#TW: Death meantions
nights-flying-fox · 1 year
Deep (Purple) Thoughts (and Realizations)
Chapter 3: Truth and Facts
◇ Click here to read on AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 ◇
Donnie follows his suspicions, this time he asks some questions and gets some answers.
TW: Mentions of character death. Some self loathing, but not too deep (ha, unintentional pun).
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Donnie got up from his chair suddenly, face not revealing any emotions. He turned around and headed to one of the three rooms connected to his lab. While his brothers were talking loudly, Leo and Mikey trying to explain what was going on to Raph, April followed Donnie.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“The files are removed.” He answered without looking, his eyes were focused on the doors.
“What?” She exclaimed.
“I have an idea who has them, though.” Donnie explained.
April looked towards the doors. Realization flashed on her face as she understood.
Before she said anything, Donnie turned to look at her. “It would be better if you stayed here. I want to have a private talk with him.”
“Okay, but if I hear shouting I am getting in.” She stated, stopping in her tracks.
He nodded as he continued walking. Then he opened the doors, entered the room, and closed them.
The room was small, lit with a dim light. It was painted purple, and inside it were many small gadgets mostly suitable for small robots and drones. There were small neon details too. Similar to his lab, except it was completed unlike it. A perfect room for Shelldon.
Shelldon, who had taken the files.
How could Donnie not guess this? Of course, Shelldon would find a way to get through his security system and reach the files! He knew that Shelldon wouldn’t listen to him, he should’ve been more careful!
He saw the ‘bed’ that Shelldon was lying on. “Shelldon, I know you are awake.”
There was no reply.
“Shelldon,” Donnie repeated. “We have to talk.”
Shelldon slowly turned his head towards Donnie, “Oh, uh, hey dude.”
“Did you take the recording files?” He needed this sorted out as soon as possible. “Because it is past midnight and there is no one else that is capable of doing that.”
He didn’t answer at first. Then, “Leo would’ve taken them if I didn’t.”
Donnie raised a brow, “What?”
“I watched the security cameras, he came to the lab yesterday too.” He explained.
Donnie wasn’t expecting that. What was Leo doing in his lab? Was that why he was in his lab tonight, waiting for them? This meant more questions than answers, and Donnie didn’t like this at all. He had to think about that later though, “But you didn’t take them because of him, right?”
He almost missed the nod Shelldon gave. New question: Why was Shelldon so quiet?
He knew the answer but didn’t want it to be true. The simple idea of Shelldon changing as well scared Donnie. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want Shelldon to know everything, for him to have the emotional scars from them just like the rest of his family.
Unlike tech, he couldn’t heal scars caused by bad memories.
Yet, he asked the question:
“Did you watch them?”
Another quiet nod. Donnie felt like he was going to throw up again.
“I told you that you couldn’t watch them.” Donnie glared. He didn’t mean to sound harsh, but he wasn’t feeling good about this.
“I know.”
“Then why did you watch them?” This didn’t make any sense. (Except it did, because logic explained it all, but Donnie ignored it, just for this once.)
“I was curious.” Shelldon replied.
“I thought you knew that you should listen to me no matter what.” Donnie said.
“I am sorry.” His voice cracked.
Donnie only once had heard his voice crack.
He suddenly stopped talking and looked at Shelldon carefully. Examining the drone, he noticed how he had curled up as if trying to hug and comfort himself. How hurt he looked. Scared. Just like that time a long while ago, when he lost him for the first time against the feral Shredder they fought.
Shelldon looked like a little vulnerable kid.
“How… how much of it did you watch?” Donnie asked, now slower.
“Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” Shelldon asked back, confirming Donnie’s fears. He knew about the truth of what happened to him, and what Shredder did to him.
“I didn’t think you needed to know about it.” He explained. “It was bad enough the first time. You didn’t need to relive it again.”
“This doesn’t make it better.” Shelldon said, obviously trying to hide his hurt.
“Yes, it doesn’t.” Donnie admitted. Then he sat next to him. “...I am sorry.” Shelldon shifted to see him better, surprised to hear him apologize. Donnie continued, “I didn’t want you to know any of this. It was bad. Really bad, and this doesn’t make it any better either.” He sighed. He felt like he was rambling, but he was trying his best. Maybe he was doing a bit better than before thanks to Doctor Feelings though. “But I just didn’t want you to get hurt too.”
