shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 1 month
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I'm gonna do things a little bit differently this time around, but I ABSO-FREAKIN'-LUTELY thought that this chapter was a 10 OUT OF 10!!! 😆 So, let's get into it shall we?! 😎👍
First off, at the beginning of chapter, I was like...:
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"What is this man planning...? 🤔", while also just being happy to Andy for a quick second there...!! 😎 After that, we cut back to Fuuko and the gang talking with Tatiana, telling her that she doesn't have to join if she doesn't want to...! I also liked this part:
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I love Tatiana's "Thank you. Onionhead." for Chikara taking the perfect photo for her, it's so adorable...!! 😁 But then, on the next page, THIS HAPPENS...:
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And I was like:
"WHO DO DID THAT!?!" 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Then, I see the culprit...:
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Let me tell you something, I'VE HATED THIS MAN with a BURNING PASSION ever since HE STABBED FUUKO IN THE GODDAMN CHEST in the previous Loop!!! 😠 But, I had hope that Fuuko could possibly convince him to join the Union in this Loop...
I'm sorry, I haven't had this much hatred for a character since Ryo Asuka from Devilman: Crybaby...!! 😤 Is there still a possibility for Ruin to heel turn over to the Union's side? Most likely...! Will I be fine if he doesn't join the Union and get ABSOLUTELY CURB STOMPED BY THEM INSTEAD?!?! Most definitely...!! I'd totally be cool with either of these outcomes...!! 😁👍
But anyway, enough of me being possibly Ruin's number one hater, let's get back to the chapter...!! And I cannot believe that Kururu for some reason already looks like how she did in the previous Loop, now with an Union badge...?! 😕
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I don't know what exactly Tozuka is doing with Kururu, but I still hope that she gets more development in future...!! 🤞
Back to Fuuko vs. Ruin; THAT BASTARD injured Fuuko's eye, but of course she still looks BADASS!! 👌😎:
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But, even though this is HYPE AS FUCK, this looks to be exactly what UMA Soul wants...! Which means the Master Rules are about to be set free...!!! 😵
So yeah, this chapter FREAKING SLAPPED and I just had to share my absolute hatred for Ruin, thus why I did things a little differently this time around...!! 😄 I'm super excited for next week's chapter, so I'll see you all then...!! LATER!! 😎👍
In other news, my mom recently changed her lock screen on her phone to a picture of Andy and Fuuko because she became a fan of the series after we watched the anime back when the English dub was coming out!! 💗🤗💗 (She also made Spy X Family, my other favorite manga right now, her phone background...!! 😊) Okay, now I'm done!! BYE FOR REAL NOW!! 👋😉
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 15
chapter 26: (check tags for triggers)
1. james’ stab wound will heal, but of course he’s gonna have to use a cane for the rest of his life. my poor darling. but also! CHARACTERS WITH DISABILITIES THAT WONT BE ERASED!!! HELL YEAH!
2. this nurse is pissing me off. sirius is asking if james and reg are gonna be okay, and all she can talk about it appearances and scars. not if they’ll be okay
3. sirius and reg are reunited. thank god. this is what the world needs
4. “"I love you. You're my brother; of course I love you. Always have, always will, and nothing—absolutely nothing in this world could ever change that, do you hear me? You're enough for me, and I love you. Never, never fucking doubt that."” AHHHHHHHHHHHHH reg needed to hear that so bad, and james needed to say it so bad
5. 😧😟 reg is vomitting blood. yikes. wow. that’s yikes. it’s not even HIS BLOOD that he’s vomiting. and i wanna know who’s blood filled that river. i want to know who was killed to make blood for that river
6. “”It's fine. I didn't even like this shirt.” (Sirius really liked this shirt.)” 😭😭
7. 😊 siblings! sirius wipes reg’s face, and reg threatens to vomit on him again
8. reg questioning if he actually made it out. that breaks both mine and sirius’ heart. “"I—I thought it made sense, because why would I have scars if I was dead?””
9. reg breaking down and sobbing to his brother. wow. i- wow
10. gosh, remus and sirius are already like a married couple. i love them
11. regulus would just wake up and ask for james. that hurts. in no way was my experience any where near as bad, but i know it must suck to wake up, calling for someone, and them not to be there. when i woke up from wisdom tooth surgery, i called out for my mom many times, and the nurses jsut told me to be quiet, and i can’t see her. i was so distressed that i cried. my pain is not anywhere like james or reg’s but i know that it sucks.
12. sobbing. reg needs to shower, but doesn’t want to get in the water. he’s scared of the water. like wow
13. god, james wakes up and starts fighting people. he never should have had to go through that.
14. james is begging to see regulus, and regulus begged to NOT see james. idk how zar could have hurt me any more, but here we are
15. james and sirius have matching scars! that’s horrific! but! they’re matching!
16. sirius’ words before james went into the arena. we get to know them. and it’s both healing to know the memory, but also hurts like a motherfucking truck
17. sirius asking for remus to kiss him! consent!
18. shit. remus realized he loved sirius. like. loved him. wolfstar better be granted happiness in this universe
19. authors end note: “you think regulus is unhinged? sirius is so, so much worse 😳”
chapter 27:
1. god, regulus needs to take a shower. he must STINK. but also, i do not blame him for not wanting to
2. i appreciate remus’ honestly. he will not dance around the point with reg, and honestly, that’s what he needs
3. oh my god. is remus gonna get reg to take a bath? honestly, if anyone could do it, it would be remus. nobody else could do it
4. remus sharing the petty hallow drama 😭😭
5. james and sirius friendship is all i need in this life
6. oh wow. sirius is hurt that james never told him about his crush on regulus. not that james likes regulus. i love when fics do that instead of sirius being angry
7. i love that it’s no issue for james and sirius to share a bed. they need comfort. they share. that’s that.
8. sirius not letting james have a drink cause he knows it’s a slippery slope >>>>>>
9. ✨remus lupin✨
10. 😧 reg but sirius as a reflex from the arena. and immediately apologized. he’s never hit sirius before. and wow. that-
11. sirius is admitting something he never even told james. that he accidentally hit effie. and 😧😧😧
13. honorable mention for all pandora did in this chapter. she is a lifesaver, she is a queen, she is a goddess, and she deserves so much
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Head in hands
Rika SFW imagine/hc/whatever youre vibing with right now; a GN! Reader. Reader gets cold, how does Rika keep them warm? Holding hands? Lap cuddles? MOTHER BEGS FOR FLUFF
This made me squeal bc this is SO FUCKING CUTE HELLO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m so in love with Rika that piece of shit (affectionate)
Warnings: none, its super fluffy, tooth rottenly fluffy even, Rika is a massive simp because as she should be, gn! Reader, this is so fluffy and cute ohmyGOD
Character: Rika of the Elite 4
Requests: OPEN
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Well it’s starting to get colder so its no shock that you get cold sometimes
Rika usually doesn’t mind the cold, sticking to her usual button up with the sleeves rolled up and dress pants no matter what the weather is
Cmon she wore that at the 8th gym which was in the literal mountains like woman hoW
But when you and Rika start dating she immediately notices how you’ll start shivering in the cold, teeth chattering as the cold air seeps into your bones
So, Rika starts wearing a blazer to pass off to you whenever you get cold during the cooler seasons
Its a thick blazer, good quality that smells like her and as soon as she notices you shiver she’s wrapping it around you
This usually takes place in public settings when she has to keep up professional appearances and can’t get too affectionate with you
In private however?
