#TROPED: The Fanfic Writing Challenge
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troped-fanfic-challenge · 1 year ago
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What an absolutely wild ride this has been. In March of 2019 (almost FIVE years ago!!), we made a post about a fanfic competition for The 100. It was a silly idea, inspired by the Chopped cooking show, and we had no idea it would become this. We've hosted dozens of events, from classic 4 round challenges to holiday gift exchanges to March Madness competitions, and we've loved every single one. We morphed from Chopped into TROPED, making it our own, we started a whole blog (this blog!!) just for our events, we made a discord, and have built an amazing community of writers. And we have loved every second, all thanks to you!
Sadly, TROPED has come to its natural conclusion. Our writers have moved on to new (and wonderful!) things, and we've decided its time to shutter this blog and bring TROPED to a close. In the coming weeks, we will be compiling a masterlist of every TROPED fic ever written, and we're planning a few little surprises for all of you (TROPED AWARDS!!!)! We cannot thank you enough for coming together to write beautiful stories with us, and we hope you'll still engage with the many, many fics we've collected over the years. While TROPED may not be hosting new events, our stories (YOUR stories) are forever! Make sure to keep your eyes peeled over the next few months for our final celebrations of TROPED, and, of course, of YOU!!
Our TROPED Non-Anonymous collection will remain open for you to include any fics you might write in the future that were inspired by any of our old prompts, any of the tropes we've shared, or just a fic you wrote that made you think of us. We would love to see fics drop into that collection from time to time, so don't be shy! TROPED may be coming to a close, but the two of us are always here to cheer you on!
TROPED has been the very best experience we've had on this silly little site, and we love you all for every bit of support and love you've given us, and every word you've written. Thanks for sharing this amazing space with us and helping us find community through writing with you all. To our lovely Tropesters, may we meet again. <3
xo, Bailey ( @dylanobrienisbatman ) and Sara ( @thelittlefanpire )
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allthingswhumpyandangsty · 3 months ago
you know a fic is good when it has this
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bebx · 1 year ago
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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what-would-your-blorbo-do · 5 months ago
This poll was submitted to us. If you’d like to send us your own scenario (plus different ways a character might react to said scenario) so we could make a poll for you, feel free to send them to our inbox.
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crowandmousewritingco · 6 months ago
If You're Reading This
Pairing: Joel Miller x nb!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Rating: PG-13, there's no spice. It's all angst bay-beeeeeee
Summary: You met Joel while out on a 'hunting run', you startle him and in return he almost shoots you. After everything settles the two of you get to talking and decide to stay in contact one of the only ways, via letters. Over the time writing each other, you grow feelings for him, and learn things about yourself that you don't know how he'll handle. Telling him, he goes silent, but you refuse to give up hope. Will your hope be enough to keep you going?
Author: Mod Crow (Got a new job so life has been ahhhhh)
Author's Note: The reader says their age. This was for @burntheedges' Roll-A-Trope! I was very back and forth on how I wanted this to play out, in the end I'm pretty happy with it.
Warnings: Language, mentions of suicide, and mentions of raiders and guns.
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Dear Joel,
Thanks for not shooting me today, I wasn’t even in my best attire to die. I’m kidding. Not about the not shooting me thing. 
It was nice really meeting someone who didn’t want to kill me or rob me. It was also nice having the help dragging a deer all the way back to this place. I only hope my butchering and fileting skills aren’t getting rusty. But hey, if they are, you said something about you showing me “the way it’s done in the big beauty of Texas” or however you worded it. I know you aren’t here, but I need you to know that I’m currently laughing. I made myself laugh. Gods, I’m losing it aren’t I?
 Anyways, I should probably start cooking myself something to eat before the sun goes down. If you ever head this way and stop at this place, you should leave me a little letter or something. Obviously, I left this one for you in an obvious spot -and that’s what you should do as well- then after that we can start putting them in more well-hidden places, we can’t have someone finding them before we have a chance to. But that’s for the next letter.
P.S. Y.F. means your favorite, I know what I am, you don’t have to tell me.
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Hey Smartass,
Now that I like the sound of. Oh, and drop the formality, I’m not your pen pal or some shit like that. Ellie wanted me to tell you that “if you try to replace her as my favorite, she will stab you”. I don’t pick favorites. Just so you know. I haven’t had a favorite person in a while now…
God let’s stop talking about the sad shit anymore. I saw a baby squirrel on the porch as I was walking up. I thought maybe he had lost his mama or daddy; I’m thinking that’s what he also thought because when one of his -what I can only assume- parents came back they had scared that poor little thing so bad that he damn near jumped three feet high. I was kind of wishing you could have seen it, I remember you telling me how much you loved nature and all that stuff. Don’t read into that.
Anyways, I don’t know what it’s like heading up from the southwest, but Ellie and I ran into more raiders than we normally do. I don’t know why there’s more, but I’m not liking how things are looking.  
I left you some ammo and rations hidden in the fireplace. Ellie left you something, she wouldn’t tell me, besides that it was hidden in the bathroom. That’s all she told me, so I’m guessing that means good luck. 
I’m not calling you my favorite, I don’t have a favorite between you two nuisances 
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Dear party-pooper,
Yes, that’s what I’m calling you from now on, you fucking party-pooper. ANYWAYS, I found your stash, thanks. The ammo was a life saver…literally…the rations could have at least been a good one. You left me some beef jerky (the only good thing in that damn ration), some stale ass cracker, and some unidentifiable fruit-like substance. 
The raiders though, they’ve actually been better. Based on my guess, I think they might have migrated up your way. If you think it’s getting too bad for a bit, I get that, don’t feel pressured to write me back whenever you’re here next. 
On a lighter note, Ellie hid a book that she’d think I’d like. So far, her shot in the dark has struck bull’s-eye. Tell her I said thank you. As for where she hid it -you’re gonna love this- she pulled the medicine cabinet off the upstairs bathroom’s wall, knocked out a small bit of drywall, and hid it in the wall before replacing the cabinet. It took me far longer than it should have, but who the fuck would look behind the cabinet on the wall? The cabinet, mind you, looked like it had never been pulled off the wall. Fuck, I really gotta give her credit for how creative she is with hiding places. You should take notes. Your hiding spots in the past have been…kinda in plain sight. Love you old man, but you suck at hiding. Expect, I give you credit to this last drop, up the chimney fluke. Maybe you still have it in you after all, old man.
Anyways…I left some things for you in the door of the fridge. It’s not much this time, things have been rough at this place. We let in this new couple, and they’ve been super suspicious. The first night they were here, the woman -Gabrielle- was found snooping around in the owner of the farm’s wife’s dresser. Gabrielle couldn’t give us a straight answer as to why she was snooping. That wasn’t even the weirdest bit, that same night the man -Kenneth- was snooping around in ALL of our shit. I woke up at gods only know, probably 3 or 4 in the morning. I didn’t think he got any of shit. I didn’t look though, and that’s on me. He got away with most of the things I was going to give you, what he didn’t take is hidden for you. I left Ellie some magazines I found about alternative bands from before the pandemic. I don’t even know if she knows what alternative music is, gods you probably don’t know what alternative music is. I’ll explain that to you in person one of these days. 
-Your favorite nuisance 
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You fucking child, 
You and Ellie act like the exact same person sometimes I swear. Sometimes I feel like it’s just Ellie leaving me these notes. 
Forget all that, you said that the ammo I stashed for you came in handy? What happened? Are you okay? Were you injured? What happened to the other guy? That’s something I would have paid to see. If half of what the shit you’ve said in the past were true, then you’re a pretty good aim. 