Now fully turned towards him, Shelldon looked ashamedly to the ground. “I am sorry too. For taking the files… and watching them.” He apologized. “You are right. They are bad.”
Donnie smiled, opening his arms. Shelldon accepted the comfort immediately, hugging him.
After a while, he whispered. “Thanks for kicking Shredder’s butt.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“...I’m sorry for Gram-Gram. I wish I could’ve helped.”
“You did amazing there, Shelldon. She would be proud of you, just like I am.” Donnie said, repeating the words his father had said months ago. He ignored the bittersweet sadness he felt. He wished that they could’ve saved Gram-Gram, but at least she was happy and reunited with her father now. Thanks to Ninpo, they knew this.
“And maybe you are right about the end of the world being not cool too.” Shelldon added.
“Glad we agree.”
“These gumheads were too disgusting.” He said.
Another silent moment. Shelldon was quick to fill it though, “Hey Donnie,”
“Yes?” Donnie replied.
“Thank you.”
Donnie leaned back to look at him, confused. “Why?”
“I... uh... for keeping me around.” Shelldon avoided looking at Donnie again.
“What?” Donnie couldn’t understand what Shelldon could mean by these words.
“You could’ve built something better than me. Something stronger and better at protecting, I bet you got awesome ideas after seeing Casey Jr.’s tech too---”
“Wait. What are you talking about?” He held Shelldon so that the drone could see at him.
Shelldon answered with a quiet voice, “I have failed you twice now.”
Donnie’s eyes widened as he understood what was going on. “Shelldon, you did not fail.”
“I did. It is facts, the evidence is in the footages.”
“You know that is not true, right?” Donnie retorted. “Shelldon, you did what you could, and you are still growing, learning, and improving. You don’t need to be replaced. You are my boy, and you did incredible things. I would never ever replace you.” He said every word with determination, genuinely believing everything he told, and hoping Shelldon understood that.
Shelldon looked at him with big eyes, “Do you really mean all of that?”
“I really really mean every word I said.” He confirmed. “Two ‘really’.”
Shelldon seemed to beam at that, hugging Donnie again. He gladly returned the hug.
It could’ve been another comforting silence moment, but the shutting from the lab interrupted all of it. “Not even a half hour and they’re acting like animals. Incredible, yet not surprising.” Donnie huffed as he and Shelldon broke the hug.
Donnie headed to the door, with Shelldon following him. Since he and Shelldon had talked it out, now he had something else to focus on and solve. Why did Leo want the recordings?
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sleepytownez · 9 months
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Oh no!!!!!!!!!! Anyways loser behavior smh lol, is it true that they only have like the same anon hate constantly….it feels like it.
Honestly I’m more surprised anyone would target anything at me, considering how I’m not only in the proship space and only interact sometimes. What I’m GUESSING is that this person was searching thru proship posts and who liked them. Which wow ok lol
Has anyone else gotten these recently?
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master-keaton-manga · 8 months
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Master Keaton Volume 6, Chapter 3: Santa From The West.
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empyrcals · 5 months
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‘ hazal filiz küçükköse, cis woman, she/her, 34 / 340 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems ZEHRA DRAVEN has finally made it to the capital, the LADY from the NIGHT COURT is said to be DYNAMIC and is said to describe themselves with STARFALL PERSONIFIED; YOU BURN BRILLIANT AND LEAVE THE WORLD IN AWE IN YOUR WAKE, A SOUL OF STORMS; YOU ARE AT WAR WITH THE MANY HIDDEN PARTS OF YOURSELF, A RARE SOFTNESS AMONG SHARP SHADOWS; YOUR LOVE IS HARD-WON BUT REWARDING, THE BEAUTY OF THE BEAST REFLECTED IN ANOTHER CREATURE WHO KNOWS THE DARK, A SCATTERING OF ROSE PETALS and with all of this in mind their CALCULATIVE nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time. 