Rika will be all over you
She’s a teasing shit so she will turn down the air to make you cold so you’ll cuddle up to her
And as soon as you start inching your way over to her, she swoops you up in her arms and settles you against her chest or in her lap
She’ll start kissing your cheeks and forehead as she hugs you tight, wrapping a blanket around you both or carrying you to bed so she can hold you nice and close
If you like hot chocolate or prefer hot coffee, tea, or even just warm milk she will make it for you as you two settle down to cuddle
Rika definitely enjoys this little strategy of turning down the temperature in your apartment at night too
That way, throughout the night she can hold you close and enjoy the affection you give her as you continue to cuddle up against her, seeking her warmth
If you ever do catch Rika’s little scheme of keeping your apartment cold and say something to her, she will brush it off as keeping the heat bill down
Despite the fact that the apartment feels like a goddamn tundra in the summer but Rika is more than happy to pay extra for the AC bill if it keeps you snuggled against her
Another one of Rika’s ways to keep you warm is to let you wear her shirts, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, ect
You name it she lets you wear it
She will probably even buy larger clothes to wear not only because she likes oversized clothes cmon have you SEEN how her button up hangs off her? But because she wants you to look adorable in her clothes as well
It doesn’t matter how tall, short, or what weight you are, Rika will get clothes that fit you comfortably and then wear them so that they smell like her before she passes them off to you to keep you warm and enjoy
This tactic especially helps when Rika has to do business for the Pokémon league which may keep her out of the house for days at a time
When she does have to leave, she will make sure you have plenty of her clothes and blankets to snuggle up to while she’s gone so that she can keep you warm even when she’s away~
Paldea was getting colder again as the fall and winter months settled across the vast land. It felt as though the frosty, winter mountain cursed the land to be covered in a hellish cold and you were sick of it. You had already gotten more than enough of the cold when you traveled that god forsaken mountain during your gym circuit when you traveled all over the damn thing to take on two gyms and fight Team Star’s fairy squad.
Which led to now, you gripping a fluffy blanket around yourself as your teeth chattered together thanks to what felt like frost covering your body. You hear a low chuckle behind you and you don’t even have to turn around to know who would dare take humor in your torture.
“Its not funny Rika. Stop laughing,” you huff, annoyed with your partner’s amusement at your devastating situation. You’re ready to curse at her when she laughs louder before you find yourself being pulled into a pair of warm arms.
Rika settles you in her lap, tugging your form tight against her body. She adjusts the blanket around you both and a small smile forms on her lips as you nuzzle your face into the crook of her neck, cuddling closer to her warmth.
“Better?” She asks with a small hum, amusement present in her voice that you choose to ignore in favor of soaking in your girlfriend’s warmth.
“Mmm much better.”
Rika’s chuckles softly before she presses a sweet kiss to your temple as she begins to rub your back lovingly.
“That’s it, just let me keep you warm, my angel.”
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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what are your top 5 favourite fics of all time?
Hey Lovely!
OOOOF! This is a question! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh are you looking specifically for Johnlock? Because my top 5 faves, if I was forced to choose, are multi-fandom fics LOL.
First, check out these lists, because I have a LOT of fave fics, and choosing just 5 hurts me so much:
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018)
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018)
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018)
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018 (March 2019)
Another Top 10 Fave Fics (June 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics Pt. 2 (Sept. 2019)
Fave Read-Again Fics (10) (Dec 11/20)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics (Nov. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics Pt 2 (Apr 2022)
Top 25 Fave Non-AO3 Fics Pt 3 (May 2023)
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2019 (Dec. 29/2019)
Top 30 Bookmarks of 2020
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2021
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2022
Top 20 Comfort Fics (Feb 2022)
Top 30 Fave Angst Fics Under 10K
25 Fics for Fic Rec Bingo
So, currently, in 2023, here are my Top 5 Fave Johnlock fics, I think. Probably repeated on one of the above lists:
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w., 4 Ch. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice, Escort Service) – Clara's American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she's also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she's placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w., 7 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship, Primarily POV Sherlock) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him.
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier(T, 67,085 w., 17 Ch. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w., 19 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate's charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim? 
SO hard to pick, y'all. Decided to pick the first five fics I thought of rather than arguing with my brain LOL.
AND if you're interested in other fandoms, here are 5 other fave fics:
The Picnic; or, the Drawbacks of Loving an Angel by sorrowfulcheese (G, 3,776 w., 1 Ch. || Post-Apocalypse/Canon, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Misunderstandings, Moving On, Picnicking, Idiots in Love, Crowley POV, Cranky Crowley, Mutual Pining, Light Angst with Happy Ending) – Aziraphale lures Crowley out for a picnic. It doesn't go remarkably well. 
perilune by Pokimoko (T, 14,000 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S1, Marc / Layla / Steven, Jake & Layla Friendship, POV Layla, Romance, Fluff, Asexual System, Aromantic Jake, Queerplatonic Relationships, Light Angst, Protective Layla, Allosexual/Asexual Relationship, Established Relationship, Touch-Averse Jake, DID, Communication, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Soft Jake, Autistic System, Panic Attack, Insecure Marc) – In which Layla and Marc go to a party and share an important talk, Layla and Steven go on a date under the stars, and Layla and Jake go out for breakfast and come to a realisation.
Hand in Glove by lizardkid(T, 14,223 w., 1 Ch. || RED DWARF || Post-S9, Internalized Homophobia, Repression, Hurt/Comfort, Lister Whump, Worried Rimmer, Ableist Language, Cuddling) – Lister is mortally wounded in an accident. Rimmer is forced to reassess everything.
so this could be the death of me (or maybe just a better me) by darkerintheday (G, 25,029 w., 4 Ch. || MOON KNIGHT [2022] || Protective System, Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Feral Protection of Each Other, Emotional Protector Steven, Protective Jake, BAMF Marc, Smart-Ass Steven, Language Barriers, Kidnapping / Torture, Murder, Discussions on Morality, Loneliness / Light Jealousy) – One time Marc saves Steven, one time Jake saves Marc, and one time Steven saves Jake. (And so forth.)
Moving Forward, Circuit by Circuit by  DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricPolarBears  (E, 50,605 w., 18 Ch. || Post-Ending AU, Amnesia, Connor Whump, Alcohol Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Android Slavery/Trafficking, World Building, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Hank Being Hank, Memory Loss/Wipe, Rebuilding Relationship, Case Fic, Protective Hank, Interrogations, Police Work,  Love Confessions, Fixing Connor, Caring Hank, Friends to Lovers, Going Undercover, Self Depreciation, Bed Sharing, Kissing and Hugging, Flirting) – After the liberation of androids, society is changing ... for everyone except Hank. To him, it seems that life has returned to normal -- especially with the absence of his partner. That is, until he finds Connor, components modified and memories erased. The two must work together to catch the man responsible (and sort out their feelings along the way).
Hope you this pleases you! <3
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adonis-koo · 9 months
Omg Missy the love confession 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You just wrote on my favorite lines ever: “Loving you is like loving the sun… Effortless, and if I’m meant to burn in its light, then I'd die happily in doing so. My precious sun, the light of my life. Let me love you, let me take care of you, let me protect you, let me never leave your side again.” The way I had my hand over my mouth & kicking my feet. It straight up felt like a scene out of Bridgerton. I LOVE how I can feel all of his emotions. The LONGING, the TENSION, EVERYTHING AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
And him calling her “my little sun.” Missyyyyy my heart omg 😭😭😭 You wrote that so beautifully 😭♥️
The contrast of him now compared to the beginning of the story is so fulfilling to read. You can tell he’s so dedicated to her & genuinely wants their relationship to work. Also, his confession of not wanting to be king 😔💔💔 I hope they continue to be each other’s anchor & be a team ❤️‍🩹
Your smut is always TOP TIER!!!!!! I see size kink + possessiveness + manhandling, OH I’M SQUIRTING TOO. THE DIRTY TALK, HIS DEVOTION TO HER AHHHHHHHGHSGAGISJEJSISJ! The love confession before it made it even hotter. Straight up cumming out of my eyes
Thank you for updating!! You always deliver 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
KDJSKSKS when I posted that ramble about chapter 18 being sickening is was DIRECTED at that quote, like I wrote that shit and put my hand over my mouth in shock 😭 and then I sat there like ‘omg I hope they love this because GOD do I know I am!!’ his entire love confession is like my favorite part about the chapter!
Also ALL the pet names??? I really wanted to lay it on thick 😭 I don’t think we’ll be hearing them as much in public due to how much of an introvert he is, but in private? Man kinda knows what’s up 😫 also my favorite pet name is definitely my goddess or my little sun cus!!!! UGH
I love me some good, believable character development, especially at this point, everything has lead up to this moment of confession, which funny enough I never had a direct scene of when he confessed, it was something I figured I’d know when the time was right and it just struck like lightening when I was writing! I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out!
