#TW: Sickness
theangrypomeranian · 2 days
"I wanna write!" no energy because I'm sick
"I wanna read!" no energy because I'm sick
"I wanna cook something!" no energy because I'm sick
"I wanna be a functioning member of society!" no energy because I'M SICK WHEN WILL MY SUFFERING END
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comatosebunny09 · 11 months
fever dream | astarion a.
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genre(s): fluff, angst
warning(s): language, self-indulgent, sick!reader, astarion’s a little ooc
now playing: the night does not belong to god - sleep token
notes: very self-indulgent because i’m sick and needed some comfort and @nanaoise08squad inspired me to finish this. thank you for reading, lovelies! ❤️❤️❤️
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Somehow, the sun shines brighter today. Glaringly so.
You hold a hand to your temple to shield your eyes from its brilliance. Your armor feels heavier, too. Like boulders stacked on your shoulders and chest, making it harder to breathe. You force out a groan that’s gritty like ash. Trudge down the steps leading outside the inn to join your companions, your limbs weighted and achy.   
“I hate to point out the obvious, darling.” Astarion grimaces with his hands curled to his chest in revulsion. He ducks away from the sight of you. Winces as you take a labored step forward, your balance thrown to the hells.
“But you look like utter shit.”
You scoff, phlegm making itself known in your throat.
What a way to be greeted by the love of your life.
“You sure are a flatterer, aren’t you, Astarion?”
You’re sure to drag out the vowels of his name—or perhaps your words are a little slurred due to whatever ailment took hold of you today. Nevertheless, you jab a finger between his ribs, your face twisting into something haughty.
You wonder if it was worth the exertion as your vision and body sway along with the trees, and your head pounds something menacing whilst a wave of vertigo hurtles into you.
Astarion catches you when you pitch forward, your legs unable to grasp the rhythm of walking. And there are suddenly two of him. Two little ‘starions calling your name, fretting over you, shaking you to keep you amongst the conscious.
You feel like lead. Feel yourself sinking below the surface, unable to return.  
Your lids shutter as if weighed down by sandbags. The muddled shouts of your friends trickle in, each tinged with varying degrees of concern. You register hands all over you, patting and pulling. Register a strained voice yelling stop, and the frantic touching ceases.  
Before you fully succumb to the darkness, there is the sensation of you being lifted up, followed by the earthy scent of bergamot flooding your senses, and it furls around your heart.
Then, there is nothing.
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Something savory draws you from the inkiness of your sleep. It curls around your mind, luring you into consciousness.
You caution a sound, your throat rubbed raw from disuse. You slowly open your eyes, and the bleariness gradually morphs into discernible shapes and colors. Somehow, this place feels familiar.
You’re back in your rented room. Nestled in the plushness of a mattress with too many pillows and sheets soft as linen. You will yourself onto your elbows, wincing at the stiffness of your neck. The pain is manageable. Better than it was before, you note, leisurely ingesting your surroundings.
A lone candle flickers on the nightstand, swathing the room in its bronze glow. Moonlight seeps through the curtains lining the window across. The faint symphony of crickets accompanies the murmur of the inn’s other patrons and the groans of the floorboards beyond your doorway.
Bloody hell.
How long have you been out?
On cue, the doorknob rattles, and a slither of light leaks in. The swell of noise outside commands your attention. You stiffen, fingers instinctively twitching for a weapon. But your bones settle as a thatch of white creeps into your vision from the threshold.
“Well, hello there, Sleeping Beauty,” Astarion breathes. He toes the door shut, a steaming bowl of deliciousness cupped in his palms. Takes a few steps forward, rounded eyes flashing amber beneath the candlelight.
You recognize that aroma. The hearty scent which roused you from your sleep. Your stomach gnarls with life as Astarion nears the bed, donning that smug little mask.
“Hungry, are we?”
You nod enthusiastically, garnering a chuckle from the room’s other occupant. Suddenly self-conscious of how eager you are whilst he hands you the bowl, his fingers slinking away from yours as if he’s touched simmering coals.
“Courtesy of Gale,” Astarion supplies. “I can’t guarantee how good it tastes considering—well, you know. Undead and all that.”
His smile is tight-lipped. Guarded as he settles himself on a stool beside you, his spine straight and his ankles crossed. He helps you sit up against the headboard despite the unease permeating the air. Quickly retracts his hands to press them against the wood of his seat between his thighs, surveying your room.
You take some time to study him. Note that his eyebags seem more prominent than usual. Darker. Hair’s a little tussled, skin a bit paler. His shirt sits rumpled around his shoulders, the fastenings of it done all wrong. Worst of all, he has not looked at you for longer than a few beats. Like you’re made of glass and will shatter if he stares for too long.   
A pang shoots through you, searing hot like lightning.
He was worried.
Worst of all, he was worried about you.
You’re no longer hungry, your stomach twisting as you gaze down at the stew bleeding warmth into your palms. You set it on the nightstand with a decisive clunk, quietly receding into yourself. Silently relenting to the smog of self-loathing draping itself across your shoulders.   
“You scared me half to death, you know,” says Astarion, parting the tangled sea of your thoughts. As if he senses you berating yourself. It’s a soft drawl. An attempt at scolding you, but there’s weariness nestled in the undercurrents of it. “That’s saying a lot, considering I’ve already one foot in the grave.”
You peer up at him like a meager child. He watches you from his peripheral with crossed arms, his nose turned up, feigning disappointment. You see through the cracks of his façade, and your lips twitch with the threat of a smile.
He can be incredibly adorable when trying to shroud his feelings.
“I’m sorry,” you offer, your tone barely above a whisper.
Astarion releases a resigned sigh. And the weight of the world seems to pour from his shoulders as he angles himself towards you, reaching for one of your hands.
His expression softens, and he squeezes, his palm frigid yet reassuring. For the first time since he entered, he truly looks at you. Gaze swims through your features as if to commit every detail, every imperfection, to memory. As if he could lose you at any second.  
“No need to apologize, my love. I was just…concerned, is all. I suppose we all were when you went down.”
The recollection makes your face blossom with heat. Poor little darling, taken out by a nasty cold. Causing hysteria among your friends, deterring your journey.
Astarion thumbs your cheek, smiling something genuine at the pout on your lips.
Your tongue burns with the ache of a question, and you shrink, not wholly prepared for the answer.
“How long was I out for?”
“Nearly two days.”
You blanch, evoking another guttural laugh from Astarion.     
“Shadowheart did her best to heal you. There was only so much her magic could mend. So, we’ve been playing the waiting game while you caught up on your beauty sleep. Not like you need much more of it.”
You snort at Astarion’s cheekiness.
Leave it to your little star to find every opportunity to flatter you.
He examines your joined hands thoughtfully, thumb smoothing over your knuckles.
“It’s been centuries since I’ve dealt with mortal illnesses. Honestly, I couldn’t begin to fathom how to comfort you. Other than gracing you with my presence, of course.”  
It’s refreshing to see his humor is still intact despite his beloved pulling a Snow White.
For a while, you sit like this. Basking in the moment’s serenity, holding hands. Grinning and laughing like two enamored fools when your gazes interlock. You can tell that Astarion’s lightyears away, however. At war with himself, lost in the maelstrom of his thoughts, reprimanding himself for not being your proverbial knight in shining armor.
Absently, you scoot over. Relinquish your love’s hand—much to his chagrin—to pat the space beside you. You affix him with a look that’s all too serious as you say, “For starters, you could try holding me.”
Astarion stares at you with rounded eyes. Mouth opens and closes like a gaping fish, forming around words that he can’t quite conjure.   
“Oh. A-Alright,” he finally musters. Dumbfounded, Astarion stands, maneuvering to sit beside you on the bed. He doesn’t quite know what to do with his hands. Never does, unused to being so vulgar, so unabashed with his feelings.
Though, for you, you know he would rearrange the stars in the sky if he could.
So you help him, tugging him closer and falling into the circle of his arms. You nestle against his chest with a pleased hum vibrating your throat. Tangle your legs together, ignoring the surprised sound that leaves him.
He’s a lovely contrast to your still-enflamed skin. Fits like a puzzle piece against you, soft and lithe. He relaxes gradually, tucking you ever closer against him as if you’ll disappear in a plume of smoke if he lets go. He pets through your hair before anchoring his chin to the crown of your head, surrendering a satisfied sigh.
“Well, I supposed this isn’t so bad, now is it?” Astarion husks, stroking soothing circles into the notches of your spine.
You nod offhandedly, your lids lowering, and your body feeling at ease.
Suddenly, your ailment seems more bearable as you sink below the depths of slumber, an unguarded smile cresting over your lips.
The shadows of your conjoined bodies dance along the walls as the candlelight dwindles, and you both surrender to the tranquility of the night.    
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker (4)
TW: family abuse, abusive older brother, sick fic, sick whumpee, weak whumpee, PTSD, whumpee afraid of being sick, neglect, vomit mentions, flu-like symptoms, violence, rough beating, callous whumper, sadistic whumper
Read part one here // continued from here
This part is dedicated to @sausages-things!!! Thank you for your comments, I hope you enjoy!!
Hero woke up in the same position they went to sleep in, Villain in their arms cuddling into their chest. They smiled at Villain who was still sleeping soundly for the first time in days. No late-night vomit trips to the toilet, or night terrors, or throwing the blankets off and stripping to fight the cold sweats. Hero let out a soft sigh. They could stay like this forever.