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full name. zehra yildiz draven
position: lady of the night court, sister to the high lord of night
nickname(s): none, she doesn't really do nicknames. give her one I dare thee
age. 34 / 340 yrs old .
d.o.b.: july 20th
status. betrothed to emilios acheson, high lord of spring.
gender. cis woman.
orientation. bisexual
species: high fae ( able to storm wield, winnow due to the draven bloodline/court of night )
allegiance. zehra is loyal to those who have earned it, meaning her family - especially timur. only recently within a year is she loyal to emilios seeing part of herself in him - the rest of his family the jury is still out on where she stands with them currently..
spoken languages: common tongue, illyrian, old fae
father:  former high lord draven -- status deceased / murdered.
mother:  former high lady -- status: deceased  ?
siblings:  timur draven ( high lord, elder brother ), emira draven, melinoe draven ( younger sisters )
partner:  emilios acheson ( they've been betrothed for a year now )
children: none.
other  familial  relations: seraphina draven ( sister-in-law ), aylin & aslan ( niece and nephew via emira ). we also count her brother's inner circle as family.
faceclaim. hazal filiz küçükköse
hair color. dark brown/ near black (it's a rich natural color changing shades depending on the time of year ) .
eye color. brown .
height. five foot nine.
scars. none.
build: athletic yet curvaceous. She is finely honed and has all the right curves in the right places - goddess level please.
dominant hand: while ambidextrous, zehra favors her right hand
notable features : her eyes, her bone structure, all the things
cowardly     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ●      brave energetic    ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     lethargic forgiving     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○      vengeful charitable    ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     selfish authentic     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○      deceitful chaste     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○      lustful humble    ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○     boastful naive     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ●      experienced cautious     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○      daring restrained     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○     bold trusting     ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○      suspicious
SMOKES ? : no. .
ALCOHOL USE : yes. within reason but not to access - zehra is the sort who always likes to keep command of her own senses.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE ? : no. not unnecessarily violent but it can be stated that while not able to manipulate nightmares as her brother can being high lord Zehra can be an absolute terror and force to be reckoned with. she is the storm and the darkness and the stars hurt something she cares about and she will burn your world down. this, though, is mainly kept at bay; part of herself she hides well and does not tap into regularity, choosing to plot her way through things and using her mind for much of her life, which is equally as dangerous with dark ambitions that whisper at the edge of her mind.
PRONE TO CRYING ? : no, not that she's not cried. its a deeply private emotion that even if she trusts her own blood its not ever on display. it takes great emotion to push her to tears..
EMOTIONAL STABILITY ? : quite high. zehra is emotionally stable through years of training herself to only show what she wishes.
SELF DESTRUCTIVE ? : no. zehra is a builder, an architect of her own design plotting out a way while not her brother's advisors nothing she does is ever not a calculated move playing a game ten steps ahead of everyone else. while her ambitions are not fully voiced or yet believed in - in the right circumstances her darker shadows and plans would thrive but destructive - never to herself but she will ruin you for anyone else.
PHOBIAS ? : none that she would admit.
vague but detailed enough | tw death, murder, violence mentions
you are named for what they've always hoped for you - radiant brilliant light sparkling amidst the heavens as a paragon of your kind. You will never lead, and you will never be a high lady of the night - you are the dazzling one. in many ways, from the moment you are born, they do a disservice to you. Your parents love you. There was never any mistake in that, but you were not the child born first to them, and try as you might, and you would try incredibly hard; you were only their spare. A decade of so younger than your brother, your beloved and beautiful brother - you were there if he were to fall. If he failed, the line of succession would fall onto you, and as much freedom as you had, there was structure and preparation for a thing all of them were thoroughly sure would never come to you. Still, their brilliant little star, their shining, shimmering darling, had to be prepared for all things to go at all costs.
Maybe you were born broken - the girl meant for greatness already shoved into a box you hadn't made for yourself, slowly tearing at walls, wanting to be more. You always, always wanted more, knowing from before you were even a century old you could never be a sister, daughter, or wife to just anyone and be just that. It was in that realization that you discovered facets of yourself - you found who you were amid the chaos of living for what would be an eternity to some. you love fiercely who deserved love back but waste none of it on pure folly or idiotic love sick passions in yourf youth. train for your own war, knowing while you would fight and could nearly claim to be better than a good portion of your brother's inner circle, even asking to work with Illyrians - the wars you would fight would be of deeper shadows. Let Timur prepare to be a lord of lords, and while younger sisters could thank you for their relaxed freedoms and privileges, you were the one to watch and be in awe of. A master of the game and of politics, knowing nothing you did was left to chance - everything was meant to move things in the right direction.