LMAO like I said, smut wasn’t supposed to happen until Yule BUT at the same time, the moment felt so perfect, the pacing felt right, the timing felt right, I didn’t want to prolong it either for the sake of plot, I’m so so happy with this chapter and I’m happy that YOU all are happy with it!! Thank you guys so much for reading and your support 🥹
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The same as last episode's reaction, I notes everything down at the time it was happening so these are my literal first reactions to each news
Again, i wrote 2 pages, I tried to be more concise BUT DAMN, so forgive any confusion I may bring
In King's dreams he goes to the Collector's world?? Huh. That seems fun
Hunter and Alador (I keep forgetting that's his name) fighting is 10/10, its just 2 grumpy tired nerds fighting
LOVE Willow comforting King and the Palismen working together to make them all happy and such
AWWW MITTENS!?! THAT'S HOW SHE GOT THE NAME?! That is adorable, I love Dad Blight, he holds a special place in my heart
Love Eda and Raine they are so cute THIS GOODBYE IS TOO SAD
LILITH!!! This episode is straight in with the feels,
HOOTY TOO!?! AHHH, I am almost crying already
OHHHH Plant Lady girl knows then, there is ZERO way she doesn't know with that "Hey Sprout" line
The collector is just making me feel bad for him, he is just a kiddo!
Is the collector trapped in a mirror? A bit like that Episode with Luz visiting the human place but only in reflections, wonder how that works
Kikimora that is NOT the golden guard, stop sucking up to Belos
"Have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm" and "Go find a hole to wither in" made me- Listen, we hate Belos, I hate Belos- but he is funny
NOOOO POOR COLLECTOR BRO!!! BELOS YOU MURDERER! ITS JUST A KID, who has a lot of power, a bit like king
WOAH!! Cool save Willow, like amazing flying BUT DID HUNTER JUST BLUSH WHEN HE SAW YOU!?
Alador!! My pal, my boy! You aren't stupid!! Its manipulation babe, don't even sweat it, you aren't stupid!
..I won't like, seeing Hooty in that fucking bubble made me laugh in this real tense moment, I was like "NO DARIUS- fucking hooty bro"
Oh well. The plan failed, alas, Darius supremacy tho, under all that he caresssss
"Almost like the titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge" ...well. Funny story pal.
"Barely human" YEP, Pretty much, Luz is quite right, THIS IS HYPOCRITICAL BRO
Head Plant Coven lady witch, you are dumb as hell how is it only NOW you realise there is no paradise!?
....Belos pal, I know Luz just insulted your outfit BUT, I hate to say, I preferred your 1600s outfit TO WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS, WHAT ARE YOU
NOOOOOOOO Please be okay Mr Amity's Dad WE MISS YOU
Hunter running straight to Darius I- I am father and son coding them, I don't care, MAYBE older brother and younger brother, I don't mind
"Yeah girl, get with it" GUS YOU ARE SO FUNNY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, never change Gus
"Neither Witch nor Demon, a child from the stars" Man, why can't *I* be described like that, I WANNA BE A CHILD FROM THE STARS
Kikimora redemption arc?? I am fine with this!
"Hunter why are you hurting me, I only wanted to help you" GIRL PLEASE- Man, you hate palisman THAT much that you would stop your manipulation? Dedication to the hate
OOOOO The collector can't see King when he wears that charm? Interesting...
I guess this means the Collector is evil and such.... BUT HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!!! Damn it
"Mister?? You are so boring" me when I have to be formal to people
"Aw shucks... Well, gee, everyone's gonna perish from this ding-dang draining spell.. golly" KING WHERE DID THIS COME FROM BRO!?! I had to pause her to laugh at fucking "DING DANG"
Eda!!!!!! RAINE!!! "I promised a special kid I'd protect you" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO FUCK
Welp. I guess Eda is now armless. OOO Does she get a prosthetic arm now??
COLLECTOR!! Why are you kinda cute, you are just a cute adorable little kiddo
You all best make a game called Owl House now, otherwise this kiddo is about to be pissed AND HE LOOKS POWERFUL
Collector.. buddy, you need the people ALIVE to play this (madeup) GAME!
"So happy I had you as a big sister" FUCK OFF, NOOOOOO DAMN IT
WELL, at least Amity can meet Luz's mum now?
Again, I missed so much out of this because, concise-ness reasons, but I still ended up writing so much here so, Sorry for the long post!
BUT I ALMOST CRIED! I am famous for not crying at shows, BUT THIS ALMOST GOT ME. Thinking about King's words "So happy I had you as a big sister" STILL gets me to teary stage. DAMN
I will definitely post a more... cohesive and easier to understand post in actual sentences and not just screams BUT this is my honest true reactions
Again, I thank you to the people who have followed me through, it motivated me to keep updating? Which is great because WHEN I rewatch this, I am excited to go through these notes and go "AWW", so whilst I am unable to rewatch this show again for the first time, I CAN see how I reacted, which I think is quite nice, don't you?
Now we got the feelings out of the way, ONTO SEASON 3 EVERYONE! The final stretch of our (virtual) adventure!
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eegyo · 1 year
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I’m definitely feeling all the feelings, as it was a long and dragged out journey (even though I was thoroughly hooked before I read the first words) because of work and yenno - my mental health lol.
It was so so soooooo beautifully written. The imagery and details were literally AMA-ZA-ZING 🤩✨
A physical embodiment of a female experience/journey of womanhood; and how figuring out and finding oneself can feel like an eternity. It also perfectly captured the melancholic, yet beautiful fear and joy that comes with living, and how worth it it is to go through all of it.
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Circe is probably the MOST likable character of all time 🥲😭😭❤️❤️🥺
Her bravery in the face of danger
Her curiosity and wonder
Her appreciative spirit for simplicity
Her humility
Her steadfastness and patience
Her playful spirit
Demur yet confident
So if you are reading this and you haven’t read Circe by Madeline Miller yet, please do yourself a favor and go read it!!!
And if you have read it before — read it again hehehehehehhe
Some of my fave quotes:
“I was too wild to feel shame. It was true. I would not just uproot the world, but tear it, burn it, do any evil I could …”
“But make him shiver…then you will hear from him”
“Whatever you do, I wanted to say, do not be too happy. It will bring down fire on your head. I said nothing, and let her dance.”
“My whole life I had waited for tragedy to find me. I never doubted that it would”
“Despite your wet-mouse weeping, I saw how you would not be ground into the earth.”
. “Timidity creates nothing” — this one definitely struck a nerve lol
“But in a solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.”
“You have been tame your whole life, and now you will be sorry. Yes father, yes father — see what it gets you”
“As it turned out, I did kill pigs that night after all”
“Tear down, I thought. Tear down and build again”
“Death’s Brother is the name poets give to sleep” ****
“He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none”
“I cannot guard against shadows. Give me something to face and fight”
“You do not know what I can do”
“Then child, make another.”
“Such is the folly of humanity. Is it not our human tragedy that some men must be beaten like donkeys before they will see reason?”
“I lifted my hands in blessing and gave my son to the world” — I LEGIT CRIED READING THIS😭😭 made me think of my mom
“It is a common saying that women are delicate creatures, flowers, eggs, anything that me be crushed in a moment’s carelessness. If I had believed it, I no longer did” —WOOHOO GIRL POWER 😈
“‘You are wise,’ he said. ‘If it is so,’ I said, ‘it is only because I have been fool enough for a hundred lifetimes’”
“‘I must tell you, all my past is like today, monsters and horrid no one wants to hear.’ … ‘I want to hear’ he said.” - bitch I SWOONED
“The next sentence should be: let us go together” — :3 I cannot
“ ‘I have not pressed you,’ he said, ‘ and I still will not. I know there are reasons you cannot answer me. But if–’ He stopped. ‘I want you to know, if you go to Egypt, if you go anywhere, I want to go with you.’” - AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WTF 😳🤯😱😶‍🌫️🥵🥴😮‍💨
“He had never met a god who enjoyed their divinity less.”
