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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
Sweet Giant – Rao (ITYc2)
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༻ITYC Ficography༺ ༻ITYC Tag
Genre: Comedy, fluff, slice of life
Word Count: 1,986
Pairing: Reader x Rao
World: High&Low
I Trope You! Challenge #: 2 – Furniture Blockade @itropeyou
“Oi, get back here so I can murder you!”
You cursed under your breath as you ran down the hall of Oya Kou, shoving other students out of the way. You could hear his thundering footsteps getting closer and you knew you had to make a decision before you got caught.
Your eyes darted back and forth across the hall as you looked for an escape route. As soon as you spotted an open door, you darted inside, slamming the door shut. There was a tall wooden storage shelf beside the door and you grabbed it, pulling with all your strength until it fell in front of the door.
You could hear him roaring your name, nearly upon you now. With another curse, you started piling the desks on top of the shelf, jumping back when it started to rattle.
“Get out here, you coward! I’m going to murder you!”
You honestly didn’t doubt it. Yasushi was insane and you knew he might actually kill you if he got his hands on you. You scanned the room, looking for a place to hide. No, he would tear the room apart looking for you.
One of the desks fell off the pile from the sheer force he was using. ‘It’s not going to hold!’ You bit your lip, looking at the window. It was a dumb choice but it was the only choice you had.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the window open, the cold autumn air hitting you in the face. The ground seemed farther than it actually was and you swallowed hard, rethinking your decision.
Yasushi managed to get the door open a crack, his arm slipping through to try and shove the desks out of the way.
It was now or never.
Do or die.
Taking a deep breath, you carefully slipped your leg over the sill. You ducked beneath the window, jumping when the pile of desks were thrown across the room. The shelf scraped across the linoleum floor as the door was slowly pushed open.
You pulled the rest of your body out the window, clutching onto the sill for dear life as you looked over your shoulder at the ground below. The door was finally opened enough for Yasushi to squeeze through and, despite the fear you felt, you couldn’t help but snort at his neon pink hair.
“Hah?! You have the nerve to laugh after what you’ve done?!” He growled, rushing toward you.
You cried out in surprise, jumping from the window. He reached out to you, fingers brushing against yours but he was unable to grab you. Your body hit the ground hard, startling the group of boys standing nearby. They looked at you in shock, eyes wide.
Clenching your teeth in pain, you slapped your hand atop a desk sitting in the courtyard, pulling yourself to your feet. Your ankle protested but you knew Yasushi was making his way toward you and you knew you couldn’t stick around. Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself forward, heading for the school’s gate.
Your number one priority was to get somewhere safe, far away from both Oya and the hot-headed blonde. ‘Well… I suppose he’s a pinkette now,’ you snickered, though it died as soon as you put weight on your ankle. It wasn’t broken, you knew, but it certainly was not having a good time.
Using the wall for support, you walked as quickly as you could.
You could hear Yasushi screaming in the courtyard, demanding to know where you had gone. Oya was notorious for their students being loyal to their own factions. Since you didn’t belong to a faction, they had no loyalty to you and, though they didn’t belong to the YasuKiyo faction, they weren’t dumb enough to go against Oya’s psycho.
They weren’t as dumb as you and that was a bit depressing to think about. To be fair, you had been dared to do it and you weren’t the type of person to stand down from a challenge. 
“When I find you, I’m going to kill you! I know you hear me, you brat!”
You winced, slipping into an alley. You really should have chosen truth instead… Heavy footsteps were heading in your direction and you quickly ducked down beside an overflowing trash can. The smell nearly made you gag but you managed to catch yourself, slapping your hand over your mouth and nose.
The footsteps stopped at the end of the alley and you tensed up, holding your breath. A heavy silence seemed to settle over you for an uncomfortably long amount of time. Was he still there? You were too afraid to check. With your luck, he would be standing on the other side of the trashcan, waiting to grab you as soon as you peer your head around. 
You were nearly out of air and, just as you started to remove your hand to breathe, you heard his boots hitting the pavement, heading away from the alley. Your heart raced within your chest and you continued holding your breath until you couldn’t anymore, sucking in a gulp of air.
As you stood up, you winced in pain. 
What were you supposed to do now? Yasushi wasn’t the type of man who forgave easily and he never forgets when he’s been wronged. You’d have to avoid Oya for a while. 
Possibly even the rest of your life.
You sighed deeply, running a hand through your hair. “I’m such a dumbass.”
You fell onto the curb with a sigh, suppressing a shiver when the wind picked up. The sun was low on the horizon, barely visible behind the buildings. Leaves littered the ground, an ombre of orange, brown and red. They scraped across the ground whenever the wind blew, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
You untied your shoe, hissing as you slid it off your foot. Even with your sock on, you could tell it was swollen and it was sore to the touch. All you wanted to do was return home and curl up under your warm comforter. How could you, though, when you lived right next door to the psycho you had pissed off? The walls were thin and he’d definitely hear it if you came home.
You groaned, falling back onto the sidewalk and closing your eyes. The cement was ice-cold through your clothes, bringing goosebumps to your skin. Thunder rumbled softly in the distance and you groaned again. Normally, you adored the rain, but not when it was cold outside and you had nowhere safe to stay.
The sound of footsteps made you tense up but you didn’t open your eyes, hoping that it wasn’t Yasushi come to actually end your existence. 
“Hey, are you okay?”
You released the breath you had been holding when you realized it wasn’t him. Opening your eyes, you found an extremely tall, well-built guy towering over you. He was looking down at you with no expression, though you could see a hint of worry lingering in her dark eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” You offered him a sheepish smile as you pulled yourself up into a sitting position. As you slid your foot back into your shoe, you hissed in pain.
“Doesn’t sound like you’re okay,” he commented, squatting down beside you so he could see your foot better. He still towered over you easily and you hoped he had no beef with Oya.
If he did, there was no way you could hold your own against this guy. He was just radiating raw strength and power – it was almost stifling.
“What happened?” he wondered, glancing at you.
“I, uh… fell…” You rubbed the back of your neck, finding it hard to admit that you had jumped from the second floor just to avoid the consequences of your actions. “But I’m fine!” You replied quickly, pulling yourself to your feet. “Excuse me.”
You bowed your head to him before turning and starting down the street. Only… your ankle chose that moment to decide it had had enough, giving out beneath you. You closed your eyes, waiting to hit the cold cement.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding you against a firm chest. Warm breath hit your ear when he spoke. “Let me help you home.”
“Ah, no, that’s not necessary…” You forced a smile, trying to pull away. He allowed you to do so, yet he kept his hand on your arm just in case.
“You can’t walk,” he frowned, brow furrowed. 
“I can’t go home right now, okay? I’ll just…” you rubbed the back of your neck with a frown, glancing at the opposite end of the street. “Find a park or somethin’.”
“It’s supposed to rain tonight. You’ll catch your death if you spend the night in the park.” Rao scanned you, considering for a moment. Many kids who came to the orphanage were running from abusive families and he had to wonder if you were doing the same.
To him, you were clearly lying about how you came to be injured. Now, you claimed you couldn’t go home, choosing instead to weather the cold instead.
“You can stay with me.”
Your head snapped toward him, eyes wide, and he realized he had phrased it poorly.
Shifting his weight, he motioned toward the orphanage behind him. “We have spare rooms. You can stay here tonight.”