You loved your father more than anyone - you would dare say more than any of your other siblings despite not knowing secrets stil kept from you. you admit to him once at a game of chess under the stars, having parted from adoring followers at a midsummer party, that it is exhausting trying to impress him. You admit all you desire was to be helpful, irreplaceable, and invaluable - to be appreciated and involved- and to be told you were those things to the man you admired most. He merely sipped his wine with a smile and proceeded to play chess until the sky grew quiet and the sun shooed the moon from sight. you thought a most dangerous thought - Mother, preserve me. I wish he were dead. It was only a thought - one you'd never act on, but did it shock you any less when the next day he was? Did you also not selfishly hope just for a moment, even as you adored your brother, that maybe, in some twist of fate, you would inherit that power? It had been shocking, and you had such a passing thought, but this was never for you.
Timur had his inner court, the court of nightmares and all the things that came with it. You would be the storm, you would be protector and destroyer beyond them knowing as much as he hides it your brother fears and you will not allow him the same fate. You protect your jovial younger sisters and you protect your niece and nephew. How do you protect them, shoving down your own dark ambitions, wrapping yourself in a more profound mystery, and making sure you leave the rest of the world in awe of who you are? Let them stare at you, they will never know all that you are but in accepting this role you hide a piece of yourself that lingers in the dark. Where is the woman who wanted everything - wanted power and might - to have it all because one deserved the world? Do you remember your shadows?
You hide them; you fight those tendencies until you meet an unexpected stranger. Spring. Oh gods, how you loathed pastels and pretty, flowery things until the high lord of the spring court was nearly enough tripping over himself for you. Instantaneously, he could've declared you his ideal and perfection realized - everything he had ever wanted. You try to resist advances to make him earn what he desires - your hand. You see him, though, and you see yourself - you see what could become, and for the first time in centuries, the monster you know you are who craves a world shaped by your own hand, which has for so long been dormant beneath flesh, and bone is reflected in someone else's eyes. Do you love him when you accept his hand - do you love him now? Yes, it would be too simple an answer and a word too easily tossed around, but you've come to find something admirable in flowers, roses especially, and in wild beasts, and it is just the beginning.
All the things please. Let me help you build up your beautiful characters and create something amazing. Old friends, new friends, enemies, former lovers, illyrian pals, sparring partners, rivals, people she is ready to use, unexpected and cool things. also to echo a want from timur's intro the person who ended the draven siblings father - all the things.
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whisper-in-the-dark · 7 months
can someone come to my rescue
the burdens are getting heavy
i don't know what words to use
i just want someone to come and help me
i don't feel i have the right to feel all i feel
can someone please get me out of this misery
life is scary and I'm scared of death
of losing loved ones again and again
I'm closer than i ever was to becoming an orphan
if a car accident happens my whole life is ruined
so i cry in silent and so do my screams
i sit here and sit and dry my tears
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martinebirgitte · 1 year
"I'm Talking O' The Grass"
A quote from M.K. Ashby's biography of her father Joseph Ashby of Tysoe.
It began;
"Of all the natural gifts of God I thought of grass to talk about. Grass is always with us. It never fails, even in the farming scene. It clothes the world as with a cloak. (...) Permanent grass is a rest for the thoughts. 'I lay me down in green pastures'. The green colour o' grass rests the eye, neverfailingness of it rests the anxious mind; and the feel of it is rest for the body in summer season ... Ay, but that reminds me, grass robs death of it's terrors, for who but feels soothed at the thought of the green grass waving over a body that is weary (...)"
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reallifepotato · 2 years
This is maybe too bleak but
I keep thinking how nit picky I am about the tiniest things. The skin tag on my neck, my teeth not being perfectly white, my eyeliner being uneven. As if I'm not worthy to date anyone because I'm not perfect
But if you end up marrying someone and live with them until you're old and die...They might just find you on the bathroom unconscious in a pool of your piss or whatever. like what difference does it make if I have a little skin tag on my neck.
I can't put this properly into words but like
The love that people who are married for so long has nothing to do with how you look or how you present yourself.
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vent-blog-ignore-me · 3 months
thank you random tumblr reblog bait, i literally think my mum is gonna die tonight now.
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97linelover · 1 month
Mend my broken heart - Choi seungcheol
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18+ MDI!!
summary: Getting a second chance to love someone sounds good right?
But what if a simple Camping trip could break this apart?
content: Idol scoups x non Idol reader, fight,angst, happy end,fluff,smut, drama, heartbreak, meantions of death, reader´s ex has died !TW!
wc: 3.2 k
a/n: please be careful if mentions of death triggers you. This story holds a special place in my heart .