“‘Then we will go back. We will go back until you are satisfied.’ It was so simple. If you want it, I will do it. If it would make you happy, I will go with you.” —😭😭😭🥰. Crying, screaming, puking
“We would take pleasure in the simple mending of the world”
“This time you are not alone” - I cried ngl
“Circe, he says, it will be alright… He does not mean that it does not hurt. He does not mean that we are frightened. Only that: we are here. This is what it means to swim in the tide, to walk the earth and feel it touch your feet. This is what it means to be alive.” - 😢😭😭😭
“But I see now [gods] are more dead than anything, for they are unchanging, and can hold nothing in their hands”
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roberrtphilip · 11 months
okay i’m itchin for it,,, can you Please share like SOME of the ways you think they may have discovered the surprise pregnancy? even if you’re not sure on The Canon Way™️ like what are some theories you have 🧐🥺
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh okay so I think Robert is the one who put the pieces together that she was pregnant. He hadn't thought much of her morning sickness issues at first, just thinking she was Regular Sick™️ but then he started to notice she was acting strange, snapping at him over small things, which she normally didn't do, and one day at work it just kind of. Hit Him and he was very much like "oh... oh shit???" and he brought tests home. I think he was a mix of nervous and excited, but was waiting to see Giselle's reaction before he really expressed anything.
Giselle, I think, would be kind of quiet for awhile as she stared at the positive test, just processing it, her mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. They'd never really discussed having another kid, and she hadn't thought much about being pregnant before, so it was a lot to take it all of a sudden, and it was also a little scary. But I think after a few minutes of just. Staring, the excitement would finally hit her, and she'd start crying and kissing Robert while saying "we're having a baby!!" over and over.
I have a little snippet that's very rough where I wrote her saying "There's a little Philip in there." while holding her shirt up, and that really hits Robert, and he just wraps his arms around her and presses his forehead against her stomach and kisses her because he's just so Happy.
And I have another snippet where they're talking later and Giselle mentions that the last time Pip came to visit, he kept curling up on her stomach, and at the time, she found it strange because he always sleeps on her pillow, but now, it made sense and "he must've known there was a baby in there."
But yeah ! They were certainly surprised, and I think Giselle was terrified about the whole Having to Go to a Hospital thing, along with Delivering the Baby, but overall they were both very excited. And once she knew Robert would be in the delivery room with her, she was a bit more relaxed about it. Still scared, but far more comfortable knowing he'd be by her side the whole time!
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Okay, that hurt. Like, a lot. At first I was happy that the fam and the terrible duo were working together to take on the mercenaries, but then it went down. Again, like, a lot. Poor leo, I of all people want you to get donnie back, and I know you're desperate, but I hope this helps him understand that he needs to listen to Mikey.
And speaking of Mikey, it would be both funny and painful if the first thing he says when he sees his family coming back without Donnie is 'I told you so'.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Donnie unlocked his ninpo!!! For like a few seconds, but it's something, and leo felt it ahhhhhhhhhhh, can't wait to see what triggers this. At least the baby won't think he's mysticless anymore.
I wonder how Draxum will react to this, ninpo is basically your mystic power multiplied by the strength of the Hamato ancestors, and Donnie most likely unchained it to protect casey. Because he considers her family. I already want to see how they break this down.
Tales of the hidden city already made it very clear that the HCPD are a bunch of clowns, so I'd say this was a long time coming. But lacking that arc in this story, now the fam now has a different reason not to trust the police.
Poor Mikey is in a bad spot. He knows that dragging Gale back against his will would undoubtedly be bad for his reunification arc-but at same time, he can't really bring himself to hope that they fail. He wants Donnie home too.
Ding ding ding! Gale considers her his sister, so according to whatever Hamato magic system they have going on she is Basically Family and counts for all that stuff.
They're also super confused because they have absolutely no idea what ninpo is or what Gale just pulled out of his ass.
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I will go down with the ship that is Al and Finn and I don’t care what anyone else says, you’re a genius and perfect for writing such a story !
Finally al and Finn kiss and it’s everything I ever wanted ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I’ve been wanting this almost as much as al and finn and reading it happen makes me happier than anything!
Since we’ve seen so much from finns POV I don’t think we’ve gotten a clear idea about how much al wanted finn this whole time. I only realized it when he went into the bathroom where finn was to give him a “clean towel” hahahah
Part of me wanted finn and al to really *do it (let that twink be destroyed hhahaha) but I know that finn is inexperienced and al doesn’t wanna pressure him and both want to take this relationship seriously— I can’t wait to see what obstacles they have to overcome next -
Vance and Terence are the biggest obstacles right now and I have no idea how that will go. With Vance, I’m sure al hates him for sending his little minions to shoplift and cause trouble hahah but seeing them interact should be tense and interesting……. After their little showdown in chapter 5 or so in the grab n go, I’m sure they’ll have a lot to say to each other
Ok with Terence, I don’t like him that much - I’m sorry but him being an absent drunk doesn’t sit well with me. I know he lost his wife but Finn and Gwen lost their mom and they deserve to have a dad that’s involved in their life. I know Terence wants finn to toughen up and his whole tough love act is a way of trying to protect Finn but still, there are other ways to be there for Finn. The beating he gave Finn still makes my heart ache ……..
I’m lowkey wanting Al to pummel Terence and proclaim his place as Finn’s new caretaker and father figure but that’s just me hahahha —- I do wonder how they’ll interact though ? Like Terence would be confronting and angry probably but Al might either be calm or he might be kind of manipulative and conniving because he does have a darker side ….
Gwen and Robin and max ? Oooh I can’t wait to see their reactions !
I think Gwen was already suspicious of al because she saw the way he kept looking at our precious finney in the first chapter. Hearing that al and finn are together will def make her upset and she’ll probably won’t cover for him if she finds out …… will she try to talk finn out of it ?
As for Robin, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Him protecting Finn in chap 10 made me scream and wanna give him the best present reward ever !!
How will the protective best friend react when he meets the possessive boyfriend ?
Robin will not be happy to hear that amber is actually Al Hahha but he might be accepting eventually given that he knows Finn is his best friend and that bisexual people do exist/Finn could be queer ? Imagine Robin swinging on Al once he catches him in the act ahhaha id pay to see that happen
Max is such a loveable goofball and I think he cares very much for his brother but I’m kind of thinking that he’d show a firm position against Al and Finn and kind of think his brother was taking advantage of an impressionable young boy with no father figure. He might butt heads with Al too and that’s gonna be so interesting!!!
Anyway, you’re the best author ever and you’ve made my life so much better and more fun with your writing ! I’ll never stop being a fan and if anyone ever insults you, tell me Their address so I can find and destroy them !!!
i am so sorry for how late this response is, but please know that i am so incredibly grateful for this comment/ask!! thank you so much for your sweet words, they mean more to me than you’ll ever know! ♥︎ and believe me when i say i’m right with you on that ship!! al and finney are the superior pairing!! x
omg i’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the kiss scene!! i certainly felt the pressure writing it haha, i wanted everything to be perfect and the buildup to have been worth it!
a lot of other readers have been asking for a chapter/segment written from al’s p.o.v., too, and i think it’s an absolutely brilliant idea! i’ve already formulated quite a few segments from his p.o.v. and i think it’ll be really interesting to see the nature of his feelings toward finney; especially since he is such a morally ambiguous character. and that “clean towel” move he pulled lordddd... as nice as he is and as much as he loves his boy, he can be so creepy lmao. but we all love him for it.
i knowwww, but as tempted as i am to delve straight into the smutty goodness, i have to ensure i maintain proper characterisation and an element of realism. 😩 al is absolutely feral for finney, but he has to try his hardest to suppress it so as not to overwhelm the boy or accidentally scare him off. he’s finney’s first in all matters romantic, so he’ll really take the time to teach finney how to feel good and make him feel good at a pace the boy is comfortable with.
you’re absolutely right, vance and terrence are their biggest obstacles right now. they’re both so temperamental, too, so finney and al will have to be really careful about the way they go about navigating their way out of such a tricky situation. i’ll say this on the matter, though—we definitely haven’t seen the last of vance. i can say that with indisputable certainty. and he will interact with al in a chapter or two if everything goes to plan, so their strained relationship will be sorely emphasised. they hate each other’s guts, just like you said. but i have to agree with you, it just makes their interactions/scenes together so much more interesting and tense. who doesn’t love a bit of drama haha?