What you left me enough, the granola was honestly a god sent. You have no idea how boring coffee was getting. Ellie also said -and I quote- “Hell yeah these bitches look sick.” I have no idea where she’s heard that, because it sure as hell wasn’t me. 
Backtracking -kind of- I know we’ve talked raiders, how have those fucking clickers been? I think because of that “migration” or whatever the hell you called it, they’ve been out there killing those fuckers while they snuck through the shadows. Our raider problem went up, but the clicker problem. It’s been too quiet recently. But following that thought, your raider problem went down, so that means your clicker problem got worse. Didn’t it? Fuck… You’re a pain in my ass, but I like this banter I get to have. You should come with Ellie and I back to our little place. It isn’t much, but Ellie’s been complaining that where we are isn’t “comfortable”. I swear she says what she says just to test my patience. But, yeah, Ellie would love it. She’d never shut up and it wouldn’t be me for once. Just give us the when and we’ll meet you here.
-Joel M.
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Hey grumpy,
I think I like this nickname the best so far. I do swear one thing to you grumps, I am 100% NOT Ellie. I’m your…something. I’ve been kinda held up in my room at the farm this past week. I’ve been thinking about some things after the raiders. That’s not something I lied about; I am a pretty good shot. So was the leader of the little gang. He was 100% aiming for my head, I’m only alive because I got lucky. He drew his gun quicker than I did, he aimed quicker than I could, and he pulled that fucking trigger before I could…His gun jammed. It took me a minute to even register that I was still alive. When I realized though, gods, was I ready. Almost dying makes you really think about how you want to be remembered by people. 
I don’t even know if what I’m thinking would make sense to you. Ellie might, but all she’s ever known is…well whatever it is she grew up knowing. These are things that I haven’t thought about since…fuck, well before the outbreak. Bare with me as I try to figure out to explain this in writing that isn’t going to be a fucking novel. 
Actually, before I do that, I want to get this out there first. if you aren’t sure you want to be a part of this emotional blah, I got lucky. Ken left his bag open in Gabrielle’s room right next to her bag in her room! What’s even better? Neither of them were anywhere near the bags, Gabrielle was helping with dinner and Ken was helping with fence repair. I left you just under half of the ammo they had -hey, gotta keep myself safe- and Ken’s utility hatchet like thing (you’ll see what I mean). I also snatched you some more granola. I have no idea how this old couple is doing it, but they have so many oats. They also have a fucking bee house! You know what that means? Fresh honey! And just for you grumps, I snatched a mason jar for the two of you. Honey’s also good for a sore throat. I know it’s getting cold out there. I’ve actually been knitting (I know, I must be lying about my age. I’m not, I swear. I learned how to knit because of my grandma. When I was probably six or seven, I made a huge deal out of wanting to learn to do what my grandma was doing. So, she taught me. After the outbreak, I needed something to do with my hands, otherwise things…things would be incredibly different right now. Gods, sorry about the ramble.) some scarves for the two of you. You have no idea how much yarn got left behind in the stores. If after you read this, you decide you still want me to go with you I will. We can do it the weekend after next. Next week is my birthday and Marieann and George (the old couple of the farm) told me that it was “my day to relax and rest up after the hard year.” Who am I to go against what a sweet old lady tells me to do? That being said, I don’t like not knowing what’s going on and how the two of you are doing. At this point, what’s even the point of keeping track of birthdays anymore? Like, “Yay I lived another horrid year on this dying hunk of space rock, can’t wait to suffer through another one! Anyways, I'm sneaking out past curfew to leave you a note if the plan has changed. Anywho…I found more magazines for Ellie. I’ve hid them in the pantry. She’s smart. Your is hidden in the basement behind that dresser, it’s the same idea as what the kid did in the upstairs bathroom cabinet.
Back to the emotional blah…If anything I write doesn’t make sense, you can try asking Ellie. She may know. Gods, I thought it would be easier to write this out, not having to see your weathered (ignore that) expression change. To what? I don’t know. Anything? Fuck it…Joel when we meet, I thought I had figured myself out. When I met you, I was sure I was a woman. I don’t think that I am…I’m not a man either though. I’m neither? I don’t know how to explain this. Okay, so I was she/her when we met, you were -and still are- he/him. Well, if I’m neither of them I have to have a way to refer to myself, right? I do, instead of she or he, I’m…them. Or they! Well, it’s more like both, they/them. Gods I’m shaking so bad right now haha, I’m just really scared of losing you two…You two have been the first good thing since this shitstorm started. I know I can’t make you write me back, but I can ask you to at least leave me something saying you’ll either come back and write a new note or some kind of…I don’t know sign? That doesn’t feel like the right word, but note isn’t the word I want to use…I don’t know Joel, just please leave something. I don’t care how long it takes; I’ll keep coming back till I get another note from you. Even if that means I die doing this because you chose to leave, and I wouldn’t hate you for it. 
That’s all I’ve to say. I really do…like you Joel, when thinking, remember I am the person from all of those letters and the few times we met.
-Your Raven no    Magpie also no Crow now that’s one I like
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Hey, I came back this weekend, I’m 26 now! Yay! I’m not going to lie; I’m terrified right now. The clickers are getting worse around the farm, they aren’t too bad on the way here yet, but I know they will be.
I checked to see if you took the stuff, and you did. I saw that Ellie left me a comic book and a band shirt from one of those mags I gave her. I can’t believe she was able to find one, let alone one in my size. I also saw that you left me some ammo and another ration. I know it isn’t much, but it’s something. It gives me hope, and that’s all most of us have nowadays. Along with that hope, I also hope that you'll come back again. If that’s the case, I’ve left you both some things, same places as last. 
Joel, for you, more granola (enough for the both of you), a scarf for you, some peach preserves (Marieann opened up some preserves she had made to be opened about this time), and some bread I baked. I warn the bread isn’t pretty, but with the chill, it should last a bit longer.
For Ellie, her scarf, a couple of mangas I found (this will be fun to hear how that goes), a Swiss army knife I found on a dead raider (I know it’s gruesome, but it’s the world we live in now), and a slightly used deck of cards. I felt like she could find a way to entertain herself why you do whatever it is you do when you want to be alone.
-Your hope filled Crow
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Hey again,
You took the things again, and you left some more for me. It’s still something. No matter how little. It just hit me, these letters are going to be getting shorter and shorter until I hear from you huh?
Should I even keep writing to you? Maybe don’t answer that. Or do. You take all the time you need. I’m leaving you guys some more things, the same place as before.
-Your Crow
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I’m sorry about how long it took, I’ll be honest, I didn’t understand at all, and it freaked me out a bit. I asked Ellie if she they understood it and they did. They also came to realize that about themselves too. No, I don't fully understand it, but I’m willing to learn.
Thanks for the scarves, they’ve really helped with the chill at night. Ellie was so intrigued by that one that I’m guessing was the manga. I have no idea if they figured it out, but they’re having a blast trying. 
The clickers have been a bit more active around us too. I wonder where they’re all coming from though. 
Ellie and I are ready to head out, just tell us when. We’ve gathered all we could, the rest of the stuff we’re leaving is replaceable. Thanks to your scarf we’ve managed to carry a bit more stuff, not the way you meant for them to be used but they’re multifaceted. 
I don’t know if Ellie has anything to leave, but I’m assuming it’s in the bathroom. I don’t have much to leave, I found some yarn. I just happened upon it when looting some cars on the main road. I also found a broken bow. I don’t know if you can fix it, but maybe that old man, George(?) could fix it, or maybe someone else in the house. They’re in the basement, it’s the only place they’d fit. 
I want to help you keep that hope alive. I have one of my own, I hope we can get somewhere warm and safe together.