You glanced at the building, taking note of several older kids peering out the window curiously. When they saw you, they darted back behind the curtain. “Are you sure that’s okay?”
He nodded, getting a firm grip on your arm before he began leading you toward the building.
“Thank you,” you replied softly before introducing yourself to him.
He smiled down at you, his brown eyes warm. “My name is Mario. Misaki Mario.”
“Nice to meet you, Misaki-san.”
“Just call me Mario,” he told you softly, pushing the door open. Several kids were peaking their heads around the doorway, looking at you curiously. When he noticed them, he frowned. “You guys are supposed to be in bed.”
“We were curious, nii-chan,” replied a young girl with black hair. Her dark eyes met yours and she frowned. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you replied with a small smile. “Just hurt my ankle.”
“I’ll get the ice pack!” She stated before turning and rushing off.
“No fair, I wanted to get it!” cried a young boy as he rushed after her.
“I’ll get the pain meds.”
“I’ll grab a blanket!”
“I’ll get the snacks!”
Rao chuckled, shaking his head before leading you over to the living room where an old couch sat. It was full of holes and it creaked sadly when you sat down. “Prop your foot up on the table.”
You lifted your foot and –
“Take your shoe off first,” he scolded, reaching forward to pull it off. When he realized what he was doing, he paused, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. “Sorry, habit.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, surprised by how gentle and cute such a massive guy could be.
The children came rushing into the room, carrying various items they believed would help, including toys and a card game. After propping your foot up on the table with a pillow beneath it, you were given some pain meds and some water. The young girl gently sat the ice pack on your ankle and you winced at how cold it was.
“Thank you, everyone,” you smiled gently at the group, hugging the worn teddy bear one of the smaller boys had given you for comfort. 
“You’re welcome!” They chorused.
“Alright, back to bed,” ordered Rao, shooing the kids toward the door despite their protests. 
You sunk farther down on the couch with a smile, eyes closed as you hugged the teddy bear. Maybe pissing off Yasushi hadn’t been such a bad thing, after all.
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
99 notes · View notes
1:    0 1 2 4 5 7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z    32/36    (26/26)    (6/10)
2:    00 0k 0p 10 2b 45 50 52 ab ac ad af ag ah ai ak al am an ap ar as at au av ay az ba be bi bj bl bo br bs bu bv bw by ca cc cd ce ch ci cj ck cl co cr cs ct cu cv da dd de di do dr ds du dy ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei el em en ep er es et ev ew ex fa fe ff fi fo fr fu fy ga gb ge gh gi gl gm gn go gs gt gu gx ha he hi ho hr hs ht hu ia ic id ie if ig ik il im in io ip ir is it iz ja jc je jo js ka kd ke kg ki kn ks kt la lb ld le lg li ll lm lo ls lt lu lv ly lz ma mb mc me mh mi mm mn mo mp mu my na nb nc nd ne ng nh ni nk nl nm nn no nr ns nt nu ny oa ob oc od of og oh oi ok ol om on oo op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy pa pe ph pi pl po pp pr pu qu ra rb rc rd re rf rg ri rk rl rm rn ro rr rs rt ru ry sa sc se sh si sk sl sn so sp sr ss st su ta tc te th ti tl to tr ts tt tu ty ua ub uc ud ue ui ul um un uo ur us ut uw uy ve vi vy wa wh wi wo ws wu xa xr xu ya yd ye ym yo yr ys yt za ze zi zo zz    301/1296    (293/676)    (8/360)
3:    000 00p 0pe 100 10k 452 50p 52b abl abr acc ach ack aco act ada adi afa afe age agh agx aha aho ail ain air ake aki ala alb ald alg ali all alm als alt alv aly alz ama ame amu ana anc and ane ang ani ann anr ant anu any app apr arb arc are arg ari ark arl arn arr ars art ary ase asi ask ass ast ate ath ats atu aur aus ave avy aya ayo azi azo bar bas bat bec bef bel ber big bin bis bjs ble bli blo blu bod box boy bra bre bri bum bus but bvi bwa bys cal can cap car cco cdo cel cen chi chu cia cip cit cje ckd ckg cki cla cof cog cor cot cou cre cro cto ctu cum cve day ddo def dei den dep der des dex dia dif dis dit doc dom don doo dor dot duc duo eab ead eah eal ear eas eat ebe ebl ecl ecr ede edi edo eed efi efo efr ego eho eif eig eim eis ela ele eli ell ely ema emb eme enb end ene eng enm ens ent eph epl epo epp epu era erc ere eri erm ers ert ery esl esp est ett eve evi ewa ews exa exu fab fan far fed fem fer few ffe ffi fic fin fir for fox fra fuc fun gan gar gba ged gem ger get ghe ght gim gle gma gni gon goo gth gua guy gxr hak hei hel hen her het hil hip his hol hom hon hoo hor hou hre htl hub hus hut ial ian ias ica ici ick ico icr ict icv ide ids ies ife iff ify igb igh ign ike iki ikt ild ili ill imh imm imo imp inc ind ine ing inh ini ino iou ipa ipe ipo irb ire irf iri isc ise isn isr ist ita ite ith iti ito its ity izz jac jcj jen joa kah kdu kea kep kes ket kgo kid kin kip kis kno kto lai lan las lbe lde lds lea lec led len ler les lev lgo lia lic lid lin lis lit lly lma log los lov lsa lso lti lue lun lvi lyo lyt lzi mah mai mal man mar mas may maz mbl mbo mca mcd med men mho mic mil min mis mmi mni mod mol moo mos mul nad nag nal nav nby nce nci nco nde ndi ndo nee nes net new nga nge ngl ngo ngt nhe nhu nic nig nis nit nly nma nni nny nob nof non nos not nou now nri nso nta ntl nud nus nuw oan obl obv ocs oct ode ody off ofi ogl ogn ogs oil old olo ome omi omn ona one onk onl ons oog oom oon ooo oot ope ora orc ord ore ori ork orn orr ort osc oss ost ota otc ote oth oti otl otr oun ous out ove owa pag pai pak pal pan pea ped pep per pho pic pir piz pla ple por pos pot ppe ppl pri pro pub que rad rag ral ran ras ray raz rbu rby rce rci rdd rea reb red ref reg reh rei rel ren rep res ret rev rfo rge ria ric rig rin rio ris rit rks rli rma rne rnh rom roo row rre rrs rse rta rth rto rue rul rus ryd sac saf sam san sat say sca sco sea sec sen sep ser set sex sha she sia sic sil sim sis ska ske sli sly son sov spa spe spi spo sro ssa ssi ssr sta ste sti str sts sub sun tac tal tan tar tat tau tcu ted tel tem ter tes tex the thi thr ths tia tic tif tik tim tin tla tle tly tok ton tor tot tra tre tru tti tts tua tub tur tyr ual uat ube ubl ubs ubw uck udi ueb uif uly umb una uni unn uno unt unu uot ura urn uru usa use usl uss ust utu uwu uys vea vel ven ver vic vil vin vio wal was wav way whe wik wil wit woo wor wui xas xre xua yah yam yda yea yes ymc yof yop yor you yra yth yti zea zie zil zon zza    740/46656    (732/17576)    (8/12960)
