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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Worth the Risk (Yuken)
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 4,484
Pairing: Reader x Yuken
World: High&Low
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The bedroom was dark, the house silent as the rest of your family slept. A tiny sliver of moonlight was shining through the curtains, falling across the round clock that sat on the wall opposite the window.
You glanced at it and scowled in frustration, forcing your eyes closed once more. Only three minutes have passed since the last time you checked, though it felt as if an hour had passed. It was only three in the morning and you should be sleeping, but excitement was swatting at the sandman every time he tried to get close.
Rolling onto your side, you grabbed your phone off the bedside table and tapped the power button. A smile immediately came to your face when your eyes fell on the wallpaper.
It was a picture of you and Yuken from a few months ago, both of you smiling brightly. He had snuck his hand up behind your head at the last moment, using his fingers to make it look like you had tiny bunny ears.
The two of you lived nearly ten hours away from each other so you rarely got to see him outside of video calls. While the two of you spoke daily, it did feel hard sometimes. You missed the gentle way he held you and the subtle scent of his cologne filling your nose. You missed running your fingers through his silky hair and the feel of his plush lips against your own.
You gently rubbed your thumb over the screen, glancing at the time again. Another three minutes had passed, but you were feeling less annoyed after having seen his face. You never understood it, but he had this strange effect on you. Whenever you were sad or angry, he could flip your mood around with a single look or a few words whispered into your ear.
Seeing his face was enough because you knew that, in just a few hour’s time, you would be on the road toward Toaru city. It was going to be a long, torturous trip, but it would be worth it in the end. 
More importantly, you had decided not to tell him you were coming because you wanted to surprise him. You couldn’t wait to see his shocked expression when you appeared on his doorstep. Taking one last look at the photo, you returned the phone to the table before burying yourself under the covers.
After forcing yourself to lie still for ten minutes, you were finally able to drift off, dreaming of the man you loved so dearly.
You stared out the train window with narrowed eyes, arms folded over your chest. Your finger was tapping roughly against your arm, leg bouncing up and down quickly to show off your annoyance. The scenery outside was still as the train sat, unmoving, on the tracks.
“Calm down,” chuckled your father, his eyes dancing with amusement as he peered at you over his newspaper.
“Why aren’t we moving? We’ve been sitting still for nearly twenty minutes!”
He quirked a brow before glancing at his watch. “It’s only been ten, dear.”
“Same thing!” You threw your hands up in frustration. “What do you think is going on?”
He hummed. “Perhaps a portal opened up and they’re trying to decide if it’ll take us to Hogwarts.”
“Dad, I’m serious!” You sent him an exasperated look and he chuckled.
“Calm down,” he set the newspaper onto the seat beside him before standing up. “I’ll see what I can find out.” He paused, sending you a grin. “Don’t get taken by a dementor!”
You rolled your eyes at his antics but a smile came to your lips despite the frustration you felt. You kept glancing between the window and the aisle as you waited for your father to return. About eight minutes later, he was sitting down across from you once more.
You looked at him expectantly but he just resumed reading his newspaper as if you weren’t waiting for him to speak. You narrowed your eyes at him, attempting to bore a hole into him. When you saw the corners of his lips twitch, you knew he was doing it just to annoy you. 
“Hm? Yes, sweety?” He looked at you innocently yet he couldn’t hold back his shit-eating grin or the amusement dancing in his eyes.
“I swear, I’m going to pour coffee into the toaster when we get home.”
The grin immediately fell into a frown. “Not toasty! He’s old, you know!”
You rolled your eyes, giving him an exasperated look. “Sometimes I wonder which of us is the actual parent…”
He snickered. “A flink of cows were crossing the tracks so they’re trying together them out of the way.”
You blinked at him dumbly. “A flink?”
He nodded and the two of you just stared at each other.
When you realized he had no intention of explaining himself, you asked, “What the hell is a flink?”
“How do you not know?” He sent you a disappointed look, shaking his head. “A group of twelve cows is called a flink. What are they teaching you at that school?”
You scoffed in disbelief. “Unless someone plans to become a farmer, no one needs to know that information, dad. You and your useless information, I swear…”
“Hey, one day my useless information will come in handy and you’ll be grateful!”
“When? When would that ever possibly come in handy?”
“Well…” he tapped his chin in thought for a moment. “Say we get kidnapped -“
“Oh my god.”
“Right? That would be shocking.”
You sent him a deadpan look which he promptly ignored.
“Say the kidnapper is a quiz enthusiast. Maybe he was inspired by the Saw franchise. He looks over at us and says, ‘If you can answer a random question, I’ll set you free. If you fail, I’ll cut off eight limbs with a rusty hacksaw.'”
He purposefully made his voice deep and gravelly when he said this, clearly trying to imitate the ‘killer.’ This caught the attention of the woman sitting in the opposite aisle and she sent him a strange, horrified look. You returned it with an apologetic smile.
“Oi, dad, I don’t think -“
“If he asks about a group of twelve cows, I’ve just saved both of our lives.”
“He would never ask that!”
“You’re right, we live in the city so he’d be more likely to ask where the word ‘squirrel’ originated from.”
“Dad -“
“It originated from the Greek words ‘skia’ and ‘oura’ which translates to Shadow Tail!” He grinned, sending you a look as if waiting for you to praise him for his knowledge.
Instead, you just exhaled sharply, pinching the bridge of your nose. You could feel a headache coming on and there were still five hours to go before arriving in Toaru city. You loved your dad, but sometimes he was just too much of a headache.
After five more unwanted facts about squirrels, the train slowly started to lurch forward, the tracks squealing as it picked up speed.
“Finally,” you muttered, turning your gaze toward the window as the scenery started to pass by in a blur. 
With a satisfied nod, he picked up his newspaper and continued where he had left off, finally giving you some peace and quiet.
You frowned, pulling the phone away from your ear. It was the fifth time you’ve called Yuken since arriving in the city and, each time, it went straight to voice mail. He wasn’t answering any of his text messages, either.
You had stopped by his home, as well, but his sister claimed that he hadn’t returned home from school yet. It was only five in the afternoon so this wasn’t too unusual, she claimed. He oftentimes didn’t return home until well after the sun had set.
What was unusual, though, was the fact that he was completely ghosting you. Unless he was sleeping, he always made time to answer your call or, at the very least, text you to let you know he was busy at the moment and couldn’t talk. You couldn’t remember a single time he had ignored you like this.
When the two of you first started dating, Yuken made you promise never to visit Housen without him. He claimed it was unsafe and he didn’t know what he would do if anything happened to you. Honestly, that was fine with you, but now? Now, you were considering breaking that promise.
Maybe you were just overreacting because the situation was unusual, but something felt off to you. There was a feeling that had settled in your gut upon first stepping off the train and it hadn’t gone away. You couldn’t put a name to it, though you knew it wasn’t anything positive.
The trip to Housen was uneventful, but you realized quickly why he didn’t want you to go there alone. The students were all large, beefy males with bald heads. They stared at you through narrowed eyes, watching every move you made as you slowly headed into the school. Honestly, you had to wonder if you were at the right place.
Surely Yuken would be bald, as well, if he attended this school, but you had run your fingers through his silky locks on more than one occasion and you knew it was real.
“Can I help you?”
Your head snapped to the side at the voice, seeing a tall, brown-haired male standing in the middle of the hallway. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his grey uniform. A thick bandage was taped to his left cheek, eye bruised, a cut on his chin and his lip split. 
“Oh, um…” you shifted your weight, rubbing the back of your neck. “I’m looking for Odajima Yuken.”
Monji’s eyes narrowed at you suspiciously as he sized you up. You didn’t seem like a spy from another school and you had a different aura than the people he usually faced. He was confident in his ability to tell who was a threat and who wasn’t and he was sure that you were no threat. Even so, he wouldn’t let his guard down, as is expected of Housen’s future leader.
“Why are you looking for him?”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
Monji was caught off guard, eyes widening. Had he heard you correctly or was his concussion messing with his hearing? “E-Eh? What did you just say?”
“Yuken is my boyfriend,” you repeated with a frown, taking a worried step closer to him. “I’ve been calling him all day but he isn’t answering and I’m really worried!”
He could see the genuine concern within your eyes but he was still hooked on the claim that Yuken was your boyfriend. The taller male hadn’t mentioned anything about you nor had he dropped any hints that he was dating someone. “Can you prove it?”
“Huh?” You blinked dumbly.
“Prove that you’re dating him.”
You didn’t feel as if you needed to prove anything to this man, honestly, but your worry for Yuken was stronger and you would do anything if it meant you got to see him and know that he was okay. Tugging your phone from your pocket, you unlocked it before holding it out.
Monji took a step closer, eyes narrowed at the screen. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting and he was left completely surprised to see a picture of yourself and Yuken, embracing each other and smiling.
“Here’s your proof, now please go get him!”
“He’s not here,” frowned Monji, folding his arms over his chest. “But I’ll take you to him.”
“Where is he?”
“The hospital.”
Your eyes widened in shock, heart skipping a beat. “What? Is he okay?!”
“He will be,” he nodded, brushing past you and toward the door. “Odajima-senpai is one of our strongest members.”
With a confused frown, you started after him. Perhaps following someone you didn’t know was a bad idea yet you did so without hesitation, more concerned about your boyfriend than your own safety.
Yuken sat up in bed, eating a cup of jello as he watched the tiny TV mounted against the wall. His leg was in a cast, propped up atop a stack of pillows. A white bandage was wrapped around his right arm and shoulder, a purple bruise resting against his cheek.
“It’s mine,” scowled Jinkawa as he tried to grab the chocolate pudding. “I called it first!”
Shidaken scowled, his own hand attempting to grab the pudding cup. “What, are you five? You can’t just claim something like that!”
“I just did!”
Sawamura sighed deeply. “If you’re going to argue, do it quietly. If the nurse scolds us again, she’s going to make us leave!”
Sabakan snickered from the bathroom as he looked into the mirror, fixing up his hair. “You’re yelling, too, Sawamura-kun.”
The bald male scowled at the comment, realizing Sabakan was right. What was he supposed to do, though? Those two didn’t respond to anything else. Half the time, they didn’t even respond to the yelling.
“First come, first serve,” snapped Jinkawa. “Eat the vanilla.”
“No way! The vanilla is sugar-free and tastes like ass!”
“Oh, how do you know what ass tastes like?” Sabakan quirked a brow as he stepped out of the bathroom. A smirk slid onto his lips when Shidaken’s face turned red at the implication.
“S-Shut up!”
“Stop yelling,” hissed Sawamura, glancing at the door when he heard footsteps out in the hall. “Yuken-san, say something to them.”
Yuken quirked a brow as the four boys turned to stare at him, waiting for him to speak. Honestly, he didn’t care one way or another, he just wanted to enjoy his jello in peace. Their arguing was giving him a major headache, too.
With a sigh, he placed his jello cup down and reached for the pudding. They held it tightly, making him scowl as he had to force it from their grip. Pulling the lid off, he grabbed a spoon and began to dip it out onto the empty plate sitting on the table. He created two piles on either side of the plate until the cup was empty.
“Happy now?”
The two males blinked at the plate for a moment before scowling and voicing their complaints. It was hard to understand what they were saying as they spoke over each other but they clearly weren’t happy. One thing he managed to understand was that, apparently, the piles were not even.
With a groan, his head fell back against the pillow, hand covering his eyes as the two started to argue over which pile they deserved. 
As Monji approached Yuken’s room, he hesitated. He could hear the commotion inside and knew that the others had stayed with Yuken since the accident. They were a lot closer to him than Monji was so he worried about how they would take this news.
He had no doubt in his mind that Yuken kept you a secret to keep you safe and he had to wonder if he was doing the right thing by bringing you here. Perhaps he should have called ahead first to ensure that the other boys weren’t around.
You reached for the door but he held his hand up to stop you, earning a confused look.
“There’s something you need to know first…”
Your brow furrowed and you glanced nervously at the door. “How… how bad is he?”
“It’s not that, it’s just -“
There was a loud noise from inside the room, followed by the yelling of two males. With a racing heart, you pushed Monji out of the way and rushed into the room. The sound of the door slamming open caught the attention of the males inside, save for Jinkawa and Shidaken who were on the floor, wrestling.
Yuken felt the breath leave his lungs when he saw you and he tried to push himself up, wincing as pain shot through his leg. You rushed over to his side with a frown, quickly scanning his wounds.
“Don’t move,” you scolded softly, hand on his chest to stop him from getting up. 
He breathed out your name, hand resting over your own. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” you frowned. “You weren’t answering your phone and I got worried…”
“Ah, my phone…” He winced at the thought of his poor phone being drowned in the river. Sabakan had managed to find it, but despite days of sitting in rice, he had lost hope that his phone would dry out enough to be usable again. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
You smiled softly, brushing his hair behind his ear. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” Your eyes flickered to his leg and your smile dropped a bit. “Well, mostly. What in the world happened?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry,” he pouted. “I’m fine.”
You scoffed. “A broken leg isn’t nothing. And look at your beautiful face…” You gently brushed your thumb over the bruise.
Sawamura blinked dumbly at you, his gaze flickering to Monji and back. “Uh… who are you?”
Yuken cursed mentally when he realized that the two of you weren’t alone. Before he could speak, though, you straightened your back and introduced yourself to the bald male.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you bowed politely. 
Sawamura bowed back, brow furrowed in confusion. “How do you know, Yuken-san?”
Yuken tried to call out your name to stop you but you were quicker, responding without hesitation.
“He’s my boyfriend!”
The room went dead silent. Even Jinkawa and Shidaken finally stopped fighting, staring at you in disbelief. Yuken held back a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose because he knew what was coming.
In the blink of an eye, Jinkawa, Shikaden and Sabakan surrounded the two of you, screaming out questions that overlapped one another, making it impossible to distinguish what was being said.
You backed up against the bedside table, holding your hands up in surrender as you smiled nervously at the large men surrounding you. 
“Oi!” yelled Yuken with a scowl, grabbing Shikaden’s arm since he was the closest. “Knock it off!”
He scowled back in response. “How could you not tell us?!”
Jinkawa nodded, arms folded over his chest. “Seriously, Odajima! Not only are you dating someone, but you’re dating someone this cute and you didn’t tell us? I’m offended!”
Sabakan leaned toward you curiously, hand on his chin. “I’m curious how the two of you met. I mean, you’re clearly out of his league.”
“Hey!” Yuken’s scowl deepened at the insult. “This is why I didn’t tell you idiots.”
“How long have you been dating?” demanded Jinkawa, his dark eyes falling on you.
“Oh, um…” you glanced at your boyfriend and he sent you an apologetic look. “About a year -“
“A year?!” The three chorused loudly.
“Guys!” hissed Sawamura but it was too late.
The door was slammed open, a middle-aged woman appearing in the doorway with fire in her eyes. “That’s it! I’ve told you brats to keep it down five times and I’ve had enough! All of you, out!”
“But -” Jinkawa tried to protest but even he winced when her glare fell on him. He quickly bowed his head, muttering an apology before quickly leaving the room with the others following suit. 
Her eyes fell on you and you winced under the weight of her glare. “You, too!”
Yuken’s arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you down onto the bed beside him. His chin rested on your shoulder as he sent the nurse a pout. “If you kick everyone out, I’ll get lonely.”
She pursed her lips in thought, hands on her hips. After a tense moment of silence, she finally gave in to his request. “Fine, but if you create a ruckus like those boys, you’re out. Understand?”
You nodded quickly and when she finally left the room, you released the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. 
Yuken chuckled softly. “She’s terrifying, right? I’ve never seen anyone put those guys into their place like that. It’s pretty amusing.”
You hummed, shifting on the bed so you could see him better. “As long as she’s taking care of you properly.”
“She’s a great nurse, don’t worry.” He leaned toward you, forehead resting against your own. “I’m sorry for worrying you, love. I should have called.”
“Don’t apologize. You getting rest and healing is more important.” You scanned his face with a frown, brushing the hair from his face. “Will you tell me what happened?”
He really didn’t want to because, truth be told, he felt embarrassed. Yuken was a strong man, a fighter who rarely lost to anyone. He took pride in his strength and his long-standing win streak and yet… the great Odajima Yuken had been bested.
By a fish.
The thought made him scowl, hand running through his hair in frustration.
“Yuken,” you stressed with a sigh. “If you’re trying to protect me, you’re a bit late.”
“Huh?” His head snapped toward you, eyes wide. “What do you mean? Were you hurt?”
“No,” you shook your head, chuckling at his reaction. His concern did bring about a warm feeling within your chest, though. “I’ve known since the day we met that you’re a delinquent.”
“How?” His brow furrowed as confusion and frustration collided within him. He had gone out of his way to ensure that you never found out about the lifestyle he had chosen only for you to tell him it had been all for naught.
“Your sister told me,” you admitted, offering him a sheepish smile. “That first week when we started to hang out with each other, she saw us on one of our dates. Before I left town, she tracked me down and told me that I needed to be careful.”
Yuken groaned, letting himself fall back against the pillow. “Damn it, nee-chan…”
You chuckled softly, hand resting on his stomach. “She was looking out for both of us. She didn’t want us to get close only for me to find out the truth the hard way and then break your heart.”
For a moment, he considered your words, his eyes finding yours. “You stayed…”
“I did. I knew the risks but… I believed the reward was worth the risk.”
“And was it?” he asked softly, his hand finding yours.
You couldn’t stop the smile that came to your lips as you leaned closer. “Yeah… it was definitely worth it.”
He grinned, propping himself up on his elbows so he could close the distance, claiming your lips. You didn’t hesitate to return it, head tilted to the side to deepen the kiss.
The two of you broke apart, heads snapping toward the door. Jinkawa and Shikaden were peering around the door with grins on their faces. Even the nurse was standing beside them with a warm smile on her face. When she realized she had been caught, her cheeks darkened and she cleared her throat.
“I told you boys to leave!” Her voice lacked the bite it had possessed earlier. She shooed them away, ignoring their protests.
Yuken sent you an apologetic look. “Sorry about them. They can be… a bit much.”
You chuckled. “So it seems, but they also seem nice. I’m looking forward to getting to know them.”
His eyes lit up with surprise. “You want to?”
“Your friends are my friends.” You paused for a moment before adding, “If you’re okay with that, I mean.”
“Absolutely,” he breathed, arms slipping around your waist so he could pull you against his body. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too~ Now tell me what happened.”
He groaned, hugging you tighter. “Can’t you just forget about it?”
“Your leg is broken,” you scoffed. “Doesn’t exactly heal overnight, you know.”
“Fine, I’ll tell you,” he sighed, sending you a serious look when you sat up. “But you can’t laugh.”
“Scout’s honor,” you replied seriously, holding one hand up while placing the other over your heart.
He was quiet for a moment before sighing. “I was fishing with a friend of mine. It was a slow day and we barely got any bites. Then, out of nowhere, there was a heavy tug on my rod. It nearly flew into the river but I managed to catch it in time. This fish was huge, baby, and he was putting up quite the fight.”
You nodded as you listened to the story, taking note of how his eyes lit up as he recalled the memory. His hands were re-enacting it, as well, as if he could feel the rod in his hands once more.
“Todoroki-chan told me to cut the line when I was nearly pulled into the water, but I refused. I dug in my heels, determined to catch him!” He scowled at the window, eyes narrowed. “He was determined not to be caught, though, and, well…”
“Well?” You quirked a brow, waiting patiently.
A small dusting of pink came to his cheeks as he folded his arms over his chest. “I was pulled into the river…”
“You broke your leg from just falling in the river?”
“I didn’t let the rod go and the bastard dragged me through the water until I hit the large buoy… I tried to brace myself with my feet…”
“Ouch,” you winced at the thought, a frown on your lips. “Why didn’t you let go of the rod?”
“It was my favorite one… a Rodeo Ride Reviver 70XH Battle Cry with a limited edition dragon design printed on it! I barely slept for two weeks because I was trying to win it through a radio show and I finally got it! Take that, Yamisaka, you bastard.“
You stared at him for a moment, blinking slowly. When the words finally sank in, you couldn’t help but chuckle, bringing your hand to your mouth.
He frowned at you, arms folded over his chest. “You said you wouldn’t laugh… scout’s honor, remember?”
“I was never a scout,” you grinned.
He gasped dramatically, hand over his heart. “The betrayal…”
“I wasn’t laughing at you. I just didn’t realize you were so into fishing,” you explained with a smile. “You’re so cute when you’re talking about it.”
Yuken quirked a brow. “Am I not cute when I’m not talking about it?”
“Hmm…” You pretended to think about it, tapping your chin.
“Oi,” he scowled, nudging you with his uninjured leg. “That’s not something you should have to think about, ya know.”
“You’re always cute. You’re just cuter when you’re talking about your passions.”
A smile came to his lips, warmth filling him. He held his arms out and you didn’t hesitate to move closer, resting against his chest as his arms encircled you. Yuken wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve you but he was determined to never let you go.
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
190 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
One Day, You’ll Be Mine – Hitsugaya (PSF #12)
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Genre: Fluff, comedy
Prompt: Fire&Ice (@flufftober)
Word Count: 5,879
Pairing: Reader x Hitsugaya
World: Bleach
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You never believed in love at first sight until you met Hitsugaya Toushirou. The second those beautiful teal eyes met yours, you were hooked, willing to give him whatever he wanted. Hell, if Yoruichi hadn’t been there to stop you, you would have willingly surrendered to him.
The thing is, he didn’t feel the same way. It was quite the opposite, actually.
You had been with Ichigo’s group when they broke into the Soul Society to save Rukia and you had the bad luck of running into Hitsugaya not once, but twice. The first time was purely by accident. 
You had been trying to find your way, completely lost within the maze of pathways, and you ran right into him. Or perhaps he had stumbled upon you and seized the opportunity before him.
The second your eyes met, you felt a swarm of butterflies inside your gut. Your heart raced within your chest, but it wasn’t fear at facing down a captain. It wasn’t excitement at getting to fight a captain, either. What was it, then? You had this strong urge to protect him despite him needing no such thing.
Hitsugaya Toushirou was a captain with an incredible zanpakuto. He was not someone that needed to be protected, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to.
“I don’t want to fight you,” you told him, holding your hands up in surrender.
His teal eyes narrowed at you suspiciously. You had broken into the Soul Society, taken out many soul reapers and caused a lot of damage, yet you didn’t want to fight? He wasn’t buying it. “Then surrender.”
“Okay,” you breathed out, stepping closer to him. “I surrender.”
His brow furrowed in confusion. You had come all this way, caused all this trouble, just to surrender? He wasn’t buying that, either. He believed it had to be a trick.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“None of your business.” He replied, lifting his hand. “Bakudo number 4, Hainawa!” A rope of yellow energy shot from his hand, rushing toward you with the intention of restraining your arms.
“What are you doing, idiot?!”
You grunted when Yoruichi, still in cat form, barreled into you, knocking you out of the way before the spell could reach you. You scowled at her, rubbing your side where she had headbutted you. “What the hell, Yoru? That hurt!”
“Good!” She hissed, yellow eyes focused on the captain that was watching the two of you closely. “I specifically told you not to fight with the captains. You’re too reckless, you and Ichigo both!”
“I wasn’t even fighting him! I was surrendering.”
“That’s worse!” She hissed again, fur raised as she raised her paw, swiping her claws across your face.
“Motherfu -” you winced, covering your cheek with your hand. “That was uncalled for!”
Her eyes snapped to the male seconds before he appeared in front of you, unsheathing his zanpakuto. Your body reacted on instinct, pulling your zanpakuto from your hip to block the blow, the sound of metal hitting metal echoing through the open area.
“We need to go,” growled Yoruichi as she jumped onto your shoulder. “Now!”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, focusing your power. Flames erupted across the blade, extending toward him. He reacted quickly, using shunpo to put distance between the two of you. Within that short span of time, you had disappeared.
The second time you ran into him was during his battle with Ichimaru Gin. 
Rather than running into him by accident, you had felt his reiatsu flaring and rushed toward him without a second thought. As soon as you saw the two exchanging blows, anger coursed through you, your reiatsu fluctuating in reaction to it. This caught the attention of both men.
Despite Yoruichi yelling at you not to, you charged at Gin, eyes flaring red as flames engulfed your zanpakuto. 
“Get the fuck away from him, you bastard!” You growled, slamming your sword against his. The flames shot from the sword as if they had a mind of their own, attacking him relentlessly but he dodged each time, a smirk on his lips.
“How curious. Why is the enemy protecting you, captain Hitsugaya?” questioned Gin, an amused tilt to his voice.
Hitsugaya couldn’t answer that, he could only watch you in confusion as you continued to attack Gin, your power steadily rising with each attack. He was toying with you, you knew, and that pissed you off more.
“Bakudo number one, Sai!”
Against your will, your body twisted, arms locking behind your back. Your zanpakuto hit the ground and you cursed in frustration.
“Thank you for the assist.” Gin’s smirk widened. “This will be easier now. Shoot to kill, Shinso.”
Your eyes widened as the blade of his zanpakuto extended rapidly toward you, giving you no time to react. Hitsugaya appeared behind you, grabbing you by the back of your shirt before using shunpo to dodge. The blade broke through the concrete where you had been just seconds ago.
“The enemy is restrained,” snapped Hitsugaya, glaring at the silverette. “Murder is uncalled for.”
He hummed, tilting his head to the side. “We were given the okay to kill on sight. Have you forgotten? Or perhaps… you’re working with the enemy.”
You scoffed. “He ain’t working with me. I work alone!”
“Oh? So you didn’t arrive with five others?”
Your eye twitched at being caught in a lie. “It’s cheaper to travel in a group!”
Gin laughed at the absurdity of the statement. 
“Stop talking,” Hitsugaya muttered to you, clutching your shirt tighter.
Despite the insults you wanted to throw at Gin, you did as you were told, pursing your lips. Without a word, Gin turned on his heel and started to walk away.
“Hopefully, you don’t let the enemy escape a second time, captain Hitsugaya.”
When he was finally gone, Hitsugaya released the breath he had been holding. It was cold against the back of your neck, bringing goosebumps to your skin.
“Thank you for saving me, Hitsugaya,” you told him softly, tilting your head back so you could see him.
“Captain Hitsugaya,” he corrected you with a scowl, making you grin.
“Like captain Jack Sparrow!”
“Who?” His brow furrowed in confusion, having never heard the name before. 
“When we finally start dating, I’ll show the movies to you. I bet you’ll love them.”
His pale cheeks turned red at your declaration. “W-What are you talking about?! We will never date!”
You pouted at him. “Don’t be like that, Hitsu.”
“My name is Hitsugaya Toushirou! Not Hitsu!”
Your eyes lit up and you quickly turned around to face him. “Rou-chan! How cute~!”
His blush darkened, a scowl on his lips. “Captain Hitsugaya!”
“Yes, yes,” you nodded. “It’s a very beautiful name.”
“S-Shut up!” He stuttered, turning his back to you in an attempt to hide how flustered he had become. He wasn’t used to anyone flirting with him or complimenting him and he wasn’t sure how to feel.
You didn’t fight him when he escorted you to the prison, you were just happy to be so close to him. He smelled like mint and vanilla, his body cooler than most people’s were. On the way, you kept stepping closer to him because you enjoyed the cold that his body offered, but he continually pushed you away, sending empty threats your way.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You poked your head into Hitsugaya’s room, checking for any guards before you slipped inside. His upper body was covered by bandages. You had heard that he was seriously injured, but you weren’t sure to what degree and no one would answer you when you asked.
You approached his bed slowly, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He was already a beautiful man, but when he was sleeping? He was absolutely stunning. He looked so peaceful and relaxed, a welcome change from the calculating expression he usually wore.
You reached out, the tips of your fingers just barely brushing against his pale skin when his hand shot out, fingers curling around your wrist. His eyes slowly opened and he glared at you, though it was half-hearted as if he didn’t have the energy to glare at you properly.
“You shouldn’t be in here,” he grunted, voice husky from a mix of sleep and pain.
“Are you okay?” You frowned, eyeing the bandages across his chest. “What happened?”
He exhaled sharply, releasing your wrist. “None of your business.”
You clicked your tongue, folding your arms over your chest. “Still so cold, Rou-chan.”
Teal eyes narrowed at you, a scowl on his lips. “How many times do I have to tell you not to -” His words died when he clenched his teeth, wincing in pain.
“Calm down,” you scolded, resting your hand against his shoulder. “You’re gonna reopen your wounds.”
“I’m fine.”
“I definitely believe you, babe.”
Whatever retort he had died in his throat with that one word, cheeks burning bright red. He sputtered, eyes wide as his brain tried to process this. Before he could, though, there was a sudden murderous aura behind you.
Your body tensed up and you swallowed hard, feeling a heavy hand land on your shoulder. 
Unohana was smiling despite the dark aura surrounding her. “You were told that captain Hitsugaya needs his rest, were you not?”
“And you were repeatedly told not to bother him, were you not?”
You winced when her grip tightened. “Yes…”
“Yet here you are, bothering captain Hitsugaya and preventing him from resting.”
“I just wanted to see him,” you scowled. “If you had just told me – ow!”
“I don’t have to tell you anything, dear.” She tilted her head to the side, offering you a closed-eye smile as she nearly broke your shoulder. “Now, you’re going to do as you’re told and return to your friends, correct?”
“Can I at least say goodbye fir -“
“No.” She tugged you roughly toward the door, forcing you out of the room.
You looked over your shoulder, meeting Hitsugaya’s teal eyes before the door shut in your face.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You sighed heavily, slumping over your desk with a frown.
Ichigo, sitting at the desk in front of you, felt his eye twitch in annoyance. “If you sigh one more time, I’m going to throw you out the window.”
“I miss him,” you muttered. “I want to go back.”
It was his turn to sigh now, shifting in his seat so he could look at you. “You know you can’t. He’s a soul reapers, the relationship would never work.”
You groaned, smacking your head against the desk repeatedly. “Life isn’t fair~”
“Will you stop that, idiot?” He scowled, grabbing the back of your shirt and forcing you to sit up. “You don’t even know him, how can you be so in love with him?”
“I don’t know,” you frowned, feeling your heart ache, longing to be near him again. “It’s like he put a spell on me or something. I love him so much that it hurts, Ichigo.”
The orange-haired teen frowned at the pain in your eyes, not sure how he could help you. “You gotta move on. We’ll probably never even see them aga-“
The door of the classroom was shoved open before Ikkaku, Yumichika, Rangiku, Renji and, finally, Hitsugaya entered the room, wearing the school’s uniform. As soon as you saw him, it felt as if everything else disappeared. It was just the two of you in the universe.
Your heart raced with excitement, the breath leaving your lungs as you rushed forward, nearly tripping in your haste. “Rou-chan!” You threw your arms around him, holding him protectively against your body despite his protests. 
The use of the nickname, the fact that his feet were dangling above the ground because of the height difference, and the hug itself was overwhelming to him, especially since everyone was staring in surprise. His cheeks were burning, brain failing to form words.
“I missed you so much,” you whispered into his ear, fingers curling around his shirt. “I thought I would never see you again, I…”
His brow furrowed at the raw emotion in your voice and he didn’t miss the slight tremble it held at the end. He had given it a lot of thought since your first meeting and yet, he was no closer to finding an answer to the questions in his mind. He simply could not understand why you were so attached to him.
If he was being honest, a part of him liked it. It filled his belly with warmth and removed the tension from his shoulders. He knew you were an ally he could count on one hundred percent and that was comforting to him. 
The more rational part of his brain, however, screamed at him to push you away. You were human, he was a soul reaper. You would grow old and eventually die, he would not. Not to mention the fact that it was against the law of the Soul Society for a soul reaper to fall in love with a human.
Despite how badly you desired him, he knew he had to be the rational one. Putting on an annoyed scowl, he pushed you away, teal eyes darkening. “Do not touch me again and stop calling me that ridiculous name!” His fists clenched at his sides, preparing himself for what he was about to do. “You are the single most annoying person I’ve ever met and I can’t stand you.”
Your eyes widened, filled with so much hurt that he had to look away.
“I will never love you,” he hissed before leaving the room. He could feel the pain rolling off you in waves as he walked away and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. He regretted it as soon as the words passed his lips, but he knew this was the right thing to do. 
He was the rational one, the one who thought about the consequences before diving in, so he had to be the one to put a stop to this before it went any farther. Before he fell harder for you.
“Shit,” he cursed, leaning his hand on the wall and closing his eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. He wasn’t sure when it happened, but he believed you had taken his heart with you when you returned to the world of the living. He feared it was too late to take it back.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Get the hell up!” The door to your bedroom was slammed open by a scowling Ichigo.
“Let me die,” you muttered, the words muffled by the pillow your face was stuffed against. It had been almost a week since you stopped going to school. Hell, you hadn’t even left your room and he was sure you hadn’t been eating, either, which was very concerning because he knew how much you loved food.
He scoffed, stepping farther into the room with his arms folded over his chest. “What the hell is that going to solve?”
You shifted your head to look at him, dark bags under your eyes. “If I’m dead, I can’t feel the pain anymore.”
“Dumbass!” He snapped, smacking you hard upside the head.
“What the hell?!” You scowled, sitting up and holding your head. “Who goes and hits a depressed person?! Are you dumb?”
“You’re the dumb one! Your pain may end, but what about the people you leave behind, huh? Think about their pain!”
You winced at the pain in his voice, knowing he was thinking about his mom who had sacrificed herself to save his life. “I’m sorry, Ichigo…”
He swallowed, running a hand through his short hair. “It’s fine. I’m used to you saying dumb shit.”
“Rude,” you scoffed, playfully shoving his shoulder. “Have you heard some of the shit you’ve said? You’re no better than me, man.”
“At least I have moments where I say something smart,” he teased, making you laugh. 
Once you started, you couldn’t stop, clutching your stomach. It was contagious, apparently, because he started to laugh, too. 
Out in the hall, Hitsugaya leaned against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. When he heard what you said, dread and fear filled him. He felt guilty because he knew he was the cause of your pain, his resolve beginning to falter. Why did he long to be the one comforting you? Why did he feel jealous of Ichigo making you laugh?
He swallowed hard, leaning his head back against the wall. He was losing control of his emotions and he hated it.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You and Hitsugaya were complete opposites in every conceivable way.
He was the type to take a step back, calculating the risks of whatever lay in front of him. He preferred having a plan, knowing something about the enemy before rushing blindly forward. His zanpakuto was an ice type and his personality reflected this, often appearing cold to others.
He was also a genius and there were few things he couldn’t solve. He remained calm and collected under most circumstances.
You were the type to rush forward without thinking, relying on your power and instincts to tackle whatever situation you found yourself in. You didn’t give a damn about who the enemy was or what power they had, you would still face them head-on. Your zanpakuto was a fire type and your personality reflected this, quick to anger and always heated.
You were far from a genius, often misreading queues and unable to solve a puzzle to save your damn life. Calm was not a word that existed in your vocabulary.
He often felt frustrated by your actions and your constant simping over him. He just wanted you to leave him alone, but you were completely infatuated by him. 
You didn’t like believing in fate or destiny, but he changed all that. You were convinced that fate had led you into his arms, that you were meant to be. He was your soulmate.
Hitsugaya refused to believe in such things. He preferred to forge his own path, make his own choices. The thought that someone or something had charted the course of his life already was annoying and he refused to accept it.
He was not going to give in to you, no matter what happened. That’s what he repeated like a mantra inside his head every time he saw you. 
And then fate intervened in the form of one Urahara Kisuke. Yoruichi had informed him about what had taken place between you and the snow-haired captain and, since he was quite fond of you, he chose to lend you a helping hand. He insisted that Hitsugaya stay at your apartment while he remained in the world of the living.
The captain adamantly declined, but no one else was willing to house him after Urahara had told them not to. He could have easily survived on his own, but he chose to use this as an excuse, acting as if he really had no choice but to stay with you.
He had expected you to be over the moon at this, clinging to him like mold on cheese. You surprised him by not doing this. You gave him space and when you spoke to him, you did so cautiously, not wanting to upset him again.
You realized you had been coming on way too strong which made him uncomfortable. Despite how badly your heart longed for him, you didn’t want to make him feel negative emotions so you did your best to control yourself. To your credit, you did well, slipping up only when you were excited or super worried about something.
Hitsugaya didn’t know how to feel. This is what he wanted, wasn’t it? Why, then, did he long for you to hug him? To engulf his smaller body with your own? To see your lips form that nickname, to hear your voice speak it? It was driving him insane because he couldn’t get it out of his mind.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You stifled a yawn as you climbed the stairs, stepping out onto the roof of your apartment building. The night sky was filled with stars, twinkling like tiny diamonds against black velvet. The autumn air was cold, the wind harsher up here than it was on the ground. You should have grabbed a coat.
Hitsugaya sat on the edge, his back against a metal air duct that ran across the length of the roof. His eyes were trained on the cell phone in his hand, keeping watch for any sign of hollow activity. He sensed you the moment you appeared.
“You should be asleep,” he scolded, not bothering to look up at you as you approached.
“How can I sleep if you’re not by my side?” You gave him a tired smile before settling down across from him.
He scoffed, a light dusting of pink crossing his cheeks.
You peered out at the city below. “It’s so peaceful up here. Hard to imagine a war is on the way.”
“Yeah.” His teal eyes fell on you when the wind picked up, feeling like ice against his skin. It didn’t bother him, of course, but he worried about you. “Go to sleep.”
“Don’t wanna,” you hummed, closing your eyes as goosebumps rose across your exposed skin. “I like the cold. It’s comforting.”
The words went straight to his heart, knowing the underlying meaning of those words. He tried to sound firm, but he knew his tone was softer than he intended. “It wasn’t a request, it was an order.”
You pouted at him. “Ordering me around like one of your subordinates, how mean, Hitsugaya.”
He winced at the use of his last name. He hated it coming from your lips and wished you would return to calling him Rou or even just Toushirou. “What are you doing?”
You stretched out your body across the roof, feet nearly touching his own. Using your arms behind your head like a pillow, you closed your eyes. “You told me to go to sleep, so I’m going to sleep.”
“I meant inside!”
“You didn’t say that, though.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. Why was everyone in his life so damn complicated? “I’ll make you a deal.”
You opened one eye, peering at him curiously. “I’m listening.”
“Go inside and sleep in your bed,” he stressed, eyes narrowed at you. “And I’ll let you call me Rou.”
You shot up, wide eyes practically sparkling under the light of the moon above. “Really?”
Seeing how excited you were made him feel happy and he had to force back his smile. Honestly, the deal was just as much for himself as it was for you. “Yes.”
“No takebacks?” 
Hitsugaya nodded.
“Pinky promise!” You held out your pinky, sending him a serious look.
“What?” His brow furrowed in confusion, blinking at your outstretched pinky. 
“A pinky promise is a binding contract. You can’t break it, no matter what,” you grinned, wagging your pinky at him. “Come on, Rou-chan~”
He sucked in a breath, heart fluttering at the nickname. It felt childish, but he leaned forward and locked his pinky around your own. “Pinky promise. Now go to bed.”
“Fine. Good night, Rou-chan.”
“Good night.” He watched you disappear back inside, finally letting his smile free. His hand rested over his heart, racing within his ribcage. “What the hell have you done to me?”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Two years passed by and the two of you only grew closer, much to the amusement of everyone around you who were all taking bets on how long it would be before the snow-haired captain finally broke. He was stubborn as all hell, but even he had his limits.