They pressed the back of their fingers against Villain’s forehead. No fever. He wasn't terribly hot or cold, just warm — a normal, human temperature. Hero let out a breath of relief. Then started carding their fingers through Villain’s hair, pushing the damp strands off their lover’s face. Villain even looked less pale, raising Hero’s spirits that hopefully Villain would be on the mend after all the heartache of the last few days.
Hero’s phone rang from somewhere in the house and Hero stifled a groan. They really didn’t want to move or disturb Villain in their arms. Maybe if they ignored it, the caller would give up on their endeavour and Hero could stay in bed with Villain. Besides, it wasn’t anyone important. Hero booked time off in work so they could wait on Villain hand and foot, look after everything Villain couldn’t. It’s what partners were for, to be there for each other.
The ringtone stopped and Hero smiled, glancing down at Villain again. Their peace only lasted a fraction of a second, before their phone started ringing again. Hero seriously contemplated waiting it out, but what if it was something important? What if some new villain was decimating an entire city block? Villain would understand if Hero had to go and stop them.
Well, understand, yes, but Villain wouldn't let Hero go alone. Hero blushed as they remembered the last time they tried to leave to stop a new villain fresh in the city.
“I really have to go, Vil.”
Villain slammed his hand out on the opposing wall, stopping Hero from leaving Villain's room, back when they were initially dating. Hero rolled their eyes at Villain, crossing their arms across their chest.
“What if I say no?”
“What if,” Villain continued, stepping in front of Hero and crowding them so Hero was pushed back a step. “There is another villain who wants your complete attention?"
“Is this same villain acting like a complete child right now?”
Villain chuckled in reply. The deep chuckle that wound a knot in Hero’s stomach and set their heart aflutter. He forced Hero back a step, then another until Hero was backed against the wall.
Villain reached a hand up to cup Hero’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting their head up to look Villain in the eyes. “Do I have to threaten an orphanage, or kidnap the mayor to get an ounce of your attention?”
“I’ve given you attention all night.”
“I don’t like sharing,” Villain said, stepping forward and closing all remaining distance between them. “What if you chat with this new villain and he sweeps you off your feet?”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hero said, ignoring the sudden, breathless quality of their voice.
“Am I? That’s what happened with you and me.”
Hero grabbed Villain’s wrist, not trying to dislodge his hold on Hero, but instead rubbing soothing circles over it, their other hand reaching to Villain’s cheek.
“This new villain isn’t you.”
“Damn right he isn’t.” Villain all but growled, smashing his lips to Hero’s, melting any words that still lingered on Hero’s tongue. The kiss was hungry, Villain deepening it quickly, forcing Hero’s head back against the wall when Hero tried to return the passion. This wasn’t a loving kiss, it was passionate, possessory. Villain showing Hero exactly who they belonged to; drawing a distinct line between Villain and all other villains that Hero had to fight.
Villain pulled back, pecking Hero once more before he nodded and stepped back. Hero blinked dazed up at Villain. Villain smiled wolfishly down at Hero, a flash of white and smouldering eyes.
“Come on, Hero. We have a villain to get rid of.”
Hero nodded stupidly, then shook their head, eyes narrowing as clarity hit them like a smack in the face. “Wait! What? You’re coming?! What if someone sees?! What if they—”
“What if they somehow think we’re dating? Darling, I’m not suggesting we arrive at the same time. You can swoop in, save the day, be the Hero I adore,” Villain said, brushing a stray hair from Hero’s eyes. “And I will dispose of this new villain once you rescue the hostages, hmm?”
“I do love it when you say my name.”
“I don’t want you to kill—”
“Who said anything about killing, my dear? I’ll simply share my experiences and push them down the path of the righteous. To use their powers for good.”
Hero agreed at the time, but the other villain from that night never showed up again, and Hero didn’t think it was from Villain’s persuasive argument.
Hero cursed under their breath before slowly disentangling themselves from Villain and slipping out of bed unnoticed. Villain stirred briefly, but just snuggled into the pillow Hero was leaning on and settled again. Hero held back a groan as they opened the door to their bedroom and quickly shut it again so the noise wouldn’t disturb Villain.
Hero marched towards the counter, grabbing their phone and yanking it off charge, not even bothering to look at the caller ID when they barked: “what?”
“Hero! I’ve been trying to reach you for the last twenty minutes.”
“Yeah, Superhero,” Hero said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose, leaning heavily against the counter. “Listen, I have the rest of this week booked off.”
“I know, but Hero I need you.”
“Get Other Hero.”
“Have you not watched the news?” Superhero asked, almost heartbroken down the line. Hero’s heart seized in their chest. “Hero… Supervillain struck again last night. Other Hero and Sidekick were out on patrol when—” Superhero’s voice caught, and Hero lurched forward. “They… uh… they don’t think Sidekick’s gonna make it, Hero.”
“What?” Hero whispered.
“Please,” Superhero pleaded. “There’s not enough— I need you here, Hero. Or even to protect —”
“Of… of course, Superhero. I’m, I’ll be twenty minutes, but I’ll be there, I promise.”
“I’m so sorry. I know that your partner—”
“It’s okay,” Hero cut in. “Honestly, Superhero. Twenty minutes.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll see you then.”
Hero cursed checking the time. They had to get ready. They had to leave Villain a note or something, shit they had to get ready. They paused at the door to their bedroom, not wanting to wake Villain up. They pivoted on their heel, turning to the laundry room and praying that — yes! Clean clothes! Perfect. They wouldn’t have to disturb Villain at all, and Villain could get the rest he needed.
Hero was pulling on their runner, half hopping around the living room, eyes scouring every inch of the place for the other one. Their eyes drifted back to their bedroom door and cursed under their breath. They didn’t have time to worry about it, it would be fine. Just in and out, and oh fuck they needed their keys to get back in.
“Hero?” Villain asked the moment Hero stepped into the room. Bleary eyes raised above the duvet to Hero who was frozen mid-air reaching for their runner. Hero smiled bashfully at Villain and straightened, apologising as they walked over to the bed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said that I had booked time off but something big happened and Superhero called, and he needs—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Villain said softly, putting his hand on Hero’s arm. “Don’t worry about me, I’m feeling loads better.”
Hero almost let out a sigh of relief. “Are you? Or are you just saying that, so I’ll go like yesterday?”
As if to make his point, Villain sat up in the bed and leaned over to kiss Hero’s knuckles. “Hey, crimefighter. Look, I’m fine. I feel great.” Hero tilted their head, and Villain pressed on, “you are going to miss a lot of sexy sleeping while you’re gone, though.”
Hero laughed.
“I’m serious,” Villain told them. “Oh, I’m gonna have a day in bed, full of sexy snots in tissues and shitty daytime TV, oh, how will I survive without you?”
��You’re such an idiot,” Hero told them smiling. Villain’s hand tightened in Hero’s.
“I’m your idiot.” Villain replied. “I’ll order soup or food or whatever, I’ll be fine until your home.”
“But if it’s a new Supervillain—” that meant long hours and possibly working multiple shifts to—
Villain’s gaze hardened as he cut in, “I’ll be fine. Go. You saved me yesterday; I can’t hog the city’s Hero twice in a week.”
“What about that time you held me captive in that warehouse?”
Villain’s cocky smile made an appearance on his tired face. It didn’t make as much as an impression as it usually did, with the bags under Villain’s red rimmed eyes and his pale, lacklustre skin. “Darling, that was a weekend getaway for the two of us.”
Hero leaned in and kissed Villain’s forehead. “If you need me, call.”
“I will.”
“Okay, I love you,” Hero said, gathering everything they needed as they left.
Villain reclined back into the pillows on their bed. “I love you too.”
Hero went straight to the Hero tower, rushing in and bolting to the lift, heading straight for Superhero’s office. When they got to the floor, Hero speed walked the corridor until they found Superhero in his office. His desk was in disarray, holding his head in his hands as Hero opened the door.
“Superhero.” Superhero looked up.
“Hero,” Superhero said, getting to his feet and walking around his desk. “Thank God you’re here. I’m so sorry about your partner. I just—”
“Nevermind that now,” Hero said with a wave. “What can I do? How can I help? You’re not usually this stressed. Tell me everything.”
“It was just — there was no rumours or hints at anything yesterday, or in the past month. It wasn’t disturbingly quiet or unusual, so we thought that it would just be a regular patrol, but Other Hero and Sidekick were hurt bad and they’re in the hospital getting treated…”
“Do you know what villain did this?”
Superhero’s eyes hardened. “I don’t know for sure. It could be a new Supervillain for all we know, but it reminded me a bit of Villain’s MO as well.”
Hero stiffened, a furrow forming between their brows. No way could it have been Villain, they’re home, sick in bed and Hero spent the entire night with them.
“Oh?” Hero asked. “Have you been to the hospital?”
Superhero shook his head. “I’ve been too caught up here. All I know is scraps from other heroes reports but I need someone I can trust to guard them.”
Hero’s frown deepened. “You don’t think a hero had anything to do with it, do you?”
Superhero’s eyes were desperate as he shrugged helplessly, turning to scan the papers on his desk. “I don’t know, Hero. I don’t want to rule out the possibility that a villain may have charmed one of us and somehow manipulated us to give up sensitive information like patrols or something.”
Hero was glad Superhero had his back to them, otherwise he would have seen the pain that crossed Hero’s expression. Villain… Villain would never do that to Hero, would he? He wouldn’t— I mean, Hero knew Villain wasn’t— he wasn’t friendly with other villains, so Villain wouldn’t betray Hero like that. Never.
“I’ll go to the hospital,” Hero said, voice firm. “I’ll get some of the heroes I trust most and recruit them as well. I won’t let anything happen to Other Hero or sidekick; I promise.”
