#Table enclosure
lunearobservatory · 11 months
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greg is doing normal and sane with 50 cats, thanks for asking
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spoofyleaf · 3 months
Guys,,,, guys the gen chem is finally starting to click.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 8 months
Pls speak to me about my blorbos I would like to torturetalk about them :3
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sheliesshattered · 5 days
somehow, I don't know how, but somehow sewing machines always know when you're nearly done with a project and pick that exact moment to throw a hissy fit
#sewing#sewing machines#I am so close to finishing this dumb swimsuit that I started in 2020 for a vacation that ended up not happening#and which I stuffed into a shoebox and into the back of my sewing stash when I realized I wouldn't get to wear it in 2020#then pulled it back out to finish for this family gathering coming up in a few days here#it's a one-piece suit and I hate one-piece swimsuits#and no one-piece has fit me off the rack since puberty so I'm stuck sewing it for myself#but I'm very happy with the design and relatively happy with the finished look#the idea is just to have something that is supportive and modest enough to wear around family#and in particular to wear to something like a waterpark with my nephews#something that won't ride up or fall down or come untied or anything like that#so it has a low-cut leg hole and a high-cut neck#and an entire invisible superstructure in the lining underneath to actually provide support and enclosure and all#it's plain black but it fits and supports and won't fly apart at the seams#but this very last step. oh this last step.#I had to drape the exterior bust area directly on me bc I can't account for curves and stretch and such if it's flat on the table#and then I had to wiggle out of it carefully with a ton of pins in the underarm and neckline area#I'm using a double-needle to top stitch the edges as a finish across the whole suit. it did one underarm and the neckline just fine!#but the turn from where the neckline meets the strap and down into the other underarm it just. won't do it.#it has thrown a fit and created a tangle of thread multiple times now. there are only 4" left to sew! just sew it!#it's not hard! we just did the exact same thing on the other side and it worked fine! but no! gotta throw a hissy fit!#ugh. anyway. I have removed all the thread and needles from the machine and turned it off and basically sent it to timeout lol#wrote this rant and gonna make myself some food and I'll fucking finish those last 4 inches later tonight or tomorrow#and then I have one tiny repair to something else I want to take on this trip. hopefully my sewing machine won't throw a fit over that too#istg the only projects this doesn't happen with are the ones that end with a bunch of handsewing#that's the way to trick my sewing machine I guess. but I'm not handsewing a swimsuit lol#at least I'm not so pressed for time that I can't just walk away from it for a bit. getting close to time to pack but not quite yet#my sewing#2024 mood#tagtalking
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Following on from last months realisation that home stuck (struck?) and undertale are not the same thing
I have just realised that Disco Elysium is a game and not a band with a k-pop style following
I thank my beloved mutuals for this drip feeding of useless information about media I will never consume, love solving little mysteries that I never knew existed
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valliantknight · 1 year
the funniest shit about my last job was we sold a lot of random items and customers always expected me to know about anything they asked about??? so my ass was on my phone googling shit to learn how something worked so i could then explain it to the customer. and just. googling their questions while standing in front of them was always a riot.
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kirstielol · 2 years
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Passed the fuck out after an evening of causing absolute mayhem
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elitehoe · 2 years
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umbrellainkart · 2 years
of all the times for my ipad to die. it HAS to be when the toh leaks drop.
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erabundus · 1 year
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the yaksha awakens things in him ... and they are all TERRIBLE.
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alittlefrazzled1 · 2 years
oh to be someone little meow meow,,, their blorbo if you will,,,, their skrunkly scrimblo perhaps
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concentratedconcrete · 3 months
i wish i’d known going into college that the little voice telling me to study computer science for the fun IT guy vibes and job security was actually the devil speaking to me
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surunoita · 4 months
i know absolutely nothing about dragons dogma but when i see that god damn sphinx rotate its head i get chills down my spine i'm down bAD
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oliviasmith-18 · 6 months
Buy Brand New Cat Litter Box Enclosure Splash Guard online
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Get the extra large DIY litter box splash guard and keep floors clean This easy to install litter pan splash protector with a bonus mat fits any box to minimize mess. For details visit: https://www.meexpaws.com/collections/litter-box-splash-guard
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whimsicalcotton · 8 months
hi hi sorry unhinged liar satsuki rambling under the cut
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girl same. girl Mood. girl i am vibing with you so hard rn
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seriously!!!! this chapter isn't called relapse for nothing!! somebody get her some tea and a blanket and 80 pounds of ativan plz&thnx
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OUUAAGH!!!!! ouugdfhsjgs UGH!!!!!! she!!!! she's fucked up your honor!!!!! literally cannot express how messed up these panels are. holy balls dude. The Vibes Are Horrific
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your effort is appreciated but unfortunately she has lost every last one of her marbles so good fucking luck. i keep saying it but akira is the only one who could possibly talk her down at this point and even she would have a hard ass time
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satsuki honey i love you dearly but i have to admit you are legitimately Scary rn.
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sunflowers-and-sims · 9 months
Sun Room Medium Charlotte
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Example of a mid-sized classic dark wood floor sunroom design with no fireplace and a standard ceiling
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