Karakoulaki, 48, whom she last spoke to on Monday afternoon as the flames closed in. A father also appealed on Greek TV for help to find his missing 9-year-old twin daughters after he thought he recognised them in TV news footage below.  Sophia and Vasiliki's father recognised them in TV news footage of their escape from the fires on a boat, and is now appealing for help to find his daughters Yiannis Philipopoulos and his wife had spent the day fruitlessly searching local hospitals and through law enforcement agencies on Tuesday, and said seeing the footage of the boat on the TV news had given them hope that their daughters, who went missing with their grandparents, were still alive.  But later reports in Greece said that a man who was on board the boat had come forward to say the girls were his, meaning that Mr Philipopoulous' twins Sofia and Vasiliki (pictured below, left to right) remain among the ranks of the missing.  Greece wildfires: missing twins photo The fire in Mati broke out close to 5pm, (2pm UK time), an hour which is observed as a siesta time in rural Greek communities. Mati was popular with local tourists, including pensioners, and they were caught up in the tragedy alongside international tourists - including a handful of Brits and an Irish honeymooning couple - as well as local residents.  Rescue teams combed through the area and the sea on Wednesday trying to locate anything which could offer clarity on the missing, who are thought to number about 40. "We took our cars and went down to the sea and got into the sea to escape, but there were people who did not make it," said Mati resident Agni Gantona. "We got into the water and stayed there for about five hours until the boats came to pick us up. We were at the beach with about 250, 300 people. "Some were burned, some were near fainting from the smoke and the flames. Groups of us, we were holding each other by the hand and shouting each other's names, because we could not see from the smoke." With most of the corpses badly charred, identification of the dead will be challenging, experts said. "Work has started on identifying the victims of the wildfires but the majority of the bodies are totally charred," Grigoris Leon, head of the Hellenic Society of Forensic Medicine, told Reuters. An aerial view shows burnt houses and trees following a wildfire in the village of Mati Credit: REUTERS/EUROKINISSI The post-mortems and identification procedures are taking place at a morgue at Shisto, west of Athens. Leon said this will involve team work by coroners, forensic dentistry experts from the Athens University's Dental School, and the police forensic service. It was unclear what caused the fire, which spread rapidly through the community. But some suggested that the sheer force of winds, thick pine, fire and panic was a deadly combination making even the most well-executed evacuation plan futile. Greece wildfires gallery puff "Armaggeddon," wrote the daily newspaper Ethnos on its front page, a reference to the Biblical location prophesising the end of times. It carried a photo of a burned Greek flag hanging among the branches of a charred tree. Bride in hospital and groom missing as Irish newlyweds caught up in wildfires A newly-married Irish couple were also caught up in the wildfires. Zoe Holohan and Brian O'Callaghan-Westropp became separated as they tried to escape the fires in the coastal town of Mati. The pair got married at Clonabreany House in Kells, Co Meath, last Thursday before flying out to Greece for their honeymoon on Saturday. Ms Holohan, who works in advertising for the Sunday World, is in hospital after suffering burns to her head and hands, but her husband has not yet been found. Zoe Holohan on her wedding day. She is now recovering from the Greek fires in hospital Credit: PA The couple, who live in Dublin, were travelling in a vehicle when they were forced to flee. Ms Holohan was able to escape to a nearby beach and was admitted to hospital on Tuesday night. The British Embassy said a number of Brits had also been evacuated, with one in hospital with minor injuries.  'Mati no longer exists': Resort devastated by blaze Fire service spokeswoman Stavroula Maliri said firefighters were still searching for more victims and taking "dozens of calls" from people looking for relatives. Winds of above 60mph in Mati caused a "sudden progression of fire" through the village, said Maliri. "Mati no longer exists," said the mayor of nearby Rafina, Evangelos Bournous, adding that more than a thousand buildings and 300 cars had been damaged. "I saw the flames outside the window of our hotel. I thought it would explode," said Alina Marzin, a 20-year-old German tourist who had been staying at the Capo Verde hotel in Mati on Monday evening with her brother and their parents. At least six people died trying to escape the flames into the sea. Some 715 people were evacuated by boats to Rafina, the government said. One rescuer told The Telegraph that rescuing those in the sea was his "duty as a human".  Egyptian fisherman Halil Tafir, 42, said the coastguard asked if he could help the victims, many of whom were struggling for air in the waves, so he set out on his fishing boat.  “They were terrified and nervous," he said. "I pulled them up with my hands and used the rope to get them. I saw at least two dead bodies in the water. And I saw a 70 year old lady who was covered in burns. I tried to save her but at first I couldn’t reach her. We finally got her into the boat. “I was so glad I could rescue them and they thanked me.” The boat could only fit 20 people at a time, forcing the fishermen to make multiple trips to and from the safety of nearby Rafina. At one point the flames were so close they were licking around the boat, he said. He finally stopped rescuing people at 3am on Tuesday morning.  But Mr Tafir says he is no hero.  “I’m just human. It was my duty to help as a human,” he said.  Wildfires The European Union activated its Civil Protection Mechanism after Greece sought help. Several countries said they were sending aircraft to help fight the flames. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted the EU "will spare no effort to help Greece and the Greek people", while Pope Francis spoke of his "deep sadness," sentiments echoed by EU and NATO leaders. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance's full solidarity with Greece, whose government earmarked financial aid for victims' relatives. "People are shocked, lost. Some of them have lost everything: children, parents, homes," said Red Cross spokeswoman Georgia Trisbioti. Wildfire in Mati, Greece Were fires started by arsonists? Investigation begins Interior Minister Panos Skourletis said the priority was to extinguish a fire still burning in Kineta, 30 miles from Athens. Near the town of Marathon, residents fled to safety along the beach, while 600 children were evacuated from holiday camps. Officials raised the possibility the blazes could have been started deliberately by criminals out to ransack abandoned homes. "I am really concerned by the parallel outbreak of these fires," Tsipras said as supreme court prosecutors announced they had opened an investigation into the causes of the fire. Showers were set to see temperatures around Athens drop slightly after hitting 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Fires rage across Europe amid record temperatures The wildfires come as record temperatures in northern Europe have seen blazes cause widespread damage in recent days. Sweden, experiencing an unprecedented drought and the highest temperatures in a century, has counted more than 20 fires across the country. Fires have also hit Finland's northernmost Lapland province. A global heatwave map shows how the UK was another warm blob in a mostly warmer-than-normal world in June 2018 Norway, which experienced its hottest May temperatures on record, has seen several small fires. One firefighter was killed on July 15 trying to contain a blaze. Fires have raged for five days in Latvia, destroying more than 1,000 hectares in the Baltic state.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2mI6J3z
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beautytipsfor · 6 years
Greece wildfires: Death toll hits 80 as anti-terror unit launches investigation
The death toll from a fire which ripped through a Greek coastal town stood at 80 on Wednesday as frantic relatives tried to track down people missing from the inferno and coroners began the grim task of identifying bodies. Hundreds of people were trapped in the eastern resort of Mati on Monday night as flames whipped around them. Many jumped into the sea to survive but others died from suffocation, either in their cars or trapped on the edge of steep cliffs. The Greek anti-terrorist service was investigating suggestions that the blaze - one of several throughout the Attica region - was started deliberately, a security source said. Arson is often thought to be behind some fires in a crude attempt to clear forest land for building. The fire brigade said the death of a survivor in hospital had brought the toll up to 80. The service had also received dozens of calls reporting missing persons, but it was unclear if some of them were among those found dead, a spokesperson said.  Some appeared on television to plead for help, and others posted pictures online of their missing loved ones.  "I'm looking for my mum," a young woman told Greece's SKAI TV between sobs. Her mother was Athina Karakoulaki, 48, whom she last spoke to on Monday afternoon as the flames closed in. A father also appealed on Greek TV for help to find his missing 9-year-old twin daughters after he thought he recognised them in TV news footage below.  Sophia and Vasiliki's father recognised them in TV news footage of their escape from the fires on a boat, and is now appealing for help to find his daughters Yiannis Philipopoulos and his wife had spent the day fruitlessly searching local hospitals and through law enforcement agencies on Tuesday, and said seeing the footage of the boat on the TV news had given them hope that their daughters, who went missing with their grandparents, were still alive.  But later reports in Greece said that a man who was on board the boat had come forward to say the girls were his, meaning that Mr Philipopoulous' twins Sofia and Vasiliki (pictured below, left to right) remain among the ranks of the missing.  