Superhero turned and smiled. He placed a hand on Hero’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Thank you, Hero. You are one of the only heroes I trust would never converse with a villain. That will help everything run smoother here.”
“Of course, Superhero.” Hero forced out, guilt threatening to clog their words. They left as quickly as they had come, leaving Superhero’s office in a flash, back down the corridor to the lift. It was empty when it arrived, something Hero was grateful for. The moment the doors closed they pressed their back flush against the wall, taking in deep breaths. Unaware of who was watching them through the camera in the corner.
Superhero straightened once he heard the lift doors close at the end of the hall. He walked around his desk and looked at the Hero in the lift through the cameras. Eyes hard as Hero leaned back against the wall, hands braced on their knees. How had he not seen this before? Why had he trusted Hero of all people?! And somehow Villain wormed his way into Hero’s life?! He waited until Hero stepped out of the lift before he switched his computer screen from the cameras and stood from his desk.
He schooled his expression and stepped out of his office. He said to Number Two Hero: “I need to head out, will you hold down the fort while I’m gone?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Superhero thanked them and walked down the corridor to the lift. He needed to pay Villain a little, friendly visit.
Villain peeled themselves out of bed, skin sticky with sweat. His nose turned up as he caught a whiff of himself and he almost gagged. A shower before anything else was necessary.
He could almost hear Hero telling him that he shouldn’t take a shower, that he’s too weak and what if he slipped or passed out and the water was too hot — and a whole host of other problems that Hero could foresee. Villain smiled softly to himself as he locked the bathroom door.
He was lucky to have them.
Superhero told Hero that Other Hero and Sidekick were being treated at West-Point General Hospital, which was a pain to get to. It was on the edge of the city and took a forty-minute train to get there and back to the Hero tower, nevermind Hero’s apartment.
They shot Villain a text, informing him that they’d be late home. They hesitated to say the reason: the words: ‘Other Hero and Sidekick were attacked’ stared up at them on the screen. Hatefully, suspicion curled viciously like a snake in Hero’s chest, Superhero’s words of warning.
Villain would never betray me, Hero told themselves. Work and their relationship were completely different for them both.
If that’s true, a nasty voice piped up, why did you delete the explanation?
Hero swallowed thickly and shoved their phone into their pocket.
Villain let out a sigh of relief once the hot water hit his aching muscles, it felt so good. As if the sickness was being rinsed from his body. He glanced around the bathroom, half-expecting the apparition of his brother to appear again.
No, Villain reminded himself, shaking his head as if he could shake the memory from his head. He’s not here. He’s not real. That was just a hallucination or something. Still, Villain crossed his arms across himself in a self-hug under the warm water.
He pressed his forehead against the cool tile, hoping Hero came home sooner rather than later.
Hero walked to the reception desk, putting on their best charming smile. “Hi, I’m looking for Other Hero and Sidekick.”
Receptionist nodded and tapped on his keyboard. “Third floor. Room 316.”
“Thank you.”
Hero kept their eyes peeled as they ascended the stairs, looking out for any suspicious characters lurking around. When Hero got to the third floor, they followed the signs towards room 316. The room was left unguarded, and Hero’s heart started to run a little faster in their chest as they approached.
They half expected a massacre in the room, but it was worse than Hero imagined. Only Other Hero lay in the bed, the other was vacant, the door opened. Hero rushed inside, looking for any clues or hints or something that would lead to the missing Sidekick.
Other Hero looked was hooked up to a bunch of monitors, half of her face was swollen with deep purple and black bruises. Some of the cuts had been stitched and a tube was inserted in her mouth.
A gun cocked behind Hero, and they froze. “Come to finish us off, have you?”
Hero frowned, looking over their shoulder to see Sidekick wobbling in the doorway. They didn’t look much better than Other Hero, leaning heavily on the doorframe to keep themselves up.
“Sidekick it’s Hero,” Hero said. At the sound of Hero’s voice, Sidekick thumbed the hammer forward and clicked the safety on, lowering their gun.
“Good, I don’t think I can make it back to the bed.”
Hero immediately went to them and threw an arm over their neck, supporting Sidekick’s weight as they guided them back to bed. “What happened? Why did you leave the bed?”
“I needed the loo,” Sidekick grumbled and hissed as they settled back onto the bed. Hero’s panicked eyes went to Sidekick’s side that was red with bloodstains.
“Who did this to you?” Hero asked as they straightened to further observe Sidekick.
Sidekick shook their head then winced. “We didn’t see them, or at least…” Sidekick glanced at Other Hero, “I don’t think we did,” they said quieter. “I know I didn’t, but I don’t know about Other Hero.”
Hero nodded sympathetically. “Did you get an idea of their abilities? Were they powered?”
“Whatever they were they were strong, Hero. Really fucking strong, and— and I couldn’t fight them. Every time I got close to them, they’d weave out of the way and punch me and send me reeling. Other Hero she at least got a couple of good hits in before he turned all his attention on her.”
Hero frowned, eyes going to Other Hero’s broken body. If what Sidekick was saying was true, then — “how did you survive?”
“I don’t mean to be insensitive,” said Hero quickly. “I just — if your opponent was a beast of a thing, how did you both end up in hospital?”
Sidekick scoffed. “Halfway through the fight I radioed for Superhero to help us. He must’ve arrived after I passed out because the next thing, I know I’m here and Other Hero is strapped to machines to keep her fucking breathing.”
Sidekick dissolved into quiet sobs that shook their body, not willing to let any sound out. “I should’ve— I should’ve been stronger. I should’ve been able to— to—”
“It’s okay, Sidekick,” Hero told them gently.
Furious eyes flashed to Hero’s face. “You can’t say that! You don’t know what it’s like to be weak! To be beaten so badly that you can’t even move! I should have been able to protect her!”
Hero stood still, lips drawn down tight, not knowing what to say to comfort Sidekick. A voice at the door took their attention.
“Hero. A word.”
Hero turned, frown deepening at the owner of the voice. It was the number three Hero, Ajax. What the hell was he doing here? Hero followed him out, closing the door as they left the room. “What’re you doing here?” Hero asked before Ajax could speak.
“I’m here to watch over them. Make sure the villain they faced doesn’t come back to finish them off,” Ajax said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“But… Superhero sent me to do that.”
“Superhero? He already posted me; I told him I could do it alone. I’ve been itching to get away from the office to tell you the truth.”
Hero’s brows drew together, deep in thought. Why would Superhero send me all this way for no reason? Maybe Ajax needed some support?
“Ah, Hero!” Hero looked up and saw Briar’s smiling face meet theirs. “Paying a visit? How is your partner? I heard he was sick.”
Hero let a smile slide across their features. “Yeah, yeah. It looks like you two got it all covered though. My partner… I actually got to get back to him.”
“Of course,” Briar said, slapping Ajax on the back. “Me and the big guy got everything covered here.”
Ajax shot questioning eyes at Hero, but Hero couldn’t answer any themselves, so they didn’t. Hero nodded and said their goodbyes, before heading back for the train, trying to make sense of Superhero’s emergency call.
Maybe Superhero just forgot he posted other heroes to the hospital? Maybe he was just stressed out… whatever it was it didn’t really matter. It meant Hero could get home to Villain quicker than anticipated. Maybe Villain could help them make sense of this wild goose chase.
Hero glanced at their phone when they got on the train, smiling at Villain’s reply they hadn’t seen until now. At least they were going home earlier and could relax with Villain at home, snuggled up under the blankets, maybe watch a movie or something.
Villain couldn’t keep the grin off his face after his shower as he towelled his hair dry. His body still ached; his limbs moved with a rust-like creaking, but he felt so much lighter after his shower. So much clearer and fresh.
He smiled as he glanced at their phone, Hero telling him that there was some soup in the fridge, and they might be longer than they initially thought. Villain stared at the words at the end of the text, I love you.
Such simple words that made more warmth bloom in his chest than the shower did. Villain text a quick reply before tossing his phone on the bed. He didn’t really want food right now, maybe some water or tea. He brushed his teeth before the shower to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth. He shuddered to think of it, happy it was over.
Villain ignored the idea of food or drink altogether and opted instead to take some painkillers and watch some TV on the sofa, cuddled up under the cow pattern blanket that smelled like Hero.
Hero stepped out of the lift of the Hero tower, walking towards Superhero’s office. They stopped outside it, but there was no Superhero. Hero frowned and turned, walking onto the map room floor. Second met their eye across the room, frowning as Hero made their way over.
“Hero? Aren’t you on leave?”
Hero frowned. “Yeah, but Superhero called me in. Have you seen them?”
“They went out,” Second told Hero.
“About half an hour ago.”
“Do you know where?”
“No, but I didn’t ask.”
Hero nodded. “Right.”
Villain woke to the sound of the door being opened. He hadn’t realised that he had fallen asleep.
“Hero?” He mumbled, not opening his eyes yet as the door closed. Judge Judy played softly in the background until it was turned off. He felt Hero’s stare on him, sitting down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Villain cracked an eye open, vision blurry with sleep, but he immediately knew that that wasn’t Hero. Villain jerked back on the couch, blinking themselves awake.
No, no, no, no, no, no…. Why was he having hallucinations again? He felt so much better. Villain shook his head.
“You’re not real, you’re not real,” Villain said to himself.
“Oh, I think you’ll find I’m very real, Villain.”
Villain kicked out on instinct, his feet catching in the blanket he was tangled up in. Superhero chuckled. “You’re still so pathetic,” Superhero said leaning forward. Villain pushed at Superhero’s outstretched hand, eyes widening as it made contact.