Joel, with…
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Holy fuck,
Joel, you came back?! Thank you fuck…thank you. If you could see me, I am a mess right now. Gods you’d get a kick. 
I wasn’t able to fix the bow, but George was! I guess he used to bow hunt back in the day. He said it may take him a bit; he has to dig out his tools. I’ll leave a letter the night before with an update. If you find a letter then there’s kink in the plans, if you don’t find a letter then it’s because I was there waiting, or I died. Or some other third thing, I like being dramatic sometimes. 
With this plan may be happening, I’m not leaving much. This time it’s a kindle of firewood. Dry firewood hidden in the sugar in a mason jar. I remember you saying you drank coffee, and you were growing tired of the taste. So have some sugar, make it sweeter. Maybe add honey too. 
-Your Crow
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Dear Joel,
I know you hate the formality of these kinds of letters, but for once, just let it be. See the thing is I’m writing this as a “worst case scenario” kinda thing… I started writing about an hour ago for me, gods only know how long it’s been for you. To put in perspective the time difference, I’m writing this the same day I read your letter you had left, the letter about the plans about me coming with the two of you to find somewhere else. 
I don’t know what has happened to me to force my hand in leaving this letter, but if I had to take a shot in the dark, I’ve probably been shot by other survivors. I’ve been bitten. If I remember, I’ll try to come back and write what really happened. Anyways, I know we had a plan, I also know that you’re a strong man. You don’t need me; I would have just slowed you down. So now you have to promise me you’ll keep that kid safe. Oh, and if you happen to find yourself in Omaha -I know we’re several hundred miles away, but you never know- stop by 1004 Cicada drive. It’s where I was living when all of the shit hit the fan. Now, I won’t be there to give you the tour, so you better not go tracking mud or anything inside. 
Look, there are some things in that house that I think could be beneficial to you, I know you’ll find what you need. I have some things out in the garage, there’s some other things in the attic, and then there’s some things down in the basement’s crawl space. Now, it’s going to be dusty and dirty down there, but back before all of this, it was a beautiful basement. I had just finished painting it that beautiful blue color that has since been destroyed by some fucking raiders. Fuck, look at me gushing over my old basement. I must really sound like some weird fucker, huh? 
Anyways, if I’m dead and that’s why you’re reading this, I just wanted to tell you some things…Where do I even start? I guess I’ll start light, that’s what you do right? I don’t know why I keep asking questions, I don’t know your answers to them. Gods do I wish I did know your answers, writing this with the unknown has been killing me. If you could see me right now, you’d have a pretty good laugh, I’m shaking like the last fall leaf in a big dying tree in the middle of a tornado. Fuck, I’m rambling…Look I’m really happy we ran into each other when we did, that day you almost shot me in the forest -behind this decrepit house- I lied to you. You asked me why I was out there, I told you I was looking for some animals to catch. I wasn’t…I couldn’t take any more of this bullshit. So, I was gonna beat the zombies to my death, and I wasn’t giving them the satisfaction of bringing me back to be some brainless creature monster. I was going to paint a bit of the forest with gray matter. When you insisted on helping me because you also needed food, I was honestly kinda pissed. But now? Now I’m happy you stuck around. Joel, I don’t wanna make you feel any type of way but…You are the only reason I’m still here on this shithole of a planet. Also…you sticking around had affected me in ways I wasn’t expecting…Joel thanks to you Joel, spending all of that time with you, getting to actually know you, exchanging stories, all of that shit. All of that meant means far more than you could understand, and in that time, I grew to fell in love with you Joel. 
I should have told you in person not through a piece of paper. I know there isn’t much I can say now…. but I am sorry. I wish I could have told you in person, I really do, I wish I could have heard your lips say it back. I can only imagine how your raspy, yet honeysuckle sweet voice would say those three words “I. Love. You.” Gods the thought of it…
Anyways, if I keep going, I might accidently write you a book. For whatever reason it is that made me tell you where to find this, I’m happy I got to meet you when I did. Make sure to tell Ellie I said hi. You make sure you keep that girl safe or so Gods help you, Joel Miller. 
-Your Crow, with love
P.S. Joel I don’t know how much longer I have till I turn, but I just wanted to say before I die, I love you Joel, tell Ellie I love her too. I left you my remaining ammo and handgun. I left Ellie my lucky bullet casing -we both know she’ll love it- and my bracelet, the one with that little metal rabbit foot charm. You have no idea how excited I was to leave that lonely farm. I would finally be with people I cared about and who cared about me. Like who actually cared about me. 
I had a weird feeling that this is how things would go, so I planned. I know I’m leaving you my handgun and ammo. The handgun only has one bullet right now. You can fill it the rest of the way and leave, or you can do what I was too scared to do in the end…Kill me. Right now, I’m in the kitchen writing this. I don’t feel good, I feel like someone beat me with a lead pipe. My head is throbbing, and I can’t tell if I’m sweating because I’m hot with a fever, or if because of a cold chill. 
I thought I’d have a bit of time, you know, write you some more, pour my heart out on paper for you, but I don’t. It wasn’t a deep bite, but it was a bite, nonetheless. I tried to sneak past this clicker, I was doing so well until I lost my balance and stumbled, twisting my ankle. I didn’t try to fight it, I thought I’d have better luck running back here. I didn’t…  
I love you Joel, I really really ….
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*Joel’s POV*
Your writing at the end was practically ineligible, trailed off almost. Joel wasn’t quite sure, what he was sure of, was the feeling of his heart break. An all too familiar break, one he hadn’t felt since Sarah’s mom…
Joel quickly and silently tore his path through the house, he was certain that you were playing some kind of sick cruel joke. 
“Joel. Joel! Come on man,” Joel could hear Ellie, but for some reason his legs wouldn’t stop. He had to prove Ellie wrong, that’s why. Yeah, that makes sense. “Joel, Jesus fucking Christ. STOP!” Hearing Ellie’s loud voice had pulled him to a halt. 
“Joel, I know you loved them man, I did too. I don’t know what hell-bent path you’re on, but you aren’t going to find them okay. I know,” Joel looked to Ellie, his unfocused eyes taking a moment. When his eyes finally focused, he could see it, he could see the tears that were pouring from Ellie’s face. That’s when he realized he too was crying. “I looked for them after I found their rabbit’s foot bracelet. I think they’re in the basement, the door is locked or jammed. I can’t get it open.” Joel swallowed the pained howls that wanted to rip through his tired body. Clearing his throat, Joel quickly wiped his face on his jacket sleeve. 
“You stay up here; I’ll get it figured out. No matter what, I don’t care if you're curious or something else, don’t under any circumstances come down there am I clear?” Joel clenched his jaw, he needed something to focus on something, so why not something he can do. 
Ellie never responded verbally, but Joel saw the stiff nod. Turning from Ellie Joel tried to make quick work of finding the things you left. It took him far less time than he expected. Joel also found a key; one he could only assume you left. It wasn’t particularly noteworthy or showy, but if he had to guess, it would unlock that basement door. Was that even something he wanted to do? Kill you? Or rather, kill the already dead you? 
Heading back to the dining room, Joel looked at the things he had found in the house. The one catching his attention first? Your handgun. The one with only one bullet loaded in it. Picking up the gun, Joel examined it in his hand, the handle was worn, faint groves noticeable to the touch. The metal on it had definitely seen better days, days when the metal was clean and before it was used in all of this shit. 
Swallowing the lump in his throat down, Joel took the key -along with the gun- to the basement door. Standing there, Joel simply stared at the handle. God only knows how long he stood there, but hearing Ellie walk into the dining room, pulled him back to the doorknob in hand. Gripping the gun tighter, Joel carefully put the key into the knob. Giving it a trying twist, Joel felt it resist for a second, before a soft ‘click’ could be heard. Gripping the knob, Joel twisted it slowly and carefully pulled the door open. There wasn’t a single sound coming from the basement, maybe you had found a way to do this. Something he was now dreading. Readying the gun, Joel carefully made his way down the stairs, trying to be as light as possible on his feet. 