You had managed to bribe Urahara into sneaking you into the Soul Society so you could see Hitsugaya. The problem with this was that stealth was far from a strength you had and many soul reapers spotted you as you ran atop the buildings. The lower ranked ran to their superiors who just laughed it off, knowing full well why you had appeared.
You really didn’t mean to startle him when you threw open the door to his office, screaming his name. Perhaps it wasn’t the best approach because he jumped in surprise, papers flying everywhere.
“Oops, sorry,” you offered him a sheepish smile before beginning to gather the papers.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” He snapped, teal eyes narrowed at you. “How did you get here?”
“Urahara helped me,” you replied simply, setting the stack back onto his desk. “As for the why, well, I missed you.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling sharply. What didn’t you understand about how dangerous this was? Humans are not supposed to have feelings for a soul reaper. Though the feelings themself were not a crime, if anyone thought you were dating each other, you would probably be killed. He couldn’t bear the thought but you didn’t seem to care so long as you got to see him.
“Captain, is something – oh,” Matsumoto appeared in the doorway, smiling warmly when she saw you. She rushed over, wrapping her arms around you and squishing your face against her large boobs. “I’m so happy to see you again! How are you?!”
“Can’t… breathe…” you muttered, patting her arm repeatedly to try and get her to let you go.
“Oops,” she giggled, finally releasing you. “Sorry about that. I forget how powerful my girls can be sometimes!”
You snorted at the comment.
“Matsumoto,” called Hitsugaya, his voice stern.
“Yes, captain?”
“Take her home.”
“But I just got here,” you complained, frowning at the short male. “Rou-chan, I just want to -“
“I don’t care.” He closed his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. He had to put his foot down before you ended up getting both of you killed. “You are not allowed to come back here. That’s an order.”
Your gaze fell to the floor, shoulders slumping. You wouldn’t fight back, though. Without another word, you turned and left the room. Matsumoto sent her captain a frown before rushing to catch up to you.
“Are you okay, hun?” She asked softly, resting her hand on your shoulder.
You shrugged, stuffing your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. “I thought he was finally starting to like me, ya know? I thought…” you shook your head, forcing a smile. “It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want to see me, I get it.”
“I’m sure he has his reasons.”
Hitsugaya wasn’t sure what he had been expecting when you didn’t show up again. In all the time he’s known you, you’ve always followed his orders even if you didn’t agree with them. You were completely loyal to him, after all.
He regretted the decision to send you away. A part of him longed to hold you, to have you run your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep. He longed to be engulfed by your scent, your warmth. 
“Damn it,” he muttered, setting the paper down and rubbing his eyes. He had been trying to read the damned thing for over an hour but he hadn’t retained any of the information, his mind too wrapped up with thoughts of you.
It was then that he decided he would come to you instead. There was always work to be done in the world of the living, though captains were rarely ever the ones to be sent to deal with it. He had leeway, though, and could find a plethora of excuses as to why his presence was needed there.
For someone as straight-laced as him, no one questioned the request.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Please be careful!”
You looked down at the small child standing at the base of the tree, tears filling her eyes as she looked up at you. You offered her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. “Don’t worry, I got this!”
The this in question was climbing a large tree in order to save the girl’s cat that had been scared up there by a few rude boys in her class. The branches were completely bare, their leaves lying in piles of orange and brown at the base of the tree. The farther up you climbed, the thinner the branches became, threatening to break under your weight.
“Here, kitty, kitty,” you called softly. The small feline was trembling near the top of the tree, its claws dug deep into the wood and its eyes wide. “I’m here to help you, don’t worry.”
Its frightened meow only spurred you on.
You huffed out, pushing yourself up onto your tiptoes as you extended your arm upward. You carefully grabbed the scruff of its neck with one hand, using the other to dislodge its claws from the wood. 
“I’ve got you, you’re safe,” you breathed out, bringing the kitten to your chest. It was breathing heavily, claws digging into your skin through the t-shirt you wore. You winced in pain, biting your lip. It hurt like a bitch but you didn’t want to scold him knowing he was just scared.
There was a cracking sound beneath you and your heart dropped into your stomach when the branch gave way. The young girl cried out, tears falling from her eyes as she watched helplessly. You held the kitten as tight as you could without hurting him, prepared to take any amount of damage as long as he was unharmed.
You felt something hit you from the side, arms under your back and knees. You felt the familiar feeling of shunpo, nostrils filled with the calming scent of mint and vanilla. “Rou-chan,” you breathed out, looking up at him.
“Are you okay?” He questioned with worry, eyes scanning your body for any sign of injury. As soon as his feet hit the ground, the kitten leaped from your arms, rushing over to the child.
You winced, tugging down your shirt to see the damage. Your chest was littered with scratches, tiny beads of blood rising to the surface. They weren’t even that bad but there was just something about cat scratches that burned like a mother fucker.
The little girl picked up her kitten before rushing over to you, tears flowing down her red cheeks. “A-Are you okay?!”
You slid out of Hitsugaya’s arms, much to both of your displeasure, before kneeling in front of her. “Don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine!”
“A-Are you s-sure?”
“Positive,” you smiled, ruffling her hair. 
“Thank you so much for rescuing Bob!”
“B-Bob?” you replied in surprise. “You named the kitten Bob?”
“Yeah!” she giggled, cuddling him to her chest. “Bye!”
You could only blink as she ran away, leaving you with many questions. When you stood up and turned toward Hitsugaya, he was scowling at you.
“Have you lost your mind?”
“Pretty sure you can’t lose what you never had.”
“Why didn’t you use shunpo?”
You blinked dumbly, having completely forgotten about its existence. “Oh…”
“You’re hopeless,” he sighed, bringing his hand over his face.
“Hopelessly in love with you,” you grinned, loving the way his pale cheeks darkened.
“More like hopelessly an idiot!”
“What are you doing here, anyway? Has something happened?”
He had prepared the perfect excuse before arriving in the world of the living but, as he stood before you now, it was gone from his brain. He wasn’t sure what came over him, but he found himself speaking from the heart rather than from the mind. “I came to see you.”
You looked at him in surprise, feeling warmth flood your body. 
Hitsugaya was tired of running from his feelings. He was tired of pushing you away and pretending as if you meant nothing to him. He was tired of not being able to call you his, to hold you and shower you with the love he deserved. Rules, be damned.
He closed the distance between you, hand resting against the side of your neck.
“Rou-chan,” you breathed out, fingers gripping the front of his shihakusho to pull him closer.
“Do you really love me?” he questioned softly.
“More than anything else in this world.”
The sincerity in your eyes stole the breath from his lungs. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
The corner of your lips twitched upward as you leaned closer, lips ghosting over his own. “Is that an order, captain?”
“Ye -”
Before he could finish the word, you claimed his lips with your own, hands on his hips to bring him snug against your own body. His lips danced against your own, cheeks dusted pink as his arms found their place around your neck. Neither of you wanted to pull away but the need to breathe consumed you and you had no choice.
Your forehead rested against his as you tried to catch your breath. “Wow…”
Hitsugaya pressed a soft kiss to your jaw, his words soft. “Are you sure you want this? I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go if you change your mind.”
You chuckled, rubbing circles against his hip with your thumb. “Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.”
He hummed happily, closing his eyes as his lips ghosted over yours once more. “I suppose we both have our answer, then.”
“Took you long enough,” you complained, making him chuckle.
“I’m sorry. I just… wanted to keep you safe.”
“I know. I love you, Hitsugaya Toushirou. I’ll love you until the day I die and then I’ll keep loving you from beyond the grave.”
His brow furrowed at the mention of your death. That’s the last thing he wanted to think about. “I won’t ever let anything happen to you. I… I love you.”
Your eyes widened at the sound of a familiar voice and you turned. Standing up from a large bush was a grinning Matsumoto. Beside her was a scowling Ikkaku, an amused Renji and a smirking Urahara.
“You owe me, Ikkaku! You lost the bet.”
Ikkaku scoffed, folding his arms over his chest before addressing the captain. “Ya couldn’t have held out a bit longer?”
“I’m just glad they finally confessed,” admitted Renji, giving the two of you a thumbs up.
Hitsugaya’s body tensed up, his reiatsu fluctuating as his anger rose.
“Rou-chan,” you sweatdropped, wondering if you should attempt to calm him down.
He pressed his hand against your stomach, gently pushing you back and out of the way. “I am going to kill all of you!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as the small captain started to chase the three around, yelling at them about how they were disrespectful little shits who should mind their own business.
Urahara smiled at you, a silent congratulations for finally winning the heart of the man you loved most. You offered him a smile in return, feeling as if everything had finally fallen into place.
You and Hitsugaya were complete opposites in every conceivable way. Perhaps, though… that was the reason your relationship was so strong. He was everything you were not and vice versa, so you were able to make up for each other’s flaws in a way that wouldn’t be possible if you were similar in nature.
To you, that was a beautiful thing.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Sweet Giant – Rao (ITYc2)
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༻ITYC Ficography༺ ༻ITYC Tag
Genre: Comedy, fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 1,986
Pairing: Reader x Rao
World: High&Low
I Trope You! Challenge #: 2 – Furniture Blockade @itropeyou
“Oi, get back here so I can murder you!”
You cursed under your breath as you ran down the hall of Oya Kou, shoving other students out of the way. You could hear his thundering footsteps getting closer and you knew you had to make a decision before you got caught.
Your eyes darted back and forth across the hall as you looked for an escape route. As soon as you spotted an open door, you darted inside, slamming the door shut. There was a tall wooden storage shelf beside the door and you grabbed it, pulling with all your strength until it fell in front of the door.
You could hear him roaring your name, nearly upon you now. With another curse, you started piling the desks on top of the shelf, jumping back when it started to rattle.
“Get out here, you coward! I’m going to murder you!”
You honestly didn’t doubt it. Yasushi was insane and you knew he might actually kill you if he got his hands on you. You scanned the room, looking for a place to hide. No, he would tear the room apart looking for you.
One of the desks fell off the pile from the sheer force he was using. ‘It’s not going to hold!’ You bit your lip, looking at the window. It was a dumb choice but it was the only choice you had.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the window open, the cold autumn air hitting you in the face. The ground seemed farther than it actually was and you swallowed hard, rethinking your decision.
Yasushi managed to get the door open a crack, his arm slipping through to try and shove the desks out of the way.
It was now or never.
Do or die.
Taking a deep breath, you carefully slipped your leg over the sill. You ducked beneath the window, jumping when the pile of desks were thrown across the room. The shelf scraped across the linoleum floor as the door was slowly pushed open.
You pulled the rest of your body out the window, clutching onto the sill for dear life as you looked over your shoulder at the ground below. The door was finally opened enough for Yasushi to squeeze through and, despite the fear you felt, you couldn’t help but snort at his neon pink hair.
“Hah?! You have the nerve to laugh after what you’ve done?!” He growled, rushing toward you.
You cried out in surprise, jumping from the window. He reached out to you, fingers brushing against yours but he was unable to grab you. Your body hit the ground hard, startling the group of boys standing nearby. They looked at you in shock, eyes wide.
Clenching your teeth in pain, you slapped your hand atop a desk sitting in the courtyard, pulling yourself to your feet. Your ankle protested but you knew Yasushi was making his way toward you and you knew you couldn’t stick around. Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself forward, heading for the school’s gate.
Your number one priority was to get somewhere safe, far away from both Oya and the hot-headed blonde. ‘Well… I suppose he’s a pinkette now,’ you snickered, though it died as soon as you put weight on your ankle. It wasn’t broken, you knew, but it certainly was not having a good time.
Using the wall for support, you walked as quickly as you could.
You could hear Yasushi screaming in the courtyard, demanding to know where you had gone. Oya was notorious for their students being loyal to their own factions. Since you didn’t belong to a faction, they had no loyalty to you and, though they didn’t belong to the YasuKiyo faction, they weren’t dumb enough to go against Oya’s psycho.
They weren’t as dumb as you and that was a bit depressing to think about. To be fair, you had been dared to do it and you weren’t the type of person to stand down from a challenge. 
“When I find you, I’m going to kill you! I know you hear me, you brat!”
You winced, slipping into an alley. You really should have chosen truth instead… Heavy footsteps were heading in your direction and you quickly ducked down beside an overflowing trash can. The smell nearly made you gag but you managed to catch yourself, slapping your hand over your mouth and nose.
The footsteps stopped at the end of the alley and you tensed up, holding your breath. A heavy silence seemed to settle over you for an uncomfortably long amount of time. Was he still there? You were too afraid to check. With your luck, he would be standing on the other side of the trashcan, waiting to grab you as soon as you peer your head around. 
You were nearly out of air and, just as you started to remove your hand to breathe, you heard his boots hitting the pavement, heading away from the alley. Your heart raced within your chest and you continued holding your breath until you couldn’t anymore, sucking in a gulp of air.
As you stood up, you winced in pain. 
What were you supposed to do now? Yasushi wasn’t the type of man who forgave easily and he never forgets when he’s been wronged. You’d have to avoid Oya for a while. 
Possibly even the rest of your life.
You sighed deeply, running a hand through your hair. “I’m such a dumbass.”
You fell onto the curb with a sigh, suppressing a shiver when the wind picked up. The sun was low on the horizon, barely visible behind the buildings. Leaves littered the ground, an ombre of orange, brown and red. They scraped across the ground whenever the wind blew, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
You untied your shoe, hissing as you slid it off your foot. Even with your sock on, you could tell it was swollen and it was sore to the touch. All you wanted to do was return home and curl up under your warm comforter. How could you, though, when you lived right next door to the psycho you had pissed off? The walls were thin and he’d definitely hear it if you came home.
You groaned, falling back onto the sidewalk and closing your eyes. The cement was ice-cold through your clothes, bringing goosebumps to your skin. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance and you groaned again. Normally, you adored the rain, but not when it was cold outside and you had nowhere safe to stay.
The sound of footsteps made you tense up but you didn’t open your eyes, hoping that it wasn’t Yasushi come to actually end your existence. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You released the breath you had been holding when you realized it wasn’t him. Opening your eyes, you found an extremely tall, well-built guy towering over you. He was looking down at you with no expression, though you could see a hint of worry lingering in her dark eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” You offered him a sheepish smile as you pulled yourself up into a sitting position. As you slid your foot back into your shoe, you hissed in pain.
“Doesn’t sound like you’re okay,” he commented, squatting down beside you so he could see your foot better. He still towered over you easily and you hoped he had no beef with Oya.
If he did, there was no way you could hold your own against this guy. He was just radiating raw strength and power – it was almost stifling.
“What happened?” he wondered, glancing at you.
“I, uh… fell…” You rubbed the back of your neck, finding it hard to admit that you had jumped from the second floor just to avoid the consequences of your actions. “But I’m fine!” You replied quickly, pulling yourself to your feet. “Excuse me.”
You bowed your head to him before turning and starting down the street. Only… your ankle chose that moment to decide it had had enough, giving out beneath you. You closed your eyes, waiting to hit the cold cement.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding you against a firm chest. Warm breath hit your ear when he spoke. “Let me help you home.”
“Ah, no, that’s not necessary…” You forced a smile, trying to pull away. He allowed you to do so, yet he kept his hand on your arm just in case.
“You can’t walk,” he frowned, brow furrowed. 
“I can’t go home right now, okay? I’ll just…” you rubbed the back of your neck with a frown, glancing at the opposite end of the street. “Find a park or somethin’.”
“It’s supposed to rain tonight. You’ll catch your death if you spend the night in the park.” Rao scanned you, considering for a moment. Many kids who came to the orphanage were running from abusive families and he had to wonder if you were doing the same.
To him, you were clearly lying about how you came to be injured. Now, you claimed you couldn’t go home, choosing instead to weather the cold instead.
“You can stay with me.”
Your head snapped toward him, eyes wide, and he realized he had phrased it poorly.
Shifting his weight, he motioned toward the orphanage behind him. “We have spare rooms. You can stay here tonight.”
You glanced at the building, taking note of several older kids peering out the window curiously. When they saw you, they darted back behind the curtain. “Are you sure that’s okay?”
He nodded, getting a firm grip on your arm before he began leading you toward the building.
“Thank you,” you replied softly before introducing yourself to him.
He smiled down at you, his brown eyes warm. “My name is Mario. Misaki Mario.”
“Nice to meet you, Misaki-san.”
“Just call me Mario,” he told you softly, pushing the door open. Several kids were peaking their heads around the doorway, looking at you curiously. When he noticed them, he frowned. “You guys are supposed to be in bed.”
“We were curious, nii-chan,” replied a young girl with black hair. Her dark eyes met yours and she frowned. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you replied with a small smile. “Just hurt my ankle.”
“I’ll get the ice pack!” She stated before turning and rushing off.
“No fair, I wanted to get it!” cried a young boy as he rushed after her.
“I’ll get the pain meds.”
“I’ll grab a blanket!”
“I’ll get the snacks!”
Rao chuckled, shaking his head before leading you over to the living room where an old couch sat. It was full of holes and it creaked sadly when you sat down. “Prop your foot up on the table.”
You lifted your foot and –
“Take your shoe off first,” he scolded, reaching forward to pull it off. When he realized what he was doing, he paused, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Sorry, habit.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, surprised by how gentle and cute such a massive guy could be.
The children came rushing into the room, carrying various items they believed would help, including toys and a card game. After propping your foot up on the table with a pillow beneath it, you were given some pain meds and some water. The young girl gently sat the ice pack on your ankle and you winced at how cold it was.
“Thank you, everyone,” you smiled gently at the group, hugging the worn teddy bear one of the smaller boys had given you for comfort. 
“You’re welcome!” They chorused.
“Alright, back to bed,” ordered Rao, shooing the kids toward the door despite their protests. 
You sunk farther down on the couch with a smile, eyes closed as you hugged the teddy bear. Maybe pissing off Yasushi hadn’t been such a bad thing, after all.
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
100 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Protector – Ito (PSF #30)
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Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life
Prompt: Self-Worth/Self Love (@flufftober)
Word Count: 4,103
Pairing: F Reader x Ito / F Reader, Stepbrother Magoroku
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Magoroku blinked dumbly at his mother who sat across from him at the small kitchen table. It took him a moment to register the information she had just given him and, when it did, all he could manage to utter was a, “Huh?“
She gave him a scolding look, folding her arms over her chest. “Will you please pay attention? This is important.”
“I am listening,” he scowled, “But this is a joke, right?”
“No, I’m being serious. They should be home soon and you better behave, Magoroku. She’s not only being ripped from her life, but she’s being plopped into a new country. She needs our support.”
His brow furrowed as he slid down in his seat, watching his mom get up to make tea. How the hell was he supposed to feel about this? He had only just begun to accept Mark as his stepdad and now he has to accept that he has a step-sister? Not only that, but said sister is now going to live with them.
This was his home, his safe space, and it was now being invaded by not one, but two people. He knew his mom was counting on him to make her feel welcome and help her, but he had no desire to do so. He’s not a babysitter.
‘She probably can’t even speak Japanese,’ he scoffed, blowing a large bubble with his gum. It seemed to pop angrily, mirroring how he felt.
Meanwhile, you were feeling extremely nervous as your dad drove toward the apartment complex where you’d be living from now on. You had always dreamed of living in Japan, but now that it was happening… you didn’t feel confident that you could handle such a drastic change.
Your Japanese wasn’t great, just enough to get you through a Jdrama without subtitles, and that worried you. Then there was your new family. You had spoken to your step-mom on the phone before and she seemed really nice, but what if that was just an act to appease your dad? Then there’s the issue of your new brother. 
You knew nothing about him aside from his name and your brain was cooking up all kinds of scenarios, none of them good.
Mark glanced at you, patting your knee. “Relax, kiddo. They’re going to love you.”
“And I’d they don’t?” you questioned softly with a frown. “What if they hate me? I don’t want to be responsible for you getting divorced… again.”
“Hey,” he frowned, glancing at you again. “Your mom and I didn’t get divorced because of you.”
“Sure…” You didn’t want to argue with him, already stressed out, but you refused to believe you weren’t the cause. Your mom had told you many times that you were the reason. Apparently, you were supposed to be a ‘fixer’ baby, the final attempt to fix their marriage. According to her, though, you only made things worse.
You let your forehead fall against the cool glass, a sigh passing your lips. You weren’t sure if you wanted to cry or scream… or both.
As the car pulled up to the building, you noticed the two standing outside. Maka smiled warmly when she saw the car, not hesitating to head over so she could greet her husband. Magoroku didn’t move, hands stuffed into his pockets as he glared at a tree off in the distance. To you, he looked terrifying and mean.
Rather than approaching the driver’s side, Maka came to you. You shivered when she opened the door, the cold autumn air hitting you despite the hoodie you wore.
“Welcome home,” she told you softly, stepping back so you could slide out of the car. As soon as you were out, she pulled you into a warm hug which you hesitantly returned. “How was your flight?”
You hesitated, searching for the proper words. “It was… okay.”
“I’m sure you’re tired.” She rubbed your upper arm before turning to her son, her voice rougher. “Magoroku, take her inside and show her to her room.”
The male scowled, reluctantly doing as he was told. He motioned for you to follow without waiting. You quickly grabbed your book bag from inside the car before rushing after him, gripping the strap tightly. He said nothing as you followed him inside and you couldn’t bring yourself to speak first. You honestly felt like an invader, an unwelcome guest who was forcing their way into someone else’s home.
“Your room,” he pointed at a closed door, not sparing you a glance before disappearing into the room diagonally across from your own. You stood there for a moment before hesitantly entering the room. It was a pretty basic bedroom, having just a bed, a desk and a dresser with walls painted a faded white.
You sat on the side of the bed with a sigh, falling back to stare up at the ceiling. A new chapter of your life had just begun and you were honestly terrified. You had no idea what was in store for you. Part of you was glad to be away from your mother because living with her brought only stress and constant arguments.
You were worried that the same would happen with your new family because you were convinced that you were the problem and not your mother. You released a shaky breath, closing your eyes. No matter what happens, you decided to do your best not to be a burden on them.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Weeks turned into months but not much changed. You remained reserved, holed up in your room so you didn’t get in anyone’s way. You avoided your new brother like the plague, something Maka had taken notice of since she was home more often than her husband. She didn’t like it and encouraged her son to interact with you more, advice that he promptly ignored.
She knew you were struggling, not just because of your new environment but also because of the damage your mom had inflicted on you over the years. It was the main reason Mark had asked Maka if you could move in with them. He was worried about the way you were being treated.
When Maka first heard about the things your mom said to you, she was shocked. Granted, she understood being frustrated with her child and saying things she regretted later during arguments, but the things your mom said to you was way too far.
Though she had hit you only a couple of times, her abuse was primarily mental, wearing you down with insults. She would order you to do something only to complain that you did it wrong and she would constantly call you lazy and make you feel worthless. You did your best but it was never enough.
Maka wanted to embrace you, to lift you up and let you know that you are good enough, that you’re not worthless, but she had no idea how to do so. She had been hoping that her son would grow to love you and would be able to help, but he had no interest in you or creating a bond with you.
Maka glanced up when she heard your door open, listening to your feet on the wooden floor. The kitchen where she sat was directly in front of the front door so, when you stopped in the doorway to slip your shoes on, she stood up and called out your name.
Your head snapped up, eyes wide as if you had just been caught doing something wrong. “Maka-san,” you quickly bowed, swallowing nervously. “I thought you were at work…”
“I got off early today,” she smiled, keeping her tone soft. “Where are you off to? Do you need me to take you somewhere?”
“I was -” you stopped yourself short before saying, “I was just going for a walk.”
It was only partly true. Though you did want to get some air, you were mainly going out to try and find a job. You felt guilty living like a freeloader though Maka had insisted on this being unnecessary and you knew if you mentioned this, she would scold you again.
She hummed and you honestly couldn’t tell if she believed you or not. “Well, if you’re going out already, can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
She quickly scribbled something onto a piece of paper and handed it over to you along with a small wad of cash. “Magoroku forgot to take this with him this morning. Would you be a dear and take this to him? These are the directions to his school.”
You bit your lip, wanting to flat-out tell her no, but you couldn’t. You had invaded her home, you didn’t pay bills and you rarely did any housework. She was asking you to do this, what right did you have to say no? With a forced smile, you accepted the paper. “Okay…”
“You should be able to find Suzuran without any trouble, but feel free to call me if you get lost.”
“Thank you, dear.” She offered you a smile before heading down the hall toward her bedroom.
When she was out of sight, you frowned, shoving the money into your pocket before heading out the door. Sure enough, the school wasn’t too far from the apartment complex though you were instantly overcome with a sense of dread as soon as you saw it. You would have thought it was abandoned if not for the hoards of boys standing around, fighting, yelling and laughing.
‘This can’t be the right place…’ you swallowed hard, looking down at the paper in your hand. You even input it into maps to double-check. It was the right place.
A guy took notice of you, standing up to his full height. “Oi, you lost, girlie?”
You tensed up, feeling much like a deer caught in headlights. Your lips parted but your brain couldn’t seem to form words.
He quirked a brow at you, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he approached you. “You’re a foreigner, ain’t cha? Can’t speak Japanese?”
“I-I can…” you replied, cursing at how soft your voice was. You knew from all the delinquent anime you’ve watched that guys like this won’t hesitate to pounce when they sense weakness. 
“This ain’t the place for someone like you, girlie. Run along,” he raised his hand, waving it in a shooing motion.
Your brain struggled to find the proper words to explain why you were there. Though you intended to explain, what came out was simply, “Yamaguchi Magoroku… san.”
“Magoroku?” he replied in surprise. “What do you want with him?”
“His mom…” you started, shifting nervously as you glanced at the group of guys behind him, all watching you. “She asked me to deliver something… to him…”
He hummed, sizing you up for a moment before nodding. “Follow me.”
You hesitated, alarm bells ringing inside your head. Like always, though, you ignored them and slowly followed after him. The group of boys waited until you passed by before following behind you. Even if you wanted to run, you couldn’t now.
A boy was slammed into a locker nearby, making you jump in surprise before closing the distance between yourself and the blonde. He led you through the school, ignoring the strange and curious looks the other students were sending your group. You kept your head down, eyes focused on the back of the blonde’s shoes.
He came to a sudden stop in the courtyard. “Oi, Ito. Where’s Magoroku?”
You slowly lifted your head, swallowing hard at the sheer amount of students that filled the area, all looking tough and cruel. Movement caught your eye and you looked up, meeting the calculating brown eyes of Kamui Ito, standing atop a wooden platform. 
You felt your face heat up as you ripped your gaze away from his. ‘He’s so pretty…’ You suddenly felt very self-conscious, cursing yourself for not running away.
“What do you need with him, Yosuke?”
Yosuke jabbed his thumb toward you. “She says she’s here for ’em. Mentioned his mom.”
You shifted nervously under his gaze, listening to the sound of him jumping down and approaching you.
“I’ll take it from here.”
Yosuke shrugged, patting you roughly on the back as he passed by, leaving you with Ito. You suddenly felt very vulnerable and you didn’t like it.
He watched you for a moment, suspicion clear in his eyes. When he noticed the fear lingering in your eyes, his gaze softened. “What do you need Magoroku for?”
‘Even his voice is pretty… who gave a delinquent the right to be this pretty?’ You cleared your throat, keeping your gaze lowered because you couldn’t handle looking into his eyes. “I have something for him… from his mom…”
“How do you know him?” He tilted his head to the side. “I’ve never seen you around here before.”
“I…” Your lips parted but you stopped yourself with a frown. You really didn’t want these people to know that you were related to Magoroku and you doubt he wanted anyone to know, either. “I’m a friend… of the family…”
He gave you a scolding look, hand on his hip. “You shouldn’t lie, especially when you’re no good at it.”
Mercy chuckled from where he sat atop the wooden platform, lounging on the couch. He tugged his sunglasses down so he could peer at you over them. “Don’t be too harsh on her, Ito. She’s clearly a foreigner.”
Ito frowned though it was hidden by his mask. As he observed you, he felt a tug at his heartstrings. You looked so small and uncomfortable, like a rabbit that was surrounded by hyenas. You clearly weren’t a fighter and his gut told him that you weren’t a spy, either.
“Forgive me, I -“
“Oi!” Magoroku’s yell echoed through the courtyard as he pushed his way through the crowd. His eyes were filled with anger that was directed right at you. “What the hell are you doing here, huh?”
You winced at his tone.
When you didn’t answer, he scowled. “Are you dumb? Do you really lack that much awareness? You shouldn’t be here, idiot.”
For a moment, you thought he might actually care about you and that made you feel more at ease.
“If anything happens to you, mom will kill me!”
The words went straight to your heart, piercing it like tiny arrows. ‘Oh… right… of course he doesn’t care. Why would he?’ It hurt a lot more than you had expected it to, tears stinging your eyes.
Ito noticed this and frowned, taking a step closer. “You’re being too harsh, Magoroku.”
“Stay out of this,” he snapped, eyes never leaving you. He reached out for your arm but you flinched away, unaware of the surprise that flashed through his eyes. It was gone as quickly as it had come, though. “We’re leaving.”
The last thing you wanted was to be alone with him. You quickly pulled the money from your pocket, shoving it against his chest. “Your mom asked me to bring you this, I’m sorry for bothering you!” You bowed, unable to hold back your tears any longer. 
With a curse, you rushed away, pushing your way through the assembled crowd.
Magoroku blinked down at the money in his hand, brow furrowed. When your words clicked in his brain, he groaned, realizing what had happened. He had to wonder what his mom was thinking. Suzuran was a dangerous place, especially for someone like you. 
“Oi, wait a minute!” He cried, taking off after you but you had already disappeared. “Damn it.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You fell onto the swing with a tired sigh, resting your head against the cold chain. You had been walking around for hours in an attempt to find your way back home. When you left Suzuran, you hadn’t been paying attention to where you were running. All you wanted was to get as far away from the school and from Magoroku as possible.
You hated people seeing you cry, something that happened more often than you’d like simply because you cried so easily. It didn’t matter if you were sad, angry or hurt – if the emotion was high enough, it was enough to make you cry.
Your gaze lifted to the dark sky above, dozens of tiny stars shimmering faintly in the darkness. The night was surprisingly quiet, interrupted only by the occasional bark of a dog or the roar of a motorcycle in the distance. It was getting colder out and you were thankful that you had worn your hoodie. You were regretting your choice to wear shorts, though.
Magoroku’s angry face flashed through your mind, bringing a frown to your lips. ‘I bet he hates me now. Well, I suppose he hates me more now, I guess. Maybe I should have stayed with mom…’
“Hey, cutie~”
Your body tensed up at the flirty voice, head snapping toward the guy who was slowly approaching you with a sleazy grin. From the way he was struggling to walk straight, you assumed he was drunk.
“What’re you doin’ out here alone, huh?” he slurred, dark eyes glassy.
You quickly stood up, backing away from him.
“Aw, don’t leave me, cutie! C’mere~” He reached out to grab you but a hand wrapped around his wrist, making him cry out in pain. “Who the hell’re -“
Ito’s eyes flashed angrily as he rushed forward, bringing his knee against the man’s gut. He cried out again, legs giving out beneath him. He curled up into a ball, sobbing about taxes and the lack of love from his mother while he clutched his stomach.
Ito shook his head, hand on the small of your back so he could direct you away from the man. He could feel how tense you were, bringing a frown to his lips. He believed it was simply fear that made you this way, completely oblivious to the fact that it was his close presence that was the true cause.
“Are you alright?” he questioned softly. 
You nodded, not trusting your voice. He was so close to you that you could smell his faint cologne and the scent of his strawberry shampoo. It took everything you had not to lean into his touch. 
“Let’s get you home, your family is worried.”
You frowned, lowering your head. “I’m sorry…”
“What for?”
“My dumbass got lost,” you chuckled softly, but it was bitter. “I caused trouble for everyone because I couldn’t do something simple. I’m sorry for bothering you…”
He wasn’t sure why, but something snapped within him. He turned so that he was facing you, hands on your shoulders to keep you in place. “You didn’t bother me or anyone else and you’re not a dumbass!”
You flinched at his tone, trying to pull away. He held you tighter at first before coming to his senses and letting you go.
He tugged the mask from his face, voice softer this time. “Will you look at me?”
You slowly lifted your eyes, feeling the breath leave your lungs. Your heart raced within your chest, face burning. You already found him to be an extremely pretty boy. Without the mask, though, he was stunning.
He smiled softly at you, warmth in his brown eyes. “You’re not a dumbass, you’re just new to the area. It makes sense that you’d get lost.”
You managed a nod, unable to look away from him. You had never felt this way before, especially not toward someone you had just met. What was this man doing to you?
“You should be kinder to yourself,” he spoke softly, his words catching you off guard. 
It was enough to knock you out of whatever spell he had you under and you scoffed, finally able to look away. “Self-love isn’t really my strong suit.”
He frowned, hand on his hip as he observed you.
You shifted nervously, feeling as if he could read you so easily and you hated it. “Um… if you tell me where to go, I can find my way… probably…”
“I’m not letting you go alone,” he chuckled softly. 
‘Of course, he doesn’t trust me because I -‘
“And not because I don’t think you can handle it alone. I want to make sure you’re safe.”
Your eyes widened, snapping to him in surprise. “How did you -“
With a smile, he gently took your hand in his, tugging you down the street. “If self-love isn’t your strong suit, then I’ll just have to teach you until it is.”
Your face burned once again, eyes focused on where your hands were connected. ‘So soft…’ You failed to understand how a delinquent who’s clearly no stranger to fighting could have such soft hands.
Ito squeezed your hand gently, prompting you to meet his gaze. The warmth and kindness lingering there honestly surprised you and you wondered if he treated everyone like this. Did he feel the same strong attraction to you as you did to him? You doubted it, but it was a nice thought. 
“Can I ask you something?”
You blinked at him but he had turned his face away from you so you couldn’t see his expression. That also meant he couldn’t see your nod. “Sure…”
He hesitated, biting his lip. “Never mind.”
This brought a frown to your lips, sparking your curiosity that you simply couldn’t ignore. “What is it?”
Coming to a stop, he turned to face you, a light dusting of pink across his cheeks and nose. “Are you… dating anyone?”
That is definitely not the question you were expecting and you felt your face heating up again. Why was he asking this? A small part of you hoped that he liked you, but you weren’t one to get your hopes up. 
“No,” you replied softly, shaking your head.
A smile slid onto his lips, eyes lighting up. “Good.”
What did that mean? Before your mind could come up with negative thoughts, a familiar voice broke through the night.
“Oi!” Magoroku came to a stop in front of you, hands on his knees. He was breathing heavily, breath coming out in thin puffs of smoke. 
This made you frown, guilt settling in your gut. How long had he been looking for you? ‘Did Maka-san scold him? Did she stop him from coming home until he found me?’ “Magoroku-san, I’m so-“
He threw his arms around your neck, holding you tightly to his body. You blinked dumbly, body tense and mind unsure how to process this information. 
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, squeezing you tighter.
“Eh?” You blinked again, filled with confusion. You had no idea why he was apologizing. Shouldn’t he be yelling at you? Scolding you for making him waste his time?
Magoroku pulled back, a frown on his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry… for being a dick. I can’t believe mom sent you to Suzuran, that was so dangerous. What the hell is wrong with that woman?”
Ito chuckled at his frustration. “Clearly, she wanted the two of you to bond.”
“Clearly, she wanted to frustrate me,” he scoffed, pausing for a moment. “Oi, Ito?”
“Yes?” He was smiling brightly, feeling happy though he wasn’t entirely sure why.
“Why the hell are you holding my sister’s hand?”
Both of you flushed with embarrassment and you tried to pull your hand away but he just held it tighter. You honestly felt overwhelmed by everything happening – Ito’s presence and warmth, being caught holding his hand and, more importantly, the fact that Magoroku just referred to you as his sister. It was the first time he had done so.
The brunette lifted his head, staring the older male in the eye with a surprising level of determination. “Because I’m her protector.”
Both you and Magoroku stared at him in disbelief, unsure what to say.
Ito just smiled warmly at you, tugging you past your new brother and in the direction of your home. His fingers laced through your own before tugging you closer and you bit your lip to stop the goofy smile from spreading across your face.
“O-Oi! You just met her!” cried Magoroku, stomping toward the two of you.
Ito winked at you before starting to run, taking you along with him. 
“Get back here, you brat!”
Rather than acting afraid, he just laughed. It must have been infectious because it didn’t take long for you to start laughing, as well. It was the first time in a very long time that you felt truly happy and without a care in the world.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
87 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Made With Love – Shibaman (PSF #10)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, romance, slice of life
Prompt: Love of my Life (@flufftober) / Leaves dancing in the breeze (Fall Flash @slumberpartybingo)
Word Count: 5,249
Pairing: Reader x Shibaman
World: High&Low
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If someone had asked you a year ago if you believed in love or soulmates, you probably would have said no. It just wasn’t something that ever crossed your mind, mostly because you just didn’t have the time. Between dealing with Kuryu trying to destroy Sword, then Housen and Oya going at it… It kept you pretty busy. 
Things had been peaceful for several months now, though. Well, as peaceful as it could get at a place like Oya. There were still daily fights and arguments, but nothing that couldn’t be easily solved with a few punches.
With nothing else to worry about, you spent a lot of time with Tsuji, making fun of people’s poor fashion choices in magazines, and with Shibaman, listening to his favorite artists and talking about music in general.
If someone asked you to pinpoint when exactly it happened, you wouldn’t be able to answer because you simply didn’t know. You don’t know when you fell in love with Shibaman, you just knew that you had fallen hard. If you were being honest, it took you a long time to even realize it.
You started to feel nervous around him, worrying about how you acted or the things you said. You were afraid he would look at you differently. There were also the physical effects he had on you. Every time his eyes met yours, your heart would race. Hearing his voice never failed to make you feel calm and happy. His touch set butterflies free in your gut and when he spoke your name, you felt like you were melting.
You thought you were sick or maybe even allergic to him. It was so foreign to you that it was jarring, so you started to avoid him. He didn’t like this, of course, so he confronted you about it. You had no idea how to explain what you were feeling, at least not until Tsuji intervened.
He had noticed the change between the two of you – and he wasn’t the only one, either. To your surprise, Shibaman had been experiencing the exact same feelings. He loved you, too, so you started dating to test the waters. It was awkward as hell at first. It felt as if something had changed between you and you hated it.
It took a while, but you finally figured out that things didn’t need to change simply because you were a couple now. It took time, but the two of you soon fell back into the familiar groove you had sat in throughout your friendship and it was amazing.
Shibaman was the love of your life, you realized. All you wanted was to be near him and for him to be happy. You would do anything to make him feel loved, to make him realize how special he was to you. 
With his birthday and Halloween coming up soon, you wanted to do something special because, this year, the two of you were more than just friends. It took you a while to figure out what you wanted to do and you weren’t even sure it was a good idea. You couldn’t stop thinking about it, though, so you knew you had to at least try.
You could only hope your efforts wouldn’t be wasted and that he wouldn’t hate it.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Ready to go?” Shibaman leaned toward you from where he sat on the couch, a smile on his lips.
You offered him an apologetic smile. “I actually have plans today…”
The two men exchanged a surprised look before Tsuji questioned, “Don’t tell me you’re cheating on us.”
You laughed, shaking your head as you stood up. “No, never. I do need to get going, though.”
“Where are you going?” Shibaman stood up, reaching for your hand. “I’ll go with you.”
“No, you can’t!” You replied quickly, making his brow furrow. You mentally cursed yourself, scrambling for a believable excuse. “My cousin is coming into town today. I… haven’t seen her in a long time and she’s not really a fan of guys, so…” You mentally cursed again for choosing such a terrible lie.