“Wh— what?” Villain asked, his entire body shaking with a mixture of adrenaline and fear and groaning muscles. Superhero didn’t answer, instead he batted Villain’s hand away and grabbed Villain by the throat. Villain’s hands went to Superhero’s wrist, trying to pull it off, but Superhero pressed him back into the couch.
“When I heard that Hero was dating a villain, I was concerned, but to realise that that villain was you. Well, I can kill two birds with one stone.”
Villain tried to untangle himself from the blanket, but he was well and truly cocooned no matter how much he kicked.
“I’ve missed you, Villain. And to think you were here, in my city. Hiding under my nose for the longest time, in bed with my best Hero, you’re like a cockroach.”
Villain’s eyes widened in terror. “If you laid a hand on them—”
Superhero tilted his head. “You’ll what? Kick me?”
Before Villain could think to reply, Superhero punched him right in the solar plexus. Villain lurched forward, breath stolen, straight into Superhero’s palm who squeezed, cutting off his air supply.
“Let’s get a proper look at you, hmm?”
Villain barely had time to process the words when Superhero yanked him off the couch by their shirt and tossed him to the ground. Villain barely felt the impact as they rolled, gasping in air as he went, hands protectively curled around his stomach.
“I would’ve thought that Villain, the Villain would have more to offer me. Something formidable, but look at you,” Superhero said, following Villain’s retreat with heavy, deliberate footsteps. “Still as weak as ever. I could kill you right now and let Hero find your mangled corpse, and y’know what?”
Superhero sent a swift kick to Villain’s cheek, whipping Villain’s head to the side. Villain turned over onto his stomach, getting one hand under himself before there was a hand in his hair, yanking thim back.
Villain cried out, grabbing the hand, trying to alleviate the pressure, but Superhero didn’t let up. He pulled Villain back and up to his feet, shoving him forward. Villain’s hands shot out to catch himself on the wall before he fell again.
“There you go, let me get a good look at you,” Superhero said. Villain’s whole-body shook, his legs trembling, struggling to keep himself upright. His limbs ached, screaming at him to rest and relax, but Villain’s terror left him frozen. “Turn around.”
This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be real, this isn’t real. This is just another hallucination, Superhero can’t be here, he can’t be… he can’t be…
Superhero’s voice dropped low, chilling Villain to the core. “Do I have to ask twice, or do you remember who’s in charge?”
Villain used the wall to turn themselves, facing Supervillain and staring him in the eyes. He refused to cower anymore.
“Hmm, so Hero’s been slumming it with you, have they?”
“Why?” Villain snapped. “Jealous?”
Superhero laughed, shaking their head slowly. “No,” he replied, tilting his head. “Though I’m sure my advances wouldn’t be refused.”
Villain grit their teeth. “You’re lying.” He was, but to see that flash of fear cross Villain’s face after so long was worth it.
“I just always pictured Hero with someone strong. Y’know, someone who could stand on their own two feet. Someone with a Hero’s physique, you? What, have you completely disregarded your training, or do you want to look like a complete failure?”
Villain shook his head, sweat clinging to the back of his neck as he stepped off the wall. He immediately regretted the decision and stumbled back, gritting his teeth as the world spun and tilted.
“We’re not kids anymore,” Villain said instead or rising to Superhero’s bait. “You don’t have any effect on me.”
“Is that so?”
Villain swallowed hard, humming his reply as Superhero started towards him, taking slow, deliberate steps that sent Villain’s heart racing.
“Because that’s not what I heard. I heard you begging your brother to leave you alone,” Superhero said, relishing the way all colour seemed to leave Villain’s face. “To stop, to beat you instead today, please, please, please.”
“Y—you h-heard that?” Villain asked with a timid voice as Superhero stopped in front of him.
“Oh yes, and I thought it was strange, because well, I wasn’t there, Vil. But don’t worry. Big bro’s here now, and we’re going to make you better.”
“No—” Villain protested, shooting his hand out. Superhero caught it by the wrist and twisted his arm before slamming it back against the wall. “No, no, no, no!”
“Don’t you want to be worthy of Hero? Don’t you love them enough to be perfect?”
“Hero loves me!” Villain cried, tears springing to his eyes as he struggled to get out of Superhero’s grip. But Superhero was too strong. Superhero was always stronger than Villain, and no matter how much Villain trained or wanted to forget it, he was right back where he ran away from. He was back as a kid, Brother overpowering him and staring back into his brother’s callous, dispassionate eyes. “Brother, please.”
Superhero brushed Villain’s hair from his forehead, gently hushing Villain. “Oh, Villain. We haven’t even started yet.” His eyes darkening. “But don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of time for begging later.”
Continued here
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andromedaspark · 2 months
My analysis / headcannons as to what happened to some of the gang. I can go deeper into the actual conditions if yall want me to
Arthur : Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Dutch : Vascular Dementia
Sadie : Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Reverend Swanson : Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
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twigg96 · 1 year
Food Poisoning
Daddy! Daryl X Reader
Place: Alexandria
Warnings: Literally food poisoning, vomit, a little fart joke, Kids being kids about being sick, Sickness
POV - You
Summary - After having stew with some tainted meat in it your three kiddos (Phoenix - 11, Beau - 6, and Lillian - 2) get a bad case of food poisoning. Just as kids do Beau comes in to tell his parents exactly what happened feeling traumatized and violated after he "threwed up".
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The night had started off so genuinely nice. Normal even. For the turn that is. You had made dinner from the rabbit and squirrel Daryl hunted earlier in the day. It had been a hotter day than either of you realized it would be. But you never let that deter you from your duties. Daryl had warned you that the heat of the day may have spoilt some of the meat. And that he had lost one of the rabbits. He got a bad shot on it and when he finally found it, it was long dead with an arrow deep in its broken leg. He simply added it to his string not thinking anything of it. Wasn’t until later in the hunt he thought better of it and decided to chuck it… well he thought he tossed the right one at least. After a while he wasn’t so sure anymore. So he asked you to be extra vigilant while cooking that night. To sniff the meat and make sure nothing was camping out inside before tossing it in the fire to be cooked. 
You had listened. Truly you did. You had washed and smelled the meat as you cleaned and skinned it. Nothing smelled bad and so you went as far as to make a little stew for the whole community with the meat and some of Rick’s vegetables he grew in his garden. Everyone in the community seemed to love it. They ate it up vigorously and basked in the post fullness bliss of a good meal. You watched your kids play out in the yard with the other neighborhood children. When night fell after the kids had gone to bed, you and Daryl even felt adventurous enough to get a little handsy before falling into blissful sleep. 
Or that’s what the archer would have liked to have happened. But seeing as he was ripped from the calming embrace of sleep in the midst of REM he would have to argue otherwise… “Daddy…” A small and timid voice had called out into the darkness of the night. At first Daryl had believed it was just part of his dream. The one where none of the hell they lived in existed and he and his family lived in the peace he once knew. “Daddy…” The voice whispered nearer this time. Cutting straight through the lovely dream he had been having. Blinking awake slowly Daryl growled, slapping around blindly for the electric lamp sitting on the bedside table. With a click Daryl’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Beau stood a mere two inches away from the edge of the bed, only his head could be seen poking from over the side as he clutched his teddy bear close to his chest. “Daddy.” Beau whispered shakily, his lip pouting out and his eyes wide and full of tears. “Yeah?” Daryl mumbled tiredly as he tried to put together why his son was in his room in the dead of night. Sitting up in bed, the sheets falling to his exposed chest he looked over to you and sighed. You were starting to stir. Blinking away the garish light. Damn… you needed all the sleep you could get.
 “What… what do you want, Beau?” Daryl asked tiredly, reaching over you to grab a cigarette from your end table. “Well..” Beau started shuffling his feet anxiously. Daryl cocked a brow at the towheaded boy placing the cig in his mouth and flicking the lighter trying to get it to light. “Daddy… I threwed up.” He mumbled with a sob.” The words froze Daryl in his place. Maybe he it was just his foggy sleep deprived brain that was miss hearing what his son just said. But as his wife sat up stare at the two of them like they both started to grow wings and speak in tongues Daryl knew that he had heard correctly. “What?” You asked rubbing your eyes. Beau sobbed nodding. “Lillian threwed up first! Phoenix got up to check on her and she threwed up on the floor!” Beau sobbed helplessly. The both of you stared at Beau in disbelief and disgust. “So…” you ventured to ask, crawling over to your husband’s side of the bed. “Did you throw up Beau?” The little blonde nods swiping away fat tears and it isn’t until then that Daryl is able to make out the new stains on his son’s shirt and pants. “After I farted on the floor.” He whined. Daryl and you share a confused look. Farted… on the floor? What the hell does that mean? OH FUCK NO. Pulling his cigarette from his mouth Daryl gaped at Beau. “What do ya mean… farted on the flo- Beau!” He huffed twisting to the side of the bed. “Did ya shit on the floor?!” he hissed. Feeling your hand on his arm he tried to calm down but the sound of their youngest starting to scream and cry from their shared room and their eldest yelling “Mommy! Daddy! Lilly needs a bath!” was all too overwhelming for him at the moment. “Daryl.” Your calming voice drowned out the madness as your hand squeezed his. “I’ll work on cleaning up. Just… find a bucket… or two… and get them bathed and back in bed. Please. We got this, we’ve been through worse.” And suddenly Daryl knew. You were right. You always were. 
