I had to create an account to follow the blogs I like.Aroace lesbian|MADD|exmormon|18|Witch|Pisces|IndianaExclusionists and TERFS go the fuck away
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If you're reading this, please I BEG YOU TO REBLOG! my country Honduras was completely destroyed by hurricane eta. The night of November 5 the Sula valley was severely flooded by the overflows of various rivers, there are approximately 4 cities completely underwater and numerous small villages i can't even count. Even the airport of my city San Pedro Sula is underwater. Aproximately 300,000 families lost everything they had, there are hundres of people going missing, our social medias are flooded with posts of people desperately searching for their family members since communication has been lost due to the floods and lanslides on roads. And almost 200 people have been found dead including drowned kids. Our indigenous people have lost all of their crops they live of. They have nothing left and up to this day there's still people trapped in the roofs of their homes waiting to be rescued. The government has abandoned us ever since covid came into our country. And literally we have no one, it's only us helping each other with what we have. Hundreds of hondurans have shown their golden heart by providing shelter to those who have nowhere to go and lost everything, you have no idea how much i've cried seeing how with the little we have, we've tried to help the most. This is a third world contry, victims of a narco state and a corrupted government, we have gone through so much, fought for too long for the justice we have never gotten. So please, spread awareness, i beg you to do so.
My dear friend Natalia @zeldatrickers is fundraising, shes buying essentials to donate to shelters, if you can, please consider donating through PayPal. Also, here's a twt link with a thread of links to donate.

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okay so i was telling my girlfriend about adhd and how it works with time and this was her response 😂😂 (for context it takes her 1-2 hours when she comes home to take a shower or whatnot)
also who absolutely HATES it when there’s a new update for iphones because now my camera roll doesn’t look the same and i wanna reverse it
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Dif anon I would like tips on food to keep in storage in a car for about 4 days. I was thinking a couple premise pb+j but not sure what else. No dietary restrictions or anything, just not sure what would be filling enough that wouldn’t have to supplement with gas station food. Thanks so much!
Since you both are asking about ‘Long Term Car Meals’ , I’ll put it all here.
Peanut Butter and Jelly can both be kept at room temperature. Bread... does go bad faster when left in a hot car, but a few days should be fine.
I used to put some Peanut Butter and Jelly into a plastic bag. When it’s time to make a sandwich, tear the corner of the bag(s) and squeeze your PB&J onto the bread, for fresh non-soggy sandwich!
Then just like, paperclip or clamp the torn tip to save the rest for later. (Or avoid the baggies and buy squeezable containers in the first place)
Also: Bags of precooked meat, like tuna or shredded chicken. They’re sterile until opened.
Commercially produced mayonnaise, as opposed to the homemade version, does not need to be refrigerated. It’s high in salt and acid, which both are enough to kill bacteria. I’d get the squeeze bottle instead of the open jar, so there’s less mess.
Mustard also doesn’t need refrigeration - just give it a good shake before using to mix the water back in (It’ll separate out faster when warm)
Just tear open the tuna bag, dump in some mayo + mustard, mix it up and eat out of the bag or spread it on bread.
If you are living in your car - If you have a sun-reflector for your windshield, you can put an unopened can of soup or canned chili between the glass and the metallic reflector. On a sunny day with a few hours, the can’ll be so hot you have to let it cool down to avoid burning your hands.
(Throw in some smashed-up fritos and it’s pretty tasty)
Carrots can last for quite some time at room temperature.
Whole Apples, Oranges, Clemintines, Pears... Broccoli, Bell peppers... Raisins or other dried fruit.
Any sort of canned fruit or fruit cups. V8 in single cans (Veggies and fruits are often overlooked in car life, but long-term vitamin/mineral deficiencies can fuck you up good, so remember to include veggies in your diet!)
Sunflower seeds are very cheap, and provide a ton of good fat AND a distracting new habit to chew the shells off them~
Hard cheeses, like Parmesan, Romano, Chedder, Swiss, Provolone - they’ll have a weird change in texture if it gets hot, but should be able to last a few days. Cheese sticks.
Hard salami, crackers. Pepperoni, Velveta cheese keeps for a long while without refrigeration.
Pasta sauce can generally be left at room temperature for 2-5 days (as long as you don’t leave the top open for long)
Most gas stations are chill to let you use their microwave if you also top off your car, or buy some water while you’re there.
Access to a microwave every once in a while also opens up canned foods like canned baked beans, soups, and so on.
When living out of a car, lack of access to fresh cooked ‘Nice’ food can really kill morale.
Instead of a gas station (Everything edible is overpriced by 2-3x!) I’d recommend going to a local grocery deli section and checking out their pre-cooked foods. You can often find single servings of freshly made and still-hot fried chicken, seasoned potato fries, crispy cold cole slaws, and pot pies for cheaper than the gas station equivalent.
Sitting down with a fork at a table and heating freshly made food... it hits different. As much as you can, try to take your food out of your car and find tables/benches to eat at, for the sake of mental health.
If there IS a grocery with a deli nearby, you can also ask for a super-small amount of meat and cheese from their deli and make your own sandwich.
‘Can I have like, 2 thin slices of that turkey, and 1 thick slice of this cheese’ - they charge you by weight, so it won’t cost much at all. Head back to your car with your baggie of maple-roasted turkey, black-forest ham or horseradish swiss, and enjoy your flavors~
If you ARE living out of your car, and you don’t have a heat source, that’s the first thing I’d aim to get.
You can find a Single-Burner butane stove for about $36 and 12 butane refills for $15. It opens up a shitload of food choices, improves morale, and increases your food safety.
Source: Worked at a homeless shelter cafeteria for a while, and the folks were happy to compare their creative food solutions.
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Have people lost their minds completely???
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what people think lesbians do in the locker room:

what they actually do:

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Banners to shut up idiots with white fragility

No credit needed, just please reblog so others can see
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when people tell you their theories about your fic

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Inuit children at boarding school. The sign on the wall behind them reads, “Please do not speak Eskimo.” (1914)
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i went looking for the comic that the reaction image is from and i am not disappointed
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my biggest issue with the representation of south asian women is that them being smart, hardworking, overachievers etc etc is presented as "conforming to expectations" and dating, alcohol, drugs, etc activities that openly offend their parents are framed as transgressive, feminist, empowering etc.
which is honestly such a white take. the vast majority of brown girls and women don't do things that openly offend their family not because they're meek and oppressed, but because it's stupid. if you're brown and you have premarital sex, and you smoke, and you drink alcohol, your freedoms will be curtailed and you will have nothing to show for it.
so they learn very early that being a nose to the books straight-A nerd is the way to go. a good report card and prestigious colleges make your family get off your back and also pave the way for you to have enough financial stability to MOVE OUT of your family home and live your life. brown girls learn this very early. most brown girls I know, the stereotypical "good girls'" with the best grades and the yes papaji personalities are playing the long game, to get out of their toxic home environments and establish a stable career. you spend your highschool years rebelling and then what? your family doesn't let you go to an out of state/abroad university (IF you manage to get in), and then marries you off. this is a calculation brown girls make when they're young and act accordingly.
these girls and women know what they're doing, they know how to best improve their lives and achieve their goals in the environment they were born in. they don't need to be liberated by a white girl teaching them how to party.
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so i know there’s a lot going on in the world right now, and i think lgbtq rights were kind of lost in the chaos. recently my friend from Bangladesh found out he was gay...since then he’s been sending me messages about how hard it will be for him to live in a country where the entire lgbtq community is hated.
i don’t even know what to say i’m just so fucking angry that he has to talk about pretending to be straight so he won’t be stoned to death. like it’s 2020 and we’re still stoning people for being gay?
he even refuses to question his gender identity even though he’s sure he’s not cis because it puts him more at risk.
anyway, here’s an lgbtq group specifically for gay men in Bangladesh for you to donate to or explore.
and here is a small thing i put together. in under 24 hours, these are only some of the texts that i received from him.
if you could spread this around that’d be great, because honestly i’m so fucking sick of us having to hide.

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Facebook ads designing an outfit for me ☺️
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my friends girlfriend was very close to where the bond went off and we’re so glad she’s safe. her friend wasn’t so lucky, unfortunately.

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oh to live in the treasure planet universe
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no more ace discourse, only ace disco now. dance on them haters
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