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Being in love can be something unbelievably beautiful. If you find your soulmate, keep them close, keep them safe, and cherish every moment with them.
You never thought you’d get a second chance at love, but then Seungcheol entered your life, and love had another chance.
You first met when you worked an early shift at the café. He would come in after his morning run, and it wasn’t long before his daily visits turned into brief conversations.
It didn’t take long for him to ask you out, but you declined initially, citing professionalism. Yet, he persisted, and his charm and your growing fondness for him eventually won out.
When you finally agreed to go on a date, the joy on his face was unmistakable. He took you to a movie and then to the best Italian restaurant in town. Despite the paparazzi’s attempts to catch you, you managed to evade them.
From then on, you saw each other regularly. He became a close friend, and you started to sense that something deeper was developing.
“Y/N, Cheollie is already waiting outside for you,” Maria said, tying her apron.
“Tell him I need to make a quick call and then I’m ready,” you replied.
You hurriedly finished your call, put on your hoodie, and tied your hair into a loose bun. As you stepped outside, you saw Cheol leaning against his black car, engrossed in his phone.
“Hey, handsome,” you greeted with a grin.
He looked up, his face lighting up with a big smile. “Hey, love,” he said, slipping his phone into his pocket. “How was your shift?” he asked, taking your hand and pulling you closer.
“Same old stuff,” you sighed. “I can’t wait for this to be over so I can start my own bakery,” you said dreamily, your hands resting on his chest as you looked up at him.
“You know I’d love to help you with that,” he said, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“No, Cheollie, it’s my fight,” you kissed his cheek. “But thank you.”
“Are you hungry? There’s a new fried chicken place down the street from my place,” he suggested, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“Oh, I heard of it, ChiKi or something, right?” you asked.
“Exactly,” he confirmed.
“Sure, but I’m pretty exhausted. Let’s go so I can sleep afterward,” you giggled as you got into his car. The drive was peaceful, with his hand resting on your thigh. “Close your eyes a little until we get there,” he said.
You nodded and closed your eyes, dozing off for a few minutes.
At the restaurant, you ordered various plates of seasoned chicken and some drinks.
“How was practice? Did it go well with your injury?” you asked, taking a bite of your chicken.
“It was exhausting,” he said. “We’re preparing for the Maestro comeback, and it’s harder than I thought. I fell twice because my leg gave up.” You could sense his struggle and took his hand.
“But it’s so much better than before, right? Look on the bright side; the doctor wasn’t sure if you’d ever dance like that again,” you pointed out. “You’re doing great. I saw a post from fans about the Monster performance. You were incredible,” you said, and he grinned.
“You think so?” he raised his eyebrows playfully.
“You know exactly how hot I think you are, Cheol. That’s no secret,” you leaned back in your chair.
“Want to come over to mine?” he asked, his voice lowering and his eyes darkening. You rubbed your legs together, feeling excited.
“I thought you’d never ask,” you grinned, grabbing your bag and following him to his car.
Spending nights like these with him was rare. He usually kept a low profile, but with you, he was ready to face the risks.
You didn’t make it to the bedroom. Instead, he took you against the wall, their passion overwhelming, and eventually laid you down on the couch, hovering over you. “So beautiful,” he murmured, tracing your collarbones.
“Cheol,” you whimpered as his fingertips played with your sensitive spots.
“So needy,” he smirked. “Cheol, please,” you begged.
Finally, he pushed inside, taking his time, gradually building up the intensity. Your eyes rolled back, a loud moan escaping you as he made you feel pleasure beyond words.
Seungcheol’s moans and the sight of him losing control made you feel warm and desired. Afterward, he carried you into his massive walk-in shower, where you gave him pleasure with your mouth, and he praised you as he reached his climax.
You both sank into his large bed, exhausted and content. “Seok texted me; he’s planning a trip to Busan next weekend. He wants you to join us,” Cheol said, playing with your hair.
“Am I not intruding?” you asked, tracing patterns on his tummy.
“Never. Seungkwan always asks about you, and Joshua is obsessed with you,” he reassured.
“We can do that,” you kissed him softly, feeling the familiar flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
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As you traveled to Busan with Seokmin, Chan, and Cheol, the car ride was filled with laughter and music.
“The others are already there. Jun’s setting up the grill, and Mingyu’s taking care of our tent,” Cheol said, guiding your hand to his mouth for a soft kiss.
