kasperl-ruprecht · 2 months
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candyrushh13 · 2 months
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hii hiiii hello, hiii.
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happi-dreams · 26 days
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the sillies the goofers the 💥💥
this is offically a hyperfixation now thank you funny bird for your essay
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red-room-studi0 · 24 days
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Antagonist Therapy
made based from one of the pages from the Book Of Bill!
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HOLY SHIT- I was finally able to get this done! work was always in the way of even getting this thing done! But I did it! I hope u guys like it! ✨ (I worked really hard on this 🥲)
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So chapter 3's going great
Get rekt, old man
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abnomi · 15 days
If OC x canon has 0 fans i am being dissolved into a vat of acid they are going to get me for this theyre gonna get me they're already here oh god please somebody
The lore I have crafted for them in the span of like a week is absolutely ridiculous. Feel free to ask me questions about them *Giggles*!! TURBO AND SID TURBO AND SID TURBO AND SID FROTHS AT THE MOUTH
EDIT: This is slightly outdated now btw; ive changed my mind about some of their traits and how they interact. it was just like an exercise to help me get a better idea of who they both are :-] doesn't help that a lot of these are very context dependent LOL (like PDA for example)
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edit: original tem plate 🥸
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theartsybat · 23 days
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I looked, and I hadn't uploaded this?
HAVE THIS OLD THING i made in.. january 2013
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danisha-tdh · 5 months
Don’t mind if I do — drop this here as a little gift —
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Have a reference from how Set is jealous of my twins, LOL
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Thank u!! 💕💕💕 I love this so much!! ^^
Also those two better be fight heheheheheheh :3
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Once again, thanks for the fanart!
(It's was a good meal for me :>)
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king-crawler · 10 months
Turbo iis all self absorbed and shit uuntil wait hold o what tthe hell why is it ddoing that
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He doesn’t like criticism…
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northern-passage · 1 year
Why is the hunter a turbo virgin
if they have sex they actually lose their magic powers. sorry to everyone that chose to have sex with merry in ch1 you're now locked into the bad ending
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candyrushh13 · 19 days
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hii again!! random doodles of this guy yeah
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years
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by 鏑木康隆
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djfatchip · 27 days
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"Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn."
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Hiiii! Wanted to join in on the Kill Switch appreciation blast, but I'm staying on anon cuz I'm shy ;w; ANYWAYS, I love the fic SOOOO much so far, and I completely agree with the person who said it feels like an ACTUAL sequel to the first movie *glares at RBTI* and I am so excited to see where you take it!
One thing that I think really helps with the whole "feels like a sequel" thing (aside from the AMAZING characterization of Vanny and Candybug) is the whole Sinistar plotline. Like, I could ABSOLUTELY see another scorned unplugged villain hearing about what happens when a Cy-bug eats you and then deciding to go for it to get stronger! It feels like a natural chain of events, and it's also a great way to have the characters teaming up out of necessity, even though they all kind of still hate each other lol
I'm also really pleasantly surprised that people seem to be digging the Sinistar thing! I was kind of worried it'd feel a bit too much like repeating old plotlines, but basically my hope was that the situation surrounding it all would feel different enough from how things went down in the movie, and I think it's kinda working? 😂 I don't know how to explain what I mean lmfao, BUT YAY, VERY GLAD PEOPLE LIKE IT, ANYHOW! :D (Please look at this Sinistarbug fan-art too like!!! It's so good!!!!!!!!)
Calhoun is going to start barricading the entrance to Hero's Duty every night at this rate, lmfao
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solradguy · 1 year
Having ADHD but only having it just enough to get the like 2 symptoms left out of every conversation about ADHD fills me with an apathy that has no practical solution. Rolling up to the ADHD conversation like "Some days I can't focus and everything pisses me off and the best I can do is lay on the floor with music on and scowl at the ceiling until it stops because if I don't then I'll be mean to other people because I have no patience when I get like that" just makes everyone side-eye you because they immediately jump to the conclusion that you want to commit unspeakable acts of violence.
But a lot of people don't know that this is something people with ADHD can experience. The only time I ever see it mentioned is when I go out of my way to find research on it...
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firestorm09890 · 2 years
Kingdom Hearts: Nobody Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology, Ontology??? headcanons
saw people talking about more monstrous Nobodies a bit ago (okay it was a long while ago at this point, this has been in drafts for ages) and that reminded me to share some of my thoughts. it spiraled kind of out of control and now this post is ridiculously long. three parts: the physical side, the less physical side, and other thoughts. most of it’s under the cut. enjoy
The physical side
All of these apply to ALL Nobodies, not just the funny squiggly ones.