Greece wildfires: missing twins photo The fire in Mati broke out close to 5pm, (2pm UK time), an hour which is observed as a siesta time in rural Greek communities. Mati was popular with local tourists, including pensioners, and they were caught up in the tragedy alongside international tourists - including a handful of Brits and an Irish honeymooning couple - as well as local residents.  Rescue teams combed through the area and the sea on Wednesday trying to locate anything which could offer clarity on the missing, who are thought to number about 40. "We took our cars and went down to the sea and got into the sea to escape, but there were people who did not make it," said Mati resident Agni Gantona. "We got into the water and stayed there for about five hours until the boats came to pick us up. We were at the beach with about 250, 300 people. "Some were burned, some were near fainting from the smoke and the flames. Groups of us, we were holding each other by the hand and shouting each other's names, because we could not see from the smoke." With most of the corpses badly charred, identification of the dead will be challenging, experts said. "Work has started on identifying the victims of the wildfires but the majority of the bodies are totally charred," Grigoris Leon, head of the Hellenic Society of Forensic Medicine, told Reuters. An aerial view shows burnt houses and trees following a wildfire in the village of Mati Credit: REUTERS/EUROKINISSI The post-mortems and identification procedures are taking place at a morgue at Shisto, west of Athens. Leon said this will involve team work by coroners, forensic dentistry experts from the Athens University's Dental School, and the police forensic service. It was unclear what caused the fire, which spread rapidly through the community. But some suggested that the sheer force of winds, thick pine, fire and panic was a deadly combination making even the most well-executed evacuation plan futile. Greece wildfires gallery puff "Armaggeddon," wrote the daily newspaper Ethnos on its front page, a reference to the Biblical location prophesising the end of times. It carried a photo of a burned Greek flag hanging among the branches of a charred tree. Bride in hospital and groom missing as Irish newlyweds caught up in wildfires A newly-married Irish couple were also caught up in the wildfires. Zoe Holohan and Brian O'Callaghan-Westropp became separated as they tried to escape the fires in the coastal town of Mati. The pair got married at Clonabreany House in Kells, Co Meath, last Thursday before flying out to Greece for their honeymoon on Saturday. Ms Holohan, who works in advertising for the Sunday World, is in hospital after suffering burns to her head and hands, but her husband has not yet been found. Zoe Holohan on her wedding day. She is now recovering from the Greek fires in hospital Credit: PA The couple, who live in Dublin, were travelling in a vehicle when they were forced to flee. Ms Holohan was able to escape to a nearby beach and was admitted to hospital on Tuesday night. The British Embassy said a number of Brits had also been evacuated, with one in hospital with minor injuries.  'Mati no longer exists': Resort devastated by blaze Fire service spokeswoman Stavroula Maliri said firefighters were still searching for more victims and taking "dozens of calls" from people looking for relatives. Winds of above 60mph in Mati caused a "sudden progression of fire" through the village, said Maliri. "Mati no longer exists," said the mayor of nearby Rafina, Evangelos Bournous, adding that more than a thousand buildings and 300 cars had been damaged. "I saw the flames outside the window of our hotel. I thought it would explode," said Alina Marzin, a 20-year-old German tourist who had been staying at the Capo Verde hotel in Mati on Monday evening with her brother and their parents. At least six people died trying to escape the flames into the sea. Some 715 people were evacuated by boats to Rafina, the government said. One rescuer told The Telegraph that rescuing those in the sea was his "duty as a human".  Egyptian fisherman Halil Tafir, 42, said the coastguard asked if he could help the victims, many of whom were struggling for air in the waves, so he set out on his fishing boat.  “They were terrified and nervous," he said. "I pulled them up with my hands and used the rope to get them. I saw at least two dead bodies in the water. And I saw a 70 year old lady who was covered in burns. I tried to save her but at first I couldn’t reach her. We finally got her into the boat. “I was so glad I could rescue them and they thanked me.” The boat could only fit 20 people at a time, forcing the fishermen to make multiple trips to and from the safety of nearby Rafina. At one point the flames were so close they were licking around the boat, he said. He finally stopped rescuing people at 3am on Tuesday morning.  But Mr Tafir says he is no hero.  “I’m just human. It was my duty to help as a human,” he said.  Wildfires The European Union activated its Civil Protection Mechanism after Greece sought help. Several countries said they were sending aircraft to help fight the flames. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted the EU "will spare no effort to help Greece and the Greek people", while Pope Francis spoke of his "deep sadness," sentiments echoed by EU and NATO leaders. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance's full solidarity with Greece, whose government earmarked financial aid for victims' relatives. "People are shocked, lost. Some of them have lost everything: children, parents, homes," said Red Cross spokeswoman Georgia Trisbioti. Wildfire in Mati, Greece Were fires started by arsonists? Investigation begins Interior Minister Panos Skourletis said the priority was to extinguish a fire still burning in Kineta, 30 miles from Athens. Near the town of Marathon, residents fled to safety along the beach, while 600 children were evacuated from holiday camps. Officials raised the possibility the blazes could have been started deliberately by criminals out to ransack abandoned homes. "I am really concerned by the parallel outbreak of these fires," Tsipras said as supreme court prosecutors announced they had opened an investigation into the causes of the fire. Showers were set to see temperatures around Athens drop slightly after hitting 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Fires rage across Europe amid record temperatures The wildfires come as record temperatures in northern Europe have seen blazes cause widespread damage in recent days. Sweden, experiencing an unprecedented drought and the highest temperatures in a century, has counted more than 20 fires across the country. Fires have also hit Finland's northernmost Lapland province. A global heatwave map shows how the UK was another warm blob in a mostly warmer-than-normal world in June 2018 Norway, which experienced its hottest May temperatures on record, has seen several small fires. One firefighter was killed on July 15 trying to contain a blaze. Fires have raged for five days in Latvia, destroying more than 1,000 hectares in the Baltic state.
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The death toll from a fire which ripped through a Greek coastal town stood at 80 on Wednesday as frantic relatives tried to track down people missing from the inferno and coroners began the grim task of identifying bodies. Hundreds of people were trapped in the eastern resort of Mati on Monday night as flames whipped around them. Many jumped into the sea to survive but others died from suffocation, either in their cars or trapped on the edge of steep cliffs. The Greek anti-terrorist service was investigating suggestions that the blaze - one of several throughout the Attica region - was started deliberately, a security source said. Arson is often thought to be behind some fires in a crude attempt to clear forest land for building. The fire brigade said the death of a survivor in hospital had brought the toll up to 80. The service had also received dozens of calls reporting missing persons, but it was unclear if some of them were among those found dead, a spokesperson said.  Some appeared on television to plead for help, and others posted pictures online of their missing loved ones.  "I'm looking for my mum," a young woman told Greece's SKAI TV between sobs. Her mother was Athina Karakoulaki, 48, whom she last spoke to on Monday afternoon as the flames closed in. A father also appealed on Greek TV for help to find his missing 9-year-old twin daughters after he thought he recognised them in TV news footage below.  Sophia and Vasiliki's father recognised them in TV news footage of their escape from the fires on a boat, and is now appealing for help to find his daughters Yiannis Philipopoulos and his wife had spent the day fruitlessly searching local hospitals and through law enforcement agencies on Tuesday, and said seeing the footage of the boat on the TV news had given them hope that their daughters, who went missing with their grandparents, were still alive.  But later reports in Greece said that a man who was on board the boat had come forward to say the girls were his, meaning that Mr Philipopoulous' twins Sofia and Vasiliki (pictured below, left to right) remain among the ranks of the missing.  Greece wildfires: missing twins photo The fire in Mati broke out close to 5pm, (2pm UK time), an hour which is observed as a siesta time in rural Greek communities. Mati was popular with local tourists, including pensioners, and they were caught up in the tragedy alongside international tourists - including a handful of Brits and an Irish honeymooning couple - as well as local residents.  