4:    0000 00pe 0per 1000 100p 452b 50pe able abri acco achu actu adia afar afew agem aghe agxr ahoo airb aire airf akes akis alan alas albe alds algo alia alit ally alma alsa also alti alvi alzi amah amaz amul anad anag ance ando anet anga anic anni anri anta anus appl apri arby arci arge arli arne arrs arth asic asil aska aske assa assi assr aste atem ates athe atur auru aust avea azil azon bark barn basi bask bath befr bell bert bigb bing bise blic blog blue body bras braz brea bric bumb bvio bway call cana capr carr ccou cdon cele cent chil chip chus cial cipa citi cjen ckdu ckgo ckin clai clas cofi cogn cord corn cotl coun cret crow ctor ctua cver ddot defi deim denm depo dian diff disc dity docs doct domi dona doot dora dotc duck duot eabl eala ealg eali eall eals ealz eare eart ease eats ebec eblo ecla ecre edep edex edia edoc efin efox egon ehou eign eimo eist elan eles elev elia elin elyt emal embo emen enby engt enma enso entl epho eple epot eppe epub erag erce erei eren erep eris erma erse erta eryd esli espe esti etti etts even ever evil eway exas exua fabr fari fede femb fere fewa ffer ffic fici fini fire forc fore forr fran fuck funn gana garl gbas geme germ ghet ghtl gimm glec gled gles gmai gnit goog gths guat guys gxre hake heif heis heli hell here hett hill hipo hold home honk hooo hoot hora hort hous hrea htly huse iall ialt ialv ianc iant ical icia icof icor icro icto icve ides ifer iffe igba ight ikea ikip ikto ilde ilit imho immi imos inci inco inde indi inge ingl ingo inhe init inos inou ious ipal iped ipot irbu iref ireh irel ires irfo irit isco isex isro ista iste ital itar ited itel itic izza jack jcje jens joan kaho kduc kepl kesp kids king kipe kist know ktok lair land lane lang lask lass lber leas lecl ledo leng lesl lest leve lgoo lian lico lide ling list lita lity llyo llyt lmar logs loss love lsaf ltin luna lvin lyof lyop lyth lyti lzie maha mail mala mana many mark mars mart mass mayo mazo mble mboy mcdo mede ment mhor mick micr mili mino mise mmic mnis mode molo moon nada nage nald navy ncip ncog nder ndia ndor need news ngan nged ngle ngth nher nhub nica nigh nise nite nito nmar nnic nobl noff note notr nous nrio nson ntar ntly nudi nuwu oann oble obvi octo offi ofir ogle ogni olos omed omin omis omni onal only oogl oote oper orce ordd oreg orev oria orks ornh orre orto osca ossi osts otal otcu oter otes othe otif otla otle otre ount ouse ousl outu ovel over owav pagh pain paki pali pand pani pear pedi pepp pera perc phor picv piri pizz plan plea pler porn post poti potl pper pple pric prin prom publ queb radi ragx rali ranc rann ranu rasi raya razi rbus rbys rcen rcit rddo read real reat rebl refo rego reho reig rela reli rene rent repu reve rfor rget rias rico righ rinc ring rlic rman rnes rnhu romi room rowa rrea rton ruly russ rust ryda sach safa safe same sanr satu scar scor scot seal secr send seph sere sett sexu shak shel sica simp sist sket slid sove spag spai spea spir spot sroo ssac ssia ssis ssro stan star stat ster stia stra subs subw taco tall taly tant tarc targ tars tary tate taur tcum tela tely tema ters texa thei thel ther this thre tial tica tify tikt timh tind tlan tons tori tota tral tray trea true trul trus tual tube turn tyra uall uate ubef ubli ubwa uckd uckg ucki udit uebe uife umbl unit unny unof unuw uoth uran urus uset usly ussi ustr utub uwui veab vely vere vers very vict vine viou walm wast wave when wiki wild with work wuif xrea xual yaho yama yday yeah ymca yoff yope york yout yran ythe ytim zeal zies    705/1679616    (698/456976)    (7/466560)
5:    00per 0perc 10000 100pe 50per abric accou achus actua adian afari afewa ageme aghet agxre ahooo ahoot airbu aires airfo akesp akist aland alask alber algoo ality allyo allyt almar alsaf altin alvin alzie amaha amazo anada anage andor angan annic anrio antar apple apric arbys arcit arget arlic arnes asica asket assac assis assro atema athei aturn aurus austr aveab barne basic baske berta bigba bingl bisex blico blogs brasi brazi bread bumbl bviou cally canad capri carrs ccoun cdona celes chill chipo chuse ciall cialt cialv cipal citic cjens ckduc cking clair class cofir cogni cordd cotla count crowa ctori ctual cvers ddotc defin deimo denma depot diant diffe disco docto domin donal dotcu duckd duckg duoth eable ealan ealgo ealit eally ealsa ealzi earth eblog eclas ecret edepo edocs efini ehous eimos eland elang elest eleve elian eling elyth emala emboy ement ength enmar enson ently ephor epler epper epubl eragx ercen ereig erene erent erepu erman eryda eslid espea estia every exual fabri fedex fembo feren feway ffere ffici ficia finit firef fireh firel force forev forre franc fucki funny garli gbask gemen germa ghett ghtly gimmi glecl gledo glesl gmail gnito googl guate gxrea hakes heist helin heren herep hetti hipot homed hoote horto house hreat huset ially ialti ialvi iance icall icial icofi icorn icrow ictor icver iffer igbas ightl ikipe iktok ilita imhor immic incip incog inder india inged ingle inher inite inous iousl ipali ipedi ipotl irbus irefo ireho irela irfor iscor isexu istan ister italy itary itely itica jcjen jenso joann kahoo kduck keple kespe kiped kista laire lanet langa laska lassr lbert lease lecla ledoc lengt lesli lesti leven lgoog lianc licof lides lingo litar llyof llyop llyti lmart lossi lovel lsafa ltind lvine lyoff lyope lythe lytim lzies manag massa mazon mcdon medep mhort micro milit minos minou mmick mnise molos nagem nalds ncipa ncogn ndora ngana ngths nhere nical night nisex nited nitel nmark nnica noble noffi notes notre ntarc nudit nuwui obvio octor offic ofire oglec ogled ogles ognit oloss omede omino omise omnis onald oogle ooter opera orddo orego oreve orias ornhu orrea orton oscar ossia otall otcum oters othel otify otlan otrea ously outub ovely overe owave paghe pakis palit pando panic peare pedia peppe perag perce phora picve pirit pizza plane pleas pornh posts potif potle prico princ promi publi quebe radia ragxr ralia rance ranni ranus rasil razil rcent rciti rddot realg reali reall reals realz reats reblo refox regon rehou reign relan relia rentl repub rever rforc ricor right rinci ringe rmany rnhub romis rowav rreal rtons russi ryday sachu safar safew sanri satur scord scotl seala secre sepho seren setts sexua shake shell sical sista siste slide sover spagh spain spear spiri spoti sroom ssach ssist ssroo stant stars state stial stral stray subwa tally tarci targe tates tauru telan telyt temal texas theif theis theli there threa tikto timho tinde tland toria total trali traya treal truly trust tuall tubef tyran ually uatem ubefr ublic ubway uckdu uckgo uckin udity uebec uifer umble unite unoff unuwu uothe uranu usett ussia ustra utube uwuif veabl verei verse veryd victo vious walma waste wavea wikip wilde works wuife xreal yahoo yamah yoffi yoper youtu yrann yther ytimh zeala    546/60466176    (541/11881376)    (5/16796160)
