#TS2 cc
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pforestsims · 20 hours ago
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📦 Tuesday CC Dump:
Posh Club Stuff
New meshes, add-ons, recolors and default replacements
Download: SFS | BOX
Round table is also included but please note it's a purely decorative object.
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Glowing H&M stair and fence replacements require Extended Standard Material shader by @crispsandkerosene /work without it, but will not look like they do in the preview/.
Floors featured in the pic: VTMR tiles (carpet 5 and 6) converted by @freezerbunny-sims2 , wallpaper is 'Fiery red' by Donnha, wood panelling is from Bon Voyage, I think.
*This is for The Sims 2
So this lot is more of a photoshoot set than actual building and I can't share that mess - but here's most of the CC / defaults I used in there. Also, please note this Reshade preset affected the colors.
Plant in the main pic is Bioshock 2 conversion by Misty-fluff (anyone has a link)? I've included it - it's actually my mesh edit with pot removed.
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Eventually I didn't place any grand staircase in my club - but I was going to. As my internet was down at the time, I made my own mesh edits without the stupid middle raillings. Mesh defaults for 'Sweeping Success Staircase' and deco staircase aka 'A Stair to Remember' (both are from M&G EP) - are included.
Defaults for these already exist - like this one by HL - but please note I edited Sweeping Staircase's railing posts and steps a bit. I also edited UVs, so my replacement does not require texture edits and is compatible with recolors for original.
There's also this default by simblrnova, which includes GMND fix, so the side panels change colors along the main subset (I think they also edited UVs).
You can use my texture replacement for 'Stair to remember' along any mesh default for these stairs. Please note I didn't replace side panel textures.
Matching texture / TXMT replacement for the deco fence 'A Fence to keep in mind' is included in a separate file. Obviously it will clash with other defaults for this fence, like "SN-RailingtoKeepinMind-TXMTFix" by Simblrnova.
/I have no idea if middle stair railing is used for sliding animations - if it is, anims will obviously look awkward. /
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I gave Velvet Rope Fence posts a little makeover - you can choose between shape edit, or shape edit plus TXMT edit.
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And in case you wonder about the microphone - it's a mesh replacement for "Small superstar microphone" (from Apartment Life, maybe?) with amplifier removed
Microphone dr is not included, I uploaded it HERE (SFS)
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Steel support beam requires Apartment Life EP. It looks best in black so I recommend these pipe recolors too.
Round banquet table is a decorative object
It will pull textures from Roundabout table, which could be from Celebrations SP (?) . You can use some invisible 1x1 table to make it somewhat functional /I included invisible table recolor for the 'groovy' square table from UNI EP/.
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Decor bits on the table are a part of the mesh, if you don't like it, you can open GMDC in simPe and delete unwanted subsets /FYI those plates are lower than default Eaxis plate/.
I've included small mineral water bottle that didn't make it into my bar decor set as it should.
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Crystal chandelier aka Cascades chandelier is a TS2 preorder item, I've included the mesh /with edited texture, black 'circle' removed from the canopy top/. The other one is from M&G /I think?/.
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Fancy planter is an add on for 'Off the hook egg" (maybe OFB?), has one placement slot. Recolors (2 in one) included - recolor says red and black, but I changed it to gold last minute.
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2-story spotlighter was cloned from an ordinary ceiling lamp, and is not animated - 'light beams' are not recolourable, and are always on. It requires Night Life - I also included recolor for the other NL spotlighter, as I discovered later these are not texture-linked.
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2-story curtains are an add-on for 4t2 Wondymoon Cycnus curtains converted by @deatherella - s4 original is here (T$R) - I included the required mesh and my recolors - red and dark purple.
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Plumbob sign is based on a symbol from TS2 litigator podium (a career reward).
Stuff I'll share some other time: 2-story light cable extension, table lamps /also, chairs - maybe/.
And if you're up for some DYI, here's the texture I used for the club ceiling. This is based on Adele's sectioned wood floor texture, made dark brown.
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kayleigh-83 · 3 days ago
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I realised one of the reasons I haven't made great use of the Nooks & Niches stuff is because it wasn't available in many of my favourite and most used textures! One of which is this gorgeous 4t2 brick texture. I have other custom walls I want to add to nooks & niches that I haven't seen done before, but this was as far as I got.