Alrighty, here’s my proposal: Nobodies don’t have any internal organs. Even the ones that retain their human form. They may look and act like they’ve got regular human body processes, but I like to think that it’s just a hollow imitation. This is why every single Nobody has an absolutely snatched waist
So they’d lack both their metaphysical hearts and their real hearts!
The Organization was founded by a bunch of researchers who got into this mess via unethical human experimentation so you know they tried to pin down the specifics of Nobody biology early on, but every time they tried to use any medical equipment it would come up empty or just straight up not work. And then none of them were willing to get vivisected for the cause lmao
I think the greater Nobodies (human-shaped ones) are made up of the same weird, rubbery flexible stuff that lesser Nobodies are, but just don’t have that flexibility because hey! They’ve got a human form to maintain! They may seem human, but on a biological level, they’re closer to the squiggly guys than an actual human. This is why it’s possible for Xemnas to turn greater Nobodies into Dusks. We never see him do it, but I doubt it’s an empty threat. I don’t think there were any other greater Nobodies in the Organization in the past, but he’s probably transformed one of the specialized Nobodies, like a Dancer or Dragoon, into one of the lowest-ranked ones, like Dusks or Creepers or something.
All Nobodies have the Nobody sigil somewhere on them. For lesser Nobodies it’s easily visible, but for greater Nobodies, it’s on their backs, and since they’re always wearing those coats, no one ever sees it.
If a Nobody is cut, they don’t bleed- instead, little wisps of darkness leak out of the wound, like what happens in the Org’s death animations but on a smaller scale. They can heal faster than regular humans thanks to ✨something something darkness and nothingness✨.
Though Nobodies are supposedly shunned by both light and darkness, they are more aligned with dark than light. Any Nobody can wield light, not just Roxas (as shown by Zexion in Chain of Memories), but it takes great difficulty. However, they can wield darkness with ease.
Nobodies do need to sleep as regularly as humans, but can last much longer without food or water. Rest? Yes! Nutrience? Unimportant
They have no body heat- that’s a corpse, baby!!! That does bring up some questions about thermoregulation. I don’t feel like thinking about it tbh. There’s lots of questions in this vein: can Nobodies get drunk? I think they probably can’t. In 358/2 Days, Demyx says “Wait, training!? That sounds like work, which means sweating. Which is gross.” and that... complicates things! I could chalk it up to how a lot of people in Organization XIII have a tendency to keep acting like they’re humans and nothing’s changed, even though it has.
Nobodies are “born” in any world in the Realm Between. Roxas first appeared in Twilight Town, but some might have shown up by Castle Oblivion, or even the Mysterious Tower (god bless). Showing up in The World That Never Was is probably the most common.
The less physical side
It’s quite an unlikely coincidence that every apprentice of Ansem the Wise had a standout, super strong heart that allowed them to retain their human forms as Nobodies. I think it had something to do with being stabbed by a keyblade, not just their wills alone. That would also align with 9-12 being tied to a keyblade legacy. A strong will is important, yes, but you only get to be human-looking if there was a keyblade involved.
In a Nobody, the most important part of this will is the will to live. Should that ever wane, they Nobody will begin to destabilize, and eventually, they will return to nothingness.
Nobodies have hearts, and they do not have hearts. They have feelings, and they do not have feelings. It’s like the observer effect in quantum mechanics. Anyone who can sense hearts or feelings or whatever will not be able to sense anything from a Nobody, no matter how far along in development that heart may be, reinforcing the belief that yeah there’s nothing there. But there is... and also there isn’t. Both statements are true. A friend described it as “Schrödinger’s Feelings” and it’s the most accurate “Schrodinger’s ____” joke I’ve ever seen made. Someone else described it as depression which is also accurate (source: i’ve had depression). There are bouts of emotion occasionally, but those emotions are dulled (and usually negative) and most of the time there’s only suffocating apathy.
There is some truth to the statement that Nobodies’ feelings are simply recreations of what they might’ve felt back when they had hearts, but it’s also bogus. Memories are important to the makeup of a Nobody, but that statement is often used as an excuse that covers up the reality that there was a feeling there. It’s very easy to lie to yourself when there’s mostly data supporting your argument and any evidence against is less common and easily disputed by “logic” like this.
The most prominent “feelings” in Nobodies are an intense sense of longing and dissatisfaction. For some, the longing is for a heart, but for others it is aimless. That was the idea behind all the Nobodies having little hobbies like cooking and puzzles and reading magazines in the manga. They’re trying to fill that void with anything they can.
