#Theyre so precious to me
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deiranoid · 1 month ago
I recently got into the Wreck it Ralph/WIR fandom and oh my word I just feel the urge to show some pics of Turbo Aus that Turbotastique (Deviantartist) made years ago… I re-read her comics over and over and I always get so happy to see them
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daylightglitch · 27 days ago
oh they're so 🥹
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monoscale9 · 2 months ago
what did dream see in his petrified state?
(any inconsistencies you see are probably intentional, idk im tired)
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eobsinj · 2 months ago
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fun ghoul × party poison (twt | ig)
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hrspcter · 3 months ago
When I look at him:
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And he looks at me:
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menuliso · 1 year ago
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they’re so married guys i dont think you understand.
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papayacinnabun · 29 days ago
cutie boys
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nnobara · 1 year ago
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svrghq · 1 month ago
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narcissusinvain · 7 months ago
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does anyone else see the resemblance ????
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1eyeonyou · 1 month ago
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MYSTERY TWINS!!! MY LOVES!!! i will be drawing more of these sillies
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moonknightstarrs · 1 year ago
Still crying over:
Peeta: “I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.”
Finnick: “Then ask… That’s what Annie does”
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carcin0gen3ticist · 1 month ago
sighs and leaves my arasol animation here for valentines day
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im-a-mess-of-a-person · 2 months ago
daily prompt 1/27!!
wolfstar being cute (i’m branching out from jegulus go me!!)
the morning after a full moon, remus is hardly ever feeling well enough to go to breakfast. after all, he’s just spent the whole night awake, not to mention tearing himself apart and re-shaping his bones.
so, it’s no surprise to sirius when remus is absent from the gryffindor table this morning. even though his transformations have become slightly less awful with his friends there, they’re still terribly painful.
sirius is becoming concerned, however, when remus still hasn’t shown up by third period. so, he does what any good friend would do. he gives professor binns some excuse about a bad headache and makes his way to the hospital wing to check up on remus.
when he enters, only one of the beds in the wing is occupied. the curtains are drawn closed, and the whole room is unsettlingly quiet. madam pomfrey is nowhere to be seen, so sirius carefully makes his way over to the bed.
on the nightstand sits a worn copy of crime and punishment. definitely remus, then.
“moony? hey…um…it’s sirius. i was just…well, you weren’t in class, and i wanted to make sure everything was alright.” sirius speaks in a low voice, not wanting to wake remus if he’s asleep. remus doesn’t reply, so sirius guesses he must be.
he turns to leave, deciding he’ll come back after lunch, when he hears remus stir.
“hey,” he says softly, turning to see remus open the curtains.
“hi,” remus rasps, eyes downcast.
something feels off, sirius thinks, but he can’t quite place it.
“are you—well, i guess you’re not okay, but—well, how are you doing?” sirius asks, walking to stand right beside the bed.
“i—sirius, you should get back to class. i’ll be fine,” remus says, still not meeting sirius’ eyes.
sirius narrows his eyes. “what’s wrong, remus? why won’t you look at me?” he demands.
“how can you stand to look at me?” remus shoots back, tone full of bitterness and self-loathing. “i remember, you know. i killed a deer, sirius. i fucking ate it! i’m a monster, sirius. how can you stand to look at me?” he sounds so disgusted, so tortured, that it shocks sirius.
“no, remus. no, that’s not—hey, look at me. look at me, remus.” sirius places a hand on remus’ shoulder as moves to sit on the bed. remus’ eyes finally meets his, glassy with tears.
“don’t talk like that, please remus. you’re not a monster, i promise you’re not. i promise remus, you’re not even close to being a monster,” sirius rambles uncertainly. he’s never been good at this whole comforting thing, but he’s trying.
he decides to stop talking, and opts instead to pull remus into a hug. they’re sitting kind of awkwardly, so it’s honestly not that comfortable, but remus clings to him anyway and buries his face in sirius’ shoulder.
sirius can feel remus shaking as he sobs into him, and fuck, he really doesn’t know how to fix this. james is the comforting one, not sirius. but he’s the one who’s here, and he’s the one remus is clinging to, so that’s something.
“shhh, shhh. it’s okay, i’ve got you. you’re okay, remus, i’m here. i’m here,” sirius murmurs in what he hopes is a soothing tone as he rubs gentle circles on remus’ back.
after a few minutes of remus crying and sirius doing his best to comfort him, remus lifts his head from sirius’ shoulder.
“sorry,” he mumbles, voice cracking. “i didn’t mean to break down like that.”
“shh, don’t apologize. you’re allowed to feel, you know,” sirius says, still tracing shapes on his back.
“thank you. for—for everything, sirius. thank you,” remus whispers, still leaning against sirius.
“always, remus. always,” he replies, and he means it. “do you want to know a secret?” sirius asks, a small smile on his lips.
“hmmm?” remus questions.
“you were beautiful, last night,” sirius tells him.
remus cranes his neck, searching sirius’ face and finding nothing but sincerity. “yeah?” he finally says.
“yeah,” sirius confirms. and then, so quietly remus might have imagined it, he says, “you’re always beautiful.”