You'll need of course, Buggybooz Nooks & Niches set - I downloaded it from @cityof2morrow to put it in the architecture category and get the handy collection file so everything is nice and tidy.
For the matching wall texture you'll want to grab that from @lordcrumps - the wall is from EP06 Get Famous; LC_HomemadeBrick is the file you want!
Comes in all 5 original colours, just took screenshots of two of them.
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Download (SFS) | Download (MF)
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intincrmars · 3 days ago
>> New Graying hairs available!
Please re-download!
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Graying Hair Recolors for Male Sims
18 Graying recolors of Maxis hairstyles, perfect for your late adult-stage sims! Now your sims will show age and not be young forever! Most of these have graying hair on the temples as I am planning on making graying facial hair too, as soon as I figure out how to extract multiple facial hair colors on bodyshop. So please if anyone knows or finds a tutorial, please let me know.
All hair colors have been properly binned and combined in one package for your convenience and storage purposes :)
>> Download
>> MTS
More stuff for your middle aged sims by other creators!
♦ Graying Hair for Female Sims & Facial Hair by IntincrMars (Me) ♦ Various graying recolors by DeeDee-Sims: umSemibald & umPeak, umShortCombed, ufMessy & ufLowBun ♦ Graying ufShortTuckIn recolor by FreezerBunny-Sims2 ♦ Embracing Age Facial Hair Recolor by twiggy ♦ Subtle Wrinkles by simNopke
Preview Pictures Under the Cut
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>> New!
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kirlicues · 3 days ago
Townhomes for Large Families | Sims 2 Apartment Lot Download
500 followers! Wow! Thank you to all of you who have given this page a follow. I'm glad that you are enjoying the homes and hope they are making your neighborhoods prettier and happier places. 😊
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As a little gift I've put together my first official apartment lots: Mapleview Terrace built on a 5x3 lot, and Hydrangea Court built on a 4x3 lot. These lots are free of CC that is not Maxis made. The Season Pre-Order bonus swingset is included in the larger lot, but if you use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer you can opt not to install it if you don't want it.
These townhomes were built especially for your larger sim families. Each home comes with 3 bedrooms--the larger lot even has one with a 4th bedroom!
The down side is that this means they are on the more expensive end of things and they aren't even that fancy looking in my opinion! The Mapleview Terrace apartments come furnished and will cost $3590-$3822. The Hydrangea Court Apartments are unfurnished except for the kitchen and bathrooms and will cost $3874-$3884.
But, let's take a short tour and you can decide if they are worth it for you.
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These apartment lots were meant to be a set. They are fairly simple and non-descript on the outside, and you can line multiple lots up for a whole community of cookie-cutter apartments. 🤣 Feel free to paint them different colors though if you wish.
I originally built the shell on the larger townhome lot shortly before Apartment life came out. The goal was to have a place to stick the Maxis families that came in the sim bin so that they would have access to a telephone and not be unreachable except for as "walk-bys".
Here's what they look like at the back. These apartments are nearly identical in floorplan layout, one has 3 units and the other only has 2.
Mapleview Terrace:
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Hydrangea Court: Putting solar panels on the roofs can help off-set the cost of rent I discovered, thanks to the helpful members of a Sims 2 Facebook group. 😊 The other lot has them too, but they just didn't make it into the picture.
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Let's take a look at the floorplans!
Mapleview Terrace - 1st Floor:
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Mapleview Terrace - 2nd Floor:
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You might notice a slight theme to each home. But feel free to remove the furniture and redecorate if you want.
Here's what Hydrangea Court looks like. The layout is pretty much identical to Mapleview Terrace, but I did put nicer appliances in downstairs:
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One more thing, The neighborhood view for the larger lot has the maple trees seeming to do a little "wave". It's just because I rotated them when placing them, but they should all be in a perfect row on the lot. :)
If you notice anything "off" about these apartments please let me know and I will try to fix the issue. If it's something that can only be accessed in build mode and the option is greyed out you can use this cheat and fix the thing: 'boolprop AptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled false' ...Just don't forget to turn it off by typing 'true' in place of 'false' when you're done!