“Only for you would I sleep in a tent,” you sighed. “My back will thank me later.”
“I can give you a massage later,” he smirked.
“That’s disgusting,” Seokmin laughed. “Please be quiet then,” he added.
“Oh, only because you haven’t had any action for months. Should I remind you about someone who got busy with Ally in the practice room?” Cheol joked.
You laughed and changed the song.
As night fell, you all gathered on the sand. Seungkwan poured more wine into your cup. “We’re happy you’re here with us,” he said, and you smiled, feeling content.
Cheol’s fingers stroked your hair lovingly. “I’m going to grab some thicker clothes,” you mumbled. As you changed in the tent, Cheol followed.
“Are you cold?” you asked, picking out some pants for him.
“No, I’m actually just really horny,” he whispered, his bulge evident.
“But the others are waiting,” you teased.
He didn’t care. On a floating mattress, you straddled him, moving your hips skillfully.
“Yes,” Cheol breathed, his voice heavy with desire. “Just like that.”
You intensified your movements, feeling him groan beneath you. His state, with messy hair and dark eyes, made you feel even closer to climax.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” he rasped. “I’m almost there.”
“Me too, Cheol,” you whimpered.
As you both reached the peak of pleasure, you stayed close, marveling at the connection you shared. “Should we just go to bed?” he asked, gently cleaning you up.
“Mmm, sleepy,” you mumbled, and he chuckled, wrapping you in a blanket.
You lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms. “Cheollie, I think I’m in love with you,” you whispered. There was no response; he was already asleep. Perhaps it was better this way.
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The atmosphere on the beach was relaxed, with the other guys chatting and laughing. Cheol had his arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you listened.
“Jungkook-ah bought a new motorcycle; he passed his test yesterday,” someone mentioned.
You chewed on a piece of bread and noticed Cheol nodding in agreement. “Jungkook made it? That’s awesome,” Chan said, and you saw Cheol nodding again.
“I actually signed up for driving lessons three days ago,” Cheol added, and you froze.
“NO,” you said, standing up abruptly.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Cheol asked, looking confused.
“You are not going to drive that motorcycle, Cheol,” you insisted, feeling a surge of anger and fear.
Cheol furrowed his brows. “Of course I will. I’ve always wanted to.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I’m not joking, Cheol. You are not getting on that motorcycle.” Your voice shook with emotion.
He laughed, thinking you were playing. “Who are you, my mom?”
“Do you think this is funny?” you demanded, tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m not your mom, but she’d probably say the same thing. I care about you, and it hurts to see you not take me seriously.”
Cheol’s expression hardened. “Y/N, we’re not doing this childish thing. If I want my license, I’m getting it. You’re not my mother.” Wonwoo stepped in. “Hey man, I think you should talk this out alone.”
You wiped your tears away angrily. “I’m done with this conversation. Do whatever you want, but I can’t watch you risk your life every day.” You grabbed your shoes from the sand.
“I’m done with you,” you shouted, and Cheol flinched at your sudden outburst.
You stormed toward the tent, packing your belongings into your sports bag.
“What’s happening?” Cheol demanded, following you. “What do you mean you’re done with me?”
“I mean exactly that,” you said, not caring about the fabric he pulled from your hands. “I’m done with you. You’re not respecting my feelings. I’m finished.”
You stormed out of the tent. “I can’t understand what’s happening,” Cheol said, running in front of you.
“You don’t need to. This is it. I tried, but it’s not working,” you sobbed.
“Where are you going? Let’s talk,” he pleaded, grabbing your hand.
“No, Cheol. You don’t understand. This motorcycle issue is something I can’t handle. I felt like you weren’t taking me seriously. If we start like this, what’s next? You’re going to do it anyway?”
“So you’re breaking up with me over something so trivial?” he scoffed. You stopped abruptly.
Cheol’s eyes widened in shock. “He was killed instantly because he was speeding, and the weather was awful. So no, Seungcheol, I’m not breaking up with you over something trivial. I’m breaking up with you because I can’t handle the memory of his death and the thought of losing someone who could mend my broken heart.” You spoke with a fierce strength.
“I didn’t know,” Cheol whispered.
“Because no one knows. No one deserves to know how messed up my life is,” you said, walking away.
You headed to the train station, relieved to catch the last train home. The journey felt like a fever dream.
It had been four years, and the pain still felt fresh.
