#⊰  壊理    ───     ❛     unsaved  verse
yunihon-aa · 5 years
" your hair keeps covering your adorable face, maybe it's time we get you a hair cut and a new dress. would you like that, Eri? "
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               ❛          CUT    MY    HAIR———    is    that    safe    ?          ❜    her    hair    as    only    grown,    she    never    shorten    it    in    her    life,    so    of    course    she    was    nervous    hearing    it.    she    looked    at    her    white    locks,    brushing    it    was    a    pain    and    it    did    cover    her    eyes    pretty    easily.    so    she    can    see    why    shortening    it    is    a    good    idea,    she    was    just    so    easily    scared    of    sharp    objects    getting    close    to    her.   
               ❛           ALSO——    do    we    have    enough    money    for    a    new    dress,    i    see    that    you    guys    are    running    low    and    wouldn’t    want    to    be    a    bother.    .    .           ❜
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yunihon-aa · 5 years
This is not on. I'm supposed to be the cute one in the League.
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                ❛          I’M    SORRY——    but    honestly    you    will    still    be    the    cute    one    here    !    i’m    not    even    that    cute.    .    .    at    least    that’s    what    overhaul    told    me.          ❜
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yunihon-aa · 6 years
" how about we get you a spiffy leather jacket a little like mines? would you like that, angel? "
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              ERI     WASN’T     IGNORANT.       eri     knew     she     was     living     with     a     bunch     of     criminals     and     that     they     had     to     do     terrible     things,     but     at     least     in     front     of     her     the     members     seemed     nice.     even     though     dabi     said     to     not     hang     out     with     them     without     him     being     there,     which     confused     her.     but     she     never     asked     why,     overhaul     taught     her     just     to     accept     things.     she     was     playing     with     a     stuffed     animal     he     got     for     her,     he     was     thinking     of     something,     and     she     eventually     knew     what     it     was     when     his     question     came     out     kind   of     randomly.     but     she     wasn’t     disappointed     in     the     slightest     ❛          YES——     !          ❜     she     always     wanted     to     look     as     cool     as     dabi     but    never    said    anything    due    to    her    anxiety.   ❛          I    WOULD    BE    HONORED———    if    you    would    liked    to    match    with    me     dad.     .     .           ❜    she    put    on    her    pink    sunglasses    she    got    for    when    it    was    too    bright    because    she    looked    cool    in    them.
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yunihon-aa · 6 years
" you might be too young to understand this just yet, but I owe a lot to you. you may think it is me who is saving you, but really it is you saving me. I've done terrible things that you should never be proud of, that all changed when I started looking out for you. it is you who brings out the good that is still left in me, you're a real angel disguised as a blessing. "
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                ❛     EVERYONE DOES TERRIBLE THINGS.   .   .     ❜  she held no innocence to that, on the thought of that she has done worse than what most people will ever do she took away some else’s life. even if she didn’t mean to, the blood was still on her hands. but she knew what he was talking about, she was with villians, these people had to do bad things in order to survive. the place they lived was in terrible condition which means they have to do worse things just to put food on the table and with her being their, they had to do more work. if anything she was just a hindrance to them. luckily for them she knew how to behave and didn’t need to be watched over twenty four seven.  
               ❛     everyone has a soft part of them.   .   .  some are just more well hidden than others.     ❜  that was her innocence talking. she wanted to desperately believe that even someone like overhaul had a soft heart within him and that he only showed his cruel side towards her because she was the scum that killed his friend. she almost didn’t say it, thinking that he would believe she was dumb for having that childish hope, she knew the world was a cruel place, even her own body wanted her dead. she looked up at him and shook her head in response to his last part of his speech.
              ❛     you don’t own me anything because i’m no angel. please never think that way, we’ve saved each other, in a way, because without you i would o of been with people and in a world i have no understanding of. and being here with you, is home. you make sure i eat and have a bed to sleep with at night. i wouldn’t be alive if you didn’t care for me. you’ve also saved me, in another way. i don’t know what to call it, but you help me when im scared for no reason, or when i wake up in the middle of the night. you’ve done much more for me than i could ever do to you.     ❜
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yunihon-aa · 5 years
" you're gonna hear people say a lot of stuff about me, especially on tv. a lot of bad things, and yes... a lot of them true. I'm not an innocent man, eri, but I'll do everything I can to protect you. "
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              ❛          I   KNOW   THAT———   !   BUT   I   DON’T   CARE.          ❜   eri   knew   what   they   did   wasn’t   good   in   the   slightest.   after   all   the   heroes   are   claiming   that   they   kidnapped   her.   the   normally   timid   girl   yelled   for   the   first   time   since   she   got   there,   tears   quickly   forming   and   falling   as   she   grabbed   his   leg   in   a   hug.   ❛          I’M   SORRY——   but   i   know   you’ve   done   evil   things,   but   sometimes   good   people   have   to   do   bad   things.   right   ?          ❜   she   continued   to   sob,   holding   him   tighter.   if   his   words   was   true,   eri   knew   that   one   day   she   was   going   to   return   to   the   heroes,   to   protect   her.   and   that   thought   alone   scared   her.   
             ❛          DAD———   i   don’t   care   for   what   you   do.   .   .   i   love   you.   .   .          ❜   the   world   was   cruel.
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yunihon-aa · 6 years
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what do you even like. jolly ranchers. lollipops. just make sure you COUNT how much you get from dabi  //  @dusthold
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              ❛     DABI GOT ME A LOT THOUGH.  .  .     ❜  she then looked down in response to her next comment.  ❛     and i don’t know how to count.  .  .     ❜  he was trying to win her but he made her sad. help dabi (  @sickbrn​  )
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yunihon-aa · 5 years
“Why aren’t you eating?”
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               HIS     WORDS     STUNG———  and eri didn’t know how to respond, even though his words were concerned with her well being she couldn’t help but believe that he was angry towards her. he raised her hand towards her face in defense, but she knew that it didn’t matter, if he got too annoyed with her he could make her disappear into ash with a touch.   just     like     her. quirks were scary and when people are afraid they behave in ways that they don’t normally do, her birth mother was afraid of her, and so she was sent to be taken under overhaul’s care,     if     you     could     even     call     it     that. and was forced to go under years and years of abuse and neglect. she wasn’t used of eating more than one meal a day and those where the days she was lucky. if she started to be malnutrition from the lack of eating he would kill her and reset her so to have someone care for her and have her eat often. she mentally and physically cannot do it.  ❛     I’M SORRY—   i guess after two years of barely eating.   .   . i’m not used of eating often and it makes my stomach hurt. i hope i’m not wasting food.   .   .     ❜
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