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dumbazzsz · 8 months ago
I've seen no one talk about this and I just need to
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God, the favouritism. No hesitation, Warren is definately the strongest and definately gonna beat Gun and I'm definately not saying this because I trained him and he's like a son to me no definatley not. He definately has a better chance than Johan and everyone else, yes sir.
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harperwritesstuff · 5 months ago
Brotzly sickfic I wrote at like 4am last night
Todd knew Dirk well enough by now to recognize that his insistence that he was “perfectly fine” was a red flag on its own. Over the past few hours, Dirk had become progressively quieter, and slower. And (if Todd dared to admit it), decidedly pale. But each time Todd raised a brow or even outright asked if he was okay, Dirk would deflect with a wave of his hand and a big stupid smile. “Oh, please, Todd! I am perfectly functional! Even if I’m… slightly less dazzling than usual!”
By the time they’d gotten back to the apartment from the agency, Dirk was walking so heavily that Todd practically had to steer him toward the couch.
“Alright, that’s it.” Todd said, exasperated, as he watched Dirk slump into the cushions, the usual spark in his eyes dimming. “You’re sick, Dirk. Just admit it, okay? You’re not fooling anyone.”
Dirk raised his head as if to protest, but only managed a half-hearted cough. He blinked, looking betrayed by his own body. “I’m not sick, Todd! I’m simply… Recalibrating. Yes! Recalibrating my systems!”
“Oh, come on.” Todd muttered tiredly, pulling the blanket from the back of the couch and draping it over Dirk’s shoulders. “You look half-dead.”
As much as Todd found Dirk fascinating and adored him, he could be such an idiot sometime.
Dirk huffed indigentaly, which quickly turned into a coughing fit. Todd could see his resolve crumbling as he leaned back, looking (for once) like he didn’t have a witty (witty isn’t exactly the right word, stupid fits better) comeback.
That was all the confirmation Todd needed.
He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water, setting it on the coffee table in front of Dirk. “Drink.” He instructed, tone brooking no argument. When Dirk reached for it weakly, Todd didn’t even comment about the way his hands were shaking, just watched to make sure he actually drank it.
Dirk took a sip, then scowled. “Todd, you don’t have to fuss over me. I’m actually quite capable of managing whatever minor cold I may have.”
“Minor cold?” Todd raised an eyebrow. “Dirk, you practically collapsed on the couch, That’s not a ‘minor cold.’ Just… Let me take care of you, okay?”
Dirk blinked, looking genuinely caught off guard. “You… want to take care of me?”
Todd rolled his eyes. “Yes, that’s what friends do, asshole. Now, stay put. I’ll find some medicine or something.”
Dirk grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, but he didn’t protest. Todd knew it was a rare thing for Dirk to admit weakness, even in the face of being visibly unwell, so he’d take the small victories as they came.
After a rummage through his medicine cabinet, he found some cold medicine and brought it back to Dirk, who wrinkled his nose at it like a child.
“Cold medicine is made with the singular purpose of tasting like… like an industrial-strength cleaner.” Dirk murmured.
“Yeah, But it’ll help, so suck it up.” Todd replied, shaking his head.
Dirk scrunched his nose but swallowed it down, grimacing as he did.
“Is this really necessary?”
“Absolutely.” Todd replied, fighting back a smile. Dirk’s usual bravado was tempered by an almost childlike reluctance in the face of the medicine, and Todd found himself strangely touched by it.
After a few minutes, Dirk’s head tipped back against the couch, eyes drooping. He looked oddly vulnerable, face flushed and hair slightly messy plastered against his forehead. Todd quietly grabbed a washcloth, dampened it, and placed it over Dirk’s burning forehead.
He didn’t protest this time, though his eyes fluttered open briefly, looking at Todd as if he was trying to understand this small kindness.
“Get some sleep, Dirk.” Todd said, his voice soft. “Just rest for a bit.”
Dirk seemed to relax at last, his body easing into the cushions. He opened his mouth, looking as though he wanted to say something, but the weight of exhaustion overtook him, and his eyes slipped shut. In the silence, his breathing evened out, and Todd felt a sense of relief settle over him. He settled in on the armchair next to the couch, ready to stay until he was needed again.
As the hours passed, Dirk would occasionally stir, murmuring snippets of half-formed sentences. Something about “Cosmic constellations” and “Harmonic patterns” that Todd didn’t bother to try and understand, he only chuckled, adjusting the blanket and keeping the washcloth cool when Dirk’s fever flared. In the soft, dim light of the room, Todd realized he didn’t mind taking on this role. Dirk had done plenty for him, saved him from his shitty life before. And now Todd was finally able to give him something back.
In the early hours of the morning, Dirk stirred again, eyes cracking open just enough to spot Todd half asleep on the armchair.
“Thank you, Todd.” He murmured, words barely audible but deniably heartfelt.
Todd woke up and gave him a dazed smile. “Don’t mention it, really.”
Dirk gave a faint nod, and his eyes closed again. Surrendering to sleep with a rare, unguarded ease. Todd stayed by his side, watching over him until he dozed off himself. Feeling, for once, that he was right where he needed to be.
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