yongislong · 2 years
intimate moments + 127
wc/genre: 2,010k... fluff, domestic, angsty?? suggestive? mayhaphs. established relationships with nonidol!127. not proofread oof
cw/note: no cws i dont think but lmk! ty for requesting anon! requests are always open btw hehe! but YUUPP yknow what time it is my first 127 headcannons muahaha so here we go :> mark and haechan are in the dreamies post. i used and and like a lot im SORRY LMFAO but tysm for the support :") i was surprised people liked my other stuff sm! im quite insecure about the way i wrote bc.. i write how i talk haha, its kind of a mess. i wish i could make my posts a lot cuter and stuff but school is tiring, i appreciate all of your love lately though, this was all for myself and first bc i was going through it but im glad people enjoy it! sorry this is so long i just wanted to let yall know a bit more abt me! :D
taeil… cooking: GOD im having taeil brainrot bc he was on that baby show, and him ripping that crab with his bare hands.... sickening. bc UGH he is such husband material. imagining you both in the kitchen cooking and he's genuinely such a menace and you cant hear the music you suggested to play, anymore bc his smooching noises are so LOUD and suddenly the homemade pho you were both attempting to make while wearing matching aprons is on the verge of being forgotten lol. you finally give in after much name calling from him and let him press your cheeks together to give you a wet, loud smooch on your forehead. theres something about cooking to taeil thats so personal and adult-y to him. like oh my god here you both are, sitting in your VERY cute shared apartment, sharing a very nice bowl of noodles as the roses he planted now lay in a small mint green vase on your tiny dining room table. its something about the domesticity of working on something together, enjoying yourselves while doing it AND getting to eat the end product of said hard work, that he finds incredibly fullfilling. sitting across the love of his life. another thing he likes to do is prop his feet next to your right thigh on your chair and you do the same. you guys have your legs resting on each others chairs under the table. sometimes he pulls on the skin of your calf and when you complain you haven't shaven he rolls his eyes and seems to swat your words out of the air in front of him. long story short he just watches you ramble on about your day at work, until he stares for too long and hasn't realized you're practically shaking the life out of him because he never answered your questions about whether or not he gave brina and brita their fish food
johnny... sharing a book: johnny pegs me as someone who's super patient! maybe he's not bc... parasocial relationships LOL but in his interactions with everyone else, like that one jcc where mark doesn't want frozen yogurt and he was so nice abt it! but similarly to renjun, its nice to share something in bed but also both be consuming the same content yknow? he also seems to me like the type of guy who, likes to finish something before moving on to the next big thing WHICH means.... you spending about 5 months going through the entire percy jackson series PFTT. but its SOO GOOD and you both get so into it and after you finish the first two books you immediately both skip lectures or work the next day just to watch the movies and you both lose your minds at how bad they are TT. but yes its such a nice time to unwind! he loves having you lay between his legs, head on his collarbone as his arms circle around your torso to lay the book on your hipbone. he always waits for you to finish before he turns the page ofc! he also bought a little reading light that can be clipped on the the binding of the outside of the book and illuminate the pages in case reading went on a lot longer than expected. the bookmark that holds your place in the story was a polaroid picture of you sleeping HOWEVER it got replaced to a picture of you looking thru a glass of wine and it makes your face look all warped and funny lol. johnny always smiles when he sees it so its a good way to begin reading time hehe. kinda obvious but his body heat + his room + the smell of his lingering cologne on his sheets is chefs kiss, extra points if the apartment still smells like coffee from this morning OR the bottle of red wine he opened that sits on the nightstand </3
taeyong... customizing clothes together: GODDDD ya'll would be the most well dressed couple ever dude. yong is so creative, and i sense that he would want his partner to share his same taste at least when it comes to clothes and art! this isn't something you both do often bc... life lol but it started when you were cleaning out your shared closet. both sprawled on the floor, as you begin complaining about how you've both found pieces of clothing that you felt guilty about throwing away. then! yong suggests going to the craft/vintage store to see if theres any way to up-cycle what you've found. so thats how you spend the summer weekend. sat on the plush fuchsia rug in your living room, surrounded by denim, fabric squares, 80s brooches, lace, ribbon, etc etc as you spend the humid and sticky afternoon binging nana while you both sit in creative/comfortable silence, gluing and pining and sewing things to various articles of clothing. its SO cozy, funk music plays from the mini speaker you guys co-own and at the end of the task, you give each other a private fashion show styling your new clothes! he adores watching you pretend to model and eggs you on sm "y/n you need to consider doing this for real, everything looks good on you its not fair," this day is something that you both remember for a while. there were shared childhood stories, insecurities, dreams and you both were so much more vulnerable because there was something to distract yourselves with. the night ends in an absolute destruction of your living room floor, but accompanied with a cuddle session in his bed, the sounds from the ceiling fan and his heart beat almost make you sleepy, almost missing his whispered compliments and soft neck kisses.
yuta... hair: ok i know this is super vague but as a fellow scorpio who loves doing things to their hair, theres nothing more i want in life than someone to be able to do those things with! like ugh late night hair salon time with yuta, yup. this goes along so well with trust as well. i mean he's letting you cut, dye and style his hair and vice versa. i feel like he'd be with someone who's more edgy and this would be such a raw moment for you as a couple LIKE you're changing each other's appearances and its a time of patience. listening is extremely important as well and whenever you go through a new hair phase, sitting down at the sink and soaking up what the other has to say and practically baring their souls out while the bleach is very much stinging the top of his scalp is really fascinating LMAO, needless to say you guys aren't the typical couple, but it works. the amount of understanding and empathy you've both adopted for one another is lovely! and not to mention is super cute when yuta crinkles his nose, his teeth peeking out just a bit from the opening of his lips, because he absolutely needed a blonde wolf cut and hair is very much getting all over his face. in moments like this he doesn't think he would trade your adorable and super hot according to him concentration face. ALSOOO angsy, hot, jrock inspired couple photos are a must and yes, everyone on campus is jealous.
