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ominous-signs · 7 days ago
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This is ominous, though significantly less creepy than companies with toy human babies trying out the same marketing tactics tbh
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creamecafe · 3 months ago
How Squid Game Season 1 Characters would react to Season 2 Characters
Kang Sae Byeok
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Hates him no questions asked
Player 196:
Hated her at first, but seeing you both dislike Thanos, she somewhat tolerates her behavior.
Lee Myung-Gi:
Also doesn't like him but tolerates him a bit
Kang Dae-Ho:
Tolerates him and likes being in his company.
Rolls his eyes when he brags about being in the Marines.
Doesn't talk to him much or pay attention to him
Has a soft spot/compassion hearing about his sick daughter
Hyun Ju:
Friends with her immediately
Defends her if anyone tries to misgender her
Wonders why a son and mom would ever join this game?
Has a soft spot for her
Doesn't know how he's always optimistic
Would ask about the baby
Curses Myung Gi
Finds her amusing and funny
Soft spot for him
Hates him but not as much with Thanos
Best friends with her immediately right on the spot.
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Cho Sang Woo
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Wants nothing to do with him and thinks he's an absolute waste of time
Probably would team up with him at some point seeing how determined he is to betray others
Player 196:
Wants nothing to do with her either
Like literally nothing
Lee Myung-Gi:
Finds his YouTube channel pathetic
Kang Dae Ho:
Thinks that his marine story is bs
Nothing for him really
Hyun Ju:
Doesn't really care but wonders why she transitioned
Wonders why a son and mom would be in this game as Sae Byeok did
Feels bad for her a bit as he believes she won't last long
Doesn't really care about her that much but also leaves her be
Wonders why he's so happy like Ali
Pretends to not care but has a soft spot because she's pregnant
Doesn't care about him that much
Thinks she's a weird like Saw Byeok
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Ali Abdul
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Would ask Thanos why he dyed his hair purple and why he has tattoos
Confused on why his name is Thanos
Player 196:
Would think she's spoiled
They probably would be good friends
Lee Myung-Gi:
Probably be annoyed at him
Would feel bad that he gets bullied by Thanos
Kang Dae Ho
Those two would be good friends you can't tell me otherwise
Comfort him about his daughter
Would be his friend
Hyun Ju:
Becomes curious of her background
Would be his friend
Be annoyed at him of how he treats his mom sometiems
Would respect her so much
Excited about the things that she says she'll cook when they escape the game (WHICH THEY DID GUYS)
Become his best friend and talk a lot
Tell her about his baby son and comfort her
Always asking if she's okay
Would give her extra food
Be upset at Myung-Gi for telling her to get rid of the baby
Same as Jung-Bae
Would compliment her lip piercing
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Thinks he's weird and a bit pathetic
Player 196:
Finds her amusing
Lee Myung-Gi:
Intrigued by how many people are mad at him about the crypto scam
Kang Dae Ho:
Thinks he's interesting and likes being around him
Would talk with him if she's bored
Asks about his daughter
Hyun Ju:
Loves her a lot
Would talk nonsense with her
Nothing much for him sorry
Respects her
Smiles at the amount of food she says she'll cook when they get out (If I see a single comment that it's not true, I'm blocking you)
Admires how smiling he is
Asks if its a boy or girl
Asks why he's so quiet even though she's the same
Friends immediately
Now Hyun Ju, Jun-Hee and her girlfriend are having Mojitos on Jeju island
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koresspace · 3 months ago
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Together again
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hemmycare · 9 days ago
New profile picture lol
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(It's kinda traded from the leaked halloween comic)
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its-the-rules · 6 months ago
in my mind adam is daniel’s big brother figure & daniel shows up at adam’s apartment unannounced when his dad’s being an asshole again to play video games and rant
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koratcafe · 8 months ago
TMAGP spoilers below!