In one of the novels, Demyx, #1 proponent of the idea that Nobodies do have hearts actually, gives us this:
I play and play, but I can’t make a satisfying sound.
In truth, I know I won’t be satisfied in all eternity.
If you don’t have a heart, there’s no such thing as satisfaction.
You don’t even think you want to be satisfied.
And yeah, the novels aren’t canon, but it’s still interesting to see and think about. Nothing you do is good enough to fill that emptiness, but you can barely bring yourself to care about it anyway. Yep, depression!
Nobodies are prone to a high amount of introspection. It’s an inherited trait all Nobodies share- if you manage to survive past humanity in a bizarre fucked up state like this, you’re naturally going to be thinking about it. However, they’re all also incredibly bad at it, and generally do a horrible job at self-reflection. This is just an unfortunate coincidence
A Nobody can regrow a heart if they make connections, and are seen and acknowledged by others. Pretty sure that’s just canon. HOWEVER, Nobodies cannot help each other grow hearts- this is why none of the Organization regrew hearts after 10 years of being around each other, and despite connections within the group. 0+0 is still 0, after all. That’s what makes the policy of going undetected on missions so insidious. They’re never allowed the chance to regrow a heart. I’ve already talked about it somewhere else, but this is why Roxas grows a heart so fast- he ignores that rule, for the most part. Axel’s interactions with Sora are also what kickstarts his heart growth.
Hypothetically, since someone doesn’t have to remember a memory for Castle Oblivion to draw on it, the mechanics with the cards and the rooms could have been used to help Xemnas recall his past- considering how much time he spent talking to Aqua’s armor, I think that’s something he might’ve been interested in. HOWEVER! Since the Twilight Town card came from the memories on the other side of Sora’s heart, I propose that the properties of Castle Oblivion would have no effect on Nobodies. RIP.
Other thoughts
I’m not saying Ansem the Wise and Yensid were right about Nobodies! I do think they’re different from humans on a fundamental level, but demonizing them is Not Cool
On the idea that Nobodies aren’t meant to exist: Well. Just like before it’s total bogus bc the main perpetrators of that idea were either bigoted about it or liars or both but I think it’s a little more complicated than “everyone is flat wrong about this”. Nobodies are essentially naturally-occurring byproducts of Heartless. Most Nobodies (or, at least, the lesser ones, based on that one cutscene in kh2 where hearts rain down on The World That Never Was and we see a bunch of Dusks grasping for them) seem to have a drive to reclaim the heart they’ve lost- if reclaimed, that would mean they wouldn’t be a Nobody anymore. Creatures born in worlds of neither light nor darkness, created only through the destruction of another and only some of the time, who don’t even want to exist like this themselves... that’s what “Nobodies aren’t meant to exist” means to me, I think. BEAR IN MIND “MEANT” IS NOT THE SAME AS “DESERVE”
And then! There’s Nobodies who defy that! Or, uh, Nobody, singular. Roxas goes “bro I don’t care I want to exist as I am” and he does that (Naminé... didn’t really seem to share that opinion, if I’m remembering correctly. Probably because DiZ hammered it into her head that she didn’t deserve to exist). I wish we had seen something like that from one of the regular Nobodies- why should recompletion and/or regaining a heart be the ideal? Why do they have to die again in order to be “right”? It just further perpetuates that idea DiZ and Yensid pushed in kh2: Nobodies are Wrong and shouldn’t be around. Unless you’re special like Roxas or Naminé in which case it’s okay. But for everyone else it’s recomplete or bust... anyway this is a tangent I did not mean to go on with this post-
I think it’s interesting, how they’re made of nothingness and their existence is “nonexistent”. Nothingness is, as an element, something, as opposed to true nothing, which is the absence of anything. Nonexistence implies existence. It’s like how in math, sometimes an answer to a problem will be DNE-- that’s Nobodies, and “nothingness”. “Does not exist”, but in writing the answer, it does exist, as a nonexistent entity. As opposed to just... not having a math problem at all, and therefore not having a place to write a solution. That is true nothingness- all the Nobodies of people whose hearts weren’t strong enough to create Nobodies fall under this category. They don’t exist for real. Nothing as something vs nothing as nothing- ah fuck I just realized this is the second time I’ve used a math analogy for kingdom hearts. shit
in conclusion
that’s all of it. probably. i like nobodies a whole lot. now that i’m thinking about it i should’ve made this multiple posts instead of one huge one. if you read all of this you earn my undying love
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