doyoung... driving: CORNYY BOOO yes ik, but guys? him driving, in that domestic ass button up and black thick rimmed glasses. he needs to be in jail bc he absolutely would be that bf to throw rocks at your window even though, yes you live together and yes its an apartment complex but, he wants you to feel that super giddy like, puppy bunny love again and he almost brought a boombox to play to play head over heels by tears for fears but... too much according to jaehyun lol. so anyways he loves late night drives with you. or any drives really! his favorites are a combination of picking you up late night from work and getting to hear all the drama whilst you guys eay in-n-out in the parking lot. and listen, im not trying to push the doyoung medical student agenda but... i 100% am and his reasoning for these late nights is because he's soooo busy! he feels guilty he doesn't take you out to nicer places and you always have to reassure him that anywhere he goes with you, is automatically a win in your books. its moments like these where he really grasps how lucky he is. oh wow.... you really do love him and it FREAKS him out in the best way. every night always ends sappy bc he's so GROSS geez. he's such a romantic in a way you would never expect. he's not cheesy or arrogant about loving you, and he never considers it something he has to do either. he just fully, truly and honestly wants to worship the ground you walk on. DON'T even get me started on drive-in movies omg. basically his cherry red car is your safe space lol </3
jaehyun... record swapping: tha music man muahaha. my heart tells me you both met in a vintage record store AHH, he saw you and his heart physically ached like when you see a pretty person in public, yeah but x 100 like he got the wind knocked out of him and he fucking drops, the stack of chet baker records he had on hand and his ears look like red bell peppers and he wants to crawl away until you rush over not like run but brisk walking? lol as you help him pick up all the vinyls he dropped.you noticed in between the pile of 50s music he had a limited edition vinyl of on of your favorite bands and that had you whipping your head up and noticing how soft he looked all flushed and dimples peaking out from the thin line on his lips. definition of he fell first but you fell harder ESPECIALLY on ya'll's second/third date. he invited you over to his house and requested you to bring your best albums. AND GODDDD the date was... truly when you fell harder for him. you spent the night swapping albums aka baring your souls and sitting on his kitchen counter as he paces back and forth in front of you as he goes on a tangent about his favorite artist. its like the world slows down and you both leave that date with a new record from the other and a notion that you were definitely falling in love with each other
jungwoo... bubble baths: GAAHHH TT. tell me, that jungwoo wouldn't adore relaxing with a full on bubble bath with you. and i'm talking like bubblegum flavored soap, bath bombs, dried flowers, candles, mood lighting???? its too good. after the first couple of times you've done it, he learns your habits and favorite smells as well as the right way to position you in the tub bc he takes up sm of it LOL. and if you're both tall... you make it work! hehe. but DUDE once he learns how to juggle this intimate activity LMFAO he buys stuff specifically for your sunday reset bubble baths OMG, like that board that stands across the tub just so he can set his laptop on it. yes its just bc he wants to watch disney movies and real house wives while unwinding haha. he's so sweet though, being all pretty with his skin a little glowy because of the steam coming from the water, his eyebrows brush up from when he swiped water on his eyes and his eyes twinkling once he stacks a bunch of bubbles on your head in a makeshift crown. he likes to give u bubbly shoulder kisses BOOOOOOO yes im jealous bc he's perfect and OFC he picks out the perfect pjs and warms them up in the dryer and sits you on the bathroom counter just so he can do your skincare for you </3
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
genuinely makes my day to hear about aus even if it will never be written!! like this is GENUINELY SO COOL??? IM SOOO GIDDY RN EUEUEUEEEUUEU
fanning my face and flapping my hands rn THIS IS SOOOO !!!!!!!!! i love all of the character backstories sm <33 going insane over sandduo going insane over crimeboys goingg insane OVER NIKI AND JACKKK OGOGHOGOHJK and ofc. Tntduo my loves. that's such a smart idea holyshittttt tntduo as detective partners WOULD LITERALLYYYYY SLAP SO BAD THEY R BOTH SO SMART AND WELL SPOKEN AND THE TENSION WOULD BE MWAH CHEFS KISS
also ooohhh polar night phenomenon is so cool and interesting :000 that just reminds me of this one video i just watched on antarctica. learned a lot of disturbing shit about antarctica LMAO including polar madness
i feel the struggle so bad, wishing u luck either way bee o777 and ty for sharing !!!!!!! <333
aaaa thank you icy!!! I'm glad you like hearing about my au ideas even if I never get around to writing them. I do love brainstorming and rambling about things like these
god yeah tntduo as detective partners would go so hard. they bounce off of each other so well and being forced to work together and combine their intellect even if they're arguing the whole time just makes so much sense.
polar night is so interesting!! of course it's also accompanied by the midnight sun phenomenon but I don't find that as interesting as polar night lol. I would love to be able to visit Svalbard at one point during the polar night, especially to see the northern lights
idk what polar madness is but I don't think I wanna know
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bombshelllblonde · 3 months
heyyyyyy im backkk!!!!!!!
invading ur ask box again lol, sorry!!!!!!
this might start being a thing
i totally forgot to mention last time hiw muvh i love lenny, mary-beth and hosea and tilly and MOLLY O SHEA omg
the drinking mission w lenny is one of my favorites, and I LOVE PLAYING DOMINOES W TILLY MY GIRL SHE IS THE BEST
Like yea gurl!!!!! kill the o driscolls!! kill them all!! avenge ur pookie!!! rahhh!!!
Mary-beth and kieran are my blorbs. my pookies. my babbygirls. my schmookums
molly o'shea that woman that she is i love her so so so much
i feel so bad for her tho w her fights w dutch :(
speaking of dutch, idk i have like a neutral (slightly negative) view of him???
i dislike how he treats molly, and w how he treats mary-beth?? (inst dutch also like 40-50 and mary-beth like 20-smth? idk im probably rlly biased in this lol)
ALSO another reason dutch be chosing Micah the rat over what is his basically adopted son??
im definitely biased in this but wtv lmao
but he hasnt really done much so i dont hate him, but i dont like him either
moving on, do yk if theres any way to explore blackwater + south of it while playing as arthur? i wanna get all the dinosaur bones and legendary animals !!
i replayed the 'americans at rest' mission, yk w bill (i think) javier and charles at the bar (towards the beginning of the game)
its so fucking funny i cannot
arthur walks in, uses his amazing charmer skills (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) and then bill runs in, punches a guy therefore starting a bar fight, HERE COME CHARLES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR, arthur gets his ass kicked and then kicks ass and nearly beats the guy half to death
yk when jack grows up and tells epople abt his dear ol uncle arthur that uncle lore drop boutta be CRAZYYYY
did i mention charles throwing a chair? its my favorite part could you tell
i have a pretty neutral view of john marston ig, i kinda hope he steps up and gets the stick outta his ass, starts being a father to jack or smth but im trying not to get my hopes up lmao
thats it for now!!!! hope u have a nice day!!!!
(thanks for responding to these btw! lmk if im bothering u tho, ty for letting me ramble abt my hyperfixation lmao)
okay lsitennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rdr2 has been mt hyper fixation since July of 2022 when my brother in law gave me his old ps4 and the game and i don’t think ive shut up about it since i started playing. My entire personality is rdr2. And my current outlet/therapy is writing my rdr2 fanfiction
it’s gotten to the point where my family has literally started buying me cowboy/outlaw stuff. when I was a teenager i loved owls so everyone got me owl things. now im obsessed with cowboys at 26 years old and every gift I receive has something to do with outlaws
My sister got me a cameo of Roger Clark talking to me as Arthur for my 25th bday and literally nothing has ever topped that. It was the most amazing gift ever and now I have a video of Arthur Morgan saying my name and talking to me about my horses!!!! It’s so amazing I watch it all the time
unfortunately there isn’t any way to explore blackwater as Arthur unless you get like mods or something. the AI immediately roll up and the bounty hunters shoot him dead if you try to get into west Elizabeth
do you know how to play dominoes??? Literally ive only ever played 5 finger fillet in that game because i cant fucking play dominoes or poker bc i don’t know how
also Tilly is amazing just wait until later in the game. there’s a mission that really solidified the love i have for Arthur being the protective older brother
Dutch is sooooo complex and i think that’s why i love him so much. i won’t get too deep into my feels for him just yet bc i want you to keep going without me saying anything but once you get farther into the game we can talk about him!!!
Hosea and Dutch are literally my gay fathers. I love them so much. Their love for each other literally makes my tummy flip I love it so so so much
Also I’d let Charles hit me with a chair too, tbh. Love of my life
I never disliked Molly but I didn’t like her either, I think she’s just too much of a loud mouth. Felt like to me she could have not been in the game and it wouldn’t have changed much. Idk
And John’s complexity we can talk about after you progress a lil further. I honestly don’t want to spoil anything or give it away unless you don’t care about spoilers. But I’m just gonna stay quiet until you let me know 😂😂😂😂
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neyxmessi · 11 months
imagine thinking i wouldnt tell you happy birthday on discord AND on tumblr,,, embarrazzing
cara (im pronouncing it right in my head jus thought you should know) my lil guy!!! idc how old you are you are STILL lil guy. love you so so much youre the sweetest guy n so fun to talk to!!! i love turning on my phone to see that youve been live reacting to house or death note or whatever. very fun. youre so precious n deserve all the love n good things the world has to offer, especially on your birthday!!! hava good one broseph!!