Whether he believed it or not, he didn’t question it. “Be safe. If you need me, call me.”
“I will, I promise.” You cupped his cheek, pulling him down into a soft kiss that stole his breath away. “I’ll see you later.” You smiled at the two before rushing out of the room, unaware of the worried look the two exchanged.
It took a while for you to reach Housen, mostly because you were paranoid that the boys were following you so you took the road less traveled. The students looked at you strangely when you entered the school, but they knew who you were and had no desire to fight you. Housen and Oya had long since squashed their beef.
“Excuse me,” you called out, tapping a boy on the shoulder. When he turned, you recognized him instantly. “Ah, Sawamura!”
His brow furrowed in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to see Yuken. Can you take me to him?”
“Yeah, sure,” he motioned for you to follow before starting down the hall. “What do you need to see him for?”
“Ah, well…” you rubbed the back of your neck, offering him a sheepish smile. “It’s a bit personal.”
He hummed, giving you a playful smile. “I hope you’re not going to confess. You know he’s dating Meg.”
You laughed at the thought. “I would never betray her like that. Besides, you know I’m dating Shibaman.”
“Oh, right. I forgot about that. Does he know you’re here?”
You frowned, lowering your gaze to the floor. You felt bad lying to him but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise. 
“That’s a no, then,” he replied softly, resting his hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you, Sawamura.”
He led you toward a classroom on the first floor, sitting at the back of the school. The Four Heavenly Kings, along with a bunch of seniors, were crowded around the room, watching two students try to take down Jinkawa. The keyword there being try.
“Wait here,” Sawamura told you before moving farther into the room. Yuken was sitting at the back of the room with his girlfriend, the two watching something on his phone. Sawamura leaned down to tell him the situation, pointing over at you.
Yuken met your eyes and you smiled politely, waving your hand at him. Meg leaned to the side to see around the large boys standing between the two of you, a grin on her lips as she waved at you.
You waved back before forming a heart with your hearts. She pretended to catch it, holding it against her chest before both of you started laughing. Yuken shook his head, pressing a kiss to her cheek before standing up and approaching you.
“What can I do for you?” he inquired, a charming smile on his lips.
You glanced at the group of men gathered in the center of the room. Most of them were focused on the fight, but a few were sending you curious looks. “Can we talk somewhere more… private?”
He quirked a brow, glancing at the other boys before nodding. “Sure. Follow me.”
You followed him outside, taking a deep breath of the cool autumn air. “I need your help.”
“My help? Shouldn’t you be asking Oya?”
“This isn’t a problem they can help with,” you frowned, glancing around to ensure you were alone. “Is it true that you know how to crochet?”
Yuken scowled, a hand on his hip. “I told Meg not to tell anyone that.” 
“So, it’s true then?” You gave him a hopeful look and he nodded. “Please teach me!”
He hummed curiously, folding his arms over his chest. “I expect diligence. No slacking off and no excuses.”
“I understand. I promise to be a good student!”
Yuken considered this for a moment before nodding. “Alright. Give me your number so I can text you when I get everything set up.”
“Thank you so much,” you grinned.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
For the next two months, you visited Yuken every few days to learn how to crochet and begin working on the sweater you wanted to make for Shibaman. You chose the softest yarn you could find, using black as the base color. It took a while for you to decide between cats and pumpkins, but you finally chose both.
In the center of the sweater would be a jack-o-lantern with a cat leaning the upper half of its body on top of it. You also planned to add a witch’s hat. You could clearly see the design in your head, but it was much harder to bring to life than you had anticipated.
“Damn it,” you cursed, scowling down at the design before you. The jack-o-lantern was misshapen despite having redone it about twenty times. If you couldn’t even get a pumpkin right, how in the hell were you going to get the cat done? You were getting frustrated, especially since his birthday was quickly approaching.
“Don’t get frustrated,” scolded Yuken, peering at you over his glasses. “It’ll only make the stitching look worse.”
“I know,” you muttered, taking a deep breath to try and calm yourself. You carefully undid the stitch before trying again, slower this time, but it still came out looking funky. “Ugh! Why is this so damn hard?!”
“I did warn you that this pattern wasn’t beginner-friendly,” he tutted, sitting back in his chair as he worked on a pair of mittens for his girlfriend. Unlike your creation, his was pristine and well crafted, clearly made by a professional.
“Maybe I should have hired you to make one instead of teach me,” you sighed, sliding down in your seat. 
“You’d regret it.”
“You chose to learn how to crochet because you wanted to make something for the person you love, right?” He quirked a brow at you. “You wanted to craft something with your own hands, your own heart, to show him how much he means to you. That is the soul of crocheting – making things with love for the people you care about most. The feeling simply doesn’t transfer if someone else makes it.”
You frowned at the sweater in your hands, taking in his words. “You’re right, but… it looks god awful, he’s going to hate it. What was I thinking? Shibaman is into fashion and hip-hop, why the hell would he want a crocheted Halloween sweater? I’m so stupid!” You groaned, hanging your head.
Yuken scoffed, sending you an offended look. “If he’s not grateful for your hard work, then the problem lies with him, not you. Taking the time to crochet something for someone is the ultimate form of love and respect! And if he disrespects that, I’ll kick his ass myself!”
“You’re really passionate about this, huh…”
“Everyone needs something to be passionate about.”
“I thought that was fighting.”
He clicked his tongue. “Other than fighting. Come on, you need a break before you ruin the yarn.”
You set the sweater carefully in its box, closing the lid before following the male away from Housen and toward the local café to grab some lunch. The woman at the counter greeted him cheerfully, so you assumed he came here often.
Yuken sat down across from you, folding his hands on the table. “Tell me honestly, why did you choose to crochet a sweater for him? There are plenty of gift options that may be more… suited to his tastes.”
“Why?” You frowned at the table, scratching your cheek in thought. “As soon as I thought of the idea, it just felt… right, I guess. This is the first time we’re celebrating his birthday and Halloween as a couple, so I really want it to be special. I wanted to make him something myself because…”
“It feels more personal?” He guessed, quirking a brow.
“The fact that you chose crochet over all other art forms tells me that you understand the craft at its base level. As long as you understand that, then no matter what you craft, no matter how imperfect it may be, it will be perfect in the eyes of the one receiving it.”
You didn’t feel entirely convinced. “Are you sure?”
“Trust me.”
“You’re the crochet expert, I guess.”
“Just… don’t go around telling people that, alright?”
“Sure, sure.”
While the two of you continued talking, Shibaman and Tsuji just so happened to be passing by. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to glance over, but his eyes fell on you immediately, widening in surprise. You had told him you were going to help your cousin get settled into her new apartment outside of Sword, yet there you were, sitting in a cafe with Housen’s Odajima.
Tsuji paused when he realized the taller male had stopped walking. He followed the male’s gaze, removing his glasses with a frown. “They are definitely not cousins.”
Shibaman frowned, feeling frustration and pain settle in his gut. Though he wasn’t fond of the idea of you meeting up with other schools, that isn’t what bothered him. Why had you lied to him about it? Why weren’t you honest with him?
Tsuji glanced at him, nudging his arm. “Don’t jump to conclusions. We should confront -”
“No,” Shibaman shook his head, beginning to walk away.
“No?” Tsuji quickly followed him, brow furrowed. “Don’t you want the truth?”
“Of course I do,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He didn’t want to demand answers from you, though. He wanted you to come clean on your own. “Don’t say anything about this.”
Tsuji had an idea of what his best friend was thinking, though he wasn’t entirely sure he agreed. “Fine, I won’t say anything,” he sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Baby,” called Shibaman, slipping his hand into yours as he leaned closer to you. “Do you want to go see a movie?”
Tsuji glanced up from the magazine he was reading. “My uncle just recently started working at the theater. He can get us in for free.”
“Oh, uh…” you rubbed the back of your neck with a frown. “I’d like to, but…”
“You have to see your cousin,” guessed Shibaman, his jaw tensing as he turned his gaze toward the wall.
You could feel how tense his body was and you didn’t notice the way he tried to subtly shift away from you. Guilt pooled inside your gut. “I’m sorry…”
He nearly asked if you really were sorry, but he bit back the question, pulling his hand free as he stood up. “It’s fine.”
You weren’t dumb. You knew this man like the back of your hand and you knew it very much was not fine. He wasn’t the type to speak his mind, though, and preferred to bottle things up until he simply couldn’t any longer. It was obvious that he was getting fed up with your cousin and you constantly ditching them.
Tsuji stood up to follow but paused when you called out his name. He quirked a brow at you but you could tell his usual friendliness toward you was gone. He didn’t like it when his brother was upset.
You quickly shut the door in case Shibaman was still close by and you lowered your voice. “I know you’re mad at me -”
“That’s an understatement,” he scoffed, having to bite his tongue to stop from mentioning the cafe. 
You chewed on your lip, having an internal debate with yourself about whether or not to tell him. “If I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell Shibaman.”
“I can’t promise that.” He folded his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed from behind his colored glasses. “If you’re hiding something from him, he deserves to know.”
“And he will,” you promised him. “Just… I need a bit more time.”
“Time for what?”
You glanced at the door before leaning toward him. “I’m working on something for his birthday. It’s… taking longer than I thought it would. I didn’t want to lie but I want it to be a surprise.”
Tsuji felt surprised by this information. Why hadn’t he considered that you might be planning something? He felt a bit dumb for not thinking of it sooner, but he also felt a bit hurt that you hadn’t confided in him sooner. “You should have told me.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry…”
He sighed deeply, bringing his hand to his forehead. “I’ll see what I can do, but you better hurry up. He knows something’s up and he’s getting impatient.”
“I know…”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Come on, you got this!” cheered Meg, staring at you with a grin.
“Just a little bit more,” encouraged Yuken with a nod, leaning toward you. 
“Hurry up, you’re so close!”
“No, don’t hurry up! Don’t rush it now!”
You looked up from the sweater with a scowl, sitting back when you realized just how close the two of them were to your face. “Can you two give me some space?”
“Oh, are you having performance anxiety?” snickered Meg as she sat back down.
You scoffed, muttering under your breath, “Anyone would with you two breathing down their neck.”
“Hey, we’re just trying to help.” Yuken sat down as well, arms folded over his chest. He was watching you intently, his shoulders tense as he watched the way you were stitching the last bit of the sweater.
Meg noticed this and laughed, resting her hand on his arm. “I think you’re more tense and you’re not even the one making it.”
“Of course I am! This is the creation of my first student.”
“Your first student?” she grinned, quirking a brow. “Does that mean you’re gonna take on more?”
Yuken said nothing, though he’d be lying if he said the idea hadn’t crossed his mind. He enjoyed teaching you more than he thought he would, despite how frustrating you could be at times.
“Yuken’s Crochet studio,” you snickered, glancing at him. “Got a nice ring to it.”
“Focus,” he scolded, refusing to admit that he did like the sound of it.
“Alright, keep your panties on.” You did as he instructed, focusing on the last few stitches. A few tense moments of silence ticked by. “There… it’s done.” You stood up, holding up the completed sweater.
It was far from perfect, the cat looking a bit derpy and the pumpkin still misshapen, but it had its own unique charm to it. It was one of a kind, made with all the love you held in your heart for Shibaman. That made up for the imperfections.
“What do you think?” you questioned nervously.
“It’s super cute,” smiled Meg. “He’s going to love it!”
Yuken nodded, giving you a proud look. “I have to say, I wasn’t confident that you would stick with it until the end.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“But you did and I’m proud of you.”
You chuckled, feeling happy at the praise. “Thank you, Yuken-sensei.”
Yuken put his hands together in front of him and bowed, deepening his voice. “Now, go out into the world, my pupil.”
Meg snorted. “What voice is that supposed to be?”
“That wasn’t even close.”
“I tried my best,” he pouted, pulling her into his arms.
You carefully folded the sweater before placing it in the box and securing it with an orange ribbon. “His birthday is tomorrow… wish me luck.”
“You got this,” Meg smiled, offering you a thumbs up. “And if he doesn’t appreciate it, Yuken will kick his ass.”
Yuken nodded, pushing up his glasses. “I won’t stand for anyone disrespecting such a sacred art.”
“Thanks, guys.” You offered them a bow and a grateful smile before scooping up the box and heading home.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this nervous, your heart racing within your chest. You were honestly tempted to just drop the gift off and run away, not wanting to see his reaction, but you knew you couldn’t do that. It was his birthday, after all, and you wanted to make up for avoiding him lately.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door of his house. His older sister was the one who answered, looking tired. “He left already.”
“Eh?” your brow furrowed. He had always waited for you to arrive before heading to school so it was strange that he had gone ahead of you. “O-Oh, um… thank you.”
“Oi,” she called out, eyes narrowed at you. “He’s been moping around lately. If I find out you’re the reason, I’m gonna kick your ass.” And then she slammed the door in your face.
You scowled in frustration, though you weren’t sure if it was more toward her or yourself. You knew you were the cause and it pissed you off despite having done it with good intentions. Surely he would forgive you… right?
Holding the box to your chest, you rushed toward Oya high, keeping an eye open for the pair as you went. You entered the broadcast room with a smile, expecting to see your boyfriend sitting on the couch, listening to music. It was Todoroki who sat on the couch, though, reading one of his books.
Tsuji stood up when you entered, a frown on his lips. “He had already left when I got to his house this morning. I have no idea where he is.”
“Oh,” you frowned, chewing on your bottom lip. You thought about it for a moment before carefully setting the box beside Todoroki. “Can you make sure he gets this please?”
“Of course,” Tsuji offered you a smile, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. It did little to help, though.
“Thank you.” You offered him a bow before turning and leaving the room. Without Shibaman there, it felt pointless to stay at school so you decided to just leave.
Rather than go home, you chose to go for a walk around town to clear your head. The wind was chilly, making you retreat farther into the jacket you were wearing. It had originally belonged to Shibaman so it was quite large on you and it still faintly smelled of him. 
A light misty rain started to fall from the cloudy sky, feeling cold against your face but you didn’t mind. The rain was peaceful and helped you relax whenever you felt stressed. It wasn’t heavy rain, anyway, so the likelihood of you catching a cold from it was slim.
Despite how peaceful and quiet the world around you felt, you couldn’t stop thinking about Shibaman. Where was he? Was he okay? Was he mad at you? Or was he just hurt by your lies? You wished you could find him and explain everything, but you knew he didn’t want to be found. He wanted to be alone so he could sort out his own feelings.
That was fine with you, you just wished it hadn’t fallen on his birthday. Today was supposed to be special for him, to be free of worry or want. You had royally screwed that up, though.
With a sigh, you plopped down on the wooden bench inside the makeshift park. Honestly, you weren’t even sure it met the qualifications to be considered a park because it was just a small strip of grass with trees planted at each corner. A sad-looking swing set sat in the middle, the metal rusted and worn.
You doubted it was safe to use, though there were few things within Sword that were. The city’s entire aesthetic was danger.
You slid down on the bench as thunder rumbled softly overhead, leaning your head back so you could stare up at the sky. The tree to your left was completely bare, its leaves scattered across the ground like discarded newspapers. The tree on your right, though, was still clinging to a few of them, as if desperate to not let go.
The wind picked up and they finally broke free, dancing gently through the air as they made their way to the earth below. It was such a simple thing, but it brought a smile to your lips. 
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You stifled a yawn as you approached your apartment, reaching into the pocket of the jacket for your keys. You hadn’t intended to spend the day at the park but time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and, before you knew it, the sun was setting.
To your surprise, Shibaman was pacing back and forth outside the building, running a hand through his red hair repeatedly. He looked distressed which alarmed you.
“Shibaman? What’s-“
As soon as he heard your voice, his head snapped up. In just a couple long strides, he reached you, throwing his arms around you until you were buried in the warmth of his chest. The smell of pine and cologne filled your nostrils and you smiled, fingers curling around the black t-shirt he was wearing.
“Where have you been?” He huffed, trying to control the light tremble of his voice. “I’ve been worried sick!”
You frowned, pulling back so you could see his face. “You’re the one who disappeared. You had already left the house by the time I got there and you weren’t at school, either.”
“My sister made me go pick up some food from the convenience store,” he scowled, clearly still annoyed by this. “I told her I was waiting for you but she wouldn’t stop bitching about it. When I got back, she told me you had stopped by.”
Thinking about it, it did make sense. She’s never liked you, even when you were just his friend, claiming that you were a bad influence on him. When you started dating, she didn’t try to hide the fact that she thought you weren’t good enough for her baby brother. 
“When I got to school, Tsuji said you were looking for me then you left. I looked everywhere for you.” He cupped your face, brows punched with worry. “I thought… I thought something happened.”
“I’m sorry for worrying you, love,” you told him softly, resting your hand over his. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“I did. Many times!”
“You did?” Your own brow furrowed in confusion as you reached for your phone only to realize it wasn’t there. You had forgotten it this morning in your excitement to get to Shibaman’s house. You offered him a sheepish, embarrassed smile. “I, uh… I forgot my phone.”
Shibaman scoffed in disbelief, lowering his head until his forehead met your shoulder. The tension was slowly leaving him now that you were safe and sound in front of him.
“I’m sorry for worrying you,” you told him softly, running your fingers through his hair. “And on your birthday, too.”
He chuckled, arms encircling your waist so he could bring you closer, bringing his forehead down to meet yours. “You’re safe, that’s all I need.”
You couldn’t hold back your smile, pressing your lips to his. “Stay with me tonight?”
He hummed, claiming your lips again. “Of course.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Baby, wake up.” Shibaman pressed a kiss beneath your ear, arms wrapped protectively around your waist. 
“Five more minutes,” you mumbled tiredly, leaning into the warmth his body offered.
He chuckled, turning you over so you were on your back looking up at him. “You said that five minutes ago.”
“Did I?” Your brow furrowed. “That doesn’t sound like me.”
“I’m gonna stop by my place to grab something,” he told you softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll meet you at school, okay?”
“Wait, I’ll go with you.” You forced yourself up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“I’d rather keep you away from my sister,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Be careful.”
“I will.” He put his finger beneath your chin, leaning down to press a soft, slow kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” You watched as he left the room, listening to his footsteps fade before the front door opened and closed behind him. Despite wanting to go back to sleep, you forced yourself out of bed and got ready for the day.
It was much colder out today than it was yesterday, the sky covered by light grey clouds that made it seem more like the afternoon than early morning. You didn’t mind it, though. The cold was a welcome change from the warm weather of summer and spring, plus it gave you an excuse to steal more of your boyfriend’s jackets.
When you got to school, you were surprised to find the boys gathered in the courtyard, snickering and laughing. Curious, you made your way through the crowd, eyes widening at what you saw.
Shibaman was leaning against the building, arms folded over his chest and eyes closed. There was a slight furrow to his brow as he tried to ignore the teasing he was receiving. The reason for this teasing? He was wearing the sweater you had crocheted him.
It fit him perfectly, showing off his toned body while still being comfortable to wear. It was warm, too, easily blocking the cold wind. When you looked at the design, it felt childish to you and you felt guilty for not just making him a regular, solid sweater.
“Did you get that from your granny?” Teased one of the older boys before bursting out laughing, his friends following suit.
Shibaman opened his eyes, narrowing them at the male.
You swallowed down the nerves and embarrassment you felt, stepping forward. “I made it…”
“You did?” snorted the male. “No wonder it looks like trash -“
A fist slammed into his face, sending him flying back into the crowd with a cry. Shibaman straightened up, fire in his eyes. “Don’t you ever say that shit again or I’ll kill you.”
The crowd grew tense, their previous jolly demeanors changing to one of fear. It was easy to laugh at him and not take him seriously when he was wearing that sweater, but it didn’t change anything about how strong he was or how protective of you he was.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, lowering your head. “I didn’t consider how Oya would react. You don’t have to wear it.”
He scoffed, resting his large hand atop your head. “Of course, I’m gonna wear it. You spent months working on this, didn’t you?”
You nodded, tugging lightly at the material. “It was my first time crocheting. Yuken did his best to teach me, but… it could have been better.”
Realization flashed across his face as he remembered seeing you at the café with said male. Everything made sense now and his heart was filled with warmth and love for you. “I love it.”
“Really?” You sent him a skeptical look. “You’re not just saying that?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you. If I didn’t like it, I’d be honest.” As badly as he wanted to kiss you, he couldn’t bring himself to do so with the crowd that was still gathered in the courtyard. PDA was not something he enjoyed. “I love this sweater and I love you.”
You searched his eyes for any hint of a lie but there was none. “You really like it?”
“I do. Thank you, baby.”
Your eyes lit up, happiness filling you. “You’re welcome!”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
A Helping Hand – Cobra (PSF #11)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, slice of life, romance
Prompt: Sweet Tooth (@flufftober) / Would you rather… pumpkin spice or cinnamon? (@slumberpartybingo Fall Flash)
Word Count: 2,729
Pairing: Reader x Cobra
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You entered the diner, enjoying the warmth it offered against the cold wind outside. The usual suspects were chilling at the table in the center of the room, eating the omelet that Naomi had made them while they argued about some TV show the three of them were watching.
You approached the booth in the corner where Cobra sat, flipping through a wrestling magazine. He sent you that soft smile that was reserved only for you as you sat down across from him.
“You’re late,” he spoke softly, eyes falling to the ring on your finger. He had given it to you for your birthday as a promise that he would always love you. Though you had sworn to never take it off, he still felt surprised and happy every time he saw it on you.
“Sorry. You know how Hyuga is,” you shook your head, tugging off your jacket. “A lot of people are gambling around this time of year, trying to win big before December finally gets here. It’s only going to get busier and he’s only going to get more demanding.”
Cobra did not like the fact that you worked for Daruma’s gambling hall, but you had known Hyuga long before you ever crossed paths with Sannoh. He had considered, on more than one occasion, asking you to quit working for him but he knew that you were, above all else, loyal.
“You don’t need to apologize.” He held his hand out and you smiled, setting yours against his own. “Just promise me you won’t gamble again.”
Your smile turned sheepish, a laugh passing your lips. You had only gambled once in your life after you had gone drinking with the Daruma babies one weekend. You were on a hot streak, actually, but you refused to quit while you were ahead and ended up losing everything.
You had started out with twenty bucks, turned it into ten thousand only to lose it all and walk away with just twenty cents to your name. The Four boys hadn’t done much better, either, and Hyuga was pissed when he found out. You were pretty sure he was just upset that you hadn’t blown it all at his gambling hall instead, honestly.
“I learned my lesson, I swear. I’ll never gamble again.”
He chuckled, nodding his head. “Good.”
It was pretty late by this point, so the boys slowly filed out of the diner until it was just you, Cobra and Naomi left. It was strange when the diner was quiet, but you didn’t hate it. Everyone needed a break from the rowdy Sannoh boys every now and again.
“Are you kidding me?” cried Naomi, sounding distressed.
You glanced over at her, seeing her begin to pace back and forth as she talked to someone on the phone. 
“There must be some way… can’t you reschedule? Ah, no, I… yes, I understand… I’m sorry about that, but…” She pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly frustrated but trying to remain polite. “Yes… yes, I understand, Nakamoto-san. Good night.”
You exchanged a concerned look with your boyfriend before addressing her. “Everything alright, Nao?”
“No, not at all.” She ran a hand through her hair, continuing to pace.
Cobra leaned forward, brow furrowed in concern. “What is it?”
“You remember how I was asked to help provide snacks for the elementary school’s autumn festival, right?”
He nodded.
“The job was supposed to be split between me and Nakamoto-san, the head of the PTA but she just told me that something came up and she can’t help. There’s no way I can do it by myself! What am I going to do?”
You frowned, standing up to comfort her. “It’s alright, Nao. I’ll help.”
“You will?” She looked at you hopefully. “Are you sure? I know you’re really busy with Daruma…”
“Don’t worry, Hyuga owes me some vacation time anyway,” you grinned. 
“Are you sure he’ll give it to you?”
“Nothing is ever a sure thing with him, but I’ll find a way to get out of work.” You gave her a reassuring look. “I’m not very experienced with baking, but I know how to follow a recipe. If you write down everything I need and how to make them, I’ll happily help.”
“Thank you so much!” She threw her arms around you, hugging you tightly which you returned without hesitation.
Cobra felt butterflies in his stomach as he watched you. You were willing to blow off your responsibilities with Hyuga to help Naomi, to help a member of his family. The amount of happiness that brought him was, quite frankly, embarrassing. 
“I’ll help, too.”
Naomi looked between the two of you with glassy eyes. “Thank you both so much! I’ll get to work on the lists and recipes.” And then she disappeared into the back.
Cobra approached you with a warm smile, wrapping his arms around you. “Thank you for helping her. Let me know if Hyuga gives you a hard time.”
“I’m always happy to help your family, Jun.”
He hummed, brushing his lips against your own. “They’ll be your family, too, one day.”
You chuckled, looping your arms around his neck, fingers playing with the hair at his nape. “I don’t think so. I’ll always be Daruma and, well… we caused you guys a lot of trouble at one point. They may be willing to put up with me because of you, but I doubt they’ll ever view me as part of the family.”
His brow furrowed in concern. Had one of the Sannoh boys said something to you? Thinking about it, he hadn’t really discussed it with the others. You just started dating one day and he started to bring you around without asking how everyone felt about it. He knew Yamato didn’t trust you at first, but did he still feel that way?
You poked the spot between his brows. “If you keep frowning like that, you’re gonna get premature wrinkles.”
His lips formed your name but you cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.
“It’s really not a big deal, baby. I went into this relationship knowing that they most likely wouldn’t accept me and I honestly don’t blame them for it. As long as I get to be with you, that’s enough.” You tugged him closer until your lips met.
He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back, but his mind was partly elsewhere. It was enough for you, perhaps, but not for him. He wanted them to accept you, to love you like he did. He didn’t just want to be your boyfriend, he wanted to be your everything like you were to him.
Having his family accept you and love you was important to him.
“Okay, this should be everything.” Naomi returned with a small stack of papers, pausing when she saw how close the two of you were. “Am I… interrupting something?” The sly smile on her lips said that she already had her answer.
You laughed, pulling away from him. “We were just keeping each other company until you returned.”
“Sure,” she chuckled, handing you the stack. “I printed out the recipes for you. Each one has a full list of everything you’ll need to make them and if you have any questions, I’m just a phone call away.”
“Nice. When do they need to be made?”
“The festival is tomorrow afternoon,” she winced, running a hand through her hair. “We need to start working on them tonight if we want to make it in time… I’m sorry, I should have told you that first… it’s probably too short notice, right?”
“I’ll make it work and yes, I’m sure.”
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” you replied, turning to look at Cobra and holding out your hand. “Up for some late-night shopping?”
“Sounds fun.” He slid his hand into your own, fingers lacing together.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
As soon as you returned home, you started to look over the recipes while Cobra put away anything perishable. None of them seemed too complicated so you felt confident that you could make them with little to no problem, especially with Cobra at your side.
“What are we making first?” He leaned on the counter beside you, peering at the recipes. 
“What do you think?”
“We should probably choose whatever takes the longest to make so we can get it out of the way.” His eyes scanned through pages before tapping the one for the Sakura Mochi. “This is the longest, so let’s start with it.”
“Okay, let’s see. We’re supposed to soak the sweet rice for at least an hour and soak the sakura leaves for fifteen minutes.”
“Easy,” he grinned, grabbing two bowls and filling them with water. “We have to wait for them to soak, so which recipe is next?”
“Purin! We have to combine the sugar and water into a saucepan. Medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.”
Cobra did as you ordered without question, enjoying how domestic this all felt. He could definitely get used to this and was already making up excuses in his mind to get the two of you cooking together again.
For the rest of the night, the two of you worked together to bake the various treats requested by Naomi and you felt as if you were making pretty good time, all things considered. You did end up getting into a flour fight with Cobra because he kept trying to steal some of the finished treats, unable to fight his sweet tooth.
You were proud to say you had won that fight, though the messy kitchen was a reminder that you both had lost the war.
You yawned as you looked at the final two recipes, trying to decide which one you wanted to make. You had messaged Naomi about your progress and she told you that there were plenty of treats between the three of you. You should have gone to bed since it was nearly five in the morning, but you wanted to make one last thing first.
You hummed, thoughtfully. “Hey, Jun?”
“Yes, love?” He glanced over at you from where he sat on the couch, looking half-asleep.
You leaned on the counter, smiling at how cute he looked, even with bits of flour stuck to his blonde locks. “Would you rather have pumpkin spice cookies or cinnamon cookies?”
He thought about it for a moment, shifting to a more comfortable position. “I’ve never had pumpkin spice cookies before but I know you like them. I choose those.”
“What if you don’t like them?”
He hummed, closing his eyes. “I’ll like anything you make.”
“Such a hopeless romantic,” you teased softly, walking over to cover him with the blanket. You brushed the hair away from his face, fingers lingering on his cheek longer than necessary.
It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, though you really couldn’t blame him. All you wanted to do was sleep, as well, but you decided that making these cookies was more important. He had worked hard and, though he did attempt to swipe a few treats, he had mostly behaved.
Cobra was a man who loved sweets. More than anything, he wanted the sweets that you had made with your own hands because, to him, they tasted all the sweeter. You had honestly always wanted to bake for him, but you had just never gotten around to it for two reasons.
The first was because Hyuga kept you so busy that you rarely had the time or energy. The second, which was probably more important, was because you were afraid. Afraid that they would come out terrible and he would hate them, yet he would still force himself to eat them because he loved you.
You slapped both of your cheeks at the same time, shaking your head to wake yourself up. You were going to make these cookies for him and he was going to love them, not just because you made them yourself, but because they tasted amazing.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Cobra woke up several hours later, the apartment still smelling like sugar, pumpkin and various other sweet flavors that made his mouth water. He expected you to be asleep in the bedroom but you weren’t. You had fallen asleep at the island, the other half of your body draped over the countertop, arms acting as a pillow.
All of the treats had been wrapped up or placed in containers, ready to be picked up by Naomi. He glanced at the clock. There were still a few hours left before she was due to arrive so he had time to clean up. Before doing that, however, he wanted to take you to the bedroom. That couldn’t be a comfortable position to sleep in, after all.
He brought you carefully into his arms and you shifted closer to his warmth, mumbling incoherently in your sleep about pumpkin sugar cubes and honey tea. With a chuckle, he placed you gently in bed, bringing the covers over you so you wouldn’t catch a cold.
“Sleep well, love,” he whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. It took a while for him to get the mess cleaned up and he was sure he had missed some flour somewhere, but that was a problem for the future.
There was a knock on the door and he headed over to open it, drying his hands with a dish towel.
“Good morning,” greeted Naomi, looking tired but pleased. 
“Morning.” He stepped aside to let her in. “We got everything done and ready to go.”
“Thank you so much for the help. You two really saved me.”
“Don’t mention it. We were happy to help. Do you want some coffee?”
“I wish I could stay for one, but I have to get these to the school.”
“Do you need help?”
“No, I’ve got it,” she smiled gratefully, packing away the containers into the reusable bag she had brought with her. When she picked up the final container, she paused, a smile coming to her lips. “Pretty sure this one is for you.”
His brow furrowed as he took the plastic container from her. An orange sticky note sat on the lid with his name written on it next to a cute little heart. When had you made these? He realized it must have been after he fell asleep and he couldn’t help but smile, warmth filling his chest.
“I’ll see you later,” said Naomi as she headed for the door. “Thank you again!”
“Be safe, Naomi.”
Once she was gone, he grabbed one of the cookies from its container, taking a small bite. It was his first time trying a pumpkin spice cookie so he was a bit weary at first, but the flavor exploded on his tongue. Maybe he was crazy, but he felt as if he could feel every ounce of love you had poured into them.
With a smile, he returned to the bedroom, sliding under the covers and pulling you into his arms. You didn’t hesitate to snuggle further into his chest, adoring the way he smelled and how warm his body was.
“What time is it?” you mumbled.
He glanced at the clock on the bedside table, brushing his fingers through your hair. “It’s almost nine.”
“Shit, Naomi will be here soon.” You tried to sit up but he tightened his grip, keeping you in place.
“I already passed them along to her. Go back to sleep.”
“You didn’t give her the cookies in the plastic container with the blue lid, did you?”
“No, love,” he answered softly, unable to hold back his smile. “You didn’t have to make them for me.”
“I wanted to. I hope they came out tasting good,” you muttered, looking up at him tiredly.
“They taste amazing.”
“Do you mean that or are you just saying that because I made them?”
“I mean it.” He cupped your cheek, leaning down to rub his nose against yours. The gesture was cute and sweet, but it left you feeling embarrassed. “Thank you for making them.”
“If you want… I can bake for you more often?”
“Please,” he replied quickly before clearing his throat, color rising to his cheeks. “I’d really like that.”
“Consider it done, then,” you laughed, snuggling closer to him and closing your eyes. 
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
85 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
To Care for You – Murayama (PSF #20)
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Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life
Prompt: Pumpkin (@flufftober)
Word Count: 5,515
Pairing: Reader x Murayama
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
A fierce pounding on the front door made you jump, nearly falling off the couch. Your heart was racing within your chest as you got up, slowly approaching the door. “Who is it?”
“Open this damn door, Natsuki!”
Hearing your mom’s name made you frown, pain tugging at your heart. “I’m sorry but she… she no longer lives here.”
“Bullshit!” He hit the door harder, causing it to rattle. “Open this damn door or I’m going to break it down!”
You didn’t have the money to fix it if he did break it down, so you made the decision to open the door, the chain preventing him from bursting inside. He was a huge guy, easily towering over you. “Please… she’s no longer here.”
He seemed to calm down a bit upon seeing you, folding his arms over his chest. “Where did she go?”
“She… died. A week ago.”
“Died?” he repeated in surprise, brow furrowed. “How?”
“Hit and run. She was -” You stopped yourself, figuring that he didn’t need to know that she had been wasted and wandered into the road.
His eyes flickered to the apartment behind you. “You live alone, kid?”
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. “That’s none of your business…”
The man sighed, running a hand through his slicked-back black hair. “Listen, kid. Your mom owes my boss a lot of money. And now that she’s gone…”
“It falls on me,” you muttered flatly and he nodded.
He glanced around before moving closer, lowering his voice. “If I were you, I’d leave town. I’ll say that no one was home, but I won’t be the last one to come looking.”
“How much is the debt?”
“Five grand.”
“F-Five…” Your eyes widened, dread filling you. You didn’t have that kind of money! You were barely managing to scrape by as it was, every bit of your check going to bills and a little bit of food. With your mom gone, you didn’t have to worry about her wasting money on alcohol or partying with her friends, but that also meant you didn’t have the income from her job, either.
“For what it’s worth… I don’t think kids should inherit their parent’s debt,” he frowned, giving you a sympathetic look that had you scoffing.
“Yet you’re perfectly fine enforcing it.”
“We all do what we have to do to survive. Leave town before you get hurt.” And then he turned on his heel and walked away.
You closed the door, sliding down the wood until you hit the ground, a heavy sigh passing your lips. What the hell were you going to do? You honestly had no clue. He suggested that you leave town, but that required money, too. It’s not like you had any family to reach out to.
You closed your eyes, head falling back against the wood. “Even from the grave, you’re hell-bent on making my life as difficult as possible…”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Murayama was lying across the couch in Oya’s gym, tossing a baseball into the air and catching it repeatedly. He was frustrated because you’ve been ghosting him lately, ignoring his calls and not responding to his texts. Every time he saw you, you were in a hurry and looking exhausted though you assured him that everything was fine. You were just busy with work.
He knew money was tight for you, especially after your mom passed away, but was it really so bad that you had to work constantly? He knew there was something you weren’t telling him and it was driving him crazy.
With a scowl, he tossed the ball onto the couch as he stood up, leaving the gym. He had decided he would wait inside your apartment until you got home and then he would demand answers. When he reached your apartment, though, he found the front door cracked open.
His brow furrowed as he stepped inside, calling out your name. The apartment was trashed, furniture broken and strewn across the floor. Drawers had been tossed, their contents sitting in piles. He screamed your name, fear gripping his heart as he began to search for you.
You were in the kitchen, resting against the cold tile floor, your back against the counter. Your face was bloody and bruised, brow furrowed in pain.
“Oi!” He cried, falling to his knees beside you. “What happened? Who did this?!”
You winced at his loud voice, pain shooting through your skull. “Do you have to be so damn loud?”
“Sorry,” he muttered, reaching out to brush his thumb across a cut on your cheek. “Tell me who did this.”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” His brow furrowed suspiciously as he searched your tired eyes. “If you’re lying to me -“
“I’m not lying,” you muttered, leaning your head back to stare at the ceiling. “Apparently, my mom racked up quite the debt before she died. They can’t collect from a dead person so they need the next best thing.”
“Hah? You’re telling me debt collectors did this?”
“Yeah. I don’t know how they knew I got paid today…” You ran a hand down your face with a groan. “Rent is due tomorrow but they took everything… fuck, what am I gonna do, Shiki?”
Murayama shifted so that he was sitting beside you, carefully putting his arms around you. You didn’t hesitate to lean into his warmth, fingers curling around his t-shirt as you buried your face into his neck. He wanted to tell you it would be alright, but the words didn’t come.
Truth be told, he didn’t know that things would be alright. He certainly didn’t have any money and he had no idea who your mom owed money to. Something told him it wasn’t just some street gang and, as strong as Oya was, they weren’t ready to take on the Yakuza.
All he could do was hold you. He felt powerless and he hated it.
“Shiki?” you called softly, looking up at him tiredly.
“Yeah?” He cupped your cheek, loving how you leaned into his touch.
“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid. This is my problem, not – ouch!” You scowled when he flicked you lightly on the forehead, dark eyes narrowed at you.
“Your problems are my problems, idiot.”
“Yoshiki,” you stressed, sending him a serious look that made him want to squirm. “I can’t lose you, I… I can’t.”
“And you won’t.” He cupped your face, leaning his forehead against your own. “I won’t ever leave you, I promise.”
Your hands rested over his own. “Will you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone.”
He scoffed. “You really think I’m gonna let you be alone after this? If those bastards come near you again, I’ll kill them.”
“Shiki -“
“Safely. I’ll kill them safely.”
Despite yourself, you laughed at the ridiculous comment, the motion sending pain throughout your body. “Ah, it – ahaha – hurts to laugh.”
Murayama chuckled. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You glanced at Murayama as he slept peacefully in your bed, hair falling over his eyes. You knew you should have woken him up because he didn’t want you to go anywhere alone, but he just looked so pretty that you couldn’t bear to wake him.
Plus, he had spent half the night cleaning up the apartment after you fell asleep and you felt as if he had earned the extra sleep. You smiled at him, brushing away the hair from his forehead so you could press a kiss there.
“Don’t be mad,” you whispered softly before leaving the apartment. You were on edge the entire way to Dan’s store but, thankfully, you made it there with no issue. He was restocking the fridge when you entered. “Morning, boss.”
“Good morni- what the hell happened?” His eyes widened when he turned to look at you, quickly putting the box on the ground before rushing over. Worry filled his brown eyes as he took in your injured face. 
“I, uh,” you rubbed the back of your head, offering him a sheepish smile. “I fell down the stairs…”
Dan sent you a look, hand on his hip. He clearly didn’t believe you and rightfully so. He had dozens of fights under his belt and he knew what the injuries typically looked like. Those were definitely bruises created by fists, not stairs. It worried him because he had grown attached to you, but he knew how stubborn you were.