Once his feet hit the basement floor, Joel clicked on his flashlight. The basement wasn’t huge by any means, but it did have a smaller room off the back wall. Walking towards the doorway, Joel practically held his breath to listen for the all too well known cl-
The sound of clicking slowly filling the air as he grew closer. The sound put him to a stop. Can he really do this? Yes, because you shouldn’t have to be one of them. Clenching his jaw Joel continued on. 
In the doorway, Joel could barely make out the shadow of you, or at least what used to be you. It was kind of hard to tell for certain where the bite was for certain, but it seemed as if it was your shoulder. As he stood there, Joel was silent, he wanted to remember what you were like, this wasn’t you and he knew that. You were gone by now, long gone and he knew that. Raising the gun, Joel closed his eyes for a moment. Opening his eyes, Joel cocked the handgun, the click of the hammer grabbing your attention. Staring at what used to be your face, Joel could feel the tears run down his face. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t quicker my Crow.” His last word punched through the silence, with the loud echo of a spent shell.
The divider was made by the beautiful @mikeykuns
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thanosfavslytherin · 2 months ago
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wwreversetropefest2024 · 8 months ago
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Introducing the Wizarding World Reverse Trope Fest, a creative, fun Harry Potter challenge to invert all your favorite tropes ! ✨
Summoning all writers, artists, and podficers to test their creativity! Below are important dates, rules, and information you'll need to know if you'd like to join in with us.
💫 Timeline
Prompting August 1st-17th, 2024
Sign-Ups Open: August 18th, 2024
Sign-Ups Close: November 12th, 2024
Submissions Due: November 13th, 2024
Posting Begins: November 16th, 2024
Creator Reveals: November 24th, 2024
✍️ Prompting
To submit a prompt, fill out a google form after August 1st. Submit as many as you like!
All are welcome to submit prompts, even if not participating in the fest.
Prompts MUST include a common trope (character, setting, relationship) reversed in some way. Once approved, prompts will be added to AO3.
🌙 Sign-Ups
After August 18th, anyone 18 years of age and up are welcome to sign up and claim a prompt!
You must complete the Google Form (after Aug 18th) for your sign-up as well as claim your choice of prompt on the AO3 collection.
You may only claim one prompt at a time. Once submitted, you're free to claim another.
There is no limit to how many people may claim a single prompt.
🎨 Creating
Minimum of 500 words for written fics, no maximum.
Multi-chapter fics must have at least first 3 chapters published at time of deadline.
All eras of the Wizarding World are welcome! (Marauders, Golden Era, and Next Gen etc.)
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itropeyou · 2 years ago
Will you accept this challenge?
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I Trope You! is a challenge created by @rainisawriter and the premise is quite simple. Every month, I'll be posting a random trope from TV Tropes. It will be your job, the writer, to craft something around that prompt! Do I have your attention so far? Then please keep reading and reblog this post so more writers (and readers) can find it! Thanks so much ^-^)/
This challenge officially began on September 1st, 2023.
We now have an AO3 Collection!
-> Guidelines
Each piece of writing should be a minimum of 100 words. There is no maximum word count.
Every fandom/pairing is welcome, including original fiction!
Every genre is welcome, but 18+/NSFW must be clearly tagged as such. You can block 18+ reblogs on this account by blocking the tag #ITY18.
If you want this blog to reblog your work, please @ this account and make sure #ITYchallenge is one of the first five tags.
You can use these prompts anytime you want, but only posts made within the prompt's one month time period will be reblogged.
You're free to combine this challenge with any others, given that challenge is also okay with combining!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! :)
-> The Challenges
Challenge 1; Genre Shift (september)
Challenge 2; Furniture Blockade (october)
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rainisawriter · 2 years ago
Dragophire Empire – S.W.O.R.D (ITYc1)
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༻ITYC Ficography༺ ༻ITYC Tag༺
Genre: Comedy, friendship, slice of life -> fantasy au
Word Count: 4,581
Pairing: None
World: High&Low
A/N: So, I wasn’t sure how to write this and I’m not sure if I’m happy with it, but I hope it makes someone laugh or smile, at least haha I may expand on this later, who knows. Written for the @itropeyou challenge.
I Trope You! Challenge #: 1 – Genre Shift
Murayama entered the gym of Oya Kou, beelining for the stage that sat at the back of the room. He hopped up before falling onto the sofa beside me, excitement dancing in his dark eyes. “Guess what?”
“You finally decided to be an adult, get a job and leave Oya Kou?” I quirked a brow at him and he pouted. 
“Not even close.”
“Yeah, something like that would never happen,” I snickered. “You’ll be at this school even as an old man.”
“So will you!”
“Yeah probably.”
A moment of silence passed by as we stared at each other blankly.
Finally, I scowled. “Are you gonna tell me or nah?”
“You broke first, I win!”
“I’m leaving.” I started to get up off the couch but he grabbed the back of my shirt, yanking me back down. Before I could insult him, he finally answered.
“I found a really cool video game store during my walk today.”
“A game store?” My brow furrowed. “Those still exist? Don’t most people just buy their stuff online these days?”
“Mostly, yeah, but you’re missing out on some great titles that way,” he clicked his tongue, waving his finger at me. “Listen up, kid.”
“I’m older than you.”
He ignored the comment. “There are a lot of gems out there that can’t be bought online because they no longer exist.”
“If they no longer existed, they wouldn’t be at the store, either.” I pointed out, making him scowl.
“Yah, I’m trying to teach you a lesson.”
“Your lessons are shit. That’s why everyone at Oya is dumb as hell.”
“Oi!” Nakazono glanced up from where he was sitting below the stage, a scowl on his lips. “We’re not all dumb, ya know.”
“You’re right,” I agreed, taking in the satisfied look on his face before adding, “Todoroki is pretty damn smart.”
His expression fell to a displeased scowl again and I snickered, proud of myself.
“You’re such an ass.”
“If you’re not an ass, are you even an Oya student?”
His lips parted to retort but then he paused, thought about it for a minute and nodded. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
It was Murayama’s turn to scowl now, smacking my shoulder. “Will you focus for two minutes, please? This is important.”
“How is it important?” I leaned back against the couch, arms folded over my chest.
“Because we can find a new game to play that no one else is playing.” He paused, turning his head away and mumbling under his breath. “I was hoping it could be our special thing.“
My heart warmed at the words. He and I have been best friends for years, connecting after he and Cobra first fought. He was my brother at this point, but we didn’t spend as much time together as we could. He was always busy dealing with Oya drama and keeping the younger ones out of trouble.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working a lot lately so I could keep my apartment and still offer money to the Oya kiddos so they could get things they wanted. Admittedly, we haven’t been spending much time together lately, so it makes sense he would come up with something like this.
I knew I wasn’t meant to hear the last bit so I sighed dramatically, pretending to be annoyed. “Fine, I’ll go with you.”
He grinned, eyes lighting up.
“But you’re paying.”
He clicked his tongue, folding his arm over his chest. “Fine.”
It was mid-autumn, the temperature dropping with each day that passed by. There weren’t many trees within the city, but the few that had been planted were already bare, their colorful leaves pooled at the bottom of their trunks. The world felt more alive, more magical during the fall season and I absolutely adored it.
I couldn’t wait for Halloween, especially since Daruma’s Halloween festival was always top tier.
I pulled my jacket tighter around my body as I headed in the direction of the store. Murayama was already waiting outside, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he peered through the glass.