I have said this before but I don't want to believe that Jon and Martin died in this universe so here is more evidence that they did not die from a cycling accident and heart issues as mentioned in TMAGP 23. Sorry if this is hard to read I am very tired
First off, I think Celia might know them from memory instead of unspecified old documents, which could mean they aren't mentioned anywhere online or in any records. This proves that the Jon and Martin that Sam found may not be the Jon and Martin from TMA. Additionally, other than the names, there is no solid evidence they are the same as the people Sam found have no relation to the Magnus Institute or each other. It's fine to believe that the ones mentioned by Sam are Jon and Martin but I refuse to be that quick to accept it I am too attached to these fellows.
There are also the two men mentioned in episode 17, the "big, soft-looking guy who stumbled over every word" and the "bookish-looking guy with serious city miles". This could be a stretch but it feels very deliberate and intentional that these descriptions are related to Jon and Martin. Even more of a stretch is that this would count as a connection between them, broadly disproving what Sam said although I don't know how in-depth his research on the possible Jon and Martin went. In general, this is too much of a coincidence to look over, though.
There is also, of course, the possibility of Chester and Norris although that would be somewhat unrelated as we don't know if they are completely in FR3-d1, and if they were present in the TMAGP world before getting there. There is a possible gap in time, as the text-to-speech voices started appearing in the computer in 2023 and Jon and Martin "died"(?) in 2021, in TMA at least. I have no idea how these timelines connect, though, so this could mean nothing. I am making something out of nothing here but this just gives me a bit of hope that they're still alive.
In conclusion I am in denial but just give me this
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They … are alive ?
They are alive …
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dimalink · 7 months ago
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Flowers at night. Night flowers. At night everything is having a miracle strange new form. So, it is so beautiful flower raised in the night. And it is pink. Pink in the night. And somewhere near is sitting a hedgehog. Or, maybe, even, in a hide, he stands - zombie stands in a shadows. Good and kind zombie, lets hope for this. Anyway, it is very interesting in the night!
Flower, just like, put his hands in a side. And, it is something like alive. It is move with a wind. Rustle of a leaves. It is such a planet of night flowers! You it is a plant! And they go another evolution road – yes, they are, plants. But alive, in terms of, they can think and move! But, they keep stable calm state for some time, as a flower at the Earth. Such flowers, I think, can raise at Venus in a science fiction retro!
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miss-biophys · 13 days ago
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Bacteria rods everywhere...
It was beautiful how they were all happily swirling around what was left from my cultured cancer cells.
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smileyalater · 7 months ago
What if the dead gay demigods (they still need a ship name I can't keep typing this) didn't die?
Ok so we could say they lived out a long fulfilling life and then died but that's BORING.
So I suggest that Mars makes them immortal. Basically a part of their lore which I haven't written, and how Narcisse realised he was bi, was that they defended Mars' temple during a battle that occured in the 50s a year or so before their deaths.
Which would win Mars' favour, and he'd be like "yo great fighting out there, I'll grant you both smth" and then scout would probably be like "I have a feeling in a child will be in Lupa's care again and she was not a good parent to a human baby, so can we become immortal as long as We're needed by camp to help my mother"
And then boom, camp Jupiter Chiron's that don't eat kids!!
@thel1ghtningthief did I cook or am I tired
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broketraveler87 · 2 years ago
Learning to Fly Chapter 1
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My newest Top Gun story has launched!
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maudiemoods · 8 months ago
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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poppitron360 · 8 months ago
Reblogging again because this art is so cute
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so valgrace is pretty good, accidentally read like every fic about them on purpose after SOMEONE suggested i draw them (thank you so much btw fr)
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woodsdyke · 6 months ago
having viral posts is all fun and games until you have clowns in your mentions being like "well, op, i bet you also didn't know THIS" [haughtily explains something i absolutely would and do know] like add whatever to my posts that you think is informative just don't direct it at ME! i know! i just didn't include it in the post i made in 20 seconds because i didn't think 30,000 of you would see it!
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eggdrawsthings · 4 months ago
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the not so perfect captain
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