Rescue teams combed through the area and the sea on Wednesday trying to locate anything which could offer clarity on the missing, who are thought to number about 40. "We took our cars and went down to the sea and got into the sea to escape, but there were people who did not make it," said Mati resident Agni Gantona. "We got into the water and stayed there for about five hours until the boats came to pick us up. We were at the beach with about 250, 300 people. "Some were burned, some were near fainting from the smoke and the flames. Groups of us, we were holding each other by the hand and shouting each other's names, because we could not see from the smoke." With most of the corpses badly charred, identification of the dead will be challenging, experts said. "Work has started on identifying the victims of the wildfires but the majority of the bodies are totally charred," Grigoris Leon, head of the Hellenic Society of Forensic Medicine, told Reuters. An aerial view shows burnt houses and trees following a wildfire in the village of Mati Credit: REUTERS/EUROKINISSI The post-mortems and identification procedures are taking place at a morgue at Shisto, west of Athens. Leon said this will involve team work by coroners, forensic dentistry experts from the Athens University's Dental School, and the police forensic service. It was unclear what caused the fire, which spread rapidly through the community. But some suggested that the sheer force of winds, thick pine, fire and panic was a deadly combination making even the most well-executed evacuation plan futile. Greece wildfires gallery puff "Armaggeddon," wrote the daily newspaper Ethnos on its front page, a reference to the Biblical location prophesising the end of times. It carried a photo of a burned Greek flag hanging among the branches of a charred tree. Bride in hospital and groom missing as Irish newlyweds caught up in wildfires A newly-married Irish couple were also caught up in the wildfires. Zoe Holohan and Brian O'Callaghan-Westropp became separated as they tried to escape the fires in the coastal town of Mati. The pair got married at Clonabreany House in Kells, Co Meath, last Thursday before flying out to Greece for their honeymoon on Saturday. Ms Holohan, who works in advertising for the Sunday World, is in hospital after suffering burns to her head and hands, but her husband has not yet been found. Zoe Holohan on her wedding day. She is now recovering from the Greek fires in hospital Credit: PA The couple, who live in Dublin, were travelling in a vehicle when they were forced to flee. Ms Holohan was able to escape to a nearby beach and was admitted to hospital on Tuesday night. The British Embassy said a number of Brits had also been evacuated, with one in hospital with minor injuries.  'Mati no longer exists': Resort devastated by blaze Fire service spokeswoman Stavroula Maliri said firefighters were still searching for more victims and taking "dozens of calls" from people looking for relatives. Winds of above 60mph in Mati caused a "sudden progression of fire" through the village, said Maliri. "Mati no longer exists," said the mayor of nearby Rafina, Evangelos Bournous, adding that more than a thousand buildings and 300 cars had been damaged. "I saw the flames outside the window of our hotel. I thought it would explode," said Alina Marzin, a 20-year-old German tourist who had been staying at the Capo Verde hotel in Mati on Monday evening with her brother and their parents. At least six people died trying to escape the flames into the sea. Some 715 people were evacuated by boats to Rafina, the government said. One rescuer told The Telegraph that rescuing those in the sea was his "duty as a human".  Egyptian fisherman Halil Tafir, 42, said the coastguard asked if he could help the victims, many of whom were struggling for air in the waves, so he set out on his fishing boat.  “They were terrified and nervous," he said. "I pulled them up with my hands and used the rope to get them. I saw at least two dead bodies in the water. And I saw a 70 year old lady who was covered in burns. I tried to save her but at first I couldn’t reach her. We finally got her into the boat. “I was so glad I could rescue them and they thanked me.” The boat could only fit 20 people at a time, forcing the fishermen to make multiple trips to and from the safety of nearby Rafina. At one point the flames were so close they were licking around the boat, he said. He finally stopped rescuing people at 3am on Tuesday morning.  But Mr Tafir says he is no hero.  “I’m just human. It was my duty to help as a human,” he said.  Wildfires The European Union activated its Civil Protection Mechanism after Greece sought help. Several countries said they were sending aircraft to help fight the flames. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted the EU "will spare no effort to help Greece and the Greek people", while Pope Francis spoke of his "deep sadness," sentiments echoed by EU and NATO leaders. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance's full solidarity with Greece, whose government earmarked financial aid for victims' relatives. "People are shocked, lost. Some of them have lost everything: children, parents, homes," said Red Cross spokeswoman Georgia Trisbioti. Wildfire in Mati, Greece Were fires started by arsonists? Investigation begins Interior Minister Panos Skourletis said the priority was to extinguish a fire still burning in Kineta, 30 miles from Athens. Near the town of Marathon, residents fled to safety along the beach, while 600 children were evacuated from holiday camps. Officials raised the possibility the blazes could have been started deliberately by criminals out to ransack abandoned homes. "I am really concerned by the parallel outbreak of these fires," Tsipras said as supreme court prosecutors announced they had opened an investigation into the causes of the