“It’s about time,” he scowled at me, not waiting for a response before he darted into the store.
“And I thought I was impatient,” I scoffed, following after him.
No one was inside the store so it was eerily quiet. It reminded me of those old movie rental stores but, instead of movies, it was all video games for varying consoles, many of which I had never even heard of before. Murayama had been right when he said these things were gems that couldn’t be bought online.
A lot of my free time was spent browsing game lists, looking for interesting titles to save up for. Though I was picky and didn’t have a large library, I could name a lot of games simply by the description or by screenshots, but these games? I had never heard of any of them.
I hummed as I scanned the shelves, looking for anything that caught my eye though nothing did. Some of these names were insane, too.
Rocket Sizzlin’.
Killa Y.Q.Q.
Woman the Beaver.
Teenage Direction.
The Marvelous Enigmas.
Okay, that last one wasn’t bad. Feeling curious, I picked it up and turned it over. It was a pixel game about these sentient blobs of slime trying to pass for normal human beings. My nose wrinkled and I returned it to the shelf.
I wasn’t a big fan of older games and I don’t like pixel games. I prefer games with amazing graphics that make you feel as if you can jump through the screen and enter it. I like worlds that are so rich, you get lost in them, feel as if you’re part of them. Games that make you forget about the boring, mundane life you actually lead.
“If that’s what you’re looking for, child, I have the perfect game for you.”
I blinked in confusion at the old man standing a few feet away. He was short, the upper half of his body hunched over a cane as if it were the only thing keeping him on his feet. His head was mostly bald, with just a few strands of thin white hair placed at random spots. His mustache and beard was long but the hair was thin.
Where the hell had he come from? Why hadn’t I heard him? And how the hell did he know what I was thinking?
“Did I… say all that out loud?” I wondered, though I was sure I hadn’t. 
“Part of it, yes,” he chuckled, peering at me through small, dark eyes. “You were mumbling to yourself. A bad habit, I might add.”
“Oh,” I frowned, rubbing the back of my neck.
“Come, child. Allow me to show you the game you desire.” He waved his hand at me before slowly turning and hobbling away.
I highly doubted he would give me a game I enjoyed but I didn’t want to be rude so I followed him. He was so slow, though, taking five minutes just to make it to the other side of the small store.
Murayama poked his head around one of the shelves and snickered, clearly enjoying my annoyance. I flicked him off and he faked an offended look before disappearing again.
The man took a title off the shelf with a shaky hand, holding it out to me. I couldn’t help but notice how boney his fingers were, as if there was barely any skin left to cover them. “I believe you will enjoy this.”
I took it from him carefully, reading the title. “The Five Grim Kings.” Okay, not a bad title at all. I hummed, flipping it over to read the description. “‘The Dragophire Kingdom was once a prosperous nation united under one banner, but peace can not last forever.'”
He nodded, closing his eyes.
“‘The nation started to fight itself, splitting into five different factions, all of whom were vying for power and control. While they threaten to destroy themselves from within, a new power has risen from the darkness with the intent to destroy all of them.’ Huh, that sounds strangely familiar.”
The man nodded again, a frown on his lips. “They fail to realize that they are stronger together. It is your job to unite the five factions and destroy Kaxarene.”
I hummed with interest. It didn’t look like it was that old, either, the graphics looking pretty decent on the case. It was hard to believe that it was a PlayStation 4 game. Why wasn’t this listed on the website? I bet loads of people would enjoy this.
The game was ripped from my hand by Murayama who wrinkled his nose when he looked at the cover. “I didn’t know you were into medieval RPGs.”
I shrugged a shoulder, snatching it back from him. “They’re fun to play sometimes.”
“I found something better,” he grinned, holding up two copies of a game called Cosplay Rubber Duckies.
“You have got to be kidding me…” I deadpanned, making him scowl.
“Don’t look at me like that! It’s a really complex battle royale MMO where you fight against others to take control of the mind stone and rule the world.”
“The mind stone? Isn’t that a Marvel thing?”
“They don’t own the term, idiot.”
“You’re the only idiot here, idiot.”
The old man chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. “Will you be purchasing the game, then?”
I considered it for a moment before nodding. “Sure, it sounds interesting. I’m not paying for it anyway so I have nothing to lose.”
Murayama scowled, remembering that he had agreed to pay. “It better not be expensive.”
“Doesn’t matter. Oya Kou’s leader can’t go back on his word.” I snickered, shoving the game against his chest before approaching the counter.
He clicked his tongue in disapproval as he followed after me. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Lucky? I think you mean unlucky. You’re a pain in the ass.”
“And you’re rude as hell. It balances out.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
The old man finally appeared behind the counter, slowly ringing up the purchase. When placed my game in a separate bag, slowly sliding it toward me. “Do be careful, child.”
My brow furrowed in confusion at the warning, a strange feeling of doom settling in my gut. Before I could question it, though, Murayama threw his arm around my neck and started to drag me from the store, complaining about how hungry he was.
“Mother fucker,” I muttered under my breath, scowling at the TV screen. I was never good at battle royale games and I rarely made it into the top ten. “I died, you’re on your own.”
Murayama clicked his tongue, the sound barely picked up by his microphone. “At least you survived longer than last time. A whole minute and a half! You should be proud.”
I scoffed at his teasing tone. “I hope that duck with the Mohawk murders you and consumes your corpse.”
“Wow, that’s a bit drama – shit!”
I burst out laughing when said duck slaughtered him without much effort.
“You jinxed me!” He complained. “I lost because of you.”
“Tsk, tsk, Shiki. You shouldn’t blame others for your own shortcomings. You gotta own up to that shit.”
“One v one me.”
“Hell no. I’m dumb but not that dumb.”
“I don’t even know how to respond to that so I’m just gonna switch games.”
“Don’t you dare.”
I hummed, grabbing The Five Grim Kings from its case. “Too late. I’m removing the disc.”
“I’ll kick your ass,” he threatened, but it lacked any real malice.
“Please, you could never beat me.”
Which was, technically, the truth. Both of you were on the same level and when you fought seriously, it ended in a tie every single time. He couldn’t beat me and I could never beat him. It’s super frustrating, but it is what it is.
“Oh no, I’m taking the disc out of the console.”
“Oi, get your ass back here and be my distraction.”
I pretended to think about it for a moment. “Nah. We’ve been playing for five hours, bro, I need a break.”
“Five hours?” He replied in surprise. “No way, it’s been like five minutes.”
“We started at noon. It’s almost 5:30.”
“Your clock is just wrong.” There was the sound of movement over the headset, followed by a moment of silence. “Oh…”
I snorted. “Dumbass.”
He clicked his tongue. “You’re so mean to me. It’s hurtful.”
“Uh huh, sure. You want me to stream this or nah?”
“Alright, gimme a minute.”
I was just about to insert the disc when my phone started to buzz from beside me. I muted my mic, removing one side of the headset so I could answer Yamato’s call. “What’s up, boss?”
“There’s been an emergency,” he grunted, sounding tired. “I need you to come in.“
“Seriously?” I groaned, leaning back against the coffee table. “Today’s my day off and it’s late. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
“No. The client is paying big money for this and we both could use the extra funds. Get your ass down here.” He ended the call.
“For fuck’s sake,” I muttered, turning the mic back on. “Oi, I gotta go. Got called into work.”
“Eh~? Just ignore it.”
“Can’t. Yamato would actually fire me this time.”
“Man, imagine having your wealth in someone else’s hands. Couldn’t be me.”
“Because you’re useless,” I snickered. “Later.”
“Don’t kill anyone.”