6:    00perc 0perce 100per 50perc accoun achuse actual adiant afeway agemen aghett agxrea airbus airfor akespe akista alaska albert algoog allyof allyop allyti almart alsafa altind alvine alzies amazon anagem andora angana annica antarc aprico arciti asical assach assist assroo atemal atheis austra aveabl barnes basica basket bigbas bingle bisexu blicof brasil brazil bumble bvious canada capric ccount cdonal celest chipot chuset cially cialti cialvi cipali citica cjenso ckduck claire classr cofire cognit corddo cotlan crowav ctoria ctuall cverse ddotcu defini deimos denmar differ discor doctor domino donald dotcum duckdu duckgo duothe ealand ealgoo eality eallyt ealsaf ealzie eblogs eclass edepot efinit ehouse elanga elesti eleven elianc elingo elythe engths enmark ephora epubli eragxr ercent ereign erentl erepub ermany eryday eslide espear estial everyd fabric femboy ferent fferen fficia ficial finite firefo fireho firela foreve forrea france fuckin garlic gbaske gement german ghetti gimmic glecla gledoc glesli google guatem gxreal hakesp heling herent herepu hipotl homede hooter horton hreats husett ialtin ialvin ically iciall icialt icialv icofir icrowa ictori icvers iffere igbask ightly ikiped ilitar imhort immick incipa incogn inhere initel iously ipalit ipedia ipotle irefox irehou irelan irforc iscord isexua istant itelyt jcjens jenson kahoot kduckg kepler kespea kipedi kistan laires langan lassro lberta leclas ledocs length leslid lestia lgoogl liance licofi litary llyoff llyope llytim lossia lovely lsafar ltinde lyoffi lyoper lyther lytimh manage massac mcdona medepo mhorto microw milita minous mnisex moloss nageme ncipal ncogni nheren nightl nisexu nitely nnical noffic notrea ntarci nudity nuwuif obviou offici ofirel oglecl ogledo oglesl ognito olossi omedep ominos ominou omnise onalds ooglec oogled oogles ooters operag orddot oregon orever ornhub orreal ortons otally otheli otland otreal outube overei owavea paghet pakist pality pandor pepper peragx percen picver planet please pornhu potify pricor princi promis public quebec radian ragxre rannic rcitic rddotc realgo realit really realsa realzi reblog rehous reland relian rently republ rforce ricorn rincip ringed romise rowave russia sachus safari safewa sanrio saturn scordd scotla sealan secret sephor serene sexual shakes sicall sistan sister slides sovere spaghe speare spirit spotif ssachu ssista ssroom states strali straya subway tallyo tarcit target taurus telang telyth temala theist thelin therep threat tiktok timhor tinder torias totall tralia treall tually tubefr tyrann uatema ublico uckduc ucking united unoffi unuwui uothel uranus usetts ustral utubef uwuife veable vereig veryda victor viousl walmar waveab wikipe wuifer yahooo yamaha yoffic yopera youtub yranni ythere ytimho zealan    399/2176782336    (395/308915776)    (4/604661760)
7:    00perce 0percen 100perc 50perce account achuset actuall agement aghetti agxreal airforc akespea akistan alberta algoogl allyoff allyope allytim alsafar altinde anageme annical antarci apricor arcitic asicall assachu assista assroom atemala atheist austral aveable basical bigbask bisexua blicofi bviousl caprico cdonald celesti chipotl chusett cialtin cialvin cipalit cjenson ckduckg claires classro cofirel cognito corddot cotland crowave ctorias ctually ddotcum definit denmark differe discord dominos donalds duckduc duothel ealgoog eallyti ealsafa ealzies eclassr efinite elangan elestia eliance elyther epublic eragxre erently erepubl eslides espeare everyda fferent fficial ficiall ficialt ficialv finitel firefox firehou firelan forever forreal fucking gbasket germany gimmick gleclas gledocs gleslid googlec googled googles guatema hakespe helingo herentl herepub hipotle homedep hooters hortons husetts ialtind ialvine icially icialti icialvi icofire icrowav ictoria icverse ifferen igbaske ikipedi ilitary imhorto incipal incogni inheren initely ipality irehous ireland irforce iscordd isexual itelyth jcjenso kduckgo kespear kipedia langana lassroo leclass lengths leslide lestial lgoogle licofir llyoffi llyoper llytimh lsafari ltinder lyoffic lyopera lythere lytimho managem massach mcdonal medepot mhorton microwa militar mnisexu molossi nagemen ncipali ncognit nherent nightly nisexua nitelyt noffici notreal ntarcit nuwuife obvious officia ofirela oglecla ogledoc oglesli olossia omedepo ominous omnisex ooglecl oogledo ooglesl operagx orddotc otallyo othelin otreall outubef overeig owaveab paghett pakista pandora peragxr percent picvers pornhub pricorn princip promise publico radiant ragxrea rannica rcitica rddotcu realgoo reality reallyt realsaf realzie reblogs rehouse relianc republi rincipa rowavea sachuse safeway scorddo scotlan sealand sephora shakesp sically sistant soverei spaghet spotify ssachus ssistan stralia tallyof tallyop tarciti telanga telythe theling therepu threats timhort totally treally tyranni uatemal ublicof uckduck unoffic unuwuif uotheli ustrali utubefr uwuifer vereign veryday victori viously walmart waveabl wikiped yoffici yoperag youtube yrannic ytherep ytimhor zealand    278/78364164096    (274/8031810176)    (4/21767823360)
8:    00percen 0percent 100perce 50percen achusett actually airforce akespear algoogle allyoffi allyoper allytimh alsafari altinder anagemen antarcit apricorn arcitica asically assachus assistan australi basicall bigbaske bisexual blicofir bviously capricor cdonalds celestia chipotle chusetts cialtind cialvine cipality ckduckgo classroo cofirela corddotc crowavea definite differen discordd duckduck duotheli ealgoogl eallytim ealsafar eclassro efinitel elangana elestial elythere epublico eragxrea erepubli everyday fficiall fficialt fficialv ficially ficialti ficialvi finitely firehous fireland gleclass gleslide googlecl googledo googlesl guatemal hakespea herently herepubl homedepo ialtinde icialtin icialvin icofirel icrowave ictorias ifferent igbasket ikipedia imhorton incipali incognit inherent initelyt irehouse iscorddo itelythe jcjenson kespeare lassroom leclassr leslides lgooglec lgoogled lgoogles licofire llyoffic llyopera llytimho lyoffici lyoperag lytherep lytimhor manageme massachu mcdonald mhortons microwav military mnisexua molossia nagement ncipalit ncognito nherentl nisexual nitelyth nofficia notreall ntarciti nuwuifer obviousl official ofirelan ogleclas ogledocs ogleslid omedepot omnisexu ooglecla oogledoc ooglesli operagxr orddotcu otallyof otallyop otheling otreally outubefr overeign owaveabl paghetti pakistan peragxre picverse principa publicof ragxreal rannical rddotcum realgoog reallyti realsafa realzies reliance republic rincipal rowaveab sachuset scorddot scotland shakespe sovereig spaghett ssachuse ssistant tallyoff tallyope tarcitic telangan telyther thelingo therepub timhorto totallyo tyrannic uatemala ublicofi uckduckg unoffici unuwuife uothelin ustralia victoria waveable wikipedi yofficia yoperagx youtubef yrannica ytherepu ytimhort    198/2821109907456    (194/208827064576)    (4/783641640960)
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14:    algoogleclassr algoogleslides allytimhortons definitelyther ealgoogleclass ealgoogleslide eallytimhorton efinitelythere elytherepublic epublicofirela erepublicofire finitelytherep googleclassroo herepublicofir initelytherepu itelytherepubl lgoogleclassro lytherepublico nitelytherepub officialtinder oogleclassroom otallyofficial publicofirelan realgoogleclas realgoogledocs realgoogleslid reallytimhorto republicofirel telytherepubli therepublicofi totallyofficia totallyoperagx ublicofireland unofficialvine ytherepublicof    35/6140942214464815497216    (35/64509974703297150976)