Standing with a groan, Daryl was grateful that he was wearing just boxers when Beau walked directly into his legs for a hug. God… kids and their need to be touched when they're sick. Scooping him into his arms Daryl sighed the smell of vomit was strong, but nothing he couldn’t handle after the hell they’ve lived through. “Sure ya don’t want me ta clean up too? I can-” Daryl muttered walking towards the door, Beau’s head already nuzzled under his chin seeking some semblance of comfort. “Daryl.” You had chided, cutting him off. “We’re a team. I got it, don’t worry.” With a small nod he hummed walking into the kid’s room to access the damage… and it was worse than he imagined. Scowling he sighed not seeing either of his daughters. “Phoenix!” He yelled, shuffling Beau in his arms, starting to search for them. The piercing wail of his two year old would normally have been terrifying given the world they live in but seeing as she was in the bathroom with his eldest at the moment he was simply annoyed. The water for the tap was running and when he popped his head in to see what was happening he rolled his eyes and groaned. “Phoenix… baby. Are you tryin’ ta drown yer sister?” He muttered trying so hard to make light of the situation. Phoenix’s head whipped around as she stared at him, the tub getting dangerously full as she held a fully clothed Lilly in the tub. 
Moving to place Beau on the floor Daryl kneeled beside Phoenix, turning the tap off and taking Lilly into his arms, sopping wet and all. “I was just trying to get her and her clothes clean, dad.” Phoenix whispered looking slightly ashamed and embarrassed. Taking a deep breath Daryl sighed, bouncing the screaming toddler doing his best not to emulate his own father in this situation by screaming in the face of his own children. “T-Thank you…” He bit out. It was a start at least that’s what he assumed. “Now… do me a favor…” He muttered lowly. “Get some towels for me, and some clean pajamas for all you kids and come back. Yer all gettin’ a damned bath.” 
It wasn’t until the early morning light streamed through the blinds that the rancid smell finally seemed to be mostly gone. You had done your best to clean everything up with only homemade vinegar as your main cleaning supply as everything else was running low. The windows were wide open despite the cool weather but even that didn’t deter your three hellions from getting some sleep. The two of you had decided to simply toss and burn the sheets and pajamas the kids had been sleeping in and just use old ones until you could find new ones on a run. As the two of you stood side by side watching the fire in the brisk morning air you couldn’t help but laugh. “Wha’?” Daryl nearly hissed, glaring at you. “Nothing… just… kinda feels normal ya know? We haven’t had to do that since before the turn when Phoenix was little.” You whispered thinking of the time Phoenix had simply crawled into your bed and proceeded to vomit all over Daryl like she was in the exorcist. Daryl stared into the fire but a small smile crossed his lips. “Yeah… suppose so…” Holding your hand he began to rub his thumb along the back of your hand. Any sense of normalcy in this life was better than none he assumed.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
HELLO SQUIGGLYYYY!!! You may not recognise me but I’m back with another (hopefully) wholesome request for the event!! Could I have Gojo and Geto X reader (platonic) with a reader who’s shy and needs some encouragement and tickles before they go on a mission? Maybe some raspberries in there too? (Only if you’re comfortable with that ofc).
If you manage my request thank you very much!! You’re a legend and stay squiggly-giggly!! Heh 😈
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
Heyo, my wholesome returning friend! I double dipped into the Geto-Sensei AU for this one akrkjeajkrerjaekje This is beyond precious! I've gotcha covered, friend! :D (And AWW! Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it! Stay amazing yourself lilzuni :D)
You stared out past the school gates with a shaky breath, feeling your stomach churn with sudden nausea. It was your big first mission upon coming to Jujitsu High. After months of what felt like ruthless training, you were finally deemed ready to take on bigger curses alone.
Well- not entirely alone- your teachers were with you as supervisors and backup, but it didn’t change the fact you were suddenly very terrified.
“Is that the face of excitement or sickness? Cause I have stomach medicine if you need it.” Geto offered you gently as you shook in place. “I’ve seen curses looking just as sickly.”
“Try not to bring too much attention to them, Suguru- they might just faint.” Gojo chided playfully, reaching out and patting your head. “You’re gonna do fine- your technique is perfect for this type of curse, and it’s nothing so dangerous you’ll be at risk. We’ll be with you the entire time- even if you can’t see us.”
You nodded, not trusting your voice. Gojo and Geto shared a look overhead before smiling.
“Come on- show us that smile!” Gojo cooed, gently tapping his fingers into the backs of your ribs, making you jump and giggle.
“Where’s our brave student? Where’s the person who can kick butt fighting curses?” Geto teased, his own fingers gently prodding your waist and hip. “Show me your fangs, (Y/N)!”
“Aheahahhahaa! G-Gohoohoohjo-sehehehhensehehehi! Gehhehheheto-shehehehehensei pleahahhahahhse!” You cried out, twisting in their arms as they carried on gently tickling you. “Thihihiihs ihihihsn’t hehehelping!”
“Is it not? You don’t look nearly as sick.” Geto pointed out, poking your cheek gently as he carried on lightly squeezing your waist.
“Yeah! If anything, I’d say you’re finally looking better by the minute.” Gojo winked at Geto before blowing a raspberry into your neck, making you squeal and scrunch up. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yehahhahahahs! Yehahahas, I’m reahhahahahdy!” You cried, falling back into someone’s arms as you gasped for air. “Eheheheh…hehehehe..yoohohohu twohoohoho..”
“Yes yes, you love us.” Geto patted your head as they helped you stand up, satisfied as you square your shoulders.
“Yeah- I’m ready. Let’s go exorcize that curse!” You nodded, turning on your heels and heading down the steps towards the destination.
Only to turn back around, run up the steps and grab the medicine Geto offered earlier.
“I need this.” You admitted, chugging it as the two laughed behind you.
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icycoldninja · 6 months
Long dead memories (Sephiroth X Reader angst)
Tw: Death and sickness; DNI if you are not comfortable with these themes.
Geostigma. The most debilitating, terrifying, fear striking disease to have ever existed, it wracked the bodies of most of the survivors of Sephiroth's heinous scheme to destroy the planet with Meteor. It appeared to be most prevalent in those who were closest to him, therefore it was only natural for you to be one of the most heavily afflicted.
The disease had claimed your entire body, primarily concentrated in your legs, making them so weak it hurt just to move them, thereby rendering you bedridden. To make matters worse, the majority of your body, except for your genitalia, face, hands and neck, were covered in large, ooze-secreting sores that burned when exposed to air, covered in cloth, or touched in general. Your entire existence was that of misery and pain--this applied to both your mental and physical state.
Honestly, you were well aware your end was approaching. After all, no known cure for Geostigma existed, and no scientists were around to try and make one. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people had already succumbed to this terrible ailment; you would just be another corpse in the pile.
Such depressing thoughts were only natural of someone on their deathbed. As most people do when their lives are slowly slipping away from them, you began to recall some of your most beloved memories. Memories of your childhood, your happiest moments, your accomplishments, but more importantly, your memories of Sephiroth.
That beautiful, green-eyed, silver-haired angel had been the sun of your life; the atmosphere to your earth, the salt to your food. He was the most precious thing in the world to you, and just like that, he'd been ripped away. His death, combined with your contraction of Geostigma, sent you into a depressed spiral. There was only one thought that brought you comfort: He was in the Lifestream now, and therefore all around you, so technically you weren't dying alone; he was there too, silently watching over you. You wanted this fact to be true so badly, you forced yourself to believe it--not that there was anyone around to tell you otherwise.
Closing your eyes, you turned over in your bed, wincing when you felt sharp pains shoot throughout your legs and shoulders; your sores squelching under the weight of your decaying body. It hurt, so, so, much, the pain was enough to bring tears to your eyes, making you wanted Sephiroth by your side more than you ever did in your lifetime. He always knew what to do, what to say, or what not to say, and how to hold you so the pain would go away. You could picture it in your mind's eye, the way his would circle his arms around your torso; how he would press kisses to your forehead and shush you, reminding you of how much he loved you in just a few words. You could hear it even now, the timbre of his low, rumbly voice echoing in your ears.
"Do not be afraid. Sleep, for I am with you, and always will be."
Though he rarely used pet names in times like these, the gentle tone of his voice and soft caressing of his lips against your skin reminded you of how much he loved you in ways words never could.
You shivered, wrapping your blankets tightly around yourself, mentally cursing the coldness of your room. At the very least, you wanted to die in a nice, toasty room, perhaps by a blazing fire. As you tried to remember what comfort felt like, memories of Sephiroth cuddling you flitted into your mind. Snuggling with him always felt the best; his large frame constantly emitted warmth, much like a human heater; resting your head near his broad, warm chest was pure bliss. As you reminisced, you could have sworn you felt his presence surround you even now as you lay on a cold mattress in a freezing, heat-less room.
Small teardrops spilled forth from your eyes, the nostalgia of events long passed filling you with a profound sense of sadness you couldn't fully understand. You gripped your sheets tightly, screwing your eyes shut in an attempt to hold on to this soothing feeling that you hadn't felt in years.
You wished you could stay like this forever, wrapped safely in the arms of your dearest love. Your mind began to fog over; the burning pain of your Geostigma sores beginning to vanish as your mind slowly sank deeper and deeper into sleep. The further into the darkness you went, the calmer and more at peace you felt.
A small smile crept onto your face as you finally let go of your last threads of consciousness, glad to be able to depart in the tender embrace of some long dead memories.
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slashingdisneypasta · 30 days
Imagine that you're completely sick as a dog. You're sweaty and hot to the touch but at the same time feel cold as ice, the only orifice of yours that isn't leaking some kind of muck is your ears, and you're just plain miserable.
