artystaroc · 1 month
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Eyy, lookit that! Some silly guys!
God, I love how colorful these character designs are! I had to draw Eddie first, since he's my favorite. And for some reason I was just itching to draw Howdy. Idk, like, he terrifies me with all his extra limbs but he was surprisingly fun to figure out (well, half fun, i drew his apron like this on purpose haha). I definitely wanna draw all the neighbors eventually, and I think this was a good start!
(bonus drafts of me figuring out the bug man below the cut 'cause i did way more than i needed to)
Here's me figuring out this pose before I drew the shirt lol
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And here's me coming up with the quadruple arm anatomy... for this Puppet man XD
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Do you see the vision
I definitely did way more than I needed to but my brain demanded the structure, so... here we are!
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starrayblogs · 1 year
i think a lot about the lmk animatics 'history has its eyes on you' by munkiey and 'warrior of the mind' by spoop like
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mangomybeloved · 3 months
i hate to say it, like i love watcher, but my thoughts on them leaving youtube is this is too much too soon, like the bulk of their fans are probs younger/unable to afford another subscription fee, plus youtube has always been where they've been?? it's just so stark to go from this being the site you put your content on for years and then to go full cold turkey, no more posting on youtube ever
and i'll be honest, they don't have enough content to warrant a separate site/subscription all together. dropout is able to pull it off because they have the full rotation of shows and cast as well (dnd, game changer, etc), whereas for watcher, they only have a few couple really successful shows and those are primarily only focused on ryan and shane.
and tbh, i don't think they have a big enough audience to launch it either, like their marketing team could do better on advertising their shows! like, i haven't been keeping up with their recent shows cause either i don't see it on my youtube algorithm at all or i have to go out of my way to go see it.
and i don't know this just feels like a kick to the face to their fans, like even dropout has shorts on youtube and keeps up all their content on youtube like some episodes and the entirety of season one of fantasy high, and now i'm seeing in the comments, that their international fans outside of the usa won't even able to subscribe cause of how payment works which is :///, so yeah, watcher, it's been nice knowing ya, but i don't know how this move will turn out for you, i'm sorry to say
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
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leo honey please dont glare at the camera like that ur scaring people
gettin ready to fling these guys into the multiverse!! (aka the @tmntbestsibscompetiton )
edit: AH WAIT ALSO thank u sm to @/uncannyalien for the id card formats!!
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98chao · 10 months
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thing from earlier this month
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imaredshirt · 3 months
It made sense, McCoy thought in a daze, that after all the times beings with telepathic abilities had messed around in his head, something would get left behind.
He doesn't realize it at first. Chalks it up to being a people person, having dealt with enough personal and professional relationships as both a civilian and a physician to just know what a person is thinking and feeling. That's all it is.
Until he's working alone with Spock one night, both bent over microscopes in the lab, and he hears Spock say something quietly, with perhaps a triffle more emotion than he's used to hearing from the Vulcan - "This organism may take longer to classify than I had originally thought. Leonard will be sharing the lab with me for sometime, then. I . . . am not averse to this outcome."
"First of all," McCoy says, having perked up at the sound of his first name - not something Spock often addresses him as while on duty. "Kinda rude to talk about a man as if he's not in the same room, just a few feet away. Second of all-" and he turns, grinning at Spock’s slightly startled expression and raised eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure you just said you're enjoying my company."
The startled expression doesn't disappear. "I beg your pardon?"
"Now Mr. Spock, if you think I'm gonna let you take back what you just said-"
"Doctor," Spock says, clasping his hands behind his back and watching McCoy now with an expression more curious than anything else. "I did not say anything."
McCoy's smile falters. He feels an inkling of worry and growing curiosity not his own - he knows, somehow, that it's coming from Spock. It's then he realizes that his ability to pinpoint a person's thoughts and emotions - something that has seemed to grow stronger over the past few weeks - is not just due to his affinity as a people person.
Somewhere along the way, a telepathic being messed around in his head - and left some of their ability behind.
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The ''Are you trying to romance me?'' meme but with Barnaby and Howdy
i belted this out in like a half hour flat <3 bc Yes
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desire-mona · 2 months
idk guys its just that theyre looking at 3 different cameras and it is making me laugh rly hard rn
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comradekatara · 1 year
katara will see an elder, any elder, and be like “is anyone gonna respect them” and not wait for an answer. sokka could be like “katara they are literally stealing candy from babies right now,” but if they are above a certain age she does not care, in fact she is like “sokka how could you even say that!! the audacity!! that is a respected member of the community!!!!” like the closest she comes to realizing someone old sucks actually is with pakku, and even then she is inexplicably happy to find out that he’s gonna be her step-grandpa. meanwhile zuko sees literally any old person and is immediately like “ew i didn’t know raisins could talk”
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who will i become
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casualavocados · 19 days
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We agreed that I'm in charge of the bars. But you come here all the time to watch me. How am I supposed to lead my people? Use your head, okay? Suit yourself.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 month
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another Bacara after sparring and a little headcanon featuring a very tired Cody and Fox
(I also like to think that if you pissed off Alpha, he'd make you fight against Bacara. Ponds and Gree are like the two people that aren't somewhat terrified of her)
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 2 months
when Gene was hanged, his eyes stayed open after death.
Dante knew that they couldn’t see anything anymore. Knew that their function was useless when there was no longer a person to stare out behind them. The light was gone, and the color dulled. Gene was dead. He knew that. The Lord personally confirmed it. But Dante couldn’t shake the feeling as those dead eyes bore into his own, that there was hatred behind them. Anger, betrayal, and resentment. Dead and lifeless, they still conveyed the same message in the minutes leading up to Genes execution. That this was his fault. Dante didn’t bind his hands or walk him up to the noose. He didn't tie it around his neck or drop the floor. But he was the one who killed him. Dante knew it. Gene used his final moments to make sure he did.