fire. Showers were set to see temperatures around Athens drop slightly after hitting 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Fires rage across Europe amid record temperatures The wildfires come as record temperatures in northern Europe have seen blazes cause widespread damage in recent days. Sweden, experiencing an unprecedented drought and the highest temperatures in a century, has counted more than 20 fires across the country. Fires have also hit Finland's northernmost Lapland province. A global heatwave map shows how the UK was another warm blob in a mostly warmer-than-normal world in June 2018 Norway, which experienced its hottest May temperatures on record, has seen several small fires. One firefighter was killed on July 15 trying to contain a blaze. Fires have raged for five days in Latvia, destroying more than 1,000 hectares in the Baltic state.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2mI6J3z
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teeky185 · 6 years
The death toll from a fire which ripped through a Greek coastal town stood at 80 on Wednesday as frantic relatives tried to track down people missing from the inferno and coroners began the grim task of identifying bodies. Hundreds of people were trapped in the eastern resort of Mati on Monday night as flames whipped around them. Many jumped into the sea to survive but others died from suffocation, either in their cars or trapped on the edge of steep cliffs. The Greek anti-terrorist service was investigating suggestions that the blaze - one of several throughout the Attica region - was started deliberately, a security source said. Arson is often thought to be behind some fires in a crude attempt to clear forest land for building. The fire brigade said the death of a survivor in hospital had brought the toll up to 80. The service had also received dozens of calls reporting missing persons, but it was unclear if some of them were among those found dead, a spokesperson said.  Some appeared on television to plead for help, and others posted pictures online of their missing loved ones.  "I'm looking for my mum," a young woman told Greece's SKAI TV between sobs. Her mother was Athina Karakoulaki, 48, whom she last spoke to on Monday afternoon as the flames closed in. A father also appealed on Greek TV for help to find his missing 9-year-old twin daughters after he thought he recognised them in TV news footage below.  Sophia and Vasiliki's father recognised them in TV news footage of their escape from the fires on a boat, and is now appealing for help to find his daughters Yiannis Philipopoulos and his wife had spent the day fruitlessly searching local hospitals and through law enforcement agencies on Tuesday, and said seeing the footage of the boat on the TV news had given them hope that their daughters, who went missing with their grandparents, were still alive.  But later reports in Greece said that a man who was on board the boat had come forward to say the girls were his, meaning that Mr Philipopoulous' twins Sofia and Vasiliki (pictured below, left to right) remain among the ranks of the missing.  Greece wildfires: missing twins photo The fire in Mati broke out close to 5pm, (2pm UK time), an hour which is observed as a siesta time in rural Greek communities. Mati was popular with local tourists, including pensioners, and they were caught up in the tragedy alongside international tourists - including a handful of Brits and an Irish honeymooning couple - as well as local residents.  Rescue teams combed through the area and the sea on Wednesday trying to locate anything which could offer clarity on the missing, who are thought to number about 40. "We took our cars and went down to the sea and got into the sea to escape, but there were people who did not make it," said Mati resident Agni Gantona. "We got into the water and stayed there for about five hours until the boats came to pick us up. We were at the beach with about 250, 300 people. "Some were burned, some were near fainting from the smoke and the flames. Groups of us, we were holding each other by the hand and shouting each other's names, because we could not see from the smoke." With most of the corpses badly charred, identification of the dead will be challenging, experts said. "Work has started on identifying the victims of the wildfires but the majority of the bodies are totally charred," Grigoris Leon, head of the Hellenic Society of Forensic Medicine, told Reuters. An aerial view shows burnt houses and trees following a wildfire in the village of Mati Credit: REUTERS/EUROKINISSI The post-mortems and identification procedures are taking place at a morgue at Shisto, west of Athens. Leon said this will involve team work by coroners, forensic dentistry experts from the Athens University's Dental School, and the police forensic service. It was unclear what caused the fire, which spread rapidly through the community. But some suggested that the sheer force of winds, thick pine, fire and panic was a deadly combination making even the most well-executed evacuation plan futile. Greece wildfires gallery puff "Armaggeddon," wrote the daily newspaper Ethnos on its front page, a reference to the Biblical