You had always been the type to keep things to yourself, to want to handle things on your own. He and the rest of Sannoh had been trying to help you with your mom for years, but you always refused. Murayama was the only one you had let in. 
“Are you okay to work?”
Before you could answer, the bell above the door chimed, an older woman stepping inside. You smiled politely at her and she froze, wide eyes staring at your face. She quickly apologized before backing out of the store.
“Shit,” you muttered, frowning at the male. “Maybe I should work in the back today… I don’t want to scare your other customers.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he smiled, gently patting your shoulder. “Can you finish stocking the fridge?”
“Sure, boss.” You offered him a grateful bow before heading over to the fridge, beginning to fill it with various drinks. You were nearly finished when you heard the bell above the door chime. 
“Dan-san!” Oshiage and Shiba rushed inside, grins on their faces.
Dan looked up from the magazine he was reading, quirking a brow at the two girls. You approached the front curiously, carrying the empty box with you.
“Did you hear?” Oshiage slammed a flyer down onto the counter. “Daruma Ikka is hosting a huge festival during the last week of October!”
Dan scratched his cheek, frowning at the paper. “Having all five Sword gangs there is just asking for trouble.”
“You’re not gonna go, then?” wondered Shiba. “Even though they’re giving away money?”
“What?” You and Dan chorused in surprise.
“Yeah, there’s a -” Shiba stopped dead when she turned to look at you, an angry expression coming to her face. “Oi, did that Oya brat do that to you?”
Oshiage frowned, worry in her eyes. “Murayama would never do something like that… right?”
“Don’t worry,” you were able to offer them a genuine smile because their concern touched your heart. You had never really gotten along with Ichigo Milk, mostly because Junko hated you so, by default, the others didn’t like you, either.
Then there was the issue of Oshiage’s crush on Murayama. She had been super hurt when she learned how close the two of you were and Shiba had confronted you about it. You hadn’t even been aware of her crush, something they didn’t believe at first.
You’re not actually sure when things started to change but, over time, the three of you learned to tolerate and, on some small level, care about each other. Perhaps it was because of Dan and his store that brought the three of you together.
Shiba scoffed, hand on her hip. “You come here beat to hell and tell us not to worry? I oughta-” She raised her fist threateningly and you held up the box like a shield.
“I fell down the stairs,” you told them with a frown. “I was super tired because I didn’t get much sleep. I’m perfectly fine, though! I’m a fast healer, ya know?”
She didn’t look convinced.
You cleared your throat, approaching the counter. “Is Daruma really giving away money? That’s surprising.”
“You have to win it,” explained Oshiage as she leaned her arms on the counter. “It’s a pumpkin carving contest! The winner wins $5,000.”
Your eyes widened, the breath leaving your lungs. They had already taken about two hundred bucks from you, so that prize would cover the debt in full while still leaving you enough to pay part of your rent.
Dan noticed how you reacted to this information though he chose not to point it out. Money had always been an issue for you and he could only imagine it was worse with your mother gone.
“So… you just carve a pumpkin?” You questioned, eyes on the flyer.
Oshiage nodded. “The Daruma babies are gonna be the judges.”
“Oh… it, uh, it sounds fun.” You tried not to sound too excited as you headed into the back of the store to drop off the box. You knew you couldn’t pass up this opportunity, but… you had never carved a pumpkin before. It couldn’t be that hard, right?
Your phone vibrated in your pocket, a single message coming in from Murayama. It was an angry, frowning face to let you know that he was displeased at your decision not to wake him.
You chuckled, sending him an apology before getting back to work.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Why is this so hard?!” you groaned, stabbing the knife into the fruit with a scowl. You had gone through three pumpkins already and you had either butchered them or had been unable to pierce the surface. You had also cut yourself a few times, but they weren’t too deep.
You knew this wasn’t going to work, not if you wanted to win this contest. 
Grabbing your coat, you headed out. The cool autumn wind was blowing softly, wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. It did wonders to help your nerves since you never knew when the debt collectors would jump you again. So far, it had been a week and they hadn’t shown up again.
At first, Murayama had stuck by your side without fail and you appreciated his dedication and concern. You felt smothered, though, unable to do anything without him breathing down your neck. It sounded childish, but you didn’t want him to know about the contest. Perhaps you didn’t want him to get his hopes up because that would make it harder to swallow if you failed.
Either way, his presence was overwhelming and you needed a break. You expected more pushback when you told him you needed space, but he just agreed without a fuss. He had assigned Seki to watch over you from a distance, but the large male wasn’t exactly good at stealth. He was easy to lose and to distract.
You glanced at your phone to check the time before picking up your pace. The bookstore closed in a little less than an hour. It would take about fifteen minutes to get there, though, so you should have plenty of time to find the book you needed. Assuming said book even existed in the first place.
The bookstore was small and, currently, there were only a couple of people inside, browsing the selection. You scratched your cheek as you slowly headed down the aisles, scanning the signs listed above the shelves. Where would a how-to book on pumpkin carving even be? Education, perhaps? 
You didn’t see it so you moved on, rounding the corner to check the next aisle only to run right into someone. “I’m so sorry!” You lifted your head, meeting Dan’s surprised eyes. “Boss? What are you doing here?” 
Your eyes flickered to the cheap romance novel in his hands and he quickly hid it behind his back, cheeks darkening as he cleared his throat.
“Just browsing. You?”
You hesitated a moment, wondering if you should tell him. Well, it’s not like you have to tell him everything. “The truth is… that pumpkin carving contest sounds really fun and I want to enter, but… I’ve never actually carved one before. I was hoping I could find a book on it.”
He knew you were holding back on him, but he felt it wasn’t his place to pry for more information. “The Halloween section is in the back. It’ll probably be there.”
“Oh, I didn’t know there was one,” you chuckled, following the male toward the display. 
There were loads of spooky titles on display, along with recipe books and Halloween history books. Both of you searched, but there wasn’t a single book about pumpkins or jack-o-lanterns.
You frowned. “Could they be somewhere else?”
Dan glanced at his watch. “The store closes soon. It’ll be quicker to just ask the owner.”
“Good point.” You followed him to the front of the store.
The owner was a kind, elderly man named Nakamoto who smiled at the two of you when you approached. “Ready to check out?”
“Actually,” started Dan. “Do you have any books about pumpkin carving?”
“I’m sorry,” His smile fell a bit as he looked between the two of you. “I just sold the last one about thirty minutes ago.”
Your spirits fell at this information. “Oh, I see. Thank you very much.” You bowed before quickly turning and heading for the door.
“Oi!” Dan called out your name, starting to follow you until he remembered the book in his hands. With a groan, he placed it on the counter, offering a promise to the man. “I’ll be back for this tomorrow, please don’t sell it!”
The man chuckled as he watched Dan run from the store, chasing after you.
You weren’t sure how to feel, honestly. The contest had given you hope, but now it felt as if that hope had been shattered. 
“Wait up!” Dan grabbed your shoulder, a scowl on his lips. “If you want, I can help you.”
“Really? Are you good at it?” You looked at him pleadingly, making him chuckle.
“When I was a kid, I won the pumpkin carving contest at my school four years in a row.”
Your eyes widened, hands grasping the front of his hoodie. “Please teach me, boss!”
He smiled warmly, ruffling the top of your head. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be a pro.”
“Thank you so much!”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Is he still sulking?” questioned Nakazono, glancing at Oya’s leader before looking at his two friends. They were sitting at a makeshift table low to the ground, playing a game of cards.
Murayama was lying on the couch, staring blankly up at the tall ceiling of the gym. It’s the same place he had been since you told him you wanted space. As far as the Sanchu trio knew, the male hadn’t slept or eaten since falling on that couch two days ago.
“What do you think?” scoffed Nakabayashi as he tossed down one of his cards on the table. “You’d think he got dumped or something.”
Nakazono shrugged, sitting down at the table. “Did you hear about the party Daruma is throwing?”
Nakakuki hummed as he drew a card, observing his hand. “It’s a Halloween festival, right? They invited all of Sword, didn’t they?”
“Yeah, it’s supposed to be the biggest party Sword has ever seen.”
Nakabayashi wrinkled his nose at the card his friend had discarded because it was one number off from the one he needed. “It’s probably gonna be a chaotic mess.”
“Fighting has been banned. The Daruma babies will be surveilling to make sure no one causes any trouble.”
Nakakuki grinned as he picked up the discarded card before laying out a 2, 3, 4 and 5 of diamonds, a set of aces, and a set of 8s before discarding the last card he had. “I win.”
“Damn it, again?” scowled the male, tossing his cards onto the table. “Why are you so good at this?”
He snickered, holding out his hand. “Pay up, brother.”
Reluctantly, Nakabayashi pulled out his wallet, slapping a ten dollar bill against his friend’s palm.
“Speaking of money,” Nakazono pulled the flyer from his pocket, setting it on the table. “They’re hosting a pumpkin carving contest, too. The winner gets five grand!”
“Five grand?” Nakakuki’s eyes widened. “That’s cra-“
The flyer was snatched off the table, making the three males jump in surprise. Murayama held it with both hands, tired eyes staring at the information printed there. He immediately thought of you and how you could use that money.
His gaze snapped to the three part-timers and they were surprised by the fire that lingered in his eyes. “We’re entering that contest and we’re going to win!”
The trio exchanged a look, not understanding why he was suddenly so fired up. Furuya watched the younger male return to the sofa, seeming a bit more at ease than he had been a moment before. Though he had no idea why, he did know it had something to do with you. It was important to Murayama and that was enough for him.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You took a deep breath, pacing back and forth as you waited for the contest to begin. With Dan’s guidance, you felt much more confident than you had a few days ago, but you were still nervous. If this didn’t work out, you had no idea what you were gonna do.
Though you hadn’t seen them, you could feel those thugs lingering just out of sight, watching you closely. Violence had been banned at the festival and they seemed to know that crossing Daruma was not wise. Still, their gaze was making you more nervous and you feared their presence would cause you to slip up.
On the opposite side of the festival, obscured by the sea of people, was Murayama and the other part-timers. The Sanchu trio and Seki were making the most of the festival, playing games and trying all the various snacks that were being offered.
Murayama couldn’t stop pacing, one arm folded over his chest while his free hand was resting against his chin. He was nervous because he knew how important this was. If he won this, he could single-handedly solve your money problems. He would be your hero, someone you knew you could depend on.
Most importantly, you’d be safe.
A hand rested on your shoulder and you jumped, heart leaping in your chest. You were afraid it was one of the goons.
“You’re gonna do fine.”
You released the breath you were holding at the sound of Dan’s voice. “I hope so.”
“You had a great teacher,” he grinned, giving your shoulder a squeeze. 
Despite your nerves, you laughed at the comment. “You’re right. If I win -“
“Ah, ah,” he wagged his finger. “When you win.”
“When I win,” you corrected. “I’ll have to thank him with some lunch.”
The music dulled as a voice came over the loudspeaker. “The pumpkin carving contest is about to begin! Head to your assigned stations and get ready.”
Dan sent you an encouraging nod which you returned before heading toward the carving station. Because of the prize money, dozens of people had signed up for it and they had been forced to put everyone into groups to make it easier.
The contest was held in a large open field. At the back was a stage decorated with paper pumpkins and cute little ghosts. In front of the stage sat six super long tables, each table having cardboard dividers to create individual sections for each pumpkin. A piece of orange paper with a number had been taped to each section to indicate who was supposed to be where.
There was quite a bit of distance between each table and, since you were placed into group A while Murayama was placed in group F, neither of you realized that you were both occupying the same space with the same goal in mind. The two of you were so close, yet so far away.
The field had been cut off with caution tape to keep the crowd out of the way while the contestants worked.
Kato appeared on the stage, holding a bright red microphone. His eyes scanned the tables. “You have twenty minutes to carve your pumpkin. Incomplete designs will be docked points, so don’t get too ambitious! Your time begins… now!”
You took a deep breath, picking up the knife. You had given it a lot of thought and you had chosen a design that held a lot of meaning to you. That was the first lesson Dan had taught you. Anyone can carve a pumpkin, but people can feel the emotion put into that carving. The stronger the emotion, the bigger the impression on whoever sees it.
You tried not to focus on the timer above the stage as you carved the design into the fruit. Every time you made a mistake, you felt more frustrated with yourself but you kept with it, trying to make the mistakes blend in with the overall design. You just barely managed to get it finished before the timer buzzed.
“Drop the knives!” snapped Kato, glaring at the few people who kept trying to carve. “Step away from your stations and position yourselves on the other side of the caution tape so the judges can put in work.”
You bit your lip, sending the pumpkin one last look before heading for the caution tape to the right side of the field where Dan was waiting. He smiled encouragingly at you, offering you your favorite beverage for comfort.
You took it with a weary smile, thanking him. Part of you wanted to stay and wait for them to finish but, as you scanned the sheer amount of pumpkins, you knew doing so would kill you. It was better to do something else to pass the time.
As much as you appreciated Dan’s support, you excused yourself because you wanted some time to yourself. Your mind was torn between worrying about the contest and thinking about Murayama. You really wished he was here with you.
You found your way to the edge of the festival, far away from the crowds of people. You fell onto the grassy hill with a sigh, tugging your phone from your pocket. Should you call him? You worried he would hear the sounds of the sounds of the festival and get suspicious so you chose to text him instead.
< Hey, Shiki. Are you busy?
His reply was almost instantaneous.
> For you? Never 🙂 What’s up?
A smile tugged at your lips. 
< I… wanted to apologize for pushing you away  I’m just dealing with a lot right now.
> I know. You don’t have to apologize ♡
You were starting to realize just how lucky you were to have Murayama in your life. He had always been your biggest support system, always by your side through thick and thin. When you needed space, he respected that- even if he did assign someone to keep an eye on you – and when you needed comfort, he dropped everything to be with you.
Most people saw him as nothing more than the delinquent leader of Oya Koukou, but he was so much more than that to you. He was the stars in your sky, the rain that helped you grow, the food that kept you fed.
Murayama Yoshiki was your world.
< Do you wanna come over tonight? We can watch Halloween movies.
You nearly told him that you had something you wanted to talk to him about, but you didn’t want him to worry so you kept that to yourself. Whether you won or lost this contest, you intended to tell him about it.
> I’ll bring the snacks ♡
The speaker buzzed before Kato’s voice overpowered the excited chatter of the festival. “The winner has been chosen! All participants must report to the field with their number card. No number card, no prize money!”
You stood up, pulling the orange and black card from your pocket. It held your name, the Daruma logo, your station letter and pumpkin number. The closer you got to the field, the more nervous you felt. This was it, the moment of truth.
You hung at the back of the crowd, peering at the stage where Kato and the Daruma babies stood. Three pumpkins sat on the table, turned around so no one could see the designs on them.
“In third place, taking home a ten-dollar credit for any food item at the Daruma festival…” Kato took the card offered by Agyo. “Misato, pumpkin #51.”
Misato was a teenage boy with a black bowl cut and large, round glasses. The crowd cheered for him as he rushed up to the stage to claim his ten bucks. He was allowed to turn his pumpkin around to show the design to the crowd before they let him place a bronze ribbon sticker on it.
The design he had carved was a family of pumpkinmen beneath a full moon.
“In second place, taking home $100 and a plushie of your choice…” Kato took the card Futa offered him, his eyes scanning the crowd with a smirk to build tension. “Murayama, pumpkin #86!”
Your eyes widened when you heard his name, gaze snapping to the male as he made his way onto the stage. He was scowling, clearly unhappy about the result. His scowl deepened when Kato smacked his shoulder, saying something you couldn’t hear. 
He smacked the silver sticker onto his pumpkin harder than he needed to before turning it around, showing off a cute kitten wearing a witch’s hat. You thought it was the cutest thing in the world and you felt sad that it didn’t win.
“Finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…”
A tense silence settled over the crowd but you had already stopped paying attention, too focused on Murayama as he stepped away from the stage toward the other part-timers. You started to make your way over to him, pushing your way through the crowd.
Between trying to reach him and having already accepted that you weren’t going to win, you failed to hear Kato saying your name and pumpkin number. Dan saw you in the crowd and rushed over, grabbing your shoulder.
“What are you doing, idiot?” He hissed, pushing you toward the front of the crowd. “You won!”
“Eh?” Your heart raced within your chest, wide eyes staring at the stage. Kato was looking at you expectantly and you quickly rushed over, offering the four men an apology.
Ungyo smiled warmly at you as he handed you the gold sticker. You slowly turned the pumpkin around, placing the sticker above the design before stepping aside so the crowd could see it.
Murayama was already shocked to see you at the festival. Even more so to see you win the contest. When he saw the design, though, he felt his body flood with so much warmth and love that he felt as if he were being suffocated. 
The design on the pumpkin was a dragonfly resting atop a lotus flower, the exact same design engraved on the bracelet you had given him for his birthday several years ago. It was a set of only two in the world. Honestly, you weren’t even sure he still had his or would even remember it, but it was an important memory for you.
That was the day you realized you loved Murayama wholeheartedly.
Murayama had, of course, kept the bracelet. It was one of his most prized possessions because it was the first gift you had given him. 
Kato handed you an envelope with the cash in it and you bowed to him, thanking him and the Daruma babies. Honestly, it was taking everything within you not to cry and, as soon as you exited the stage, you took off toward the edge of the festival.
Murayama rushed after you, calling out your name but you didn’t stop until you were far away from everyone else. His hand found your shoulder, lips parting to say your name once more.
You threw yourself at him, arms tight around his waist as you sobbed into his chest. He swallowed hard, holding you tightly as he tried to control his own emotions.
You felt so happy that you had won and could clear your debt, but you also felt guilty for taking the money away from Murayama. Your fingers curled around the back of his tank top, arms hidden under the blue jacket he wore. “I’m sorry you lost…”
“I’m not. You won, that’s all that matters.” He meant this, of course, but he also felt a bit annoyed by it. He wanted to be the one to solve your problems, to prove that he could look after you and support you. He needed you to know that.
“Huh?” you frowned up at him, eyes glassy from your tears. “Don’t you need the money?”
He scoffed in disbelief. “I’m supposed to be the dumb one in this relationship, not you.”
You blinked dumbly. “You were… trying to win that money for me?”
“Of course I was,” he mumbled, a pout on his lips. “I want to take care of you and I’ll do anything for you.”
Your cheeks dusted with pink, heart filling with warmth. Words failed you at that moment so, instead, you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. He didn’t hesitate to return it, hand finding the back of your neck. His head tilted to the side, deepening the kiss.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
75 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Hyuga & the Three Kittens – Hyuga (PSF #14)
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life
Prompt: “I hate it.” “No, you don’t.” (@flufftober)
Word Count: 4,094
Pairing: Reader x Hyuga
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
From the first moment you laid eyes on Hyuga Norihisa, you thought he was a breathtakingly beautiful man. Insane, to be sure, but beautiful. You were drawn to him as if he were a whirlpool and you a mere dingy. It wasn’t just his beauty that drew you in, though. Even the way he acted had your undivided attention.
In the beginning, Hyuga was, to put it mildly, bat shit crazy. He was like a feral cat that hated humanity and just so happened to have a hoard of goons willing to die for him. He had a score to settle, and damn anyone who got between him and the vengeance he sought.
Unfortunately for you – or fortunately, depending on your outlook – you were one of those people. You just wanted to protect your friends, though you had gotten in a bit over your head, not expecting Daruma to be so strong. Tettsu had warned you, of course, but you never listened to him.
Despite earning more injuries than you dished out, you were satisfied because you had gotten to see Hyuga up close and personal. He was terrifying, stealing the breath from your lungs when those dark eyes fell on you. Honestly, you couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t have killed you if Cobra hadn’t stopped him.
Even so, he was beautiful to you and you wanted more.
You wanted to hear him speak your name. You wanted him to look at you with warmth in those dark pools of his. You wanted to be closer to him, to understand him. What you wanted was borderline impossible. Cobra would never allow it and, even if he did, Hyuga would never accept you into Daruma.
So, you did what any rational, sane person would.
You watched him from afar, wishing you could figure out a way to get closer to him. Tettsu was the only one who knew about your crush and he certainly didn’t hesitate to tease you over it every time he saw you. It was annoying as hell but it’s not like you had confided in him. He found out by sheer accident.
You would never be dumb enough to share a secret with Tettsu and, to be completely honest, you were surprised he hadn’t let it slip to Dan or Chiharu. Maybe he had but they were better at hiding it. Either way, you were just waiting for Cobra to find out and forbid you from seeking out Daruma’s leader.
Thunder rumbled overhead and you cursed as rain started to fall from the grey sky. You quickly slid your camera under your shirt before rushing for cover. You found refuge under a small overhang above the door of an abandoned store.
You had checked the weather this morning but there had been no mention of rain so you hadn’t brought an umbrella. The rain didn’t bother you, but your camera was expensive and you didn’t want it to get ruined. You had worked your ass off for nearly a year just to be able to afford the damn thing and you would protect it with your life.
You tugged your phone from your pocket, attempting to call Tettsu but, as usual, he didn’t pick up the call. He was probably too busy stuffing his face or playing games with Chiharu. You tried to call Dan next and he didn’t answer either, most likely busy with his store.
Before you could attempt calling Yamato, Dan returned your call.
Dan chuckled on the other end of the line. “Let me guess. You got caught in the rain and Tettsu isn’t answering his phone.“
“Shit, man. Are you psychic?”
“No, I just know you too well. Where are you?“
You sent him your location along with a meme of a cat for payment, smiling when he laughed at the funny caption.
“Give me ten minutes.“
“Okay~” Ending the call, you slipped the phone back into your pocket, leaning against the building.
There was movement to the right and you glanced over curiously, feeling your heart picking up speed. Hyuga was walking down the street, his purple wagasa resting against his shoulder to protect him from the rain. 
You briefly wondered if you were about to have your own drama moment where he sees you stranded and offers to walk you home. His dark eyes met yours for a brief moment, but he didn’t stop. You weren’t even sure he recognized you, if you were being honest.
You sighed deeply, watching him with a frown. What would it take to get his attention? Perhaps if you were a stronger fighter, he would pay attention, but that just wasn’t in the cards for you. You could hold your own in most situations, but you were far from being on his level.
Twenty minutes came and went before Dan appeared, breathing heavily. “Sorry! There was a problem at the store.”
“No worries. It’s not like I had anywhere to be,” you smiled, stepping under the large umbrella he had brought with him. “Thanks for coming, Dan-san.”
He returned the smile, ruffling the top of your head. “Of course. Maybe next time I’ll be your first choice instead of your second.”
“For real, though,” you scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “Tettsu is completely useless! Honestly, I think he ignores my calls on -” you paused when something caught your eye.
Three tiny kittens were curled up beneath an umbrella that sat at the edge of the path. Their tiny bodies were trembling despite how they huddled together for warmth. 
Your heart ached for them. Pulling the camera from around your neck, you shoved it against Dan’s chest. “Here, hold this. Do not let it get wet.”
“Oi, what are you -“
You stepped out from the cover of the umbrella, the rain like ice against your exposed skin. Despite approaching slowly, the kittens ran off into the bushes as soon as you got close. “Wait, no, come back! I just want to help…”
A frown tugged at your lips, feeling sad knowing they were out in the cold, rainy weather without protection. You turned to return to Dan only to pause, eyes trained on the purple wagasa that they had been huddled under. It looked like the one Hyuga was using, but… there was no way, right?
Dan jogged over to you with a scowl, bringing the umbrella over your head. “Now your clothes are all wet. We need to get you home before you get sick.” He grabbed your arm, tugging you down the street.
You glanced over your shoulder at the umbrella, watching as it shifted slightly in the breeze.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
As soon as your shift ended, you rushed to the store to buy some cat food before returning to the area where you had seen the kittens at the day before. You were hoping you could get close to them this time so you could take them home with you.
When you arrived at the spot, you were surprised to find a bowl of cat food already sitting by the bushes. The umbrella was gone, as well. Was it the same person? you found yourself wondering. Could it really be Hyuga? As usual, your curiosity was getting the better of you.
After refilling the bowl, you decided to wait nearby to see if you could catch him in the act. People came and went, the hours slowly ticking by. The kittens finally appeared, their tiny heads sticking out of the bushes as they looked around to make sure it was safe.
A smile came to your lips as you watched them, giggling when the orange one tackled the black and white one, making them both stumble and fall over. They were so cute! You wanted to try and get them but you decided to wait until they finished eating in case they ran away again. At least they would do so on a full stomach rather than an empty one.
Once they had their fill, the three started to run around in circles, chasing the orange leaves as they fell from the branches. They weren’t very good at catching them, but they were trying their hardest.
You slowly approached them, leaves crunching beneath your boots. The kittens jumped in surprise, the fur on their back raised as they stared at you. 
“It’s okay,” you told them softly, leaning over in the hopes of appearing less monstrous to them. “I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
They started to back away and you feared they were going to bolt so you stopped in your tracks, slowly lowering yourself until you were on your knees. “Here, kitty, kitty,” you called, holding out your hand. You figured it was better to let them come to you.
The orange and tuxedo kittens remained cautious, their fur raised as they stared at you, waiting for you to attack so they could run away. The third kitten, its fur grey and white, slowly approached you, her body low to the ground. She slowly lifted her paw, tapping your hand a few times before deeming it safe.
Her nose was as cold as ice when it bumped against your hand and you smiled, gently scratching her between the ears with your index finger. You hoped the others would follow her lead but they didn’t budge, as if frozen to the spot.
You carefully picked up the kitten, holding her to your chest. She started to purr and it took everything you had not to squeal at how cute she was. “See? It’s okay. I’m a friend, not a foe.”
The roar of a motorcycle cut through the quiet afternoon, making them jump in surprise and run away. Even the kitten you were holding stuck her claws into your chest, though she didn’t try to get away.
“Damn it,” you muttered, frowning at the tiny creature in your arms.
You felt bad separating her from her siblings, but you certainly couldn’t just leave her there. Especially not after she put her trust in you. 
“I’m sorry,” you told her softly, pulling yourself to your feet. “You’ll have to be away from your brothers for a little while. I promise I’ll keep coming back until they trust me, though.”
She meowed at you softly, the sound going straight to your heart. 
“I promise to love and spoil you, little one!”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You tried to visit the kittens every day, working hard to earn their trust. Their food bowl continued to be filled by someone else but you could never catch them, probably because they came while you were at work.
Today, however, you had a day off and you fully intended on spending the entire day waiting on the kittens and their mysterious caretaker. The problem with this plan was that you hated waking up early. You managed it somehow with the knowledge that if you were late to work, you’d be fired.
With it being your day off, you had no such worries so your brain completely ignored the alarm when it started to go off. It was four hours later before you finally woke up, cursing when you saw the time. You scrambled to get dressed, completely forgetting your jacket in your haste.
You ran down the street, breaths coming out in thin puffs of smoke. You rounded the corner, leaning against the abandoned building as you tried to catch your breath. When you looked up, your eyes widened.
There he was in all his glory – Hyuga Norihisa. He was squatting down in front of the kittens, waving a cat tail toy lazily. They were taking turns trying to catch it, occasionally bumping into each other when they tried at the same time.
Slowly, you slowly crept closer, taking cover behind a light pole as you watched him.. He was frowning, a worried look in his eyes. He kept glancing up at the bushes as if waiting for something.
“Where the hell is she?” he muttered under his breath.
She? You frowned, clutching the light pole tighter. Was he waiting for someone? Did he have a girlfriend? The thought hurt you more than you expected it to.
The tuxedo kitten yawned widely before pawing at Hyuga’s leg. He chuckled, readjusting himself so he was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. The kitten didn’t hesitate to climb onto his lap, curling into a ball atop his leg.
The orange kitten meowed at him and he carefully picked him up, holding the feline in front of his face. “You miss your sister, huh?”
Your eyes widened in realization. The she he had been referring to was the third kitten that you had taken home. He was concerned about her.
Your heart flooded with warmth and it took everything within you not to let out an awww. He was so pretty on a good day, but now he was holding a kitten while another slept on his lap. You wished you had brought your camera with you, but you had your phone at least.
You pulled it from your pocket and lifted it up, biting your lip as you framed the photo before pressing the shutter button.
Your body tensed up at the loud sound, Hyuga’s dark eyes snapping to you. You quickly ducked back behind the light pole but you knew you had been caught. 
A heavy silence settled over you, your heart hammering within your chest as you waited for him to appear beside you. Would he attack you? Threaten you? You honestly didn’t know.
“Oi, how long are you gonna hide there?”
You slowly peered around the pole, expecting to meet his annoyed glare but he had returned his attention to the kittens.
“Get your ass over here.”
You tried to swallow down your nerves as you slowly approached him. “H-Hi, Hyuga-san…”
“Is everyone at Sannoh a stalker?” His eyes slid to you lazily, cheek resting against his palm. “Or is it just you?”
Your cheeks burned, both from the accusation and the fact that his eyes had captured your own. “I’m not a stalker,” you defended pitifully.
“Don’t stalkers take pictures of people without consent?” He quirked a brow, a smirk on his lips when you sputtered. 
“I-It was just one picture!” You managed to pull your gaze away, looking to the side as you muttered, “You looked super cute, I couldn’t help it.“
Surprise flashed through his eyes at the comment. No one had ever referred to him as cute before. Bastard, psycho, son of a bitch… those were the usual compliments he received. The thought of being called cute made him uncomfortable and yet… he wasn’t sure he hated it.
“Show me,” he ordered, eyes flickering to your phone.
“No, you’re gonna delete it…”
He scoffed, holding out his hand. “Of course, I’m going to delete it.”
With a sigh, you set the phone against his palm, watching with a frown as he brought the picture up. He didn’t believe you when you said you only took the one, so he swiped to the side to check for more. To his surprise, the next picture was of the female kitten.
“You took Keiko?” He questioned, eyes snapping to you in surprise.
You blinked, head tilting to the side. “Who…?”
He showed you the picture, tapping the screen. “The female kitten. You have her?”
“Ah! Yes, I do. I felt bad leaving her out here so I -“
“Left the other two,” he scowled, eyes narrowed accusingly.
“No! I tried to get the other two,” you replied, folding your arms over your chest. “They kept running from me, though…” You frowned at the two male kittens curled up on his lap.
He watched you closely as you eyed the kittens longingly. “Come here.”
Your eyes snapped to his in surprise. “Eh?”
Rather than repeat himself, he crooked his index finger before motioning toward the spot in front of him. You were hyper-aware of his eyes following you as you slowly approached, lowering yourself to the cold concrete. The orange kitchen shifted so that his head was lying against Hyuga’s lower leg, his golden eyes blinking tiredly at you.
“So cute,” you whispered, fingers twitching with the urge to reach out and pet him but you didn’t want to scare him off. 
Hyuga watched you, lips twitching up in amusement. He carefully picked up the orange kitten, plopping him down on your lap, much to your delight. You half expected the kitten to run back to him but he didn’t. He just walked in a circle before plopping down against your legs and closing his eyes.
“You’re a miracle worker, Hyuga-san,” you breathed out, gently rubbing your finger across the kitten’s head. “He wouldn’t even let me get close before.”
Hyuga just grunted, closing his eyes as he propped his cheek up against his fist. The two of you sat like that in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the cool weather and the company of the tiny kittens.
Hyuga glanced at your phone when it vibrated against his knee, startling the kittens. When he saw the new message notification, he held it out to you. You took it with a smile and when you unlocked it, you were surprised by what you found.
“You didn’t delete the photo.”
Hyuga shrugged a shoulder, closing his eyes as he scratched the back of his head. “I forgot.”
By this point, the kittens were awake again, crawling off your lap and his so they could eat from the bowl sitting to your left.
“Forgot, huh?” You grinned. “You like it, don’t you, Hyuga-san?”
“I hate it,” he scowled, trying to snatch the phone from you but you were quicker. 
“No, you don’t,” you snickered, holding the phone out behind you so it was harder to reach.
“Give it to me so I can delete it.”
“No way. You had your chance! Shoo!”
“Did you just… shoo me?” His eyes flashed, but you couldn’t tell if it was with amusement or anger because it was gone as quickly as it had come.
“Uh… no?” You offered him a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of your head.
His lips slid upward and you knew that smirk was dangerous. With wide eyes, you tried to scramble to your feet but he was faster, grabbing the back of your shirt to keep you in place. He reached for the phone again but you tried to pull away, your free hand pressing against his chest.
You could feel his heart beating quickly against your palm and your cheeks heated up. “H-Hyuga-san -“
His hand shot toward the phone, his weight pressing down on you until you couldn’t hold yourself up any longer. Your back hit the ground, Hyuga falling on top of you, lips inches from your own.
You swallowed nervously, face burning as you stared into those seemingly endless black pools. Your eyes flickered to his lips and you couldn’t help but wonder what his lips felt like. Before the rational side of your brain could intervene, you lifted your head and pressed your lips against his.
His body tensed up in surprise but he didn’t pull away. He enjoyed the feeling of your lips against his chapped ones, though he’d go to his grave before he admitted it aloud. When he didn’t kiss back, you pulled away, feeling like an embarrassed fool.
“I-I’m so sorry, Hyuga-san, I… I didn’t… I shouldn’t have…” you swallowed again, closing your eyes.
Hyuga hummed. “I was wondering when you would finally get up the nerve.”
“Huh?” You blinked up at him in confusion and he smirked, shifting his weight so he was lying beside you, head propped up with his hand.
“You’ve liked me since the day we met.”
His words, mixed with the nonchalant way he said them, had your face burning once again. “W-What? No, I -” He sent you a deadpan look and you pouted. “Was I really that obvious?”
“You could never get a job that requires stealth.”
You clicked your tongue, turning your gaze to the grey sky above. “So… what now?”
“You belong to me,” he said nonchalantly before standing up and approaching the kittens. The words went straight to your heart, butterflies fluttering wildly in your stomach. You could only watch as he carefully picked the two felines up before sending you an expectant look. “Get up.”
You quickly pulled yourself to your feet, trailing behind him as he started down the street, his wooden sandals tapping against the concrete. “Where are we going?”
“Your apartment.”
“Eh?” The thought of Hyuga entering your apartment made you feel nervous. How messy was it? When was the last time you had given it a proper cleaning? Had you washed last night’s dishes? You couldn’t remember. “Why?”
He glanced over his shoulder at you, brow quirked. When he realized how far behind him you were, he paused until you caught up, walking at your side. “You’re going to keep all three kittens.”
“Oh… right.” You tried to ignore the way his shoulder bumped against your own as the two of you walked. “The female is Keiko… right? Did you name those two, as well?”
“Keito,” he held up the tuxedo kitten who meowed cutely when he heard his name. Then he held up the orange kitten. “Bunta.”
“So cute~” you whispered, a smile on your lips.
Though Hyuga believed you were talking about the kittens, part of him wanted to believe that you were referring partly to him, as well.
When you finally reached your apartment, you stepped aside to let him in. Keiko came running toward you but when she saw Hyuga, she swerved around your legs and jumped at him, climbing up his black pants. You laughed at her enthusiasm, prying her gently off of him before lifting her up to his chest.
All three kittens were now meowing loudly, happy to be reunited.
“See?” you spoke softly, addressing Keiko as you gently patted her head. “I promised you that you’d be with your brothers again. Sorry it took so long.”
Hyuga felt warmth settle inside his gut as he looked at you and he knew he had already begun to fall for you. Part of him didn’t want it, but the part that did was much stronger. He set the kittens on the ground so they could run around and play before he flopped down onto the couch.
You remained near the door, feeling a bit awkward. Hyuga knew you liked him and the kiss only reinforced that. Where did that leave you now, though? He had claimed that you were now his, but that didn’t really answer your question. Were you dating?
His eyes fell to you, taking in the way you stared at the wooden floor, brow furrowed in thought. “Oi, come here.”
You lifted your head, approaching him nervously. “Yes, Hyuga-san?”
He clicked his tongue, grabbing your wrist before tugging you down onto the couch, his arm circling your waist. “Norihisa.”
You exhaled, the name feeling nice on your tongue. “Norihisa-san.”
He gave you a scolding look, flicking you lightly on the forehead. “Drop the honorific, idiot.”
You scowled, rubbing the spot he had flicked. “Norihisa…”
A smile slid onto his lips, a glint in his eye as he leaned his head toward yours. “Yes, baby?”
Your breath caught in your throat at the pet name, your hand curling around his shirt. “Can I… kiss you?”
“You didn’t need to ask last time. Why ask now?”
You scowled at his smirk, closing the distance until your lips were slotted against his. His arm left your waist, hand resting against the back of your neck to pull you closer. It didn’t take long for you to get completely lost in the kiss, his scent and warmth overwhelming you. 
All three kittens suddenly jumped onto your back, making you jolt when their claws dug into your shirt so they wouldn’t fall. Hyuga chuckled, reaching forward to remove them from you. You shifted to create a bit of space between you and him, the three nestling there happily.
You smiled at them before your gaze met Hyuga’s. “I never expected to have three kids the day we got together.”
Hyuga snorted, closing his eyes as he rested his cheek against his palm. You didn’t miss the soft smile on his lips or the way his warm hand brushed gently across the small of your back.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
104 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Strange One – Takeshi (PSF #8)
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Genre: Fluff, comedy
Prompt: Rainy Day (@flufftober)
Word Count: 3,099
Pairing: Reader x Takeshi
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You scratched your cheek as you stared at the paper in your hand, trying to decipher the map that Tettsu had drawn you. Honestly, you were pretty sure a toddler could have done better. He even used crayon to draw it, claiming he couldn’t find a pen.
You were already late to the meeting but it wasn’t your fault. No one could have deciphered the damn thing. Shaking your head, you tugged your phone out of your pocket to call up Dan and get proper directions.
“Shit,” you cursed, seeing the low battery warning flash across the screen. You tried to send a quick SOS text to him instead but the phone shut off before you could send it. “Could this week get any worse?”
It had been a rough one for sure. Your dad hadn’t been able to pay the bills so you were kicked out of the house, forcing you both to return to the Sword area to stay with your cousin, Tettsu, and his family. It had been a long time since you were back here so nothing felt familiar. The five gangs hadn’t existed back then, either.
The day you arrived, some thugs tried to mug your dad so you ended up getting into a fight and, though you did kick their asses, you got a knife wound for your trouble. Not only that, but your dad was struggling to find a new job after having been laid off. You couldn’t find one, either.
On the fourth day of being back, you nearly got run over by a car and then your dad fell down the stairs because he was drunk, breaking his arm in three places and spraining his ankle. You were beginning to think this damned place was cursed though, thinking about it, your life wasn’t much better back home either.
Thunder rumbled overhead, dark clouds filling the night sky. 
“Motherfu -“
With another clap of thunder, the sky opened up, sheets of freezing rain falling on you. You took off down the street, looking for some place you could duck under to escape the rain. You spied an open door up ahead and rushed inside without a second thought, running your hand through your hair before tugging off your hoodie. It had absorbed most of the rain, though your shirt was damp.
You loved the rain. To you, it was peaceful and relaxing, but you didn’t enjoy being caught in the rain. You hated the feeling of wearing wet clothes, the weight of them pushing down on you and rubbing against your skin. 
You glanced around the dark room. It appeared to be a small apartment, though it was run down and messy. A torn, dirty couch sat on one side with a small table on the opposite side. Directly to the right of the door was a small kitchen sitting in the corner, though it hardly looked functioning. The back wall was caved in, making it impossible to go farther.
A small round candle sat on the counter, half used up with a lighter sitting beside it. You glanced around for any sign of life and saw none, so you chose to light the candle. The room looked even worse with the candle illuminating it and you were fairly certain that it was not safe to be in.