Which of your F/O's stays with you and takes care of you? Which ones stay away and call periodically to check up? If they do show up- do you let them in to see you???
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rememberwren · 2 days
Good news Monday is fucking CANCELLED I have the stomach flu 🥺
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rosey100 · 2 months
| Just thought about the colors so no one gets confused reading this |
🤖 Zach
🌟 Zoe
Alright, let's read on
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Well, it wasn't gonna be more shocking than this
It had been a long week after their hot relaxing trip from Ski Resort. Life was good for a few days, but Varina was starting to get really bad nause every morning for a week, though she may have thought it was a bug for a while even tried to take some medicine but throw up every time she had a pill in her mouth than started to felt tried and dizzy for almost two weeks in crave cupcakes and chocolate covered grapefruit that when her friend (Ellie) was starting to peace the puzzles together asked if she could be late that made Varina slightly more nervous than usual. The next thing that she had in her hand was a store-bought pregnancy test, and for almost five minutes later, the results were very clear and it was really clear for JJ who (of course he fainted like father like son 🤷🏽‍♀️) heading that he going to be a father. They were having a hard time about telling their parents about the news it didn't take any time for her sickness to spew out in front of her mother, and then a suddenly call to JJ's parents was all that took a while to make a decision to tell them that ~
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🛹: Wellll it's... we just gotten um... things happen 😅
🤖💻: WHAT!!!!
🕹: Koi?
🪻: Honey, let just hear them out first
🤖: Oh yeah, I want hear it! I definitely want to hear it!
🛹 : OK, um, well, it just happened
💻: IT doesn't just happen with the fact that you two are having a baby JJ? A BABY !?
🛹: It's complicated, actually. We've didn't know til....five.. weeks ago
💻: Ok, so five weeks ago, you and JJ were at Ski Resort in Sweden, right
🌂: Ye.. Yes ma'am
💻 : So 😤 your five weeks along
🌂🛹 : Yes *😬 *😮‍💨
🛹 : Yeah, but we do it is happening on the fourth day on the ski trip
🪻: Alright, that's good! Right now, we know how this happened
🤖 : No Vi this isn't good for seven days, SEVEN DAYS!😠 I thought you two would be responsible🤦🏻‍♂️
🌂: I know, but -🥺
🤖: And yet here we are, because you * direct to JJ *
🪻: OK, let's just cool down now before things get to heated
| While the arguing still continues on a woman walking into the kitchen, hearing the commotion unfolds felt a little injust and in the air |
🌟: I'm sorry to introduce * coming out of the kitchen * but doesn't this kinda remind you about the time when you guys come up pregnant with me
💻: Zoe, when did you come from, and who- Wait hold on? how did you kon-
🌟: Aunt Aviva and guncle Jeff told me about it, so these no secret to keep for me and didn't you tell me that I was y'alls "pop up flower girl"
🕹: Uh ☝🏻😳 *now thinking of the engagement party and bubble house*
🌟: And I definitely know about y'all stories, so freeze that real quick, Mr. Varmitech ✋🏽
🤖: 😤 * is definitely not wanting any kind of bad side from Zoe *
⭐️: So basically, there are no grounds to go on for 🙌🏽 no disrespect 🙌🏽 cuz the honeymooning happened way before ya'lls marital bed.
🌂🛹: *Shocked but not shocked at all, knowing their parents*
💻: Well, you are on that one, Zoe, but that doesn't excuse you * points to JJ*. JJ, we taught y'all better than this
🛹: Look, we know this isn't the best news, but we can try looking at the... joyful new. I mean, we're having a new baby,and right after high school at best, y'all are going to be grandparents as well
🪻: That still didn't make any of this better, we all know this baby is coming into the world, but we know this should be a joyful occasion, but😥
🛹: But what ?
💻: But you two are still young, and even after high school,you still have college to look towards now. How are you going to deal with a baby
🛹: Well Fu¢k mom, you seem to be more able to make it possible for six kids
💻: We were already done college a long time ago, and you better watch it for you gonna be worried about something else than a baby
🛹: You know what I thought
🕹: Wait, Junior, that not what we're talking about
🌂: JJ, hold on, you can't just leave
🛹: Look, I'm just gonna get some air, that's all Varina, I'll be back in a few, ok
💻: Oh no, you not * turns JJ away from the door to facing her* you're gonna stay here and take it cause you are not gonna walk away cause
🤖: |I'm going to end him| Well then, he suddenly walks out. You can just walk away from her
🪻: Zachary!! 😡
🕹: No no no JJ isn't going everywhere. You're part of this just as much, and neither me or your mom or anyone gonna let it happen 😠
🤖: Me either
🛹*|Stand in understander meant and the consequences with the situation*|
🪻: Alright, but considering the fact standing here is what you guys are going to do with this baby now
🕹: Agree. I think we should have a talk about the baby, but we should talk about what your future will be on a later date, maybe when everyone's cooled out
🤖: Yes, I think we should talk about the future on this later until then, I think we should be going back home now for a private talk, and I'm sorry for my behavior
🛹: Um, Mr. Varmitech ?
🤖: I expect your forgiveness, JJ, I'm certain you make the right decision for my daughter and your child
🛹: Of course, and sorry for almost running out on you back there
🌂: I forgive you, and I would be nervous too, although I'm still nervous 😔🥹
🛹: *Holds Varina's hands* Varina 😟
🪻: Varina, We'll be waiting outside, dear
🌂: I'm coming 😔 I guess. This one might
🛹: Well, we're not out of the woods yet, but we'll get through it, I promise you and you * rubs Varina's belly * Promise
🌂: Oh, I love you
🛹: And I love you
Hunk from the car
🌂🛹: I should go *🫳🏻 🫲🏽*
🛹: Bye✋🏽* Standing in the doorway *
🌂: *Mouths Bye 😟 while the vehicle drives away*
⭐️: J Dad wants to talk
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And just to be sure no one gets confused with the timing of this link can show you
Link 👈🏽
Varina, Violet Varmitech belong to @jokerislandgirl32
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marcellaasblog · 1 year
The bucket list .
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Main masterlist
Summary : Your sickness was getting worse ,you have limit to life so you desided to make a bucket list of all the things you wanted to do before you had had to say goodbye.
Warnings : Angst!!, Mention of Death,tiny bit of fluff, hurt/ no confort , no happy ending for the reader or Eddie.
Author's notes: I have been on a roll with angst lately so here is more 💕
Your family and your best friend Eddie knew about your sickness,but they didn't know is that your sickness had gotten worse
You desided to go see your doctor to check up on any progress you made. When you find out that your heart is giving out slowly, you whole body goes cold. You didn't want to die you were to Young to die. You wanted to live your life like everyone else , go to college,have party, get a car and a apartment for yourself travel all across the world, get married and have kids.You wanted it all. It wasn't fare.
Why did the sickness chose you .
Why you?
That how you got the idea to make a bucket list. You wrote all the things down that you wanted to accomplish before you leave. They were just small fun things to do ,you couldn't really do alot not knowing how much time you had left.
You prayed and hope you had time to finish them because the last thing you wanted to do was the most important thing on the bucket list.
When you told Eddie that you made a bucket list he didn't question it which was good that he didn't. He thought it was pretty cool and he was excited to see what you got on your bucket list.
If only he knew.
You accomplish most of your bucket having a crazy adventures with Eddie. You both loved ever second of it. You were gonna misses this so much.
The last day you saw Eddie you were on your second to last thing to do on your bucket list.
You and Eddie went to a lake in the middle of no where you have always wanted to go skinny dipping and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
You and Eddie had an amazing time playing with the water splashing it into each other's faces or seeing who can stay under the water the longest.You felt like a teenager again when you were with Eddie. He made you feel loved and appreciated, Eddie was the bright stars to your mid-night sky, no matter what happened he would brighten up your day even in your dark times.
You checked off your second to last thing you did. Eddie smiles down at you while you mark it off. You had one more on your bucket list and you couldn't wait to check it off, it was the most important one out of all them and you were determined to finish your bucket list.
As Eddie drive back to his trailer he couldn't help but notice the way you were holding your chest , he felt bad cause he didn't know what to do. He knew that you were sick and it stabs him in his heart a million times knowing that his best friend was hurting from the inside something you had no control over.
He helped you out his van as he leads you to him room laying you down on his bed , he quickly runs to the kitchen grabbing you a water for you medication and a banana for you to eat. He watched as you took you medican for the day helping you hold up the water bottle to your lips as you swallow your daily dosage of the night.
Eddie lays you down kissing your forehead as he tucked you in before he turned off his light getting into the bed with you.
This was normal for you and Eddie to share a bed so you didn't mind as he cuddle up with you.you felt safe and protected like nothing could hurt you.
"hey Eddie" you whispered
"yes sweetheart?" He asked resting his head on yours as he rubs your back.
You wanted to tell him , you wanted to tell him why you made the bucket list,guilt filled you for not saying anything to him sooner but it was to late for that so you lied .
"nothing I just love you ,you know that.?"
You could feel his smile spreading across his face as he pushed his face into your hair.
"I love you too y/n I always will that will never change." He said kissing the top of your head."
"even in death?" You asked
He was a little put off by your question but he knew what you meant.
"yes , even in death I will always love you."
You could feel your nose starting to get irritated and feel your eyes getting heavy from the faint tear in your eyes thay wanted to roll down your face.You smiles at Eddie knowing this could probably be the last time you see him.
"Good." You say as your arms get tighter around Eddies body. You didn't want to let him go you wanted to be like this forever with him.
