div-divington · 2 months
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Restored Reels - 'Fortnite'
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Small indie artists in need of support for moving out by September!
💜 These lovely folks [@QuinsCurse (they/them) & @sswitchblade03 (xe/xem and he/him)] are part of a small queer-owned Youtube community I'm in. 💖
💖 If you could lend a helping hand by reblogging & queueing this post up until the start of September, I'd greatly appreciate it & I'm sure these fine folks would too! 💜
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"Hi everyone! Requests are officially closed as I am opening emergency commissions! Please consider supporting me as we are getting kicked out and have managed to find a place that’s affordable but need to save up 5k by the end of the month! Anything helps! I also have a dontations page if you are willing to help do that! All the money received from commissions will be going to the deposit! https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/commissions https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/goal?g=32"
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/commissions https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/goal?g=0 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS!! My roommate ‪@QuinsCurse‬and I are needing about $5000CAD for a down payment on a new place as we need to be out of our current place by September! Every bit counts! My goal is to be set to $3000CAD. I will draw anything (coloured and rendered) for $5 CAD each! If you are willing to give more it will be appreciated. Examples of my work below!"
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⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
2. make plans to break plans
Summary: Rumor has it, that hometown hero-turned-teacher Steve Harrington is hot for teacher. The English teacher next door to him at Hawkins High, who also happens to be his childhood friend, that is.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x chaotic!dumass reader
Warnings: no use of y/n - reader goes by Trouble instead, depictions of high school, cursing, dumb group chats & contact names, references to Vine memes, mention of a broken engagement, sad girl hours
A/N: Modern!Teacher AU, English teacher reader, History teacher Steve, slow burn, friends to lovers, romance. Here’s 3.1K of Steve and Reader’s ~feelings~; feedback and reblogs are appreciated, enjoy!
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Then - Fall term, November
The end of the day finds you hunched over your keyboard, furiously typing back a reply to some helicopter parent. You blow out a puff of breath and hit ‘send’ as your door creaks open.
“Hey,” Steve greets pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He sets his hydroflask down on your desk with a clang and leans against a nearby desk. “You ready?”
“Yeah, gimme just a sec,” you say, logging off for the day. Turning back to your desk, you give him a small smile and shove a few things into your backpack. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the two of you worked at Tiger Library, aka extended tutorial sessions in the library. The extra pay was decent and it allowed you both time to keep up with any grading or lesson planning that had gone neglected during the week.
You rearrange a few items on your desk before swiping a stack of essays to hopefully grade. Steve hits the lights after you, while you nudge the door open with your hip, elbow pressing down on the door handle and balance a backpack dangerously close to slipping from your shoulder. 
“Gimme,” he tuts, index finger looping around the strap sliding from your arm, “S’okay, I got it.”
You hum in assent, turning to take the stairs down to the first floor, Steve hot on your heels. “Thanks,” you try to keep your voice level and impassive passing through the corridor. Steve keeps a respectful distance as you stride through the doors of the library. 
Something is wrong, but he can’t guess as to what. You’d been off all week; since your weekend bender, really. Nance had dropped you back at The Hideout to get your car and once she’d returned she beelined directly to her room and didn’t say a word.
Nancy rarely has such a visceral reaction to anything, so whatever you had divulged to her was enough to crack the surface of her rage. Having been on the receiving end of it before, Steve knows it’s endless. 
But the question remains, why haven’t you said anything to him? You’re friends, thick as thieves and have been for god knows how long. Yes, you’re an unfiltered, oblivious dumbass with poor emotional regulation skills, and he hates that at times. But you are his friend; and Steve currently wants to throttle himself for allowing you to go radio-silent for the better part of a week.
He sighs, for what feels like the millionth time today, he’ll let you be. 
For now.
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Students have claimed tables and chairs for the evening, notebooks and laptops scattered here and there. Chairs pulled up as teens arranged themselves amongst their cliques, catching up on the latest gossip since the final bell rang. 
Making quick work of Vickie’s computer you set up shop, decidedly ignoring her post-it reading ‘Dumb & Dumber - don’t mess with my shit!’ Steve slides in the circulation desk behind you, depositing your backpack at your feet. Silently, you prize the post-it from the monitor with two fingers and pass it to Steve who reads it with a snort.
He snaps a quick photo to send to the ‘elite meeting’ group chat and tosses it into the trash. Queueing up the collaborative playlist for the night, you call out, “Okay team, this is our final Humanities night at Tiger Library before the fall break, so you know the drill.”
The students turn to the circulation desk, conversations falling to a murmur. Steve crosses his arms and leans back against the built-in bookshelf, he gestures between the two of you with his index finger, “Ask either of us a math or science question and you will be vacated from the premises.”
A few laughs and snickers ring out here and there.
“Yeah,” you concur, “Harrington will suplex you into next week and I’ll post it to the school’s socials.” 
That shuts them right up. 
“Furthermore,” you continue, “The collab playlist is live for tonight and if any of you turkeys forces me to listen to anything that would make your friends and parents ashamed to know you,” you pause, eyeing a few kids menacingly, “I will force everyone present to listen to ska for the rest of the session. Got it?”
Steve shudders and shakes his head, “That is not an idle threat, by the way. She’s done it before and it was god awful.”
Announcements made, you and Steve sign off on a few seat-time papers for the credit recovery kids and settle in for the night. You open your texts to find a notification from Eddie in the group chat. Reading through Harrington and Buckley’s responses, you tap out a reply to Eddie’s question. 
💫elite meeting💫
bandcamp 👿: why is my paladin not at Hellfire you schmucks?
god’s fav 😎: spill the tea, sis.
dingus 👽: ooh, if he’s breakin out the yiddish he must be pissed!
trouble 👁️👄👁️: it’s like you don’t even read your emails eds.
god’s fav 😎:  whaddup, i’m eddie, i’m 28, and i never learned how to fuckin read ✌️
 bandcamp 👿: shut up.
During tutorial nights, someone from the group would be assigned to take care of dinner for whomever else was stuck on campus. Nancy had made a laminated chart and stuck it to the loft’s fridge, y’know, like any completely sane person would do. 
You huff a laugh and open your insta feed, clicking on the invite in your messages. ‘Steve has invited you to eat at Chipotle today!’ You select your regular order, tacking on some chips and queso for good measure. 
After a while, a student shyly approaches the circulation desk with a worn copy of The Catcher in the Rye and a worksheet in hand. You give her a reassuring smile and invite her to take a seat. As you’re reviewing the questions she’s struggling with, Eddie storms into the room searching for Mike.
“Wheeler,” he bellows, startling the students from their conversations, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
The student at your side jumps in her chair at the sheer volume of his voice. “Oy, Munson,” you hiss, “Can it!” He fixes you with a perturbed glance and strides over to Mike’s table to tear him a whole new asshole.
Managing to get the students back on track, you talk through the more complex passages of the text with the girl, directing her back to the questions when appropriate, and send her off with a friendly wave.
Returning from his circuit around the library, Steve dramatically slumps into the chair at your side, letting out a long-suffering sigh. He shoves his glasses up to his hair in an effort to scrub at his eyes. “What’s got ya down, clown?”
He blows a raspberry and rolls his eyes at your quip. “See that table by the windows?”