I left the party, setting my headset on the TV stand. I considered putting the disc back in its case but it was already out so I figured I would save future me the trouble. I popped it into the console before standing up and grabbing my shit, heading out into the cool afternoon.
I let out a huff as I fell onto the bar stool, scowling at Odake-san. “The usual, please.”
A smile tugged at her lips as she started to prepare my drink. “Long day, hun?”
“The longest,” I sighed out, hanging my head. “This job is kicking my ass.”
She hummed as she set down a glass of chocolate milk before leaning her arms on the bar. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
I grabbed the glass, taking a large gulp before slamming it back on the counter. “My boss is running me ragged, Odake-san! As soon as I get back from one errand, he’s sending me off on another! He also complains that I take too long despite going there and straight back. He’s a tyrant.”
“Who’s a tyrant?”
I stiffened, straightening my back and looking fearfully at Odake before whispering, “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?”
She giggled with a nod, standing up to start preparing his drink.
I slowly turned on my stool, offering him a grin. “Hey, Yamato. How’s it going? How much did you hear, my guy?”
The tall man rolled his eyes before settling down beside me. “All of it.”
“I should fire you.”
“But you’re not gonna because you love me, right?” I grinned, nudging his shoulder.
He sent me a look but didn’t reply, choosing instead to thank Odake for the alcohol. 
I resisted the urge to click my tongue, downing the last of my drink. “Can I get another?”
“Coming right up!”
Yamato shook his head. “I can’t believe you come to a bar to order chocolate milk. You’re an actual child.”
“If I was a child, I wouldn’t be allowed inside the bar.”
“You know what I meant.” He sent me a look. “If Naomi finds out, she’s gonna be upset.”
“Don’t you dare tell her,” I hissed, smacking his shoulder. “It’s nothing personal, I just… the bar has a different vibe and sometimes I just need time away from Sannoh.”
“If Cobra hears that, he’s gonna be -“
“Really?” I deadpanned, making him snicker behind the glass.
“Don’t tease her too much,” chuckled Odake as she set another glass on the counter. “I like her company.”
“I like yours, too,” I nodded, taking the cool glass in my hand. “Thank you, Odake-san.”
She gave me a motherly smile, patting my arm. “Any time.”
After finishing my second glass, I said my goodbyes to the two and headed out into the night, ready to return home and get some sleep. I yawned loudly, rolling my neck. It had been a long day and Yamato expected me at the garage first thing in the morning to meet with a customer, so I couldn’t stay up too late or I’d end up oversleeping. 
Something caught my eye and I paused, taking a step back to get a better look. Whatever it was, it was catching the light of the street lamp, glinting softly. I approached it, glancing around for anyone who may have dropped it but the street was completely empty.
I kneeled down, fingers wrapping around the ice-cold metal so I could inspect it closer. It was a ring made of stainless steel, a black dragon inlaid across the length of it. In the dragon’s claws was a large orb made of sapphire. The blue seemed vibrant against the muted tones of the metal.
“Beautiful,” I breathed out, thumb rubbing gently over the orb. I glanced around again to ensure that no one was around before I slipped it onto my middle finger. The orb started to glow,  the metal growing warm against my skin. “What the -“
A circular wave of blue energy shot out from the ring, the world around me rippling like the surface of water after being disturbed. I prepared myself for what was to come next, but nothing happened. The world returned to normal, the night silent.
“I need sleep,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes.
When I returned to my apartment, I went straight to the bed, flopping onto it and cuddling the soft blanket Cobra had given me for my birthday. As tired as I was, I figured I could fall asleep pretty easily, but I found myself lying there for over an hour, unable to sleep.
I scowled in annoyance as I pushed myself up, grabbing a soda from the fridge. Caffeine definitely wasn’t something to drink when you wanted to sleep but something told me sleep wasn’t gonna come for me any time soon. Might as well enjoy it.
I plopped down in front of the TV, grabbing the controller. Pressing the home button woke up the TV, showing the title screen of The Five Grim Kings. Murayama would probably bitch about not waiting for him but I was too tired to care. I’d just buy him some ramen and he’d forget about it.
As soon as I pressed the start button, the ring started to glow again. Rather than the warmth I felt before, it felt as if it were on fire and I hissed, trying to tug it off but it was too hot to touch. “The hell?”
The lights started to flicker, the TV screen glitching out. One second, the intro cinematic was clear and, the next, it was so blurry I couldn’t even see what was happening. I shot up with a frown, looking for something I could use to pull the ring off. I settled for the blanket, wrapping it around my finger and tugging hard but it wouldn’t budge. It was as if my finger had swollen, trapping the ring in place.
When I removed the blanket, a beam of light shot from the ring’s orb and into the TV. “What the fu -“
The light exploded, blinding me as it threw me backward. I don’t know what I hit, but it knocked the wind from my lungs, my vision blurring. As I slid down to the ground, my vision dotted with black, my consciousness slipping from my grasp.
A groan passed my lips as pain shot through my skull. What the hell happened? Why does my body feel so sore?
“Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”
My body tensed as I shot up, wide eyes looking around frantically. “Oh my god, I’m in Skyrim?!”
“What is that?”
I looked at the large man sitting across from me, dirt covering his skin and his wrists bound with rope in front of him. I blinked dumbly a few times, slowly looking around. I was in the back of a horse-drawn cart, sure, but the guy sitting up front was no Imperial soldier.
Instead of armor, he was wearing a black robe and rather than being surrounded by trees, we were surrounded by an endless sea of yellow grass.
“I am so confused.”
“Did you hit your head or somethin’?” questioned the man, leaning forward.
“I think so.” I reached up to my head only to realize my wrists were bound, too. “What the fuck is this shit? Why am I tied up?”
“You got caught in Kaxa territory.”
I stared at him, waiting for him to continue but he just stared back. “Thank you for clarifying, that definitely clears things up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I was being sarcastic!”
His brow furrowed. “Sar… castic? What’s that?”
“S… Sarcasm doesn’t exist here? Oh god, I’m gonna die!” I cried dramatically, standing up and trying to yank my hands free. “Let me off this damn thing!”
“Sit down, now!” Snapped the driver, eyes narrowed at me. 
“I refuse! I have rights, ya know!”
“Please sit down, friend! You’re gonna get yourself killed.”
“I refuse! Try and kill me, I dare y -” I cried out when the cart came to an abrupt stop, making me lose my balance. The man tried to grab me but he wasn’t fast enough and I fell over the side, landing on the dirt path with an oof.
The driver jumped down, pulling a sword from within his robe. “I’ll save the hangman the trouble with you.”
I scrambled back as best as I could, scowling at him. “Stay away from me! You have no idea what I’m capable of! I’m warning you, man!”
But he didn’t stop advancing, lifting the sword above his head. 
The sound of hoofs pounding the ground made him pause, his eyes lifting to something behind me. I refused to check because I wanted to be able to dodge if he swung the sword at me. The man cursed, turning and rushing back to the cart, slapping the reins as he yelled at the horse to move.
It neighed loudly, taking off like a rocket. 
Horses raced past me after them, kicking up a cloud of dust that had me coughing. 
“Hey, are you okay?” A horse came to a stop in front of me, the man jumping off its back to kneel in front of me. The lower half of his face was covered by a red bandana yet he felt familiar to me. He pulled a knife from his belt, flipping it in his hand before reaching for me.
I scrambled backward until I hit something solid. Looking up, I realized it was the legs of a massive man also wearing a black bandana over his face. He, too, seemed oddly familiar.
“Ah, I’m not going to hurt you, I swear!” replied the first guy, holding his hands up. “I’m just gonna cut the rope.”
The second man reached down, grabbing my shoulder with one hand and easily hoisting me to my feet. “We don’t know who she is. She could be with Kaxa.”