Eddie could scence something was off but he couldn't put his finger to it. So he ignored it as he cuddled up with you putting you asleep as he sang a little lullaby to you.
When you were sleeping Eddie admired your beautiful features as he runs his fingers through your hair if only he can tell you how he really feels but he was scared. He was scared that he could lose you one day and not know what to do he knew that you were sick but you never updated him if you were better now and he didn't want to force you to say anything so he left it alone, but now as he thinks back at it he wish he would have said something, he wish he would have asked you if you were okay ,he wished he could have confessed his feelings for you but it was too late for that.
Time was running out.
Death switched places with your life as you could feel your soul separating from your body that night.
You passed away in your sleep as your cold pale body cuddled up into Eddie.
He sobbed and begged and screamed for you to wake up as he called the paramedics. Wayne had to hold Eddie back as they took you into the ambulance . He wanted to be their with you just in case their was time to save you.
But their wasn't. The doctor confirmed to your family and friends and eddie that you had died in your sleep and their was no way to bring you back. It hurt worse when they found out that your sickness got worse and you told no one.
Now as Eddie stands above your grave his gets out your bucket list as his tears hit the paper. You never got to finish it and he wanted to do it for you. But he wasn't expecting what the last thing thing on your bucket list was .
His knees hit the floor as he hugs your tombstone clutching the paper to his chest sobbing wishing this was a bad nightmare that he would wake up from any second now.
He wishes you would of started with the last one on your bucket list.
But now it will stay unfinished forever.
bucket list.
1. go camping
2. Have a picnic
3. Get matching tattoos with Eddie on our hips
4.learn how to ride a bike
5. tp Jason house
6. Ding ding ditch the rich neighborhoods
7.prank call the police station
8.Go skinny dipping
9. confess your feeling to Eddie.
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angela-the-fox · 7 months
Evelyn: Oh dear... My sis suddenly got a red neck, because she's coughing too much...
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker, part 3:
Read part one Here
Read part two here
TW(for all parts): panic attacks, sick villain, delirious villain, sick Whump, villain hates being sick, fear of being sick, past whump, older brother whumper, PTSD, family Whump, sibling Whump, forced to vomit, graphic depictions of fever and illness and hallucinations, panicked whumpee, hero caretaker, villain doesn’t want help, graphic depictions of throwing up, sweat, heavy manipulation
I know it took me a million years to upload this part, but I finally understand the writers WIP jokes now better, so, ahaaaah… eheh… ahem, anyways.
They wiped their eyes on their sleeve, eyebrows knitting together as they settled down again, lying on Villain’s shoulder, tucked up next to them cozy.
“Yeah Hero?”
“The… your brother beating you… it doesn’t explain why you hate being sick,” Hero said. Villain laughed a little and Hero felt the vibrations on their cheek.
“Right, yeah. After a while, when we were older… I think I was thirteen, he was sixteen. We all got a takeaway from the local Chinese place. We were eating it at the dinner table, and it was all fine and good. Then after Brother told me to come with him. I remember I didn’t want to at first, but my mum insisted I do, so I did.”
“He walked up the stairs to the bathroom and when I got in he locked the door.”
“Did you enjoy your food?” Brother asked, arms folded across his chest, leaning against the door. The years had only made him taller, more handsome and broad. High school had turned him into an idol around town and everyone knew his name.
“Yeah, I did,” said Villain. “It was nice. Did you enjoy yours?”
“Yeah, I did,” said Brother, black eyes locked on Villain’s. His mouth twisted up into a pondering pout. “But I mean, I’m allowed enjoy unhealthy food because I work out a lot. You don’t.”
“I do,” Villain protested. “I work out everyday after school, and I’ve been eating well, the diet you gave me I’ve been doing it all to the letter, Brother, I swear.”
“Okay, so if I check your school bag downstairs I won’t find chocolate bar wrappers will I?”
Villain froze at the question. Brother pushed off the door, looming over Villain, backing them up until Villain’s legs hit the side of the bath and they sat on the edge of it, shrinking down small, but Brother kept crowding them.
“That’s what I thought. It doesn’t matter how much you work out or what diet you follow if you’re still going to eat junk food. You are what you eat, Villain. People who eat takeaway and junk food get fat. Do you want to be fat?”
“No, no, I don’t Brother. I’m sorry. I’ll stop. I pro—“
Brother’s hand shot out, wrapping around Villain’s throat and hurtling them back against the wall of the bath, their legs flying up as they fell.
“I am so sick of you and your fucking promises, Villain. They mean nothing. You know why? Because you are nothing. Yet you keep trying to worm your way out of the consequences. My patience is running thin.”
Brother squeezed Villain’s throat harder and Villain gasped and flailed, trying to escape to get air to breathe. Brother was stronger than them though, and held them there a moment longer before letting up and walking to the bathroom sink with a long, drawn out sigh.
“I’m sorry,” Villain gasped, hand’s going to their throat. “I’m sorry, Brother.”
“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Brother said, gripping the sides of the sink and staring into the mirror. “I have tried with you, Villain. I have tried so hard to make you better. To make you perfect, likeable, loveable, anything more than this pathetic thing you are, but you make it so hard! Why can’t you just be better? Fucking god fucking damn it!”
Brother turned to face Villain in the bath, walked over to them and grabbed them by the collar of the shirt yanking them out. The motion was too quick for Villain to register, they couldn’t get their legs under them in time. Villain’s legs folded against the edge of the bath as Brother dragged them out, their knees hitting the bathroom floor with a heavy thud.
“Even your body knows where it belongs,” Brother hissed. “So why don’t you?!”
Brother dragged them to the toilet and flipped up the seat, dragging a struggling Villain to it. “No! Get off me! Mum! Dad! AGH—“
Brother laced his fingers through Villain’s hair and slammed his head against the toilet bowl. Villain bit his tongue with the impact, the taste of iron flooding his mouth and nose as his body was becoming more loose and struggles ceasing slightly.
“Look what you make me do! Just obey! Obey and all this will be easier on you, Villain. I’m doing this to help you! To make you better. Stronger, and you fight me the entire way!”
Brother let go of Villain’s hair and left them kneeling in front of the toilet. Villain spat some of the blood into the bowl in protest.
“What do you expect me to do?” Villain asked, the fight gone out of them. They just wanted this beating to be over with as soon as possible. They wanted to sleep.
“You’re going to throw up your dinner.”
Villain turned their head to Brother, eyes narrowing into a glare. “No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.”
Villain put two hands on either side of the toilet bowl and stood up. Brother grinned, though his eyes betrayed the emptiness of it. The malice behind their smile. The sick twisted enjoyment of Villain being defiant.
“Getting brave now, are we?” Brother hummed, head tilting as they regarded Villain. Fists balled by their sides and that hatred fuelled glare told Brother he was in for a fight. Good. “You’re throwing up your dinner tonight, Villain. The choice is whether you want to do it, or I do it. Either way you’re not getting out of here until you do.”
“Hope you’re ready for the long haul then,” said Villain and they struck first. Brother hummed as Villain’s fist connected with their jaw.
“Maybe you have been working out,” said Brother, and he swung his fist. Villain ducked under Brother’s arm and used his momentum to shove him forward. Villain didn’t wait to see if he fell or how far, he turned to the door, unlocked it and bolted out of it and down the stairs.
Brother’s footsteps followed close behind, haunting Villain as they desperately ran to the front door, unlocking it and yanking it open. A hand slammed it shut above their head and Villain yanked at it with all their strength but it barely budged open again before clicking shut.
“Kids!” Dad said from the kitchen and Villain ran to them. To help them, save them. Brother yanked on the hood of Villain’s jumper, choking them but Villain scrambled out of the stupid jumper and kept running, fixing their t-shirt as they ran into the kitchen.
“Why are you two—“
“Brother has been beating me,” Villain all but screamed. He panted as his lungs tried to catch up with him, swallowing air like it was free pizza at the arcade. “He’s been beating me, all the time. That’s how I get the bruises. That’s how I get the cuts,” Villain said, showing them his patchwork arms that he hid beneath his hoodies and long sleeves.
Well not anymore. No more hiding. Screw that. Screw protecting their psycho older Brother.
Brother walked slowly into the room, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe, Villain’s jumper in his fist. Black eyes watching Villain as they spoke. Completely unfazed.
“That’s why I’m wearing jumpers in July. That’s why I haven’t worn shorts all year. He has been beating me, cutting me, hurting me— and neither of you ever lifted a finger. Ever noticed how much he was hurting me, but you know now, so please… please…” Villain begged, tears flooding his eyes and streaming fat and fast down his face. “He told me I have to throw up the Chinese we just ate. He locked me in the bathroom with him and told me either I did it or he would make me. Make me throw up.”
The more Villain spoke, the louder the silence became as their parents looked both shocked and horrified at what Villain was telling them, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Please,” Villain sniffed. “Please say something. Tell him to fuck off. To stop hurting me please. I can’t live like this, I can’t.”
“Oh sweetheart, come here,” said Mum and Villain ran straight into her arms. She wrapped him in the warmest, tightest hug he had ever had and shushed him as he cried. Running gentle fingers through his hair. “It’s okay. We’ll sort this out, okay?”
Villain nodded against her shoulder.
“You want to explain what Villain just said, Brother?” Dad asked and Villain felt warmth flood through their chest as they realised that mum and dad believed them. They actually believed them, despite what Brother had told them all this time.
Brother let out a sigh. Villain turned to face him, stepping out of their mum’s arms and slightly in front of her. Inky black eyes followed Villain’s movements and settled on their face as they spoke.