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there thats us
MAXIMUS PRIME TYSM MY G. I love you sm!! And ty for listening to all of my dumb rambles about the tv shows I watch even when I’m sure you don’t want to😭😭 I appreciate your authenticity and you’re such a great joy to be around. Thanks for being the #1 broski ❤️
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masonofthestars · 9 months
WELCOME TO TUMBLRRR Your OCs sound super cool, I'm really interested about the harpy noble and their story :o
heyyy ty! so like basically...
his name is tyleo hes 26 and hes trans and very cool
his mother died after his birth and his father was poisoned by an assassin(ik sooo edgy lol), and he had no other relatives so he was the single heir to all their money, the employees of his manor looked after him
he was pretty much like rich and pampered up until his 21st birthday where he was having a cruise with friends and they were attacked by a mysterious pirate ship, captained by my dood by the name of Zengal. no one really knows anything about them(but i do because im the all seeing eye) but like after their boat was attacked tyleo was the only one who survived and woke up washed up in a small town where no one knew who he was (theres some rambling i have to do about this because i have a ship in mind for tyleo and someone else who is from this town ftytuhj)
anywho yeah he really wants to get rid of the mf who ruined his life did i mention he used to dye his hair and feathers random metallic colors n crap hes also rlly good at poker for some reason totally not a self insert hahahaah have some art i commissoned of him (credits to TheAmina on twt and th i love their art sm ty for the comm)
also why is the quality so crap all of a sudden thats weird
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nulltune · 2 years
lynnnn will u tell us how u first got attached to hakuno and what u like the most about her <3 i want to hear it since i respect urs and ur appreciations for her sm
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UBUBUBUBU THANK U FOR THIS ASK TSUN!!!! I LOVE TALKING ABT HAKUNO AT ANY CHANCE EVER (U KNOW DIS.. IM SURE!!!) SO TY FOR ENABLING ME HEHE ❤️ ofc i will tell u!!!! u could ask me for my credit card numbers and i'd give it 2 u.... 🥺 VDKCHS /J!!! BUT OKOK RAMBLE TIME 4 ME--
not to be dramatic but i remember the first time i saw hakuno so well..... i was scrolling thru instagram when i saw this fanart of sir gilbert gamesh with her (too lazy to search it up rn but it was him whispering sth to her and her laughing!) and no joke, my first thought was who is this mysmes mc looking girl- I WANT TO PUNCH MY PAST SELF SO HARD FOR THINKING THAT BTW. i had vvv limited of fate at the time and only watched the fate/zero anime but i knew gilgamesh is a hard person to get along with (putting it lightly) so i got intrigued at that point. i literally just looked thru her wiki tho ngl. it was when i read a transcript(?) of the fate/extra here and that's when i fell in so deep!!! literally read it all in one go aND BOYYYYY THE FRIKKIN ENDING MAN, THE ENDING!!!!! WHY DONT PPL TALK ABT IT MORE IT LEFT SUCH AN IMPRESSION ON MEEE I WAS IN SHAMBLES 😭😭 i wasn't even playing on getting into ccc but i was in Desperate Need of more hakuno content so.. i read it all the next day. and i loved it!! idk if i was full on Hakuno Luvr at that moment tho, but i liked her a lot 🥺 started actively looking for fanart and even read some fanfic of her too VSJFBSJFJJ (i proceed 2 realize that this is a hella long ramble that does not answer ur q) HMM I DON'T THINK THERE WAS A SPECIFIC MOMENT THAT WAS MY HAKUNO SIMP REALIZATION THO... i fell in love over time <3
but i will say, writing her def gave me a newfound appreciation for her!! i feel like i've 100% gotten a better understanding of her from writing her (tho that's also bc i do be writing her hc-based... ehe☆) and i feel like you could relate to this too tsunniepoo, which is how- you really come to appreciate them for what they Can be too, not just how they were in canon (US WITH YQ HAKUNO BOND TOO BTW 🥺🥺). rping her contributes to that too!!
WHAT I LIKE MOST ABT HER THO..... THATS A HELLA TOUGH QUESTION TSUN!!!! SGFJDHDH IT'D BE FASTER TO ASK ME WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABT HER NGL! skelly asked me this once too (before my thanos snap clean up 😳) and UUUUU THIS IS STILL SUCH A TOUGH Q!!!! i love her as a character so much..... she's so complex and unique, her character development is top notch and the way the cast and the story all play a role in it is just so -CHEF KISS- she is not a static character!!! so much development too, it makes me sad how extella pretty much forgets all of it 😭 but i'm gettin a lil sidetracked here!! i love her as a person toooo i love her personality!! she's so entertaining to follow, i love seeing how she responds to the situations she finds herself and i love!!! Her!!!! BUT IF FORCED 2 ANSWER...... i think my answer would be....
her heart 🥺 which you can really see in my portrayal, i hope!! her interactions with julius is one of my fav things in fate extra Ever, especially when the arena was all messed up and it was pretty much fuuuull of julius's hatred for hakuno but hakuno still kept going on and even tried to understand julius in spite of that!! i love how hakuno literally lost consciousness (even her servant got super worried!! it was That serious!!) just by being there but when she regains her consciousness, all she could focus on was julius's memory she'd just seen and how he seemed to be suffering. and then how the whole time she was just concerned abt julius.... says so much abt her character imo and i love it lots!!! really like how hakuno has been shown time and time again to knowingly risk herself for someone else's benefit and how a huuge thing in extra is always hakuno discovering those very compassionate and human values even when she starts out all hollow and empty :,)
the way she treats others and the morals and values she learns hits soo deep to me and personally really makes me feel some kinda way.. (a good way!) something something she was in a cruel and vicious environment and found out that her entire existence doesn't matter but still has a heart that's big enough to think of others and choose to hold onto kindness to the very end..... 😭😭❤️ veeery interesting too, because it's almost like a parallel to twice, who hakuno could've very much become if she didn't have a heart like hers! (that's a whole nother topic thooo <3) i feel like this trait of hers is soooo important, i really wish ppl noticed it more, it really sucks to not really see much (if not any) of it in extella </3 it's what makes her bonds and connections so realistic and unique imo, and that's my fav thing abt fate extra ;_; it's vvvv natural and not plot-contrived at all, really feels like two individuals developing a genuine bond. ofc it's not Just this character trait that makes me love hakuno...... there is sm to love abt her!!! there are many many little things that make hakuno hakuno that make me luvs her ❤️
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giant-goldfish · 6 years
4, 20, 25 and 26?
this got long sorry :~( i just love dindy
4. Your current campaignit started when a volcano on a small island near a port town erupted, cracking the island in half and revealing an entire sunken temple under it.the party was then hired by magic historian/stay at home archaeologist Salim to go in there and see if they can find this one dagger he read about. it was a pretty basic puzzle dungeon and they did find that dagger, which salim payed them a ton of money for and also baked them cookies.the thing is that temple was for one of the ancient gods, lautan goddess of seas and storms aka “terror of sailors”. this world has two pantheons - the ancient gods and the new gods who took their place. the ancient gods were worshiped out of fear, while the new ones r worshiped out of gratitude.so these three fools stole a bunch of shit from this temple for a long dead goddess and sold it to some guy. turns out lautan is back, which is what made Her Volcano erupt in the first place. that night they got a fun nightmare vision and lautans clearly after them now.every adventure after that is salim hiring these guys to find some magical relics he could study, while lautan is trying to kill them in the bg. we havent played in a while (and were actually doing a halloween one shot tomorrow shh dont tell them) so the whole threat of Ancient Goddess Trying To Kill You is a bit less relevant rn but its cool. she still hates them.the gist of it is basically the old gods all coming back one by one and getting revenge. not that were gonna get there any time soon
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?i havent been playing that long!! i first got into dindy through taz bc im basic like that. i didnt rlly get this deep into dming until i started fatt tho. nothing gives u motivation 2 write like gay gods..