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dharmendrarana-blog · 3 years ago
HPPSC Important Notification 2021 आज है अंतिम तिथि
HPPSC Important Notification 2021 आज है अंतिम तिथि
HPPSC Important Notification 2021 आज है अंतिम तिथि  | Press Note – Regarding requisite documents for the posts of Range Forest Officer, (RFO), (Forestry and Non-Forestry) Download the Notification Click Here  HP Selection Board ने Post Code 783 की रोल नंबर लिस्ट जारी की हिमाचल प्रदेश AIIMS बिलासपुर में होगी भर्ती ITI एडमिशन की तारीख बड़ी 31/12/2021 तक December 13, 2021 Pravaran Kavya Written By…
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utkarshclass · 7 years ago
RFO, DRFO, Forest Guard in KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Recruitment Notification 2018 www.aranya.gov.in 569 Deputy Range Forest Officer, Forest Guard Post Apply Online
KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Has Announced Recruitment Notification For 569 Deputy Range Forest Officer, Forest Guard Posts. All Interested And Eligible Applicants Can Apply it Online On Or Before last date Of 08-05-2018 (8th May 2018). For this Recruitment, required more Information like About their Educational criteria For This recruitments required, upper Age Limit & Restriction, Selection Method/Procedure, Type of Exam Pattern, Exam Syllabus for KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Recruitment 2018 – 569 Deputy Range Forest Officer, Forest Guard Post is given in notification as shown below.
Total No. of Posts Available – 569 posts
Name Of Post And No. of Posts Required –  1. Deputy Range Forest Officer – 329 2. Forest Guard – 240
Age Limit & Restriction – Applicants/Candidates age should be in between 18 to 25 Years (Post 1), 18 to 27 Years (Post 2).
As per the rules, Age relaxations will be applicable to All candidates. For RFO, DRFO, Forest Guard Post wise Age limit & relaxation Details, Candidate must Check Advertisement Notification
Educational criteria For This recruitment – Job seekers/Candidates should have completed/passed 12th / ITI / Diploma / B.Sc/ B.Sc (Forestry) or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board / university. For Post wise Educational Qualification, Candidate must Check Advertisement Notification
Selection Method/Process – Selection Of All Eligible Applicants/Candidates depend on Their Best Performance In Written Exam, Physical Efficiency Test .
Pay Scale (Salary + Grade Pay) – Rs. 12,500 – 24,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 11,600 – 21,000/- (Post 2) .
Required Application Fee – For Unreserved Category Candidates Required Application Fee is – Rs. 115/- & For All Other Reserved Category Candidates Required Application Fee is – Rs. 35/-
Method Of How To Apply for This Recruitment– All Eligible and Interested Applicants/candidates may apply online by filling all necessary details in the application form through their official website http://www.aranya.gov.in before or on 8th May 2018.
Must Remember All Important Dates As mentioned below – Online Registration Would Be Open From : 09-04-2018. Last Date For Apply Online : 08-05-2018.
See Here For KFD Recruitment 2018 Detailed Advertisement : 1
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KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Recruitment Notification 2018 www.aranya.gov.in 73 Forest Range Officer Post Apply Online / RFO, DRFO, Forest Guard
KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Has Announced Recruitment Notification For 73 Forest Range Officer Posts. All Interested And Eligible Applicants Can Apply it Online On Or Before last date Of 08-05-2018 (8th May 2018). For this Recruitment, required more Information like About their Educational criteria For This recruitments required, upper Age Limit & Restriction, Selection Method/Procedure, Type of Exam Pattern, Exam Syllabus for KFD (Karnataka Forest Department) Recruitment 2018 – 73 Forest Range Officer Post is given in notification as shown below.
Total No. of Posts Available – 73 posts
Name Of Post And No. of Posts Required –  1. Forest Range Officer – 73 posts
Age Limit & Restriction – Applicants/Candidates age should be in between 18 to 27 Years.
As per the rules, Age relaxations will be applicable to All candidates. For RFO, DRFO, Forest Guard Post wise Age limit & relaxation Details, Candidate must Check Advertisement Notification
Educational criteria For This recruitment – Job seekers/Candidates should have completed/passed Graduation Degree in any stream or its equivalent educational qualification from a recognized university/institute Approved By Government. For Post wise Educational Qualification, Candidate must Check Advertisement Notification
Selection Method/Process – Selection Of All Eligible Applicants/Candidates depend on Their Best Performance In Written Exam/ Interview .
Pay Scale (Salary + Grade Pay) – Rs. 21600 – 40050/- .
Required Application Fee – For Unreserved Category Candidates Required Application Fee is –  Rs. 100/- & For All Other Reserved Category Candidates Required Application Fee is – Rs.  50/-
Method Of How To Apply for This Recruitment – All Eligible and Interested Applicants/candidates can also apply online by means of filling all necessary details in the application form via theirs reliable website http://www.aranya.gov.in before and about 8th May 2018.
Also Read More : ECL Recruitment 2018 for 117 Mining Sirdar Posts
Must Remember All Important Dates As mentioned below – Starting Date of Online Application : 09-04-2018. Deadline for Submitting Online Application Form Is : 08-05-2018.
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rainisawriter · 2 years ago
Dragophire Empire – S.W.O.R.D (ITYc1)
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༻ITYC Ficography༺ ༻ITYC Tag༺
Genre: Comedy, friendship, slice of life -> fantasy au
Word Count: 4,581
Pairing: None
World: High&Low
A/N: So, I wasn’t sure how to write this and I’m not sure if I’m happy with it, but I hope it makes someone laugh or smile, at least haha I may expand on this later, who knows. Written for the @itropeyou challenge.
I Trope You! Challenge #: 1 – Genre Shift
Murayama entered the gym of Oya Kou, beelining for the stage that sat at the back of the room. He hopped up before falling onto the sofa beside me, excitement dancing in his dark eyes. “Guess what?”
“You finally decided to be an adult, get a job and leave Oya Kou?” I quirked a brow at him and he pouted. 
“Not even close.”
“Yeah, something like that would never happen,” I snickered. “You’ll be at this school even as an old man.”
“So will you!”
“Yeah probably.”
A moment of silence passed by as we stared at each other blankly.
Finally, I scowled. “Are you gonna tell me or nah?”
“You broke first, I win!”
“I’m leaving.” I started to get up off the couch but he grabbed the back of my shirt, yanking me back down. Before I could insult him, he finally answered.
“I found a really cool video game store during my walk today.”