“Yeah,” you nod, noting the giggling group of girls, freshmen, if you had to guess. Sneaking side-long glances at Steve before blushing profusely and turning back to their friends. “Ooh, they seem struck by you!” you tease, letting your voice twang in a southern affectation.
“Don’t encourage them!” he admonishes, “They wanted help with geography, I don’t even teach that,” he sulks. 
“Steven,” you gasp, “Don’t tell me you never learned to read a map, you are an educator!”
Steve fixes you with a glance, “I’ll have you know, it all gets very confusing in Europe after the dissolution of the Soviet Bloc.”
“Don’t you teach AP World: Modern?”
“Yeah, you know that.”
“A-are you indoctrinating the students, Steve?” you needle him, earning an exasperated huff in response. “Snowflake,” you tsk reproachingly, “Trigger warnings! War on Christmas!” 
The taunting continues until Eddie approaches the desk. With a too-wide smile directed at Steve, you cut your eyes across the library to where Wheeler sits trembling like a leaf.
Mike looks well and thoroughly abashed after whatever Munson just lectured him about. Sinking as low in his seat as he did during the parent conference facilitated by Assistant Principal Bauman. Munson had clearly laid it on thick. 
Chains jangling against his hip, he sits on the desk. “Hey there, big boy,” he purrs winking at Steve, causing him to blush and sputter. “Light of my life,” he croons addressing you, “A thousand apologies for young Wheeler there,” he nods at the dejected teen in question, “It will not be happening again.” Raising his voice to a louder pitch, hollers out, “Not on my watch!”
“Yeah,” you goad him, waggling your brows, “On god, no cap?”
He stares at you as if you’d grown another head, and leans down to your level. “What fuckin’ Tik-Tok nonsense is that now?”
A notification pings from someone, Steve probably; grandpa that he is, he refuses to silence his phone like a normal person, no matter how many times you show him the focus or do not disturb function. 
He throws his keys at Eddie, who catches them before the ring of metal can brain him in the face. Steve pouts as Eddie jangles them triumphantly walking out the door, “Be back in five, hot stuff!”
Steve sends you an annoyed look, “Please tell me that wasn’t directed at me.”
You take a loud sip from his hydroflask and grin, “No, you’re big boy and I’m hot stuff,” you chide. “C’mon now.” Like it’s the most logical thing in the world.
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“So,” he mutters escorting you to your car later that evening. “Are you ever gonna spill what went down the other night?”
“Huh,” you kiss your teeth with a wet click, bag slung haphazardly across your arm. “Thought Nance would’ve cracked by now.”
“What d’ya mean?”
You kick at the rocks scattered along the blacktop, refusing to meet his eyes. “Well,” you sigh. A grunt, a huff of breath before you tug at the strap of your backpack and admit flatly, “He, uh, ended it.” You hold up your left hand and wiggle your fingers in proof, and sure enough, no engagement ring in sight.
Steve never truly understood what people meant when they said the phrase ‘seeing red’ until now. Granted, he’d been knocked on the head more than most in his time, but even with the concussions he still had enough sense to know that you were the real fucking deal. And any asswipe that thinks he can do better than you is sorely mistaken.
He should know.
Willing himself not to vibrate with rage, he slings an arm across your shoulders and pulls you to his chest. You sniffle and press your forehead to his neck, he smells clean and comforting like cypress and vetiver with the faintest whiff of laundry detergent. 
“M’sorry honey,” he soothes, voice soft and low, subtly rocking from side to side as you fail to stop the tears from falling. “I gotcha, it’s okay.”
Naturally, you completely lose your shit in the school parking lot while Steve holds you. And truthfully, you’re more frustrated than anything because you’d been trying so damn hard to keep it together this week. You thought you’d been doing pretty well, too, until Harrington used his dumb best-friends-forever powers of perception.
Unbeknownst to you, everyone’s been desperately trying to keep their cool. 
Nancy was tight-lipped about the cause for your bender last weekend, but occupants of the loft were distinctly aware of how rigidly she held herself after dropping you off. Completely glued to her phone in case you needed anything at all and going so far as to out-law rom-coms for seemingly no reason.
His anger is simmering now, bubbling just under the surface because hell if he’s going to let you see how affected he is. True, he was never the biggest fan of your fiancé, well, ex-fiancé now, but he seemed like an okay guy. 
Clearly not.
A wet sob claws its way from your throat as Steve draws you closer, his hand cradling the back of your head. He’s doing his best to comfort you, but there’s only so much he can do in the parking lot of Hawkins high school. 
He pulls back briefly to look down at you, searching your face for any signs of discomfort. “Wanna crash at the loft?” He asks, voice hushed, as if he’s afraid to spook you. You glance over your shoulder to your car parked a few spaces away, eyes wide and wet. 
Steve feels like he’s lost all language. Doesn’t know any words because you’re stuttering, cursing, and sobbing against his chest like he’s never heard before. He’s at a complete loss as he shepherds you toward his car, opening the passenger door and sliding you into the seat. He has to pry your fingers off from the way you’d latched on to his shirt. 
As the door closes, he grabs his phone and types out a quick missive to let the roommates know what’s coming.
steeb🖕: nance, a heads up would’ve been nice
bucko 🤠: 👀
nwa 🔪: oh shit.
dumbass🤘 : stop talking in code nerds
steeb🖕 has changed the name of this group from 🫰freeloaders🫰 to 👊 fight club👊
steeb🖕: trouble is crashing with us, it’s bad guys. like, defcon 1
bucko 🤠: isn’t that the lowest level of defcon?
steeb🖕: not the time robs
nwa 🔪: her fiancé broke it off, that’s why she got shitfaced. didn’t want me to say anything until she was ready
bucko 🤠: what a piece of shit
dumbass🤘: i’m gonna need his name and address, ss# is a plus but not a necessity 
bucko 🤠: eddie NO
steeb🖕: eddie YES
nwa🔪 has ‘liked’ this message
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“Sorry–” you whisper hoarsely, “I’m–sorry–”
Steve’s mouth falls open, so fucking helpless and confused. “There’s no need for that,” he assures you, “You didn’t do anything hon.”
You’ve barely gotten out of the shower, hair damp and dripping on the tiles of the bathroom. You stand in the doorway, dressed in an oversized Warped Tour shirt from ages ago, one bare foot scratching the adjacent ankle. 
Steve had to coax you to shower after arriving at the loft, your face puffy, smeared with tears and snot. Once you had been safely stowed in the shower, Nancy went into crisis-management mode. Delegating tasks to everyone in proximity to her and speaking in hushed tones with your parents on the phone.
Robin was in charge of securing a sub for you tomorrow (and, let’s be honest, one for Eddie, Steve, and herself as well), Eddie was researching moving companies and doing some mild internet sleuthing about your ex, just for his own research purposes, which left Steve on babysitting duty.
You start crying again, hiding the tears in your palms and dropping to the floor, curling up. Shit. Shit. Shit. Steve’s losing it. Can’t even keep you happy for two seconds–which he knows is the easiest job in the world because you have attention span of a goldfish and will laugh at anything.
He’s still perplexed when he drops to the floor with you, splaying his legs around your body, wrapping his arms around your back. His shirt is basically soaked through, sopping with your tears but that doesn’t deter you. You burrow into his chest, hands crawling up his shoulder blades, fingertips digging in enough to bruise, and you cling to him like a lifeline. Steve’s chest swells in pain for you, a hurt he feels down to his bones. You’re shaking with sobs and shivery hot in his arms.