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?to get to that temple and back they got a very overpriced ship ride from salims ex-pirate merchant friend Kale'a, who on the way back tried to attack them. i waited all day for that fun plot twist + cool ship battle and then our wizard uses the shape water cantrip i shouldnt have agreed to give her in this underwater adventure, freezes some sea water and rides back to town on a little block of ice. it was really good
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your charactersthat scene where kale'a turned on them bc i love this bitch, but also two scenes they havent seen yet :~) theyll have a fun time tomorrow im sure.
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knifesxedge · 3 years
hi love im deep in ur art blog for reasons and im SO in love with the fact that ur ghoul has his OWN nickname tattooed on him in party's writing they are SO 🥺 was wondering if you wanted to talk a bit more abt ghouls tattoos??? theyre just SO gorgeous and intricately laid out
HI i LOVE u i am KISSING u i would love love love to talk about ghoul’s tattoos 🥺❤️
^ yeah ghoul & party have each other’s handwriting tattooed!! for party it’s one of the only tattoos they have & it’s right over their heart (im sure ive mentioned this fact before but idk if ive explicitly noted that it says ‘sunshine’) and ghoul didn’t have the space to put his right over his heart because poison’s kj symbol is there so his is on his upper arm (they ARE soooooooo 🥺 i love them)
ghoul’s tattoos are a healthy mix of sentimental ink and things he just thought were beautiful. when he met the rest of the four he didn’t have THAT many tattoos because 1. he was 14 2. he’d only been in the zones for a little under a year and a half at that point but the ones he DID have (aka his oldest tattoos) were his knuckle tattoos (‘freed’ and ‘fuck’ what can i say he was 13), the big raven on his upper shoulder and neck (he started believing in the witch very early compared to other cityborns but yeah that tattoo was both a way of symbolizing his devotion to the witch and a way of marking himself as a killjoy/shedding his past in the city in the way that he considered clearest), the fangs on his hand, two bats on his leg, the zombie bite on the other side of his neck (i could get a little more into this but BASICALLY ghoul being an ex-crow trainee + a cityborn + being the only surviving member of his first crew had a problem with feeling inhuman and a lot of survivor’s guilt and so he really. idk he connected a lot with zombies & frankenstein’s monster and ghosts & the like when he was a runner for dr. d post-his crew’s deaths. he got better about Seeing Himself as a Person especially once kobra + the other two showed up but the fascination remained) (also not tattoo-related but that’s when he chose his name. before that he’d been called ‘sandpup’ by his old crew & he never had a chance to tell them before they passed but he really loved that they used that as a name for him especially with how much he didn’t want to associate himself with the city) (ghoul had A Lot of issues but the difference there is that he worked thru them a lot earlier than the rest of the four) and “I FORGIVE U” on the back of his neck (in remembrance of said former crew).
umm along with that kind of fascination with the undead/feeling that kind of connection are the frankenstein stitches on his wrists (tho thats more of a common hc) and he has this pretty big tattoo of abstracted bones following his vertebrae down his throat and chest that he’s gotten expanded/fixed/touched up over the years. ik i do a lot of b&w doodles but i feel like i’ve been kind of inconsistent about coloring (most of his tattoos are color). pretty sure ive mostly drawn them in green (???) but in my head they’re like a faded light blue using natural skin tone as highlights.
his more sentimental tattoos…let me see if i can outline them here. this might not be exhaustive but i will do my best to list what ive figured out at least thus far:
the two little bats on his right thigh are for his grandmother and little sister. his sister (juliet adele fujikawa, b. april 2009 d. december 2014) was killed in a car crash shortly before he left the city, and likewise, his grandmother (charlotte fujikawa [藤川 千尋] b. june 1936 d. december 2014) was “moved to retirement housing” at about the same time. that was pretty much the last straw & ghoul left battery city within the week
there’s his crewmates’ symbols on his chest (in order from his right to left: kobra, jet, party) (gotten when their crew had been together for a while. dating this one is based on a couple things: 1. ghoul had been with them for long enough that he felt secure 2. poison and ghoul were friends by this point, or else he wouldn’t have included their symbol and 3. poison’s is over his heart so you can read into that as you will)
text from the graffiti bible on his right calf, as protection for his crew & as a reminder of one of his former friends who was a droid that believed very strongly in destroya’s return
his raygun on his chest (he was pretty proud of the design! this was when he was ~15 or 16) that he had poison’s added to post-sing post-engagement pre-commitment ceremony (so. september 2023) (yes i have my handwritten timeline + my own drawings + my fics out in front of me rn cross-referencing sldkdksksbx!)
one of the girl’s childhood drawings (one she drew of him & her & the stuffed animal he made for her when she was a baby all having a tea party together) from when she’s about 5 or so on his right hip (december 2022 or so)
shooting stars on his upper right shoulder, partially because they’re pretty and blend well with his other tattoos and partially because they’re a reminder of a lot of things, including but not limited to his first night out in the zones seeing the stars for the first time, stories his grandma used to tell him, and right when he’d first joined the fab four and him & kobra sat on the roof during a meteor shower
besides the other one i already mentioned ^ he has more of poison’s handwriting on his left inner forearm — this is also one ive mentioned before but once they’ve been in a relationship for a while they get into the habit of leaving little love notes around for each other! there’s nothing particularly special specifically about the one he got tattooed, besides the fact that it reminded him of poison and they love each other. the text in full (which i don’t think ive ever put anywhere, though im pretty sure ive put fragments of it in fics and art) is as follows:
Good Morning baby <3! I needed new paints, went on a run. Kobra has the Girl @ the Crash Track, Jet’s at the station. call me when you wake up! I love you, be back soon. XO Party <3
he also has the anniversaries of when they started dating and their commitment ceremony (03•03•21 and 10•26•23 respectively) on the inside of his right wrist ^ !
he’s got a snake wrapping around his left leg that kobra picked out and a hand of cards with the ace of spades face up that jet picked out (and these ofc are because they remind him of his crewmates!!)
he has the phoenix witch tattooed on his ribs, left side, styled vaguely after catholic saints (since that imagery can still be found in the inner zones & especially where ‘joys who still practice that religion gather!)
there’s a version of the eye from the mailbox on his right shoulder, and this one is also a sort of symbol of protection/good luck, to show devotion to the witch and to help protect himself and his crew
the constellation libra on his left forearm! this one was done a little while after he started running transmissions and supplies for dr. d! he liked the connection that astrology — whether he believed in the practice or not is up for debate — gave people to the stars, and the feeling that he had a place in the universe, predestined or not
after charlie is born, he gets a portrait of her (~age 4) with her name and birthday underneath done on his left thigh! (~2036)
and on his lower back, he has a fairly simple tattoo of two crows on a wire with their beaks pressed together (aughhhhhh romance) that he gets done as an anniversary surprise for their 10-year (so. 2033)!