“A game store?” My brow furrowed. “Those still exist? Don’t most people just buy their stuff online these days?”
“Mostly, yeah, but you’re missing out on some great titles that way,” he clicked his tongue, waving his finger at me. “Listen up, kid.”
“I’m older than you.”
He ignored the comment. “There are a lot of gems out there that can’t be bought online because they no longer exist.”
“If they no longer existed, they wouldn’t be at the store, either.” I pointed out, making him scowl.
“Yah, I’m trying to teach you a lesson.”
“Your lessons are shit. That’s why everyone at Oya is dumb as hell.”
“Oi!” Nakazono glanced up from where he was sitting below the stage, a scowl on his lips. “We’re not all dumb, ya know.”
“You’re right,” I agreed, taking in the satisfied look on his face before adding, “Todoroki is pretty damn smart.”
His expression fell to a displeased scowl again and I snickered, proud of myself.
“You’re such an ass.”
“If you’re not an ass, are you even an Oya student?”
His lips parted to retort but then he paused, thought about it for a minute and nodded. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
It was Murayama’s turn to scowl now, smacking my shoulder. “Will you focus for two minutes, please? This is important.”
“How is it important?” I leaned back against the couch, arms folded over my chest.
“Because we can find a new game to play that no one else is playing.” He paused, turning his head away and mumbling under his breath. “I was hoping it could be our special thing.“
My heart warmed at the words. He and I have been best friends for years, connecting after he and Cobra first fought. He was my brother at this point, but we didn’t spend as much time together as we could. He was always busy dealing with Oya drama and keeping the younger ones out of trouble.
Meanwhile, I’ve been working a lot lately so I could keep my apartment and still offer money to the Oya kiddos so they could get things they wanted. Admittedly, we haven’t been spending much time together lately, so it makes sense he would come up with something like this.
I knew I wasn’t meant to hear the last bit so I sighed dramatically, pretending to be annoyed. “Fine, I’ll go with you.”
He grinned, eyes lighting up.
“But you’re paying.”
He clicked his tongue, folding his arm over his chest. “Fine.”
It was mid-autumn, the temperature dropping with each day that passed by. There weren’t many trees within the city, but the few that had been planted were already bare, their colorful leaves pooled at the bottom of their trunks. The world felt more alive, more magical during the fall season and I absolutely adored it.
I couldn’t wait for Halloween, especially since Daruma’s Halloween festival was always top tier.
I pulled my jacket tighter around my body as I headed in the direction of the store. Murayama was already waiting outside, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet as he peered through the glass.
“It’s about time,” he scowled at me, not waiting for a response before he darted into the store.
“And I thought I was impatient,” I scoffed, following after him.
No one was inside the store so it was eerily quiet. It reminded me of those old movie rental stores but, instead of movies, it was all video games for varying consoles, many of which I had never even heard of before. Murayama had been right when he said these things were gems that couldn’t be bought online.
A lot of my free time was spent browsing game lists, looking for interesting titles to save up for. Though I was picky and didn’t have a large library, I could name a lot of games simply by the description or by screenshots, but these games? I had never heard of any of them.
I hummed as I scanned the shelves, looking for anything that caught my eye though nothing did. Some of these names were insane, too.
Rocket Sizzlin’.
Killa Y.Q.Q.
Woman the Beaver.
Teenage Direction.
The Marvelous Enigmas.
Okay, that last one wasn’t bad. Feeling curious, I picked it up and turned it over. It was a pixel game about these sentient blobs of slime trying to pass for normal human beings. My nose wrinkled and I returned it to the shelf.
I wasn’t a big fan of older games and I don’t like pixel games. I prefer games with amazing graphics that make you feel as if you can jump through the screen and enter it. I like worlds that are so rich, you get lost in them, feel as if you’re part of them. Games that make you forget about the boring, mundane life you actually lead.
“If that’s what you’re looking for, child, I have the perfect game for you.”
I blinked in confusion at the old man standing a few feet away. He was short, the upper half of his body hunched over a cane as if it were the only thing keeping him on his feet. His head was mostly bald, with just a few strands of thin white hair placed at random spots. His mustache and beard was long but the hair was thin.
Where the hell had he come from? Why hadn’t I heard him? And how the hell did he know what I was thinking?
“Did I… say all that out loud?” I wondered, though I was sure I hadn’t. 
“Part of it, yes,” he chuckled, peering at me through small, dark eyes. “You were mumbling to yourself. A bad habit, I might add.”
“Oh,” I frowned, rubbing the back of my neck.
“Come, child. Allow me to show you the game you desire.” He waved his hand at me before slowly turning and hobbling away.
I highly doubted he would give me a game I enjoyed but I didn’t want to be rude so I followed him. He was so slow, though, taking five minutes just to make it to the other side of the small store.
Murayama poked his head around one of the shelves and snickered, clearly enjoying my annoyance. I flicked him off and he faked an offended look before disappearing again.
The man took a title off the shelf with a shaky hand, holding it out to me. I couldn’t help but notice how boney his fingers were, as if there was barely any skin left to cover them. “I believe you will enjoy this.”
I took it from him carefully, reading the title. “The Five Grim Kings.” Okay, not a bad title at all. I hummed, flipping it over to read the description. “‘The Dragophire Kingdom was once a prosperous nation united under one banner, but peace can not last forever.'”
He nodded, closing his eyes.
“‘The nation started to fight itself, splitting into five different factions, all of whom were vying for power and control. While they threaten to destroy themselves from within, a new power has risen from the darkness with the intent to destroy all of them.’ Huh, that sounds strangely familiar.”
The man nodded again, a frown on his lips. “They fail to realize that they are stronger together. It is your job to unite the five factions and destroy Kaxarene.”
I hummed with interest. It didn’t look like it was that old, either, the graphics looking pretty decent on the case. It was hard to believe that it was a PlayStation 4 game. Why wasn’t this listed on the website? I bet loads of people would enjoy this.
The game was ripped from my hand by Murayama who wrinkled his nose when he looked at the cover. “I didn’t know you were into medieval RPGs.”
I shrugged a shoulder, snatching it back from him. “They’re fun to play sometimes.”
“I found something better,” he grinned, holding up two copies of a game called Cosplay Rubber Duckies.
“You have got to be kidding me…” I deadpanned, making him scowl.
“Don’t look at me like that! It’s a really complex battle royale MMO where you fight against others to take control of the mind stone and rule the world.”
“The mind stone? Isn’t that a Marvel thing?”
“They don’t own the term, idiot.”
“You’re the only idiot here, idiot.”
The old man chuckled, a twinkle in his eye. “Will you be purchasing the game, then?”
I considered it for a moment before nodding. “Sure, it sounds interesting. I’m not paying for it anyway so I have nothing to lose.”
Murayama scowled, remembering that he had agreed to pay. “It better not be expensive.”
“Doesn’t matter. Oya Kou’s leader can’t go back on his word.” I snickered, shoving the game against his chest before approaching the counter.
He clicked his tongue in disapproval as he followed after me. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Lucky? I think you mean unlucky. You’re a pain in the ass.”
“And you’re rude as hell. It balances out.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
The old man finally appeared behind the counter, slowly ringing up the purchase. When placed my game in a separate bag, slowly sliding it toward me. “Do be careful, child.”