Unable to soothe your tears, Steve gets to work and slides an arm down underneath your legs to secure you against his chest. “Okay honey, hold tight,” he breathes, scooping you up as he rises from the cold tile floor. You press your face further into his chest, sinking so deep into his hold he thinks you might fall right into him. Another choked sob as you nod.
He carries you down the hall and into his bedroom, all dark and quiet. Steve lays you down atop his sheets where you continue to sob fitfully, eyes blooming with fresh tears. He reaches over your body, takes the far edge of the sheet and pulls it around, tucking it beneath your back. He does the same to the other side and soon enough, you’re wrapped snugly in its cocoon. Only your head is visible.
And he knows you’re sad, and it’s very fucking real. The kind of sadness he felt when Nancy crushed his heart to smithereens back in high school. That, but times a thousand.
“How’s that?” he says, breaking the silence now that your cries have died down. “Better?”
You blink at him after a while. Your head jerks a few times, eyes pointedly cutting to the open space on the bed next to you.
Steve shucks his shirt, volleying it to the hamper, and slips in chuckling at the way you inch your body closer to his. His arm falls to rest against your hip, “Okay honey,” he whispers over the top of your head, “Better now?”
“Mmhm,” you sigh, pressing your forehead to his chest once more. “Stevie,” you rasp, voice muffled, “Can you stay?”
“Yeah,” he says right away, fingers sketching along your side, a crease of worry forming between his brows. “‘Course I’ll stay honey, long as you want.”
Steve spends another couple of hours with you, settling down in hopes that you’ll eventually drift off to sleep. He pulls a movie up on his phone, something with little emotional labor because you’re more than likely spent for the week. He lays next to you on the bed, propped up by a pillow or two, his free hand tracing calming circles against your hip. After the credits roll, your swollen eyelids begin to slip shut.
He stays for a little longer, just until your breathing evens out and he knows you’re asleep. As gently and slowly as he can, Steve gets out of bed careful not to jostle you awake and makes his way to the living room. Everyone’s awake and lost in their own little world, it’s quiet save for the sound of clacking keys and mouse clicks. 
Settling against an armchair, he clears his throat and says, “She’s asleep, for now.”
“How’s she doing?”
He shrugs, because isn’t that the million dollar question. Steve couldn’t begin to guess at that thoughts rattling through your brain. But he tries anyway, “Uh, not great.”
Silence settles around them once more. Steve stares wordlessly at the ceiling and grits his teeth loud enough for everyone to hear. He inhales a deep, steady breath and it feels like the only one he’s taken in hours.
And for the first time in a long time, he allows himself to fall back on a familiar feeling. To push past all the anger and hurt; the tinge of his own failure he tries not to associate with you, struggles to do that most days, too. 
Behind the darkness of his eyelids, there is strangely so much light.
A semblance of hope.
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fuckitwebhaal · 9 months
Shit wait why you leaving what happend
😭 Nothing horrible, oops, I realize how bad that last post sounds. Ultimately it’s burnout, both with the game and tumblr and within my own personal life. I don’t really play BG3 anymore, I have a lot of criticisms about it, and I find myself feeling isolated from the fandom due to either disagreeing with popular fanon or just not relating to content going around.
This blog has started to feel like a chore to maintain; I stress when my queue gets low because it feels like I have to perform to keep my little followers and mutuals happy, and that’s not healthy. I’ve been through a lot in the past few months in my personal life (moving in with parents, lost my apartment deposit, constantly sick, wrecked my car, my cat died, etc.) and I just don’t get the same joy out of it. Instead I’m stressed over “falling behind” or “not producing enough content” which isn’t normal or healthy for me. I’m holding myself to standards about playthroughs and oc lore and meta content that I’m just… never going to have the energy or drive to do.
This isn’t because some followers or mutuals have made me feel this way, these are my own personal sentiments borne out of extreme depression, withdrawal, and anxiety over how my TUMBLR BLOG WAS DOING when I have quite literally been putting out fires in my personal life and that’s where my attention should have been (and should still be, I’m not out of the woods yet).
Another thing is that the burnout with bg3 has turned my attention over to the pathfinder games that Owlcat studios has made, and I absolutely love them and I find them more engaging and well-made. It’s a much smaller fandom, I feel like I have a lot more breathing room, so I may switch to either moving my pathfinder blog here or dropping this one entirely as a memorial to my time in BG3.
Regardless nothing is set in stone, I haven’t made any real decisions yet, but I think the end is on the horizon for me in the bg3 sphere. I love everyone I’ve met and I intend to stay in contact with people (I’m not dying or going away, my discord is still open lol) I’m just really, really tired.
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clarabowmp3 · 7 months
tySM to everyone who was so worried abt me 😭😭😭 ok so a few things:
We were running late so we were struggling to find a grab and when we did it was like superrrr ex but we still took it but the driver also didn’t drop us off at the proper location cuz she missed it which is fine, ppl make mistakes, but that caused more problems for us
Minor Thing but we did press on nails and i shoved the nail of one of my index fingers too deep and it was HURTING the whole time rip my index finger 😔😔
bevause of where we were dropped off, we had to enter using this very general gate where the queue was horrendous and the ppl in them even more so, like the queue cutting was atrocious and there were this group of ppl who were behind a cordoned off area which like shld be a sign that you’re in the wrong place?? They started causing a bit of a ruckus and the ushers there had to tell them they were in the wrong place but the ppl started trying to fight them, saying that they were “being forgotten” like ????
when we finally got through the queue at security checks they were immediately like no u can’t bring binoculars, and they were my dads so i didn’t want to throw them away so i had to go deposit them. Here’s where it gets rlly disappointing because in all my privileged years of life as a singaporean NEVER have i seen an event as poorly managed as this. Apparently there were 2 possible places to deposit, but the directions for both were unclear and I had to pester the “head” usher until he finally sent an escort w me who BTW also struggled in the beginning THATS how bad the directions were
also got approached by a creepy guy atp who wanted to know how much my ticket was. I just walked away from him the second i realised he was being shady
as we were going towards the deposit area some other ppl joined us too but they ran ahead later and man we WALKED super super far. Like why is it so inconvenient??? Part of the reason why i didn’t understand the directions was that they were telling me to leave the area/go to a nearby mall WITHOUT saying it so how was i supposed to understand what they meant???
one plus side is my escort was rlly rlly nice we chatted a bit became friends and she helped me deposit my binoculars :)))) i wish i could thank her again bless her heart
after that she even helped me try to enter through some other gates cuz my gate was like SOOOO far we’d have to trek the exact same way we came 😭😭😭 and it took a few tries but she found a suitable gate!!!!!!!! Did my security check and everything and when i looked back she was gone :(((
things looked up from here, I think there are special ushers unique to your ticket category cuz these ushers were much more helpful which was such a relief. I missed the entire lover set + fearless BUT i reached in time for ybwm (tried to do the heart thing like an idiot until I realised wrong song LOL but i was so flustered ok my hair was stickimgvgggg to my forehead and the concert had just started for me)
ppl around us kept screaming and trying to wave at taylor like bro you’re just a dot of light to her, at least let the rest of us enjoy the performances?? So we ended up leaving early, collected the binoculars and went home the end happy ending :))) I’m grateful for the performances i DID see lemme try and post slme videos
Got that press on nail off my index finger thank god now to remove the rest :)))
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m4gp13 · 1 year
The TA discord was talking about first OCs today (or like a week ago by the time this gets posted because I'll probably queue it) and it made me think of this really old OC I had when I first read the books and never since.