his non-sentimental tattoos are largely based off of images from books, either from dr. d’s collection when he was working as a runner for him or from cherri’s after he joined up with the fab four, or else they’re naturally occurring in the zones!! this includes but is not limited to: california golden poppies on the back of his left shoulder, strawberries around his left bicep (he doesn’t ever have a strawberry until he’s like 35, this one is absolutely based off of a particularly pretty illustration), a thundercloud with lightning on his left elbow, a moon on his right inner bicep, a ring of thorns around his right forearm right under the elbow, a dagger on his inner left calf, and a sun, small bat, cross, rose, ribbon (with the word ‘faith’ in script), and wing on his right forearm and hand, all picked from flash sheets
so yeah! that’s about everything i have to say about ghoul’s tattoos atm but ty ty ty sm for letting me ramble abt them i think about his tattoos so much 😔❤️
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scamoosh · 2 years
“every dr antagonist is nonbinary and gay” omg please talk abt nonbinary byakuya and kokichi I would love to hear ur thoughts! Only if you want to though of course :)
YES OFC!!!! waa ty 4 encouraging my rambling hehe
-byakuya has always had a taste for the finer things in life!!! i feel like at first he leans into the comfort of material items that assert his superiority over other people but eventually he reaches a realization that he also likes expensive jewelry bc it makes him feel pretty!! he likes gold and diamonds for their value but also for the way they make him look a little more delicate.
-i feel like it takes him a long time if ever to rlly identify with any label and its more just a shrug abt not rlly caring how hes perceived gender-wise as long as ppl still realize hes a Big Deal who deserves Respect😤
-also if we r bringing up his drag persona i also feel like thats smth he does 4 fun and self expression at first and then also realizes he might like leaning into femininity outside of drag as well. he/she byakuya kind of poggers imo
-kokichi was always kind of an outcast so hes used to not fitting in but he still dislikes being made fun of for certain things :v like being laughed at for being a boy who wears nail polish and hes not sure Why that specifically bothers him sm but it does and then he realizes its bc hes not a Boy wearing nail polish hes just a person
-scene kid kokichi lol :) finds little ways 2 b more expressive thru that culture :)c his friends make him kandi bracelets and hairclips and belts and u name it and they give him fun heavy eyeliner and body glitter and for a while playing into that persona gives him a little bit of comfort (bc we kno he is a person comforted by hiding being personas lol) and eventually kind of shyly starting 2 let that stuff bleed into who he actually is rather than trying 2 brush it off as smth thats irrelevant or just for fun its smth that makes him feel good :)
-also i think he likes funny little nicknames :) he likes when gendered terms r disregarded he'll take being called maam or king or dude or girl or whatever he likes it all. hes shuichis girl boyfriend 😌 or kaitos or whoever else ppl ship him with. i like he/she/they kokichi :)
-plus if u consider that one button on his outfit yellow all the colors of the nonbinary flag are in his sprite hehe >:)
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jupitersmiles · 3 years
I NEVER SLEEP SO YES I SAW YOUR RESPONSE AND KDNFCKSKSMFM IM IN LOVE AITH YOU??? THATS IT??? YOU LITERALLY OWN MY HEART BYE✋i cannot explain the way in which you made my heart melt, just the understanding that it is in your hands you beautiful angel you :’)
but!! for the ask game! 🐰🍯 and🍼! ramble as much as you want and i’ll read every single word! also i miss you sm and i hope you’re doing well! i love you and i’m always thinking of you <3
i love you !!
thank you babydoll, i appreciate it :(( i love u so much !! i miss u too, but ‘m getting better; i’ll be back soon <3
🐰 - do you believe in soul mates?
yes !!!! definitely !!! absolutely !! twin flames, soul mates; i love the thought of them. the thought that, someone out there is the perfect half of you; through trial and error, someone is out there, someone that is perfect for you. it’s not just that, but the idea of multiple soulmates. we we’re made amongst the stars, our souls soon divided once completed, sent down to the earth with stardust being the ichor in our blood. but who says it divides into a perfect two ? who says the stars birthed you with only one other beside you ? there are trillions of stars above us, darling, and there is too much space wasted for only two. you cross people who sat across of you during the weaving of your being; you grow, meet them, and though they are not the one, they are still your platonic soulmate. you trust them, love them, and they love you too.
so, in short, yes !! i absolutely believe in soulmates-- all kinds of soulmates. whether they be platonic or romantic, i firmly think our souls are united with another on this earth, and the process of finding that severed string and tying it back to yours is something i adore !!
🍯- describe your favorite smell
citrus; dulcetly sweet with undertones of tang. almost as good as its taste, it wafts through the air, bringing a sense of serenity as it brushes past you and welcomes you into the room. its the smell of an early-summer snack during noon, warm and inviting, and ever so enrapturing.
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
my favorite memory has to be when my older cousin often slept over my house. with us being close as knots, we always hung around eachother, playing games and goofing off. this one time when he was sleeping over, we had been goofing off, trying to become “vine famous” dont ask, we were hopeless HASGAJ  us being kids, we went through trial and error to make something we deemed worthy to be funny enough to post and make us “world famous”. so, the best thing we thought of was me recording him dramatically falling out of frame, acting like an old man and screaming because he was wildly attacked by a snake. we laughed for hours, replaying that video and thinking it was the funniest thing we had ever captured (it was not.) we posted it on instagram, got 5 likes, and then quit trying to become all-famous vine-stars LMAOJASDJ
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antpelts · 3 years
multiples of 1 for the wc asks :]
;;;; jgfdlkgjdl puts this under a cut bc itll be so long but,, ty
1. what color is scourge’s collar?
i think like.. idk i never really cared too much but my brain always went to red or purple i wasnt picky tho fkgkdfklgj
2. top 5 the prophecies begin characters
oh.. okay like.. im not gonna go thru everything otherwise i probably wouldnt be able to pick but! these also arent in order
1. bluestar absolutely.. god i love her sm;; ive already rambled about her to you but she makes me fucking ache sm 2. brackenfur/thornclaw gonna put these boys together here because like i liked both of them for.. almost no reason? FDGDFGDF idk!! i think i liked thornclaw just a bit more but.. my boys!! 3. cinderpelt ... no explanation required <3 no just.. yeah ;_; i cry over her so much just.. like.. the tragedy to like her accepting and loving herself and becoming an amazing med cat and and ;;;;;;;;; i love her 4. tallstar and crookedstar..... leaders of my two fav clans.... need i say more <3 (ive also told you about these two and why i like them ;; both their books made me cry) 5. barley and ravenpaw ...... yeah ;_; <3
special mention for littlecloud and runningnose.. i loved them-- OKAY I NEED TO STOP IM AT WAY MORE THAN FIVE
3. should hollyleaf have had a power?
i say no!! the fucking.. tragedy of it all.. like its been a while since i read but fuck dude the like.. feelings of uselessness that must come with that but like shes a fucking complete cat either way and when she comes back and fucking sAVES IVYPOOL OH IM MAKING MYSELF TEAR UP shes AMAZING and did not need a power
4. millie or silverstream?