My brow furrowed in confusion at the warning, a strange feeling of doom settling in my gut. Before I could question it, though, Murayama threw his arm around my neck and started to drag me from the store, complaining about how hungry he was.
“Mother fucker,” I muttered under my breath, scowling at the TV screen. I was never good at battle royale games and I rarely made it into the top ten. “I died, you’re on your own.”
Murayama clicked his tongue, the sound barely picked up by his microphone. “At least you survived longer than last time. A whole minute and a half! You should be proud.”
I scoffed at his teasing tone. “I hope that duck with the Mohawk murders you and consumes your corpse.”
“Wow, that’s a bit drama – shit!”
I burst out laughing when said duck slaughtered him without much effort.
“You jinxed me!” He complained. “I lost because of you.”
“Tsk, tsk, Shiki. You shouldn’t blame others for your own shortcomings. You gotta own up to that shit.”
“One v one me.”
“Hell no. I’m dumb but not that dumb.”
“I don’t even know how to respond to that so I’m just gonna switch games.”
“Don’t you dare.”
I hummed, grabbing The Five Grim Kings from its case. “Too late. I’m removing the disc.”
“I’ll kick your ass,” he threatened, but it lacked any real malice.
“Please, you could never beat me.”
Which was, technically, the truth. Both of you were on the same level and when you fought seriously, it ended in a tie every single time. He couldn’t beat me and I could never beat him. It’s super frustrating, but it is what it is.
“Oh no, I’m taking the disc out of the console.”
“Oi, get your ass back here and be my distraction.”
I pretended to think about it for a moment. “Nah. We’ve been playing for five hours, bro, I need a break.”
“Five hours?” He replied in surprise. “No way, it’s been like five minutes.”
“We started at noon. It’s almost 5:30.”
“Your clock is just wrong.” There was the sound of movement over the headset, followed by a moment of silence. “Oh…”
I snorted. “Dumbass.”
He clicked his tongue. “You’re so mean to me. It’s hurtful.”
“Uh huh, sure. You want me to stream this or nah?”
“Alright, gimme a minute.”
I was just about to insert the disc when my phone started to buzz from beside me. I muted my mic, removing one side of the headset so I could answer Yamato’s call. “What’s up, boss?”
“There’s been an emergency,” he grunted, sounding tired. “I need you to come in.“
“Seriously?” I groaned, leaning back against the coffee table. “Today’s my day off and it’s late. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
“No. The client is paying big money for this and we both could use the extra funds. Get your ass down here.” He ended the call.
“For fuck’s sake,” I muttered, turning the mic back on. “Oi, I gotta go. Got called into work.”
“Eh~? Just ignore it.”
“Can’t. Yamato would actually fire me this time.”
“Man, imagine having your wealth in someone else’s hands. Couldn’t be me.”
“Because you’re useless,” I snickered. “Later.”
“Don’t kill anyone.”
I left the party, setting my headset on the TV stand. I considered putting the disc back in its case but it was already out so I figured I would save future me the trouble. I popped it into the console before standing up and grabbing my shit, heading out into the cool afternoon.
I let out a huff as I fell onto the bar stool, scowling at Odake-san. “The usual, please.”
A smile tugged at her lips as she started to prepare my drink. “Long day, hun?”
“The longest,” I sighed out, hanging my head. “This job is kicking my ass.”
She hummed as she set down a glass of chocolate milk before leaning her arms on the bar. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
I grabbed the glass, taking a large gulp before slamming it back on the counter. “My boss is running me ragged, Odake-san! As soon as I get back from one errand, he’s sending me off on another! He also complains that I take too long despite going there and straight back. He’s a tyrant.”
“Who’s a tyrant?”
I stiffened, straightening my back and looking fearfully at Odake before whispering, “He’s right behind me, isn’t he?”
She giggled with a nod, standing up to start preparing his drink.
I slowly turned on my stool, offering him a grin. “Hey, Yamato. How’s it going? How much did you hear, my guy?”
The tall man rolled his eyes before settling down beside me. “All of it.”
“I should fire you.”
“But you’re not gonna because you love me, right?” I grinned, nudging his shoulder.
He sent me a look but didn’t reply, choosing instead to thank Odake for the alcohol. 
I resisted the urge to click my tongue, downing the last of my drink. “Can I get another?”
“Coming right up!”
Yamato shook his head. “I can’t believe you come to a bar to order chocolate milk. You’re an actual child.”
“If I was a child, I wouldn’t be allowed inside the bar.”
“You know what I meant.” He sent me a look. “If Naomi finds out, she’s gonna be upset.”
“Don’t you dare tell her,” I hissed, smacking his shoulder. “It’s nothing personal, I just… the bar has a different vibe and sometimes I just need time away from Sannoh.”
“If Cobra hears that, he’s gonna be -“
“Really?” I deadpanned, making him snicker behind the glass.
“Don’t tease her too much,” chuckled Odake as she set another glass on the counter. “I like her company.”
“I like yours, too,” I nodded, taking the cool glass in my hand. “Thank you, Odake-san.”
She gave me a motherly smile, patting my arm. “Any time.”
After finishing my second glass, I said my goodbyes to the two and headed out into the night, ready to return home and get some sleep. I yawned loudly, rolling my neck. It had been a long day and Yamato expected me at the garage first thing in the morning to meet with a customer, so I couldn’t stay up too late or I’d end up oversleeping. 
Something caught my eye and I paused, taking a step back to get a better look. Whatever it was, it was catching the light of the street lamp, glinting softly. I approached it, glancing around for anyone who may have dropped it but the street was completely empty.
I kneeled down, fingers wrapping around the ice-cold metal so I could inspect it closer. It was a ring made of stainless steel, a black dragon inlaid across the length of it. In the dragon’s claws was a large orb made of sapphire. The blue seemed vibrant against the muted tones of the metal.
“Beautiful,” I breathed out, thumb rubbing gently over the orb. I glanced around again to ensure that no one was around before I slipped it onto my middle finger. The orb started to glow,  the metal growing warm against my skin. “What the -“
A circular wave of blue energy shot out from the ring, the world around me rippling like the surface of water after being disturbed. I prepared myself for what was to come next, but nothing happened. The world returned to normal, the night silent.
“I need sleep,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes.
When I returned to my apartment, I went straight to the bed, flopping onto it and cuddling the soft blanket Cobra had given me for my birthday. As tired as I was, I figured I could fall asleep pretty easily, but I found myself lying there for over an hour, unable to sleep.
I scowled in annoyance as I pushed myself up, grabbing a soda from the fridge. Caffeine definitely wasn’t something to drink when you wanted to sleep but something told me sleep wasn’t gonna come for me any time soon. Might as well enjoy it.
I plopped down in front of the TV, grabbing the controller. Pressing the home button woke up the TV, showing the title screen of The Five Grim Kings. Murayama would probably bitch about not waiting for him but I was too tired to care. I’d just buy him some ramen and he’d forget about it.
As soon as I pressed the start button, the ring started to glow again. Rather than the warmth I felt before, it felt as if it were on fire and I hissed, trying to tug it off but it was too hot to touch. “The hell?”
The lights started to flicker, the TV screen glitching out. One second, the intro cinematic was clear and, the next, it was so blurry I couldn’t even see what was happening. I shot up with a frown, looking for something I could use to pull the ring off. I settled for the blanket, wrapping it around my finger and tugging hard but it wouldn’t budge. It was as if my finger had swollen, trapping the ring in place.