When I read the books I thought it was weird that the gods kept having hundreds of demigod children over the centuries but never with each other so the OC was this son-adjacent of Ares and Aphrodite because I thought they were the most likely to have gotten knocked up over the years. His parents never actually gave him a name but his dad was always dragging him into wars so he would get referred to as 'soldier' and just kind of accepted that as his name.
Also he born at some time during WW2 and because of magic god-aging he actually fought in the battles as part of the American Army? and was possibly there on the beaches during D Day? idk why all the war stuff was there, I might have just been studying the world wars in history and watching documentaries about it so I just deposited all the information into my hcs. Anyway since the Titan War was happening, Ares was always sending him on jobs to do stuff against the TA but since he was just a himbo-esque, awkward, god version of a teenager that was trying to make his parents proud, he was mostly just hanging out with the TA demigods while they harmlessly fought against each other and they kept trying to get him to join like:-
Alabaster: Why do you still fight for your parents? They didn't even give you a name?
Soldier: Well, his mother didn't give him a second eye.
Ethan: Yes she did! She just took it back!
Soldier actually had a kind of similar relationship with his parents that Ethan had with Nemesis. They were always too busy with themselves so they hardly gave him the time of day. Aphrodite was much more affectionate with him on account of being Aphrodite but she never really went out of her way to spend time with him or let him know she loved him. Ares pretty much only saw him as a soldier, hence his 'name' so his relationship with Soldier was more like that of a commander and a subordinate than a father and son. It left Soldier kind of desperate for parental affection, especially from Ares, so he tries his best to be a good soldier and always pulls out all the stops to impress him in order to 'earn' his father's love, kind of like Clarisse does in pretty much all of her major appearances.
However, Soldier doesn't make much progress in getting Ares to like him and any affection he gets from impressing him is very short-lived. He starts getting pretty disillusioned but he forces himself not to acknowledge his doubts and tells himself it's fine but the TA demigods he bumps into from time to time are always giving each other the concerned side-eye whenever he brings up his extremely worrying daddy and mommy issues like "Dude, are you good?"
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fluffypotatey · 11 months
if one were to invest in a post, would it not be better to queue it? because then it means that you have put down a deposit and are waiting for it’s growth.
while a post is queued, who knows what could happen— it could flop, receive gradual growth, or shoot up in a flash! but you will not know the end result until your queue is up (unless you meet the post you queue in your dash from your mutuals and you reblog with a “lol i invested in that!”)
do y’all see my vision?
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hondagirll · 2 years
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I posted 1,877 times in 2022
37 posts created (2%)
1,840 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,877 of my posts in 2022
#have you heard about queue? that's messed up right - 246 posts
#movies - 178 posts
#nancy drew - 123 posts
#cheers - 120 posts
#ted lasso - 114 posts
#bridgerton - 111 posts
#abbott elementary - 81 posts
#actors - 72 posts
#sam and diane - 60 posts
#gilmore girls - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#its them as friends but since they are both single you can also see the something more simmering underneath all their interactions
My Top Posts in 2022:
Well it happened. I finally got COVID. My parents tested positive over the weekend and I had dinner with them on Friday night before we knew it was the house of plague.
Yesterday was pretty bad, I had a high fever, sore throat, every joint in my body was achy. Today the achyness is gone but I'm still so tired. I've slept twice today and it's only mid afternoon.
And this is me vaccinated. I cannot imagine how bad I would be without the vaccine. My pulse yesterday was at 108 beats per minute and that was with me lying in bed and barely moving. It's scary stuff.
18 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
Well I finally watched The Mummy (1999).
I get the hype now.
It was a rollercoaster of pure enjoyment from start to finish.
21 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
I can get over most shows (poor) choices that writers and directors make after a certain amount of time but it's been 8 years and I am still mad at the HIMYM finale.
I will be upset until I'm dead, apparently. This wound will never heal.
28 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
This is like a year and half after I promised I’d watch it but guess who finally started Nancy Drew?
I’m two episodes in and I LOVE IT. Nancy, Bess and George - I’m already digging their chaotic vibe together.Am looking forward to more
@jicklet @bethanyactually @heartunsettledsoul @acehardy @ whoever else on my dash watches this show
37 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I watched the trailer for the new Persuasion movie coming to Netflix and I have to say, I was not impressed.
Don't get me wrong, it looked cute and funny but Persuasion is not cute nor is it very funny. Persuasion is angst and regret and wondering "am I so altered that he does not recognize me?" Persuasion is watching the man you once loved flirt with your two friends and pretend you do not exist except he notices you are tired and deposits you in his sister's carriage before you can even make a squeak of protest. Persuasion is realizing that you two are strangers, worse than strangers actually because you can't be friends again and it hurts. Persuasion is a lot of missed communication, glances, doubts and heartache that lay at the base of every interaction Anne and Wentworth have. It's what makes the ending scene (THAT LETTER!) so good, we went on that long and winding journey with them.
I saw none of that in the trailer.
45 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
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mygainyear2024 · 5 months
Day 35 on the move north to Vila Nova de Milfontes
After a final cycling class at the gym I raced back to the apartment to squeeze some more stuff into my suitcases, shower and meet up to farewell Rosie. It is only au revoir as we have plans LOL!
My host was gracious enough to let me check out at 2pm and Catia met me to return my €200 deposit, and Uber me to the bus station. There was confusion about the €200 so we needed to swing past Susana's place to collect it. It was handed to me in an envelope and for a split second I thought about opening it in the car, but I decided not to. Lesson to self, next time open it, as it was short €20. I messaged Susana from the bus, and she did highlight the obvious. I fully expected to wear the consequence of my inaction, but she immediately deposited €20 into my Wise account.
It was a little confusing at the bus station, there was no ticket office or information, just a roof topped parking lot with several bus company signs. I asked a very disinterested driver of a Rede Expressos bus if he was going to Vila Nova de Milfontes "line 7, 15 minutes" was his response. The next two buses came to line 5, luckily I asked the driver of the second one, because there was no bus no. 80 (as printed on my ticket) and the destination was Sines. This was the bus! I hopped on and went for a nauseating ride through the country side, windy roads, too narrow to have cars pass (at one point a car had to reverse on a bridge and it was a little spectacle!).
We arrived at my destination 20 minutes late and I was busting to pee! Luckily the walk was only 6 minutes but I had two suitcases, a bagpack, and a shopping bag with my laptop in it as it didn't fit anywhere else, a water bottle and my iphone to navigate. I was then quite the spectacle. I had to use the road as the cobblestone footpaths were an impossible proposition. Ana, the owner of the place I'm staying heard me coming half way down her street and raced out to help me!