both! ;_; they dont need to fight. tho i think i did like silverstream more at first i dont think i ever hated millie like others
5. favorite forbidden romance
oh god lmao gonna only go with canon stuff [side eyes moth/leaf] buttttttt i mean ;; bluestar and oakheart ;; itll always make me ache yknow.. -- WAIT CAN I ADD CLOUDTAIL AND BRIGHTHEART TO FAV CATS TOO ILL CRY OVER THEM SOBS... -- uhhhhhh i never super liked leaf/crow just.. shrugs. ig it wasnt forbidden but stormfur staying with the tribe for brooke.. ;;;;;;; and to stay where feathertail died.. GOD ;_; yeah.. idk does tall/jake count ;;;
6. favorite sss warriors design
tbh i didnt really watch sss warriors but we love a nice just.. orange boy firestar :3
7. realistic or sparkle designs for roleplay?
its about balance........ ive had both! i liked leaning towards realistic but to this day id say i fall between like.. not realistic wrt genetics but making designs that Seem plausible at least
8. first deviantart username
oh god i dont remember prolly something like.. with mossmask in it
9. favorite crack ship (ex. revengeshipping)
it.. Was revenge shipping but like i never knew the crack ships klfgjkfdlgj :sob: yeah tgat was the only one i like ever saw so
10. describe your first warriors oc
technically.. jaymoss who i dont remember much? gray tabby? very quickly was revamped into/replaced by mossmask who to this day is who i consider my first oc and sona.. theyre a calico :3
11. favorite amv prior to 2014?
oh god ill have to look.. hm okay so.. bones shatter was a fucking CLASSIC i loved it okay.. so off the top of my head here we go.. the one firegray one of course and bonus this firegray one too klfdgjdklfg AND I LOVED THIS ONE FUCKING ASHFUR FAIRYTALE i wanted to have art like that for a few months i tried to emulate it lkjgldkfgj and god i loved duckfeatherz stuff.. the why did you change one... AND THE SWIFT AND BRIGHT ONE FDGJDFLGK FUCKING [SCREAMING CAT] GOD I LOVED IT.. ;;;;; fuckin.. god.. they ..... ;; [IM WATCHING IT RN FUCKING THEY AND NOSTALGIA ILL CRY] okay okay fucking of course obligatory [what if ashfur wanted to break] of course god 9 year old me loved it.. kfdjgkdfg OH AND THIS ONE BROUGHT BACK SO MANY MEMORIES IMMEDIATELY.. SCOURGES FLAWED DESIGN YES KDLSFJSDKL and god.. ashfurs hurt.. i watched this so much the voice acting in amvs god yes... I STILL THINK OF THIS SONG AT RANDOM EVEN THO I NEVER LISTENED TO IT OUTSIDE OF THIS VIDEO!!!! THE FUCKING LKJFLKFJGDLKG !!!!!!! AHHHHHH fucKING AHH [HELP ME HELP YOU] [IT HURTS WHEN UR LONELY AND IM STANDING RIGHT BESIDE YOU AND IT HURT WHEN YOU TOLD M--] [ITS JUST A MATTER OF HOW MUCH U LET IT SLIDE!!!!!!!!] [HOPE U NEVER HURT HOPE YA NEVER CR--] GHFGHFG GOD ;;;; like i hate ashfur being a bitch but i loveddddd this amv :sob: also.. leafpool is sober of crowfeather i ;;; this song gets me to this day also i viscerally remember the voice acting god kljfg i loved this one so much.. i still think of tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan sometimes too klfjgdfg and,, okay
i hate to pick a favorite but i feel like this one changed the trajectory of Me...... like ive always loved the song but this amv cemented it as like one of my songs of all time and i loved the designs and video and... literally i love this one so.... of course... ashfur - mr brightside.. my fucking BELOVED
12. is brambleclaw a good main character?
i read the books like so young i hear he got shittier? like.. i liked him when i was like.. 10-13 reading the books i liked all the journey cats tbh so
13. rank the clans (excluding skyclan, including bloodclan)
windlcan/riverclan shadowclan thunderclan bloodclan
in my opinion <3
14. dovewing or ivypool?
i like.. liked ivypool a lot.. maybe related to her <3 but.. i like them both a lot up to where i read at Least
15. daisy: yay or nay?
i liked her!
16. did you ever use fanart as your pc wallpaper?
yes. including my own <3
17. what would your warrior name be and what clan would you belong to?
mossmask <3 of course <3 [rolling eyes] half clan river and windclan kljgdfklgj yeah.. could never pick.. honestly i mean.. shadowclan grew on me recently but in my mind.. mixed clan and it goes between whether moss would be wind or river
18. favorite medicine cat? (cutoff being oots)
ughhhh idk i liked a lot of em ;; runningnose cinderpelt brambleberry yellowfang.... thats without looking it up so <3
19. did you name/want to name a pet after a character?
i wanted to! never did.. still might name a cat moss in honor of mossmask
20. swiftpaw, gorsepaw, or shrewpaw?
swiftpaw.. like i dont remember the other two as much in my mind and swiftpaw really got to me as a kid ;;
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bellanut · 3 years
Tumblr media
Spastic rambling thoughts about this kings concert!
I’m still reeling I need to see that concert again NOW NOW NOW. Every SM artist get your notepads out THATS how you do it. For me there’s been a disconnect and awkwardness and just something missing from every other virtual concert I’ve seen so far, but this one blew all of that out of the water. It was like baring witness to a strength and PRO LEVEL from BBH that i didn’t know was in him. And I already had a high opinion of him 😂.
That was honestly taemin levels of production, like you could tell they considered every detail. I’m normally annoyed by the camera work in these shows, it feels like shitty music show cameras going through the standard movements and tricks in a cookie cutter way, but this? Fuck, whoever directed knew what they were doing. The way the camera moved was immersive and artistic without being distracting. And the angles they used oh my god THANK YOU FOR THAT. The stages were gorgeous and felt theatrical like a proper show, like it didn’t just feel like a standard SM soundstage, you know? UGH AND THE SOUND. Sometimes they over produce to the point where it doesn’t even sound live anymore, and other times the sound is kind of tiny and thin which feels cheap, but this sounded rich and deep while still feeling live (he had enough runs and belts and minor off key moments for it to be clear his mic was most definitely ON). His vocals are fucking insane I honestly don’t think he’s ever performed better, and he wasn’t lowballing behind backing tracks, his voice was the main event. I’m also impressed with how well he paced himself. It felt all out and theatrical, but I think he strategically restrained himself enough to still absolutely murder the vocals. Perfect choices, every single one.
And the VCR telling a story, tying the mood of the stages together aaahh that felt so nostalgic and like a true concert. Whyyyy haven’t other shows been doing that?!?
The connection with the audience was finally good too, it did actually feel like you were there with him 🥺. They nailed the tech and the approach. The timing of when the audience was audible, the volume, loud enough that they could yell out and actually interact with him. And of course BBH is a master of joking right back and being at ease playing with Eries. I mean the show literally ended AND HE LEFT THE VENUE and still he came back to just sit and chat for another half an hour. And the encore oh god that was ADORABLE. The way he led the audience like he was nervous it might not work. SO CUTE.
CRYING OVER ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS WITH MY ANSWER AT THE PIANO + BLACKING OUT OVER THE CALL ME BABY GROWL BLOOMING DAYS STAGE 🤯🤯. He absolutely nailed the exo energy all on his own. Baekhyun center stage main vocal lead dancer carrying exo songs I’m so proud of him ☺️
YOUNG TO TROUBLE TO GHOST ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I’ve always wanted to hear baekhyun cover trouble and groove on his own, I can’t believe at least 50% is real life now. He really did have the benefit of this being his first solo concert, like of course it was going to be exciting because so much of it was new. I laughed when he said he couldn’t do another concert tomorrow because he’d used up all his bullets. Yeah, he went all out.