A huge thank you to the folks in one for the Sims 2 groups on Facebook for letting me know what apartments needed or didn't need. 🎉
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500 Followers Gift - Townhome Apartments Set: MF | SFS
All EPs and SPs are required.
*I highly recommend that you have the PerfectPlants mod from TwoJeffs*
I’ve run this home through the Lot Compressor so any random references to sims that aren’t there should be removed. I have also run it through the Lot Cleaner to remove any bits of buggy code. This lot comes with a shiny custom thumbnail so it has even more curb appeal in your Lots and Houses bin! 😄
This home uses 1 piece of CC, which is a Maxis pre-order bonus item from Seasons that you may already have in your game. It can easily be replaced or omitted if you don’t want it though.
CC List (Included): -Seasons Pre-Order Bonus “Garden Swing of Bliss and Harmony”
Default Replacements Shown: -More realistically colored Hydrangea shrub from @peppermint-ginger If you don’t have these in your game your Hydrangea shrub’s flowers will look neon blue. Purple Lupin shrub from Peppermint-ginger If you don’t have these in your game your Lupin will be blue. -White Wall Top Texture Replacement by Maranatah at Mod the Sims -Neon panels removed on the Forbidden Fruit bar/island default by Shastakiss. Pay attention to the special instructions. If you only want the Maxis counters adjusted with no additional new recolors you'll only need to pop "shasta_CEP_nl_nightclub_island_bar.package" in your downloads folder. -FreeTime bedding defaults by CuriousB
I ALWAYS recommend using the Sims 2 Pack Clean installer to install lot files.
Want to improve the look of your game, or grab some “Lost & Found” Maxis objects? Check out this post.
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the-pixel-architect · 2 days ago
Sims 2 Wicked Whims Animations/poseboxes
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I’ve been asked to make a tutorial on this months ago, just didn’t get around to it. Watch HERE
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timeparadoxsims · 2 days ago
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DarkNighTt Lithunium Retextured
As requested. Took a while because I had a rough time with the mapping.
Mesh: DarkNighTt Conversion: powerpcinside Textures: Io Colours: Pooklet, Hat, DigitalAngels, Io, Lillith-sims, TheRaven (swatch) Ages: Teen-Elder Polycount: 14k
Download F version: SFS /// Google Drive /// Mediafire Download M version: SFS /// Google Drive /// Mediafire
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glorianasims · 3 days ago
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aneleya · 20 hours ago
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custom content, mods, defaults ~ showing you everything | the sims 2 legacy collection
video with links 🤍
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applewatersugar · 2 months ago
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4t2 Florence set by @caio-cc
Giving the teen girlies what they deserve!
☆ Informations ☆
Tiny Bow Top with Loose Pants TF only | 4,6k poly | 6 swatches | Fat morph only | Compressed Spring Set TF only | 3,4k poly | 6 swatches | Fat morph only | Compressed Flower Dress TF only | 4,6k poly | 6 swatches | Fat morph only | Compressed Original CC HERE!
☆ Downloads ☆ SimFileShare MediaFire
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lucilla-sims · 2 months ago
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I can't believe how long this one has a name (SP56CK001 Bow Nightie). I originally planned to categorize it as just a pajamas, but nonny wanted it as an everyday one, so I decided to make his dream come true ��
EDIT 03/05/2025 - version without shoes is here
🎀 for teens and adults
🎀 with all morphs
🎀 categorized as casual and pajamas full body outfit
🎀 all original Maxis colors
🎀 with BG Flats Ballet, convert by @kaluxsims , you can find her great work here. I just add couple of my recolors 😊
🎀 all files are compressed
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You can choose between standalone AF and TF version or TF Repod version for which you need AF packages 🙂.
Standalone AF version simfileshare / mediafire
Standalone TF version simfileshare / mediafire
Repod TF version simfileshare / mediafire
Credits: EAxis, @kaluxsims
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sims2-electricboogaloo · 6 months ago
all Gamestar Sims 2 CDs for download!