So this is my base for 3 nights. It is part of the Fisherman's Trail. The original plan of Eva's (Upwork) was that I would hike it for 4 days on my own, have transport for my luggage and a different village to stay in each night. Well the more I thought about my need to regularly pee, drink water, have coffee, and my general inaptitude at directions and a quick chat to Shan at work who asked me "are you a hiker?", well no, but I could be....I thought "nuh, I have enough challenge on this trip". Eva thought I could just walk from here to Porto Covo instead and catch the bus back. I did some research, 20kms and difficult! I saw pictures of the sand and read stories about it being past hikers ankles, and blisters. That's a hard no too. I have posted on Facebook pages looking for others to join, looked at meet ups, airbnb experiences etc but nothing as yet. Ana was so helpful. She's French and has lived here for 25 years. I am going to follow her path, to a restaurant, Porto das Barcas 😂 She walks this in her normal gym shoes. I am also looking at the Komoot app for options. Stay tuned.
Ana also told me about "all the Indians and Pakistanis in town!" She said the locals are really put out by the number of migrants that have arrived, I think to work in agriculture. Someone else told me the previous vice President made his own policies in regards to migration. Ana said "what do the locals want agriculture or tourism?" It's interesting, couldn't there be both???? Ana told me that the locals feel unsafe, but she said not to worry as there's usually trouble within those cultures, not towards the Portuguese.
I spent the next couple of hours grabbing some supplies from three of the many supermarkets here. There was no fresh milk at the first one and a lovely American woman in the queue told me which supermarket to go to, only one in town. I then walked through old town, to the river and then the lighthouse. The castle in the photos below is privately owned. My guess is the same owner as the one in Ferragudo and the estate I saw on the Arade River to Silves. He owns about 70% of the gas stations in Portugal and he only helicopters in to his castle in Ferragudo. Seriously, how many castles does one family need!
Best of the Algarve:
Number one - Meeting Rosie
Top experiences - kayaking with Felipe to the Benagil Caves, tile painting with Carla in Ferragudo, building confidence driving a manual, and learning some Portuguese with Rebecca and the crew of friendly expats.
Best food - hmm, to be honest, no absolute stand outs, the experience of eating cataplana twice and the BBQ fish in Olhão
Best coffee - Al-Gharb Coffee Roasters, Albufeira
Best gelato - Gelateria Sorbetto, Praia da Rocha
Best pastel de nata - Pastelaria The Trolls' in Praia da Rocha and the pastelaria near Luís de Camões and the church in Ferragudo.
Tip - stay a few nights near Faro and explore the eastern Algarve.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The Dencun upgrade had new additions, including a validator reward scheme. Arbitrum, Optimism, and liquid staking protocols may have a role in the next upgrade. Ethereum [ETH] developers have begun work on the next phase of the blockchain’s roadmap. In a new communiqué provided by Tim Beiko, lead developer at the protocol, the Dencun upgrade was the next major development for Ethereum. How much are 1,10,100 ETHs worth today? It was even more interesting that Beiko provided updates on the Dencun phase on the eve of the Ethereum Merge anniversary. Recall that on 15 September 2022, Ethereum transtioned from the Proof-of-Work (PoW) to the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Although this switch provided the foundation for other upgrades like the Shanghai/Capella upgrade, it has not been without any hitch.  Preparing for Dencun For context, the Dencun upgrade, also known as Cancun-Deneb, comprises a series of improvements, including upgrades to Ethereum’s execution layer and the consensus layer.  According to Beiko, there have been new updates to the proposed upgrade. @NethermindEth shared that their blob transaction pool is now ready, and after a few days of testing it on a single node, they've deployed it on all Dencun testing nodes. Geth's blob txn pool is also nearly done. — timbeiko.eth ☀️ (@TimBeiko) September 14, 2023 Beiko’s post on X (formerly Twitter), covered a lot of discussions the developers had. As the above post noted, Dencun nodes had already been deployed. He, however, noted, that there has been a development with the EIP-7514, which focuses on staking and validator rewards. Primarily, the EIP-7514 aims to decelerate the growth rate of ETH staking, thereby providing the Ethereum community additional time to craft an improved validator reward scheme. Sharing more on the proposal, Beiko mentioned that, “This would slow down the rate at which the % of ETH stake grows in the worst case.” Another developer, Dankard Feist, noted that he was in support of EIP-7514 because liquid staking protocols like Lido Finance [LDO] would continue to grow. My reasoning on why I'm for EIP-7514. It is currently unclear if (especially liquid) staking will keep growing indefinitely. In the case that the withdrawal queue does not empty over the next few months, the lower churn limit will give the Ethereum community the time needed to… — Dankrad Feist (@dankrad) September 14, 2023 Following the disclosure by the developer, Santiment showed that Ethereum’s development activity skyrocketed. The development activity measures the public GitHub repositories committed to a blockchain. Therefore, the increase means that there were a lot of developers committing codes to the Ethereum network. Also, there has been a considerable increase in ETH deposits on the Beacon Chain. This means that validator activity on the network was still very present. Source: Santiment L2s have a role to play Meanwhile, Beiko also mentioned that the last discussion brought up the introduction of Arbitrum [ARB] and Optimism [OP]. As relatively new L2 networks, the due have not been exactly involved in Ethereum upgrades. Realistic or not, here’s OP’s market cap in ETH’s terms But this time, Beiko noted that the developers had Arbitrum in mind to help out with L1 costs and base fees. For Optimism, protolambda, a pseudonymous developer from OP Labs, said that it would be a nice feature to have Optimism work on the blob base fee. In conclusion, Beiko highlighted that all the necessary audits were not complete. He, however, noted that there were plans in place to optimize gas usage. Source
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div-divington · 2 months
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Redline Rig - 'Fortnite'
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... Also No-Moor Manor.
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cephalon-celaeno · 6 years
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starlitangels · 2 years
Period Comfort
My period started yesterday and it sucks so I wrote this to make myself feel better and threw it in the queue to be posted today I’m tagging this as “female reader” but it’s technically gender-neutral, for all y’all out there who happen to be in involuntary possession of a uterus 1.8k words
Creak! “Freelancer?” Huxley called from my front door. I heard his slight grunt as he kicked it shut.
I groaned. “In my room, Hux,” I replied, curling tighter around the pillow I was clutching. I heard the familiar rustling of Huxley’s reusable, eco-friendly tote bags (heaven knew I’d gone grocery shopping with him enough times) being set on my sofa and the quiet noises of him sliding his sandals off.
His footsteps were always remarkably quiet, despite how tall and muscular he was. That said, I still heard him cross my small apartment seconds before he appeared in my bedroom doorway.
“Hey dude,” he greeted.
“Hi, Hux. What are you doing here?” I asked, trying not to cringe against the cramps.
“Gav texted me,” Huxley replied. “Told me your period started. He felt bad he couldn’t be here for you, so he asked if I could come keep an eye on you. Said that your first few days are always the worst.”
“Mmhmm,” I agreed.
“So, here I am. And I brought stuff. Snacks, a heating pad, painkillers, extra products if you need ‘em. Didn’t know what you like or usually use so I brought a selection.” He gave me a smile as he stood in my doorway, rocking up onto the balls of his feet.
He was waiting for permission.
“You can come in, Huxley,” I said.