UGH AND THE NEW SONGS WERE SO GOOD TOO. perfectly playfully thotily baekhyun.
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valkyrieskwad · 4 years
ohmyGOD smokejumpers is getting me right in the literal heart! i cant put it into words but im in the exact place kara is in rn and going to therapy now and like trying and its hard but also good and helping and idk. i just. i get it. and youre writing of how it feels and alexs reaction is like spot on of my older brother im living with. and just all of it is so real. and the gender thing and the nuance of needing to be vs wanting to be i just get it sm. and lord that ending. ahhh thank youu
think youre my fave sc writer ever. think you have been for a while now and its just been building with each new story. i swear i think each one is my new favorite and i only feel that way with your words. the emotional intensity and intelligence paired with character growth and learning to trust and soft understanding and comfort and healthy dynamics eventually and the banter and way you understand those two and the chemistry and the *ahem* lovemaking. its just all so beautiful and perfect ty
ok ill stop w the spam sorry but just when you write kara struggling and panicking with the compliments because her first gf used them in a way that made kara feel like she had to make herself small so others could feel bigger. idk i legit teared up reading that i felt so incredibly seen. i never knew how to phrase it but thats so acutely and specifically how i feel and react and my ex used to say stuff like that and i think i fell into that habit with her and its been really hard shaking it
these could be all from the same person, or i could be wrong haha--so i will both reply to these all at the same time and separately.
1: i’m really happy it feels like something people can relate to! i’ve been experimenting with that a lot in my writing lately, trying to make the characters feel as uncomfortably real as possible, so it always makes my day when someone’s like yeah! i get that. i’m glad therapy is going well for you, too! thanks so much for this!!
2:  thanks so much! that means a ton in a fandom packed with incredible writers, so that’s high fucking praise, friend. i think i mentioned it before, but i really just want to show some characters being there for each other, setting boundaries, building something healthy, you know? like i get it, people can be fucked up and fuck up good things, but like we can also build good things and fix shit that’s broken. but TV never seems interested in writing that haha, or writing it without killing someone off immediately after lol. thanks so much for sending this, it made me do a dumb, too big smile. i really appreciate you.
3:  i’m sorry you had to experience that, but i think it’s a situation we’ve all been put in one way or another--whether you’re too smart as a woman in a group of men and have to down play it, or something else--so i thought it felt important to write about and think about how that impacts your view of yourself as you go on. there’s always the thing about how people aren’t afraid of failing, they’re afraid of succeeding, and i think shit like this plays a big role in it. and yadda yadda im rambling, but thanks for dropping in, glad i could put this in words for you!
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j4nn4s · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @isakvdhflorenzi, ty miss lorena <3 1. Is the social media presence of the characters important to how you view the quality of the remake/show?
hm well skam nl is my favorite and their social media game is trash LMAOOO so generally No but i do feel like remakes who DO have such a good presence kind of elevate the show and i think it’s pretty heartwarmin to see some remakes go sm farther than skam with social media and puttin out educational and IN CHARA resources like skames does this so well and i feel like in that way, the team is really really spreadin skam’s spirit via these resources (like joana’s billion bpd awareness ig accounts and lucas rubio’s yt channel)
2. Least favourite clip of the show? Why?
tbh there are definitely some duds but probably one of the clips with sana gettin herself into a hole in s4 just bc some were hard to watch cus cringey or yikes .... idk i cant think of others LMAO
3. Which character did you feel the most connected to and why?
ijeoiqjiwoij even tho even is my all time fave skam chara, i have to say isak for all of these reasons 
4. Your least favourite part of every season?
season 1 - tbh even though i really enjoyed this season, it does take a while for it to build up like i rmr at first not being that interested until ep6 maybe ?? which is hard when you’re trying to get your friends to watch but they have to wait until ep6 before shit starts RLLY buildin up and gettin wild
season 2 - hm ig noora chasin after william ??
season 3 - bro NOTHINGGG call me a purist but its such a refined masterpiece like the pacing is good the characterization is so good ugh i deadass cant think of anythin
season 4 - i always felt a little ??? w noora being sana’s bff ig bc from s1-s3 it didn’t Feel like they were that close like even in noora’s pov, sana wasn’t really a part of it that much ?? like eva was more of noora’s bff ?? so i feel like it would have made more sense if maybe sana spoke more with chris or vilde bc sana and vilde eventually seemed to get closer esp with kosegruppa and chris has always been by sana’s side ?? idk that always confused me
5. What is your opinion on the cast’s participation on social media? Do you prefer it when the cast aren’t that involved like the Skam cast, or do you like a lot of content like the Fr cast do?
tbh i don’t care much abt the casts LMAOOO if anythin it kind of brings more harm as seen with the harassment axel and maxence get and also can bring more controversy like with irene (which honestly is p sad considerin how much i love skames bc now i feel super :/ watchin it like she shouldve just had private accts at this point)
6. Favourite song you found from Skam or the remakes?
OMFGGG love this question .... def doorman by slowthai and mura masa bc its one of my fave songs now and i got it from skam nl <3 ugh taste
7. If you could decide which characters from Skam got a season, who would you choose?
OOOHHH ugh torn bc i like isak’s pov but also i want even’s so might have to forfeit isak season for even season ....... hm so probs vilde, sana, even, noora (maybe not w william tho) and honestly maybe jonas too ??
8. Are there any moments that you liked in the show that everyone else seems to hate?
IJXDWQOIJJ yes .... remakes-wise, people hate skam nl s2’s last half but i enjoyed it for the most part ... i think the pacing was off for the last ep but personally, clip 50 made up for it and is p god tier imo ..... and also don’t think the first half of ep10 is enough to discredit the entire season bc i rlly loved seeing liv’s pov and have sm fave moments from the season 
but skam wise, omg might get a lil controversial w this one IM SORRY !!! im bein honest and its Just my opinion ok 
personally s2 got me more invested than s1 and i don’t think its a super bad season like i didnt really say many problems wrong with it until i got on tumblr wiejioqjoiqjq i was sort of interested in the questions that the noora/william dynamic brought up which is, as expressed in william’s war speech to noora, that nothing is ever black/white which i feel was a huge message and feeds into the ‘you never know what ppl are going through’ theme of the season ... like i like the idea of someone like noora, who can have a black/white mentality (as seen in the first clip of s2 when she tells vilde that they can’t have the tannin company as their sponsor bc they objectify women or smth but misses the context and what it could mean for the bus monetarily bc shes caught up in bein ‘woke’) having to break out of that and see more than one side ... and i think remakes like skam austin expanded on this idea well like when zoya was like ‘must be so nice being right all the time’ which i Do feel like is an important for youth to know today .... bc i think its so easy to get caught up in the idea of being so objectively right and morally superior that people lose sight of the more nuanced characteristics to life ... (omg long ramble BUT)
also LMAOOOOO this one might be more controversial as it pertains to bench scene s4 ok oops again doNT GOTTA AGREE !! ........ but i feel like the scene had a lot of good intentions ... i was def kind of cringing a bit tho bc i understand the subject’s sensitivity and how these topics are hard to talk about but i genuinely feel like they both made Some points and should listen to each other .... like as Hard and as maybe ‘unwoke’ it is to admit, unfortunately you sort of do have to answer the tough questions bc that way we learn from each other .... and i perfectly understand why some ppl wouldn’t want to do this and i certainly am tired abt havin to answer shit abt my sexuality or stupid male questions abt women but if u dont answer them, people do go lookin for answers still and the internet is such a shitty place that its pretty easy (esp with youtube’s algorithm) to lead you to ignorant ppl and perhaps radicalization .... questions help us to better understand our community and sometimes they can have good intentions too but we have to ask and answer them or else people will make up answers (which ive literally seen and its honestly worse to see fake as shit and UNINFORMED answers bc ppl did not want to ask you or ppl of ur identity, esp when they’re already startin from a place of hate .... but i rather have ppl ask me patronizing questions than have them spread false info bc that can do much more harm in the long run) however i DO think that isak should also consider sana’s side and i sort of wish we saw him conceding more bc they both have smth to learn from one another, like sana shouldn’t just be learnin from isak, isak needs to learn from sana too
PHEW SORRY QWIOJQWIO girl i just got opinions on some things this is when my desc rlly comes in handy .... oqjdwqioj