terrence is a very complex and layered character, much like the others. we know what he’s doing is wrong, he knows what he’s doing is wrong, and yet he can’t seem to escape this constant loop of trying to love and protect his children but ending up abusing them instead. it’s the cycle of abuse. he means well (most of the time), but i’m with you on this one. it’s absolutely no excuse to behave the way he does, or to treat his children the way he does. by trying to protect finney and forcing him to suppress certain elements of his sexuality, he’s inadvertently driven him straight into the arms of a man older than him.
oh, don’t you worry. al hasn’t forgotten about the beating his boy had to endure...
i think the way he’ll go about resolving the issue with terrence will be the biggest headfuck. i’ve seen a lot of people theorise and try to guess what he’ll do or how he’ll handle it (which i absolutely love; i will never shut up about how much i frickin’ love getting comments/asks theorising what’s gonna happen next or how al will deal with terrence) but the way he actually does deal with it is so much more... i don’t wanna necessarily say ‘twisted’, but i will say weird. then again, al’s a weird guy, so it’s to be expected. in regards to the darker elements of his character, once again, you’re right on the money. he will absolutely utilise manipulation as a tactic to combat vance and terrence...
yep! gwen has already clocked the weirdo magician who kept staring at her brother at susie’s party, so she won’t be so easily assuaged. being a very intense and combative character, she won’t be too happy and her reaction has the potential to be quite intense, which is absolutely fair. she loves her brother beyond reason, beyond words, and would do absolutely anything to protect him.
robinnnnn!!! 😩🙏🏻♥︎♥︎♥︎ that boy has my whole heart, he’s so sweet! he’s so protective of finney it makes me sob, i love them so much.
there’s really no way of telling how he’ll find out about finney and al, nor how he’ll react. much like gwen, though, he’s a very intense character, so his reaction is bound to be ruthless. yikes. there’s a 99.99% chance he’ll start swinging at al, no questions asked hahahaha. he isn’t aware of finney’s sexual orientation as of yet, no. he might have slight suspicions, but it’s not something they’ve discussed in terrible depth. finney is so deep in the closet he might as well have stumbled into narnia lmao.
yesssssss omg max is such a loveable goofball, i wanna put him in my pocket. he has a complicated relationship with al due to their childhood (which i’ll delve into a little more in future chapters) but ultimately, they love and care about each other very much. that’s why it’s so hard for him to come to terms with the fact that his brother might be engaging in inappropriate behaviour and an entirely illegal/immoral relationship with a 16/17-year-old boy. he’s very conflicted about it. it is, most understandably, a great source of discomfort for him.
this is so sweet, oh my goodness, thank you so much!! i’m very honoured to have earned such high praise! you’ve made my entire year, i’m so grateful for you! thank you for taking the time to read rust & stardust and leaving such a beautiful comment/ask! sending much love!! xx ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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ghostwav64 · 8 months
Lowkey starting to think getting laid off was one of the best things to ever happen to me. Like it's been hard and I've cried a ton because this shit sucks and job hunting and getting rejected at interviews is hard as hell.
BUT, on the good days I'm making art, connecting more deeply with my friends, reading for fun again, making my way through Baldur's Gate 3 and getting TOUGH SHIT done.
It's reminded me how capable I am, I think being stuck in a shitty job for a long time can be really bad for your confidence and I am feeling like such a badass bitch lately. 2023, I made a lot of progress as an artist, in 2024 I'm going to make even MORE progress as an artist. Here's what some art stuff looks like for me this year:
January 26th- Exquisite Corpse dropping on Spotify, Tidal,Apple, Music,Waystar Royco Music app and more
January 31st- secret project #1 (and more in the future)
February 2nd- show at Parachigo in Fargo,ND
February 28th- as of now unannounced show in Fargo,ND End of February or March- Holiday Malaise (Short Film)
I'm also getting close to done with my next EP Crybaby on Fire. It's my best work yet imo, and I've learned a ton in the process of making it and I'm excited to share with you all when it's ready.
Once that's wrapped up I'm going to get back to work on my first album which I'm excited to finally announce will be called
The Blue Rose Tapes
It's an album that is a Twin Peaks inspired transition journey/ghost story nightmare.
An insanely talented friend of mine made the sickest fucking cover art for it check her stuff out on insta but I won't share it until the album is in a more final state, you should check out the artist's work on insta in the meantime:https://www.instagram.com/rkgcollage/, she makes the coolest collages and writes some incredible poetry and is one of my best friends in the entire world.
I feel ready, reenergized and ready to get back to working on the album after making this EP, I have a better understanding of my creation process and feel like I'll be able to take the lessons I learned there to help with the album, and I feel like I have a better idea of what the bigger vision for the album is so I can take a new approach to making it. Can't wait to share more on this in the future, I'll be posting updates and snippets along the way on all my socials.
2024 is going to be hard, but I'm going to survive, and not only am I gonna survive, I am going to live it fully, I am going to keep following my heart and my dreams, I did a lot more of that in 2023 and even though 2023 almost broke me a few times I still felt happier than I have in a very very very very long time.
This year,
I'M HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOING HARD THINGS IS WORTH IT!
IT'S GONNA BE A DANCE PARTY AT LAURA PALMER'S ALL YEAR LONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPwxCESKxeM&ab_channel=ghost_texture
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kuu-stuff · 27 days
Remnants of our memories part 5 - Review
Why does this part start like that ? I didn't need to die inside already. OMG Faye, read the room ! She's out of control now. But I guess it's better than having him cry. Poor Trout. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH not that picture of Faye holding her face and touching his lips I'm dying here !!!! Hhhh I wasn't ready for this. This is too erotic for the depressing situation. Little reminder, I wrote that around Christmas and I had to keep myself purposefully depressed to be in the optimal writing mindset.
Trout is not jumping to kiss her because they kissed many times already so he can control himself and all. He knows that he loves her and he just wants her to be happy. While she was never in love before and is pushed by her hormones and that's why she's pushing him like that. Hahaha she's so angry when he tried to argues. She's like "Oh shut up already, let's kiss more !" OMG Faye, you degenerate lol. JHFGHFSGHDFJF I can't do this, this is too much for my heart. Trout is like "Oh no, it's getting from a kiss to lewd stuff all over again!" Yeah, right, Faye is a degenerate. For him at least. Trout says "Look, I know that you're horny af but trust me that's not the moment." Is he strong enough to not fall fer her tricks ? Who knows who knows.
They already act like they knew each other for years. They're just soul mates what can I say... Also yes, he spent quite some time lecturing her on where to call and what to do to get herself out of her situation. Because since she was ready to end it all she did nothing to find herself a place to stay or to register herself anywhere and is pretty much in the street. Also he gave her money, enough to survive for a while and get all she needs to find a job and stuff. It is present time Trout's money too, but future time Trout knows that he never checks his bank account lol. Faye's like "Sorry for being depressed on main !". Ooooh Trout telling her his life meaning was to protect her and that's exactly what he does with his remaining hours. I guess he says that because living around people who die so quickly, you can only acknowledge that you will die sooner or later. And during his rather short life he started to lose hope and will to live. Only living for his work, it was his only purpose. But being with Faye made him feel like life was worth it after all. And it's sad because in the end he could never live happily ever after with her. But he's happy that he at least could do something for her.
Trout speaks too much like he's at the end of the road and Faye pick up on it. And he has to pretend like he's just tired. I guess she accept it because she already knows that he has to "leave to his home country" so it might be related, and not that he will die soon... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO they're so hopeful for each other it gives me PAIIINNNN-
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paigedarling0506 · 1 year
Ephemeral: Chapter 03
The Soloist ❁
I could not get his face off my mind.