“Okay good.” He smiled wide and stepped over the threshold. He crossed to my bed in two strides and dramatically pulled my covers off with a flourish, not seeming to care about the tank top and shorts I wore to bed. “C’mon. We’re getting you out of this bed, first.” He quite literally scooped me up in one arm and carried me out of the room. He deposited me on my sofa next to his tote bags. He rifled around in one of them for a minute and pulled out a heating pad. I watched as he pulled my sofa away from the wall with one hand—not even struggling even though I was also on said sofa—to find the outlet hidden behind it. “Here you go,” he declared, handing me the heating pad.
“Thanks,” I said.
“Wanna watch somethin’?” He kept sifting through his bags—before pulling out two bottles of painkillers. “I was thinking, like, a Nat Geo documentary or somethin’.”
“You’re being... remarkably chill about all this,” I said.
Huxley scrunched his eyebrows. “Dude—I’ve got two moms. They’ve been teaching me about this kinda stuff since I was five.”
“Fair point.”
As he’d been speaking, he counted out painkillers. “One of my moms swears by four ibuprofen and two acetaminophen as a miracle dose for cramps,” he said, passing me the six pills and a bottle of water pulled from another bag. “Have you had anything to eat?”
“No. I hadn’t even gotten out of bed.”
“Okay. Set those on the coffee table and don’t take them yet,” he said. I was going to give him sass that I’d been doing this for a while and knew better than to take painkillers on an empty stomach, but managed to control my moodiness enough to keep the sarcasm to myself. “Let me grab you something to eat. How does toast sound?”
“Fantastic,” I muttered.
He retreated into my kitchen, leaving the door wide open. I turned on my small TV and connected my phone to the Chromecast plugged into the back of it to play something from YouTube. I fiddled around on YouTube for a bit before I found a long-form video of someone building a house in Minecraft set to soothing music and selected it. After an ad—that I muted—I curled up tighter on the couch around my pillow and the heating pad and waited for Huxley to return.
He came back with a plate of toast and handed it to me before moving all the tote bags off the sofa to clear enough room for him to sit next to me. “Dig the video, dude,” he remarked as I started to munch on my toast.
“Thanks. Thought it’d be distracting.”
“Hey, Minecraft is dope.” He smiled.
We watched the house continue to be built for a while. Until well after I finished my toast and taken the painkillers.
“Freelancer?” Hux asked.
“This might sound kinda weird—and if you want me to cool it, just tell me, y’know—but... do you wanna, like... cuddle?”
I almost sagged. “Yes. Please.”
He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his strong, steady heartbeat. Huxley was warm and gentle. I took his opposite hand and guided it to press the heating pad against my lower abdomen. He didn’t protest or question anything. Just let me configure his position. Though he did give me a concerned look when I pushed his hand hard against the heating pad. “Dude, is that, like, gonna hurt you?”
“No. The pressure makes it feel better,” I said.
“Okay.” He shrugged.
“But if your arm starts to get tired, you can totally take a break. It’s not a big deal. It’s just—well—your hand is bigger than mine. You can spread the pressure out over the entire area for a while. Which helps ease the cramps before the painkillers kick in.”
“Hey, whatever I can do to help,” he said nonchalantly. “I mean that. Whatever you need today. I’m here to make sure you’re comfortable and taken care of.”
Stupid period hormones, I thought as my eyes started to water. “Thanks, Huxley.”
We stayed like that for a long time. I almost fell asleep with the music of the Minecraft video in one ear and Huxley’s heart in the other.
Huxley did fall asleep. I could tell when the pressure of his hand against my abdomen relaxed and his cheek squished against the top of my head. We’d gone camping together once—with Lasko and Damien, last summer—so I’d found out that he snored sometimes, but he was quiet. Breathing deeply, making my head rise and fall with the movement of his chest.
The painkillers had finally kicked in—and Huxley’s mom was right. The dose had been effective.
Once the debilitating pain of the cramps had finally eased out, I slowly extricated myself from Huxley’s cuddle to go to the bathroom—and then check my bed. He’d swept me from my room so quickly I hadn’t seen whether I’d bled onto the sheets or not.
Thankfully, I hadn’t. One less thing of laundry to take care of.
By the time I returned to the living room, Huxley had woken up. He was in the process of stretching. Back arching almost off the couch completely, arms behind his head, face screwed up, legs extended under the coffee table.
He flopped, relaxing. “Sorry, dude. I didn’t think I was gonna pass out.”
I smiled. “You’re fine,” I replied. “I fell asleep too.” Little white lie—and I almost had. It was close enough.
“How are you feelin’?”
“Better now that the painkillers have kicked in.”
He gave me a look. “See? Told ya.”
“I never doubted you, or your moms, for one second,” I said, plopping back onto the couch next to him, where his arm was already draped over the back of the couch where I’d been sitting before. He chuckled and wrapped that arm over my shoulders. “You’re so warm.”
He hummed his agreement and handed me my phone. “Wanna watch somethin’ else? Maybe somethin’ that doesn’t make us wanna fall asleep?” he offered.
I unlocked my phone and looked in the Video folder of apps. “Sure,” I muttered. “Still thinking a documentary?”
“Nah, man—that’d put me right out again.” He shook his head. “But we could watch a couple episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender if you want.”
I smiled. “Sure. Let’s watch that.”
My phone started ringing, making me jump out of my skin. Huxley looked up from where he’d been glancing at an email on his phone.
I grabbed mine. “It’s Damien,” I said. I slid the Answer option. “Hey Damien. What’s up?”
“Huxley’s not answering his phone. Have you seen him?”
“Huxley and his phone are right here. In my living room,” I said. I moved my phone away from my mouth. “Hux, Damien’s been trying to call you.”
Huxley swore under his breath. “I forgot I’ve got it on Do Not Disturb,” he said.
I put my phone closer to my face. “His phone was on Do Not Disturb. Wanna talk to him?”
Before Damien could even answer, I passed the phone to Huxley. He took it and held it up. “Hey, man. What’s up?” He listened for a bit. “Yeah, Freelancer and I are hangin’ out.” Another pause. Huxley glanced at me. “Do you mind if I tell him what’s up?” he asked quietly.
“Go ahead,” I said with a shrug.
“Okay.” He paused. “Well, no, Damien. Technically they’re fine—but their period started. Gav texted me and said he couldn’t be here today. Asked if I’d come keep an eye out.” Huxley listened. I could hear Damien’s sharp voice, but couldn’t make out any words. “Yeah. No, totally. I can help you out tomorrow if you still need it. I mean, you know me, dude. I could fix a cabinet in my sleep. Or I could talk you through it, if you’d rather. But I’d really rather do it myself.” He listened. “Yeah, no, totally. See you tomorrow. Bye.” He hung up and handed my phone back to me.
“Cabinet door broke again?” I asked. “The one above his fridge?”
“Well I’m glad you’re helping him. Last time that stupid thing broke, I tried to help. We both fell off the stepladder at least once trying to reach the damn hinge over the fridge and I wasn’t good enough at psychokinesis to do it with magic.”
Huxley chuckled. “I’m happy to help. You know that.”
“I know,” I replied.
He stretched again. “You gettin’ hungry for lunch?”
“Cool. Let me go make something. Whatcha feelin’ like?”
“Honestly, just like, ramen or soup or something. I’m not in the mood for complicated. I’m in the mood for warm and filling.”