“Villain is out of control,” said Brother, voice calm. “Ever since we were kids he has been picking fights with kids for no good reason, so I’ve been trying to help him out since he came into secondary school. He doesn’t… he just doesn’t listen. Everyone else, listens! He just again and again refuses my help.”
“Your help is making sure I can’t wear proper clothes anymore you dick!” Villain yelled, a hand on their shoulder calmed them as their mum shushed them.
“See what I mean?” Brother said, gesturing at Villain. “They have these outbursts all the time! I tried to reason with them for years, and I’ve just grown impatient. The only thing that Villain responds to is violence. It hurts me as much as it hurts them, but it’s just a fact.”
“That doesn’t give you a right to hurt them,” said Dad and Brother shook their head with a scoff.
“It does. Do you know how hard it is to be perfect? I have worked my arse off trying to make you both proud of me. Trying to be the best, I just want to help people, you know this. I want to be good, and join the Hero program. I want to make the world a better place.”
“That still doesn’t explain cutting and punching your brother, Brother,” Dad scolded, glancing back at Villain’s arms. “You have left them with scars!”
“That was the last resort, Dad! That was after they got into another fight at school with a teacher no less.”
“What fight?” Mum asked and Villain stiffened under her comforting hand.
Brother sighed again, more dramatically this time and ran his hand down his face, before finally stepping into the kitchen. Villain took an instinctive step back, their back hitting Mum. Brother didn’t even smile like they usually would at Villain’s fear. It sent a shiver up Villain’s spine.
“I think you should sit down,” said Brother, tone somber and heavy. He pulled a chair out for himself and sat down. Mum and Dad shared a look then did the same. All in their usual places. Mum and dad sitting across from each other. Brother and Villain sitting across from each other.
Brother threw Villain’s hoodie onto the table and Villain took it back hesitantly, before throwing it back on.
It felt like one nail in their coffin.
“Ever since we were kids,” Brother began, looking at Villain. “I have been protecting Villain from getting into trouble as much as I could. Which means, if he got into a fight with another kid I would smooth talk the other kid until I knew they wouldn’t tell a teacher or their parents or anything.”
“Why?” Dad asked.
“Because…” Brother said, throwing his hands up in a useless gesture. “I had built this pristine reputation. Everyone liked me. Everyone wanted to be friends with me, and then Villain comes along and gets into fights left and right, I didn’t want people to think bad of us. Or for either of you to be troubled by Villain’s fighting.”
“Is this true, Villain?” Mum asked, and Villain’s heart sunk to the bottom of their stomach.
Villain swallowed helpless, looking from Mum to Dad to Brother. “I— yes, but I wasn’t fighting for bad reasons! I promise!”
“How many fights did you get into?” Dad asked and Villain was quiet. “How many fights a week, then, Villain?”
“I—“ Villain said with a sigh, shoulders sagging. “I didn’t keep count.”
“There was that many?” Mum asked and Villain shrunk in their seat.
“There was about three fights a week,” said Brother, and Villain glared at him.
“No way there was three!”
“You just said you didn’t keep count,” said Brother matter of factly.
Villain turned to their parents and said: “I wasn’t fighting just to fight. I was fighting like how Brother fought. For people being bullied by other people. And sometimes even for brother—“
“Punching a bully only makes you a bully, Villain,” said Dad, shaking his head.
“Say that to the people being bullied! I was a bully, but I was a bully of bullies!” Villain protested. “The bullies were afraid of me, so they left other people alone.”
“There’s no need to raise your voice, Villain,” Dad chastised and Villain bowed their head and said: “sorry.”
Dad turned back to Brother then. “And Brother, you didn’t need to take this on board for us. You should have let those kids call home so we would know what is going on with Villain as it happens. We are the parents, not you.”
Brother had the audacity to look humbled by the reprimanding. “I’m sorry dad. I just thought… I’m Villain’s big brother. It’s my job to protect them. To help them. To guide them through the troubles of High school and now that they’re older they can’t think fighting solves everything. Especially not fighting with teachers.”
When Dad turned to face Villain again, and Mum was looking at Villain too, Villain saw the way Brother’s repentance morphed into a twisted grin. As if they already knew that they had won Mum and Dad over.
“What was the fight with your teacher about, sweetheart?” Mum asked gently.
Villain frowned, foreboding settling on their chest like a breezeblock, as they realised, it didn’t matter what they said. Somehow brother would twist the story and make themselves look good. They needed to be convincing and tell the truth.
“They said that Heroes were stupid, that they ruined our city and brought all the psychos and Villains into the spotlight, said we were wasting our taxes on them when they destroy our buildings and roads with their fighting.”
Even retelling the words that stupid teacher used made Villain’s hands curl into fists by their sides, how dare they say such a thing. Bet they wouldn’t be so cocky if a Villain was holding them hostage and a Hero saved them.
“And what did you do?” Dad asked.
Villain raised their head, chin jutting in the air and said: “I told him that it was very rude of him not to appreciate how hard the Heroes work to keep us all safe. Then he got mad at me and—“
Brother snorted from across the table. All heads turned to face him. Brother had the audacity to look innocent, but their eyes held that same knowing stare, twinkling with confidence that they could win their parents to his side.
“That’s not what I heard happened,” said Brother and Villain nearly lunged for him, but with the table in the way they wouldn’t be able to reach over and punch him. “I heard you called the teacher an idiot and caused a riot in your class over Heroes and Villains and where teachers fit into the spectrum.”
“That’s a lie,” Villain hissed, slamming their hands on the table. Brother beamed at that.
“See? Villain has issues, anger issues! They can’t even handle me telling the other side of the story.”
“The other side of a story you made up in your head, Brother! You’re lying!”
Brother sat back in their chair, smug, and scoffed. Folding their arms across their chest they said, “fine. All Mum and Dad have to do is call the teacher and they’ll tell them what really happened.”
“And?” Hero asked, voice gentle and soft and safe.
Villain hummed, a wry smile on their lips. “They went to fact check Brother’s story.”
“And what happened?”
“In the time it took them to make the call, Brother had me upstairs, wheezing, winded and over the toilet, spidery fingers down my throat.”
“Christ, Villain!”
“I know,” Villain said with a small laugh. “I guess the fear started there… and Brother… they knew how much it got under my skin, more so than the cuts and bruises, so he kept doing it. In school, out of school, on the way home. He was relentless.”
“And where is he now? Brother, I mean.”
“He was here earlier but I think he’s gone now, I think, shit, I must have been hallucinating or something,” Villain said, eyes widening slightly.
“Let’s just hope you start feeling better tomorrow, Vil.”
“I better. I’m looking forward to your chicken soup,” Villain hummed and Hero laughed.
“You just spent the last twenty four hours throwing up and all you can think about is food?”
“I’m a simple person, Hero, and your soup is like a miracle cure.”
“You’re putting a lot of hope in this soup,” said Hero and Villain laughed, cuddling closer to Hero.
“No, I’m not. I just— Hero… thank you for everything today.”
“You’ve done it for me before,” said Hero, “remember the food poisoning incident? That was not pretty.”
“Just take the compliment, crime fighter,” Villain murmured sleepily. Hero just smiled and kissed Villain’s head and said: “okay, Vil. I’ll take the compliment. Go to sleep.”
Villain’s soft, even breaths was Hero’s answer, and they smiled, and closed their eyes as well. Holding Villain closer than they ever have before.
Continued here
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
I was rereading the demo from the beginning again, and what exactly was the Grey Death? Was it a huge wide spread disease? Or did only affect a few people?
The Grey Death is a plague-like disease that surfaces intermittently in Blest every 130-150 years. It affects primarily Elves, and the Elven population for whatever reason always takes the largest hit whenever the Grey Death crops up, but anyone can contract it, and it tends to affect localized areas rather than sweeping through the Continent on a "global pandemic" level. It doesn't typically cross the Shield Peaks, so it's more likely to affect regions like "most of the cities near and around the Reach" or "Brunen, Orlop, and Kinley" or even just a handful of smaller remote communities near each other if things are lucky. It's not a particularly violent illness--the victim tends to pass into a permanent coma/death-like sleep for a period of about 2-3 weeks after pretty standard fever/cold/flu symptoms--but its mysterious nature can be very scary for people.
In the case of MC's mother, it was a localized rural outbreak rather than a huge epidemic. Hope that makes sense!
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universitypenguin · 7 months
Personal update:
I’m sick right now and I told my mother I was “too tired” to go to the doctor. She came over, took one look at me and drove me to their office, filled out the paperwork, and is now sitting with me in the waiting room.
I am miserable… 😩 but I am also spoiled. 👑
Also, I feel like this is exactly what Lloyd would have done to Princess before they were dating. He definitely would know her allergies and medications.
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sysiheart · 19 days
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Rebooted my old ass comic Jumalanpelko (The fear of god). You can find it from instagram and comicfury
It tells the story of Suncat who has a god living inside her, killing her slowly. However her Guard really really really doesnt want to let his baby die and makes it everyones problem.
Aka edgy cult cats.
I might make a tumblr for it at some point. It is a stress relief comic, im just having some fun.
Im taking inspiration from some of my fav clangen comics. Not for the lore (Jumalanpelko isn't warriors comic at all) but more like. How episodic the comic is, how i make some little mini comics in between of the story and how it is kinda interactive with the readers. Tho we shall see how it goes, i have a lot of stuff to do outside of this comic.
@loudclan-clangen @aphidclan-clangen @fallenclan @circus-clangen thank u guys, keep doing what u are doing!
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