9. What did you learn from the show?
omg honestly too much to write here tbh ..... but if it says anythin im (very slowly) in the works of a three part skam essay about basically how skam teaches us to be better humans and how to better treat the people we care about diowjqioj essentially the three biggest themes of the show: you never know what someone is going through so always be kind, always communicate with your friends, and no person is ever alone and i feel like these are definitely rlly good messages to live by (also livet er nå BITCH !!!)
10. What is your favourite headcanon about your favourite characters?
omg tbh i could not tell u at all how the skam charas are doing except i hope even is okay thats all im thinkin of ok .... OIWXIOJX omg remakes wise tho ..... honestly im so bad at this girl IDK !!!!! LMAO i have to really think i have a bit of vdh and dutch even but thats bc we know like Zero abt them so its easier oijwiojqio idk liv and noah bein cute as shit ..... OH WAIT personally i feel like janna got a bunch of pansexual energy so my BIGGG hc is that she’s pan also bc she’s one of my all time fave charas and my fkn url so itd be dope if she was pan ok boom
11. What is your opinion on fanfiction in the fandom?
tbh i don’t read skam fanfiction but i don’t mind reading some from the remakes (tho still its rare) ... eiojeioqw i just don’t trust anyone but julie to write skam charas bc i think that’s how precious the show is to me LMAO like idk everything ive seen of skam fanfiction and ficlets and one shots, i could never get into bc the tone is just so out of character or there will be lines that just take me out of the fic bc im like this !!!! is not !!! how the chara acts !!!! so yeah idk not rlly a fan bc of my purist ass but i dont mind others reading it
1. Favorite quote of the show?
2. Which country would you like to see have the next remake? Do you have any headcanons?
3. Which season would you rewrite and how would you rewrite it?
4. What clips do you personally like or don’t mind, but others hate?
5. Which songs do you think SKAM or the remakes should have included? For which moments?
6. Who would you give SKAM season five to and what topics and themes would it cover?
7. What moment spoke to you or touched you from SKAM the most?
8. How did you find SKAM? How did you feel about it right after watching?
9. Have you shared SKAM with any friends in real life? What did they think of it?
10. Of the remakes, which characters are your favorite of their SKAM counterparts? (Ex. who is the best Vilde remake? Eva? etc.)
11. How do you feel about the SKAM (and remakes) tumblr fandom?
I tag: @smileykeijser @whatadaze @queenofpurgatoryx @itlukey @skamyeets @shaykeijser @megeliz01 @isakcijser @wackpainterkid @axelauriantblot @kar-d-momme
(omg ik some of yall have been tagged so just ignore if u dont want to do it ok im srry it was in the RULES!)
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luminecho · 3 years
Oh!!!! if its echo loving hours i have something so say pls!!!! okay so hi echo! i havent known you very long but STILL LIKE HELLO YOURE VERY SWEET AND NICE AND POLITE- AND CARING bUT ALSO VERY FUNNY I LOVE SEEING YOUR POSTS ON MY DASH i just see them and poinbt like the spider meme like "yo that one! that ones so cool!" AND ITS SO COOL TO BE ABLE TO INTERACT WITH YOU YK LIKE READING YOUR STUFF AND SENDING THINGS ON ANON i keep sending anon things about you getting into undertale BECAUSE THATS SO COOL TO ME ITS SOMETHING I ENJOY SM SO SEEING YOU GET JOY OUT OF IT IS HHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNN (/pos)
i love your writing sm!!! and your ideas that you brainstorm THEYRE SO COOL AND YOURE MY MAIN SOURCE OF FOUR CONTENT AND THATS SO COOL BECAUSE HES SUCH A COMFORTING CHARACTER also!!! my minds going a mile a minute sorry im hopping topics KSJDLKJDSF youre so bright and warm i love seeing how excited you get in tags it just makes me happy too????? idk why and i hope its not weird to say??? KSJDLKJDSF BUT YEAH THATS ALL TY TAKE CARE <3
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ermuellert · 7 years
So you're from the United States, right? How did you get into football, I mean it isn't that big over there as for instance in Europe and South America. Don't get me wrong I admire that you love football as much as most of the world does, but you know Americans often seem to... underestimate "soccer". On the other hand most (not all of course) of us dislike american football, so I in no way mean to blame US culture. Anyway I'm just interested in your thoughts and perspective. Lots of love
first of all thank u sm for this ask?? i love anons sm wow okay
i have a feeling this will be a long one and i dont wanna make people suffer so everything’s below the cut! 
yes!! im from the usa youre right about that
i got into football a lil before wc14 when my phys ed class started its ‘soccer’ unit (idk how phys ed classes work for yall but for me its always been that we have different units focusing on baseball, american football, weight training, etc) and i’m a v unathletic person!! but for whatever reason football just rlly clicked with me and i like lowkey rlly fell in love with it idk how to explain it tho its the only sport that i’ve ever enjoyed playing
but anyway that was a solid amt of time before wc14 began and when it did begin i think i just randomly started watching it like it was on tv one day and i was goin thru channels and saw it and was like !!!!! bc it was a sport that i’d just recently fell in love with and i’d always heard about it but never watched so i thought ‘why not’ and ever since i’ve been obsessed!! yikes 
and tbh you’re p right i mean most of the people i know prefer basketball or american football but i do know a handful of people that rlly love football but all of them are people that actually play unlike my lazy ass so theres that 
i think that most of the people i know think football is mostly ‘boring’ like ive had multiple convos with diff people asking me why on earth i watch it when its 90 minutes of guys running around with a ball and im ??? ? but yeah :/ i suppose thats why basketball is considerably more popular but for the rest i literally have no idea bc american football and baseball are pretty boring to me but thats just personal preference lol 
but!! i do think football is becoming more popular here so i’m happy about that!! i just dont think it’ll ever be viewed the same way it is in european countries or if it ever does it’ll take a longass time :/
also what i think is worth noting is that well idk how it is in europe since i dont live there but the football fandom on tumblr is on a totally different level than the fan community irl here at least in my experience lmfao like here we keep up with all the transfer rumors and all the lil dramas in players’ careers and personal lives but if i ever tried to speak about those specific trivial things that i know about random players irl?? smh id get rlly odd looks lemme just say lmfao is it that way in europe?? like do football fans rlly stay on top of things like tumblr football fans do or ?? bc i’ve not had a rlly fulfilling discussion about football irl ever.... :/
wow i just rambled on and on aimlessly for paragraphs big yikes i dont even know if this was a solid response?? hopefully it at least kind of answers things?? lmao
thank u sm again!! js i love receiving asks like this omg ty ty ty ty
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