I immediately went inside my room and ran to sit in front of my desk where my laptop was. When asked to enter a keyword to start searching, I couldn't think of any. I didn't know where to start but as I closed my eyes to try and remember his face, I started to type random words like Korean Actor and Korean Idol. I checked on the image results but none of them resembled the guy I met earlier. I drummed my fingers on my desk as I tried to think of something else. I typed Famous Celebrities in Korea. I clicked on the images tab and started scrolling down hoping I would find a familiar face. I was engrossed in what I was doing for a few seconds when Aunt Sunny called me for dinner.
Though I wanted to find out who he was so badly, I was in no position to let everyone wait. Leaving my laptop, I walked out of my room and joined Aunt Sunny's family. 
Auntie prepared a delicious dinner that night and my heart couldn't help but flutter when I saw Samgyeopsal on the table. It was one of my favorite Korean dishes. My cousin Ji Hye was already at the table with her plate full but her eyes were glued to her phone. Uncle Jinwoo usually arrived home late which explained why his seat was unoccupied at the moment. 
I sat and ate with them even though my mind started to wander somewhere else. I tried to close my eyes making sure I still remembered his face. I had to remember it. I didn't know exactly why I had to. For the first time, a stranger's face mattered to me. 
"Are you okay, Hae Won?" My aunt's voice got me startled. 
"Uh, yes Auntie," I replied briefly. "Sorry, the food was so delicious, I had to close my eyes for appreciation. " I added jokingly. 
She laughed at my remark.
"You like to eat just like your mom."
Aunt Sunny was right, my mom and I like to eat very much. Since I was young, I never said no to any food. Well, minus the extremely exotic ones of course.
After a few minutes of munching and chewing, my cousin, who was seated next to me, shrieked all of a sudden. I almost choked and had to immediately grab the glass of water in front of me. 
That's so unexpected, I thought. What's the matter?
My aunt and I looked at her in surprise. She was holding her phone and it seemed like she read or saw something that made her react that way. 
"What's wrong, Ji Hye?" I asked her when I was able to finally swallow my food. 
"It's number one!"
Her high-pitched voice almost broke my eardrums. 
"He's number one!" She answered, causing me to be more confused. "He made it!"
"Huh?" I uttered, still in the dark. 
"Eonnie, it's my favorite singer! He topped the charts!" She sounded so happy explaining. 
I nodded, finally getting what she meant. "Oh my gosh, this is so amazing. I have to tell my friends." She added as she started to type like crazy. "Ah, really this is great!"
I just looked at her not knowing how to react exactly, then at my aunt who was still eating and didn't seem to be bothered by her teenager's sudden outburst. 
"You'll get used to her Hae Won," Auntie told me when she noticed my eyes on her. 
I nodded in response with an awkward smile.
"You should listen to his songs Eonnie," Jihye turned and leaned towards me. "He has the most beautiful voice in the world, I swear. And he's also very handsome!"  The way her eyes sparkled as she told me about her favorite singer was something. She must like him to the moon and back. 
"What's his name?" I asked out of curiosity as I grabbed my phone, ready to search for her favorite singer's name.  
"By-" She stopped halfway before she started yelling. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! He's on TV!" She stood and jumped excitedly. "Mom, please let me watch his performance. I promise I'll do my homework right after." She begged breathlessly. "Please, please...please."
I checked on my aunt's reaction and for a moment there she seemed to disagree with her.  
"Please. Please. Please, Mom." Jihye begged once more. "I swear, I will study very hard after the show."
"Okay but-" My aunt was not even finished talking yet when Ji Hye sprinted out of the dining room to the living room. She looked so funny, flashing her way to the other part of the house. As a matter of fact, the house wasn't that big so, in just a matter of seconds, Ji Hye was already in front of the TV.  I chuckled at her actions. She looked adorable being an avid fan of someone like that. 
"Sometimes, I wonder where she gets her energy when it comes to her favorite singer. I just hope she has the same level when it comes to studying." I heard my Aunt.
"She's very cute Auntie," I said smiling while I watched Ji Hye panic in the living room. 
"Oh my gosh!!! He's going to sing his new song!!!" Ji Hye screamed like crazy.
"She must like him very much," I muttered.
"Well, actually Haewon...that singer's really good," Auntie said as she stood to gather the dishes on the table. "Honestly, I like him too." She smiled at me. "But never tell Ji Hye about this, okay?" 
I chuckled once more at my aunt's revelation. "Really Auntie?" My eyes grew wide as I asked her. "Wow, he must be something else then."
"He is famous for a reason. I won't be surprised if you end up liking him too."
"Now, I'm curious," I told her. "And lucky you Auntie, I am good at keeping secrets," I added making us both laugh. 
I also stood since I was finished eating too. I offered to wash the dishes but she didn't let me. 
"Why don't you go watch with Jihye. Please look after her too, I'm scared she might faint anytime he starts singing." 
I nodded laughing before I went to the living room and as I got closer, I could hear someone from the TV. It was a man's voice and I stopped on my feet when it sounded a little familiar. Did I hear that voice somewhere?
"Eonnie!!" I heard Jihye call as she signaled me to come near her. "He's about to sing."
I walked and stood right next to her in front of the huge TV. 
"Are you sure I'm going to like him?" I asked Jihye trying to tease her. 
"100%!" She replied confidently and full of enthusiasm. "Baekhyun is Perfect!"
I smiled at her before darting my eyes on the TV.  I first saw the pretty host on the screen before the camera was focused on the said guest.
His head was tilted down as he listened to what the host was saying before he...as if in slow motion, looked up to face the camera.  Right at that exact moment, I found myself swallowing hard when I finally saw who the singer Ji Hye was talking about. That very second, I had a flashback of what happened this afternoon. Especially the part where I saw his bare face.
OH MY GOD. I could see the exact same face on TV. His black hair was down covering some parts of his eyes. He was seated on the couch with a white mic in his hand. He was wearing a white button-down long-sleeved top, black pants, and white sneakers.
"Baekhyun, would you please sing a song for us?" The host asked. 
He smiled and nodded at her before standing up and heading to the other part of the set where a big, black piano was. I held my breath realizing that he was going to play the piano. I've always liked guys who could play the piano. But this information is irrelevant right now.  
"Oh my gosh, Eonnie! He's going to play the piano!!" Ji Hye shrieked once more. "It's been a while since we last saw him play it." I didn't really have the chance to reply anymore when he started to play. My heart hammered the moment he started to sing. Oh goooood. Ji Hye was right. He has a very good voice. His voice color, I didn't think I had heard something that beautiful. He's got the voice that made me close my eyes instantly for me to acknowledge the tug at my heartstrings. He was singing a sad ballad song. He was singing a love song and his facial expressions caught me speechless. He wasn't just singing, he was telling a story. There's desperation, guilt, and pain present in his voice. It sounded so emotional. His beautiful falsettos and even his lower register, ugh...I was not okay. 
"Eonnie, I'm going to cry! He's really handsome!!"
Yes, Ji Hye was right. He was handsome.To the point that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was he really the same guy? Was it him up there? It made my stomach churn as I dwell on the thought that I almost killed him this afternoon. That he almost fell off the cliff earlier. Then, as if what I was seeing wasn't enough to make me anxious, the camera zoomed in on his pretty hands as they played with the piano keys.  His slender, delicate fingers danced over the keys. 
His bleeding hand. 
"Oh god!" I gasped, a hand covering my mouth, causing my cousin to look at me. 
"I told you Eonnie, he's really good! He's good, right? Right?!" She exclaimed, unaware of what I had in mind. 
I nodded in response nonetheless. 
When his performance ended, Ji Hye clapped her hands so hard. Mine, on the other hand, went stiff, and my knees somehow weakened. I slowly sat on the sofa right behind us. The remaining part of the show was purely him answering questions about his new EP and the possible tours in the future. He kept on smiling and his bright personality was noticeable. His speaking voice was really good too.  He knew what he was doing. The way he answered each question thrown at him and the way he communicated with the viewers. He talked with sense and he seemed to have a pretty sexy mind. He also made a few jokes which made the host and the live audience laugh. I would have laughed too if I wasn't so tense. 
The show ended and I still kept on thinking of a valid reason why he was up there at the old hiking place earlier.
What was someone as famous as him doing in this town? 
"What's his name again?" I asked absent-mindedly.   
"Baekhyun." Ji Hye replied immediately. "Byun Baekhyun!"