You turned off your phone and went straight to bed.
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In the middle of the night, you were jolted awake by knocks on your door. You knew exactly who it was.
“Cheol, go away,” you said through the door.
“No, baby. I can’t just let you walk away like this,” he pleaded.
“But I can’t do this,” you sobbed.
“You can. The last few months were so good. We were good. Let’s talk, please,” he said, his voice cracking.
You opened the door, and he pulled you into a tight embrace. “I won’t let you go, not over this. I was an idiot, but we can work through it,” he said.
You sobbed against his chest. “I don’t know, Cheol. I had built a barrier around my heart, and you broke it down. I became vulnerable with you,” you said, feeling raw.
“I will never go near a motorcycle if it means losing you,” he whispered, holding you close. “I didn’t know. I thought you were just overreacting. I would never judge you. I want you to trust me.”
You looked up at him with tearful eyes. “I want you to know about him,” you said softly. He wiped away your tears and kissed your forehead.
“Do you feel ready to talk about it?” he asked gently.
You nodded. “I think you need to understand why I’m sometimes distant,” you said, settling on your small bed. You fiddled with your blanket, gathering your thoughts.
“His name was Sam. We met when I was 18 at a house party. He never took his eyes off me. We ended up leaving the party and spending time at the beach,” you began, your voice trembling.
“We became best friends and then lovers. He was my first everything. I thought we’d get married. We even planned to elope in Vegas. He worked two jobs; his second job was as a delivery driver for his uncle’s diner. One night, I had terrible stomach pains and asked him to come home. I had no car, and I told him to be careful and drive slowly,” you recounted, struggling to hold back tears.
“I called him later because I hadn’t heard from him. I started to worry. His mother came to my place, tears streaming down her face, to tell me that Sam had died. I thought it was a cruel joke. Everything went dark.” Cheol held you tighter.
“He was speeding, and a drunk driver lost control on the wet road. Sam was gone instantly. After that, I fell into a deep depression. I shut everyone out, feeling like my heart was only for Sam,” you said, looking at him.
“That was until I met you. I didn’t want to get too close, but somehow, you captured my heart,” you smiled through your tears. “I visited Sam’s grave and told him about you. I told him he’d have to share me now, and I felt okay with that.”
Seungcheol was at a loss for words, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I didn’t know,” he whispered.
“You couldn’t. I want you in my life, Cheol. A piece of my heart will always belong to Sam. I’m overprotective because I love you,” you said.
“You love me?” he asked, his voice full of hope.
You nodded. “I love you. That’s why I ran away. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing another man I love,” you said, stroking his hair. “You mean so much to me.”
Cheol’s tears fell freely as he held you close, understanding the depth of your feelings and vowing to be more considerate of your fears.
Cheol held you close, his tears mingling with yours as he processed everything you had shared. You could feel the weight of his remorse and the sincerity of his promises.
"I’m so sorry for not understanding sooner," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I should have listened to you, and I should have been more sensitive. I never wanted to add to your pain."
You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm begin to replace the tumult inside you. "It’s not about you being at fault. It’s about me learning to trust and open up again. And you being willing to listen means everything to me."
He gently wiped your tears away and kissed you softly, his lips reassuring against yours. "Let’s work through this together," he said. "I want to be here for you in every way, and I want us to be strong."
You nodded, feeling a flicker of hope. "I want that too. It’s just going to take time, and patience, and understanding."
The two of you spent the rest of the night talking and comforting each other, rebuilding the trust that had been shaken. As dawn approached, you both felt a renewed sense of connection and commitment.
In the weeks that followed, Cheol made a conscious effort to respect your boundaries and to show you just how much you meant to him. He never brought up the motorcycle again, instead focusing on being a supportive partner and taking the time to truly understand your fears.
Gradually, the healing began. You found it easier to open up about your past, and Cheol proved time and again that he was willing to stand by you, no matter what. Your relationship deepened, built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect.
And while the pain of losing Sam never completely went away, you learned to share your heart without fear. You and Cheol continued to grow together, embracing each moment and looking forward to a future that, while uncertain, felt filled with promise and love.
As you both looked back on that tumultuous night, you realized that it had been a turning point—a moment that tested your relationship but ultimately strengthened it. In Cheol, you found not only a partner but a confidant who helped you heal and find joy again.
You knew the road ahead wouldn’t always be smooth, but with Cheol by your side, you felt ready to face whatever came next, together.