When I removed the blanket, a beam of light shot from the ring’s orb and into the TV. “What the fu -“
The light exploded, blinding me as it threw me backward. I don’t know what I hit, but it knocked the wind from my lungs, my vision blurring. As I slid down to the ground, my vision dotted with black, my consciousness slipping from my grasp.
A groan passed my lips as pain shot through my skull. What the hell happened? Why does my body feel so sore?
“Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”
My body tensed as I shot up, wide eyes looking around frantically. “Oh my god, I’m in Skyrim?!”
“What is that?”
I looked at the large man sitting across from me, dirt covering his skin and his wrists bound with rope in front of him. I blinked dumbly a few times, slowly looking around. I was in the back of a horse-drawn cart, sure, but the guy sitting up front was no Imperial soldier.
Instead of armor, he was wearing a black robe and rather than being surrounded by trees, we were surrounded by an endless sea of yellow grass.
“I am so confused.”
“Did you hit your head or somethin’?” questioned the man, leaning forward.
“I think so.” I reached up to my head only to realize my wrists were bound, too. “What the fuck is this shit? Why am I tied up?”
“You got caught in Kaxa territory.”
I stared at him, waiting for him to continue but he just stared back. “Thank you for clarifying, that definitely clears things up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I was being sarcastic!”
His brow furrowed. “Sar… castic? What’s that?”
“S… Sarcasm doesn’t exist here? Oh god, I’m gonna die!” I cried dramatically, standing up and trying to yank my hands free. “Let me off this damn thing!”
“Sit down, now!” Snapped the driver, eyes narrowed at me. 
“I refuse! I have rights, ya know!”
“Please sit down, friend! You’re gonna get yourself killed.”
“I refuse! Try and kill me, I dare y -” I cried out when the cart came to an abrupt stop, making me lose my balance. The man tried to grab me but he wasn’t fast enough and I fell over the side, landing on the dirt path with an oof.
The driver jumped down, pulling a sword from within his robe. “I’ll save the hangman the trouble with you.”
I scrambled back as best as I could, scowling at him. “Stay away from me! You have no idea what I’m capable of! I’m warning you, man!”
But he didn’t stop advancing, lifting the sword above his head. 
The sound of hoofs pounding the ground made him pause, his eyes lifting to something behind me. I refused to check because I wanted to be able to dodge if he swung the sword at me. The man cursed, turning and rushing back to the cart, slapping the reins as he yelled at the horse to move.
It neighed loudly, taking off like a rocket. 
Horses raced past me after them, kicking up a cloud of dust that had me coughing. 
“Hey, are you okay?” A horse came to a stop in front of me, the man jumping off its back to kneel in front of me. The lower half of his face was covered by a red bandana yet he felt familiar to me. He pulled a knife from his belt, flipping it in his hand before reaching for me.
I scrambled backward until I hit something solid. Looking up, I realized it was the legs of a massive man also wearing a black bandana over his face. He, too, seemed oddly familiar.
“Ah, I’m not going to hurt you, I swear!” replied the first guy, holding his hands up. “I’m just gonna cut the rope.”
The second man reached down, grabbing my shoulder with one hand and easily hoisting me to my feet. “We don’t know who she is. She could be with Kaxa.”
“But she’s tied up. Why would they tie up one of their own?”
“To keep their identity hidden.”
My eyes snapped to the side as a third man appeared, blonde hair covering his forehead and dark eyes. I knew that voice well. “Cobra?”
His eyes widened in surprise before narrowing suspiciously. “Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“The hell are you talking about?” I scowled. “It’s me. Is this some kind of prank or something because it’s super elaborate and I hate it.”
“Be quiet,” hissed the second man, gripping my shoulder tightly.
“That fuckin’ hurts, bro, damn.” I tried to pull away but his grip was like iron. Wait a minute… I looked at him, squinting at his half covered face. It took a moment for it to click in my brain. “Yamato?”
“Don’t act like you know me,” he hissed, ripping the bandana down to his neck.
“Wait, then that means…” My eyes fell on the first guy, still holding the knife. “Chiharu?”
Chiharu tugged down the bandana, looking confused. “How do you know me?”
“Chiharu only just joined us,” Yamato muttered, sending the blonde a look. “No one should know him unless…”
“They’re from Oya Lions,” finished Cobra, closing the distance between us.
“Oya Lions?” My brow furrowed. Did that idiot go and change the name of the school without telling me? I shook my head, lifting my hands. “Look, I’m not sure what’s going on but I am not your enemy, Cobra. I would never betray you!”
“Cobra look.” Yamato grabbed my wrist, showing off the ring.
“That’s…” Cobra’s eyes widened and he tugged down the bandana. “Where did you get that?”
“I found it on the street. Thought it was cool but now I can’t get the damn thing off.”
“She’s… she’s the chosen one!” whispered Chiharu, looking at me with wonder.
“Chosen one?” I laughed, shaking my head. “Nah, fam. If I’m your chosen one, you’re all fucked. There’s no way anyone would be dumb enough to make me someone that important.”
“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong.”
My head snapped to the side, growing wide. It was the only man from the game store, but he looked different. He was taller, for one, his back straight. Luscious white locks flowered from his head, falling to his shoulders. Standing on either side of him were Kohaku and Tsukumo.
“You,” I breathed out, my brain slowly piecing it together. I scowled, rushing toward him. “You did this, didn’t you?!”
Kohaku stepped forward, brandishing a sharp looking sword that made me stop dead in my tracks. “Not another step.”
“Does everyone in this damn world have a sword?” I complained, glaring at the old man. “Oi, what the hell is going on? What did you do to me?”
“I merely opened the portal to get you here,” explained the man as he stepped closer, patting Kohaku on the shoulder. He instantly relaxed, though his gaze did not leave me. “The ring chose you.”
“Well, I don’t choose it. Get this damn thing off me and send me home!”
“You can’t go!” cried Chiharu, rushing up to my side and giving me a pleading look. “Please, chosen one. If you don’t help us, the Kaxarene will destroy everything!”
Yamato scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. “We’re doing fine without her. We don’t need the help.”
“Oh, but you do, my boy,” stated the old man with a frown. “You’ve no idea the darkness that’s coming.”
“What do you mean, Niramo?” Cobra took a step toward him, his brow furrowed in concern. “What aren’t you telling us?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say.” Niramo lowered his head in apology before his gaze landed on me. “However, I can tell you that this one is the one who will help bring light back to Dragophire. It will never be whole again, but it can be healed by the one who possesses the power of the King’s Ring.”
Everyone looked at me expectantly and I swallowed nervously. “You guys are so fucked…”
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy -> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
I think I got everyone that wanted on the taglist, let me know if I missed anyone!
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rainisawriter · 1 year ago
I Trope You! 🕯 Challenge Ficography
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🕯 Brief Introduction
I Trope You! (@itropeyou) is a monthly writing challenge I created. As its creator, I feel like I should try and tackle the challenge each month. Here is the ficography list of each one! c:
This challenge officially started on September 1st, 2023. These will be posted under #RFO - ITY.
🕯 Ficography
Genre Shift – Dragophire Empire (no pairing, High&Low) Sep ’23
Furniture Blockade – Sweet Giant (reader x rao, High&Low) Oct ’23
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