#TMayNT Day 12
heck-theo · 2 months
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TMayNT Day 12: Best turtle vehicle.
Not a big vehicle guy but the shell hogs are cool. I mean motorbikes are pretty cool in general.
I didn't have as much time again today.
Also I hate drawing vehicles.
Also also I don't want to burn out.
I think for what it is though this gets the point across. This is probably the second time he got to show these to his brothers but the first time they really got to appreciate them.
Edit: sorry this turned out really dark on phones, it seemed brighter on my laptop…
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artsybun · 2 months
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This one is late and tad silly but!
Day 12 of TMayNT: fav turtle vehicle
I know the prompt was looking for one of the cars/vans or even the shell cycles, but for whatever reason this hoverboard stuck with me. I don’t even think it was seen in anymore episodes other than a one off or maybe a couple eps somewhere, but I saw this prompt and immediately wanted to draw Mikey on the hoverboard lol
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aquamarineghost06 · 1 month
I'm alive!!! Also I called some back up for day 13 🙈
For @tmaynt!
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TMayNT Day 11: Favorite Splinter
2012 Splinter is a mix between a good sensei and a loving father, I like that most recent incarnations had developed his dad side some more
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TMayNT Day 12: Best turtle vehicle
Definitely 2007 Raph's Shell Cycle!
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TMayNT Day 13: Best Don
My sister sent me this, she learned how to do it with vectors (I think it's how they are called in english). So… thank you sis!ヾ(•ω•`)o
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TMayNT Day 14: Favorite turtle movie
The rise movie was the reason I started watching tmnt series and movies after many years
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TMayNT Day 15: Best Karai!
From the 2007 movie, I like her design and the way she leads the Foot Clan
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hoodiehorizon · 2 months
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Day 12-13 of @tmaynt: Favorite Vehicle/Favorite Donnie
Rise Donnie is my favorite because he made me come to this realization:
Me: "haha Donnie's so relatable"
The writer: "Donnie is autistic"
The fans: "Wow, Donnie is such good autistic rep"
me, undiagnosed: "oh no Donnie's so relatable"
Also his battle shell was such a good decision and I love the attention to detail with each shell having a different outward design.
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cnwolf-brainrot · 1 month
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T-May-NT Day 12: Best Turtle Vehicle
I had a more dynamic shot planned but it was taking way too long and I really wasn’t happy with it so I finally decided to pivot and make something simpler and I’m SO GLAD I DID, I’m actually really happy with this simple chibi-like bike!! Plus, a little bonus Klunk as a treat!
I love the Shell Cycle, honestly primarily for the interactions that it brings between Raph and Don in the 03 series, as well as the fact that it establishes a really fitting hobby for Raph. This thing brings about a lot of fun moments, and I just love the design!!
o7 to any artist that has ever worked on the TMNT vehicles, I would cry if I had to animate this thing and this is one of the simpler ones.
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eg-tmnt · 2 months
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sabrondabrainrot · 2 months
Day 8: Favorite Ally + Dynamic @tmaynt
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I clearly play favorites.
I just love leosagi as a dynamic.
Like in 87, they are these silly culture shock bros and they both miscommunicate so much. Usagi has tried to kill Leonardo a few times too but like it, was over honor and duty so they're cool.
Then with 03 they're basically just dating. They're in love. I mean who gets each other swords for Christmas? Them. And they're adorable for it.
With 12 it's more like Usagi is the only positive adult role model in his life. He's a cool, honor-bound, bodyguard samurai and he gives Leo a break and helps him and is just nice.
Rise they haven't met at all but that's ok. I just imagine it'll be a spectacular disaster. By technicality, Leo of Rise is a yokai and Usagi of the samurai chronicles is a Yokai hunter SOOOO...... Anyways I think they'd be besties (maybe even more 😏) just depends on how they meet.
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Close ups!
I got done with my weekend trip so I'll be able to slowly catch up on prompts. 😂
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familyofpaladins · 2 months
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TMayNT Day 4: Baby Turtles (@tmaynt thank you for doing this challenge, I keep forgetting to tag you aaaaaalskdjflksjl)
When i saw "baby turtles" I tried to decide which babies to draw, then was thinking about how the '87 turtles weren't ever Baby Mutant Ninja Turtles, except for the two episodes where some of them got de-aged (Leonardo and Michelangelo in one episode, and Leonardo, Donatello, and Raphael in the other). And I've always thought how it was funny that Leonardo was de-aged both times and therefore never had to take care of any turtle tots, and then I was like, "okay, so I'm going to give them ALL to him" lol
(why are they there? why are they all little? Who knows, does it even matter lol)
The rough sketch (because I think the poses are funny. especially 12 raph and rise donnie lol) and unblurred versions
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dumb-duxky · 2 months
Day 12
I was too lazy to draw 2012 so I drew fortnite...
I mean it still kinda counts (I finished at 3 am because i procrastinated drawing today💀)
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Look at him be so happy, getting a victory royal 💪
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Just a silly lil guy
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Mann I shoulda drawn 2012 in their little go cart things, they look adorable in their helmets 🤧
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okapi77 · 2 months
TMayNT Day 12
Turtle Tank
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It's from the first TMNT iteration I watched, so it's something that I've gotten pretty attached too.
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artsybun · 2 months
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Day 11 of TMayNT: fav Splinter
I think of 2012 Splinter and immediately get so emotional, god. I’ll probably come back to this piece and color it bc I really like how it turned out. I was just having some wrist issues, so I had to call it here.
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whyamiheretumbled · 2 months
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Currently planning on killing my mom so only a sketch, srry
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cry1ng-at-m1dnight · 2 months
fav vehicle
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cookieturtle26 · 1 month
Day 12: Best turtle vehicle
Day 13: Best Don
They are causing chaos around the city please someone stop them😭
Btw they are driving the rottmnt shellraiser...? I don't remember if that is the name of the rottmnt main vehicle but ok
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therubymongoose · 26 days
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TMayNT days 9, 12, and 13 - 18! Donnie, 18! Raph, and Jetpack. I'm reposting my work from Instagram.
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sabrondabrainrot · 2 months
Day 4
I was so excited for day 4 but couldn't get the motivation 😞 so I colored sketches!
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Here's some close ups!!!
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