Rain pounded against the side of the building with a metallic twang and the building shook when the thunder roared overhead.
You sighed, falling onto the couch only to wince as a spring jabbed into my ass. I shifted off it, wrinkling my nose at the layer of dust covering the orange sofa. Setting the candle on the makeshift coffee table, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes, imagining all the ways you were gonna kill Tettsu when you got back home.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Oi, wake up!” A hand roughly shook your shoulder, knocking you from sleep.
“Fuck off, Tettsu,” you muttered tiredly. “Was having a great dream.
When you tried to roll over and go back to sleep, the hand shook your shoulder again.
“I said fu -” You turned to glare at your cousin, but it wasn’t him that was standing over you. You blinked a few times, glancing around the room. This was definitely not your bedroom. “The hell are you?”
He folded his arms over his chest, brown eyes narrowed at you. “That’s my question.”
“I asked first.”
“Hah?” He scoffed in disbelief. “Are you five?”
“No, I just live with one. Tends to rub off on you.” You sat up, yawning and stretching your arms over your head. Your back was killing you and your neck felt stiff. “Where am I?”
“Nameless Street.”
“Who the hell names something Nameless? That’s dumb.”
“Who are you?” He demanded, eyes scanning you for anything that could identify you or who you were with. “You don’t belong here.”
“No shit, sherlock.” You scoffed, pulling yourself to your feet as you eyed the guy in front of you. He was pretty damn cute, you couldn’t lie. “You can untwist your panties, I’m leaving.”
He stepped in front of you, blocking your path. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me who you are.”
You scoffed, flexing your hand. “Look, man, I’m sore, tired, and had a really shitty week. Get out of my way before I make you.”
The corner of his lips twitched up, amusement dancing in his eyes. “You can try, but you won’t get very far.”
You acted as if you were trying to step past him before throwing your fist at his face. He dodged, grabbing your wrist before kicking your foot back to make you lose your balance. You stumbled but stayed upright, dodging his foot when he tried to kick you in the ribs. The floor was covered in dust so both of you kept sliding across it as you exchanged blows.
You tried to use this to your advantage, throwing your weight against him. It worked, his back hitting the floor with a grunt. You rushed for the door but he grabbed your ankle, a cry leaving your lips as you fell forward, just barely able to place your fall with your arms.
“Fucking hell,” you groaned, attempting to kick him in the balls but he dodged, pinning your legs beneath one knee, the other over your right arm, pinning it to the ground. You tried to punch him with your free hand but he grabbed it, pinning it beside your head as he hovered above you. Both of you were breathing heavily, glaring at each other.
“I’ve reconsidered,” you huffed, his grip like iron on your wrist. “I’ll tell you who I am if you get your fat ass off me.”
He scoffed. “This isn’t a negotiation.”
“I’m not a terrorist, man.”
“Huh?” His brow furrowed in confusion.
“You’re not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, but I’m not a terrorist,” you grinned. “So negotiate with me.”
“You’re really strange.”
“Thanks. It’s my best quality.”
“That wasn’t a compliment.”
“I took it as one.”
He scoffed, shaking his head as if to rid himself of anything distracting him from his task. “Who do you work for?”
“No one. Actually, I’m looking for a job so if you know someone who’s hiring, can you -“
He pressed his knee harder against your arm, looking annoyed. “Stop playing games.”
“Ow, ow, ow! Okay, fucking hell!” You tried to pull your arm free but he was like an immovable object on top of you. It was then that you remembered the knife in your pocket. It would be hard to grab it but it was your only option. “I’ll tell you everything, just… get off me, please. You’re really hurting me, man.”
His eyes softened a bit, his bottom lip between his teeth as he considered the request. “Will you behave?”
“Scout’s honor.”
He didn’t look entirely convinced, but he slowly removed his weight, standing up and extending his hand out to you. In the blink of an eye, you pulled out the blade and tried to stab his hand. He managed to pull back but the blade sliced across his palm, making him hiss in pain.
“I was never a scout, fuckface,” you scowled at him before taking off out of the house. It was late morning by this point, rain still falling from the cloud covered sky.
“Get back here!” His feet pounded the ground as he ran after you and you could hear feet running along the pipes above you.
You cursed, turning abruptly in an attempt to lose them. They continued to chase you, gaining on you, but they stopped abruptly when you darted through the gate of Nameless City, heading toward Sannoh. You glanced over your shoulder to see the brunette glaring at you, clutching his hand. A bunch of guys appeared around him, a redhead at his side.
You had no idea why they stopped pursuing you, but you took it as a win, grinning at him and flicking him off. He scowled, moving forward as if he were going to resume the chase and you took off, running until your legs turned to jelly.
You fell back against a building, sliding down to the ground with a groan. “I hate you so much, Tettsu.”
“I love you, too, cousin.”
Your head snapped up, seeing Tettsu and Chiharu standing in front of you, one grinning while the other looked concerned. You were filled with a sudden burst of energy as you jumped up, kicking him hard in the gut.
“Motherfucker, do you have any idea what I went through because of you, huh? You and your stupid dreams of being an artist!”
He scowled, dodging a second kick. “My dreams aren’t stupid! It’s not my fault you’re too dumb to read a map!”
“Hah?! No one could make sense of that shit! Come ‘ere and let me murder you!”
“No way in hell!”
Chiharu sighed as he watched you chasing your cousin, the two of you exchanging insults as you tried to injure him. Unfortunately for you, dodging was Tettsu’s special skill. He did feel a bit concerned about this, though, so he headed down the block to get Cobra. So far, the blonde was the only one capable of breaking the two or you up once you got started.
When Cobra finally arrived on the scene, you were sitting on your cousin’s back, securing him in a headlock as the two of you exchanged insults. The blonde sighed, smacking you lightly on the back of the head.
“Release him.”
“But -“
You scowled, squeezing him tighter before finally releasing your grip on him. You scooted back, sitting on the damp ground.
“You tried to kill me!” accused Tettsu, pointing his finger at you.
“You deserved it.”
Cobra folded his arms over his chest. “Tell me what happened.” 
“This idiot -“
“You’re an idiot, idiot!”
“- wanted me to help him set up the DTC hideout so, like the kind soul I am -“
“Kind, my ass!”
“Shut your face, no one is talking to you!”
“Why don’t you make me?”
“Enough.” Cobra’s eyes narrowed with warning at the two of you and you both huffed in annoyance. “Continue.”
“Like I was saying, I went there out of the kindness of my heart to help, but this idiot -“
Tettsu’s lips parted but Cobra sent him a warning look and he closed them again, pouting.
“- gave me a shittily drawn map so I got lost. Then it started pouring so I dipped into the first building I saw. Ended up falling asleep because I was bored and my phone was dead. I was woken up this morning by some rude guy demanding to know who I was. I tried to leave but he wouldn’t let me so, of course, I beat his ass.”
Tettsu scoffed. “Doubtful.”
“I beat yours, didn’t I?”
“You cheated!”
“All’s fair in love and war, bitch.”
Cobra’s brow furrowed, a feeling of dread settling in his gut. “Do you know who it was?”
“I never got his name,” you shrugged. “Oh, but I did slice his hand open in order to get away.”
“Do you know where you ended up?”
“Uh…” you scratched your cheek in thought before snapping your fingers. “Ah! He said Nameless Street which is a really dumb fucking name.”
Both men looked at you with wide eyes, their bodies tense.
“Y-You…” Tettsu stuttered. “You’re an actual dumbass!”
“Hah?! You wanna die?”
Cobra closed the distance, kneeling in front of you and taking you roughly by the shoulders. You were taken aback by the intensity in his eyes. “Are you sure he said Nameless Street?”
“And what did he look like?”
“Uh… brown hair, brown eyes, green clothes.”
“What?” You frowned, looking between the two of them as they exchanged a look.
Tettsu shook his head. “Good job, cousin. You’ve barely been here a week and you’ve already potentially started a war between two Sword groups.”
“Eh?” You blinked dumbly. 
“That guy was Takeshi. He’s the leader of the Rude Boys.”
You swallowed hard, heart dropping to your stomach. “Well, fuck me, I guess.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Do I have to do this?” You complained with a scowl, following Cobra toward Nameless City.
“He’s going to kill me as soon as he sees me, you know that, right? You’re gonna be complacent in my murder.”
He sent you an exasperated look. “Takeshi is a reasonable guy who puts the Rude Boys first. He doesn’t want a war anymore than we do.”
“Oh yeah, so reasonable when he fought me and pinned me to the floor.”
“You threw the first punch.”
“You can’t prove that, Cobra.”
“You told me,” he sent you a deadpan look and you huffed.
The second the two of you entered Nameless City, you could feel eyes watching you though you saw no one around. You heard feet pounding on the pipes overhead yet no one was there when you glanced up.
A man jumped off the roof, landing in front of you. It was the redhead. “Cobra,” he greeted cautiously.
“P,” Cobra returned the greeting and you snorted at his name, earning a look from both males.
Recognition flashed through P’s eyes as he stepped closer. “You -“
Cobra stepped in front of you protectively. “We’re here to apologize to Takeshi.”
He considered this for a moment before nodding, sending you one last look before turning and leading the two of you farther into the city. He led you through a tall building, pulling back a plastic sheet to reveal a room resembling a living room. Takeshi was sitting on the couch looking exhausted.
Cobra stopped you in the doorway as P approached the brunette. “Please behave.”
“I always behave.”
He stared blankly at you and you frowned.
“Fine, I’ll behave.”
“No smart remarks. Just apologize for attacking him.”
“This is important,” he stressed, resting his hand on your shoulder.
“I know,” you replied softly, catching Takeshi’s gaze when he glanced over at you.
Cobra led you farther into the room, greeting the younger male. “Takeshi.”
“Cobra,” he greeted back, but his eyes remained on you.
You glanced at his hand, the bandage dirty and caked with dried blood. When he noticed you staring at it, he folded his arms over his chest, hiding his hand from view.
“What can I do for you?”
Cobra nudged you in the ribs.
You cleared your throat, taking a step forward. “I… came to apologize.” You had to hold back your wince as the words dug into your pride. “I shouldn’t have attacked you.”
“What were you doing here?” His voice wasn’t as harsh as it had been during your last meeting and you took note of how tired he sounded.
“I, uh…” you rubbed the back of your neck. “I got lost because my cousin sucks at giving directions. Then it started to rain so I ran to the first place I could find.”
He hummed thoughtfully, watching you closely. It felt invasive and it made you uncomfortable.
“Staring is rude- ow!”
Cobra smacked you upside the head, giving you a stern look.
“I was just stating a fact, chill the hell out,” you scowled, rubbing the spot he had hit.
The corner of Takeshi’s lips slid up, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Did you not know where you were?”
“No. I’ve only been here a week, man, I don’t even know who you are.”
“A week?” He repeated in surprise, glancing at Cobra. “You don’t know about Sword?”
“It was explained in detail,” commented Cobra, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “Clearly it went in one ear and out the other.”
“That’s not entirely true, I heard some of it,” you defended, snapping your fingers as you tried to recall the D gang. “Darna? Darulo? Dante? Da… Da something.”
The three men stared at you blankly.
“What? I’m trying, okay.”
“Daruma,” corrected Cobra.
“Oi, I was close! I should get points for that.”
Takeshi laughed, the sound like music to your ears. “You really are a strange one.”
“I know that’s not a compliment,” you scowled. To your surprise, though, he smiled.
“It is, actually.”
“I’ll forgive you this time since you’re one of Cobra’s people, but don’t let it happen again. We don’t like outsiders in Nameless City.”
“Yeah… yeah, I understand.”
“Thank you,” Cobra nodded to him, patting your shoulder before turning and heading for the door where P was waiting.
You hesitated, though, a frown on your lips.
Takeshi cooked his head to the side. “Is there something else?”
“I’m sorry… about your hand.”
“It’ll heal.”
Swallowing your pride, you slowly approached him. “Give me your hand.”
He quirked a brow. “Why?”
“Don’t be a pain, just do it.”
He chuckled, holding out his uninjured hand. You set a ziplock bag in his hand, bandages and antibiotic ointment inside. He looked at you in surprise, lips parting.
“This should help,” you cut him off, bowing your head before rushing over to Cobra who was smiling at you proudly.
“Oi, strange one.”
You turned, barely reacting fast enough to catch the black mass he had tossed at you. It was the hoodie you had left behind, the cloth now dry. You caught his eye, a flutter in your stomach when he smiled at you.
You quickly turned your back to him, trying to hide your red face but Cobra saw it, a soft chuckle escaping him as he followed you from the building.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
68 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
The Ugly Duckling – Amagai (PSF #4)
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Genre: Fluff, angst
Prompt: Cinderella Moment / Ugly Duckling (@flufftober)
Word Count: 7,802
Pairing: Reader x Amagai
World: High&Low
Warnings: Abuse (it’s Amagai) and violence (it’s h&l)
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Wake the hell up!”
You cried out in surprise as a loud sound echoed throughout your room, ripping you violently from deep sleep and sending you rolling off the bed onto the floor. You hit the wood with a thud, the air being knocked from your lungs. One would think you would be used to this after two years but you weren’t. 
Standing on the other side of your bed was your step-father, carrying a pan and a metal spoon. “Have you lost your mind? You should have been up ages ago! Now I have to go out without breakfast! You are a lazy, worthless child.”
You rolled your eyes, not bothered by his comments. Your eyes flickered to the clock. ‘It’s only six in the morning, what is he griping about?’
“Make yourself useful before my precious babies wake up,” he snapped, throwing the items onto the bed before turning on his heel and leaving the room.
With a sigh, you forced yourself up, grabbing the pan before making your way downstairs to make breakfast for your lovely step-siblings. They didn’t wake up until 9:30, at which point breakfast was cold and they refused to eat it. You knew Matthew would yell at you when he got home but you didn’t really care anymore.
‘More food for me,’ you thought with a shrug.
The three of you attended Senomon high school, a place filled with delinquents and wannabe thugs. Half the teachers chose not to show up while the other half stayed in the teacher’s lounge, hiding from the students. 
You had managed to avoid most of the fighting, though you were pretty decent when it came to protecting yourself. You just had no interest in fighting. You hated Senomon and just wanted to graduate and finally get away from the shitty life your mom had left you in.
The thought of her left a bitter taste in your mouth. 
She had been so adamant about marrying Matthew, claiming he was the love of her life. You told her repeatedly that something felt off about him but she always just assumed you were just being an angsty teen opposing change. She had only been married to him for three months before she met another man.
This man, she claimed, was her soulmate. Instead of doing the responsible thing and getting a divorce, she chose to run away with this new man. She didn’t think twice about leaving you behind, not that you were surprised. She had promised to come and get you, but you knew she had no intention of doing so. It had already been two years since she disappeared without a word.
Matthew chose not to kick you out, though you aren’t too sure if that was better than the alternative. He and his daughters use you like a slave and you’re the punching bag he uses to take out his frustrations on. You were paying your mom’s debt.
When you stepped through the gates of Senomon, you found yourself pausing. Bodies were strewn about the place, battered and bloody against the fallen leaves of autumn. That wasn’t anything new but this felt… different. The air was heavier, filled with a tension that put you on edge. Every thing inside of you was screaming at you to turn and run away.
You had nowhere else to go, though, and if you wanted to graduate and finally escape this hell, you couldn’t be skipping school. Taking a deep breath, you gripped the strap of your messenger bag tighter and proceeded into the school building.
The inside wasn’t much better. Actually, it was worse. There were students hanging limply over broken windows, blood smeared throughout the hallway. The fights were never this bad before and the winners were nowhere in sight. It left you feeling uneasy as you slowly made your way down the hall, body tense and ears alert.
You didn’t know what to expect, though you knew it was going to be bad.
As you passed by one of the first floor classrooms, a hand reached out and grabbed you, yanking you inside before closing the door. You readied yourself for a fight.
“It’s just me!” hissed Isamu, looking worriedly to the door. He was a year below you but he had become the closest thing to a friend you had.
When you were first enrolled at Senomon, everyone wanted to fight you, to test you and see where you fell on the hierarchy. You were fine to automatically be placed at the bottom. He was the only one who approached you that didn’t want to fight, though he was also at the bottom of the totem pole.
You thought it was ironic when you first met him because his name means ‘brave’ but Takamichi Isamu was the farthest thing from it. He was a self-proclaimed coward that hated fighting and always rolled over when someone messed with him. Most of the fights you had been in came about because you were trying to protect him, something he greatly appreciated.
You glanced around the empty classroom with a furrowed brow. “What the hell happened?”
“Two kids transferred today,” he frowned, sitting down at the desk and curling in on himself. “That one guy is a monster! He took down everyone…”
“Wait a minute… you’re saying one guy took down the whole of Senomon?”
“What the fuck?”
“You shouldn’t curse, senpai.”
You sent him a deadpan look which he returned with a sheepish smile. “Is that really the important thing right now? The hell do they want?”
“Control. The other guy, he… he didn’t lift a finger but I overheard him talking to the third years. He said Senomon is under his control now.”
“Great,” you muttered, falling onto the chair across from him.
“I’m scared,” he whispered, looking at you with glassy eyes. “What’s going to happen to us?”
You shrugged, propping up your head in your hand. Through the windows were mostly boarded up or covered in graffiti, you could just barely see the the sky through the cracks. It was dark, covered with thick Grey clouds that you knew meant rain was on the way. It was fitting, you thought, given the dark cloud that had just descended upon Senomon.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Did you see the way Amagai-kun was dressed today? Oh my god, he looked so cute!”
“Right! God, what I wouldn’t give to run my hand through those soft, luxurious locks.”
You scoffed in annoyance, nearly smashing the egg against the side of the bowl. They had been gushing over the newest addition to the school for over an hour and, quite frankly, you were tired of listening to it. Why did they have to do this in the kitchen? 
Miko, the eldest of the two, glared at you from behind fake eyelashes. “Do you have something to add?”
“Nope,” you replied, slamming the bowl on the counter harder than necessary.
Kali giggled, a smirk on her pink lips. “I think someone is jealous~”
“Jealous?” You scoffed again, this time in disgust. “You know what, I do have something to say. First off, he dresses the same goddamn way every day. It’s a uniform. How was today any different from any other day?”
Her lips parted to reply but you cut her off as you angrily poured the egg into the pan, some of it sloshing over the side.
“Secondly, ‘soft luxurious locks’? Are we looking at the same person? That bitch uses so much hair gel that I guarantee you his hair is harder than hard on you two seem to possess for him.”
Their faces flushed with embarrassment at the comment.
“Thirdly, he’s a fucking weak little monster. He thinks he can boss everyone around just because daddy is rich? Bah!” You scowled deeply, cutting the potatoes so hard that the knife got stuck in the cutting board. “He can’t even fight, yet he’s the leader of Senomon? What bullshit.”
“Do you think you can do better, ugly duckling?”
Your body froze, the air leaving your lungs. 
Standing in the entryway was Matthew, Amagai, and Suzaki. They were all staring at you with a mixture of shock and annoyance. Amagai himself looked ready to kill.
The room was deadly silent, filled with a thick tension that threatened to suffocate anyone inside. You could feel him staring you down, sizing you up. Honestly, you felt confident that you could take him in a fight but you knew you wouldn’t get the chance. His guard dog would be your opponent and Suzaki was not a guy you could beat.
“Who do you think you are, hm?” questioned Amagai, tilting his head to the side as he stepped farther into the kitchen. “A poor ugly duckling like you could never have what it takes to be a leader. That’s why you’re at the bottom. Why you will always be at the bottom.”
Anger surged within you and you whipped around, eyes aflame with emotion. “You seem to be forgetting that there’s a difference between being a leader that people fear and being a leader that people respect. They don’t respect you, they just want your money and they’re afraid of your damn guard dog.” You motioned toward Suzaki who was watching you curiously.
“That’s enough,” hissed Matthew, sending the young man a worried look. “Go to your -“
Amagai cut him off with a snarl, closing the distance between you. His eyes flashed with anger and the tiniest bit of disbelief at being challenged. “I’d suggest watching your mouth before -“
“Before you what?” You taunted, straightening your back and meeting his gaze head on. “Before you have Suzaki beat my ass because you can’t do it yourself? When push comes to shove, everyone will leave you, but you know that already, don’t you? No one will ever be loyal to -“
Your head whipped to the side, eyes wide as pain overtook the side of your face. The girls gasped in surprise and even Suzaki took a step forward, eyes wide in surprise.
Amagai grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. His voice was low and filled, not with a warning, but with a promise. “If you ever speak to me like that again, ugly duckling, you will regret it.”
“Go to hell,” you spat, shoving him away and rushing up the stairs to your room. You made sure to slam the door as hard as you could, the wall trembling from the force. 
You approached the mirror that hung above the dresser, tilting your face to the side so you could view the damage. A bright red hand print covered the whole of your cheek, darker where his ring had struck you. You reached up to touch it only to hiss as pain shot through your face.
In the two years you’ve been at Senomon, you’ve been kicked, punched, bitten, nearly stabbed, scratched, but never slapped. Slapping someone was the ultimate form of disrespect, though you weren’t surprised that he had done it. He couldn’t spell respect if it slapped him in the face.
“Bastard,” you muttered darkly, glaring at your reflection.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“What happened to your face?!” cried Isamu, staring at your face with wide eyes. His sudden yell attracted the attention of the other students who snickered at you when they saw your face. 
You scowled at them, giving Isamu an annoyed look that he shrunk away from.
You sighed, falling into your seat. “Fucking Amagai.”
His eyes widened again, mouth hanging open. “Amagai did that?!”
You punched his arm and he winced. “Will you shut your fat mouth?”
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, rubbing his arm. “What happened?”
“He came to my house last night. No doubt because Matthew is trying to suck up to his father.”
“But why would he hit you?”
“I may have been insulting him right as he arrived without realizing he was there…”
He made a strangled noise in the back of his throat, looking terrified.
The door to the classroom was slid open and everyone went quiet as Suzaki stepped inside, dark eyes scanning the room. Most people looked away, not wanting to catch his attention, but you were still angry. You stared him dead in the face with narrowed eyes.
He approached you with his hands in his pockets, eyes flickering to your cheek for just a split second. “Amagai wants to see you.”
You scoffed, golding your arms over your chest. “If he wants to see me so bad, then he can walk his little princess ass in here.”
Isamu squeaked, looking at you, horrified. 
Suzaki’s face remained impassive. “Trust me, you don’t want the whole school to know about this. If you don’t come willingly, I’m going to take you.”
You scoffed at the audacity. “I am not going anywhere with you – oi, what are you – put me down!” you cried as Suzaki lifted you up onto his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
Isamu was frozen in his seat, helpless to do anything but watch as you were carried away. You kicked and squirmed but his arm was like an iron shackle around your waist, anchoring you in place.
“How’s it feel being a dog?” you spat angrily, smacking him on the back but he didn’t even flinch.
Amagai was lounging on a sofa in the gym, scrolling through his phone without a care in the world. He didn’t even look up when Suzaki appeared. “What took you so long?”
���Put me down!” you scowled, slapping the ravenette’s back once more. “I swear to god if you don’t – oof!” The wind was knocked from your lungs when he did as he was told, dropping you onto the wooden floor. “Son of a bitch.”
Amagai clicked his tongue, looking at you lazily. “Such foul language from a foul person.”
You glared at him, pulling yourself to your feet. “You’d know all about being foul, wouldn’t you? What the hell do you want from me, huh? If you think I’m apologizing, you -”
“Sit down,” he ordered.
“Hah?” you sent him a look of disbelief. “I’m not your dog!”
“Actually,” he smirked, dark eyes glinting. “You are.”
It took a moment for your brain to process the words and when it finally did, you found yourself sputtering, unable to form words as anger and astonishment flooded your system.
Amagai picked up a stack of papers from the couch beside him, dropping it onto the coffee table. “After your rude little commentary last night, I had a talk with your father.”
“He’s not my father,” you scoffed, folding your arms over your chest.
The blonde hummed, that annoying smirk still playing on his lips. “We came to an agreement. I put in a good word for him with my father and in exchange -” He stood up, slowly approaching you.
Despite everything within you screaming at you to step back, you stood your ground, straightening your back and meeting his gaze head on. He invaded your personal space, fingers brushing against the faint imprint of his hand on your cheek.
“- he gave me you.”
“Hah?” you breathed out, slapping his hand away. “I’m not a goddamn possession, he can’t just -”
His eyes flashed with anger and he grabbed your chin roughly. “He can. He is – was – your legal guardian and can sign you away as he sees fit. My father finalized the paperwork this morning. You now belong to me, so kneel, ugly duckling.”
“Fuck you.”
Amagai raised his hand as if he was going to slap you again and you reflexively winced. He paused, smirk returning to his lips as he chose to cup your cheek instead. “You’ll be a difficult one to train, but I can make you bend to me.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before I bend to you,” you growled, but even you could hear the way your voice trembled.
“Then you’ll break,” he replied simply, patting your cheek before brushing past you. “Let’s go, Ryo.”
Suzaki frowned at you as he passed by, bowing his head in apology or pity. You couldn’t be sure which one it was and you honestly didn’t care. In your mind, he was just as guilty as the master he served and you hated both of them.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You stifled a yawn, stretching your arms above your head as you walked down the sidewalk. The Autumn air was chilly that morning and you were thankful that you had chosen to wear a hoodie. Vibrant leaves fluttered to the ground as you passed, crunching beneath your feet because they littered the sidewalk.
Suzaki was in front of you, several paces ahead because of his long legs and your sluggish pace. He would glance over his shoulder every minute or so just to make sure you were still following him.
When you first began to serve Amagai, you had taken every opportunity to try and escape Suzaki’s watchful eye, something he had been scolded over each time. Though you had mostly accepted that this was now your life, he knew you still had some fight left in you and he wouldn’t let his master down by letting you escape.
You scowled, folding your hands behind your head. “Fucking delinquents and he has a meeting at six in the morning. Ridiculous.”
Suzaki said nothing, but you didn’t miss the way his lips twitched upward at the comment.
Amagai was already inside the bar, sipping a drink that you didn’t know the name of. Saboten was sitting at the table opposite his, scrolling through his phone and looking as if he were about to fall asleep. The other schools had yet to arrive. Normally, Amagai was the last one to enter the scene. You believed this was because he thought it made him look cool or because it demanded the attention of the room.
You started to sit across from Saboten but Amagai clicked his tongue, motioning you over with a single finger. You sighed dramatically before approaching him. “What do you want, your highness?”
Though it was meant to be mocking, he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy hearing it from your lips. “Sit.”
His eye twitched in annoyance, jaw clenching. It had been months since you became his property yet you were still as defiant as the day you first met. It was beyond frustrating to him because he was used to people bending to his will immediately. He couldn’t pay you off, though, and you weren’t afraid of him. Hell, he couldn’t be sure you weren’t afraid of Suzaki, either.
Saboten looked nervously from you to his boss and back again, shifting in his seat. The mere thought of going against Amagai’s orders chilled Saboten to the bone because he knew Amagai wouldn’t hesitate to put him in his place. Why was it different with you? It honestly pissed him off. What made you so damn special?
“Sit down,” he hissed.
“Nah, I’d rather stand, thanks.”
His eyes flickered to Suzaki who didn’t even need to be told what to do. The ravenette came up behind you, pressing hard on your shoulders until you fell into the booth across from the blonde. You scowled at him, slapping his hands away before rubbing your shoulders. The man’s grip was like iron and you hated it.
“There, I’m sitting. What the hell do you want from me?”
“I have a job for you.”
“I’ll pass.”
He chose to ignore your comment, focusing on his drink as he tilted it back and forth, causing the ice to swirl around inside the glass. “I’m transferring you to Oya Kou.”
“Oya Kou?” You repeated with a furrowed brow. “Why?”
“Because I’m going to lead it soon.” He lifted his eyes to meet yours. “And I want someone on the Inside. Gain their trust. Learn their weaknesses.”
“God, you’re so dramatic.”
He slammed his hand on the table, making Saboten jump. “This is important.”
“To you, maybe.”
He slowly leaned forward on the table, the zipper on his sleeves clinking against the wood. “You’ve already been transferred. If you let me down, you will be severely punished, ugly duckling.” His eyes flickered to Suzaki who tensed up at the implication.
You realized it, too – he was going to order Suzaki to attack you if you failed. “As you wish,” you pushed out through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at him. You slowly stood up, leaning toward him. “I hate you, Amagai.” And then you left the bar, unaware of the hurt that flashed through his eyes.
It was gone as quickly as it had come, but Suzaki noticed it.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You sighed deeply as you approached Oya Kou, feeling exhausted already. There wasn’t a single person in the Sword district that didn’t know about Oya and how insane its student body was. Most were old men who just didn’t want to grow up, the rest were yakuza in training.
You knew it would be ten times worse than Senomon ever had been.
‘You can do this. You’ll survive this. You’re stronger than you know.’ You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself before entering the school. 
Amagai had managed to secure a uniform for you so you didn’t stick out quite as much. You tried to act as if you belonged there, hoping that they were as dumb as they had been described as and wouldn’t even notice you. For the most part, you were correct.
No one batted an eye at you and you went out of your way to avoid getting caught up in fights. Not everyone was so easily fooled, though. Todoroki was the first to realize that a snake had slithered inside the school, hiding in plain sight. Tsukasa noticed, as well, and it filled him with unease.
You stifled a yawn, rubbing the back of your head as you approached the vending machine. You felt exhausted and really needed some caffeine to wake yourself up. Ever since you became Amagai’s property, you hadn’t been sleeping well at all, despite now sleeping on the most comfortable bed in the world.
The soda plopped into the bottom tray and you tried to pull it out. The top got caught on the door, slipping out of your hand and rolling across the floor before coming to a stop against a black shoe.
You stood up slowly, eyes meeting Tsukasa’s. “Woah, you’re so pretty.”
He quirked a brow at that, the corner of his lips sliding upward.
You hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but he had caught you off guard. Of all the rumors surrounding Oya, none of them mentioned a pretty boy delinquent.
He bent down to pick up the bottle, holding it out to you. “I’ve never seen you before. Are you new?” His eyes flickered to the Oya pin that sat against your jacket’s collar.
“Just transferred,” you replied simply. “I’m not looking for trouble or a fight. I just want to survive until I can graduate.”
“You came to the wrong place, then,” he chuckled softly.
“Not exactly here by choice,” you scowled, eyes narrowed at the machine.
Before he could question it, Fujio came running up to him with a grin. “There you are! Jamuo got us some tickets for the new Marvel movie!”
“Oh? I didn’t think it was out yet.”
“He’s got tickets for opening night.”
“How did he manage that?”
As the two boys talked, you slowly backed away, wanting to escape the situation. The movement caught Fujio’s eye and he looked at you curiously. 
“Who are you?”
“New transfer,” answered Tsukasa, turning his attention to you, as well.
“Really?” Fujio grinned widely, grabbing your hand and shaking it enthusiastically. “Welcome to Oya! My name is Hanaoka Fujio. Are you strong? How well do you fight? What brought you to Oya?”
You blinked at him, surprised by how friendly he was being. He reminded you of a golden retriever and you could practically see his non-existent tail wagging. 
“Fujio,” scolded the blonde lightly. “One question at a time.”
The ravenette pouted at his friend before smiling warmly at you. “Come on, I’ll show you around!”
“That’s really not – oi!”
He grabbed your wrist, tugging you down the hall despite your protests. Tsukasa just sighed, shaking his head as he followed after you.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“What did you just say?”
You folded your arms over you chest, staring Amagai down defiantly. “I won’t do it.” You were well aware of the other schools watching the two of you intently. 
The boys from Kamasaka were smirking, waiting for Amagai or Suzaki to ruin you. The boys from Ebara exchanged concerned looks, not sure just how far he would go with you.
Amagai was livid. Going against him when it was just the three of you was one thing, but going against him in front of the other schools? He couldn’t have that. He grabbed your arm so tight that you winced, bringing you close. “”I gave you a job and you will do it or -“
“Or what?” You shoved him away with a scoff. “Gonna have Suzaki beat me up? I do have to thank you, though.”
Confusion flashed through his eyes.
“By sending me to Oya, I learned what a real leader is. Fujio is going to beat your ass,” you smirked, despite knowing what was coming next.
With all the strength he could muster, he backhanded you, the force sending you stumbling back against the wall. The ring he wore caught on your lip, ripping it open and you could feel blood trickling from the wound.
The tension in the room was palpable, everyone now staring at you. Gandhi giggled like a schoolgirl, nearly jumping with joy from the booth he sat in.
He grabbed you by the hair, lips brushing against your ear. “I’ve given you too many chances, ugly duckling. The rent is due.” He pulled away, motioning toward you with his hand as he turned. “It’s time, Ryo.”
The ravenette hesitated, swallowing hard as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He had grown attached to you and didn’t want to harm you.
Amagai glared st him, lip curling up in disgust. Before he could speak, though, Gandhi rushed over with a Cheshire grin on his lips.
“Oi, Amagai. Let me handle it.”
Suzaki’s eyes widened, snapping toward the taller male. He knew you would be beaten within an inch of your life if he took the job, so Suzaki stepped forward with clenched fists. “It’s my job, not yours.”
Gandhi scoffed. “You’re going to take it easy on ’em!”
“He won’t,” replied Amagai, eyes flashing with warning. “If he knows what’s good for him.”
Suzaki stepped up to you, his body easily covering your own. “I’m sorry…” He whispered into your ear, his voice trembling the tiniest bit.
You just scoffed tired lying. “Get it the fuck over with.”
Closing his eyes, he brought his knee hard against your gut, the sound of your pained cry going straight to his heart.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Hey, what’s that?”
Tsukasa glanced over in the direction that Jamuo was pointing, his eyes widening when he realized what his friend had spotted. His heart raced within his chest as he rushed over to you.
You were face first on the ground beneath the footbridge, clothes ripped and stained with blood. He rested his hand on your shoulder, calling out your name but you didn’t move. He pushed down his panic before slowly rolling you over, hearing Jamuo gasp in surprise.
“Oh my god…”
“Go get Fujio,” ordered the blonde and Jamuo didn’t hesitate to run away to do just that. Tsukasa slowly leaned down, relieved to hear you breathing, even if it was faint. “What the hell happened to you?”
Your brow furrowed, a groan passing your lips. The first thing you felt upon waking up was pain. Every single part of your body felt heavy, it hurt to breathe, and the world around you was blurry. 
Tsukasa called your name again and you slowly turned your head, peering at him through half-lidded eyes.
“Tsukasa!” Fujio came speeding toward the two of you, breathing heavily with a panicked expression on his face. As soon as he saw you, anger coursed through his veins. “Who the hell did this?”
You tried to sit up but pain shot through your ribs and you cried out, falling back down, nails digging into the concrete beneath you.
“Hey, take it easy,” said Tsukasa softly, sending Fujio a look.
The ravenette nodded, squatting down beside you. “I’m going to pick you up, okay? It’s going to hurt, but try not to move so I don’t drop you. Okay?” He waited for your weak nod before slipping his arms beneath you, carefully lifting you off the ground.
You clutched his shirt tightly, biting the side of your lip that wasn’t split to try and numb the pain. It did little to help, though you hadn’t really expected it to.
Your consciousness came and went as he carried you. When you realized where he was taking you, your body tensed up, making the pain worse. It seized you in a vice grip, leaving you gasping for air.
“Calm down,” scolded Fujio, being careful not to drop you.
Tsukasa frowned at you as you shook your head frantically. “What is it?”
“No… hospital…” you managed through gritted teeth.
“Look at you!” Scowled Fujio in frustration. 
You sent Tsukasa a pleading look and he nodded, confused. “We should go to Oya instead.”
“Hah? We don’t know how bad the injuries are -“
“I know. It’s not ideal,” frowned the blonde, reconsidering his choice.
“Please…” you mumbled, clutching at Fujio’s shirt.
He sighed deeply, shaking his head. “Fine.”
Relief flooded you and you relaxed in his arms, resting your head against his shoulder. With the fear leaving your system, your consciousness slipped again, returning a few hours later.
You had been placed on a couch sitting near the pool, Shibaman’s NFL jacket resting over your body. The sky was dark, the full moon reflecting off the surface of the water. Fujio and company were at the other end of the pool, talking quietly amongst themselves.
“I’m going to take an educated guess and say that you’re not going to answer me if I ask what happened.”
You tilted your head back, seeing Todoroki sitting beside the couch, feet propped up on a wooden box as he read his book. You breathed out slowly, wincing in pain. Your wounds had been tended to as best as possible, a white bandage wrapped around your midsection.
“Are you able to sit up?” 
Taking a few deep breaths to ready yourself, you forced yourself up, gritting your teeth as pain shot through you. You’ve been through a lot of shit in your life, but never had you been this low before and it took every ounce of self control not to burst into tears.
“Take these, they’ll help.” Todoroki handed you a bottle of pain killers which you took gratefully, popping a few into your mouth, washing them down with the bottle of water sitting on the table.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, bowing to him with a wince before pulling yourself to your feet. The world spun around you and you had to stand still for a moment to find your balance.
Fujio rushed over to you when he noticed you slowly walking away from the couch. “Oi, you need to be resting.”
“I need to get home,” you muttered, wincing again but it wasn’t from pain this time. Home… could you even call it that? Of course not. You hated everything about the Amagai house, but you knew Amagai would throw a hissed fit if you didn’t return. He probably already was.
“I’ll walk you -“
“No!” You replied quickly, the fierceness in your tone catching the boys by surprise. “Please just… just stay away from me.”
Fujio looked hurt and confused, making you look away in guilt.
“Hah?” growled Yasushi, eyes flashing. “They save you and that’s how you act? What an ungrateful bitch.”
Tsukasa sent him an exasperated look before turning to you. You didn’t give him the chance to say anything, mustering up the last of your strength to dart away from them, ignoring their cries of your name.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Can I help you upstairs?” inquired Suzaki Sr. with a worried frown as he helped you out of the car. He had found you stumbling down the street and had brought you back to the Amagai household, as he had been ordered to do.
“No,” you grunted, brow furrowed in pain. “I’m okay… thank you, Suzaki-san.”
“Of course…” He bowed to you, watching helplessly as you stumbled into the house.
Amagai was pacing in the living room, his body tensing when he heard the front door. He put on an annoyed face as he headed toward the entryway of the manor. “Oi, it’s about damn -” the words died in his throat when he saw the state of you.
You were barely keeping yourself upright, bruises and cuts littering your skin. When you looked at him, your eyes were dead. There was no more fire, no more defiance. “You win,” you breathed out, no emotion in your voice. “You broke me. Congratulations, Amagai. You fucking win.”
Amagai swallowed hard, pain gripping him like a vice. He could only watch as you stumbled your way up the stairs.
Your words echoed in his mind like a mantra and every time he closed his eyes, he saw the dead look you had given him. It tortured him, invading his every thought, turning his every dream into a nightmare.
Weeks passed but you refused to leave your room. You barely ate, barely slept, and you wouldn’t say a word no matter how much he antagonized you. 
Amagai Kohei was a man that was used to getting his way. If he wanted something, he got it. When he first met you and heard the things you said about him, he was pissed. He wanted you to suffer, he wanted to break your spirit and extinguish the fire inside of you. As always, he had gotten his way.
This time was different, though.
He felt regret clawing at his insides. He wanted to see the fire in your eyes again. He wanted you to challenge him, to fight him. 