“But she’s tied up. Why would they tie up one of their own?”
“To keep their identity hidden.”
My eyes snapped to the side as a third man appeared, blonde hair covering his forehead and dark eyes. I knew that voice well. “Cobra?”
His eyes widened in surprise before narrowing suspiciously. “Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“The hell are you talking about?” I scowled. “It’s me. Is this some kind of prank or something because it’s super elaborate and I hate it.”
“Be quiet,” hissed the second man, gripping my shoulder tightly.
“That fuckin’ hurts, bro, damn.” I tried to pull away but his grip was like iron. Wait a minute… I looked at him, squinting at his half covered face. It took a moment for it to click in my brain. “Yamato?”
“Don’t act like you know me,” he hissed, ripping the bandana down to his neck.
“Wait, then that means…” My eyes fell on the first guy, still holding the knife. “Chiharu?”
Chiharu tugged down the bandana, looking confused. “How do you know me?”
“Chiharu only just joined us,” Yamato muttered, sending the blonde a look. “No one should know him unless…”
“They’re from Oya Lions,” finished Cobra, closing the distance between us.
“Oya Lions?” My brow furrowed. Did that idiot go and change the name of the school without telling me? I shook my head, lifting my hands. “Look, I’m not sure what’s going on but I am not your enemy, Cobra. I would never betray you!”
“Cobra look.” Yamato grabbed my wrist, showing off the ring.
“That’s…” Cobra’s eyes widened and he tugged down the bandana. “Where did you get that?”
“I found it on the street. Thought it was cool but now I can’t get the damn thing off.”
“She’s… she’s the chosen one!” whispered Chiharu, looking at me with wonder.
“Chosen one?” I laughed, shaking my head. “Nah, fam. If I’m your chosen one, you’re all fucked. There’s no way anyone would be dumb enough to make me someone that important.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong.”
My head snapped to the side, growing wide. It was the only man from the game store, but he looked different. He was taller, for one, his back straight. Luscious white locks flowered from his head, falling to his shoulders. Standing on either side of him were Kohaku and Tsukumo.
“You,” I breathed out, my brain slowly piecing it together. I scowled, rushing toward him. “You did this, didn’t you?!”
Kohaku stepped forward, brandishing a sharp looking sword that made me stop dead in my tracks. “Not another step.”
“Does everyone in this damn world have a sword?” I complained, glaring at the old man. “Oi, what the hell is going on? What did you do to me?”
“I merely opened the portal to get you here,” explained the man as he stepped closer, patting Kohaku on the shoulder. He instantly relaxed, though his gaze did not leave me. “The ring chose you.”
“Well, I don’t choose it. Get this damn thing off me and send me home!”
“You can’t go!” cried Chiharu, rushing up to my side and giving me a pleading look. “Please, chosen one. If you don’t help us, the Kaxarene will destroy everything!”
Yamato scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. “We’re doing fine without her. We don’t need the help.”
“Oh, but you do, my boy,” stated the old man with a frown. “You’ve no idea the darkness that’s coming.”
“What do you mean, Niramo?” Cobra took a step toward him, his brow furrowed in concern. “What aren’t you telling us?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say.” Niramo lowered his head in apology before his gaze landed on me. “However, I can tell you that this one is the one who will help bring light back to Dragophire. It will never be whole again, but it can be healed by the one who possesses the power of the King’s Ring.”
Everyone looked at me expectantly and I swallowed nervously. “You guys are so fucked…”
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy -> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
I think I got everyone that wanted on the taglist, let me know if I missed anyone!
31 notes · View notes
ghu-lehh · 6 months ago
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TEHE I MADE A WRITING PROMPT LIST I'm not even sure if I'll do this but anyone who sees this is more than welcome to use it!! I'd love to see what yall come up with :3
Also I know it looks a little janky I made it at like 2 this morning so!!!! I tried LMAOSJDJD
(Also this is a repost because I didn't check tags and its original name was already taken LOLLSJSJ)
7 notes · View notes
wordswithloveee · 1 year ago
Everything you can imagine is real.
17 notes · View notes
troped-fanfic-challenge · 2 years ago
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3 notes · View notes
allthingswhumpyandangsty · 8 months ago
“writing fanfics is something I do in my free time for fun. I will not treat it like a job and will instead treat it like a hobby because that’s what it is.”
also how it feels being a fanfic writer:
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23K notes · View notes
bebx · 2 years ago
AO3 writers every 10 minutes on a daily basis
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plot twist: they continue scrolling aimlessly through tumblr instead of writing
615 notes · View notes
freakrenaissance · 3 months ago
Something about big, sexy protective man taking out any threat to his love...oof... the violence. So freaking romantic, I can't take it! Love this!!! ���
more than safe
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pairing: avengers!bucky barnes x shield agent!reader
summary: when you're injured on a mission in sokovia, bucky barnes comes to help—and you share a soft moment together.
warnings: fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, mention of blood/injury, bucky barnes kills a man, protective bucky barnes
word count: 2k
a/n: day 30 of my 30 day writing trope challenge was "who did this to you," which i've technically written before (though for august walker) but i was excited for it all the same! i knew i wanted to write for bucky and had a couple ideas but ended up running with this one. not much here other than some hurt/comfort fluff, but i hope y'all enjoy!
Your scream pierced the night sky. Despite your best efforts to fend him off, your opponent’s knife had sliced a deep gash in the outside of your thigh. Though you managed to land a fist against his temple, sending him flying into a tree, your leg collapsed and you fell to the snow-covered ground.
You’d barely had time to check the cut and make sure it didn’t hit anything serious when a crashing sound from the woods beyond the clearing caught your attention. Bucky Barnes, in his full Winter Soldier getup, strapped with more weapons than a small army, raced into the clearing and caught sight of you on the ground. His blue eyes flared with fear and rage, a combination you’d never seen on the man before.
Bucky crunched through the snow, his black combat boots eating up ground faster than any normal human, but you noticed he’d lost some of his inhuman stealth, making more noise than you’d expect of the Winter Soldier. It was like he was being careless in his need to get to you. When he reached you, he dropped to the ground and began examining your wound. It occurred to you that you should be afraid to have the Winter Soldier so close, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to fear Bucky even after only knowing him a few weeks.
For a little under two months, you’d been assigned to the SHIELD team that acted as support for the Avengers. You’d moved into Avengers Tower, per your orders, even though you’d had a perfectly good apartment in Brooklyn. Maria Hill had told you Tony Stark insisted anyone working with the Avengers had to live in the tower in case they needed to leave at a moment’s notice.
One night shortly after you’d moved in, you’d been complaining about leaving your apartment behind to Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton in the kitchen when Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes had walked in. When they’d heard you lived in Brooklyn, it launched a long conversation about whether certain staples of the borough were still there. Steve had done most of the talking, with Bucky only saying one or two words at a time. But when you’d taken them on a tour of modern Brooklyn, Bucky had opened up a little more, pointing out all the places he’d saved Steve from getting his ass kicked when they were growing up. 
After that, you and Bucky had fallen into a tentative friendship, both preferring the quiet of the Avengers Tower library to the raucous team-building nights Tony insisted on. Sometimes Steve would join you, sketching or reading while you and Bucky would lay tangled up on the overstuffed couches and read. Once or twice, Bucky asked you for book recommendations and then you’d discussed them when he’d finished reading. He enjoyed fantasy over contemporary fiction, and you were more than happy to share some of your favorites with him.
Even still, your friendship with Bucky was new and you were still trying to learn how to read him, especially since the most you heard him talk was about books. In the field, you’d found he shut down even more, like he would default to his Winter Soldier programming and go nonverbal. You’d only been on two other missions with him, but after both, it had taken hours before he spoke. Which was why it shocked you to hear him say anything in that snow-covered clearing.