"Byun Baekhyun." I let his name roll on my tongue for the first time.
I thought about this particular scene earlier when he said that he hoped I wouldn't find out who he was. This explained the black bucket hat that covered his face. The way he turned both cautious and conscious after I saw his face. 
"Is he really famous?" I voiced out. 
Jihye nodded enthusiastically, a wide smile plastered on her pretty face. 
"Very very VERY famous. He's Korea's top male singer Eonnie. He has so many songs and collaborations and all of them always hit the top spot. He has won many awards and he's not just famous here in Korea but also abroad." She explained, almost breathless. 
Jihye nodded once more which made me swallow. 
Did I just meet someone that famous? But how did that happen?
"My dream is to attend his concert someday. My mom won't let me now, so I told myself after I graduate High School, I will look for a part-time job to earn money for my concert tickets." She said eagerly, determination visible on her face. 
"Have...have you ever seen him in person?" I asked her again.
I didn't know why I had to ask her that. I couldn't be the only one who saw him in person in this town. 
"No." She pouted in frustration. "He must be very handsome in person."  I recalled his handsome face this afternoon. 
"Yes, very," I replied, not realizing that I was thinking out loud.
"What?! Eonnie! You haven't seen him in person, right? Did he perhaps have a concert in Australia?"
"Ah, no no no, I haven't seen him yet." I denied it right away. "I haven't heard of him when I was in Australia too." I went on, panicking while I shook my hands in front of her to support my denial. 
"Ahhh." Ji Hye muttered. "That's right."
She looked skeptical for a second which got me a little worried. 
"Anyway Eonnie, you should give his songs a listen. You will surely love his voice-"
Ji Hye's sentence was cut when Auntie appeared in the living room with us. She reminded her to start doing her homework. I saw how my cousin's shoulders slumped as she stood to go to her room.
"Are you going to continue watching TV, Hae won?" Auntie asked, about to give me the remote.
"No Auntie, I'm going to my room now," I answered. "Have a good night," I told her before leaving. 
I typed and after a few seconds, I was bombarded with everything about him. Articles, photos, and videos. Clicking on the images tab, I couldn't help but be amazed by his visuals. He has tried several hair colors before like all shades of brown and even silver. He all looked good in those hair colors but I had come to agree that black was his best color. He had the most beautiful brown eyes which automatically turned into crescents when he smiles. His eye smiles were one of the most breathtaking ones I have ever seen. He has a button nose and a pair of incredibly thin lips. His smile---this person even has the most beautiful teeth. Was he for real? 
Yes, he was real. I even saw him. I told myself. 
I clicked on his information. 
SINGER  South Korea MAY 06 1992, 30 years old. 
Below was a list of his songs and projects. I was too curious to resist watching his music videos and realized that he could do any genre. This man was versatile enough but ballad, Rnb and pop stood out the best for him. I said I was only going to watch a few videos more. Actually, maybe I watched a little too much because I decided to stop at 2 AM. 
I was on my bed facing the ceiling. 
Should I consider myself lucky for a real-life encounter with a Byun Baekhyun? 
Was that a good thing?
I didn't know but there was one thing I was sure of, I should not tell anyone about this. I didn't know why but my encounter with him seemed too personal for me to share. Aware that he was a celebrity and that he probably had so many fans, especially my cousin, I felt somehow responsible.
"I just really hope he doesn't sue me." 
I heard myself saying before I closed my tired eyes and let myself sleep that night. *.☽.*
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yunihon-aa · 6 years
" how about we get you a spiffy leather jacket a little like mines? would you like that, angel? "
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              ERI     WASN’T     IGNORANT.       eri     knew     she     was     living     with     a     bunch     of     criminals     and     that     they     had     to     do     terrible     things,     but     at     least     in     front     of     her     the     members     seemed     nice.     even     though     dabi     said     to     not     hang     out     with     them     without     him     being     there,     which     confused     her.     but     she     never     asked     why,     overhaul     taught     her     just     to     accept     things.     she     was     playing     with     a     stuffed     animal     he     got     for     her,     he     was     thinking     of     something,     and     she     eventually     knew     what     it     was     when     his     question     came     out     kind   of     randomly.     but     she     wasn’t     disappointed     in     the     slightest     ❛          YES——     !          ❜     she     always     wanted     to     look     as     cool     as     dabi     but    never    said    anything    due    to    her    anxiety.   ❛          I    WOULD    BE    HONORED———    if    you    would    liked    to    match    with    me     dad.     .     .           ❜    she    put    on    her    pink    sunglasses    she    got    for    when    it    was    too    bright    because    she    looked    cool    in    them.
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mingiswow · 3 years
SKZ | They comfort you after a nightmare
Genre: Angst, fluff, slice of life
Warnings: mentions of cheating, death, and kidnapping, some curse words probably, some of the boys are older in their reactions. If I forgot anything let me know
⚠ English is not my first language, so sorry if there's any mistake, corrections are always welcomed.
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➥ chan
It was rare the occasions where you went to the dorm, it was usually Chan who went to your house. Right then you were currently laid on the sofa of his studio, sleeping while he finished some songs. You started sweating, your body moving around uncomfortably, your breathing becoming erratic. “Y/N? Y/N! Babe… wake up. Babe, wake up!” your boyfriend started to shake you lightly, waking you up from the nightmare.
You looked around, grounding yourself and realizing where you were. Immediately you hugged the man in front of you. “Had a nightmare?”.
“You had left me because I was a waste of your time and you told me I was not good enough for you” you answered, not taking your head from his neck, a few tears leaving your eyes. “Hey! Don’t you dare think I’ll ever say those things to you! To think I’d think like that, okay? You are the most precious person in my life. Hell! I’d die to ever think about hurting you” his calloused thumb ever so gently caressing your cheek, wiping your tears.
You nodded. Kissing his lips. “C’mon. Let’s go home, aight? I’ll tuck us like a burrito and cuddle you all night and tell you how much I love you”.
“You’re cringe, Bang Chan”
“But you love me like that”.
➥ lee know
You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him. It was your boyfriend kissing another girl right in front of you. You didn’t have a reaction, all you could do was cry. You fell to your knees, tears falling heavily from your eyes. Suddenly a hole opened on your feet and you fell into it like Alice fell into the rabbit hole.
Your body jolted from the bed, a silent scream leaving your mouth. “Y/N? Are you okay?” the raspy morning voice from your boyfriend sounded beside you, his hand caressing your back. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“You were cheating on me” you turned to look at him, his shirtless frame still lazily laid on the bed, a lazy smile on his lips. “You’re so cute when you’re pouty, you know?” he pulled you back on the bed, caging you on his arms, the warmth of his body soothing your own. “I love you, Y/N. Cheating you is the last thing I'd do to you. Now go back to sleep, and have wet dreams with me”.
“Lino-yah!” he giggled at your blushed form, kissing your lips before, bringing you back to his chest, and playing with your hair until you fell asleep.
➥ changbin
The warmth of his hand felt so comfortable against your cold ones. The snow was falling from the sky while you and your boyfriend decided to take a walk since everyone was in the comfort of their home, no one would see you.
But just as you turned a corner there they were, the paparazzi, the fansites, seasangs. Everyone was taking pictures of you two. Flashes got mixed with screams and you could barely see anything in front of you. You started calling your boyfriend’s name but with no answer.
And then you were naked. Naked in the cold winter air while everyone took pictures and laughed at you. “Changbin! Changbin! Changbin! CHANGBIN!”
“Babe… wake up. Y/N, love. I’m here. I’m here” the scene suddenly started to fade in your mind and you got back to your bedroom. The dim light coming from the bedside lamp barely illuminating your boyfriend, his broad silhouette being distinguished before he engulfed you in a hug. "’s okay. I’m here now, I’m not going anywhere”.
“They caught us, they were taking pictures” you whispered on his chest, feeling the way his body hugged you. “I don’t want to lose you” you felt his fingers start to caress your hair, giving you warmth and reassurance.