Taking a deep breath, he slowly approached your bedroom door, reaching his hand up to knock. He froze when he heard your sobs, heart racing in his chest. He threw the door open and rushed inside to find you curled up in a ball on the bed, the comforter curled around you like a barrier.
He didn’t know what to do, but he knew he needed to do something. “O-Oi, stop crying! You look even uglier than normal.”
You ignored him, unable to stop crying even if you wanted to.
He scowled, closing the distance between you. “Did you hear -” he reached out toward you and you winced in fear, pushing yourself back away from him. 
Fear flashed through your eyes as you recalled the beating you had received. He hadn’t been the one who did it, but he had ordered it and could easily do it again. You squeezed your eyes shut, covering your head. “Please…”
The whimper made something snap within him, tears filling his eyes. “Don’t… don’t be afraid of me, stupid… I… I…” He crawled onto the bed, throwing himself on top of you. He hugged you tightly, crying into your shoulder.
You froze up, not sure what to do. As long as you had known him, the only emotions you had ever witnessed was anger or arrogance. Now, he was sobbing against you like a scared little boy. It was a drastic change and part of you wondered if this was a trick.
“Hug me… please,” he whispered, so softly that you barely heard it. It wasn’t an order, it was a request.
You swallowed nervously, slowly wrapping your arms around his trembling body. He clutched onto you as if his life depended on it and that’s how the two of you remained for hours. His breathing eventually evened out, his body stilling as sleep claimed him.
You considered trying to get away, but thought better of it. He had a tight grip on you that tightened every time you moved. There was no way you could get away without waking him up so you chose to remain where you were.
After a while, your eyes started to grow heavy. Your body was exhausted from the emotional turmoil of the past few months and you were happy to let sleep claim you, to take you away to a better life.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“The young master requests your presence.”
You glanced over at the butler standing in the door of your bedroom, face blank and arms folded behind his back. You hadn’t seen Amagai in a few days and you honestly felt nervous to see him again. Where the hell did you stand with him now? He had shown you a side of himself that you doubted anyone else has seen.
Reluctantly, you made your way toward his office. The door was open but you knocked anyway. He was sitting behind the large red oak desk, staring down at a stack of papers that sat in his hands.
“Enter.” He didn’t look at you as you entered the room, slowly approaching the desk. When you didn’t sit down, he finally glanced up at you. “Sit down.”
“I’d rather stand,” you mumbled, expecting him to get angry for disobeying him but he just nodded, returning his attention to the papers.
After a moment of silence, he finally set them down, sliding them over to you. You blinked at him, slowly reaching for them. They were emancipation papers.
Your brow furrowed. “You’re kicking me out?”
He couldn’t meet your eye, choosing instead to focus on the pens sitting in a square container. “I’m setting you free of your obligations to me.”
“Free?” You weren’t entirely sure what that meant anymore.
“You can leave this place and go wherever you want. Do whatever you want. You won’t answer to me anymore. All you have to do is sign it and I’ll send it off to our lawyer.”
You were aware of the possibility that this was a trick but… something inside of you told you that he was being genuine. As for why, well, that was another question entirely, one that you knew he wouldn’t answer.
You considered it for a moment, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. “Can I… can I ask for something else instead?”
His brow furrowed in confusion, dark eyes finally meeting yours. “Huh? I’m offering you freedom and you’re asking about something else?”
You set the papers back down onto the desk before bowing to him. “Please, Amagai… please don’t attack Oya. I know you’ve put a lot into this plan… I promise to remain in your service and I won’t fight you,” you paused, adding a much under your breath that had him scoffing.
“You’d give up your freedom for them?” He questioned in disbelief, feeling anger and jealousy swirling in his gut. What made them so damn special?
You slowly straightened your back, sending him a pleading look that threatened to steal his breath away. “They’re my friends… I’m begging you, Amagai!” And you bowed again, lower than the first.
The fact that you were asking this of him made him hate Oya even more. Not to mention all of the time, effort and money that he had put into this plan. You wanted him to throw all of that out the window? Amagai was a firm believer that his place was at the top and Oya was blocking his way.
“Stop bowing,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “Sign the damn papers.”
“No.” There was a spark in your eye. Not quite a fire, but it was a far cry from the dead look you had given him just a few weeks prior. “I don’t know why you suddenly changed your mind about this, but I’m offering a swap of terms. You’ll still have me to boss around.”
“You’re offering?” He scoffed in disbelief, standing up from the chair and beginning to pace back and forth in front of the large bay windows. “This isn’t a negotiation! Sign the damn papers!”
“I refuse.”
“You – you are infuriating!” He closed the distance between you, getting into your face. “Why are you adamant that I give up on Oya, hm? Because you think I won’t succeed?”
“I already told you why. They’re my friends.”
“Friends?” He laughed bitterly. “Bullshit.”
“It’s the truth,” you told him but he shook his head.
“I don’t believe you.” He searched your eyes, a thought coming to his mind. “Let me guess, you fell in love with one of them, right?” He spat out the words, each one laced with venom to hide the pain he felt.
“Love?” You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “I’m too busy trying to survive. You really think I have time to fall in love?”
A pang of guilt hit him and he shifted his weight. Part of him felt relieved, though he wasn’t sure why. When he spoke again, his voice was soft. “Sign the papers -“
Your lips parted but he raised his voice to cut you off.
“- and I won’t go after Oya.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Despite having been adamant about it, you never thought he would actually concede. Not only that, but he was willing to give you both. Despite yourself, you found the words slipping from your lips before you could stop them. “Do you want me gone that badly?”
“No,” he replied immediately, swallowing hard. For a moment, his lips parted and closed, his brain struggling to put his thoughts into words. Or rather, he found it hard to voice those words. He felt vulnerable in front of you and he hated feeling vulnerable. “I��”
You quirked a brow at him. “Use your words, Amagai. I don’t have all day.”
A laugh passed his lips and he reached up, resting his knuckles against your cheek. He couldn’t remember the imprint of his hand against your skin and he hated himself for it. He closed his eyes, closing the distance until his forehead rested against your own.
You were frozen on the spot, eyes wide and heart racing. What the hell was he doing? Why was he acting so strangely? You didn’t know but it scared you. It was so out of character for him. 
“Stay with me,” he whispered so softly that you almost didn’t catch it. 
You blinked, wondering if you had heard him right. “Sorry, what was that?”
He slowly opened his eyes, giving you a pleading look. “Stay with me. Don’t leave.”
“You literally just yelled at me to sign the papers,” you retorted, confusion filling you. “What game are you -“
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“Eh?” Time seemed to stop, your brain taking an embarrassingly long time to process the words.
With each second that passed by, Amagai looked more vulnerable, more uncomfortable. He was starting to regret his choice to bear his soul to you so willingly. He was waiting for you to laugh in his face.
“You think? You don’t actually know?”
He stepped back and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve never been in love before…”
“That’s not surprising,” you scoffed, folding your arms over your chest. “You know I’ll never forget what you’ve done to me. I’ll never forget the pain I felt after you had Suzaki beat the shit out of me. Sometimes I wake up and it feels like I’m back in that moment, an endless loop I can never escape.”
Amagai winced, a frown tugging at his lips. He knew he was an asshole. He knew that he had scarred you in a way that may never heal. Now, he was asking you to stay with him despite everything just to make himself happy. He swallowed hard, picking up the papers and holding them out to you, unable to meet your eye.
“Sign the papers and you’ll never see me again.”
You considered this for a moment. The rational part of your brain was telling you to run away, to put all of this behind you and start your life over, but… there was another part of you willing you to stay. You hated to admit it, but you had grown attached to Amagai’s presence. 
You were standing at a fork in the road, two paths branching off in vastly different directions. The choice you made here and now would alter the course of your life, though you weren’t sure if it was for better or for worse.
You’ve always been a firm believer in going with your gut over logic.
“I’ll never forget what you’ve done,” you repeated, slowly approaching the fireplace. You took a deep breath, throwing the papers into the fire. “But, with some time, I may be able to forgive you.”
His eyes widened in shock, watching the flames eating away at the papers. His eyes became glassy as he fought against the overwhelming emotions filling him. 
“Whether or not I forgive you will depend heavily on how you act from this point on. I’d suggest taking a course on how not to be an asshole,” you told him, folding your arms over your chest. “And how to treat your friends like friends and not tools.”
“You’re staying?” he whispered, sounding as if he didn’t believe it.
“I’m staying.”
In the blink of an eye, Amagai had closed the distance between you, arms wrapped tightly around your body as he buried his face in your neck. 
“And Amagai?”
“Kohei,” he corrected, lips brushing against your skin when he spoke.
“Kohei,” you repeated, feeling his grip increase at the sound of his name. “If you ever call me ugly duckling again, I’ll kill you.”
He laughed at the threat, a smile coming to his lips. He pulled back to rest his forehead against your own. “You’ve never been an ugly duckling.” He brushed his thumb beneath your lips, holding your gaze. “You’re my beautiful swan.”
The heat of his gaze took the breath from your lungs but you tried to act as if the words didn’t bother you. “And don’t you dare fucking forget it.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
63 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
True Happiness – P (PSF #26)
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Genre: Fluff, romance
Prompt: Fireplace (@flufftober)
Word Count: 3,586
Pairing: Reader x P
World: High&Low
Warning: Mentions animal abuse but no kitties were harmed ♡
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The cool autumn wind wrapped around you like a blanket, bringing a smile to your lips. The sky was a velvety navy blue, dotted with tiny stars like jewels. The crescent moon was half hidden by clouds. You stood on the edge of the roof, eyes closed as you listened to the sounds of the city below. 
Arms wrapped around your waist, a warm chest pressing against your back. “Sorry, I’m late.”
You hummed, leaning back against your boyfriend as you rested your hands over his arms. “It’s okay. You’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
P pressed a kiss to your neck, tightening his grip. “Why aren’t you wearing a coat? You’re going to get sick.”
“I’ll be fine,” you assured him. “You know how I love the cold.”
He clicked his tongue as he pulled away, shrugging out of his green military jacket. “Wear this.”
“No,” you grinned at him, taking a step back.
His eyes glinted playfully under the low light as he took a step toward you. “Wear it.”
“Make me.”
His lips twitched upward and, within the blink of an eye, he was in front of you. You cried out in surprise, the sound morphing into a laugh as you darted away, just barely managing to dodge his hand. He chased you around the roof but he had quite the advantage.
While you had to run around the large air conditioner, he was able to easily flip over it, landing in front of you gracefully. You tried to dodge him but he was quicker, arms wrapping around you and pinning your arms to your sides. You lost your balance and the two of you tumbled to the ground, laughing softly.
“Are you okay?” He frowned down at you, propping himself up on his elbows.
You couldn’t control your grin, reaching up to cup the side of his neck. “Couldn’t be better.”
He chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips which you happily returned, sliding your hand up to thread through his red locks. When he pulled back, his eyes were sparkling with love and warmth. “Please put on the jacket?”
As badly as you wanted to say no, you couldn’t resist him when he was looking at you like that. “Fine.”
He sat up, pulling you with him so he could place the jacket around your shoulders. It was already baggy on him even with all his muscles, so it was big on you, as well. You adored it, though, allowing the fabric to swallow you with its warmth. The scent of vanilla filled your nostrils and you smiled, breathing in deeply.
P chuckled, shifting so he was sitting beside you, his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. 
“Won’t the others get mad when you show up without your jacket?” you wondered with a frown, resting your head against his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about that, beautiful. I’ll think of some excuse.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you closer when the wind picked up.
Despite his reassurance, you couldn’t help but worry. No one knew about the two of you dating, mostly because he was part of the Rude Boys and you were part of Daruma. His group didn’t like outsiders, especially not those belonging to other factions, and you were afraid of how they’d react if they found out.
Smoky valued loyalty and honesty above all else, but P has been lying to his face for months. How many times could he disappear before they stop believing his tall tales? You felt fear every time he returned to Nameless City. You didn’t know them well enough to know whether or not they would hurt him for betraying them.
On the other hand, you knew Hyuga and the Daruma boys well, yet you still couldn’t predict how they’d react if they found out. At the very least, you knew the Babies would be upset that you had lied to their face. They were your best friends, after all, and you usually told them everything.
“Stop worrying,” he spoke softly, hand sliding under your chin to lift your head. Your eyes met his, feeling the breath leave your lungs at the loving look he gave you. “No matter what happens, I won’t leave you. You’re the love of my life, beautiful.”
You swallowed hard, his words tugging at your heart. “And you’re the love of mine, P.”
He smiled, bringing his lips down over yours in a slow, passionate embrace that left you wanting more. Part of you hated that he felt that way, not wanting him to give up everything he had built with the Rude Boys just for you. They were his family and the thought of him losing that just because he chose you –
“Stop overthinking it,” he murmured against your lips, shifting so he could push you back against the ground, his body pinning you there. “Stop thinking about the future. Focus on me, here and now.”
“Sorry,” your hand found its place at his hip, rubbing circles against the exposed skin between the hem of his shirt and pants.
“I’ll make you forget everything but me,” he promised, claiming your lips again, tongue darting across your lower lip. You could only groan as his tongue invaded your mouth.
True to his promise, he was the only thing on your mind for the rest of the night.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Wake up!”
“Jesus fucking christ!” you cursed, falling out of bed onto the hard wooden floor. You narrowed your eyes at Futa who stood in the doorway with a smug grin. “Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“You weren’t answering your phone,” he shrugged.
“Because I was asleep!”
He snickered, folding his arms over his chest. “Did you forget? You and I are supposed to go pick up supplies from the next town over.”
“Shit,” you cursed again, pulling yourself off the ground before rushing over to the dresser. “What time is it?”
Futa tugged his phone from his pocket, pressing the power button. “5:30.”
You groaned, rushing past him toward the bathroom so you could change. You knew that you were supposed to meet with the supplier at 6:30. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?!”
He scoffed as he entered the kitchen, pulling a soda from the fridge. “I started calling you at four! I’m not your damn babysitter, ya know!”
You entered the kitchen, fully dressed. “Pretty sure that was in the fine print of your contract.” You grinned, taking the drink from his hand before heading for the door to slip your feet into your boots. “Are we gonna make it on time?”
“Please. I’ve never been late for a meeting before.”
You snickered, heading out into the cold morning. You brought P’s jacket tighter around your body, biting your lip to hold back your smile as you thought of the night before.
“Oi, what are you wearing?” Futa quirked a brow at you as he slid into the driver’s seat of the lowrider.
“What?” You tensed up, trying to act dumb as you got into the car. “Mad that I look better than you?”
“You’re wearing green,” his nose wrinkled in disapproval. “You’re supposed to wear white and red.”
“What Hyuga doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” You turned your gaze away from him, trying to stay calm under his calculating gaze. “I paid a lot for this jacket, so I’m gonna wear it.”
He grunted, backing the car out of its parking spot. “It’s your funeral.”
You knew wearing P’s jacket was risky, but you missed him and wearing his jacket was comforting to you. It felt as if part of him was there with you and that made you feel confident and strong.
With the way Futa drove, the two of you found yourselves pulling up to the meeting spot with five minutes to spare. 
You stepped out of the car, eyes scanning the empty parking lot that sat against an old factory building. “Shouldn’t they be here by now?”
“Maybe they woke up late,” he teased, sending you a grin that had you rolling your eyes.
“Are you sure this is the right place?”
“Hah? You don’t trust me?”
“Of course,” you stared him dead in the eye, face blank. “I don’t.”
He clicked his tongue, pulling his phone from his pocket to double-check the address. You watched as his face slowly fell, skin turning pale.
“I knew it! You brought us to the wrong place,” you accused with a scowl.
“Relax, it’s just a couple blocks down. Get in.”
“Idiot~” you called as you slid back into the car. He only made it halfway down the block when you noticed something from the corner of your eye. “Stop the car!”
Futa looked at you in confusion, foot pressing against the brake. Before he could even begin to ask what was wrong, you were already jumping out of the car, running toward the alleyway between two abandoned buildings. “Oi!”
You rounded the corner without slowing down, jumping into the air before kicking a guy in the side of the face. He cried out, dropping what he was holding as he went tumbling back against the ground. Your heart skipped a beat as you fell to the ground, catching the black kitten in your hands. 
You released a relieved sigh at catching him, but anger quickly came across your face as you stood up. You covered the creature’s ears, holding him to your chest. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?! Hah?!”
The two males that you hadn’t attacked looked at you in shock, not sure how to react. On the ground by their feet was a cardboard box filled with pitch-black kittens. They were huddled up together, trembling and clearly afraid.
Anger surged through you.
“Oi, what’s going on?” Futa appeared beside you, eyeing the males wearily.
Without a word, you carefully placed the kitten against his chest, waiting until he had a secure hold on the creature before you stepped forward, cracking your knuckles.
“I’m going to slaughter all three of you and feed your remains to your fucking families,” you hissed before rushing toward them, careful of the box as they took off toward the opposite end of the alley. “Get back here, you fucks!”
Unfortunately for them, the opposite end of the alley was fenced off. They tried to climb the chain-link fence but you grabbed the back of their shirts, slamming them against the ground. You proceeded to beat the shit out of them until they curled into balls, begging and sobbing for mercy.
“If you ever put your hands on an animal again, I’ll fucking hunt you down and make you wish you were dead. Do you understand me?!”
“Y-Y-Yes!” sobbed one of the guys, his body trembling.
You huffed out in anger, giving him another hard kick for good measure before making your way back toward Futa. He was kneeling beside the box, having returned the kitten to his siblings.
“The hell was that about?” he frowned, standing up when you returned.
You glanced at the bag they had left behind, seeing a ouija board, candles and, worse, a knife. A new wave of anger rose within you and you had to take a few deep breaths, fists clenching and unclenching. As badly as you wanted to turn around and beat them again, you knew you would likely kill them if you did so.
“Black cats are associated with witchcraft,” you growled out through gritted teeth. “So they are often abused and killed during Halloween by dumb fucks who think they can wish away all their problems with a few magic words.”
Futa frowned as he realized what you meant, brown eyes falling to the kittens. “Oh… what do we do with them?”
“We’re taking them, obviously.” You carefully picked up the box, holding it against your chest. Despite the anger you still felt, your gaze softened as you looked down at them. They were staring up at you with wide eyes, unsure if they could trust you or not.
“Hah?” Futa followed behind you with a scowl. “We’re here to pick up supplies, not cats. We’re already late!”
“Then stop whining and fucking drive,” you snapped, settling yourself in the car with the box on your lap. You didn’t mean to give him an attitude, but you were heated and unable to control your temper.
Futa realized this and sighed, doing as you ordered.
“And put the damn top up, the kittens are cold.”
“Alright, alright. Calm your tits.”
You sent him a look and he snickered, flicking the heater on.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Here you go, sweeties,” you spoke softly so as not to scare the kittens, setting a bowl of warm milk and a bowl of cat food down in front of them.
The five kittens were curled up together in front of the fireplace, looking around your apartment curiously. They had stopped shivering and didn’t appear to be afraid, thankfully.
“It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” You slowly settled down on the floor, keeping enough distance between you and the bowls.
The smallest of the kittens was the one who slowly stepped forward, blinking his bright blue eyes at you before approaching the bowl. He sniffed it for a moment before placing his front paws into the bowl. The first bite was tentative but, as soon as he got a taste, he started to eat as if it was the first time he had ever eaten.
The others slowly gained confidence seeing this, approaching the bowl. It wasn’t big enough for all five of them to eat from at once and when they tried, the bowl tipped over, spilling dry food across the carpet. Thankfully, they didn’t spill the milk which would have been harder to clean up.
You chuckled at how cute they were, a smile on your face. “So cute~”
“Mrow~” The smallest of the group slowly waddled over to you, meowing cutely as if thanking you for the meal.
“You’re welcome!” With a smile, you lowered yourself onto your stomach, arms folded on the ground and your chin resting on them. You hoped you were less intimidating now that you were on their level.
Sure enough, the smallest one came over to you without fear, bumping his head against your arm. You held back your happy squeal, holding out your hand so he could sniff it. It seemed as if you had already earned his trust, though, because he immediately rubbed his head against your hand.
“I promise to give you a safe and loving home,” you told them softly, rubbing your index finger across the top of his head. The other kittens slowly made their way over to you before they started to play, climbing your body as if it were a mountain. Though their tiny claws weren’t very comfortable, your clothes mostly protected you. Though, even if your clothes weren’t acting as a barrier, you still wouldn’t mind.
The cat you had first saved approached your face, his emerald eyes staring into your own before he slowly blinked, a sign that he trusted and loved you. Then he moved forward, his tiny nose bumping against your own.
You bit your lip to hold back your squeal of happiness, watching as he stepped over your arm so he could lie down. You rested your head on your other arm, careful not to hurt him. “This is what true happiness feels like,” you murmured, closing your eyes with a smile etched onto your face.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
P bit his lip as he stood atop the roof, glancing at the watch on his wrist. The usual meeting time had come and long gone, yet you were nowhere to be found. In all the months you’ve been dating, you haven’t missed a single meeting with him and he was starting to grow worried. Had you been attacked? What if Hyuga found out about the relationship and punished you? The thought terrified him.
With cat-like grace, he scaled down the tall building, jumping from one fire escape to the next as he made his way toward your apartment building. Though you had given him a key long ago, he rarely used the door. Why would he when he could just as easily scale the fire escape and climb through your window?
He had told you many times to start locking your bedroom window, but you never listened to him. After all, who else aside from a Rude Boy would be performing dangerous feats just to enter your apartment? 
Clicking his tongue, he shimmied the window back and forth until there was enough space to slip his fingers beneath it, allowing him to fully push it up. He called out your name as he slipped inside your bedroom, glancing around the room for you but you were nowhere to be found.
He called out your name again as he stepped out into the hall, the wooden floor creaking beneath his feet. He checked the bathroom, the closet and the spare bedroom before finally checking the living room. What he saw had his heart melting, cheeks dusting with pink.
There you were, asleep on the living room floor, with five black kittens sleeping on or close to you.
The fire had reduced to mere embers so he assumed you had been asleep for a while. Where did these kittens come from? He knew you loved cats but they hadn’t been here the last time he had stopped by. Surely you would have told him if you chose to adopt.
P kneeled beside you, resting his hand against your shoulder blade. “Wake up, beautiful. You’re going to catch a cold sleeping on the floor.”
You mumbled something incoherent, shifting slightly before stilling again. He glanced at the two kittens curled into a ball at the small of your back and he smiled, gently setting them aside so you didn’t accidentally knock them off.
He leaned down, pressing a kiss beneath your ear. “Wake up, my love.”
You shifted again, eyes fluttering open. “P?” you mumbled, reaching up to rub at your eye.
He hummed in response. “Let’s get you to bed.”
You slowly lifted your head, blinking dumbly as you registered where you were. You remembered finding the kittens with Futa, bringing them home and laying down with them. The green-eyed kitten was still asleep against your arm and you smiled as soon as you realized that. When you tried to sit up, you winced in pain, body sore from the position you had slept in.
P picked up each kitten, setting them on the couch with a warm blanket. They simply yawned widely before curling up and going back to sleep, unbothered by the new addition. He helped you up, frowning at the way your brow furrowed in pain. “You shouldn’t sleep on the floor.”
“Didn’t plan on it,” you mumbled, bringing a hand to rest against your back as if that would alleviate the soreness in your muscles. “What are you doing here?”
He quirked a brow at you, stepping closer so his hand could rub up and down your back. “Did you really forget?”
You blinked at him in confusion, mind still foggy from sleep. After a moment, it hit you. “Oh my god, we were supposed to meet tonight!”
“Mhm.” The corner of his lips twitched upward but he held back his amused smile. “I was worried about you, you know? I thought something happened.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, P. I didn’t mean to fall asleep… what time is it?”
“Nearly four-thirty in the morning.”
You frowned at him, fingers curling around his t-shirt. “I’m sorry, baby. I really didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay, I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose,” he smiled, leaning down to claim your lips. “I’m just happy you’re safe.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” you replied, tugging at the collar of his shirt so he’d kiss you again.
“I’m sure you will.” His eyes sparkled as he pulled you closer, gaze flickering to the kittens. “When did you get roommates?”
“Today, actually,” you yawned, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face against his warm chest. You recalled the tale of how you were working with Futa and how you had found the kittens.
He listened carefully, humming softly as he took in your words. When you finished your story, he joked, “You should have told me sooner that I was going to be a father.”
You chuckled at the comment. “Figured I’d surprise you~ I know it’s morning already, but… will you stay with me for a bit?”
He cupped your neck, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried, beautiful.”
A smile slid onto your face as you led him toward the bedroom. You slipped under the comforter, shivering lightly as your body touched the cold sheets. He closed the window, took his shoes and jacket off before sliding in beside you, his arms finding their place around your body. 
“I love you,” he whispered, resting half his body on top of your own, head resting in the crook of your neck.
Your fingers slid through his soft hair, a tired smile on your lips. “I love you, too, more than anything.” After a moment, you added to yourself, “This is also true happiness.“
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
59 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 1 year ago
A Halloween Miracle – Ice (PSF #16)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, romance, slice of life
Prompt: Wearing each other’s clothes (@flufftober) / Dare: Make a donation to the food bank (@slumberpartybingo Fall Flash)
Word Count: 5,228
Pairing: Reader x Ice
World: High&Low
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You checked your reflection in the mirror again, biting your lip nervously. It wasn’t your first date with Ice yet it felt as if it was. How could you not feel at least a bit self-conscious with him, though? He was such a beautiful man with an incredible, and expensive, sense of fashion. 
Not to mention how strong he is or how much money he has. You were his complete opposite. Fashion meant nothing to you and you were perfectly happy just wearing loose, comfortable clothing. You never spent more than fifty bucks on an article of clothing, not just because it felt wrong, but also because you didn’t have that kind of spare cash to blow.
Ice oftentimes tried to buy you things but you always told him no. You felt wrong accepting gifts from him, especially since he seemed to choose the most expensive gifts possible. The last thing you wanted was for him to think you were a gold digger, just dating him for his money.
You even insisted on paying your half of the bill when he took you out to dinner, something that really frustrated him. He knew you worked hard for your money and that it was always tight for you, yet you insisted on paying.
The first time you had gone out together, he had chosen an expensive restaurant and you ended up not having enough to pay for your half. It was one of the most embarrassing nights of your life and you still hate thinking about it.
Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your keys and headed outside to wait for Ice to arrive. The cold autumn air curled around you like a blanket, bringing goosebumps to your skin and a smile to your face. Autumn was your favorite time of year and you loved the cold.
Ice’s black Bentley pulled up to the curb and he stepped out, smiling when he saw you. “Hey, baby,” he greeted, pressing a kiss to your cheek before leading you to the passenger’s side, pulling the door open for you. As soon as you were safely inside, he closed the door and returned to the driver’s seat.
When you first met Ice, you saw how viciously he fought, how cruel he could be. You never would have imagined that he could be such a gentleman, that he could be so soft and kind to you. 
“Where do you want to go?” He questioned, taking your hand in his, fingers lacing together.
You bit your lip, knowing how drastically your interests were. A good date to him was an expensive restaurant before heading to the club to party. A good date to you was staying indoors and watching a movie or going for a walk together at the park.
He waited patiently for you to answer, rubbing his thumb against your hand.
“Can we… visit the autumn fair?” you asked softly.
“Sure.” He pressed a kiss to your hand before putting the car in park and pulling away from the curb. Music was playing softly in the background, the heater turned on low to stave off the chill.
You shifted against the leather seat, turning your gaze to the window as the city passed by in a blur of silver and orange. It didn’t take long to reach the fair and the place was packed, mostly with families and their kids. You felt guilty forcing him to come here and it honestly made you feel a bit childish.
As you climbed out of the car, you offered him a sheepish smile. “If you don’t want to be here, we can go somewhere else…?”
Ice just smiled, putting his arm around your shoulders and tugging you against his side. “Nah. I haven’t been to a fair in years, it’ll be a nice change.”
“Are you sure?”
His dark eyes met yours, fingers pushing your chin up so he could claim your lips. “Positive, baby.”
You nodded, a smile slipping onto your face. He let you take the lead, following you around as you bounced from one ride to the next, tackling each game booth that they had. You weren’t very good at them, not once winning a prize, but Ice dominated each one, allowing you to choose the item you wanted. 
The loud sounds of the rides along with the sea of people was enough to cover the soft thunder above, the night sky slowly filling with dark clouds. Though it felt as if you had been there for only a few minutes, several hours passed by and the fair was getting ready to close. Most of the families had already cleared out, leaving only couples and groups of teens.
The wind was picking up, the temperature dropping as rain approached. Despite loving the cold, you were starting to shiver. You regretted not wearing your hoodie, but you worried Ice wouldn’t like the way it looked on you because it was baggy and quite old.
He shrugged out of his jacket, draping it over your shoulders. The scent of his cologne filled your nostrils and you smiled, sticking your arms through the sleeves. It was still warm from his body.
“Thank you.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple. “I can’t let my baby get sick. Let’s get you home before the rain starts.”
“Okay.” You followed him back to the car, sliding into the passenger seat. “Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun.”
He quirked a brow at you before returning his eyes to the road. “When are you going to stop thanking me for taking you on dates?”
“At least once more, Mr. Ice,” you grinned, quoting the Pirates of the Caribbean. It was the movie you both watched on your first date, so it held a special place in your heart. It was also just a really good movie.
Ice chuckled, a smile coming to his lips as he thought back to that day. It had started out as a disaster of a blind date, set up by your friend who Pearl was desperately trying to get with. Bernie was supposed to be your date but he got food poisoning at the last minute. Everyone else was busy except for Jesse and Ice, the former flat-out refusing.
Ice didn’t want to go, either, but Pearl was his family and he needed help so the leader agreed. 
He honestly didn’t think much of you, at first. Despite being at a club, you were wearing baggy shorts, a hoodie, and sneakers. You had no interest in dancing or drinking and you acted as if you wanted to be anywhere else. He thought you were cute, but you were nothing compared to the hotties he usually pulled.
He expected the night to pass by in awkward silence, but you tried to get to know him, striking up a conversation repeatedly even when it died out. Usually his dates were all over him by now, complimenting his watch, the diamonds in his ears or the chain around his neck. You didn’t care about any of that. Even when he told you that he owned a club and a bunch of expensive cars, you weren’t interested.
When he mentioned his music, though, you became very interested. You had always admired musicians, not just for their talent but for their confidence. They bore their souls for the world to see and they did so proudly despite the fear of rejection. Ice was surprised by just how animated you became when discussing the topic and, as the night wore on, he began to warm up to you.
He offered to take you home when it became glaringly obvious that you no longer wanted to be inside the club. Rather than fawn over his expensive car, you were hesitant to even look at it for fear of somehow messing it up. He thought it was cute how he had to coax you inside, assuring you that it was highly unlikely that you would.
He found himself driving slower than he needed to because he was enjoying spending time with you. You were so different from the people he usually hung around with and it was refreshing to him. He remembers how relieved he had felt when you spotted the sign for the drive-in movie theater. It was playing the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie and you asked him if he would be interested.
You were surprised when he said yes but you certainly weren’t complaining. He was not your type at all, yet you felt drawn to him, drawn to the strong aura he possessed. You weren’t sure why but you felt safe around him, comfortable even. That’s not to say you also didn’t feel nervous, as well, given the extreme differences between you, but he just had this way of making you completely forget about your worries for a time.
“What are you grinning about?” He wondered, quirking a brow at you as he pulled up in front of your house.
“I was just thinking about the day we met,” you replied, sending him a soft smile. “Things didn’t start out too well, but I’m happy with how it ended.”
He smirked, reaching over to grip your chin in his hand. “Just how happy are you, hm?”
“Very,” you breathed out, finding yourself leaning toward him. 
“Show me,” he ordered, lips brushing against your own. A sudden clap of thunder rattled the car windows and made you jump, heart racing within your chest. He clicked his tongue. “The rain’s about to start, you should get inside.”
“Right…” You stepped out of the vehicle, heading toward the door with him close behind. You reached into your pocket for your keys only to frown when they weren’t there. You checked your other pocket but they weren’t there either. Dread filled you. “Shit…”
“What’s wrong?”
“I lost my keys…” you sent him a panicked look and he rested his large hand on top of your head, giving you a calming look.
“You probably dropped them in the car.”
The two of you started back toward the car when the thunder boomed again. The sky opened up, sheets of rain falling down on top of you. You cried out in surprise when the ice-cold water hit you, easily soaking through the t-shirt you wore.
“Get in!” Ice ordered, rushing to the passenger side to open the door for you despite his designer clothes getting soaked. When he finally made it inside, you frowned at the water dripping down his face.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized, lowering your head.
“For what?” He quirked a brow at you in confusion.
“You got wet because I lost my keys… and now your seats are gonna be ruined…”
He chuckled, his voice soft. “You have nothing to apologize for. Do you see them?”
“Oh, um…” you started to feel between the seats, looking on the floor and reaching beneath the seat but your keys were nowhere in sight. “They’re not here. Oh my god, what am I going to do? My roommate won’t be back until tomorrow night!”
“Hey, calm down,” he called softly, resting his hand against the back of your neck. “You can stay with me tonight.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” He started up the car, pulling away from the curb.
The closer you got to his apartment, the more nervous you became. You hadn’t ever been to his place before and now you were gonna be staying the night. You took a few deep breaths, hands clenching and unclenching as you tried to calm yourself down.
The apartment building was just as you expected – a twenty-five-story building that sat in the eastern district of the city. It’s where all the rich people lived and the air just felt different there, though it was hard to explain why. 
“Welcome back, Ice-sama.” The old man at the reception desk bowed to him but the male didn’t spare him a glance as he approached the elevator. 
You hugged yourself tightly, feeling super uncomfortable between the wet clothes clinging to you, your missing keys and the fear of spending the night at Ice’s place. You were honestly scared that he would expect something from you in return and you just weren’t ready for that. 
His apartment was huge, filled with expensive-looking furniture and decorations, most of which were music-themed. “The bathroom is down the hall. Go take a shower and I’ll find you something to wear.”
You swallowed nervously, watching as he disappeared down the opposite hall. You knew you had to get out of these clothes and a warm shower sounded lovely right about now, but were you really okay being naked in his apartment? And he was going to bring you some clothes… what if he decided to join you?
Your heart hammered against your ribs as you entered the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Your hands trembled as you undressed, but you couldn’t be sure if it was because of the cold or the nerves. Probably both.
You slowly slid the clothes off your body, turning on the water so it could warm up.
There was a knock on the door and you tensed, waiting for him to try the doorknob but he didn’t. “Baby, I’m gonna leave the clothes on the table, okay?”
“Y-Yeah! Thank you.” You pressed your ear to the door, listening to his footsteps fade before you cracked open the door, snatching up the clothes before shutting the door again. You showered quickly and started to get dressed.
His scent lingered on the clothes, mixed with the smell of the laundry detergent, and you inhaled deeply, feeling a wave of calm wash over you. You picked up your wet clothes, not wanting to just leave them on the floor.
Ice was sitting on the sofa, changed into grey sweatpants and a black shirt that hugged his body. A towel sat around his neck as he dried his short hair. You assumed there were two bathrooms and he had used the other one.
“Um,” you shifted nervously in the doorway when he looked up at you. “Where should I put these?”
“Here, I’ll take them.” He pulled himself off the sofa, taking the wad of clothes from your hands before disappearing down the hall. He returned a moment later, confused as to why you hadn’t moved. His hand found the small of your back, gently pushing you toward the sofa. 
You felt as if you should say something but your mind was drawing blanks, too preoccupied with the rising nerves within your system. He settled down beside you, putting his arm around you to pull you closer.
“I have a surprise for you, baby,” he commented softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
You watched curiously as he picked up the remote, turning on the TV. you recognized the music immediately, eyes snapping over to see the menu screen for the Pirates of the Caribbean. A bright smile came to your lips and he could feel the tension leaving your body.
“After our first date, I ordered the limited edition set.”
“Limited edition?” Your wide eyes fell on him, knowing exactly what he meant. “But that thing is like 300 bucks!”
He hummed, fingers brushing against the back of your neck. “It was worth it. I’ll show you the set later, if you want.”
“Please! I was eyeing it for ages but they stopped selling it by the time I saved up enough.” You shook your head, folding your arms over your chest.
Ice hummed again as he pressed play, already knowing what he wanted to do. A soft smile came to his lips as he watched your eyes light up, focused completely on the TV screen. He felt so much love for you in his heart and it felt so foreign to him. He had hated it at first because it scared him, but now he craved more.
He pulled you even closer until you were practically on his lap, arms wrapping around your waist. You leaned into his warmth, head resting on his firm chest. 
“I love you, baby,” he whispered, lips brushing against your cheek, feeling your skin grow warm.
“I love you, too,” you breathed out, hands resting over his arms.
You made it through three movies before you started yawning and Ice suggested it was time for bed. He didn’t think twice about sharing the bed with you because you were dating, you had been for a while, but you were nervous as hell.
Truth be told, you were a virgin who had never gone beyond kissing anyone before. You figured Ice was the opposite, having quite a few notches in his belt. That didn’t bother you, it was long before you started dating, but you assumed he had an expectation. How long was too long to date without getting intimate? You knew you weren’t ready but you were afraid he might leave you if you refused him.
Your heart raced within your chest as he led you into his bedroom. The bed was huge, fit for a king, with a plush black and white comforter. As he pulled back the covers, he took notice of how tense you were and a frown tugged at his lips. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah!” you replied quickly, forcing a smile. 
He knew you were lying. He said your name, hand on his hip. “Tell me.”
You shifted nervously under his piercing gaze, mumbling under your breath.
“What?” He stepped closer to you. “I couldn’t hear what you said.”
You screwed your eyes shut, fists clenching at your sides. “I-I’m a virgin!”
Ice was both taken aback and confused. He knew you were vastly different from the people he usually dated, but a virgin? He definitely hadn’t expected that. Why were you suddenly bringing it up, though? At first, he thought that you trusted him enough to confide such information to him.
His eyes scanned your tense body, taking in the way your fists trembled slightly, how your eyes remained closed, and the deep frown that marred your face. He knew he was wrong. You weren’t confiding in him, you were worried about it.
“Baby,” he called out softly, closing the distance and resting his hands on your upper arms. “I’m not going to force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
You slowly peeled open your eyes, expecting to see him looking annoyed to some degree, but his eyes were filled with warmth. “You’re… you’re really okay with it?”
“Of course, I am. What kind of person do you think I am?” He hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, but he was hurt that your mind had even gone there.
“I’m sorry, I…”
Ice exhaled sharply to calm himself before pulling you into his arms. Despite the tense situation, he felt you relax in his grip. “I love you and I’m just happy spending time with you. I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with, but you have to tell me what those things are, understand?”
You nodded, fingers curling around his shirt. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Let’s get some sleep, okay?” He paused as he considered his words. “Unless you’d like to sleep in the guest room instead?”
“No,” you mumbled against his chest, cheeks darkening. “I wanna stay with you.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Whatever you want, baby.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Sun streamed through the cracks in the curtains and you shifted, eyes fluttering open. You instantly felt the lack of Ice’s presence behind you, his side of the bed cols to the touch. With a yawn, you crawled out of bed to search for him but the apartment was empty. Upon checking your phone, you found a new message from him.
-> Had to go deal with a problem at the club. Stay as long as you want, baby.
You quickly messaged back, telling him that you hoped everything was okay. It felt strange being alone in his apartment and, truth be told, you felt kind of happy that he trusted you around all of his items. He had more faith in you than you had in yourself because you feared you would break whatever you touched.
