riotinthesheets · 3 months
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Enjoy a character sheet of my Dragonborn, Adaassi. She’s a lightning mage!
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scourgiez · 1 month
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Gin’ranir! She is a rogue-in-training
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dt75artblog · 1 year
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virus in my brain that makes me think about The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
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da3drat · 1 year
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J’zargo pondering himb orb
Day 1: Arcane
id in alt
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spell-fox · 1 year
after the quest <3
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Monabi and S'assi relax back at the cart after a hard day's adventuring. Commission for Vespulaggro of two characters from her Skyrim ttrpg campaign
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lightcaughtinaprism · 3 months
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Sah'dhek the Claw Khajiit Warden
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Tao-Dei the Brave Argonian Dragonknight
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Fjarr Hundarsson Nord Dragonknight
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Zanon Verelas Dunmer Necromancer
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Aerenthil Fendis Altmer Arcanist Just wanted to show my ESO characters quick. I have deeper backstories for them of course but listing it all would have made the post too long. If you want to know more about one of them please feel free to ask. I love talking about game characters. Aerenthil btw is still a wip since he's not level 50 and I will update the oufit later at some point. I made him because of the event where you had to bring an arcanist up to level 10 for rewards. However I grew too attached to the character so I couldn't delete him. I will definitely make more characters as I planned to make one of each race but I first have to come up with a deeper backstory and also leveling in ESO is a pain. I'd like to be more active there but social anxiety bites me in the ass aside from toxic people who insult me at every turn just because I don't oneshot everything and need 2 or 3 hits instead. I would ioneshot everything too if I had trial meta gear but in order to get into trials I'd have to get stuff from specific dlc dungeons I sadly can't solo and lfg id a toxic cesspit. In order to be able to farm these sets I'd need meta trial gear which I don't have because I need stuff from these dungeons. Base game dungeons however are no problem to solo as with all other content in the game except trails of course. I've still been looking for people who are likeminded. I just love the TES lore and ESO is currently the only Elder Scrolls game you can play that is new while waiting for TESVI. I don't want to play Skyrim for the next 100 years until Bethesda finally release a new TES game.
If you're on EU and wannna join me also feel free to.
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furiora-helseare · 4 months
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A Perfect Heart's Eve.
“Sounds like you had fun~” The argonian smiled as she saw the khajiit exit Uttering Hills Cave, now back in her original form. “You know me Sithek, I can be a right beast when I want to be~ “And I wouldn’t have it any other way Morgan~” The pair embraced each other, Sithek planning a bloody kiss upon Morgan’s muzzle, getting a purr from the slightly smaller female in response. “I’ll tell you one thing~” Morgan smiled wickedly at the vampire who gave a similar smile back. “What is that, my love~?” The lycanthrope placed a clawed hand under the chin of the argonian, burning amber eyes meeting feral yellow ones as she took in her mates white scales and mane of black feathers. “You know how to give a woman a perfect Heart’s Day~”
An absolutely gorgous commission done by @steamclouds featuring my argonian Sithek and @vorpalshadows's kahjiit Morgan.
Seriously, the amount of bang-for-your-buck you get with Steam is unreal, she's wonderful to work with and keeps you updated every step of the way. Go buy her art!
Link to the full story
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anxious-anura · 1 year
Top 5 Skyrim Followers (in my opinion)
5. Jenassa
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dark elf mercenary
good at what she does
"I hope you're not expecting a thank you."
4. Kharjo
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khajiit warrior
silent roll perk
"Bring your coins, but do not bring trouble."
3. J’zargo
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khajiit mage
uses his fists when he runs out of magicka
"J'zargo can learn magic from these men and elves, but they cannot learn to be as dashing as he. J'zargo comes out on top."
2. Cicero
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funky lil jester
dances often just because
"...and he says to the man, 'That's not a horker! That's my wife!' Ha ha ha ha ha... Ah... I love that one... "
1. Marcurio
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sassy mage
specializes in destruction spells
"If these ruins frighten you, take comfort in the knowledge that I am here."
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suit-of-cups · 8 months
I want a khajiit based elder scrolls game where we can choose which moon we were born under
Aka I want to fight some guys while playing a little kitty cat
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grimmscythe · 2 months
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The cat in question
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truth-01001001-liar · 10 months
a couple more Uli doodles… :)
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scalecallerpeak · 1 year
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And now my second attack for AF! For KurehaSama on AF. Who got me last year but I didn't have time to draw them anything till this years My AF is: Alchememe
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aquicat · 5 days
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evan-is-screaming · 9 months
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My other skyrim character (on my switch)
This is Mehyo
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angle0fthegourd · 11 months
If a dialogue option is only available for a Kahjiit!LDB do y'all prefer that it's written in the established lore way, speaking in the third-person with 'this one' and 'kahjiit,' or is it better that it's written plainly to match the rest of the dialogue?
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doodleduds · 3 months
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updated pic for art fight so posting here.
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