“Who did this to you,” he demanded in a gravelly rasp, the black half-mask he wore over the lower half of his face making it sound more menacing than you knew he intended. The way he’d said it left no room for argument, so you pointed to the Hydra agent that was beginning to rouse from where you’d dropped him. 
Bucky quickly unzipped his black leather jacket and tore off a strip from the white t-shirt he wore beneath it, tying the fabric around your leg to staunch the bleeding. You bit your lip to keep from crying out, but Bucky noticed the way your body jerked from the pain and his hands gentled as he tied off the ends of the makeshift bandage. 
When he was done, Bucky stood, just as the Hydra agent was getting his feet underneath him. With his metal fist, Bucky punched the man in the face and you could hear the crunch of his nose breaking in the silent woods. The Hydra agent flew back and glanced off a tree, falling limply into the snow.
You were pretty sure he was unconscious but that didn’t seem to be good enough for Bucky, who kept stalking toward the enemy. His other hand unclipped a gun from the holster on his thigh, uncaring that the man wasn’t awake to fight back. Bucky stood over the unconscious man and fired two shots into the Hydra agent’s head, then re-holstered his gun.
When Bucky turned back to you, his face was a mask of coldness, but he picked you up with gentle hands. He cradled you carefully in his arms as he took off through the woods, faster than you ever would’ve thought possible. As you passed through the trees in the Sokovian countryside, you heard the sounds of fighting, but they were behind you and grew increasingly distant the more Bucky’s strong legs carried you away.
Finally, you reached the Quinjet and Bucky carried you inside, setting you down on one of the seats and kneeling in front of you. When he saw that you’d already bled through the strip of cotton he’d tied around your leg, Bucky made a small sound you couldn’t decipher. Then he stripped out of his leather protective jacket entirely and tugged his t-shirt over his head. 
You were left with a shirtless Winter Soldier—the first time you’d ever seen him shirtless—and you were too stunned to do anything but sit there and stare. Bucky’s chest looked chiseled from granite, even as his skin shone with a light sheen of sweat. If you’d been any less dumbfounded by the sight of Bucky’s bare chest, you may have reached for him and tried to trace the curve of his pecs and shoulders with your fingertips. 
As it was, Bucky tying his full t-shirt around your leg to bandage your wound brought you back to the present. The sharp sting of pain shot up and down your spine and you cried out, unable to stop yourself when you hadn’t been prepared for it. 
“Sorry,” Bucky muttered, his voice clearer. It was only then that you noticed he’d taken off his mask, dumping it on the floor of the Quinjet next to his jacket. You watched as he deliberately gentled his hands while he looped the t-shirt around your leg again and tied it off. “That should hold until we get back to the tower,” he said, standing up.
You knew you should say something, like thank you, but your mouth hung open as you stared straight at Bucky’s abs. The most you managed to do was trail your gaze up his torso, taking in the wide expanse of his pale chest and the way his muscles shifted beneath his skin as he breathed in and out. You knew you should stop staring, but you couldn’t seem to manage it.
“Sorry,” Bucky mumbled. That finally distracted you from the sight in front of you as you looked up at him with a confused frown. “I know it’s not a pretty sight,” he continued, reaching up and using his hand to shield where his vibranium arm was fused to his body. 
Your stomach flipped with a sickening feeling at his vulnerability and the thought you’d made him feel insecure. Before you could stop yourself, you reached for his arm and tugged it away, grateful he let you. 
Bucky was right, it wasn’t necessarily pretty, mainly because Hydra had done a miserable job when they attached the prosthetic arm. But your first and foremost thought was to worry about whether it hurt him. You traced a finger so gently along the scarred skin next to the prosthetic you weren’t sure he could feel it, but Bucky’s big body shuddered slightly so you knew he could. 
“Does it hurt?” you asked in a soft voice, eyes flicking up to Bucky’s blue gaze, unsure if that was okay to ask.
Bucky’s intense eyes met yours and he shook his head. His mouth was set into a grim line, but he didn’t pull away or try to stop you.
You breathed a small sigh of relief at his answer, your fingers shifting to the cool metal of his prosthetic arm and down the length of it. When your fingers reached his vibranium hand, you turned it over gently, so you could draw a circle on his palm. You looked up at him. “Can you feel that?” you asked, your voice less tentative.
Bucky shook his head again but his face contorted in a perplexed expression. “I can’t feel it, but I know how it should feel,” he explained slowly, picking out his words carefully.
You hummed in understanding and nodded. Ducking your head, you dropped a kiss to Bucky’s metal palm before you looked back up at him. “Thank you for coming for me,” you said with a soft smile. 
Kneeling down again, Bucky cupped your face in his warm hand and gave you a serious look. “Don’t thank me for taking care of you,” he said, his voice low and somber. “I wish I’d gotten there before you were hurt.”
You offered him a wry smile, glancing down to his stubbled chin, unable to hold his serious gaze for too long. “Peril of the job, I guess,” you tried to joke, glancing back up at his intense blue eyes. 
Bucky grunted in acknowledgement, but his mouth pulled down in a frown that was almost comical. You had to hold yourself back from giggling, then worried the blood loss was getting to you. Tiredly, you leaned back in the Quinjet seat, still holding Bucky’s metal hand in your lap. 
Gently, Bucky slipped his hand from your grip and stood. Gathering you up in his arms, he turned and sat down on the jet’s seat, holding you firmly on his lap. You were positioned sideways across his legs, and you leaned your head against his shoulder, his warm skin feeling nice against your cold cheek. 
“When you’re healed, I want you to train with me,” Bucky murmured, adjusting you on his lap, pulling you closer to his chest. “If I can’t always be with you, I want to know you can take care of yourself.” His strong arms were heavy around your waist but you enjoyed their weight.
“My SHIELD training not good enough for you?” you teased in a sleepy voice, snuggling closer to him, your hands resting on his chest. You felt so safe and secure in Bucky’s lap with his arms around you, you couldn’t help but start to succumb to the exhaustion you felt.
Bucky grumbled, the sound rumbling through his chest where you were pressed against him. For a long moment, he didn’t answer and you thought he simply wouldn’t, but then he spoke. “I just want you safe.” 
“Okay, Buck,” you murmured as warmth bloomed in your chest and you hid a smile against his neck. With your face buried against him, you let the scent of his skin—something fresh mixed with pine—calm you. He ran a soothing hand up and down your spine, settling you further. You were nearly asleep when you continued speaking, knowing he’d be able to hear your whispered words. “Want you safe, too.”
Bucky squeezed you lightly in his arms, then went back to holding you close and running his hands over your back and legs like he couldn’t stop touching you—couldn’t stop making sure you were safe. Eventually, you dozed off, content to let the Winter Soldier take care of you. You knew you were more than safe in Bucky’s arms.
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⫸⫸30 Day Writing Trope Challenge Masterlist⫷⫷
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shortfictionweeklychallenge · 9 months ago
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A decade of prompts from Short Fiction Weekly Challenge.
Week of June 27, 2014
A Punny Story: Often derided as the lowest form of wit, some of our most respected writers --like Shakespeare and Alfred Hitchcock--adored puns.  Making and understanding puns requires a large vocabulary, a vital thing for writers.   This week’s challenge: write a pun story; a story that exists for the sole purpose of setting up a pun.  See this TVTropes link for some examples (click at your own risk), a wonderful music related one here by Peter Schickele (the story begins at 4:48, but the intro is totally worth it).  
Relying as they do on wordplay, puns rarely translate well outside their native language.  If your story ends in a non-English pun, please include both the original and a translation/explanation.
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