“You got it, Freelancer.” Huxley gave me a hug, squeezing me gently, and hopped up to go disappear back into my kitchen again. I could hear him quietly humming under his breath and smiled.
A few minutes later, he reemerged. 
“There you go. One nice bowl of soup, for one nice Freelancer,” he said, handing me the spoon but setting the bowl on the coffee table.
I smiled, accepting the spoon. “Thanks, Hux. And thanks for hanging out with me today. Usually I just kinda... wallow in my own misery for the first couple days. It’s been nice to have someone here with me.”
“Sure thing, dude. I like being able to help people. Especially my family. I’ll stick around for as long as you need me.”
I felt my eyes water again and turned my attention to the soup. “You’re the best, Huxley.”
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thechekhov · 3 years
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Alright, alright, I caved.
After a slot opened up in me to be able to take on another show emotionally, I decided to invest in OwlHouse. I thought I would probably like it, but it won me over faster than I thought it would.
I’ve already watched a few episodes, but I realized that it might be more fun to do liveblogs, so here I am - with a liveblog...
I will be doing this episode by episode, and probably releasing them every once in a while. Everything will be under a cut, however, to save you all dash space.
If you’d like to follow, please track the #chekhov watches owlhouse tag!
(I’d also like to dedicate this post to the Tumblr Staff Rob, who did his best to restore this post for me when tumblr queue ate it.)
Without further ado...
Episode 1!!
Fair warning - this is technically not a ‘live’ blog, because I have already watched some of the show before deciding to do this, but I’ll still react to them to round things out.
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Immediately, this reminds me of Little Witch Academia... Anyone? No? Only me? I feel like maybe I’m getting my wires crossed, but there HAD to have been some inspiration taken from there?
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“No-- my only weakness! Dying!!“
Same, big snake monster. Same.
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Oh, backup snakes? This girl is READY.
Please don’t mistreat the snakes.
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Spider breath... This kid is on my wavelength. That griffin seems to be waiting to be put out of its misery though, and I don’t blame it.
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My child... where did you get that pigeon head though.....
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Nurse mother, do you REALLY think signing up your spider-summoning daughter for summer camp will actively make her antics slow down instead of ramp up to 60?
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Awww, baby makes AMVs... But also, NO ONE TOLD YOU TO THROW AWAY THE BOOK??? I know it’s symbolic, but goodness, isn’t that a bit much???
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wait a sec, is that Eda????
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Love the realistic bilingual kid experience of replying in English when your mom talks to you in your native language. Universal.
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Love this introduction of Eda’s character. She’s got that little green scarf on and everything. Like a tiny trash grandma.
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Oooh, okay, let’s extrapolate...
Lots of bones everywhere. I kinda love the aesthetic here - it’s gross and visceral, kind of like what Luz was making with her school projects. Yet in the middle of it all we have a rather clear gothic looking structure. Is this a power imbalance in the supposed kingdom?
The five circles of stained glass seem to perhaps indicate something like Hogwarts houses? Several different types of magic?
But Luz has no reason to freak out as much as she is - she LOVES weird stuff! Haha... No, I kid, I kid. I get it.
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“Am I in the bad place?“
Eyyyyy, gotta love shows referencing other shows. :)
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“Oh dear child... I’m not like you.”
Wow, what a DRAMATIC reveal for some pointy ears. :) I love her.
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We should all aspire to have such cool and stylistically well put together wanted posters. You can tell the commissioned artist really respects her craft.
Steven Universe fans watching this:
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I’m looking too.
Okay, okay, enough shenanigans, let’s have some LORE.
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I love this landscape. Teeth or bones, or whatever they are, this is one of the more unique settings we’ve gotten, though maybe I’m prejudiced because I love body horror and bones. The darker orange and red themes fit really well here.
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Things I’m desperate for: Giraffe Lore 
Things I’m more desperate for: Eda lore. Why do her limbs fall off? Is she a zombie?
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Things I’m not quite as desperate for: Hooty lore. He can keep that to himself.
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well hello there mysterious chekhov’s glyph which will DEFINITELY not be relevant in the second chapter (or end of season? Maybe? Idk it just seems important).
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Ah, yes. That would have been my reaction as well, to be fair. Somehow I didn’t expect to see this guy so early on. I figured he would be a low stress early villain that got assimilated into the Found Family. Kinda psyched that he’s just there from the start.
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....I’m just gonna presume this is all true and accept it at face value.
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Old Escape The Cops Lady and Tiny Little Demon King, I need your backstory. How did you meet.
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I love looking at background details, because like... you can tell the BG artists had fun. I particularly love how the 3 eyed toad doesn’t actually have any reward attached to her. Though the Knife Baby does intrigue me!
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“I write fanfics of food falling in love.”
Why am I being called out...
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“Noo! My weak nerd arms!”
Finally, a realistic portrayal of a protagonist thrust into a fantasy setting!
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Okay but. If only humans could pass through the barrier... wouldn’t that mean a human had to have deposited those things in there? Do they have a human on staff in this weird pseudo-prison??? Suspicious....
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Confession - when I initially saw ads for this show, I expected Eda to be a villain, not a loveable middle aged witch aunt figure. I am shockingly even MORE drawn to her this way. I expected betrayal. I expected her to be a lowkey threat?? But no. She’s just wholesome in the way a solid raccoon is.
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“Eda, are you okay?!”
“Yeah, this just happens when you get older...”
“........does it..?”
If I had to pinpoint the exact moment this show won me over...... it would probably be this one.
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I know it’s probably the wrong thing to focus on, but what is that insignia? Wings??? Like.... the kind OWLS HAVE?????
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I’m really loving the landscape here. And those fireworks are... hmm... intricate?
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Gotta love the old tried and true Witch Apprentice Actually A Live In Intern trope. :)
Hold up...
Is that
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Is that Hooty? I thought he was just a door....
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Eda: This is my room for human stuff. I will also put my human in there.
. . .
Overall rating: I think this is a cute overall beginning. The prison break went hard! I enjoyed the characters and it kind of surprised me in a lot of ways. It definitely does a great job setting up a world with a lot more to explore while giving us a small taste of cool magic stuff and witchy battles. :)
Now on to Episode 2!!
Read the liveblogs in order by clicking here!
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redaart · 2 years
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finally opening up commissions again! info under the cut <3
Black and white: what it says on the tin - black and white with grayscale shading. Depending on complexity, prices start at:
bust (head, neck, no shoulders): $30
half-body (from waist up): $50
full body: $65
Full color: the rainbow is yours with a fully shaded, full color drawing. Again, depending on complexity, prices start at:
bust (head, neck, no shoulders): $50
half-body (from waist up): $70
full body: $85
What about backgrounds? Simple backgrounds (flat color, simple pattern, transparent) are free! Complex or detailed backgrounds are priced on a case-by-case basis.
I’m also happy to discuss drawing things not listed here! Wanted posters, character sheets, tarot cards - if you have an idea, let me know and we can negotiate.
I will draw:
NSFW + nudity (must be 18+) 
Gore and body horror
Original characters
Your D&D character (or party!)
Your trollsona
Multiple characters interacting - price will be negotiated depending on complexity 
Props, weapons, extra elements such as wings, and complex outfits, etc are subject to extra charges based on complexity
However, I reserve the right to deny commissions! 
dm me here on tumblr @ redaart or email me at [email protected]!
please include:
1. # of characters, type, and style: (ie: two characters, full body, full color.)