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dull-bun · 4 years
Mentions of suicide, hate, getting hurt? This is just me ranting about hate anons ::
They probably won’t see this but If you are a anon sending hate to writers or ANYONE on here, shame on you. I’m glad that Rylle won’t have to deal with you anymore.  She was a KID for god’s sake! And you told her to k*ll herself?! What is wrong with you?!  You are a  sick human being.  ALL OF YOU HATE ANONS You should be ashamed.
Even if you sent a hate ask in because you thought it was funny, you should be ashamed. Thankfully, Rylle has chosen to leave Tumblr and Wattpad  But don’t forget, that because of people like you hate anons, someone could’ve gotten hurt. Someone could’ve died. And thank the gods above, no one did. At least not today. I know someone did end up dying because of people like you on here. (R.I.P to them, they didn’t deserve it.) But if you think what you’re doing is “funny” or “quirky” Its not. You are sick I hope you understand that no one will ever respect you. You don’t have the bravery to go off anon. You don’t have the bravery to move past an innocent blog that did nothing. You are disgusting.
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buglaur · 2 years
i'm not ready either anon 😭 i have literally just not played the game in ages because of it. i did finally make his completed age progression thing though
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i had to improvise the toddler to teen stages but look at how cute baby gael was. you'd never think such a cute kid could turn out the be the absolute menace he was.
he'll be with his beloved ass now it's okay 😔
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objectivelost · 3 years
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ghostboo my beloved
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paninimaker · 3 years
Im gonna be killing every Allay i see
Why? Bc on a tiktok i commented "the copper golem has redstone potential" and i got fucking death threats, and only from allay supporters
Fuck Allays.
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spiderversetweets · 3 years
Hey guys. I don't normally post stuff like this, and I know it's not blog related, but this blog as a MUCH larger following than my main does and I wanted to put this out there.
Yesterday(Sept. 26, 2021) a very of mine got some horrible news. They found out that her older brother had been killed in a (suspected) hit and run accident over a week ago and his body was late Saturday night. They haven't been able to get in contact with his son or his son's mother to tell them the news either.
She and her family have been tight for money for months, as they've had student debt and medical debt they've been working to pay off.
They asked me to pass along they gofundme they made in attempt to get some more funds for the funeral expenses.
As I said, I don't normally post stuff like this, but I've known this family for years, and they're like family to me. If you're unable to help, I ask you reblog to pass it along. Thank you for your time.
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itmightbeneb · 4 years
you know what? it makes sense that techno would still view Tommy in a negative light, and while in denial about his death make light hearted jokes about it being pog. from technos perspective Tommy betrayed him. now we can argue about who betrayed who all day long but that doesn't change that fact that techno feels betrayed by Tommy, feels that Tommy used him as a weapon and nothing more. whether that is true or not doesn't matter, we have the benefit of seeing all sides and can tell people's motives a lot easier than a neuroodivergant person who misunderstood tommys intentions and doesn't canonically have access to his point of view. to techno, Tommy is the person who betrayed him, used him as a weapon, turned back to the people who exiled him (and also tried to execute techno) and stole his stuff. I completely understand why techno doesn't feel much sympathy or sorrow over his death, especially as he doesnt know that dream was abusing him.
I understand that you're all upset and want them to be friends/brothers/whatever but that's metagaming, that's using our knowledge of their actual friendship and the sbi dynamic in a situation where that isn't the case. this is 100% in line with technos character, he makes light of dark situations and doesn't particularly like Tommy anymore
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gottawhump · 3 years
Already Dead
Year 16 - Imprisoned
CW/TW: cutting, blood, captivity
“You had a lovely funeral today. You should have seen it,” Evon said, smiling.
I coughed, causing a sharp ache in my side. “Next time, maybe.”
“Your widow seemed most grieved. No sign of your daughter.”
Good. “And my,” another cough tore through me, “father-in-law?”
“Making overtures to me and my house. He doesn’t like not having the Liaison out of his control.”
Of course not.
Evon pulled out his long thin knife. “Shall we continue our discussion?”
It’s a one sided conversation, because I won’t give him the answers he wants.
I taste blood. It’s matted in my hair, and pooling from what used to be my fingernails. I feel cold and lightheaded. Maybe I’ll pass out soon.
Or maybe he will kill me this time. They planted my tree; I’m already dead.
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