You glanced at the clock and cursed. It was almost time for your shift at the food bank so you needed to hurry up and get ready. You searched for your clothes, finding them in the laundry room. He had tossed them in the washer but hadn’t turned it on and you didn’t have enough time to do it yourself.
You bit your lip, tugging your phone from your pocket. He still hadn’t responded to you so you hesitated to send another. You knew you had no choice but to wear his clothes if you wanted to get to the food bank on time. If you asked to borrow his clothes but he didn’t reply immediately, only to say no later, it would be awkward as hell when he found out you had done it anyway. 
“Damn it,” you cursed, returning to his room. 
His closet opened up into the next room, overflowing with fashionable clothes from brands you couldn’t even pronounce. Your eyes scanned the items as you slowly walked through the room, looking for something that was close to your style but also something that didn’t look as if it cost a couple of grand.
You found a basketball jersey that was big on you but super comfortable, along with a pair of jeans that had a hole on the left knee. You assumed they were old and not worth much because of it. They were also big on you and you had to roll up the pant legs so they weren’t dragging against the ground. Securing them with a belt, you nodded in satisfaction before grabbing your shoes and leaving the apartment.
Ice had left a spare key for you on the table so you were able to lock the door behind you. 
Taking a deep breath of the cold autumn air, you smiled and started to run down the sidewalk, leaves crunching beneath your feet. Because of how far the food bank was from the upper district, you were three minutes late for your shift. 
The other volunteers jumped in surprise when you slammed the door open, breathing heavily as your lungs tried to suck in air. Your side was in stitches, heart beating hard against your ribs and your legs felt like jelly.
“You’re late,” scolded Mako, eyes narrowed and arms folded over his chest.
“S-Sorry!” you quickly bowed to him before rushing over to your station.
“Our doors open in five minutes!” he announced, raising his voice so everyone could hear him. “Remember to be kind. These people are struggling and are hungry. Kind smiles, soft words. Be polite!”
The food bank was a large rectangular building divided down the center. On the right side was the kitchen where the homeless could come and get some freshly made soup to fill their bellies. On the left was the food bank where you worked, handing out groceries to families who couldn’t afford the overly priced items at the store.
Kai, your friend and coworker, leaned toward you with a frown. “How are we supposed to act cheery when we’re nearly out of food?”
“Eh?” You looked at him in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“The supply truck was robbed and all the food was taken. We have enough for maybe two days, depending on how many people show up.”
A frown tugged at your lips, a sad feeling settling in your gut. You were forced to push those negative feelings away as the doors were opened and people began to flood the building. You forced a smile as you greeted the woman at the front of the line, trying not to worry too much.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Oi, are you still alive?” Sarah snapped her fingers in front of your face, knocking you from your thoughts. 
“Sorry,” you sent her an apologetic look. “What were you saying?”
The two of you were relaxing at the back of the club, far removed from the crowd of people dancing and drinking. The walls were thick enough to block most of the sound, though you could still hear the faint bumping of the bass.
She hummed, sitting back on the couch and crossing her legs. “You’ve been distracted all day. Did you fight with Ice or something?”
“No, of course not!” you replied quickly, holding your hands up as if in surrender. “It’s just…”
“Just what?”
Honestly, you doubted she would care but you needed to get it off your chest because you couldn’t stop worrying about it. “I work at the food bank downtown.”
She sent you a surprised look which you didn’t notice because you were staring at your lap. She knew you had a job and did odd jobs sometimes for extra cash, something she found strange. She had grown to know Ice well and she had been surprised to learn that he wasn’t taking care of you. 
She had no idea that, when you weren’t working, you were volunteering. She briefly wondered if Ice knew.
“The supply truck was attacked and we barely have enough food left for tomorrow. What are we going to do?” You frowned, running your hand through your hair in frustration. “All of us pooled together what little bit of money we had but it didn’t buy much. Donations have gone down a lot this year and I don’t know if we can recover from this.”
Sarah watched as you stood up with a groan, pacing back and forth. This was clearly something important to you but she didn’t even have to ask if you had told Ice. She knew you hadn’t because you feel bad using his money. Even if it was for a good cause, you felt guilty asking him to spend his money for you.
Sarah had no qualms about this, though.
She pulled herself off the couch, resting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll find a way.”
You gave her a grateful smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Thank you and thank you for listening to me ramble.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Mako looked worried as he approached you, eyes glancing to the storage room behind you. He tugged you away from the line of people, lowering his voice. “How is it?”
You shook your head with a frown. “Not good. We have two loaves of bread, one gallon of milk, three boxes of cereal and a jar of peanut butter. There’s no way we can stretch that out for all of these people.”
Mako scowled in frustration, running a hand through his brown hair. “Shit. Did you call up everyone on that list I gave you?”
“Yes. All of them said they weren’t in a position to help us right now…”
“Of course not,” he huffed, folding his arms over his chest. “We’ve exhausted all of our options. We have no choice but to close our doors for now.”
“But, Mako-san -” You bit your lip, eyes scanning the room full of people that were waiting for their food. “We can’t just -“
“I know!” He snapped angrily, startling the people nearby. He sent them an apologetic look before leaning toward you. “I know that, but we don’t have any choice.” Mako took a few deep breaths before stepping over to the center of the room, clearing his throat. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”
The soft voices of the crowd slowly disappeared until the room was silent, everyone staring at him. Your heart ached, the other employees exchanging sad looks because they already knew what he was going to say.
“A couple of days ago, the supply truck bringing us food for the next month was attacked and the food taken. Because of this…” He paused, biting his lip as the crowd shifted nervously, exchanging worried looks.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you tugged it out, seeing your boyfriend’s name on the screen. You tried your best not to sound sad or worried, turning your back to Mako as if that would block the sound. “I can’t talk right now, I’m -“
Ice cut you off. “Come outside, baby.“
“Trust me.”
With a furrowed brow, you made your way through the crowd, stepping outside. You shivered as the cold wind wrapped around you, but that was the last thing on your mind. You instantly recognized the shiny supercars that sat in front of the food bank and your heart skipped a beat. What were the Mighty Warriors doing here?
The door to Ice’s car opened and he stepped out, eyes locking with yours. 
“What are you doing here?” you questioned, watching as the others exited their vehicles and started to direct large box trucks into the parking lot. “What’s going on?”
His hands found your waist, a frown on his lips. “You should have told me.”
“Sarah told you, didn’t she?”
“Yes and I’m glad she did.”
The breath was knocked from your lungs when Bernie opened the back of the truck, revealing boxes upon boxes filled with food items. It was way more than what the food bank usually received in a month’s time.
“Ice,” you breathed out, tears stinging at your eyes. “That had to cost so much, I… I swear I’ll pay you back!”
He scoffed in disbelief. “You still don’t get it, do you?”
“Huh?” You looked at him in confusion, cheeks darkening when he took you by the chin, leaning his face toward your own.
“You’re mine, baby. Everything I own belongs to you, too. My money is your money and that?” His gaze flickered to the truck before finding yours again with an intensity you had only seen when he was fighting. “That is a small price to pay for your happiness.”
“Ice, I -“
He cut you off with his lips, hand pressing against the small of your back to bring your body against his. You tilted your head to deepen the kiss, arms wrapping around his neck. 
Mako slowly stepped outside, his eyes wide as he watched the men carrying the boxes inside. “It’s a Christmas miracle!”
The comment made you laugh, breaking the kiss. You sent your boyfriend an apologetic look before addressing Mako. “It’s October, Mako-san.”
“I know that,” he huffed, looking a bit embarrassed and intimidated by the large man you were standing next to. “But a Halloween miracle hardly has the same ring to it.”
“That’s fair,” you laughed, turning your attention back to your boyfriend.
He adored the way your eyes sparkled with happiness and love. He knew then that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life making you happy. 
His forehead rested against your own. “Move in with me.”
You looked at him in surprise. “Eh?”
“I want to live with you,” he explained softly, pulling you into a slow, sensual kiss. “For the rest of my life.”
Your cheeks burned at the implication of the words and you were unable to hold back your smile as you nodded, claiming his lips again.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
56 notes · View notes
rainisawriter · 2 years ago
I saw your requests are open and I have a request for murayama🐥 If Murayama's girlfriend prefers her love language to him by writing poetry for him and giving small gifts (like a simple drawing,painted stone,necklace and etc.) A girlfriend who is a little afraid of contact in a relationship What would he be like in this relationship? What would he think of this love language Headcanon or oneshot is not important to me, can you write something about it\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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Genre: Fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 2,461
A/N: Let me just say that this is the best banner I’ve made in a while lol I really like it. Also, I realized halfway through this request that you wanted them to be dating already but I was in too deep to fix it T_T)/ I hope you don’t mind and I hope you still enjoy this~
The first time you met Murayama Yoshiki, you knew that he would become an important person in your life. Maybe you didn’t realize that he would become the love of your life, but you knew he would be important. There was just something about him that drew you in, like a fish unable to escape a whirlpool. Though, part of you wasn’t so sure you wanted to escape.
In the beginning, you weren’t sure how to get his attention but you knew you wanted it. You couldn’t just come out and say that you thought he was cute, so you did what you do best – you wrote him a poem and made him a bracelet to go along with it. Neither were anything fancy, but they had come from your heart and you hoped he would be able to sense that.
You couldn’t just waltz up to him and give it to him, though. He was the leader of Oya Koukou, always surrounded by guys who would lay their lives down for him. You didn’t feel quite so comfortable stepping into Oya, either, so you took a less direct route.
“Can you please give this to Murayama-san?” you smiled brightly, holding out the small box containing the two items, along with some cookies you had bought from the store. It was secured with a blue ribbon so the contents wouldn’t spill out.
Furuya and Seki exchanged a look, clearly unsure of how to feel about this situation. No one had ever been brave enough to come up to them unless they were looking for a fight and you were looking at them without fear. Rather, you were looking at them with kindness which caught them off guard. Oya students were never looked upon with kindness.
“Um…” Furuya cleared his throat, glancing at his friend before slowly taking the box from your hand. “Sure…”
“Thank you very much!” You smiled brightly, bowing to them before turning and rushing away.
The two men watched you blankly until you turned the corner.
“What if it’s a bomb?” questioned Seki, taking a step back.
Furuya scoffed, smacking him atop his bald head. “Don’t be an idiot.”
When Furuya finally presented the box to Murayama, the younger male wasn’t entirely sure how to feel. He assumed it was just a challenge letter or another glitter bomb. The latter made him pause in opening it, dark eyes shifting to the couch he sat upon. He was still finding glitter stuck to the fabric after the last one he had received and that was over two months ago.
With a scowl, he decided to head outside in order to open it, not wanting to have to clean up the mess again if it really was a glitter bomb. Not that he had actually put in any work the last time – it was mostly Furuya and the lower ranking among the part-timers.
Safely outside, he tugged the ribbon, letting it fall to the ground. When he lifted the lid, he could only blink at the contents, clearly confused. He reached for the neatly folded paper first, convinced that it just had to be a challenge letter, but it wasn’t. 
He certainly wasn’t the brightest kid at Oya, so the poem left him scratching his head, though he’d be lying if he said it didn’t elicit a warm reaction from within him. The bracelet was made of brown rope with a baseball charm in the center, surrounded by two blue beads on either side of it. 
The bag of cookies was snatched from the box by a grinning Seki but they were quickly taken back by the younger male, a scowl on his lips. His dark eyes fell on Furuya. “Oi, where did you get this?”
The tall man shrugged a shoulder. “Someone asked me to give it to you.”
“I didn’t get their name…”
Murayama exhaled in annoyance, his eyes returning to the poem. He wasn’t sure why, but every time his gaze slid across the words, it awoke a fluttering feeling in his chest. Though the full meaning was lost on him, he could understand a part of it. Whoever had written this clearly felt strongly about him, he could feel it in every stroke of the pen.
“Find them,” muttered Murayama, making the two older men exchange a look of surprise.
“There, it’s done!” you grinned brightly, setting the paint brush down onto the table. Your hands and apron were covered in various colored paints but you didn’t mind – it was part of the creative process, after all! Sitting before you was the completed canvas, the colors vibrant and warm.
“Woah, that looks amazing,” commented your best friend. “Who is he?”
“Murayama Yoshiki.” The name felt nice on your tongue and you smiled warmly, admiring his silhouette in front of the school he adored so much. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He better,” she scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. “Any guy would be lucky to receive this as a gift.”
“Thank you,” you nodded proudly. “I think it’s my best work!”
“When are you going to -”
The doors of the art room were thrown open, causing both of you to whip around in surprise. Your friend looked terrified, her body tensing up as she slowly backed away.
You slowly stood up from the stool, blinking at Furuya and Seki. “What are you two doing here? How did you even find me?”
Your friend looked at you in shock, leaning toward you and hissing, “You know these two?!”
“Not personally, no,” you replied nonchalantly, shifting to the side so they wouldn’t see the painting.
Furuya stepped farther into the room, glancing around and wrinkling his nose. When was the last time he had been inside a classroom that wasn’t destroyed? Elementary school, perhaps? It felt strange to him.
“Murayama sent us to get you.”
Your eyes widened, heart skipping a beat. “W-What for?”
Your friend’s voice shook as she stepped toward you, fingers curling around your arm. “Y-You can’t just… just walk in here and kidnap people!”
“Hah?” His eyes narrowed at her, his tone enough to make her flinch.
“It’s okay,” you told her softly, offering her a reassuring smile and a pat on the hand. “They won’t hurt me.” ‘I hope,’ you found yourself thinking.
“Are you sure…?”
“Come on, we don’t have all day,” scowled Furuya, though his voice lacked its usual bite. “We’ve been looking for you for hours and we’re hungry.”
“Sorry for the trouble,” you apologized. “Just one moment, okay?”
He watched you closely as you gathered your things and he didn’t miss how you hid the canvas from him, carefully wrapping it up with brown paper. You felt nervous as you followed the two large men from the school, hyper aware of the strange and terrified looks of your classmates. 
The worst your school ever saw was someone kicking the vending machine because their snack got stuck, so seeing these two obvious delinquents had everyone on edge, especially since you were following them. You kept your head high, though, smiling brightly to let everyone know you were okay. You hoped they wouldn’t sense your nervousness.
Arriving at Oya put you even more on edge because everyone was watching you, sizing you up to see if you were a fit challenge for them. You had no doubt in your mind that if Furuya and Seki hadn’t been with you, they wouldn’t have hesitated to attack you. As someone who couldn’t fight to save your life, you found yourself walking closer to Furuya for comfort.
The boys led you into the gym where Murayama was waiting, lying across the couch and tossing a ball into the air before catching it. Several groups of guys were scattered throughout the gym, all of whom looked at you with suspicion and confusion as you were led to the stage.
“We’re back!” announced Seki with a grin.
Murayama caught the ball, moving his head to the side. His eyes locked with yours and you felt your breath catch in your throat. You had seen him so many times before this, but it was always from a distance and never up close. Had he always been this pretty?
He slowly sat up, his feet pressing against the floor as he watched you. He lifted his hand, motioning for you to come closer but you were rooted to the spot, unable to tear your gaze away from those dark pools.
Furuya gave your shoulder a gentle shove, knocking you from your daze.
You clutched the painting to your chest as you slowly stepped closer, gaze on the ground in front of you.
“Oi,” called Murayama, his tone softer than you had expected. “Why did you give me these?”
Glancing up, you saw him holding the poem you had written. The bracelet was secured around his wrist, bringing a bright grin to your lips. “You’re wearing it!”
He tilted his head to the side. “That’s usually what people do with bracelets, yeah?”
“Yes, I just… I thought you might have thrown it away,” you admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “I’m really happy you kept it.”
Why was his heart picking up speed? He wasn’t sure, but it made him feel vulnerable and he didn’t like feeling that way. His eyes flickered to the brown package held protectively against your chest. “What’s that?”
You felt warmth flood your cheeks, grip tightening around the painting. Yes, you were quite proud of what you had created but… were you read to show it to him? Giving him the poem was easy because you weren’t there to see his reaction. If you showed him the painting now, you wouldn’t be able to avoid it if he didn’t like it. 
“It’s, um… it’s nothing! Just a school project,” you lied, laughing nervously.
Furuya scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. “It’s a painting.”
“You saw it?!” Your wide eyes snapped to him and he smirked.
Murayama’s eyes narrowed at the two of you, feeling jealous that Furuya knew what it was when you refused to show it to him. Clicking his tongue, he stood up and jumped down from the stage, closing the distance in just a few strides. He reached toward you without thinking and you winced, taking a step back.
His brow furrowed, hand falling back to his side. “Are you afraid of me?”
“No!” You replied quickly, shaking your head. “Sorry, I’m just not very good with being touched.”
You nodded, biting your lower lip in thought. After a moment of silence, you slowly held out the painting. “I made this for you, Murayama-san. I hope you like it.”
His heart skipped a beat at how cute you are and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to be receiving a gift from you. He took the package, careful not to touch your fingers as he did so. He tugged away the brown paper, dark eyes scanning the canvas.
You watched his expression carefully, but he remained stoic, causing you to bite your lip again. “You probably don’t like paintings, huh? I didn’t really think about it, I’m sorry.”
Though his face remained blank, there was a war zone going on inside of him. He was absolutely touched by the painting you had done of him. He was touched by the bracelet and the poem. He couldn’t remember a time he had felt happier, though he knew taking over Oya was a close second.
“I love it,” he breathed out, eyes shimmering with sincerity as he stepped closer to you.
A bright smile came to your lips and he was sure it had just brightened the room. “I’m so glad!”
“Why are you giving me these things?” Murayama was dumb, but he wasn’t that dumb. He had a good idea of the answer, but he wanted to hear you say it. He wanted to be sure.
“Ah, well…” you rubbed the back of your head, cheeks warming. “I really like you, Murayama-san.”
“Yoshiki. Call me Yoshiki.”
You felt like you were going to burst with happiness. “Yoshiki-san, then.”
He adored the way his name sounded coming from you and he wanted to hear it again. His mind was racing as he tried to grasp onto the words he wanted to say. He just wanted to ask you out on a date, it couldn’t be that hard! Yet the words continued to escape him, much to his frustration.
You hesitated for a moment. “Will you…”
His heart skipped a beat. Were you about to ask him out?
“…look at the painting tonight? In the dark, I mean.”
His heart dropped, a frown tugging at his lips. “Why?”
“Please?” You pressed your hands together, giving him a pleading look that he couldn’t being himself to say no to.
“Thank you!” You glanced at your watch and clicked your tongue. “I have to go, but don’t forget, okay?”
Before he could utter a word, you turned on your heel and rushed away. Murayama’s frown deepened as he looked at the painting. What was so special about looking at it at night? It made no sense.
Then again, nothing about this situation made any sense to him.
That night, he waited for the sky to darken before he slipped away from the gym, painting in hand. He headed into an empty classroom, not turning on the light and nearly tripping over a desk lying on the floor. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, kicking it out of the way.
It was then that something caught his eye. Something was glowing a faint green in the darkness. He slowly lifted the painting, squinting at the words. Painted in the bottom corner with glow in the dark paint were the words, will you go out with me?
He scoffed in disbelief, the corners of his lips sliding upward. What a cheeky little thing you were! 
To him, you were strange. He didn’t understand poetry or painting or making bracelets. He didn’t understand why you liked him or how you had come to do so, but he admired the fact that you had approached Furuya and Seki without fear. 
You didn’t look at any of them with disgust or fear, just kindness. People were always quick to judge those at Oya, and rightfully so, but they were rarely ever given a chance. You were willing to give them one.
Murayama smiled as he leaned against the window sill, the cool night air ruffling his hair. He could definitely picture you as the queen of Oya, as his queen. 
“I hope you’re ready,” he hummed softly. “Tomorrow, I make you mine~”
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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
The Sun & Moon – Bernie (PSF #6)
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Genre: Fluff, angst, halloween
Prompt: Corn Maze (@flufftober)
Word Count: 6,105
Pairing: Reader x Bernie
World: High&Low
Warning: Spider warning ⚠️ for my arachnophobic brothers and sisters.
A/N: This fic started my “hopelessly in love with Ice” phase *sobs
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
“Babe!” Bernie threw his arms around you from behind, a bright grin on his face. “Guess what.”
You hummed, leaning into his hold. “Do you actually want me to guess or is it rhetorical?” 
You tapped your chin in thought. “You finally decided that it’s time to get a pet cat.”
He groaned at the guess, pulling away with a pout. “Not even close.”
The subject of getting a cat had come up on more than a few occasions. You absolutely adored cats and wanted one desperately. Your boyfriend was a bit harder to convince than you had originally anticipated.
It’s not that Bernie didn’t like cats, he just didn’t trust them around his things. Every time he considered getting a cat, he would picture his designer clothes covered in fur or his albums being destroyed. He had worked hard to earn the things he had and he would be damned before he let an animal ruin them.
You chuckled, leaning back against the counter. “Tell me.”
“A celebrity hired the Mighty Warriors to perform at his Halloween party!” He grinned, excitement dancing in his eyes. “We got to see the mansion before taking the job and it’s huge. He even has a corn maze set up out back.”
“That’s great, Bernie. I’m proud of you,” you offered him a genuine smile, taking his hand in yours. “I hope you have fun.”
“You’re coming with me, idiot~” He sang, bringing you closer so he could give you a peck on the lips.
Your brow furrowed, body tensing. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“You have to go,” he pleaded. “You’ve never seen us perform before and I even remixed one of your favorite songs for the party.”
“Which one?”
“It’s a secret! You’ll only know if you come with me.”
“Can I have a hint?”
He hummed, a smirk on his lips. “I don’t know. Do you deserve a hint?”
You knew what he wanted and you chuckled, pulling him closer until your lips met his, dancing in a slow, passionate embrace that left you both breathless. “Happy?”
“When I’m with you? Always,” he breathed out, rubbing your side with his thumb. “Fine, I’ll give you a hint. It’s a Bad Omens song.”
Your eyes lit up, excitement filling you. “Really? Ah, but that doesn’t narrow it down at all. They have so many good songs!”
Bernie nodded in agreement, feeling pride settle in his chest when he saw how happy you looked. “You gotta come with me to find out.”
You bit your lip, knowing you were going to regret this. “Okay.”
“Yes!” He threw his arms around you and lifted you up, spinning you in circles until both of you were dizzy. Laughter filled the room as he stumbled into the counter. “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you, too. More than anything else in this world.” You cupped his face, bringing your lips to his once more.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You watched Bernie as he walked up and down the seemingly endless aisles in the Halloween store, muttering under his breath as he searched for the perfect costume. This was going to be your first Halloween together and he wanted it to be perfect. That started with the perfect costume, but he was struggling to choose a good one.
To him, they were either too gaudy or just downright ugly. Most of them were skimpy, too, which he had no intention of wearing or letting you wear. A vampire, perhaps? No, that was far too basic. Pirates, maybe? It was another basic choice, though he was confident he could rock that eyepatch.
Peanut butter and jelly couple costume? Dumb.
Ghostface was cool, but then you wouldn’t be able to see his beautiful face and he couldn’t see yours.
Hogwarts uniforms would look cool, but he knew it was a popular choice.
Could he convince you to go as a Mortal Kombat character? He doubted it since you weren’t fond of fighting games.
He figured he might be able to convince you to go for Apex Legends, but the store had no costumes for the game.
Bernie scowled, removing his hat so he could run a hand through his hair. “Baby, what if we -” he paused when he realized you were no longer following him. “Babe?”
You had wandered off to the opposite end of the store, hands buried in your pockets as you looked at all of the costumes on display. There were hundreds of them lining the walls, from floor to ceiling. Most of them looked pretty cool, though there were a few that were questionable. 
You loved SpongeBob as much as the next mostly functioning adult, but an inflatable SpongeBob costume? You couldn’t be paid to wear that. Just the thought of how hot it must be inside that thing made you uncomfortable.
Arms wrapped around your waist from.behind, the scent of your boyfriend’s cologne filling your nose as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Did you find anything, baby?”
“Nothing that really stands out,” you commented, leaning your head back to get a better look at the costumes at the top of the wall. “You?”
“Nope,” he frowned. “I don’t remember it being this hard to choose a good costume.”
“It’s always been hard for me. Way too many choices.”
“It’s a good and bad thing. I’m determined, though. I’ll stay here for a week if that’s what it takes.”
You laughed at the comment. “I’m pretty sure this store isn’t open 24/7.”
“You’d be surprised what people are willing to become for the right price,” he grinned.
You were about to retort when a costume caught your eye. “Can I suggest one?”
“Of course! You don’t even have to ask.” He released you, giving you an expectant look. “Lay it on me.”
“Would you consider… Harley Quinn and the Joker from Suicide Squad?” You glanced at him hopefully and he frowned.
“Are you sure? Harley’s outfit is pretty revealing…” Bernie didn’t consider him to be a jealous man, but he also didn’t like people staring at you, especially knowing that you didn’t like attention.
“I was thinking I could modify it to be more personal, ya know? I thought I could wear basketball shorts since they’re longer and if I get a bigger sized costume, the shirt will be baggy…” you thought about it for a moment, trying to picture it in your head. “Ah, I guess that would be weird, though… nevermind, we can keep looking.”
Bernie grabbed your wrist when you tried to walk away, tugging you closer. “You’re going to be the most beautiful Harley Quinn in the world. Everyone’s gonna be jealous of your originality.”
You knew he was full of shit but it brought a smile to your face anyway. “Thank you.”
“I’m getting excited,” he grinned. “This is going to be the best Halloween of our lives. I promise.”
“As long as you’re there,” you started, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Nothing else matters.”
He pouted, hands finding their place on your waist. “You always take the cool lines. You’re supposed to share in a relationship, ya know.”
You laughed, patting his cheek. “You can have the next one.”
“I promise.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You were filled with nervousness as you stood outside the large mansion where the party was taking place. Loud music filled the night air, accented by the laughter and cheers of the crowd. There were people everywhere, filling the house and surrounding the underground pool that sat on the right side of the property.
It wasn’t the people that had you on edge, though, it was Bernie’s friends – the Mighty Warriors.
They hated you and rightfully so. To them, you were the enemy because you were part of Sannoh and best friends with Murayama. They didn’t trust you at all and fully believed that you were using Bernie. It didn’t matter that you hadn’t know who we has when you first met. It didn’t matter that you fell in love with him before discovering who he hung out with.
When he was around, the members either completely ignored you or attempted to kill you with kindness that was so fake, it made you feel ill. On the rare occasion when you were left alone with them, they didn’t hold back, cutting into you with insults and threats and dirty looks.
Maybe you should have told your boyfriend this, but you didn’t want to cause problems. They were his family, his best friends, the people that were there for him when no one else was. If you ended up being the reason that he lost them… you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself.
So, you accepted their abuse. You didn’t see them that often so you knew you could handle it. You would be nice to them even when they weren’t nice to you because you were doing it for Bernie. 
Taking a deep breath, you headed up the stone path and into the house, squeezing through the throngs of people in search of your boyfriend. You found him in the kitchen, speaking with Pearl as he poured himself a drink. He looked absolutely gorgeous as the Joker and you found yourself staring at his exposed chest for longer than intended.
“Like what you see, baby?” Bernie wiggled his brows at you, a smirk on his lips.
“You look amazing,” you complimented with a smile, well aware of Pearl staring at you.
“You do too~” He pecked your lips. “Want a drink?”
“Maybe later.”
Pearl folded his arms over his chest, looking you up and down. “When did Harley Quinn wear that?”
You shifted uncomfortably, forcing a smile. “I wanted to customize the look. Make it unique, you know?”
“Ah.” His lips pursed, clearly biting back whatever mean comment that lingered on his tongue. “We should get ready, Bernie. We’re performing soon.”
“Right, right.” Bernie pecked your cheek, giving you a loving smile. “Enjoy the party, baby. You better watch us when we take the stage.”
“You know I will. Good luck.”
Pearl rolled his eyes. “We don’t need luck. We have talent.”
Your smile faltered as you nodded. “Yeah… you’re right.”
He scoffed, turning his back to you as he left the kitchen, Bernie close behind.
You made your way outside where the stage had been set up. You hung out near the back, close to the house as you watched your boyfriend get on stage, taking up his place at the DJ booth. Ice, Pearl and Nine walked around the stage, hyping up the crowd before beginning their set.
Bernie searched the crowd for you, a bright smile coming to his lips when his gaze met yours. You smiled back, forming a heart with your hands. He pretended to catch it, pressing it against his chest with a wink that had you giggling. 
‘What a dork,’ you thought lovingly. ‘My beautiful little dork.’
Halfway through the set, you felt a looming presence beside you and your body tensed up. Pho was beside you, easily towering over you due to his large size. Although you felt weary around all of the Mighty Warriors crew, Pho and Jesse were especially terrifying to you. They were much crueler than the other members and you knew they had spent time in prison.
You swallowed hard, trying to focus on your boyfriend who always provided you comfort even in the most stressful of situations. He wasn’t looking at you, though, focused on the music he was creating.
“Bernie prepared something for you,” stated Pho, right next to your ear so he could be heard over the music.
You shifted nervously, forcing a smile. “Yeah, he told me. I’m excited to hear the song.”
Pho resisted the urge to roll his eyes, giving you a deadpan look. “He prepared something else for you.”
“Oh? He… didn’t mention that.”
“Supposed to be a surprise. He wanted me to bring you to it.”
“I… shouldn’t we wait for him to finish?” You looked at Bernie nervously, wishing he would look up but he didn’t. 
“He wanted you to see it while he’s on stage. Said he would be too embarrassed if he was there.”
That didn’t sound like your boyfriend at all. Bernie was a dork but he was a confident dork. You didn’t even think embarrassed was in his dictionary. Alarm bells were ringing in your head, fear gripping your heart as you scrambled for an excuse to not go with this man.
“I… I don’t…”
His large hand came down on your shoulder, squeezing hard. “We should go before he gets to your song.”
It wasn’t a request, you knew, as he started to steer you back inside. You should have screamed, pushed him away and ran, but you didn’t want to cause a scene. He hadn’t done anything wrong, either, and you knew they would spin it as if you were overreacting.
The Mighty Warriors were nothing if not cunning.
He led you toward the back right of the mansion, stopping in front of a white wooden door at the end of the hall. “Go on. Your surprise is waiting.”
You swallowed hard, lifting a shaking hand to the knob. Goosebumps rose across your skin when your fingers wrapped around  the cold metal, but you doubted it was the cause. A feeling of dread had settled in the pit of your stomach, growing with each minute that passed. The door clicked when the knob was fully turned, the hinges creaking as you pushed it open.
It was a clean looking bedroom.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What -“
Pho shoved you hard and you stumbled forward, only staying on your feet because you managed to reach the desk opposite the door. You whipped around, heart sinking to your stomach.
Jesse was standing behind the door, a smirk on his lips as he pushed the door closed, flicking the lock. “Hey, there. I was hoping Bernie would bring you.”
You pressed yourself back against the desk as far as you could, fingers gripping the wood. “W-What’s going on? What are you doing?”
“I don’t trust you,” he replied simply, taking slow, small steps toward you. “And I don’t like you.”
“I’m not a spy!” You snapped, hating how your voice shook.
He quirked a brow, head tilred to the side. “I didn’t say you were. Sounds like you have a guilty conscious, hm?”
You sputtered, trying to find the right words to explain yourself. He may not have said it, but the others have multiple times.
“You may have fooled Bernie, but you can’t fool me. I can see right through you.” He pointed a finger at me, dark eyes glinting dangerously despite the playful smirk on his lips. “It’s time I teach you a lesson. Scare you so fucking bad that you won’t ever go back to Sannoh.”
“Don’t do this,” you begged, even though you weren’t sure what he had planned for you.
He hummed, tapping his chin in false thought. “Nah, I think you need this. You’re dumb, but you’re not that dumb. You know that you’re either part of Mighty Warriors or you’re against us. It’s not complicated to understand.”
Your eyes followed him as he slowly made his way to the left side of the room. There was something square sitting atop a large table, covered by a black sheet.
“So tell me. If you truly love Bernie, wouldn’t you leave Sannoh and join the Mighty Warriors?” He quirked a brow at you, fingers curling around the end of the sheet. “If you ask me, it sounds like you have commitment issues.”
“I didn’t ask you,” you spat, the anger swirling with the fear as the two fought for dominance within you. “Our relationship is between him and I. What you think doesn’t mean anything.”
“Wow, you really are dumb. Can’t you see how he’s suffering?”
That caught you off guard. “I – huh?”
He clicked his tongue, giving you a pitying look. “Do you know how many times he’s come to us, scared that you don’t love him simply because you stay with Sannoh? He’s asked you before, hasn’t he? To join us.”
Your lips parted but no sound escaped. Bernie had, in fact, asked you on multiple occasions to join the Mighty Warriors. That had been at the beginning of your relationship, though, and he hadn’t mentioned it since Sword had its big battle against Kuryu.
Had you been causing your boyfriend to question your feelings this whole time? The thought made your heart ache.
“So, for making one of our members suffer, you have to pay. It’s only fair, right?” He paused in thought for a moment. “Of course, if you leave Sannoh now and pledge your loyalty to us, I might reconsider.”
You knew you could never do that. Sannoh was your family just as the Mighty Warriors were Bernie’s. Though not related by blood, Cobra was your brother, the person who had always been there for you no matter what. 
Even when he found out about your relationship, he eventually came around and supported you because he knew how much you loved Bernie. As long as you were happy and safe, he could accept it.
You could never turn your back on them. Did that really mean you were betraying your boyfriend?
Jesse clicked his tongue. “How disappointing.”
With a sharp tug, the sheet slid off, falling to the ground in a pool. Your eyes widened as fear gripped your heart. You scrambled back to the other side of the room, trying to get as far away from the table as possible.
Sitting atop the table was a large glass tank, inside which was dozens and dozens of black spiders in varying sizes. You were terrified of spiders, to the point where you could barely look at them without wanting to cry.
“P-Please,” you begged, tears welling up in your eyes as you stared at the chair beside you, unable to even look in that direction.
Jesse snickered at your fear, pulling the lid off the top of the tank. “Last chance~ Are you gonna leave Sannoh?”
“I-I can’t!”
“What a shame.” He gripped both ends of the tank, lifting it up off the table. With a wicked grin, he flung the tank forward without letting it go, sending the spiders flying through the air toward you.
An ear piercing scream ripped from your throat as you dropped to the floor assuming the fetal position with your arms covering your head. Your body trembled, tears flowing down your cheeks. “Please please please,” you sobbed. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry just please take them away! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Jesse laughed, amused by what he believed to be an overreaction. “Let’s make a deal, then. Break up with Bernie and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, fingers curling around the ring hanging from your neck. It had been Bernie’s ring, given to him by his grandmother when he was a small child. He had entrusted it to you, promising to always be with you and love you forever. 
His eyes narrowed at you, growing annoyed that you were refusing to break despite the intense fear and stress that you were currently experiencing. He grabbed a large spider off the ground, stepping closer to you. You didn’t realize what he was doing until you felt something crawling across your arm.
You screamed again, flailing your arm wildly to get the creature off of you. Jesse didn’t move in time, your hand hitting him hard across the face. You were so consumed by fear that you didn’t even notice it had happened. You kicked your feet against the ground, trying to press yourself farther into the dresser as the hoard of spiders slowly made their way across the tan carpet toward you.
Jesse’s eyes flashed with anger, nostrils flaring as he grabbed you by the back of your hair, squeezing hard until you cried out in pain. He grabbed the largest spider, bringing it toward your face.
“P-Please, stop!” You sobbed, vision blurred by tears. “P-Please, J-Jesse!”
“Break up with Bernie or you’re gonna be making out with this spider. I hear his venom is quite potent.”
You trembled beneath his grip, squeezing your eyes shut so you couldn’t see the spider getting closer. When you felt the tips of its hairy legs touch your nose, you cried out, “Fine, fine! I’ll break up with Bernie just please, please let me go!”
The door had been flung open as you said this, Bernie standing there in shock. Anger flared through him when he saw the state of you and the words registered in his brain. “What the fuck are you doing?!” He rushed over to you, shoving Jesse away before kneeling in front of you. “Baby, it’s okay. I’m here, I -“
When he tried to wrap his arms around you, you shoved him away, shaking your head.
Hurt flashed through his eyes but he pushed it away, more concerned about calming you down. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”
“No,” you sobbed, hugging yourself tightly as you continued to tremble. “I’ll never… never be s-safe with you.”
“What? That’s not true-“
“I’m s-sorry, I… I can’t d-do this anymore!” You tugged hard on the ring, breaking the chain before shoving it against his chest. Before he could reply, you stood up and ran, jumping over the bed to avoid the disgusting creatures on the floor.
He cried out your name, heart clenching painfully within his chest as he chased after you. “Please, wait!”
You urged your legs to run faster, shoving through the crowd until you broke out into the cool night, nearly knocking over the couple in front of you. The commotion grabbed Ice’s attention and he glanced over, brow furrowed at the state of you.
You looked around frantically, breathing heavily at the attention that was now on you. Bernie screamed your name again, shoving through the crowd that had gathered in front of the door. You cursed, making a split second decision before you took off into the corn maze, your boyfriend hot on your heels. Ice downed the rest of his drink, shoving the cup into Sarah’s hand before taking off after the two of you.
You ran as fast as you could, resisting the urge to look over your shoulder because you were afraid he was right behind you. With your emotions threatening to drown you, you simply couldn’t face him right now. Your heart was aching and the adrenaline from your fear was still pumping through your veins, activating your fight or flight. 
Everything felt overwhelming to you and you just wanted to get away, to be alone.
Your foot caught on a root sticking up out of the dirt and you hit the ground hard. This was it, you thought. Bernie was going to catch up to you, to confront you about the breakup and about what Jesse had done. He’d tell you that Jesse had been right all along.
But Bernie didn’t seem to notice you among the thick stalks of corn, rushing past you without stopping as he cried out your name, begging for you to stop. A second pair of boots thudded against the earth but they, too, passed without noticing you.
As soon as you were sure they were gone, you started to sob again, fingers clutching at the dirt beneath you. You didn’t want comfort or pity. You didn’t need to be told that everything would be alright. All you wanted was to cry, to wallow in self-pity until there was nothing left for you to feel.
You stayed there for hours, long after the sounds of the party faded and the sun started to rise. Your phone had been vibrating non stop with calls and texts from Bernie so you had turned it off some time ago.
Your tears had finally stopped, dirt stuck to your face in the tracks they had left behind. You rolled over onto your back, staring up at the morning sky and the group of birds that were flying overhead. You wanted to call Cobra but you didn’t want to turn your phone back on, not wanting to see the flood of notifications that were sure to come.
With a sigh, you slowly pulled yourself up and started to trudge in the direction you had come from. Several people were asleep outside, snoring in lawn chairs or inflatable pool chairs. A large dog lifted its head when you got close, looking at you curiously and you sent it a pleading look not to start barking. You were still embarrassed and emotional and the last thing you needed was everyone to wake up and look at you.
You knew you must be a sore sight.
Thankfully, the dog just lowered its head and returned to its nap, allowing you to escape the property without issue. The problem you now faced was that the mansion was far from Sword district and you didn’t want to turn your phone on to call for a ride. 
It was a long walk in an uncomfortable costume, but it seemed like the better alternative at the time so you started walking, head down so you didn’t have to see the judging look of the people you passed by.
It took about twenty minutes before the city came into view, the tall buildings offering you comfort and familiarity. The roar of an engine bounced off of them, sounding angry in the early morning hours. You thought of Cobra and frowned, running a hand through your hair, the wig having been left in the maze.