2. physical appearance. visual references highly preferred, descriptions work too! please include:
please specify if you’d like to leave any of these details up to me!
Hair color and style, eye color, skin color, ethnicity and/or fantasy race
Face/eye/nose/mouth shape (reference pictures work great here!)
For half-body or full body, please include body type
Any other relevant physical traits: scars, tattoos, body modifications, etc. These things can be subject to additional charges depending on complexity!
3. expressions or personality of the character / mood of the piece.
4. for more than one character: brief descriptions or reference images of how you would like them to interact! please also describe their relationship to each other. 
5. YOU: your preferred name, pronouns, and age (if you are requesting NSFW art you must be over 18!)
tipping artists is not required but is appreciated! 
fine print:
all commissions can be subject to one major correction when the first sketch is delivered, and two minor corrections when the finished piece is done.
further minor changes will be subject to a $5 extra fee. major changes will be priced on a case by case basis.
I take payment upfront via PayPal or Venmo. If you can’t make the whole payment upfront, we can discuss a deposit/delivery payment; however, this will be resolved on a case by case basis. Deposits and full payments are non-refundable.
The prices listed in this post are a starting point - depending on the complexity of your characters or design, the price is subject to go up.
FOR PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY - contact me if you’re interested in commercial use and we can talk!
I retain the rights to use commissioned artwork promotionally on social media, you retain the rights to any original characters depicted in the artwork.
By commissioning artwork from me, you agree to these terms. 
deposits are non-refundable! if your circumstances change and you can no longer make 
if your situation changes and you can no longer make a secondary payment, i can work with you to deliver a simpler piece of art that will be covered fairly by the deposit.
I will give you an estimated delivery date depending on the complexity of your piece and your position in my commission queue. If you need your piece completed by a specific deadline, let me know and we can negotiate it. 
If I fail to deliver your piece by the decided delivery date I will offer you a partial refund depending on the severity of the lateness! This does not include additional time spent on corrections. 
and that should cover it! please dm me or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions! <3
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 15
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WC: 1082
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of depressed mood
The dreams of the doctor don’t stop even after he dismisses you, but they do change. Now the dreams take on a completely different tone. They are full of confusion and fear and loss. You’ll be in some mundane place when suddenly you see him in the distance, that steely gaze on you as he examines you from afar. It feels as though you are his prey, although he never pounces. Instead, the second you try to get close to him he turns to leave, or he vanishes in thin air, as though he never existed. You get so close but you can never reach him.
In the waking hours you do your best to ignore your emotions in favor of finding another job. You know that if you allow yourself to dwell you might shut down completely at how suddenly life went in the gutter, losing both your source of income and the man you’d grown so attached to. More than two weeks have passed. Each day you grow more frustrated at the lack of jobs that meet your needs as a student. Those that do appear to fit your schedule have yet to call and schedule and interview. So you wait.
You distracted yourself by throwing your energy into your graduate work when you weren’t searching for jobs. Late nights were being spent at the library. Once, you had even just slept on the small couch overnight instead of going home. It was easier to focus on your work than to get lost in the thoughts of him. At least your advisor was happy; lord knows someone deserved to be.
Bitsy knows you are depressed. She says nothing and spares you pitying looks. She knows that if you want to talk that she is there to listen. But only when you’re ready. At night you lay in bed in a trance-like state; it was the only time you allowed yourself to think of him. Over and over again you recount what happened between you and the doctor. It made less sense the longer you obsessed. You had been so certain that you weren’t alone in your feelings. But his dismissal of you from the post as his TA made it clear just how wrong you were. You had crossed a line.
“Hey, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a while,” a quiet voice spoke next to you, breaking the quiet that was the library.
You look up from where your head is propped on your fist. It’s Sara. You sit up straight. “Hi. I’m, uh…. I’m good.” You cringe at how unconvincing you sound.
“Shouldn’t you be with Laszlo right now? Or is he here too?” she asks, leaning her hip on the table at which you sit.
You blink at her. Voice as controlled as you can manage you respond with “Did he not tell you?”
Sara looks deep in concentration for a moment. Her brows scrunch; “tell me what?”
Now your annoyance grows. Clearly she, and you assume by proxy John, had no idea what transpired between you and the doctor. “He let me go. Said he didn’t need my help anymore. I haven’t seen him in weeks.” You can’t meet her eyes as you confess.
She gasps in her shock. “Did he give a reason?” As much as you like and trust her, you fear exposing the truth. You shrug. Under her breath she mutters “that man wouldn’t know a gift horse if it looked him in the damned mouth.” She shakes her head, her own annoyance clear in her features. “Do you need anything? Are you looking for another placement? It’s a little late in the term but I can put in a good word for you?”
Once more you lie; “No, that’s alright thank you. I have a few interviews lined up this week. I’ll manage fine.” She nods, a guilty look on her face.
“Well if anything should change, you know where to find me. Perhaps one night soon we can even have a girls night and catch up.” She checks the time on her phone. “I have to get going, but let me know alright.” She offers a smile and a squeeze on your shoulder as she goes.
Half an hour goes by with you just staring at your laptop. An email alert breaks you from the nothingness. Opening the document, you see it is a paycheck deposit notification. You do a double take. It is dated after Kreizler dismissed you. “What… there’s no way this is right?” You huff. The last thing you need to have the feds come after you for accidental fraud or something, so you pack up and head to the student affairs office.
When you reach the front of the queue you paste on your best smile. “Roger, dear how have you been? It’s been months. How’re the wife and kids?”
The portly man squints at you before finally deciding that “oh, I remember you. What can I do for you this time?”
“I got a paycheck for a TA job that I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to have. Can you check the system please?” He types away for a short period of time.
“Yes, it says you received the standard wage for the most recent 2 week pay period.”
“Exactly,” you point at him with a finger.
He looks over his bifocals at you. “I’m not sure what the problem is here?”
“I don’t have the job anymore,” you explain.
He frowns as he inspects the screen in front of him. “Says here you do. Did your supervisor formally withdraw you from the position? It’s part of their contractual obligations.”
“I don’t… I don’t know.”
“Looks like they didn’t change it in the system. You’ve still got the position.”
You scratch at your forehead trying to make sense of everything. Why hadn’t he taken you off the listing? He knew how much you needed the job, how much you needed the money- The realization that he must have done this on purpose hits you like a freight train. You scoff.
Roger looks you up and down for a moment before asking if he can help you with anything else. Keeping your tone as polite as you can manage in your anger, you tell him “no, thank you, Roger. You’ve been a big help.”
You leave the student center, marching at a brutal pace to find Laszlo and give him a piece of your mind.
Tag list
@hardlyinteresting @lorna-d-m @livvyshmiv @somethingthatsaysbubbles @greeneyedblondie44 @unbeatablecurlgirl @apparrio @marchingicenotes7 @anteroom-of-death @bruhidaniel @lemairepstuff @thehuiabird @zemosimp05 @alindeluce @iamnotthecatladynextdoor @laura-naruto-fan1998 @trelaney @boneheadduluc @i-am-dead-inside-666 @fictionlandslanddreams @thatoneartgalsstuff
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