“Sh… You won’t lose me, okay? I’m here with you, no one will get us. And if they get I don’t fucking care. You’re my girlfriend and I love you. ‘Kay?” you nodded, laying your head on the pillow again, Changbin spooning you. “I love you too, Bin”
➥ Hyunjin
You fell asleep while watching your boyfriend practice the dance routine over and over again, the sound of his shoes rubbing and stepping on the floor flooding your ears and intoxicating your brains. The sound kept getting louder and louder as you opened your eyes and a giant version of your boyfriend was destroying the town with his dance moves.
You started to scream his name, trying to get his attention with no success. You decided the best way was to approach him like Ann Darrow did with King Kong. But when you tried to get to him, his left foot raised in the air and stepped on you, squashing you like in the cartoons.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHH” you lifted your head fast from the ground, hitting Hyunjin’s head.
“Ouch!” he rubbed his head laughing a little bit. “Please don’t try to kill me, I’m just trying to help you here” he looked at you, a playful smile on his lips. “You just took a nap and had a nightmare?” you nodded.
“You had transformed into this giant dancer that was destroying the town and squished me dead” he laughed at your pout. “Ok, Let’s go home miss damsel in distress. It’s getting late anyway” he helped you to get up from the floor, giving him a hug and a peck on his nose.
“For a giant, you are pretty cute and soft” he laughed at your comment, shaking his head and grabbing his stuff.
➥ Jisung
“I didn't do anything” you started crying, still not knowing why he was screaming at you. “Please tell me what I did. I…”
“Stop playing dumb! You know what you did!” Jisung kept screaming at you while your tears kept falling from your eyes, a pool starting to form on your feet. In mere seconds you were drowning in your own tears, the air becoming scarce as you forgot how to breathe.
You woke up scared, shaking, crying, barely breathing. You looked at the empty spot in your shared bed, the fear starting to build in your chest again. Slowly you got out of bed, searching for your boyfriend and finding him in the kitchen, sneakily eating ice cream. “Oh… Hi babes” the guilty smile on his lips made you breathe more normally, you weren’t stuck in your nightmare anymore. “You okay?” he asked, handing you another spoon so you could join him.
“Had a nightmare. You were screaming with me and calling me names” you put the spoon in your mouth, pouting as you spoke and ate. “When I woke up you weren’t there. Got scared” he grabbed your cheeks and kissed your lips and forehead, wrapping you in a hug after.
“Sorry I wasn’t there, I woke up craving some ice cream” he laughed at himself. “But I’m here now, and I’ll never call you anything but sweet and cheesy words of love, ok?” you nodded, scenting his cologne on his neck. “Want more ice cream or cuddles to sleep?”
“Cuddles” you answered, smiling at him once you left his neck. “Your wish is my command ma’am” he hugged you from behind, guiding you two back to the bedroom between giggles and laughs.
➥ felix
“Y/N! Wake up. Are you listening?” your eyes widened open when you heard your husband’s voice. “It’s okay. I got you” he hugged you tight, caressing your back. “It’s just a nightmare, it’s normal”
“I was so scared it was real” you cried on his chest. The pregnancy screwing with your hormones. “They had taken the baby from us. They had stolen from us” the tears kept staining his pajama shirt. “Sh… Y/N, the baby is here, no one will take them from us” he left your embrace and held your face.
Wiping away your tears, he kissed you gently, his hands caressing the little bump starting to grow in your belly. “It was just a nightmare. They are right here, inside your beautiful body, full of love from their mommy and daddy, ok?” you nodded, looking at his hand. “I love you” he kissed your lips “this is our little family”.
You nodded, the sad tears turning into happy ones with the amount of love and joy your husband gave to you. “I love you too, Lixie”.
➥ seungmin
You ran like your life depended on it. Because it did. You screamed for Seungmin as you tried to run away from your evil clone, the wicked face looked so much like you but at the same time so different. You stopped suddenly when you hit on something.
“Oh thank God it’s you Seugmin! Please tak- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH” you screamed at the top of your lungs when you felt him hit your chest with a knife.
“Y/N! What happened?” the boy by your side woke up with your scream, scared something bad might have happened to you.
“We shouldn’t have watched that movie” you hid your face in his neck, hugging his body and crying a little while he giggled at you. “Stop! It was scary! I was trying to get me and you were the one who hurt me” you pouted looking at the man, trying to do a puppy face.
“I told you we should not watch horror movies, you always get scared” he patted your head, kissing the top of it before bringing you both back to your lying position, hugging you tight to his chest. “And if I dare to hurt you one day, I will let you take revenge”.
➥ jeongin
You looked over at the people at your wedding reception, everyone having fun on the dance floor, your feet too hurt to actually move any longer. You watched as yours and Jeongin’s family got along, smiling at yourself for being so lucky.
Then your eyes landed on your now-husband and how he happily spoke to one of your cousins when he whispered in her ear, the woman giggling and nodding, her hands lingering a little too long on his arms, her long nails almost entering the fabric as she squeezed the place.
Tears started to fall from your eyes as you watched the scene unfold in front of your eyes and then you started running away from the place, from everyone. You could only hear the faint screams of your name by your husband. “Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! WAKE UP!”
Your eyes finally shot open, the place slowly starting to be visible in silhouettes by your eyes, the darkness of your bedroom embracing you. “Are you okay, sweetie?” the voice of your fiance sounding worried by your side. “Did you have a nightmare?” you nodded and hugged him.
“You and my cousin were flirting at our wedding and… and” you hiccuped the words as he soothed you.
“Y/N, I’d never do that. Do you hear me? You are my best friend, my lover, my partner,ever and the love of my life. I would never even do anything like that to hurt you”
“Promise?” you looked at him, not much being visible in the darkness. He nodded, whispering a soft promise against your lips, making your worries go away.
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jess-p-edits · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!! ❤️❤️
I’ll restrain myself from asking you to talk about every single character in HOM because I love them that much and go with one I don’t know a lot about yet. (leaving the ones about Krieve’s courting later hehe)
What is up with this immortal Queen? What kind of personality she is, what kind of relationship she has with the others? What the other characters think about her and what she thinks about Jaisse? Also, if it’s not too spoilery, what was her motivation to make herself immortal through the Hour?
Please gush as much as you want!! ❤️
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Timiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Blorbo Blursday!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the ask!!! I always get so giddy about your excitement!!!! I'm touched!!!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️The queen is definitely a fascinating character to talk about!!! Not all good, not bad, just very complicated!
Okay, so the queen!!!! Before the Hour, 100 years ago, Camile (name still pending, not sure if it totally fits the character even if I like the name itself) was a solider in the Correlaine army (back when they had a tranditional army before they had to put all their marital prowess into...you know...fighting monsters once the Hour happened). She was very dutiful, very caring, and lived to protect the ones she loved.
Then the Hour happened, in all its abruptness. Amid the chaos, when she was able to quickly piece together that OH! MAGIC?? REAL MAGIC??? IS A THING NOW???? She realized that the number one way she would want to suddenly use these divine(????) powers is to make it so that she could be strong enough to protect others, to be able to not fear putting her life on the line in defense of the weak! Most people who were able to grasp magic during the Hour weren't able to use it in the exact, specific way to make yourself permanently immortal, so that drive to protect others indefinitely is what really made it "work". (The magic during the Hour was more or less limitless, but very finicky in how it manifested if you tried to will into reality something especially big or powerful!)
During the events of the novel, 100 years later, she's been elected queen for about uhhhhh 50 years now? She's incredibly popular with her people (hence why she keeps getting elected), and still cares very much for her land. She has the commitment, care, and experience to be a great leader, supported of course by her elected advisors.
Because of her long-livedness, however, she is beginning to somewhat lose touch with individuals, looking mostly towards the long term rather than the short term (and for her, the "short term" could count for like....an entire normal lifetime). She's definitely not dismissive nor does she deliberately dehumanize others; it's simply a side effect of one being alive for that long and seeing time stretched out before you. She's met (and lost) so many people. After the Hour and with advances in magic every day, she's seen civilization change (and continue to change) at a rapid pace, so it's hard for her to stay "in the moment" at all times. Her family certainly loves her, and she loves them and does her best to keep track of them as individuals, but there is always that weird tension as she's been, and will be, around for her children's entire life, but they are only in a fraction of her own.
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