If he found out what had happened, he would be pissed. You didn’t want to be the reason that Sannoh fought the Warriors again. You didn’t want anyone’s blood on your hands, but there’s no way he wouldn’t know that something had happened.
The apartment you lived in was Bernie’s. His name was on it, he paid for it every month. It was his, you just lived there because he insisted on it despite you telling him that you didn’t want to be a freeloader. You still couldn’t face him which meant you couldn’t go home.
You squatted down with a groan, clutching at your head in frustration. What were you going to do? It was the first time in a long time that you felt as if you had nowhere to go. You felt lost like the first time Cobra had met you.
“Go away,” you muttered, not interested in fighting with thugs at the moment. The footsteps got closer and a surge of annoyance shot through you. With clenched teeth, you shot up, glaring at the person. “Are you stupid or what? I told you to… piss… off…” your words died when you realized who was standing in front of you.
Ice quirked a brow at you but it was the only emotion he showed as he stared at you.
You swallowed hard, losing all will to fight as you slowly backed away from him. “Please… just leave me alone. I didn’t mean to hit Jesse, it was an accident…”
“He deserved it,” replied Ice, shrugging a shoulder.
You were surprised by the words, having expected him to be angry for attacking one of his men, even if it had been just a single slap.
“Get in,” he ordered, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder. His car sat against the curb, looking seriously out of place among run down buildings and graffiti painted walls.
You wanted desperately to tell him no, but you were tired, both physically and mentally. You didn’t have the energy to fight or run so you accepted your fate, following him to the car. When you opened the passenger door, though, you paused and looked down at yourself. You were still covered in dirt and leaves. The seats were made of expensive looking leather.
He climbed into his seat, sending you a look as he repeated the order, unbothered by this fact. Carefully, you slid into the seat, pulling the door closed. You honestly felt scared to breathe in case you broke or ruined something inside the vehicle. You sure as hell couldn’t pay for it.
You expected him to take you back home or to the club but he didn’t. He pulled up to a penthouse on the opposite side of town, not far from the club they owned.
“Where are we?” you wondered, glancing at him as he got out of the car. You followed hesitantly, glancing around.
“My place,” he replied simply. 
“Why, um… why are we here?” 
He quirked a brow at you, pressing the call button for the elevator. “You got somewhere else to go?”
A frown tugged at your lips as you shook your head no, gaze falling to the ground. “I can’t face Bernie. I can’t go to Cobra because he’ll get upset. Murayama is still M.I.A… no, I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Ice hummed. “There’s your answer then.”
You followed him onto the elevator, glancing at him curiously. You still felt cautious because he was the leader of the Mighty Warriors, but he had never been abusive to you like the others had. “Why… are you being nice to me?”
“God, you ask a lot of questions.”
“You’re important to Bernie,” he answered honestly, hands in his pockets. “He’s our family and if you’re important to him, then you’re important to us.”
You scoffed at that. “I don’t think the others got that memo…”
“You and me are gonna have a long talk about that.” 
“Eh?” You blinked at him in confusion, his dark eyes intense when he looked at you again.
“You’re gonna tell me everything.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Nearly a week had passed since the party and you weren’t feeling much better about the situation. You kept having nightmares about the spiders crawling all over you and you’d wake up screaming. You apologized profusely to Ice for this when he came to check on you but he didn’t seem mad.
He wasn’t the type to comfort someone when they were upset, especially since you were dating someone close to him. He basically just left you to yourself, though he did make the occasional comment about how you couldn’t avoid Bernie forever.
You knew he was right, of course, but you were scared. Of what, you weren’t entirely sure. You just knew that anxiety flooded you every time you reached for your phone, which you still had yet to turn on.
You sighed, resting your head on the kitchen table as you stared at your phone. It sat in front of you, the screen black. How many times had Bernie called you? How many texts were sitting there unread? Was he angry at you for ignoring him? 
What if he stopped trying? What if he had decided breaking up was the right choice, after all? Maybe you should have listened when Cobra first told you that the Warriors were trouble.
The front door opened and closed from behind you and you hummed, not lifting up from the table. “You’re back early. You’re out of milk, by the way, and not because I ate all the cocoa puffs. In my defense, I warned you when I saw them.”
You expected a sigh or a smart remark but all you got was silence.
Curious, you slowly sat up, turning in your seat to look at Ice. Only, Ice wasn’t who was standing in front of the door. It was Bernie and he looked terrible. His clothes were wrinkled, his hair a mess and dark bags prominent under his eyes that lacked their usual luster. There was a bruise on his left cheek and his bottom lip was split, but they didn’t look fresh.
You stood up, whispering his name. That seemed to wake him up because he darted across the living room, his body slamming into your own with such force that the table scraped across the floor. His arms were tight around you, face buried in your neck.
“God, I missed you so much,” he whispered against your skin. His voice was so soft, almost as if he were afraid this was a dream and he would wake up if he spoke too loudly.
“Bernie…” you whispered back, clutching onto him as if your life depended on it. Tears filled your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He quickly shook his head, pulling back so he could cup your cheeks. “You did nothing wrong, baby. I… I’m sorry for not realizing. I didn’t know… I didn’t think they…” He shook his head again, bringing his forehead to your own. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to cause problems,” you admitted. “I didn’t want you to fight with your family.”
“I would fight the world to protect you.”
“I know. That’s why I couldn’t tell you.” You focused on the hem of his shirt, tugging softly at the fabric. “It wasn’t anything serious, just the occasional rude comment or dirty look. I could handle it, but then Jesse…” you couldn’t suppress a shiver as you thought of the spiders again, crawling toward you, touching your skin.
“Hey,” he called softly, thumbs brushing against your cheeks. “You’re okay. There’s no spiders here. They won’t hurt you.”
You slowly nodded, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. “I didn’t mean to hit him…”
Bernie scoffed. “You should have hit him harder.”
You gently traced your thumb around the edge of the bruise, a frown tugging at your lips. “I’m guessing you did that for me.”
“I beat his ass,” he scowled, anger flashing through his eyes. “I wanted to kill him for what he did to you.”
“I’m glad you didn’t. I hear maintaining relationships in prison is hard.”
He hummed, leaning toward your lips but not quite touching them. “If I recall correctly, you broke up with me.”
Guilt and pain filled you. “I’m sorry…”
“Be honest with me. Did you only break up with me because Jesse made you? Or do you really not want to be with me?”
The heartbroken look on his face snapped something within you and you closed the distance, claiming his lips. He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back, acting as if he were starving and your lips were the only thing that could feed the hunger. Neither of you pulled away until your lungs were screaming at you.
“I love you so much, Bernie,” you whispered honestly. “I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.”
His lips ghosted over yours. “You are the sun in my sky.”
“And you are the moon in mine.”
Bernie smiled, reaching into his pocket to pull out his grandmother’s ring. “Here, this belongs to you.”
Your fingers ghosted over the metal, warm from having been in his pocket. “I promised to never take it off, but I broke that promise.”
“There were extenuating circumstances.” He unclasped the chain, bringing it around your neck before securing it.
You had felt lost without it, honestly, like a piece of you had been missing. With the ring back around your neck, you felt as if that piece had been returned to you. A smile came to your lips as you rested your hand over it.
“Even if the world is against us, I’ll always choose you,” he told you seriously, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re my family, too.”
You threw your arms around him, burying your face in his shoulder to hide the wide grin that overtook your face.
“It’s about damn time.”
Both of you jumped in surprise, whipping around to see Ice standing in front of the door, a smirk on his lips. 
You bowed to him, offering a grateful smile. “Thank you for everything.”
“Sure,” he nodded. “Now go back home before you end up seeing me naked again.”
Bernie’s eyes widened, shifting between the two of you. “Naked? Again?!”
Ice just shrugged, falling onto the white sofa. “I’m not used to having house guests.”
You rubbed the back of your head, looking away and feeling embarrassed. 
Bernie pouted at you, nudging your shoulder with his. “I’m the only one who you’re supposed to see naked.”
“It wasn’t on purpose,” you laughed, nudging him back before holding out your hand. “Let’s go home?”
His hand slid into your own, fingers intertwining as if they were made for each other. “Yeah, let’s go home, baby.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
@meridele473 Bernie! c:
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rainisawriter · 2 years ago
hihi! can i request for tsukasa (h&l) with a jealous reader, like tsukasa has been receiving gifts from girls, and reader gets insecure bc she couldn't give him a gift. but, one day, reader finally gives tsukasa a gift and tells him how she felt insecure and then tsukasa just hugs her and tells her that she doesn't need to give her gifts bc (author, you continue:) )
(sorry for my bad english😓)
A Gift for You (Tsukasa)
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Word Count: 3,581
Genre: Angst, fluff
A/N: Thank you so much for your request, I appreciate it! ^-^)/ Sorry it took me so long to get this out. I hope you enjoy it and, hopefully, it's what you were looking for~ Your English is fine, by the way, don't even worry~
You knew what you were getting into when you started dating Tsukasa. Despite being a delinquent, he was one of the prettiest, kindest boys you've ever met and you weren't the only one who felt that way. Girls were always fawning over him, staring shamelessly as he passed. Hell, even some guys couldn't help staring at him.
To your credit, it didn't bother you for a long time. It wasn't until the two of you were in your senior year of high school that it started to chip away at your confidence. The girls approaching him were so pretty, bringing him different gifts every time he headed to or from school. There was one in particular that seemed hell-bent on getting his attention and she just happened to be the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.
You often found yourself picturing them together and you hated how perfect they looked. In your mind, she would look a lot better hanging off his arm than you did. Besides, she was rich and could afford to bring him expensive gifts and baked goods. Your family didn't have a lot of money so you couldn't afford to buy him anything despite wanting to.
It was honestly frustrating.
Did she know that he was dating someone? You didn't want to bother him with something like this so you decided to take things into your own hands. You left school early one day, hoping to catch her before she could approach Tsukasa again. Maybe if you cleared things up and told her that he was taken, she would stop giving him gifts and waiting for him every day.
There she was, leaning against a wooden fence with her phone in her hand. A plastic bag hung from her arm and you could see the top of a red ribbon sticking out of the top - a present, no doubt. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before approaching her with a kind smile.
"Excuse me?"
She glanced up, sent you a disinterested look, and returned to her phone.
Despite finding this to be quite rude, you kept your tone friendly. "Are you waiting for Tsukasa-kun?"
Her eyes narrowed at you as she straightened her back. "Yeah, so what?"
"Well, I just thought you should know he's seeing someone."
"So?" she quirked a brow, hand on her hip. "If he's accepting my gifts, clearly he isn't happy with his girlfriend. I bet she can't even afford to buy him anything he deserves."
You visibly winced at the comment, feeling as if her words were arrows piercing your skin.
"Oh my god, it's you, isn't it?" She smirked, looking you up and down. "No wonder he's seeking attention in other girls."
"Tsu-kun is too nice to flat-out reject someone," you told her, doing your best not to let her words get to you.
She giggled loudly, bringing a manicured hand to her mouth. "Oh, honey, is that what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night? I bet he's only with you because he feels sorry for you! You must know that, right? If you really care about him, you should let him go so he can be with someone who actually deserves him."
Before you could even reply, she turned on her heel and walked away, flipping her wavy hair over her shoulder. You swallowed hard, unable to move from where you stood. Was she right? Was Tsukasa only dating you because he felt sorry for you?
You felt as if you were at risk of losing him. After all, what kind of partner were you if you couldn't even give him a simple gift? Your fists clenched at your sides, determination burning in your eyes.
"Damn it, you won again!" Fujio groaned, tossing his cards onto the table. He and the rest of his faction were sitting on the roof of Oya High.
Jamuo grinned, wrapping his arms around the stack of snacks and pulling them closer. "Thank you, Fujio-san!"
"Tsukasa~" Fujio pouted at his best friend as if he could somehow fix the problem.
The blonde shrugged from his place on the couch, one arm slung over the back and the other resting over your shoulders. "I told you not to go all in."
His eyes fell on you next and you laughed.
"Tsu-kun did tell you. You should have listened."
"I want to go again!" he declared, eyes narrowed in determination. "All in, Jamuo!"
The shorter boy pretended to think about it for a moment before shaking his head, a grin on his lips. "I don't wanna!"
"Oh, come on! I'll definitely win this time!"
"I'm not taking that chance. These snacks are mine!"
Tsukasa shook his head as the two continued arguing, a smile tugging at his lips. Your eyes fell on him and you also smiled, feeling your heart skip a beat as it did every time you looked at him. The sun was beaming down on him, making it appear as if he were surrounded by a soft glow. It had been a few weeks since your confrontation with that girl, but her words often replayed inside your head.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you tugged it out, quickly turning off the alarm you had set. It was time for you to leave but it was always hard coming up with an excuse that your boyfriend would believe. He was frustratingly perceptive, usually able to pick up when he was being lied to. Not only that, but he was also quite protective over you and he didn't like you going around on your own.
You cleared your throat before standing up from the couch, offering your friends a smile. "I need to get going. I'll see you guys later."
"Bye," smiled Jamuo, offering you a small wave.
"Take care!" Fujio smiled at you before attempting to take one of the snacks, his hand being smacked by Jamuo. "So mean!"
Tsukasa stood up without hesitation. "I'll walk you home."
"No need," you replied quickly, smiling reassuringly at him when he furrowed his brow. "I'm meeting up with my cousin."
"I can still walk you there."
"It's okay, really. You need to stay here and keep Fujio from losing his mind over his loss," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Tsukasa observed you for a moment, lips pursed and brow furrowed as he tried to determine what was going on inside your mind. You've been acting strange for a couple of weeks now and he wasn't sure why. Every time he asked you about it, you told him that everything was fine. He knew it wasn't, but he couldn't force you to talk to him. All he could do was let you know that he was here for you and wait until you were ready to talk.
"Alright," he finally replied, cupping your face so he could bring you closer. "Promise me you'll be careful."
"I promise."
"And if anything happens, you'll call me?"
"I will."
"Good." Tsukasa closed the distance, kissing you gently. "I love you."
Those three words were enough to steal the breath from your lungs, leaving you feeling giddy.
I bet he's only with you because he feels sorry for you!
The words echoed in your head like a mantra, followed by her high-pitched laughter that sucked every ounce of happiness from you. Your smile faltered and you knew that he had noticed it. Before he could question it, you pulled away from him and hurried toward the stairs, your heart pounding in your chest.
'If he wasn't suspicious before, he has to be now!' You cursed under your breath. When you reached the courtyard, you could feel eyes on you and knew it was Tsukasa watching you. As badly as you wanted to turn and smile up at him, you resisted the urge and hurried away from the school.
After the interaction with that girl, you decided that you were going to get a job and save up to buy Tsukasa a gift that would blow all of hers out of the water. With his birthday right around the corner, you were determined to make it one he would never forget. In truth, you hadn't been lying to him because you were meeting your cousin - he was the one who got you the job and he also worked there with you.
You tugged open the door of the bakery, the smell of freshly baked brownies wafting across your nose. Your cousin, Taka, was wiping down the counter, smiling when he noticed you.
"Hey, you ready for the afternoon rush?"
"Not even a little bit," you chuckled, heading into the back so you could put your things away and grab an apron. After washing your hands, you returned to the front just as a crowd of people approached. For the most part, it went perfectly fine, excluding the fact that you didn't get more than a few seconds to breathe. The place was packed, people talking loudly as they waited for their order.
Your cousin nudged you, holding two lattes. "Can you take this to table five?"
"Sure." You carefully took the cups from him focusing on where you were going rather than who was sitting at said table. "Two lattes for Maki-san?"
"Oh my god, it's you."
You glanced up, instantly feeling your heart sink into your stomach. It was her, the girl that insisted on taking Tsukasa from you. She was there with her friend who was just as pretty as she was. Your jaw clenched as you carefully set the cups on the table. "Can I get you anything else?"
She snickered in amusement. "Let me guess, you got this job so you can afford to buy Kasa-kun a gift, right?"
Kasa-kun? Your brow furrowed. No way was she close enough to call him by a nickname.
"You could work here for the rest of your life and still never have enough to give him what I do. Oh and look, it's time for me to give him my gift again!" Maki stood up, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she picked up the bag containing his gift. She sent you a smirk before purposefully knocking over the drink, the lid popping off and the liquid inside spilling out onto the table. "You shouldn't be so clumsy!"
You sent her a deadpan look, well aware of everyone's attention now on you.
She shoulder-checked you as she walked by, her friend close behind.
"I hate her," you muttered under your breath, glaring at the spilled latte.
"Oi, what are you doing?" snapped your managed with a scowl. "Clean that up, now!"
You bowed to him in apology before rushing to clean up the mess she had made.
You bit your lip as you walked around the jewelry store, scanning the items on display. Most of them were crazy expensive and way out of your price range, but they had a sale going on right now. You had been working hard and had saved up a bit of money, though you did give some of it to your parents to help pay the bills since they were struggling.
What should you get him? You weren't sure but you wanted it to be special, to be something meaningful that he could wear for a long time. Sure, you could just get him some flowers, a card, and something sweet to eat, but those things won't last. They also didn't feel very meaningful to you because of how common they were.
As you scanned the items within the glass case, your eyes landed on a bracelet sitting at the back. It was beautiful. It looked to be made of black pearls with silver crowns and blue pearls at each end. In the center was a silver lion head. It immediately made you think of Tsukasa because of the time Murayama-san had called him a sleeping lion. You thought the term was fitting because he was just as majestic and strong as one. Would he appreciate such a gift or be annoyed by it?
"It's a beautiful bracelet, isn't it?"
You looked up in surprise at the woman standing on the other side of the counter, a friendly smile on her lips. Her name tag read, 'Yuki.' "Yes, it's quite beautiful. Are those pearls?"
She shook her head. "No, they're made of black tourmaline. It's said that these stones work as a bodyguard to shield their wearer from harm, strengthening their immune system and helping them find relief from discomfort. It keeps your chakras balanced and helps to soak up negative energies."
Your eyes widened at her words. That sounds perfect for him, given how much danger he always puts himself in. "And the blue ones?"
"Blue agate. It's excellent for reducing anxiety, despair, and stress which also aids in the healing of one's body, mind, and spirit. As for the lion, it exudes charisma and courage. This bracelet is designed to help you channel your inner lion no matter what situation you find yourself in."
You bit your lip, unsure if you believed in what she was telling you. It sounded too good to be true and, in your experience, such things rarely turned out well. Did you really have anything to lose, though? If it didn't work as she described, it was still a beautiful piece of jewelry to adorn his wrist. And on the off chance it did work, it could really assist him with the life he's chosen to live.
"How much is it?"
"The normal price is fifty dollars, but it's currently on sale for forty."
If you bought the bracelet, you'd be dead broke which meant you wouldn't be able to treat him to dinner as you had planned. 'He can just have dinner with his family,' you decided. "I'd like to buy it, please!"
She smiled warmly at you, nodding her head before unlocking the case. "Would you like the box wrapped?"
You felt embarrassed telling her that you couldn't afford it but she seemed to sense your line of thought.
"It's no extra charge."
You almost exhaled in relief but managed to hold it back. "Yes, please!"
"Of course."
You watched her as she carefully wrapped the box in wrapping paper. She made it look so easy, doing so without tears or creases. It was pristinely wrapped, as if done by a machine rather than a human being, and she topped it off by wrapping a yellow ribbon around it.
"Thank you so much."
"I'm sure he'll love it," she told you with a smile, handing the gift over to you.
"I hope so," you replied, bowing to her politely before leaving the store.
As you approached Oya Koukou, you felt nerves dancing within you like butterflies. Would he like it? Had he seen Maki already and accepted her gift? Did she even know it was his birthday? A million questions filled your mind but you did your best to ignore them, focusing only on the task laid out before you.
When you finally reached Oya, however, you saw your boyfriend standing outside the gates and he wasn't alone. Maki stood in front of him with a gift in her hands - it was tall and rectangular in shape with a giant red bow on top. A frown tugged at your lips as your gaze fell to the small box in your own hands, no doubt much cheaper than whatever she had bought him.
You caught Maki's eye and she smirked at you, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Tsukasa's cheek. Your heart clenched painfully as you turned on your heel, quickly walking away from them. It felt stupid to feel this way, but you just felt as if you couldn't compete with her. You found yourself wondering if you were holding him back, preventing him from being in a relationship that he deserved.
Fingers wrapped gently around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. You didn't even have to look to know who it was, the scent of vanilla mixing with his cologne wafting across your nose. It was such a beautiful smell, one that you enjoyed deeply, but it couldn't calm your nerves at that moment.
"Hey," Tsukasa called out softly, his hand slipping down until it found its place against your own. "That wasn't what it looked like. She -"
"Really likes you," you interrupted just as softly, unable to face him. "She brings you gifts every day..."
"You knew about that?"
You nodded, lowering your head. "She's really pretty and she has money to spend on you."
"Just what are you trying to say?" his brow furrowed, hand tightening around your own.
"I'm just saying," you took a deep breath, closing your eyes. "That maybe she's a... better fit for you than I am."
"You're joking," he laughed but it lacked any sense of humor. "Is this why you've been so distant with me lately?"
"That's part of it..."
"Then what's the other part?"
You hesitated for a moment before slowly turning toward him and holding out the gift. "I've been working. Here, this is your birthday gift."
His lips parted, gaze flickering between you and the gift as he searched for the right words. "Did you... get a job to buy this?"
"It's not much. Not compared to hers." You muttered the last part under your breath. "Take it."
Instead of doing what you told him, he tugged on your hand, pulling you into his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around your body, one hand going to the back of your head. Your body tensed up at the sudden gesture, having not expected it, but you quickly melted in his warm embrace.
"You didn't have to do that," he told you softly. "And you definitely don't have to compete with Maki."
Your body tensed at the mention of her first name and he sensed it, increasing his hold on you in case you tried to pull away.
"She went to the same elementary school as us," he explained. "She had a massive crush on Fujio back then. She even called me ugly."
You scoffed at this, having seen pictures of him when he was a child thanks to his mom. "You were the cutest kid ever, what the hell?"
Tsukasa chuckled, finally pulling away. "Thank you, hun."
Warmth flooded you at the pet name and you cleared your throat, motioning toward the gift. "Are you gonna open it now?"
"So impatient," he hummed, carefully undoing the bow and handing it to you. He took his time with the paper as if he didn't want to tear it too badly. His brow went up when he saw the jewelry box. "Are you proposing to me?"
"Of course not!" you replied quickly, cheeks darkening at the thought of spending the rest of your life with him. "It's too big to be a ring box."
"Not if it's a big ring."
"Oh my god, Tsu-kun."
He laughed again, the sound pleasing to your ears. After what felt like ages, he finally pulled the lid off and carefully removed the bracelet from the box. He held it up, inspecting it carefully.
You bit your lip nervously, shifting from one foot to the other. "I know it's not much, but -"
"I love it."
He slid it onto his wrist, eyes shimmering with love as he repeated, "I love it. Thank you so much, hun."
"Really? You really mean it?" You searched his face for any sign that he was lying but you found none.
Instead of answering you, he closed the distance, his hand resting on the side of your neck as his lips claimed your own. Your fingers curled around his shirt, tugging him closer as you returned the kiss, hoping he could feel all of the love you felt for him.
He rested his forehead against your own, a bright smile on his face. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too," you breathed out, unable to stop your own smile.
"And for the record," he explained, brushing your cheek with his thumb. "I didn't want to accept her gifts but Fujio talked me into it. Her dad owns a big bakery and she always brings me sweets from there."
"Sweets?" your brow furrowed. "Not jewelry or clothes?"
"No, just sweets." He frowned, pecking your lips again. "You were really worried about this, weren't you?"
"Not at first," you admitted, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. "It wasn't until I confronted her that I started to feel... I don't know, insecure, I guess."
"What did she say to you?" his eyes darkened. "If she hurt you -"
"Nothing," you replied quickly, not wanting to ruin the moment. "It doesn't matter. I'm sorry for being so weird lately."
"Don't apologize. Just promise me that you'll come to me next time. If there's a problem, we'll work on it together. Okay?"
You nodded, brushing the hair away from his forehead. "I promise."
"Good. I won't accept her gifts anymore."
"Are you sure? Fujio will be sad."
"He'll get over it. Now, come here." His lips found yours again, filled with so much love that it stole your breath away.
You realized how silly you had been to let her words affect you. Tsukasa was your boyfriend and he loved you dearly. He was determined to make sure you knew that and never questioned yourself again.
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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
To the Hot Springs! – Tsuji (PSF #18)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, slice of life, romance
Prompt: “Did you plan for this to happen?” (@flufftober) / Fall Bucket List: Drive-in movie with all the blankets (@slumberpartybingo Fall Flash)
Word Count: 3,170
Pairing: Reader x Tsuji
World: High&Low
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You wiped off the counter with a hum, listening to the music that was playing softly from the jukebox in the corner. When the bell above the door chimed, you looked up to greet the customer only for a bright smile to come to your lips.
Tsuji smiled at you as he approached the counter, settling down on the stool. “Afternoon, love.”
Shibaman sat beside him, sending you a nod of acknowledgment before picking up a menu.
“Good afternoon,” you replied, reaching across the counter to press a kiss to his lips. He followed you when you started to pull back, making you chuckle. “The usual?”
“Need a minute, Shiba?”
He glanced up from the menu and nodded. “Yes, please.”
“What do you want to drink?”
“Got it.” You grabbed a slice of apple pie for your boyfriend and two cokes for both of them. 
“Thank you, love,” smiled Tsuji, taking the fork you offered. He had been on the fence about trying out an American diner and the food it offered, but that was thrown out the window when you got a job there. He wanted to support you and, to his surprise, the food was quite good.
Your eyes scanned his face and knuckles before returning to the task of wiping down the counter. “I’m surprised you managed to make it here without getting into a fight.”
“You have no faith in us,” he pouted. ��We don’t go looking for fights, they just find us.”
“Uh-huh, sure,” you smirked. “Everyone wants a piece of you, hm?”
His lips twitched up but he chose not to reply out of respect for his best friend sitting next to him, something the tall boy was grateful for.
Shibaman pushed the menu toward you, tapping on one of the pictures. “Is the chicken bake good?”
“Very,” you nodded. “The chicken is breaded with parmesan and garlic herbs. It’s one of my favorite dishes.”
“I’ll try that, then.”
“Okay! Do you want anything else, baby?”
Tsuji hummed as he chewed his pie, glancing at the menu. “I’ll take the same thing since it’s your favorite.”
You chuckled at his reasoning, scribbling the order onto your pad before ripping out the paper. “Josh, got a new order for ya!”
Josh appeared in front of the window to the kitchen, grinning as he took the slip of paper. “Coming right up!”
Josh was the owner’s son who had been tasked with running the place when his dad was out of town. Technically, he could have hired someone to work the grill but he adored making the food for his customers. People seemed to enjoy it, as well, so there were no issues.
His dad moved to Japan five years ago so his wife could be closer to her family. He always dreamed of opening up his own diner and he was sure bringing a diner specializing in American food would be a great idea. It certainly wasn’t as successful as he had been hoping, but he got just enough business to get by, though it probably helped that his wife and second son also had jobs.
Tsuji finished his pie, crossing his arms on the counter and watching as you worked. “Are you free this weekend?”
You paused, going over your schedule in your head. “I work Friday and Sunday but Saturday is free. Why?”
The two boys exchanged a look which you missed since you were brewing fresh coffee.
“Shibaman and I wanted to go to the hot springs. Can you get the weekend off and take us?”
You smiled at him. “Yeah, sure. It sounds fu – ow!” You hissed in pain when hot coffee poured onto your hand because you hadn’t been paying attention. 
Tsuji didn’t hesitate to jump over the counter, gently taking your wrist and pulling you over to the sink to run cold water over it. “You need to be more careful, love,” he scolded you softly, brow furrowed in worry.
Seeing him like this filled you with warmth. “Now you know how I feel every time you come back injured.”
He knew you had him there so he pouted, pushing your shoulder lightly with his own. “Does it hurt?”
“Only a little.” You tugged your hand from the water to inspect it. The skin was darkening but it didn’t look too bad. “I heal quickly, don’t worry.”
“Order up!”
You pushed your boyfriend toward the break in the counter. “You’re not supposed to be back here, shoo.”
“Don’t you shoo me,” he pouted, reluctantly returning to his seat.
You set their food in front of them, sending Tsuji a look when you noticed his boot print on the counter. He gave you an innocent look before shrugging, acting as if he had no idea how it got there. You just shook your head, grabbing a rag so you could clean it off.
The bell above the door chimed and you looked up with a smile but it quickly fell when you realized who had just entered. 
“Howdy, darlin’,” Kaminari tipped his cowboy hat at you before settling down at the counter, eyeing the two boys sitting a couple of seats down. For some reason, he believed himself to be a modern-day cowboy, descended from some famous gunslinger who had come to Japan to start a new life.
He was also in love with you, constantly flirting and attempting to shower you with gifts that you politely refused each time. He knew you had a boyfriend but he didn’t care.
“The usual?” You forced a smile, trying to keep your annoyance hidden by a cheery tone. He didn’t seem to notice, though Tsuji certainly did.
“That’s right, darlin’,” he grinned, eyes sparkling. “Ya know me too well.”
‘Kind of hard not to when you come in here every day and order the exact same thing,’ you thought, scribbling the order onto the notepad before handing it over to Josh. You poured the fresh coffee into a cup, careful not to burn yourself again, before handing it over to him. He liked it black, ‘like the souls of his enemies,’ he would always say.
Whatever the hell that meant.
When you set the cup down, he noticed how red your skin was and he grabbed your wrist with a frown. “What happened, darlin’?”
Your eyes fell to Tsuji, worried that he might start a fight. He was glaring at Kaminari’s hand, gripping the fork so tightly that you worried it might bend. As badly as he wanted to beat this guy into oblivion for having the nerve to touch you, he knew this job was important to you and he didn’t want to be the reason you got fired.
“Let go,” you ordered firmly, attempting to pull free from his grip.
His frown deepened and he reluctantly released his grip before leaning forward, his voice lowered. “Was it them delinquents that did it, darlin’? I can take care of em for ya.”
Tsuji scoffed, turning his attention back to his food.
Before Kaminari could speak, you replied, “I wasn’t paying attention and burnt myself. No big deal.”
“Ya gotta be more careful, darlin’. A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be marred with scars or burns.”
You rolled your eyes at him, the comment annoying you more than it should have. Probably just because it was him who said it. 
Shibaman raised his empty glass. “Can I get a refill?”
You smiled at him, thankful for the distraction. “Of course!” 
Kaminari scoffed. “Ya could say please, boy.”
Shibaman quirked a brow at him but said nothing, finishing off the last of his chicken. You set the refilled drink down, grabbing Kaminari’s plate when Josh set it down on the kitchen window.
“Thank ya, darlin’.” He tipped his hat. “Ya know, you should consider hirin’ a security guard for this place.” His eyes flickered to the duo. “To keep the ramble out and keep ya safe.”
“I’m perfectly capable of protecting myself, thanks.” You held back a scowl, heading over to the register when an elderly couple approached. It sat diagonally from where Tsuji was sitting.
“Ya say that, but Sword district ain’t a place for people like you.”
You handed the woman her change, feeling your eye twitch despite the smile on your face. You had no intention of engaging with him or his stupid comments.
“I mean, look at ya. You’re so pretty, darlin’. You don’t look like a fighter.” Kaminari shook his head, stuffing his mouth with fries. That didn’t stop him from speaking, though. “Ya look weak and people will take advantage of that. I’m currently available, ya know. You should tell Josh to hire me so I can keep ya safe.”
‘Not a chance in hell,’ you thought, sending him a blank look. “Sorry, we’re not hiring.”
“Shouldn’t ya ask Josh that?” He quirked a brow, glancing toward the kitchen window. “No offense darlin’, but you shouldn’t be making those decisions.”
You offered him a mocking smile. “It came from Josh himself.”
He didn’t seem to believe you, glancing at the kitchen again but Josh was nowhere to be seen.
Tsuji shifted when his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. It was a new message from Todoroki, informing him that a group of guys were looking for them and headed his way. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stood up, pulling his wallet from his pocket.
You didn’t even have to ask, choosing instead to offer him a smile. “Be careful.”
“Always,” he smiled back, resting his hand against the side of your neck to pull you closer. You knew what he was doing and didn’t hesitate to meet him halfway, his lips claiming yours. 
You tilted your head to the side, running your tongue along his bottom lip as your fingers played with the front of his jacket. Shibaman looked away, nose wrinkled in disgust. Kaminari was staring at you in shock, his fork falling from his fingers and clattering to the counter.
Tsuji nipped at your lip, giving it a tug as he pulled away. “Call me if you need me, love.”
“I will. See ya, Shiba.”
The taller male offered you a smile as he headed for the door, Tsuji right behind him. You couldn’t fight the grin that took over your lips as you placed the cash into the register. Kaminari could only stare at you as you grabbed their plates, taking them into the kitchen so they could be watched.
Josh was squatting down by the door, hiding beneath the window. When he saw you, he whispered, “Is he gone yet?” 
“No,” you scowled, carefully setting the dishes in the sink. “Can’t we add a ‘no fake cowboys’ rule?”
“He thinks he’s a real cowboy so the sign wouldn’t apply to him.”
“‘No cowboys allowed,’ then.”
“That’s exclusionary. Dad would never go for that.” 
“It’s just one person, I think the business will survive.”
Josh just sighed, leaning back against the wall. “Come get me when he leaves.”
“Sure, boss.” You sighed as well, forcing yourself to go back out into the dining room. To your relief, Kaminari was gone, a wad of cash sitting behind his half-eaten food. With a shrug, you dropped the cash into the register before taking his plate into the back, letting Josh know that it was safe.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You pulled up in front of Tsuji’s apartment building, tapping the steering wheel in time with the beat of the song playing softly through the car. You sent him a quick text letting him know you had arrived. He said he would be right out so you preoccupied yourself by scrolling through social media, smiling at cute cat pics and memes. 
Tsuji tugged open the passenger door, leaning down to look at you. “Pop the trunk.”
You quirked a brow at him, glancing at the large duffel bag around his shoulder and the suitcase in his hand. “Babe, we’re only going to be there two days. Isn’t that a bit excessive?”
“Nope,” he grinned, standing up and heading toward the back of the car. You shook your head, opening it for him so he could put the bags in. He settled himself into the seat beside you, pecking your cheek. “Let’s go.”
“What about Shibaman? Where is he?”
“Didn’t I tell you?”
“He ate something bad last night so he didn’t want to come.” He said it nonchalantly, focusing his attention on the radio rather than you in case you realized something was up.
“Poor Shibaman, I hope he feels better soon,” you frowned, putting the car into drive and pulling away from the curb. You felt bad for him, but part of you was happy about the development. It had been a long while since you were able to properly spend time alone with your boyfriend.
Tsuji connected his phone to the radio, bringing up the Spotify Playlist he had made for the trip, mixing songs that both of you liked. The first song was one of your favorites, bringing a smile to your lips.
You couldn’t sing well, but that didn’t stop you from belting out the lyrics as if your life depended on it. Tsuji laughed at your enthusiasm before singing along with you.
It took the entire day to reach the hot springs, night beginning to fall as you pulled into the parking lot. You parked the car and frowned, glancing around at the empty lot. 
“Are you sure they’re open?”
He sent you an innocent look, opening his door. “They should be. I’ll check.”
You hummed, eyes following him as he approached the doors, giving them a tug. They were locked, the lights inside turned off. He jogged back to the car with a frown.
“They’re closed.”
“Didn’t you check to make sure they would be open?” 
You sighed, crossing your arms atop the steering wheel. “What do we do now?”
Tsuji pretended to check his phone. “There’s a motel a few miles down the road.”
“We don’t have much of a choice, do we?” You put the car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot, following Tsuji’s directions without a second thought.
“Pull in here,” he pointed toward a dirt path on the right side of the road.
“Are you sure?” you glanced at him with a frown before looking at the road. Tall trees lined either side of it, nearly bare as their orange leaves covered the ground. “This looks sus as hell, Tsu.”
“You don’t trust me?” he pouted at you, amusement dancing in his beautiful brown eyes.
“I trust you, I just don’t trust Google maps.” Still, you did as he told you, turning down the path. It stretched on for about five minutes before opening up into a large clearing, trees surrounding it like a barrier.
Rather than a motel as you had been expecting, it was a drive-in movie theater. A large screen sat at the back of the clearing, a ticket booth sitting at the end of the path and connected to the room where the projector was set up. No one was there so you assumed it was also closed.
“I think you got your directions wrong, babe.”
“I didn’t,” he smiled at you. “Go park the car in front of the screen.”
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you did as he asked. “Tsuji, what -“
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, hopping out of the car and jogging over to the projector room, disappearing inside. An image appeared on the screen and your eyes widened with joy as the Nightmare Before Christmas started to play.
Tsuji appeared at your door, reaching in through the window to press the trunk button before disappearing behind the vehicle. You got out and followed him, watching as he pulled out about a dozen blankets from his bags.
You put your hands on your hip, sending him an accusing look. “Did you plan for this to happen, Tsuji?”
He sent you an innocent look, but the wide grin on his face gave him away. “I don’t know what you mean, love.”
“You knew the sauna would be closed and Shibaman isn’t actually sick, is he?”
“Fine, you caught me.” He closed the distance, hands finding your hips. “I just wanted to surprise you for our anniversary.”
“Our…” you paled, shoulders tensing. 
“Oi, don’t tell me you forgot,” he pouted. It wasn’t annoyance or sadness dancing in his eyes, though, it was amusement. You never even remembered your own birthday so he had honestly expected this.
“Baby, I am so sorry! I’ve been working so much lately that I completely forgot! Oh my god, I’m terrible, I’m so so -“
He cut you off with his lips, cupping your face. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against your own, voice soft. “It’s okay, love, I forgive you. I know how hard you’ve been working, that’s why I wanted to prepare this for you.”
“Thank you so much, Tsuji. God, I love you so much!” You threw your arms around his neck and he chuckled, squeezing you tightly.
“If you love me, help me carry the blankets.”
As if to reinforce his choice, the cold autumn wind picked up, bringing goosebumps to your exposed flesh. Both of you grabbed a pile before he led you to the hood of the car. You watched as he set up a makeshift bed atop the hood with his pile before disappearing back into the car to fiddle with the radio.
The movie started to play through your speakers and he turned it up so you could hear it outside of the car, opening the windows to assist with this. You carefully climbed up onto the hood, nose wrinkling when you felt the metal shift beneath you. 
Tsuji joined you, leaning back against the windshield before pulling you against him. Most of the blankets you had been holding were used to support his back, acting as a pillow, while the thickest blanket was used to cover both of you.
You hummed, arms wrapped around his slim waist as you inhaled his scent. He had started using a pumpkin spice-scented cologne because he knew you loved the smell. “How did you manage all this? It couldn’t have been cheap.”
He hummed, running his hand up and down your back. “Shibaman’s aunt is dating the owner. It took a lot of bribing but they finally agreed to let me have the place for the night.”
You chuckled, sending him a grin. “You’re unbelievable.”
“And you love it,” he grinned back.
“I really do,” you agreed, leaning up to claim his lips before shifting so you could see the screen. “Did you bring any snacks?”
“Oh my god, Tsu, you forgot the snacks, didn’t you?”
Tsuji scowled at the screen, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Damn it, I knew I was forgetting something.”
You just laughed, patting his stomach comfortingly.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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