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Its finally done! ive finally finished uploaded the stuff thats on these CDs! and you can get everything for yourself just like that :D
March 2005
July 2005
January 2006
March 2006
July 2006
March 2007
June 2007
All links lead to simfileshare, CEP is required for a lot of the items, and using clean installer on all builds and sims included is recommended!
these are all gamestar sims 2 cds that exist TO MY KNOWLEDGE, if you know of any more than these please let me know! finding information on these is not easy!
Have fun! :D
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kayleigh-83 · 1 day ago
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Following up to my last download post, I've added some more of my favourite 4t2 brick and stone wall textures to Buggybooz Nooks & Niches! Refer to that post for links to master mesh and all other N&N meshes, and to @lordcrumps easy peasy 4t2 walls collection. All my files are clearly named for the walls they match. Most of these have multiple swatches although I've only shown one of each type, except one which is solitary.
I wanted to get out these 4t2 ones first, but I do also have some non 4t2 brick textures by themalle on my list to do next, should be pretty soon for part three!
(textures included here are At One With Stone, Country Fieldstone, Industry Matters, Long Large Bricks, Rustic Riverstone, and Small Long Bricks)
I hope you enjoy!
Download (SFS) | Download (MF)
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chartreuse-sims · 8 months ago
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I created some cute cottagecore wallpapers! They are mainly flower themed plus a honeybee pattern, and each has an alternate panel color. I'm super into painted panels with wallpaper these days, hope you enjoy them!
Download (SFS)
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kirlicues · 2 days ago
Cottage Collection Sims 2 Lot Downloads
Looking for some cute and cozy cottages to put in your beach, or country-themed neighborhoods? These small lots are perfect for that purpose! Tap on the image to go to the download page for the lot. 🥰
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They are built on 3x3 lots or smaller, and come partly to fully furnished. I hope you enjoy them!
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imyourjoysims2aspiration · 10 months ago
4t2 Conversion of Joliebean & Arethabee’s Pink Ribbons (-ish) Collection
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My first successful clothing conversion set!! This was fun to convert but my lord there were some bumps along the ride
As the title says it’s joliebean and arethabee pink ribbons set from the sims 4 for the sims 2 !!
So not ALL of the pieces have been converted but they are in the works
I want to preface that I’m still a beginner so this is not a pro 4t2 converter collection
And very disappointing adding morphs was the biggest issue, the mesh tool kit auto morphs was really fucking me over and wouldn’t show. No morphs as a result of this :c So if anyone wants to help with this issue I would be eternally grateful (slide into my dms as they're always open) !
Edit: I figured out how to do morphs !! They are coming very soon 💕
!! Update: Morphs are done !! The tops and dress have both morph states but the bottoms have only the fat morph. Also the cherry coke jeans have some MAJOR clipping issues on both body types. I've tried re-doing the mesh but, in game there is still clipping. I'll try to figure out what's causing this but as of now i have no clue :/ !!
!! The download link has been updated !!
All that yapping aside under the cut is the download link and info about each item and also everything is af only !
! pls let me know if you run into any issues !
[credits: @joliebean @arethabee @jius-sims]
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Clara dress
6k poly total
30 swatches
paired with jius' suede ballet flats originally converted by @nonsensical-pixels ( not the exact same bc i had to tweak them for the dress )
✧. ┊    
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Cherry Coke bottom
10k poly total
12 swatches
paired with jius' double-strap mary janes
✧. ┊    
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Whimsical top
2k poly
30 swatches
✧. ┊    
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Flirtatious bottom
10.6k poly
30 swatches
paired with jius';' double-strap mary janes
✧. ┊    
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Lizzie skirt
4.8k poly
12 swatches
✧. ┊    
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Clara top
1.5k poly
30 swatches
✧. ┊    
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pforestsims · 1 year ago
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I couldn't find anything like this so I had to make it. The doll is based on a model of Bella from TS1, extracted by @deedee-sims - recolors feature vampire countess, evil & good witch, Barbie style dolls and Bella herself, of course.
Doll in A Box
Download: MEGA | SFS
Polycount: 690, found in Buymode/General/Child for 100 S
You can choose between 1024x512 or 512x512 textures.
*This is for The Sims 2
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