When Gene came back, his eyes didnt.
Lightless, dead, and dull. Much more unsettling on moving body, They bore back into him the same way the corpse did. Burning with hate and icy cruelty. The threat - the promise Gene had made him - as he stood on the gallows echoed back in his actions as he broke Dantes' life down into a series of lost memories. But Dante would remember. Another promise. He didn't know how he would ever be able to forget as he stared up into the lifeless eyes of the man he killed. The brother he loved even after everything.
He deserved this.
Death would be too good for him.
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kaladinkholins · 6 months
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(concept art of young taigen - source ; art credit: @abigaillarson)
i cannot get over this concept art of young taigen. god.
just look at this angry bratty boy, too many feelings that he doesnt know what to do with! an abused 9 year old kid in poverty always playing with sticks in the dirt, obsessed with greatness and dreaming to escape his decrepit village—and he does!
he does escape. he runs away. this angry little boy, all claws and teeth and biting words uttered with a lisp, going on the run into a world he's never seen before until he makes his way to kyoto. and knowing him he probably forced his way in to be accepted by the dojo, growling and kicking even as he's thrown out, back into the streets, too stubborn to take no for an answer and never knowing when to give up.
taigen calls mizu a dog, weak, an orphan, a scrawny street urchin. but i can't help but think that he feels so bold to use those words because he had them spat at him too.
because taigen had the idea of "this is how the world is" beat into him from birth. he learned quickly that if you couldn't beat the world you could join it. but that meant losing your way, your values, your principles. and isn't that what true honour is? not just titles and status and glory?
we don't get to see what taigen, as a child surrounded by peers encouraging and goading him on, would've actually done if that meteor hadn't fallen right in front of them at that very moment. would he have really tried to throw that stone on mizu, killing her? we don't know.
but we do see what taigen (his true self, with no one around) does, when presented with the same opportunity. when mizu passes out in front of him, unconscious and near death, vulnerable, the path to restoring his honour lays itself out for him on a silver platter. and he wants to take it, wants to kill mizu, to claim what is his and return to kyoto and get back everything he'd worked tooth and nail for. he feels like it's what he should do. but he doesn't.
and later, again he is presented with the chance to betray mizu, likely offered by heiji shindo to get his rank reinstated within the shindo dojo. and again, taigen doesn't take it. he refuses. "stupidly loyal," fowler calls him later. loyal, like a dog.
because now, pulled away from the sneering looks and jeering words of people around him, telling him that this is what the world is, taigen had met ringo and mizu, two outcasts who refuse to follow a predetermined path to greatness. and so inside something blooms in him. something like hope. a chance to live in a world that doesn't kick you down every chance it gets, to live in a world where genuine kindness and and love and friendship and even weakness is possible, allowed to simply exist without fear.
because he'd been running away from the very idea of it the whole time. when he ran from kohama, he never looked back, never wanted to remember what it was like to be a child, afraid and hungry and angry and hurting, without the words to make sense of it, desperately wishing for something. something more. he doesn't know what. but he hears stories of great swordsmen and decides, yes, this must be it. this is what i want: glory, greatness. the twisted seed gets planted and thrives in this barren land.
and when he returns to kohama with mizu and ringo, he at last is forced to stop running. he must face the child within him again, and he tells that child to put down the stones in his hand, tells him to stop barking at anything that moves or looks at him wrong.
the child drops the stone, and taigen buys dumplings instead, gives them to mizu. the child within him, wide-eyed at the prospect of friendship, moves him to pick up a hammer and toss it to mizu. he's smiling inside even as he does it; giggling like a kid hiding a silly prank. as soon as mizu drops the hammer after him, he leaps at her, tackling her to the ground and they wrestle and laugh unbridled like two children playing while the adults aren't around to barge in and yell at them.
and then his gaze catches on mizu's lips, he stares into mizu's eyes, a sparkling blue, inviting like the open sea in good weather.
it's a man's desire that takes hold then, the child in him sinking away again, and he curses himself for it, because it ruins the moment.
everything goes to shit from there, and then it's back to being a man, back to putting on his grown-up's armour to play hero.
it fails. the shogun dies. fowler's beatings reopen all the wounds left by heiji shindo's torture. "honour is meaningless," mizu tells him. "nothing comes from being a samurai but death."
the words follow him, and he follows the words.
as everything burns down, he runs, leaving the fire behind him, and sees akemi, as well as the verdure of spring behind her, calling him. he does not hesitate then to hold his hand out to her, inviting her to come with him. "i don't want to be great," he says. "i just want to be happy."
what is happiness to him? perhaps he doesn't know it yet, or perhaps he does. but really, i believe happiness is what the child in him always wanted but never received. happiness is a home.
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marcelineuntitled · 4 days
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fanart for The Great Miyagi Prefectural Cherry Blossom Viewing by @kings-highway (on ao3)
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Every time I look at how ace is drawn in canon, compared to Luffy, particularly in the book he's introduced, I'm once again struck by how widely and completely different he looks from Luffy
They both have black hair, but physically speaking that's where the similarities end
It reminds me of my friend being absolutely surprised to find out they weren't blood related, and my own surprise all those years ago. Because I think it speaks really well to Oda's attention to detail, to the small habits and quirks each person has that he really sells you on the fact that this is luffy's brother
I can't remember ever seeing someone say hm I don't think they seem very much alike when meeting ace, despite the wild differences, of which there are a lot! Even if we look at them as people, their personalities and life choices, they're really quite different! But the little details that make us go 'ah, brothers' are completely there! I just think it's neat
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