location prophesising the end of times. It carried a photo of a burned Greek flag hanging among the branches of a charred tree. Bride in hospital and groom missing as Irish newlyweds caught up in wildfires A newly-married Irish couple were also caught up in the wildfires. Zoe Holohan and Brian O'Callaghan-Westropp became separated as they tried to escape the fires in the coastal town of Mati. The pair got married at Clonabreany House in Kells, Co Meath, last Thursday before flying out to Greece for their honeymoon on Saturday. Ms Holohan, who works in advertising for the Sunday World, is in hospital after suffering burns to her head and hands, but her husband has not yet been found. Zoe Holohan on her wedding day. She is now recovering from the Greek fires in hospital Credit: PA The couple, who live in Dublin, were travelling in a vehicle when they were forced to flee. Ms Holohan was able to escape to a nearby beach and was admitted to hospital on Tuesday night. The British Embassy said a number of Brits had also been evacuated, with one in hospital with minor injuries.  'Mati no longer exists': Resort devastated by blaze Fire service spokeswoman Stavroula Maliri said firefighters were still searching for more victims and taking "dozens of calls" from people looking for relatives. Winds of above 60mph in Mati caused a "sudden progression of fire" through the village, said Maliri. "Mati no longer exists," said the mayor of nearby Rafina, Evangelos Bournous, adding that more than a thousand buildings and 300 cars had been damaged. "I saw the flames outside the window of our hotel. I thought it would explode," said Alina Marzin, a 20-year-old German tourist who had been staying at the Capo Verde hotel in Mati on Monday evening with her brother and their parents. At least six people died trying to escape the flames into the sea. Some 715 people were evacuated by boats to Rafina, the government said. One rescuer told The Telegraph that rescuing those in the sea was his "duty as a human".  Egyptian fisherman Halil Tafir, 42, said the coastguard asked if he could help the victims, many of whom were struggling for air in the waves, so he set out on his fishing boat.  “They were terrified and nervous," he said. "I pulled them up with my hands and used the rope to get them. I saw at least two dead bodies in the water. And I saw a 70 year old lady who was covered in burns. I tried to save her but at first I couldn’t reach her. We finally got her into the boat. “I was so glad I could rescue them and they thanked me.” The boat could only fit 20 people at a time, forcing the fishermen to make multiple trips to and from the safety of nearby Rafina. At one point the flames were so close they were licking around the boat, he said. He finally stopped rescuing people at 3am on Tuesday morning.  But Mr Tafir says he is no hero.  “I’m just human. It was my duty to help as a human,” he said.  Wildfires The European Union activated its Civil Protection Mechanism after Greece sought help. Several countries said they were sending aircraft to help fight the flames. European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted the EU "will spare no effort to help Greece and the Greek people", while Pope Francis spoke of his "deep sadness," sentiments echoed by EU and NATO leaders. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg offered the alliance's full solidarity with Greece, whose government earmarked financial aid for victims' relatives. "People are shocked, lost. Some of them have lost everything: children, parents, homes," said Red Cross spokeswoman Georgia Trisbioti. Wildfire in Mati, Greece Were fires started by arsonists? Investigation begins Interior Minister Panos Skourletis said the priority was to extinguish a fire still burning in Kineta, 30 miles from Athens. Near the town of Marathon, residents fled to safety along the beach, while 600 children were evacuated from holiday camps. Officials raised the possibility the blazes could have been started deliberately by criminals out to ransack abandoned homes. "I am really concerned by the parallel outbreak of these fires," Tsipras said as supreme court prosecutors announced they had opened an investigation into the causes of the fire. Showers were set to see temperatures around Athens drop slightly after hitting 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Fires rage across Europe amid record temperatures The wildfires come as record temperatures in northern Europe have seen blazes cause widespread damage in recent days. Sweden, experiencing an unprecedented drought and the highest temperatures in a century, has counted more than 20 fires across the country. Fires have also hit Finland's northernmost Lapland province. A global heatwave map shows how the UK was another warm blob in a mostly warmer-than-normal world in June 2018 Norway, which experienced its hottest May temperatures on record, has seen several small fires. One firefighter was killed on July 15 trying to contain a blaze. Fires have raged for five days in Latvia, destroying more than 1,000 hectares in the Baltic state.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2mI6J3z
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